Microsoft Low Code Application Development Advanced Specialization
Microsoft Low Code Application Development Advanced Specialization
Microsoft Low Code Application Development Advanced Specialization
advanced specialization
Program overview and requirements
Program overview
The market for low code application development tools is growing quickly. Using the Microsoft low code application
development platform, which includes Microsoft Power Apps and Microsoft Power Automate, partners can help customers
rapidly develop custom and flexible low code line-of-business solutions that integrate existing systems and data to drive
innovation and efficiency across their organizations.
Partners with the Microsoft Low Code Application Development advanced specialization demonstrate verified knowledge,
substantive experience, and documented success in supporting customer adoption of Microsoft low code solutions.
Partners who meet the comprehensive requirements to earn an advanced specialization receive a customer-facing label that
they can display on their business profile in the Microsoft solution provider finder, are prioritized in customer searches to
drive new business, and can generate a certified letter from Microsoft that verifies the advanced specialization that they
have earned.
Requirements Details
Related competencies Your organization must maintain a gold badge in at least one of these competencies:
Cloud Business Applications, Cloud Platform, Small and Midmarket Cloud Solutions,
Cloud Productivity, or Application Integration.
Performance You must serve a minimum of five unique Power Apps customers, each with one or
more customer projects (apps) deployed in a customer’s production tenant. The apps
need to have at least five users and 50 sessions per month.
Partners must achieve a growth in usage of at least 35 percent across their customer
base in a trailing 12-month period. Partners must achieve a minimum of 50 in monthly
active usage (MAU) as a baseline to be eligible for growth.
MAU is calculated at the production app level, across only the paid licenses under the
tenant, at the end of each month. Partners are associated with tenants at the application
level of paid licenses that are mapped to Power Apps licenses.
Requirements Details
Performance Your applications must pass the Power Apps Solution Checker and validate application
Across all deployments associated with your organization, the following components
must be built at least once: AI Builder, application lifecycle management, canvas app,
Dataverse, flow, model-driven app, and portals.
Your apps must be built on at least one paid eligible SKU:
Knowledge Your organization must have at least five functional consultants who have passed the
PL-100: Microsoft Power Platform App Maker exam and the PL-200: Microsoft Power
Platform Functional Consultant (beta) exam.
At least two developers who have passed the PL-400: Microsoft Power Platform
Developer (beta) exam.
At least one architect who has passed the MB-600: Microsoft Dynamics 365 + Power
Platform Solution Architect exam.
AppSource offerings You must have at least one Power Apps or Power Automate Consulting offer published
on AppSource with Power Apps or Power Automate as the tagged product offer.
PAL attribution type You must have Partner Admin Link (PAL) associated to your Microsoft Partner Network ID
to attain this competency. You must perform this association for all your customer
deployments. PAL will calculate all requirements listed in the performance section above.
Annual renewal Your advanced specialization and associated benefits will remain in place for one year if
you keep your gold competency status in place. If you do not maintain your gold
competency, you will lose your advanced specialization status. On your renewal date,
you will need to meet the current advanced specialization program requirements,
which may evolve over time.
How do I apply?
Only administrators of an organization’s Microsoft partner account can submit an application for the Low Code
Application Development advanced specialization on behalf of the organization. If you are the administrator for your
organization’s Microsoft partner account, you can apply here.