Endocrine Q Pool
Endocrine Q Pool
Endocrine Q Pool
Explain why?
1. Food intake is increased in diabetes mellitus.
2. Gonadotrophin levels increase in serum after menopause.
3. Prolonged steroid therapy should not be withdrawn suddenly.
4. Exercise is good for Diabetes Mellitus.
5. Pituitary tumour can cause Bitemporal hemianopia
6. Hypoglycaemia and hypotension occur in additions disease.
7. Vitamin D is considered as a hormone.
8. Steroid therapy is always withdrawn gradually.
9. Acromegaly may be associated with visual field defect.
10. Pigmentation is found in Addisons disease
11. A pituitary tumor can cause defect in the field of vision.
12. Thyroid dwarfs are mentally retarded.
13. Pituitary tumour can cause defect in the fields of vision.
14. In hyper thyroid state ß1 blockers are used.
15. Cortisol is not advised in patients with osteoporosis?
16. Hypothyroidism is more commonly seen in sub-himalayan regions.
17. Striae are seen in Cushing’s syndrome
18. Propanolol is used in thyroid disorder
Long Questions:
1. Name the hormones of suprarenal cortex. State the functions of glucocorticoids. Describe clinical
features of Cushings syndrome?
2. Name the hormones of anterior pituitary gland. What are actions of growth hormones? What are
the effects of hyper secretion of growth hormone?
3. Name the hormones of suprarenal cortex. State the functions of mineralocorticoid. Explain
hyperpigmentation in Addison’s disease.
4. Name the anterior pituitary hormones ? Briefly discuss the functions, mechanism of action and
control of secretion of growth hormone. Enumerate the features of acromegaly.
5. Enumerate the functions of calcium in our body. How the homeostasis is maintained by involving
different hormones? What are the sources of these hormones? Name the features of Rickets and
6. Enumerate the hormones secreted from the islets of langerhans and their cells of origin. Describe
briefly the functions of insulin. Write a note on polyuria in diabetes mellitus
7. What are the hormones produced in adrenal medulla? What is pheochromocytoma and why there
is hypertension in pheochromocytoma?
8. Name the hormones of thyroid gland. State the functions of thyroxine. What is goitre and what are
the types?
9. Name the hormones that can regulate blood calcium level. What are their actions? What is tetany?
10. Name the hormones of islets of Langerhans. State the functions of insulin. Why polyphagia occurs
in diabetes mellitus?
11. Mechanism of action and functions of growth hormones. Name two disorders occurring due to
hyper secretion of growth hormone.
12. Outline the steps of synthesis of thyroid hormones. What is Wolff-Chaikoff effect?