Rowing Talent Identification Based On Main and Weighted Criteria From The Analytic Hierarchy Process (Ahp)

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Journal of Engineering Science and Technology

Vol. 15, No. 6 (2020) 3723 - 3740

© School of Engineering, Taylor’s University




1 Prodi Pendidikan Olahraga, Sekolah Pascasarjana, Universitas

Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudi no 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia

2 Pendidikan Teknik Elektro, Universitas

Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudi no 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia

*Corresponding Author: [email protected]

A proper device with a scientific approach in sport talent identification leads to
rapid detection of competitive sport talents. This enables maximum success and
sustainable achievement in sport competition, including rowing. In this field,
investigation is mostly based on effective parameter categorization in talent
identification or determining elite athlete norms. Creating a smart model in
rowing talent identification based on the main and weighted criteria resulted from
an analytic hierarchy process (AHP) from anthropometric, biomechanical,
psychological, physiological, and technical aspects is the main objective of this
study. The AHP decided that the selected parameters include body height and
length of legs (anthropometric aspects); leg strength and muscle power
(biomechanical aspects); self-confidence and motivation (psychological aspects);
aerobic and anaerobic power (physiological aspects), and recovery and drive
(technical aspects). This model can be reliable as well as useful in rowing talent
identification, particularly for the young population.
Keywords: Analytic hierarchy process, Rowing, Talent identification.

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1. Introduction
In sports, talent identification is defined as a process of detecting an ability and
later adjusting the skills with the main and effective criteria [1-3]. It is also a method
of changing athletes’ potential to be a functional condition which needs to be
developed by a sports organization or club [4, 5]. An optimum sports talent
identification (STI) consists of all important indexes and provides a comprehensive
model leading to significant results [6-8].
In the last few years, STI has been implemented by referring to the criterion
norms of elite athletes so that athlete candidates’ talents will be compared to those
of the elite athletes [9]. However, the criteria selected were usually mono-factorial
as multi-factorial analyses in STI are complicated [10, 11]. As STI plays an
important role in maintaining stable and sustainable success in global sports
competition [12], implementing an artificial intelligence (herein referred as to AI)
algorithm – based model with big data processing volume and proper interpretation
and right decision will be an effective and valid method in STI.
An approach namely Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) has been implemented
in volleyball measuring such parameters as height and length of the upper extremity
(anthropometric), agility and strength (biomechanical), self-confidence and
motivation (psychological), special endurance, aerobic and anaerobic
(physiological), spike and serve (technical) as the main criteria. The smart model
analysed the data by comparing the variables, the elite athlete norms, and athlete
candidates’ talents. This identification model can be a reliable STI model for
volleyball in the future [13]. Scientific selection of badminton players using AHP
has also been implemented in Taiwan. With reference to the literature and
implementation of AHP, the study analysed and designed a selection model where
the coaches finally decided the indicators of the selection.
The proposed model which can be a scientific and objective reference for
badminton coaches consists of 5 dimensions including (1) body type: (2) physical
condition: (3) physical function); (4) psychological quality); and (5) intelligence
level [14]. Some of rowing coaches who have identified their athlete candidates’
talents limitedly referred to anthropometric measurement [15] or sometimes
based on visual observation and one or two performance predicting parameter for
a 2,000 m ergometer rowing [15-18] and on a rowing single-scull in the water
[19]. In reality, coaches are struggling with STI as there are a lot of criteria to
consider based on the type of sport they coach. A systematic STI procedure is
necessary since some coaches lack in having an adequate approach and can
sometimes make mistakes.
There have been other sports-related studies implementing AHP [20]; however,
very few of them discussed systematic criteria procedure and decision-making
using AHP in rowing. This study aims to create a standardized smart model for STI
in rowing for athletes aged from 16 to 18 years old. In this study, the main criteria
used are anthropometric, biomechanical, psychological, physiological, and
technical aspects selected by AHP based on their effectiveness. Experts’ points of
view regarding STI using AHP are collected through a questionnaire which later is
analysed using Expert Choice software.

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2. Literature Review
2.1. Talent identification in sports
Talent identification (TI) is such a big business that it covers various areas
including sport, arts, and education. Researchers from different domains have made
efforts to identify the best among the best within their field. However, discovering
the most effective and efficient talent identification is a complex task, despite its
popularity which has drawn a lot of attention lately [21]. In the late 1960s and the
beginning of 1970s, there are a lot of eastern European countries realizing the
weaknesses of traditional IT programs and attempting to develop new methods
supported by scientific theories and proof [22]. Human Kinetics publishers. The
results were quite astonishing; in Bulgaria, for instance, 80% of the gold medallists
were actually the results of a comprehensive TI process. In the meantime,
Romanian and Eastern German athletes in 1972, 1976, and 1980 gained back
success due to their scientific selection adopted in the late 1960s [22]. In such other
domains as dancing [23], arts [24], and education [25], it has also been proven that
talent identification which has been often omitted usually leads to lack of potential.
A traditional sports talent identification (STI) procedure is categorized by
several authors as a “natural selection” [22], as those identified are individuals who
have been already involved in sports. The sport involvement is possibly due to
pressure from peers and parents, and facilities or popularity of sport within the
geographical area so that it is such a coincidence that individuals choosing a certain
sport appear to be outstanding. Unfortunately, while Eastern European started to
leave a traditional approach, the Western seems to still implements it. This
initiative; however, aims to adopt more scientific selection process. Using a
scientific approach identifying criteria by athletes, musicians, and elite artists
combined with optimal environments maintaining the quality of the criteria, we
believe that we tend to create more high-achieving players. Individuals with right
psychobiological criteria can actually be introduced to a new sport they possibly
did not know before [22], which leads to the improvement of success. This kind of
procedure aims to identify elite player candidates currently not involved within the
targeted sports; it is also commonly known as talent detection. One of the
advantages of scientific approach is its objectivity. Coaches have been usually
detecting talents; however, their process, even though it cannot be taken for
granted, is subjective [26]. In addition, individuals should have been accepting a
certain training or skills to be able to be observed by the assigned talent scouters.
It is certainly noted that identifying individuals’ talent to show fundamental/ basic
skills means that their current accomplishments are identifiable [23], and
consequently, finding the desired skills and talents are important [26]. A pursuit of
excellence model [26], highlights talents and potential to develop. In the meantime,
a traditional method relies on natural selection, implements two TI models, and
almost neglects talent scouting phase [26].
The current debate underlines the importance of combining talent scouting and
development [27], even though it is widely believed that talent is gifted and genetic
factors play a secondary role supported by positive environment. Oxford Learner's
Dictionary of Academic English defines talent as a natural ability to do something
well or in which people perform, to show how well they can sing, dance, etc.
However, the belief that talent is a gift implies that it is predetermined and relatively
stable; on the other hand, it cannot be developed and that environment can actually

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omitted [21]. Talent identification in sports is a process of detecting skills to later

be the main and effective criteria needed in a certain type of sport [1], while talent
selection is the first phase of sports coaching. In order to be able to reach perfect
performance, natural talent should be able to be identified in addition to a scientific
approach. Early trainings usually lead to good results [14]. Talent identification and
development (TID) system is usually used in professional sports to transform young
athletes into future stars [1, 26]. Talent identification is a method of changing
athletes’ potential into a functional circumstance to be developed by sports clubs
and organizations [4, 5].

2.2. Talent identification using Analytic Hierarchy Process

A decision-making method using AHP was firstly developed in 1980 by Thomas
L. Saaty at the University of Pittsburgh, the US and in 1971 was published in his
book entitled Analytic Hierarchy Process [28]. In 1980, AHP was more complete
[28, 29]. AHP is a process of decision-making using pairwise comparisons to
explain evaluation factors and quality factors in a multifactorial condition.
Therefore, AHP is used when the decisions made involving several factors, where
it finds difficulty in making the quality of each factor selected.
The contents of AHP aim to systematically develop problem hierarchies.
Pairwise comparisons are able to determine the relative quality of each element and
enhance the planned ranks as a reference to choose the best plan [29]. The purpose
of AHP is to create a complex system and organize data, thoughts, and intuitive
assessments through the logic and structure of hierarchy. For decision makers,
hierarchical structure also helps understand and break down complex and non-
structured problems so that hierarchy is built. The values are based on the
importance of variables and determined through subjective evaluation. After a
series of evaluations and statistical computations have been performed, variable
ranking proceeds to result in good decision-making [14, 30].
In global economy, commercial organizations and modern industries need to
develop better methods to evaluate their human resources’ performance rather than
just using performance measurement such as efficiency and effectiveness. When
an organization looks for an aggressive way to cut the cost and improve global
competition, maintaining their employees’ performance is important. This is
closely related to decision-making among several factors. In a certain time,
companies would show characteristics with their key factors of competence as it
also applies in the process of TID of young athletes with complex problems and
multi-dimension enforcing the use of multivariate approaches. Consequently,
technical, tactical, and psychological factors should also be considered in addition
to anthropometric and physiological approaches [31]. In another context, this type
of procedure also applies when a certain club coach identifies their players and
decide whether to group their them in their squad or in their starting line-up [32].
In sports, the processes of player selection and team forming are a complex multi-
criteria issue where their success is determined by how a collection of players make
an effective team [33, 34]; for instance, selecting starting pitchers is a strategic issue
with a significant effect on the performance of a professional team [35], evaluating
the performance of football teams in the German Bundesliga [36], selecting
learning models of physical education [37, 38] and determining criteria of
successful players in a golf tournament [39].

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3. Methods
Mixed methods research (MMR) involves the use of both quantitative and
qualitative methods within a study. It is believed that this type of method gives
clearer and more complete understanding in comparison with partial use of each
method [2]. Even though MMR has emerged since 1950s, studies with this method
on sports science started to get significantly implemented in 2005 [40]. MMR is
commonly used to cope with weaknesses of either qualitative or quantitative
approach in sports-related studies [41] as it aims to combine both quantitative and
qualitative methods in order to create a product giving significant contributions to
sports science research [41-43]. In this study, MMR was used to create a device
identifying rowing athletes’ talents. There were three different approaches used
namely discussion with national rowing coaches, development of a software of
talent identification designed by AHP analysis – based simulation approach and
Fuzzy Logic, and device trial using an experimental approach.
Discussion was carried out in order to acquire information related to important
criteria of rowing athletes’ talent identification in accordance with the Olympics
standards. Due to the global pandemic of COVID-19, the discussion was
administered through questionnaires distributed online through Google Form. The
informants were asked to fill in the criteria priority based on anthropometric,
physiological, biomechanical, technical, and psychological aspects. Those criteria
were purposively selected with reference to multi-perspectives on international
rowing athletes’ talent identification. The model was also equipped with 22 sub-
criteria directly affecting the ranking process. The selection of both the criteria and
sub-criteria was supported by a variety of references from credible resources. The
description of the criteria, sub-criteria, and reference resources are shown in Table 1.

Table 1. Criteria and sub-criteria selected

for evaluation of rowing athletes’ evaluation.
Criteria Sub-Criteria Code Description Reference
Anthropometric Weight ANT1 Weight refers to body weight [44-49]
aspect measured with minimum
clothing without any other
equipment. Weight is
measured using a scale with
Height ANT2 Height is an [44-49]
measurement describing
skeletal growth
Length of legs ANT3 Legs lengths ranges from [44-48]
palm of the foot to the
trocantor nayor,
approximately on the outer
bone of the thigh. When
moving, trocantor nayor can
be touched on the upper part
of the moving thigh bone.
Arm span ANT4 Arm span ranges from the tip [44-48]
of fingers of the left hand to

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that of the right hand when

they are stretched out 90° in
line with the shoulders. This
result of this measurement is
usually close to that of body
Sitting height ANT5 Sitting heights measures [22, 48]
vertical distance from the
one’s sitting surface area to
their top of the head.
Shoulder ANT6 This width measures the [22, 48]
width horizontal distance between
the sitting height position and
upper arm tightly close to the
IMT (BMT) ANT7 Body Mass Index (BMI) or [48-50]
IMT (Indeks Massa Tubuh)
in Indonesian language
indicates whether one’s body
weight is normal, ideal,
overweight, obese, etc.
Body fat ANT8 The percentage of body fat is [48-50]
that of the total body fact
towards the body weight. In
this study, the percentage of
body fat is measured through
an anthropometric
measurement of body fact
accumulated under the skin
known as subcutaneous fat.
Physiological Aerobic PHY1 Aerobic capacity is defined [45, 47, 50-
aspect as an ability of heart and 53]
lungs to release oxygen to
the muscles. One of the
examples is the ability of the
body to take and use oxygen
to increase aerobic
Anaerobic PHY2 Anaerobic capacity is the [45, 47, 50-
total energy from anaerobic 53]
energy system (without
oxygen), which is the
number of output of ATP,
phosphocreatine, and lactate
Aerobic PHY3 Aerobic power is measured [45, 47, 50-
power as the highest position where 53]
oxygen is taken and used by
the body during maximum
training. It can also be

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defined as maximal oxygen

uptake (VO2max).
Vital capacity PHY4 Vital capacity is the [22]
maximum air volume going
in and out of the lungs. It is
also defined as backup
volume of respiratory
reserves added by tidal
Biomechanical Legs strength BIO1 Legs strength is one’s ability [45, 50, 52-
aspect to use the maximum strength 55]
of the leg muscles within a
short time period.
Arm strength BIO2 Arm strength is one’s ability [45, 50, 52-
to use the maximum strength 55]
of the arm muscles within a
short time period.
Muscle Power BIO3 This type of power is defined [45, 50, 52-
as an ability to perform a 55]
task. Power is measured and
reported specifically in such
measurements as
horsepower, watts, ft.-
lbs./min, kgm/min, and
Technical aspect Catch TEK1 Catch is placement of the [50, 52]
paddle leaf in the water on
recovery. This is also the
initial moment of connection
between rowers and water,
and connection between the
rowers’ strength to the boat
on the initial drive.
Drive TEK2 Drive is the phase from catch [50, 52]
to extraction. When the
paddle leaf is placed in the
water in catch, rowers start to
lift up the boat passing the
blade by straightening up
their legs/ legss, while their
body keeps leaning forward
and their arms are straight.
This technique is called
Recovery TEK3 Recovery is a part of stroke [50, 52]
when rowers leave their
boats moving and ready for
the next stroke. This happens
when the paddle leaf is out of
the water; starting from the

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moment the paddle leaf is

extracted from the water to
when it is placed back into
the water in catch.
Psychological Self- PSI1 Self-confidence is [50, 52, 56]
aspect confidence convincing one’s ability and
judgment in doing a task a
selecting an effective
approach. This includes
one’s self-confidence in
facing more challenging
Motivation PSI2 Motivation is a strong desire, [50, 52, 56]
drive, or talent within one’s
self to obtain a certain goal.
The presence of motivation
will encourage them to reach
what they aim.
Focus PSI3 This is an ability to [50, 52, 56]
concentrate on and increase
sensitivity on one object
without adding other
distracting objects.
Resistant to PSI4 Endurance to stress in this [50, 52, 56]
fatigue and study is an ability to fight
stress against threatening stressors.
This is reflected through their
resistance towards stress,
either in a physiological or
psychological form.

Data were collected through an opinion poll to 30 local and national coaches from
Papua, Sulawesi, Java, Sumatera, and Kalimantan (Borneo). Their various span of
coaching experiences varying from one to five years also reflects their diversity. In
addition, their difference in coaching experience level (local and national) also gives
different perspectives and opinions. Even though this sample is not used for statistical
analysis, it offers important guidelines related to their experiences in participating in
educational training, coaching experiences, and making the best achievements which
are proven to influence their opinions and responses.
An AHP approach for multi-criteria analysis (MCDA) was adopted in this study
as the approach for the following reasons (i) a complex issue can be decomposed
to be a manageable hierarchy; (ii) pair-wise comparison in every level is to make
sure a comprehensive investigation; and (iii) single decision output can be reached.
A decision-making method using an AHP approach was firstly developed in 1980
by Thomas L. Saaty in his book entitled Hierarchy Process [28]. AHP is a decision-
making process using pair-wise comparisons to explain evaluation and quality
factors in a multi-factor condition. Thus, AHP is used when decision-making
involves several factors, where the process of decision-making experiences
difficulties in creating the quality of each factor. Some studies have elaborated the

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basic theories of AHP comprehensively [57] and some other studies introduced a
variety of models, concepts, and applications of AHP systematically [58].
Moreover, some studies put more focus on the comparison of AHP weight
coefficient [59] and analysed the contexts of the main advantages, disadvantages,
and improvement possibility of the existing AHP [60]. Some researchers had
studied initial combination of Fuzzy Logic and AHP [61] and some others had
developed and documented AHP model development well [62-64]. The process in
this study was summarized in four stages as follows.
• STAGE 1. Arranging the hierarchy of problems aiming to create talent
identification models of Indonesian rowing athletes.
• STAGE 2. Representing the results of opinions of the rowing coaches through numbers.
• STAGE 3. Synthesizing the results in all the hierarchies.
• STAGE 4. Analysing the sensitivity towards the score changes.
In this study, the main criteria such as anthropometric, biomechanical,
physiological, psychological, and technical aspects of rowing technique were
determined by an analytical hierarchy process (AHP) based on the effectiveness. The
relative quality of each element in every hierarchy should be identified one another.
This aims to find out the level of preference of decision makers towards the
comprehensive hierarchical structure. The first step in element priority determination
was performed through pairwise comparisons, in which paired comparisons were
done for all the elements in each hierarchical sub-system. The comparisons were then
transformed into matrix for numerical analyses. The inter-element comparison within
the hierarchy used a one-to-nine scale as presented in Table 2.

Table 2. Scale of evaluation comparison.

Level Definition Remarks
1 Both elements are important Both elements have equally big
equally important influences towards the objective
3 One element is slightly less Experiences and evaluation fairly
important than the other support one element rather than the
5 One element is more important Experiences and evaluation strongly
than the other support one element rather than the
7 One element is clearly more One strong element predominantly
important than the other supportive is viewed in the practicum
9 One element is absolutely more Proof of one element supporting the
important than the other other has the highest possibly
strengthening factor
2, 4, 6, 8 Scores of both are close to each This score is given when there is a
other compromise between two choices
Opposite If element j has a number compared to element j, then j has the opposite
score when compared to element i

The hierarchy model was formulated in four stages. In this study, the top level
consisted of the research objective followed by the five main criteria on the second
level. Each criterion was widespread into sub-criteria on the third level. The last

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level, in the meantime, contained alternatives, which are rowing athlete candidates
in this context, which would be evaluated as shown in Fig. 1.

Fig. 1. AHP model of rowing athlete candidate evaluation.

4. Results and Discussion

The example of AHP questionnaire is shown in table 3. For instance, height has a
value of three in comparison with body weight which shows that height is slightly
more important than body weight (as shown in Table 1). In contrast, body weight
compared to height has a value of one third (0.333).

Table 3. AHP questionnaire for determination of criteria importance.

Body Body Length Arm Sitting Shoulder BMI Body
weight height of legs span height width fat
Body 1 0,333 0,333 3 3 5 3 9
Body 3 1 3 3 3 7 3 9
Length 3 0,333 1 3 3 5 3 9
of Legs
Arm 0,333 0,333 0,333 1 0,333 5 3 9
Sitting 0,333 0,333 0,333 0,333 1 3 1 7
Shoulder 0,2 0,14 0,2 0,2 0,333 1 0,333 3
BMI 0,333 0,333 0,333 0,333 1 3 1 7
Body fat 0,111 0,111 0,111 0,111 0,14 0,333 0,14 1

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Aerobic Anaerobic Aerobic power Vital capacity

Aerobic 1 3 1 3
Anaerobic 0,33 1 0,333 3
Aerobic power 1 3 1 3
Vital capacity 0,33 0,33 0,33 1

Legs strength Arm strength Muscle power

Legs strength 1 3 3
Arm strength 0,333 1 1
Muscle power 1 0,333 1

Catch Drive Recovery

Catch 1 3 1
Drive 0,333 1 0,333
Recovery 1 3 1

Self- Motivation Focus Endurance to

confidence stress
Self-confidence 1 1 3 3
Motivation 1 1 3 3
Focus 0,33 0,33 1 1
Resistant to fatigue and 0,33 0,33 1 1

To develop more comprehensive understanding about the priority reported in Fig.

2, comparison of the sub-criteria in each paired criterion based on the experts’ opinion
is performed. Figure 2 gives the list of priority of eight criteria of anthropometrics
(ANT). It has been proven that body height (ANT2) is the most preferred (0.297) in
comparison with the other seven criteria: length of legs (ANT3), body weight
(ANT1), sitting height (ANT5), arm span (ANT4), BMI (ANT7), shoulder width
(ANT6, and body fat percentage (ANT8) which in order have the following score
0.218, 0.165, 0.102, 0.099, 0.72, 0.31, and 0.16. It is then followed by the
physiological criteria (FHY) in which aerobic skills (FHY1) and aerobic power
(FHY3) are considered mutually important with priority score at 0.368. Meanwhile,
the other two criteria, anaerobic skills (FHY2) and anaerobic power (FHY4) are
considered the least important with the score at 0.169 and 0.06 respectively.
For biomechanical criteria (BIO), leg muscle sub-criteria (BIO1) is considered
the most important aspect with the priority score by 0.6 while arm power and
muscle power are the next important aspects with the priority score by 0.2. For
catch (TEK1) and recovery (TEK3) sub-criteria, experts mutually give the score of
0.429 and drive sub-criteria (TEK2) is considered the least important. Finally,
psychological criteria (PSI), experts give the highest score to both self-confidence
(PSI1) and motivation (PS12) sub-criteria with the score of 0.375 followed by focus
(PSI3) and resistant to fatigue and stress (PSI4) sub-criteria with the score of 0.125.

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The results were analysed by EXPERT CHOICE software and their main and
weighted criteria were determined (Fig. 2).

Fig. 2. The determination of main and weighted criteria by AHP method.

A further analysis is performed for each sub-criterion referring to the research

purposes. Figure 3 shows that weighted sub-criteria under the technical aspect
criteria, which are catch and recovery, mutually have the most important priority
with the score of 0.429 followed by aerobic skills and aerobic power with the score
under that of physiological criteria (0.81).
The classification of top ten sub-criteria based on the quality includes body
height (6.6%), length of legs (4.8%), aerobic (8.1%), aerobic power (8.1%), leg
strength (4.3%), muscle power (1.4%), recovery (18.9%), drive (18.9%),
motivation (1.7%) and self-confidence (1.7%). The importance of all the ten criteria
is by 74.5%.
It is sufficing to say that the most important point in rowing is catch, that is
when the blade touches the water. The blade should touch the water before all the
power is used to stress (foot stretcher) so that it can reduce negative force to be
transferred into the blade. However, no matter how good a rower is, they will
always find negative force and decreasing speech once the blade gets into the water.
Our main purpose of increasing the technique is to reduce speed change variation.
Effects of interaction between positive and negative force will be repeated around
220 to 250 times every 2,000 meters. A slight reduction of speed in each stroke

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leads to the reduction of speed average so that each stroke distance is getting lesser.
For instance, the reduction of a 5-cm distance in each stroke times the number of
stroke is 12.5 meters for each 2,000 meters.

Catch (L :0,429) 18.9%
Aerobik ( L : 0,368) 8.1%
Drive (L : 0,143) 6.3%
Legs Strength (L : 0,6) 4.3%
Body Weight (L : 0,165) 3.6%
Arm Span (L : 0,099) 2.2%
Motivation (L : 0,375) 1.7%
IMT (L : 0,072) 1.6%
Arm strength (L : 0,2) 1.4%
Resistant to fatigue and… 0.6%
Fat (L : 0,016) 0.4%
0.0% 5.0% 10.0% 15.0% 20.0%

Fig. 3. Sub-criteria priority towards research purposes.

In terms of technical perspective, catch and recovery have been found to be the
most important criteria. This tendency shows that rowing does not only require
huge physiological and biomechanical skills but also other skills since rowing is
like reading, skating, and dancing which require arts. Movements in rowing are
done in a rhythmic, continuous, and harmonious way with good ratio of working
and resting phase. In short, rowing is an art as well as a science [52]. Meanwhile,
in terms of aerobic skills and aerobic power, the time reached for every 2,000-meter
stroke ranges from 5 minutes 30 seconds to 8 minutes with stroke frequency
between 32 to 42 spm (strokes per minute). Power per stroke of eight elite athletes
usually reaches the average of 450 – 550 w (watt) yet sometimes it reaches 1,200
w, especially since the aerobic system provides most energy for race performance
[52]. It has also been found that rowing stroke lasting for 6 minutes 43 seconds
need 85% aerobic energy and 16% anaerobic energy [65, 66].
The sub-criteria of body fat percentage in terms of anthropometrics are
identified as the least important. This means that when the body height and weight
are proportional, the body fat percentage can actually be omitted. There is an
interesting fact that high-achieving rowers with taller body usually have decreased
skin folds [67].

5. Conclusions
Rowing athletes’ talent identification scientific selection is a complex issue in
Indonesia. Therefore, with reference to literature and AHP, this study analysed and
developed a selection model using main indicators and weighted criteria by rowing
coaches. There are main criteria including (1) anthropometrics; (2) physiology; (3)
biomechanics; (4) technique; and (5) psychology divided into 22 sub-criteria. Ten
indicators taken from top two of each criteria are body height and length of legs
(anthropometrics), aerobic skills and aerobic power (physiology), legs strength and

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muscle power (biomechanics), recovery and drive (technique) are considered the
most important criteria and main quality. All the ten indicators reach 74.5%.

Conflict of Interest
This smart model was designed by the authors.

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