Deathwatch v1.4

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This Team List uses the special rules and wargear All models in this list have the Imperium, Adeptus
lists found in Index: Imperium I. If a rule differs Astartes and Deathwatch faction keywords. They
from the Index, it will be clearly stated. also have their unit name as a keyword.
The points are intended for the model WITHOUT
the equipment listed, you need to add the costs ELITE KILL TEAM
of the wargear you can find in the Space Marines In campaign play, all core models on this kill team
points values section of the Index. choose battle honours as though they were
special models taken as core models.
If a weapon found on the lists at the end of this
opus has a different points cost in Codex: Space MODEL AVAILABILITY
Marines as a result of Chapter Approved or You must adhere to the following model
otherwise, use that points cost instead. requirements when building your Kill Team:

• 1 Team Leader model

• 1-20 Core models
• 0-3 Special models
Deathwatch Veteran Sergeant 29
Veteran 6” 3+ 3+ 4 4 4 3 9 3+
EQUIPMENT - Frag Grenade
- Krak Grenade

RULES - And They Shall Know No Fear, Special Issue Ammunition, Inspiring Presence
- Attack Pattern Makhaira: Friendly units within 6” of this model may re-roll hit rolls of 1.
OPTIONS - May take a single option from the Rifles list.
- May take up to two options from the Pistols and/or Melee lists. One of these may be a
guardian spear or xenophase blade.
- May take a combat shield or storm shield.
- May take up to two items from the Fortress Armoury.
- May take items from Special Issue Wargear.
- May take up to two augmetics.
- May take the Attack Pattern Makhaira special rule for 12 points.
KEYWORDS Infantry, Veteran Sergeant, Character

Deathwatch Warden 64
Warden 6” 3+ 3+ 4 4 4 3 9 3+
EQUIPMENT - Crozius Arcanum
- Frag Grenade
- Krak Grenade

RULES - And They Shall Know No Fear, Special Issue Ammunition, Inspiring Presence
- Litanies of Hate
- Rosarius
OPTIONS - May take a single item from the Rifles, Pistols or Melee lists.
- May take a jump pack for 15 points.
- May take a single item from the Fortress Armoury.
- May take items from Special Issue Wargear.
- May take a single augmetic.

KEYWORDS Infantry, Warden, Character

Deathwatch Codicier 67
Codicier 6” 3+ 3+ 4 4 4 3 8 3+
EQUIPMENT - Force Stave
- Frag Grenade
- Krak Grenade

RULES - And They Shall Know No Fear, Special Issue Ammunition, Inspiring Presence
- Psychic Hood
OPTIONS - May replace his force stave with a force sword or force axe.
- May replace his bolt pistol with an item from the Rifles, Pistols or Melee lists, or a
combat blade or storm shield.
- May take a single item from the Fortress Armoury.
- May take items from Special Issue Wargear.
- May take a single augmetic.

Psyker This unit can attempt to manifest one psychic power in each friendly Psychic phase and
attempt to deny one psychic power in each enemy Psychic phase. This unit knows Smite
and one other power from the Interromancy, Librarius, Tempestas, or Sanguinary
disciplines. If this model learns another power, it must be chosen from the same discipline
as the first.
KEYWORDS Infantry, Character, Psyker, Codicier

Biker Sergeant 49
Biker Team 14” 3+ 3+ 4 5 5 3 9 3+
EQUIPMENT - Frag Grenade
- Krak Grenade
- Space Marine Bike with Twin Boltgun

RULES - And They Shall Know No Fear, Special Issue Ammunition, Inspiring Presence
- Turbo Boost
- Attack Pattern Glaive: If this model is your team leader, all friendly models within 6” may
declare charges, even if they fell back earlier in the turn.
OPTIONS - May take a single choice from the Rifles, Pistols or Melee lists or may take a pair of
lightning claws.
- If this model does not have a pair of lightning claws, it may take a combat shield or storm
- May take a teleport homer.
- May take a single item from the Fortress Armoury.
- May take items from Special Issue Wargear.
- May take a single augmetic.

KEYWORDS Biker, Character,

Vanguard Sergeant 31
Vanguard 12” 3+ 3+ 4 4 4 3 9 3+
EQUIPMENT - Frag Grenade
- Krak Grenade

RULES - And They Shall Know No Fear, Special Issue Ammunition, Inspiring Presence
- Jump Pack Assault
- Attack Pattern Shamshir: If this model is your team leader, all friendly units within 6” may
shoot even if they fell back earlier in the turn.
OPTIONS - May take a single option from the Rifles list.
- May take up to two options from the Pistols and/or Melee lists or take a pair of lightning
- If not equipped with a pair of lightning claws, this model may take a combat shield or
storm shield.
- May take a single item from the Fortress Armoury.
- May take items from Special Issue Wargear.
- May take a single augmetic.

KEYWORDS Infantry, Jump, Fly, Character, Vanguard Sergeant

Deathwatch Terminator Sergeant 42

Terminator 5” 3+ 3+ 4 4 5 3 9 2+
EQUIPMENT - Storm Bolter
- Power Sword

RULES - And They Shall Know No Fear, Special Issue Ammunition, Inspiring Presence
- Attack Pattern Cestus: If this model is your team leader, you may choose to pass or fail
route tests.
OPTIONS - May replace power sword with a weapon from Teminator Melee.
- May replace storm bolter and power sword with two lightning claws or a thunder
hammer and storm shield.
- May take a single augmetic.
- May take a single item from the Fortress Armoury.
- May take items from Special Issue Wargear.

KEYWORDS Infantry, Terminator Sergeant, Character

Deathwatch Terminator 32
Terminator 5” 3+ 3+ 4 4 2 2 8 2+
EQUIPMENT - Storm Bolter
- Power Fist

RULES - And They Shall Know No Fear, Special Issue Ammunition

- Teleport strike
OPTIONS - Up to three terminators on your team may replace their storm bolter with a weapon
from the Deathwatch Terminator Heavy Weapons list.
- Any may replace its power fist with a weapon from the Deathwatch Terminator Melee
Weapons list.
- Any may replace its storm bolter and power fist with two lightning claws or a
thunderhammer and storm shield.
- May take items from Special Issue Wargear.

KEYWORDS Infantry, Terminator

Deathwatch Tactical Veteran 19

Strike Marine 6” 3+ 3+ 4 4 1 2 8 3+
- Frag Grenade
- Krak Grenade

RULES - And They Shall Know No Fear, Special Issue Ammunition, Inspiring Presence
OPTIONS - May take a single option from the Rifles list.
- May take up to two options from the Pistols and/or Melee lists.
- For every 5 members of the kill team, two deathwatch tactical veterans may take items
from the Heavy list instead of the Rifles list.
- If not equipped with a weapon from Heavy, this model may take a combat shield or
storm shield.
- May take items from Special Issue Wargear.
KEYWORDS Infantry, Tactical Veteran
Deathwatch Vanguard Veteran 21
Interceptor 12” 3+ 3+ 4 4 1 1 7 3+
EQUIPMENT - Bolt Pistol
- Chainsword
- Frag Grenade
- Krak Grenade
RULES - And They Shall Know No Fear, Special Issue Ammunition
OPTIONS - May take a single option from the Rifles list.
- May take up to two options from the Pistols and/or Melee lists. One of these may be a
heavy thunder hammer.
- If not equipped with any items from the Pistols and/or Melee lists or a heavy thunder
hammer, may take a pair of lightning claws.
- If not equipped with a pair of lightning claws or a heavy thunder hammer, this model
may take a combat shield or storm shield.
- May take items from Special Issue Wargear.
KEYWORDS Infantry, Jump, Fly

Deathwatch Biker 6 34
Servitor 14” 3+ 3+ 4 5 2 2 6 4+
EQUIPMENT - Frag Grenade
- Krak Grenade
- Space Marine Bike with Twin Bolter

RULES - And They Shall Know No Fear, Special Issue Ammunition

- Relentless Assault
OPTIONS - May take a single choice from the Rifles, Pistols or Melee lists or may take a pair of
lightning claws.
- If this model does not have a pair of lightning claws, it may take a combat shield or storm
- May take items from Special Issue Wargear.

Deathwatch Apothecary 38
Apothecary 6” 3+ 3+ 4 4 2 2 8 3+
EQUIPMENT - Frag Grenade
- Krak Grenade

RULES - And They Shall Know No Fear, Special Issue Ammunition

- Narthecium
OPTIONS - May take a single option from the Rifles list.
- May take up to two options from the Pistols and/or Melee lists.
- May take items from Special Issue Wargear.
- May take a single augmetic.

KEYWORDS Infantry, Apothecary

Deathwatch Artifex 36
Artifex 6” 3+ 3+ 4 4 2 2 8 2+
EQUIPMENT - Frag Grenade
- Krak Grenade

RULES - And They Shall Know No Fear, Special Issue Ammunition

- Blessing of the Omnissiah
OPTIONS - May take up to two items from the Rifles list. One of these may be a servo arm.
- May take up to three options from the Pistols and/or Melee lists. One of these may be a
servo arm, another may be a heavy thunder hammer.
- May take items from Special Issue Wargear.
- May take a single augmetic.

KEYWORDS Infantry, Artifex

Blackshield 25
Blackshield 6” 3+ 3+ 4 4 2 3 8 3+
EQUIPMENT - Frag Grenade
- Krak Grenade

RULES - And They Shall Know No Fear, Special Issue Ammunition

- Atonement Through Honour
OPTIONS - May take a single option from the Rifles list.
- May take up to two options from the Pistols and/or Melee lists.
- May take a storm shield or combat shield.
- May take items from Special Issue Wargear.
- May take a single augmetic.

KEYWORDS Infantry, Blackshield

Deathwatch Scout 24
Scout 6” 3+ 3+ 4 4 2 2 8 4+
EQUIPMENT - Frag Grenade
- Krak Grenade

RULES - And They Shall Know No Fear, Special Issue Ammunition.

- Concealed Positions (pg 29)
- Camo Cloak (pg 29)
OPTIONS - May take a single option from the Rifles list.
- May take up to two options from the Pistols and/or Melee lists.
- May take items from Special Issue Wargear.
- May take a single augmetic.

KEYWORDS Infantry, Scout

Special Issue Wargear
Gear Cost Effect
Purity Seals 5 Once per battle round, the bearer may re-roll a single failed hit, wound,
save or leadership roll.
Auspex 10 After your opponent sets up a unit that is arriving on the battlefield as
reinforcements within 12” of this model, your models within 6” of this
model may immediately shoot at that enemy unit as though it were the
Shooting phase, but they must subtract 1 from hit rolls.
Master-Crafted 7 One of this model’s melee weapons improves its damage characteristic
Weapon by 1.
Auxiliary Grenade 5 Increase the range of all of this model’s grenades to 18”.
Stim Pack 5 When this model loses its last wound, roll a d6. On a 5+, this model is
not slain and remains in play with a single wound and this ability ceases
to function. Whether it survives the mission or not, this model counts
as being removed as a casualty by your opponent at the end of the
mission, before victory points are tallied.
Luminor Rounds 8 This model adds phosphor rounds to its special issue ammo. This
ammo functions as normal for a bolter, but an enemy model that loses
one or more wounds to a bolter firing this ammo ceases to be affected
by any rule that causes models that target it to suffer a hit penalty until
the start of this model’s next turn.
Grav Rounds 8 This model adds grav rounds to its special issue ammo. This ammo
functions as normal for a bolter, but an enemy model that loses one or
more wounds to this ammo loses the Fly keyword until the start of this
model’s next turn.
Preysense Augur 10 Instead of deploying normally, this model may be set up behind enemy
lines. At the end of any of your movement phases, set this model up
anywhere on the battlefield within 8” of a table edge and more than 9”
from any enemy model.
Hellfire Honours 10 (Codicier Only) When this model is selected to shoot in the Overwatch
phase, it may instead attempt to manifest a psychic power as though it
were the Psychic phase. The roll to manifest this power is made with a
-2 penalty.
Locator Beacon 10 Friendly units entering play from reinforcements or reserves do not
have to roll to see if they arrive if they arrive within 8” of this model.
They must meet all of their other criteria for arrival.
The Fortress Armoury mission. On a 2-6, this kill team gains d3+1 tactical
Deathwatch armouries are chock-full of esoteric items points.
left or created by battle brothers over the years. An
Espenæs Pattern Meaconing Comm Jammer (12
exceptional Deathwatch rotation might result in the
chamber gifting one of its relics to the battle brother
when he returns to his chapter, but typically, brothers Battle brothers returning from Deathwatch duty tell
who excelled during their rotations will request that stories of arcane “grey boxes” that can scramble and
their wargear be given to their old watch fortress even hijack communications across all EM bands and
upon their deaths. While some of these items are not even into the warp. Many have been the offers that
true relics, they are sufficiently rare that no kill team chapter masters have made to the Ordo Xenos for
may ever have two instances of the same item from working examples of these items, but to no avail. The
this list. devices are in high demand among deathwatch kill
teams and their delicate, complicated nature ensures
Brennart’s Clavis (21 points)
there are never enough to go around.
Brother Brennart was a techmarine seconded to the
When your opponent spends a tactical point on any
Deathwatch from the Abrogators chapter. Certainly,
model within 18” of the model carrying this, roll a d6.
Brother Brennart could fix vehicles, but his real talent
On a 5+, the tactical point is still spent, but there is no
was bending cogitators and logic engines to his will.
He could coax secrets out of even the most intractable
machine spirit. His ministrations allowed his team to The Collector (9 points)
identify threats before they became a serious problem
and then slip utterly unnoticed through every layer of No one knows who built the power maul known as The
security, appearing suddenly amidst the thick of battle Collector, but the list of famous space marines who
or the middle of an incubating genestealer cult with a have used it in battle is a veritable who’s who of
precision that bordered on the supernatural. noteworthy names. It has been carried by no less than
six different winners of the Feast of Blades. Its legend
A model with this item, along with up to 3 others may within the hallowed halls of over a dozen watch
deploy in tunnels beneath the battlefield and will fortresses is such that even some xenos have been
appear together at the end of the first turn within the known to flee once they recognize it. It has collected
footprint of a set of ruins. If there are no ruins on the the blood (hence its name) of over 40 different xenos
table, they will enter play within 6” of a random table species and its crackling power field ensures that this
edge. In either case, they must be placed more than blood just stains the flanges a darker black.
9” from an enemy model and within 3” of each other.
The rules for this weapon can be found below.
Vivisection Gauntlet (10 points; Apothecary or Artifex
only) Overkill (28 points)

A vivisection gauntlet mounts to the user’s clavis and Curis Ruan was a human master artificer in watch
is programmed to interrogate a variety of xenoforms fortress Ceraven, deep in Segmentum Pacificus. He
as quickly as possible. An artifex or apothecary was also notoriously cantankerous and did not suffer
trained in its use can extract rudimentary thoughts wasteful requests idly; even if those requests came
and memories from a xenos (or a human) in moments from transhuman super soldiers. An unnamed watch
and use the information to help his team. captain ordered him to build a new gun; one that had
the rate of fire and range of a plasma gun, but the
You may decide to use the vivisection gauntlet when penetrating power of a meltagun. After several
you set up your apothecary at the start of a mission. attempts at crossing the two radically different
Roll a d6. On a 1, the apothecary suffers a mortal weapons, none of which were up to the watch
wound which cannot be healed in the course of the captain’s standard, an exasperated Ruan built this
monstrous rifle by fusing the body of a full-sized
plasma gun on the spine of a full-sized meltagun, A model bearing this cloak has a 3+ invulnerable save.
slaving both weapons to the same trigger. It is not
The Black Shield (5 points; Blackshield only)
known whether this met the watch captain’s
specifications, but once it was discovered in the watch Most watch fortresses have a variation of this
armoury, it has been in continuous and enthusiastic weapon. For the Blackshield who has had enough, this
use by brothers of the Deathwatch ever since. is the gold standard for ways to die fighting the
Overkill is a combi weapon that fuses the profiles for a enemies of mankind. A battle brother who carries the
meltagun and a plasmagun, rather than a bolter and black shield is kept on continual combat duty until he
another weapon. receives the fate that he seeks.

Hazred’s Mantle (17 points) A model with this item counts as having a 5+
invulnerable save. In addition, if an enemy model has
Brother-Sergeant Hazred was seconded to the a choice between attacking this model or another in
Deathwatch from the Angels Praenuntius chapter to close combat, it suffers -1 to hit if it chooses not to
watch fortress Gnaeus in Segmentum Tempestus. On attack this model.
his first mission, he was swallowed whole by a Fakzull
land worm that promptly fled his squad’s attempts to Charosian’s Hood (6 points)
rescue him. Over the course of ten standard weeks, he Brother Charosian of the Exorcists was the first to
managed to kill the beast from inside and though his receive this honour during the Paven’s World
power armour was ruined, he was able to signal a Reconciliation by resisting the witchery of an Eldar
passing rogue trader. To barter his way, he paid with psyker with willpower alone. This item is given to
the carcass of the worm he had slain and the small mark those who are exceptionally difficult to target
part of its impenetrable hide that he was able to hold with psychic powers.
on to was fashioned into this cloak. Eventually, he
made his way back to the watch fortress to rejoin his A model with this item may attempt to deny the witch
disbelieving comrades. Since then, several more of once per enemy psychic phase. If this model is a
these cloaks have made their way into fortress psyker, it may attempt to deny an additional enemy
armouries. psychic power.

Ranged Weapons
The Collector - Melee +2 -1 1 If the target of this weapon has an armour
save of 3+ or better, change this weapon’s
damage to d3.
Vivisection - Melee 1 -1 1 This weapon always wounds on a 2+ unless the
Gauntlet target is a vehicle in which case it wounds on a
The permanent ranks of the Deathwatch are few and Sensory (10 points)
chapter masters take a very dim view of Imperial
organizations that borrow their troops and return These augmetics require the most cogent medicae
them broken or dead. To this end, Deathwatch technologies and integration techniques. A model
medicae tend to over-engineer augmetics for injured with this augmetic improves its BS by 1.
battle brothers, believing it is best if they return them Reaction Enhancer (10 points)
better than they received them. It is even rumoured
that some of the more exotic augmetics might be This augmetic sharpens the reaction speed of its user.
based on xenos tech. In any event, a model can take A model with this augmetic gains +1 attack.
as many augmetics as its datasheet allows and may
Metabolic Velocity (9 points)
never take the same augmentation twice.
Once per game, at the beginning of the Movement
Mobility (6 points)
phase, this model may use Metabolic Velocity after
These subtle augmetics are typically used to help which it ceases to function for the rest of the mission.
aging Imperial servants continue with their duties. After all close combat attacks have been resolved, this
However, for the right price, an enterprising model may pile in and fight again.
mechwright can tune them to outperform the most
Metabolic Regeneration (8 points)
athletic warriors. This augmetic gives the user +2”
movement if it is non-jump pack infantry and +1 At the end of each friendly turn, roll a d6. On a 5+,
movement if it is any other type. Furthermore, the this model regains a wound lost earlier in the mission.
user always passes the roll to climb or jump and is
never slowed by terrain. Darksight Enhancement (7 points)

Strength (10 points) Whether full replacement of the battle brother’s eyes
or subtle upgrade to existing structures, Darksight is a
Augmentations to bone and muscle enhance a space marked improvement on a battle brother’s vision.
marine’s already formidable strength and endurance
to legendary levels. In either case, this augmetic This model never suffers penalties to hit rolls unless
allows the wearer to move and fire a heavy weapon they are caused by this model’s own weapons.
with no penalty. Furthermore, it removes the -1 to hit Furthermore, this model never suffers scenario
for close combat weapons that have that rule. penalties which are specifically described as being
visual in nature (darkness, smoke, dust, etc).
Dermal Armour (10 points)
Tactical Processor (10 points)
This augmentation inserts shielding and structural
enhancements around the user’s internal organs, One of the Ordo Xenos’ most closely guarded secrets
often including replacement of the skull. However is their ability to manufacture these highly coveted
elegant or horrifying, the user of this augmentation devices. These items are typically given to battle
gains a 4+ invulnerable save that is only effective brothers who wish to become permanent staff on the
against mortal wounds. Deathwatch.

When a tactical point is spent on this model, roll a d6.

On a 5+, the point is refunded. Furthermore, this
model may consolidate an extra 2” and may do so in
any direction.
Weapons Lists

Deathwatch Pistols
Bolt Pistol
Grav Pistol Deathwatch Heavy
Inferno Pistol Deathwatch Frag Cannon
Hand Flamer Heavy Bolter
Plasma Pistol Heavy Flamer
Infernus Heavy Bolters
Missile Launcher
Deathwatch Melee
Lightning Claw Deathwatch Terminator Melee
Power Axe Weapons
Power Fist Chainfist
Power Lance Power Axe
Powr Sword Power Lance
Power Maul Power Maul
Power Sword
Power Fist & Meltagun
Deathwatch Rifles Lightning Claw
Combi Flamer
Combi Melta Deathwatch Terminator Heavy
Combi Plasma Weapons
Deathwatch Shotgun Heavy Flamer
Flamer Assault Cannon
Stalker-Pattern Boltgun Cyclone Missile Launcher & Storm
Storm Bolter Bolter
Grav Gun

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