Fourth Quarter Examination in General Biology 2
Fourth Quarter Examination in General Biology 2
Fourth Quarter Examination in General Biology 2
You may have noticed that organisms are usually referred to by different names. In the same
vein, some names refer to many different species. This task will let you research some of
1. You can pick any organism you like. (You may select any creature; for example, your preferred
animal or plant)
2. Draw the selected organism on a piece of oslo paper.
3. Go online to research the organism’s scientific name, common name, and other local names
from different place and indicate the Linnaean Classification of Taxonomy (Kingdom, Phylum,
Class, Order, Family, Genus, Species). Write these down in the oslo beside the illustration.
4. Present your output to the class. Make sure that you take note of any similar names between
organisms or multiple organisms referred to by the same name.
5. Deadline is on May 17-18, 2023.
Materials needed:
Oslo paper
coloring materials
internet and gadget