Diplomstudium Komposition Und Musiktheorie

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July 2022

Information on Entrance Examinations

Diploma in Composition and Music Theory

Department of Composition, Electroacoustics
and Tonmeister Education

StudiesCenter Department Office

Denise Avdullahi Mag. Klaudia Lerchbaumer
T +43 1 711 55-6911 T +43-1-711 55-2101
[email protected] [email protected]
mdw.ac.at/studiencenter mdw.ac.at/ike/

mdw – Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Wien

Anton-von-Webern-Platz 1, 1030 Wien, Österreich
Important Dates
Exam dates are listed at the department’s online presence: mdw.ac.at/ike/

Entrance Examination
The objective of the entrance examination is to assess the candidate’s aptitude for the field of study, as
well as his/her command of both general music theory and an instrument. The final deadline for
candidates to submit their compositions or written essays is two weeks prior to the entrance
examination, otherwise the candidates cannot be considered for admission.

The entrance examination is broken down as follows:

A) Written:
B) Aural skills exam (intervals, chords and cadences, one and two-voice dictation, rhythmic dictation,
pinpointing errors, identifying various timbres and musical styles)
● Theory test (counterpoint and harmony, reading scores, musical forms and repertoire)

1) Practical:

• Sight singing (with and without piano accompaniment, tonal and/or atonal)
• Piano: A Three Part Invention or a praeludium and fugue from Bach´s “Well Tempered Clavier”
and one more piece of the standard of a moderately difficult Viennese Classical sonata)
• If the candidate’s main instrument is not piano, an additional piece on another instrument may
also be performed.

3) Submitted compositional works or essays on music theory

4) Interview with the candidate on the subject of general music culture, motivation and repertoire
knowledge (in particular of the 20th and 21st centuries)

Deadline for submission of compositions and theoretical papers: 19.04.2022

Applications are only possible via online-portal


For questions regarding the registration process please contact: [email protected]

Proof of proficiency in German
Candidates, whose first language is not German must provide evidence of proficiency in German at
the B1 level with a mark of 70/100 points for each module, before admission to the study.

The following documents are accepted as proof of adequate proficiency:

● Goethe-Zertifikat B1 from a Goethe Institute examination centre with a mark of 70/100 points
for each module, not older than 2 years (counting from the date of the most recently completed
part of the examination). Examinations with the suffix “Austria” are not sufficient.
● ÖSD Zertifikat B1 (ZB1) from an ÖSD examination centre with a mark of 70/100 points for each
module, not older than 2 years (counting from the date of the most recently completed part of
the examination). Examinations with the suffix “Austria” are not sufficient.
● A pass certificate for a German test taken at the mdw (register at [email protected])
● Certificate of mdw-University course “Sprachkompetenz Deutsch” on the level confirmed by the
course teacher
● a school leaving certificate from a German-language educational programme that qualifies one
for university-level studies (e.g. “Matura” or “Abitur” from a German-language secondary school
● Valid admission to a study or degree of a study at the mdw with German proficiency at the B1
● Valid admission to a german-speaking study or degree of a german-speaking study at a
recognized Austrian or foreign post-secondary educational institution and confirmation of this
educational institution about their acquired level. The degree must not have been awarded
more than 2 years ago at the time of submission.
Exception: The applicant has demonstrably stayed predominantly in a German-speaking
country after exceeding the latter period.

The ÖSD Central Examinations Office (osd.at) and the Goethe Institute (goethe.de) both maintain lists
of authorized international institutions and language schools that hold examinations for the certificate.
Sample papers can also be obtained from the above websites.
Where possible, it is recommended that candidates obtain a German proficiency certificate in their home
country before starting of studying in Austria.
Sample Questions for the Entrance Examination “Composition and Music
Length of the written aural skills test: 1 ½ hours

Part A: written ear training test:

1) Fill in the following table for the four audio samples played!

Ex. cadence No. 1:

2) The intervals played in a tonal setting are to be notated and figured. (The accidentals and the first
lower note are given).
3) The played melody is to be written. (The time signature and the first note are given). (One-part
dictations can be played in fragments on a case-by-case basis).

4) Both voices are to be notated. (Key, time signature and first note of both voices are given).

5) The bass part of the following chord progression is to be written. The individual chords are to be
figured/designated using general bass notation, Roman numeral Analysis and general bass nota-
tion or function theory. (To-nart and time signature are given.)
6) The rhythm is to be written down. (The time signature is given).

7) In the following audio sample, indicate any deviations of the played version from the musical text.

P Es C Fis

stacc ato Es decresc.

8) Write a short commentary for each piece.
For examples of serious music: era, style, country, composer, performer, instrumentation and solo
instruments, genre, form, character, language, etc.;
For examples of popular music: approximate date (decade), style, performer or film music composer,
title, special features.

Example 1:

Example 2:

Example 3:

Example 4:

Example 5:

Example 6:

Example 7:

Example 8:


The examination board chooses from the following exercises:

1. sight-singing chord tones and short interval sequences.

2. sight-singing a light tonal or modal melody a cappella.
Repetition of the same melody with dissonant piano accompaniment, canon, etc.
3. memory exercise, re-singing and transposition of a light tonal melody (played 3 times)
4. sight-singing of atonal interval sequences a cappella.
5. sight-singing a melody or recitative with accompaniment.

Teil B: Theory test in writing:

1. Tonsatz:

a) Design a second voice to the following melody or harmonize it in the manner of a 4-part movement:

b) Starting from the given chord, write an extended cadence, as imaginative as possible, about 6-8
measures long, and label the harmonies with the symbols of step or function theory:
2. Music theory:

a) Comment on the following musical examples and attempt a music-theoretical approach by

- note when/by whom the pieces might have been written;

- try to classify the pieces stylistically;
- identify characteristic movement techniques;
- marking (where appropriate) motivic/thematic elements/connections.
b) Bestimmen Sie die Instrumente der folgenden Partiturseite und geben Sie bei entsprechenden
Instrumenten die jeweilige Transposition an:

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