National Seminar

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University of Hyderabad

announce their first



2325 January 2012
As is wellknown, English is the primary language of education in India today. The demands made on language teachers are steadily increasing, so is the awareness among teachers for the need to improve their own knowledge base, teaching and professional skills. In this context, it is essential to understand the several dimensions of English language education thus gaining a holistic picture and simultaneously becoming aware of the wide range of issues that impact language education.Thisseminaraimstofulfilthispurpose. Englishdeterminesouraccesstodomainsofknowledgeandisusedasamediumof communication. The importance of this language in modern India cannot be overstated. Yet, the reception of English was not straightforward. It was often brought in as policy decision and was politically determined. Interpreting these languagepoliciesconstitutesonepartofthediscussioninthisseminar. EnglishinteractedwithmanyIndianlanguagesanditevolvedintheIndiancontext. This is the variety that is often taught in the classroom although there may be prescribednativevarietynorms.Understandingwhatis(tobe)taughtthenatureof Indian English and its teachingis essential for a teacher of English, both from the point of view of theory and classroom encounters. This understanding enables meaningfulinterventionsinpedagogybyeducators.This,alongwiththetraditionally classifiedmethods,materialsandtestingandevaluationwillconstituteamajorpart ofthisseminar. Onthewhole,thepurposeofthisseminaristolookatthepolitical,theoreticaland practicalaspectsofEnglishinIndia,andthevariousdimensionsofEnglishlanguage educationtoday.


Last date for submitting abstracts: 10 October 2011 Notification of acceptance or revision: 25 November 2011 Last date for receipt of final abstracts: 10 December 2011 Notification of final acceptance: 20 December 2011 Last date for complete papers: 15 January 2012 Last date for payment of registration fee: 15 January 2012

Givenbelowarethethemestheseminarwillfocuson. PolicydocumentsonEnglishinIndia o Implicationsandimpactof: policies, acts, resolutionsand mediadocuments.

IndianEnglish o theemergenceofIndianEnglishstructureandsociology o interfaceofIndianEnglishwithotherIndianlanguages o codemixing,codeswitching o thepoliticsofIndianEnglish o monolingualism,bilingualismandmultilingualism and theimpactoftheaboveonEnglishteaching.

Englishlanguageeducation o innovationsinlanguageteaching o materialsdevelopment o aspectsoftesting o aspectsofteachertraining o curriculumdevelopment o ideologyandEnglisheducation.

Thetopicsareindicativeandpapersrelatingtotheoveralltheme arewelcome.Reportsofclassroomexperimentsarealsoinvited.

ABSTRACTS Abstracts will be blind reviewed. They may be returned for revision based on experts comments. Revised abstracts will be considered for presentation at the seminar.


Please follow the instructions carefully while submitting abstracts. o o o o Abstracts should be sent by email to the following mail id: <[email protected]> Abstracts should be a maximum of 500 words, not counting references. Two separate word documents should be sent with the same content. One should be completely anonymous. There should be no indication of who the author may be anywhere in the content. The file name should be a short title of the topic. For example: Reading at the plus two level, testing proficiency, etc. The second document should have the same file name and also the name of the author as in Reading at the plus two level_Padhi, Testing proficiency_Shankar and so on. All contact details of the author and the affiliation must be included in the second document. Use only Times New Roman font 12. Use SILIPA fonts for phonetic symbols.

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REGISTRATION Registration fee ELT@I members: Rs. 500/Non-ELT@I members: Rs. 750/Students: Rs. 300/Registration fee will have to be paid by demand draft. Account details will be made known later. Registration will open later this year.

Accommodation: Limited accommodation will be available in the University of Hyderabad guest house for paper presenters who submit their full papers by the deadline, on a first-come, first served basis.

Location: The seminar will take place in the University of Hyderabad.

Coordinator of the seminar Pingali Sailaja, CELS, UoH Organising committee: (CELS, UoH) Sunita Mishra Jyothi Hymavathi Devi Jobin Thomas Paroma Sanyal G Rajakumar

Organising committee: (ELT@I Hyderabad chapter) Geetha Duraiarajan P. Aparna Anand Mahanand Sridhar Maisa


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