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Question #:1

Monitor the logs of pod foo and:

Extract log lines correspondingto error


Write them to/opt/KULM00201/foo

See the solution below.



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Question #:2

Get IP address of the pod – “nginx-dev”

See the solution below.


Kubect1 get po -o wide

Using JsonPath

kubect1 get pods -o=jsonpath='{range


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Question #:3

Create a deployment spec file thatwill:

Launch 7 replicas of thenginxImage with the labelapp_runtime_stage=dev

deployment name:kual00201

Save a copy of this spec file to/opt/KUAL00201/spec_deployment.yaml


When you are done, clean up (delete)any new Kubernetes API object thatyou produced during this task.

See the solution below.


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Question #:4

List pod logs named “frontend” and search for the pattern “started” and write it to a file “/opt/error-logs”

See the solution below.

Kubectl logs frontend | grep -i “started” > /opt/error-logs

Question #:5

Create a Kubernetes secret asfollows:

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Name: super-secret

password: bob

Create a pod namedpod-secrets-via-file, using theredisImage, which mounts a secret namedsuper-secretat


Create a second pod namedpod-secrets-via-env, using theredisImage, which exportspasswordas


See the solution below.



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Question #:6

Create a pod with image nginx called nginx and allow traffic on port 80

See the solution below.

kubectlrun nginx --image=nginx --restart=Never --port=80

Question #:7

List the nginx pod with custom columns POD_NAME and POD_STATUS

See the solution below.

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kubectl get po -o=custom-columns=",


Question #:8

Create a pod as follows:


container Image:redis

Volume with name:cache-control

Mount path:/data/redis

The pod should launch in thestagingnamespace and the volumemust notbe persistent.

See the solution below.



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Question #:9

Create a deployment as follows:


Exposed via a servicenginx-random

Ensure that the service & podare accessible via theirrespective DNS records

The container(s) within anypod(s) running as a part of thisdeployment should use thenginxImage

Next, use the utilitynslookupto lookup the DNS records of the service &pod and write the output to

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See the solution below.



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Question #:10

List all the pods sorted by name

See the solution below.

kubectl get pods

Question #:11

Create a deployment as follows:

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Using containernginxwithversion 1.11.10-alpine

The deployment should contain3replicas

Next, deploy the application with newversion1.11.13-alpine, byperforming a rolling update.

Finally, rollback that update to theprevious version1.11.10-alpine.

See the solution below.



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Question #:12

From the pod labelname=cpu-utilizer, find podsrunning high CPU workloads and

write the name of the pod consumingmost CPU to thefile/opt/KUTR00102/KUTR00102.txt(which already


See the solution below.



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Question #:13

Create a snapshot of theetcdinstance running at, saving thesnapshot to the file path

The following TLScertificates/key are suppliedfor connecting to the server withetcdctl:

CA certificate:/opt/KUCM00302/ca.crt

Client certificate:/opt/KUCM00302/etcd-client.crt

Client key:Topt/KUCM00302/etcd-client.key

See the solution below.


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Question #:14

Create a pod as follows:


Using Image:mongo

In anew Kubernetes namespacenamed:my-website

See the solution below.

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Question #:15

Create 2 nginx image pods in which one of them is labelled with env=prod and another one labelled with
env=dev and verify the same.

See the solution below.

kubectl run --generator=run-pod/v1 --image=nginx -- labels=env=prod nginx-prod --dry-run -o yaml >

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nginx-prodpod.yaml Now, edit nginx-prod-pod.yaml file and remove entries like “creationTimestamp: null”
“dnsPolicy: ClusterFirst”

vim nginx-prod-pod.yaml

apiVersion: v1

kind: Pod



env: prod

name: nginx-prod



- image: nginx

name: nginx-prod

restartPolicy: Always

# kubectl create -f nginx-prod-pod.yaml

kubectl run --generator=run-pod/v1 --image=nginx --

labels=env=dev nginx-dev --dry-run -o yaml > nginx-dev-pod.yaml

apiVersion: v1

kind: Pod



env: dev

name: nginx-dev



- image: nginx

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name: nginx-dev

restartPolicy: Always

# kubectl create -f nginx-prod-dev.yaml

Verify :

kubectl get po --show-labels

kubectl get po -l env=prod

kubectl get po -l env=dev

Question #:16

Schedule a pod as follows:

Name: nginx-kusc00101

Image: nginx

Node selector: disk=ssd

See the solution below.



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Question #:17

List all the pods showing name and namespace with a json path expression

See the solution below.

kubectl get pods -o=jsonpath="{.items[*]['',


Question #:18

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A Kubernetes worker node, namedwk8s-node-0is in stateNotReady.Investigate why this is the case,

andperform any appropriate steps tobring the node to aReadystate,ensuring that any changes are

You cansshto the failednode using:

[student@node-1] $ | sshWk8s-node-0

You can assume elevatedprivileges on the node with thefollowing command:

[student@w8ks-node-0] $ |sudo –i

See the solution below.



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Question #:19

Create and configure the servicefront-end-serviceso it's accessiblethroughNodePortand routes to theexisting

pod namedfront-end.

See the solution below.



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Question #:20

Create an nginx pod and list the pod with different levels of verbosity

See the solution below.

// create a pod

kubectl run nginx --image=nginx --restart=Never --port=80

// List the pod with different verbosity

kubectl get po nginx --v=7

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kubectl get po nginx --v=8

kubectl get po nginx --v=9

Question #:21

List all the pods sorted by created timestamp

See the solution below.

kubect1 get pods--sort-by=.metadata.creationTimestamp

Question #:22

Perform the following tasks:

Add an init container tohungry-bear(which has beendefined in spec file


The init container should createan empty file named/workdir/calm.txt

If/workdir/calm.txtis notdetected, the pod should exit

Once the spec file has beenupdatedwith the init containerdefinition, the pod should becreated

See the solution below.



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Question #:23

Check the image version in pod without the describe command

See the solution below.


kubectl get po nginx -o


Question #:24

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Create a persistent volume with nameapp-data, of capacity2Giandaccess modeReadWriteMany. Thetype of

volume ishostPathand itslocation is/srv/app-data.

See the solution below.



Persistent Volume

A persistent volume is a piece of storage in aKubernetes cluster. PersistentVolumes are a cluster-level resource
like nodes, which don’t belong to any namespace. It is provisioned by the administrator and has a particular
file size. This way, a developer deploying their app on Kubernetes need not knowthe underlying infrastructure.
When the developer needs a certain amount of persistent storage for their application, the system administrator
configures the cluster so that they consume the PersistentVolume provisioned in an easy way.

Creating PersistentVolume

kind: PersistentVolumeapiVersion: v1metadata:name:app-dataspec:capacity: # defines the capacity of PV we

are creatingstorage:2Gi#the amount of storage we are tying to claimaccessModes: # defines the rights of the
volumewe are creating-ReadWriteManyhostPath:path: "/srv/app-data" # path to which we are creating the


Create a Persistent Volume namedapp-data, with access modeReadWriteMany, storage classname

shared,2Giof storage capacity and the host path/srv/app-data.

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2. Save the file and create the persistent volume.

Image for post

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3. View the persistent volume.

Our persistent volume status is available meaning it is available and it has not been mounted yet. This
status willchange when we mount the persistentVolume to a persistentVolumeClaim.


In a real ecosystem, a system admin will create the PersistentVolume then a developer will create a
PersistentVolumeClaim which will be referenced in a pod. A PersistentVolumeClaim is created by specifying
the minimum size and the access mode they require from the persistentVolume.


Create a Persistent Volume Claim that requests the Persistent Volume we had created above. The claim
should request 2Gi. Ensurethat the Persistent Volume Claim has the same storageClassName as the
persistentVolume you had previously created.

kind: PersistentVolumeapiVersion: v1metadata:name:app-data





2. Save and create the pvc

njerry191@cloudshell:~(extreme-clone-2654111)$ kubect1 create -f app-data.yaml

persistentvolumeclaim/app-data created

3. View the pvc

Image for post

4. Let’s see what has changed in the pv we had initially created.

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Image for post

Our status has now changed fromavailabletobound.

5. Create a new pod named myapp with image nginx that will be used to Mount the Persistent Volume Claim
with the path /var/app/config.

Mounting a Claim

apiVersion: v1kind: Podmetadata:creationTimestamp: nullname: app-dataspec:volumes:-

name:congigpvcpersistenVolumeClaim:claimName: app-datacontainers:- image: nginxname:
appvolumeMounts:- mountPath: "/srv/app-data"name: configpvc

Question #:25

List the nginx pod with custom columns POD_NAME and POD_STATUS

See the solution below.

kubectl get po -o=custom-columns=",


Question #:26

Create a pod with environment variables as var1=value1.Check the environment variable in pod

See the solution below.

kubectl run nginx --image=nginx --restart=Never --env=var1=value1

# then

kubectl exec -it nginx -- env

# or

kubectl exec -it nginx -- sh -c 'echo $var1'

# or

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kubectl describe po nginx | grep value1

Question #:27

For this item, you will havetosshto the nodesik8s-master-0andik8s-node-0and complete all tasks on
thesenodes. Ensure that you return tothe base node (hostname:node-1) when you havecompleted this item.


As an administrator of a smalldevelopment team, you have beenasked to set up a Kubernetes clusterto test the
viability of a newapplication.


You must usekubeadmto performthis task. Anykubeadminvocationswill require the use of the

Configure thenodeik8s-master-Oas a masternode. .

Join the nodeik8s-node-otothe cluster.

See the solution below.



You must use thekubeadmconfiguration file located at/etc/kubeadm.confwhen initializingyour cluster.

You may use any CNI pluginto complete this task, but ifyou don't have your favouriteCNI plugin's manifest
URL athand, Calico is one popularoption:

Docker is already installedon both nodes andapthasbeen configured so that you caninstall the required tools.

Question #:28

Create a namespace called 'development' and a pod with image nginx called nginx on this namespace.

See the solution below.

kubectl create namespace development

kubectl run nginx --image=nginx --restart=Never -n development

Question #:29

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List all the pods sorted by name

See the solution below.

kubect1 get pods

Question #:30

List “nginx-dev” and “nginx-prod” pod and delete those pods

See the solution below.

kubect1 get pods -o wide

kubectl delete po “nginx-dev”kubectl delete po “nginx-prod”

Question #:31

Scale the deploymentwebserverto6pods.

See the solution below.



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Question #:32

List all persistent volumes sorted bycapacity, saving the fullkubectloutput to

/opt/KUCC00102/volume_list. Usekubectl 's own functionality forsorting the output, and do not
manipulate it any further.

See the solution below.



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Question #:33

Create a pod namedkucc8with asingle app container for each of the

following images running inside(there may be between 1 and 4images specified):

nginx + redis + memcached.

See the solution below.



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Question #:34

Get list of all pods in all namespaces and write it to file “/opt/pods-list.yaml”

See the solution below.

kubectl get po –all-namespaces > /opt/pods-list.yaml

Question #:35

Ensure a single instance of podnginxis running on each node of theKubernetes cluster wherenginxalso
represents the Image name whichhas to be used. Do not override anytaints currently in place.

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UseDaemonSetto complete thistask and useds-kusc00201asDaemonSet name.

See the solution below.



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Question #:36

Print pod name and start time to “/opt/pod-status” file

See the solution below.

kubect1 get pods -o=jsonpath='{range


Question #:37

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Create a pod that having 3 containers in it? (Multi-Container)

See the solution below.

image=nginx, image=redis, image=consul

Name nginx container as “nginx-container”

Name redis container as “redis-container”

Name consul container as “consul-container”

Create a pod manifest file for a container and append container

section for rest of the images

kubectl run multi-container --generator=run-pod/v1 --image=nginx --

dry-run -o yaml > multi-container.yaml

# then

vim multi-container.yaml

apiVersion: v1

kind: Pod



run: multi-container

name: multi-container



- image: nginx

name: nginx-container

- image: redis

name: redis-container

- image: consul

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name: consul-container

restartPolicy: Always

Question #:38

Get list of all the pods showing name and namespace with a jsonpath expression.

See the solution below.

kubectl get pods -o=jsonpath="{.items[*][''

, 'metadata.namespace']}"

Question #:39

Create a pod that echo “hello world” and then exists. Have the pod deleted automatically when it’s completed

See the solution below.

kubectl run busybox --image=busybox -it --rm --restart=Never --

/bin/sh -c 'echo hello world'

kubectl get po # You shouldn't see pod with the name "busybox"

Question #:40

Create a busybox pod that runs the command “env” and save the output to “envpod” file

See the solution below.

kubectl run busybox --image=busybox --restart=Never –-rm -it -- env > envpod.yaml

Question #:41

Create a file:

/opt/KUCC00302/kucc00302.txtthatlists all pods that implement servicebazin namespacedevelopment.

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The format of the file should be onepod name per line.

See the solution below.


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Question #:42

Check to see how many worker nodes are ready (not including nodes taintedNoSchedule) and write the
number to/opt/KUCC00104/kucc00104.txt.

See the solution below.



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Question #:43

Create a busybox pod and add “sleep 3600” command

See the solution below.

kubectl run busybox --image=busybox --restart=Never -- /bin/sh -c

"sleep 3600"

Question #:44

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Configure the kubelet systemd-managed service, on the nodelabelled withname=wk8s-node-1, tolaunch a pod
containing a singlecontainer of Imagehttpdnamedwebtoolautomatically. Any spec filesrequired should be
placed in the/etc/kubernetes/manifestsdirectoryon the node.

You canssh to theappropriate node using:

[student@node-1] $ sshwk8s-node-1

You can assume elevatedprivileges on the node with thefollowing command:

[student@wk8s-node-1] $ |sudo –i

See the solution below.



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Question #:45

Create a nginx pod with label env=test in engineering namespace

See the solution below.

kubectl run nginx --image=nginx --restart=Never --labels=env=test --namespace=engineering --dry-run -o
yaml > nginx-pod.yaml

kubectl run nginx --image=nginx --restart=Never --labels=env=test --namespace=engineering --dry-run -o

yaml | kubectl create -nengineering-f –

YAML File:

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apiVersion: v1

kind: Pod


name: nginx

namespace: engineering


env: test



- name: nginx

image: nginx

imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent

restartPolicy: Never

kubectl create -f nginx-pod.yaml

Question #:46

Given a partially-functioningKubernetes cluster, identifysymptoms of failure on the cluster.

Determine the node, the failingservice, and take actions to bring upthe failed service and restore thehealth of
the cluster. Ensure that anychanges are made permanently.

You cansshto the relevant Inodes (bk8s-master-0orbk8s-node-0) using:

[student@node-1] $ ssh<nodename>

You can assume elevatedprivileges on any node in thecluster with the followingcommand:

[student@nodename] $ | sudo –i

See the solutionbelow.



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Question #:47

Set the node namedek8s-node-1asunavailable and reschedule all thepods running on it.

See the solution below.



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Question #:48

Check the Image version of nginx-dev pod using jsonpath

See the solution below.

kubect1 get po nginx-dev -o


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