Mysore Prospectus 2022
Mysore Prospectus 2022
Mysore Prospectus 2022
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
30 31 1 1 2 3 4 5
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
9 10 11 12 13 14 15 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
16 17 18 19 20 21 22 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
MYSORE RACE CLUB LTD. 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 27 28
MYSORE (MONSOON) RACES 2022 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
1 2 3 4 5 1 2
Entries for the following Sweepstakes Races 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
will close as mentioned below 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
20 21 22 23 24 25 26 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
27 28 29 30 31 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Day Date Name of Race For Dist. Added Trophy Entry Forfeits
Money Value Date Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4
8 9 10 11 12 13 14 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
3rd 2nd The H.H.Sri Krishnaraja 4 yo 1400 10,00,000 50,000 10th 30th 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
Sep Wadiyar Memorial over Aug Aug 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
29 30 31 26 27 28 29 30
Trophy - 2022
(GRADE - III) (15 )
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
9th 24th The Maharaja's Cup 4 yo 1600 10,00,000 50,000 10th 20th 31 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 6
Sep 2022(GRADE - III)(57 ) over Aug Sep 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
10 11 12 13 14 15 16 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
17 18 19 20 21 22 23 21 22 23 24 27
12th 6th The Mysore Dasara 3 yO 1200 10,00,000 50,000 10th 3rd 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 28 29 30 31
Oct Sprint Championship over Aug Oct
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
15th 14th The Governor's 4 yo 2000 10,00,000 50,000 9th 10th 1 3 31 1
4 5 6 7 8 2 3 4 5 8
Oct Cup - 2022 (99 ) over Oct Oct
11 12 13 14 17 9 10 11 12 15
18 19 20 21 22 16 17 18 19 20 22
17th 29th The Mysore Race 3yo 1400 10,00,000 50,000 25th 26th 25 26 27 28 23 24 25 26 27 28
Oct Club Anniversary over Oct Oct
Cup - 2022 (113 ) NOVEMBER DECEMBER
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3
6 7 8 9 10 11 12 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
13 14 15 16 17 18 19 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
20 21 22 23 24 25 26 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
27 28 29 30 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
13th Fri 7 Oct Sun 2 Oct Sun 2 Oct Mon 3 Oct Tue 4 Oct Sat 8 Oct Secretary & CEO
Mysore (Monsoon) Races 2022
14th Thu 13 Oct Sun 9 Oct Sun 9 Oct Mon 10 Oct Tue 11 Oct Sat 15 Oct
15th Fri 14 Oct Sun 9 Oct Sun 9 Oct Mon 10 Oct Tue 11 Oct Sat 15 Oct
16th Fri 21 Oct Mon 17 Oct Mon 17 Oct Tue 18 Oct Wed 19 Oct Sat 22 Oct
17th Sat 29 Oct Tue 25 Oct Tue 25 Oct Wed 26 Oct Thu 27 Oct Mon 31 Oct
18th Sun 30 Oct Tue 25 Oct Tue 25 Oct Wed 26 Oct Thu 27 Oct Mon 31 Oct
8 9
(A) Two Years Old should not leave Mysore Race Club Ltd till Mysore Races 2022: Stabling and participation.
31st December 2025. 1.a) Horses aged 3 to 8 years rated zero and above are eligible to
However with the prior permission of the Stewards of the MyRC participate in all ordinary races however, the age restriction will
Ltd they may participate in graded races and other races where not apply to Sweepstakes races. Mysore based 9 year olds
the advertised Stakes to Winner or the added money is which were eligible to race at the start of Mysore Summer races
Rs.6,00,000 or more / Handicap Race in the category class I 2022 will be eligible to race until the end of Mysore (Monsoon)
and class II Races 2022.
(B) If any Mysore based horse is taken away to any other Centre b) Outstation horses are allowed to participate in Sweep Stakes
before they complete Five years the entire amount paid as Races and in such handicap races and maiden races except
incentive/subsidy if any by the Club to the Owner will be such races reserved for local horses.
recovered by the Club. In addition a sum of Rs.5,00000 per c) Only the horses under the care of A licensed trainers which
horse will be charged to the Owner if the horse has not arrive at Mysore Race Club Ltd premises prior to 25th August,
completed five runs or Rs 2,00,000 per horse if the horse has 2022 are eligible to participate during Mysore Races 2022.
completed five runs will be debited to the Account of the d) Outstation horses 3,4 and 5 years old rated 28 and above and
Owner as service charges and until the amount is received by 6 years old rated 60 and above are eligible to be made local
the Club the horse will not be permitted to leave the station. horses.
(C) Service charge of Rs 25,000 will be levied to such horses which 2.a) To avoid inconvenience, Owners & Trainers are requested to
does not run even once during the current season (unless place a deposit with the MyRC Ltd sufficient to cover every
certified unfit by the clubs Veterinary Officer) liability for the Meeting
(D) A stable maintenance charge of Rs 300 per horse per month b) Owners and Trainers who require stables should apply to the
to the Trainer and Rs 300 per horse per month to the Owner Secretary, Mysore Races, for reservation of Stables
(which means a total of Rs 600) from the month of May 2022 c) Stables allotted to a particular Trainer/Owner must be occupied
onwards shall be debited to the Trainer's and Owner's racing by horses in his charge. Stables allotted and not occupied
account respectively must be released to the Club and must not be sublet
d) The Club accepts no responsibility for any damage to horses,
employees or property whilst occupying these stables or within
By order of the Stewards, the premises
e) Such of those Owners who either wholly or partly own more
N.H.S. MANI than 15 racehorses based in Mysore are not eligible to
Secretary & CEO participate in the above meeting unless approved by the
stewards in exceptional cases.
f) No Trainer can train more than 30 racing horses and max of 10
two year olds
g) The Stewards reserve to themselves the right to add, amend,
vary or rescind any of the terms offerred above at any time
10 11
even during validity of the above offer MYSORE RACE CLUB LTD.
h) The interpretation of any condition stated above will rest solely
with the Stewards of the Mysore Race Club Ltd., and their NOTICE
decision shall be final and binding
i) It is hereby notified for the information of all concerned that all Reg: Permission to race at the other Centres.
horses arriving at the premises of Mysore Race Club Ltd.,
should possess the following documents without which they a. No horse will be eligible to participate in any race at other
will be strictly prohibited from entering the My.R.C.premises. Centre/s except for the race for which permission has been
i) A Passport with valid coggins test certificate negative for
ii) A health certificate from the Senior Veterinary Officer of the b. No horse will be eligible to participate at other Centre/s without
respective Club stating that the horse does not show any running at My.R.C at least once
clinical signs of E.I.A., Glanders, A.H.S. Strangles or Equine
Influenza at the time of its departure.
c. In case a horse temporarily leaves the Centre, subsidy will be
recovered for the period of absence only, if the period extends
beyond one month
d. If any horse which has left My.R.C temporarily for racing at any
(i) @ 0.25% of stakes to the Winner in case the entry is made
other Centre participates in a race for which permission has
only for one race during the week/day not been granted then such horse/s will not be eligible for
(ii) An acceptor in a race is eligible to claim exemption from subsidy, incentives and stable given to a local horse and will
serivce charges for ONLY ONE RACE during the week for be treated as an outstation horse.
which acceptance is on the same day.
(iii) Service charge will be levied @ 2% of the stakes to the
By order of the Stewards,
Winner for horses entered, accepted and withdrawn on any
other ground except on Veterinary ground or for fractious
behaviour at the starting gates at the time of starting in N H S Mani
which case no service charge will be levied. Secretary
By order of the Stewards,
Mysore (Monsoon) Races
STAKE MONEY - Any Tax Central/State liable to be paid on this
Money is all included within the Stake Money and shall be
paid by the Winner
Postal Address: Particulars Number of Stakes Cups Trainer Jockey
Mysore Race Club Ltd., Phone : 2521675 Races Cups Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs.
Post Box No.11, Fax : 0821-2520248
Race Course Road, Web Site : For 3-year-old Indian Horses 2 2 60,00,000 1,50,000
MYSORE - 570 010 E-mail (Foaled in 2019) -
Telephone Numbers: TERMS,3 YEARS OLD
Office Residence Mobile For 3-year-old Indian Fillies 1 1 10,00,000 50,000
(Foaled in 2019) -
Mr. NHS Mani 2521675 9845939904 TERMS,3 YEARS OLD
Secretary & CEO
For 3 year old Indian Horses
(Foaled in 2019) -
Dr. M.R. Jagannath 2521675 9845939909 TERMS,3 YEARS OLD 1 1 10,00,000 50,000
For Maiden Indian horses 3YO Only. -
TERMS,3 YEARS OLD 4 3 33,00,000 90,000 4,00,000 3,00,000
Dr. C.V. Niranjan 2445237 9845939903
Chief Veterinary Officer For Indian Horses 3y old and over -
TERMS,3 YEARS OLD AND OVER 2 2 20,00,000 1,00,000
Dr. Rajesh Boranna Pujrod 2445237 9980539378 For Indian Horses 4 yold and over -
Veterinary Officer TERMS,4 YEARS OLD AND OVER 3 3 30,00,000 1,50,000
Dr. K.N. Somashekar 2445237 9845939907 RATED 80 and above 6 5 49,50,000 2,40,000 6,00,000 4,50,000
Veterinary Officer INDIAN HORSES RATED 60 to 85,
4 YEARS OLD AND OVER 10 6 57,75,000 1,80,000 7,00,000 5,25,000
Mr. A.V. Ajeya Kumar B.Urs 2521675 9845939905
Stipendiary Steward RATED 60 to 85 10 7 57,75,000 2,10,000 7,00,000 5,25,000
Mr. Sandesh S.Prabhu 2521675 9535148539
5 Y OLD AND OVER 8 2 37,95,000 60,000 4,60,000 3,45,000
Stipendiary Steward
Mr. Kiran.M 2521675 9632380011 4 Y OLD AND OVER 10 2 47,43,750 60,000 5,75,000 4,31,250
Starter INDIAN HORSES RATED 40 to 65 13 7 61,66,875 2,10,000 7,47,500 5,60,625
INDIAN HORSES RATED 20 to 45 18 5 66,82,500 1,50,000 8,10,000 6,07,500
Mr. K.S. Shanmukha Swamy 9886378782
5 YEARS OLD AND OVER 18 2 66,82,500 60,000 8,10,000 6,07,500
1st 25-08-2022 37,33,125 - 90,000 - 4,52,500 3,39,375 1 The Jayachamaraja Wadiyar Golf Club Mysore 1000000 - 85
5th 10-09-2022 31,96,875 1,76,75,000 60,000 4,00,000 3,87,500 2,90,625 6 Mr.Arjun Ranga, - 30000 10
9th 24-09-2022 33,71,875 3,11,21,875 80,000 7,10,000 2,87,500 2,15,625 11 Mr.Robert Foley - 30000 23
13th 07-10-2022 43,71,875 4,61,05,000 1,10,000 10,95,000 2,87,500 2,15,625 16 Mr.A.S.Amar Kumar Raje Urs - 30000 100
16th 21-10-2022 33,82,500 5,61,80,000 1,05,000 13,40,000 4,10,000 3,07,500 20 Mr.M.S.Venkatesh - 30000 16
17th 29-10-2022 35,57,500 5,97,37,500 1,70,000 15,10,000 3,10,000 2,32,500 21 Mr.B.G.Mittoo Chengappa, - 30000 116
21 78 06-10-2022 Mysore Dasara Sprint Championship - 2022 19 99 14-10-2022 Governor's Cup - 2022 50,000
22 120 30-10-2022 Mysore Derby 2022 (Grade I) 1,00,000 21 113 29-10-2022 Mysore Race Club Anniversary Cup - 2022 50,000
23 113 29-10-2022 Mysore Race Club Anniversary Cup - 2022 50,000 22 120 30-10-2022 Mysore Derby 2022 (Grade I) 1,00,000
24 72 30-09-2022 Police Trophy 30,000 23 121 30-10-2022 Bangalore Turf Club Trophy 30,000
25 125 30-10-2022 Royal Calcutta Turf Club Trophy 30,000 24 122 30-10-2022 Hyderabad Race Club Trophy 30,000
26 123 30-10-2022 Royal Western India Turf Club Ltd.,Trophy 30,000 25 123 30-10-2022 Royal Western India Turf Club Ltd.,Trophy 30,000
27 8 26-08-2022 Srikantadatta Narasimharaajawadiyar Memorial 26 124 30-10-2022 Madras Race Club Trophy 30,000
Million 2022 50,000 27 125 30-10-2022 Royal Calcutta Turf Club Trophy 30,000
28 54 23-09-2022 Udhagamandalam Trophy 30,000 28 126 30-10-2022 Delhi Race Club Trophy 30,000
Total: 10,70,000 Total: 10,70,000
18 19
MYSORE (MONSOON) RACES 2022 Day Date Name of Race Distance Stakes Cups Trainer Jockey
Summary of Races Metres Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs.
Day Date Name of Race Distance Stakes Cups Trainer Jockey 5th 10th Sep The F.K.Irani Memorial
Metres Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Trophy(29) 1600 8,25,000 30,000 100000 75,000
11th 30th Sep
The Sardar K.B.Ramachandraraj 1200 8,25,000 75,000 100000 75,000
For Indian Horses 3 year old only - Sweepstake (4 Races)
Urs Memorial Trophy(71)
2nd 26th Aug The Srikantadatta 1400 10,00,000 50,000 16th 21st Oct The Gayatri Devi Memorial 1400 8,25,000 75,000 100000 75,000
Narasimharaajawadiyar Trophy(106)
Memorial Million 2022 (8) 18th 30th Oct The Bangalore Turf Club 1200 8,25,000 30,000 100000 75,000
7th 16th Sep The Mysore 1000 Guineas 2022 1600 10,00,000 50,000 Trophy(121)
(Garede III)(43)
Total 49,50,000 2,40,000 6,00,000 4,50,000
18th 30th Oct The Mysore Derby 2022 2000 40,00,000 1,00,000
(Grade I)(120) INDIAN HORSES RATED 60 to 85 (10 Races) For 4 year old and over(10 Races)
13th 7th Oct The Jayachamaraja Wadiyar 1600 20,00,000 50,000 1st 25th Aug The Star of Mysore Trophy(2) 1400 5,77,500 30,000 70000 52,500
Golf Club Mysore 2000 3rd 2nd Sep The M.K.Srinivas Memorial
Guineas 2022 (Grade III) (85) Trophy(16) 1200 5,77,500 30,000 70000 52,500
Total 80,00,000 2,50,000 0 0 5th 10th Sep The M.W.Chinnappa Memorial
Trophy(30) 1400 5,77,500 30,000 70000 52,500
For Indian Horses 3 year old and over - Sweepstake (2 Races) 6th 15th Sep The Sidapur Plate(37) 1400 5,77,500 70000 52,500
12th 6th Oct The Mysore Dasara Sprint 1200 10,00,000 50,000 8th 23rd Sep The Abs Fabs Plate(50) 1400 5,77,500 70000 52,500
Championship - 2022 10th 29th Sep The P.Shanker Memorial Plate(65) 1200 5,77,500 70000 52,500
(GRADE - III) (78) 11th 30th Sep The Police Trophy(72) 1200 5,77,500 30,000 70000 52,500
17th 29th Oct The Mysore Race Club 1400 10,00,000 50,000 13th 7th Oct The Justice P.Medapa Memorial
Anniversary Cup - 2022(113) Trophy(86) 1400 5,77,500 30,000 70000 52,500
Total 20,00,000 1,00,000 0 0 14th 13th Oct The Monsoon Plate(93) 1200 5,77,500 70000 52,500
18th 30th Oct The Hyderabad Race Club
For Indian Horses 4 year old and over - Sweepstake (3 Races)
Trophy(122) 1400 5,77,500 30,000 70000 52,500
3rd 2nd Sep The H.H.Sri Krishnaraja Wadiyar 1400 10,00,000 50,000
Total 57,75,000 1,80,000 7,00,000 5,25,000
Memorial Trophy - 2022
(GRADE - III)(15) INDIAN HORSES RATED 60 to 85 (10 Races)
9th 24th Sep The Maharaja's Cup - 2022 6th 15th Sep The B.A.Nanaiah Memorial
(GRADE - III)(57) 1600 10,00,000 50,000 Trophy(36) 1200 5,77,500 30,000 70000 52,500
15th 14th Oct The Governor's Cup - 2022(99) 2000 10,00,000 50,000 2nd 26th Aug The Virija Plate(9) 1400 5,77,500 70000 52,500
Total 30,00,000 1,50,000 0 0 7th 16th Sep The Gool & Soli Poonawalla
Memorial Trophy(44) 1600 5,77,500 30,000 70000 52,500
For Indian Horses 3 year old only (4 Races) 9th 24th Sep The Dr.M.A.M.Ramaswamy
1st 25th Aug The Varada Plate(4) *#1100 8,25,000 100000 75,000 Trophy(58) 1200 5,77,500 30,000 70000 52,500
4th 9th Sep The H.H.Sri Chamaraja Wadiyar *1200 8,25,000 30,000 100000 75,000 10th 29th Sep The Chief Minister's Trophy(64) 1400 5,77,500 30,000 70000 52,500
Memorial Trophy(25) 12th 6th Oct The Fleet Indian Plate(79) 2000 5,77,500 70000 52,500
8th 23rd Sep The Civil Services Trophy(53) *#1400 8,25,000 30,000 100000 75,000 14th 13th Oct The K.Thammanna Gowda
12th 6th Oct The Urs Kar Trophy(82) *1400 8,25,000 30,000 100000 75,000 Memorial Trophy(92) 1400 5,77,500 30,000 70000 52,500
Total 33,00,000 90,000 4,00,000 3,00,000 15th 14th Oct The A.R.Subramanya Raj Urs
Memorial Trophy(100) 1800 5,77,500 30,000 70000 52,500
INDIAN HORSES RATED 80 and above (6 Races) 16th 21st Oct The Srirangapattana Plate(107) 1200 5,77,500 70000 52,500
1st 25th Aug The H.H.Sri Jayachamaraja 17th 29th Oct The H.P. Viswanathan Memorial
Wadiyar Memorial Trophy(1) 1400 8,25,000 30,000 100000 75,000 Trophy(114) 2000 5,77,500 30,000 70000 52,500
4th 9th Sep The Yelahanka Plate(22) 1200 8,25,000 100000 75,000 Total 57,75,000 2,10,000 7,00,000 5,25,000
20 21
Day Date Name of Race Distance Stakes Cups Trainer Jockey
Day Date Name of Race Distance Stakes Cups Trainer Jockey
Metres Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs.
Metres Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs.
INDIAN HORSES RATED 40 to 65 - For 5 year old and over(8 Races) INDIAN HORSES RATED 20 to 45 - For 5 year old and over(18 Races)
2nd 26th Aug
The Cauvery Plate(11) 1400 4,74,375 57500 43,125 1st 25th Aug The Pune Plate(6) #1400 3,71,250 45000 33,750
4th 9th Sep
The Jog Falls Plate(24) #1200 4,74,375 57500 43,125 2nd 26th Aug The Regency Gold Plate(13) #1200 3,71,250 45000 33,750
7th 16th Sep
The Shimsha Plate(46) 1400 4,74,375 57500 43,125 3rd 2nd Sep The Lt.Col.D.K.Mistry Memorial
8th 23rd Sep
The Nagaland Plate(52) $ 1400 4,74,375 57500 43,125 Plate(20) #1100 3,71,250 45000 33,750
4th 9th Sep The Kumaradhara Plate(27) #1200 3,71,250 45000 33,750
10th 29th Sep
The Karapur Plate(67) 1200 4,74,375 57500 43,125
5th 10th Sep The Panchgani Plate(33) 1200 3,71,250 45000 33,750
13th 7th Oct
The Maj.Sardar L.Mahadevaiah
6th 15th Sep The Haveri Plate(41) #1400 3,71,250 45000 33,750
Memorial Trophy(87) 1600 4,74,375 30,000 57500 43,125 7th 16th Sep The Jayanagara Plate(48) #1400 3,71,250 45000 33,750
14th 13th Oct The Papanashini Plate(95) #1200 4,74,375 57500 43,125 8th 23rd Sep The Meerut Plate(55) 1600 3,71,250 45000 33,750
18th 30th Oct The Royal Western India Turf 9th 24th Sep The Coorg Plate(61) #1100 3,71,250 45000 33,750
Club Ltd.,Trophy(123) 1200 4,74,375 30,000 57500 43,125 10th 29th Sep The Mandya Plate(69) 1200 3,71,250 45000 33,750
Total 37,95,000 60,000 4,60,000 3,45,000 11th 30th Sep The Lokapavani Plate(76) #1400 3,71,250 45000 33,750
INDIAN HORSES RATED 40 to 65 - For 4 year old and over(10 Races) 12th 6th Oct The Chirapunji Plate(84) #1400 3,71,250 45000 33,750
1st 25th Aug The B.K.Krishnadevaraj Urs 13th 7th Oct The Hasthinapura Plate(89) #1100 3,71,250 45000 33,750
14th 13th Oct The Kurukshethra Plate(97) #1400 3,71,250 45000 33,750
Memorial Trophy(3) #1200 4,74,375 30,000 57500 43,125
15th 14th Oct The Shanthinikethan Plate(104) #1100 3,71,250 45000 33,750
3rd 2nd Sep The B.Shettigeri Plate(18) 1600 4,74,375 57500 43,125
16th 21st Oct The Mulki Plate(111) #1600 3,71,250 45000 33,750
5th 10th Sep The Fair Wood Plate(31) #1400 4,74,375 57500 43,125
17th 29th Oct The Sharan Lakshmanan
6th 15th Sep The T.Dougall Memorial Plate(39) #1200 4,74,375 57500 43,125 Memorial Trophy(118) 1200 3,71,250 30,000 45000 33,750
9th 24th Sep The Secunderabad Plate(59) #1600 4,74,375 57500 43,125 18th 30th Oct The Royal Calcutta Turf Club
11th 30th Sep The Hogenakal Plate(74) #1400 4,74,375 57500 43,125 Trophy(125) 1400 3,71,250 30,000 45000 33,750
12th 6th Oct The One Life To Love Plate(81) #1200 4,74,375 57500 43,125 Total 66,82,500 60,000 8,10,0006,07,500
15th 14th Oct The Turuvekere Plate(102) 1200 4,74,375 57500 43,125
INDIAN HORSES RATED 20 to 45 (18 Races)
16th 21st Oct The Theerthahalli Plate(109) 1600 4,74,375 57500 43,125
1st 25th Aug The Lavasa Plate(5) 1600 3,71,250 45000 33,750
17th 29th Oct The Bottolonda Trophy(116) #1400 4,74,375 30,000 57500 43,125
2nd 26th Aug The Full Speed Plate(12) #1100 3,71,250 45000 33,750
Total 47,43,750 60,000 5,75,000 4,31,250 3rd 2nd Sep The K.T.Shamaiah Gowda
INDIAN HORSES RATED 40 to 65 (13 Races) Memorial Trophy(19) 1400 3,71,250 30,000 45000 33,750
2nd 26th Aug The Ranga Family Cup(10) 1600 4,74,375 30,000 57500 43,125 4th 9th Sep The Kasargod Plate(26) 2000 3,71,250 45000 33,750
3rd 2nd Sep The Squanderer Plate(17) #1400 4,74,375 57500 43,125 5th 10th Sep The Eclipse Plate(32) $#1400 3,71,250 45000 33,750
4th 9th Sep The J.H.Foley Memorial 6th 15th Sep The S.Hajee Memorial Plate(40) 1600 3,71,250 45000 33,750
Trophy(23) 1600 4,74,375 30,000 57500 43,125 7th 16th Sep The Penambur Plate(47) #1200 3,71,250 45000 33,750
6th 15th Sep The M.B.Appaya Memorial 8th 23rd Sep The Udhagamandalam Trophy(54) 1200 3,71,250 30,000 45000 33,750
Trophy(38) 1200 4,74,375 30,000 57500 43,125 9th 24th Sep The Jaganmohana Palace
7th 16th Sep The Original Vel Racing Plate(60) #1400 3,71,250 45000 33,750
Trophy(45) 1600 4,74,375 30,000 57500 43,125 10th 29th Sep The Hotel R R R Trophy(68) #1600 3,71,250 30,000 45000 33,750
8th 23rd Sep The Aunty Pip Plate(51) #1200 4,74,375 57500 43,125 11th 30th Sep The Triveni Plate(75) #1100 3,71,250 45000 33,750
10th 29th Sep The Dupont Plate(66) #1400 4,74,375 57500 43,125 12th 6th Oct The W.T.Craig-Jones Memorial
11th 30th Sep The Bharachukki Plate(73) 1600 4,74,375 57500 43,125 Trophy(83) $ 1600 3,71,250 30,000 45000 33,750
13th 7th Oct The Spectacular Quest Plate(88) #1200 3,71,250 45000 33,750
12th 6th Oct The Autumn Blue Plate(80) #1400 4,74,375 57500 43,125
14th 13th Oct The Ranganathittu Plate(96) $#1200 3,71,250 45000 33,750
14th 13th Oct The Alekona Trophy(94) 1400 4,74,375 30,000 57500 43,125
15th 14th Oct The Delhi Plate(103) 1600 3,71,250 45000 33,750
15th 14th Oct The Belgaum Plate(101) #1600 4,74,375 57500 43,125
16th 21st Oct The Mount Everest Plate(110) #1400 3,71,250 45000 33,750
16th 21st Oct The Mayor's Trophy(108) #1200 4,74,375 30,000 57500 43,125
17th 29th Oct The Nandi Plate(117) #1600 3,71,250 45000 33,750
17th 29th Oct The R.M.Puttanna Memorial 18th 30th Oct The Madras Race Club
Trophy(115) 1600 4,74,375 30,000 57500 43,125 Trophy(124) 1400 3,71,250 30,000 45000 33,750
Total 61,66,875 2,10,000 7,47,500 5,60,625 Total 66,82,500 1,50,000 8,10,000 6,07,500
22 23
Winner 1,85,625 22,500 16,875 2,25,000 Winner 1,44,375 17,500 13,125 1,75,000
Second 92,815 11,250 8,435 1,12,500 Second 72,190 8,750 6,565 87,505
Third 46,405 5,625 4,220 56,250 Third 36,095 4,375 3,280 43,750
Fourth 23,205 2,815 2,110 28,130 Fourth 18,045 2,190 1,640 21,875
Fifth 13,920 1,685 1,265 16,870 Fifth 10,825 1,310 985 13,120
Sixth 9,280 1,125 845 11,250 Sixth 7,220 875 655 8,750
Total 3,71,250 45,000 33,750 4,50,000 Total 2,88,750 35,000 26,250 3,50,000
SECOND DAY NB: If the highest weight an acceptor has to carry is less than 57 Kgs.
Friday, 26th August, 2022 it shall be raised to 57 Kgs. and the other weights shall be raised
Winner 2,37,185 28,750 21,565 2,87,500 Winner 1,85,625 22,500 16,875 2,25,000
Second 1,18,595 14,375 10,780 1,43,750 Second 92,815 11,250 8,435 1,12,500
Third 59,295 7,190 5,390 71,875 Third 46,405 5,625 4,220 56,250
Fourth 29,650 3,595 2,695 35,940 Fourth 23,205 2,815 2,110 28,130
Fifth 17,790 2,155 1,615 21,560 Fifth 13,920 1,685 1,265 16,870
Sixth 11,860 1,435 1,080 14,375 Sixth 9,280 1,125 845 11,250
Total 4,74,375 57,500 43,125 5,75,000 Total 3,71,250 45,000 33,750 4,50,000
34 35
Horse rated 00 to 25 , Confined to Mysore based horses.
Distance - 1400 Meters.
Owner Trainer Jockey Total
Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs.
Horse rated 00 to 25 ,
Confined to Mysore based horses.
Distance - 1100 Meters.
Owner Trainer Jockey Total
Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs.
Saturday, 10th September, 2022 3. THE FAIR WOOD PLATE(31)
1. THE F.K.IRANI MEMORIAL TROPHY(29) Horse rated 40 to 65, 4 years old and over ,
Confined to Mysore based horses.
Horse rated 80 and above
Distance - 1600 Meters. Distance - 1400 Meters.
A Trophy (Value Rs.30,000) Presented By Mysore Race Club Ltd. Owner Trainer Jockey Total
Owner Trainer Jockey Total Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs.
Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs.
Winner 2,37,185 28,750 21,565 2,87,500
Winner the Second 1,18,595 14,375 10,780 1,43,750
Third 59,295 7,190 5,390 71,875
Trophy& 4,12,500 50,000 37,500 5,00,000
Second 2,06,250 25,000 18,750 2,50,000 Fourth 29,650 3,595 2,695 35,940
Third 1,03,125 12,500 9,375 1,25,000 Fifth 17,790 2,155 1,615 21,560
Fourth 51,565 6,250 4,690 62,505 Sixth 11,860 1,435 1,080 14,375
Fifth 30,935 3,750 2,810 37,495 Total 4,74,375 57,500 43,125 5,75,000
Sixth 20,625 2,500 1,875 25,000
Total 8,25,000 1,00,000 75,000 10,00,000
A Trophy (Value Rs.30,000) Presented By Mysore Race Club Ltd. Owner Trainer Jockey Total
Owner Trainer Jockey Total Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs.
Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs.
Winner 1,85,625 22,500 16,875 2,25,000
Winner the Second 92,815 11,250 8,435 1,12,500
Trophy& 2,88,750 35,000 26,250 3,50,000 Third 46,405 5,625 4,220 56,250
Fourth 23,205 2,815 2,110 28,130
Second 1,44,375 17,500 13,125 1,75,000
Third 72,190 8,750 6,565 87,505 Fifth 13,920 1,685 1,265 16,870
Fourth 36,095 4,375 3,280 43,750 Sixth 9,280 1,125 845 11,250
Fifth 21,655 2,625 1,970 26,250 Total 3,71,250 45,000 33,750 4,50,000
Sixth 14,435 1,750 1,310 17,495
Total 5,77,500 70,000 52,500 7,00,000
48 49
Horse rated 20 to 45, 5 years old and over Horse rated 00 to 25, 5 years old and over ,
Distance - 1200 Meters. Confined to Mysore based horses.
Thursday, 15th September, 2022 3. THE M.B.APPAYA MEMORIAL TROPHY(38)
1. THE B.A.NANAIAH MEMORIAL TROPHY(36) Horse rated 40 to 65
Distance - 1200 Meters.
Horse rated 60 to 85
Distance - 1200 Meters. A Trophy (Value Rs.30,000) Presented By Mysore Race Club Ltd.
Owner Trainer Jockey Total
A Trophy (Value Rs.30,000) Presented By Mysore Race Club Ltd.
Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs.
Owner Trainer Jockey Total
Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs.
Winner the
Trophy& 2,37,185 28,750 21,565 2,87,500
Winner the
Second 1,18,595 14,375 10,780 1,43,750
Trophy& 2,88,750 35,000 26,250 3,50,000
Third 59,295 7,190 5,390 71,875
Second 1,44,375 17,500 13,125 1,75,000
Fourth 29,650 3,595 2,695 35,940
Third 72,190 8,750 6,565 87,505
Fifth 17,790 2,155 1,615 21,560
Fourth 36,095 4,375 3,280 43,750
Sixth 11,860 1,435 1,080 14,375
Fifth 21,655 2,625 1,970 26,250
Total 4,74,375 57,500 43,125 5,75,000
Sixth 14,435 1,750 1,310 17,495
Total 5,77,500 70,000 52,500 7,00,000
Winner 1,85,625 22,500 16,875 2,25,000 Winner 1,44,375 17,500 13,125 1,75,000
Second 92,815 11,250 8,435 1,12,500 Second 72,190 8,750 6,565 87,505
Third 46,405 5,625 4,220 56,250 Third 36,095 4,375 3,280 43,750
Fourth 23,205 2,815 2,110 28,130 Fourth 18,045 2,190 1,640 21,875
Fifth 13,920 1,685 1,265 16,870 Fifth 10,825 1,310 985 13,120
Sixth 9,280 1,125 845 11,250 Sixth 7,220 875 655 8,750
Total 3,71,250 45,000 33,750 4,50,000 Total 2,88,750 35,000 26,250 3,50,000
For 3-year-old Indian Fillies (Foaled in 2019) 3. THE ORIGINAL VEL RACING TROPHY(45)
Horse rated 40 to 65
WEIGHT - WEIGHT - 56 Kgs Distance - 1600 Meters.
Distance - 1600 Meters. A Trophy (Value Rs.30,000) Presented By Original Vel Printing Works
ENTRANCE - Rs.10,000 of the Sweepstakes fell due at 05:00 PM Owner Trainer Jockey Total
on Monday, 28th February, 2022 Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs.
Further Rs.5,000 fell due for horses not struct out
by10:00 AM on Saturday, 30th April, 2022 and the Winner the
final Rs.5,000 will fall due for horses not struct out
Trophy& 2,37,185 28,750 21,565 2,87,500
by 10:00 AM on Monday, 12th September, 2022
Second 1,18,595 14,375 10,780 1,43,750
SUPPLEMENTARY ENTRY @ Rs.1,00,000 closed at 10:00 AM on
Third 59,295 7,190 5,390 71,875
Saturday, 30th April, 2022
Fourth 29,650 3,595 2,695 35,940
FINAL ENTRY @ Rs.2,00,000 Will be closed at 01:30 PM on Sunday,
Fifth 17,790 2,155 1,615 21,560
11th September, 2022
Sixth 11,860 1,435 1,080 14,375
Twelve to enter in bona fide separate interests or the above race to be Total 4,74,375 57,500 43,125 5,75,000
at the option of the stewards
56 57
Saturday, 24th September, 2022 ALLOWANCE: Fillies and Mares 1.5 Kgs.
Winner 2,37,185 28,750 21,565 2,87,500 Winner 1,85,625 22,500 16,875 2,25,000
Second 1,18,595 14,375 10,780 1,43,750 Second 92,815 11,250 8,435 1,12,500
Third 59,295 7,190 5,390 71,875 Third 46,405 5,625 4,220 56,250
Fourth 29,650 3,595 2,695 35,940 Fourth 23,205 2,815 2,110 28,130
Fifth 17,790 2,155 1,615 21,560 Fifth 13,920 1,685 1,265 16,870
Sixth 11,860 1,435 1,080 14,375 Sixth 9,280 1,125 845 11,250
Total 4,74,375 57,500 43,125 5,75,000 Total 3,71,250 45,000 33,750 4,50,000
Winner 1,85,625 22,500 16,875 2,25,000 Winner 1,44,375 17,500 13,125 1,75,000
Second 92,815 11,250 8,435 1,12,500 Second 72,190 8,750 6,565 87,505
Third 46,405 5,625 4,220 56,250 Third 36,095 4,375 3,280 43,750
Fourth 23,205 2,815 2,110 28,130 Fourth 18,045 2,190 1,640 21,875
Fifth 13,920 1,685 1,265 16,870 Fifth 10,825 1,310 985 13,120
Sixth 9,280 1,125 845 11,250 Sixth 7,220 875 655 8,750
Total 3,71,250 45,000 33,750 4,50,000 Total 2,88,750 35,000 26,250 3,50,000
66 67
Thursday, 29th September, 2022
Horse rated 40 to 65 ,
Confined to Mysore based horses.
Horse rated 60 to 85 Distance - 1400 Meters.
Distance - 1400 Meters.
Owner Trainer Jockey Total
A Trophy (Value Rs.30,000) Presented By Mysore Race Club Ltd.
Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs.
Owner Trainer Jockey Total
Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs.
Winner 2,37,185 28,750 21,565 2,87,500
Second 1,18,595 14,375 10,780 1,43,750
Winner the
Third 59,295 7,190 5,390 71,875
Trophy& 2,88,750 35,000 26,250 3,50,000
Fourth 29,650 3,595 2,695 35,940
Second 1,44,375 17,500 13,125 1,75,000
Fifth 17,790 2,155 1,615 21,560
Third 72,190 8,750 6,565 87,505
Sixth 11,860 1,435 1,080 14,375
Fourth 36,095 4,375 3,280 43,750
Total 4,74,375 57,500 43,125 5,75,000
Fifth 21,655 2,625 1,970 26,250
Sixth 14,435 1,750 1,310 17,495
Total 5,77,500 70,000 52,500 7,00,000
Winner 1,85,625 22,500 16,875 2,25,000 Entries close at 02:00 PM on Sunday, 25th September
Second 92,815 11,250 8,435 1,12,500 Handicaps will be published by 06:00 PM on Sunday, 25th September
Third 46,405 5,625 4,220 56,250 Scratchings at 10:30 AM on Monday, 26th September
Fourth 23,205 2,815 2,110 28,130 Declaration at 10:30 AM on Tuesday, 27th September
Fifth 13,920 1,685 1,265 16,870 Revised Ratings by 05:00 PM on Saturday, 1st October
Sixth 9,280 1,125 845 11,250
Total 3,71,250 45,000 33,750 4,50,000 Total Stakes Rs. 31,35,000 Value of cups Rs. 60,000
Cummulative Rs. 3,42,56,875 Cummulative Rs. 7,70,000
Trainers Rs. 3,80,000 Jockeys Rs. 2,85,000
Cummulative Rs. 36,67,500 Cummulative Rs. 27,50,625
72 73
Friday, 30th September, 2022 3. THE BHARACHUKKI PLATE(73)
Distance - 1600 Meters.
Owner Trainer Jockey Total
Horse rated 80 and above
Distance - 1200 Meters. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs.
TWELFTH DAY (ii) Net value of a winner after 30th April, 2022 of a race
of the value of Rs.10 lakhs or over 1 Kg.extra; or
Thursday, 06th October, 2022 Winner of either two or more such races or a race of
1. THE MYSORE DASARA SPRINT the value of Rs.15 lakhs or over 2 Kgs
A Trophy (Value Rs.50,000) Presented By Mysore Race Club Ltd. ALLOWANCE: Fillies and Mares 1.5 Kgs.
A Sweepstakes of Rs. 20,000 Each With 10,00,000 Added From The
Fund. NB: If the highest weight an acceptor has to carry is less than 60 Kgs.
it shall be raised to 60 Kgs.,and the other weights shall be raised equally
Total stakes will be distributed in the following manner:
Owner Trainer Jockey Total Distance - 1200 Meters.
Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. ENTRANCE - Rs.15,000 of the Sweepstakes fell due at 06:00 PM
on Wednesday, 10th August, 2022 and the final
Winner the Trophy& 49.5% 6% 4.5% 60% Rs.5,000 will fall due for horses not struct out by
10:00 AM on Monday, 3rd October, 2022
Second 16.5% 2% 1.5% 20%
Third 8.25% 1% 0.75% 10% FINAL ENTRY @ Rs.2,00,000 Will be closed at 10:00 AM on Sunday,
2nd October, 2022
Fourth 4.125% 0.5% 0.375% 5%
Fifth 2.475% 0.3% 0.225% 3%
Sixth 1.65% 0.2% 0.15% 2% Twelve to enter in bona fide separate interests or the above race to be
Total 82.5% 10% 7.5% 100% at the option of the stewards
Horse rated 20 to 45, 5 years old and over ,
Confined to Mysore based horses.
Distance - 1400 Meters.
Owner Trainer Jockey Total
Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs.
ENTRANCE - Rs.20,000 of the Sweepstakes fell due at 05:00 PM A Trophy (Value Rs.30,000) Presented By Mr.Sunil K.Vasant,
on Monday, 28th February, 2022 Owner Trainer Jockey Total
Further Rs.10,000 fell due for horses not struct out Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs.
by10:00 AM on Saturday, 30th April, 2022 and the Winner the
final Rs.10,000 will fall due for horses not struct out Trophy& 2,37,185 28,750 21,565 2,87,500
by 10:00 AM on Monday, 3rd October, 2022 Second 1,18,595 14,375 10,780 1,43,750
SUPPLEMENTARY ENTRY @ Rs.2,00,000 closed at 10:00 AM on Third 59,295 7,190 5,390 71,875
Saturday, 30th April, 2022 Fourth 29,650 3,595 2,695 35,940
FINAL ENTRY @ Rs.4,00,000 Will be closed at 10:00 AM on Sunday, Fifth 17,790 2,155 1,615 21,560
2nd October, 2022 Sixth 11,860 1,435 1,080 14,375
Total 4,74,375 57,500 43,125 5,75,000
84 85
Thursday, 13th October, 2022 3. THE ALEKONA TROPHY(94)
1. THE K.THAMMANNA GOWDA MEMORIAL Horse rated 40 to 65
Distance - 1400 Meters.
A Trophy (Value Rs.30,000) Presented By Mr.Shankar Srinivas
Horse rated 60 to 85
Distance - 1400 Meters. Owner Trainer Jockey Total
Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs.
A Trophy (Value Rs.30,000) Presented By Mr.D.Vishwanath
Owner Trainer Jockey Total
Winner the
Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs.
Trophy& 2,37,185 28,750 21,565 2,87,500
Second 1,18,595 14,375 10,780 1,43,750
Winner the
Third 59,295 7,190 5,390 71,875
Trophy& 2,88,750 35,000 26,250 3,50,000
Fourth 29,650 3,595 2,695 35,940
Second 1,44,375 17,500 13,125 1,75,000
Fifth 17,790 2,155 1,615 21,560
Third 72,190 8,750 6,565 87,505
Sixth 11,860 1,435 1,080 14,375
Fourth 36,095 4,375 3,280 43,750
Total 4,74,375 57,500 43,125 5,75,000
Fifth 21,655 2,625 1,970 26,250
Sixth 14,435 1,750 1,310 17,495
Total 5,77,500 70,000 52,500 7,00,000
Horse rated 40 to 65, 5 years old and over ,
Confined to Mysore based horses.
Distance - 1200 Meters.
Horse rated 60 to 85, 4 years old and over
Distance - 1200 Meters. Owner Trainer Jockey Total
Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs.
Owner Trainer Jockey Total
Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs.
Winner 2,37,185 28,750 21,565 2,87,500
Second 1,18,595 14,375 10,780 1,43,750
Winner 2,88,750 35,000 26,250 3,50,000
Third 59,295 7,190 5,390 71,875
Second 1,44,375 17,500 13,125 1,75,000
Fourth 29,650 3,595 2,695 35,940
Third 72,190 8,750 6,565 87,505
Fifth 17,790 2,155 1,615 21,560
Fourth 36,095 4,375 3,280 43,750
Sixth 11,860 1,435 1,080 14,375
Fifth 21,655 2,625 1,970 26,250
Total 4,74,375 57,500 43,125 5,75,000
Sixth 14,435 1,750 1,310 17,495
Total 5,77,500 70,000 52,500 7,00,000
88 89
Horse rated 20 to 45 , Horse rated 00 to 25
Confined to Mysore based horses. Distance - 1400 Meters.
Distance - 1200 Meters. No whip Owner Trainer Jockey Total
Owner Trainer Jockey Total Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs.
Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs.
Winner 1,44,375 17,500 13,125 1,75,000
Winner 1,85,625 22,500 16,875 2,25,000 Second 72,190 8,750 6,565 87,505
Second 92,815 11,250 8,435 1,12,500 Third 36,095 4,375 3,280 43,750
Third 46,405 5,625 4,220 56,250 Fourth 18,045 2,190 1,640 21,875
Fourth 23,205 2,815 2,110 28,130 Fifth 10,825 1,310 985 13,120
Fifth 13,920 1,685 1,265 16,870 Sixth 7,220 875 655 8,750
Sixth 9,280 1,125 845 11,250 Total 2,88,750 35,000 26,250 3,50,000
Total 3,71,250 45,000 33,750 4,50,000
Friday, 14th October, 2022 ALLOWANCE: Fillies and Mares 1.5 Kgs.
Winner 2,88,750 35,000 26,250 3,50,000 Winner 2,37,185 28,750 21,565 2,87,500
Second 1,44,375 17,500 13,125 1,75,000 Second 1,18,595 14,375 10,780 1,43,750
Third 72,190 8,750 6,565 87,505 Third 59,295 7,190 5,390 71,875
Fourth 36,095 4,375 3,280 43,750 Fourth 29,650 3,595 2,695 35,940
Fifth 21,655 2,625 1,970 26,250 Fifth 17,790 2,155 1,615 21,560
Sixth 14,435 1,750 1,310 17,495 Sixth 11,860 1,435 1,080 14,375
Total 5,77,500 70,000 52,500 7,00,000 Total 4,74,375 57,500 43,125 5,75,000
98 99
A Trophy (Value Rs.50,000) Presented By Mysore Race Club Ltd. Distance - 1400 Meters.
A Sweepstakes of Rs. 20,000 Each With 10,00,000 Added From The
ENTRANCE - Rs.15,000 of the Sweepstakes fall due at 10:00 AM
on Tuesday, 25th October, 2022 and the final
Total stakes will be distributed in the following manner: Rs.5,000 will fall due for horses not struct out by
Owner Trainer Jockey Total 10:00 AM on Wednesday, 26th October, 2022
Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs.
Winner the Twelve to enter in bona fide separate interests or the above race to be
Trophy& 49.5% 6% 4.5% 60% at the option of the stewards
Second 16.5% 2% 1.5% 20%
Third 8.25% 1% 0.75% 10%
Fourth 4.125% 0.5% 0.375% 5%
Fifth 2.475% 0.3% 0.225% 3%
Sixth 1.65% 0.2% 0.15% 2%
Horse rated 60 to 85
Total 82.5% 10% 7.5% 100%
Distance - 2000 Meters.
For Indian Horses 3 years old and over
WEIGHT - 3 years old 51.5kgs. A Trophy (Value Rs.30,000) Presented By Mr.H.V. Vijay Kumar
4 years old and over 56 kgs Owner Trainer Jockey Total
Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs.
PENALTIES: i) (a) Winner after 30th April, 2020 of a Grade III race to
carry 1.5 Kgs. or either of two or more such races 2 Winner the
Kgs.; OR Trophy& 2,88,750 35,000 26,250 3,50,000
(b) Winner after 30th April, 2020 of a Grade II race to Second 1,44,375 17,500 13,125 1,75,000
carry 3 Kg. or either of two or more such races 4 Third 72,190 8,750 6,565 87,505
Kgs.; OR Fourth 36,095 4,375 3,280 43,750
(c) Winner after 30th April, 2020 of a Grade I race to Fifth 21,655 2,625 1,970 26,250
carry 6 Kg. or either of two or more such races 8 Sixth 14,435 1,750 1,310 17,495
Total 5,77,500 70,000 52,500 7,00,000
(ii) Net value of a winner after 30th April, 2022 of a race
of the value of Rs.10 lakhs or over 1 Kg.extra; or
Winner of either two or more such races or a race of
the value of Rs.15 lakhs or over 2 Kgs
102 103
GENERAL CONDITIONS 4. Before a horse is allowed to start in a race for the first time
under My.R.C. Rules of Racing, such horse must be produced
1. All persons taking part in Mysore (Monsoon) Races 2022 shall
before the Club's Veterinary Officer for Identification. The
be bound by the Rules of Racing of the My.R.C.and notifications
responsibility of obtaining a copy of certificate of Identity rests
issued from time to time in the My.R.C. Racing Calendar and
with the Owner or the Trainer concerned.
such regulations as may be laid down by the Stewards of the
Club from time to time. 5.(a) The dates and times at which forfeits/scratchings are advertised
to fall due are liable to alteration after closing of entries should
2.(a) Unless already registered under My.R.C.,B.T.C., R.C.T.C.,
circumstances arise, which in the opinion of the Stewards make
R.W.I.T.C., M.R.C., or H.R.C. Rules, horses must be registered
it desirable. All horses accepting i.e., 'left-in' after the time
under these rules and apply for allotment of rating to the
fixed for final forfeits/scratchings must be declared to start
Secretary, My.R.C.Ltd., atleast two days prior to the date fixed
unless prior permission for their withdrawal has been obtained
for closing of entries for the respective race days, otherwise
from the Stewards. No horse shall be entered to participate in
entries will be refused.
more than one race on the same race day, or the following
(b) When applying for allotment of rating of a horse under race day, excepting the Sweepstakes races. However, no horse
My.R.C.Rules of Racing, the applicant must state the date on shall be permitted to run in more than one races on the same
which and the Centre where the horse last raced. If the horse day.
has never raced before, the clause 'NEVER RACED' as well
(b) In the event of a horse being entered to participate in more
as age and sex of the horse must be stated in the application.
than one race in contravention of the above condition, both
3.(a) No horse shall be entered in any race other than those for such entries of the said horse shall be rejected and further the
which it is eligible unless, otherwise mentioned in the conditions person responsible for it shall be fined not less than Rs.10,000
of the race (rupees ten thousand) by the Stewards.
(b) Horses which have raced at the Meetings other than those 6. Distances of all races are to be read ABOUT ...... Metres.
conducted under the My.R.C.Rules of Racing subsequent to
7. Owners, Trainers and Jockeys should make themselves familiar
allotment of rating by the Handicapper, Mysore (Monsoon)
with Mysore Race Club Track Rules.
Races, must be allotted the rating again by the Handicapper,
Mysore Race Club Ltd.prior to entry for Handicap races under 8. (a) Unless accompanied by a remittance for the full amount of
these rules. Entries of any horse for a handicap race for which entrance fee entries may be refused. If entries are not signed
application for allotment of rating has not been received may by the owner they must be accompanied by a written authority
be refused or cancelled. from the owner to the enterer, unless such authority has
already been registered by the Mysore Race Club Ltd.
(c) In the event of a horse having raced at a meeting other than
under My.R.C.Rules of Racing subsequent to its having been (b) In case of entry made by e-mail/FAX, confirmation in writing
entered for a Handicap race under My.R.C. Rules, the entries and remittance must be sent forthwith. No horse will be
of such horse will be void. permitted to run unless entry money has been paid.
(d) In the event of a horse having raced at a meeting other than (c) Entries should be made on official forms/Trainers portal and
under the My.R.C. Rules of Racing subsequent to having been correct details of all particulars required in the form should be
handicapped under My.R.C.Rules, such horse shall be filled in.
withdrawn from the race even after having been handicapped 9. (a) The full advertised prize will be given in every race except in
or accepted. the case of a walkover when only half the advertised prize will
be given in accordance with rule and subject to the deductions
112 113
mentioned below in clauses (d),(e),(f) (g) & (h)." eight or more (m) Any Tax Central/State, liable to be paid on prize money/stakes/
actual runners. cup/trophy is included within the prize money/stakes/cup/trophy
(b) In races other than Sweepstakes, the stakes for the fourth, respectively and shall be paid by the Owners.
fifth and sixth placed horses will be given provided there are 10.(a) The Stewards reserve the right to declare void any race in
eight, ten and twelve or more actual runners respectively which there are less than 12 entries in bona fide separate
(c) Stake/prize money/incentives in any race will be credited to interests.
the respective Owner/Trainer/Jockeys account, only after the (b) If at the time of final forfeits there are less than EIGHT
receipt of the analysis of the Urine sample of the Winner and acceptors, (five for category 80 and above and races 1800
placed horses in that race coming clear of any prohibited metres and above, six for, 1600 metres and race for 3 year
substance. olds) in bona fide separate interests in any race, such race
(d) One percent of all stakes i.e., 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th & 6th may be declared void at the option of the Stewards.
earned by horses will be deducted as Owners' contribution 11.(a) The Stewards may arrange the entrants for any race into two
towards The Racehorse Owners' Association. or more divisions and in handicaps adjust the weights of any
(e) One and half percent of all stakes i.e., 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th & division at their discretion. At the time of final forfeits/
6th earned by horses will be deducted as Owners' contribution scratchings the Stewards may further arrange for a race, or a
in favour of Mysore Stable Employees Welfare Society. division thererof to be divided, on the basis of the weights
(f) Half percent of all stakes i.e., 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th & 6th published.
earned by horses will be deducted as Owners' contribution in (b) The Races will be divided entirely at the discretion of the
favour of Retired Racehorses Welfare Fund. Stewards and a race with the minimum number of acceptors
(g) Seven percent of all stakes i.e., 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th & 6th or more need not necessarily be divided if in the opinion of the
earned by horses will be deducted as Owners' contribution in Stewards such a division will make the card for the day unweildy.
favour of Stable Employees Welfare Fund.. (c) The number of races per day will be restricted to a maximum
(h) Half percent of all stakes i.e., 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th & 6th of eight , at the option of the Stewards.
earned by horses will be deducted as Owners' contribution in (d) If in any race other than a Sweepstakes Race:
favour of Mysore Stable Employees Welfare Society towards (i) the acceptors exceed 12 but not 19 for races for the distance
Syces employees bonus fund. 1100 metres, then the acceptors excess of 12 and
(i) 13.33% out of the stakes earned by Jockeys will be deducted acceptors exceed 15 but not 19 for races for the distance
as Jockeys' contribution towards Jockeys' Association of India. 1200 metres and above will be eliminated by drawing lots
(j) 10 percent on commission of trainers i.e. 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, amongst the horses belonging to Trainer/s and Owner/
5th & 6th earned by horses will be deducted as Trainers' s(i.e., in the same colours) who have accepted the highest
contribution towards the Mysore Racehorse Trainers retirement number of horses. If the number of horses eliminated are
fund. not sufficient, lots will be drawn again amongst the horses
belonging to Trainer/s and Owner/s(i.e.,in the same colours)
(k) Mysore Race Club will contribute 1% of the total stakes in
who have accepted the next hightest number of horses.
ordinary races towards Jockey's Association of india.
This process will be continued till the required number of
(l) Mysore Race Club will contribute 1% of the total stakes in horses are eliminated or the number of horses belonging to
ordinary races towards Mysore Race horse Trainers retirement a Trainer/Owner reaches one, whichever is earlier.
114 115
(ii) If the acceptors are 20 or more the race will be divided into 15. In all handicaps the lowest weight to be carried shall not be
two divisions at the option of the Stewards. less than 50 kgs., excluding the allowance which a Jockey
(iii) If the acceptors exceed 30, then acceptors in excess of 30 may claim if applicable. However, the handicaps may be framed
will be eliminated as per the procedure detailed above and down to weights below 50 kgs.
the race will be divided into two divisions at the option of the 16. A winner of a Race after publication of weights shall carry 5
Stewards. kgs.,extra for each win provided it is otherwise eligible.
(iv) In any race other than a sweepstakes race, horses once 17. (a) Minimum top weight in a Handicap race will be 60 kgs. Unless
entered shall not allowed to be scratched out unless on otherwise specified, if the highest weight an acceptor has to
veterinary ground as certified by the club's Veterinary officer/ carry is less than 60 kgs., it shall be raised to 60 kgs., and the
Owner is in BMC ban/ Stipendiary Stewards Ban. other weights shall be raised equally.
(e) If in a Sweepstakes race the acceptors exceed 16,the additional (b) Unless otherwise specified, if the highest weight an acceptor
acceptors will be rejected by eliminating the horses which have has to carry in a Terms Race is less than 55 kgs.,it shall be
earned the lowest aggregate stakes after 31st March, 2020. raised to 55 kgs.,and the other weights shall be raised equally.
In case of a tie rejection shall be by drawing lots. 18. Unless TERMS are specified, the races are HANDICAP races.
Entry money, forfeits and any other contributions respect of 19. No horse shall carry more than 2 kgs., overweight in any race,
horses eliminated will be fully refunded. except with permission of the Stewards, if the horse is ridden
(f) A Horse rejected from a race shall not be excluded by rejection by a Jockey who is either not entitled to claim an allowance or
when it has been accepted the next time. cannot claim an allowance under the conditions of the race.
(g) The entry fee and forfeit, if any, in respect of horses eliminated However, in case a horse is ridden by a Jockey claiming an
from races other than the Sweepstakes will be refunded. allowance it shall not carry except with the permission of the
Stewards, more than 2 kgs.,in excess of the weight which it
(h) Any condition attached to the scratching shall be ignored.
would have carried if the Jockey in question had claimed in
(i) The maximum number of acceptors for races 1200 metres and full the allowance to which he was entitled. Such permission
above will be 15 and for races 1100 metres will be 12. must be obtained before the COMMON STARTING
12. The prizes for lower divisions, if any, will be same as for the DECLARATION BOX/ TRAINERS PORTAL is opened.
first division, except that Cups or Value of Cups will not be 20. In Terms races without penalities, the weights to be carried by
paid for lower divisions. the horses will be published in the Handicaps. However, in Terms
13. The Stewards reserve the right to refuse an entry or to cancel races with penalities the weights to be carried by the horses
an accepted entry at any time without assigning a reason. will be published directly in the Acceptances.
14.(a) The Stewards reserve the right to amend or to alter the 21. Unless otherwise specified the starting declaration to be made
conditions of any race at any time before the first entry closes by the Owner, the Trainer or the Authorised Agent in respect of
and to alter the name of any race after closing of entries and all the horses for all the races (for all consecutive days' races)
to increase/decrease the advertised stakes for any race prior must be placed in the COMMON STARTING DECLARATION
to final forfeits/scratching. BOX/ TRAINERS PORTAL not later than date & time published
(b) The Stewards reserve the right to indicate any race/s to be in day's programme in Prospectus
ridden by Indian Jockeys only at the time of publication of The declaration must state the name of the race, name of the
acceptance. horse, weight to be carried, the name of the Jockey, and must
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be accompanied by the Jockey's fee for a losing mount, if not (c) Every person running a horse in colours other than those
already paid and any other fees due. It shall also state if the registered or declared as above, may be fined.
horse is running shod or unshod. If the former, it shall state the (d) In the event of a person being unable to run a horse in colours
description of the shoes, plates or tips used. Omission or as declared in the Official Race Card the Jockey will wear 'ALL
errors in the starting declaration will render the Owner or the BLACK'. A set of these colours may be obtained from the Clerk
person making it liable to a fine at the discretion of the Stewards. of the Scales.
22.(a) Indian Jockeys or any Apprentices, who shall have been granted 25.(a) An Owner's pass which is not transferable will be issued for
permission to ride in Races under the provisions of Rule the meeting to those whose horses are entered for the meeting.
100(v)(a), shall be entitled from the date of receiving such Only one Owner's pass will be given to Joint Owners.
permission while his apprenticeship continues to claim in any
(b) Trainers and Jockeys must obtain their passes from the Race
handicap, flat race run at any Meeting, held under the Rules of
Club Office, without which they will not be permitted to enter
Racing, an allowance on the following scales:
the enclosures.
Not having ridden 10 winners 4 Kgs.
(c) Rules in connection with the issue of passes to Riding Boys,
Having ridden 10 winners but not 20 winners 3 Kgs. Farriers and Syces may be obtained from the Race Club Office.
Having ridden 20 winners but not 30 winners 2 Kgs. (d) Application for all passes should be made during working hours
Having ridden 30 winners but not 40 winners 1 Kg. on non race days.
No allowance can be claimed after having ridden 40 winners or 26. All telecommunications must be confirmed by letters and
after attaining the age of 25 years whichever is earlier. addressed to the Secretary, Mysore (Monsoon) Races and not
Notwithstanding the above, a Jockey reaching the specified to any one by name
limit of wins as stated above will still be entitled for the
allowance originally declared provided the betting for such a
By order of the Stewards,
race has already opened.
(b) No rider shall ride in any race, unless he is wearing a skull cap
and body protector of a pattern approved by the Stewards. Secretary
23. Horses will not be allowed to be led down to the start in advance Mysore (Monsoon) Races
of the remainder of the field except in very exceptional
circumstances which must be explained to the satisfaction of Postal Address:
the Stewards in writing, atleast one clear day before the date Mysore Race Club Ltd.,
on which the horse is due to start. Post Box No. 11,
24.(a) Colours must be declared with entries unless already Race Course Road, Telephone: 2521675
registered under My.R.C. Rules of Racing. Where colours are MYSORE - 570 010
not registered a delcaration must be made of colours to be E-mail :
used, at or prior to the time for closing of forfeits/scratchings
for that day, otherwise a fine may be imposed.
(b) If there be more than one horse of any one Owner 'left-in' in a Web Site :
Race a different colour cap must be declared for each horse.