KIoT Civil Engineering Department - Model Exit Exam
KIoT Civil Engineering Department - Model Exit Exam
KIoT Civil Engineering Department - Model Exit Exam
Neguse Solomon
When shear stress exceeds the permissible limit in slab, then it can be reduced by *
(1 Point)
Increasing t he dept h
3. A reinforced concrete beam, supported on columns at ends, has clear span of 5m and
0.5m effective depth. it carries a total uniformly distributed load of 100kN/m. The design
shear force for the beam is (1 Point)
Increased at t he ends
It is more economical
Pre t ensioned
Post t ensioned
Reinforced concret e
Lat eral reinforcement in R.C.C. columns is provided to prevent t he longit udinal reinforcement from
Lat eral reinforcement stops breaking away of concret e cover, due to buckling
Lat eral reinforcement in R.C.C. columns, is kept not less t han 5 mm diamet er
All t he above.
10. All are useful properties of Yield Lines in proposing possible collapse mechanisms,
except. (1 Point)
Yield lines are generally st raight and t hey must end at a slab boundary:
To sat isfy compat ibilit y of deformat ions, t he yield line dividing t wo plat es must int ersect t he int er‐
sect ion of t he axes about which t hose plat es are rot at ing
Axes of rot at ion lie along t he line of support s. T hey can pass over a column at any angle.
11. Which one of the following is true about doubly reinforced concrete? (1 Point) *
None of t he above
12. Let’s given to you an assignment to reinforce a concrete. So, how can you reinforce the
given concrete to produce free from cracking and buckling? (1 Point) *
At t he compression zone
At t he t ension zone
At bot h
13. Among which of the following is the location of plastic hinge? (1 Point) *
At cent er of beam
All of t he above
15. Which one of the following sections should preferably be used at places where torsion
occurs? (1 Point)
Any of t he above
16. A circular column section is generally not used in actual practice because
(1 Point)
It is economical
Is equal to 1
Web only
Flanges only
None of t hese
All of t he above
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Lineal water way width of bridge is the way between the
extreme edges of water surface at H.F.L. measured at *
(1 Point)
20. In which of the following elements of bridge project, design standards are established
and data is collected? (1 Point)
A. feasibilit y phase
C. design phase
A. Piers should be locat ed in such a manner t hat t hey can provide t he required lineal wat erway and
navigat ional clearance.
C. Piers and abut ment s should be locat ed to make t he best use of t he foundat ion condit ions available.
D. All
22. In design of bridge, wind and _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ loads shall not be considered to act
simultaneously. (1 Point)
A. Longit udinal
B. Lat eral
C. Seismic
D. Cent rifugal
A. 3m
B. 6m
C. 9m
D. 12m
25. Which one of the following is not the dependent variable for wind forces?
B. Mass of t he building
D. Topography of t he area
27. For a fixed-end beam of length L and central point load of W, what will be the value of W at
collapse? (Note: plastic moment capacity of beam = Mp)
A. 6 Mp/L
B. 10 Mp/L
C. 9 Mp/L
D. 8 Mp/L
28. The plastic modulus of a section is 5 x 10-4 m3. Its shape factor is 1.2 and the plastic
moment capacity is 120kNm, what is the value of the yield stress of the material?
A. 100 N/mm2
B. 200 N/mm2
C. 240 N/mm2
D. 288 N/mm2
29. An arbitrarily assumed mechanism the load factor is either exactly right or is wrong and is
too large, leading a designer to think that the frame can carry more load than is actually
possible. This theorem is known as .
30. The strip along the unsupported edge acts as a support for the strips at right angles. Such
strips have been referred to as
A. St rong band
D. All
31. Which one of the following factor is considered in determination of transition curve
A) T he radius of t he curve
D) T he rat e of t ime
E) All of t he above
E) Noon of t he above
33. Which of the following lighting layout is economical and suitable for narrow roads?
None of t he above
35. Which one of the following is not type of transition curve used? *
Clot hoid
Lemniscat e
Cubic parabola
36. Select the purpose of transition curves in the geometric alignment of the road? *
All of t he above
37. Which one of the following is true about preliminary survey in highway design? *
It also used to collect t he necessary physical informat ion and det ails of topography, drainage and soil
propert ies
All of t he above
38. 1. Which one of the following is the correct sequence of survey in road project? *
39. Which one of the following is the correct order of the pavement structure of the road
with respect to the construction sequences? *
Maximum number of vehicles passing a given road sect ion in unit t ime in one direct ion
Number of vehicles passing t hrough a sect ion of road in eit her direct ion in unit t ime
All of t he above
41. In which angle of parking can have maximum number of vehicles can be parked? *
Enomet er
Speed recorder
Speedomet er
Name of road
Speed limit
Rect angular
45. For a sand, the maximum and minimum possible void ratios were determined in the
laboratory to be 0.94 and 0.33 respectively. What is the value of the relative density of the
sand if it is compacted in the field at a void ratio of 0.57? *
Permeabilit y decreases
Compressibilit y decreases
q = IA
q = KA
q ∞ IA
q = KA
48. The mass of moist soil is 20kg, and its volume is 0.011 . After
drying in an oven, the mass was reduced to 16.5kg. What is the moisture content of the
soil? *
49. For the soil above, what is the value of the dry density?
1818.18 kg⁄m^3
1500 kg⁄m^3
2000 kg⁄m^3
1725 kg⁄m^3
50. Coarse particles are those particles with size coarser than _ _ _ _ mm diameter.
51. When drainage is permitted throughout the triaxial test, the test is known as: *
Quick t est
Drained t est
None of t he above
52. Columb’s equation for shear strength can be represented as:
53. The bearing capacity of soil supporting a footing size of 3m x 3m will not be affected by
the presence of water if the water table is located at a _ _ _ _ _ meter below the base of
the footing. *
1 met er
1.5 met er
3 met er
6 met er
54. 1) The inclination of the failure plane behind a vertical wall in the passive pressure case
is inclined to the horizontal at
〖45〗^0- ∅⁄2
〖45〗^0+ ∅⁄2
〖45〗^0- ∅
〖45〗^0+ ∅
30 kN⁄m^2
40 kN⁄m^2
120 kN⁄m^2
57. Which one of the following method use for soil boring?
Percussion drilling
Wash boring
All of t he above
58. Which of the below is a footing that covers the entire area beneath a structure and
supports all the columns? *
St rap foot ing
59. When two column loads are unequal, which of the most possible footing can be
provided? *
Sliding st abilit y
All of t he above
61. Which of the following soil sample type represent the in-situ soil structure and are
required for determining reliable information on shearing resistance and stress-
deformation characteristics of a deposit? *
Good sample
62. A sheet pile walls that derive their support from a combination of interaction with the
surrounding soil and one (or more) mechanical devices which inhibit motion at an isolated
point known as: *
63. Which one of the following isn’t the advantage of driven piles?
A. Used in a places where it is advisable not to drill holes for fear of meet ing ground wat er under
A pile can be driven into granular soil to compact t he adjacent soil mass
64. A modification of soil property with the help of additional chemicals or admixtures is
A. Compact ion
B. Mechanical st abilizat ion
C. Drainage
65. The downward drag acting on a pile due to the movement of the surrounding is called:
66. The load carrying capacity of a pile can be determined by which of the following
methods? *
A. Dynamic formulae
B. St at ic formulae
67. Which of the following affect the properties of a soil under compaction
B. Swelling
C. Placement condit ion
D. Permeabilit y
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