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Best Practices Document PUBLIC

Transition to SAP S/4HANA

Document Version: 1.0 – 2020-09-25

Introduction of SAP Fiori during an

SAP S/4HANA Conversion
Document History

Version Date Change

1.0 2020-09-25 Initial version

Document History PUBLIC

2 © 2020 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company.

1 Why you should care about SAP Fiori during your SAP S/4HANA conversion project .................. 4

2 What is SAP Fiori ................................................................................................................................. 6

3 Prepare the SAP Fiori evaluation ........................................................................................................ 9

4 Explore the SAP Fiori Apps for your business roles ........................................................................ 14

5 Implement and test SAP Fiori for your selected roles .................................................................... 21

6 Expand SAP Fiori usage to additional roles ..................................................................................... 25

PUBLIC Content
© 2020 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. 3
1 Why you should care about SAP Fiori
during your SAP S/4HANA conversion

Note on target audience

This document is available to all customers. However, some of the content we recommend is accessible to
Enterprise Support customers only. The standing guidance from SAP is that any customers who are embarking
on major change – and the move to SAP S/4HANA definitely qualifies as that – should minimally have Enterprise

Why you should care about SAP Fiori during your SAP S/4HANA conversion

SAP Fiori is more than just an alternative user interface for SAP S/4HANA. Most of the best digital transformation
benefits in SAP S/4HANA are delivered in SAP Fiori.

• New innovations: machine learning, artificial intelligence, or chatbots are available in SAP Fiori only.
• New business processes: for example, demand-driven MRP (Material Resource Planning), group reporting
(for Finance), and central procurement, require SAP Fiori.
• Insight into action paradigm: SAP Fiori combines analytical data with transactional processing on a single
user interface with very flexible app-to-app navigation that supports the train-of-thought of the knowledge
• Simplified processes offering more efficient business control.
• Improved user experience for your end users: a more precise fit to their tasks for their business role, with
personalization options that improve their personal productivity.

For this reason, it makes sense to include SAP Fiori in your SAP S/4HANA conversion project. Read the following
blog for a short introduction on why to choose SAP Fiori apps, as well as the three main considerations to be taken
when selecting them:
Blog: Leading SAP S/4HANA UX - Selecting SAP Fiori Apps

Introduction of SAP Fiori during an SAP S/4HANA Conversion PUBLIC

4 © 2020 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company.
Now, what is the best approach to include SAP Fiori
in your SAP S/4HANA conversion project?

SAP recommends introducing SAP Fiori in a step-

by-step approach by business role, rather than
individual apps. This has various advantages: Pitfall to avoid

• You create a unified user experience for each

Avoid implementing your apps
business role, aimed at a specific group of
individually – it is a complex and
users who perform similar tasks
time-consuming activity. It is also
• You align and optimize the deployment of tasks prone to errors as you are likely to
and processes these users typically execute – overlook some of the technical
in a way that is much faster and easier than details happening in the
implementing app-by-app background.
• You take learnings from working with early
user groups to speed up and scale new user
experience across your organization.
Blog: SAP Fiori for SAP S/4HANA – Understanding
SAP Business Roles

In order to ensure a smooth transition to the new user experience paradigm, our recommendation is to start with
a maximum of three business roles.

The following document will tell you how to best include SAP Fiori into your SAP S/4HANA conversion project
both from a technical and from an organizational perspective. We will cover what SAP Fiori is, how to set up your
project, what people to involve, how to best get them up to speed with the topic, and what a typical SAP Fiori
implementation project flow looks like, so you can combine it with your SAP S/4HANA project plan.

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2 What is SAP Fiori

SAP Fiori is the leading design for all SAP applications. Over time, SAP has been evolving the SAP Fiori experience
to all SAP solutions and will continue to provide a harmonized user experience across all on-premise and cloud

The design principles of SAP Fiori are:

• Role-based: As mentioned above, SAP Fiori is built around business roles. This is a huge change compared to
the traditional “transaction based” user paradigm of SAP ERP. A business role is provided with all apps
required to do the work in the most efficient manner.
• Adaptive: SAP Fiori adapts to multiple uses cases (for example, occasional users vs power users) and
multiple devices.
• Simple: Instead of showing all information on one screen, SAP Fiori’s paradigm is to show only what is
necessary. In that way it helps users focus on what is important.
• Coherent: SAP Fiori provides one fluid, intuitive, and consistent user experience in all SAP solutions.
• Delightful: In addition to letting your users work smarter, SAP Fiori also enriches their work experience.

The SAP Fiori Launchpad (FLP) is the starting point for using SAP Fiori. It clusters the SAP Fiori Apps relevant for
the users and provides access to the SAP Fiori Apps. Users also have the possibility to adjust their SAP Fiori
Launchpad by removing, readjusting and adding SAP Fiori Apps.

In the future, in line with SAP’s Intelligent Enterprise

vision, the SAP Fiori Launchpad will act as a central
entry point for users to access SAP products via
single sign-on as well as central services, such as
inbox, or notifications.
Video: SAP Fiori Overview: Design, Develop and Pitfall to avoid
Deploy (Week 1, Unit 5, Minute 10:30 – 12:00)
Do not overwhelm your end
users with an overcrowded
It therefore makes sense to invest time in SAP Fiori Launchpad.
thoroughly familiarizing yourself with the SAP Fiori
Launchpad and using its functions. It is a powerful
tool every single user can benefit from.
Blog: SAP Fiori for SAP S/4HANA – Top 5 Fiori
features that bring value to every Business User

The SAP Fiori Apps provide the actual business process functionality. Apps can either be transactional apps, such
as creating leave requests for an employee, analytical apps, or fact sheets displaying contextual information and
key facts about central objects used in your business operations. From fact sheets, you can start transactions by
navigating to transactional apps and vice versa. Indeed, many of the latest SAP Fiori apps are essentially
translytical – transactional apps with embedded analytics, and analytical apps with options to launch to
transactional capabilities.

Introduction of SAP Fiori during an SAP S/4HANA Conversion PUBLIC

6 © 2020 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company.
SAP Fiori is a very large topic as it covers User Experience, Design as well as development topics. In the next
chapter, we point you to the essential learnings required by your project team members. However, we would like
to point you as well to the SAP User Experience Community which you can use as a source of reference for all
things around SAP Fiori.

Aspects of SAP Fiori during an SAP S/4HANA implementation

From our experience with SAP S/4HANA projects we know that many customers are unsure about how to include
SAP Fiori in their SAP S/4HANA project. This is mainly because SAP Fiori is new to many customers. Read the
following blog to understand SAP S/4HANA and SAP Fiori and to avoid errors when setting up and running your
SAP S/4HANA project.
Blog: SAP Fiori for SAP S/4HANA – Top 10 Myths & Misconceptions to Avoid

We have mentioned it before: SAP Fiori does not simply replace the old GUI transactions. It is therefore crucial to
establish the role of a User Experience (UX) Lead in the project that goes beyond the typical tasks of a pure User
Interface Designer. Essentially the UX Lead is a cross-functional expert, who takes a people-centric view of how
the new user experience will apply to different groups of business users, appropriate to their role, their tasks, and
their devices (laptop, tablet, phone, and so on). The following blog discusses just how important a UX Lead is for
your Fiori implementation project and lays out the project roles’ main responsibilities throughout the process.
Blog: Leading S/4HANA UX – Critical UX Activities in S/4HANA Projects

Another term that keeps popping up in connection with SAP Fiori is adaptability. Both the SAP Fiori Launchpad
and the SAP Fiori Apps themselves can be adjusted.

The SAP Fiori Launchpad can be adjusted on 3 different levels:

• Users can adjust their own SAP Fiori Launchpad by adding, removing or regrouping SAP Fiori Apps.
Video: Adapting the Launchpad - FLP Personalization

• Content Administrators (usually Functional Application Experts or Analytics Experts) can make changes to a
Business Role. These changes are then available to all users having the business role assigned. Chapter 4,
Step 3 of this document describes this process in detail. For additional information see:
Video: Adapting the Homepage for a Business Role

• The Administrator can make changes to the SAP Fiori Launchpad overall, for example adjusting it to your
corporate branding. For more details, see Chapter 4, step 5.

With regard to the Fiori Apps, adjusting SAP Fiori Apps is often referred to as “extensibility”. Essentially, there are
3 ways to extend SAP Fiori Apps to fit them to the users’ needs, and they are nicely explained in the following
short video:
Video: SAP Fiori for SAP S/4HANA – Understanding Extensibility: UI Flexibility

PUBLIC Introduction of SAP Fiori during an SAP S/4HANA Conversion

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In-app extensibility:
• Key-user extensibility comprises a wide range
of techniques to adjust the SAP Fiori app such
as adjusting the UI, adding custom fields, and
adding or changing business rules and
business logic. More details here:
Pitfall to avoid
Blog: The Key User Extensibility Tools for SAP
Avoid Classic Extensibility and
• Classic Extensibility refers to the traditional Side-by-side extensibility in the
modification of ABAP artefacts such as first stage of an SAP Fiori
extending an OData Service. implementation.

Side-by-side extensibility:
• In addition to the in-app extensibility features,
customers can create their own SAP Fiori Apps
on SAP Cloud Platform.

Distinguishing between classic extensibility and side-by-side extensibility can be tricky. The openSAP course How
to Deliver a Great User Experience with SAP S/4HANA covers this in a handy graph:
openSAP: How to Deliver a Great User Experience with SAP S/4HANA (Week 2, Unit 5, Minutes 03:15-04:50)

Since classic extensibility and side-by-side extensibility are topics that should be done at a later stage once you
have gained some Fiori experience, we do not cover classic and side-by-side extensibility in this document.

Introduction of SAP Fiori during an SAP S/4HANA Conversion PUBLIC

8 © 2020 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company.
3 Prepare the SAP Fiori evaluation

Once you have gained an overview about the different aspects of SAP Fiori and how it provides value in your SAP
S/4HANA conversion, the next step is to prepare the SAP Fiori evaluation. This activity consists of three steps
that we cover in this chapter:
• Train your workforce
• Determine the evaluation scope
• Provide an evaluation system

Before we cover these three steps in more detail, let us clarify the term “role” which will be used in different
flavors in this document. In order to avoid confusion, we will be very precise which role is meant when we talk
about roles.

• Project role: Project roles are the people doing the actual work within your SAP Fiori project. Refer to the blog
below to get more insight in the required project roles and their tasks and responsibilities.
Blog: Essential Roles for S/4HANA Fiori Projects
• Business role: As already mentioned in Chapter 1, a business role represents a position in a company. Users
in a company usually have more than one business role at the same time, for example somebody might at
the same time occupy the business roles of a sales manager and people manager.
If the project roles are the people working in your project, then business roles are what you will implement,
that is, the scope of your project. There are some business roles you have to implement no matter what else
you select (the most obvious example for this is the Admin role), and there are some you will need to choose
as your initial business implementation scope.
You may also encounter the term security role. Note that this refers to the technical representation of the
business role in the SAP S/4HANA system. It contains all apps which are relevant to fulfill this position.

Train your workforce - essential learning for your project roles

The project roles involved in your Fiori project are:

• User Experience Lead
• Functional Application Expert Pitfall to avoid

• Analytics Expert
Avoid going without a dedicated
• Basis Expert / System Admin UX Lead – remember, SAP Fiori is
• Enterprise Architect not about just switching on a new
• Project Manager UI.
• End Users

Recommended learning for all project roles to realize the scope we describe in this document:
• openSAP: SAP Fiori Overview: Design, Develop, and Deploy – especially content of Weeks 1 and 4
(free 4-week course, content also available outside course periods. Time investment ~2,5 hours/week)

PUBLIC Introduction of SAP Fiori during an SAP S/4HANA Conversion

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• openSAP: How to Deliver a Great User Experience with SAP S/4HANA – especially content of Weeks 1 and 2
(free 3-week course, content also available outside course periods. Time investment ~3 hours/week)
Optional additional learning:
• Course training: SAP Fiori Foundation UX100 (billable 5-day classroom or virtual classroom training)

If you are interested in further structured learning material on SAP Fiori, see the SAP Fiori Learning Journey on
the topic. However, note that the Learning Journey also includes a lot of content on, for example, SAP Fiori Cloud
– which is out of scope for what we cover here.

Embedding SAP Fiori activities into your overall SAP S/4HANA project plan

The project plan displays all Fiori related activities along with their individual durations across the SAP Activate
phases. It is intended for integration into your overall SAP S/4HANA conversion project plan – meaning those
phases might take longer.

SAP Fiori activities for embedding into overall SAP S/4HANA conversion project plan

Note that the Explore phase for Fiori is for the most part performed by a stable project team led by the project
manager and UX lead that also includes end users working in the business roles you plan to implement.

Determine the evaluation scope

As already mentioned, SAP Fiori gets implemented by role, so your evaluation scope is necessarily going to be a
business role – of which you have plenty in your company. So how do you pick the right one as your evaluation

Introduction of SAP Fiori during an SAP S/4HANA Conversion PUBLIC

10 © 2020 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company.
To determine which of the many business roles in your company would make good evaluation candidates, it is
important to understand to what extent your business roles are currently supported by SAP Fiori. This is where
the SAP Readiness Check can help you with the filtering. It provides an analysis of the transactions you currently
use in your SAP ERP system and recommends relevant SAP Fiori Apps for the corresponding business roles. The
result of the SAP Readiness Check serves as a starting point for discussions with your business to identify an
evaluation shortlist of business roles for your SAP Fiori implementation.

In addition to the technical availability of SAP Fiori for a given business role there are other relevant factors to
consider when determining your evaluation shortlist of business roles, such as:
• Number of users:
A large number of users means scale, so if scale is an important KPI you as a project lead are measured on,
you may want to pick a business role that a large number of people work in.
A small number of users, by contrast, means risk avoidance because any issues that might arise during
implementation will only affect a small number of people – which is an important factor in high-complexity
projects. And just in case you were wondering, SAP S/4HANA and SAP Fiori qualify as highly complex
Make an informed decision whether scale is more important to you than risk avoidance.
• Need for complex adaptation of the SAP Fiori Apps:
If you have done a lot of customizing for a certain business role in the past that the SAP standard (also with
SAP Fiori) does not cater for, then this would imply the need for classic or side-by-side extensibility, which,
as mentioned in the previous chapter, is not recommended for your initial SAP Fiori journey.
Eliminate any such business role this applies to from your shortlist.
• Openness to a new user experience:
SAP Fiori is a beautiful user experience, but we know (and we are sure you know) that there are still a great
many SAP GUI fans out there, many of whom might be hiding in the very departments that you happen to
have on your evaluation shortlist.
Do not make your life more difficult than necessary. Find a business role with people working in it who are

So, what are the activities that you have to do in order to determine your evaluation scope? Essentially what you
do is:

• Conduct the SAP Readiness Check. This works

as follows:
SAP Note: 2913617 - SAP Readiness Check 2.0 Pitfall to avoid

• Interpret the results displayed in the Fiori tile of

When creating your evaluation
the SAP Readiness Check. Make your shortlist
shortlist, avoid entering the Fiori
picks according to the roles most frequently
Reference Library from outside
used in your company, as also outlined in the
the SAP Readiness Check.
blog above. In an ideal world, the roles you pick
would also have some Fiori lighthouse
Why go to the public swimming
scenarios - if not, never mind.
pool if you have access to your
Blog: SAP Readiness Check 2.0 – Details about
own private pool?
the topic of SAP Fiori (section “What analysis is
done by SAP Readiness Check 2.0”)

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Required project roles:
• Project Manager
• User Experience Lead
• Basis Expert / System Admin
• Functional Application Expert

• Readiness Check: 1 week to run SAP Readiness Check
• Role selection: 2 days to compile initial shortlist of candidates

Provide an evaluation system

In order to narrow down your shortlist, you want to find out if everything the business role typically works with in
your company is covered by the SAP standard (so you can avoid having to fill any gaps with own code that you
might have to “fiorify”). This works best if you try it all out in an evaluation system. By “try it all out” we do not
mean for the IT department to fiddle around with a demo. By “try it all out” we mean for the project team to sit
down with your end users and make sure your adjustments in the evaluation system are as close as you possibly
can get to an actual implementation.
It is therefore important to have an SAP S/4HANA evaluation system available at a very early stage to try out the
SAP Fiori apps.
For this, SAP recommends using the SAP Cloud Appliance Library (SAP CAL) as it is quicker than setting up an
on-premise system and saves you the hassle of providing the required hardware and finding the people to do it. In
addition, SAP CAL already comes with a template user that has all business roles assigned – meaning you can get
started with your evaluation straightaway with no additional content activation.
You can find information on SAP CAL in the following:
Blog: SAP S/4HANA Fully-Activated Appliance: Create your SAP S/4HANA system in a fraction of the usual setup
Wiki: SAP Cloud Appliance Library: FAQ – General technical questions (in this context specifically note the Q&A on
getting access, cloud providers, and connecting SAP CAL to your SAP system).

Required project roles:

• Project Manager
• Enterprise Architect

Duration: 0.5 days

Alternatively, you can also set up an on-premise SAP S/4HANA sandbox as an evaluation system and then, as an
additional step, activate SAP Fiori using the Rapid Activation for SAP Fiori in SAP S/4HANA. The Rapid Activation
for SAP Fiori in SAP S/4HANA speeds up the activation of SAP Fiori and avoids a lot of common issues by
automatically activating all required ICF nodes and OData services required for SAP Fiori Launchpad and SAP GUI
for HTML, initializing classic UI technologies such as SAP GUI and generating working SAP Fiori Launchpads for
the selected roles. Aside from the business role candidates on your shortlist, you must also activate the roles of
Administrator, Analytics Specialist, Business Workflow Specialist and Configuration Expert – Business Process
Configuration. These four business roles contain most of the key user tools you will need later.

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12 © 2020 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company.
For the on-premise installation of an SAP S/4HANA sandbox, your Enterprise Architect can refer to the
Installation Guide:
Documentation: Installation Guide for SAP S/4HANA

For the Rapid Activation for SAP Fiori in SAP S/4HANA, your Basis Expert / System Admin can refer to the
following 4-part blog series (starting with part 1 linked here) as an overview, refer to the SAP Note for
prerequisites and follow all steps laid out in the following Quick Guide document:
Blog: SAP Fiori for SAP S/4HANA – New Rapid Content Activation on SAP S/4HANA 1909, 1809 & 1709 – Part 1 –
SAP Note: 2834415 - Composite SAP note: Rapid Activation for SAP Fiori in SAP S/4HANA 1909
Blog: SAP Fiori for S/4HANA – Rapid Activation Task List Updates and Quick Guide (especially refer to the Quick
Guide linked at the end of the blog)
A simple how-to video on this topic can be found in the openSAP microlearnings playlists for S/4HANA.
Go to Microlearning for S/4HANA and select the video with the title "Activating SAP Fiori Apps via Rapid

Required project roles:

• On-premise installation: Project Manager, Enterprise Architect, Basis Expert / System Admin
• Rapid Activation for
SAP Fiori in SAP S/4HANA: Basis Expert / System Admin

• On-premise installation: 1 week
• Rapid Activation for
SAP Fiori in SAP S/4HANA: 0.5 days

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4 Explore the SAP Fiori Apps for your
business roles

Once you have your evaluation system ready, it is time to embark on the “try it all out” part.
In the previous chapter you have selected a shortlist of possible candidates for SAP Fiori implementation during
your SAP S/4HANA conversion project. The goal of the next stage is to further narrow down this shortlist and
decide on the roles to be implemented.
The decision is taken in a 5-step approach. Each of these steps in covered in more detail in the next sections.
• In step 1, you assign the four mandatory business roles to your project team
• In step 2, you test the candidates identified during the preparation phase in-depth, either in your SAP CAL or
sandbox system. The goal is to identify potential gaps and to understand how the SAP Fiori apps support
your business processes. This step will allow you to further narrow down your shortlist and identify the
frontrunner roles.
• In step 3, you adjust the SAP Fiori Launchpad and SAP Fiori apps for the frontrunner roles identified in step 2.
These two steps do not happen in a strict sequence. Consider them to be 2 parts of an iterative process.
• In step 4, you make the in-app extensions you have identified.
• In step 5, you decide which of the cross-role functionality in SAP Fiori Launchpad such as User Assistance or
Enterprise Search should be activated. You can also adjust the visual appearance to your company branding.

By the end of this chapter you should have identified a maximum of three business roles (in addition to the
mandatory ones) that can be covered using SAP standard Fiori apps. These are the ones for which you want to
initially introduce SAP Fiori. Experience has shown that it is better to focus on two to three roles only. Do them
well and turn them into your internal showcase for SAP Fiori rather than getting carried away with too many roles.

Step 1: Assign the mandatory SAP Fiori business roles to your project team

As mentioned in the previous chapter, there are four mandatory business roles:
• Administrator
• Analytics Specialist
• Business Workflow Specialist
• Configuration Expert – Business Process Configuration
These four business roles provide access to the essential tools your project team requires to do the SAP Fiori
configuration. Assign the business roles using transaction PFCG to your project roles as follows:

Business Role Technical name of Business Role Project role

Administrator SAP_BR_ADMINISTRATOR Basis Expert / System Admin

Analytics Specialist SAP_BR_ANALYTICS_SPECIALIST Analytics Expert

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Business Process Specialist SAP_BR_BUSINESS_PROCESS_SPEC Functional Application Expert

Configuration Expert – Business SAP_BR_BPC_EXPERT Functional Application Expert

Process Configuration

Required project roles:

• Basis Expert / System Admin

Duration: 0.5 days

Step 2: Select frontrunner roles for SAP Fiori implementation

SAP recommends using the SAP business roles as a starting point to do the evaluation. The business roles
identified in the SAP Readiness Check should be assigned to the Functional Application Experts, Analytics
Experts, and end users involved in the project.

Required project roles:

• Basis Expert / System Admin

Duration: 0.5 days

In this step, it is assumed that the Functional Application Experts are familiar with the process changes and
process simplifications brought by SAP S/4HANA. If not, please refer back to the SAP Readiness Check 2.0. It has
a dedicated tile on this.
The Functional Application Experts evaluate how the SAP Fiori apps support the simplified processes and conduct
a fit-gap analysis including the need for SAP Fiori adaptation, personalization and extension. This activity is crucial
to obtain a good understanding of what is possible with SAP Fiori and how business roles can be supported. Use
the SAP Fiori App Library to learn about the SAP Fiori apps functionality, prerequisites and extension possibilities.
As a result, some roles will be eliminated from your shortlist. The remaining roles we call frontrunner roles.
Keep in mind that the general recommendation is to stick to the standard and to avoid classic or side-by-side
extension of SAP Fiori apps during your SAP S/4HANA conversion project. If a business role requires classic or
side-by-side extension it will not be the appropriate business role to start with.

Required project roles:

• Project Manager
• User Experience Lead
• Functional Application Expert
• Analytics Expert
• End User

Duration: 4-6 weeks

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Step 3: Design frontrunner roles

You can make lots of adjustments to the business roles delivered by SAP without having to write a line of code. In
order to model the activities of the business role the way it’s done in your company, you try it all out in your SAP
CAL or sandbox system. This involves adjusting what tiles users working in that role can see in their SAP Fiori
Launchpad, how the reports they work with are structured, and the like.

Before you start with the design of your frontrunner roles, it’s important to understand the concept of catalogs,
tiles, groups and how they link to business roles. Watch the following video explaining the concepts.
Video: Understanding Fiori catalogs, tiles, roles and groups
When designing your frontrunner roles, you create your own business roles based on the business roles delivered
by SAP. To do so, proceed as follows:

Copy and adjust SAP catalogues

Copy the SAP catalogues consumed by the SAP business roles you have identified in step 2 to the customer
namespace to make the required adjustments. Copying and adjusting the catalogs is done in the Fiori Launchpad
Content Manager (Transaction /UI2/FLPCM_CUST). The how-to for this is explained in a video from the openSAP
course SAP Fiori Overview: Design, Develop and Deploy (Week 4, Unit 2) and in the Fiori Launchpad Content
Manager documentation:
openSAP: Activating SAP Fiori Out-of-the-Box (Minute 14:40 – 18:30)
Documentation: Setting Up Catalogs with the Launchpad Content Manager --> Creating and Configuring Catalogs

But what to do with the SAP GUI transactions and ABAP WebDynpro apps not covered by the chosen SAP Fiori
Apps of your business roles?
• For the SAP GUI transactions, use SAP Easy Access Menu to access transactions (t-codes) using the app
finder tool. In this case SAP Easy Access Menu of the backend system is mirrored into the SAP Fiori
Launchpad App Finder.
SAP Note: 2441101 – How to Enable SAP Easy Access Menu for Fiori Launchpad Step-by-Step
• For your ABAP WebDynpro apps the idea is to create backend technical catalogs using the Mass
Maintenance tool for App Descriptors. A detailed description can be found in the
Documentation: Step-by-step guide to enable Transactions in Fiori Launchpad using Application Descriptors
in S/4HANA On-Premise

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16 © 2020 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company.
Create your own groups
Creating your own groups is done in SAP Fiori
Launchpad Designer. Watch the following short
video (or refer to the corresponding documentation) Pitfall to avoid
to understand the creation of groups and how to
assign tiles to groups: Avoid overcrowding your users’
Video: SAP Fiori Administration - Creation of SAP Fiori Launchpad. Instead,
Catalogs Groups make sure to only make those
apps visible on screen that end
Documentation: Creating and Configuring Groups
users actually work with on a daily
basis. Do not worry – other apps
When creating your own groups, keep in mind the are not gone for good. They can
best practices for designing SAP Fiori Launchpad always be added using the App
home pages. Finder.
Blog: SAP Fiori for SAP S/4HANA – Leading
Practices for Home Page Design

Create your own business roles

You need to create your own business roles and assign catalogs and groups to the business role. The best option
is to use the report for mass maintenance of business roles for SAP Fiori Launchpad. For a description of the
prerequisites and to understand how to use the report, see the following blog:
Blog: Fiori for S/4HANA – Mass maintenance of Business Roles for SAP Fiori launchpad

Assign business roles to your users

Finally, you need to assign the newly created business roles to your users using transaction PFCG. Validate your
catalogues, groups and business roles with the end users.

The objective of step 3 is to adjust the SAP Fiori

Pitfall to avoid
Launchpad in such a way that your end users
working in a business role have at hand all the
Avoid playing around with your
information they need in order to do their work. This
FLP adjustments without writing
does not necessarily have to result in the same
complex flow as in the past (SAP delivers a lot of
down what adjustments you
made. Time will pass between
innovation using SAP Fiori), but it should fit from a
your tryout phase and the actual
content perspective. Apps used only rarely should
not appear on the homepage. Remember that users
can always add new tiles from the catalogues to
Document your adjustments so
their homepage by themselves.
you don’t have to try to recall
Make sure you document your adjustments – this
them again later
will save you some work later.

Required project roles:

• Project Manager
• User Experience Lead

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• Functional Application Expert
• Analytics Expert
• End User

Duration: 4-6 weeks

Step 4: Realize required in-app extensions

In step 2 your Project Lead, User Experience Lead, Functional Application Experts and Analytical Experts
conducted a fit-gap analysis of the Fiori Apps. One of the results of the fit-gap analysis is a list of required in-apps
extensions of the Fiori apps to meet the needs of your users.

SAP recommends that you build the in-app extensions involving the end users as early as possible. By doing so,
you can get feedback from your future users and involve them in the creation of their future work environment.
Keep in mind that you need the backing from your end users to make the Fiori introduction a success in your

The following blog provides some examples how SAP Fiori apps can be extended
Blog: Key User Extensibility on SAP S/4HANA Cloud - UI Adaptions for Key Users (Note this blog is Part 2 of a
series. Make sure to also continue with Parts 3 and 4 from there.)

The SAP Fiori apps reference library provides detailed information about the extensibility for each Fiori app in the
tab “Implementation Information”. Note that from this tab you can jump directly into the SAP Guided Answers
Tool to receive detailed information on the specific extension options of your chosen app. This video tells you
exactly how to do this little trick:
openSAP: How to Deliver a Great User Experience with SAP S/4HANA (Week 2, Unit 5, Minutes 04:50-07:30)

Required project roles:

• Project Manager
• User Experience Lead
• Functional Application Expert
• Analytics Expert
• End User

Duration: depends on number of required extensions

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Step 5: Post-Configuration activities: Activate cross-role functionality and
adapt the visual appearance of SAP Fiori to your company branding

There are some more cross-role features that are easily implemented yet so very useful. Such as the User
Assistant, which gives your end users micro-learning on the SAP Fiori Launchpad and the standard apps.
Here is how to activate the User Assistant in your SAP Fiori Launchpad:
Blog: SAP Fiori for SAP S/4HANA – How to setup the User Assistant in your S/4HANA Fiori launchpad

Another neat feature is Enterprise Search, which you should activate for your system right away. Enterprise
Search allows you to search for business documents directly from the SAP Fiori Launchpad:
Documentation: Setting up Enterprise Search
Step-by-step description: Moving from Standalone to Embedded Deployment in SAP Fiori for SAP S/4HANA
(chapter: Review or Configure Enterprise Search)

Likewise, User Defaults save your users a lot of data entry. You can think of these as the new and improved
equivalent of Set/Get Parameters from your SAP Business Suite.
Blog: Activating User Defaults in SAP S/4HANA

Next, we recommend that you activate the SAP Fiori My Inbox and Notification Center. Even if you think you don’t
need them right now, activate them anyway. You will need them eventually.
Blog: SAP Fiori for SAP S/4HANA – Fiori My Inbox – Part 1 Activation
Blog: SAP Fiori for SAP S/4HANA – My Inbox – Part 2 – Task-Specific Options
Blog: Leading S/4HANA UX – Notification Center – Part 1 – Activation
Blog: Leading S/4HANA UX – Notification Center – Part 2 – Providing Notifications

GUI transactions are per default launched from the SAP Fiori Launchpad using SAP GUI for HTML. If you
remember SAP GUI for HTML from the past, don’t worry – its capabilities and speed have been vastly improved
for SAP S/4HANA, with all screens displayed in a harmonized visual theme in keeping with SAP Fiori. If you have
developed your own transactions that do not run in SAP GUI for HTML, you can use the SAP Business Client
launchpad connection. In this case, SAP GUI transactions are launched with SAP GUI for Windows. Keep in mind
that in this case the SAP Business Client needs to be installed on all end user devices. Time for installing the SAP
Business Client is not included in the duration.
Video: SAP Fiori Architecture and Adoption Best Practices (minute 3:00)

You can also adjust the theme design of the launchpad to your company’s branding. While this is not necessary in
the exploration phase, you might want to do it later during the implementation in your development system.
Documentation: Theme Designer: Apply your corporate branding to applications based on SAPUI5 technology

Required project roles:

• Project Manager
• User Experience Lead
• Functional Application Expert
• Analytics Expert

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• End User

Duration: 2-3 weeks

Decide on final frontrunner roles

Once the project team has accomplished the steps Pitfall to avoid
outlined above, it’s time to make your final decision
which 2 or 3 roles shall be implemented in the first Steer clear of your hardcore SAP
wave of the SAP Fiori introduction. GUI fan departments during your
initial SAP Fiori implementation.
They have cultivated an SAP GUI
Consider the results from the fit-gap analysis, the fondness over the course of 30
launchpad design and the in-app extensibility as well years that is hard to argue against.
as the feedback from your end users.
Instead, find Fiori-friendly teams
Make sure it is a joint decision between the project and select their business roles so
team and the end users. End users must be they can serve as a showcase in
convinced that using SAP Fiori will lead to an your company.
improved user experience for them.

Required project roles:

• Project Manager
• User Experience Lead
• Functional Application Expert
• Analytics Expert
• End User

Duration: 1 week

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5 Implement and test SAP Fiori for your
selected roles

Fiori Sizing

Once you have selected the roles to be implemented, it’s time to switch from your evaluation system to the
development system. When setting up the development system, keep in mind that there are separate sizing
requirements for Fiori. SAP offers the Quicksizer tool for this – a handy, easy-to-use tool that is explained in the
following documentation and SAP Note:
Documentation: How to Size SAP Fiori Frontend Server for SAP S/4HANA
SAP Note: 2467172 - How to size Fiori applications based on number of users

To be on the safe side, use the number of Fiori users that you expect in the future.

Required project roles:

• Project Manager
• Basis Expert / System Admin

Duration: 2-3 days

Fiori Deployment and Rapid SAP Fiori Activation

When setting up the development system, it is

recommended that you choose the embedded SAP
Fiori Front-end Server deployment (SAP FES) for
SAP S/4HANA to avoid release conflicts between Pitfall to avoid
the SAP FES and SAP S/4HANA.
Documentation: SAP Fiori Deployment Options and Avoid hub deployment as it is
System Landscape Recommendation recommended for SAP Business
Suite only and does not offer the
very handy Rapid SAP Fiori
Added benefit: With embedded Front-end Server Activation feature.
deployment, there is no difference between
frontend and backend roles, which means that
authorization assignments are a lot less tricky.

The embedded Front-end Server deployment is in line with SAP Fiori Launchpad becoming the central entry point
to all SAP applications in the future:
openSAP: SAP Fiori Overview: Design, Develop, and Deploy (Week 4, Unit 5, Minutes 02:30-05:30)

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Use the Rapid SAP Fiori Activation to make SAP Fiori available for your selected roles:
Blog: SAP Fiori for SAP S/4HANA – New Rapid Content Activation on SAP S/4HANA 1909, 1809 & 1709 – Part 1 –
Overview. Also follow the blog parts 2-4 starting from there.
SAP Note: 2834415 - Composite SAP note: Rapid Activation for SAP Fiori in SAP S/4HANA 1909

For a detailed how-to on the Rapid SAP Fiori Activation, follow all steps laid out in the following blog:
Blog: SAP Fiori for S/4HANA – Rapid Activation Task List Updates and Quick Guide (especially refer to the Quick
Guide linked at the end of the blog)

A simple how-to video on this topic can be found in the openSAP microlearnings playlists for SAP S/4HANA.
Go to Microlearning for S/4HANA and select the video with the title "Activating SAP Fiori Apps via Rapid

For additional information on how to transport the content of the Rapid SAP Fiori Activation to your QA and
Production systems, see the following blog:
Blog: SAP Fiori for SAP S/4HANA – SAP Fiori Rapid Activation: Transport from Development to Production

Required project roles:

• Basis Expert / System Admin

Duration: 0.5 days

SAP Fiori Launchpad adjustments in your DEV system

After setting up your development system and activating SAP Fiori, it’s time to transfer the roles, catalogues,
groups from the evaluation system into your development system. While this is possible via a transport, the
experience from projects has shown that it is better to recreate the objects in your development system. With that
you will achieve a clean development system.
This is where the notes you took during the tryout phase come in handy. Refer to that document and repeat the
adjustments you identified.
For more details about the required activities, please refer back to Chapter 4 in the section Design frontrunner

Required project roles:

• User Experience Lead
• Functional Application Expert
• Basis Expert / System Admin
• Analytics Expert

Duration: 3 days

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Integrating Fiori into the testing activities of your overall SAP S/4HANA

Before you go live with SAP S/4HANA, it is important to provide enough time for testing and familiarization. This
is usually done in the quality or test system. Keep in mind that changing from SAP ERP on GUI to SAP S/4HANA
using SAP Fiori is a change in both process and user experience. It is therefore crucial for the success of the SAP
Fiori introduction that end users feel comfortable when your company is going live with SAP Fiori.

Training your end users

Besides the functional testing, users also need to

learn how to use the personalization features of SAP
Pitfall to avoid

Do not disable personalization

OpenSAP offers microlearnings for end users that features for your end users. It
you can include in your overall end-user training might sound like making your life
curriculum for SAP S/4HANA. Go to easier, but it doesn’t., select Line of
Business "User Experience" and look at the playlists. SAP Fiori follows the insight-to-
action paradigm. Let your end
In addition, we have collected some further users make their adjustments to
information you can use to assemble your end-user
how they work.

Documentation: SAP Fiori Launchpad User Guide

Video: Adapting the Launchpad - FLP Personalization
Blog: Transitioning from GUI to FIORI: A friendly user guide – Part One
Blog: Transitioning from GUI to FIORI: A friendly user guide – Part Two
Overview on what end users can do with the FLP: The SAP Fiori User Experience for SAP S/4HANA
Using User Defaults is easy as explained in Blog: Setting User Defaults in SAP S/4HANA

Training your key users

First, we recommend participating in the same trainings as the end users. In addition, openSAP offers
microlearnings especially valuable for key users. You can include these learnings in your overall training
curriculum for key users.
Go to, select Line of Business "Technology Topics" and then choose your playlist.

Performance tracing and optimization

From a more technical perspective, you should also do performance traces and optimization in your testing
phase. The following Knowledge-based Articles (KBAs) provide more information and insights into these topics.
SAP KBA: 2916959 - Fiori Performance Troubleshooting

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SAP KBA: 2881803 - FAQ: S/4HANA Fiori Best Practices - Collective Note
Blog: SAP Fiori for SAP S/4HANA – Performance Tips and Tricks in S/4HANA On-Premise

SAP also provides services to do performance optimization. Reach out to your SAP contact to get more insights
into these services.

Support tools

SAP offers several tools to analyze errors occurring in the Fiori Launchpad or Fiori Launchpad Designer, and the
following two-and-a-half-minute snippet of the openSAP course gives you a quick overview:
openSAP: SAP Fiori Overview: Design, Develop and Deploy – Week 4, Unit 4 (Minute 10:00-12:30)
Documentation referred to in the sequence: SAP Fiori Launchpad – Support Tools

The About feature

When resolving support issues, it makes a difference what type of app it is that users report an incident about. Is it
an SAP GUI Transaction, a Web Dynpro ABAP application, a Web Client UI, or an SAP Fiori (SAPUI5) app? And
what is the ID of the app so you can easily identify it?
The technical name of the app provides that, and you can teach your end users a clever little trick to include that
information in an incident if they only know where to look. Here’s how:
Blog: SAP Fiori for SAP S/4HANA – Finding the technical name of an app
Blog: Fiori for S/4HANA – Speed up your Fiori Support Incidents

Fiori Troubleshooting
The following presentation provides a good overview about the troubleshooting capabilities in SAP Fiori including
how to start a troubleshooting session, the most common errors, and how to analyze authorization issues.
Presentation: Troubleshooting Tips and Tricks

Required project roles:

• Functional Application Expert
• Basis Expert / System Admin
• Analytics Expert

Duration: depends on number of users, roles, locations.

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6 Expand SAP Fiori usage to additional roles

Once you are live on SAP S/4HANA with your initial set of roles, SAP recommends you first spend some time on
fine tuning and collecting feedback from the frontrunner roles before tackling the next set of roles. Make sure your
initial SAP Fiori roles fully leverage the innovation potential and benefits offered and become internal promotors.
Then, and only then, embark on the next set of roles from your initial shortlist.

When your organization is ready for the next wave of SAP Fiori implementations, use the shortlist you have
drafted in the exploration phase and apply the same methodology you have used during the initial implementation
of SAP Fiori during your SAP S/4HANA conversion project.

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