Diagnostic Assessment A1 (MS)

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Subject Code: DA – A1

Mathematics and Surveying

PROBLEM 1: PROBLEM 9: c. 24O d. 22O

The sum of two numbers is 10 and the A money worth ₱100,000 was deposited
sum of the squares of the numbers is 52. on a bank and bears interest of 18. What is the length of the curve?
Find the product of the numbers. ₱21,550.63 after 2 years. What is the
annual rate of interest? a. 155 m b. 164 m
a. 26 b. 32 c. 160 m d. 179 m
c. 24 d. 16 a. 7.15% b. 10.25%
c. 5.30% d. 12.40% PROBLEM 19:
SITUATION 1: A besieged fortress is held by 5,700 men
In a box containing 100 washers, there are PROBLEM 10: who have provisions for 66 days. If the
24 silvers, 36 bronze, and the remainder The area of a hexagon inscribed in a circle garrison losses 20 men each day, for how
are steel. Two men took in succession one is 158 cm2. Find the radius of the circle. many days can the provision hold out?
washer without replacement.
a. 3.9 cm b. 7.8 cm a. 87 days b. 72 days
2. Find the probability that both washers c. 11.7 cm d. 15.6 cm c. 76 days d. 83 days
are steel.
a. 0.1345 b. 0.1576 Find the shortest distance from point (5, - The distance measured from point 1 to
c. 0.1235 d. 0.3322 3 to the line 7x - 4y = 28. point 2 is 165.2 m. If the 50 m tape used is
0.01 m too short, what is the correct
3. Find the probability of getting a silver a. 1.12 b. 2.01 distance?
and bronze. c. 2.36 d. 3.98
a. 165.108 m b. 165.177 m
a. 0.1347 b. 0.0873 PROBLEM 12: c. 165.167 m d. 164.973 m
c. 0.6342 d. 0.0362 Find the 30th term of Arithmetic
Progression: 4, 7, 10… SITUATION 3:
4. Find the probability of getting a steel A closed traverse of a triangular lot is
and a silver. a. 88 b. 75 tabulated as shown:
c. 91 d. 90
a. 0.139 b. 0.223 LINES BEARING DISTANCE
c. 0.097 d. 0.004 PROBLEM 13: AB N 60O30’ W 68.75 m
Which of the following is correct? BC N 80O30’ E 125.90 m
PROBLEM 5: CA ---- ----
How much weight of water must be added a. 100.00 - 5 significant figures
to a 50 lb of 45% brine solution to yield a b. 100 - 3 significant figures 21. Compute for the bearing of line CA.
20% solution? c. 0.000642- 6 significant figures
d. 0.122 - 3 significant figures a. N 43O23’ W
a. 34.1 lbs b. 60.2 lbs b. S 49O39’ W
c. 48.2 lbs d. 62.5 lbs PROBLEM 14: c. S 55O53’ E
A 2-m subtense bar has a subtended angle
d. S 54O22’ W
PROBLEM 6: of 0O56’00’’. The distance between station
Find the area of the triangle given the occupied and station observed is:
22. Compute for the distance of line CA.
sides: AB = 25 cm, BC = 39 cm, and CA = 40
cm. a. 122.77 m b. 123.13 m
a. 84.40 m b. 68.92 m
a. 486 cm2 b. 648 cm2 c. 124.77 m d. 124.13 m
c. 90.63 m d. 77.90 m
c. 846 cm d. 468 cm2
23. Compute for the area enclosed by the
PROBLEM 7: Given that 5, 25, 625, 390625, , what
A 15 m high tower is in between two number will complete the sequence?
observers. The angle of elevation in the a. 2441.48 m2 b. 3022.32 m2
first observer to the top of tower is 30 a. 2.526x1011 b. 1.526x1011
c. 2723.38 m2 d. 2843.11 m2
degrees and the angle of elevation from c. 6.526x1011 d. 4.526x1011
the second observer to the top of the PROBLEM 24:
tower is 60 degrees. How far are the two SITUATION 2:
A race track is formed by two concentric
observers from each other? A 3-degree curve has an external distance
ellipses. The outer ellipse has a major axis
of 8.53 m. Use Chord basis.
of 270 m and minor axis of 170 m. The
a. 34.64 m b. 18.23 m inner has a major axis of 250 m and minor
c. 46.33 m d. 19.76 m 16. What is the Radius of the curve?
axis of 150 m, find the area of the track.

PROBLEM 8: a. 382.02 m b. 376.12 m

a. 5,874.43m2 b. 6,945.32m2
If i = 12% compounded quarterly, find the c. 389.73 m d. 366.11 m
c. 7,389.59m2 d. 6,597.35m2
equivalent effective interest rate.
17. What is its Central Angle?
a. 11.91% b. 12.34% 4 𝑥3
c. 12.55% d. 13.34% a. 18O b. 27O Evaluate: ∫0 dx.
Subject Code: DA – A1

Mathematics and Surveying

• Economic Life = 12 years unloading of passengers and cargos

a. 5.81 b. 1.68 • Estimated Salvage Value = ₱320,000 occur?
c. 4.33 d. 3.97 Determine the book value after 7 years,
using: a. Wharf b. Pier
PROBLEM 26: c. Port d. Lighthouse
If one side of the rectangle is increased by 32. The sum of the digit’s method.
25%, what is the effect to the other side to PROBLEM 41:
maintain the same area? a. ₱598, 765 b. ₱556, 923 Structure built on the sea but not parallel
c. ₱489, 231 d. ₱432, 820 to the coast line.
a. decreased by 80%
b. decreased by 30% 33. The double declining balance method. a. Wharf b. Pier
c. decreased by 20% c. Port d. Lighthouse
d. decreased by 10% a. ₱334, 898 b. ₱555, 047
c. ₱452, 211 d. ₱673, 982 PROBLEM 42:
PROBLEM 27: Find the angle that the line 2y – 9x – 18 =
A conical tank with its vertex down has a 34. The sinking fund method at 6% 0 makes with the x-axis.
height of 20 cm and a radius of 10 cm at interest.
the top. Water leaks such that the water a. 74.77° b. 77.47°
surface falls at a rate of 0.5 cm/sec. a. ₱762, 126 b. ₱665, 232 c. 83.66° d. 38.66°
compute for the rate of change of volume c. ₱712, 234 d. ₱792, 765
when h = 8 cm. PROBLEM 43:
SITUATION 5: A metallic tube has an outside diameter of
a. 29.21cm3/sec b. 23.25cm3/sec A bag contains 3 white balls and 5 green 8 cm and an inside diameter of 6 cm. if it
c. 19.06cm3/sec d. 25.13cm3/sec balls. If two balls are drawn in random: has a total length of 4 m, what is the total
volume of the metal needed to make the
PROBLEM 28: 35. Find the probability that both are tube?
From the top of the tower A, the angle of white.
elevation of the top of tower B is 46 a. 8,797 cm3 b. 6,841 cm3
degrees. From the foot of tower B the a. 3/28 b. 3/8 c. 7,452 cm3 d. 5,428 cm3
angle of elevation of the top of tower A is c. 2/7 d. 37/56
28 degrees. Both towers are on level PROBLEM 44:
ground. If the height of the tower B is 110 36. Find the probability that one ball is Evaluate: √−7x √−10.
m, how high is tower A? white, and the other is green.
a. -70i
a. 37.32 m b. 44.12 m a. 15/56 b. 9/14 b. - √70
c. 42.34 m d. 40.71 m c. 15/28 d. 25/28 c. 70
d. indeterminate
Peter’s age 13 years ago was 1/3 of his The probability that both stages of two- PROBLEM 45:
age 7 years. Hence, how old is Peter? stage rocket to function correctly is 0.92. Find the area of a quadrilateral having
The reliability of the first stage is 0.97. The sides AB = 10 cm, BC = 5 cm, CD = 14.14
a. 23 b. 15 reliability of the second is: cm, and DA 15 cm, if the sum of the
c. 27 d. 21 opposite angles is equal to 225o.
a. 0.948 b. 0.968
PROBLEM 30: c. 0.958 d. 0.8924 a. 90 cm2 b. 120 cm2
What amount an employee should receive c. 100 cm2 d. 110 cm2
as a bonus so that he should net P5, 000 PROBLEM 38:
after deducting 30% taxes? In the expansion of (x – 3y2)9, find the 4th PROBLEM 46:
term. What time after 2 o’clock will the hands of
a. P7, 241.9 b. P7, 521.9 a. 324x7y4 b. 1020x6y6 the clock extend in opposite?
c. P7, 142.9 d. P7, 924.1 6 6
c. -2268x y d. 1134x7y4
a. 2:46:34 b. 2:42:11
PROBLEM 31: PROBLEM 39: c. 2:43:38 d. 2:40:53
Find the value of B in the equation: Messages are painted on pavements; how
x A B
= + . many words are allowed? PROBLEM 47:
x2 −3x−10 (x−5) (x+2)
A manufacturing firm maintains one
9 2 a. Five words or less product assembly line to produce signal
a. b. b. Four words or less generators. Weekly demand for
11 7
6 3 generators is 35 units. The line operates
c. d. c. Three words or less
9 5
d. Two words or less for 7 hours per day, 5 days per week.
What is the maximum production time per
PROBLEM 40: unit in hours required to meet the
Given the following data for construction
It is a structure near rivers, waterways, demand?
canals, or sea where the loading and
• Initial Cost = ₱1,200,000
a. 1 hour b. 3 hours
Subject Code: DA – A1

Mathematics and Surveying

c. 0.75 hour d. 2.25 hours a. 19.45 sq.m b. 14.92 sq.m 𝑦 = 𝑥3 − 3𝑥2 + 6.

c. 18.54 sq.m d. 21.15 sq.m
SITUATION 6: a. (1, 4) b. (1, 3)
A balloon is released from the ground 150 PROBLEM 55: c. (0, 2) d. (2, 1)
m from the observer. The balloon rises A regular pentagon has a side 23.2cm
directly upward at the rate of 3 m/sec. long. A certain cross section is formed by PROBLEM 62:
two circles, one circumscribing the Simplify: 6(2x + 4y) + 10(4x + 3y).
48. How far from the observer is the pentagon and the other inscribed in it.
balloon 10 seconds later? Find the area of the cross section. a. 52 x – 52 y b. 52 x + 54 y
c. 52 x – 54 d. 54 x + 52 y
a. 115.36 m b. 152.97 m a. 422.73 cm2 b. 599.21 cm2
c. 126.58 m d. 143.75 m c. 691.30 cm2 d. 291.92 cm2 PROBLEM 63:
Change the equation from polar to
49. How far is the balloon moving away PROBLEM 56: rectangular coordinates r = a sec θ.
from the observer 10 seconds later? The volume of the frustum of a regular
rectangular pyramid is 93.333 m3. The a. x = 2a b. x = a
a. 0.588 m/sec b. 0.275 m/sec upper base is 2.5m x 4m and the altitude c. x = a2 d. x = a/2
c. 0.725 m/sec d. 0/835 m/sec is 4m. What is the area of the lower base?
PROBLEM 50: a. 35 m 2
b. 40 m 2 Find the area bounded by y2 = 4x, x = 1
The area bounded by the water line and c. 44 m2 d. 51 m2 and x = 3 and the x-axis.
the contours with a contour interval of 3.5
m is as follows: PROBLEM 57: a. 2.458 b. 10.235
Find the degree of a simple curve if its c. 8.953 d. 5.595
A1 = 935 m2 A4 = 832 m2 design speed is 80 kph e = 0.10 and f =
A2 = 915 m2 A5 = 746 m2 0.16. PROBLEM 65:
A3 = 875 m2 A6 = 687 m2 The position of any point on a plane from
a. 4.840 b.5.840 the y-axis:
Determine the volume by the waterline of c. 2.280 d. 6.24
the reservoir using the end area method. a. abscissa b. ordinate
PROBLEM 58: c. origin d. a and b
a. 14,626.5 m3 b. 15,626.5 m3 Find the second derivative of the function
c. 16,626.5 m3 d. 17,626.5 m3 y = x(x +1)3 at x = 1. PROBLEM 66:
In how many years will your money be
PROBLEM 51: a. 34 b. 35 doubled if it earns a 12% interest
A sphere having a center at the origin has c. 33 d. 36 compounded annually?
a radius of 15. Which of the following is
outside of the sphere? PROBLEM 59: a. 5.62 yrs. b. 6.12 yrs.
From station 0 + 210 with center height of c. 7 yrs. d. 7.1 yrs.
a. (12, 2, -7) b. (8, 6, 12) m in fill, the ground lines makes a uniform
c. (10, 9, 6) d. (-4, 8, -7) slope of 5% to station 0 + 270 whose PROBLEM 67:
center height is 2.8 m in cut. Find the Find the limit of (x2 – 1)/(x2 + 2x – 3) as x
PROBLEM 52: grade of the finished roadway. approaches to 1.
A man who is on diet loses 24 lbs. in 3
months, 16 lbs, in the next three months a. 1.6% b. -2.0% a. 1/2 b. 3/2
and so on for a long time. What is the c. 2.5% d. -3.2% c. 2/3 d. 2/5
maximum total weight loss.
a. 72 lbs b. 64 lbs Four groups with different number of The volume of a frustum of a pyramid is
c. 54 lbs d. 81 lbs trials measured distance as follows: 140 m3. If it has a rectangular upper base
of 3 m x 4 m and altitude of 5 m. find the
PROBLEM 53: Ave. distance No. of trials area of the lower base.
The distance between the foci of an ellipse A 352.45 2
is 5. If its eccentricity is 0.50, what is the B 352.04 5 a. 134 m2 b. 59 m2
distance between the directrices? C 351.89 1 c. 35 m2 d. 48 m2
D 353.27 6
a. 10 b. 15 PROBLEM 69:
c. 30 d. 20 Given a circle that a chord of a length 12
What is the most probable correct
cm is 8 cm from its center, what is the
PROBLEM 54: area of the circle?
The perimeter of a triangle is 84m while a. 352.231 m b. 352.104 m
its area is 102 sq.m. Determine the area of a. 377 cm2 b. 314.16 cm2
c. 352.615 m d. 352.786 m
the circle that may be inscribed in this c. 282.74 cm2 d. 251.33 cm2
triangle. PROBLEM 61:
Find the point of inflection of the curve
Subject Code: DA – A1

Mathematics and Surveying

Solve for the length of the major arc (CD)

if segment AB is 10 m.

a. 8𝜋 m b. 10𝜋 m
c. 6𝜋 m d. 9𝜋 m

Find the area of the shaded region if the
circles are of 25 cm in radius.

a. 1734 cm2 b. 1209 cm2

c. 1427 cm2 d. 1183 cm2

In a certain barangay, 80% of the
population has cellphone. Two people
from the barangay were selected at

72. Find the probability that the two have


a. 0.32 b. 0.16
c. 0.64 d. 0.08

73. Find the probability that one has

cellphone and the other has none.

a. 0.32 b. 0.16
c. 0.64 d. 0.08

74. Find the probability that the two have

no cellphone.

a. 0.16 b. 0.08
c. 0.04 d. 0.02

Find the accident rate at a certain
intersection per million entering vehicles if
the average daily traffic is 416 and 142
accidents had occurred for the last 6

a. 156 b. 163
c. 151 d. 147

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