Efficient Handwriting Correction of Speech Recognition Errors With Template Constrained Posterior (TCP)
Efficient Handwriting Correction of Speech Recognition Errors With Template Constrained Posterior (TCP)
Efficient Handwriting Correction of Speech Recognition Errors With Template Constrained Posterior (TCP)
Abstract In this paper, we propose a novel multi-modal input that
More mobile devices are starting to use automatic speech can greatly simplify the recognition error correction effort. As
recognition for command or text input. However, correcting Fig. 1 shows, a feedback from correction step to recognition
recognition errors in a small compact mobile device is usually step is introduced, and the information obtained during error
inconvenient and it may take several finger operations on a marking can further improve the correction effort. We select
small keypad to correct errors. In this paper, we propose a pen as the main correction tool, which is suitable for mobile
new multimodal input method and a novel confidence devices. Users can directly revise the recognized text like
measure ― template constrained posterior (TCP) to simplify writing on a piece of paper: redundant words can be slashed
the correction process. The method works by interactively out, missed word can be indicated by adding an insertion
integrating a handwriting recognizer with a speech recognizer. mark in the sentence, erroneously recognized word can be
Information obtained in pen-based error marking, like error circled, etc. Therefore, vital information, such as error
location, error type, etc., is fed back to the speech recognizer, location and error type, can be inferred naturally. The
and speech recognition errors are automatically corrected additional information is dynamically fed to the word graph to
using the TCP confidence measure. Experimental results on further improve the recognition. Moreover, a new confidence
Aurora2, Wall Street Journal, Switchboard, and two Chinese measure -- Template Constrained Posterior (TCP) [9] is
databases show that compared with speech recognition proposed, which can handle all types of errors.
baseline, the proposed method achieves relative error
reduction of 64.9%, 43.9%, 26.1%, 39.0%, 31.4%, Conventional
respectively, after the auto correction.
Recognition Text
Speech result
Index Terms: bi-modal user interface, error correction, Post Editing
alternative list, template constrained posterior (TCP)
1. Introduction Error type, position, range
1-best Automatic
Handwriting Input following describes TCP template and the corresponding
N-best Selection
Correction computations.
Handwriting Recognition
3.1. Template definition
Correction Done We denote a template as a triple, [T ; s, t]. Template T is a
pattern composed of hypothesized units and meta-characters
Figure 2: Flowchart of multimodal interactive correction
that can support regular expression syntax. [s, t] defines the
time interval constraint of the template. In a regular
expression, a basic template can also support don’t care
symbol “*”, blank symbol “ф”, and question mark “?”, which where 0 ≤ i ≤ N, 1 ≤ j ≤ N-i, W0=^ (sentence start), WN+1=$
flexibly relaxes the matching constraint. As illustrated in (sentence end), and the symbols of ‘?’ and ‘*’ as defined in
Figure 4, template “ABCDE”, “A*CDE”, “ABCфE”, Table 3.
“ABC?E” are examples of the basic templates. Here, the don’t Here only substitution and deletion errors need TCP for
care symbol “*” is a “wildcard” that matches any word, and automatic corrections. Insertion error is corrected by a simple
the blank symbol, “ф”, matches a null for a word deletion at deletion hand mark without any template.
the specified position. The question mark “?” denotes an
unknown word in the specified position to discover omitted 3.4. N-best alternative list generation
word. Basic templates can be recursively combined to form a
Given a TCP template, any possible substring hypothesis that
compound template, as the T5 shown in Figure 4. Table 3
matches the template is an alternative hypothesis. In other
shows all meta-characters used in a template regular
words, the alternatives can be viewed as the set of full
expansion of the template. For example, given a template
T=A*C, the alternative hypotheses can be ABC, ADC, AC,
T1 Basic template A B C D E
etc. All the substring hypotheses, which match the template,
With Don’t care
are sifted out from the graph and sorted according to the
T2 * A
* C D E
posterior probabilities. The N-best alternatives will be used
T3 With blank ф K B C ф E for correcting the marked error.
As shown in Fig. 5, different templates are automatically
T4 With question mark ? A B C ? E generated for deletion and substitution errors. For each
? template, the N-best substrings are calculated by TCP for
ф error correction.
T5 Compound template
* C E
Pen-based Editing Marks
3.2. Template constrained posterior Figure 5: Generating template and N-best substrings by TCP
for correcting a deletion and a substitution error.
All string hypotheses that match template [T; s,t] form the
hypothesis set H([T; s,t]). The Template Constrained 4. Experiments and Results
Posterior (TCP) of [T; s,t] is the generalized posterior
probability summed on all the string hypotheses in Experiments are carried out to test TCP in its capability of
H([T ;s,t]). improving the N-best list quality and the efficiency of the
N proposed ASR-handwriting input method. Under a reasonable
&p !
( xstnn | wn ) % p " ( wn | w1N ) assumption that recognition errors can be correctly identified
(1) (both their positions and types) by the user, we use the
P([T ; s, t ]| x ) #
1 ' n#1
p( x1T ) accuracy of the N-best list to evaluate the proposed method.
N ,h#[ w;s ,t ]1N
h$H ([T ;s ,t ])
where x1T is the whole sequence of acoustic observations, α 4.1. Experimental setup
and β are the exponential weights for the acoustic and
language model likelihoods, respectively. In calculating TCP, Three English speech databases (a digit string corpus
the reduced search space and the time relaxation registration “Aurora2”, a read speech corpus “Wall Street Journal (WSJ)”,
are handled similarly as in GPP [7-9]. a conversational speech corpus “Switch Board (SWB)”) and
two read Chinese databases (MSR and CTG) are used in our
3.3. Templates for repairing substitutions and evaluations. The acoustic models and the language models are
deletions trained. For a given spoken input, the best path and the word
graph are decoded by the ASR decoder. If there is any
Given the error type, its position and range, templates are recognition error, we assume the user (speaker) can correctly
automatically constructed for correcting different types of identify it (both its position and type). For each identified
errors. Let W1···WN represent the word sequence of a error, a TCP template is then automatically generated. Then, a
recognized speech sentence. The template is designed as Eq. list of N-best alternatives is generated by the TCP. Here, we
(2). limit the list length, since a long list, which is actually
+ ! j (1
visually overwhelming, can slow down the error correction
,Wi ?"? * Wi ) j )1 , for Wi )1 "Wi ) j as substitution errors; process.
T = - Wi * Wi )1 , a deletion between Wi and Wi )1 ; (2) We evaluate the proposed method by calculating the
, (, Wi )1 "Wi ) j as insertions; accuracy of the top alternative in the list (1-best) and the
. accuracy the N-best list covers the correct alternative
respectively. In other words, the word error rates (WER) of Table 5: Speech recognition results on the four databases.
the 1-best and N-best alternatives generated by the proposed Speech Baseline GER (upper-bound)
TCP method are calculated. Also, the proposed method is databases WER% SER% WER% SER%
compared with the conventional word confusion network WSJ 6.84 60.96 2.62 34.23
(WCN)-based method [10]. It should be emphasized that in SWB 27.67 83.56 10.90 73.25
the WCN-based method, only substitution errors but not MSR 7.71 52.10 1.70 19.40
deletion errors can be corrected. CTG 16.80 80.60 6.52 55.50
4.2. Experimental results
5. Conclusions
Fig. 6 shows that the proposed auto-correction method
dramatically reduces the WERs at different SNR on Aurora2. We propose a fast, handwriting-based input method to correct
The graph error rate (GER) presents the upper bound of the speech recognition errors efficiently by using a novel
error correction performance of the word graph generated in confidence measure ― template constrained posterior (TCP).
decoding. In Fig. 7, experimental results on Aurora2, WSJ, The method works by integrating a handwriting recognizer
SWB, MSR and CTG show that the relative error reduction of with the speech recognizer interactively. Information obtained
64.9%, 43.9%, 26.1%, 39.0%, 31.4%, respectively, can be during the pen-based correction, including: error location and
obtained after the auto-correction. Compared with the WCN- error type, is fed back to the speech recognizer, and correct
based method (57.3%, 27.2%, 17.2%, 18.7%, and 22.6%, words are dynamically chosen to correct the hand marked
respectively), the proposed approach is more efficient in errors by using the TCP confidence measure. Experimental
correcting errors. Moreover, after the semi-auto correction results on Aurora2, Wall Street Journal, Switchboard, and two
(N-best selection), the relative error reduction is 57.8% and Chinese databases show that compared with conventional
41.5% for WSJ and Switchboard databases, 63.3% and 49.0% methods, the proposed method achieves relative error
for MSR and CTG, respectively, with 10-best candidates. reduction of 64.9%, 43.9%, 26.1%, 39.0%, 31.4%,
respectively, after the auto correction.
Table 4: WER before/after error correction on Aurora2.
Aurora 2 Reference Word Error Rate 6. References
Set A Set B Set C Overall
WER% 9.20 6.38 11.43 8.12
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Figure 7: Relative improvement of WER after error