Influence of Different Types of Reinforcements On
Influence of Different Types of Reinforcements On
Influence of Different Types of Reinforcements On
(2016) 74:793–807
DOI 10.1007/s00107-016-1058-6
i.e. far beyond the current limit of 5 mm. Thus, rein- investigation of the effect of reinforcements on embedment
forcements should also be used in embedment testing to properties.
avoid premature splitting of the test specimen.
Embedment tests on wood have been performed by
many researchers and on different types of softwood and 2 Materials and methods
hardwood. The design equation in the European standard
for the design of timber structures (EN 1995-1-1 2004) is In total, 10 test series with different types of reinforce-
based on experimental work by Ehlbeck and Werner ments were conducted with one additional test series
(1992) and Whale and Smith (1986), as documented for without reinforcement, which served as a reference. The
example in Sandhaas et al. (2013). The latter discusses reinforcement measures can be divided into two main
embedment characteristics over a broad range of densities groups, namely those with screws as dowel-type rein-
and also ductility aspects as regards different wood species. forcement and those with engineered wood products and
Data for the influence of reinforcements on the nail plates as surface reinforcement. Additionally, embed-
embedment properties measured in embedment tests is ment properties of oriented strand board (OSB) and ply-
scarce and mostly limited to the above mentioned dis- wood have been assessed in order to complement the
placement limit. Strengthening solutions based on adhe- experimental database.
sively bonded reinforcement techniques were
experimentally investigated in embedment tests by Santos 2.1 Wood specimens and test setup
et al. (2010). Bejtka (2005) studied dowel connections
reinforced with self-tapping screws and developed analyt- Preparation of wood specimens was based on the require-
ical formulas for their design. Blass et al. (2000) investi- ments for half-hole test specimen proposed by ASTM
gated the potential of nail plates as reinforcement of dowel- D5764-97a (2013), because this setup is particularly prone
type connections and observed an increased bearing to splitting of the wood specimens. The setup is illustrated in
strength of such connections, since an additional load was Fig. 1 for the two different types of reinforced specimens.
transferred through the nail plate. Similarly, other types of Tests were performed as compression tests and the load was
high strength materials (e.g. plywood, laminated veneer applied displacement-controlled through a rough steel plate
lumber, etc.) were used on the side faces of the wood to of steel quality S 325 and a thickness of 8 mm. This steel
reinforce the connection perpendicular to the grain (Larsen plate was connected to an electrolytically galvanized dowel
and Jensen 2000; Rodd and Leijten 2003). Since decades, with a diameter of 12 mm.
these materials are widely used in practical applications not All samples were prepared of Norway spruce (Picea
only for reinforcement of connections (Blass et al. 1988) abies) beams that were taken from a local wood trader.
but also for reinforcement of notches and holes (DIN EN Timber beams from strength classes C16, C24 and C30
1995-1-1/NA 2013). (according to EN 338 2003) were selected with the aim to
In the experimental work presented herein, the effect of obtain specimens with different densities, and thus, with
different types and numbers of reinforcements on the different mechanical properties. Cubic specimens of clear
embedment behavior of steel dowels with a diameter of wood without growth irregularities and with dimensions of
12 mm in wood was studied. In more detail, a half-hole test 100 9 100 9 100 mm3 were cut out and planed. Clear
setup according to ASTM D5764-97a is applied and cor- wood specimens have been used in order to avoid influ-
responding load-displacement characteristics of the rein- ences of growth irregularities on the embedment behavior
forced wood specimens loaded parallel to the grain, with (ASTM D5764-97a 2013). For drilling, two specimens
dowel displacements up to 30 mm, are studied. In this way, were put together and a 12 mm hole was produced with a
the suitability of reinforcements for the testing of embed- slot drilling machine. The center of this hole was located
ment properties up to large displacements will be assessed. right in the middle of the verge of the two samples so that
Results of embedment tests according to the ASTM two half-hole specimens were obtained (Fig. 1a). For two
D5764-97a were shown to be comparable to tests per- test series, the dimensions of the specimens differed due to
formed according to the European test method EN 383. the type and position of reinforcement. In these two cases
The embedment strength was similar, while a difference in of screws positioned close to the dowel, the length in the
the stiffness was observed (Franke and Magnière 2014; grain direction of the cubic specimens was 130 mm
Santos et al. 2010). One advantage of the ASTM test setup (Fig. 1a). Again, the hole with a diameter of 12 mm was
is the uniform load distribution, since a bending of the steel drilled with a slot drilling machine with its center at a
dowel is avoided. However, in general, the ASTM test height of 100 mm. Subsequently, two cuts with a band saw
setup is more prone to splitting and thus, was chosen for the established an open slot for the loading device (Fig. 1a).
30 mm
spreader, this glue was applied to the clean and dry surface
(100 to 300 g/m2 ) before the elements were pressed toge-
R6 mm ther for at least 4 h.
Before testing, all specimens were stored in a cli-
100 mm
mate chamber at 20 °C and 65 % relative humidity,
which yielded 12 % wood moisture content. The cor-
responding wood densities at 12 % wood moisture
content amounted to 384 to 512 kg/m3 and are speci-
100 men-specifically documented. The density of the OSB
and the plywood panel amounted to 485 and 681 kg/m3 ,
100 mm
2.2 Test series
Fig. 2 Test specimens with (a) TOP VIEW CROSS SECTION A-A
dowel-type reinforcements:
a for series 2 9 6 mm 2d; b for
24 mm
15 mm
series 1 9 8 mm 2d; c for series
30 mm
33 mm
6 mm
2 9 8 mm 2d; d for series
6 mm
2 9 6 mm contact; e for series 1
33 mm
30 mm 30 mm
9 8 mm contact
73 mm
76 mm
6 mm
33 mm
44 mm 12 mm 44 mm 100 mm
14 mm
24 mm
50 mm
8 mm
72 mm
76 mm
50 mm
44 mm 12 mm 44 mm 40 mm 100 mm 40 mm
14 mm
24 mm
33 mm
8 mm
33 mm
72 mm
76 mm
33 mm
44 mm 12 mm 44 mm 40 mm 100 mm 40 mm
6 mm 24 mm
30 mm
12 mm
9 mm
30 mm
33 mm
6 mm
33 mm
30 mm 30 mm
91 mm
88 mm
6 mm
33 mm
44 mm 12 mm 44 mm 100 mm
12 mm
10 mm
50 mm
90 mm
86 mm
50 mm
44 mm 12 mm 44 mm 40 mm 100 mm 40 mm
and orthogonal to the dowel itself right in the (a) TOP VIEW FRONT VIEW
center of the sample (Fig. 2b). 46 mm 8 mm 46 mm
9 mm plywood
10 mm OSB
– 2 9 8 mm 2d: this test series is similar to the setup
6 mm
of 1 9 8 mm 2d with the difference that two
screws SPAX T-STAR plusÓ with a diameter of
100 mm
100 mm
94 mm
8 mm were used (Fig. 2c). OSB or plywood
9 mm plywood
10 mm OSB
series 2 9 6 mm 2d, but placed right below the 100 mm
44 mm 12 mm 44 mm
dowel, were used in this series. Thus, the dowel
was in initial contact with the screws right from
the beginning of loading. As outlined in Sec-
tion 2.1, wood specimens are 30 mm longer in (b) TOP VIEW FRONT VIEW
46 mm 8 mm 46 mm
9 mm plywood
10 mm OSB
order to prevent splitting during the insertion of
6 mm
the screws (Fig. 2d).
– 1 9 8 mm contact: The same screw (SPAX
T-STAR plusÓ with a diameter of 8 mm) as for
100 mm
94 mm
OSB or plywood
9 mm plywood
10 mm OSB
was in initial contact with the screw right from the 100 mm
beginning of loading. As outlined in Section 2.1, 44 mm 12 mm 44 mm
wood specimens are 30 mm longer in order to
prevent splitting during the insertion of the screws (c) TOP VIEW FRONT VIEW
(Fig. 2e). 46 mm 8 mm 46 mm
8 mm
51 mm
nail plate
(3) Surface reinforcements:
100 mm
94 mm
– 10 mm OSB without hole: Specimens in this test
41 mm
series were reinforced by 10 mm OSB 3 Kingspan
TEKÓ (Kingspan Insulation Ltd., UK) plates 44 mm 12 mm 44 mm 100 mm
force (kN)
conducted on a triaxial servo-hydraulic testing machine, Kser
manufactured by Walter & Bai, with a load cell of a
maximum load of 250 kN. Tests were performed dis- F04 0.8 · Fu
Number of Samples 11 11 4 4
Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD
3 422 28 422 28 485 0 681 0
q (kg/m )
Fu (kN) 23.69 2.23 23.69 2.23 14.78 0.27 47.27 0.59
rh;max 19.75 1.86 19.75 1.86 24.24 0.95 88.25 1.32
uu (mm) 3.00 0.38 1.50 0.53 10.30 2.14 25.76 3.83
Fy (kN) 23.26 2.19 22.99 2.02 12.26 0.83 28.70 0.85
uy (mm) 2.70 0.35 1.22 0.32 1.94 0.41 2.18 0.03
uf (mm) 4.75 1.37 3.13 1.44 27.04 0.09 – –
Kser (kN/mm) 12.92 1.24 55.14 16.60 – – – –
Kunl3 (kN/mm) 52.03 18.97 238 28 – – – –
Df (-) 1.81 0.65 2.75 1.43 – – – –
Dowel-type reinforcements
2 9 6 mm 2d 1 9 8 mm 2d 2 9 8 mm 2d 2 9 6 mm contact 1 9 8 mm contact
Number of Samples 12 12 10 12 12
Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD
q (kg/m3 ) 430 33 433 30 453 42 433 30 430 27
Fu (kN) 33.81 4.10 36.83 4.32 38.02 4.63 39.25 2.81 36.80 3.89
rh;max 27.12 2.81 30.05 4.89 26.54 3.47 32.11 2.99 29.69 4.69
uu (mm) 4.64 6.26 1.72 0.45 15.19 8.85 6.92 1.84 2.92 0.70
Fy (kN) 32.16 2.83 36.29 4.10 31.35 3.36 34.76 4.73 33.30 4.49
uy (mm) 1.60 0.24 1.69 0.48 1.70 0.38 2.94 1.13 1.92 0.36
uf (mm) 12.13 6.82 5.88 1.59 21.88 9.93 10.79 2.49 7.86 2.00
Kser (kN/mm) 48.84 15.20 56.82 32.15 46.45 24.37 23.18 10.59 40.72 18.62
Kunl3 (kN/mm) 234 36 195 86 275 102 199 59 239 98
Df (-) 7.81 5.01 3.64 0.98 12.95 6.28 4.40 2.68 4.21 1.28
Surface reinforcements
10 mm OSB without hole 9 mm plywood 10 mm OSB 9 mm plywood Nail plate
without hole with hole with hole
Number of Samples 12 11 12 12 11
Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD
q (kg/m3 ) 426 20 421 24 421 25 424 23 456.62 37.073
Fu (kN) 28.95 3.06 29.33 3.54 34.40 3.77 40.69 2.70 35.84 3.57
rh;max 23.83 3.21 22.67 6.69 27.61 4.14 33.17 2.72 29.38 3.54
uu (mm) 2.60 0.45 3.04 0.46 3.61 0.71 4.37 0.82 3.71 0.41
Fy (kN) 28.19 3.22 28.93 3.63 33.08 3.62 40.28 2.44 34.30 3.40
uy (mm) 2.22 0.28 2.74 0.32 3.51 0.74 4.31 0.82 3.07 0.58
uf (mm) 14.87 6.02 21.69 8.61 10.14 2.22 27.02 9.30 13.27 4.74
Kser (kN/mm) 22.81 5.56 18.16 3.66 14.23 2.11 13.26 3.69 17.45 4.70
Kunl3 (kN/mm) 128.77 103.45 80.43 24.83 33.11 3.99 42.48 22.35 42.83 7.05
Df (-) 6.80 2.82 8.00 3.52 3.00 0.84 6.61 2.76 4.26 0.94
(a) (b) studied herein increased the bearing capacity of the steel
dowel and increased the ductility of the embedment test
embedment stress (N/mm2 )
(a) (b)
20 20
0 0
0 10 20 30 0 10 20 30
relative displacement (mm) relative displacement (mm)
(c) (d)
embedment stress (N/mm2 )
20 20
0 0
0 10 20 30 0 10 20 30
relative displacement (mm) relative displacement (mm)
embedment stress (N/mm2 )
0 10 20 30
relative displacement (mm)
Fig. 6 Embedment stress-displacement curves for test series with dowel-type reinforcements: a 2 9 6 mm 2d; b 1 9 8 mm 2d; c 2 9 8 mm 2d;
d 2 9 6 mm contact; e 1 9 8 mm contact
of the continuous veneer cross-layers, which are loaded illustrated in Fig. 6. A comparison of mean embedment
perpendicular to the grain. The corresponding embedment stress-displacement curves for the test series reinforced
behavior perpendicular to the grain shows a pronounced with screws is shown in Fig. 7.
hardening effect due to a rope effect in the wood fibers as Three test series with different types and numbers of
well as a compressed timber volume (see e.g. Schoen- screws positioned 2d below the dowel were conducted
makers and Svensson 2011). (2 9 6 mm 2d, 1 9 8 mm 2d & 2 9 8 mm 2d). The cor-
responding embedment stress-displacement relationships
3.2 Dowel-type reinforcements are illustrated in Fig. 6a-c. Compared to the unreinforced
situation, the reinforcing screws increased the mean value
Specimen-specific embedment curves of wood reinforced of the maximum embedment stresses rh;max to 27.1 and
with different types, position and number of screws are 26.5 N/mm2 for 2 9 6 mm 2d and 2 9 8 mm 2d
2x8 mm 2d nisms added to the embedment stress of the dowel and led to
2x6 mm contact an overall increase of the embedment stress. This phe-
1x8 mm contact
nomenon was particularly pronounced for specimens of
30 series 2 9 8 mm 2d, while an onset of this phenomenon was
visible in series 2 9 6 mm 2d. Specimens of the latter test
20 series tended to crack at displacements of 7 up to 12 mm,
while no (continuous) cracks were observed in test series
2 9 8 mm 2d up to displacements of about 5 mm. More-
over, brittle tensile failure of screws in series 2 9 6 mm 2d
was the reason for final failure.
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Evaluation of crack propagation is exemplarily illustrated
relative displacement (mm) for one specimen of the test series 2 9 6 mm 2d in Fig. 8. For
Fig. 7 Compilation of mean embedment curves for series with specimens reinforced with two screws at a distance of 2d
dowel-type reinforcements (2 9 6 mm 2d and 2 9 8 mm 2d) the first crack evolved at a
larger displacement of the dowel and closer to the maximum
respectively (Table 1). For the test series 1 9 8 mm 2d the embedment stress compared to the reference specimens. The
mean value of the maximum embedment stresses rh;max crack then propagated downwards until it reached the screws
even increased to 30.1 N/mm2 . The relative small differ- at a displacement of the dowel of about 5 mm. At this dis-
ences in the mean maximum embedment stress for these placement the crack of the reference specimens typically
three different test series indicate that the corresponding already reached the bottom of the specimen, which initiated
types of screws, their dimensions, number and position, are complete failure. Hence the reinforcement with two screws
equally well capable of taking the occurring splitting at a distance of 2d leads to a stable crack growth. When the
forces. crack reached the bottom of the specimens, a load drop of
The different number and dimensions of screws posi- about 3–4 N/mm2 was observed in the load-displacement
tioned 2d below the dowel take effect on the structural curves. However, this did not initiate complete failure of the
behavior at increased dowel displacements. After a stress entire specimen. Crack evolution and propagation of the
peak, at a displacement between 2.1 and 3.7 mm (Fig. 7), a 1 9 8 mm 2d test series however were more similar to the
softening behavior in the stress-displacement curves was reference specimens than to the specimens reinforced with
encountered. This is due to the fact that vertical cracks two screws at a distance of 2d. In this case, the first crack
right below the dowel occured. Despite these cracks there evolved at about 95 % of the maximum embedment stress.
were no sudden stress drops, as observed in unreinforced The crack then propagated downward and reached the screw
specimens. The softening behavior was strongest for test shortly after the maximum embedment stress was reached.
series 1 9 8 mm 2d, where failure of the specimens At a displacement of about 5 mm of the dowel the crack
occurred at dowel displacements of about 10 to 12 mm. reached the bottom of the specimen.
Thus, a single screw with a diameter of 8 mm could Two test series with screws in contact with the dowel were
obviously not take the splitting force. conducted (2 9 6 mm contact, see Fig. 6d, and 1 9 8 mm
A different behavior at large dowel displacements was contact, see Fig. 6e). As outlined above, the screws in these
found for the test series with 2 screws (2 9 6 mm 2d and test series were directly loaded by the dowel in addition to
2 9 8 mm 2d). After the stress peak at dowel displace- the loading they received acting as a lateral reinforcement.
ments of 2.8 to 4.4 mm the embedment stress curves Thus, embedment stresses in the wood under the screw and
showed a slight decrease for both test series. This decline tensile stresses in the axial direction of the screw devel-
of the curves continued up to a displacement of 13 to 14 oped. As a consequence, the observed embedment stresses
mm. At this point, specimens of the test series 2 9 8 mm 2d were slightly higher compared to the other test series with
and some specimens of the test series 2 9 6 mm 2d started screws 2d below the dowel. Strictly speaking, the strength
to take up load again and, consequently, the embedment of these test specimens should not be denoted embedment
stress increased. This is due to the fact that the dowel got in strength since actually a connection system was tested. The
contact with the screws. Thus, screws did not only absorb maximum stress was found at slightly larger dowel dis-
the splitting forces perpendicular to the grain, but they were placements of 5.0–7.5 mm (Fig. 7) compared to an overall
also directly loaded by the dowel. Therefore, additional mean dowel displacement of 3.0 mm for the other test
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
displacement [mm]
Fig. 8 Strain fields of surface strains perpendicular to the grain exx displacemet); c Crack reached the screws (4.88 mm dowel displace-
(%) obtained from DIC for the identification of crack evolution for ment); d crack reached the bottom of the sample (8.92 mm dowel
2 9 6 mm 2d: a exemplary embedment stress-dowel displacement displacement)
curve for test series 2 9 6 mm 2d; b First crack (3.17 mm dowel
series with screws. Failure of the two test series with 1 9 8 mm contact was decisively different. There were two
screws in contact with the dowel was initiated by a brittle reasons for this. Firstly, 8 mm screws had a more ductile
failure of screws with a diameter of 6 mm and by a behavior then 6 mm screws. The second reason was that one
withdrawal failure of the screw with a diameter of 8 mm, screw right in the middle of the specimen was not capable of
respectively. Thus, the two configurations allowed for a preventing the propagation of cracks equally well as two
limited ductility of the test setup. screws. Therefore, the first crack appeared at a dowel dis-
Only minor variations in the stiffness of specimens with placement of 3 to 4 mm, clearly before the maximum
reinforcing screws were found (see Fig. 7). Reinforced embedment stress was reached. Additionally, the crack
specimens did not exhibit a higher stiffness even for growth was not as stable as the one from the test series
specimens with screws in contact with the dowel. 2 9 6 mm contact and reached the bottom of the specimen
For the specimens of the test series 2 9 6 mm contact the at a dowel displacement of 6–7 mm.
first crack could be identified in the DIC images close to the
yield force at a dowel displacement of about 4–6 mm. After 3.3 Surface reinforcements
the crack initiation a stable crack growth could be observed
until the crack reached the bottom of the specimen at a dowel Specimen-specific embedment curves of wood specimens
displacement above 10 mm. The complete cracking of the reinforced on the surface with different types of engineered
whole specimen initiated overall failure of the specimen, as wood products and nail plates are illustrated in Fig. 9. A
shortly afterwards the screws experienced a brittle failure as comparison of mean embedment stress-displacement curves
well. The cracking of the specimens of the test series for the same test series is shown in Fig. 10.
(a) (b)
20 20
0 0
0 10 20 30 0 10 20 30
displacement (mm) displacement (mm)
(c) (d)
embedment stress (N/mm2 )
20 20
0 0
0 10 20 30 0 10 20 30
displacement (mm) displacement (mm)
embedment stress (N/mm2 )
0 10 20 30
displacement (mm)
Fig. 9 Embedment stress-displacement curves for test series with surface reinforcements: a 10 mm OSB without hole; b 9 mm plywood without
hole; c 10 mm OSB with hole; d 9 mm plywood with hole; e nail plate
In two test series, engineered wood products were used while plywood panels showed no failure up to a dowel
as surface reinforcement with the dowel only loading the displacement of 30 mm.
wood specimen (10 mm OSB without hole and 9 mm ply- A different overall behavior was observed for specimens
wood without hole). For both test series, the embedment with OSB and plywood reinforcement, where the rein-
stress-dowel displacement relationships showed a very forcement was additionally loaded by the dowel (10 mm
ductile behavior (Fig. 9a, b). The corresponding mean OSB with hole, see Fig. 9c, and 9 mm plywood with hole,
value of the maximum embedment stresses rh;max of 23.8 see Fig. 9d). In this case, the embedment stresses were
and 22.7 N/mm2 were observed at dowel displacements of calculated as the average stress over the entire thickness of
2.6 and 3.0 mm for the tests with OSB and plywood the test specimen, i.e. 118 and 120 mm, respectively. The
reinforcement, respectively (Table 1). Thus, as compared corresponding mean values of the maximum embedment
to the reference wood specimens, a slightly higher stresses rh;max were considerably higher compared to the
embedment stress was found. Some of the OSB reinforced other test series with surface reinforcement and amounted
specimens failed due to a tension failure of the OSB plates, to 27.6 and 33.2 N/mm2 at dowel displacements of 4.4 and
OSB with hole respectively, the higher yield strength in the embedment
40 plywood with hole behavior of plywood increased the stresses in the rein-
nail plate
forced test setup. As regards the OSB reinforced speci-
30 mens, the additional loading caused crushing of the OSB
plates, which led to a severe damage and, consequently, to
20 failure of the reinforcing plates. However, a slightly
increased embedment strength was observed. Failure of the
corresponding specimens is observed at displacements of
about 9.0–17.5 mm. On the contrary, there was no failure
of the plywood reinforced wood specimens.
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 The behavior of the specimens reinforced with nail
displacement (mm) plates was comparable to the test series 9 mm OSB with
Fig. 10 Compilation of mean embedment curves for series with hole. Similar to the test series discussed before, due to the
surface reinforcements positioning close to the steel dowel, nail plates were loaded
by the dowel. Thus, a slightly higher embedment stress
compared to test series 9 mm OSB without hole and 10 mm
plywood without hole, was observed. The mean value of
the maximum embedment stresses rh;max was 29.4 N/mm2
embedment strength (N/mm2 )
strength of the unreinforced specimens lies considerably embedment strength in case of screws with contact to a
below and amounts to about 65 % of the values suggested dowel, in case of engineered wood products on the surfaces
by Eurocode 5. Possible reasons might be found in the and in case of nail plates loaded by the dowel, was higher
particular test setup, the surface roughness of the steel than for other reinforcements. For screws with a distance to
dowel and the comparably large width of the test speci- the dowel, a delayed contribution to the load transfer was
mens. On the contrary, the values determined for dowel- observed. If the load is at least partially transmitted through
type reinforced specimens are very close to the Eurocode 5 the reinforcement, the strength clearly has to be regarded as
values. Thus, reinforcements can be considered an appro- a structural property not only taking embedding into
priate measure to avoid premature splitting of the specimen account. Number, type and position of screws affected the
and thus, to ensure the determination of a plastic property post-failure behavior and the ductility of the test setup to
that will be further used in the calculation of the (plastic) different extents. Thus, a higher number of thicker screws
connection strength by means of the European yield model. yielded higher ductility of the connection. On the contrary,
Slightly higher embedment strength is found for the no clear trend for higher stiffness in case of screws in
screws-reinforcement directly below (in contact with) the contact with the dowel was found in this experimental
dowels, while the trend line for screws-reinforcement 2d investigation.
below the dowel is very close to the relationship given in The embedment strength determined on unreinforced
Eurocode 5. specimens was found to be low when compared with
As for surface-reinforced specimens, strength properties embedment strength values according to EN 1995-1-1
determined in the experiments are lower than correspond- (2004), since premature splitting of the specimen occurred
ing Eurocode 5 values, but higher compared to the unre- before considerable plastic deformations in the wood
inforced reference specimens. The strength is increased to underneath the dowel could develop. In the design of con-
values close to or even above Eurocode 5, in case of an nections using the European yield model, the embedment
additional loading of the reinforcement layers and in case strength is used as a plastic material characteristic, which
of reinforcement with nail plates. should therefore be determined in a corresponding test setup.
The ductile material response of wood under embedment
stresses should be separated from setup-specific brittle fail-
4 Conclusion and future work ure modes, even for large dowel displacements. Contrary to
the unreinforced specimens, embedment strength deter-
A comprehensive series of experiments was carried out in mined with reinforcements was close to or even higher than
order to investigate the influence of different types of Eurocode 5 values. The strength determined with rein-
reinforcements for dowel-type timber connections on the forcements in contact with the dowel should however be
embedment behavior of wood parallel to the grain. For this considered as strength of a connection system rather than an
purpose, a test setup according to ASTM D5764-97a embedment characteristic.
(2013) was chosen, since this testing procedure is partic- The test data illustrate the potential of reinforcements in
ularly prone to splitting of the wood. Clear wood speci- the determination of embedment characteristics up to high
mens were reinforced with different types and numbers of dowel displacements, even in case of limited specimen
screws, different engineered wood products and nail plates. dimensions and test configurations which are prone to
Test results underline the high potential of these rein- splitting. Beneficial characteristics of reinforcements, such
forcement techniques for an increased ductility of dowel- as the high ductility and an additional load transfer by the
type connections. Unreinforced wood failed due to split- reinforcement, can also be exploited in dowel connections
ting, at dowel displacements of less than 5 mm, while in timber structures. For this purpose, future research
displacements of up to 30 mm were possible with several should be directed towards an assessment of reinforced
different reinforcements. The comparison of reinforced and connections under consideration of practical issues related
unreinforced specimens suggests a premature failure of the to the manufacturing and execution of connections.
unreinforced wood and consequently, an underestimation In this context the influence of growth irregularities on
of the actual embedment strength. For this reason, such connections should also be investigated.
embedment strength of reinforced specimens was higher
compared to the unreinforced situation. This was supported Acknowledgments Open access funding provided by [TU Wien
(TUW)]. The authors gratefully acknowledge the financial support of
by the investigation of cracks on the surface of the speci- the Austrian Research Promotion Agency and the wood industry
mens using a full-field deformation measurement system. partnership Building with Wood within CEI-Bois for funding the
It could be demonstrated that the embedment strength research work within project MechWood 2. This work forms part of
even further increases if the reinforcement elements that project. The MechWood 2 research partners are thanked for their
cooperation and collaboration in this project.
actively contribute to the load transfer. Therefore, the
Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the for buildings. European Committee for Standardization (CEN),
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (http:// Bruxelles, Belgium, which permits unrestricted EN 338 (2003) Structural timber - strength classes. European
use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided you give Committee for Standardization (CEN), Bruxelles, Belgium
appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a EN 383 (2007) Timber structures - test method - determination of
link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were embedment strength and foundation values for dowel type
made. fasteners. European Committee for Standardization (CEN),
Bruxelles, Belgium
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Conshohocken, PA, USA Determination of embedding strength. International Organiza-
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