2023 - Zeng Et Al - Cyclic P-Y Curve Model of Unidirectional Loaded Pile in Sand Considering The
2023 - Zeng Et Al - Cyclic P-Y Curve Model of Unidirectional Loaded Pile in Sand Considering The
2023 - Zeng Et Al - Cyclic P-Y Curve Model of Unidirectional Loaded Pile in Sand Considering The
Ocean Engineering
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Cyclic p-y curve model of unidirectional loaded pile in sand considering the
characteristic of friction in the strain wedge model
Fanhuan Zeng , Chong Jiang *, Pan Liu
School of Resources and Safety Engineering, Central South University, Changsha, 410083, China
Handling Editor: Prof. A.I. Incecik Pile foundations are always subjected to cyclic loads due to the action of wind and waves. A cyclic p-y curve
model considering the characteristic of friction force is proposed to study the lateral response of pile foundations
Keywords: under unidirectional cyclic loads in sand. The soil resistance calculated by the improved nonlinear strain wedge
Pile model (SWM) is divided into friction resistance and compression resistance according to the different charac
Cyclic lateral load
teristics of soil resistance. The friction resistance depends on the relative displacement between pile and soil,
p-y curve
whose direction and magnitude will constantly change in the process of cyclic load, while the compression
Strain wedge model
Soil degradation resistance is analyzed by combining the extended Masing rule and soil degradation model. The validity of the
model proposed in saturated sand is verified by centrifuge test results. Furthermore, the influence of cyclic loads
on pile deflection, bending moment and soil resistance is analyzed through the results calculated by the cyclic p-y
curve model.
* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (F. Zeng), [email protected] (C. Jiang), [email protected] (P. Liu).
Received 15 November 2022; Received in revised form 16 January 2023; Accepted 14 February 2023
Available online 21 February 2023
0029-8018/© 2023 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
F. Zeng et al. Ocean Engineering 273 (2023) 113998
established the cyclic p-y curve considering soil cave-in and recom 2. Modified strain wedge model
pression. Kim et al. (2015) combined the accumulated strain obtained
from the cyclic triaxial test with the SWM to analyze the cyclic response The laterally loaded pile can be considered as a beam on a nonlinear
of the laterally loaded pile. However, the assumption of linear deflection Winkler foundation, and the control equation of the laterally loaded pile
of pile makes SWM less accurate in the study of flexible piles under can be expressed as Eq. (1).
lateral cyclic load. The soil resistance calculated by SWM is caused by
d4 y
two aspects: soil compression and friction. While the direction of friction EI + ky = 0 (1)
force is always opposite to the direction of relative displacement be
tween pile and soil, and it will reverse during unload. Therefore, the where EI is the flexural rigidity of pile, y is the pile deflection, z is the
variation characteristics of friction force and compression force under depth of pile, k is the modulus of subgrade reaction which can be
cyclic load are different, which are not considered separately under expressed as p/y, p is the soil resistance calculated by SWM (Norris,
cyclic load in the above studies, leading to an inaccurate evaluation of 1986; Ashour et al., 1998) which can be divided into compression
the cyclic p-y curve. resistance pc and friction resistance pτ .
In this paper, the soil resistance generated by nonlinear SWM is
divided into friction resistance and compression resistance. The friction p = pc + pτ (2)
resistance is combined with the relative displacement between pile and
soil to analyze its change in the process of cyclic load, while the where pc is the lateral resistance from the compressive soil in front of the
compression resistance is analyzed by combining the extended Massing pile, and pτ is the lateral resistance caused by the relative displacement
rule and the degradation or hardening of soil. By considering the char between pile side and soil. They will be calculated separately according
acteristics of friction resistance and compression resistance separately, to their respective characteristics
the one-way cyclic p-y curve of the laterally loaded pile is obtained. An
iterative program is designed to calculate the lateral cyclic response of 2.1. Calculation of compression resistance
the pile, which is verified by centrifuge test.
The compressive soil in front of the pile is simplified as a three-
Fig. 1. Strain wedge: (a) three-dimensional diagram, (b) side view of the strain wedge, (c) plan view of the strain wedge.
F. Zeng et al. Ocean Engineering 273 (2023) 113998
dimensional passive wedge in SWM. model is employed in the strain wedge model.
The geometric of SWM is characterized by base angle βm , fan angle εi
φm , and depth of the wedge h (Fig. 1a). The relationship between βm , the Δσhi = σ1i − σ 3i = (10)
+ (σ1i − εσi 3i )
width of the wedge face BC at depth z and φm can be expressed as follow:
Ei ult
βm = 45◦ +
(3) where Ei is the initial elastic modulus of the soil and (σ 1i − σ3i )ult is the
2 asymptotic value of the deviatoric stress, which can be calculated by Eq.
(11) and Eq. (12) respectively.
L(BC) = D + 2(h − z)tan βm tan φm (4)
( )n
where D is the diameter of pile. Ei = K E P a (11)
The compression resistance pc can be expressed by Eq. (5) (Fig. 1c).
[ ( ) ]
(5) Δσhfi σ 3i tan2 45◦ + φ2 − 1
pc = S1 Δσh L(BC) (σ 1i − σ 3i )ult = = (12)
Rf Rf
where S1 is a coefficient for the pile with different shapes which equals
0.75 and 1.0 for circular pile and square pile respectively. Δσ h is the where Pa is the atmospheric pressure, taken as 101 kPa. σ3i is the
horizontal stress change in front of the pile corresponding to the effective vertical pressure. KE , Rf and n refer to elastic modulus coeffi
deviatoric stress in the triaxial test (Fig. 1b). cient, failure ratio and elastic modulus index, respectively, related to
Different from the traditional SWM which assumes that the pile relative density Dr (Table 1).
displacement changes linearly with depth, an improved nonlinear SWM The relationship between φm and Δσhi is defined as Eq. (13) and is
is used in this study (Yang et al., 2016) (Fig. 2). expressed as a function of stress level SLi .
The soil was divided into a series of soil layers with thickness Δh. For ( φ
Δσhi tan2 45◦ + 2mi − 1
every horizontal slice i, the lateral deflection at the upper and lower SLi = = ( ) (13)
Δσ hfi tan2 45◦ + φ2 − 1
interfaces are yi− 1 and yi . The rotation angle δi can be expressed as Eq.
(6). In the calculation, the initial pile deflection Y0 is assumed to calcu
yi− 1 − yi late δi by Eq. (6), and then εi , φmi and Δσ hi of each soil layer can be
tan δi = (6) obtained by Eq. (9), Eq. (10) and Eq. (13), so that LEFi and LBCi can be
calculated by Eq. (7) and Eq. (8). Finally, the compression resistance pc
The soil strain (εi ) is assumed to vary with depth and related to the
can be obtained by Eq. (5).
wedge width in the middle of layer LEFi as
yi− 1 + yi
εi = (7)
F. Zeng et al. Ocean Engineering 273 (2023) 113998
where S2 is also a coefficient for the pile with different shapes which
equals 0.5 and 1.0 for circular pile and square pile respectively. τ is the
pile side shear stress calculated by the hyperbolic load transfer model as
Eq. (15) (Wong and Teh, 1995; Chen et al., 2007).
τ= 1
+ τΔult
where Δ is the relative displacement between pile side and soil, kini and
τult are initial shear stiffness and interfacial ultimate shear stress
respectively. τult can be expressed as
τult = K0 σ 3 tan φs (16)
Fig. 3. Relationship between shear stress and relative displacement between
where K0 is the lateral soil stress coefficient and φs is the mobilized pile and soil.
friction angle obtained from Table 2.
The initial shear stiffness kini is related to τult expressed as generated by applying static lateral loads to the pile, which is just the
static pc − y curve. In this study, the backbone curve is derived based on
kini = τult / (Δu / χ ) (17)
the nonlinear SWM at each depth. The points on the pc − y curve can be
where Δu is the ultimate relative displacement between pile and soil determined by calculating the pile displacement and the corresponding
taken as 2 mm in this study, χ is a parameter taken as 4 so that the shear compression resistance under different pile head loads.
stress approaches τult when the relative displacement reaches Δu (Chen
et al., 2007) (Fig. 3). 3.1.2. Unload and reload curve
Based on the extended Masing rule, the unload and reload curves are
similar to the backbone curves, which are scaled with a scaling factor of
3. Cyclic p–y curve modeling
2. Pyke improves the extended Masing rule by combining the scaling
factor with the force at beginning of reloading or unloading (Pyke,
In SWM, the soil resistance p is not completely caused by the
compression of soil, but also partly due to the friction between soil and
pile side. When the pile is subjected to static load, compression resis pur
c=1 ± (18)
tance and friction resistance can be considered together, but when the pult
pile is subjected to cyclic load, the changes in compression resistance
and friction resistance are different. The direction of compression where c is the scaling parameter, pur is the force at the unloading point
resistance always remains the same, while the friction resistance always (pu ) or reloading point (pr ), and pult is the ultimate of soil resistance.
reverses periodically. To consider the characteristic of friction resistance Assuming that the expression of pc − y curve is pc = f(y), unload and
and generate the cyclic p-y curve, the cyclic pc − y curve and the cyclic reload curves can be expressed as
pτ − y curve are analyzed separately. Additionally, there are several ±(pur − pc )
±(yur − y)
assumptions in this study for simplicity of calculation: =f (19)
c c
(1) Friction resistance does not change with the increase of cyclic where yur denotes the pile deflection of the unloading point (yu ) or
loading times, and its direction and magnitude are only related to reloading point (yr ). The plus and minus signs in the equations above
the relative displacement between pile and soil. This means that indicate that the current state is unload and reload respectively.
the shape and position of the pτ − y curve remain the same for It should be noted that the separation of pile and soil occurs during
each load or unload. unload and there is a residual displacement of soil. In the next reload,
(2) The effect of friction resistance on the residual displacement of the pile contacts the soil again at the same point. Therefore, for the pile
soil during unload is not considered. Therefore, the residual under unidirectional cyclic load, the starting point of the reload curve is
displacement is completely controlled by the pc − y curve.
(3) The pc − y curve still follows the extended Masing rule during
unload and reload.
Table 2
Interface friction angle (Kulhawy, 1984).
Material of pile Smooth Rough
F. Zeng et al. Ocean Engineering 273 (2023) 113998
the intersection point of the previous unload curve and the horizontal prevents the relative displacement. Therefore, no matter in the process
axis without considering the collapse of the soil (Fig. 4). of load or unload, the direction of friction resistance is always opposite
to the direction of pile movement. As a result, when the pile is trans
3.1.3. Cyclic degradation of soil formed between loading and unloading states, the direction of friction
Many cyclic loading experiments show that the stiffness and strength resistance will be reversed due to the change of relative displacement
of soil will degrade or harden under cyclic load. The degradation index direction between pile and soil. Thus, the friction resistance cannot be
model was first proposed to represent the cyclic degradation of un considered as part of soil resistance together with the compression
drained clay (Idriss et al., 1978) and the hardening of dry sand (Drumm resistance in the process of unload (Fig. 5).
and Desai, 1986), which defines the amount of degradation as
3.2.1. Unload and reload curve
δN = = N− t
(20) The pτ − y curve remains the same for each load and reload, which
can be expressed as Eq. (27) according to Section 2.2.
where δN is the amount of degradation, GsN and Gs1 are the secant shear y
pτ = 2S2 D (27)
modulus at cycles N and 1, t is the fitting parameter. 1
+ τult
Then the concept of degradation is also extended to the pile-soil load-
transfer curve (p − y curve) to represent the cyclic degradation or When the pile starts to unload, the unloading stiffness of pτ − y curve
hardening of the pile-soil system (Grashuis et al., 1990; Rajashree and is basically equal to its initial stiffness, and the friction resistance de
Sundaravadivelu, 1996). creases linearly to zero, where the pile displacement is defined as yτr .
( )( ) When the pile continues to rebound and move in the opposite direction,
δN = 1 − 1 − δf 1 − e− Nθgs (21) the friction resistance also increases in the opposite direction as the
hyperbolic pattern. And the starting point and direction of the curve are
δN = 1 − φ(y / d)log (N) (22) changed (Eq. (28)).
yτ r − y
where δf is the ultimate of degradation or hardening which can be δft or pτ = − 2S2 D (y ≤ yτr ) (28)
δfk standing for strength or stiffness, respectively, θgs is the degradation
+ yττrult− y
parameter, and φ(y /d) is a function of pile deflection.
When the pile starts to reload, the unloading of the friction resistance is
When the pile-soil system is subjected to cyclic load, generally, it is
ignored. The cyclic pτ − y curve can be obtained by combining the above
not accurate to determine the degradation degree only by the loading
curves as shown in Fig. 6.
times N. The stress level at a certain depth of pile-soil system may
change with each cyclic load, which cannot be considered well in the
models above. Therefore, the fatigue damage function Dk is used to 3.3. One-way cyclic p-y curve
define the amount of degradation (Allotey, 2006).
( ( )θ )1θ Based on the theories above, the cyclic p − y curve can be obtained
∑ by superimposing the pc − y curve and the pτ − y curve (Fig. 7).
( ) ni
Dk = Dk N, Nf (S) = 1 − 1− (23)
Nf (Si ) When reloading and unloading in the gap zone, soil resistance p is
entirely provided by friction resistance. The residual displacement yr is
where θ is the model parameter which can be θt or θk when calculating the boundary of the gap zone, which can be obtained by solving Eq. (26)
the damage of strength or stiffness, Nf (Si ) is the number of cycles to when pc = 0 during unload.
failure at the force ratio of Si (the ratio of the current force and soil ( )
c1 δt − 1 puc
strength), and ni is the number of cycles at the force ratio of Si . Nf (Si ) can yr = yu − f (29)
δk c1 δt
be obtained from the S–N curve with two parameters S1 and ksn , which
represent the stress ratio at N = 1 and negative slope of S–N curve. The where c1 = 1 + ppult
, puc is the compression resistance at the beginning of
S–N curve obtained from cyclic triaxial tests may be a log-log model or a
unload. Then the reloading curve can be expressed as
semilogarithmic model.
At each half-cycle loop, the incremental damage under the current ⎪
⎪ 2S2 D y < yr
stress level Si is calculated as ⎨ 1/kini + y/τult
p= ( ) (30)
1 ⎪
⎪ δk (y − yr ) y
ΔDk = (24) ⎪
⎩ δt f
+ 2S2 D
1/kini + y/τult
y ≥ yr
2Nf (Si )
and the fatigue damage Dk can be obtained by accumulating ΔDk and Eq. 4. Calculation procedure
(23). After the fatigue damage Dk is determined, the amount of degra
dation can be defined as To solve Eq. (1), the subgrade reaction modulus can be obtained by
( ) ki = pi /yi according to the soil resistance calculated by SWM. However,
δ = 1 − 1 − δf Dk (25)
ki may become extremely large at the bottom of the strain wedge due to
where δ can stand for both δt and δk , indicating the degradation of the small displacement of the soil layer. Thus, the maximum horizontal
strength and stiffness. Then, the unload and reload curves represented in subgrade reaction modulus proposed by Reese et al. (1974) (Eq. (31)) is
Eq. (19) can be rewritten as used to replace the ki of this part as well as the lower soil layers where
( ) the strain wedge is assumed to be undeveloped.
±(pur − pc ) ±(yur − y) δk
=f (26) kh = nh z (31)
cδt c δt
where nh is the coefficient of soil reaction modulus obtained from Fig. 8.
3.2. Cyclic pτ − y curve Since the subgrade reaction modulus is determined, Eq. (1) can be
converted into linear equations by the finite difference method for
Different from the compression resistance, the friction resistance is solving with appropriate boundary conditions. the global solving matrix
related to the relative displacement between pile and soil, which always for the pile is
F. Zeng et al. Ocean Engineering 273 (2023) 113998
KY = F (32)
where K is the global stiffness matrix, Y and F are the lateral deflection
and the load vectors of pile.
The cumulative damage Dk and degradation δ at each depth are
calculated according to the resistance provided by the soil spring. To
calculate the bearing characteristics of pile at the next reload, the p− y
curve of each layer of soil spring is updated to obtain the new subgrade
reaction modulus ki . Then, the global stiffness matrix is updated to
calculate the new pile deflection. It should be noted that the accumu
lation of damage depends on the resistance level, so the p− y curve of the
soil spring without load will not change, which is also consistent with
the actual situation. The detailed calculation process is presented as a
flow chart in Fig. 9.
F. Zeng et al. Ocean Engineering 273 (2023) 113998
5. Approach verification and discussions One set of static loading test (S1-1) and three sets of cyclic loading tests
(S2-2, S2-3, S2-4) are analyzed in this paper (Table 3). Parameters of pile
5.1. Approach verification and soil in tests can be found in Table 4.
According to the test parameters, the coefficient of soil reaction
A series of centrifuge model tests of single pile in saturated sand modulus nh is 22 MN/m3 , and the cyclic degradation/hardening pa
subjected to static and cyclic loads were carried out by Zhu et al. (2016). rameters for this study are S1 = 1.0, ksn = 0.3, θt = θk = 1.1 (De Alba
et al., 1976; Popescu and Prevost, 1993). δfk = 1.6 and δft = 1.0
Table 3
Test scheme.
Table 4
Test Loading Prototype pile Loading Number of Parameters of pile and soil in tests.
number amplitude (N) load (MN) frequency (Hz) cycles
Parameters of sand in tests parameters of the corresponding prototype pile
S1-1 Static load
S2-2 290 2.02 0.5 2121 γ (kN/m3 )
φ (◦ ) Dr (%) L (m) Load height (m) D (m) EI (kN • m2 )
S2-3 212 1.46 0.5 1894 9.17 35 60 50 6.75 2.5 56.66 × 106
S2-4 106 0.73 0.5 3057
F. Zeng et al. Ocean Engineering 273 (2023) 113998
according to a verified case for sand (Heidari et al., 2014), which are displacement. Compared with increasing loading amplitude, cyclic load
assumed to simulate the stiffness hardening due to the densification of seems to contribute more to this phenomenon, especially when the
sand. loading amplitude is larger. The same phenomenon can also be found in
Fig. 10 presents the lateral deflection and bending moment along the the distribution of bending moment, which the maximum bending
pile subjected to static load, which shows that the results calculated by moment depth deepens with cyclic load (Fig. 12b).
nonlinear SWM are in good agreement with the test results. Further The deepening of the zero point of pile displacement and the
more, the reliability of p − y backbone curve generated by nonlinear maximum bending moment position means that deeper soil is mobilized
SWM is proved, which lays a foundation for the reliability of cyclic p-y to resist the movement of pile. Fig. 13 shows the development of damage
curve. It is worth noting that the difference between the calculated and (Dk ) when the loading amplitude is 730 kN, which represents the
measured values of bending moment increases for larger loads. The densification of sand in this study.
development model of strain wedge leads to this deviation. With the It can be seen from the figure that after a certain number of cycles,
increase of load, the growth of Δσh , φm and LBC slows down, which leads the soil damage in the deeper layer begins to accumulate. Before this
to the calculation deviation of soil resistance and affects the calculation number of cycles, the soil at this depth is not disturbed.
of bending moment (Yang et al., 2016). In order to compare the p − y curve in every cycle, two definitions of
Fig. 11a shows the characteristic of displacement accumulation of stiffness are introduced. For a soil resistance not exceeding the ultimate
piles under cyclic loads. The maximum percentage of deviation between soil resistance, there is a point on the p − y curve corresponding to it,
the measured value and the estimated value is 20% and the minimum is and the slope of the line between the point and the origin of coordinates
5% throughout the cyclic loading process when H0 is 2020 kN. When H0 is defined as the secant stiffness Esi (Eq. (33)). While the tangent stiffness
is 1460 kN, the maximum deviation is 23% and the minimum deviation Eti is defined as the slope of the tangent line to a point on the p − y curve
is 10%. The deviation is between 13% and 35% when H0 is 730 kN. (Eq. (34)).
When the number of cycles is small, the increment of displacement is
Esi = tan (αsi ) (33)
large, and after a number of cycles, the displacement increases gently.
The trend of cumulative displacement calculated by the method pro
Eti = tan (αti ) (34)
posed is generally consistent with the test, which proves the rationality
of considering the compression resistance and friction resistance sepa where αsi and αti are the angles between the lines and the coordinate axis
rately during unload. The bending moments before and after cyclic load (Fig. 14). It should be noted that the values of Esi and Eti are not constant
are in good agreement, especially the calculated value of the maximum values in a cycle, which are related to the choice of the magnitude of the
bending moment is relatively accurate as shown in Fig. 11b. Compared soil resistance. Therefore, when studying the variation of Esi or Eti in
with ignoring the characteristic of friction, the position and magnitude different cycles, it must be compared under the same soil resistance. And
of the maximum bending moment can be predicted more accurately by as shown in Fig. 14, this soil resistance may not necessarily be the actual
considering the characteristic of friction. soil resistance, since the actual soil resistance exerted by soil may be
different in different cycles.
According to the improved extended Masing rule, the shape of the
5.2. Discussions
unload curve is changed by Pu /Pult , which will cause a residual
displacement during unload. Fig. 15a is the cyclic p − y curve calculated
The variation of the bearing characteristics of pile during cyclic load
at the depth Z = 1.0D. The cyclic load will lead to the decrease in the
is often noteworthy. The influence of loading amplitude and cycle
secant stiffness because of the accumulation of residual displacement,
number on pile deflection, bending moment and p − y curve, as well as
but the tangent stiffness will increase due to the densification of sand.
the changes in soil damage and resistance during cyclic load are
Due to the decrease of secant stiffness, the resistance provided by the
analyzed in this section.
soil under the same displacement will be reduced, which results in a
As shown in Fig. 12a, cyclic load cannot only lead to the increase in
weakening phenomenon of the soil resistance under cyclic load. The
pile displacement, but also deepen the position of the zero point of pile
Fig. 10. The lateral response of the pile subjected to static load (S1-1), (a) the lateral deflection along the pile, (b) the bending moment along the pile.
F. Zeng et al. Ocean Engineering 273 (2023) 113998
Fig. 11. The lateral response of pile subjected to cyclic load, (a) the lateral displacement of loaded position, (b) the bending moment along the pile (S2-4).
Fig. 12. The lateral response of the pile subjected to different loading amplitude, (a) the lateral deflection along the pile, (b) the bending moment along the pile.
F. Zeng et al. Ocean Engineering 273 (2023) 113998
about 20% at each depth and even reaches 30% with the increase of
cyclic number. Therefore, if the friction resistance is analyzed in the
same way as the compression resistance, the friction resistance will also
be weakened, and the soil resistance may be underestimated during
cyclic load.
Since Pu /Pult controls the shape of the unloading curve, whether the
compression resistance and friction resistance are considered separately
during unload determines the magnitude of residual displacement.
Fig. 18a shows the comparison of the two methods when calculating
residual displacement. It can be seen that if the characteristic of friction
is ignored, the residual displacement will be overestimated, especially
when the number of cycles is large. The accumulation of soil damage is
also overestimated if the characteristic of friction is ignored as shown in
Fig. 18b (represents the densification of sand). This will cause the soil
state to be incorrectly estimated, and eventually lead to a deviation in
Fig. 15. The cyclic p − y curve, (a) depth Z = 1.0D, (b) depth Z = 3.0D. the evaluation of pile cyclic characteristics.
F. Zeng et al. Ocean Engineering 273 (2023) 113998
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