Questionnaire For The Student On Vices
Questionnaire For The Student On Vices
Questionnaire For The Student On Vices
Part I. Profile
NAME: (Optional)
Name: ______________________________________________(Optional)
Please check the appropriate box that corresponds to your answer using the
following rating scale.
Rating Scale Description/Implication
3.26 – 4.00 VS Very Serious/Very Much influenced on
classroom behavior, significantly disrupting
the learning environment and hindering the
academic performance of the students.
2.51 – 3.25 MS Moderately Serious/Much influenced on
classroom behavior but do not significantly
disrupt the learning environment.
1.76 – 2.50 LS Least Serious/Least influenced on classroom
behavior that may not be noticeable or
1.00 – 1.75 NS Not Serious/Not influenced on the classroom
behavior of the students.
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A. Withdrawn Behavior 4 3 2 1
1. Timidity
2. Blank Stares
3. Anxiety
4. Absenteeism
5. Introvert Behavior
6. Non-cooperativism
7. Non-participation in class discussion
8. Daydreaming
B. Disruptive Behavior
1. Giggling even if classes are going on.
2. Talking with seatmates.
3. Making unnecessary noise.
4. Refusing to follow instruction.
5. Going in and out of the classroom without permission.
6. Asking non-sense questions.
7. Cracking jokes while classes are going on.
8. Teasing classmates.
C. Violent and/ and Improper Behavior
1. Head banging
2. Kicking
3. Biting
4. Punching
5. Smashing equipment
6. Bullying
7. Stealing
8. Whistling
Part III. Attitude Towards School Work
Please check the appropriate box that corresponds to your answer using the
following rating scale.
Rating Scale Description/Implication
3.26 – 4.00 VS Very Serious/Very Much Affected on their
attitude towards school work and is severely
impacting their academic performance.
2.51 – 3.25 MS Moderately Serious/Much Affected on their
attitude towards school work, but it is not
enough to significantly impact their overall
academic performance.
1.76 – 2.50 LS Least Serious/Least Affected on their attitude
towards school work, but it is not significant.
1.00 – 1.75 NS Not Serious/Not Affected on their attitude
towards school work.
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Attitude Towards School Work 4 3 2 1
1. Assignments and other home work.
2. School Beautification.
3. Language Campaign.
4. Brigada Escuela.
5. Sports Competition.
6. Mathematical Olympiad.
7. Gulayan sa Paaralan.
8. Tree Planting.
9. Clean and Green Program.
10. Homeroom Organization.
Thank you…………