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[Applications of S.H.M and various oscillatory situations]

A body free to rotate about a given axis can make angular oscillations. For example, a hanging
umbrella makes angular oscillations when it is slightly pushed aside and released. The angular
oscillations are called angular simple harmonic motion if
(a) there is a position of the body where the resultant torque on the body is zero, this position is
the mean position  = 0,
(b) when the body is displaced through an angle from the mean position, a resultant torque acts
which is proportional to the angle displaced, and
(c) this torque has a sense (clockwise or anticlockwise) so as to bring the body towards the mean
If the angular displacement of the body at an instant is , the resultant torque acting on the body
in angular simple harmonic motion should be
  -k 
If the moment of inertia is I, the angular acceleration is
 -
d 2 k
or,  -  2 -------(3A) where  
dt 2 I
Equation (3A) is identical to equation of SHM except for the symbols.
Now integrating eq.3A, we get
   0 sint    ----------(3B)
where 0 is the maximum angular displacement on either side. The angular velocity at time t is
given by,
   0  cost    --------(3C)
The time period of oscillation is
2π I
T  2π
ω k
and the frequency of oscillation is
1 1 k
 
T 2π I
The quantity   is the angular frequency.
The potential energy is
1 1
U  kθ 2  Iω 2θ 2
2 2
and the kinetic energy is
K  I 2
The total energy is
E= U + K
1 1
E  Iω 2θ 2  I  2
2 2
Using    0 sint   
1 1 1
E  Iω 2θ 20 sin 2 ωt  δ   I  02 cos 2 t     I  2 02
2 2 2
Understanding Concept (Subjective-1):-
1. A body makes angular simple harmonic motion of amplitude /10 rad and time period 0.05 s. If
the body is at a displacement  = /10 rad at t = 0, write the equation giving the angular
displacement as a function of time.

Simple Pendulum
(1) An ideal simple pendulum consists of a heavy point mass body (bob) suspended by a weightless,
inextensible and perfectly flexible string from a rigid support about which it is free to oscillate.
(2) But in reality neither point mass nor weightless string exist, so we can never construct a simple
pendulum strictly according to the definition
Figure (1) shows a simple pendulum in which a particle of mass m is
suspended from the fixed support O through a light string of length l.
The system can stay in equilibrium if the string is vertical.
This is the mean or equilibrium position. If the particle is pulled aside
and released, it oscillates in a circular arc with the centre at the point
of suspension O.
The position of the particle at any time can be described by the angle 
between the string and the vertical. The mean position or the
equilibrium position corresponds to =0. The particle makes pure Figure 1
rotation about the horizontal line OA (figure 1) which is perpendicular
to the plane of motion.
Let the particle be at P at a time t when the string OP makes an angle 
with the vertical (figure 2). Let OQ be the horizontal line in the plane of
Let PQ be the perpendicular to OQ. Forces acting on the particle are,
(a) the weight mg and
(b) the tension T.
The torque of T about OA is zero as it intersects OA. The magnitude of the
torque of mg about OA is Figure 2
 = (mg) (OQ)
= mg (OP) sin
= m g l sin.
Also, the torque tries to bring the particle back towards  = 0. Thus, we can write
 = - m g l sin. ........... (3)
We see that the resultant torque is not proportional to the angular displacement and hence the motion
is not angular simple harmonic.
However, if the angular displacement is small, sin is approximately equal to  (expressed in
radians) and equation (3) may be written as
 = - m g l . ............ (4)
Thus, if the amplitude of oscillation is small, the motion of the particle is approximately angular
simple harmonic. The moment of inertia of the particle about the axis of rotation OA is
I = m(OP)2 = ml2
The angular acceleration is

 mg l g
 - - 2
- 
I ml l

  -   where   g l

This is the equation of an angular simple harmonic motion. The constant   g represents the
angular frequency. The time period is S

T=  2π g .................(5)
ω l

Simple Pendulum as a Linear Simple Harmonic Oscillator
If the amplitude of oscillation is small, the path of the particle is T
approximately a straight line and the motion can be described as a l
linear simple harmonic motion. We re-derive expression (5) for the
time period using this approach. P
(3) Suppose simple pendulum of length l is displaced through a small
angle  from it’s mean (vertical) position. Consider mass of the bob is mg sin 
O mg mg cos 
m and linear displacement from mean position is x.

Restoring force acting on the bob
F  mgsinθ or F  mgθ  mg
~ Arc OP x
(When  is small sin    = = )
Length l l
F mg
   k (Spring factor)
x l
Inertia factor m l
So T  2π  2π  2π
Spring factor mg/l g
Factor Affecting Time Period of Simple Pendulum
(1) Amplitude : The period of simple pendulum is independent of amplitude as long as its motion
is simple harmonic. But if  is not small, sin    then motion will not remain simple harmonic
but will become oscillatory. In this situation if 0 is the amplitude of motion. Time period
l  1 20     2
T  2 1  2 sin    .......   T 0 1  0 
g  2  2    16 
(2) Mass of the bob: Time period of simple pendulum is also independent of mass of the bob. This
is why
(i) If the solid bob is replaced by a hollow sphere of same radius but different mass, time period
remains unchanged.
(ii) If a girl is swinging in a swing and another sits with her, the time period remains unchanged.
(3) Length of the pendulum: Time period T  l where l is the distance between point of
suspension and center of mass of bob and is called effective length.
(i) When a sitting girl on a swinging swing stands up, her center of mass will go up and so l and
hence T will decrease.
(ii) If a hole is made at the bottom of a hollow sphere full of water and water comes out slowly
through the hole and time period is recorded till the sphere is empty, initially and finally the center
of mass will be at the center of the sphere. However, as water drains off the sphere, the center of
mass of the system will first move down and then will come up. Due to this l and hence T first
increase, reaches a maximum and then decreases till it becomes equal to its initial value.
(iii) Different graphs T T2 T

l  T2 l  T2 l  T2

l l
(4) Effect of g : T  i.e. as g increase T decreases.
(i) As we go high above the earth surface or we go deep inside the mines the value of g decrease,
hence time period of pendulum (T) increases.
(ii) If a clock, based on simple pendulum is taken to hill (or on any other planet), g will decrease so
T will increases and clock will become slower.
(iii) Different graphs
T 1
g 1

(5) Effect of temperature on time period : If the bob of simple pendulum is suspended by a wire
then effective length of pendulum will increase with the rise of temperature due to which the time
period will increase.
l  l0 (1    ) (If  is the rise in temperature, l 0  initial length of wire, l = final length of wire)
T l 1
  (1     )1 / 2  1   
T0 l0 2

T 1 T 1
So  1    i.e.   
T0 2 T 2
Oscillation of Pendulum in Different Situations
(1) Oscillation in liquid : If bob a simple pendulum of density  is made to oscillate in some fluid
of density  (where  <) then time period of simple pendulum gets increased.
As thrust will oppose its weight hence mg eff .  mg  Thrust
Vg   Thru
or g eff .  g  i.e. g eff .  g 1  
V  
g'   
  mg
g 
T' g 
   1
T g'  
(2) Oscillation under the influence of electric field***: If a bob of mass m carries a positive
charge q and pendulum is placed in a uniform electric field of strength E
(i) If electric field directed vertically upwards.
Effective acceleration g eff .  g  

m l E
So T  2
m mg

(ii) If electric field is vertically downward then

g eff .  g   T
l 
T  2 E
mg + QE

(3) Pendulum in a lift : If the pendulum is suspended from the

ceiling of the lift.
(i) If the lift is at rest or moving down ward /up ward with constant velocity.
l 1 g
T  2 and n 
g 2 l
(ii) If the lift is moving up ward with constant acceleration a
l 1 ga
T  2 and n 
ga 2 l
Time period decreases and frequency increases
(iii) If the lift is moving down ward with constant acceleration a
l 1 ga
T  2 and n  a
g a 2 l
Time period increase and frequency decreases
(iv) If the lift is moving down ward with acceleration a  g
l 1 gg
T  2   and n  =0
gg 2 l a =g

It means there will be no oscillation in a pendulum.

Similar is the case in a satellite and at the centre of earth where effective
acceleration becomes zero and pendulum will stop.

(4) Pendulum in an accelerated vehicle: The time period of simple pendulum whose point of
suspension moving horizontally with acceleration a a
In this case effective acceleration g eff .  g 2  a2

T  2 1
and   tan (a / g )  g
( g  a 2 )1 / 2

If simple pendulum suspended in a car that is moving with

constant speed v around a circle of radius r.
T  2
 v2 
g   

 r 
Some Other Types of Pendulum
(1) Infinite length pendulum: If the length of the pendulum is comparable to the radius of earth
T  2
1 1
g  
 l R 
1 1 l
(i) If l  R , then  so T  2 
l R g
1 1
(ii) If l  R ( ) then 
l R
R 6 .4  10 6
so T  2  2  84 .6 minutes
g 10
and it is the maximum time period which an oscillating simple pendulum can have
(iii) If l  R so T  2
 1hour
(2) Second’s Pendulum : It is that simple pendulum whose time period of vibrations is two
l 4  9.8
Putting T = 2 sec and g  9.8m / sec 2 in T  2
we get l   0.993 m = 99.3 cm
g 4 2
Hence length of second’s pendulum is 99.3 cm or nearly 1 meter on earth surface.
For the moon the length of the second’s pendulum will be 1/6 meter [As g moon  Earth ]

Understanding Concept (Objective-2):-
1. If the length of a simple pendulum is doubled, its period will:
A. halve
B. be greater by a factor of (2)1/2
C. be less by a factor of (2)1/2
D. double
E. remain the same
2. The period of a simple pendulum is 1 s on Earth. When brought to a planet where g is one-tenth
that on Earth, its period becomes:
A. 1 s B. 1/(10)1/2 s C. 1/10 s D. (10)1/2 s E. 10 s
3. The amplitude of oscillation of a simple pendulum is increased from 10 to 40. Its maximum
acceleration changes by a factor of:
A. 1/4 B. 1/2 C. 2 D. 4 E. 16
4. A simple pendulum of length L and mass M has frequency f. To increase its frequency to 2f:
A. increase its length to 4L B. increase its length to 2L
C. decrease its length to L/2 D. decrease its length to L/4
E. decrease its mass to <M/4
5. A simple pendulum consists of a small ball tied to a string and set in oscillation. As the
pendulum swings the tension force of the string is:
A. constant
B. a sinusoidal function of time
C. the square of a sinusoidal function of time
D. the reciprocal of a sinusoidal function of time
E. none of the above
6. A simple pendulum has length L and period T. As it passes through its equilibrium position, the
string is suddenly clamped at its midpoint. The period then becomes:
A. 2T B. T C. T/2 D. T/4 E. none of these
7. A simple pendulum is suspended from the ceiling of an elevator. The elevator is accelerating
upwards with acceleration a. The period of this pendulum, in terms of its length L, g, and a is:
A. 2  B. 2  C. 2  D. 2  E. (1/ 2 )
g g a g -a a
8. Three physical pendulums, with masses m1, m2 = 2m1, and m3 = 3m1, have the same shape and
size and are suspended at the same point. Rank them according to their periods, from shortest to
A. 1, 2, 3 B. 3, 2, 1 C. 2, 3, 1 D. 2, 1, 3 E. All the same
9. A pendulum clock that keeps correct time on the earth is taken to the moon. It will run
(A) at correct rate (B) 6 times faster (C) times faster (D*) times slower
10. A pendulum clock keeping correct time is taken to high altitudes,
(A) it will keep correct time
(B) its length should be increased to keep correct time
(C*) its length should be decreased to keep correct time
(D) it cannot keep correct time even if the length is changed.
11. The free end of a simple pendulum is attached to the ceiling of a box. The box is taken to a
height and the pendulum is oscillated. When the bob is at its lowest point, the box is released to
fall freely. As seen from the box during this period, the bob will
(A) continue its oscillation as before (B) stop
(C*) go in a circular path (D) move on a straight line.
12. An object is released from rest. The time is takes to fall through a distance h and the speed of
the object as it falls through this distance are measured with a pendulum clock. The entire
apparatus is taken on the moon and the experiment is repeated
(A*) the measured times are same (B*) the measured speeds are same
(C) the actual times in the fall are equal (D) the actual speeds are equal
13. The length of a simple pendulum executing simple harmonic motion is increased by 21%. The
percentage increase in the time period of the pendulum of increased length is:
[AIEEE 2003]
(1) 11% (2) 21% (3) 42% (4*) 10%
14. The bob of a simple pendulum executes simple harmonic motion in water with a period t, while
the period of oscillation of the bob is t0 in air. Neglecting frictional force of water and given that the

density of the bob is (4/3) × 1000 kg/m3. What relationship between t and t0 is true?
[AIEEE 2004]
(1) t = t0 (2) t = t0/2 (3*) t = 2t0 (4) t = 4t0
15. The bob of a simple pendulum is a spherical hollow ball filled with water. A plugged hole near
the bottom of the oscillating bob gets suddenly unplugged. During observation, till water is coming
out, the time period of oscillation would: [AIEEE 2005]
(1*) first increase and then decrease to the original value
(2) first decrease and then increase to the original value
(3) remain unchanged
(4) increase towards a saturation value
16. The period of oscillation of simple pendulum of length L suspended from the roof of a vehicle
which moves without friction down an inclined plane of inclination a is given by
[JEE- 2000]
(A) 2 (B) 2 (C) 2 (D) 2
g cos g sin g g tan
17. A simple pendulum has time period T1. When the point of suspension moves vertically up
according to the equation y = kt2 where k = 1 m/s2 and 't' is time then the time period of the
T 
pendulum is T2 then is  1  [JEE-2005 (Scr)]
 T2 
(A) 5/6 (B)11/10 (C)6/5 (D)5/4
18. Column I gives a list of possible set of parameters measured in some experiments. The
variations of the parameters in the form of graphs are shown in Column II. Match the set of
parameters given in Column I with the graphs given in Column II. Indicate your answer by
darkening the appropriate bubbles of the 4 × 4 matrix given in the ORS. [JEE 2008]
Column I Column II

(A) Potential energy of a simple pendulum (y axis) (P)

as a function of displacement (x axis)


(B) Displacement (y axis) as a function of time (Q)

(x axis) for a one dimensional motion at zero or
constant acceleration when the body is moving
along the positive x-direction.

(C) Range of a projectile (y axis) as a function of its (R)

velocity (x axis) when projected at a fixed angle.


(D) The square of the time period (y axis) of a simple (S)

pendulum as a function of its length (x axis)


19. A pendulum made of a uniform wire of cross sectional area A has time period T. When an
additional mass M is added to its bob, the time period changes to TM. If the Young's modulus of the
material of the wire is Y then 1/Y is equal to : (g = gravitational acceleration) [JEE M-2015]
 T  2  A  T  2  Mg   T 2  A   T  2  Mg
(1)  M   1 (2)  M   1 (3) 1   M   (4) 1   M  
 T   Mg  T   A   T   Mg   T   A
20. A pendulum clock loses 12 s a day if the temperature is 40 oC and gains 4 s a day if the
temperature is 20 oC. The temperature at which the clock will show correct time, and the co-
efficient of linear expansion () of the metal of the pendulum shaft are respectively:
(1) 60 oC;  = 1.85 x 10-4/OC (2) 30 oC;  = 1.85 x 10-3/oC [JEE-M-2016]
(3) 55oC;  = 1.85 x 10-2/oC (4) 25 oC;  = 1.85 x 10-5/oC
21. Two masses m and m/2 are connected at the two ends of a massless
rigid rod of length l. The rod is suspended by a thin wire of torsional
constant k at the centre of mass of the rod-mass system(see figure). Because
of torsional constant k, the restoring torque is = k  for angular
displacement 0. If the rod is rotated by 0 and released, the tension in it
when it passes through its mean position will be: [JEE-M-09-01-19-MS]
3 k o2 k  o2
(1) (2)
l 2l
2 k  o2 k  o2
(3) (4)
l l
22. A simple pendulum of length 1 m is oscillating with an angular frequency 10 rad/s. The
support of the pendulum starts oscillating up and down with a small angular frequency of 1 rad/s
and an amplitude of 10–2 m. The relative change in the angular frequency of the pendulum is best
given by :- [JEE-M-11-01-19-ES]
(1) 10–3 rad/s (2) 10–1 rad/s (3) 1 rad/s (4) 10–5 rad/s
23. A simple pendulum, made of a string of length l and a bob of mass m, is released from a small
angle 0. It strikes a block of mass M, kept on a horizontal surface at its lowest point of oscillations,
elastically. It bounces back and goes up to an angle 1. Then M is given by : [JEE-M-12-01-19-MS]
m   o  1  m   o  1         
(1)   (2)   (3) m  o 1  (4) m  o 1 
2   o  1  2   o  1    o  1    o  1 
24. A simple pendulum oscillating in air has period T. The bob of the pendulum is completely
immersed in a non-viscous liquid. The density of the liquid is 1/16 th of the material of the bob.
If the bob is inside liquid all the time, its period of oscillation in this liquid is :
1 1 1 1
(1) 2T (2) 4 T (3) 4 T (4) 2 T
14 15 14 10
25. A block of mass m attached to a massless spring is performing oscillatory motion of amplitude
‘A’ on a frictionless horizontal plane. If half of the mass of the block breaks off when it is passing
through its equilibrium point, the amplitude of oscillation for the remaining system become fA. The
value of f is [JEE-M-03-09-20-ES]
(1) 1 (2) 2 (3) 1 (4) 1/2
26 A ring is hung on a nail. It can oscillate, without slipping or sliding (i) in its plane with a time
period T1 and, (ii) back and forth in a direction perpendicular to its plane, with a period T 2. The
ratio T1/T2 will be [JEE-M-05-09-20-ES]
(1) 2 (2) 2 (3) 2 (4) 3
3 3 3 2
27 When a particle of mass m is attached to a vertical spring of spring constant k and released, its
motion is described by y(t) = y0sin2t, where ‘y’ is measured from the lower end of unstretched
spring. Thenis [JEE-M-06-09-20-ES]

(1) 2g

1 g
2 yo

(3) g
2 yo


28. If the time period of a two meter long simple pendulum is 2 s, the acceleration due to gravity at
the place where pendulum is executing S.H.M. is : [JEE-M-25-02-2021-MS]
(1) 9.8 ms–2 (2) 2 ms–2 (3) 16 ms-2 (4) 22 ms–2
29. Assume that a tunnel is dug along a chord of the earth, at a perpendicular distance (R/2) from
the earth’s centre, where ‘R’ is the radius of the Earth. The wall of the tunnel is frictionless. If a
particle is released in this tunnel, it will execute a simple harmonic motion with a time period :
2πR R 1 g
(1) 2 π R  (2) (3) 2 π (4)
g g 2π R

30 Given below are two statements :

Statement I : A second’s pendulum has a time period of 1 second.
Statement II : It takes precisely one second to move between the two extreme positions.
In the light of the above Statement, choose the correct answer from the options given
(1) Both Statement I and Statement II are true [JEE-M-26-02-2021-ES]
(2) Statement I is true but Statement II is false
(3) Both Statement I and Statement II are false
(4) Statement I is false but Statement II is true
31 Time period of a simple pendulum is T. The time taken to complete 5/8 oscillations starting
from mean position is T. The value of is______. [JEE-M-26-02-2021-ES]
32. Time period of a simple pendulum is T inside a lift when the lift is stationary. If the lift moves
upwards with an acceleration g/2, the time period of pendulum will be :[JEE-M-16-03-2021-MS]
2 3 T
(1) T (2) 3 T (3) T (4)
3 2 3
33. T0 is the time period of a simple pendulum at a place. If the length of the pendulum is reduced
to 1/16 times of its initial value, the modified time period is :[JEE-M-22-07-2021-MS]
(1) 4 To (2) 1/4 To (3) To (4) 8To
34. If the length of the pendulum in pendulum clock increases by 0.1%, then the error in time per
day is: [JEE-M-26-08-2021-ES]
(1) 43.2 s (2) 4.32 s (3) 86.4 s (4) 8.64 s
35. A bob of mass ‘m’ suspended by a thread of length l undergoes simple harmonic oscillations
with time period T. If the bob is immersed in a liquid that has density 1/4 times that of the bob
and the length of the thread is increased by 1/3rd of the original length, then the time period of the
simple harmonic oscillations will be: [JEE-M-31-08-2021-ES]
(1) 3T/4 (2) T (3) 4T/3 (4) 3T/2
36. The motion of a simple pendulum executing S.H.M. is represented by the following equation.
y = A sin(t + ), where time is measured in second. The length of pendulum is[JEE-M-29-06-2022-ES]
(A) 97.23 cm (B) 25.3 cm (C) 99.4 cm (D) 406.1 cm
37. The length of a seconds pendulum at a height h = 2R from earth surface will be (Given R =
Radius of earth and acceleration due to gravity at the surface of earth, g = π 2 ms–2)
(A) 2/9 m (B) 4/9 m (C) 8/9 m (D) 1/9 m[JEE-M-25-07-2022-ES]
38. Assume there are two identical simple pendulum clocks. Clock – 1 is placed on the earth and
Clock - 2 is placed on a space station located at a height h above the earth surface. Clock – 1 and

Clock – 2 operate at time periods 4 s and 6 s respectively. Then the value of h is- (consider radius
of earth RE = 6400 km and g on earth 10 m/s2) [JEE-M-28-07-2022-ES]
(A) 1200 km (B) 1600 km (C) 3200 km (D) 4800 km
39. The metallic bob of simple pendulum has the relative density 5. The time period of this
pendulum is 10 s. If the metallic bob is immersed in water, then the new time period becomes
5 x s . The value of x will be ________.[JEE-M-29-07-2022-ES]

Understanding Concept (Subjective-2):-

1. Consider a pair of identical pendulums, which oscillate with equal amplitude independently
such that when one pendulum is at its extreme position making an angle of 2° to the right with the
vertical, the other pendulum makes an angle of 1° to the left of the vertical. What is the phase
difference between the pendulums? EP
2. A simple pendulum of time period 1s and length l is
hung from a fixed support at O, such that the bob is at a
distance H vertically above A on the ground. The amplitude
is θo. The string snaps at θ = θ0/2. Find the time taken by
the bob to hit the ground. Also find distance from A where
bob hits the ground. Assume θ0 to be small so that sinθ0 ≈
θ0 and cosθ0≈1. EP

3. A simple pendulum is suspended from the ceiling of a car accelerating uniformly on a horizontal
road. If the acceleration is ao and the length of the pendulum is l, find the time period of small
oscillations about the mean position.
4. The maximum tension in the string of an oscillating pendulum is double of the minimum
tension. Find the angular amplitude.
5. A simple pendulum of length l is suspended through the ceiling of an elevator. Find the time
period of small oscillations if the elevator (a) is going up with an acceleration a o (b) is going down
with an acceleration ao and (c) is moving with a uniform velocity.
6. A simple pendulum of length 1 feet suspended from the ceiling of an elevator takes /3 seconds
to complete one oscillation. Find the acceleration of the elevator.
7. A simple pendulum fixed in a car has a time period of 4 seconds when the car is moving
uniformly on a horizontal road. When the accelerator is pressed, the time period changes to 3.99
seconds. Making an approximate analysis, find the acceleration of the car.
8. A simple pendulum of length l is suspended from the ceiling of a car moving with a speed u on a
circular horizontal road of radius r. (a) Find the tension in the string when it is at rest with respect
to the car. (b) Find the time period of small oscillation.
9. A hollow sphere of radius 2 cm is attached to an 18 cm long thread to make a pendulum. Find
the time period oscillation of this pendulum. How does it differ from the time period calculated
using the formula for a simple pendulum?

Physical pendulum:
Any rigid body suspended from a fixed support constitutes O I

a physical pendulum. Consider the situation when the G l
body is displaced through a small angle . Torque on the
body about O is given by CM I0

τ  mgl sinθ …(i) mg

where l = distance between point of suspension and centre of mass of the body.
If I be the M.I. of the body about O.

Then τ  Iα …(ii)
d 2θ d 2θ d 2θ mgl
From (i) and (ii), we get I 2
 mglsinθ as  and 2
are oppositely directed  2
 θ
dt dt dt I
since  is very small
d 2θ
Comparing with the equation  ω 2θ. we get
dt 2
mgl I
ω  T  2π
I mgl
Also I  Icm  ml 2 (Parallel axis theorem)
2 2
 mk  ml (where k = radius of gyration)
2 2 l
mK  ml l
 T  2π  2π l  2π eff
mgl g g
leff = Effective length of pendulum = Distance between point of suspension and centre of mass.

Understanding Concept (Objective-3):-
Five hoops are each pivoted at a point on the rim and allowed to swing as physical pendulums.
The masses and radii are
hoop 1: M = 150 g and R = 50cm
hoop 2: M = 200 g and R = 40cm
hoop 3: M = 250 g and R = 30cm
hoop 4: M = 300 g and R = 20cm
hoop 5: M = 350 g and R = 10cm
1. Order the hoops according to the periods of their motions, smallest to largest.
A. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 B. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 C. 1, 2, 3, 5, 4 D. 1, 2, 5, 4, 3 E. 5, 4, 1, 2, 3
2. A meter stick is pivoted at a point a distance a from its center and swings as a physical
pendulum. Of the following values for a, which results in the shortest period of oscillation?
A. a = 0.1m B. a = 0.2m C. a = 0.3m D. a = 0.4m E. a = 0.5m
3. The rotational inertia of a uniform thin rod about its end is ML2/3, where M is the mass and L is
the length. Such a rod is hung vertically from one end and set into small amplitude oscillation. If L
= 1.0m this rod will have the same period as a simple pendulum of length:
A. 33 cm B. 50 cm C. 67 cm D. 100 cm E. 150 cm
4. Two uniform spheres are pivoted on horizontal axes that are tangent to their surfaces. The one
with the longer period of oscillation is the one with:
A. the larger mass
B. the smaller mass
C. the larger rotational inertia
D. the smaller rotational inertia
E. the larger radius

Understanding Concept (Subjective-3):-
1. A uniform rod of mass m and length l is suspended through a light wire of
length l and torsional constant as shown in figure 6. Find the time period if the
system makes (a) small oscillations in the vertical plane about the suspension
point and (b) angular oscillations in the horizontal plane about the centre of the
2. Find the time period of small oscillations of the following systems. (a) A metre stick suspended
through the 20 cm mark. (b) A ring of mass m and radius r suspended through a point on its
periphery. (c) A uniform square plate of edge a suspended through a corner. (d) A unifrom disc of
mass m and radius r suspended through a point r/2 away from the centre.
3. A uniform rod of length l is suspended by an end and is made to undergo small oscillations.
Find the length of the simple pendulum having the time period equal to that of the rod.
4. A uniform disc of radius r is to be suspended through a small hole made in the disc. Find the
minimum possible time period of the disc for small oscillations. What should be the distance of the
hole from the centre for it to have minimum time period?
5. A closed circular wire hung on a nail in a wall undergoes small oscillations of amplitude 2° and
time period 2 s. Find (a) the radius of the circular wire, (b) the speed of the particle farthest away
from the point of suspension as it goes through its mean position, (c) the acceleration of this
particle as it goes through its mean position and (d) the acceleration of this particle when it is at an
extreme position. Take g = 2 m/s2.

Spring System
When a spring is stretched or compressed from its normal position (x = 0) by a small distance x,
then a restoring force is produced in the spring because it obeys Hooke’s law
i.e. F   x  F   k x
where k is called spring constant.
(i) It’s S.I. unit Newton/metre, C.G.S unit Dyne/cm and dimension is [MT–2]
(ii) Actually k is a measure of the stiffness/softness of the spring.
(iii) For massless spring, restoring elastic force is same every where
(iv) When a spring is compressed or stretched then work done is stored in the form of elastic
potential energy in it.
(v) Spring constant depend upon radius and length of the wire used in spring.
(vi) The spring constant k is inversely proportional to the spring length.

Spring constant (k)


Length of the spring (l)

1 1
 k
Extension Length of spring
That means if the length of spring is halved then its force constant becomes double.
(vii) When a spring of length l is cut in two pieces of length l1 and l2 such that l1  nl2 .
k (n  1)
If the constant of a spring is k then spring constant of first part k1 
Spring constant of second part k 2  (n  1)k
k1 1
and ratio of spring constant 
k2 n
Spring Pendulum
A point mass suspended from a mass less spring or
placed on a frictionless horizontal plane attached with
spring (fig.) constitutes a linear harmonic spring
m k

Time period
m m
Inertia factor
T  2  2
Spring factor k
1 k
and Frequency n 
2 m
(1) Time period of a spring pendulum depends on the mass suspended  T  m or n  i.e.
greater the mass greater will be the inertia and so lesser will be the frequency of oscillation and
greater will be the time period.
(2) The time period depends on the force constant k of the spring i.e. T  or n  k
(3) Time of a spring pendulum is independent of acceleration due to gravity. That is why a clock
based on spring pendulum will keep proper time every where on a hill or moon or in a satellite and
time period of a spring pendulum will not change inside a liquid if damping effects are neglected.

(4) Massive spring : If the spring has a mass M and mass m is suspended from it, effective mass is
M m eff
given by m eff  m  . Hence T  2π
3 k
(5) Reduced mass : If two masses of mass m1 and m2 are connected by a
spring and made to oscillate on horizontal surface, the reduced mass mr is m1 m2

m1m 2
given by mr 
m1  m 2
(6) If a spring pendulum, oscillating in a vertical plane is made to oscillate on a horizontal surface,
(or on inclined plane) time period will remain unchanged.
(7) Equilibrium position for a spring in a horizontal plain is the position of natural length of spring
as weight is balanced by reaction. While in case of vertical motion equilibrium position will be l  y0
with ky0  mg

l R
ky0 l + y0


If the stretch in a vertically loaded spring is y 0 then for equilibrium of mass m, ky0  mg i.e.
m y0

k g
m y0
So that T  2  2
k g
Time period does not depends on ‘g’ because along with g, yo will also change in such a way that
y0 m
 remains constant
g k
Oscillation of Spring Combination
(1) Series combination: If two springs of spring
constants K1 and K 2 are joined in series as shown
then k1
k1 k2
(i) In series combination equal forces acts on spring
but extension in springs are different. m
(ii) Spring constants of combination k2
1 1 1 k1k2
   ks 
k s k1 k 2 k1  k 2
(iii) If n springs of different force constant are
connected in series having force constant k1, k2 , k3.......
respectively then
1 1 1 1
    ........
k S k1 k 2 k3
If all spring have same spring constant then k S 
m m( k1  k 2 )
(iv) Time period of combination T  2  2
kS k1k 2

(2) Parallel combination: If the springs are connected in parallel as shown

k1 k1
k1 k2
k1 k2 m m


(i) In parallel combination different forces acts on different springs but extension in springs are
(ii) Spring constants of combination k P  k1  k 2
(iii) If n springs of different force constant are connected in parallel having force constant
k1, k2 , k3 ....... respectively then k P  k1  k2  k3  …
If all spring have same spring constant then k P  nk
m m
(iv) Time period of combination TP  2  2
kP ( k1  k 2 )

Understanding Concept (Objective-4):-
1. A weight suspended from an ideal spring oscillates up and down with a period T. If the
amplitude of the oscillation is doubled, the period will be:
A. T D. 1.5T B. 2T C. T/2 E. 4T
2. A certain spring elongates 9.0mm when it is suspended vertically and a block of mass M is hung
on it. The natural angular frequency of this block-spring system:
A. is 0.088 rad/s B. is 33 rad/s
C. is 200 rad/s D. is 1140 rad/s
E. cannot be computed unless the value of M is given
3. An object of mass m, oscillating on the end of a spring with spring constant k, has amplitude A.
Its maximum speed is:
A. A (k/m)1/2 B. A2k/m
C. A(m/k) 1/2 D. Am/k
E. A2m/k
4. A simple harmonic oscillator consists of an particle of mass m and an ideal spring with spring
constant k. Particle oscillates as shown in (i) with period T. If the spring is cut in half and used
with the same particle, as shown in (ii), the period will be:

A. 2T B. (2)1/2 T C. T/(2)1/2 D. T E. T/2

5. When a mass m is connected individually to
two springs S1 and S2, the oscillation frequencies
are ν1 and ν2. If the same mass is attached to
the two springs as shown in Fig., the oscillation
frequency would be
(a)  1   2

(b)  12   22
1 1 
(c)   

 1  2 

(d)  12   22
6. A particle executes simple harmonic motion under the restoring force provided by a spring. The
time period is T. If the spring is divided in two equal parts and one part is used to continue the
simple harmonic motion, the time period will
(A) remain T (B) becomes 2T (C) become T/2 (D*) become T/ 2
7. Two bodies A and B of equal mass are suspended from two separate massless springs of spring
constant k1 and k2 respectively. If the bodies oscillate vertically such that their maximum velocities
are equal, the ratio of the amplitude of A to that of B is
(A) k1/k2 (B) k 1/k 2 (C) k2/k1 (D*) k 2/k1
8. A spring mass system oscillates with a frequency v. If it is taken in an elevator slowly
accelerating upward, the frequency will
(A) increase (B) decrease (C*) remain same (D) become zero
9. A spring-mass system oscillates in a car. If the car accelerates on a horizontal road, the
frequency of oscillation will
(A) increase (B) decrease (C*) remain same (D) become zero.
10. A wall clock uses a vertical spring-mass system to measure the time. Each time the mass
reaches an extreme position, the clock advances by a second. The clock gives correct time at the
equator. If the clock is taken to the poles it will
(A) run slow (B) run fast (C) stop working (D*) give correct time.

11. A mass M is suspended from a spring of negligible mass. The spring is pulled a little and then
released so that the mass executes SHM of time period T. If the mass is increased by m, the time
period becomes 5T/3. Then the ratio of m/M is: [AIEEE 2003]
(1) 3/5 (2) 25/9 (3*) 16/9 (4) 5/3
12. A particle at the end of a spring executes simple harmonic motion with a period t1, while the
corresponding period for another spring is t2. If the period of oscillation with the two springs in
series is T, then: [AIEEE 2004]
(1) T = t1 + t2 (2*) T2 = t12 + t22 (3) T–1 = t1–1 + t2–1 (4) T–2 = t1–2 + t2–2
13. The displacement of an object attached to a spring and executing simple harmonic motion is
given by x = 2 × 10–2 cost metres. The time at which the maximum speed first occurs is:
(1*) 0.5 s (2) 0.75 s (3) 0.125 s (4) 0.25 s [AIEEE 2007]
14. Two springs, of force constants k1 and
k2, are connected to a mass m as shown. The
frequency of oscillation of mass is ƒ. If both
k1 and k2 are made four times their original
values, the frequency of oscillation becomes: [AIEEE 2007]
(1) ƒ/2 (2) ƒ/4 (3) 4f (4*) 2ƒ
15. A mass M, attached to a horizontal spring, executes SHM with a amplitude A1. When the mass
M passes through its mean position then a smaller mass m is placed over it and both of them move
A 
together with amplitude A2. The ratio of  1  is: [AIEEE 2011]
 A2 
1/ 2 1/ 2
M Mm  M  Mm
(1) (2) (3)   (4)  
Mm M  M  m   M 
16. A block P of mass m is placed on a frictionless horizontal surface.
Another block Q of same mass is kept on P and connected to the wall with
the help of a spring of spring constant k as shown in the figure. s is the
coefficient of friction between P and Q. The blocks move together
performing SHM of amplitude A. The maximum value of the friction force between P and Q is
(A) kA (B) kA/2
(C) zero (D) smg [JEE-2004]

17. A block (B) is attached to two unstretched springs S1 and S2 2 1

with spring constants k and 4k, respectively (see figure I). The other M2 S2 S1 M1 I
ends are attached to identical supports M1 and M2 not attached to B
the walls. The springs and supports have negligible mass. There is 2 x 1
M2 S2 S1 M1 II
no friction anywhere. The block B is displaced towards wall 1 by a B
small distance x (figure II) and released. The block returns and
moves a maximum distance y towards wall 2. Displacements x and x
y are measured with respect to the equilibrium position of the block B. The ratio y/x is [JEE-2008]
(A) 4 (B) 2 (C) 1/2 (D) ¼
Comprehension (3 Questions)
A uniform thin cylindrical disk of mass M and radius R is attached
to two identical massless springs of spring constant k which are y
fixed to the wall as shown in the figure. The springs are attached to
the axle of the disk symmetrically on either side at a distance d from 2d
its centre. The axle is massless and both the springs and the axle
are in a horizontal plane. The unstretched length of each spring is L.
The disk is initially at its equilibrium position with its centre of d d
mass (CM) at a distance L from the wall. The disk rolls without V
 R 0

slipping with velocity V0  Vo iˆ . The coefficient of friction is µ. x

18. The net external force acting on the disk when its centre of mass is at displacement x with
respect to its equilibrium position is : [JEE 2008]
(A) –kx (B) –2kx (C) –2kx/3 (D) –4kx/3
19. The centre of mass of the disk undergoes simple harmonic motion with angular frequency w
equal to: [JEE 2008]

k 2k 2k 4k
(A) (B) (C) (D)
M M 3M 3M
20. The maximum value of V0 for which the disk will roll without slipping is: [JEE 2008]
M M 3M 5M
(A) µg (B) µg (C) µg (D) µg
k 2k k 2k
21. The mass M shown in the figure oscillates in simple harmonic
k k2
motion with amplitude A. The amplitude of the point P is 1

• M
[JEE-2009] P
k1 A k A
(A) (B) 2
k2 k1
k1 A k2A
(C) (D)
k 2  k1 k 2  k1
22. A uniform rod of length L and mass M is pivoted at the centre. Its two
ends are attached to two springs of equal spring constants k. The springs
are fixed to rigid supports as shown in the figure, and the rod is free to
oscillate in the horizontal plane. The rod is gently pushed through a small
angle  in one direction and released. The frequency of oscillation is

1 2k 1 k
(A) (B)
2 M 2 M
1 6k 1 24 k
(C) (D) [JEE-2009]
2 M 2 M
23. A particle of mass m is attached to one end of a mass-less spring of force constant k, lying on a
frictionless horizontal plane. The other end of the spring is fixed. The particle starts moving
horizontally from its equilibrium position at time t = 0 with an initial velocity u0. When the speed of
the particle is 0.5 u0, it collides elastically with a rigid wall. After this collision,
(A) The speed of the particle when it returns to its equilibrium position is u0
(B) The time at which the particle passes through the equilibrium position for the first time is
4 m
(C) The time at which the maximum compression of the spring occurs is t 
3 k
(D) The time at which the particle passes through the equilibrium position for the second time is
5 m
t [JEE Advance-2013-II]
3 k
24. A spring-block system is resting on a frictionless floor
as shown in the figure. The spring constant is 2.0 N m–1
and the mass of the block is 2.0 kg. Ignore the mass of the
spring. Initially the spring is in an unstretched condition.
Another block of mass 1.0 kg moving with a speed of 2.0
m s–1 collides elastically with the first block. The collision
is such that the 2.0 kg block does not hit the wall. The
distance, in metres, between the two blocks when the
spring returns to its unstretched position for the first time after the collision is _____.
25. In the given figure, a mass M is attached to a horizontal spring
which is fixed on one side to a rigid support. The spring constant of the
spring is k. The mass oscillates on a frictionless surface with time
period T and amplitude A. When the mass is in equilibrium position, as
shown in the figure, another mass m is gently fixed upon it. The new
amplitude of oscillation will be : [JEE-M-24-02-2021-MS]

Mm M
(1) M (2) M-m

M m
(3) Mm (4) Mm

26. In the given figure, a body of mass M is held between two

massless spring, on a smooth inclined plane. The free ends of
the springs are attached to firm supports. If each spring has
spring constant k, the frequency of oscillation of given body is :

1 2k
(1) 2π M  [JEE-M-24-02-2021-ES]

1 k
(2) 2π 2M 

1 2k
(3) 2π M g sin

1 k
(4) 2π M g sin  

27. Two identical springs of spring constant ‘2k’ are attached to a

block of mass m and to fixed support (see figure). When the mass
is displaced from equilibrium position on either side, it executes
simple harmonic motion. The time period of oscillations of this
system is : [JEE-M-25-02-2021-ES]

(1)  π
(2) π
(3) 2 π
(4) 2 π
28. Consider two identical springs each of spring constant k and negligible mass
compared to the mass M as shown Fig. 1 shows one of them and Fig. 2 shows
their series combination. The ratios of time period of oscillation of the two SHM
is Tb where value of x is _____. (Round off to the Nearest Integer).
 x

29. The motion of a mass on a spring, with spring constant K is
as shown in figure.
The equation of motion is given by x(t) = Asint + Bcost with
 [JEE-M-22-07-2021-ES]
Suppose that at time t = 0, the position of mass is x(0) and
velocity v(0), then its displacement can also be represented as x(t) = Ccos(t –), where C and are:

2v o2  x o ω 
(1) C   x o2 ,   tan 1  
 2v o 

vo2  x oω 
(2) C   x o2 ,   tan 1  
 vo 

vo2  vo 
(3) C   x o2 ,   tan 1  
 x oω 

2v o 2  vo 
(4) C   x o 2 ,   tan 1  
 2x oω 
30. In the reported figure, two bodies A and B of masses 200 g
and 800 g are attached with the system of springs. Springs are
kept in a stretched position with some extension when the
system is released. The horizontal surface is assumed to be
frictionless. The angular frequency will be ___ rad/s when k = 20 N/m.[JEE-M-25-07-2021-MS]
31. Two massless springs with spring constant 2 k and 9 k, carry 50 g and 100 g masses at their
free ends. These two masses oscillate vertically such that their maximum velocities are equal.
Then, the ratio of their respective amplitude will be [JEE-M-24-06-2022-ES]
(A) 1 : 2 (B) 3 : 2 (C) 3 : 1 (D) 2 : 3
32. In figure (A), mass '2 m' is fixed on mass 'm' which is
attached to two springs of spring constant k. In figure
(B), mass 'm' is attached to two springs of spring
constant 'k' and '2k'. If mass 'm' in (A) and in (B) are
displaced by distance' x' horizontally and then released,
then time period T1 and T2 corresponding to (A) and (B)
respectively follow the relation.[JEE-M-25-07-2022-MS]
T 3
(A) 1 
T2 2
T1 3
(B) 
T2 2
T1 2
(C) 
T2 3
T1 2
(D) 
T2 3
33. As per given figures, two springs of spring constants k and 2k are
connected to mass m. If the period of oscillation in figure (a) is 3 s, then
the period of oscillation in figure (b) will be x s . The value of x is _______

34. A mass 0.9 kg, attached a horizontal spring, executes SHM with an amplitude A1. When this
mass passes through its mean position, then a smaller mass of 124 g is placed over it and both

masses move together with amplitude A2. If the ratio A1/A2 is , then the value of  will be
 1
_____. [JEE-M-27-07-2022-MS]
35. On a frictionless horizontal plane, a bob of mass m = 0.1 kg is attached to a spring with
natural length l0 = 0.1 m. The spring constant is k1 = 0.009 Nm–1 when the length of the spring l >
l0 and is k2 = 0.016 Nm–1 when l < l0. Initially the bob is released from l = 0.15 m. Assume that
Hooke’s law remains valid throughout the motion. If the time period of the full oscillation is T = (n
) s, then the integer closest to n is _______. [JEE-A2-2022]

Understanding Concept (Subjective-4):-

1. A body of mass m is attached to one end of a massless spring which is suspended vertically from
a fixed point. The mass is held in hand so that the spring is neither stretched nor compressed.
Suddenly the support of the hand is removed. The lowest position attained by the mass during
oscillation is 4cm below the point, where it was held in hand.
(a) What is the amplitude of oscillation?
(b) Find the frequency of oscillation?
2. The friction coefficient between the two blocks shown in figure 2 is  and the horizontal plane is
smooth. (a) If the system is slightly displaced and released, find the time period. (b) Find the
magnitude of the frictional force between the blocks when the displacement from the mean position
is x. (c) What can be the maximum amplitude if the upper block does not slip relative to the lower
3. The left block in figure 3 collides in elastically with the right block and sticks to it. Find the
amplitude of the resulting simple harmonic motion.

4. Describe the motion of the mass m shown in figure 4. The walls and the block are elastic.

5. A block of mass m is suspended from the ceiling of a stationary elevator through a spring of
spring constant k. Suddenly, the cable breaks and the elevator starts falling freely. Show that the
block now executes a simple harmonic motion of amplitude mg/k in the elevator.
6. The spring shown in figure is kept in a stretched position with extension x0 when the system is
released. Assuming the horizontal surface to be frictionless, find the frequency of oscillation.
7. A body of mass 2 kg suspended through a vertical spring executes simple harmonic motion of
period 4 s. If the oscillations are stopped and the body hangs in equilibrium, find the potential
energy stored in the spring.
8. A small block of mass m is kept on a bigger block of mass M which is attached to a vertical
spring of spring constant k as shown in the figure. The system oscillates vertically. (a) Find the
resultant force on the smaller block when it is displaced through a distance x above its equilibrium
position. (b) Find the normal force on the smaller block at this position. When is this force smallest
in magnitude? (c) What can be the maximum amplitude with which the two blocks may
oscillate together?
9. The block of mass m1 shown in figure 7 is fastened to the spring and the block of mass m 2
is placed against it. (a) Find the compression of the spring in the equilibrium position. (b) The
blocks are pushed a further distance (2/k) (m1 + m2)g sin8 against the spring and released. Find
the position where the two blocks separate. (c) What is the common speed of blocks at the time of
10. In figure k = 100 N/m, M =1 kg and F = l0 N, (a) Find the compression of the spring A. the
equilibrium position. (b) A sharp blow by some external agent imparts a speed of 2 m/s to the
block towards left. Find the sum of the potential energy of the spring and the kinetic energy
of the block at this instant. (c) Find the time period of the resulting simple harmonic motion.
(d) Find the amplitude. (e) Write the potential energy of the spring when the block is at the left
extreme. (f) Write the potential energy of the spring when the block is at the right extreme.
The answers of (b), (e) and (f) are different. Explain why this does not violate the principle of
conservation of energy.

11. A particle of mass m is attatched to three springs A, B and C of equal force constants k as
shown in figure. If the particle is pushed slightly against the spring C and released, find the time
period of oscillation.

12. Repeat the previous exercise if the angle between each pair of springs is 120°

13. The pulley shown in figure has a moment of inertia I about its axis and mass m.
Find the time period of vertical oscillation of its centre of mass. The spring has
spring constant k and the string does not slip over the pulley.

14. The string, the spring and the pulley shown in figure are light. Find the time
period of the mass m.

15. Solve the previous problem if the pulley has a moment of inertia I about its axis and the string
does not slip over it.
16. A 1 kg block is executing simple harmonic motion of amplitude 0.1 m on a smooth horizontal
surface under the restoring force of a spring of spring constant 100 N/m. A block of mass 3 kg is
gently placed on it at the instant it passes through the mean position. Assuming that the two
blocks move together, find the frequency and the amplitude of the motion.
17. The left block in figure moves at a speed v towards the right
block placed in equilibrium. All collisions to take place are elastic
and the surfaces are frictionless. Show that the motions of the
two blocks are periodic. Find the time period of these periodic
motions. Neglect the widths of the blocks.
18. All the surfaces shown in figure are frictionless. The mass of the car is
M, that of the block is m and the spring has spring constant k. Initially, the
car and the block are at rest and the spring is stretched through a length xo
when the system is released. (a) Find the amplitudes of the simple harmonic
motion of the block and of the car as seen from the road. (b) Find the time
period(s) of the two simple harmonic motions.
19. Two masses m1 and m2 connected by a light spring of natural length l0 is compressed
completely and tied by a string. This system while moving with a velocity v0 along +ve x-axis pass
through the origin at t = 0. At this position the string snaps. Position of mass m1 at time t is given
by the equation x1(t) = v0 t – A (1–cost)
(a) Position of the particle m2 as a function of time.
(b) l0 in terms of A. [JEE-2003]
20. A small body attached to one end of a vertically hanging spring is performing
SHM about it's mean position with angular frequency w and amplitude a. If at a
height y* from the mean position the body gets detached from the spring, calculate
the value of y* so that the height H attained by the mass is maximum. The body does
not interact with the spring during it's subsequent motion after detachment. (a2 >
g). [JEE 2005]

Various Formulae of S.H.M.
(1) S.H.M. of a liquid in U tube: If a liquid of density  contained in a vertical U
tube performs S.H.M. in its two limbs. Then time period
L h h
T  2  2
2g g
where L = Total length of liquid column, h = Height of undisturbed liquid in each
limb (L=2h)
(2) S.H.M. of a floating cylinder : If l is the length of cylinder dipping in liquid
l l
Time period T  2

(3) S.H.M. of a small ball rolling down in hemi-spherical bowl

T  2
R = Radius of the bowl
r =Radius of the ball
(4) S.H.M. of a piston in a cylinder h

T  2 M
PA Gas
M = mass of the piston
A = area of cross section P A
h = height of cylinder
P = pressure in a cylinder
(5) S.H.M. of a body in a tunnel dug along any chord of earth

T  2 = 84.6 minutes R

(6) Torsional pendulum : In a torsional pendulum an object is suspended

from a wire. If such a wire is twisted, due to elasticity it exert a restoring Wire
toque  = C.
In this case time period is given by l
T  2 Disc
C 
where I = Moment of inertia a disc
r 4
C = Torsional constant of wire =
 = Modulus of elasticity of wire and r = Radius of wire

(7) Longitudinal oscillations of an elastic wire: Wire/string pulled a distance l
 l 
and left. It executes longitudinal oscillations. Restoring force F   AY   Wire
 l 
Y = Young’s modulus
A = Area of cross-section
m ml
Hence T  2  2
k AY

Understanding Concept (Objective-5):-

1. The motion of a torsional pendulum is
(A*) periodic (B*) oscillatory
(C) simple harmonic (D*) angular simple harmonic
2. Suppose a tunnel is dug along a diameter of the earth. A particle is dropped from a point, a
distance h directly above the tunnel. The motion of the particle as seen from the earth is
(A) simple harmonic (B) parabolic (C*) on a straight line (D*) periodic
3. Which of the following will change the time period as they are taken to moon ?
(A*) A simple pendulum (B*) A physical pendulum
(C) a torsional pendulum (D) a spring mass system
4. An ideal gas enclosed in a vertical cylindrical container supports a freely moving piston of mass
M. The piston and the cylinder have equal cross sectional area A. When the piston is in
equilibrium, the volume of the gas is V0 and its pressure is P0. The piston is slightly displaced from
the equilibrium position and released. Assuming that the system is completely isolated from its
surrounding, the piston executes a simple harmonic motion with frequency: [IIT-2013(M)]
1 A 2Po 1 A 2Po 1 A Po 1 M Po Vo
(1) (2) (3) (4)
2 M Vo 2 M Vo 2  M Vo 2 A 
5. A rod of mass 'M' and length '2L' is suspended at its middle by a wire. It exhibits torsional
oscillations; If two masses each of 'm' are attached at distance 'L/2' from its centre on both sides, it
reduces the oscillation frequency by 20%. The value of ratio m/M is close to:
(1) 0.17 (2) 0.37 (3) 0.57 (4) 0.77[JEE-M-09-01-19-MS]
6. A cylindrical plastic bottle of negligible mass is filled with 310 ml of water and left floating in a
pond with still water. If pressed downward slightly and released, it starts performing simple
harmonic motion at angular frequency . If the radius of the bottle is 2.5 cm then close to:
(density of water = 103 kg / m3) [JEE-M-10-01-19-ES]
(1) 5.00 rad s–1 (2) 1.25 rad s–1 (3) 3.75 rad s–1 (4) 2.50 rad s–1
7. A stationary horizontal disc is free to rotate about its axis. When a torque is applied on it, its
kinetic energy as a function of , where  is the angle by which it has rotated, is given as k2. If its
moment of inertia is I then the angular acceleration of the disc is: [JEE-M-09-04-19-MS]
2k k k k
(1)  (2)  (3)  (4) 
I I 2I 4I

8. Two light identical springs of spring constant k are attached

horizontally at the two ends of a uniform horizontal rod AB of length l and
mass m. The rod is pivoted at its centre 'O' and can rotate freely in
horizontal plane. The other ends of the two springs are fixed to rigid
supports as shown in figure. The rod is gently pushed through a small
angle and released. The frequency of resulting oscillation is:

1 6k 1 2k
(1) (2)
2 m 2 m
1 k 1 3k
(3) (4) [JEE-M-12-01-19-MS]
2 m 2 m

Understanding Concept (Subjective-2):-

1. A rectangular plate of sides a and b is suspended from a ceiling by two
parallel strings of length L each figure. The separation between the strings is d.
The plate is displaced slightly in its plane keeping the strings tight. Show that it
will execute simple harmonic motion. Find the time period.
2. Find the time period of the motion of the particle shown in figure. Neglect the small effect of the
bend near the bottom.

3. A uniform plate of mass M stays horizontally and symmetrically on two wheels rotating in
opposite directions figure. The separation between the wheels is L. The friction coefficient between
each wheel and the plate is . Find the time period of oscillation of the plate if it is slightly
displaced along its length and released.

4. A spherical ball of mass m and radius r rolls without slipping on a rough concave surface of
large radius R. It makes small oscillations about the lowest point. Find the time period.
5. Assume that a tunnel is dug across the earth radius = R) passing through its centre. Find the
time a particle takes to cover the length of the tunnel if (a) it is projected into the tunnel with a
speed of (gR)1/2 (b) it is released from a height R above the tunnel (c) it is thrown vertically upward
along the length of tunnel with a speed of (gR) 1/2 .
6. Assume that a tunnel is dug along a chord of the earth, at a perpendicular distance R/2 from
the earth's centre where R is the radius of the earth. The wall of the tunnel is frictionless. (a) Find
the gravitational force exerted by the earth on a particle of mass m placed in the tunnel at a
distance x from the centre of the tunnel. (b) Find the component of this force along the tunnel and
perpendicular to the tunnel. (c) Find the normal force exerted by the wall on the particle. (d) Find
the resultant force on the particle. (e) Show that the motion of the particle in the tunnel is simple
harmonic and find the time period.
7. A uniform disc of mass m and radius r is suspended through a wire attached to its centre. If the
time period of the torsional oscillations be T, what is the torsional constant of the wire.
8. Two small balls, each of mass m are connected by a light rigid rod of length L.
The system is suspended from its centre by a thin wire of torsional constant k
The rod is rotated about the wire through an angle o and released. Find the
tension in the rod as the system passes through the mean position.


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