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region, including the future of the church of Ephesus (xx.

Corno di Campo . . . . . . . . 10,844 Monte Spluga . . . . . . . . . . .9,321

defeating or quashing of a particular action by some matter of

the Alps of Kivoy (1843: new ed., 1900): Sir John Forbes,

of Gen. xxiii. has been much exaggerated; see S. R. Driver,

the deaths of martyrs began to be celebrated in the 4th

were much used by the Japanese at the siege of Port Arthur,

of the Uzes and of the French and Normans, under Ursel of

of the admiralty are concerned, but it may be presumed to

men, among them being Sir Walter Scott, Lord Brougham and

Albumoses and Peptones.--The primary products of the dissociation

the Valley troops had stealthily left Harrisonburg by rail

regiment of foot. Lady Hurriet accompanied her husband,

profession. Abbesses have a right to demand absolute obedience

sounds of the past epoch were. The study of the history of

2000 to 3500 ft., which it follows until it emerges from

affection for a father who had ever been that mother's worst

case is also found in Sanskrit, Zend, Oscan and Umbrian, and

Kushkinski, and the terminus of a branch railway from Merv.

courts or so to conceal oneself as to avoid their jurisdiction.

In well-made butter there are contained about 85% of pure

nearest their wants and supplies, and were never out of their

(1904), and those for oats 190,863,000 bushels (1894) and

the abbe Jacques de Cassagnes (1636-1679), who owed his

law and theology, but his profession was that of an engineer,

of his political designs; in this hope, however, Lysander war

or C-shaped curve, encircling the head of the pancreas. It

1890 2,418,766,028

Mauritius, and in the Marianne Islands in the open Pacific.

and trimethylacetyl chloride with sodium amalgam. It is a

lofty pyramidal roof, and the kitchen court; to the west, the

subjection, and in 1062 had founded the city of Marrakesh

by partitions, the bases of which remain. On the east side

land, in live stock and in dairying. Cattle-breeders did

cannot be avoided in order to extract the sodium carbonate

towards the Congo Free State, eastwards to the British East

1-278; G. Schweinfurth, Artes africanae Illustrations and

was, as has been seen, imperfect, but its touch with the later

show that this number 10-2 is really an enormous overestimate;

Liberia. It will be remembered that Dr Nachtigal, while the

theory of an aether pervaded by electrons, the same as

individualism of the classical economists, or they retire

from Alphonso I. The events of his reign are in reality

Work, by C. F. Holder (New York and London, 1893). (H. B. Wo.)

furnaces.'' In the former case, the first reaction is produced

led to an inquiry in lunacy and to her final settlement at

the ancient town under water. Unfortunately the spaces

was suddenly transferred from the general body of liquid.

times. It has been found in Mycenaean tombs; it is known

to collect and keep acetylene over a liquid, brine, i.e.

and, coincidenrly, increased growth and gain of nitrogen.''

surface. Occasional limited areas of rugged mountains rise

sorts, and their line also was continued by Shepard, Norton,

liberalizing influences of Wordsworth later there always

Egypt, and Aegean things hnd their way to all coasts of the

replacing carbon by a mixture of iron and carbon -- the

But in many, perhaps most cases of naturalization (see

Europe to support ``a league of which the sole object is the

and in 1871 Marine Animals of Massachusetts Bay.

months of the year, points of the compass, grammatical and

(632), under the title Califet-Resul-Allah (successor of the

ADVENTITIOUS (from Lat. adventicius, coming from

parishes. The total area dealt with was only 413 acres 1 rood 5

that this was its Indian name. We are disposed to agree

formerly the capital of the Upper Palatinate, situated

El Alcazar, y la gran Mezquita de Occidente Madrid, 1885);

is a development of biotite gneiss, partly of sedimentary

and rival Nectanabis, who, in return for his help, gave

retaining some of their furniture, at Arkina and Eleusis in

Restriction Act, suspending cash payment, was passed, and

treatise known as Physica et Mystica and falsely ascribed

influence. The British company had sent caravans into the

and Salish tribes are of middle stature; on the coast of

partially burnt in 1894, but the foundation of both is of

and several learned societies. The industries include

hostel for women in connexion with it. In 1905 it was decided

Naiken, who soon remarked his extraordinary intelligence and

on the respective plots according to the manure employed,

upon by any department of the Government, investigate,

which have become permanently naturalized away from their native

considerable naval and military forces at the islands. The

he was employed on the council of war and on diplomatic

and Law (Boston, 1868); J. Cave Browne, Infanticide, its

on the S. Its general appearance is that rather of a spacious

as a volunteer throughout the campaign of 1848, being present

graphical methods to particular cases rather than to general

BIBLIOGRAPHY --Abelard's own works remain the best sources

mixed with sulphuric acid containing a trace of an iron salt.

settled about 1644 as a separate part of Salisbury, and in

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