IT Elec 1-Professional Elective (Mobile Programming 1) - V2
IT Elec 1-Professional Elective (Mobile Programming 1) - V2
IT Elec 1-Professional Elective (Mobile Programming 1) - V2
Course Title Professional Elective 1: Mobile Programming 1 Course Code: IT Elective 1
Course Description This course will introduce students to mobile computing and mobile application development. Mobile computing will be discussed from three
perspectives: mobile technology, application development, and user interaction. Next, students will use mobile application frameworks and
development environments to reinforce concepts covered in lectures. User interface and user experience will be discussed. Students will be
expected to learn at least one mobile application development framework (iOS or Android) and use it to implement their assignments and
course project.
The Lab will focus on mobile applications development specifically for the mobile platform that they will be running on; typically, on
Android, as they have the largest user base.
SY/Semester 2023-2024/1st Semester Credit Units 3 units = 2 hours lecture, 3 hours lab/week
IGO3. Effective Demonstrates good oral and written communication Listens attentively and emphatically
Communicators Expresses thoughts clearly and responsibly Responds to social issues and problems
IGO4. Morally and Leads a morally and socially upright life Advocates environmental conservation and cultural
Socially Upright Demonstrates ethics and professionalism preservation
Individuals Responds to community development needs Manifests gender sensitivity
Shows social maturity in dealing with others
Aside from the major course outputs stated above, this course requires major examinations. In addition, each of the topics will require you to perform
To pass this course, one must accumulate at least 75 points through the course requirements discussed above. The maximum points that a student can
obtain through each requirement are shown below:
App has little relevance beyond App has relevance to real world App has relevance and employs App is fully featured and presents
Relevance and fulfilling the requirements of the use but show little or no visual some creative touches in visual, a possible prototype for a
Creativity (20%) rubrics. (1 pts) creativity beyond the function of sound, or sensor design. (3 pts) consumer or commercial
the program. (2 pts) application.
Desired Learning Outcomes Outcomes-Based Teaching Assessment of Learning
LO Topics Resources Week
(DLO) and Learning Strategies Outcomes
Explain the Vision and Course Orientation Big Group Oral recitation/selected Syllabus 1
Mission of NwSSU Vision Discussion response
Analyze how the study of Mission
IT Elective 1: Professional Course Syllabus
Elective shares achieving Grading System
the vision and mission of Course Requirements
the university. Classroom Policies
LO1 Learn about Kotlin and Kotlin Programming for Online Instruction Activity/Exercise will be See Moodle Course 2
Android ecosystem and Android Developers Lecture materials on topics posted in the Moodle Page for the
project file organization. Kotlin Overview are uploaded and shared on presentation slides,
Moodle NwSSU-LMS Submission links for the and activity guides
Learn how to use Kotlin as Information about
a general-purpose Android Ecosystem individual activity/exercise
Demonstration will be available in Moodle.
programming language with
Android to develop mobile Lesson 1: Kotlin Lecture materials on topics
uploaded on Moodle Seatwork/Lab. activity:
applications. Programming Fundamentals
NwSSU-LMS Kotlin Programming and
Fundamentals of Android quizzes
Operators in Kotlin Individual Work
Control Flow Students are given exercises to
try out in every chapter
Loops (Iteration)
LO1 Create your first Android Lesson 2: Build your First Online Instruction Activity/Exercise will be See Moodle Course 3-5
Republic of the Philippines
Northwest Samar State University
Rueda St., Calbayog City 6710
Website: http//
Email: [email protected]
Telefax: (055) 2093657
ISO 9001:2015 Certified
LO2 app starting from a template Android App Lecture materials on topics posted in the Moodle Page for the
for a basic app provided by Your first App are uploaded and shared on presentation slides,
Android Studio. Anatomy of an Moodle NwSSU-LMS Submission links for the and activity guides
Explore what an Android Android App individual activity/exercise
project looks like, and learn Demonstration will be available in Moodle.
Layouts and resources
how to use different in Android Lecture materials on topics
windows in Android uploaded on Moodle Activity 1: Dice Roller
Studio. NwSSU-LMS App
Make an App
How to enable your interactive
Android device to run apps Gradle: Building and Individual Work
from Android Studio. Students are given exercises to
Android App
Familiar with using try out in every chapter
TextViews in an app.
How to modify the
attributes of a TextView in
the Layout Editor.
How to extract text into a
string resource to make it
easier to translate your app
and reuse strings.
Kotlin programming basics
LO2 Learn about UI Lesson 3: Android Layouts Online Instruction Activity/Exercise will be See Moodle Course 6-8
LO3 components, such as Layouts in Android Lecture materials on topics posted in the Moodle Page for the
editable text fields, radio ConstraintLayout are uploaded and shared on presentation slides,
buttons, and switches to Moodle NwSSU-LMS Submission links for the and activity guides
Data binding
build up the layout for your individual activity/exercise
Displaying lists with
app. Demonstration will be available in Moodle.
How to read in values from Lecture materials on topics
the UI into your code and uploaded on Moodle Activity 2: Tip Time App
Republic of the Philippines
Northwest Samar State University
Rueda St., Calbayog City 6710
Website: http//
Email: [email protected]
Telefax: (055) 2093657
ISO 9001:2015 Certified
What an Up button is, and Fragments Lecture materials on topics Seatwork: Android quizzes
how to add one. Navigation in an App uploaded on Moodle
How to create an options Custom navigation NwSSU-LMS Activity 3: Android Trivia
menu. behavior App
How to create a navigation Navigation UI Individual Work
drawer. Students are given exercises to
try out in every chapter
How to use the Bundle
class to pass arguments
from one Fragment to
How to use the Safe Args
Gradle plugin for type
How to add a "share" menu
item to an app.
What an implicit intent is
and how to create one
LO2 How to print logging Lesson 5: Activity and Online Instruction Activity/Exercise will be See Moodle Course 13-15
LO3 information to the Android Fragment Lifecycle Lecture materials on topics posted in the Moodle Page for the
LO4 Studio Logcat window Activity lifecycle are uploaded and shared on presentation slides,
(sometimes called the Moodle NwSSU-LMS Submission links for the and activity guides
Android console or Android Fragment lifecycle individual activity/exercise
monitor). Demonstration will be available in Moodle.
The basics of the Activity components Lecture materials on topics
uploaded on Moodle Seatwork: Android quizzes
and Fragment lifecycles, and Tasks and backs stacks
the callbacks that are NwSSU-LMS
invoked when the activity Activity 4: Dessert Clicker
Individual Work App
moves between lifecycle
states. Students are given exercises to
How to override lifecycle try out in every chapter
Republic of the Philippines
Northwest Samar State University
Rueda St., Calbayog City 6710
Website: http//
Email: [email protected]
Telefax: (055) 2093657
ISO 9001:2015 Certified
1. Abu Doush, Iyad, Learn Simply: Android Mobile Application Development using Kotlin. Copyright 2020. Published by Leanpub
2. Forrester, Alex, et al., How to Build Android Apps with Kotlin. Copyright 2021. Published by Packt
3. Leiva, Antonio, Kotlin for Android Developer: Learn Kotlin the easy way while developing an Android App 6 th Edition. Copyright 2018. Published by
Internet Resources:
Classroom Policies:
All of the materials will be posted in our LMS (Moodle)
Online meetings will conduct via Google Classroom/Zoom
Republic of the Philippines
Northwest Samar State University
Rueda St., Calbayog City 6710
Website: http//
Email: [email protected]
Telefax: (055) 2093657
ISO 9001:2015 Certified
Receiving or sending phone calls or text messages in the classroom is inappropriate and impolite. Except in emergency cases and with the instructor’s permission.
Cheating is not allowed.
Late submission of the final output will not be accepted.
Let us treat each other with mutual respect.
Students should be able to attend 80% of the required hours for the course.
Android Studio IDE and Kotlin programming will be used for the implementation of the hands-on activities and project.
Instructor Dean, College of Computing and Information Sciences
Deliberated by:
BSIT Program Chairman