1. Unbiased estimate means that the expected value of the sample statistic is the same as the parameter in
estimating the parameter based on the sample statistics. It has the same average characteristics as the
parameters, and the closer the average value obtained through multiple sampling is to the parameters,
the more inconvenient it is. It is not saying that the sample mean of a particular sample is always the
same as the mean of the population. The mean of the sample can be calculated from all possible
samples whose mean is consistent with the mean of the sample. Therefore, the average of the sample is
treated as an unbiased estimate. variance is a statistic used to estimate the variance of a sample. So, in
the usual sample variance calculation, we divide the denominator by N-1 to get an inconvenient
2. Z: Confidence IntervalReference value used to test a hypothesis, to distinguish between accidental and
real differences in Interval. So it has a bigger critical value. Higher trust encompasses a larger area and
therefore has a greater critical value.T: Sampling distribution, the critical value is calculated in a way
that takes into account the factors that affect it. In the t-distribution, the degree of freedom is
calculated as N-1.When other conditions are the same, as N increases, the t-diagonal value becomes
smaller and smaller, whereas the t-verification statistic becomes relatively larger, so the possibility of
dismissing H0 increases.A smaller sample size requires a wider confidence interval, which means a
larger critical value. X2:Degrees of freedom: The shape of the chi-square distribution depends on the
degree of freedom. The degree of freedom is related to the size of the sample or the complexity of the
model. As the degree of freedom increases, the distribution approaches the normal distribution, and the
critical value decreases.F:number of groups and sample size: F-distribution is used to compare two or
more population variances. As the number of groups and sample sizes increase, the distribution shape
of the F-distribution approaches the normal distribution, and the critical value decreases.
3. Confidence intervals are not formed around parameters, but around specimen statistics. The degree of
similarity to a parameter can be calculated by forming a trust interval. Since the value of confidence
interval is determined, it will become a variable factor affecting the range of confidence interval
composed only of N. The larger the N, the smaller the standard error, and therefore the narrower the
range of the confidence interval, which means that the average specimen is more accurate in predicting
the average of the fundraising group.
4. homoskedasticity assumption is an assumption that the variance of the error term is fixed, independent
of the independent variable. The T-test is used to examine the average difference between the two
groups. The equal division calculation assumes that the dispersion of the two populations is the same. If
this hypothesis is satisfied, T-verification will provide the correct result. F-validation is used to test
for average differences among more than three groups. The equal division calculation assumes that
each group is equally dispersed. F- verification provides valid results if sufficient assumptions are
made for the fractional calculation. Conversely, the results can be skewed. OLS regression analysis is
used for relationships between dependent variables and one or more independent variables. The
equipartition calculation assumes that the variance of the error term is independent of the independent
variable and is certain. However, if the assumption of equal division is violated, the efficiency of the
measurement and the validity of the evaluation result will be affected.
5. According to the calculation formula of X2-verification statistical data, the larger the gap between
expected frequency and observation frequency, the larger the X2-verification statistical value of the
final output also means the fact that it becomes larger. The larger the X2-verification statistic is, the
higher the possibility of rejecting h0 when other conditions remain unchanged.
6. OLS regression analysis is used to model the relationship between dependent variables and one or more
independent variables. The purpose of regression analysis is to statistically predict the causal effect of
an independent variable (X) on a dependent variable (Y). OLS regression analysis is one of the closest
analysis methods in causal analysis. The purpose of regression analysis is to statistically verify the
causal effect of a particular variable (X) on a particular variable (Y). Cross analysis can only reveal the
correlation between variables, but not the causal relationship. T-verification is used to verify whether
the observed difference is due to chance or whether there is a real causal relationship.
7. substantive significance is the difference that measures whether a statistical result is meaningful. Even
if there are statistically significant differences, there are cases that don't actually matter. t- test and x
square meter - test are the analytical methods used for different types of data. t- test is used to check
the average difference between two groups. x 2 - validation is used to verify the independence of
classified data.
8. ANOVA is a method used to analyze average differences between groups. You can assess how well the
statistical model fits the data. In ANOVA, F-validation is used to evaluate the fit of the model. F-
Verifies the significance of the description variables independent variables in the evaluation model and
confirms how well the model interprets the data. OLS regression analysis :OLS regression analysis is
used to model the relationship between dependent variables and one or more independent variables.
OLS regression analysis uses a variety of statistical methods to assess model compliance. The degree
of agreement between the model and the data can be confirmed by evaluating the residual distribution
and the normality of the residual.