- The return the firm´s investors could expect to earn if they invested
in securities with comparable degrees of risk.
Capital structure
- The mix of long-term debt and equity financing.
WACC= 12.3%
weight return
Coomon stock 55% 15%
Preffered stock 10% 10%
Debt 35% 8%
WACC= 11.0700%
WACC is an appropriate discount rate only for a project that is a exact cpoy
of the firm's exsisting business
Examples to solve:
A: 532,349
shares book value market value
Common stock 12,000 $20 $39
Preferred stock 5,000 $22 $26
Face value $400,000
Par 87%
Coupon 8%
Matures 12 years
YTM 9%
Market value
ACC formula
V = debt to value
V = equity to value