NSCB English
NSCB English
NSCB English
Ensuring school access to children in all the habitations in the State is one of the
main objectives of Samagra Shiksha. There are certain areas in the State where it
may not be viable to setup schools as per State’s neighbourhood norms. These un-
served habitations are mostly located in remote/hilly/forest areas. Children from
these habitations are dropping out due to distance of the neighbourhood school, lack
of proper road connectivity and a risk of being attacked by wild animals. Wherein,
Provision of Transport/escort facility to and fro to the school is not practical. Hence it
is necessary to provide Residential school/Hostel facilities for the children to have
access to school as envisaged in Samagra Shiksha framework. The main objectives
of the NSCB Residential schools and Hostel are as follows:
Modalities of Implementation:
Every year before the commencement of the academic year, the standard
operating system for the smooth functioning of the KGBVs are being developed at
SPO and issued to all the KGBVs this includes
Expected outcomes:
Provision of residential school/hostel facility for dropout children in un-
served habitations especially remote/hilly forest areas.
Eliminate barrier to school access due to geographical conditions by
providing residential school/hostel facility
Reduce potential dropouts and dropouts in un-served habitations
Increase in attendance rate in remote/hilly/forest areas at all levels
Retention of children in remote areas at all levels
Increase in achievement level of the children in the remote areas
Key Performance Indicators (KPIs):
Improvement of enrolment (GER & NER) at elementary and secondary
Improvement in Gross Access Ratio (GAR) at elementary and secondary
Improvement in Transition rate at elementary and secondary level
Retention rate at all levels, from primary to higher.secondary level
Financial outlay 2021-22
S. Non-
Type Recurring Total
No. recurring (in lakh) (in lakh)
(in lakh)