Code of Ethics

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Decorum is from a Latin word meaning “right or wrong”. It is the

appropriateness, polite behavior in a society. The concept of decorum is applied to
prescribed social behavior limits of appropriate within set situations. It is defined
as appropriate, polite behavior in society. It is a behavior that people consider to
be correct, polite and respectable.

Code of Ethics or Code of Conduct is a set of organizational rules or

standards regarding organizational values, beliefs, and ethics as matters of legal
compliance that govern the conduct of the organization and its members.
Organizational members are responsible for adhering to the code of conduct and
will be held accountable for failure to do so.


Directions: Identify five (5) professionals/SK Council officials in your

community. Fill in as much information about them in the space provided.
Based on their character descriptions, identify their appropriate conduct
and behaviour.

Name of SK Position Gender Additional Expected

Council Official/ Information Conduct
Professional and


Criteria (5 pts) (4 pts) (3 pts)

Complete and Partially complete and Incomplete but
reliable response was evident reliable response was
response was evident
Shows complete Shows partial Shows understanding
Demonstrated understanding understanding of the but answers are
Knowledge on the given activity with complete incomplete
activity answers
Goes beyond the Meets the needed Hardly meets the
requirements requirement of the activity needed requirement of
needed of the the activity


ETHICAL CODE OR CODE OF ETHICS are principles adopted by an

organization to assists those in the organization called upon to decide; it is about
understanding the difference between “right” and “wrong” and to apply this
understanding to their decision. In addition, Code of Ethics is a written set of
guidelines issued by an organization to its workers and management to help them
conduct their actions in accordance with its primary values and ethical standard.


It is a document designed to influence the behavior of employees. They set out

the procedures to be used in specific ethical situations and delineate whether a
violation of the code of ethics occurred and, if so, remedies should be imposed.


It is adopted by a profession or by a governmental or non-governmental

organization to regulate that profession. It maybe styled as code of professional
responsibility, which will discuss sensitive issues that will often need to be made,
and provide a clear amount of what behavior is considered “ethical” or “correct” or


It is not written solely for the purpose of doing ethical business practice. It can
also be applied and practiced in school, government, and even professional

There is code of ethics for teachers, accountants, engineers, lawyers,

doctors, nurses, and all other professionals to ensure that they are following the
same ethical standards in their professional practice.

Activity 1: Finding the ETHICAL or UNETHICAL?

Direction: Write ETH if the statement shows ethical behavior otherwise UNETH if
it is unethical.
_____ 1. Taking credit for others work
_____ 2. Using or taking company’s supplies for personal use.
_____ 3. Engaging in negative gossip about someone you work with.
_____ 4. Extending snack/ lunch break,
_____ 5. Obeying company’s rules and regulations.
_____ 6. Lying inside and outside the workplace.
_____ 7. Developing professional relationships with co-workers.
_____ 8. Using foul language on co-workers in and out of the workplace.
_____ 9. Conducting personal business during office hours.
_____ 10. Showing initiative without being told.

Activity 2: TRUTH or LIE

Direction: Read carefully each statement then decide whether the statement is
correct or incorrect. Write TRUTH if it is correct otherwise LIE.

_________ 1. To enhance the profits of a business continuously is the objective of

the Code of Ethics.
_________ 2. Employees should obey only written work rules.
_________ 3. Ethics is a set of principles of conduct governing an individual or
_________ 4. Ethical character traits include integrity, honest and justice.
_________ 5. Code of Ethics is a written statement of policies and principles that
guides the behavior of all employees or members of an organization.

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