AS TWS 00 Intro
AS TWS 00 Intro
AS TWS 00 Intro
The history of AUSTSWIM During this period of change there were a number
of concerns about the provision of learn-to-swim
During the 1960s, Australia experienced programs, such as:
considerable changes, evidenced by increased • a lack of unity in relation to acceptable
affluence and leisure time. Participation in aquatic qualifications and the lack of experience of some
recreational pursuits increased significantly and swimming teachers
home swimming pools were built at an ever- • a lack of agreement regarding methods of
increasing rate. teaching swimming, survival and rescue
Associated with the increased participation in techniques to various age and ability groups
aquatic activities was an increased number of • a proliferation of certificates and awards
aquatic accidents and injuries. One significant available to participants with no quality
reaction to this was to question the content of assurance methods in place
traditional swimming and water safety programs. • a range of standards demonstrated by candidates
in obtaining certificates and awards.
The commercial sector perceived the need to
improve instructional programs, and many A national forum was conducted in Melbourne
heated swimming pools were built with the major during 1979 with the view of establishing a
objective of providing first-class, year-round national organisation to oversee the teaching of
swimming tuition for all age groups. The success swimming and water safety. Delegates at the forum
of the commercial swimming sector prompted voted unanimously in favour of this, and the
local governments to re-evaluate their provision of Australian Council for the Teaching of Swimming
leisure services; consequently, many councils built and Water Safety (AUSTSWIM) was formed,
heated pools to cater for the year-round aquatic with the major objective of developing a sound
recreational needs of the community. educational base for this teaching.
With facilities available for year-round swimming,
traditional instruction methods came under
increased scrutiny. State departments of education The demand for quality training courses and
began to offer swimming and water safety AUSTSWIM licensed teachers has resulted
programs to children from the lower years in in AUSTSWIM establishing close working
primary school rather than the higher years. relationships with many countries around the
This enhanced the likelihood of students world. AUSTSWIM strives to build strong local
becoming competent swimmers and possessing partnerships through providing advocacy,
the required survival and safety skills before advice and training. For further information on
finishing primary school. countries with which AUSTSWIM has a close
working relationship, visit our website at
2 AUSTSWIM Teaching Swimming and Water Safety
SAL provides the structure that supports • Bronze Rescue – aimed at developing survival
competitive swimming opportunities for all ages and rescue skills, as well as the ability to make
and all abilities with club, interclub, regional, state, judgements that may help individuals or others
territory, national and international level meets. survive an aquatic emergency.
• Junior Lifeguard Club – for those who wish
SAL works closely with ASCTA to provide
to further develop aquatic skills and lifesaving
professional development opportunities for coaches
throughout Australia.
The RLSSA has a range of educational resources to
For more information go to:
support each of the water safety programs to assist teachers in delivering quality swimming, water
safety and lifesaving lessons.
For more information go to:
its subsidiary Australian Lifeguard Services) is also AquaSafe Infant and Preschool Program
the largest employer of professional lifeguards in Parent education is a major focus of the AquaSafe
the country. These lifeguards patrol beaches around Infant and Preschool Program. Parents join their
Australia on either a full- or a part-time basis. children in class to support the learning process,
For more information go to: enhance water safety and foster safe aquatic
practices. Infant classes include:
• water safety
• body orientation and coordination skills
• introduction to floating, propulsion, entry and