Lect2 Slides
Lect2 Slides
Lect2 Slides
b = 5
c = a+b
d = a-b
Hello World!
Sum, Difference = 7 -3
Dynamic Typing
We do not declare variables and types in advance. (dynamic typing)
Variables created when first assigned values.
Variables do not exist if not assigned. (strong typing)
Everything after # is a comment and is ignored. Comment freely. A comment can be on
its own line or following a line of code.
"print" statement
Used to print output of any kind. We will use this built-in function of Python often.
a = 3; b = 5
Under the Hood
No explicit compiling/linking step. Just run...
$ python First.py
Internally, program translated into bytecode (.pyc files)
The "translation + execution" happens line-by-line
Concept of Sequences
Concept of Slicing
Concept of Mutability
Out[5]: 64
Out[6]: 221598697564115095916538315188172875314354600282592890206517191909967025172536
Out[7]: (2.5, 1)
Out[9]: 2.23606797749979
Out[10]: 1.25
To use a module,
import ModuleName
x = 60*math.pi/180.0
Out[12]: 0.8660254037844386
Out[13]: 0.8660254037844386
There are about 42 functions inside Math library! So, where can one get a quick
reference of what these functions are, what they do and how to use them!?!?
In [14]: print (dir(math)) # Prints all functions associated with Math module.
There are three methods of defining strings.
In [18]: a_alt = 'John\'s Computer' # now you need the escape sequence \
In [21]: long_string_traditional = 'Hello World! \n\nI once said to people, "Learn Pytho
n!" \
In [23]: string_sum = s1 + s2
print (string_sum)
print (string_product)
String is a sequence!
In [26]: a = "Python rocks!"
Out[29]: 13
Sequences can be sliced!
In [30]: a[2:6] # elements with indices 2,3,4,5 but not 6
Out[30]: 'thon'
In [31]: a[8:-2] # indices 8,9 ... upto 2nd last but not including it.
Out[31]: 'ock'
Out[32]: 'Pytho'
Out[37]: ''
Objects and Methods - An oversimplified
An object can be thought of a construct in the memory.
It has a well defined behavior with respect to other objects. (2*3 is allowed, "a"*"b" is
The properties of the object, the operations that can be performed all are pre-defined.
A method is a function bound to an object that can perform specific operations that the
object supports.
In [39]: a.title()
In [40]: a.split(",")
<ipython-input-47-1c6b97054996> in <module>
In [49]: help(a.find)
Return -1 on failure.