CBSE Class 10 Social Science Question Paper 2020
CBSE Class 10 Social Science Question Paper 2020
CBSE Class 10 Social Science Question Paper 2020
Social Science
Previous Year Question paper 2020
Series: JBB/1 Set- 3
Code no.32/1/3
● Code number given on the right hand side of the question paper should be
written on the title page of the answer-book by the candidate.
● Please write down the Serial Number of the question in the answer-
book before attempting it.
● 15 minute time has been allotted to read this question paper. The question
paper will be distributed at 10.15 a.m. From 10.15 a.m. to 10.30 a.m., the
students will read the question paper only and will not write any answer on
the answer-book during this period.
General Instructions :
ii. Section A – Questions no. 1 to 20 are short answer type questions of 1 mark
iv. Section C – Questions no. 29 to 34 are long answer type questions, carrying
5 marks each. Answer to each question should not exceed 120 words.
v. Section D – Questions no. 35 is map based carrying 6 marks with two parts
35(a) from History (2 marks) and 35(b) from Geography (4 marks).
vi. Answer should be brief and to the point also the above word limit be
adhered to as far as possible.
vii. There is no overall choice in the question paper. However, an internal choice
has been provided in few questions. Only one of the choices in such
questions have to be attempted.
ix. In addition to this, separate instructions are given with each section and
question, wherever necessary.
1.Study the table and answer the question given below. 1 Mark
Net Attendance
Ratio (per 100
Infant Mortality
Literacy Rate % persons)
State Rate per 1000
2011 secondary stage
live births (2016)
(age 14 and 15
years) 2013-14
Haryana 33 82 61
Kerala 10 94 83
1. In comparison to Kerala, which state has the highest infant mortality rate?
1 Mark
Ans: Indians opposed the Commission because it did not have a single Indian
Ans: The Vernacular Press Act gave the government broad powers to regulate
news and opinions in the Vernacular press.
A. French Revolution
B. Russian Revolution
Ans: GDP: The value of final products and services produced in each sector during
a given year equals the sector's total output for that year. GDP can be determined
by adding up all of the money spent in a given period by consumers, corporations,
and the government.
Ans: In the public sector, the government owns the majority of the assets and
provides all services, whereas in the private sector, private individuals or
corporations own the assets and offer all services.
6. Which one of the following was published by Raja Ram Mohan Roy?
A. Sombed Kavemode
B. Shamsul Alber
C. Punjab Kesri
D. Chandrika 1 Mark
Ans: (A) Sambad Kaumudi was published by Raja Ram Mohan Roy.
B. Paper seller
Column B Development
Column A Category of peron
Ans: (D)A rural woman from a land owing family -Regular Job and high wage to
increase her income.
9.Suggest any one way to protect women from domestic oppression. 1 Mark
10. In which one of the following states is Kaiga Nuclear Energy Plant located?
A. Gujarat
B. Karnataka
C. Punjab
D. Kerala 1 Mark
11. Modern democracies maintain a check and balance system. Identify the
correct option based on the horizontal power sharing arrangement
Ans: (B) Legislative, executive, judiciary is based on the horizontal power sharing
_________ Industry is the basic industry since all the other industries heavy,
medium and light, depend on it for machinery.
Ans: Japan
By 1448, Gutenberg perfected the system of printing. The first book he printed
was the _____. 1 Mark
Ans: Bible
15. State any one step taken in Belgium to rule out the problem of regional
differences and cultural diversities. 1 Mark
Ans: The constitution requires that the number of Dutch and French-speaking
ministers in the Central Government be equal.
16. Which one of the following is a major caste group of Sri Lanka.
Ans: (C ) Sinhali and Tamil are a major caste group of Sri Lanka.
a. Chandrapur thermal power i. Odisha
b. Mayurbhanj iron ore mines ii. Amarkantak
c. Kalol oil fields iii. Gujarat
d. Bauxite mines iv. Jharkhand
19. Suggest any one way to create employment in urban areas. 1 Mark
Which is the deepest, landlocked and well protected sea port of India? 1 Mark
Ans: Visakhapatnam is the deepest, landlocked and well protected sea port of India.
i. Different levels of government control the same people, yet each has its own
jurisdiction in areas of law, taxes, and administration.
ii. The constitution specifies the jurisdictions of the various levels or divisions
of government.
iii. Courts have the authority to interpret the constitution as well as the authorities
of various levels of government.
22. “Tertiary sector activities help in the development of the primary and
secondary sectors.” Evaluate the statement. 3 Marks
Ans: Tertiary sector activities contribute in the development of the primary and
secondary sectors for the following reasons:
i. Tertiary sector activities do not create any goods in and of themselves, but
they are an aid or support to the primary and secondary sectors' production
processes. Transport, commerce, storage, and other services, for example,
benefit primary sector sectors such as agriculture.
iii. Certain new services are being developed such as those based on information
as well as on communication technology, are growing in popularity, and have
become increasingly important and indispensable over the last decade or so.
‘Primary sector’ was the most important sector of economic activity at initial
stages of development.” Evaluate the statement. 3 Marks
Ans: The primary sector was the most significant sector of economic activity in the
early stages of development because:
ii. The primary sector remains the largest economic sector and plays an
important part in the country's overall socioeconomic growth.
iii. The success of the secondary sector is dependent on the success of the primary
sector. This sector usually uses the primary sector's production as raw material
to create final items. A thriving primary sector aids in the establishment of a
robust secondary and tertiary sector.
The following are some of the three elements of secularism listed in the Indian
ii. In India, all residents are free to follow their faith. Everyone in India has the
right to practise whichever religion they want.
Caste disputes are almost certain to emerge in such a society. These disputes stem
from casteism, which refers to hate of one caste by another, or attempts by members
of one caste to obtain personal benefits at the expense of the interests of other caste
members.In a word, casteism is one-sided allegiance to a specific caste.
24. “Efficient means of transport are prerequisites for fast development of the
country.” Support the statement with examples. 3 Marks
i. The movement of products and services from their supply locations to their
demand locations demands the use of transportation.
iii. The careful and organised use of natural resources is important because
injudicious use of natural resources may deplete them.
i. Classification and recording of resources across the country. This includes the
process of conducting surveys, mapping resources, qualitative evaluation, and
resource calculation.
26. Explain any three effects of population growth in England in the late
eighteenth century. 3 Marks
Ans: Effects of population growth in England in the late eighteenth century are as
ii. As cities grew in size, so did the need for food grains.
Why did the export of Indian textile decline at the beginning of the nineteenth
century? Explain any three reasons. 3 Marks
Ans: The export of Indian textile decline at the beginning of the nineteenth century
because of the following reasons:
i. When Britain placed import taxes on cotton textiles, the export market shrank.
iii. Machine-made items were less expensive, and weavers couldn't compete with
27. Suggest any three ways to improve public facilities in India. 3 Marks
ii. The government should provide assistance to other sectors of public facilities
so that they can improve their technology; and the government should provide
assistance to other sectors of public facilities so that they can improve their
iii. People can also help to improve public services by raising awareness about
the difficulties in these sectors and pressuring the government to improve
Ans: The Justice Group, a non-Brahman party, believed that entering the council
was one way to obtain power — power that was previously solely available to
28.2 How was the effects of ‘non-cooperation on the economic front’ dramatic?
1 Mark
Ans: Foreign goods were boycotted, liquor stores were picketed, and foreign
clothing was burned in massive bonfires.
28.3 Explain the effect of the ‘Boycott’ movement on ‘foreign textile trade’.
1 Mark
Ans: The effect of the ‘Boycott’ movement on ‘foreign textile trade’ was merchants
and dealers refused to buy or sell foreign products or fund international commerce.
29. “Bank plays an important role in the economic development of the country.”
Support the statement with examples. 5 Marks
Ans: In various ways, the bank plays a significant role in the country's economic
i. The bank offers loans in rural areas for agricultural production, resulting in
the development of numerous regions.
ii. The bank makes a loan to fund the creation of fixed assets that will result in
job creation.
iv. Banks take deposits and pay interest on them, allowing funds to be mobilised.
v. The majority of these deposits are used by the bank to provide loans for
different profitable events.
“Credit sometimes pushes the borrower into a situation from which recovery is
very painful.” Support the statement with examples. 5 Marks
Ans: A bank is typically referred to as a formal provider of credit, and in some cases,
the borrower may be unable to repay the loan. This puts them in a debt trap position.
i. In rural regions, if crops fail due to natural reasons, farmers would find it
difficult to repay loans.
ii. In the event of a company collapse, the businessman will have a difficult time
repaying the credit.
iii. The rate of interest in the informal sector is quite high. If a prior loan is not
returned owing to crop failure, the interest rate increases.
v. In many situations, people are forced to sell their property and fixed assets in
order to repay a loan.
iv. Farmers clean a plot of ground and plant crops to feed their families.
i. The opposition parties are keeping a close eye on the ruling party in order to
keep it from becoming dictatorial and to limit its powers.
iii. Opposition parties outside the legislature seek the attention of the press and
publish criticism of government policies in newspapers.
v. During the question period, the opposition parties attack the administration in
No civilization can ever totally and permanently overcome the antagonism between
various factions. However, we may learn to appreciate these differences and develop
strategies to deal with them. Democracy is ideally suited since it provides a method
for conducting competitions. Belgium is a successful example of resolving ethnic
33. Read the sources given below and answer the questions that follow:
Until the middle of the twentieth century, production was largely organised
within countries. What crossed the boundaries of these countries were raw
material, food stuff and finished products. Colonies such as India exported raw
materials and food stuff and imported finished goods. Trade was the main
channel connecting distant countries. This was before large companies called
multinational corporations (MNCs) emerged on the scene.
33.1 How are MNCs a major force in connecting the countries of the world ?
1 Mark
Ans: MNCs may create and use links between national economies.
33.2 How does foreign trade become a main channel in connecting countries ?
2 Marks
Ans: Foreign trade become a main channel in connecting countries are as follows:
ii. Producers can sell their products not only in domestic markets, but also in
marketplaces in other nations across the world.
ii. People are living at a better level of life than was previously feasible.
34. How did ideas of national unity in early nineteenth century Europe allied to
the ideology of liberalism? Explain. 5 Marks
iii. Liberals backed the middle-class desire for market freedom and the removal
of state-imposed limitations on the flow of commodities and money.
iv. The establishment of a railway network boosted mobility while also tying
commercial interests to national unification.
How did Greek war of independence mobilise nationalist feelings among the
educated elite across Europe? Explain. 5 Marks
i. Greece had been a member of the Ottoman Empire since the fourteenth
ii. The rise of revolutionary nationalism in Europe inspired the Greeks to launch
an independence campaign in 1821.
iv. Greece received assistance from other Greeks living in other countries. Poets
and painters hailed Greece as the source of European culture and rallied public
opinion in support of its fight against a Muslim dominion.
v. Lord Byron, an English poet, raised funds and fought in the war.
a. Two features ‘A’ and ‘B’ are marked on the given political outline map
of India. Identify these features with the help of the following information
and write their correct names on the lines marked near them. 2 Marks
A. The place where the Indian National Congress Session was held.
b. Locate and label any four of the following with appropriate symbols on
the same given political outline map of India. 4 Marks
Note: The following questions are for Visually Impaired Candidates only in lieu of
Q. No. 35. Attempt any six questions.
Ans: The session of Indian National Congress was held in September 1920 in West
35.2 Name the State where the movement of Indigo planters was started.
1 Mark
35.3 Name the State where the Jallianwala Bagh massacre occurred. 1 Mark
35.5 Name the State where Bhilai Iron and Steel plant is located. 1 Mark
35.6 Name the State where Pune Software Technology Park is located. 1 Mark
35.7 Name the State where Kochi ‘Sea Port’ is located. 1 Mark
35.8 Name the State where Indore cotton textile industry is located. 1 Mark