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a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Experimental investigation of overall performance, efficiency and reliability of five types of solar collec-
Available online 24 April 2012 tors is carried out. The systems involved in this study are blue and black coating-selective copper, copper,
and aluminum collectors in addition to evacuated tubes collectors. The experiments were carried out
Keywords: during April under same conditions for all collectors. The sky was almost clear with an ambient temper-
Solar energy ature in the range 18–26 °C. Readings are collected daily from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm. The solar radiation
Thermosyphon solar water heater intensity ranged from 154.0 to 1004.33 W/m2.
Considering size of application, cost of appliance, quality and maintenance follow-up, results show that
Payback period
evacuated tube, blue and black coating-selective copper collectors are recommended for medium and
large scale applications due to their long life, high efficiency ease of maintenance. Aluminum collectors
are recommended for small applications like houses.
Ó 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
0196-8904/$ - see front matter Ó 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
716 A. Sakhrieh, A. Al-Ghandoor / Energy Conversion and Management 65 (2013) 715–720
Jordan showed that using solar water heaters to heat space and
for domestic water is cost-effective. Payback can be as low as
3 years, and utility bills are much lower than they would be using
a conventional heating system [13]. Locally manufactured solar
water heating systems were tested under the Jordanian climate
conditions [14]. In a recent paper [15], Mohsen and Akash con-
ducted an experiment on the performance of compact SWH under
local climatic conditions. The tested collector in this experiment
was of a box type with single glazing. It was found that a temper-
ature rise of 30 °C can be achieved by the system for a particular
sunny day during the month of November. Researchers focused
also on the demand on water heating systems and their energy
saving potential in Jordan [16]. Furthermore fuzzy sets program-
ming to perform evaluation of solar systems in Jordan was pre-
Fig. 1. Distribution of the residential energy use in Jordan. sented in [17].
This study is conducted to highlight the overall performance of
70°, a collector with tubes, and a base collector were tested. After different solar water heating system available in the local market.
that a comparison is made among them on the basis of first and After that the potential of using solar collectors in heating the
second law efficiencies [6]. Hashemite University swimming pool will be investigated. Fur-
Most common types of solar collectors are presented in Ref. [7]. thermore, the payback period for replacing the existing system
Authors presented optical, thermal and thermodynamic analysis with a solar one is calculated.
of collectors as well as methods to evaluate their performance.
Additionally, typical applications are described in order to show 2. Experimental
the extent of their applicability. These include water heating, space
heating and cooling, refrigeration, industrial process heat, desali- Solar thermal collectors are a special kind of heat exchangers. It
nation, thermal power systems, solar furnaces and chemistry transforms solar radiation to internal energy of the transport med-
applications. ium. These devices absorb the incoming solar radiation and con-
Different working conditions of solar collectors were studied vert it into heat energy and also transfer this heat to a working
experimentally and theoretically such as; the performance of a so- fluid flowing through the solar collector. Flat-plate solar collectors
lar flat-plate thermal collector wholly manufactured in a copoly- are the most common for use in solar water-heating systems in
mer material in low flow conditions [8]; solar collectors that are homes and in solar space-heating. A typical flat-plate solar collec-
able to provide both hot water and hot air to increase annual ther- tor including components is shown in Fig. 2. Flat-plate solar collec-
mal conversion ration of solar energy [9]; steady-state and quasi- tors are usually permanently fixed in position and require no
dynamic test methods both for flat plate and evacuated tube col- tracking of the sun [7]. As seen in Fig. 2, a flat-plate collector con-
lectors [10] and Neural network approach to determine the effi- sists basically of an insulated metal box with a glass or plastic cov-
ciency of flat-plate solar collectors [11]. er (the glazing) and a dark-colored absorber plate. Solar radiation is
Thermosyphon solar water heaters are considered a very attrac- absorbed by the absorber plate and transferred to a fluid that cir-
tive application of solar energy and have gained popularity in Jor- culates through the collector in tubes.
dan. According to official statistics, each year nearly 15,000 system The selected solar collectors for this study were chosen based
are installed in Jordan. Solar thermal systems are used in hospitals, on their availability in local market and domestic demand.
schools, hotels, swimming pools, and in many industrial and agri- The following sections demonstrate collectors used in this work
cultural applications. taking into consideration, main components of systems, specifica-
Solar water heating for domestic purposes is at present the tions, materials used, cost, maintenance and reliability. All systems
most attractive way of utilizing solar energy in Jordan [12]. studied are of a thermosyphon type. The storage tank, located
Economical investigations of an integrated boiler-solar system in above the collector receives heated water coming from the top of
Table 1 the collector into the top of the storage tank. Colder water from the
Quantities of greenhouse gases resulting from energy uses in different sectors [2]. bottom of the storage tank will be drawn into the lower entry of
Gas 1996 2006 the solar collector to replace the heated water that was thermosi-
Methane 1.7 2.7 phoned upward.
N2O 0.3 0.3 In this experimental study 5 systems are compared; selective
CO2 13,297.9 20,766.9 black (Type I) and blue (Type II) copper, copper (Type III), and alu-
Total 13,299.9 20,769.9 minum (Type IV) collectors in addition to evacuated tubes (Type V)
collectors. The specifications of the solar collectors used in this
experimental study are presented in Tables 2 and 3. The specifica-
Table 2
tions of the cylinders attached to each system are presented in
Blue and black coating-selective copper, copper, and aluminum collectors’ specifica- Table 4.
tions. Black coating selective copper thermosyphon solar water heater
(Type I) is of high reliability because of its manufacturing quality
Black coating Blue coating Copper Aluminum
selective copper selective solar solar that assures well-sealed system and stable structure. The glass
thermosyphon copper collector collectors cover offers high scratch resistance and good thermal insulation
solar water heater collectors (Type III) (Type IV) for entrapped heat. The selective coating material assures high
(Type I) (Type II)
absorption into the collector. Usually producers give a 10-years
Dimensions 187.5 88 185.5 86 186 86 187.5 87.5 warranty. Blue coating selective copper collectors (Type II) are
available in the market with approximately 10-years warranty.
Gross area 1.65 1.6 1.6 1.65
They are provided with special coating material applied on the
Absorber Selective coating Copper Special Black welded copper pipes. In copper solar collector (Type III), welded
copper tubes with copper painted copper pipes that eliminate leakage issues and calcification of
selective collectors aluminum pipeline along with the 10-years warranty give it a good reliability
coating painted pipes
and the copper pipes grant a noticeable overall performance. A dis-
Front cover Tempered solar Regular Regular- Regular- advantage regarding the black paint used onto the absorber’s pipes
glass tempered tempered tempered is that the paint itself slightly distracts and reflects the flux. Alumi-
Price (JD) 500 425 375 300 num solar collectors (Type IV) have well welded aluminum pipes
to avoid leakage and calcification of pipeline. The relatively fragile
pipes of evacuated tube collectors (Type V) enforce higher caution
when installed and throughout usage. It also cannot withstand
Table 3 pressure exceeding 0.4 bar. Ports (outlets/inlets) coming out of
Evacuated tube collector specifications. the cylinder are fixed within the foam (insulation material separat-
ing inner and outer covers of cylinder) makes maintenance and
Number of 20
tubes replacement of these ports if damaged nearly impossible task. Cyl-
inders are insulated using a layer of a high insulating material
Gross area 1.6168 (for 20
(m2) tubes) known as Polyurethane (PU). The relationship between tempera-
Material Borosilicate ture and thermal conductivity is indicated Fig. 3.
glass 3.3 In this study all collectors were fixed facing south with a tilt an-
Absorptive Cu/AL/SS/N2 gle of 30° and 45°. Several measuring instruments were used.
Price (JD) 500
These instruments include, flow measurement devices, thermo-
couples and pyranometer to measure the global radiation.
Table 4
Hot water cylinders specifications cylinder.
Black coating selective copper thermosyphon Blue coating selective copper Copper solar Aluminum solar Evacuated tube
solar water heater (Type I) collectors (Type II) collector (Type III) collectors (Type IV) (Type V)
Capacity (L) 145 150 150 150 200
Outside cover 0.2 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7
thickness (mm)
Inside cover 0.5 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0
thickness (mm)
Insulation 90 50 50 50 50
thickness (mm)
Table 5
measured data for 5 solar collectors in April.
Fig. 6. Measured solar radiation as a function of time for different days each month.
The source of heat in a solar collector is solar energy and the in-
put power is usually the irradiation, I, received on the surface of
the collector, absorbed and then transferred to the working fluid.
By dividing the net power output by the input power, an overall
efficiency can be defined. Such efficiency is generally considered
Fig. 5. Instantaneous collector efficiencies for the five collectors used.
as instantaneous efficiency because it is a function of instanta-
neous operating conditions including local climatic parameters like
3. Results and discussion the ambient temperature, the wind speed, etc.
m0 C p ðT o T i Þ
The test facility has five different types of solar collectors, pyr- g¼ 100%
anometer, thermocouples and flow-rate measuring device. The col- IA
lectors were placed in the Hashemite University located 32.6° where m0 is mass flow rate of hot water in kg s1, I is the incident
longitude and 36.11° latitude in Al-Zarqa City to the north of Am- radiation in W h m2, Cp is the specific heat of water in J kg1 °C1,
man. The monthly solar energy received in this area for the month A is the gross area of collector in m2, To is water outlet temperature
of this study – April – is obtained from readings of the pyranometer in °C, and Ti is water inlet temperature in °C. Specific heat of water
resulting in an average monthly radiation of 6.04 kW h m2 day1. at operation temperature is taken to be 4.18 kJ kg1 °C1.
Optimal positioning and orientation was set to be south-facing, Readings were reported in April every 2 h starting from 8:00 am
while tilt angles were set to be 30° for locally manufactured and ending at 4:00 pm for 2 weeks. During the test period, the
collectors and 45° for the e-zinc collector. Tilt angles used are recom- minimum recorded ambient temperature was 18 °C and the max-
mended by the manufacture of the solar collectors. The experimen- imum recorded ambient temperature was 26 °C.
tal flow rate was fixed using flow control device at 2 L m1 Table 5 and Figs. 4–7 present results obtained for the 5 solar
(equivalent to 0.033 kg s1). collectors involved in this study.
A. Sakhrieh, A. Al-Ghandoor / Energy Conversion and Management 65 (2013) 715–720 719
Table 7
Comparison between different solar collectors used for heating the Hashemite University swimming pool.
Type Number of collectors Unit price (JD) Heat exchangers cost (JD) Total cost (JD) Payback period
Black coated 326 500 1600 164,600 2.2
Aluminum 357 300 1600 108,700 1.5
Cooper 378 375 1600 143,350 1.9
Blue coated 350 425 1600 150,350 2.0
Evacuated 287 500 1600 145,100 1.9
Fig. 4 shows the experimental results of the temperature values collectors’ maintenance is considered very important in selecting
at the outlet of the solar collector averaged over 2 weeks. Because solar collectors. Reasonable cost and efficiency of both evacuated
of the natural circulation of water between the collector and the tubes and aluminum collectors – with favor in efficiency to evacu-
tank, water temperatures at outlet kept rising during the test time ated tubes collector – make them the most suitable to be used in
as long as the amount of energy gained from the sun is higher than domestic hot water applications.
the energy lost from the system. After that the water temperatures
at the outlet starts to decrease. It is to be noted that the maximum
4. Feasibility study of heating the Hashemite University
water temperatures at the outlet reached 92 °C in the case of using
swimming pool
evacuated tube solar collector. Whereas the lowest water temper-
atures at the outlet is obtained when copper collector is used. The
The experimental study for different solar collectors available in
water temperatures at the outlet of the evacuated tube collector
the local market is used to study the feasibility of replacing the
are almost 15–20% higher than that of the copper collector.
Hashemite University swimming pool heating system with a solar
At the morning times, the water temperatures at the outlet are
one. The Hashemite University has a swimming pool with a 772 m3
relatively low due to the low flux of incident solar radiation. During
volume. The cost of heating this swimming pool is 74,460 JD. The
the day times, water temperature increases due to the increase in
required data for studying the potential of using solar water heat-
heat flux. The maximum outlet water temperature occurs at
ing system at the Hashemite University is summarized in Tables 6
2:00 pm.
and 7.
The instantaneous collector efficiencies for the five collectors
Table 7 shows that using a solar system is an excellent solution
are shown in Fig. 5. As can be seen, the highest efficiency is satis-
for heating the Hashemite University swimming pool. The payback
fied with the evacuated tube collector where the useful heat is the
period varies between 1.5 and 2.2 years according to the solar col-
highest, and the lowest efficiency is satisfied with the copper tubes
lector used. The payback period is 1.5, 1.9, 1.9, 2.0 and 2.2 for alu-
one, where the useful heat is the lowest. The maximum efficiencies
minum, copper, evacuated tube, blue and black coated collectors
occur at 2:00 pm, and their values are 80.1, 77, 71.3, 93.5 and 78.7
respectively. In spite that aluminum collectors has the lowest pay-
for blue and black coating-selective copper, copper, evacuated
back period. It is not recommended to use them for large applica-
tubes and aluminum collectors respectively. Moreover, the differ-
tions like heating a swimming pool due. Aluminum Solar collectors
ence in the collectors’ efficiencies diverged with the day length un-
are used frequently in domestic water heating due to their lowest
til 2:00 pm. Also, it can be noted that the outlet water temperature
price. Based on the analysis of the solar collectors, not only the
and the instantaneous collector efficiencies have the same trend.
payback period, it is recommended to use evacuated tube solar col-
Keeping the mass flow rate constant, thermal efficiency of the
lectors or copper collectors for the Hashemite University swim-
solar collectors is mainly affected by the solar radiation which in-
ming pool with a payback period of 1.9 years.
creases till the solar noon. After that it starts to decrease as shown
in Fig. 6 [19].
The average efficiency for the collectors is presented in Fig. 7. It 5. Conclusions
is clear that the evacuated tube solar collector has the highest effi-
ciency, followed by black and blue coated solar collectors. The alu- Various experiments were conducted in order to characterize
minum collector comes in the fourth place. The lowest efficiency is the overall performance of different types of solar collectors as
reserved for the copper collector. used in the local Jordanian market. Evacuated tube solar collector
Despite their lower efficiency, copper and aluminum solar col- has the highest efficiency, followed by black and blue coated solar
lectors are widely used owing mainly to their lower cost, which collectors. The aluminum collector comes in the fourth place. The
is a key factor in promoting the use of solar energy worldwide lowest efficiency is reserved for the copper collector. For heating
and behind it renewable energies in general. Of course, other the Hashemite University swimming pool it is recommended to
parameters play a key role in selecting the proper solar collectors, use the evacuated tube collectors with a payback period of
for example the size of application. For relatively large scale appli- 1.9 years.
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