(BS 4311-2 - 1977) - Specification For Gauge Blocks and Accessories. Accessories

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BST BSx43]2+ PARTE 77 MM Lb24bb5 0185375 7 ml ) BS 4311: Part 2 :1977 ] upc 621.763,9:531.71.61 Specification for Metric gauge blocks Part 2. Accessories Spécification des blocs étalons métriques Partie 2. Accessoires Spezifikation fiir metrische Me&klétze Teil 2. Zubehor British Standards Institution —— BSI BSX4331: PARTH2 77 MM Lb24bE9 0185176 9 BS 4311: Part 2: 1977 Contents reo « ©@ Forowed Ine tant cnet Aopen Seeing onztons fe AP Ron te us of ue lock poeta 4 Specification 0, Introduction 1 Table 1. Scope 1 1. Dimensions of type A jaws 2 2. Referoncos 2 3. Material 2 Figures 4, Type A measuring jaws 2 1, Examples of assemblies of gauge 5. Typo B measuring jaws 2 block accessories 1 6, Scriber point and centre point 32, Typo A jaws 2 7. Base 33, TypoB jaws 2 8. Holdors 3 4, Seriber point 3 9, Associated items 4B, Gontre point 3 10. Marking 4 6 Detail of holder 3 11, Case 4 12, Protection against adverse climatic. conditions 4 Foreword BS 888 which specifies gauge blocks in imperial units also contains a section on accessories for use with the blocks, but BS 4311 : 1968" covering metric gauge blocks did not include @ comparable section. The present standard rectifies this. ‘omission and constitutes Part 2 of BS 4311, * Am amendment is being isued to ronumber BS 4311 : 1968 as 8S 4911 : Part 1: 1968. BSI BSk43L]! PARTH2 77 MM Db24bb9 0185177 0 BS 4311 : Part 2: 197 British Standard Specification for Metric gauge blocks Part 2. Accessories 0. Introduction ‘The use of gauge blocks for measuring and for calibrating ‘measuring instruments may be extended by accessories of the type specified in this standard. For instance pairs of type A and type B jaws ae listed which when combined ‘with gaugo blocks form an external or an internal calliper. Other accessories are a robust base for converting a gauge block combination into a height gauge; and a centre point {and an edged tool for scribing arcs of precise radius. The various items are made with wringing surfaces for com- bining with gauge blocks, and holders are available for supporting the combinations in use ‘The precision obtainable in using the accessories is influenced by the manner of use, e.g. reduction of springiness in calliper jaws, flainass of the datum surface Measuring jaws (type A) \ Holder CEE "Gauge block Measuring jaws ype A) Gauge block Toolmaker's th fof surtace pl (oot an accessory) Platform Figure 1, Examples of asomblies of gouge block sooesrores (on which the base is located, and avoidance of focal wear, particularly on the scribing tool and the type A jaws. 1. Scope This standard specifies requirements for accessor intended for use with metric gauge blocks complying with the requirements of BS 4311 : Part 1 and includes two typos of measuring jaws, sriber and centre points, bases and holders. Requirements for general dimensions and certain features of design, material, finish and accuracy are specified. Other details of design may vary according to the practice of individual manufacturers, Examples of typical assemblies of accessories are shown in figure 1 and notes on their use are given in appendix A. Measuring awe (ype 8) BSI BSx431 BS 4311 : Part 2: 1977 2, References ‘The titles of the standards publications referred to in this standard are listed on the inside back eover. 3. Material ‘Accesories other than the qide plates of holders shall be made of high grade steel or other wear esitant materia Lite steel I used the items shall be hardened to not est than 750 HV" when tested In accordance with BS 427. The ites shal be suitably het treated inorder to stabilize the material 4, Type A measuring jaws 4A Gonoral. These jaws are customarily supplied in pairs for internal or external measurements: the general design and dimensions shall be as given in figure 2 and table 1 42 Finish and accuracy. The wringing faces and cylindrical facos shal be finished by high grade lapping within the tolerances specified below. ‘The wringing face shall be flat to within 0.0003 mm per 36 mm of length “PARTH2 27 MM Lb24bb9 0185178 2 ml For each jaw, dimension A shall be nominal size to within 0.001, — Omm. In addition, when the pair of jaws is wrung over an interposed gauge block of about size A and aligned along one side, the maximum error in the overall dimension shall not exceed + 0.001 mm. In manufacture this toleranos is achieved by positioning the centre-for the radius A midway between the side faces to within 0.026 mm. “These jaws should not be used for the accurate messure ment of internal diameters smeller than 3A, ‘Angle 8 shall be 90° +0’, — 10". 5. Type B measuring jaws 5.1. Genoral. These jaws are customarily supplied in pairs for extornal measurements: the general design and dimen- sions shall be as given in figure 3. 5.2 Finish and accuracy. The wringing faces shall be finished by high grade lepping within the tolerance for flatness of 0.0003 mm per 36 mm of length. ‘Angie shall be 90° +0, — 10! 0.08? =O 7AM go? End elevation enlarged Figure 2. Type A jows Table 1. Dimensions of type A jaws 1 2 [2 |« |s |e Recommended | Approximate dimensions Somina! ‘timonsion a a fe [ommle |r 2 76 | 40 6 | ss 5 a jas as foo | is 8 ws js | 20 [20 | 15 128 v5 [7% [ae }30 | 20 1.0 (rad. or undercut) 90m 838 nd slevllon enaged Figure 2. Type B jaws “The poroxnet eaten hardness umber on the Rocke © sls eB BBD 2 A BSI BSx43h 6. Scriber point and centre point —~ 6.1. General. These jaws are customarily supplied together 8 a set for seribing arcs of known radius. The general design and dimensions shall be as given in figures 4 and 5. 6.2 Finish and accuracy. The wringing faces shall be finished by high grade lapping within a tolerance for “flatness of 0.0003 mm per 35 mm of length. Angle B shall be 90° +0", - 10" The deviation of the centre point from the plane of the ‘wringing face shall not exceed 0.01 mm. When the set is used in combination, the diameter of @ finely scribed circle shall not differ by more than + 0.026 mm from twice the size of the gauge block com- bination inserted between the points. For this purpose ‘the inside edgo of the fine seribed lines shall be the position of measurement. 7. Base 7.1. General. The base is used in combination with gauge blocks to set up a nominal dimension vertically above a datum surface in contact with the underside of the base. ‘The base, including a platform to which the gauge blocks ‘are wrung, shall be sufficiently robust to provide adequate stability when used in conjunction with a combination of ‘gauge blocks in a holder of 300 mm capacity. Suitable means shall be provided for attaching the holder s0 that the combination of gauge blocks is perpendicular to the datum surface. ‘The underside of the base shall be relieved and an air vent shall be provided. The sides shall be relieved to form Convenient finger grips. ‘The platform shall be at least 36 mm long and 9 mm broad. 7.2 Finish and accuracy. The underside of the base and the platform upon which gauge block combinations are to ‘be wrung shall be finished by high grade lapping to within the tolerances specified below. “The underside of the base shall be flat to within 0,001 mm {and the base shall not rock. ‘The platform shall be flat to within 0.0003 mm. ‘The platform shall be parallel to the underside of the base ‘to within 0.0003 mm, ‘The measured height of the base shall agree with the ‘nominal height as marked to within * 0.0008 mm. 8. Holders 8.1. General. Tho holders shall be of a suitable design to accommodate combinations of gauge blocks and accessories, and to hold such combinations rigidly while they are in use, ‘The holder shall incorporate a suitable form of swivel joint between the sliding block and the clamping screw in order to ensure an even pressure on the combination, The surfaces of the sliding and fixed blocks against which the combine- tion abuts shall be finished by lapping and the centres of ‘these surfaces shall be relieved (see figure 6). ‘The distance betwean the side plates shall be 9 + 0.1, =Omm PART#2 77 MM Ub24eb9 0185179 4 a BS 4311 ; Part 2: 1977 Radius 005 am spo — em wil amen med _ 00s A = Timm 907 = Figure. cenr point Swivel joint Clamping screw tre. portion relieved Figure 6, Dot of holder Sliding block BSI BSx43Lb: BS 4311: Part 2: 1977 9, Associated items ‘The accessories specified in this standard are often supplied ‘accompanied by a knife edge straight edge complying with ‘the requirements of BS 862. In use, the base may also be associated with a grade AA surface plate as specified in BS 817 or a toolmakors’ flat in accordance with BS 869. 10, Marking Each accessory shall be marked with the manufacturer's name of initials or trademark. “Type A jaws and the base shall bo marked withthe nosninal 11, Case Each set of accessories shall be supplied in a suitable caso in which there is @ separate compartment for each accessory. ‘Tho case shall bo so designed that when it is closed the accessories cannot become displaced. “The case shall be of strong construction with substantial Jingos and fastenings. The joint between the lid and the case shall be close fitting and should preferably be rebated ‘or made with fillet and groove to provent the ingress of dust. 12, Protection against adverse climatic conditions Al surfaces of the accessories shall be protocted against adverse climatic conditions by being covered with a suit protective preparation to prevent corroslon.* *Se0 85 1133, Sootlons 6 and 19. PART#2 77 MM L249 0185280 0 mm Appendix A. Notes on the use of gauge block accessories A.A Type A and type B jaws. When wringing the jaws with sgauge blocks the combination should be aligned by bringing the items into contact along one side with a surface plate. “The projection of the jaws beyond the gauge blocks should bbe minimized to avoid loss of accuracy through springing Of the tips of the jaws. A.2 Type A jaws. The user is reminded that the 2 mm jaws are not undercut at the junction of the cylindrical and rectangular sections; hence if the jaws are allowed to mate to full depth with an internal component, contact may be ‘made with the fillet at the base of the cylindrical portion, thus falsifying the measurement. ‘These jaws wear most at the leading end: a sign of wear is fan abraded line along the cylindrical surface, A.B Scrlber and contre points. In all manipulation care should be taken to protect both points against damage in the form of burrs or blunting. When assembling with gauge blocks in a combination, itis advisable to align the com- bination along one side against a surface plate. Furthermore, the centre lines of scribars and centre points should be kept parallel with the axis of the gauge blocks. ‘The scribing of ares is facilitated if the sample is polished beforehand and If It can be rotated beneath the scribing assembly. If thick lines result there is uncertainty as to the ‘rue location of the marks since the seratch may be unsym- ‘metrical, and the innermost edge, from which measurements should be taken, may be irregular in outline, ‘The scriber will wear in due courso and a ready check is to view its condition under optical magnification. Rectifica- tion is best entrusted to the manufacturer. Where @ travelling microscope is available, the user may prefer to scribe arcs of nominal radius and measure the diameter of the seribad circle; the interposed gauge blocks may then be adjusted if necossary, and arcs rescribed. PART#2 77 Mi Ub24669 018516) 2 ml BST BS*432a Standards publications referred to 88 427 asai7 88.852 as.a6o 2s 888 88 1199 as aan Method for Vickers hardness tast Part 1 Testing of metals Surface plates and tables Toolmakers” strsightedgos ‘Tables for comparison of hardness scales Slip (or blosk) gouges and their accassories nase Seetion 6 Temporary protection of meta surfaces against corrosion (during transport and storage) Section 19 Use of deslecants in packoging Metre gauge blocks Part 1 Gauge blocks BSI BSKHaLLE “This British Standard, having bean prepared under the direction of the Mochenieal Engingoring Standards Committee, was published Under the authority of the Executive Board on 29 July 197, © British Stondords Institution, 1977 ISBN: © 680 09695 5 “The following BSI raferance relate to the work on this stondard Committee reference MEE/S9 Draft for ommant 75/700830C British Standards Institution. Incorporated by Royal Charter, BS! is the indpandont national body for the preparation of British Standards, It is tho UK member of th internationel Organ zation for Standardization and UK sponsor af the British National Committee of the International Electrotechnical Commission, {mn addition to the preparation and promulgation of standards, 8S1 offers specialist services including the provision of information through the BSI Library and Standardline Database; Technical Help to Exporters: and other serves, Advice ean be obtained frm the Enquiry Section, BS, Milton Keynes MK14 BLE, tlophone (0908 221166, lex 825777. Copyright. Users of British Stendard are rominded thet copyright subsets in all BSI publications. No part of this publieation may be ‘oproduced in any form without the prior permission in writing of BSI. This doos not preclude the free use, in the course of Cooperating organizations ‘The Mechanical Engineering Standards Commitee, under whose direction thie British Standard was prepared, consists of Fepresentatives [vom the allowing Government departments and Sclontific and industrial organizations ‘Associated Offices Technical Committee ‘Association of Consulting Engineers ‘Association of Hydraulic Equipmont Manufacturers Ltd ‘Association of Mining Electrical and Mechanical Engineers British Compressed Alr Society British Electrical and Allied Manufacturers’ Assocation British Gas Corporation Brush Gear Manufacturers’ Association British Internal Combustion Engine Manufacturers Assocition British Mechanical Engineering Confederation Batish Pump Manufacturers Association Basis Stoel Corporstion ‘eitth Stee! Indus ‘Grown Agents Yor Oversee Governments and Administrations Dopartment ofthe Environment Department of Indutry Department of Indurtry ~ National Engineering Laboratory Department of Trade Electricity Supply Industry in England and Wales Engingering Equipment Users Association Amendments issued since publication PARTS2 77 Mil 2b24bb9 0145182 4 mM BS 4311 : Part 2:1977 Implementing the stenderd, of necsssary details such as symbols and se, type oF grade designations, Enquile should be addressed to the Publications Manaper, BS, Linford Wood, titan Keynas IMIC14 GLE, The number for telephone enguiris is 0908 220022 tnd for telex 826777 Contract requirements. A British Standard does not purport to include all the necessary provisions ofa contract. Users of Oritish Standords ore responsible for thelr correct application. Revision of British Standards, British Stendard are revised, when rnecessery, by the isue either of amendments or of revised editions Ieisimportant that ures of British Standards should ascertain that ‘they ae in possesion of the latest amendments or editions. ‘Avtometis updating serves. BS! provides an economic, individual and automatic stonderds updating setvies called PLUS. Details 70 ‘railabie from BSI Enquiry Seetion at Milton Keynes, telepnone (0908 221165, telex 825777, Information onal SI publications itn the AS! Covarogue, fupplemented each month by BS! News which is avaiable to {ubseribing members of BSI ana gives details of new publication, feusione, amendments and withdrawn stonderds, Any person who, twhon making use of @ British Standerd, encounters an Inaceuracy Ot “mbinuity, requested to notly BSI without delay in order that the matter may be investigated and appropriete action taken, Federation of Manufacture of Construction Equipmant ‘nd Cranes Health ond Setety Executive Intitution of Gat Engines Institution of Heating ad Ventilating Enginsors Institution of MeenaniestEngineors Institution of Plant Engingert "Institution of Proguction Engineers London Transport Executive Machine Toot Trades Association Ministry of Defence National Coal Boerd *Netional Physieat Laboratory Process Plant Assocation Railway Industry Associotion of Great Britain Royal Institute of British Architects Society of Motor Manufacturer and Traders Ltd ‘Telecommunicaton Engineering and Manufacturing Assocation ‘The organization marked with an asterisk in the above list, together with the following, were directly represonted on the committee tentrusted withthe preparation Of this Brltsh Standard Department of Priess and Consumer Protection Gauge snd Toolmakers" Assoctation ‘Amd. No. Date of issue | Toxt affected @ L261: Zed: uersa British Standards Institution « 2 Park Street London W1A 28S « Telephone 01-629 9000 - Telex 266933 e711-9-0.2k- BST BSx43LL: PARTx2 7? MM Ub24669 0145153 b mm: AMD 2657 ‘ly 1978 AMD 2657 “uly 1978 Amo 2657 July 1978 ‘Anno 2657 ‘uly 1978 Amo 2657 cly 1978 AMD 2657 ‘uly 1978 7307-2.2k-8 to BS 431 Specifi Part 2. Accessories :Part2: 1977 Amendment Slip No.1, published 31 July 1978 mn for metric gauge blocks Revised text Clause 3, Material Inline 4 delete 800 HV’ and substitute “750 HV". Figure 2. Type A jaws In the lower view (end elevation enlarged) on the 9 mm dimension delete the 0.05 ees and substitute 0 0. eran tolerance ~ ay 05 07 Table 1. Dimensions of type A jaws In column 4 delete dimension ’S' and substitute ’6', and delete dimension "25" and substitute "45", In column 6 delete dimension ‘0’ and substitute ‘1.0 (rad. or undercut)’, and delete '2.0' and substitute '20'. In the associated footnote delete 64” and substitute 62" Clause 6.2 Finish and accuracy Delete the whole of existing line 3 and substitute the following: Figure 4. Seriber point In the lower viow (end elevation enlarged) on the 9 mm dimension delete Figure 5. Centre point In the lower view (end elevation enter tolerance 2-08 and substitute 20 ‘flatness of 0.0003 mm per 36 mm of length. Angle f shall be 90° +0", — 10" nlgrged) on the 9 mm dimension delete 0.07 AMD 2657

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