Markus Orlovsky Speech
Markus Orlovsky Speech
Markus Orlovsky Speech
Marcus Orlovsky came to talk to us at the Jump!2000 IAESTE Seminar. I believe the purpose of the talk was to motivate us into realising our aims and dreams, both on a professional level as part of the IAESTE organisation and of course on a personal level, in our everyday life.
The Great Genius. Motivation is about believing that you can achieve your goals. Marcus started by giving us examples of people, organisations that had achieved their goals, like Dyson, the reinvention of the Apple Mac, by believing that their ideas were good. This belief gave them the motivation to act. We could all see how successful these people had been at having great ideas, it was so obvious it was annoying! Why did I not think of that, make the IMAC blue, and I could be a rich and successful person. Marcus then proceeded to question our perception of these people, are they geniuses or are they ordinary people who believed in them selves.
How can I be a Genius? Marcus believes we all have the potential to have good ideas. The only barrier is our perceptions of reality. He illustrated this theory with the following diagram:
The clear Ideas/ true thoughts (creativity) The perception of reality The REAL reality
He believes these are three levels in our thought process. First, we have a thought, a clear idea, and we think, "eureka, I'm a genius". Straight after that, a number of barriers set in (which I will discuss in more details later). These barriers make us doubt, "if this is such a good idea, how come no one else has thought about it?" "If it could be done, surely it would already exist!". Finally, if we overcome these barriers, and our little seed of idea survives, we can start to evaluate the actual truth. Is the idea feasible in a reality based on facts and research?
Perception of Reality In order to illustrate how affected we all were by the perception of reality, he gave us a couple of exercise dealing with illusions caused by what we expected to be there, and what was actually there in reality (Paris in the Spring, Counting the F's) After realising that we all have a certain perception of reality, which undoubtedly influences our creativity and therefore our motivation to achieve our goals, he went on to look in more details at what stops us to be creative and ultimately to achieve our dreams.
"Fire Hoses" Marcus calls them our "Fire Hoses". When we have a creative idea, and we want to believe in it, our rational side comes in and tries to extinguish our idea. There are three main things that we do: "Self-doubt": No, nobody will think it's a good idea. I'm probably being really stupid! "Things could be worse": Ah, well the situation is not perfect but it could be worse. (Marcus's response, but what if it was a hell of a lot better) "Hedging Bets": I could take the greater risk and loose or take the smaller risk (or no risk) and don't gain anything.
I think Marcus wanted to make us aware that this process is going on, so that we can start combating it, and changing our perception of reality. We need to evaluate our thoughts against real facts not perceptions. External "Fire Hoses" After, believing in our idea, ourselves, the next stage is to convince others. Again, the process of "fire hoses" is coming into action, this time from the outside. Marcus made us aware of things others do to our ideas, or vice versa. Fire hoses used on others: Super rationalist: this is not possible, because this is not the X way we do things
Nay sayers: Passive Resistors: Things will get back...: Seasoned Veterans: Bottom Liner: Yes, ... but:
Yes, but have you thought of this and that, and these, it's just not possible is it! Yes, that's a great idea, yes brilliant.... Have you done something about it: No! Don't worry he's got this new idea, go along with it, he will have forgotten next week! We tried this in 1937, and it didn't work, so it won't work, sorry. NO, it will never work, no discussion on that. It is a very good idea, BUT have you thought to ...
To summarise, Marcus believes that we all have a great potential, we just need to open our minds to looking at things from other perspectives. We also need to realise that there are self-destructive processes at work, including self-doubt, other people opinions and just generally our perception of reality. If we can overcome these, than we can achieve whatever target we set ourselves.