Intertribal News: VD J y (Iybiv)

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Intertribal News

Chodesh Sheviyi
Seventh Moon
3 Yom Teruah and Yom Kippur

A brief introduction to the exciting days of the
Seventh Month.
5 Leaven and Iniquity
Twice a year we have time set aside to exam-
ine ourselves and go forward. There is a difference
between the two.
12 Worthy of Yom Kippur
Imagine trying to run a race with two legs
that don’t work... our iniquities cripple us. Page
18 Leaven and Iniquity Responses
23 Music Camp Report
68 Barracas
70 Ulia
30 Vt/NH Region
72 Nerja
37 E. Massachusetts Region
27 New York Region
73 Klosterzimmern
42 Sus
82 Buenos Aires
51 Winnipeg
85 Stentwood Farm
50 Nelson
48 Courtenay
88 Vista
46 Chilliwack
89 Morning Star Ranch
56 Peppercorn Creek Farm
91 Chattanooga
59 Katoomba
96 Savannah
99 Hillsboro
60 Londrina
98 Brunswick
62 Campo Largo
94 Asheville
64 Maua
93 Pulaski
67 Manasseh
100 Alexandria
101 Peacemaker Report
21 Vocabulary Words
4 Coloring Page
22 Poetry Corner

2 ITN Volume 4 Issue 7

Yom Teruah and Yom Kippur
The seventh month starts with a whole 24 hour him out. It is the only day in the whole year that he
Sabbath Festival called a “day of blowing (or lifting goes in there. Yom Kippur is one amazing day for
your voice like a trumpet)” – Yom Teruah, the day the nation.
of blowing. Why a whole day just set apart for So, on the first day of the month you are not
blowing? Why making loud, alerting sounds that supposed to work but you are just supposed to blow
strike the ear with alarm? Perhaps if you are the trumpets. And it will be heard all over everywhere so
average farmer living in distant farming villages, that we all will wake up.
you can be watching for the sign of the moon in the Wake up? Can you imagine how dull we get?
heavens, knowing the day must be drawing near for Our Father hates that. So once a year our Father
the new moon of the seventh month, and then you made a festival just so we would be startled to wake
hear it… shofars in the distance. And you look up… up and consider our ways. “Wake, oh Sleeper!”
You hear the blowing of trumpets. It fills the Think about things… and if we don’t think,
air all over the land. This is the festival of trumpets. we are going to be cut off. Our Abba really does
(The Jews started calling it Rosh Ha Shanah not want us to be “foolish virgins” who do not
after they came back from Babylon because they consider our ways, who just tumble through this
celebrated New Year’s Day in Babylon at that life without taking time to get serious about things.
time. So, they kind of merged our Father’s Feast of He does not want any of us to say, “What’s the big
Trumpets into that Babylonian feast so they could deal about this festival, what’s all this hassle about
be celebrating at the same time as their neighbors. It being introspective?” Well, it says in the Scripture
was convenient). the person who thinks like that will surely be cut off
But really the whole festival is just a blowing from the nation.
festival. But what is the blowing of trumpets Can you imagine it? A whole feast just to
for? That everyone could be awakened. And then determine if we are going to be a serious people who
everything in you wakes up, and you think, “What? think about things… and if we sincerely consider our
What is going on? What’s coming up?” ways, we are worthy to participate in that amazing
That is what happens in our soul for the next sacrifice.
nine days after you hear those first shofars at And you might think that by the end of those ten
sundown on Yom Teruah. Yom Teruah is the first days you were going to end up with a whole bunch
of the nine days and considered a “true Sabbath” of depressed people only thinking about how bad
(though not on the seventhth day), doing no work they are. But it is completely the contrary, for on
so it can really sink in that we need to start really the tenth day is the sacrifice to atone for all our bad
considering. You look up when you hear that loud ways.
sound, and something inside says, “What is the Yoneq said, “You may think you are getting
shofar sounding for? What is going on? Where am away with not really being serious about this but our
I in this life? What are my motives, my obsessions, Father sees it. He is the one who either gives you
my hopes and plans? What, what? WHAT?” And grace or cuts you off.”
then, by the tenth day, which is also a day we do no But then, a week later, we go into the Sukkoth.
work, you are ready to afflict your soul before our Because the whole time when the ten days are going
Abba on Yom Kippur. We do not eat because we are on you see the harvesting going on all around you.
so focused on being sincere before our Abba, and And for all but the first and the last of the ten, you
then, you are able to say with relief… “the sacrifice are also working hard in that harvest. When the
has been made for the nation, and I am a part of that harvest comes in there is urgency to get it picked.
nation who have all afflicted our souls in sincerity.” Everything has finished ripening, as it is the end
Yom Kippur is our “atoning festival,” where the of the growing season. The land is full of produce
big sacrifice is made, and the story of the scapegoat, and the bins are full. You are heading to that feast
and then the high priest goes into the Holy of Holies of harvest, the Feast of Booths (tabernacles) in only
before YHWH. He will die if he goes in there four days. As you see that moon get full it is time for
without having afflicted his soul, so they have to put the tents of Sukkot.
a rope on his leg so if he dies in there they can pull

September/October 2009 3
Yoneq said that this is when the year ends in a So right now we are looking to the most serious
sense and a new agricultural year begins. But our and difficult time for us, and then right after it the
actual new year is in the spring when our calendar most joyful time of our year. This is the seventh
starts the first month. month, the most important month in our Hebrew
You bring the first of your whole harvest in to calendar, the 7th.
our Father, and you build little huts and hang grapes
all over inside these little huts, and you celebrate.
You celebrate
because you
are so thankful,
not only
thankful for
the big harvest
that came
in, but you
are thankful
that you got
through those
ten days and you
were able to be
covered by that
sacrifice. Now
you are ready to
go forward into
another year as a
clean nation.
You are happy
that you can camp
out in your tent for
a week with a full
moon over your
head, and all the
blessings of our Abba
all around, minus the
comforts of a soft bed
which might make
some grumble.
Yoneq really
emphasized that the
clear outward sign
of a cleansed heart
is that there will be
no grumbling! There will
be no passing on things or
gossiping, ‘Did you see him,’
and ‘Did you see her,’ and ‘What
do you think about that,’ or ‘They are
always this way,’ as all these things are
the destruction of the nation, as you know.
Instead of praying for one another, we…
4 ITN Volume 4 Issue 7
Yom Kippur
Leaven versus Iniquity
Yom Kippur is the time we afflict our souls to talking about our iniquities for ten days, the last day
find out the iniquities that have been passed onto us being Yom Kippur itself.
through our parents, since it is passed on to the third
Yônêq read a response from Shimon of the
and fourth generation, as it says in Ex 20:5-6. And
tribe of Shimon...
then in Ex 20:4, if we bow down to our iniquities,
they are like idols. We can bow down to them or
get rid of those iniquities that have been passed “I understood the leaven as the things
onto us, as that is what causes division and trouble, that create separation, division, and are not
and everything else under the sun, in the Body of really resolved. It could be accusations we had
Messiah. received about someone, things we are not
We have been getting responses to teachings on forgiving, comments we had made or heard that
various subjects, but right now we want to focus on separates brothers and are still in the air, things
understanding the difference between getting the that are not dealt with and we didn’t want to
leaven out at Pesach and dealing with our iniquities really take care of, or we didn’t know how to.
at Yom Kippur. It could be also little things where we keep our
We understand that leaven creates separation, own anointing, traditions we don’t really accept
and we see in the first church that Paul warned 100%... things that we should have told someone
them how if they even have just a little leaven it about but we didn’t and it is “in the air.” Things
will leaven the whole loaf. You can see that is what that are being allowed in our community which
has happened over a period of 1,900 years. What some people don’t really have peace about. In
happened to the “loaf”? It is as high as the sky. It general, “leaven” hinders the total communion.
is puffed up with air from all the leaven. So we can It doesn’t look like really big things, but as it
understand that leaven causes denominations, and says, “a little leaven leavens the whole lump of
there are almost 40,000 different denominations dough.” It is only a matter of time.
now, caused by that “little leaven” that came in in “And iniquities looks kind of deeper to
the first century. That is Christianity today — total me — what is behind all this, what is working
separation and division. in me that allows leaven to grow, our inner
That is why there has to be a restoration of all workings, our tendencies that hinder the total
things. We have to see these things and celebrate communion...”
the festivals in a new and living way in the New A few people said similar things, how iniquities
Covenant, and be able to judge ourselves, because are deeper than leaven. The nine days before Yom
the first-century church at the end of the century quit Kippur are days to really consider these things, these
judging themselves right. They allowed so many iniquities in our lives, and what we inherited from
things to come in. our parents. We can say to our children, “This is
Constantine, in the fourth century, took the how I am, and this is how my parents were, and it
seventh-day Sabbath away and put it on the first day has been passed onto the third and fourth generation.
of the week, calling it “Sun-day” — the Sun-god This is why you are this way, and you and I have to
Day — and they “worshiped” Christ on that day. cut it off together.” We can talk about it, and then we
A little leaven leavens the whole loaf… start judging ourselves right and are able to get rid
(1 Cor 5:5-7) of these iniquities. We will be a new creation, as our
Master promised.
So if we just leave a little leaven it will leaven
us. It will start leavening the loaf. So that is why “I see the days of Yom Kippur as days to
we have the seven-day Feast of Unleavened Bread, really consider this, what is working in me, what
when we talk about the leaven that is in our lives, am I allowing in my life that our Father doesn’t
that we pick up “from the air” (Eph 2:2). We talk want, and why. It is a time for asking our Father
about leaven morning and evening, for seven days. for repentance, for salvation, a time to confess
And then at Yom Kippur we will be considering and our sins and our tendencies to sin.”

September/October 2009 5
That is what Shimon wrote, who comes from Chanowk of Levi wrote a little bit about what
the tribe of Shimon, in Spain. I am really thankful we can learn from the example of Cain:
he sees this. And other people have written really
Chanowk — What happened with Cain, and
wonderful, wonderful responses. So then we should
especially how our Father dealt with him, was
all see these things, reading all these responses
always very interesting to me. Even more than
during the ten days, the things our brothers and
interesting, it was an example to me. I always
sisters are saying everywhere, and deal with them.
dealt with my children in the same way.
So Yom Kippur is a time for asking our Father
So what happened? Our Father told them to
for repentance — total repentance — and for the
bring an offering, and they did:
continual work of salvation in our lives. We must
deal with what divides us and what separates us, Cain brought an offering of the fruit of the
which the first church didn’t deal with and so they ground to Yahweh. Abel also brought of the
were denominated. “Can Christ be divided?” Paul firstborn of his flock and of their fat. (Gen 4:3-4)
asked in 1 Cor 1:13. Certainly denomination is
After they gave the offering, our Father
division. The Christ they have received now is
divided. But we want to have the True One, and we
want to follow that One, and we want to celebrate And Yahweh respected Abel and his offering,
Pesach and Yom Kippur with all of our hearts and but He did not respect Cain and his offering.
all of our souls so that our Master can return for a (Gen 4:4-5)
people prepared for Him.
Then Cain responded to our Father’s
Mevaser ­— Chanowk of Levi wrote years ago response… Or what was he responding to?
about the connection between blameless and
wholehearted, or surrendered. Iniquities take And Cain was very angry, and his
away our confidence, our “total communion” countenance fell. (Gen 4:5)
with our Father. We must let Him deal with those Now our Father deals with him and the
iniquities so He can work through us to bring situation. He makes one thing really clear to
about the restoration of all things, unhindered Cain:
by our bent ways. “All things” will be restored
only through His people, if we are blameless. He So Yahweh said to Cain, “Why are you
needs each one of us, not just a few individuals, angry? And why has your countenance fallen?
functioning in full capacity. These iniquities If you do well, will you not be accepted? And if
stand in our way and stand in our children’s way. you do not do well, sin lies at the door. And its
desire is for you, but you should rule over it.”
(Gen 4:6-7)
Overcoming the Fallen Nature
So what is our Father saying here? What
The heart of the righteous studies how to
is it that He is trying to teach Cain? Our Father
answer. (Pr 15:28)
was going right straight to the point when He
What does that word studies mean? How does said: “Why are you angry? And why has your
the heart of the righteous study how to answer? If countenance fallen?” But He is not waiting for
you don’t have a righteous heart, what happens? You an answer in which Cain would probably have
spew out an answer; you spew it out real quick. But blamed his anger on something else, and in the
the heart of the righteous ponders how to answer. end on God, but right away He is giving him
parameters in which he should stay when He
The heart of the upright reflects before answers:
answering. (Pr 15:28)
“If you do well, will you not be accepted?
That is the heart of the upright. Cain wasn’t “up And if you do not do well, sin lies at the door.”
right” — he was “down wrong.” (Gen 4:7)
The mouth of the wicked spews out In other words, “Cain, before you answer
wickedness... (Pr 15:28) you need to know that you didn’t get angry
because of anything that happened to you, or
6 ITN Volume 4 Issue 7
because of anything anyone did to you, but So what is our Father saying here at the end?
because you were not doing well. That is why Now I would like to bring it in to James:
you are angry and why your countenance has
Let no one say when he is tempted, “I am
fallen. So I ask you again Cain, ‘Why are you
tempted by God;” for God cannot be tempted
angry, and why has your countenance fallen?’ ”
by evil, nor does He Himself tempt anyone. But
If Cain would have been “up-right” he
each one is tempted when he is drawn away by
would have reflected when called to account:
his own desires and enticed. Then, when desire
The heart of the upright reflects before has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin,
answering; the mouth of the wicked spews out when it is full-grown, brings forth death.
wickedness. (Pr 15:28) (Jms 1:13-15)
But since he was “up-wrong” (not doing You could also say, “Let no one say that
well), he spews out wickedness, meaning when he is tempted that he is doing well. But
justifications. each one is tempted when he is not doing well.”
If Cain would have considered our Father’s The “not doing well” is just as it was in Cain’s
question, the conversation would have gone case — a desire. When the desire is conceived it
somewhat like this: gives birth to sin (sin is crouching at the door). If
we don’t master it, it will bring forth death.
“Cain, why are you angry, and why has your
Our Father tried to help Cain and us to
countenance fallen?”
know how to master the sin that is crouching
“I was angry because you didn’t receive my
at the gate that Abraham’s seed was promised
to possess (Gen 22:17) by hearing Him ask
“Why did that bother you? Did you think
“Why?” and answering Him until we have
that I treated you unjustly?”
arrived at the desire which caused us to act.
“Yes, because I really gave myself and tried
This is the only way to possess the gates of our
to give the best I had.”
enemies and to master the sin in the long run.
“But Cain, now consider your ways; why
But more important than all is that these
did you want to give the best?”
desires are the enemies that our Master is
And after really considering Cain would waiting to put His feet on. These desires or
have had to say, idols are our iniquities that we need to afflict
ourselves about so we can understand them. That
“Because I wanted to be better than my is why Yom Kippur is going to be a celebration,
brother.” because it is the very day when our Master is
“But Cain, why did you want to be better getting what is going to bring Him back to this
than your brother?” earth — His enemies as a footstool. And every
“There was a feeling inside of me that was year He is getting more. While the world does
driving me in that direction, and voices came to their thing we will be celebrating Yom Kippur
me saying that you would only love the one that and dealing with the things that cause the world
was best. So then I was working really hard to to turn. And one day it will be the last enemy,
make sure that I was better than my brother.” and then our Master will come back.
“See, Cain, you were not doing well. Why The leaven is the things that are produced
were you not doing well?” because we are not doing well — desires un-
“Because I wanted to be the best, and I judged. If you would, take Shomeret’s example
didn’t make you the best in my life.” of the frustrated response of mothers to their
“That is right. That is the sin of Satan. He children sweeping through a household. Just
also wanted to be the best and the center of the deal with it the way our Father is dealing with
universe. You have to understand that if you do Cain, and it would be somewhat like this:
well, will you not be accepted? And if you do not
do well, sin lies at the door. And its desire is for “Why were you frustrated?”
you, but you must rule over it.” “Because I need to get this done and he is
End of the Story always… and I told him so many times… and
now I am running late.”

September/October 2009 7
“Why is it so important for you to not run So I asked him why we don’t love it. He said,
late? Why is it that you don’t notice that you are “Because we love other things.”
frustrated with your child?” And here we are, back at James 1 or Genesis
“I was told lunch should be done at such 4. Or at Ex 20:3-6,
and such a time, so…
You shall have no other gods before Me. You
“Do you think I would want you to be under
shall not make for yourself a carved image, or
so much pressure that you can’t take care of your
any likeness of anything that is in heaven above,
child properly? Why don’t you communicate
or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the
when you notice that you are not making it?”
water under the earth; you shall not bow down
“I didn’t want to take the time to do it.”
to them nor serve them. For I, Yahweh your God,
“But think, if our children are the highest
am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the
priority for us, what would hinder you to
fathers on the children to the third and fourth
communicate? In other words, what is it that you
generations of those who hate Me, but showing
love more than your child?”
mercy to thousands, to those who love Me and
(ponder… ponder...) “I think I am afraid to
keep My commandments.
“Why are you afraid to fail? Are you afraid Yônêq — If Cain had been upright, he would
of me?” have reflected when called to account, but since he
(ponder… ponder...) “I just don’t like the was “up-wrong” and not doing well, he spewed out
feeling of not making it. And then thoughts come wickedness, justification. If Cain had considered our
that tell me that I am not good enough, and that Father’s question, the conversation would have been
you are not satisfied with me. It hurts, and it is different.
just a natural response in me when things get
ha-êmeq — Our Father was planning on dealing
tight... I get intense and then it happens that I
with human beings from the moment Adam
get frustrated with my children.”
and Eve had their first two boys. Our Father’s
“See, when you start sensing that pressure
hand got in there right away. Isn’t that nice?
you can know that you are not doing well
He didn’t just kick them out of the Garden and
anymore, and you need to confess that. The
say, “Go on, take care of yourself.” Our Father
desire to not fail can come from a worthless
was right there, involved in their daily life, as
spirit which is an enemy of our Father. Pray
you can see from the interactions in the story.
about it and consider that Yom Kippur is coming
Our Father started to talk to Cain about his
and you will be able to confess that inner
failure. Obviously Cain had done things he knew
working and put the enemy under our Master’s
he shouldn’t have before this time and been
instructed by Yahweh. He had heard our Father’s
End of the Story
voice remind him of things before, thus he does
I am sure you get the picture. We could write not appear shocked to hear, “Cain, why...?”
more stories on the subject based on different It wasn’t as if our Father was out to “deal”
desires. with Cain. He loved Cain. He didn’t come in a
So I think the leaven is one of the signs our rage, “Cain! Look at you, angry.” He just said
Father has given us that show inner workings “Why?” Cain was supposed to just sit there and
based on tendencies and desires. In one of our think for a minute about that, to consider why.
discussions here on the subject, Shachar ben And that is what Yom Kippur is about. And just,
Ohevi said, “You don’t notice leaven if you “I’m sorry I was angry,” and “Okay, I forgive
don’t have salt.” I thought that was good. So I you,” wasn’t enough. Our Father didn’t want
asked him what salt was. He said, “Knowing the that. He wanted human beings to know why.
anointing.” I asked him whether he thought it But then, Cain’s response was, “I don’t
would be possible to grow up in the Community know,” and he acted as if he were just “blowing
and not know the anointing. He said, “No.” So I it off” as humans do, saying, “Sorry,” and,
asked him why we wouldn’t have salt. “Because “Forgive you,” just because you have to, and
we don’t love the anointing,” he answered. that’s it. “Let’s get on with it and not make such

8 ITN Volume 4 Issue 7

a big deal, okay?” But our Father wanted Cain to better” than Abel, and he wasn’t. That’s why his
realize what happened and see it for himself. offering wasn’t accepted. He wasn’t offering it to
our Father, wanting to please Him, but only to please
“Does your anger have anything to do with
himself, to hear, “Oh, Cain did the best; his offering
the fact your brother was right there doing a
was best.”
little bit better than you?”
Caleb ben Israel — In the world, you “gloss
He wants you to fight with yourself, until over” your sins and iniquities. That is not
you get down to the point: something you confess to your friends. But we
“I was just jealous, because he did better are going to be different. We can confess them to
and I wanted to be best…” our friends and not hide them and receive help
and just be healed from the things that work in
Just go ahead and be honest with what us. I am so thankful we don’t have to pretend
works inside of you so that you can really get or gloss it over. We all have the same things
rid of it. That is what He wanted Cain to do. working in us.
That was all He wanted from Cain — just to
understand what was going on.
Third and Fourth Generation
“You can master it, little human being, little What exactly is the difference between the
first human being, Cain. You can master this. leaven at Passover to get out of the house, and
It is just the iniquity of pride passed on to you iniquity to be considering before Yom Kippur? There
by the father of pride, who injected it into your is a difference between leaven and iniquity. We talk
mother.” about cleansing out the leaven during the Days of
Unleavened Bread. We talk about the leaven in our
Cain just said, “What’s the big deal?” He
communities for seven days, every morning and
did not consider as Yahweh was calling him to
evening, and now coming up soon is Yom Kippur,
do. That was the downfall in the story of human
when we talk about our iniquities for TEN days —
history. But if Cain had mastered it, the whole
the nine days before Yom Kippur and then fasting on
course of history would have changed.
the tenth day and searching our soul.
So to me, this felt like what is being brought
We dealt with our leaven at Passover, for seven
to us in Yom Kippur. Let’s get serious about the
days, and now we are dealing with our iniquities
“why” we do things, and then we can overcome
for ten days. It is greater. Iniquity is greater and has
it. “Why are you angry? Why has your
more devastating effects.
countenance fallen?”
“To me, it seems iniquity is a much deeper
“You know if you do well you will be
and pervasive thing, especially as far as the
inner workings of my soul are concerned.”
We have to be restored human beings who
So we have to deal with all of this for our
get serious about what is going on in our souls
Master, before He can return. He can’t return until
instead of, “Sorry, sorry,” and, “Let’s get this
we deal with all of it, until we put all of His enemies
over with,” and, “I’ve got to get back to work,”
under His feet. He can’t return to this earth until we
and never seeing what really works in us. Yom
go through Passover and through Yom Kippur year
Kippur is there to help us master iniquity. So
after year, for 49 years, until the year of Jubilee.
then we really can master it and we will be
As is said in the Yom Kippur teachings, if
masters who rule the universe, as Chanowk said,
someone goes into the last day of Yom Kippur, but
putting the enemies under his feet. Our Abba
does not afflict his own soul on the last day, and
wants to trust us to rule the universe, but it can
does not really try to learn about his iniquities, and
only happen if we consider and identify what is
is not gaining understanding so as to do something
going on.
about it, and is not praying about it, then it is a sin
Yônêq — Cain wasn’t accepted. He wasn’t unto death. He is to be “cast out of Israel” it says,
accepted because he just wanted to get “the first because he is going to be a destroyer. He will destroy
prize.” They were both offering things, one animals Israel. And that is why Israel of old was destroyed,
and the other produce, but Cain just wanted to “do and the same will happen to us if we’re not dealing

September/October 2009 9
with these iniquities passed onto us, unto the third This is one thing that was clear during Sukkot,
and fourth generation. in old Israel. Can that carry over into the New
Ex 20:5 says He visits the iniquities of the Covenant? Will all of us live in tents or huts? They
fathers upon the third and fourth generation of were living in the wilderness on the way to the land
those who hate Him. Ex 20:6 says He will show of Israel. They lived in tents. How many tents would
lovingkindness to thousands of generations to those we have to get for all the people in the twelve tribes?
who love Him. But according to what Ex 20:5 says, One for each family? Some have suggested that a
if you bow down to your iniquities, if you don’t deal few people could stay in huts, just to represent it.
with them, then you hate Him. If we deal with our They would have to camp out in their yards. It would
iniquities, then we love our Father. If we don’t deal look kind of odd in certain settings. You can see why
with them, that means we hate Him. That is what we need the school of prophets, so we can learn why
Ex 20:4-6 says. We hate Him, or we don’t love Him we do these things, and also how to do it.
enough to want His nation to be all it is supposed to Anyway, Sukkot is to remember the time when
be. they mumbled, murmured, and complained in their
It is up to each and every one of us to deal with tents, and overcome where they didn’t. We won’t
these iniquities in us that have been passed on down have any complaint in any of us after Yom Kippur.
to us, to the third and fourth generation. We have We will all be fresh and new.
got to cut them off and not let them go on down to We can start praying that our Father would
our third and fourth generations. We have to cut reveal some of these things to us. He can’t reveal it
them off. The parents are to start to see their own all at once. He reveals it a little bit at a time, as we
iniquities and know what they are, so their children keep Yom Kippur year after year, judging ourselves
can see the same iniquity in them, so they can deal on these iniquities. Then the time will come when
with it. all of His enemies are under His feet, and He can
That’s how we all have to put His enemies under return to His people, a people who are dressed and
His feet. An enemy is anything that would divide ready for Him. We are dressed and ready by doing
us, like leaven, which is really destructive, too. The the deeds that are prepared for us to do, to build His
whole Christian church is filled with leaven. It is Body.
puffed up. It is a great big air-loaf. It is surely not We want to be that city on a hill that can’t be
unleavened. hidden, the light to the nations. We need to pray that
If we don’t see these things there is something our Father would save people. Pray that He would
really wrong with us. Then you can never grow and have mercy on them.
never prosper and never be worthy of our Master or We will learn more about this as we go. We keep
be worthy of the kingdom. It is only those who are the festivals in a new and living way, not in exactly
worthy of Him who will rule with Him. Some things everything and in the way they did in old Israel. We
you don’t want to deal with because you like it. have to understand the significance of these festivals,
meaning the spiritual value of them, in order to keep
Complaint them in the right way for us, in the New Covenant.
One of the worst iniquities is complaint. That
is just what they did in old Israel. They were And these things were written down for our
complaining in their tents. But when we go into instruction, upon whom the end of the ages have
our tents for the week after Yom Kippur, there is to come. (1 Cor 10:11)
be no complaint there. This is to be a joyous time, It won’t be taken away from us. In the first
everyone having fellowship in their tents. century it was taken away from them as it says in
In old Israel, everyone was complaining in their Mt 21:43, and given to another people who would
tents. No one was hearing them — no one except produce the fruit. But Dan 2:44 says it won’t be
those they were with, their wife and family. They given to another people. That is talking about the
started complaining, and tale-bearing, and asking, Stone Kingdom that He is raising up, which is the
“What about this,” and, “Did you see her...” and Fifth and Final Kingdom.1
murmuring and complaining. “A fool says in his
heart, ‘There is no God.’” This means he doesn’t
think anyone sees or hears him. But our Father did.
Our Father heard it. 1 1989.07.02-T01
10 ITN Volume 4 Issue 7
Mercy Triumphs over Judgment is why he does not practice (obey) the truth or
Yônêq read a response from Daniel and prove what is true. If we claim to have koinonia
Shomeret of Yehudah about “familial” iniquities... with Him, then it will be one and the same in
the Body with one another (1 Jn 1:7). This is the
Basemath — I liked what was read from
vertical/horizontal relationship we have together
my parents about “familial” iniquities being
in the Body.
personal. They seem so familiar, and are really
Koinonia means joint participation,
part of us. I am thankful we have friends to point
contribution, and distribution of all of our
it out to us, since it is so familiar.
gifts, all of our time, all of our energy, all our
The iniquities are familial, then familiar, and possessions, everything we have — it’s got to
then they are personal. Sometimes we don’t even be concentric. It’s got to be concentrated in the
think about them. And then we go to Yom Kippur Body of Messiah, to build it up. Anything else
and then we are supposed to be cut off from Israel is dissipation (Lk 21:34), if we’re not doing
if we don’t afflict our soul, to really search these everything we can (with all of our time, all of
things out, because sometimes they are hidden from our energy, all of our possessions, all of our
us. That is why it is so wonderful that our parents talents, all of our gifts) in the Body! Everything
(especially the fathers) can help their own children if must be concentrated in order to build up the
they can see their own iniquities. Then they can tell Body. All we are and have must be absolutely
the children that the reason why they’re acting this focused on the Body or it cannot be built up. It
way is because it was passed on to them through the can’t grow.
father. That’s the only way the Body can be alive
There are over 100 pages of Yom Kippur and exist on earth. This is what produces the
teachings. I will read one page that I feel our Father light that brings salvation. No other light can
wants me to read: bring salvation on the earth. Everything else is
a false light. It makes a person twice the son of
So Yom Kippur brings the straying sheep
hell. If anyone thinks he is saved, but he doesn’t
back into fellowship, back into the sheepfold
come into the unity of the Body of Messiah, then
where the bond of peace is. This is like what our
it makes him twice the son of hell. He is going to
Master said in the parable about the shepherd
go to the second death. His guilt remains since
who left the 99 and went and got the straying
he claims to see, but is blind (Jn 9:41).
sheep and brought it back in...
1 Jn 1:6 — We have to understand what This is Yom Kippur. This is what brings us into
it’s talking about here. Whoever has fellowship the reality of fellowship, bringing us into koinonia
with Him practices the truth. Whoever is not once again — the building up of the Body in joint
practicing the truth, does not have fellowship participation, in every way and in every thing,
with Him, because he has drifted away. This sharing all things as one Body. There is only one
gives us objective judgment — whether it be with body and that is the Body of Messiah, which is the
ourselves or with others. When we are out of restoration of all things (Mk 9:11-12). Without
fellowship it’s as if we become estranged once koinonia we are to be picked apart and we are not
again, as Eph 2:12 says, from the nation (1 Pet the church, and so we are Christianity if we are
2:9-10). We become estranged from fellowship not the church, and don’t have eternal life. Only
(koinonia). if we are in koinonia do we have eternal life, and
In 1 Jn 1:6 and in Acts 2:42 you see the koinonia is the building up of the Body. If we drift
same word: fellowship. It’s exactly the same from koinonia then we have to be brought back into
word used in both contexts. It’s #2842 in the fellowship, into the reality of the Body of Messiah.
Strong’s Concordance. Whoever claims to be
devoted to koinonia (to have fellowship with
Him), yet walks in darkness, lies. He lies.
The fruit is evident. He conceals the truth of
his condition, the reality of his state before
God. Since he is cut off, he has no resistance,
no power to obey, to love. He is overcome. This

September/October 2009 11
Worthy of Yom Kippur
The first teachings on Yom Kippur came out our lives. Apart from this kind of friendship, our
in 1996 and David Zerubbabel wrote this letter Master’s atonement is just a mystical concept.
to Yoneq in 1997, when he dedicated his sixth There are two words that express this:
daughter, Kefarah Ruth. It will help us all to kaphar (#3722) — to cover, cleanse, forgive,
understand the festivals we are entering into this be merciful, pardon, purge away, reconcile.
month: ruth (#7327) — friendship.
Dear Yônêq, “Kaphar” is the word that “kippur”
This is the essence of what I expressed to my is based on. Another form of “kaphar” is
household when I dedicated my sixth daughter “kepharah” (accent on the last syllable), which
today. I wanted to share this with you too. I hope means, “He has atoned for her.” In the Hebrew
it is clear and right. New Testament, the word “kaporah” (modern
The Yom Kippur teachings demystified the Hebrew) is used in 1 Jn 4:10, “In this is love,
word “atonement” for me. I began to understand not that we loved God, but that He loved us
in practical terms how our Master’s blood is and sent His Son to be the atoning sacrifice
able to cover all of our sins. We often speak [kaporah] for our sins.”
of how a person is able to reach our Master’s Another closely related word is
blood in baptism, by actually dying with Him, “kapporeth,” which is translated as “mercy
sharing in the “likeness of His death” (Rom 6:5) seat” in the NASB. It is like the throne of grace
by repenting of his selfish, independent life and (Heb 4:16), to which we draw near to find grace
surrendering everything to follow Him. But how and mercy to help in time of need. It is where we
does His blood reach the sins we commit after find grace and mercy to be able to help others in
our baptism, and even the deep-seated iniquities their time of need. This is where atonement and
that underlie our actual words and deeds? friendship intersect.
Of course we know, from the first milk we With all of this in mind, we will call our
received after baptism, that we need to confess sixth daughter Kepharah Ruth, one who willing
our sins in order for them to be forgiven. But receives and cooperates with our Master’s
really, our Master shed His blood to purify a atoning work in her life, and who is a true
people (Tit 2:14) for His own possession, not friend to her brothers and sisters; one who is
just to forgive the sins that we commit, but to full of grace and mercy, and who is a constant
deeply penetrate to the root causes of those sins reminder to us, whenever we say her name, of
and heal our wrong ways (Ps 139:23-24). The what our Father is speaking to us about Yom
trouble is, we can’t easily see these wrong ways, Kippur.
and unless and until we can identify and expose Shalom,
these iniquities, our Master’s blood cannot reach David Zerubbabel
them. Yônêq — This constitutes our basic
And so we desperately need each other, understanding of Yom Kippur. Everything here is
and the circumstances that our common life what our Father has been showing us about Yom
produces, in order to bring to the surface our Kippur. And that is what He wants: to purify us, not
crippling iniquities so that we can see them just to forgive us. He wants to purify us. And that is
in all their ugliness and humble ourselves what Yom Kippur is all about, as we celebrate year
to confess them and cry out to our Master after year, and go to breaking of bread after breaking
to forgive us and heal us and give us grace of bread, and then we can be purified.
to change. Just as we needed our Master to Shemiyah — That is vital, to get down to “the
lay down His physical body to purchase our root” of what causes us to fall or whatever and
forgiveness with His own blood, we also need then it talks in the other paragraph about our
His spiritual body — our brothers and sisters “crippling iniquities.” You are wanting to run
who are true friends to us, laying down their and wanting to do this and accomplish that; there
lives for us, getting down to the foot-washing is something in your heart to give for our Father,
level — to make this forgiveness effectual in

12 ITN Volume 4 Issue 7

but then there is an iniquity that actually cripples Apart from this kind of friendship, our Master’s
you from being able to do that. It says: atonement is just a mystical concept.”
“The trouble is, we can’t easily see these We need to hear these words over and over
wrong ways, and unless and until we can again. You don’t know you have really understood it
identify and expose these iniquities, our Master’s until you hear it several times.
blood cannot reach them. And so we desperately
Kepha (our new disciple from Washington state,
need each other, and the circumstances that
a fisherman in Alaska in the summer) — The
our common life produces, in order to bring to
Word is a two-edged sword that pierces even to
the surface our crippling iniquities so that we
the dividing asunder of the soul, to the marrow
can see them in all their ugliness and humble
of the situation. Without knowing the Word how
ourselves to confess them and cry out to our
can we even see the things or understand what to
Master to forgive us and heal us and give us
look for? But we have to have understanding.
grace to change.”
Hearing this makes me so thankful because Elad ben Aharon — Hearing about the things
I have seen so many great men in the Body, men that cripple us made me think about what it says
that are really great men, who have so much in Heb 12:1-2 about laying aside every weight
in their heart to give to our Father, but their and the sin which so easily ensnares us so that
“crippling iniquities” hinder them. Then they we can run the race.
can’t do all that is in their heart to do. Something Yônêq — That is good, “Let us run with
cripples them — a malady. And I have the same endurance the race that is set before us.” There
things happen to me. Hearing about Yom Kippur you go. There is a race set before us. And we are
makes me so excited. It is the time we will be preparing for it right now.
delivered from those things.
Gad — Hearing about crippling iniquities
Yônêq — There is a difference between a man spoke to me as well. There is one verse that
in a wheelchair just trying to get along in life and says “strengthen the knees that are weak and the
someone having to run a race full-steam with two hands that are feeble, so that what is lame won’t
legs that don’t work. That is crippling when you be put out of joint.” If the knee is weak, the
can’t do it. It is crippling. Our iniquity cripples us. whole leg is strained and then the hip gets out of
We should take what David Zerubbabel wrote joint, and it affects the back, and the neck...
here and read it aloud in our houses, and then The whole body suffers. “If one member
afterward pick out a paragraph you want to read and suffers, all suffer,” Paul said. Eventually
talk about. Then we can go back over it. Hearing even the strong member starts weakening and
faith is so important. Faith comes by hearing. If you breaking down trying to carry the whole load.
don’t hear you don’t have faith. It just really encouraged me to think of
“And so we desperately need each other Yom Kippur in that way, being the time of
and the circumstances that our common life strengthening for the weakest member so
produces, in order to bring to the surface those that the whole body would get better so as
crippling iniquities, in order that we can see to function better. It is not just an individual
them in all their ugliness, and humble ourselves salvation, but a “we” salvation.
to confess them and cry out to our Master to
forgive us and heal us and give us grace to Jeremy — I was thinking the same thing. When
change…” we go through Yom Kippur it is not to just be
cleansed for our own sake, but for the sake
of the nation, so that our Father would have a
“Just as we needed our Master to lay down
people on the earth who would be purified. And
His physical body to purchase our forgiveness
so we give our whole heart to Yom Kippur so as
with His own blood, we also need His spiritual
to be cleansed for the nation, for our children.
body — our brothers and sisters who are true
friends to us, laying down their lives for us,
Kepha — So, is Yom Kippur actually mentioned
getting down to the foot-washing level — to
in the Bible, or is there a different name for it?
make this forgiveness effectual in our lives.
September/October 2009 13
Yônêq — Yom Kippur is called the Day of love our Father with all of our heart. Do we love
Atonement in the Bible. When we come to the tenth Him with all of our heart? Do we love Him with
day of the seventh month (of the Hebrew calendar), all of our soul, our mind, our strength? And do we
it is marked as the Day of Atonement (Yom means love one another as ourselves? That is the second
“day” and Kippur means “atonement”), which is commandment: to love one another. Love one
one of the feasts listed in Leviticus 23. But we have another!
nine days to lead up to that very important day. The So everything — all the Law and all the
shofar blows and the “Days of Awe” begin. It is the Prophets — everything hangs on those two
time we spend as it says in 2 Cor 13:5 — “Examine commandments. If we are not doing those two
yourselves to see whether you are in the faith; test commandments, then we are “under the Law” about
yourselves.” The Corinthians did not endure in this. the festivals and about everything else. We are not
We’re on the court and “The Ball is in our Court.” even saved if we don’t love our Redeemer and our
And then the Scripture says something will Creator with all our heart, soul, and strength, and if
happen IF we don’t use this time to “afflict our we’re not thankful.
souls,” considering our ways. If someone doesn’t But we are so thankful that we have eternal life,
sincerely afflict his soul, but just kind of goes and we are so thankful that we have been delivered
through the motions outwardly because it is “the from death. We are being purified now, and this is
Law,” it says he is cut off. It’s like when you see a a process. Being in the Body, there is a process. All
policemen and you say to yourself, “I’d better put my life before I found our Master, before He found
my seat belt on.” If you have that kind of attitude, me, all I heard about was going to heaven when I
then as it says, you are cut off. You will be cut off die. They said, “Your sins are forgiven; you’re going
from that time on. You can’t run the Race. You can’t to heaven,” but I knew I was not forgiven.
really start the new agricultural year with the rest of Sukkot, the Feast of Booths
the nation. It is very serious, very serious. The self- And then, if Yom Kippur has done its work,
righteous won’t sincerely afflict their souls. you can keep the Feast of Sukkot, and live in your
I am so thankful that we have this time to think “tent” without doing what? What did they do in
about these things, and we are just barely beginning. their tents in the Old Testament? They grumbled and
We are just barely seeing a little bit. We can afflict complained and murmured. But that has all ended
our soul a little bit now, to try to get at these deep- if we keep Yom Kippur sincerely. Then we can keep
seated things in us, these crippling iniquities, at least the Feast without murmuring.
just a little bit. Our Father knows our heart. Then I don’t know if everyone is going to live in huts
we will continue to increase over the years. Can you or not this year. We don’t know so much about this
imagine it? It is really wonderful that we can see part yet, but I know they did in the Old Testament.
these things. We have to keep it in a new and living way now.
Christianity says of us, “You are under the law So we have the opportunity to just talk about it,
for keeping these festivals.” Well? They don’t know confessing our sins to each other.
what they’re talking about. These festivals are so We are starting to do some things now
important for our Father and for us, in order to get to concerning these feasts, but we don’t know exactly
our iniquities, what we’re doing. Though we are gaining revelation
~ In order that we can run the Race, more and more about the festivals, what does Sukkot
~ In order to put all of His enemies under His mean to us? Living in huts? And how are we going
feet, to do it? Are we all going to all do it, or just have
~ In order to bring our Master back to this earth. some people do it? Surely it is a special time. It is
We have to put all of His enemies under His feet a happy time. But I don’t know exactly how we are
before He can return. going to do it. Where are we going to do it? Put
So anyway, this is how we keep the Law. tents in our yards? That would be a lot of people in
We keep the Law, but we are not under the Law. places where there are only small yards, as in city
We fulfill it, and through receiving the grace that communities.
He supplies for us, we will. Trying to keep the Anyway, we can keep the spirit of it. The
commandments and the Law without obeying the greatest thing is just that we would confess these
two greatest commandments (Mt 22:36-40) is being deep-seeded iniquities that were passed onto us
under the Law. The first command, of course, is to by our parents, and it is good that the parents and
14 ITN Volume 4 Issue 7
children could talk about it. They see the same things (Gen 22:12). He needs to show us our ways, and
in their children as they start seeing it in themselves. save us, until He can finally trust us
If we bow down to these iniquities and don’t deal
with them as it says, then we hate our Father. Keli Kabod — I am thankful we read through
Our Father needs us. He needs us to be purified this letter about how our iniquities cripple us. It
in order for Him to have a nation that will produce made me think of our Master in the marketplace.
the fruit — the fruit of the kingdom. Israel never I don’t really know what the scene was like, but
produced the fruit of the kingdom. That is why our I imagine all this hustle and bustle of people,
Master said, “I am going to take the kingdom away buying fruits and pottery or whatever. And
from you and give it to a nation who WILL produce there is this lame man sitting there, on a mat,
the fruit.” Doing that will bring our Master back to and our Master walks up to him and says, “Pick
this earth to start the millennial age, the kingdom up your mat and walk.” At that point, the man
age, and we will rule over the nations. just received what he heard; he said, “Yes,” and
picked up his mat. But he could have responded
Gad — This is so hopeful. I am so thankful to
like this:
hear the right spirit about the Yom Kippur. It is
a time of release from the oppression, the heavy “You’re crazy. Can’t you see? I am crippled.
weight, the sense in your soul of wanting to Who do you think you are anyway? Who are you
have overflowing mirth but realizing you are to come up to me and tell me to walk? I’ve been
crippled. There will be a loosing of the bonds, this way my whole life. I can’t change. You’re
the breaking of the yoke, letting the oppressed crazy.”
go free as is said in Isaiah 58.
That is like what the letter said: we
I am so thankful for the hope we have in
desperately need the circumstances and our
the Body to be saved from the crippling effects
brothers to expose these crippling ways in us,
of the world, by crying out and receiving our
that we hate. Here comes the circumstance to
brothers. So here comes Yom Kippur, the day
expose what is really in us, and a brother tells
to be delivered from being crippled, the Day
us what he thinks, and we could say, “You’re
of Atonement, the time of release, even for
crazy. I’ve been this way my whole life. I can’t
those who grew up in the Body. They can have
change.” Then we are crippled. We’re holding
whatever happened during that past year be
onto the wheelchair.
wiped away completely, with no remembrance
Our iniquity is like a wheelchair. We
of the former things. That is just so fantastic!
won’t get out of the wheelchair, and we’re just
What other god on the face of the earth wants to
wheeling around and being lifted up and down
do that for a whole people? What a great God we
stairs, and we can’t figure out why we can’t do
our Father’s will. We may want to, but then there
ha-êmeq — That verse David Zerubbabel is Yahshua coming to us, saying, “Pick up your
quoted in his letter, Ps 139:23-24, is so bed and walk.” Then the spirit of Belial keeps us
important. It says “search me” and “try me” from receiving our brother when he comes to us.
and “know my anxious ways” and “see if there I think, “I am just that way,” and, “That is
is any wicked way in me” and “lead me in the a part of me,” so then I won’t grow because I
everlasting way.” And that is truly what Yom won’t ever get past that. But somehow, we have
Kippur is all about, a plea from our heart. to learn that the only way we are going to see
Just as he tested Abraham to the utmost to these things is if we can rely on our brothers. I
make sure that he could trust him, our Abba am starting to see that a little more, and so I am
tests us. As Jeremiah said in the letter about the just thankful that we have brothers who actually
birth of his daughter, he knew he must be tested care enough about us to tell us things, and am
like Abraham… “Do not stretch out your hand thankful for our life.
against the lad, and do nothing to him; for now
Hadassah — David wrote, “Just as we needed
I know that you fear God, since you have not
our Master to lay down His physical body to
withheld your son, your only son, from Me”
purchase our forgiveness with His own blood,
we also need His spiritual body – our brothers
September/October 2009 15
and sisters who are true friends for us – laying get down to understanding what causes us to do
down their lives for us and getting down to the the things we do.
foot-washing level to make this forgiveness
effectual in our lives. Apart from this kind of Shemiyah — It was so good what Elad shared.
friendship, our Master’s atonement is just a Confessing our sins is the first milk, but then our
mystical concept.” Master’s blood has to reach that deep root that
I can go back and remember hundreds of causes that sin.
times where that has been true, where people Yônêq — It was tremendous what Elad said. I
have been that kind of friend to me. am so thankful for him. I remember when he was
I just thought about the story of our Master’s born, out here in Santa Cruz, California. I remember
death, how you hear it and it is agonizing and when Aharon Cohen called me, “We had a boy!
is torment. It is horrible, but we needed that We had a boy! What should we name him?” He
forgiveness. And He went through that for us. really wanted to know. And so our Father gave him
And in the same way we need each other to lay the name “the eternal God is my light.” He’s your
down our lives for each other so that we can light. And Elad is such a good example of a true
come to know Him. I am just thankful for how disciple who has been raised in the Body, and by two
real our life is. You can touch it. wonderful parents.
Aharon and Bathshevah have wonderful
Shem ben Gamaliel (19 years old) — The
examples in their children. Elad brings honor to his
statement about going to the throne of grace
abba and imma in all he does. I’m so thankful for
being “where atonement and friendship
his life. That was just 16 years ago when I got that
intersect” spoke to me. Different people in the
call from your abba. [Now Elad is working hard with
Body are that grace to us. Grace is not a mystical
the crew to build the Deli in Vista, apprenticing in
concept. Grace is real. People come to us, as
electrical work with Jacob ben David.]
sent ones, bringing our Father’s heart and His
We all need to hear what Elad said. He reminded
love, and show us His forgiveness. I am thankful
us of the deep roots that cause us to be a certain way,
for that.
and we have to get rid of that.
Osef ben Kharash (16 years old) — I was Shem ben Gamaliel — What spoke to me in
thankful for what was shared about friendships. what Elad said was that we can’t just “scratch
Things can seem mystical sometimes, but when the surface.” You might bring out the facts of a
we bring it down to the reality of just serving situation, but the facts might not be the whole
our brothers daily it takes it out of that mystical story. You repent for the sin you did over here,
realm. That is something we can practice every but you don’t talk about how you were offended
day. at someone awhile back before that, which was
really the root of the obvious situation.
Elad ben Aharon Cohen (16 years old) —
David wrote, “The first milk we receive after Yeled Qatan — Even though we’ve been here
baptism was that we needed to confess our sins for several years, once we get tested things come
in order for them to be forgiven. But really our out. The circumstances bring the dross to the
Master shed His blood to purify a people for His surface. And then that is how we are saved. Our
own possession, not just to forgive the sins that Father wants to see and wants us to see what is
we commit, but to deeply penetrate to the root in our hearts.
cause of those sins and heal us from our wrong
Yônêq — A lot of hidden things come to the
surface. We have all been raised in certain bad ways,
That really spoke to me, the part about
or touched in a certain wrong way. But our Father
“getting down to the root cause of our sins.”
heals us as we see, hear, and understand. Then we
When I sin, sometimes I could kind of confess it
are healed (Mt 13:15). Everything seems great right
and say “I’m sorry,” but maybe not get down to
now, but when persecution and tribulation comes,
the root. But our Master wants us to get down to
then we will see whether our roots will continue to
the root causes of the things that hinder us and
go down through the ground to find nourishment, or
not just the surface things. He wants us to really
if we wither up under the heat. The day will come
16 ITN Volume 4 Issue 7
when we will be tested. And after several years in Our Master Yahshua is our remedy. We can be
the community, “Once you think you stand, take thankful people.
heed, lest you fall.”
Yônêq — We have to overcome. In Revelation
Yeled Qatan — “We can’t see these ways. We 2 and 3 there are seven churches, and seven times it
desperately need each other.” Our Master wants says to overcome. “Overcome, overcome, overcome,
to bring out all the dross in order to make us all overcome, overcome, overcome, overcome.” So we
pure. He wants us to really see what works in have to overcome these things. We win the victory
us, not just say, “I’m sorry,” as Elad said, but to and are worthy to rule with our Master in the next
really get down to the root motive. He is saving age if we overcome. If we don’t overcome, we are
us. not worthy. We are not worthy to rule with Him,
Our Master wants to bring out all the dross because only those who are worthy will rule with
in us as a corporeal body. This gets really deep. Him (Rev 3:4-5).
It is so easy to forget what we hear sometimes, It is good and wonderful that we don’t know
and that’s why I am thankful we keep on hearing everything yet about the festivals. We’re going to
things and hearing it and hearing it. I don’t want grow. Our Father can’t just give it to us all at once.
to be one who says, “I heard that already,” but We have to “earn it” in a sense, to be worthy of
someone who really considers what we hear. He receiving the revelation from Him. And then, when
gives us grace to change if we cry out to Him. we do start the Race, we will all rejoice, as we will
all have the same conviction, the same faith.
Basemath — We can’t change unless we get
to the root of things, and see what causes the
problems in our lives. I am just thankful we
have a time where we can look and see what is
really causing the problems in our life and be
saved from them, so that those things in us won’t
cripple us. These things that cripple us don’t just
cripple us, but actually hinder the whole nation
and our Father from doing what He wants to do.
I want to see how important it is to get rid of the
iniquities so that I am not hindering our nation.

Yônêq started the song, “We need everything

each of us has, all the gifts and the grace…
Alone we will fall but together we’ll stand,
defeating our enemies, hand clasped in hand...

Yeled Qatan — The evil one wants to rob our

hope as we see all these things, so that we get
weighed down about it. Yom Kippur is a sobering
time, but also a joyful time, since Yahshua is
our ultimate remedy. He wants to heal all our
maladies. But He wants us to see what works in
us. This is not something to get weighed down
about. But that is what the enemy wants to do:
get us hopeless, thinking, “I am never going to
change,” as Keli was saying.
That is why I am thankful we have this time,
to see our ways. We can start now. We can have
Yom Kippur with one another all the way to the
next one, because that is how we will increase.

September/October 2009 17
Responses about Leaven and Iniquity
More about Pesach from the Tribe of Issachar

Tikvah Azarela bat Zaccai (Age 7) — judge, that separate you from your brother. If
Sometimes I have something to confess but I you keep resentments against your brother, no
don’t want to or I’m afraid of it, but I’ve learned matter how young/small he is, it accumulates,
that if I don’t confess I’m separated from my and then, after a while, because of all these
abba and my imma. things there’s going to be a deep rift between
both of you.
Nogah Yasaf ben Zaccai (Age 10) — When Another aspect of leaven is not to keep the
some of my friends do something to me that I traditions. In this period we have to inspect and
don’t like, I can go to another person and tell to judge what is it that makes us not to keep the
him, so this third person will think bad about my traditions.
friend, and the three of us will be divided. This Leaven will only go away from us if we
is leaven. have a heart, if we are volunteers to do it,
humble, and leave it from the heart. That is how
Andrea Belén bat Marcelo (Age 10) — I think we’ll find mercy (Pr 28:13).
we are unleavened bread. If we do bad things the
bread will be puffed up. Ozziel — Just as a subway in a big city shakes
the natural foundation of the ground and can
Rachel bat Yaqar Benabi (Age 11) — Leaven make a big catastrophe, that’s how leaven works
is a bacterium that is in the air, for Satan is the in our lives. It comes in and can make a subway.
prince of the air. This bacterium consists of It can dismantle the Body if it’s not dealt with.
micro thoughts that have an influence in us when So, leaven is everything that comes in like a
they come inside us. The places in our soul that subway, dividing a solid and compact material.
we keep in darkness make a proper environment
where these micro thoughts puff the dough. Ishshah — What spoke to my heart is that bad
We think in a bad way about someone or leaven is everything that makes me keep my life
a situation when we are not volunteers to love, or makes me want to control the circumstances
when we aren’t willing to cover the faults that that I live, based on my own understanding or
we see. Pesach is a provision from our Father to suppositions, and close my heart to my brothers
expose these dark places. and sisters.
There’s also another thing that spoke to me
Emunah Amah bat Bar Levav (Age 14) — deeply, and that is that there’s a good leaven,
What spoke to me this Pesach is that heat kills which is the faith of trusting in your brothers
the leaven, but warm water activates it, so if we and in our Father, that He chose each one of us
are in the fire, when leaven goes out it can be and gave us a purpose into the Body. He knows
easily detected by our brothers and they can kill the pathways and loves all of His sons, and He
it. But if we are on the borders, where is cooler, wouldn’t do any harm to them. So this good
that is a good place for leaven to grow and leaven is faith of knowing that if I surrender, His
nobody can notice this. This makes me want to Spirit can work and melt any hard heart, because
be fervent in my love for our Master, and no to anything is impossible for Him.
grow cold because leaven will grow in me.
Tohorah shel Marcelo — There are several
Simcha Amah bat Anav Shimon (Age 15) reactions in each one of us, and this is because
— What spoke to me the most this Passover is of a natural existence, leading us to reactions
that it is a time to inspect and see how we have and manners that aren’t good. So the old leaven
deviated in our way, and also to see the leaven is in us, and can puff the dough when we are
that is in us. affected in our life by reactions or bad ways of
What I understood about leaven is that it is answering. We know leaven is outside, in the
all the things, especially thoughts that you didn’t air, waiting for an opportunity to come into our

18 ITN Volume 4 Issue 7

lives. The good thing is to realize about this and We have to take care of our life so that other
to not let it affect us. We can do this when we people, who will come and respond to the call,
are altogether, closing any dangerous door, with can also have it, because our Master saw they
love and discipline, being reciprocal to every were worthy of it. We have to trust in the One
commandment, being humble, and knowing that who judges everything, and not try to be above
all that we do is for our Master Yahshua. Him by judging others.

Aman — God wants us to see if we are walking Lev Tahor — This is the first time in my life
in our Master’s way, or in other ways. The only in which I celebrate Passover really. I realized
way that leads to the Kingdom is the way of that it isn’t something heavy or annoying, but it
death that our Master followed. If we die with helps me bring light to my life to things I may
Him, we live with Him. We have to consider even don’t see. If they were every day with me I
our ways. More and more our way has to be the couldn’t be able to give something honest to my
same as His. We have to take care of us and hold brothers or our Father. But if they are exposed,
on. love will bring change in every aspect in which
I fail.
Huldah Keliyah — Two things spoke to me: on
the one hand, that I could identify myself very Hushai Benabi — Our unleavened bread is
much with the leaven of the Pharisees, which our Master, in whom there’s salt and oil; salt is
is hypocrisy and performance. Also, what our what we bring to our lives as the first thing, to
Master told them about straining out the gnat judge which well we are hearing from. Then we
and swallowing the camel: I was comparing the use the salt that is in us to take out the leaven
gnat to the small faults that my brothers have, that is in our brothers. What separates us from
and I want justice; and then, the camel is my the leaven that is in the air is the oil of the
lack of love to cover their faults, and keep my Anointing, which penetrates and is written in our
life. hearts, revealing our Father to us and letting us
On the other hand, in this Passover I could know what He likes. When there’s much oil, the
see things that work in my life, and I may be new dough is impervious to the leaven of evil
discouraged by them, and think that I don’t and malice.
worth anything, but our Father spoke to me We have to live in the center of our life,
clearly that for Him we are very worthy. Surely where the fire is, because fire prevents the leaven
we were useless wet wood for the world, but that is in us from growing. It can only grow in
with this wet wood He is going to light a fire on warm, dark and wet places, but the fire and high
the earth. temperature of our life kills it.

Dodavah — What spoke to me the most this Kepha — I have always heard that we were
Pesach is that leaven in our life is the tiny supposed to desire the feasts with all our hearts
thoughts, those you don’t realize that come to (Pesach, Yom Kippur, Shavuot, Sukkot). But
you, which don’t build others. Suddenly you the reality in my life was that when they came,
are divided and you don’t even know how that and any of this happened, instead came a
happened, but it’s because we’re used to hearing condemnation spirit, introspection, and a false
these thoughts, this voice. That’s how the evil fear that made me suffer.
one makes his nest in us, straw by straw. In this Passover I realized that these things
Instead, the good leaven is to lift up your came to me because I didn’t really know the
brothers and sisters, to encourage them, give heart of our Father. And I also understood that
them vision, keep our traditions and standards. it is through these feasts that we will get to the
Another thing that spoke to me deeply is that Kingdom. So, they help us get to the Kingdom
if there’s leaven in us, if we allow ourselves to and not deviate from our first love. The way in
have this inside, we can’t be a testimony. Our which we will not do this being alert to the small
Father can’t bless us to be a light if we aren’t things that come to divide us, which is leaven.

September/October 2009 19
Now, this is what is happening inside me, could be a lot of things. And clearly, there are
and I’m looking forward to hearing in the next other things that bring us together. Really, deep
feast what our Father wants to talk to us. down that’s what we all want, to be together —
even some who have left I believe.
From the Tribe of Manasseh But above all, with Yom Kippur
approaching, I am hoping that this will be a time
David — To me iniquity is a wrong way we are when we all will afflict our souls. Especially the
bent in, inclined towards. Inherited iniquities are abbas. We can come to see the ways in us that
so deep in us that our physical (genetic) makeup will, or already do frustrate our children and
is altered. Iniquities that we have acquired as a wives. I just know that if the abbas can lead the
result of feeding our passions can also affect our way in overcoming then the rest of the family
makeup and it gets passed on. will follow. The abba is the leader and sets the
Leaven to me is the first stage. The first tone in the family. The wife needs to be one with
contact with the corrupting agent. If on contact him, and then the children will be saved. The
it finds something that will sustain and nourish direction in the Word is to afflict our souls. The
it, it thrives. I think that at some point when concept of afflicting our bodies is probably easy
established in its host it can be considered to understand, but afflicting our souls could be a
“iniquity.” the host being a generator of more little more difficult to understand. I think it could
leaven able to infect others. On and on the cycle be compared with that cutting feeling you feel
(life-cycle for the leaven and death-cycle for the inside when correction goes deep into you, or
host) goes. To me the difference between leaven when you realize that you went off somewhere,
and iniquity is that leaven is “potential” iniquity. etc. That seems like the “afflicting of our souls”
right there. We have this commandment for Yom
Yohanan — I was thinking about the difference Kippur. It goes right with 1 Pet 5:6 to humble
between iniquity and leaven. I thought about “ourselves.” It is not that we are dragging
how iniquity is something that is passed from ourselves through the mud, but instead we are
generation to generation. These are the things facing the things that are so difficult for us to
that would otherwise just destroy us if we realize, and we don’t realize how they affect
weren’t here in the Body. It is amazing to me others. I believe the Holy Spirit will work
that I see I have the same nature as my father. with us this Yom Kippur to humble ourselves.
Even though I am not “just” like him, we Sometimes to afflict your soul, its like going
are still made of the same soul. So this is my ahead and thrusting that blade after you have
portion. hesitated for a while. You have to have force of
To me, this is the focus of Yom Kippur — to spirit. There is a cutting that happens. We will all
identify and be clear about our family iniquities. be clean and joyful.
I am hoping Yom Kippur can be a time that I also wondered if this year would be a good
we can really connect with our families on this time for us to move towards what Ehud had
level and really come to see in a greater way mentioned before about the nine days before
than ever, our family iniquities. Wouldn’t it be Yom Kippur. He had mentioned that the nine
so wonderful if each family in Israel came out days before Yom Kippur could be a time when
of Yom Kippur clear about what their family the adjusting of the saints could happen in
iniquities are and there was an easy dialog order to ensure that every one has all they need
between sons and abbas about these things? socially and spiritually and are functioning as
And immas and daughters, etc. We could go much as possible in their gifts and graces. It
forward tackling these things together, not always encourages someone when they function
threatened by one another but seeing that we within their realm and they can serve the Body
are all made of the same soul, with particular of Messiah in a greater way. That is what we
iniquities in our families. We could come to have all want — is to serve with all our hearts. But
easy communication about these iniquities and somehow I think this would really require of the
support each other. leaders to be the leaders in afflicting our souls,
I am still learning what leaven is. It seems identifying our family iniquities and connecting
clear that it is anything that divides us. That with our children about these things.
20 ITN Volume 4 Issue 7
From the Tribe of Shimon but as it says, “a little leaven leavens the whole
lump of dough,” it is a matter of time.
Shimon — I understood the leaven as the things
For this I see the Days of Unleavened Bread
that creates separation, division, and are not
as a provision to talk among us and resolve
really resolved. It could be accusations we had
whatever was not really resolved, that should
received about somebody, things we are not
have been resolved before any Breaking of
forgiven, comments we had made or heard that
Bread, but it was not because in a way was
separates brothers and are still in the air, things
that are not dealt with and we didn’t want really
And iniquities looks kind of deeper to
take care of, or we didn’t know how to do. It
me, what is behind all this. What is working
could be also little things where we keep our
in me that cause leaven, or allow leaven. Our
own anointing, traditions we don’t really accept
inner workings, our tendencies that also hinder
the total communion. I see the Days of Yom
Specially I took it as situations that are not
Kippur as days to really consider this, what is
really dealt with. Things that we should have tell
working in me, what am I allowing in my life
somebody but we didn’t and it is “in the air.”
that our Father doesn’t want, and why. It is a
Things that are being allowed in our community
time for asking to our Father for repentance,
but some people don’t have really peace with.
for salvation. Time to confess our sins and our
In general, “leaven” that hinders the total
tendencies to sin.
communion but they don’t look really big things,

Vocabulary Words
impinge existential
rife anguish
pinnacle asunder
erroneous bemoaning

September/October 2009 21
Brooklyn NY – Meeker Ave & Leonard ST – Near the Williamsburg Bridge – August 26, 2009
Eating Watermelon
Alone eating watermelon
Thinking as it begins to rain about people created in the image of God (to be like Him)
In what ways could we be like Him, I am considering this

And what it is to pray

A China man takes out his garbage as the street changes color from the rain-fall
Someone at the red light looks at me blasting music as smoke rolls out of his window

Near the fire hall just a few houses away from the man with diseased legs
Legs that look like they would weigh 150 lbs each
I remember how kindly this man spoke to me just a hot August day ago

The inner happiness of doing what’s right

Is a great reward that strengthens your conscience and helps you make the right choices

I was walking the other day with Shoer

I found a new $100.00 bill on the side walk
Picking it up I told Shoer look how much our Father loves me

We went into the corner store for orange juice

When I heard a young Chamite boy speaking in distress about being sent to the store and losing his money

After hearing this I told Shoer “now it is time for me to show God how much I love him”

Going over to the boy I asked what happened

He told me I lost $100.00
Putting my hand in my pocket I pulled out $100.00 and told him I just found this on the side walk

The boy was happy

The shop keeper happy
A few others in the store, happy as well

Most of all I was happy

Because I did what was right
There is always grace for us to do the right thing
What I gained $100.00 could not purchase

Later seeing the young boy he thanked me again

I told him it was his money and he lost it
Then it became my money
But the right thing was to give it back to him

I was able to tell him

“doing the right thing is more important than having money”
And I hope this would be a lesson that would direct his life

These are some of the things I was thinking

As I sat alone on the corner of Meeker Ave and Leonard ST
Near the Williamsburg Bridge
Eating watermelon

Wanting to live like someone created in the image of God

I love where I live — Sameach

22 ITN Volume 4 Issue 7
sic amp ’09
Mu C
The M
a glimps usic Camp was
eo an
amazing f what our Fathe experience I wil
. r wants to l ne
It make give us if ver forget. Just
we would to
We lear s me th just be se be able to catch
ned at th ink of that song t apart fo
like the s ec ,“ r Him is
ong says amp that our na Be glad and rejo
We le , “These a ti on will n ic e for a n
re ever atio
the same arned through th the ones who kee mature apart fro n is being born”.
im em p th m
order to purity that work usic assessment emselves pure.” us doing our par
produce s in music c o u r se tha t
the “New ia
Sound” ns from the wor t impurity works
— the ld in
finished s . But we must “ all of us,
Dear Mevaser, ymphony Master”
We wanted to write and tell you the . it in
great encouragement everyone received from this Ishah R
year’s Music Camp. It was obvious that our Father was with us
and with the added enthusiasm and tremendous support from all our youth
and young adults, along with those selected teachers from among the tribes, it is very
clear we are turning a new chapter in our history as a people towards the continuing develop-
ment of a “brand new culture” in this area of music within the Twelve Tribes.
It was obvious to us that after the Music Camp the young people left here encouraged yet
exhausted from all their hard labors,
saturated but challenged and full
of vision for our culture, and with
much direction to apply what we
heard. The musicians felt charged by
the “spiritual commission” from the
leaders that we all need to keep the
“pulse” (energy) alive in this realm
of our music in order to develop
our culture properly. Those who
attended the camp gained vision
that they need to step forward to
be the leaders of our future and
make music according to the
Spirit. This is what is needed in

September/October 2009 23
each community within our nation – that our music would
be alive and clean, teaching our children, building upon our heri-
tage, etc.
We covered a wide range of topics at this Music Camp
— one of which was the beginnings of reading sheet mu-
sic and notation. Probably about 85% of those who attend-
ed the camp did not know how to read sheet music. As we
taught, people absorbed quite quickly as if they were hungry
for it. You will hear on the recordings the amazing results of
people learning rapidly. It was phenomenal. Several people
told us that they could not believe that we learned how to
do this in five days. It just goes to show you that there is no
place like the Body of Messiah. It was exponential increase.
We talked about different Folk Music (Middle Ground Music)
from various nations. Irish music, in particular, is a folk music
that we have gotten quite familiar with and in some cases have
vastly over utilized, but we also learned that there are other
types of folk music that are considered
Middle Ground. So we provided a
class on these examples also, such
as Bavarian Folk Music, Spanish
Folk Music, Russian Folk Music,
Israeli Folk Music and the true ele-
ments of Irish Folk Music.
In our Composition Class, we
also covered the folk music of Cham
known as Field Hollers or Chamite
Spirituals (which is the middle
ground music of Cham) before it
was modified to form the blues and
jazz musical styles of the late 1800’s
to early 1900’s. Spanish Flamenco
had a similar history that underwent
drastic deviation from its
original foundation in the
mid 1700’s – mid 1800’s as
a folk music to a more sen-
sual, dramatic and complex
expression of music that
we have today. Before these
time periods, generally
speaking, folk music was a
social outlet based on middle ground music among the nations, but
inevitably, this “folk” music was corrupted in various ways all
in search for greater “development.” The brothers from Spain
recorded examples of truly ethnic Flamenco Spanish Folk
Music as the middle ground music of the Spanish people.
Unfortunately, we were not able to record the Bavarian Folk
p te a ch Music. Hopefully, next music camp we will be more pre-
a h , E m u nah, o ve r fr o m Asher to hel r tribe pared to do this and have many more examples of middle
ev, Hada sh e way of you
T’shanu, L m u ch fo r coming all th your sacrifice and that fr o m ground music.
a n k a ll of you so ee p ly a p p re ciate e sp ir it th a t comes Chets Barur gave a course on PA, Studio Recording
y to th We d love th
st w a n te d to write briefl ther’s heart to all of us. crifice and your lives. I lly wanted to appreciate and Acoustics, which was so informative. At the end of
I ju Fa r sa rea
u si c, a n d pass on our ted to all of you for you that same spirit. I also r being immas for two the camp, the young men that he trained had an ex-
us m indeb have am fo r
r us. We are d we want to ael and Yoth nd Naomi, thank you fo tensive opportunity to apply what they had learned by
to do this fo music that you write an come. Thank you Isr ls o R u th a w a n te d to recording the entire orchestra and various ensembles.
th e o u to le . A ju st
your tribe in usbands for allowing y ing for our young peop w it was not easy and I were gone. They did a great job!
nd h ng th kno that
your wives a es could do this amazi all the little children. I bored to cover for those a y th e Music Assessment was a very stimulating topic
r wiv u to d la much. M
weeks so you usbands, and thank yo who made sacrifices an u did. We love you so at the camp. We gave a presentation of High Brow,
ur h
giving up yo yone from your whole
tribe at all of yo
g e ev er w n li ve s a n d that is wh Low Brow and Middle Ground Music, teaching the
ck n o w le d u t la id d o spiritual nature behind these genres. We covered
a itho
n cr ea se d o esn’t come w uch fruit. – S h em u el Johnson the history, clothing styles, morality and technical
en t to g et h er bear m elements of these various genres. The young people
time we sp seemed quite stirred and wonderful things were shared at the next
morning gathering about how we cannot have the world and our Master. We cannot

24 ITN Volume 4 Issue 7

drink from two cups. It is one or the other. We are going
to build our Father’s Kingdom. The course unfolded as
many of us collaborated to bring about the final result.
We wanted to identify the spiritual source behind each
genre because it is clear that the spirit in each genre per-
suades a person pertaining to dress, mode of communi-
cation, behavior, hair styles and the way they play music,
etc. It is all according to the persuasion of that spiritual
influence. Yoneq gave a teaching once in 1996 in Asher
as part of The Three Eternal Destinies series that coin-
cides with this called, “Walking In the Name of Your
God.” This is why all “rockers” have a similar look or
all “rappers” or “country stars” have a similar “persona”
and behavior, etc. There is a spirit or angelic influence
(in this case, fallen angels) behind each genre of music
and we must understand and identify that. These spir-
its bring about a lifestyle and lead people to the second
death. The Holy Spirit also teaches us how to dress,
how to wear our hair, how to communicate, how to
conduct ourselves and how to play music, etc. It is all according to what
we are drawn to – what we allow ourselves to be “connected” to. Yoneq taught us that music is spirit. We are either a channel of
the Holy Spirit or a channel for fallen powers.
We also spoke much about King David and how he was one (in his own human spirit) with the Spirit of Elohim. That is why
David’s music had the spiritual powers to subdue the madness of a fallen king, Shaul, and to vanquish the influences of darkness that
held him in its power. If we are truly connected as a people to our
“source” then our music will be like that of David. But we must
first have David’s heart then we can play (metaphorically) upon
David’s Harp.
In line with this, we talked about the function of Chief Musi-
cians and how nothing is ever going to be accomplished without
our Father’s authority. We talked about the need to set one day a
week apart or a portion of a day and night, to be devoted to the
inspiration and development of music in all our clans throughout
our nation. If we are not dedicating ourselves to this then our Fa-
ther will not speak to us and direct us in all our ways with music.
So, everyone left with urgency in their spirit to ensure that there
was authority in each clan, so what we have learned would not fall
to the ground. We must see to it that each community has chief
musicians in place so that the anointing oil in music can continue
to flow. A spiritual pattern of three notes makes a beautiful chord
when played in harmony. at the music
g ra titude to be
One other thing: we
kfuln es s a n d n everything
also had a symposium te d to ex p ress my than e a re st il l “chewing” o ass
I wa n g. W will p
on, “What makes the music
a s so n ic e and refreshin really know yet how we e will to do
camp. It w don’t . But w
CD, ‘Old Time Gathering’ So
rd a n d ex perienced. I ecause it was so much..
Good?” We communicated that we’ve hea e heard, b
n here that w r about the
there is something about those everything o n d learn and hea
w . to be th er e a
songs that Yoneq really likes, so it someho asure for me
It was a ple c. his camp
we set apart a time in our classes
f m u si y in g in th e orchestra. T nce
ects o e pla porta
to discuss those various aspects. different asp all had a very good tim here. I could see the im
We listened to those songs all to- th in k w e ch il d re n
I ach our
f vision to te mp to
ve me a lot o dren music notation.
gether and then did a critique of
g a il a d e it p o ss ible for the ca will
why the various arrangements were ur ch that m k it
so appealing. We discovered that the of teaching o thankful for everyone e y ea rs to come, I thin ill
I am very g. In th , how w
simplicity of playing, combined with I t is ju st the beginnin s. If we don’t start now music? I
as. n f
the complimentary parts, and clear be what it w for us and for the natio rn the different aspects o
rw h el m in g it y a n d le a
recordings with uncomplicated melo- be ove y in un it on.
d learn to pla ake every effort to pass wonderful
dies, were all something you could re- the male chil a n d w il l m e st a ff . T hey were so
ra g ed y th
member, even after walking away from am so encou to everybody - especiall
hearing it. The tunes “stick” in your Greetings of Levi
memory and you find yourself whistling h o sp it a b le to us. — Yarash
and ropean tribes
their tunes. They all contained beautiful m u si c ca m p for the Eu ather wants.
ilar ur F
melodies that were “catchy” and unclut- n have a sim
be we ca . We w ill see what o
P.S.: May were talking about this
a n d I
September/October 2009 Kol Lev 25
Music Paratz of Yehuda

Ve' shamru
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tered without “showy displays” or being played too quickly by the musicians.

The instrumentals produced a harmonious sound and arrangement all together. I

have the recordings of that Symposium that we intend to send out with the Music Packet
for each clan. It was all very encouraging. The young people were very enthusiastic and quite eager
to learn their parts and learn how to play more sensitively like the players on the recordings. Ethan
Brown told us last night on the phone that for live music that night at Blue Blinds Bakery, they were
going to play the “Old Time Gathering” tunes. That was very encouraging.
We also talked here in our gatherings about the Lily of the Valley and that we need to praise
our Father in the valleys and not just the mountaintops. It is actually the valley that has all the
rich nutrients, deposited in the flat lands that make the Lily so fragrant. These rich resources and
nutrients come down from above where the mountaintops span the skies. We need to embrace
our Master closely when we are in the lowlands of the valley – for that is where the rich
s more
deposits from our Father will be made in our lives. It is as if our nation
c ca m p o f 2009. It wa ears
has gone through a time of great testing in the valley. e musi any y
We must learn to willfully praise our Father for His
to h a v e b e e n a part of th something like this for m rward
ankful ited for oking fo
kindness and goodness to us – whether it is upon the
I was very th it would be. I have wa r at that time. I am lo learn
mountains or in the valleys below. It is not hard to praise imagine aming fo people to
Him when we can see so clearly upon those mountains than I could ch more than I was dre rvatories for our young ing our young
mu conse f help
– our destination seems so sure. It requires a greater loy- and it was so we will have the music ally want to be a part o hopes of put-
n re e
alty and faith to do so when we are way below in the val- h e
to the time w usic is to our Father.
e n e w so n g . I still hav oboes next
ley – hidden by the shadows of the mountains. But those nt m hear th ve more
valleys can also be times of refreshing, where the spring how importa d they are preparing to H o p e fu lly we will ha the music camp
rsta n usi c. ut
waters and rivers flow so freely to water the earth — giving people unde gether on how to read m uth are still talking abo ctice.
le t to u r y o to pra
ting a book struments. O e things they learned in re beautiful than
new growth. We have to remember in the valley what we
ly o th e r in
heard on the mountaintop and allow the fragrant aroma of ssib
year and po ful for their effort to pu
t th is mo
our Master’s life, like that lily, to prevail.
n k r cr ie s a n d His answer
a u
It was also very encour- and I am th kful our Father hears o
aging to hear the letter from I am than ti m e . – Peninnah
the man who is drawn to ine. for a long
us out there in Yoceph. He we can imag rward to serving Him
mentioned that our music Looking fo
is set apart and is like a new
sound to his ears. It was so The Music Camp ’09 Packet
wonderful to hear that. It
strengthened and motivated
everyone to keep moving forward.
All in all we were in awe at what trans-
pired here during the Merrymaker’s Music
Camp. Nun praised the young people for
how focused and involved they were. He told
them that they had such a good spirit and it
was obvious that our Father was restoring
mirth to Israel. The Music Camp was a plea-
sure to experience. The morning and evening gatherings here were electrifying
with so many musicians and so many dancers together. The synergy was over-
whelming. It was as if we were lifted up into a new realm that we have needed
to go into but have never been able to before. We were thankful for this time
So many people have written back to us already with gracious responses filled
with gratitude, vision and eagerness for the days ahead in developing music within our culture. May we all work as one man in bringing
about the prophetic vision of a nation filled with the joy, mirth and praise that comes from a thankful heart – the heart of David.
~Yohanan and Nun
26 ITN Volume 4 Issue 7
Vermont, New
Hampshire Region
New York


New York Region

The Clan of

W e send our greetings from the fertile

valleys of central New York. For those
in far away places, central New York is
Fall also means harvest time and the
harvest festival. You may remember reading
about the harvest festival we did in Bethel,
beautiful! A very green landscape spreads NY last year. Well, we are doing it again.
in all directions over rolling hills lined with Haggai and his crew have been laboring all
vineyards. Gorgeous waterfalls spilling over week and then going to Bethel and laboring
high ledges can be found in many of the some more running our tribe’s two story
glens carved out of the countryside. mobile café. The harvest is truly plentiful
The temperatures have dropped slightly and the laborers are surely few. We are
(as they never really climbed very high this thankful for this opportunity to reach out
summer) and it seems like fall is moving to the sheep in the sleepy town of Bethel
in over the horizon. In Ithaca when fall and are praying for the doors to open in
comes we all look forward to the crunching that town that was a pinnacle of the sixties
of colorful leaves, the smell of sweet apple movement. Pray with us to the Master of the
cider and STUDENTS, lots of them. harvest.
Between the two colleges in town there are We are still praying our Abba would light
more than 20,000 students who come from up the way for us and show us where He
all over the globe to make their stop here, wants us to be in College Town. College
in Ithaca, for two to four (or sometimes Town is the area up by Cornell University,
more), years. Many new faces can be seen which is a distance from our café. When
around town and our café has been a bustle winter sets in the students tend to stay up
of activity. on the hill, so we have been asking our Abba
where He wants us to be, how can we be

September/October 2009 27
there for your sheep? We will let you know having and increasing in circle time and
what unfolds. toddler training. Walking through the
This month we had the wonderful house has become an adventure as you
privilege of hosting our wonderful sisters walk by the little caboose on it’s way to
Yael and Rakefet from the tribe of Reuben. the potty, projects line the walls of the
This truly was a treat as they brought such dining room and songs echo through the
a sweet fragrance to our community the air. The children are engaged, challenged
couple of days they spent with us. We were and encouraged. We are thankful for the
very blessed by their beautiful heartfelt encouragement from our Abba to invest in
songs. We appreciated the time they had our little ones in this special way.
with us, as it is these little connections that We love and appreciate all of our brothers
can bond us mightily as a nation. and sisters in all the tribes and are honored
One more note. This is the most we can be joined with you to build the
encouraging and important thing that kingdom of love.
happened all month. We have been ~ Yonah of Ithaca

her, but a more gentle

voice was beckoning
her to surrender: “You
can’t do it in your own
strength, Betty. You need
The Clan of Cambridge the Holy Spirit. It is time
to give up your life and

C ambridge is elated to bring you the best

of news! We have told you about Tamara
shel Yeshurun’s grandmother, Betty. Just
make a covenant.”
With great rejoicing we took her to the
water. Like a little child she expressed her
to refresh your memory, Betty moved into need for our Master to take control of her
our community a year and a half ago. She life. We do not know her new name yet, but
has played an active role in our everyday we’ll tell you as soon as we do.
life here and we have all grown to love her This means that four generations are
dearly. We could never imagine Cambridge represented in the Body in this family: (1)
without her. But a very important element Betty, (2) Shama and Amtsah, (3) Yeshurun
was missing. Through the many months and Tamara, and (4) their children.
we have prayed that she would receive the We are so thankful that our Father is
revelation and courage that she needed adding to us here in Cambridge.
to make a covenant with our Master and ~ Amtsah shel Shama
His body. Though she had no desire to
be anywhere else she just couldn’t quite
find her way through the narrow gate. At
seventy-four such a decision does not come
easily. She strained to get to that place of
But surrender she did one Monday
evening after one of those days when
nothing was going right. In fact it seemed
to her that everything was going wrong.
Perhaps the enemy was trying to discourage

28 ITN Volume 4 Issue 7

The Clan of
hope and looks
Oneonta forward to getting to
know our brothers in
Beniah ben
Chanowk celebrated
his milestone of

I t is a fruitful time for us here in Oneonta. beginning pitch class

The opening of our Common Ground this month. He is four years old now and he
Café is in view, although there is always so is happy to be growing up in our Father’s
much to do near the end. We are so thankful house.
for all the help we’ve received from all over The best news of the month is that Netzer
our tribe. And we look forward ben Shoresh and Neshef
to Ariel and Bynah joining bat Keli are betrothed! The
us here soon to help with the wedding will be October 3 in
finishing touches. The café Cambridge. It was a special
is ready for Bynah’s artistic day for us as we heard both
touch. Anak recently came families express their hearts.
through and said, “I can just We heard about the struggles
see this place full of students.” and overcoming it took for
People in town walk by and Netzer and Neshef to get to
say, “I can’t wait to come in this point in their lives. In
when you’re open!” There is a difficult time Netzer had
much anticipation. We just been a true friend to Neshef,
finished a small “balcony” on simply reaching out to help.
our Main Street sidewalk in Our Father had more in His
front of the café. It will be a heart for them. It is wonderful
nice place for two tables with to see that friendship is
umbrellas over them. the foundation for love. All
A man named Brandon has visited us Netzer could say was, “I’m happy, I’m really
from Florida just in time to help us with the happy!” We agree – we’re really happy too!
mechanical aspect of things. Some of you We look forward to writing more happy news
may know him. He lived in Island Pond 15 of their wedding next month.
years ago. We called him Yoceph. Since he
left us he’s never forgotten about us and
he knows he just doesn’t fit in the world.
Before his visit all he could think about
was the community and his time in Island
Pond so long ago. So he searched for us
on the internet by typing in “God’s people
in Island Pond” and found us. Through
that he was able to reconnect with his good
friend Shoresh after all these years. Shoresh
told him to come to Oneonta, which he
did right away. He is now back in Florida
with his children but has found renewed

September/October 2009 29
The little “cherry” on top
of our lovely news this month
is that Abigail bat Yadon has
celebrated her inauguration
into training. Abigail has had
to work hard and overcome
a lot to reach this place in
her life. She is proving to be
a true, dedicated daughter
of Israel, and we are pleased
with her. We had an enjoyable
evening with her as she Please pray for us in Oneonta. We want
gave us a full presentation of all that she so much to open the doors of our café to
has learned with Olah so far. We gathered reach out to the many college students in
around as she showed us her work and we this town. With love and appreciation to all
sang “You’re Being Raised Up To Rule” of you, Chayah shel Yadon
and enjoyed some delicious cake together.
Thank you to all our friends who have loved
Abigail. We cannot do it without you!

Vermont, New Hampshire Region

The Clan of

Two Events at the Same Time… up each one properly. It turned out well,
the way that each ended at different times.
W e managed to do it, with the help of
our Father of course. Two of the bigger
events of the summer for Rutland hit on
The whole community gathered at the Long
Trail Festival and we had a campfire and
the same weekend. Our thrown-together
It always seems to rain during or after
little mobile café had to accommodate two
Art in the Park. So, once again, we took
separate grounds. The Art in the Park event
down the tent in the rain, thankful for the
up the hill from our café spread over almost
end of another long weekend of striving to
three days; the majority of our equipment
seek and save the lost. We had many people
ended up there. For the Long Trail Hiker
that helped us out in our small times of
Festival we had a little satellite café. It was
need, from setting up, to our faithful friend
constructed from a counter that used to be
George discovering that our generator was
in Simon the Tanner, plus some pop-up
overheating. Our Father is so faithful to
tents and a propane stove. It was a mad
show His hand in what we set out to do in
rush of food and supplies trying to stock
30 ITN Volume 4 Issue 7
handle the load. We continue to press on
with our malfunctioning equipment and
continual need for more disciples as we
all get stretched to the utter limit. We are
thankfully serving here in the harness with
you all.

Our New Brother

This past Sabbath, our wonderful guest
Rick was a guest no longer. He stood
up during our morning gathering and
expressed his need for our Master Yahshua.
He has been so faithful to help us every
…And an Even Greater One to Come! day in the café. Many people had spoken
The next big thing to happen here in about the faith they had to bring him to the
Rutland is the Wedding of Ranan Alon and waters. Now he is no longer Rick, but we
Lebanah of Yoceph. Their betrothal was this aren’t sure what his name is yet.
month, but you will have to wait until next We had a wonderful skit about a lost
month to read of the wedding. The most sheep. All the children wore sheep skins and
exciting part was when Lebanah leapt onto a became a little flock of sheep. But all of a
chair and proclaimed how she loved Ranan sudden one was missing and the whole room
with her whole heart, which was answered went looking for that one lost sheep (just
with a hearty AMEN. We hope to have much like in the lost coin skit). We are so thankful
more to say about their happy day, next for our Father’s faithfulness to hear our
month. prayers.
Recently, we also had a wonderful single
Against All Odds woman move into our clan. Her name is
Milanda, and she continues to pour out her
Our poor little café has been bombarded
life loving those around her, and even gives
with many hardships, even just over the
thanks in the gathering for being here. We
last month. It flooded again, almost worse
hope that she will be our sister someday. We
than the first time (the catastrophe of last
hope to have more good news next month
summer). But this time we were ready. With
as well.
all the hands available to move product out
~ Shaltiel Chayim
of harm’s way, we didn’t come out as badly.
Hikers from the hostel pitched in willingly
alongside of disciples.
Many of the other businesses downtown
anticipated flooding this time as well. So
we survived another one, only to have
one of our electrical boxes start arcing
and smoking this week. Thankfully it
was during the morning, when people
were around who were awake and able to
catch it in time. No damage was caused
to the building, but we did have to be
closed and the panel was replaced with
a more adequate one that is able to
September/October 2009 31
Fair this year; instead
we put it right next to
the big sale tent. On
the other side, under
a pop-up tent, we
The Clan of provided traditional

Lancaster music which added

a lively social
Simon the Tanner Tent Sale Also on the same lot was a local craftsman

T his month has been a push to get ready

for our annual Labor Day Tent Sale.
This is our BIG yearly Simon the Tanner
whom we had invited to demonstrate
carving animal statues. This has been his
livelihood for many years now. He would
Sale, which happens right downtown the take a big log, start up his chain saw, and
same week as the Lancaster Fair. It happens within couple of hours he would have a
right across the street from our store, on an beautiful figure of a bear or eagle. It was
empty lot which we are allowed to use for definitely an added attraction. Also our
this special event. As you can imagine, it is much loved friends Burt and Chris set up
a very busy place. It has drawn many people a small demonstration about their Belted
over the years. Many people look forward Galloway Beef Jerky.
to and plan to visit our tent sale every year Even Yashuvam and Keliyah returned
during their vacations. to help us with this great endeavor. Thank
But this year we put into action you, tribe of Benyamin, for releasing this
something we have considered for a few valuable couple and daughter, Darda, who
years: having our own little event. So we did also is such an asset even at age nine. We
not set up our little café at the Lancaster understand it was a great sacrifice.
Kephir and Reuben also made their
yearly journey all the way from Gad!
And we also received help from Island
Pond, the Massachusetts region, and
Bellows Falls. It was so exciting to see
our own event happening right here
in town. All of us were engaged and
participating. Even our children had
an important role making popcorn,
handing out balloons, helping serve the
meals, working at the café, setting up,

32 ITN Volume 4 Issue 7

taking down, and the list goes on and on. (I heard at the music camp that we need to
What a beautiful sight and we all had a very bring the auto harp back in.)
good time TOGETHER. The children already have presented two
offerings from their time with her. Zemirah’s
Circle Time presence has brought much warmth and joy
Circle time here in Lancaster is a big to our little ones. After their hour with her,
event for our little toddlers. Every morning they then go on with Emunah who teaches
Zemirah shel Eliezer tells them a story them all the little things they need to learn
from the Bible with much animation. Our to be prepared to start training one day. We
children have such a rich heritage. We are are so thankful for the devoted lives of these
so thankful it is being passed on to them. two women.
Zemirah also has been playing her auto Shalom, from Qesheth shel Chezeq
harp and teaching them many little songs.

The Clan of
Island Pond days. Maybe next year
we might taste some
sweet fruit from their
Andy, who is Kepha
of Chatham’s brother,
has moved in with his

S ummer arrived in the northern reaches wife Libby and sons

of our Tribe just in time to sweep us into Caleb & little Asa! They have added a lively
a flurry of comings and goings. We sent spark to our lives. We are enjoying getting
evangelists out to support our brothers on to know this precious family and long for
various fronts. the day they will be fully restored to us. Both
We were honored to host a lightning- of them enthusiastically jump right in to
flash of a visit by the Massé clan and made whatever task is at hand. They are like a gift
good use of our marvelous kitchen (thank from our Father, and we are honored they
you Azariah, Ethan, David and others) to would come to us here in Island Pond.
serve 92 saints their Erev Shabbat meal. Our Yellow Deli is running full steam
Some camped up at the Sugarbush, which ahead, and Simon the Tanner is reaching its
is getting not just a little attention these peak for the season. Soon, all the summer

September/October 2009 33
We managed a
second foray to the
ship while it was still
close. Thank you,
Peacemaker crew,
for hosting us! May
you have sunny skies
before you and the
wind at your backs.
Judah has taken
more than a few of our
guests and neighbors
Marine merrymakers (left), Judah & M’susah (right). on various “outings”
kayaking, canoeing,
“extra-locals” will be returning to their
rappelling, hiking, teaching water safety,
schools and jobs far away. We pray that we
wilderness safety, etc. along the way. One
have served them the fruit of the Spirit
very special group included Tiferah, with
while they were here, and that a seed of love
her children, Christian and Melanie, along
will be preserved in them. May He protect
with their dodah, M’shal, and her children,
those seeds and cause them to bear fruit for
Malak and Netuyah. It was so wonderful to
His Kingdom.
see them spending time together!
We continue with M-Nights and
Nicodemus by Night discussions, and soon it
will be time to glean the fields for our winter
provisions. We are looking forward to what
our Father has in store for us during this
season of Yom Kippur.
In great love and admiration for all of
Yadel shel Timshal

Lower left: Mashal, Tifarah, Melanie, Malak, Netuyah & Christian. Lower right: mixed feelings about being cliffside.

34 ITN Volume 4 Issue 7

The Clan of
Bellows Falls warms all of our
hearts. Plymouth’s
sacrifice is our gain.
We have had a
number of visitors
come to stay with
us, as well as visits

T he Basin Farm has begun a major from local friends.

readjustment, in more ways than one. Sandra, a Hispanic woman who works for a
Commonwealth Construction has moved to pharmaceutical firm, came with her 14-year-
southern Vermont, using the Basin Farm as old son to spend a week, and she left saying
a base. Led by Manasseh and Yobhel, with she had met true servants of God. Another
their wives Hephzibah and Shua, all of these woman who knows us from Hyannis came
young men live to work, support, build and and expressed her sense of hearing the call
serve their brothers. They are constantly of this life. Others met us at the markets
on-call to meet pressing needs in many and came, curious to see the life they heard
places, with the conviction of “Be here, about. Some were just passing through from
now.” Their poured-out lives speak of their distant parts of the United States, others
hope in the kingdom to come. When they were nearer neighbors whom we continue to
come to the gatherings, their loyalty and see.
faithfulness come across in their music and One woman we have seen often works
bold prophetic speaking. They are bringing at a local school, and when the teachers
their strength, skill and experience to the gathered to socialize about their summers,
many major building projects we are facing. she said, “I got to know our neighbors from
Dust, dirt and accumulated debris are being the Twelve Tribes on the Basin Farm.” This
moved out, because a time of increase had led to many curious questions and hopefully
to come in. future visits by others.
For this to happen we had to give up As we pass through the summer we see
Ya’akov and D’vekah (with Lael and Elionai) occasional groups of children from other
as well as Nadiv and Hannah (with Yiryah communities (inspired by Aysh). We also see
and Hadarah). These brothers and sisters,
and their children, have played vital roles in
this community. Their presence is missed in
ways we already feel keenly. Yet, the Wind of
the Spirit is blowing, and we want to follow
His lead. Our Father has great works in store
for them in Lancaster (Ya’akov and D’vekah)
and Oak Hill (Nadiv and Hannah)...
Aysh, the passionate café worker and
evangelist from the Massachusetts region,
had it on his heart to add to our nation’s
Agri-Culture. So now you see him daily in
the fields, picking, grinning and weeding…
as well as going out to the markets to sell
produce and make friends. His spiritual fire
Haying in September.

September/October 2009 35
massive growths of weeds that we pull out We are using the last weeks of warm
when and where we can. Alas, there is still sunshine to cut, dry and gather into the
room for increase. We finish the summer barn our hay for next winter. Aysh and I are
gathering produce and selling it at our going out for a brief walk as well, seeking
markets. the greater harvest.
~ Kharash

The Clan of
Brattleboro David, our
longtime friend,
continues to help
us in many ways
for which we are
so thankful. We
are searching for

O ur Father is digging a deep foundation an apartment that

here in Brattleboro. We are able to Hannah, Nifla’ah and I could live in so we
attend some of the gatherings at the Basin can be closer to the bakery and watch over
Farm, hearing the words of life that are the empty Common Ground Restaurant.
preparing us for the days of atonement This worn-out 60’s eatery has been given to
are so encouraging. We desire to keep us and now we search for the sheep that are
the festivals in sincerity and truth so needed to bring new life to that dead dream.
the inspection of our motives is of vital We pray for you all in the Twelve Tribes
importance. Apart from Him and His words from our little effort in Brattleboro.
we have no life in ourselves. ~ Melevav
This past month has seen us strongly
supported by the faith and labors of our
dear sister, Hannah Creighton. She
adds so much to us with her evangelistic
gifts and her baking strengths. Our
customers love to see new faces at our
Farmers’ Market booth and at the café.
Our Father has led us to proceed with
the Bakery on a month to month basis.
So this puts us firmly at our current
Harmony Lot location at least through
the month of October. The Wednesday
Market has been an excellent vehicle for
us to enjoy the fresh air and sunshine.
Here we meet new people as they have
opportunity to sample our baked goods
and unity.

36 ITN Volume 4 Issue 7

Eastern Massachusetts Region
The Clan of

T his month, I could write about all of

the usual events we are doing. But, with
the Peacemaker ship in our region, we have
crew is overwhelming… Yachin and Savav,
Anak and Azarah, and He’Emin and Keliyah.
The ship then landed in Belfast, which I
made efforts to be a support wherever it will leave it up to them to tell the story… But,
drops anchor. Our month began with our ship the few days we were there were incredibly
stopping at different ports along the mid-coast encouraging. The people in that area seem to
of Maine. First of all, it stopped for a couple be very needy for something real in life.
days in Camden, which, like all of the coastal The Peacemaker then sailed south to
towns in Maine, was swarming with tourists the second oldest town in New England,
from around the world. Then, it just so and the third oldest in the county… Salem,
happened that I brought my family up “thar” Massachusetts. Tourists travel here for its
to a High School reunion, so we drove all the reputation as the “witch town”… especially
way up to Searsport (near Belfast) to drop off during the month of October when they hold
our dear sister, Theresa, from Plymouth for a a street festival every weekend leading up to
week or so. Since it was Friday late afternoon, Halloween. This past weekend, the ship pulled
we were just about to slip off the ship, until into Gloucester, another old fishing village,
the crew prevailed upon us to stay for a Friday where our region sent a crew of musicians.
night dinner on the ship. For those of you who
don’t know, the hospitality of the Peacemaker Betrothal!
We also have been seeing the family of
David Zerubbabel around here quite often
since their daughter, Migdala, lives here with
Yachiyl, the son of Ruhamah. We began the
month by betrothing them! Yes, we are having
Montreal another wedding in our region! This time it
will be in Boston, and as I write this, we are
pushing to get our house and yard in order for
Brunswick the wedding in only two weeks… September
Belfast 19th, which just so happens to be Yom Teruah
Camden (Rosh Hashannah for those not yet acquainted
Portland with the proper name). The crisp feeling
MA Salem of autumn is already in the air, as we look
Boston forward to the wedding, apple picking, the fall
RI Plymouth festivals. There is something special about this
Hyannis season.
Newport Martha’s
Vineyard km
0 50 100

September/October 2009 37
Finally, we finished this month with a
celebration for Ben ben Zahav and Yadel. He
is functioning as a PRIEST! We talked about
how this is not just a time to acknowledge him
standing at the minchah, but he is actually a
priest now. It sharpened all of our awareness
of our priesthood. Really, the reason we fall
into things and forget who we are, is because
we forget that we are priests!
Until next month, Hosah

The Clan of
Plymouth was a very positive
symposium and we
are all better disciples
because of it.

Training Group
To Basin Farm
I t was another wonderful month here in
the clan of Plymouth. We kicked off the
month with an important regional First Day
Also this month the
children were fortunate to travel to Bellows
Falls, Vermont. Around 5:30 in the morning,
festival. We heard a vital teaching called a group of 11 students from our training
“The Ball is in our Court” taught by Shoresh groups set out to help our friends on the
Racine, Daniel Brosseau and Othniel of Basin Farm with their gardens. It was an
Yoceph. It was a powerful teaching about exciting car ride filled with many pit stops
upholding our traditions so not to become but we finally made it there with our Father’s
another failed church in the history of help. Once there, we took a quick tour of the
religion. Shoresh urged us to become more barns, ate lunch and then we quickly went to
concerned with being obedient to our work in the fields. It was a memorable day
Father’s word rather than to the trends of for all the children who participated and a
the world. He said, “The Bible is a record day that they shall surely never forget. Our
of failures, we need to learn from it. If we son Aman ben Ephraim, wanted to express
are disciples, we play according to our his gratitude for the time we spent there.
Master’s word.” He also said our Father’s
I am thankful that our training groups
word is “absolute, complete within itself,” could go to Bellows Falls to help pick weeds
so we should need to reason through trends with Aysh. We arrived mid-morning and
of the world, namely the 20 trends in the picked three rows of weeds. Then our training
list discussed in last month’s teaching Little teachers said we could go SWIMMING in the
Things Mean a Lot. Many people repented river. We are most thankful that we could
and were inspired to change and wanted help our friend Aysh.
to remove any sin in their lives that would ~ Aman ben Ephraim (10)
impinge upon us growing as a nation. It

38 ITN Volume 4 Issue 7

Summer Fun New Friends
As summer comes to an end here in our The month of August saw new additions
fine community of Plymouth, it is hard not to our Plymouth family. Ish, Shalem and
to become overly nostalgic about all the K’sheva moved into the Yellow House. They
events and things we have endured as a clan have been here only a couple weeks but we
this past summer. This month, we seemed to are so grateful how they have simply jumped
have finally put the “cherry on top” of what in full force to meet the pressing needs.
was a very exciting set of months which were They are such an amazing family and we
rife with weddings and evangelistic events. appreciate their kind and devoted hearts so
The weather finally changed from dreary to much. Also, a wonderful man named Sean
a full-fledged heat wave. The women were has been living with us. He is a quiet man
happy because it meant clothes could finally yet he has a dedicated heart. He pours out
be hung out to dry on the laundry line. The his life every day at the Blue Blinds helping
crops in our modest gardens were happy, with dishes and wherever he can. We are not
for now they could be finally be properly sure what our Father has in store for him but
harvested. But, the children were overjoyed we are delighted to have him in our midst.
for it meant many outings to the beach and We are so grateful for his help and pray that
the erection of our yearly water slide on the he can someday be connected with us in the
front lawn! With a slower Shabbat schedule fight to serve our Master.
and nicer weather, we as a community finally We continue to be grateful members in
had the opportunity to just love each other this Body of the Messiah. We are honored to
as friends. There is nothing like a restful be united in this cause with the rest of the
Sabbath with your friends to refresh your twelve tribes.
soul! ~ Love Tehorah

The Clan of
Hyannis we are not as quick
to see our need for
grace. And those
pressing needs that
really are always there
sort of fade into the
background. It is

A s summer is drawing to a close and in these times that

the approaching autumn makes the we ask ourselves, “What are we living for
morning air crisp, we here in Hyannis enjoy anyway? From what and where do we get
a break from the humidity and breathe our worth? Is it from loving more perfectly?
deeply. Compared to the non-stop, labor- Is it from investing and putting worth into
intensive “event after event” pattern of the others around us?” As much as we would
months prior, this has been a pretty low key love to whole-heartedly answer, “Yes,” the
month. However, it is in these times with a beginning of this month found all of us in
seeming lull that our spiritual diligence is our region being exhorted to consider these
tested. While lacking the pressure and the questions by three of our beloved leaders.
motivation of dead-lines and “round the Daniel, Shoresh, and Othniel passionately
clock pushes,” it can be too easy to kick back spoke of the Anointing and all the aspects
and become lazy in our spirits. Suddenly of our life that the Anointing teaches us

September/October 2009 39
about: “All things.” It was definitely a in Hiddenite some time ago, the vision
“thunderclap” in our lives, waking us up to she received about the social and spiritual
the ways we had all grown dull and inspiring importance of having Circle Time for our
us to recapture our first love. We in Hyannis little ones (ages 2 to 4) is bearing beautiful
were so thankful for the opportunity to fruit. Our children now have a special
receive the sharpening and the chance to time every day where they can be together,
make the grass greener where we are. learning songs, dances, doing hands-on
We are grateful for the fruit of our activities etc. Of course, the key word is
focused, community-wide investment in together. Togetherness is the purpose for
our households and property. Even more our life. Now, even the youngest members of
evident is the increase of our relationships the community (disciples in training aren’t
with one another as we come to realize more they?) are having a foundation laid in them
and more that we are where they will desire to
allied together in the same be together and get worth
cause. A word was shared “The key to going from their whole-hearted
after the teaching in participation.
Plymouth by David Yonah, back to your first The slightly older
the significance of which children in our community
can barely be grasped in love is to put away are not receiving any less
full. He said, “The key to
going back to your first
the hindrance of a encouragement regarding
the potential they have
love is to put away the divided heart.” and the ability to add to
hindrance of a divided the full, vibrant nature of
heart.” How can we hope our life. Whether it’s Aman
to do anything worthwhile with our hands, Elijah ben Elidad and Meleah working
even working side by side, if our hearts hard in the garden, Renanah bat Elidad
aren’t turned towards one another? What and Meleah diligently rolling out farmers’
will our children learn to strive for if that is market peanut-butter balls, or Abigail and
all they see? We have to make this life the Mesurah bat Shaul and Ahavah baking early
most desirable. Our Father created it and in the morning for the farmers’ markets—
now we have the challenge to maintain it. our children are seeing how important their
With the advent of Daniel and Tamar contributions really are. On different days
moving from Plymouth, our community of the week, different parents are able to
received quite a boost of encouragement. go the farmers’ markets and subsequently,
Daniel has begun doing all of our sandwich one or more of their children are right
and specialty breads for our farmers’
markets right in our bakery kitchen so as
to bring a little relief to the bustling Blue
Blinds in Plymouth. Tamar has been a full-
time support in bringing care and order to
different aspects of our home, encouraging
the standard with a loving attitude.
We have also been blessed with the
re-institution of a fondly-remembered
endeavor: baby-training (now lovingly
called “circle time”). Having sent Keziah
shel Yotham to the baby-training seminar

40 ITN Volume 4 Issue 7

alongside them. They are
setting up the cart and
the tent, displaying all the
baked goods and talking
with all the people who
come. It’s not just baked
goods, it’s our life – it’s
the restoration of the
family on display. We are
continuously thankful for
the chance for evangelism
these Farmers’ Markets In essence, although the demand for
have been. immediate building and forward-moving
Then there are those that are on that progress may not have been present in the
delicate line between youth-hood and physical realm, we heard the urgent call to
adult-hood, taking a stand for our Master hurry and build in the spiritual, not resting
and deciding to give their whole lives for a moment. Leading us all in our renewed
toward serving the community they live in. sense of purpose, increasing our faith, is our
Azarah bat Yoceph Rodriguez pours out first generation, carrying on the light of our
her life daily in our café, playing music life.
in our celebrations, and baking whenever Let me close with a thank-offering from
needed for our farmers’ markets. She two of our children:
also demonstrates ever-growing personal We were delighted to go to the Osterville
conviction and love for this life and is Farmers’ Market. We had an enjoyable time.
faithful to always share her little bit at There was an art section where we were able
our minchot. Micaiah ben Malachi and to glue shells to boards to make different
Rebecca adds so much to our community. designs. Here are pictures of the ones we
His surrendered life and constant diligence made.
is making our house more hospitable (and ~ Naomi bat Kashoov and Yael Ahavah (10)
structurally complete). We have also been Until Next Month,
very blessed by Yatsah Morgan and the ~ Emunah shel Challamysh
life he adds to our community, playing his
guitar and singing whole-heartedly in our

September/October 2009 41
N I had not gone any-
where and had each
day walked past that
vine but somehow
We can only plant and
never noticed the life
water. It is our Father who
emerging from the
causes the growth, so there is
barren stalk. How did
nothing more spiritual than to
I miss it ? It seemed
wait on Him. Read our friend
to me to have grown
Bachurah's revelation through overnight. Then some-
this example: how I felt that our
As I arrived here Abba communicated
in April, I was struck to my heart that the
by the barren wisteria tribe of Reuben is
on the front of Tabitha’s as this vine. It went
Place. I remembered, as through a severe pruning, almost
I was living here many years ago, seeming dead, but it has been neces-
delighting to see the vines growing sary for the good growth to come
all along the front of the house with about. And like that vine, almost
beautiful clusters of purple flowers. unnoticed by those who live here ev-
But here it was, cut to a short stump ery day, life is springing forth. May
with no hint of life. In fact, I thought the tribe of Reuben be like this vine,
to myself that this year I would not abounding with life and sweet smell-
behold the satisfying sight of green ing flowers.
leaves and purple flowers. This new life comes from the
But some weeks later as I One who knows all things. We are
walked down the driveway to the very thankful for His tender care and
house, I suddenly stood in awe as I attentive love. May Reuben live and
noticed the green leaves all over the not die and may his men be not few!
front of the house and those so very In Ahavah love,
familiar clusters of flowers. Bachurah shel Ephraïm

42 ITN Volume 4 Issue 7

Our Father is ever so faithful to teach We had the honor and joy to host
us His ways. His word, will and command- Kepha and Alonah Yisrael for one week.
ments are absolute, they never change. We Though they faced many tests and trials, they
are His people, the apple of His eye, set keep on jumping over the hurdles. They later
apart for a great plan. On the 21st of August
after hearing a teaching about diadems, we
all witnessed a very important event: our
children, future rulers of the universe, were
actually ordained priests and priestesses just
like their parents. A big deal was made about
it. Shofars blew so loud and for a long time
while abbas and immas carefully adjusted the
linen diadem on their little heads. The follow-
ing Shabbat morning, as they were the first
to speak, the children excitedly shared their
heart with assurance about their new priestly sent us this message:
function. Something new We are sorry to not communicate
followed: from that time on, we ALL lift up with you more often. This last month had
been very exciting because we could receive
our hands in surrender to the greater King.
our daughters at home for three days and
This step of faith done in unity made us fit to
three nights for the very first time since the
meditate on the grasshopper complex, hope- separation. They had come with their aunt
fully making up our mind to overcome our who gained custody now. The atmosphere
enemies and not fall into the same snares as was pleasant despite all the past wounds
our ancestors. during these twelve years where we did not
Negativity, depression and bitterness live together. The search for a subject of con-
are sure signs of not being surrendered to versation, although difficult at the beginning,
the Holy Spirit. They lead us to make wrong was made lighter by the presence of Rivkah.
choices in our own strength. As wonderful Our daughters grew so much. Anaïs is seven-
teen and Ahavah is close to ten.
as individuals can be, they are powerless to
We are so encouraged that circum-
bring about God’s purpose and the
end of this evil age. A nation can. WE

... And grace we do receive
from the new energetic crew of war-
riors sent to put tiles on the roof,
Toviah, Zakar, Obediyah, Hazaq,
Benjamin and Elkhana.
We are grateful for their
friendship and willingness to serve
with joy wherever they are.

September/October 2009 43
stances allowed a great change in my mother‘s above a big smile. Five minutes later, we
heart. It opened the door where the love of the were happily walking to the goat barn. And
parents can fill the wounded hearts of their that is how we milked our eight goats togeth-
children and heal them, by the grace of our
er for the very first time and walked back
Master and His power to forgive. That’s our
to the house after this wonderful time with
hope. We love you.
Kepha and Alonah eight liters of milk. Never could I even have
dreamed about such a deep satisfaction as an
Another faithful couple left their print
abba enjoying fellowship with his boys filling
both on our heart and walls
our souls with something as good as milking
in the spiritual, social and
goats. It is so much more soul satisfying
physical realm. Al-
than anything this world has to offer.
though our very sen-
sitive friends, Na- What this life provides is so much great-
hum and Chessikah, er and it was served to me as a free gift.
returned to Levi, we I just had to do my part and be part of
will always remem- it.
ber their sweet Thank you Abba! Shama
comforting flavor as
they poured their life Then is Valerie’s turn who made her
and love upon us. very best out of a lawless deed.
After taking some aspirin, not know-
Our life is so full of surprises! ing that I was allergic to it, I found myself
It makes us aware of our “here and now” op- in the emergency room of the hospital in
portunities. We want to be ready to respond the next town. The room was divided in two
to the need of the moment in all seasons parts only by a curtain, so I could perfectly
because they may never come back. Here are hear what was going on, although I couldn’t
two vivid situations that make our days wor- see anything. I overheard the man talking to
thy to breathe. If only we could suspend time the nurses and doctor and concluded he was
sometimes... First Shama recalls: from Sus. I heard him explain that he was
This morning, I went to wake up my going to undergo heart surgery at eighty
two boys, Nun (12) and Ezra (10) who were years old and that he was scared of dying.
sleeping very deeply in their bunk bed. Ezra The doctor’s diagnosis was existential an-
is pretty hard to wake up, so I decided to guish. As we lately heard about our priestly
start with him. “Ezra! It is time to get up. We function, for sure this poor man needed
go to the goats. He turned on the other side, someone to comfort him and answer some of
hitting his pillow, then he turned his head his questions.
back to me. Unable to open his eyes, he said I finally overcame and started a
in a weak voice “WHAT?” conversation with him through the curtain
I understood that his brain, after about the three eternal destinies. It turned
analyzing the word “goats” commanded him out that this man was the old mayor of Sus, a
to wake up and get dressed. I sat peacefully man of conscience who helped and supported
down to wake up Nun, only to find under the us when we first arrived. He had married
blanket two wide open very bright eyeballs several couples of the community. I was in
awe, realizing our Father’s care for him,
44 ITN Volume 4 Issue 7
how He made sure that as a just man of the weeks. Although she is still inwardly rich and
nations, he was going to be blessed and get satisfied, she is a keen observer with a sincere
his reward. I was thankful to be used by Him and sensitive heart.
this way. A few days later, as I promised him Thanks to our few but faithful caretak-
in the hospital, I went to his house to visit ers, our garden is generously yielding plenty
his wife with two of my sisters. We brought of vegetables and fruits. It makes us enjoy our
some vegetables and fresh baked bread. lunch on the lawn all the more.
What a surprise to see the mayor open the And sure enough, we kept the very best for
door, his face shining with happiness to see the end: Zebulon and Rakefet's wedding
us! His wife, son and daughter came out also is set on the 24th of October!
to thank me for the “confession behind the So long for this month, LOVE to all of you.
curtain” like in church. After all, he didn’t Ishâh and friends
have to be operated straight away and the
Have you ever seen a people
surgery had been delayed. While talking, he
in love with one another ? Their lives
told us that ever since the community settled have been given to the One who has
in the neighborhood, the village had always given them all. In deep appreciation
been protected. These were his very words. for ALL the wonderful disciples in the
Amazing, isn’t it? Valerie twelve tribes.

Our School situation Your friend Ruth
After erroneous control results, the
Academy Inspector commanded the parents
to register their children in a regular public or
private school. The beginning of term was on
the 3rd of September, but nothing happened
on both sides... Parents are called for a meet-
ing on the 14th of this month and we will let
you know the outcome of it.
The only thing to do so far is to pray for ser-
vants to rise on our behalf.
Ben Hessed’s family arrived and
that makes us real happy to live with
them again!
A special couple Brony (Bulgarian)and
Lota (Dutch) spent a few days with us after
meeting our Shimonite brothers. Their deep
interest for our life shown in their many ques-
tions left us to guess that they are considering
the cost. On their way to Bulgaria, they intend
to visit the tribe of Levi to learn still more
about us.
We also have hope for Bernadette, a
Baptist evangelist, who lived here for three

September/October 2009 45
Tribe (Canada)

of Winnipeg

Gad Chilliwack


The Community in
(Fairfield Farm)
“Green pastures & quiet waters…”
Evangelism and Café report from expressing our Father’s heart to the
nations and the people who are drawn to us.
It seems like recently people are flocking in. We are learning that we should not make
This past month we had over 20 people for a judgment about people and put them in
our Erev Shabbat celebration. Prior to that a box because that is what the world does.
at the same week on Tuesday night we had People have been told who they are not and
16 people for our Nicodemus by Night open what they don’t have their whole lives. We
forum at the café. can express our Father’s heart by telling
This was a confirmation since we had just people who they are and what they do have.
decided to start working on the back of our This will cause them to be unlocked from
café in order to add more seating and also to their box and to begin trusting us.
have a more appropriate place in which we We should not condemn people for not
can teach people dancing at our M-nights. responding to the gospel right away.
I will not go into details but I am starting Sometimes people need time and room,
to see that as we are being saved from our especially if we have not invested enough
self-righteousness and anxiety we are being love and time in them in order to win their
freed up to just love people and meet their trust. The Good Samaritan met the need
need where they are at. Not expecting too of the man that was wounded by the road
much too soon, frees us up to just love and where he was at but the priest ignored him
befriend people, patiently revealing to them because he was not “saved.” That is what it
that they can trust in us. People like to feel means to love your neighbour as yourself.
included. Here is more from Hushai about It’s nice to see people responding to the
what we have been hearing at our gatherings love shown to them by meeting their most
about this topic: pressing need. People need a friend they can
We are learning recently that being be real with; someone who won’t condemn
principled and self-righteous will hinder us them with self-righteous religion.
46 ITN Volume 4 Issue 7
Also here is something from Levah about Let it be that it would be our 12-tribed nation!
the people that have been staying with us: W.W.O.O.F-ing is such a wonderful way for us
to meet travelers from all over the world. We
W.W.W.D.W.W.W.O.O.O.F. are learning to love them and be sensitive to
(What Would We Do Without Willing Workers their needs.
On Our Organic Farm?)
Justice Rocks Festival
This is what spoke to me as we entered
into one of our Erev Shabbat Celebrations this We were invited by a good friend of ours
month, as I looked around at all the guests who who organizes food vendors for different events
were mingled among us that evening. I knew (e.g. The Vancouver Folk Festival) to attend
we would not have been able to accomplish a one-day music event called Justice Rocks.
everything we needed This event was put together by a
to do that day without society called Pivot Legal whose
them. Sebastian and objective is to encourage and
Anne Marie, who are stimulate social change. There
from Germany, arrived were many booths promoting
that same day and what most people of the world
jumped right in to help think of justice. Woman’s
at the farm weeding, Rights, Animal Rights, the End
straining milk, of Poverty, etc…. In contrast
cleaning and mowing. to what was going on I became
We are so thankful for appreciative of
them. Rick, of Irish how deep we
descent, was with us at are becoming
the café. We appreciate as a people and
how truly willing and how we are really
needy he is. Farhood, addressing the
an Iranian man who root of mankind’s
met us at the Vancouver Folk problems. The root
Festival, worked that day trying to of injustice as we
finish up a local B.O.J project in have been taught
Chilliwack. is to seek one’s
I especially want to make own welfare rather
note of a special young woman than the welfare of
named JinJu. She is from South others. We met many
Korea and has been with us for people and we were
over a week now. I have been especially encouraged
able to spend a lot of time with her working by a young man named Zane who
and talking. She says she is thankful she did not we believe is our brother. At this event we
grow up being taught by religion (Buddhism also found out that the man who invited us is
and Christianity are the main religious practices organizing a rather large food vending area for
in S. Korea) because then she can be open to the coming Winter Olympics 2010 in Vancouver
hearing about our life and what we believe. I and he would like us to be there with him.
know our Father has put a special place in my This is very encouraging to us since we have
heart for Japheth since spending time in the tribe been praying for an open door to attend the
of Asher. I am thankful He has brought us this Olympics. It is not yet 100% confirmed that we
sweet woman. She told me that she would like are going, but it looks promising. Shalom,
to be a bridge for her country to other nations. Nadiv
September/October 2009 47
Last but not least, here is something the flesh. A sure way to recognize that the wind is
profound from Ne’eman (Currently visiting the an “ill wind” is if it is driving you toward a place
tribe of Gad): where you are irreconcilable with your brothers.
A bad storm on the ocean could last for days
THE WIND IN OUR SAILS or even weeks.
Lately we heard about how our faith is Your sails, of emotions and reasoning, have to
fragile. Something fragile has to be guarded from be tightly furled during this time, closely guarded
carelessness. I Timothy talks about how our faith from the fury of accusations that are blowing.
can be shipwrecked. Your will has to have a firm handle on the tiller so
Last year we had a teaching about how our that you are not being blown sideways, but rather
soul is like the sails on a ship and that the Holy headed straight against the wind.
Spirit must be the wind that fills our sails. What During this time we have to be very vigilant
causes a shipwreck almost always is a storm, to obey Proverbs 2 in crying out for wisdom and
which drives the ship onto reefs or rocks; things understanding. We have to be very humble and
that the ship cannot reckon with. not impatient. A wrong conclusion resulting from
I do not know much about sailing, but I think careless, unattended sails and rudder will have you
that when a storm is brewing, one of the first on the rocks quickly.
things you must do is furl the sails. Of course it We won’t realize our purpose in life without
would also be important to know the location of the inspiring effect of the Holy Spirit on our soul,
any nearby hazards such as mentioned before. that causes our life and love to have substance.
A dangerous storm would be then one that Without it we are just a floating hulk… dead in the
is driving your soul in a wrong direction. The water, in the “doldrums.” So we must earnestly
driving wind of circumstances, careless words, seek for that good wind and keep a close eye on
misunderstandings, real or imagined, injustices the heavenly weather. Ephesians 6:12
and failed expectations, make it especially the Ne’eman (currently visiting the tribe of Gad)
wrong time to be trusting your emotions and your
reasoning; having your sails wide open to the Until next month, Roi
wind. Those bad emotions can justify giving into

The Community in Courtenay

Hello to everyone, we have been harvesting. Busy like the ants,

This month has been very eventful for us. our shelves are getting overloaded with every
From canning salsa in the kitchen to pouring good thing that we will need for the winter
concrete, there have been people everywhere. months. Our Abba is teaching us how to be an
We are so thankful that our farm is being agricultural nation. We are so thankful that He
transformed into a lovely dwelling place. There has blessed our efforts in every way.
has been a bountiful harvest this month in The work at the café is progressing slowly
the garden. Pickles, relish, lots of blanching, but steadily. We have received some friends
beans, corn, zucchini, cucumbers, tomatoes, from Winnipeg who have come to help us
strawberries, onions, leeks, garlic, lettuce, with stained glass and painting. It is becoming
sauerkraut, just to name a few of the things more and more like a Common Ground inside
48 ITN Volume 4 Issue 7
and we look forward to be able to start the man. To add to the blessing, this man had a
finish work outside. We will be using a lot large pile of cement blocks that we needed
of stones that we picked in our own field to to build stone columns for the café. Yaaneh
veneer the outside of the café and also to asked for the blocks and the man gave them
build stone columns around the perimeter to him. Then at the end of the job, his wife
of the property. There will be carriage lights invited Yaaneh and other people from the
on the columns at the entrance of the café community to a BBQ in their backyard.
and we are planning to build a nice pond and We met very nice people there, including a
waterfall near the deck. woman from Montreal who is the mother of

We have so much vision for the people four children. She had been looking at the
that will come through those doors one day; 12 Tribes website just a few days prior to
hopefully many of them will never leave. our visit and was completely amazed to see
Right now we have temporarily stopped us there at the picnic. She has since visited
working on the exterior, due to needing us at the farm and we are looking forward to
some permits... but patience brings forth get to know her more. She is a very needy
good fruit. We know that in our Father’s person undergoing much suffering in her life
timing it will be open. And in His timing it at this present time.
will bring in the many that need salvation. What a blessing it was to have Ne’eman
Our Father is blessing the hands of and Chezekah from Benjamin come and
Yaaneh. We have been praying that our spend a weekend with us. It is nice to be
Father will provide work for him and our able to touch hearts with one another. Their
Abba is opening doors for his fledgling gentleness and sweet fragrance was spoken
crew. One day Yaaneh was looking for some of for many days after their departure.
tires for his trailer. The tires are odd sizes Thank you so much for coming. You were
so he was told to go and meet this man who like faithful messengers of our Abba.
hauls mobile homes. Yaaneh pulled into his One last thing that we heard this month
driveway to inquire about the tires. As he is how important it is to be thankful. If we
introduced himself and told him who he is are not thankful for what we have, then
and what he is doing, it turned out that this what we have will be taken away from us.
man was actually looking for a stone mason The more we are thankful, the more we are
to face the front of his house. By the way, given. Our Father has an amazing blessing
Yaaneh did find the tires he was looking for us. We just need to ask and be thankful
for, but more than that, he left the man’s every day.
house with a very nice job to do. This man Thankful to be building such a wonderful
was so impressed with the craftsmanship of nation with all of you.
Yaaneh that he has been telling many of the Tabitha/Phineas
people that he knows and now he is getting
some other jobs lined up because of this
September/October 2009 49
The Community in Nelson
From the Clan in Nelson; another, the love of the world, and independence.
Greetings to all! This month has been a flurry One of them in particular seemed to us to be very
of activity with the end of the summer season sheep-like, and he intends to come and see us
approaching. Our little café in town has been soon. We received much hospitality from them
swamped with travelers, seekers, tourists and and were amazed to make such a wonderful
others as the days start to seem a little shorter and connection with these sincere people looking for a
the nights a little cooler, signaling the change of deeper reality than what Christianity offers.
seasons. It was in this light that we approached During the Festival we met Amber, who is the
our next two festival engagements with a plan – stepmother of Eve, a friend of ours from Kelowna
walkers. going to school in Nelson. We actually had a plan
We received an invitation to come to a festival to visit Eve’s parents before we left, but did not
in Kelowna, a city about four hours away from know that she would be right there at the festival!
us in whatever capacity we wanted. One of the She had the two of us stay in her house for the
organizers is a man who we knew in Nelson and night, as our other accommodation had only
then moved to Chilliwack and spent time with us enough room for four people. Thank you, Abba!
there. His is another story, not over, but not timely We talked late into the night with this sensitive
either. In counsel we decided to go to the event woman who, in her search for more meaning for
(Freedom Fest – half music festival, half political her life found herself having her daughter with
rally) with Chai Maté available for a donation midwives at The Farm in Tennessee. It sparked
and a box of freepapers for distribution. So it was something in her about Community, and has never
that Chets Rishone, Zaviyth, Rivkah, and myself left her.
found ourselves at this little festival talking to the All of us were affected by the kindness Eve’s
friendly people of Kelowna all day long, offering parents afforded us and we received a lot of faith
hot Chai for whatever they could afford. We also about Kelowna opening up to us, and we prayed
decided to send walkers a couple of days early, that our Father would give us the farm that we
and this is where Zerubbabel picks up the tale. were standing on! We left them with hope, a lot
It was so encouraging and rewarding to fruits and vegetables, and a warm farewell. I
see our brothers and sisters arrive at Freedom could not help but think that the gardens, the 100
Fest. Hananyah and I had spent the last two and sheep they have, the shop, etc., seemed like such a
a half days on the road seeking out the divine wonderful backdrop for making disciples.
appointments our Father had for us, and there Once we left Kelowna, we headed for a little
were a few! From our first pick up by some friends farm outside of a small town called Beaverdell.
of ours which placed us in their kitchen touching The night before we left for Kelowna, a man
hearts over some dark roasted maté, to the friends named Dirk came up the driveway, just in time for
we made that evening camping beside the river. our Erev Shabbat celebration. He came to see us
In Kelowna, we connected with a friend of ours as a direct result of his daughter telling him about
named Jane, who put us in touch with a group the Twelve Tribes. She heard about us through
of young men who are Messianic Christians. We someone else at a farmers’ market in Grand Forks,
spent the night with them in their “Single Brothers about an hour from the little farm in Beaverdell.
Cabin” on Okanagan Lake, where we discussed Well Dirk is quite an exceptional individual, an
many deep things, including shepherding one older man of Flemish origin, who was completely
50 ITN Volume 4 Issue 7
taken by what he saw and heard that Friday night. Sigrid and Jurst who are trying to live a life not
In fact, unbeknownst to us, he came to our Ha dependent or enslaved to the world, and really
Erev Rishone celebration as well, while we were struggling to know how to do it. We really fell
away at the Freedom Fest. in love with these people, too, and departed with
Skip forward now to Firstday afternoon. We promises to meet up the following weekend at the
have left the first farm we visited (Eve’s parents, Hills Garlic Festival, where our farm was having
Mark and Amber) and are looking for this little a booth. We prayed for them as we pulled away,
(100 – goat dairy) farm. When we found it, marveling at the ways our Father has to lead us to
the way we were to go was not so clear. Chets the places where His lost sheep are. It made me
Rishone and I got out of the truck, just after wonder at the potential there is hidden all around,
lightning and thunder had announced our arrival. the places, farms, people, and towns where our
We walked past what we assumed to be the Father is seeking for the hearts to do His will, to
family’s cabin, as we did not see anyone inside, add the wealth of the nations to His Israel.
towards another figure we could see silhouetted It is with this hope and determination that
in an outbuilding farther away. It was Dirk! He we look forward to the next festival coming this
was so excited to see us, and we him! He brought weekend – we will be sending walkers out early
us into his little cabin and we talked for a few for that one, too. It is also with this hope and
minutes to get current with where all of us had determination that we continue to struggle with
been, and then we excitedly jumped into his little all of you for the same cause – the glory of our
car to go back to the truck and onward to his Father, and His Kingdom.
daughter and son-in-law’s place for tea.
His daughter Sigrid and her husband Jurst Until next month, Shalom.
brought us into their spacious and open house. Daveq
Before long we were talking about a whole
range of topics – The Three Eternal Destinies,
Discipleship, Nicolaitans, home schooling, the
medical system – issues near to the hearts of

The Community in Winnipeg

Tonight at the minchah, we sang, “You alarmed. Right away all my children, Adamah,
restore us to our purpose.” So after the song Menuchah, T’same, Yareev and Shua formed a
was over, I asked the children if they knew what circle and prayed to our Father that I could find
was their purpose. “Do you know the meaning them.
of these words?” I asked. All the children were I told them to sit on a bench while I
quiet. So I told them a little story that happened was going to look for my glasses. I looked
today with my training group. everywhere as I went praying. I even asked
Here we were at a park and we were getting people around if they had seen a pair of glasses.
ready to go home when I realized that I had Nobody had seen them.
dropped my glasses which I had hung on the I came back to the bench where my children
collar of my shirt. were waiting for me and told them that I had
“Oh! Children, I lost my glasses!” I said, not found them, but I was going to see the
September/October 2009 51
lifeguards of the pool to ask them if someone (righteousness). This beautiful character is the
might have returned my glasses. Again the very heart of God and the Holy Spirit could not
children raised their voices together and prayed describe better than as sunshine after rain.
loud and clear. We were in public park where Sunshine after rain is a disposition towards
there were many people around, but my children understanding, it is a mode of loving people for
were not ashamed or embarrassed to pray. our Father’s sake and for their sake. There is
When I asked the lifeguards about my no self in it. There is no room for wanting the
glasses, one of them had found them and with a amount of respect owed to us or demanding our
smile, he gave them back to me. rights. It is a pure and life-giving way.
I returned to my children with my glasses I am coming to see more and more that I
on. I was glad to tell them that our Father had am not that way. Thankfully, the beginning of
answered their prayers. The children took wisdom is seeing that you don’t have any. Our
freepapers to the lifeguards and I invited them to Father is merciful and even though we are not
our Erev Shabbat celebrations. that way He has made an everlasting covenant
I was thankful for my little children and for with us ordered and secure that fulfills our
their faith. They deepest desires
were quick to ask and saves us to
our Father for the uttermost.
help. So tonight There is so much
I was able to hope because
communicate to there is another
the children in my generation
household that coming after
their purpose is to us and we can
get to know our change.
Father. He loves Our little
to answer little girl is named
children’s prayers. Nogah Mimitar
Love, Ishah (sunshine after rain). We want her life and our
lives to be an expression of this character.
“He who rules over men righteously
Who rules in the fear of God, Maté Factor, and EVANGELISM
Is as the light of the morning when the sun rises, AT “THE FRINGE,” and in
A morning without clouds, “The Fray”
When the tender grass springs out of the earth
Through sunshine after rain.” In July we were able set our nets in Alberta
at the Calgary Stampede to try and catch some
My wife and I are so profoundly thankful to fish at the Greatest Outdoor Show on Earth. This
tell you about the things we believe our Father’s month we went out trolling again in Edmonton,
put in our hearts regarding our much loved and Alberta, the sister city of Calgary.
desired little girl. Edmonton has been referred to as the
If we make achieving His character in our “Festival city,” and boasts the largest Folk
souls our greatest aspiration and pursuit He Festival in Canada, as well as the 2nd largest
will give it to us. Daveed was a man after our “FRINGE” festival in the world.
Father’s heart. In his last words recorded in The Common Sense/Maté Factor crew were
2Sam.23 he expresses how a ruler who fears our sent to attend a wholesale show for our maté in
Father has a genuine concern for the welfare Edmonton, and found that the Fringe Festival
of others (justice) and acts on that concern was going on at the same time ten minutes from
52 ITN Volume 4 Issue 7
our location in the city! to really see the closest fellowship I had ever
By day we attended the wholesale show. It seen outside of our own communities! Their
catered to discerning business owners from all openness was astonishing!
over Western Canada, looking for new products From the youngest to the oldest we found
to bring in to their stores for the upcoming a yielding spirit in this group of around 100
Christmas season. By night we patrolled members living on the Saskatoon, Alberta
the fringe of society passing out papers and border taking care of a farm spanning 17,000
extending the life of our Master to anyone with acres!
a heart to respond. We were received as honored guests and
Both events, although contrasting sharply were invited to stay overnight. Many times we
with each other, allowed us tremendous had 10, 20, and 30 of their members gathered
opportunities to communicate our life. We around us asking questions and sincerely
found as many needy in the discerning business considering the answers. I have never had
owners as we did in the chaotic scene of the more vision that an entire group of people
fringe. We are seeing more and more that could actually give up their lives as I have for
whether someone is on the fringe of society, or this group. We fell in love, and have already
right in the middle of the fray of making a living sent Jehu and his wife to connect again with
in society, they all have a need to know our them. We are expecting to receive a visit from
master Yahshua! Annette and her husband Tim this month. Stay
By the time our trip was over, we passed out tuned to hear more about this group, as there is
every freepaper we had brought with us. Many something more than vast reserves of petroleum
we met knew us already; one man named Luis to search for in the oil rich province of Alberta;
from South America had even stayed with our there is a treasure of our lost brothers and sisters
brothers in Brazil and was very happy to spend waiting for us to come and find them.
time with us. A special thank-you to our brothers in Brazil
We also want to give thanks to our Father who continue to provide us with one of the
who promises to take care of us in season greatest tools for evangelism! Maté has proven
and out of season, as he blessed our show to be great lure for those who wish to be fishers
sales tremendously. In the face of a struggling of men.
economy where most of the exhibitors had poor Shalom from the Common Sense/Maté
shows ours was the second best show we had Factor crew in Winnipeg! Kohlev
ever attended, and the sales are still coming in!
Thank you, Abba. Following are some responses
from the recent teaching “The
Large discovery of “Kingdom Ball is in our Court”:
Fuel” found in the oil rich province
of Alberta! The potential is I think one of the evil one’s main tactics is to
immeasurable! get us to not take what we are doing seriously. If
On the way home from the Edmonton we don’t we will fall as well. It isn’t enough to just
show, we were also able to stop at an “ex- live here and do good things, but we have to have
communicated” Hutteritte colony called “The revelation and pass it on to others.
Fort Pitt Christian Community.” A dozen of Tekinnah
their members had stayed with us a couple of
months ago in Nelson and Chilliwack, and What I heard in the teaching The Ball Is In
a very good friend of ours married into the Our Court is that our life is serious. We could be
community from a colony close to our homes disqualified if we do not put all of our heart in it
in Winnipeg. Annette has been evangelizing and all the suffering that had been going on for
the group for us and has a desire to see us all thousands of years would be in vain. Hebrews
be together. After our visit we were astonished 11 would have been written in vain or even our
September/October 2009 53
Master’s suffering would be in vain if our Abba We have learned that the next generation must be
does not get the nation who will bear the fruit that trained in the way they should go for they are the ones
He desires on the earth. In vain our forefathers would who will finish the race; that we can succeed in putting
have suffered if they do not see the promise made to all His enemies under our feet, restoring all things to
Abraham come about. bring our Master’s reign on this earth. We pray that we
I saw that putting my enemies under my feet is don’t only hear these words but continually put them
going hand in hand with the restoration of all things. into action.
Our Father needs us. We have been called and chosen Emile and Janique
because He saw that we were willing to do His will.
Now it is up to us to remain faithful to the end. I really heard the cry of Yoneq’s heart when he
I heard that our prime eternal purpose in creation is said: “I have spent my whole life that we would know
to make a body for our Abba to dwell in, in the whole this and do it and teach it to our children and what we
universe and if we do not know what we are living for, are alive for and what we have been saved to do.” After
we will fall away. This is the reason why I live for and you have been here some amount of time that feeling
this is the reason why I lay down my life for every day. begins to dawn on you, along with a knowing that you
If you don’t have a reason to die for, you don’t have poured out your alabaster jar on our Master.
have a reason to live. We have the power to save I was considering, that what is precious, pure and
people from eternal regret. It has been given to us: the set apart we have to keep precious, pure and set apart. I
power to love. Ishah came here because I was convicted about the purity and
the love I saw. I know if I am not violent to deal with
Putting our enemies under His feet is the only the residue of the world that is in my soul eventually I
attention that my iniquities deserve so that everything will drag that same dead old rotten life back out of the
that needs to be restored will be restored. I want to give grave and into the community to stink up this precious
my attention to what needs to be restored. life and ruin it for the sincere. We can’t have one foot
Tsipporah in the community and one in the world. We must love
Him with our whole heart and not depart from the
I need to play the ball to set my brother or my original pattern. Yotvetah shel Netsach
sister up not just in a way to put it on the other side but
pass it on to my brothers so that they can make the next I heard in the teaching “The Ball Is In Our Court”
play. It is not just about me, it is about a team making it that we need to be prepared at all times to hit the ball.
together. Yedidah In our life it takes being filled with the Holy Spirit.
Sometimes it can seem like the ball won’t come for
Two Olympic teams were having a competition a while but what do I do when I’m waiting for the
one day: the Americans and the French. Everyone ball? Whatever I allow in my day-to-day life will
thought that the Americans would win but the French determine whether I act or just let the ball drop. If I
team had a harmony. For the Americans their speed am continually loving and encouraging my brothers
was their strength, but it did not add up to win the race. being actively engaged, waiting, anticipating, looking
The togetherness of the French team made them win for every opportunity to lay down my life then the ball
the race. It is amazing what our Abba can do even with will come and I will keep it in the air. If I let myself
our faulty ways. Our Abba is teaching us to be together, entertain thoughts that distract me, or just stop relying
love one another and be in unity. on the guidance of the Holy Spirit then of course I
Ozziel will become weary and discouraged and let the ball
drop. I want to be accountable knowing that our
And from our new brother and sister: household, our clan, our tribe and our nation depend
We really appreciated the teaching this morning. It on me as much as I need all of you. Telah
helps us understand our goal and our vision. We must
stay on track to be like the first church and not a hybrid From Little Mountain Farm
religion. If we become a hybrid we’ve missed being the (The Community in Rosser, MB)
Body of Messiah. Recently, at one of our Erev Rishon gatherings

54 ITN Volume 4 Issue 7

we heard about how prophecy comes forth because would not receive a freepaper, or they didn’t look
people do what is on their hearts. If we hold back needy or to judge their character, I would cast it down
because of the fear of being wrong or laughed at, we and make a B-line straight for them. Every single
are motivated by the wrong spirit. The Holy Spirit time their disposition to hear or their response was
casts out all fear. If this happens then our Father is the total opposite of what the accuser was offering.
not free to speak through us. The prophetic word It taught me that we must take every thought captive
hinges on every one of us giving what we have. and discern the source from which it comes.
We are attacked in our thoughts, that what we have The first ride we received was quite eventful,
is not good enough. But really, what speaks to us, there were many times we were close to going off
no matter how small, is just what someone needs the road but our Abba kept us safe. He is faithful to
to hear to inspire them and cause them to be able watch over us and keep us. The men that picked us up
share. Sometimes I cannot formulate my ideas and even yielded at one point and decided to allow Lev
someone just says a little thing and the light goes on. Yachath to take over driving! Thank you Abba for
Revelation comes to me. you love and care for us!
The other night we heard the story of Shimshone Daniel
and my daughter heard something really wonderful.
She said that she wanted to have strength and We’ve been praying for years now that doors
courage. I asked her how she was going to become would open up to fill in the great distance between
like that and she told me, “If I do the hard things.” Winnipeg and our clans out in British Columbia.
I thought that it was so amazing that a 7 year-old Regina is a quick six-hour drive into Saskatchewan,
could get that. I was definitely not trained to think the province to the west, and considering it is at least
this way when I was young! The hand of our God 20 hours to Nelson from here, it would be graceful
surely is upon our children. I encouraged her to share to break up the journey a bit by having brothers and
both what she heard and how she could become that sisters representing the heart of our Abba in those
way. Then it happened!! She got a little insecure and gaps between us.
then she was stuck. It took a couple of minutes to We met some amazing people as we walked
work it through and by that time, the time for sharing about the city, in the parks and neighborhoods
was over. I told her that what she had to say was so surrounding the downtown core where their annual
good, but she was opposed to get it out because the Folk Music Festival was taking place. We had some
Evil One doesn’t like it when we hear things from very good conversations with Jordan, a man who was
our God. In fact, he hates it because if we share what selling hand-made soaps at the festival along with
speaks to our hearts, then someone else might hear his wife. We’ve talked with him in previous years,
something amazing too and change. and he’s considered much of what he’s heard. This
I am thankful that we can teach our children that couple is very connected to the people in Regina who
what they hear and feel is valuable. Every time one of can see the need for tighter community connections
us speaks our hearts, prophecy comes forth and one and for people to be united in whatever manner
more of our master’s enemies are made a footstool. they can understand. They haven’t come across a
Thus our master’s return is one moment closer. Confederation of Twelve Tribes in all their reading
With Ahavah love, Yedidah Ishah shel Yiphtach yet, but we passed out so many freepapers! What they
didn’t realize was possible, is actually a reality! We
[Winnipeg & Rosser] Walking to Regina! only need an open door to be that faithful witness to
What an honor to be sent out walking! I learned our Master’s heart, so PLEASE, Abba, make the way
that we must rely on our Abba at all times in order clear!
to be where and who He needs us to be. Apart from
being clean and in unity with our brothers, crying out Lev Yachath
to be delivered from the evil one and trusting 100% in
Him, we will be lead astray. I also learned a lot about
receiving accusations about others. Many times a
thought would come to disqualify someone, that they

September/October 2009 55
Katoomba, New South Wales
"The Common Ground Café"
The of
Picton, New South Wales
"Peppercorn Creek Farm"

Beneath the Southern Skies of Australasia

News from the

neighbouring Clans


Spring has Arrived! with us – his parents were Ukrainian, but he grew
“What a wondrous time is spring…” Even up in Australia. He has been living in America for
though it seems quite early this year, the signs of a few years, and he’s been through many circum-
spring can be seen all over our farm. Plum and stances. He’s a very thoughtful man, obviously
peach trees are all in blossom, and many of the deeply considering our life. He says, “Everything
birds seem to be returning. Although the nights I’m hearing seems so relevant to where I’m at.”
are still cool, the days are warming up and we’ve We have hope he could be set free and be our
probably seen the last of the frosts. brother one day.
The last of our new apple and pear Woolshed Bakery
orchard has been planted. How encouraging it is Our new bakery at the Woolshed is pro-
to see the new buds breaking forth with leaves – gressing. Just last First Day, a few brothers from
even flowers on some – where only a month or so Katoomba rallied together with the builders to
ago they seemed to be just sticks! Once again it’s help push things along. They’ve finished the roof
time for spring planting – lettuces, beans, zucchi- on the new extension where our wood-fired oven
nis, cucumbers. There’s so much work to be done! was built. It’s starting to really take shape. We have
WWoofers and Guests! so much vision for how this is going to transform
It’s been really encouraging as our Father our life here – not having to travel so much with
has been bringing us many guests – even a few industry, being able to work at home, with our
WOOFers who stayed with us for a while. We had families – as well as be more involved in other
two young men, Riley and Toby from northern aspects of our life.
California. They were so willing to help wher- Along with the increase in our physical
ever – in the garden, at the bakery, in the kitchen. life, this month we witnessed the Bar Mitzvah
Obviously they were very affected by our life. Celebration of Yoceph ben Nathaniel of Reu-
They’ve moved on for now, but they hope to see ben. We have watched over the last many months
us again at Woodford. as this gifted youth has turned his heart to his
We also have a man named Alex staying parents. Yoceph went through many struggles, but
56 ITN Volume 4 Issue 7
Bar Mitzvah!
at the end, when he had emerged victorious, we
celebrated with much mirth and merrymaking!
We had on our hearts to do two plays
- the play of Yoceph's namesake, Yoceph the
son of Israel, and a children's play called "The
Sons of Jesse Goodman." Erez (Yoceph's older
brother) and haQanai went to great efforts to
write the epic story of Yoceph into a play, and
it was amazing!
We traveled from
the meadows of
Canaan to the mar-
kets of Egypt, then
from the dripping
dungeons to the
very throne of Pha-
raoh. Whew! What
a journey! Above
all, the main theme
of the Yoceph play
was something very
pertinent for our
Yoceph. His father

in the play told him to always

remember his word. "Let your
YES be YES!" Keep your cov-
enant, remember what you said
this weekend when times are
Taken from the Sapling reader,
the story of the sons and
The children all did
daughters of Jesse Goodman
marvelously in their play also.
has been brought to life. We
September/October 2009 57
added a few typical community scenes
to the plot, where the children showed
how they could receive their brothers
and sisters and overcome any obstacles.
This weekend was so encour-
aging to our entire tribe, and we look
forward to seeing Yoceph blossom and
bear fruit.
We are thankful to be a part of
this forming nation – especially look-
ing forward to the time of Yom Kip-
pur, waiting to hear what our Father
desires to speak to us about. We’re so
thankful for His heart to see us prosper
and increase. We desire to
bear much fruit, that by
this He might be glorified.
Till next month, Nezer

Also this month, Asher and Sarah dedicated their fourth child, a little daughter, to our Father
and here is a bit of what is in their heart for her….
We are so grateful that our Father blessed us with another Our family sang a sweet little song to the community that
girl. We received faith and confidence that she is a gift brings out what is in our hearts for her.
from Him. She brings much life to our family, now we are
six. Cry out to the one who can deliver you,
We named her Paliytah Yemimah Tamar. His mighty arm is not too short to save.
Paliytah means delivered one. Yemimah means dove, and Though storms may come and rage all around
Tamar is the palm tree. Though drought may come and dry up the ground
We want her to know it Peace will come to you like a dove
is our Father who can When you ask for the wisdom from above.
deliver her. We also
want her to be like the In times of struggle we learn
dove Noah sent out of how to stand,
the ark but wouldn't In times of need we reach
rest on anything out our hand.
unclean. And last but Our God is always there,
not least, we desire to To strengthen our hearts to
raise her up to be like know He cares.
the palm tree, to endure
through storms and So daughter, just remember
continue to grow in our with all your heart,
Father's house. Don't let your spirit rest,
With much love, Asher on anything unless,
and Sarah. It's what our Father blessed.

58 ITN Volume 4 Issue 7

News from the Clan in

With the coming of Spring, the town of This month our whole tribe gathered to celebrate the Bar Mitz-
Katoomba is returning to its usual bustling busyness. We vah of Yocef ben Nataniel and Hadassah. It was awe-inspiring to
are privileged to live in a place where we can meet people see everyone together - singing, dancing, and just having a good
from Ireland, Spain, Canada, Japan… well, from all over time together. Many amazing things were shared and done, but
the world every day. Striving to maintain our light in the something that stood out to me was the play of Yowceph of old.
midst of the stretching and busyness of community life You could tell all those who were involved had wholeheartedly
is an upward call, but we continue on, with the vision of given all they had to make a worthy gift for our new brother. I
meeting our lost brothers and sisters here in this amazing was amazed at the strength of character and conviction he had
café our Father has given us. gained over the years. He suffered injustice after injustice, but
This month we were honored to attend the Bar he always kept his gaze fixed on the promise of his forefathers.
Mitzvah of Yocef ben Nataniel at the farm. Here’s a report He let his circumstances add to his virtue, rather than com-
from one of our youth: plaining and losing his glory. He learned to have valor, only
Also, with three parents gone to the Music Semi- because he gave himself, even when it seemed too hard, to take
nar in Hiddenite, two of the abbas took their children on a on his abba’s heart and do our God’s will. Our Father was able
short adventure to the snow. I will let them tell you a little to use Yowceph to bring about the promise to Abraham. We as
about it. the first generation must all be like Yowceph. Our life is going
With all our hearts - to be far from easy, but if we give ourselves to take on what’s
Havah and the Mountains Clan in our parents heart’s we will have the strength of character it
This month we were privileged to be able to go for a trip takes. We must overcome for our parents’ sake, for our Master’s
while our immas were at the music camp in Hiddenite. sake, and for the sons of Jacob and all those who lived and
We decided to go to the snow as many of us hadn’t seen breathed to bring about this life, but never did! I am thankful
more than a few flakes in the sky. Our families excitedly to have such an awesome purpose for my life!
set off on the six hour drive to the Snowy Mountains, Simchah bat Malqowshah, age 16
the mountain range
that contains Australia’s
highest mountain – Two weeks ago while my imma was away we went on a
Mt Kosciusko. Along
the way, we saw many
special trip to the Snowy Mountains. We had to drive
kangaroos. We spent the for six hours before arriving. The first day, we went
next two days together in tobogganing down the snowy slopes and threw snow-
the snow enjoying one balls. The next day we took a drive, stopped in a park
another’s company and and made lots of snowmen. We then started to make
our Father’s beautiful our way home. It was a very nice trip. I am thankful
creation. I was also very that our Father made such a perfect creation.
thankful my imma could Anavah bat Israel, age 10
go to the Music Camp.
Hephzibah bat Israel,
age 12 ½

Here is Eben
ben Yotham
While my abba was at the music seminar, a few of our after a long
training groups went on a trip to the Snowy Moun- day of
tains. It was nice to see snow for the first time. We had tobogganing!
a lot of fun tobogganing in the snow. I made a small
snowman. We also saw two ostriches in the field!
Tseorah bat T’shanu, age 9

September/October 2009 59
and she
was very
If you went up the hill, towards the hearing
upper fields, and arrived at the highest part of the
the valley, you would see a pretty view of our gospel.
whole farm. It is like an oasis, as the entire She lived on a farm with her husband and her
region around is devastated with not many trees four children. From then on, whenever we went
to get shade from. Taking a walk going down to Maringá, we would go and talk to her. After
to the main house (Casa Central), we notice several visits, her husband got really mad at
how our oak trees are growing constantly along us, because he was not interested like she was.
with the fruit trees. I was remembering just On the contrary, he expelled our brothers from
how much has been done since we first got there. If you live in the tribe of Ruben, ask Anav
here. This place known for its red dirt is being and Yael to tell you about that. It was pretty
transformed! Not just the farm, but families are intense and we never went back there again.
being restored. As time went by, we thought we would never
We were see that precious
glad to celebrate woman anymore,
the restoration but suddenly, by
of a family this surprise, she appeared
month. Years ago to stay with us. We
walkers were sent were rather cautious
to Maringá which about how her
is 100 km from husband would take
Londrina, the this. Somehow, one
third largest city day he was willing
of Paraná state. to repent and we
There they found received him and
this precious gave him a chance. To
woman selling bring healing to their
rapadura (blocks relationship, they
of natural cane lived separately for a
sugar) in a fair, time, each taking care

60 ITN Volume 4 Issue 7

of two of their children in different clans. Not and precious and God
too much time went by and he got baptized (she responded. Tabytah
had already been baptized). This month, our also means Gazela in
Father’s work in their lives was accomplished Aramaic. Her goal is
and they were ready to come together as a Mat 7:7– our Father will
family. We made a big celebration for their respond to her when
wedding. Her name is Emunah and his, Chanuk. she asks, knocks and
It’s encouraging to see another family being seeks.... My wife and
restored, remembering that Yahweh is the God I are very thankful this
of the families of Israel! month because of this. We look forward to her
As I said in the beginning, walking dedication.
through our farm we see many changes but we Shalom for all, Amatz
still have so much to do, especially to finish our
buildings. Little by little our Father is giving
us what we need. I think that our oak tree is Hakam’s new son
growing faster than the progress on one of our Hello brothers, I want to tell you about
this 11 year-old youth that now has a chance to
houses, but this month we did make notable be a disciple of our Master. His name is Gabriel.
progress using our own trees. This was really I always had much vision for him and his 8 year-
a victory. We had some nice eucalyptus and old brother called Rafael. They are my cousins.
santa barbara trees that we had to cut down for We went to a handicraft fair in the northeast of
the sake of security. We decided to make the Brazil, in the state of Recife where I was born,
which is 3600 Km from Londrina. My mother’s
stairs of this house out of the wood from these family gave us a place to stay while we were
trees. It was a hard job, but we got it done, and there. He is my mother’s brother’s son and three
it was worth the effort. Chesed ben Gebar from years ago his mother almost came back with
Benyamin helped with the building with much us with their two sons. Ever since, Gabriel had
diligence and willingness. wanted to come to know us. He is a boy of great
value and has won the heart of our clan with
his contagious smile. It is impressive how he
has overcome the changes of being transported
to another culture. Our Father gave me the
opportunity to take care of this boy. He is the
first in my family to come to our community. I
am thankful that our Father, in His time, is going
to bring all that are willing to serve Him. I want
to overcome so that he can overcome.
Shalom, Hakam

But the best of all, and most

encouraging, was that my baby girl was
born! After waiting 41 weeks, we received
a wonderful gift from our Abba. He trusted
a baby girl in our hands. She was born on
a beautiful Friday morning, August 7th. We
named her Tabytah Ya’anah which means good

September/October 2009 61
meaning “resting place.” They are very happy

This wedding touched my heart more

Greetings from Campo Largo! than any other before. It was so real and
As winter is coming to an end, we are true. It’s because of Benyah giving up his
beginning to see the trees budding, flowers life that I can be here today. Not only did
blooming, and the farm already looks a lot he give up his life, but he left everything
greener. Two new social units also
sprung up in our midst, and we would
like to tell you about them!
We started the month with the
wedding of Benyah and Dodavah. I’ll
let Chessed and Yonah tell you a little
about it.

The theme of the wedding

was “In serving, we will find rest,”
and this is the desire of Benyah
and Dodavah. Our Father gave us
a beautiful sunny day after weeks
of rain. The celebration was very
prophetic and Benyah was very
inspired. We were all encouraged to behind including his three children. This is
prophesy and prophecy flowed in our midst. something that impressed me very much,
There were many friends and guests because he really loves his children. But like
including Sérgio, a man that came all the way he said, the best he can do for them is to be
from São Paulo, because he was invited at the here.
fair we had just gone to. He was really touched The children’s dance at the wedding
and promised to come back with his wife. was “Children, we are but children...,” and it
We are very thankful for Benyah and was so meaningful, and powerful. It affected
Dodavah. During their waiting period they me deeply in my soul and went so well with
proved to have a sincere friendship between everything that was said. “I gladly give my
them. They found true rest. Because of that, kingdom to the childlike in heart...” A child
Benyah added “Menuchah” to her name, doesn’t worry, but is simple and trusts.
Benyah is someone that, through his
life, teaches me to trust and rest in our
Father. He is an example of faithfulness,
and a good representation of a Son of God
to me. I’m very thankful that he received
this blessing from our Father – a wife. He
was really worthy.

And after three weeks came Chafshi and

Netsalit’s wedding. Once again the skies had
been covered in clouds, and the days were
rainy, but we prayed and prayed. Our Father
was faithful again and gave us a sunny week
before the wedding.
62 ITN Volume 4 Issue 7
Chafshi had it on his heart that everyone getting married. He invited the owner to come,
present would be able to understand and hear and told him to bring his friends, daughters or
everything that was said through the day. He has anyone he wanted to bring. He came, but came
proven to be a faithful evangelist, always going alone! After talking to him, he seemed to be a
after the lost sheep wherever he goes. Netsalit lonely person. He really liked the wedding and
also has the same heart. The weeks before the came a second time for Chafshi’s wedding three
wedding we talked a lot about how faithfulness weeks later, even though he had an important
in small things will produce good fruit. If we are appointment.
faithful to do our part, how can our Father not Someone told me today that he said,
do His? “If it depended
The wedding day was beautiful, on me, the café
and many, many guests came. The cloud of would already
witnesses was especially powerful. James and be in your
John were represented in a very real way, calling hands.” There
people to repent and return to the pattern of the are some legal
first church. John expressed how sad it was that issues with the
they didn’t repent and James talked about the building, since
meaning of true religion, where the widows and it is historic, but
orphans are cared for. It was almost like our obviously there
Father was speaking straight to us, “Don’t turn is something
away from what you have been taught from the happening!
beginning!” Who knows...
We have hope for many that came that maybe he’s the first lonely bird!
day, especially Sérgio, the man Chessed talked
about in his article. He brought his wife, and
stayed after the wedding for a day and worked Proverbs 27:26,27
“The lambs will provide you with clothing,
with us. May our faithfulness in small things
and the goats with the price of a field. You will
produce much fruit!
have plenty of goats’ milk to feed you and your
family and to nourish your servant girls.” 
Update on the: Lonely Bird Café... We have been hearing for a while that goat’s
Who Is the Lonely Bird? milk is better for us than cow’s milk, so this
This is a story that hasn’t finished last month a radical change happened here on
and we don’t know the end, but it is slowly our farm. We exchanged all our cows for goats.
progressing and every step is very encouraging. Doors opened up for us and we felt like our
As most of you know, we have been praying for Father was leading us this way.
a building that is located in downtown Curitiba. Chezekiel, the one caring for the goats, and
We believe our Father spoke to Yoneq’s heart our faithful gardener, shared with us something
about this place, and that it will be ours, a place very encouraging after he came back from a
for all the lonely birds. special mission.
The first contacts with the owner were “We needed a buck for our herd of goats, so
slow, but we couldn’t give up. Benyah has been we called a man that we knew would have one,
the one communicating with him and has been the kind we wanted. “I want R$3,000 (about
very insistent, calling once a month to check on $1600) for the buck...” was his first answer.
the situation. Slowly Mr. Leonardo has warmed After telling him what we wanted it for, and
up towards us, and started to consider what we talking to him about our life, he asked us to call
wanted. later on that day. So, later on that day I called
So the story goes on, and Benyah was back, and he said, “Well, I talked to my brother
September/October 2009 63
and I want to donate the buck.” Wow! It had to grape juice and much more coming forth from
be our Father’s hand! So off we went to pick our own farm.
it up. The man turned out to be a very rich, but Greetings from your southern brothers and
simple person that was interested in our life and sisters,
ended up selling us another very good milking Daveqah
goat for a good price.”
But... what about the lambs? The
proverb also talks about lambs. Well, a few
minutes ago Chezekiel came in saying,
“This lady just offered to give me a lamb!”
It might be the beginning of our flock!
We also have been investing in
agriculture. More doors opened up to us in
many different miraculous ways (It would
take too long to tell you all the details.) for
us to plant a vineyard. We found the right
kind we wanted, and the right people that
were willing to come and teach us all about
how to plant, prune, and take care of our
grapevines. Now we have at least 330 young
plants already in the ground. We have much
vision of soon being able to have plenty of

Flight Zero
The day for the Music Meeting and Camp
to begin was approaching and we still weren’t sure
Shalom to all from the clan in the
if Nahaliel’s and Hananyah’s passages were going to
mountains. come through. There were some very caring brothers
Here we are increasing in our vision taking care of getting them for us, but we had not
since we decided to stay at least one more year heard anything yet. Would they go or perhaps it
on the farm. Just to make it clear, we rented wasn’t our Father’s will this time. The day arrived
a property that’s about 6 km from the Café, in which we thought would be the day before the
order to be a help to our brothers in times of expected departure date and still there was no word.
need. For example, today is Independence Day
“Just go home and be ready to go,” was the advice
here in Brazil (September 7th), and since it’s a
holiday, probably the road will be full of people Nun gave to Nahaliel.
traveling. So, in half an hour I’m going to the Determinedly, I (Havdalah) had packed their
Café along with David Israel, Tehilah and Gabriel bags that day, in faith. I was also becoming used
to help there. Oh! Gabriel, Talita and their little to the fact that on a farm with no communication,
boy, Yohan, are still with us, considering the cost. often the car drives up and someone is told that they
Since he is here, he has brought much help and are leaving in 10 minutes for somewhere or other.
encouragement to Tamid in the garden. He loves That night a strong head cold was settling down on
to sow, and our Father is investing in them, sowing me and the next morning I continued resting in bed,
the Seed of Hope that we have. We hope they will feeling very “achey.” “You better go on into town
find the treasure that we found.
soon, dear” I told Nahaliel from my bed. “Who
Well, there is much to say, but I’ll wait
until next month. I’ll let Havdalah tell you the knows, today might be the day.”
story of the month. Off to town Nahaliel went, over the bumpy
Shalom, Shebet dirt road to check his e-mail and see if any airplane
tickets had shown up. It was almost 10:00 am by
the time he pulled up to the café and got out his

64 ITN Volume 4 Issue 7

computer. Wow! A letter came in saying that he had Meeting Roeh Parats at the gas station
a flight, leaving that same night from São Paulo city, outside of Londrina, Nahaliel quickly made another
which is a minimum of a seven or eight hour drive quick communication to verify the fact that the
from Mauá da Serra. The message read that there tickets could not be changed to the next day and off
was still hope that Hananyah might get a passage, we went again. The next hours seemed endless and
but that he might have to go on a different airline. yet the miles went by almost faster than we could
Now… time was a BIG factor. Would it be possible believe. We must get to the airport before 8 p.m.
to make this flight? And would Hananyah go or not? Nahaliel kept saying.
Flying back over the slippery road (as There we were, 14 km from the airport and
fast as you can fly in a Brasilia on a bumpy, wet it was 15 minutes till eight. We would make it, it
dirt road—please refer to our former stories of seemed, but it would be tight. THEN, the red lights
adventures about travel on this road) he flew back of a police car and ambulance turned on. Oh, no, an
home to get Hananyah, the bags, Havdalah and to accident on the road. This would slow us down. And
print the paper which needed to be taken to a notary it did, but not for too long. Soon we were turning
public to give Hananyah permission to travel alone. into the airport and jumping out to run for the
The government requires this paper, signed by the checkout counter.
mother/and or father, and stamped by a notary public Where is the Federal Police?” we asked.
or else Hananyah could not fly without his parents. Down at the other end of the airport! Off I ran, as
We could not get this paper signed before knowing fast as I could with the paper in hand. Puffing into
the flight information. the office on the first floor, I waved my paper for the
The door of our room flew open. “Hurry! serious looking man to see.
Get up. We have to leave RIGHT NOW. We have to “Please, sir, can you sign this paper of
make it to the Notary Office before it closes and then permission? My son will travel with my husband
make it to São Paulo before 8:00 pm.” Our heads tonight and needs to board the plane right now.” I
spinning, we threw the last minute things into the explained my plight to him and all that I had gone
bags and into the car and were out the door within through to get there. Stoned faced, this police officer
15 minutes. Arriving at the Notary Office where we asked me three times if I was going to travel with
needed to get the paper signed, it was CLOSED… my husband and son. “No,” I explained all three
with a padlock on the outside. It was five minutes times, “that is why I need you to sign this paper!”
after noon. Oh, no. Now what?! Zooming to our “They will also not travel tonight,” he
café to recheck the e-mail to see if Hananyah was answered without flinching. “Tomorrow you go to
actually going to travel, the message came in. Yes! a Notary’s office and get that stamped or he can not
He has a ticket, too. Take him with you. go.” He turned to attend to someone else, without so
Our only chance, we thought, was now to much of a twinge of compassion for my situation. At
get the paper signed right at the airport in São Paulo this point, Nahaliel rushed in to sign with me in case
by the Federal Police there. “You’re going with us to his signature was needed also. I explained to him
São Paulo, Havdalah. It is the only chance he has of what the man said. He asked one more time if the
going.” Wow, an eight hour trip there and back… in man could not help us. “No” he shook his head.
order to sign a paper. It was worth it, though, sick or We grabbed the paper and ran all the
not. Here we go… the pressure was on. We needed way back down the airport with a slight hope
to arrive before eight p.m. but we still had to go to that somehow the woman at the gate would have
Londrina and change cars. There would not be time mercy on us. Waving the paper in front of her,
to go all the way to the farm and still make it to the Nahaliel asked for mercy, “Look, the mother is
airport. here to approve! Is there no way he can go?”
Ethan rushed us into a car and told us that Compassionately the woman looked at Nahaliel and
the next car, with driver, would be waiting for us at smiled. “No. Sorry, sir, the door of the airplane is
the gas station outside of Londrina to save us time. already closed. You may walk over and rebook your
David Israel had already changed all our baggage flight for another day.”
over to the new car and was ushering us into our With our “tails between our legs” and a big
seats and off we went. Once again, as fast as the feeling of defeat, we walked over to re-book the
speed limit would allow, our minds still racing with tickets, finding out that Monday was the next chance
the turn of events, we headed towards our goal. to fly. Well, at least we didn’t loose the tickets, but

September/October 2009 65
we would have to drive all the way back home and to Shebet to see if he was going to town because I
try again on Monday. But, before this, we needed to wanted him to send a letter for me. No, he assured
get the permission signed. me, he was not planning a trip in that day. Walking
My mind swirled with the terrible feelings back to my room, suddenly Shebet changed his
of my head cold as I sat and waited for Nahaliel to mind and said, “Lets go. Get your things, lets go in
communicate with someone that he missed the flight, and you do your communications and I will take the
I was imagining the scene in my head over and over. washing machine to be fixed and we’ll come right
That man seemed so hard. But the reality was that back.” Grabbing my computer, I rushed to pick up
the laws had changed and they are no longer allowed something else in the bedroom. Seeing my wallet
to sign the paper at the airport. He could have lost that has my personal documents in it, I quickly
his job if he had put his signature there on that paper. picked it up, not really knowing why. I never carry
He was right. We had not met the requirements of this wallet with me, when I am just going up to the
the law for our son to travel and the door of the café to check my e-mails.
airplane had closed. Arriving at the café I was casually talking
I was imaging how it will be at the entrance with different people when suddenly Ethan turned to
to the Kingdom. There will be those running up, me and said, “Do you know that Nahaliel didn’t go
panting, sweating, having done everything to get yesterday?”
there. All the suffering, all the effort, they will feel “What! No!”
totally justified: “Lord, lord,” they will say. “Don’t “Yes, and he wants to talk to you.”
you understand? Don’t you see what I did to get Once more they had been rejected at the
here? I drove eight hours, and I was even sick, and door of the airplane. The paper still did not have the
we tried to get it signed…and….and…” And He right stamp on it! They had stayed in a hotel room,
will say, “Depart from me, you did not meet the and had one more chance, IF the judge could sign
requirements of being My disciple. I don’t know the permission the next day.
you.” As I arrived at our café, Nahaliel and
Of course, that night it all seemed rather Hananyah were right then on their way to see the
dramatic and we were feeling very sorry for judge for their last try. About a half an hour later
ourselves. But we did accept the circumstance as came a phone call, “I need to you go down to the
being from our Father and had a very peaceful same Notary’s Office and have them make a copy
trip back home, thanks to Roeh Parats who did the of your document and fax it immediately to this
driving. number,” he said.
That next morning, even before going back Incredible! Somehow the angels had led us
to the farm, we went straight to the Cartório and I that morning. I am never at the café on a Tuesday
signed the necessary papers, and we bought the bus morning with my document in hand. But somehow
tickets to São Paulo for Monday. All that lacked there I was and was able to run down and do the
was signing one more paper the next day, but the last thing that was necessary for Hananyah to get
woman assured us that I could sign it at home and his flight. And so, this time they made it. They
that Nahaliel just needed to bring the paper by to be had endured through the many trials—right to the
stamped and it would all be all right. end-- met the requirements and finally were off
Monday morning they were off again to Sao to Houston, then Charlotte and then to the very
Paulo to catch the flight, this time by bus, papers in important Music Camp which we are all praying will
hand. increase the music and our national identity in our
Tuesday morning, I was peacefully at the tribe for many, many years to come.
farm with no communication, imaging them flying - Havdalah shel Nahaliel
into Charlotte. But around 10 a.m., I went to talk

66 ITN Volume 4 Issue 7

Manitou Springs call of our Master Yahshua.
We are very thankful this month that our Father Malak Chesed
has seen us worthy of growth! At the beginning of the
month we baptized Jeffrey, a man whom we met in Boulder Stepping Stone Farm & Warsaw
while we were there with the Peacemaker II. He is the Our little community at the Stepping Stone
first fruits of this town. It only serves to encourage and Farm has had an emotional month, with people moving
strengthen our resolve to swarm there soon. But it will take to other communities and others moving in and still more
a miracle to do so, a miracle from the hand of our Father. to leave and more to come. Our Abba blessed us by let-
Jeffrey is the beginning of our Father’s plan unfolding in ting us develop so many friendships and learn to love one
that place. No longer does he live by his own strength, another as He loves us.
but now he is Ozziel, strength of Elohim. He is one who
We’ve also had some guests on the weekends. One
loves to serve and love his brothers.
couple was Mark and his wife Sofia. Mark met us through
Also, toward the end of the month, Jerusha, a
our produce company. They are a young couple expecting
woman who has known us and stayed with us off and on
their first child. They plan to come back in October and
for many years, was immersed as well. Never quite fitting
also to bring a friend with them. We are eagerly awaiting
into the world, Jerusha could not stop thinking about the
their next visit.
love and friendship she experienced while among us. After
one last lap through the wilderness, she came back to us Also, we had a garden push two Firstdays back. Our
ready to surrender her life to our Master Yahshua. Now brothers and sisters from Warsaw came and helped us pick
she overflows with the new life she’s been given. everything in the gardens. We are thankful for the harvest,
All this has happened in the midst of a full and and for fellowship with our friends. Of course, the day
busy month involving all of the usual circumstance and wouldn't have been complete without a volleyball game
more than a few unusual ones. Thankfully we were able towards the end of the afternoon.
to do a much-needed patch job on our leaky café roof Last, but of course not least, along with several
that should hold us over until we are ready to completely brothers and sisters from Warsaw, some of us went to St.
remove the old and put on the new. Also, our café has Louis, Missouri, for the Festival of Nations event this past
experienced a great insurgence of nighttime customers and weekend. This was our second year at this event. Most
lingerers. So much so that the Manitou Springs police chief of the participants were friendly and eager to accept our
politely suggested shutting down third shift to alleviate the freepapers. Some even remembered us from last year and
increased burden on the police department (attributable to thought about us from time to time throughout the year.
the aggressive behavior of patrons and non-patrons) and It was an encouraging event. Their theme was “Hope” and
the great amount of noise produced between the hours of we were grateful to be able to extend true hope to them.
10 p.m. and 1 a.m. We simply abhor the thought of shut- Much interest was expressed toward our culture in the St.
ting down at night. So, although it further increases the Louis area. It is exciting to anticipate what our Abba has
great demand on our busy café, we have begun to bring in store for His sheep there. The seeds that were planted
law and order to the environs of our small café. With there last year were watered and cultivated this year so
warmth, friendliness, and love, we’ve been appealing to they can sprout and grow. Maybe next year (or sooner!)
our boisterous, sidewalk patrons to help us by respecting they will be ready for harvest.
our neighbors. Most are apologetic and quick to respond,
Naomi Segullah
since they appreciate our friendship toward them. Our hope
is that those with ears to hear will respond to the greater
September/October 2009 67
Irún Ulia



Community in Barracas
Dedication When did we see you hungry, and fed you?
The month started out with a dedication of a special We always pray for servants and we know that many
baby boy. The young couple, Israel and Abigail, have people in the nations that have a good heart on that day
been waiting for five years since they were married. We will say, “When did we see you hungry and fed you, and
enjoyed a pleasant celebration where we heard how our thirsty and gave you drink?”
children belong to our Father and because He can’t take “Some children and my family were sent to a little village to
care of all of them physically He entrusts them find fruit. We heard that in some regions of Spain
to us to take care of them. So, we need to there were many damaged peaches because of
have the right understanding and care. hailstorms. So full of faith we went and
Here is what the parents wanted to started asking people about land where
share: we could pick damaged fruit for free.
It wasn’t easy, nobody knew exactly
My wife and I are very thankful for
our Father’s blessing. He entrusted
a healthy baby son to us. We are We went to visit a hard-working
thankful for our Father’s timing. If family with ten children whom we
we put all our trust in Him, He will be knew from the time when we were living
faithful to bless us with the desires of our ben Israel and Abigail in Sus. We made a close friendship with
hearts. This son has been really desired and them because every year they had fruit for our
longed for, Our desire for him is to be an upright large community in France, but not anymore because
person, Yashar, someone who grows straight towards our they cut their old fruit trees. We stayed at their place to set
Father, someone who loves our Father with all his heart, up our tents and rest.
and serves Him in an upright way. We want him to be a My husband was determined to find somebody. Finally
useful tool in His hands, someone that loves what He loves we went to a co-op of fruit juice. We asked there but they
and hates what He hates. We are thankful for our Father’s didn’t know anything… Before leaving David saw an old
faithfulness and mercy in all things. man sitting in a corner and he went and asked him if he
Your friends Israel and Abigail. knew of someplace with damaged fruit to pick some fruit
68 ITN Volume 4 Issue 7
for our big community full of children. Looking at us right and he is attracted to us, so we have hope for him. We
in our eyes he said, “I have land; you can go, and pick all are so thankful because the harvest will come and will
that you want.” Great! be so good.
Full of thankfulness, we hurried and the men showed us Andoni
the land, which was full of peaches. We gathered boxes
and boxes… 1000 kg! Thankful and tired we came back Guests
to sleep and had supper in our friend’s house. When we Maybe because its summer and people travel more
arrived home, Ephraim and Barucha (now living in Sus) we had many guest at home. It’s really the times when
were just ready to take few boxes and bless our brothers in “people will stagger from sea to sea and from north even
France. The next day, Yehoyakim had to go to Sus to bring to the east, they will go to and fro to seek the word of
back our bus and to our surprise he returned with boxes of the Sovereign…” as the prophet Amos said, and as we
watermelons from their garden! speak at our History of Israel class. We hosted a woman
We sow peaches and we reap watermelons! Thank you (WOOFER) from California, a Brazilian woman we
Abba! met in Biocultura Barcelona, a very encouraging young
Ma’amena shel David Israel couple that are traveling singing on the streets (she from
Belgium, he from Austria), and a Spanish couple who
Our children not only enjoyed eating lots of peaches make their living selling yurts from Mongolia and on
and watermelons in the and on. We also have with us
hot summer this year, they as a special guest, Lynn, from
also went several times to the USA, who was a regular
swim in a clean river up in guest at our Erev Shabbat
the mountain. We enjoyed celebration in the community
being together. in Rutland. We invited her to
help us with our children in
S ow i n g et e r na l our English class. She is a very
s e e d s at t h e good teacher.
Loving our Father
We want to continue
sowing and making friends with all your heart
among the alternative Our precious single sister
scene, so we sent Shimon and Andoni to Valencia. Rachel, always ready to help
(Andoni is one of our newest disciples who was rescued with gladness, has something to share from her heart:
from the alternative scene in Barcelona)
It encouraged me what our wonderful brothers
“We went to Valencia to the yearly gathering of Eco- from Brunswick shared in the last Intertribal News
villages. Around 300 alternative people from all over concerning a fair they went to on the island of Saint
Spain gathered on a farm of a new community. To our Simon. I imagined those thousands of people gathered
surprise the members of this community were very looking at the sky waiting for the fireworks… I thought
kind and wanted to make everybody feel welcome. One also about that night that our Father showed Abraham
of them expressed his desire to come and visit our the sky full of stars and I understood a little bit more
community in Ulia and learn how to make bread. We about my purpose, what I am living for: to bring to
noticed another member who was very open with us and reality our Father’s dream and for what our Master died;
with an encouraging spirit. to have thousands of people gathered in one nation.
I can see how that kind of encounter is a great We heard that loving our Father with all of our heart,
opportunity for evangelism because among them are soul and mind and strength and love our neighbor as
our Father’s sheep. We saw old friends and made new ourselves will accomplish everything that is written in
ones. Once again we met José, whom we knew from the the Law and everything that the Prophets announced.
encounter of “Straw ball houses.” He is a humble man
I’m thankful to be part of something so great that is
September/October 2009 69
happening on this earth, something that many would
have liked to know and could not. I’m grateful that my
life can be useful for the greatest cause. Thank you for
your lives in all the corners of the Twelve Tribes. We are happy to live with a wonderful family
that many of you will know: Yehoyakim,
Rachel Nedeva, Chasah, Azarel, Shalem and Shimon.
They’ve been giving up their lives and
Music Camp enduring in the way out house in Nerja (south
Well, we were thankful to send Zakaryah, Israel, of Spain). We received them in the community
Elionay and Netzack from our tribe to the Merrymakers in Irun for a season. Their willingness and
Music Camp in Hiddenite. We are waiting for them as friendly spirit are an example to us. We want
the Proverbs 25:25: Like cold water to a weary soul, so to take the opportunity to appreciate them.
is good news from a distant land.
From Nehara Ruth shel Zakaryah, presently living in

Community in Ulia
Neighborhood Meal would come, but we prepared a paella (cooked by
Ohevi’s family) and some cold drinks for about
At the beginning of this month we decided, as
50 people. At noon our most close neighbors and
a household, to prepare a feast for our neighbors,
friends walked up the hill to our home. During the
something we had never done before. The previous
day some walkers of the St. James Way also joined
week we printed a very simple but nice invitation
us. They were all very happy and thankful, and
for it. Everybody was involved in the preparations,
someone even said, “After so many years of being
some cooking, others cleaning the house or fixing
neighbors, it was time to eat a meal all together.”
up the property; each one wholeheartedly pour-
This comment made us consider how important it
ing out their best to have everything ready for this
is to organize this kind of feast with our neighbors
special day. The day turned to be a very beauti-
often, and to do as much as we can to reach out to
ful sunny day. We didn’t now how many people
those who live closer to us.

70 ITN Volume 4 Issue 7

Walkers from the “Camino de Santiago” continu- in that house cleaned his wounds, gave him a drink
ally pass by our house. One day you can talk with and some cookies and brought him back to his
someone from Poland and the next day (or the house. She said that those people were very nice.
next few minutes) with someone from San Diego, After 15 years they both passed by again (we live
California. Many have a sincere disposition to in a natural park, so many people like to come here
hear about our life or about different subjects that for a nice walk). He saw the house and came up to
affect us as human beings. Many of them leave visit us, as he remembered how the people so nicely
very impressed in their hearts and thankful for the treated him. I thought that this was a very special
hospitality and the warmth they had received. As encounter. I’m thankful we are learning how to love
we meet all these people, it clearly confirms us how with our Father’s love, as to make an impression on
our Father loves every human being and that this is someone’s life. I’m thankful for the life we have, and
really the main purpose of our life, to be an expres- that we never know the impression we can make on
sion of HIS LOVE. Next month we’ll tell you people’s lives. Thankful to be allied with all of you
more extendedly about all this. It’s really wonder- in the same cause.
ful to be in this place, and have the opportunity to With love, Lebona Neshef shel Ruben
communicate something that could change people’s
lives. With love, Ohevi and Ahavah. Walkers Guestbook
Little Note of Appreciation We have a special book for the walkers to write
their impression from their stay with us here, and
Thank you very much, community in Chattanooga, these are some of the examples:
for taking care of me for the past six months. I am so
honored and blessed by the time I spent there. Thank “I believe that God provides for us when we most
you nucleus, for your great examples of poured-out need it. Stumbling upon this community yesterday
lives and how you love our Master. I am indebted to was one of the best experiences I’ve had and a clear
you forever. Love, Ya’arah of Shimon. example of God’s love. Thank you so much.”
Tim Olmsteal.
We had a very special encounter the “We were unaware that this place was here.
other day: Walking up to a place like this was truly amazing.
A German lady who lives in San Sebastian came The food was delicious and the people were warm
one day. She told me that her boy friend was riding and welcoming. Truly a great and blessed place.
on his bicycle by our house about 15 years ago. His A great way to spend the night on the Camino.
bike broke and he got hurt. So he came up to see if Thank you for everything, very much.”
someone could help him. He said that the people Matt Mizeur. NY, USA.

September/October 2009 71
Community in Nerja
Here in the little flock this month, we have been faces, sitting lotus meditation…..“It is a temple of Baal!”
enjoying the late summer harvest. Our faithful brothers said Talmid, whom our Father had rescued out of this
have made our garden bountiful and beautiful. The valley over a year ago. It is wonderful when we can see
property is full of banana trees yielding lots of bananas what our Father is saving us from. We continued up
and plantain. The work of restoration continues. Some to Miko’s tipi. She received us with her warm Japanese
of us have been going to town hospitality, but even though she smiles
to work on the reformation a lot, you can see in her weary eyes that
of a house. This has been a something is missing in her life. This
good learning experience for is confirmed as she hears the words of
me: slow and easy, to do thing life, acknowledging everything we say.
carefully and well is a lot better We really have hope for her and many
than to just do them. Recently people here who are looking for a way
there has been perhaps a bit out of the mainstream society, but end
of anxiety over getting things up entrapped in the elusive dream of
done. “Let’s just get it done! the rainbow movement, which under
And worst of all: “I’ll do it the delusion of freedom, becomes the
my way” But mistakes were very temple of Baal. May our Father be
made. (It took the eyes of revealed to those who want to do His
someone else to realize it.) will.
So you have to undo, tear Greetings to you all, Kol-Lev
down what you built in your
own strength, and carefully, I am thankful for our Master. He used
humbly, and in council with seeds to help us understand different aspects
one another, listening to the of our life. Seeds are very special, and in
least, we can consider what order to bear fruit they must die. When they fall on the
to do and how to do it. From there we continued our ground and come in contact with water the germination
work with confidence knowing that we were doing it process begins, and they really have to be cared for, because
right, and now it is really starting to look they begin to germinate, and enroot themselves. It
like someone really knows how to is a time when the seedling’s needs have to be
do something, which is no one met. If you put too much water it will rot
but the Master builder: our and die. If you don’t water enough it
Master Yahshua. will also die, and therefore it won’t
After the Thurs day produce any fruit. When a seed dies
market selling bread at after enrooting, it doesn’t produce
the alternative Alpujarras, any unpleasant odor, but when it
Sarah, Talmid and I went dies partially enrooted or no root at
to see Miko, a Japanese all, it produces an unpleasant smell.
friend of Talmid who has It came to me how our Father wants
been living in a tipi for fifteen us to be careful with the new seedlings
years at the heart of Beneficio that He brings to us. If we resist dying to
valley, a place that hosts alternative Zerah something we know has to go out of our lives,
people from all over the world. On the the odor that comes forth is not very pleasant, but
way to her tipi we walked by the “common lodge” the when we surrender and die to those things, the smell is
central gathering place where people get together trying going to be pleasant and we are going to be filled with faith
to live out for a while the sensation that they are a and hope that there is going to be fruit out of the death of
spiritual tribal people and that they belong to something those seeds.
very special. Fire, drums, dijuredoos, chillums, an altar Zerah
with multiple gods and goddesses, aboriginal painted

72 ITN Volume 4 Issue 7

News From Levi

Hoffest (Farm Festival) Well, it was a wonderful time! Brothers and sisters
from the other European tribes came to participate with
The main theme even for months before the event their own stands, thus enabling us to see old and new
had been our upcoming Hoffest. Sooo many preparations friends again, enjoying sweet fellowship. Finally, Friday
had to be done, a schedule be made… it was almost scary came… beautiful sky and sunshine. We all got in our
to think of all that lay ahead of us. BUT – there is victory places, and the Hoffest started rolling. Here, enjoy a tour
in many counselors, and our Abba gave us abundant grace with us through our event.
with the manifold preparations.

One great step was that the seminar room (above

the boys’ classrooms) was being built. Thanks to
Shimshon and his mighty crew it turned into a beautiful,
welcoming, rustic room in which we could do our Twelve
Tribes Presentation.

Parallel to that project the Farm House exterior

was being restored. Besides that, our “Molkerei” (dairy),
a dark, old shed, was being converted into a beautiful,
industrial, well-equipped kitchen, which would first serve
the team making the goat goulash.

After the last two Farm Festivals, which lasted only

for one day each, it was decided this year that our Hoffest
will be for THREE DAYS! Whew! Should we be scared?
Or should we trust and see the goodness of our Father in
Farm rides
it all?

September/October 2009 73
Yerba Mate
e Crepe Stan
u benit d

td oor Dining Room


onite Paella

o ffee & Cake Time


g for everyon
a ncin e
o ffest-Mug

iv ely Music Program

AL ro Spiritual kt ( Flea Mar
Neg hm ar ket
F lo )

74 ITN Volume 4 Issue 7

September/Oktober 2009
The Spielwiese (Game room, Rachel shel Ohevi and some girls had a little art
Field) project of splash painting for children. In the second
room, Havah bath Ohevi was selling pretty pottery
...was a big attraction items, hand soap and stationary the training groups
of our Hoffest. The children had made. In the last room we had an exposition of
loved to climb up the rope, to our self-made training materials and some of the work
swing, to build great buildings of the children. Marc, Hannah and I were available to
with chick peas, or to climb answer the many questions that came up about training
up on stacked-up boxes while and about our life in general. Especially on First Day
secured on a rope. there was a continual flow of people pushing through
the training rooms, looking at the wall murals of fossil
It was a great
projects and hikes and descriptive essays and ask-
opportunity for us to turn our
ing questions upon questions. In my conversations, I
hearts to all these children Box-Stacking
discovered not only interested parents, but also many
and their parents. The children would be occupied, and the
teachers. I do
parents would be free to ask questions about our life, who
not remember
we are, what we believe, etc.
hearing a nega-
I talked with one mother for almost two hours while tive comment.
her child was in the sandbox right beside us. She had many People were
problems. Afterwards she said, “This was the most peaceful genuinely
day I have had since my child was born.” impressed, even
jealous at the
People could see the love and care that was put into the atmosphere that
Spielwiese. Many families came every day of our Hoffest. I our children are
guess our Father could use all of this to make friends with trained in. One elderly teacher and his wife in particular
young and came every day of the three days bringing different friends
old, and start with them and he studied every word of the training things
winning their that were shown. It was very exhausting but I was so
hearts. thankful to be there and be able to talk to so many people.

D’rorah From Yerushah shel Caleb David


c o min g
As in the past years, I was stationed again in our
are B e
new school house (which used to be the chicken
a l l P eople
house… ). Preparation day 11.00 o’clock, the of- Sm ous all peo
ficial beginning of the Hoffest, came and we were Fam n d K l osterzi
t h e s m

still busy cleaning up as the brothers were painting All aro

u ...of
the stairway.... I thought, people will probably come a our communities, our
bit later to this site, but not much after 11 the first curi- children, are becoming quite
ous visitors came in to look at our training rooms. Since famous. At our Hoffest it became as clear
we were so much in the public about our school situation, as ever that the focus of our visitors’ attention was
it is of great interest and hardly any of the three to four on the children’s offerings.
thousand people that came during the weekend seem to
Our enthusiastic teacher Shua shel Boaz brought
have missed passing through here. In the first training
September/October 2009 75
up the idea was cheering. Many of our guests started clapping expecting
of preparing the skit to be over until the boy clearly spoke up, saying,
the skit “The
“I want you all to know that it is not too late for anyone
King and
to be honest. Come and follow me! Together we will be able
the Seeds.”
to build up this kingdom.”
We all had
received This was like the good news going out those days,
faith to do spoken by the mouth of a child. We pray that it went right
it, and our into the heart of some of our many guests at our Hoffest.
quickly We appreciate all of our children who overcame
sparked over to our children. With much zeal they were intimidation and other things to bring this skit about. They
practicing the skit, which talks about a king who was are the ones who are stunning the nations and convicting
looking for the best heir to the throne among his people them that our
because he didn’t have a son himself. To find that person Father is at work
he gave out seeds to see who would be able to cultivate on the earth.
his seed in a way that would please the king. So when the
trumpet blew, all those had to appear before the king who I love our
had been given a seed. The most elaborate plants with all children and
kinds of beautiful flowers were brought in one after the our life,
next by the overconfident children. Every one of them was Your friend
sure to be the chosen one. We had a crowd of pitch class Hannah shel
children as well as older children acting as the audience. Marc
They always became very excited at that moment, quietly
staring at the king who was wisely observing all the
children with their plants. Finally, he called out and Presentations during the Hoffest
asked if there was not
one more person who We presented a slideshow about our history as a
wanted to appear before twelve-tribed nation and another one about the Three
the king. Eternal Destinies of Man in the newly finished seminar
room of our boys’ schoolhouse. Our hope was to meet
After a short our neighbors and get conversations going. After
pause, a boy came in, every presentation of either 5 or 10 minutes’ length,
ashamed, with his empty we would open up the floor for question-and-answer
pot. The whole crowd of sessions. As Germans aren’t used to practicing free
children was mocking speech in this way, the start would always be slow. But
him until the king as soon as one person dared to ask the first question,
commanded them to be others would immediately follow suit and ask question
quiet. upon sincere question. Lively discussions would fill
the remainder
The king boldly
of the hour
proclaimed, “You might think that the test was who would
until the next
bring forth the most beautiful plant. But I have to tell you
that the king is not interested in the outward performance,
but in what is in the heart. All those seeds that I gave you, The large
I personally burnt them beforehand with fire. This boy was presentation room
the only one who was courageous enough to be honest. He was often packed
is going to be the successor to the throne!” with people. It
The trumpet blew, the boy was crowned, and everyone stood out to me

76 ITN Volume 4 Issue 7

that soon after every single showing on these three days, establish with the youth of our town, Nördlingen. We invited
the question would be raised about what our children’s them over to our farm, and this festival was an opportunity
chances were of making a degree or going on to college or for them to overcome their fears. So on Shabbat evening,
university. It showed me how education really is an idol that four boys and five girls showed up. They actually had no
holds the Germans in its firm grip. Nothing else mattered money to buy anything, so prompted by the Holy Spirit, we
more to these inquirers than this aspect. invited them to sit down and enjoy our steamed sandwiches.
We were even able to have some meaningful conversations
with the youth as they were actually quite curious about
who we are. Hopefully, we will be able to reach out to all
Erfrischungs- the youth here more in the future.
All in all there were many more visitors to our stand
Thirsty than last year. Still, in the not-so-busy moments, many of
people could be us were able to speak with those enjoying our food. It was
satisfied at the satisfying to see so many people from all over the world
“Erfrischungsquelle” on our farm. We are already enthusiastic about next year’s
(source of Hoffest.
refreshment), our
drink bar. There we offered cold lemon maté, Kolibri In love, Deborah shel Lapidoth
(Hibiscus fruit cooler), and fresh-pressed apple juice.
We especially enjoyed the support of Ashar ben Hakam,
Prince of Benyamin. It was nice to see when people sat The
down relaxed and comfortable on our hay bales right in Hofladen
front of our apple press. May the peaceful atmosphere of
our Hoffest trigger the desire in people’s hearts to also In its first
find an everlasting refreshment for their thirsty soul. year of existing
our Hofladen
Atarah shel Takif
Prinz & Bettler improved a lot!
Not only
Our because Peretz
brothers did an built such
amazing work beautiful new
setting up a shelves – but also because the variety increased much!
very practical
The high point ("das Sahnehäubchen") for
and pleasing
our Hoffest was all the exciting new common-sense
mobile café.
products. Ishah (Reuben) and Avivah (Levi) spent many
As expected,
hours to unpack all the bottles and boxes, register and
not everybody
label them the days before.
came on the
same day. This I was proud (in the good sense), being able to
enabled us to get some practice in our work. offer “our own” nice creams, soaps and lotions! It would
be so nice if we could increase in our intertribal trade!
The best seller of our café this year was our homemade
ginger lemonade, which people appreciated a lot. Also, our Our products – Our flags – Our music – Our culture
new sandwich called “Riesburger” was accepted very well.
This sandwich is basically a beef sandwich. It is called by OUR PEOPLE… it was exciting for me to meet so many
the area we live in. (The Ries Crater) brothers and sisters from different tribes all working together
and most visitors sensed the peace all over the place.
Also worth mentioning is the contact we were able to
September/October 2009 77
Our Hofladen to the people
is in the middle of who come to us.
Klosterzimmern. Many Experiencing
people went in and out that became my
and we had busy days treasure above
and many good and all others at the
deep talks! Hoffest.

On Sunday, Emunah
our new cash register almost overheated as the big room Shua & Boaz Amtsah
nearly burst with people! At 4 o'clock all of Amittai's nice
bread was gone, no linseed oil anymore! It felt a little like Ziegengulasch (Goat Goulash)
a season-close out sale and thankfully somebody brought
My husband and I were happy to be chosen to prepare
a fan, which helped us and our customers to endure till the
the goat goulash for the Hoffestival. We enjoyed our time
end! What a difference to any “job” in my “old” life! We
cooking with our wonderful friend Klaus, the father of
are able to give and to offer so much more than just nice
Shalhevet shel Barak, and his friend Susanne. Klaus is a
products, bread and cakes, vegetables and fruits – we can
professional chef who has worked in a nursing home for
pass on the fruit of life!
many years. We were so thankful for their great support,
I am thankful to be a part of our Father's Nation and or maybe I should say we supported them because Klaus
that we all together could represent Him at the Hoffest! actually cooked all the goulash and the Spätzle (a Swabish
type of noodle). Also David, the father of Abraham of
Much love, Zebulun, helped us. He and Klaus were a good team.

Kli Atsil We served most of the

goulash, and people loved
it. It was wonderful that we
could put on this festival for
the people from our area
From the Pizza to get to know us and get a
Stand taste of our life.

What made my Love, Nadiv and

weekend was supporting Anavah
the Boaz family at the
pizza stand together Our Linseed Oil Press
with my twelve-year-old Ladle upon ladle of golden linseed oil went into the
daughter. We skipped onto funnel, precious oil dripped into the bucket, and at the end
the team right when the of the press the dry and hot press cake, which the goats like
festival started, and I was so much, tumbled into the barrel. Many of our visitors had
so thankful I found my a curious look into both the bucket and the barrel, and then
spot where I was useful Tsel Shaddai bat Boaz
they looked into the happy faces of Derushah and Sharat’s
and necessary to complete the assembly line. I loved how mother who tirelessly explained to them about all the health
we worked together, taking each other’s places to relieve benefits of linseed oil, which is rich with omega-3 fatty acid,
one another, talking with each other, and cultivating our and offered little morsels of bread saturated with the precious
friendships. oil. Many got a little pamphlet or bought a bottle.
When we lay down our lives for one another and Did you ever try cold-pressed linseed oil? You better
forsake our own pleasures, including our desire for them, come to our Hoffest next year.
then our love for one another increases and our unity
is invigorated. Thus we can serve the fruit of the Spirit Sharat & Sh’maryah

78 ITN Volume 4 Issue 7

We put festival. Offering our festival to outsiders for three days
the linseeds really gave people the opportunity to come, to relax, to
into the top enjoy, and maybe even open up their hearts towards our
part of the life. We want to acknowledge our faithful Abba who
linseed oil provided for us the perfect weather, so that this event
press. Then it could be a great encouragement for all of us! We are
gets pressed looking forward to our next Hoffest in 2010.
real hard and
on the bottom And something else:
the oil comes out. Whatever is left over is like a dry cake. There can be great excitement about a festival as
We took one piece of this dry cake and put it on a napkin this one, but much, much greater is our excitement to let
and it didn’t make a single oil stain, that’s how hard it you all know: Our Abba blessed Yehezkel and Gilah with
gets pressed. a beautiful, healthy baby boy… the 6th polished arrow in
By Nechonah bat Sharat and Sh’maryah Yehezkel’s quiver.

What stood out to all of us was that there were many

visitors who showed up every single day of our 3-day

In His loving kindness, our Father delivered our sixth child—a son.
Through love, care, and fellowship this little life has just begun.

By Yehezkel, my best friend, our Abba’s love was shown.

Believing in me to do what he could not, but never leaving me alone.

Our Father is faithful, I knew, as I heard the boy’s first cry.

I looked up at my firstborn weeping, tears filled her eyes.

I’m thankful for her and all who helped me through my time of travail.
It’s through these friendships, growing in truth, that His justice will

I’m thankful for Him; that I could draw near.

All glory and honor go to Him, He delivered me from all fear.

from Gilah

From Every Nation

That’s our Abba’s heart’s desire – that His priesthood would be made up of people from all nations. In the past
15-20 years, our Abba found precious foundation stones for our tribe from the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland, and
Hungary (countries in eastern Europe). The burden of these brothers and sisters for their home countries is continually
growing. They are patiently waiting on our Abba to see when He will open a door. But at the same time, they are putting
out feelers, making different trips to the Czech Republic to reach out to their countrymen.

September/October 2009 79
The Trip to the Czech Republic
In the beginning of August, right after the Hoffest, we, "the Eastern people in Yahshua,"
were very blessed with the chance to go and seek the lost in the Czech Republic. At the cost of a real
sacrifice by those who stayed home, Shoresh’s whole family and I were sent to a farm festival in
the Czech Republic for a few days. Our steps on Czech ground were led very differently than we
expected though, because what first looked like an innocent family-friendly farm festival turned
into a marihuana party. So we didn’t stay for very long. Earnestly asking our Abba for direction,
we eventually found our way. Then we had some very encouraging encounters, especially with a
Czech-German Mennonite family who really wants to get to know us. We are thankful our Father
is mindful of the East! Thank you, brothers and sisters, for your love for us!

Two weeks later:
Our Abba really wants us to find the lost
ones in the Czech Republic! He even gave
us faith to send a whole bus plus two
vans loaded with musicians, and dancers,
and most of all with those who have a
burden for the lost ones in the capital of
the Czech Republic, Prague. We only spent
a few hours there, but we had many good
talks. The strange thing is that only a few
conversations were with Czech people. We met
many Germans, Americans, English people, some Portuguese and
Russian people and, what was the most astounding, many Israelites.
Janka (originally from Prague)
Prague and the Kingdom of God
It’s not Tibet, it’s not Prague in the Czech Republic on the seven hills, but reaching the top of the mountain
is the kingdom of God. If the kingdom of God is reaching the top of the mountain, then evangelizing is absolutely
part of climbing. Without climbing, no progress.
What was that saying? “The solution of all our problems is evangelizing.” But even going out evangelizing,
our motive is going to be judged if we don’t judge ourselves.
I know that you and I believe that the male child, the 144,000, the ones who shared with loud and clear
voices at our minchot, who are singing with their whole heart and dancing for the glory of our Creator, the ones
who identify with their parents, their God, and their culture, the ones who have learned obedience through
suffering, even sometimes through unjust treatment, they will be sent out preaching the eternal gospel. But as it is
still called today, we share the gospel of salvation.
So we went to Prague, a special city living by its former glory. Communism has left its mark of selfishness,
robbing people of their human worth.
Still the streets are full of people from every culture and nation. No problem to communicate – not Czech, not
German, not Russian, but –guess what– English. Everybody speaks English…
I met people from Italy, Norway, Slovakia, England, the USA, the Czech Republic, and so many Jewish
people from Israel. So many good conversations, questions, and true interest. It is a mystery, but simple as it is
singing, dancing, and sharing the good news with people.
After a long day and night, we arrived back home, tired but satisfied.
From Kepha
80 ITN Volume 4 Issue 7
On the 22nd August, we went to Prague with a bus load of people. When we were passing the border with the
Czech Republic, we had no problem and they let us pass. We were so happy.
Many people in Prague danced with us. There were many people from Israel. It only takes a little step to
overcome, and then we’ll be blessed. Barak and Shalhevet were talking with a couple, and then a few days later
they called, and they want to visit us. It was not easy to share the Good News, but if we do, our Father will be
very happy with us. At the end of the day, we were happy to travel back home and know that there is a reality to
what we spoke to the people about and that we have friends who love us.
From Hôdesh bat Kepha & Chassidah,
age 14

Three Festivals on One Weekend

This season we really started to barrage the Czech Republic with the gospel of our Master Yahshua and
freepapers of hope.
The first festival was a small rock festival. After a few attempts at getting in there, we felt like the door
was closed. But I received some address from a couple selling pottery (cups). They looked a little bit different from
the rest of these very busy rock fans. Also, we had a few interesting talks outside where we also handed out some
The next day, we visited a festival of a different kind with folk and country music. This was the festival
we are the most likely to get in in the next few years. The door seemed to be open there to present our culture, music,
and dances, or to have some booth there with our maté or some handmade products. So we were encouraged to talk
with some people and hand out some papers. Finally on the last day, two of us arrived at a bigger rock festival
having something to do with home-distilled alcohol. It was good not to stay there for too long...
We were still planning on going to Brno, the second-biggest city in the Czech Republic to hand out some
freepapers. We had enough time there to meet some people and pass out some freepapers. On top of this we paid
a farmer an unexpected visit. To begin with, we just wanted to see some goats, but in the end we spent more
than three hours there. Due to his strong hospitality and warmth and wanting to show us everything, we almost
couldn’t get out of there. Sadly he told us he had nobody to go on with his farm because his two daughters had no
interest in it. But we told him plainly that we could do it with him, only that he needed to get to know us better.
So we’ll see what the future brings.

With greetings, Shoresh (originally from Slovakia)

Here is a love note from Rita who made it through

the door (as mentioned in the last ITN).

I am happy to be reconnected with you all. Our Abba has delivered me from unbelief and mistrust,
has set me free from a spirit of slavery and from lies, but has also exposed deep-rooted rebellion. I am
so thankful to have a deeper sense of security in Yahshua and to belong to Him. Now I am really willing
to trust in our Creator-Elohim and to receive His salvation in the Body. Thank you for all your love,
my brothers and sisters and my shepherd. I am feeling as if I have come on the right foundation.
In love with all of you, Rita

P.S.: And my heart says, “I want to trust, trust in Yahweh.” I need His help and my brothers
and sisters who submit to Him. I cannot make it alone.

September/October 2009 81
o f I s sachar
ib e

What a wonderful, promising season is
approaching our tribe and land! Our trees are
blooming with delightful scents and colors,
the first spring rains watered the soil and the
faithful creation answered awesomely quickly
to this first touch of life...

We also want to answer quickly to our Father’s

greatest concern: His lost sheep. As the winter was
slowly dying the voice resounded in our hearts –SEND
WALKERS, SOW, SOW, SOW... Our brothers in wolves. All that I experienced in this ten day
council were urged to send faithful disciples to far trip increased my faith.
away lands to proclaim “The kingdom of God has We had a 30 hour journey by train to get to
come near!” So the first two walkers (Yohanan and our first stop –Tucuman (a city and province
wife, Tamimah) departed to the 1.500 km north). Our first mission
furthermost corner of Argentina, was to visit in this city two friends of
the dry north of mountains and our brother Netzak from his former
rocks... evangelistic religion. The first one
was a 80 year-old man, Arnedo, who
We were very thankful hosted us for one night, and even
for the wonderful opportu- though we had differences of religion,
nity to have been sent to he was very kind. The next day we
seek the lost. Our Father’s said goodbye, focused on visiting
angels were constantly Alejandro. As we were waiting in a
before us, helping us in every public park handing out some freepa-
way. We were needy, and felt pers, we met a young man. Receiv-
the responsibility of being in ing the paper, he looked extremely
unity, praying all the time. Before leaving we surprised. He already knew us through our
received so much vision and encouragement brother Keli. He is the son of Federico’s wife
from our brothers, and my husband explained (Federico is Keli’s father). Many times he has
to me that we really needed it, because we heard Federico talking about the place where
were being sent as sheep in the middle of his son lives, and even many times he has been
82 ITN Volume 4 Issue 7
in familiar gatherings with Keli, who produced spoke to him with much love, telling him that
an impact on him. He said he could see some- our Master needs him. “We came up here just
thing special in his eyes. He always had a to see you and declare, ‘The kingdom of God
desire to get to know us, but due to familiar cir- has come, repent!’ We know in our hearts that
cumstances he didn’t feel like asking Federico he can not forget our Master Yahshua. He still
to take him. He was happy to find us and this remembers some of the songs and the names of
encounter encouraged him even more to come many of us, and received all the news we told
to visit us. Finally we arrived to Alejandro’s him with encouragement and surprise.
house. These people were really interesting. Well, our trip is coming to its end. We were
Even though they belonged to this religion, he very thankful for all the people we met who are
wasn’t participating anymore, because many eager to find something new in this earth. It
things didn’t convince him and he didn’t want seems that in this arid land where there is liter-
to be a false prophet. He was very touched by ally no water, nothing could bloom, but now
our witness, and he said that we were coura- that spring is coming, I thought that maybe
geous. He really looked needy and we received it could be also the time for all that seeds to
hope for him, something was touched in them. sprout… May our Father water them!
Okay, our days are counted! Let’s continue!
We departed to the “Valles Calchaquies,” a Shalom, Tamimah shel Guidon
great valley with many towns. We met many
interesting people, and amazingly many people These full of hope disciples came back and the
already knew us. Finally we got to Gabino’s next week, four more brothers left to Cordoba. These
house. Gabino is Emma’s son, therefore, were more spies than walkers… “Go, spy out the land
Amtsah’s and Nehemyah’s brother. He lives and find a place to spend a season.” The direction was
with his wife, and they have a little girl. They to go to find a property where we could live during the
already know us, and they are needy of others spring and summer and a place to sell our goods. If it
who could teach them how to be a couple and is our Father’s time He will show us that we have to
parents. Anyway, everything has its season, stay there to establish a swarm in one more place in
they still don’t feel so needy. Continuing, we Argentina!
got to one of our destinations, “La quebrada,”
where there is a mighty opening in a mountain This is the spies report, “The land is exceedingly
that became very popular for tourism and used good!”
to be full of craftsmen. But this time there was
nobody here… only one more needy person. Mt. 6:33 We could see how doing this
Adam, the last brother of Emma’s family, who allows our Father to work freely to keep His
came to the commu- promises and make
nity with Nehemyah us prosper. Bar Levav,
eight years ago but Yaqar, Ish Chadash
then left, lives here. and I left to Cordoba
After looking for him very encouraged and
and asking the people confident that our Fa-
from the place, we ther would guide us.
got to his house. Our And so it was. Little
encounter was very by little we met very
touching for me, be- special people, who
cause he came out and are still were hoping
said, “Hello Yohanan This is “La Quebrada” for something differ-
and Tamimah.” We ent, a different life.

September/October 2009 83
This is the reason why many have gone to Emunah and Huldah will tell us about:
the mountains seeking for something differ-
ent, but the time has passed (for some of them, This was a small but encouraging event. It
more than 20 years), and they realized that not was like a recital, in which many music bands
the place, nor the food and not organic farming played, but they only played wind instruments
have changed their lives; they couldn’t fulfill and drums. There were flute players, reed flute
anything of what they have dreamed about. players, shofars….
A spark would ignite in those who were Some of us went to this place and there
hearing about our life, in those who heard that were many encouraging people; we bumped
our children live together with their parents, into some friends who have already come to
taking on their hearts. We made many friends, our home.
and saw many places where our life could It’s very encouraging to see how our tribe
spread. is increasing in evangelism and how it is pro-
Our house is full of vision and encour- ducing fruit.
agement, because the spies came back with With encourage and vision, Emunah
promising news, waiting on our Father to lead Amah.
our steps. We have sown abundantly and we
are waiting for the harvest. May our Father We also went to a fair in Buenos Aires.
add everything we need to establish this life in The I.N.Y.M (Yerba Mate National Insti-
these lands! tute) invited us to go there.
It encourages me to realize that in our It is the same place we had gone last year
hands is the true seed, Yahshua, and that we and it gave a very good result. We met many
can care for it and preserve it from any kind of people whom we made friends with during
defilement so when we find the good soil –will- last year and also made contacts for our Tribal
ing hearts to do His will- it can bear the same Trading.
fruit. This year we met very nice and needy
I am thankful that our Father doesn’t ask people, especially a couple and a man, who
us more that we can bear. His heart is to give were stall holders. They came home the day
us everything we need, we have to do our part after the fair ended. We have a lot of hope for
with our whole heart, pouring out our lives to them.
see His promises being accomplished. With love, Huldah Keliyah.

With a thankful heart, Lebanah

As you can see… springtime is coming. The

reserved sap is starting to make its way up to the
branches. We can feel its rush, almost reaching the
expectant hidden leaves and flowers… new life is at
the horizon.

Meanwhile, of course, the beehive stayed in

activity. We had an encouraging and participative
Training Inauguration, where the disciples were
asked to do several things and answer different
questions. Even the single sisters received a nice book
marker with poems from our poetry class. Until next month,
We also had two evangelistic events, which Eshet Chaiyl shel Nehemyah

84 ITN Volume 4 Issue 7

Tribe of Zebulun Stentwood Farm

United Kingdom ICELAND





This month really has


been very packed. We

continue at this time of year


to have a steady influx of guests.


Baptism of Isis

got to be one of our tribal iniquities, rooted in

cowardice. If I am too afraid to break out of my
The Geography of the Twelve Tribes
shell and encourage, or bring salt, what good am
Isis made a very clear confession on a recent I to my brothers, not to mention all the others
Sabbath morning. She returned like a prodigal who are longing to know the truth? I can be
daughter, truly broken and contrite of heart the biggest hypocrite if I just keep saying “we
eager to hear the words that have set her free. need to love,” without actually living out our
She brings much sweetness to our home and role as His representatives on the earth. Without
also perhaps… an opening to Sweden? Her son these teachings, we would just stagnate. Abba,
Douglas (almost two) is also increasing. help me change, and to realize how much You
need me, that I wouldn’t tolerate the leaven of
Community day out – Fingle Bridge cowardice. Kol Lev
We had wonderful day when we decided on
impulse to have a special day out together with Camping Trip
a walk and “ploughman’s lunch.”* Thank you, My cousin Hugh was our host where we
Abba for the sunshine, and how it enhances our stayed on his property in Dartmoor. He is a
social time together. deer farmer and the children were able to get

*A ploughman’s lunch is comprised of a hunk of

cheese, a hunk of bread, pickle and an apple. It
really is what the ploughmen of old used to eat
in the field for lunch. It is now served mainly as
a basic meal in pubs.

Responses from “The Ball is in Our

We were thankful to hear this teaching as it
stimulated us to shake off our passivity. This has
September/October 2009 85
first hand look at what that is a Quaker with a very
entailed, which included sincere heart. She has a
eating venison burgers great respect for us, and
amongst other things. We also a sensitivity to think
went for some beautiful about what kind of activities
walks across moors, through would be appropriate to
valleys, along meandering enhance our life. She also
brooks that lead us past has a wonderful son Luke,
Shetland ponies, and over who loves outdoor pursuits.
little bridges. It was a Recently, we were invited
wonderful environment for our children to to spend the day with both her and her son
get over their squabbles, enjoy one another’s on a kayak trip. Needless to say our children
company, and the beauty of creation all around. thoroughly enjoyed their day.
We all thoroughly enjoyed getting to know each
other and each other’s children more and the Nachonah’s Milestone
deep things they have in their hearts. A joyful little celebration was held for our
daughter Nechonah La Teruah. She reached her
A note from Azarah shel Abraham. second milestone and is now standing at the
One morning some of the children who were minchah. She is on the way and we are indebted
camping in the tent with me woke up early in to the Body for their help to achieve this. She
the morning. We went together for a little walk has desired for a long time to drink the victory
and then gathered to have a little minchah where cup and it has helped us to get back “on the
Etan played his recorder and the others sang. way” ourselves to remember each week to make
Afterwards Elishevah read from the Bible and goals and discuss them during preparation time.
we all recited a proverb. At the end we held We are thankful for these milestones along the
hands and they each gave thanks to our Abba. way to keep us on track.
It was so heart warming to see how they love
the pattern of our life . Even in the middle of a
field and away from the structure of our life they
wanted to keep the traditions they have watched
their parents keep.

Our Friend
Jan - Kayak
We want to
introduce you to a
very special friend
of ours named Jan.
A special highlight for me was when our
We have known
eldest daughter and her friend Ishah sang a
her for many years.
short song they had made for Nechonah. The
She has a very
day before I had given them my Dictaphone to
giving heart, letting
use and prayed with them to our Abba to help
us use her holiday
them express their hearts in a song. They came
cottage attached
back with the sweetest little out pouring of their
to her home for
time away. She
86 ITN Volume 4 Issue 7
Hoffest Our life is like an Orchestra
Here’s a little report from our Zebulunite Here is a wonderful piece of insight gained
representatives. We had a great time being by Khasharah, gleaned from her husband’s
with all our Europena and American brothers. return from the recent music camp in Hiddenite.
Both Yacath’s and Kol Lev’s family were sent When my husband was talking about his
to serve in Levi for the big weekend. You can experience in the Hiddenite orchestra, he
see why our Father wants us to have our own described how his background as a musician
festivals. We will astound the nations, especially in the world had been that of lawless soloist,
as we raise up our children to sing with all their playing whatever he wanted, whenever he
hearts. One of the highlights was watching all wanted. The orchestra presented a challenge to
the youth sing the song “The Time Has Come” receive the restraint caused by having to play
by Gidon ben Soreph Gamaliel. “Can you hear what seemed to be a rather uninteresting clarinet
the prophet calling crying out to our generation, part. The reward was realizing how the little part
to gather those who will bring about his will?” contributed to a glorious bigger “soundscape,”
Abba let your kingdom come! The European that brought glory to our Father, and not the
tribes are being bonded together through events individual musicians. Yahshua is the conductor,
of this nature. and we can learn to do our little to bring about
the new song of the Twelve Tribes.
Walkers Report
Greenbelt Christian Festival Notes from Ireland
We have been many times to spy out the Yonathan and Yael are still in Ireland. They
land at this festival. This year Shebet and his have a wonderful agreement with a man who
wife Shalomit were sent to seek and save the is allowing them to work on their house in
lost. This festival is well attended, and is known exchange for rent. As soon as Yonathan had
as a Christian Arts Festival. Pray that our Abba finished decorating the two upstairs bedrooms,
would give us the disciples we need that we four Belgian travelers walked up and said, “We
could have more of a witness there. are knocking on doors to find someone who will
put us up for free tonight.” Yonathan, being the
hospitable gentleman that he is, immediately
said, “Sure you can stay at ours, we have
two rooms prepared for you.” May our abba
continue to bless their efforts as they they grope
to know our Father’s will for Ireland.

September/October 2009 87
T he T r i be of California, USA

Yowceph Washington, USA

Community in Vista them! I am sure you have heard of a “field

trip” before, happening only once in a while.
Hello from Vista! With all that is going into
We took it one step further, making a “farm
building the first Yellow Deli in Yowceph, we
trip” every yom sheni, as an agricultural
thought we would let you know about what it
experience, a P.E. class, and a chance to learn
takes to keep the home fires burning.
through the teaching of Yathed.

First, we would like to present our On the home front, we still milk goats,
wonderful training group. Diligent in their cook, clean, and prepare lots and lots of food.
training, they also are the hands-on, go- Once again, a lot of the tasks could never
getters of the food we eat. We are grateful for get done apart from our diligent house full
the wonderful produce that our brothers and of children! They care for the chickens, help
sisters at the Morning Star Ranch grow, and with the goats, wash mountains of dishes,
we want to do everything we can to support and even mow the lawn. It is so wonderful
having children in our household again, as
we spent a good while without hardly a one.

The Yellow Deli Report

The deli is continuing right along as each
member does his part. The amazing thing
we have seen is that if we do our part, our
Father will do His part. We recently saw His
amazing hand at work in providing just what
we needed, when we needed it.
The need: Cedar Shake Shingles.
88 ITN Volume 4 Issue 7
Last week Shemiyah had the idea to call of all, the warmth of their love. They even
all the roofing companies in San Diego to ask brought some of the sixty tons of salmon
them if there happened to be any shingles the fisherman on Kepha and Earnest’s
we could salvage, even remove ourselves. crews caught for us to enjoy. It was quite the
The man he set over the task, Jeremy, sat experience for them all.
down and put himself to the job. Never
losing heart, he persisted until he contacted The Morning Star Ranch
someone who had just done a roofing job, Grapefruit Harvest
resulting in a twenty yard dumpster full The time for the grapefruit harvest has
of shingles. The location? Vista, CA! We come and brothers and sisters have been “all
received the dumpster load at the wood shop out” on harvesting and packing grapefruit.
and marveled at our Father’s goodness. Not We have quite a few grapefruit here. Last
only was it a lot of shingles, but they were year there was over 120 bins of fruit. This
removed with the utmost care, still attached year we are attempting to pick and pack them
in large rolls to the tar paper. all ourselves. (In previous years, we had a
Todah, Abba! friend who owned a “packing house” who
Shalom, ben-Nabiy Derush of Vista would send me to harvest our grapefruit,
thus buying them from us straight off the
Harvest Crusade tree.) With the
After taking counsel, we went to the recent economic
Harvest Crusade in Anaheim again in constraints and
full force – the colorful Garden Bus, our our need for
musicians, dancers, and evangelists. local work, we
We had a wonderful weekend and had set ourselves
complete freedom to sing late into the to the job of
night, to hand out our new “Brand New packing. Our
Culture” paper with the very touching packing has
article, “If God Lived on My Street” on been a “flurry
the back cover, and to dance with the of activity” till
crowds of concert goers flowing in and the wee hours
then out of the stadium. Since then we have of the morning as we pack and sometimes
had a number of visits from people who met “re-pack” our grapefruit as we all learn the
us there. We were thankful once again as standards.
we exercised our rights of free speech and So far it seems that our Father is
more importantly, our rights to pray that our blessing it… and we are thankful for Cariy
Father’s will would be done to seek and save in Asheville, and our brothers in Glendale,
the lost, and to have the perfect confidence and our brothers in Manasseh… all links in
that comes from gathering in council. our national produce distribution network.
Additions These brothers are being a huge help to us
here in facilitating the sale of our grapefruit.
The conclusion of the fishing in Alaska
brought us the return of Kepha (to the Vista Shalom, Jeremiah
Community!), Kana and Roberto (hurray!), P.S. The truth was we had too many to
and the wonderful family of Labeshu and pick, clean, and box all by ourselves, so
Otah. They have all strengthened us with several times, while planning was going on
their return, the labors of their hands, the about the Deli, the Vista clan sent over their
encouragement of their words, and best many willing workers and we had festival-

September/October 2009 89
like pushes of picking and packing. Our taken daily only if you aren’t getting any food
produce sorting machine sprang into action, every day. Food is better than the vitamin. If
cleaning and roughly sorting the grapefruit you are over-cooking vegetables and not eating
by size. a lot of raw vegetables, salad, fruit, seeds and
oil then you will need a supplement. No mega-
At last, work all could be participated in,
doses are good for anybody. It is bad for your
young and old, “skilled” and “unskilled” —
liver. Mega-doses are out. Your body needs
all that was required were willing hearts. only small doses of vitamins. A balanced diet
Now our grapefruit are going to local stores, is all that is required. The cooks’ meetings
to the produce market in Los Angeles, and were especially designed for planning so
even to our brothers in Weaubleau and no household lacks good things. We must
Asheville for sale there. As always, we were educate our cooks in the cooks’ meeting. We
all so thankful to work together and to have won’t enter the kingdom without getting this
the industrious help of our long-term guests, into the Body. [1988.00.00-T08, p. 3]
true WWOOF’ers, Tara and Eugene. We also
Striving to enter the Kingdom with you..
had a special family, Sophia and David and
their son Mils and their daughter, Delancy, Gamaliel and your friends at the Morning
with her fiance Pol, stay with us for two Star Ranch.
weeks this month. They are from England, Farewell Yathed’s
Sweden, and Norway altogether, and brought
Having the Yathed’s leave the Morning
a special (northern) European flavor to our
Star Ranch is like having a piece of our heart
torn out. Even the thought alone is quite gut-
Green Drink wrenching. Five of our best garden workers
We hope to have more about this delicious don’t equal one Yathed, and that’s only physi-
blend of fresh squeezed grapefruit and apple cally speaking. His devotion to our Father’s
juices, six kinds of greens, including some will and his vision is almost incomprehensible.
yerba maté, some flax seed, and a touch of It will be a true test for us to fill his shoes.
agave nectar for its sweetening and preserving His family also has been a wonderful bless-
powers. For now we can say we are selling it ing and it’s hard to even imagine them no lon-
to many devoted customers and drinking as ger with us. Until their triumphant return I’m
much as we can ourselves. We add no water sure they will live on in our hearts, prayers,
but lots of love and care to this potent brew, and speech, even.
served very cold. Sean
On researching the matter, we have
found that just a cup of it, plus only a couple
other edible sources of iron and B-vitamins,
substitutes quite completely for the multiple
and pre-natal vitamins that had crept into
the diet of some of our women. Of course, the
best way to get the vitamins and minerals we
need is in our foods, the wholesome, often
uncooked foods that contain them naturally,
in the most easy way for our bodies to absorb
them. This is just as we have been taught for
more than twenty years in such teachings as
Guilt and the Immune System:
Multivitamins and minerals should be
90 ITN Volume 4 Issue 7
Chattanooga, TN

Tribe Of
Alexandria, VA

Brunswick, GA
Hillsboro, VA

Savannah, GA
Asheville, NC
Hiddenite, NC

Pulaski, TN

Chat tanooga, TN
It seems like some months you have to dig deep to find
the secret, hidden things our Father has done. Other months
the fruit is very obvious. The latter was true with us. There was
definitely not a lack of excitement and thankfulness in our clan
this month. Life was flourishing everywhere you look!

Porch Evangelism
We have started doing porch evangelism here in
Chattanooga. We have been doing it since the spring. Usually
on Sabbath Malak and a crew of men and women will go out and
pass out papers in North Chattanooga… Malak has mapped out
where we have been and where we still need to go. It has been
very encouraging and we have had many nice talks with people who wasn’t even looking. However, our God saw him, loved
about who we are and what the gospel really means. him and needed him, calling him out from the world. He was
found, brought home and slowly the love of Yahshua won his
Baptism heart. It was like watching a flower bloom… ever so slowly…
Several months ago we had a visitor named Joshua, who has until the perfect time… when the Morning Star dawned in
visited us off and on. Joshua was baptized but then left shortly Scott’s heart, leaving him undone. What else could he do? He
afterwards. He is now currently staying with us in Hyannis. His had the perfect response. Surrender. You have to meet him. He
mother, who has visited us as well, is some kind of therapist who is a very gentle, diligent and sincere disciple. He pours his life out
referred a needy young man to us. It was a desperate situation. in the Yellow Deli, and is becoming one of the hardest workers.
This sweet young man needed hope, and a purpose in his heart “Scott, can you tell them in the back that we need more soup
to go on in life. His name is Scott. When Joshua was baptized heated up?” His head pops up over the sandwich bar. “What?
Phillip was talking to Scott about giving his life to Yahshua You need more soup? OK!” Before you know it, he is off running
also. Scott replied saying that Joshua was desperate. He said. to the back to get the soup himself. It is encouraging to see him
“I have been pretty needy but I don’t think I have ever been respond so simply to the pressing needs. What a good example
desperate like that.” Well, Scott became desperate and he cried to all of us to not forget the way we first responded. We could
out to be saved. He knows now that desperate is good. Scott was easily go on and on about Scott, but you will just have to come
baptized and he is wonderful! We love him so much just like our on over and meet him yourself. Here is something Scott wrote
Master Yahshua. His story is a perfect example of deliverance for you to read:
and mercy, showing the love of our Father to a wounded soul

September/October 2009 91
message of the return of our Master Yahshua. It was a little
When I made the decision to go to Chattanooga, I different as she had everyone in the pre-enactment wearing
wasn’t banking on much. I just knew that living in Atlanta white and there was no stage. It told the story of how Malachi
wasn’t working out. Years of drug use and treatment centers and John the Baptizer prepared the way in people's hearts for
had burned out the passion and thirst for truth that I Messiah’s return, and how Peter and Paul paved the way for
once had. All I really intended to do was see what life in the First Church by being obedient to all that Yahshua had
a commune was like. commanded them, setting up communities where people could
I caused quite the ruckus for awhile; questioning come into, separate from the world and be truly saved. Lydia
everyone’s faith and interrupting teachings to argue with gave her testimony in tears of thankfulness of being wealthy but
Aquila. Despite my rebellious nature everyone was patient desperate and meeting Paul and how his words of the gospel
with me and continued to show me our Master’s love. were freedom to her. Paul appreciated people like Lydia who
Over time I began to get revelation about the amount of had a heart to respond. There were two “of those in Sardis who
love for everyone that Yahshua has. Then I learned about have not stained their garments,” they talked about how difficult
Abraham and how he had the faith to leave everything to it was in the declining community but they had faith to endure
go do YHWH’s will. My heart was deeply stirred by this. and not loose heart, waiting for a people who would be faithful
I found myself wanting to do the same. one day. Gidon portrayed our Master Yahshua with warmth
Now I am in the Body and have that opportunity to throughout the pre-enactment, appreciating all the suffering and
serve just as our Master did. It brings me so much joy to obedience that everyone had done in order to prepare a way for
be able to pour my heart out every day along side all of the his bride in these last days. Their suffering, our suffering was not
wonderful people at the Yellow Deli, and to all of you I have in vain. This is the TRUE GOSPEL. We hope and pray that
yet to meet. I look forward to serving with you too! the message was heard by at least one person who is deceived by
religious doctrine, not producing the fruit of living a common
Love, Scott life.
The remainder of the wedding was beautiful and sincere,
Once again we are so thankful for his deliverance as well just like the love that is shared between Gidon and Besorah. She
as the continual growth of our other new disciples. The soil is was obviously glowing in her King’s love for her and we couldn’t
fertile here in Chattanooga. It is so confirming when new sheep help but bask in the light as well. Besorah has been waiting for a
are added to the fold. Thank you Abba! king in her life and the struggle to get to where she is today was
worth it. She has received the desires of her heart. Gidon’s joy was
Gidon and Besorah Meleah’s Wedding fulfilled that day and that is why he decided to give the addition
We have been preparing for this wedding for awhile and to her name, which means fulfilled, Meleah. He spoke of the
finally it went underway! It is always interesting to throw a Good News (Besorah) being fulfilled to all the earth. Together
wedding into the midst of running a 24-hour deli. Sometimes they will help further our Father’s purpose. Aquila shared that
it's stressful, we feel anxious trying to get it all done, but in all together they will be powerful. They honored Derusha, Gidon’s
reality it’s FUN! Everyone doing their part, running to and fro, imma, for her trust, having the faith of Abraham to give up her
from the big things to the smallest details, it all comes together in children. They added Lebanah to her name also so now she is
the end just the way it was meant to be. Beautiful! We appreciate Derusha Lebanah. The three that are here now, Gidon, Reshef,
having the deli and the grounds that accompany it, giving us and Neviyah, had an offering for her expressing the reward for
enough room to have a wedding. This is our second wedding of those who trust and wait. We were all thankful to witness more
the year. We are thankful for the opportunity to portray our lives restoration in Israel. Love is being restored!
and the amazing purpose we live for to the friends we have made We were thankful to send many people to the Music Camp
in Chattanooga. It is interesting the number of young Seventh and can see an increase in our music already. As an added treat
Day Adventists that exist here. We were glad to have a few we have Ishah Ruth here for a time. We have missed her very
attend the wedding as well as other much, and we will savor the short
families in this denomination. One time with her before she returns to
young man told Malak and Roah California.
that he has been deeply considering We continue to go, go, go and
our life. He actually went to college are enjoying every minute of it. We
to become a pastor, but now sees love working together in the constant
through it and doesn’t take identity change and flow of our life. We
as an Adventist anymore. We have know that you are all doing the same
faith that the light of Yahshua is everywhere else, making His name
piercing through the darkness of great. We love you!
this religion. Nogah (with a little help from
Teviat wrote a pre- Teviat)
enactment that portrayed a clear

92 ITN Volume 4 Issue 7

Pulaski, TN
“And all who believed were together…” Good News Fulfilled
What a relief! We are no longer in two locations in The other big event that we are privileged to report
Pulaski, separated by two and a half miles. Gone are the is the marriage of Gidon son of Nehemiah and Derusha
days of taking a 45-minute walk or scrambling to find gas to Besorah Meleah bat Qatan and Khasidah. [Meleah,
money (if, that is, we could find a vehicle). All the disciples meaning “fulfilled,” was added to Besorah’s name by her
in Pulaski now live on two properties downtown. King, signifying, among other things, that their vision
We now inhabit not only the rooms above our café, of life together is to see the Good News (which is what
but also the entire house across the street, and the little “Besorah” means) fulfilled — a nation producing the fruit.]
cottage behind it. The house had contained the offices of The wedding was held at the Yellow Deli in Chattanooga,
an Internet service and the cottage had been rented to but almost our whole community attended and helped
students. The relocation of the internet offices opened a with the festivities.
door for us to approach the owner with an offer to rent. The Chattanooga community filled you in on the
The student cottage needed some repair (as student spaces details, but we wanted especially to tell you a little about
often do) to make it fit for human occupation, but it was the guests. Eight couples from Pulaski, regular customers
available also, and now we are all together. in the café, made the five hour round trip to attend this
On the same piece of land is the building where wedding. Half again as many would have come if the
the web press we bought several years ago still sits. The date had not conflicted with other commitments. It is a
offices of the local paper had moved out of this building testimony of the warmth that has been lavished on these
a few months ago and we negotiated for it as well. It is people in our café by Besorah, Gidon, and others.
now alive with the activity of the beehive. We re-tiled the The gospel was very clearly expressed in many
large entry room and turned it into a celebration room, portions and many ways, and we know this experience will
with lots of space for dancing and guests. Some of the have a lasting effect on the perception that people in this
office rooms have become training rooms, and we are town have of the Community. The guests asked a number
also moving printing equipment in. Soon our welding of questions, and we had warm conversations with many
and fabrication shop will be in the building also, and we of them as a result, but we sense that there will be more
will have a foretaste of the kind of synergy we hope will discussions in the future as they consider what they heard
one day fill the warehouse. Our life can only be lived one and where the world is headed.
way—TOGETHER. We are glad to be fascinated with the same pearl of
We miss the rolling hills and grazing deer of our great price that you all are, and covenanted together in
farmstead and the ability to have animals, but we are bringing about the same purpose.
praying and seeking for a farm nearby. We are thankful for
the early morning work in our field by the creek. We still — Qatan and Khasidah
have it to connect us to the land and to our Maker. Very
soon we will be digging sweet potatoes — enough for our
needs and some left over to share. So please come and visit
us, and see what we find to put in your welcome basket.

September/October 2009 93
Asheville, NC
Greetings from Asheville-in-the-hills, That’s all we have for this month, without going into
We don’t have much in the way of news this month, a detailed description of our daily farm routines, what
but we are definitely grateful for our Father’s blessings and the goats are eating and etc., so I’ll sign off here and give
for being allied to all of you. We have heard encouraging a little extra space to the clans that need it. Yes, Ron and
things from our brothers that went to the Music Camp, Chris are still with us, please help us pray they will find
and from the wedding of Gidon and Besorah. We also had what they are searching for. With love,
the honor of hosting Nehemiah and Derusha twice this Issachar and the Asheville clan
month. They leave encouragement wherever they go.

Hi ddenite, NC

Behind The Scenes many disciples and chairs and all sorts of paraphernalia to
Behind the scenes of the biggest event ever held in help us during this special time. YEAH! More beds, more
Hiddenite thus far, there was continual pressure to pour space. And as an added bonus, Peacemaker II also made
out everything and then some to accommodate the needs its appearance just in the nick of time as more and more
of about 120+ people. In the days leading up to the music people kept arriving.
camp there was a modest international council of musicians Meanwhile, in the kitchen as the numbers grew so did
to plan the “strategy” for the days ahead, and then little by the anxiety about having enough food and hands to prepare
little the numbers climbed steadily upward until at the it. One meal literally led into the next one until someone
peak (on the weekend) there were roughly 160 people. In had the bright idea of incorporating the musicians into our
contrast, the humble staff of Hiddenite (about 15 people) breakfast preparations. So Day 1 the woodwinds, mostly
were feeling the tremors of the oncoming earthquake. women, brought a peaceful, calm atmosphere—a good
Where would we put the mothers and babies, those with beginning to initiate our new plan. Day 2, the atmosphere
physical needs, the older disciples, a few newlyweds and the took on quite a different flavor as the brass, accordions,
ones who forgot their camping gear and, and, and.... There and percussion invaded the kitchen, bringing a festive
was literally no room in the Inn as all the international scene, complete with four-part harmony singing, and more
brothers filled the beds. Well, we did say it was a music singing, of course - at the top of their lungs. Day 3 the
“CAMP”. strings, cellos, and basses took the prize for getting the most
But little did Blessing, Honor, and Glory (our cows) done in an efficiently organized and productive manner.
know their sparse and precious pasture would soon be They knocked out most of the preps for the day. The last
filled up with brightly colored tents and porta johns or day, Day 4, culminated in a crazy pancake extravaganza
pawta\potty (as Elizabeth says). But even with that, we still led by a huge group of boisterous guitars and harps. What
needed more places for people. What could we do? That’s could have been an overwhelming burden to bear became an
it! Peacemaker 1 is coming down from the north laden with absolute highlight of the day for the kitchen crew. However,

94 ITN Volume 4 Issue 7

even with all the extra help in the morning, it was non-stop welled up inside of her. This was truly love in action.
making food and drinks for the crowds of people. So, in the end, the storm was only a small hiccup in the
Then on Friday, there was a tremendous effort poured whole scheme of things as the love and laughter of friends
out in cooking salmon (from our brothers in Alaska) for our together echoed into the night air.
Erev Shabbat meal. But in the gathering beforehand, the Unfortunately, many of the campers went home to
dark clouds started to roll in, as we lifted up our voices in the very damp tents, and the laundry room became inundated
big top tent. The lightning flashed; the rain poured down, with wet bedding. But the happy, though displaced
and then....the lights went out! What a circumstance! campers, managed to find dry ground or a couch or a floor
Those who were cooking the fish in the kitchen were somewhere to lay their head. Still, there was a thankfulness
in utter darkness. Everyone else was in the dining room that permeated the atmosphere even in their adverse
tent huddled together as the wind picked up and the rain circumstances.
pelted the roof. Nothing dampened the festive spirit, and Amazingly, we heard no complaints the whole four
quick-thinking brothers rushed to the rescue of the kitchen days despite some of our difficulties. Generally, everyone
crew. With head lamps and flashlights on the scene, the fish was very encouraged and thankful to be here to take part
kept cooking (on the grill now instead of the oven) and the in this great undertaking. Lilting melodies and dramatic
plates of food continued to flow out of the kitchen. As the orchestrations resounded throughout the week as everyone
merriment and music continued outdoors, a lone figure did their part to make beautiful music. It is the music of
stood at the dish sink surrounded by mounds of dimly lit our life, with each of us having a definite part to play. All
dishes, particles of food on the floor, and pots and pans those who came seemed to have the sense that our Father
balanced precariously on the counters. Bracing herself for had orchestrated an awesome, momentous, gathering that
the ensuing travail, she thought, “Well, this is surely going lifted our spirits and gave us hope as a people. Our Father
to be an all nighter.” knew exactly what we needed -- the merrymakers with their
Meanwhile, outside the call had gone out for help in prophetic vision to refresh, encourage, stimulate, and affirm
the kitchen, and in no time, hordes of bodies flooded the us. So then, whether we find ourselves on a mountaintop or
kitchen and took dominion over the mountainous mess. in a deep valley, love will resonate in a thankful heart.
The lone figure looked up in wonder and amazement, not Shalom
quite able to comprehend the relief and gratitude that Sekel and Elizabeth

September/October 2009 95
Savannah, GA
Greetings brothers and sisters, we apologize for not conditioned trailer eating lunch while recounting hilarious
having an entry last month and promise to do better in stories from our past and laughing so hard that the trailer
the future. It certainly was not because there hasn’t been rocked back and forth. The gentiles who walked by either
much going on. It has been quite the contrary, actually. We thought the brothers were crazy or were intrigued. Some
have been having a very full summer here in Savannah – have even come to visit and see for themselves what
many guests, work pushes, a wedding, evangelism, and makes us so happy. It is a true demonstration that our
the list goes on. brothers can turn “Imperial Madness” (Imperial Sugar)
into “Imperial Gladness.”
Imperial Madness?
Our men have been working very hard on an intense Our Joy Will Remain
job at Imperial Sugar Factory, which is a plant that
produces 65% of the nation’s processed white sugar. Not
long ago the plant had a huge explosion in which many
workers died. Although we would rather be engaged in
cottage industry and the tribal trading of our own healthy
and delicious mascava sugar, we are very thankful that
our Abba has answered our prayers by giving us so much
work that we have had to call for help from our brothers
in other clans—some in other tribes.
We have been very thankful to spend time with
Benyamin and Tamar’s family from Yoceph, who also
brought Yoceph Rodriguez’s other son Shear to stay
with us a while. Shomer of Manasseh with Ben David’s
exemplary sons—Josiah and Yachal, Nehemiah and
Derusha with their son Reshef and Ziv’s nice son Henry,
We all had such a wonderful time getting ready for the
Chazaq and Israel from Hiddenite, Ehud of Chattanooga,
wedding. Getting married is a fun time. It is very exciting
and many others—all came to help us in our time of
and a lot of work. I have always been encouraged by our
need. Yonah and Yahchebed and Malak and Roah from
weddings, but this one, of course, was my favorite. It was
Chattanooga have been here for a time too. Yonah and
a new perspective for me. I never realized how very full
Malak not only poured out their lives working so hard
the week leading up to a wedding would be for the king
on the crew, but came home full of life to share at the
and his bride. If we hadn’t been kept apart that week we
minchot. (Their wives are just like them, both of them full
probably never would have gotten everything done!
of encouragement, passing on vision. Yahchebed poured
At times like these, when we are taken out of our
out her gifts on our younger-training group. And Roah
usual routines and have a lot on our minds, things can
was so willing to do anything and everything she could.
easily get overlooked or forgotten. Can we forget we have
Both of these women are wonderful examples.)
joy? On the Tuesday before the wedding a message arrived
The Imperial Sugar job is a very high pressure one
for the king. I was told, “Your bride has lost the bells. Can
with extreme safety regulations so it hasn’t been easy. On
you rush and go find them?” “Those bells are supposed to
Yonah’s first day, his son Yoshiah said to him, “I am going
symbolize her joy,” I thought to myself. I wondered if this
to show you all that Environmental Man loathes.” At the
could be from our Father. “Yes, of course we can, right
minchot we have heard much about how the people of
away!” I said.
the world, specifically the ones who work at the sugar
Malak, my loyal attendant, and I drove off into a
factory, have no purpose for their lives. They walk around
torrent of rain, wind, and lightening. “This is so dramatic,”
with fallen countenances trudging through their work at
I thought. It was raining so hard that the roads were
the factory just waiting until it’s time to clock out. Our
flooded and we could hardly see where we were going.
brothers are a stark contrast, full of life and encouragement
As we struggled along the flooded streets, Malak told me
for one another. We heard about how on one particular day
Roah had seen how appropriate it would be for the king
the brothers were all packed like sardines into this little air-

96 ITN Volume 4 Issue 7

to rescue his bride’s joy. That sounded right to me. I just True Religion
hoped the bells would still be there. I told Malak, “I do
Yes, I was so happy that my king returned (and is
want my bride to have lasting joy, not just momentary
returning) my joy to me. There was a rainbow after the rain
(literally and figuratively). This means hope for a bright
I was so eager, hoping to find those bells that I hardly
future. At our betrothal, I spoke about true religion. When
waited for the car to stop rolling. Out of the car I jumped
I was visiting as a single mother it was very clear to me that
and ran to the place where the bells had last been seen.
if God could dwell in a people that this is how they would
“Amazing,” I thought as my eyes rested upon the pretty
be. They would truly love and care for one another. On the
little crochet anklets. “Now I have joy!” I knew Miriam
very first Erev Shabbat celebration I attended, Yedidiyah
would be encouraged also.
ben Qatan sat next to me and told me that if I would join
On the way home the rain stopped, and the clouds
their cause, then my sons really would have many father
parted, revealing a spectacular rainbow. I was so thankful,
figures. It spoke loudly to my heart and I gave up my life.
after the rain. Even through a turbulent storm, we had not
For four years now I have been a single imma in the Body.
lost the joy. That reminded me of our wedding invitation.
For fourteen years Anav has been a single brother, caring
The front cover was Isaiah 53:2, a tender plant springing
for the children of the Edah—making candles, building
up from dry ground. I don’t think this verse applies only
sprout houses, teaching proverbs. He did whatever he
to our Master. This is who all of the faithful are who
could to pour his heart into our children. It is a wonderful
overcome. And they will be like sunshine after the rain.
thing that our Abba has brought us together.
Several times through the course of the week the
I am especially thankful that we have recently had
topic of “finding the joy” came up. We have joy because
several young, single women, many of them single mothers,
of what we are gaining through the struggle. Our Master
visiting our community. Carolyn is a student at SCAD
Yahshua had joy because he loved righteousness and hated
(Savannah College of Art and Design). She has a very
lawlessness. Now he is showing us, his bride, how we can
tender heart and we have much hope for her. And we
have that same joy.
are especially happy that Heather, a sweet single mother
with her little daughter Victoria has come to live with us.
We met Heather through her mother, Carla, who is also
a single mother being drawn to our life. I know that our
Abba has heard my prayers. It has been a great burden
of mine to see more single mothers come into the place
where they can truly be cared for—having been in that
struggle myself.
I was also thankful at the wedding when I was sort of
put on the spot to appreciate my mother in the world. Of
course I love her but as I was sharing about her, I thought
of our Master when his mother and brothers came to see
him. I looked up at the crowd. Who did I see but Ruth
Deshe, Tsebiah, Yachebed, Shimonah, and Ma’ Aminah,
who cared for me the week before our wedding. These are
my real immaot (immas). I took the opportunity to explain
to our guests the reality of the Gospel. He did promise that
if I gave up my mother in the world that I would receive
one hundred times as many in the Body. And I really did!
I am so thankful that I am in a place where I can really
learn to become a daughter of Sarah.
Thankful to be ‘being restored’ with all of you!

Miriam shel Anav

September/October 2009 97
spiritual man back to us. Guillermo has been humbly
serving night and day (literally) at the Imperial Sugar
job. He never has a complaint. He had been counting
the cost, for real this time, and decided to give up his life
totally to Yahshua. In his confession he said he wanted
to grow in Love forever. So what else could we say but
a hearty “Amen!” This was extra special to our other
Hispanic brothers, Kepha (my husband) and Derush, a
long standing friend of Guillermo’s. Now Guillermo can
join in their efforts to share the Gospel with our many
Spanish-speaking friends here in Savannah. Thank you
Abba for hearing our prayers and saving more Yapheth!
Nahalah shel Kepha

Los Tres Amigos Join us in our prayers for Ray and Heather, who are
How fitting it was that Kepha and Derush would be both staying with us, hearing many other words. Ray is a
the ones to take our new Ecuadorian brother to the waters nice Christian man who Yoneq actually met back in the
of baptism! Guillermo and Derush were fruit from the Vine House Days. He needs to see he is trapped in the
Billy Graham Crusade in New York City several years lie of Christianity. Our guest Heather is very dear to us.
back. They were saved together in Ithaca. Now we are so We have much hope for her as her simple heart is drawing
thankful that our Abba brought this wonderful, sensitive, closer. We love you all and are so thankful for you.
Until next month, Anav and Miriam.

Brunswick, GA
Have you ever felt like you were stranded in a liferaft
We’re thankful to be seeing good fruit from doing
with no oars? But at least you had direction,“head towards
pre-training here in Brunswick. Pouring ourselves into
land,” with just no way to get there? Well that describes
our 2-5 year-olds gives them worth and makes them
how it has been Brunswick. We have very clear direction,
feel accepted. It gives them a clear will and boundaries.
“Open the Deli and get out of debt.” But we are lacking
Posing challenges they are capable of meeting and then
the means and manpower to do so. So what do you do
praising them for their successes, encourages them to
when you are stranded in the life raft with 30 or so other
excel in more difficult tasks. We are preparing them
people? You make friends. You get really close. You get
for the future.
saved. Well, we are not just sitting around waiting for the
There are not only rewards for the students, but
oars to show up, we are becoming friends. We have also
also for the teachers. When I sit down for the circle
been seeing how our Abba is mindful of us, while He is
time, my student, 2 year-old Alon, will get up from
teaching us patience. Although our phone has been off
his place to sit down beside me. When we sit to work
for a couple of months, we have never gone hungry, or
with homemade play-dough together, 2 year-old Ittai
even had our electricity shut off. And most importantly,
wants to sit beside me. When I lay down my 2 year-old
the trials we are facing are drawing us closer. Isn’t that our
daughter for a nap, she sings circle time songs to herself
goal, to face what could divide us and become one so that
and so do the other toddlers, their immas tell me.
our Master can get the bride that He deserves?
We’ve heard that when we feed someone, a
The most exciting thing this month has been the fruit
bond forms between student and teacher. May the
from toddler and pre-training. Here is an update from
bonds we make through pre-training bond them to
Hanninah shel Yahshuvam who teaches most of our circle
the Body, and may they remain because they know
times as well as our toddlers, who have all fallen in love
how much they are worth to us.
with her very much. Her legacy will live on in their hearts
when she returns to her home land of Yehudah:

98 ITN Volume 4 Issue 7

Here is what Gilah bat Sachar (age 5) has to say Responses to the 2009 Merrymakers' Music
about one of the Toddler/Pre-Training field trips to the
beach at low tide to find sea creatures: Camp:

I’m thankful we got to go to the beach. When I saw that our Father wants to give us a new
we got there, there was a storm coming toward us on culture other than the one most of us came from.
both sides. We all prayed that our Abba would let us So if we settle for the culture of the world, then our
have a sunny day. Then the storms blew past us, and Father can’t give us the new sound. We need to fill our
we had a sunny day. We saw a hermit crab that was selves with His culture then there will be no room
alive, and we watched it crawl out. for the world.
Ahimelech of Yehudah
That’s all from Brunswick this month. We love all of
you, who are diligently seeking our Master to overcome One thing that was encouraging to hear was that
and endure. All the hardships we are all facing can be used if our music isn’t clear and our words get mumbled
to help us see what is really important – each other. together, then it will sound muddy. I thought about
Daveqah shel Sachar how it is the same with our life. If we nonchalantly go
through our day and don’t really think about things, our
life will become muddy. Then we won’t be able to see
clearly the wonderful life we have. I was very thankful
to be able to go and receive much vision for our future.
Tor bat Ehud (17)

Hillsboro, VA
We’re getting up a bit later as the days grow shorter want to pass it on! So we’re teaching music theory to our
and the sun rises later, but we need to apply all diligence to children, and this will enable them to practice each of their
get everything done by nightfall. Fall is coming! So we’ve instrumental parts by themselves, to come together later
begun our fall planting, and my husband is working to as a harmonious little orchestra! We’re using music class
save seeds from this year’s crops. Our bedroom has seeds to teach theory, rhythm, singing (mostly Hebrew songs),
stashed in every nook; there are stalks of plants drying and playing together as an orchestra.
on our walls and even under our bed! Ebed hopes to save The training groups alternately played and sang
the farm several thousand dollars’ worth for next year’s Hebrew while the 4 to 7 year-olds danced to “Even A
planting. It’s so exciting; we’re becoming self-sustainable, Child.” There were four violins, a flute, a guitar, a drum,
so that we won’t have to buy genetically modified seeds, and even a miniature accordion all playing together! It was
like tomatoes with frog genes and lettuce with scorpion a nice start to an up-and-coming band.
genes! Plus, we won’t be forced to support the monstrous A very honorable family happened to be there for
monopolizer of all the common seed producers. We feel our Erev Shabbat offering, and one of their daughters is
very passionate about growing truly good food for our particularly interested in Hebrew, so it was perfect timing
people. for them. They keep on visiting us, and we really like them.
The children love helping do these simple but They’re a peaceful, thoughtful, and intelligent group of
vital projects; popping the peas out of their little pods, home-schoolers whom we pray will see us as “the light of
squishing and bursting tomatoes, sending their little the world.”
yellow life-savers flying into the bowls for separating from More happened this month, I’m sure, but that was a
the pulp and drying, sorting through the miscellaneous taste of my little perspective for you. Smile.
beans… it’s so much fun! Shalom,
Several of us were sent to the Merrymakers Music
Camp this month to receive scads of encouragement. We Elishevah shel Ebed

September/October 2009 99
Alexandria, VA
As I read the newsletter last month, I was encouraged
to see that there are many others who are in the same
situation as we have been recently, very dependent on our
Father. We, like most of you, have only Him to look to for
our daily sustenance, whether it will be the grace to get
through our days, or the food we will eat, or the power
that we light our home. We rely on Him as we often go
long periods of time when there is “no money available,”
but we are comforted knowing that this is the way it has
been since the beginning… and our Father has always
met our needs and cared for us. Being the “tribal crew,”
we want to be quick to give to our brothers wherever the
most pressing needs are and we are constantly amazed at
how our Abba cares for us when we give out of our own
poverty. We are thankful to be in His care.
The most exciting event in our household this month
was the birth of our third son, the first boy to be born in
this house (there have been 3 girls so far). We feel very
blessed by the gift of His life and look forward to raising
a mighty crew of builders for our tribe. Here is a photo
for you to enjoy our sons’ faces… With love,
Anavah shel Jacob and your friends in Alexandria

100 ITN Volume 4 Issue 7

Peacemaker Report
Elizabeth and Ishael joined us in Portland to go on good news for us aboard because we want to learn to do
a sheep hunt in Maine. It is apparent our Father has His pottery to support Keliyah and she can now teach us and
eyes on Maine and now so do we. The ride out of Portland still produce pottery at the same time. Our Father is so
was quite rocky and we were not properly prepared. personal. We have hope for Paul that he can get a much
Inside our unpadded refrigerator yogurt and cooked bean richer payment for his generosity than the usual payment
jars smashed to fill the refrigerator with brown goop. This of money. May he find salvation.
is not easy to clean up when you are already feeling a Another very kind woman gave us a bicycle to use
little “green,” but love finds a way. People with binoculars to get supplies that we need when we come into port. It
watched us all along the way as we traveled close to the was hard to leave Belfast when people were so warm and
islands and harbors of the picturesque coast of Maine. responsive. Many, many people remembered our bus that
As soon as we dropped anchor at Bailey’s Island small visited in Belfast last year.
boats started to circle around us. Closer and closer they
came until they got bold enough to call out and ask who The Day the Giant Fell
we were. We welcomed them to come aboard and they The whole time we were in Belfast our young men
braved the wooden ladder that we set up along the side were laboring to continue the work of faith that had begun
of the ship. Carefully they climbed the ladder not sure in Savannah. We have mentioned it before but it has been
of themselves. The Peacemaker is an ATTRACTION such a spiritual deed that we want you to understand what
vessel. Naboth and Yael honored us by wanting to spend has been accomplished here.
their time away after the birth of their daughter with us When we purchased our ship we saw that the original
aboard the Peacemaker. Welcome friends. After showing a owner had sprayed foam over all of the ribs of the ship
number of guests around, including an 80 year-old couple, before installing any of the tanks or engines. This foam
we bedded down for a rocky night. was intended to insulate the ship and perhaps to make it
Early the next morning we set out for Boothbay more buoyant. The idea proved to be almost fatal to the
harbor. Again we anchored off shore and then left the next ship as we discovered in Savannah that the foam was
morning for Camden. The binoculars followed us along actually absorbing the fresh water that leaked through
everywhere we went. We anchored off Camden for the the decks and causing the structural ribs of the ship to
night. We heard the weather report and knew we had to rot. When we uncovered the damage at the beginning of
get under way quickly the next morning. There was an our journey we feared that we would find more places
intense squall due and we had to get out into open waters. where the integrity of the ship was threatened by this
The anchors weren’t sufficient to hold our weight in the deterioration. We had to get that foam off of every rib and
high winds that were coming in. We were running before cleanse the ship before the decay made the ship unsafe!
the storm. We secured all the sails and watched the black But it was time to sail out to meet the sheep. That meant
skies filling behind us. We watched as the storm crossed all this arduous work would have to happen while we
behind us. Soon we knew we were past the danger and were underway or in ports to meet people. The two didn’t
we sailed on in peace to anchor off of Searsport for the seem to go together but we had to find grace to do both. A
night. We carried one of sandwich board signs ashore in few of us would host our guests and the young men would
Searsport in the dinghy and left it as advertisement for our do the filthy work of digging out the foam.
arrival in Belfast. The crew set their hands to the plow and did not
Belfast, Maine is a working fishing village and it is let any obstacle stop them. Now that is easy to say but
so obvious that birds of a feather really do flock together. we want you to understand that some of these obstacles
This town holds a large concentration of alternative weighed 2000-4000 pounds and were 8 feet wide by 5
people. So many kind and generous people came onboard feet deep by 12 feet across the top with the bottom curved
with stories of having just been with us in Worchester on to fit the hull of the ship. To add to this they are built
the bus and at the Manitou café. An Alaskan fisherman into the ship leaving only a small crawl space above and
came on board and was thrilled to hear we had people in beside them to house electrical wires and plumbing pipes,
the salmon streams in Alaska. Our Father goes to such topped with the floor of the next level of working areas
lengths to give people common ground. on the ship. There were six of these tanks, three lined up
We met a wonderful farmer named Paul who gave us on each side of the ship that had to be moved to get to the
the pottery wheel we had been praying for. Netuyah bat ribs to scrape away the foam that was glued in place.
He’emin and Keliyah took it in hand and sanded the rust Every bit of the foam had to be scraped off, bagged
off and gave it a fresh coat of paint. When Paul came to up and hauled out of these constricted places. The foam
dinner the next day he was impressed by the restoration was soaked in all the refuse of every overflow of grey and
that had taken place. It looked brand new. This is such black water or diesel accident that had ever happened on

September/October 2009 101

board, plus smothering saw was heard above decks all through the tours and late
mold, rotting wood, and into the night as the pieces of iron wood were cut away
thick greasy bilge water and carefully kept for future projects. Luke led the men
that had been decaying with courage and zeal. The young men clasped three inch
for nearly twenty years. link chains onto the tanks and bent one come-along after
The fumes alone were another trying to move the tanks. When their strength
suffocating. The giants overcame the resistance and the tank started to move a
were quite daunting. war cry went out as the tank yielded to their determination
A plan was made and faith. It sounded as if someone was getting murdered
and the work was started down below but we smilingly explained to our guests that
with determination. The it was the zeal of our young men. People looked on in awe
plan was to winch the understanding that something amazing was happening
below the decks they could see.
Day after day they would immerge
hardly recognizable so covered in black as
center tank on the port they were. Azurah soaked their clothing
side up to the upper for days trying to make it useable again.
floor to make room The next day they went back to it and back
below it to expose the to it, again and again. The port side was
ribs. Once the foam finished and Keliyah’s shop was rebuilt but
was removed from the starboard side needed to be done. The
that area another tank floor there was cut out after the generator
would be shoved into was moved
that space, exposing from the
the ribs where it had machine shop.
formerly been. When The middle
it was clean there tank was lifted.
the tank would be returned to its position and the tank It took them
on the other end would be shoved into the space under almost eight
the suspended middle tank. The foam there would be months to
removed and that tank returned to its position and finally conquer the
the middle tank lowered back into place and the floor front two thirds
rebuilt. Then the same would happen on the starboard of the foam on
side. the ship and
First, the floor had to be cut out above the center get this far.
tank on the port side. This was where Keliyah’s pottery Now,
shop was located. It had to move. It was loaded into most of the
the already full machine shop and packed into every crew was
available bit of space. Keliyah patiently and with an called to the
occasional chuckle at the chaos, diligently kept making music meeting,
pottery to support us despite the nonexistence of work but we had
space. to finish the
Soon the floor was cleared and a rectangular space starboard side
was cut out. This is easily said as well but remember under the
this is iron word that we are cutting here. The whirl of tanks. He’emin knew our young men needed the vision
and instruction that our Father was offering to our nation.
He wouldn’t hold them back but this terrible task had to
be completed. He expressed, “I need a miracle!” Luke
and Josiah were staying on board and they weren’t giving
up on the project though the other young men were going
to Hiddenite for music and fellowship. The two of them
were going to keep working and giving it all they had.
They wanted to give He’emin his miracle! They had
learned a lot from the efforts they had made with the port
side. Day after day, night after night they worked. As
more and more of the ribs were revealed we rejoiced to
see that we had found the worst of the damage at the very

102 ITN Volume 4 Issue 7

as we anchored for the night in Stonington, Maine, and
remembered our time there on the Qesheth almost twenty
years ago.
The next morning as we pulled out our anchor a
curious seal popped up as we motored out through the
thoroughfare. On a rocky island beside the channel an
American flag blew in the gentle breeze. Then we laughed
when we realized a huge bald eagle was standing beside
the flag. We joked wondering how much they paid the
eagle to stand there. This symbol of American freedom
so conveniently standing beside the American flag caused
us to consider what symbols would make people think of
our nation. We know the witness must be that we stand
together in unity. We love each
other. Sometimes that is hard
because we can easily take
first rib. The rest of the each other’s labors for granted
ship was sound though and not really appreciate how
the beginning of decay others sacrifice to love us. Our
could be seen. We had Father puts us in the perfect
gotten the foam out in circumstances so we can see how
time! Our ship was safe! our selfishness, negativity and
We were so thankful that complaint or any other iniquity
we had discovered the
problem in time to keep
more serious damage
from taking place. The
momentum picked up.
Anyone who could
dug into the foam. In a
remarkably short time the last tank was moved back into
place and Luke and Josiah worked into the night to have
the floor back in place when the rest of the crew returned
from Hiddenite. Only a small amount of foam remained
at the stern of the ship. He’emin had his miracle and the
giants were slain. Once again we rented a truck to haul
away the last of the hundreds of bags of foam.
It was done! The worst was over! Thank you Abba
for the strength of our youth and the determination of
faith. As the crew returned we bid farewell to Luke as he
returned to Chattanooga to help out there so Ariel could
go to support in Oneonta. We give our best for the sake of can make each other lose heart instead of have courage.
our brothers but we appreciate so much the honor to know We must be a thankful people!
ones who have faith and inspire faith to move mountains We headed to Rockland and pirouetted to dock on
(of filthy foam). The rest of the crew wasn’t there for that the port side of the ship. It is impressive the way our tiny
final push but they will diligently finish the remaining dinghies can turn our great ship around if they put their
details of the task. We are so thankful to all of them as strength in the right places. We only stayed a couple of
they gave their strength and endurance through the long days but even so we met so many people and gave out so
toil to preserve the ship our Abba has given us. many papers. Zachariah took the helm as we left the dock
in Rockland and made our way on to Salem.
Help From Friends As we passed by Owl’s Head friends we had met
Hoshua and Ruth came on board to help us in Belfast in Rockland fired their three land mounted cannon in
and Hosah and Amitti brought Teresa from Plymouth mock attack. We put up our flag of surrender thinking to
to help while we were in Maine. We were so thankful ourselves that that is the way of being the Peacemaker.
for their help and encouragement. Elahav was a faithful The military has a strong weapon that they named the
big brother to Raphael and represented our Master in Peacemaker because its makes other nations afraid of its
his kindness. They continued to stay with us on board

September/October 2009 103

One caused 17-foot waves on the Canadian
coast but we were protected. Thank you,
Josiah’s sister and imma came on
aboard to travel with us on the short trip to
Gloucester. We wish everyone could have
a chance to talk to people onboard with
us. It was so wonderful to hear Yetsukah
explaining to guests that we welcome
people because our father Abraham was
known for his hospitality. The original
pattern of the early church was just like him
and wanted everyone to join them. We still
keep the same pattern that was confirmed
by our Master in His love for all men.
Where else can you hear the words of life
spoken continually all day long?
power. Our Master made others honor Him because of His Gloucester proved to be so different
heart to surrender. His way is greater! from the people in Salem. It is a simple village where
We woke early in the morning to the cry of people have fished to support themselves for over three
“Whales!” Fin whales were sighted close by the side of hundred years. Now, that livelihood is changing because
the ship. Soon everyone was on the deck peering out greed has taken all the fish away and the government
into the dark waters. “There’s another one! Look it’s has intervened to try to save the town. Even amidst the
blowing!” Such awesome, huge creatures. We were just economic problems Gloucester hosted a huge Schooner
off of Cape Ann and we followed the whales for as long Festival of sailing vessels. The large natural harbor was
as we could find them. Then they were gone so we set our filled with the traditional sailing vessels typical of a
course toward Salem. hundred years ago. People of all ages crowded into the
The town of Salem made us so welcome. They are area to watch the schooner races. Our ship was filled with
accustomed to having their own tall ship the Friendship curious and some needy ones.
at their dock, but it is out for repairs so they were This month closes with us leaving Gloucester heading
bemoaning their empty dock until we came in. Everyone to New York Harbor and up the Hudson to visit our
was so happy to see us. Day after day the ship filled with communities in the New York region. We look forward to
those who wanted to know all about us. We told our story traveling on to the southern coast of the US and maybe to
and gave an account of the hope we have. I overheard Berlitz through the winter. We hope to attend the tall ship
Anak asking two young women how they were spending events along the Great Lakes next summer and visit our
their lives. They responded that they were going to school friends in Manasseh and Gad. Please consider who can
and planning to get a job, etc. He exhorted them to realize join us from your tribe as apprenticeship crew members
that they could only spend their lives once and to be sure for six months so we can meet the sheep and greet them in
they were getting what it was worth for the cost. They every language.
were startled by the turn of the words and seemed to With love and hope from your friends on the
really consider what he was saying. Peacemaker,
The weather authorities warned of two hurricanes Savav
while we were in Salem but they passed by far out to sea.

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