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Announcement of The Ministry of Agriculture No. 176, 193, 1516 On Banned Drugs in Feed and Animal Production

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Voluntary - Public

Date: 5/5/2011
GAIN Report Number: CH11023

China - Peoples Republic of

Post: Beijing

China Re-issues Banned Drugs and Substances in Feed and

Animal Production
Report Categories:
FAIRS Subject Report
Approved By:
Scott Sindelar
Prepared By:
Melinda Meador and Wu Bugang

Report Highlights:
On April 22, the Ministry of Agriculture published a total of 82 drugs and substances that are banned in
feed, animal drinking water, and animal production. These banned drugs and substances were
previously released in the Ministry announcements No.176, No.193 and No.1519. The report contains
an unofficial translation of these announcements.
General Information:
Announcement of the Ministry of Agriculture
No. 176
February 9, 2002
According to the Regulations on Administration of Feed and Feed Additives, the Regulations on
Administration of Veterinary Drugs and the Drug Administration Law, List of Medicines Forbidden in the
Feed and Drinking Water of Animals is hereby announced to strengthen the management of feeds,
veterinary drugs and human drugs, to prevent the use of unpermitted or the overuse of veterinary drugs and
feed additives in the production, sale and use of feeds as well as in the drinking water of animals, to stop
the overuse of illicit drugs. It is hereby announced that:
1. All the nutritional feed additives and general feed additives in production, sale and use must be on the
List of Permitted Feed Additives (Announcement by the Ministry of Agriculture No.105), or be included in the
feed additives newly approved and announced. Enterprises producing feed additives must apply for and
acquire the manufacturing license and the approval number. Feed additives newly approved must apply for
and acquire a new certificate. Enterprises must abide by Article 16, 17 and 18 of the Regulations on
Administration of Feed and Feed Additives, not allowed to sell and use feed additives that have not been
approved for production.
2. The production of feeds containing medical feed additives must strictly abide by the regulations in the
Standard Usage of Medical Feed Additives (Announcement by the Ministry of Agriculture No.168,
hereinafter referred to as Standard Usage). It is not allowed to add medical feed additives that are in the
Appendix Ⅱ of Standard Usage. The production of feed containing medical feed additives in the Appendix
Ⅰ of Standard Usage must implement the standard of Feed Tag.
3. Any use of medical feed additives in breeding must abide by the Standard Usage, not allowed to use
unpermitted feed additives or overuse feed additives. The use of medical feed additives must abide by the
regulations of drug holiday, incompatibility, etc.
4. The production and sale of human medical must abide by the Drug Administration Law and related laws.
Human drugs not examined and approved must not be directly used in the production and breeding
5. For pharmaceutical enterprises and individuals who produce and sell medicines on the List of Medicines
Forbidden to Use in Feed and Drinking Water of Animals, those who violate Article 48 of the Drug
Administration Law and sell to feed enterprises and breeding enterprises (or individuals), shall be punished
according to Article 74 of the Drug Administration Law by the drug supervisory and management
department. For pharmaceutical enterprises and individuals who produce and sell veterinary drugs on the
List of Medicines Forbidden to Use in Feeds and Drinking Water of Animals, those who sell to feed
enterprises shall be punished according to Article 42 of the Regulations on Administration of Veterinary
Drugs. Manufacturing enterprises or individuals that produce, sell and use the feed and feed additives on
the List of Medicines Forbidden to Use in Feeds and Drinking Water of Animals, violating Article 17, 18 and
19, shall be punished according to Article 25, 28 and 29 of the Regulations on Administration of Feed and
Feed Additives by feed management department. Other enterprise units or individuals who produce, sell
and use items on the List of Medicines Forbidden to Use in Feed and Drinking Water of Animals and use
the items in the production of feed and in the breeding process, shall be punished according to laws and
regulations of the department who uncovers the illegal act, in accordance with the who-uncover-it-who-
punish-it principle; those who constitute a crime must be transferred to the judicial authority in accordance
with the law of criminal responsibility.
6. Supervisory and management departments of feed, veterinary drugs, food and medicines at all levels
must cooperate closely and coordinate with each other, strengthening the crackdown of illegal acts of
adding forbidden drugs to feed in production, sale and use as well as drinking water of animals. The safety
standard and feed and testing methods as well as the standard of residual poisonous materials of animal
products must be accelerated in the making and improving process, thus providing technological grounds
for administration and enforcement of the law.
7. Supervisory and management departments of feed, veterinary drugs, food and medicines at all levels
must further promote media coverage and popular science education. The emphasis must be put on the
punishment for the illegal use of forbidden drugs in feed and breeding process, making full use of different
kinds of media to promote the knowledge of laws and regulations of feeds, veterinary drugs and human
drugs. Major and serious criminal cases must be tracked. Knowledge of feed, breeding and safe use of
veterinary drugs must be spread. The awareness of management of veterinary drug usage must be
enhanced for all groups in society, creating a good external environment for the reduction of drug residual
hazard and the insurance of animal food safety.

List of Medicines Forbidden for Use in Feed and Drinking Water of Animals
Ⅰ. Adrenergic agonists
1.Clenbuterol Hydrochloride: Pharmacopoeia of People's Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as
CHP), 2000, Second Book, P605. Beta adrenergic agonists
2. Salbutamol: CHP, 2000, Second Book, P316. Beta adrenergic agonists
3. SalbutamolSulfate: CHP, 2000, Second Book, P870. Beta adrenergic agonists
4. Ractopamine: A kind of beta-agonist, which has been approved by FDA but has not been approved by
5. Dopamine Hydrochloride: CHP, 2000, Second Book, P591. Dopamine agonist
6. Cimaterol: Procuct developed by American cyanamid company, a kind of β stimulant, which has not
been approved by FDA.
7. Terbutaline Sulfate:CHP, 2000, Second Book, P890. Beta adrenergic agonists
Ⅱ. Sex hormone
8. Diethylstibestrol: CHP, 2000, Second Book, P42. Estrogen.
9. Estradiol: CHP, 2000, Second Book, P1005. Estrogen.
10. EstradiolValerate: CHP, 2000, Second Book, P124. Estrogen.
11. EstradiolBenzoate: CHP, 2000, Second Book, P369. Estrogen. Chinese Veterinary Pharmacopoeia
(hereinafter referred to as CVP), 2000, First Book P109, Estrogen. To artificially induce the release of
female sex hormones and ovulation of animals that do not have obvious oestrus. To facilitate the exclusion
of retained afterbirth and stillbirth.
12. Chlorotrianisene: CHP, 2000, Second Book, P919.
13. Ethinylestradiol : CHP, 2000, Second Book, P422.
14. Quinestrol: CHP, 2000, Second Book, P424.
15. Chlormadinone acetate: CHP, 2000, Second Book, P1037.
16. Levonorgestrel: CHP, 2000, Second Book, P107.
17. Norethisterone: CHP, 2000, Second Book, P420.
18. Chorionic Gonadotrophin: CHP, 2000, Second Book, P534. gonadotrophin drug. CVP, 2000,First
Book, P146. amcinonide. For sexual dysfunction, habitual abortion, oophoritic cyst, etc.
19. Menotropins: CHP, 2000, Second Book, P321. Gonadotrophin drug.
Ⅲ. Protein anabolic hormone
20. Iodinated Casein: protein anabolic hormone, preursor substance of tetraiodothyronine, have similar
physiological actions to tetraiodothyronine.
21. Nandrolone phenylpropionate: CHP, 2000, Second Book, P365.
Ⅳ. Psychotropic drug
22. Chlorpromazine Hydrochloride: CHP, 2000, Second Book, P676. antipsychotic drug. CVP, 2000, First
Book, P177. Sedative. For potentiated anesthesia and make animals calm.
23. Promethazine Hydrochloride: CHP, 2000, Second Book, P602. Antihistamine drug. CVP, 2000, First
Book, P164. Antihistamine drug. For allergic diseases such as urticaria and serum sickness.
24. Diazepam: CHP, 2000, Second Book, P214. antianxietic, anticonvulsive drug. CVP, 2000, First Book,
P61. Sedative, anticonvulsive drug.
25. Phenobarbital: CHP, 2000, Second Book, P362. sedatives and hypnotics, anticonvulsive drug. CVP,
2000, First Book, P103. barbiturates. For the convulsions caused by cerebritis, tetanus and strychninism.
26. Phenobarbital Sodium: CVP, 2000, First Book, P105. barbiturates. For the convulsions caused by
cerebritis, tetanus and strychninism.
27. Barbital: CVP, 2000, First Book, P27. For central inhibition and to relieve fever and ease pain.
28. Amobarbital: CHP, 2000, Second Book, P252. hypnotic, anticonvulsive drug.
29. Amobarbital Sodium: CVP, 2000, First Book, P82. barbiturates. For the tranquilization, anticonvulsion
and anaesthetization of small animals.
31. Estazolam
32. Meprobamate
33. Midazolam
34. Nitrazepam
35. Oxazepam
36. Pemoline
30. Reserpine: CHP, 2000, Second Book, P304. antihypertensive. 37. Triazolam
38. Zolpidem
39. Other psychotropic drugs restrict by the State.
Ⅴ. Different kinds of antibiotic residues
40. Antibiotic residues: those are the three industrial wastes in the production of antibiotic products.
Because they contain antibiotic ingredients in micro scale, they have some growth promotion effects after
being used in feed and breeding. But they have a strong negative influence on the breeding industry. There
are two reasons: First, they will induce drug tolerance. Second, they pose some potential safety concerns
since they have not been tested for safety.

Announcement No.193 of the Ministry of Agriculture

April 2002

In order to guarantee the safety of animal-derived food and safeguard the health of the people, in
accordance with the Regulations on Administration of Veterinary Drugs, the Ministry has formulated the
List of Veterinary Drugs and Their Compounds Banned for Use for Food Animals (hereinafter referred
to as the “Banned List”) and it is hereby promulgated as follows:
1. Stop the production of the pharmaceutical products and their single or compound preparations
of the species from serial No. 1 to 18 as set forth in Banned List; abolish the quality standards,
cancel the product approval numbers of the species collected in national standards for
veterinary drugs, the professional standards of the Ministry of Agriculture and local standards
for veterinary drugs; abolish the quality standards for imported veterinary drugs, cancel the
Registration Permit for Import of Veterinary Pharmaceuticals of the veterinary drugs that have
been registered in China.
2. Stop the operation and usage of the pharmaceutical products and their single or compound
preparations of the species from serial No. 1 to 18 as set forth in Banned List as of May 15,
3. No pharmaceutical products and their single or compound preparations of the species from
serial No. 19 to 21 as set forth in Banned List can be used during food animal feeding for the
purpose of anti-stress, increase the price of feed and growth promotion.

List of Veterinary Drugs and Their Compounds Banned for Use for Food Animals
Serial Name of veterinary drugs and their compounds Banned purpose Banned

No. Animal

β- stimulants: Clenbuterol,Salbutamol,Cimaterol and their salts, esters and All food

1 All purpose
All food
2 Sex hormones: Diethylstilbestrol and its salts, esters and preparations All purpose

Substances with the effect of estrogen: Zeranol,Trenbolone,Mengestrol,Acetate All food

3 All purpose
and preparations

Chloramphenicol and its salts, esters(inc Chloramphenicol Succinate)and All food

4 All purpose

All food
5 Dapsone and preparations All purpose

All food
6 Nitrofurans: Furazolidone, Furaltadone, Nifurstyrenate sodium and preparations All purpose

All food
7 Nitro compounds: Sodium nitrophenolate,Nitrovin and preparations All purpose

All food
8 Hypnosis and sedatives: Methaqualone and preparations All purpose

Aquatic food
9 Lindane (gamma-BHC) Pesticide

Pesticide, pond Aquatic food

10 Camahechlor (PcE)
poisoning animals

Aquatic food
11 Furadan(Carbofuran) Pesticide

Aquatic food
12 Acaron (Chlordimeform) Pesticide

Pesticide Aquatic food

13 Amitraz

Pesticide Aquatic food

14 Antimonypotassiumtartrate

Pesticide Aquatic food

15 Tryparsamide

16 Malachitegreen Antibiosis Aquatic food

,Pesticide animals

Aquatic food
17 Pentachlorophenolsodium Molluscicide

All mercuric preparations

18 Including:mercurous chloride (Calomel), Mercurous nitrate, Mercurous Pesticide Animals

acetate,Pyridyl mercurous acetate

Sex hormones: Methyltestosterone,Testosterone Propionate, Nandrolone Growing All food

promoter animals
Phenylpropionate,Estradiol Benzoate and their salts, esters and preparations

Hypnosis and sedatives: Chlorpromazine, Diazepam and their salts, esters and Growing All food
promoter animals

Nitromidazoles: Metronidazole,Dimetronidazole and their salts, esters and Growing All food
promoter animals

Sex hormones: Methyltestosterone,Testosterone Propionate,Nandrolone Growing All food

promoter animals
Phenylpropionate,Estradiol Benzoate and their salts, esters and preparations

Hypnosis and sedatives: Chlorpromazine, Diazepam and their salts, esters and Growing All food
promoter animals

Nitromidazoles: Metronidazole,Dimetronidazole and their salts, esters and Growing All food
promoter animals

Note:Food animals refer to various animals fit for human consumption or the products made from
these animals which are fit for human consumption.

Announcement of the Ministry of Agriculture

No. 1519
December 27, 2010

For the purpose of strengthening quality supervision in feeds and breeding, ensuring the quality and safety
of feeds and livestock products, it is hereby announced that it has been decided to stop the use of
Phenylethanolamine A in feed and drinking water of animals in accordance with related articles of the
Regulations on Administration of Feed and Feed Additives (find in the attachment). Animal husbandry feed
management departments at all levels shall strengthen daily supervision and testing, seriously punishing the
illegal acts of adding Phenylethanolamine A in the production, operation and use of feeds, as well as in the
drinking water of animals.

Materials Forbidden in the Feed and the Drinking Water of Animals
1. Phenylethanolamine A: Beta-adrenergic agonists
2. Bambuterol: Beta-adrenergic agonists.
3. Zilpaterol Hydrochloride: Beta-adrenergic agonists.
4. Clorprenaline Hydrochloride: CHP, 2010, Second Book, P783. Beta-adrenergic agonists
5. Mabuterol: Beta-adrenergic agonists.
6. Cimbuterol: Beta-adrenergic agonists.
7. Brombuterol: Beta-adrenergic agonists.
8. Arformoterol Tartrate: Pegylated beta-adrenergic agonists.
10. Clonidine Hydrochloride: CHP, 2010, Second Book, P645. Antihypertensive drug.
11. Cyproheptadine Hydrochloride: CHP, 2010, Second Book, P803. Antihistamine drug.


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