History and Prophecies of The White Buffalo Woman The Descent and Delivery of The Sacred Pipe
History and Prophecies of The White Buffalo Woman The Descent and Delivery of The Sacred Pipe
History and Prophecies of The White Buffalo Woman The Descent and Delivery of The Sacred Pipe
the Americas
The Soul of the Prophet Moses has been Reincarnated in many different
times and places, and his Human Person has been known each time by
different names. In Ancient Atlantis he was known as the Patriarch
Henoch whose Real Being is the Angel Metraton Sar Ha-Panim, the
Angel of the Face of the Lord. In the beginning of the History of the
People of Israel he was called Jacob-Israel Reincarnated later as Moses
the Son of Thoth or Thoth-Moses. Some centuries later he was
reincarnated as King Solomon. Much later as the Essene Teacher of
Righteousness, as the Great Enlightened Rabbi Shimon Ben Yochai, and
as Isaac Luria.
But also, in the times of the Ancient Atlantis and in the first times after
the last Great Universal Flood, he was reincarnated among the Original,
Ancestral and Millenarian Peoples of the Territories currently called
Sacred Traditional
Ceremonial Pipe
do things which doctors are at present unable to accomplish. He once said to me, 'If the white man had the
graciousness of heart to approach the red Indian rightly, he might be given assistance which would prove of great
benefit to his race. In the early days we were given missionaries and whiskey, and were driven out of our lands by
the greed of the white man, but we are re-incarnating at this present time into the white race, and some day we shall
regain that which we have lostbut we hold our knowledge secret until the time nature shall call it forth.’.”
For many years now, and especially during these days and nights of Winter, I have been meeting and reuniting in the
Higher Dimensions with several Venerable Indigenous Chiefs of America, reminding and recommending to them the
Practice of the Ancient and Ancestral Law of Origin that has its foundations in the Practice of the Sacred Covenant
of the New Alliance, which is the Loving Sexual Union only between one Man and one Woman, because in the
White Lodge sexual union with more than one woman is forbidden, because that would be adultery.
History of the White Buffalo Woman and the Delivery of The Sacred Pipe with Esoteric, Gnostic Explanations, to
read it very especially during the days and nights of winter, by the light of a lighted candle, a candleholder, an oil
lamp, or of a bonfire with its crackling and crackling of joyful burning and blazing fire…
On Yesterday's date of Our Happy Eve of Shabbath Eve, Thursday, June 17, 2021, was the First Anniversary or the
First Return to the Sun... of my Reunion with the Celestial Maiden White Buffalo Woman, giving me the
Ceremonial Sacred Pipe…
another Vision appeared: I saw a Very Beautiful Lady, very Slender, Young, Distinguished, with White Skin, long
and wavy Black Hair, Dressed completely with a long Dress up to the ankles, of Red Color, who while turning on
herself in a very Beautiful and Sacred Sioux Indian Dance, turning to her right, was holding in Her Right Hand a
Large Ceremonial Lakota-Sioux Sacred Pipe….
The White Buffalo Woman made me the SPIRITUAL delivery of the Sacred Pipe... Lakota-Sioux Ceremonial...
“You want to know why we always go from left to right like that. I can tell you something of the
reason, but not all. Think of this: Is not the south the source of life, and does not the flowering
stick truly come from there? And does not man advance from there toward the setting sun of his
life? Then does not he approach the colder north where the white hairs are? And does he not then
arrive, if he lives, at the source of light and understanding, which is the east? Then does he not
return to where he began, to his second childhood, there to give back his life to all life, and his
flesh to the earth whence it came? The more you think about this, the more meaning you will see
in it.”
(“Neihardt, John G.. Black Elk Speaks: The Complete Edition (p. 124). UNP - Bison Books.
Kindle Edition.”)
(“Black Elk; Brown, Joseph Epes. The Sacred Pipe: Volume 36 (The Civilization of the American
Indian Series) . University of Oklahoma Press. Kindle Edition.”):
“Early one morning, very many winters ago, two Lakota were out hunting with their bows and
arrows, and as they were standing on a hill looking for game, they saw in the distance something
coming towards them in a very strange and wonderful manner. When this mysterious thing came
nearer to them, they saw that it was a very beautiful woman, dressed in white buckskin, and bearing a
bundle on her back. Now this woman was so good to look at that one of the Lakota had bad
intentions and told his friend of his desire, but this good man said that he must not have such
thoughts, for surely this is a wakan woman.1 The mysterious person was now very close to the men,
and then putting down her bundle, she asked the one with bad intentions to come over to her. As the
young man approached the mysterious woman, they were both covered by a great cloud, and soon
when it lifted the sacred woman was standing there, and at her feet was the man with the bad
thoughts who was now nothing but bones, and terrible snakes were eating him.2 “Behold what you
see!” the strange woman said to the good man. “I am coming to your people and wish to talk with
your chief Hehlokecha Najin [Standing Hollow Horn], Return to him, and tell him to prepare a large
tipi in which he should gather all his people, and make ready for my coming. I wish to tell you
something of great importance!” ”
“The young man then returned to the tipi of his chief, and told him all that had happened: that this
wakan woman was coming to visit them and that they must all prepare. The chief, Standing Hollow
Horn, then had several tipis taken down, and from them a great lodge was made as the sacred woman
had instructed.3 He sent out a crier to tell the people to put on their best buckskin clothes and to
gather immediately in the lodge. The people were, of course, all very excited as they waited in the
great lodge for the coming of the holy woman, and everybody was wondering where this mysterious
woman came from and what it was that she wished to say.”
“Soon the young men who were watching for the coming of the wakan person announced that they
saw something in the distance approaching them in a beautiful manner, and then suddenly she
entered the lodge, walked around sun-wise,4 and stood in front of Standing Hollow Horn.5 She took
from her back the bundle, and holding it with both hands in front of the chief, said: “Behold this and
always love it! It is lela wakan [very sacred], and you must treat it as such. No impure man should
ever be allowed to see it, for within this bundle there is a sacred pipe. With this you will, during the
winters to come, send your voices to Wakan-Tanka, your Father and Grandfather.”6 After the
mysterious woman said this, she took from the bundle a pipe, and also a small round stone which she
placed upon the ground. Holding the pipe up with its stem to the heavens, she said: “With this sacred
pipe you will walk upon the Earth; for the Earth is your Grandmother and Mother,7 and She is
sacred. Every step that is taken upon Her should be as a prayer. The bowl of this pipe is of red stone;
it is the Earth. Carved in the stone and facing the center is this buffalo calf who represents all the
four-leggeds 8 who live upon your Mother. The stem of the pipe is of wood, and this represents all
that grows upon the Earth. And these twelve feathers which hang here where the stem fits into the
bowl are from Wanbli Galeshka, the Spotted Eagle,9 and they represent the eagle and all the wingeds
of the air. All these peoples,”
“and all the things of the universe, are joined to you who smoke the pipe—all send their voices to
Wakan-Tanka, the Great Spirit. When you pray with this pipe, you pray for and with everything.”
The wakan woman then touched the foot of the pipe to the round stone which lay upon the ground,
and said: “With this pipe you will be bound to all your relatives: your Grandfather and Father, your
Grandmother and Mother. This round rock, which is made of the same red stone as the bowl of the
pipe, your Father Wakan-Tanka has also given to you. It is the Earth, your Grandmother and Mother,
and it is where you will live and increase. This Earth which He has given to you is red, and the two-
leggeds who live upon the Earth are red; and the Great Spirit has also given to you a red day, and a
red road.10 All of this is sacred and so do not forget! Every dawn as it comes is a holy event, and
every day is holy, for the light comes from your Father Wakan-Tanka; and also you must always
remember that the two-leggeds and all the other peoples who stand upon this earth are sacred and
should be treated as such. “From this time on, the holy pipe will stand upon this red Earth, and the
two-leggeds will take the pipe and will send their voices to Wakan-Tanka. These seven circles11
which you see on the stone have much meaning, for they represent the seven rites in which the pipe
will be used. The first large circle represents the first rite which I shall give to you, and the other six
circles represent the rites which will in time be revealed to you directly.12”
“Standing Hollow Horn, be good to these gifts and to your people, for they are wakan! With this
pipe the two-leggeds will increase, and there will come to them all that is good.”
“From above Wakan-Tanka has given to you this sacred pipe, so that through it you may have
knowledge. For this great gift you should always be grateful! But now before I leave I wish to give
to you instructions for the first rite in which your people will use this pipe. “It should be for you a
sacred day when one of your people dies. You must then keep his soul13 as I shall teach you, and
through this you will gain much power; for if this soul is kept, it will increase in you your concern
and love for your neighbor. So long as the person, in his soul, is kept with your people, through him
you will be able to send your voice to Wakan-Tanka.14 “It should also be a sacred day when a soul
is released and returns to its home, Wakan-Tanka, for on this day four women will be made holy,
and they will in time bear children who will walk the path of life in a sacred manner, setting an
example to your people. Behold Me, for it is I that they will take in their mouths, and it is through
this that they will become wakan. “He who keeps the soul of a person must be a good and pure
man, and he should use the pipe so that all the people, with the soul, will together send their voices
to Wakan-Tanka. The fruit of your Mother the Earth and the fruit of all that bears will be blessed in
this manner, and your people will then walk the path of life in a sacred way. Do not forget that
Wakan-Tanka has given you seven days in which to send your voices to Him. So long as you
remember this you will live; the rest you will know from Wakan-Tanka directly.” The sacred
woman then started to leave the lodge, but turning again to Standing Hollow Horn, she said:”
“Behold this pipe! Always remember how sacred it is, and treat it as such, for it will take you to the
end. Remember, in me there are four ages.15 I am leaving now, but I shall look back upon your
people in every age, and at the end I shall return.” Moving around the lodge in a sun-wise manner,
the mysterious woman left, but after walking a short distance she looked back towards the people
and sat down. When she rose the people were amazed to see that she had become a young red and
brown buffalo calf. Then this calf walked farther, lay down, and rolled, looking back at the people,
and when she got up she was a white buffalo. Again the white buffalo walked farther and rolled on
the ground, becoming now a black buffalo. This buffalo then walked farther away from the people,
stopped, and after bowing to each of the four quarters of the universe, disappeared over the hill.”
(Black Elk; Brown, Joseph Epes. The Sacred Pipe: Volume 36 (The Civilization of the American
Indian Series) . University of Oklahoma Press. Kindle Edition.)
The Sacred Pipe of The White Buffalo Woman of the Sioux Traditions:
"The White Buffalo Calf Woman", "also known as White Buffalo Maiden", who after giving them The
Sacred Pipe and the Red Round Stone, sent to them by "The Great Spirit" or "WAKANTANKA", at the
moment of leaving, said:
"In the end I will return" to purify the World, a coming which the Sioux-Lakota Indians understand will be
very soon. The Seven Circles on THE STONE representing the Seven Rites in which the Sacred Pipe is used
have esoteric meanings.
The first Rite represents "The White Buffalo Calf Woman", which in the Kabbalah is the SPHERE or
Sephirah Malchut (Rachel the Wife of Jacob or Zeir Anpin) or the Queen of the Seven Sephiroth (The Queen
of Sheba, the Queen of Seven), from Chesed to Malchhut, of the Tree of Life.
The other Six Rites represent the Six Spheres or Sephiroth of Zeir Anpin: Chesed, Gevurah, Tiphereth,
Netzeh, Hod and Yesod.
In synthesis, the SEVEN SPHERES or SEVEN RITES symbolize the Knowledge or GNOSIS of the Mystery
of the Spiritual, Esoteric, Alchemical and Kabbalistic Espousal of ZEIR ANPIN WITH MALCHUT.
The Altar of the Rite, the two parts of the Sacred Pipe, namely the Red Stone Bowl and the Wooden Reed, the
Twelve Eagle Feathers that appear at the place where the Reed meets the Bowl of the Pipe, the Tobacco, the
Fire to light the Pipe, the Sacred Purifying Smoke that is offered to the Great Spirit, and very specially THE
SHAPE OF A TAU of the Bowl of the Sacred Pipe, among other Sacred elements and steps to follow, have
their esoteric symbologies, whose practice allows us to achieve that our Spirit be ONE (EJAD), and to be
able to arrive back to the "PLACE" where WAKANTANKA, The Great Spirit, "The Great Mystery", was
The True Blossoming, whose symbolism is in THE SACRED PIPE WITH ITS TAU CROSS, given by THE
GREAT SPIRIT through the White Buffalo Maiden to the Sioux/Lakota People:
Esoteric, Spiritual and Inner Flowering, happens in ascending octaves, and comes to be considered "Qualified"
LIFE, THE SACRED TREE blossoming "at the Center of the World" (which is our heart), within each Being
who has made it Blossom and Fruitful.
This is a "Tree that bears Good Fruit" of which Our Lord JESUS THE CHRIST spoke.
The Reed and the Bowl of the Pipe symbolize the union of the masculine Lingam or Phallus within the
feminine Yoni or Uterus during the practice of the Holy Sexual Alchemy between a man and a woman united
by the Sacrament of Love and Matrimony. The Fire to ignite the Tobacco of the Pipe is the ardent and erotic
Fire of the Flaming Forge of Vulcan, White Sexual Magic, the Unsurpassable White Tantra-Yoga, whose
etheric vapors must be elevated to the Great Spirit through the etheric canals of our Caduceus of Mercury in
our Cerebro-Spinal Column.
The Great Holy Spirit WAKANTANKA, "The Great Mystery", is our Interior, Divine, Spiritual Father-
If a Marriage performs this Rite of Holy Alchemy each day, the first Sphere or Circle that begins to Realize is
the Sephirah Malchhut of the Tree of Life, and then continues to Realize the following Six Sephiroth of Zeir
Once the Seven Sephiroth are Realized, from Malchhut to Chesed, a first Wedding of Zeir Anpin with
Malchhut takes place.
The definitive Wedding is performed much later in more advanced esoteric processes, which is when Zeir
Anpin is betrothed in a definitive Edenic Wedding at the "end of days" with Malchut, "to purify" completely
"the world".
In another meaning, the Manifestation of the White Buffalo Woman giving me the Ceremonial "Sacred Pipe"
or "Calumet" is the beginning of the Fulfillment of the Prophecy in which She announced that when She
returned accompanied with the Descent of the Sacred Pipe giving it to the V.M. Thoth-Moses, the Disciple of
the Great Lakota-Sioux Indian Chief who has, among other Sacred Names, the Esoteric Names of "The
Upright Bear", it is because the end of this humanity is near, from which a few FERTILE SEEDS will be
rescued and taken moments before the Final Catastrophe by "The Son of Man" in His Spaceships of Light, to
"The Island of the Exodus"...
In their proper order, the Ten Sephiroth of the Tree of Life of the
Kabbalah are:
Note: At the very moment I was thinking of placing this Tree of Life
Design here, at 4:23 AM the First Thunder was heard, very Powerful, in
all this early morning of the Sacred Day of Shabbath of Today June 19,
2021. And at the end of these notes, with the link "IAO OUR TRUE
GOD", at 4:33 AM it thundered again loudly…
May all Beings be Happy!" "May all Beings be Blissful!" "May all Beings be at Peace!"
From the Heart, for all the Poor Suffering Humanity, Luis Bernardo Palacio Acosta
Bodhisattwa of the V.M. Thoth-Moisés
We love all Beings, all Humanity. Every Human Being is also Humanity. This Study I have
carried out with the help of GOD during the following days: Thursday 17th, Friday 18th and
Saturday 19th, June 2021.
This pdf is distributed free of charge - www.testimonios-de-un-discipulo.com