Anova (Assignment) - Khabab
Anova (Assignment) - Khabab
Anova (Assignment) - Khabab
Subject: EDUC 201
Instructor: Prof. Sonny M. Magno
1. The following data represent the number of packages of 5 popular brands of cigarettes sold by a
supermarket on 8 randomly selected days:
Valid Missing Total
N Percent N Percent N Percent
Data 40 100.0% 0 .0% 40 100.0%
Descrip tives
Tests of Normality
Kolmogorov-Smirnov Shapiro-Wilk
Statistic df Sig. Statistic df Sig.
Data .061 40 .200* .991 40 .987
*. This is a lower bound of the true significance.
a. Lilliefors Significance Correction
Dev from Normal
Expected Normal
20 40 60
20 40 60 Observed Value
Observed Value
95% Confidence Interval for
Std. Mean
N Mean Deviation Std. Error Lower Bound Upper Bound Minimum Maximum
BrandA 8 30.0000 10.33717 3.65474 21.3579 38.6421 14.00 47.00
BrandB 8 26.0000 9.42641 3.33274 18.1193 33.8807 12.00 41.00
BrandC 8 42.0000 9.35032 3.30584 34.1829 49.8171 31.00 60.00
BrandD 8 37.0000 9.28901 3.28416 29.2342 44.7658 23.00 53.00
BrandE 8 33.0000 7.55929 2.67261 26.6803 39.3197 22.00 45.00
Total 40 33.6000 10.39181 1.64309 30.2765 36.9235 12.00 60.00
Sum of
Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
Between Groups 1225.600 4 306.400 3.591 .015
Within Groups 2986.000 35 85.314
Total 4211.600 39
Di fference 95% Confidence Interval
(I) Tablet (J) Tablet (I-J) Std. Error Sig. Lower Bound Upper Bound
Tukey HSD BrandA BrandB 4.00000 4.61829 .907 -9.2779 17.2779
BrandC -12.00000 4.61829 .093 -25.2779 1.2779
BrandD -7.00000 4.61829 .560 -20.2779 6.2779
BrandE -3.00000 4.61829 .966 -16.2779 10.2779
BrandB BrandA -4.00000 4.61829 .907 -17.2779 9.2779
BrandC -16.00000* 4.61829 .012 -29.2779 -2.7221
BrandD -11.00000 4.61829 .144 -24.2779 2.2779
BrandE -7.00000 4.61829 .560 -20.2779 6.2779
BrandC BrandA 12.00000 4.61829 .093 -1.2779 25.2779
BrandB 16.00000* 4.61829 .012 2.7221 29.2779
BrandD 5.00000 4.61829 .814 -8.2779 18.2779
BrandE 9.00000 4.61829 .312 -4.2779 22.2779
BrandD BrandA 7.00000 4.61829 .560 -6.2779 20.2779
BrandB 11.00000 4.61829 .144 -2.2779 24.2779
BrandC -5.00000 4.61829 .814 -18.2779 8.2779
BrandE 4.00000 4.61829 .907 -9.2779 17.2779
BrandE BrandA 3.00000 4.61829 .966 -10.2779 16.2779
BrandB 7.00000 4.61829 .560 -6.2779 20.2779
BrandC -9.00000 4.61829 .312 -22.2779 4.2779
BrandD -4.00000 4.61829 .907 -17.2779 9.2779
Tamhane BrandA BrandB 4.00000 4.94614 .997 -12.4172 20.4172
BrandC -12.00000 4.92805 .255 -28.3617 4.3617
BrandD -7.00000 4.91354 .856 -23.3175 9.3175
BrandE -3.00000 4.52769 .999 -18.2568 12.2568
BrandB BrandA -4.00000 4.94614 .997 -20.4172 12.4172
BrandC -16.00000* 4.69422 .042 -31.5575 -.4425
BrandD -11.00000 4.67898 .292 -26.5074 4.5074
BrandE -7.00000 4.27200 .736 -21.2790 7.2790
BrandC BrandA 12.00000 4.92805 .255 -4.3617 28.3617
BrandB 16.00000* 4.69422 .042 .4425 31.5575
BrandD 5.00000 4.65986 .972 -10.4436 20.4436
BrandE 9.00000 4.25105 .423 -5.2005 23.2005
BrandD BrandA 7.00000 4.91354 .856 -9.3175 23.3175
BrandB 11.00000 4.67898 .292 -4.5074 26.5074
BrandC -5.00000 4.65986 .972 -20.4436 10.4436
BrandE 4.00000 4.23421 .989 -10.1376 18.1376
BrandE BrandA 3.00000 4.52769 .999 -12.2568 18.2568
BrandB 7.00000 4.27200 .736 -7.2790 21.2790
BrandC -9.00000 4.25105 .423 -23.2005 5.2005
BrandD -4.00000 4.23421 .989 -18.1376 10.1376
*. The mean difference i s significant at the .05 level.
Homogeneous Subsets
Decision: Reject the null hypothesis because the mean of brands sell is not the same number
of cigarettes at this supermarket as determined by test of homogeneity of variances with α=
2. Three sections of the same elementary mathematics course are taught by 3 teachers. The final
grades were recorded as follows:
Is there a significant difference in the average grades given by the 3 teachers? Use a 0.05 level of
Tests of Normality
Kolmogorov-Smirnova Shapiro-Wilk
Statistic df Sig. Statistic df Sig.
Data .135 40 .062 .944 40 .047
a. Lilliefors Significance Correction
0 20 40 60 80 100
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Observed Value
Observed Value
95% Confidence Interval for
Std. Mean
N Mean Deviation Std. Error Lower Bound Upper Bound Minimum Maximum
TeacherA 12 68.0833 18.54458 5.35336 56.3007 79.8660 36.00 93.00
TeacherB 15 71.4000 18.10998 4.67598 61.3710 81.4290 31.00 96.00
TeacherC 13 64.4615 20.36179 5.64734 52.1570 76.7660 15.00 91.00
Total 40 68.1500 18.73233 2.96184 62.1591 74.1409 15.00 96.00
Sum of
Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
Between Groups 335.353 2 167.676 .465 .632
Within Groups 13349.75 37 360.804
Total 13685.10 39
Multiple Comparisons
Dependent Variable: Data
Difference 95% Confidence Interval
(I) Teacher (J) Teacher (I-J) Std. Error Sig. Lower Bound Upper Bound
Tukey HSD TeacherA TeacherB -3.31667 7.35667 .894 -21.2779 14.6445
TeacherC 3.62179 7.60402 .883 -14.9433 22.1869
TeacherB TeacherA 3.31667 7.35667 .894 -14.6445 21.2779
TeacherC 6.93846 7.19776 .604 -10.6348 24.5117
TeacherC TeacherA -3.62179 7.60402 .883 -22.1869 14.9433
TeacherB -6.93846 7.19776 .604 -24.5117 10.6348
Tamhane TeacherA TeacherB -3.31667 7.10797 .955 -21.5876 14.9543
TeacherC 3.62179 7.78145 .956 -16.4109 23.6545
TeacherB TeacherA 3.31667 7.10797 .955 -14.9543 21.5876
TeacherC 6.93846 7.33193 .730 -11.8585 25.7354
TeacherC TeacherA -3.62179 7.78145 .956 -23.6545 16.4109
TeacherB -6.93846 7.33193 .730 -25.7354 11.8585
Homogeneous Subsets
for alpha
= .05
Teacher N 1
Tukey HSDa,b TeacherC 13 64.4615
TeacherA 12 68.0833
TeacherB 15 71.4000
Sig. .619
Means for groups in homogeneous subsets are displayed.
a. Uses Harmonic Mean Sample Size = 13.220.
b. The group sizes are unequal. The harmonic mean
of the group sizes is used. Type I error levels are
not guaranteed.
Decision: Reject the null hypothesis and conclude that there is no significant difference
in the average grades given by the 3 teachers by Kolmogorov α=.062 and shapiro wilk
α=0.47 because the sig. value of the Shapiro wilk test is greater than 0.05 which conclude
the data is normal.
3. A participant of the DOST-DepEd-RSTC Training wishes to see if the average time (in
minutes) it takes to commute from their lodging houses to ISED is different for three groups.
The data are shown below. At 0.05 level of significance, can it be concluded that there is a
significant difference among the means? Use Post Hoc Tests to determine the means that are
significantly different when the null hypothesis is rejected.
95% Confidence Interval for
N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Lower Bound Upper Bound Minimum Maximum
Student 5 27.4000 14.43260 6.45446 9.4796 45.3204 12.00 47.00
Faculty 7 29.1429 17.44925 6.59520 13.0050 45.2807 10.00 57.00
Staff 7 30.4286 16.75169 6.33154 14.9358 45.9213 12.00 55.00
Total 19 29.1579 15.58227 3.57482 21.6475 36.6683 10.00 57.00
Statistic df1 df2 Sig.
.280 2 16 .759
Sum of
Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
Between Groups 26.755 2 13.377 .049 .952
Within Groups 4343.771 16 271.486
Total 4370.526 18
Multiple Comparisons
Difference 95% Confidence Interval
(I) DOST_Deped_RSTC (J) DOST_Deped_RSTC (I-J) Std. Error Sig. Lower Bound Upper Bound
Tukey HSD Student Faculty -1.74286 9.64784 .982 -26.6375 23.1518
Staff -3.02857 9.64784 .947 -27.9232 21.8660
Faculty Student 1.74286 9.64784 .982 -23.1518 26.6375
Staff -1.28571 8.80723 .988 -24.0113 21.4399
Staff Student 3.02857 9.64784 .947 -21.8660 27.9232
Faculty 1.28571 8.80723 .988 -21.4399 24.0113
Tamhane Student Faculty -1.74286 9.22803 .997 -28.3070 24.8213
Staff -3.02857 9.04148 .983 -29.1415 23.0844
Faculty Student 1.74286 9.22803 .997 -24.8213 28.3070
Staff -1.28571 9.14249 .999 -26.6198 24.0484
Staff Student 3.02857 9.04148 .983 -23.0844 29.1415
Faculty 1.28571 9.14249 .999 -24.0484 26.6198
Decision: Reject the null hypothesis because there is no significant difference among the
means of the three groups because means is not equal.
SPSS Computer Exercises
1. Four laboratories are being used to perform chemical analyses. Samples of the same
material are sent to the laboratories for analysis as part of the study to determine whether
or not they give, on the average, the same results. The analytical results for the four
laboratories are as follows:
(a) Perform the analysis of variance and give conclusions concerning the laboratories.
Tests of Normality
Kolmogorov-Smirnov Shapiro-Wilk
Statistic df Sig. Statistic df Sig.
data .126 20 .200* .978 20 .905
*. This is a lower bound of the true significance.
a. Lilliefors Significance Correction
Sum of
Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
Between Groups 85.926 3 28.642 13.330 .000
Within Groups 34.380 16 2.149
Total 120.306 19
(b) Use Post Hoc Test, with α=0.01level of significance, to determine which laboratories differ, on the average, in
their analyses.
Post hoc
Multiple Comparisons
Difference 99% Confidence Interval
(I) Laboratory (J) Laboratory (I-J) Std. Error Sig. Lower Bound Upper Bound
Tukey HSD Lab A Lab B -2.30000 .92709 .101 -5.7036 1.1036
Lab C 3.14000 .92709 .018 -.2636 6.5436
Lab D -1.46000 .92709 .420 -4.8636 1.9436
Lab B Lab A 2.30000 .92709 .101 -1.1036 5.7036
Lab C 5.44000* .92709 .000 2.0364 8.8436
Lab D .84000 .92709 .802 -2.5636 4.2436
Lab C Lab A -3.14000 .92709 .018 -6.5436 .2636
Lab B -5.44000* .92709 .000 -8.8436 -2.0364
Lab D -4.60000* .92709 .001 -8.0036 -1.1964
Lab D Lab A 1.46000 .92709 .420 -1.9436 4.8636
Lab B -.84000 .92709 .802 -4.2436 2.5636
Lab C 4.60000* .92709 .001 1.1964 8.0036
Tamhane Lab A Lab B -2.30000 1.15334 .421 -8.0505 3.4505
Lab C 3.14000 .81670 .031 -.7068 6.9868
Lab D -1.46000 .71764 .419 -5.2564 2.3364
Lab B Lab A 2.30000 1.15334 .421 -3.4505 8.0505
Lab C 5.44000 1.09727 .014 -.3962 11.2762
Lab D .84000 1.02567 .972 -5.4516 7.1316
Lab C Lab A -3.14000 .81670 .031 -6.9868 .7068
Lab B -5.44000 1.09727 .014 -11.2762 .3962
Lab D -4.60000* .62354 .001 -7.6947 -1.5053
Lab D Lab A 1.46000 .71764 .419 -2.3364 5.2564
Lab B -.84000 1.02567 .972 -7.1316 5.4516
Lab C 4.60000* .62354 .001 1.5053 7.6947
*. The mean difference is significant at the .01 level.
Decision: There was a significant difference among the means of the four laboratories in
ANOVA (f (3,16)=13.333, P=.001. However, a Tukey post hoc test revealed that the result
of the laboratories was statistically significantly lower after performing in laboratory B
and laboratory C compared to Laboratory C and Laboratory D. There was no significant
difference between Laboratory B and laboratory D.
2. In a biological experiment 4 concentrations of a certain chemical are used to enhance the
growth of a certain type of plant over a specified period of time. The following growth
data, in centimetres, were recorded for the plants that survived.
Is there a significant difference in the average growth of these plants for the different concentrations of the
chemical? Use a 0.01 level of significance.
Valid Missing Total
CONCENTRATION N Percent N Percent N Percent
DATA Concentration 1 4 100.0% 0 .0% 4 100.0%
concentration 2 5 100.0% 0 .0% 5 100.0%
concentration 3 6 100.0% 0 .0% 6 100.0%
concentration 4 5 100.0% 0 .0% 5 100.0%
Descrip tives
Expected Normal
Observed Value
Expected Normal
Observed Value
Dev from Normal
Observed Value
95% Confidence Interval for
N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Lower Bound Upper Bound Minimum Maximum
Concentration 1 4 8.8750 .53774 .26887 8.0193 9.7307 8.20 9.40
concentration 2 5 8.1600 .35071 .15684 7.7245 8.5955 7.70 8.60
concentration 3 6 6.7000 .62610 .25560 6.0429 7.3571 5.80 7.40
concentration 4 5 6.8800 .37683 .16852 6.4121 7.3479 6.30 7.30
Total 20 7.5450 1.00916 .22565 7.0727 8.0173 5.80 9.40
Statistic df1 df2 Sig.
1.226 3 16 .333
Sum of
Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
Between Groups 15.462 3 5.154 21.213 .000
Within Groups 3.888 16 .243
Total 19.350 19
Multiple Comparisons
Decision: There was a significant difference among the means of the four laboratories in
ANOVA (f (3,16)=21.213, P=.001
3. A college official wishes to see if the average time (in minutes) it takes people to commute
to the college is different from three groups. The data are shown here. At 0.05, can it be
concluded that there is a significant difference among the means? Use TUKEY TEST to
determine that means which are significantly different when the null hypothesis is rejected.
Valid Missing Total
Officials N Percent N Percent N Percent
Data Students 5 100.0% 0 .0% 5 100.0%
Faculty 7 100.0% 0 .0% 7 100.0%
Staff 7 100.0% 0 .0% 7 100.0%
Tests of Normality
Kolmogorov-Smirnov Shapiro-Wilk
Officials Statistic df Sig. Statistic df Sig.
Data Students .205 5 .200* .947 5 .716
Faculty .165 7 .200* .936 7 .607
Staff .181 7 .200* .920 7 .468
*. This is a lower bound of the true significance.
a. Lilliefors Significance Correction
Sum of
Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
Between Groups 26.755 2 13.377 .049 .952
Within Groups 4343.771 16 271.486
Total 4370.526 18
Multiple Comparisons
Difference 95% Confidence Interval
(I) Officials (J) Officials (I-J) Std. Error Sig. Lower Bound Upper Bound
Students Faculty -1.74286 9.64784 .982 -26.6375 23.1518
Staff -3.02857 9.64784 .947 -27.9232 21.8660
Faculty Students 1.74286 9.64784 .982 -23.1518 26.6375
Staff -1.28571 8.80723 .988 -24.0113 21.4399
Staff Students 3.02857 9.64784 .947 -21.8660 27.9232
Faculty 1.28571 8.80723 .988 -21.4399 24.0113
Tukey HSD
for alpha
= .05
Officials N 1
Students 5 27.4000
Faculty 7 29.1429
Staff 7 30.4286
Sig. .944
Means for groups in homogeneous subsets are displayed.
a. Uses Harmonic Mean Sample Size = 6.176.
b. The group sizes are unequal. The harmonic mean
of the group sizes is used. Type I error levels are
not guaranteed.
Decision: Tukey post hoc test revealed that the result of the laboratories was statistically
significantly higher between Faculty and Staff compared to Students and staff.