4TH Q Science W6 D3
4TH Q Science W6 D3
4TH Q Science W6 D3
Compare the planets of the solar system. S6ES-IVg-h-6
Compare and contrast planet Earth and Mars`
Draw an illustration of our solar system.
Appreciates planet Earth and Mars.
Planets in the Solar System
A. Concepts:
Planets have different sizes. Some are small. Some are very large. Jupiter is the biggest
planet and Mercury is the smallest. Planets are located at different distances from the Sun.
Some are closer to the Sun. Some are very far away. The closest planet to the Sun is
Mercury while the farthest is Neptune. Planets closer to the Sun have higher temperature
than those located farther. Earth is the only planet in the solar system where human beings
live. This is the only planet we can call our home. There are water, oxygen, and the right
condition that can support life, which other planets do not have.
B. Materials:
PowerPoint, video,
C. References:
Science Beyond Borders 6 -214-218
Internet (google and youtube)
D. Process Skills: Comparing, Describing, Identifying
E. Values Integration: Appreciation, Cooperation, Accuracy
B. Engage:
E. Elaborate:
My very educated mother just served us nachos.
Remember that The planets differ in many characteristics such as its average temperature
and distance from the Sun. they also differ in sizes, mass, rate of rotation and revolution,
and number of ring and moon.
Earth- is the only planet in the Solar System that has the combination of factors
needed to support life.
Mars is often referred to as the Red Planet because it is covered with reddish dust
and rocks.
F. Evaluate:
Direction: Give the correct answer on the following statements/questions. Write your answer
on your answer sheet.
_______1. What is the only planet that can sustain life?
_______2. Which is the hottest planet in our solar system?
_______3. Which is the second largest planet in the solar system?
_______4. The planet with the “great red spot”.
_______5. The planet with different rotation from those of the other planets.
G. Extend:
Do a research about the characteristics of the outer planets.