AS TWS 00 Intro

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Introduction – an overview of AUSTSWIM

and the aquatic industry

The history of AUSTSWIM During this period of change there were a number
of concerns about the provision of learn-to-swim
During the 1960s, Australia experienced programs, such as:
considerable changes, evidenced by increased • a lack of unity in relation to acceptable
affluence and leisure time. Participation in aquatic qualifications and the lack of experience of some
recreational pursuits increased significantly and swimming teachers
home swimming pools were built at an ever- • a lack of agreement regarding methods of
increasing rate. teaching swimming, survival and rescue
Associated with the increased participation in techniques to various age and ability groups
aquatic activities was an increased number of • a proliferation of certificates and awards
aquatic accidents and injuries. One significant available to participants with no quality
reaction to this was to question the content of assurance methods in place
traditional swimming and water safety programs. • a range of standards demonstrated by candidates
in obtaining certificates and awards.
The commercial sector perceived the need to
improve instructional programs, and many A national forum was conducted in Melbourne
heated swimming pools were built with the major during 1979 with the view of establishing a
objective of providing first-class, year-round national organisation to oversee the teaching of
swimming tuition for all age groups. The success swimming and water safety. Delegates at the forum
of the commercial swimming sector prompted voted unanimously in favour of this, and the
local governments to re-evaluate their provision of Australian Council for the Teaching of Swimming
leisure services; consequently, many councils built and Water Safety (AUSTSWIM) was formed,
heated pools to cater for the year-round aquatic with the major objective of developing a sound
recreational needs of the community. educational base for this teaching.
With facilities available for year-round swimming,
traditional instruction methods came under
increased scrutiny. State departments of education The demand for quality training courses and
began to offer swimming and water safety AUSTSWIM licensed teachers has resulted
programs to children from the lower years in in AUSTSWIM establishing close working
primary school rather than the higher years. relationships with many countries around the
This enhanced the likelihood of students world. AUSTSWIM strives to build strong local
becoming competent swimmers and possessing partnerships through providing advocacy,
the required survival and safety skills before advice and training. For further information on
finishing primary school. countries with which AUSTSWIM has a close
working relationship, visit our website at
2 AUSTSWIM Teaching Swimming and Water Safety

The structure of AUSTSWIM • nurture a culture of being approachable,

informal, supportive, flexible and open
AUSTSWIM is Australia’s leading organisation for • be mindful of our history and build on past
the training of teachers of swimming and water experience and the philosophies of AUSTSWIM
safety. AUSTSWIM is a not-for-profit organisation • provide equity of access to the delivery of our
that has a business centre or equivalent in each service.
state and territory of Australia. The AUSTSWIM
Council comprises an independent chairperson, a Relationship with member organisations
representative from each state and territory and a
AUSTSWIM has a close philosophical and working
representative from six major aquatic organisations
relationship with the following organisations.
– Swimming Australia Ltd, the Royal Life Saving
The national meetings of AUSTSWIM provide an
Society Australia, Surf Life Saving Australia,
excellent forum for them to share knowledge and
YMCA Australia, the Australian Leisure Facilities
to discuss issues of common interest. A spirit of
Association and Water Safety New Zealand.
cooperation exists between the organisations, with
the health and welfare of all Australians being of
ROYAL SWIMMING prime consideration.
Swimming Australia Ltd
LIFE SAVING AUSTRALIAN Swimming Australia Ltd (SAL) is the peak body
TERRITORY for competitive swimming in Australia. There are
nine stakeholders, consisting of seven state and
territory swimming associations, the Australian
AUSTRALIAN Swimmers’ Association (ASA) and the Australian
Swimming Coaches and Teachers Association
TERRITORY AUSTRALIA 100,000 registered members in over 900 swimming
The AUSTSWIM Council clubs nationally. The members include swimmers,
officials, administrators, coaches and volunteers.
AUSTSWIM’s vision SAL is responsible for the management and
For everyone to safely enjoy aquatic environments. development of the sport from the ‘grass-roots’
participation level through to the national team at
AUSTSWIM’s mission elite level.
Enabling the best possible teaching of swimming SAL is the body responsible for the accreditation
and water safety. of all swimming coaches through the National
AUSTSWIM’s values Coaches Accreditation Scheme (NCAS). SAL
recognises the AUSTSWIM teacher licence as the
At AUSTSWIM we strive to:
primary accreditation for learn-to-swim teachers
• demonstrate the highest ethical and professional and recognises the skills that such teachers bring
standards in our dealings with customers if they wish to progress to coaching. Swimming
• create an environment which promotes the value teachers are encouraged to advance their skills
of learning and education in the development of the swimming strokes and
• acknowledge our staff as a fundamental and an swimming coaching techniques through the Bronze,
important resource necessary to the sustainability Silver and Gold Licence coaching accreditation
of the organisation courses provided. As with AUSTSWIM, there
• provide and add value to our customers through is a vocational outcome available for accredited
their learning swimming coaches of club swimmers within the
SAL structure.
Introduction – an overview of AUSTSWIM and the aquatic industry 3

SAL provides the structure that supports • Bronze Rescue – aimed at developing survival
competitive swimming opportunities for all ages and rescue skills, as well as the ability to make
and all abilities with club, interclub, regional, state, judgements that may help individuals or others
territory, national and international level meets. survive an aquatic emergency.
• Junior Lifeguard Club – for those who wish
SAL works closely with ASCTA to provide
to further develop aquatic skills and lifesaving
professional development opportunities for coaches
throughout Australia.
The RLSSA has a range of educational resources to
For more information go to:
support each of the water safety programs to assist teachers in delivering quality swimming, water
safety and lifesaving lessons.
For more information go to:

The Royal Life Saving Society Australia

The Royal Life Saving Society Australia (RLSSA) is
the leading water safety, swimming and lifesaving Surf Life Saving Australia
education organisation in Australia. The RLSSA Surf Life Saving Australia (SLSA) is the largest
is a nationwide organisation that has educated volunteer water safety and rescue organisation
millions of Australians over the last 100 years. in the world. Over 300 of Australia’s beaches
are patrolled by 25,000 active surf lifesavers
The mission of the RLSSA is ‘To prevent loss of
representing 303 surf lifesaving clubs in every state
life and injury in the community with an emphasis
and in the Northern Territory.
on aquatic environments’. The RLSSA pursues this
mission through: The aims of SLSA are:
• water safety programs • to supply services that minimise danger and
• lifesaving training programs prevent loss of life or injury in beach and other
• aquatic safety audits and risk management aquatic environments
services • to educate the community in beach and aquatic
• advocacy and public awareness safety and to promote skills and knowledge in
• lifesaving sporting opportunities. beach and surf recreation
• to gain recognition in the community as the
The four main RLSSA water safety programs that
authority and provider of information on
AUSTSWIM teachers may be involved in are:
matters related to beach and aquatic safety and
• Infant Aquatics – the key components are water management.
familiarisation, water safety and early stroke
development, with a focus on learning and SLSA provides an extensive safety network to
experiencing a range of skills in a fun, safe and meet community needs. This incorporates the
non-threatening environment. use of motorised craft, rescue helicopters, radio
• Swim and Survive – for 5–14-year-olds, aimed networks, advanced resuscitation equipment,
at developing swimming technique, water safety community displays, seminars and promotions of
knowledge, water confidence, survival skills and beach and aquatic safety messages, special-event
endurance through the development of a range of water safety services and the Australian Beach
aquatic skills. Safety and Management Program. SLSA (through
4 AUSTSWIM Teaching Swimming and Water Safety

its subsidiary Australian Lifeguard Services) is also AquaSafe Infant and Preschool Program
the largest employer of professional lifeguards in Parent education is a major focus of the AquaSafe
the country. These lifeguards patrol beaches around Infant and Preschool Program. Parents join their
Australia on either a full- or a part-time basis. children in class to support the learning process,
For more information go to: enhance water safety and foster safe aquatic
practices. Infant classes include:
• water safety
• body orientation and coordination skills
• introduction to floating, propulsion, entry and

AquaSafe primary program

Progressive modules challenge students to increase
endurance, strive for improvement, think for
themselves and respect the aquatic environment.
Primary classes focus on three distinctive areas:
YMCA Australia • intellectual development:
The YMCA is a community-based charity that aims – decision making
to build strong people, families and communities. – problem solving
In partnership with government, non-profit – self-confidence
groups and associates, over 500,000 Australians – teamwork
participate in the Y’s seven core areas of: • physical development:
– water safety
• accommodation – stroke development
• aquatics – exercise
• camping and outdoor education – coordination
• children’s services • personal development:
• health and wellbeing – talking
• sport and recreation – listening
• youth services. – cooperation
AquaSafe Aquatic Education Program – respect.
YMCA Australia’s commitment to swimming YMCA and AUSTSWIM
and water safety delivers community education YMCA Australia supports AUSTSWIM and
through the AquaSafe Aquatic Education Program. is a large employer of AUSTSWIM teachers of
AquaSafe presents a unique opportunity to swimming and water safety.
develop skills and share experiences in an aquatic
environment. The program promotes confidence, For more information go to:
self-awareness and social interaction combined
with swimming and water safety knowledge and
Introduction – an overview of AUSTSWIM and the aquatic industry 5

Australian Leisure Facilities Association Water Safety New Zealand

The Australian Leisure Facilities Association Formed in 1949, Water Safety New Zealand
(ALFA) is the peak representative body for the (WSNZ) is the national organisation responsible
aquatic, recreation and leisure facilities industry for water safety education in New Zealand.
in Australia. Although established only in 2009, WSNZ is a membership-based collective of 36
ALFA has been associated with aquatics and member organisations. These organisations elect
facilities for over 75 years, and was formed out of a the Board that governs the national office. WSNZ
strong industry need for a national organisation to is the organisation responsible for ensuring that
represent its interests. all New Zealanders are educated to be safe in, on
and around the water. WSNZ provides leadership
Facilities are at the heart of aquatics, recreation and
in water safety education and the prevention of
leisure provision and are essential to the continuing
development of a healthy Australian community.
ALFA’s vision is to ‘Raise the quality, increase usage WSNZ vision
and improve the customer experience relating
Everyone in New Zealand will have the water safe
to aquatic, recreation and leisure facilities in
skills and behaviours necessary to use and enjoy the
water safely.
To achieve this vision ALFA focuses on advocacy
for key industry issues, providing leadership on WSNZ mission
industry policies and standards, ensuring relevant Through water safety education, prevent injury and
professional development opportunities, and drowning
sharing latest industry trends and knowledge
through strong networks and membership
communications. ALFA represents individual
employees; organisations that own, manage or
lease facilities; and companies that supply to the
industry; offering Individual, Organisation and
Commercial Supplier memberships.
ALFA is the national voice of the industry, and has
strong local networks. Members of ALFA are also
members of the ALFA recognised industry body in
their state or territory.
For more information go to:
6 AUSTSWIM Teaching Swimming and Water Safety

The AUSTSWIM Teacher Extension courses

Licence AUSTSWIM teachers are eligible to instruct a
variety of specific age and ability groups, according
AUSTSWIM has developed a quality training to the extension licences they hold. These groups
program for those wishing to enter the aquatic are:
industry as teachers of swimming and water safety. • infants and preschoolers
An AUSTSWIM Teacher Licence is the minimum • school-aged children
industry standard for swimming and water safety • adults
teachers. • people with a disability, chronic condition or
Participants who successfully complete course culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds.
requirements are licensed for a period of 3 years. Candidates may enrol in an extension course
After this time AUSTSWIM teachers are required to but cannot receive an extension teacher licence
renew their teacher licence with AUSTSWIM. until they have gained an AUSTSWIM Teacher of
The AUSTSWIM Teacher Licence is recognised Swimming and Water Safety Teacher Licence. The
in each state and territory of Australia, and many extension courses are:
countries overseas, and can lead to other career • AUSTSWIM Teacher of Infant and Preschool
opportunities within the industry. AUSTSWIM Aquatics
teachers may choose to gain additional • AUSTSWIM Teacher of Aquatics – Access and
AUSTSWIM extension licences or develop their Inclusion
career pathways in the industry into areas such as • AUSTSWIM Teacher of Towards Competitive
coordinating aquatic programs, lifeguarding, swim Strokes
coaching or facility management. • AUSTSWIM Teacher of Adults.

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