9) Lux Aeterna (Initiatus)
9) Lux Aeterna (Initiatus)
9) Lux Aeterna (Initiatus)
“The Mondoshawan have in their possession the only weapon to defeat evil. Four elements
gathered around a fifth. A Supreme Being. Father Cornelius briefly pointed a finger at the
illustration in the book. Four priests holding something in their hands, surrounding a blinding
figure of light. The ultimate warrior, created to protect life. Together they produce what the
Ancients called the Light of Creation, able to bring life to the farthest reaches of the Universe.
But. If evil stands there… Then light turns to dark, life to death, forever.” (From ‘The Fifth
Element’) (Movie) (Hollywood speaks truth via fantastic movies)
The fifth elements is the “akasha principle”. It is also called “aether”. It also symbolizes
“mind” or “spirit”. As a number, five (5) symbolizes the fifth element that unites the other
four. Five (5) symbolizes the “microcosm” or man. It is the half of Ten (10). Ten (10)
symbolizes the “macrocosm”. The (external) Universe;
The five elements symbolize numbers (1, 2, 3 & 4). The 4 levels of the Tetractys (Creation);
The Four Elements: life, light, heat & force (man) (The Secret Teachings of All Ages);
Air (gas)
Fire (plasma)
Earth (solid)
Water (liquid)
This fifth element, or “æther”, was called by the Hindus “akasha”. It was closely correlated
with the hypothetical ether of modern science, and was the interpenetrative substance
permeating all of the other elements and acting as a common solvent and common
denominator of them. It also symbolizes man (or rather the human brain);
The four levels of the Tetractys symbolize the four classical elements. Stages of creation;
Science tells us that the Universe began with a big bang, whereas Vedanta says that the big
bang is actually a big OM, which didn’t just happen once; it is ongoing. In fact, if the OM
stopped for even a microsecond, the whole Universe as we know it would disappear instantly!
OM rises from Pure Consciousness, which is primary and underlies all existence, constantly
unfolding as our experience of the Universe.
Imagine, if you can, a time before the Universe existed. Imagine a field of Pure
Consciousness, an eternal silence. Not an empty silence, but one filled with the potential for
everything. At some point, Pure Consciousness decided it wanted to have an experience but,
as nothing else existed, it could only experience itself. Because all experiences are based on
contrast, Pure Consciousness had to move within itself to experience itself.
Now, movement creates friction, and friction creates noise, so Pure Consciousness
experiencing itself created a sound. However, Pure Consciousness, by definition, is silent, so
this sound, which was OM, had to be forced out of the silence and became what we call
conditioned consciousness. OM, or conditioned consciousness, is what we experience as the
Universe in which we live.
The idea that God created the world out of nothing is also central today to Islam, Christianity,
and Judaism - and many references to a god creating the Universe by sound (words) exist. In
the Old Testament God created through His words when He said, “Let there be Light.” The
Gospel of John says, “In the beginning was the Word (the sound of OM), and the Word was
with God, and the Word was God (Oneness).”
As the initial vibration of OM emerges from the unmanifest, it diversifies into all the different
vibrations of the Universe, which manifest as the world we know. OM, therefore, contains
within it all the mantras, sounds, and vibrations of the Universe. Everything in the Universe is
a manifestation of OM and ultimately a reflection of Pure Consciousness from which it
emerged. OM is the collective sound of the Universe, the Primordial Sound.
The Secret Doctrine of the Rosicrucians says, “The One becomes Many, the Unity becomes
Diversity, the Identical becomes Variety, yet the Many remains One.” The Gospel of John
says, “The Word became flesh” (manifest creation). In Egyptian literature, the creator god
pronounced the names of everything.
Modern science tells us the Universe is expanding. Vedanta tells us that our Consciousness, or
Awareness, expands as we grow towards Enlightenment. The Quran states, “And the heaven
(space) We created with might, and indeed We are (its) expander.”
If, as Vedanta tells us, the Universe is a projection of our Consciousness, then the so-called
expansion of the Universe is contingent on our spiritual growth, and at the moment of our
Enlightenment, the Universe will also reach the conclusion of its journey and cease to exist as
a separate reality.
Vedic References
OM is mentioned numerous times throughout Vedic literature, most commonly in its original
form of AUM.
The four principal Vedas, Rig, Sama, Yajur, and Atharva, expound on the knowledge of the
entire creation. It is said that all the knowledge of the four Vedas is contained in the Rig and
all the knowledge of the Rig Veda is contained in its first syllable “A”. Thus by fully
understanding this first syllable, which is the beginning of the mantra AUM, we can have
knowledge of the entire creation. According to the ancient Puranic texts, AUM represents the
union of the three main masculine deities and the forces within the Universe. “A” means
Brahma (creation), “U” means Vishnu (maintenance), and “M” means Shiva (destruction). In
the great Indian text the Bhagavad Gita, Krishna (the Divine) says, “Of words I am OM.”
The Chandogya Upanishad opens with the recommendation to "let a man meditate on OM,
the essence of all.” The Chandogya Upanishad also tells us that the gods took the song of OM
unto themselves, thinking, "with this [song] we shall overcome the demons,” thus implying
that OM inspires the good inclinations within each person.
When speaking of OM, the Katha Upanishad says, “this syllable is Brahman (the Absolute),
this syllable is the highest, he who knows that syllable, whatever he desires, is his.”
The Shvetashvatara Upanishad asserts that OM is a tool of meditation that empowers one to
know the God within oneself, to realize one's Atman (Soul, Self).
Adi Shankara said that if you can only study one Upanishad, it should be the Mandukya,
which is fortunate because it happens to be the shortest and is devoted entirely to OM. It
opens by declaring, "AUM, this syllable is this whole world, all past, present, future, and
whatever exists beyond time is AUM.” In other words, everything that exists in manifest
creation is contained within AUM. The Mandukya Upanishad then talks about four states of
The “waking state,” where the senses are turned outward, is represented by the letter
“A” and by knowing this, we become masters of our senses, leading to the fulfillment
of all desires and the attainment of greatness.
The “dream state,” where the senses are directed inward, is represented by “U” and by
knowing this we master our dreams, become established in wisdom, and everyone
born into our family is more deeply Brahman (highly evolved).
The fourth state described in the Mandukya Upanishad is Turiya, which we know as
Transcendental Consciousness, Atman, the soundless aspect of AUM, or the “gap”
between thoughts. Turiya is represented by “AUM.” Though it is indivisible, it is the
combination of three sounds. The Mandukya tells us that AUM is the very Self,
beyond birth and death, the symbol of everlasting Joy. He who knows it as such,
enters the Self with his self. Those who know the Truth become the Truth.
Chanting OM
As OM is the sound of the Universe, it’s always present, so technically we can’t chant it. We
cannot create OM by a chanting of it; we only produce a vibration sympathetic with the
vibration that is already there, which is OM. It is not a chant made by us, created by us, or
initiated by us. Rather, we establish a connection between ourselves and the Supreme Reality,
which manifests itself as sound vibration in the form of OM.
An alternative way of chanting OM is in its separate form. In one breath chant, “Aaaa – Uooo
- Mmm,” followed by silence. The fullness of the “A” sound collapses into “U,” then “M,”
and finally the silence of all three together once they have ended on the gross level. The
waking, dreaming, and deep sleep states merging into the Oneness of the Absolute.
When OM is part of our mantra, such as in Primordial Sound Meditation, we experience the
fully expanded level of creation, attuning our individual souls to the Ultimate Reality.
Sometimes, if you sit very quietly, you will hear the sound of OM, like a distant cosmic hum.
Listen within you; it’s not outside you, it is you.
When your mind is quiet and you listen, you will hear God humming.
First of all, they are very real. Including psychokinesis (telekinesis, levitation, anything).
Moreover, they are present in all and can be trained. With the power of the mind anything is
possible. Because microcosm and macrocosm are connected. The Universe within. “Mind
over matter” is correct. And may be taken literally. The ancient writings tell the truth. And it
all comes down to “mind power” or “will power”. Anything is possible. If only you “will”!
The One is all. The All is one. You are the One. Become One. Be one. One with all. All is
one. One;
Mind is a frequency domain outside space and time, hence belongs to a dimensionless
Singularity. Matter is in space and time, hence belongs to an extended, dimensional domain.
The energy of the material world is supplied by low-energy waves (from monads) which can
be shared in a collective monadic domain (spacetime). High-energy monadic frequencies
remain locked inside the monads. Matter is simply the shared content of monadic minds. It
has no reality outside minds. Nothing is falser than the scientific doctrine that matter exists
independently of mind, precedes mind and gives rise to the mind. The precise opposite is the
case. Mathematics is mental, not physical. It’s ontologically grounded in dimensionless
frequencies. From frequencies comes spacetime and matter, via the inverse Fourier transform.
It really is that simple.
Energie = Licht?
In his Secret Symbols of the Rosicrucians, Dr. Franz Hartmann describes the Fraternity as "A
secret society of men possessing superhuman - if not supernatural - powers; they were said to
be able to prophesy future events, to penetrate into the deepest mysteries of Nature, to
transform Iron, Copper, Lead, or Mercury into Gold, to prepare an Elixir of Life, or Universal
Panacea, by the use of which they could preserve their youth and manhood; and moreover it
was believed that they could command the Elemental Spirits of Nature, and knew the secret of
the Philosopher's Stone, a substance which rendered him who possessed it all-powerful,
immortal, and supremely wise."
Dr. Sigismund Bacstrom believed that if a physician could establish harmony among the
elements of earth, fire, air, and water, and unite them into a stone (the Philosopher's Stone)
symbolized by the six-pointed star or two interlaced triangles, he would possess the means of
healing all disease. Dr. Bacstrom further stated that there was no doubt in his mind that the
universal, omnipresent fire (spirit) of Nature: "does all and is all in all."
A. E. Waite holds with Godfrey Higgins that the process of forming the Philosopher's Stone
with the aid of dew is the secret concealed within the name Rosicrucian. It is possible that the
dew referred to is a mysterious substance within the human brain, closely resembling the
description given by alchemists of the dew which, falling from heaven, redeemed the earth.
Adepts possessed the secret of the Philosopher's Stone and knew the process of transmuting
the base metals into gold, but taught that these were only allegorical terms concealing the true
mystery of human regeneration through the transmutation of the "base elements" of man's
lower nature into the "gold" of intellectual and spiritual realization.
One of the constituents of the alchemical formula exists only within the nature of man
Citation: “Proclus writes on this subject in the first book of On the Theology of Plato:
"Indeed, Socrates in the (First) Alcibiades rightly observes, that the soul entering into herself
will behold all other things, and deity itself. For verging to her own union, and to the centre of
all life, laying aside multitude, and the variety of the all manifold powers which she contains,
she ascends to the highest watch-tower offerings. And as in the most holy of the mysteries,
they say, that the mystics at first meet with the multi form, and many-shaped genera, which
are hurled forth before the gods, but on entering the temple, unmoved, and guarded by the
mystic rites, they genuinely receive in their bosom [heart] divine illumination, and divested of
their garments, as they would say, participate of a divine nature; the same mode, as it appears
to me, takes place in the speculation of wholes. For the soul when looking at things posterior
to herself, beholds the shadows and images of beings, but when she converts herself to herself
she evolves her own essence, and the reasons which she contains. And at first indeed, she only
as it were beholds herself; but, when she penetrates more profoundly into the knowledge of
herself, she finds in herself both intellect, and the orders of beings. When however, she
proceeds into her interior recesses, and into the adytum as it were of the soul, she perceives
with her eye closed [without the aid of the lower mind], the genus of the gods, and the unities
of beings. For all things are in us psychically, and through this we are naturally capable of
knowing all things, by exciting the powers and the images of wholes which we contain."
In Ayurveda, as in other disciplines, the notion of equivalence between macrocosm and
microcosm prevails. In other words, humans are specially made of what conforms the rest of
the Universe and the entire Cosmos.
In the SamKhya worldview, Prakrti is the Force that shapes the world, which in Shamanism is
The Intent. Creation, in both philosophies, occurs through the qualities of this Force: Vãta,
Pitta and Kapha. The Ether, the Sun and the Moon.
We recognize ourselves united with that portion of divinity where we know that we are One
with the Universe. Although the springs from which we drink come from different references,
we can see that all the springs flow from the same inexhaustible Source of Universal Love
that unites and moves the gears of the Cosmos and to that we open our hearts.
Microcosm and microcosm are one. Mutual projections. Macrocosm is perfect. Microcosm is
imperfect. It needs adjusting, tuning, aligning with macrocosm. Then everything is possible.
Nil volentibus arduum. Nothing is impossible for he who wills.
Binaural Beats;
Associated with very high states of meditation, ecstatic states of consciousness, high-
level inspiration states, spiritual insight, out-of-body experiences, and higher yogic
states of suspended animation. Epsilon brainwave patterns have Hyper-Gamma
and/or Lambda patterns modulating with them.
Ohm Mantra:
Hebrew Alphabet;
I Ching;
In what direction may the fourth dimension lie? What is motion? Two kinds of movement -
movement in space and movement in time - contained in every motion. What is time? Present
past and future. Wundt on sense-cognition. Groping through life. Why we do not see the past
and the future. A new extension in space and motion in that space. Two ideas contained in the
concept of time. Time as the fourth dimension of space. Impossibility of understanding the
idea of the fourth dimension without the idea of motion. The idea of motion and 'time-sense'.
'Time-sense' as the limit (surface) of space sense. Riemann's idea of the translation of time
into space in the fourth dimension. Hinton on the law of surfaces. 'Ether' as a surface. From
the analogy between the relation of lower dimensional figures to higher-dimensional figures
we have established the fact that a four-dimensional body may be regarded as the trace of the
movement of a three-dimensional body in a direction not contained in it, i.e. that the direction
of motion in the fourth dimension lies outside all the directions possible in a three-
dimensional space. What can this direction be? In order to answer this question we must see
whether we know of any movement in a direction not contained in three-dimensional space.
We know that every movement in space is accompanied by what we may call movement in
time. We know, in addition, that even without moving in space, everything that exists moves
eternally in time. And, equally in all cases, whether we speak of motion or of absence of
motion, we have in mind the idea of what was before, what is now, what will be after. In other
words, we have in mind the idea of time. The idea of motion, whatever this motion may be, as
well as the idea of absence of motion, is indissolubly linked with the idea of time. Any motion
or absence of motion takes place in time and cannot take place outside of time. Consequently,
before speaking about what motion is, we must answer the question: what is time? Time is the
greatest and the most difficult riddle which confronts mankind. Kant regards time in the same
way as he regards space, as a purely subjective form of our perception. He says that,
conditioned as we are by the properties of our perceiving apparatus, we create time as a
convenience for perception of the outside world. Reality is continuous and constant. But in
order to be able to perceive it, we must break it up into separate moments, i.e. represent it to
ourselves as an endless series of separate moments, out of which one and one only exists for
us. In other words, we perceive reality as though through a narrow slit. What we see through
this slit, we call the present; what we saw but see no longer, we call the past; and what we do
not see at all but expect to see, we call the future. Examining each phenomenon as the
outcome of another one, or several others, and this in its turn, as the cause of still another, or
others, i.e. examining all phenomena in their mutual functional relationship, we, by this very
fact, examine them in time because, quite clearly and distinctly, we first visualize the cause
and then the effect - first the action, then its function - and we cannot think of it otherwise. So
for us the idea of time is essentially connected with the idea of causation and functional
interdependence. Causation cannot exist without time, just as motion or absence of motion
cannot exist without time. But our conception of our 'existence in time' is incredibly muddled
and hazy. First of all let us examine our relation to the past, the present and the future.
Usually, we consider the past as no longer existing. It has gone vanished - changed, has
become transformed into something else. The future does not exist either. It is not yet. It has
not yet come, it is not yet formed. By the present we mean the moment of transition from the
future into the past, i.e. the moment of the transition of a phenomenon from one non-existence
into another. Only during this brief moment does a phenomenon really exist for us; before, it
exists as a potentiality, and after, it exists as a memory. But in actual fact this brief moment is
a fiction. It has no dimension. On the contrary, we have every right to say that the present
does not exist. We can never catch it. That which we manage to catch is always already past!
If we stop at that we shall be forced to admit that the world does not exist. The only thing that
exists is some phantasmagoria of illusions, flashing up then vanishing. As a rule we fail to
realize this, and do not see that our usual view of time leads to utter absurdity. Imagine a
foolish traveller going from one town to another and finding himself half way between the
two towns. The foolish traveller thinks that the town he left last week no longer exists now,
that only the memory of it remains; the walls are demolished, the towers have fallen, the
inhabitants have died or run away. And the town where he is due to arrive in a few days' time
does not exist now either, but is being hastily built for his coming and, on the day of his
arrival, will be ready, peopled and in working order, but on the day following his departure
will be destroyed just like the first. This is exactly the way we think about things in time -
everything passes, nothing returns! Spring is over, it exists no longer. Autumn has not yet
come, it does not exist as yet. What then does exist? The present. But the present is a moment
impossible to capture, it is continuously melting into the past. Thus, strictly speaking, the
past, the future and the present do not exist for us. Nothing exists! Yet we live, feel, think -
and something surrounds us. Consequently, there must be some fault in our customary attitude
to time. We must try to find this fault. At the very beginning we accepted the fact that
something exists. We called this something the world. How can the world exist if it does not
exist in the past, the present and the future? As deduced from our ordinary viewpoint of time,
we make the world appear like an incandescent streamer of fireworks perpetually shooting up,
each spark of which flashes for a moment then is instantly extinguished, never to appear
again. Flashes follow one another in close succession; the number of sparks is infinite and the
whole produces the effect of flame, although in reality it has no existence. Autumn has not yet
come. It will be, but now it is not. And we never stop to think how that which is not can
appear. We move on a plane and accept as actually existing only the small circle illumined by
our consciousness. Everything that lies beyond this circle and beyond our field of vision we
reject, and deny its very existence. We move on the plane in one direction. This direction we
consider eternal and infinite. But any direction perpendicular to it, any lines we may cross, we
refuse to accept as eternal and infinite. We think that they vanish into non-existence as soon
as we have crossed them, and that the lines in front of us have not yet emerged from non-
existence. If we suppose that we move along a sphere, along its equator or one of its parallels,
we shall find that we always accept only one meridian as really existing; those behind us have
already disappeared, those in front have not yet come into being. We go along like a blind
man who, with his stick, feels the paving stones, the lamp-posts and the walls of the houses
and believes in the real existence of only those things he is touching now. What he has passed
has vanished never to return! What he has not yet reached does not exist. The blind man
remembers the road he has covered; he expects to find a road in front; but he does not see
either forward or backward, because he does not see anything; and also because his
instrument of cognition - his stick -has a certain, very small length, and beyond this stick non-
existence begins for him. In one of his books Wundt draws attention to the fact that our
vaunted five sense-organs are merely feelers by means of which we touch the world around
us. We live by 'feel' - by groping. We never see anything. We always grope for everything.
With the help of the telescope, the telegraph, the telephone we perhaps lengthen our feelers,
so to speak, but we do not begin to see. To say that we see would be possible only if we knew
the past and the present. But we do not see and therefore can never convince ourselves of the
existence of that which we cannot feel. Here we have the reason why we regard as really
existing only the circle which our feelers can grasp at a given moment. Beyond this circle
there is only darkness and non-existence. But have we the right to think in this way? Imagine
a consciousness not limited by the conditions of sense-perception. Such a consciousness can
rise above the plane on which we move; it can see far beyond the bounds of the circle
illumined by our ordinary consciousness; it can see that not only does the line along which we
move exist, but also all other lines perpendicular to it which we now cross, or have ever
crossed before, or shall cross later. Rising above the plane this consciousness will be able to
see the plane, make sure that it actually is a plane and not only a line. Then it will be able to
see the past and the future lying side by side and existing simultaneously. Consciousness not
limited by the conditions of sense-perception may outdistance the foolish traveller, climb a
hill, and see from afar the town towards which he is going. It can convince itself that this
town is not being newly built for his arrival but already exists by itself, quite independently of
him. It will be able to look back and see on the horizon the towers of the town which the
traveller left, and convince itself that the towers have not fallen down, that the town continues
to stand and live as it stood and lived before the coming of the traveller. Such a consciousness
may rise above the plane of time and see the spring behind and the autumn in front, see
simultaneously the unfolding flowers and the ripening fruit. It may cure the blind man of his
blindness and make him see the road he has covered and the road that lies before him. The
past and the future cannot be non-existent, for, if they do not exist, the present does not exist
either. They must exist together somewhere, only we do not see them. The present, as
opposed to the past and the future, is the most unreal of all unrealities. We must admit that the
past, the present and the future do not differ from one another in any way, that the only thing
that exists is the present - the Eternal Now of Indian philosophy. But we do not see it, because
at every given moment we are only aware of a small fragment of this present; this fragment
we regard as actually existing, and deny real existence to everything else. Once we accept
this, our view concerning everything that surrounds us must undergo a great change. Usually
we regard time as an abstraction made by us when observing existent motion; that is to say,
we think that in observing motion or changes in the relations between things, and comparing
the relations which existed before, which exist now and which may exist in the future, we
evolve the idea of time. We shall see later how far this view is correct. Moreover, our idea of
time is composed of the concept of the past, the concept of the present and the concept of the
future. The concepts of the past and the present, although very vague, are uniform. But as
regards the future there is a great variety of views. It is essential for us to examine these
theories of the future as they exist in the mind of modern man. There are two main theories -
that of a predestined future and that of a free future. The theory of predestination is argued in
the following way: it is asserted that every future event is the result of past events and is such
as it is and no other, owing to a certain direction of the forces contained in the preceding
events. In other words, this means that future events are entirely contained in the preceding
ones, and if we were to know the force and direction of all the events which took place before
the present moment, i.e. if we knew all the past, then, through this very fact we would know
all the future. And it is true that if we have a thorough knowledge of the present moment in all
its details, we may, at times, actually forecast the future. But if our forecast does not come
true we say that we did not know everything there was, and we actually see in the past some
cause which had escaped our observation. The idea of a free future is based on the possibility
of deliberate actions and accidental new combinations of causes. The future is considered
either as completely undetermined or only partially determined, because at each moment new
forces, new events, new phenomena may arise, which have hitherto lain dormant. These new
factors, although not causeless in themselves, are so utterly incommensurable with their
causes -for instance a city set ablaze from a single spark - that it is impossible to allow for
them or correlate them. This theory asserts that one and the same action may produce
different results; one and the same cause may give rise to different effects. In addition, it puts
forward the hypothesis that quite deliberate volitional actions on the part of a man may bring
about a complete change in the subsequent events of his own and other people's lives.
Supporters of the predestination theory contend that volitional, deliberate actions also depend
on certain causes which make them necessary and unavoidable at a given moment; they
contend that there is and can be nothing ‘accidental’; that the things we call accidental are
only those happenings of which we do not see the causes because of our limitations; and that
the different effects resulting from causes which appear to us to be the same occur because the
causes themselves are really different and only appear to be the same owing to the fact that we
do not know them sufficiently well and do not see them sufficiently clearly. The dispute
between the theory of a predestined future and the theory of a free future is an endless dispute.
Neither the one side nor the other can put forward anything decisive. And this is so because
both theories are too literal, too rigid, too material, and the one excludes the other. Both of
them say: 'Either this or that.' The result on the one hand is complete cold predestination:
come what may, nothing can be changed - what will be tomorrow has been predestined tens of
thousands of years ago; and on the other hand, some sort of life on the point of a needle
named the present, surrounded on all sides by the gulf of non-existence - a journey into a
country that does not yet exist, a life in a world which is born and dies every moment, in
which nothing ever returns. These opposite views are both equally wrong, because here, as in
many other cases, the truth lies in a unification of these two opposite understandings into one
whole. At every given moment all the future of the world is predestined and existing, but it is
predestined conditionally, i.e. there must be one or another future in accordance with the
direction of events of the given moment, if no new factor comes in. And a new factor can only
come in from the side of consciousness and the will resulting from it. It is important to
understand and assimilate this. In addition, our lack of understanding of the relation between
the present and the past hinders us from having a right understanding of the relation of the
present to the future. Differences of opinion arise only concerning the future; as regards the
past everyone is in agreement that it has passed, that it no longer exists - and that it was such
as it was. In this past lies the key to the understanding of the errors in our view of the future.
The fact is that, in reality, our relation to the past and the future is much more complex than it
appears. In the past, in what is behind us, lies not only what was, but also what could have
been. In the same way, in the future lies not only what will be but also all that may be. The
past and the future are equally undetermined; the past and the future equally exist in all their
possibilities, and equally exist simultaneously with the present. By time we mean the distance
separating events in the order of their sequence and binding them into different wholes. This
distance lies in a direction not contained in three-dimensional space. If we think of this
direction as lying in space, it will be a new extension of space. This new extension fulfils all
the requirements we may demand of the fourth dimension on the basis of the preceding
arguments. It is as incommensurable with the measurements of three-dimensional space, as a
year is incommensurable with St Petersburg. It is perpendicular to all the three directions of
three-dimensional space and is not parallel to any of them. As a deduction from everything
that has gone before we may say that time (as it is usually taken) contains two ideas: the idea
of a certain space unknown to us (the fourth dimension), and the idea of movement in this
space. Our constant mistake lies in the fact that we never see two ideas in time, but always see
only one. As a rule we see in time the idea of motion, but cannot tell from whence, whither,
where and in which space. Attempts have been made before to link the idea of the fourth
dimension with the idea of time. But in all the theories which attempted to link the idea of
time with the fourth dimension there was always the implication of some kind of space in
time and of some sort of motion in that space. It is evident that those who built these theories
did not understand that, by retaining the possibility of motion, they put forward demands for a
new time, for no motion can take place without time. As a result time moves in front of us,
like our own shadow, receding as we approach it. All our ideas of motion have become
hopelessly confused because, if we imagine a new extension of space and the possibility of
movement along this new extension, then immediately time confronts us once more declaring
itself just as unexplained as before. We have to admit that by the one term, time, we actually
designate two ideas - the idea of a 'certain space' and the idea of 'movement in that space'. But
in actual fact this movement does not exist; it only appears to exist because we do not see the
space of time. This means that the sensation of motion in time (and there is no motion that is
not in time) arises in us because we look at the world through a narrow slit, as it were, and
only see the lines of intersection of the plane of time with our three-dimensional space. Thus
we must acknowledge the profound incorrectness of the usual theory that the idea of time is
evolved by us from our observation of motion and is nothing other than the idea of sequence
which we observe in motion. We have to accept the exact opposite: that the idea of motion is
evolved by us from the sensation of time or the time-sense, i.e. from the sensation or sense of
the fourth dimension of space, but out of an incomplete sensation. This incomplete sensation
of time (of the fourth dimension) - sensation through a slit - gives us the sensation of motion,
i.e. creates an illusion of motion, which is not actually there, and instead of which, in reality,
there is only extension in a direction we are unable to imagine. Yet another aspect of the
question is of great importance. The fourth dimension is connected with 'time' and with
'motion'. But we shall not be able to understand the fourth dimension so long as we do not
understand the fifth dimension. Attempting to look at time as an object, Kant says that it has
one dimension; this means he represents time to himself as a line extending from an infinite
future into an infinite past. We are aware of one point in this line always only one point. This
point has no dimension because what we call the present in the ordinary sense of the word is
only the recent past and at times also the immediate future. This would be correct in relation
to our illusory idea of time. But in reality eternity is not an infinite extension of time, but a
line perpendicular to time; for, if eternity exists, each moment is eternal. The line of time
proceeds in the order of sequence of events according to their causal interdependence - first
the cause, then the effect: before, now, after. The line of eternity proceeds in a direction
perpendicular to this line. It is impossible to understand time without forming an idea of
eternity, just as it is impossible to understand space without the idea of time. From the point
of view of eternity time in no way differs from the other lines and extensions of space -
length, breadth and height. This means that just as space contains things we do not see or, to
put it differently, more things exist than those we see, so in time 'events' exist before our
consciousness comes into contact with them, and they still exist after our consciousness has
withdrawn from them. Consequently, extension in time is extension into an unknown space
and, therefore, time is the fourth dimension of space. We must examine the question of time
as a spatial concept, relative to our two data - the universe and our inner life. The idea of time
arises from our cognition of the world through sense-perception. It has already been pointed
out that, owing to the properties of our sense-perception, we see the world as if through a
narrow slit. This gives rise to several questions. 1) Why does apparent motion exist in the
world? In other words, why do we not always see the same thing through this slit? Why do
changes take place behind the slit, which create the illusion of motion, i.e. how and why does
the focus of our perception shift from place to place in the world of phenomena? In addition
we must not forget that through the same slit through which we see the world we also look at
ourselves and see in ourselves changes similar to the changes in everything else. 2) Why can
we not enlarge this slit? It is essential to try and answer these questions. It should be noted,
first of all, that within the limits of our ordinary observation, our perception always remains in
the same conditions and cannot get out of these conditions. To put it differently, it seems
chained to some kind of plane above which it is unable to rise. These conditions or this plane
we call matter. Our ordinary inner life proceeds on a definite plane (of consciousness or
matter) and never rises above it. If our perception could rise above this plane, it would most
certainly see below simultaneously a far greater number of events than it usually sees from its
position on the plane. If a man climbs a mountain or goes up in a balloon he sees
simultaneously and at once a great many things that it is impossible to see simultaneously and
at once when on earth - the movement of two trains towards one another which must result in
a head-on collision; the approach of an enemy detachment to a sleeping camp; two towns
separated by a mountain ridge and so on. So in this case also, perception rising above the
plane of consciousness on which it usually lives should see simultaneously phenomena which
for ordinary perception are separated by periods of time. These would be phenomena which
ordinary consciousness never sees together as cause and effect, for instance, work and pay;
crime and punishment; the movement of trains towards each other and the collision; the
approach of the enemy and the battle; sunrise and sunset; morning and evening; day and
night; spring, autumn, summer and winter; the birth and death of a man. With this ascent the
angle of vision will widen, the moment will expand. If we imagine perception taking place on
a level above our consciousness, and possessing a wider angle of vision, this perception will
be able to grasp as something simultaneous, i.e. as one moment, all that for us takes place in a
certain period of time, a minute, an hour, a day, a month. Within the limits of its moment such
a perception will be unable to separate before, now and after; for it, all this will be now. Now
will expand. But for this to take place it is necessary for us to be able to free ourselves from
matter, because matter is nothing other than the conditions of time and space in which we
live. The question arises: can consciousness get beyond the conditions of a given material
existence without itself undergoing a fundamental change, or without disappearing altogether
in the ordinary sense, as the positivists would say? This is a very debatable question. Later, I
shall give examples and arguments in favour of this idea that our consciousness can get out of
the conditions of a given materiality. At present I want to establish what should take place
when it does get out. The result should be precisely the expansion of the moment: all that we
perceive in time would become one moment in which the past, the present and the future
would be visible all at once. This shows the relativity of motion, inasmuch as for us it depends
on the limitations of the moment, and this moment includes only a small pan of the
impressions of life we take in. So we have every right to say that instead of 'time' being
deduced from 'motion' it is motion that is sensed owing to time-sense. We have this sense,
therefore we sense motion. Time-sense is the sense of successive moments. If we had no time-
sense we would not sense motion. But the time-sense itself is the boundary or the surface of
our 'space-sense'. Where 'space-sense' ends, 'time-sense' begins. It has been made clear that in
its properties 'time' is identical with 'space', i.e. it possesses all the attributes of space
extension. Yet we do not feel it as space extension, but feel it as time, i.e. as something
specific, inexpressible in any other words, indissolubly bound up with motion. This inability
to feel time spatially is due to the fact that our time-sense is a nebulous sense of
space; with our time-sense we feel dimly those new characteristics of space which transcend
the sphere of three dimensions. What is time-sense and why does the illusion of motion arise?
The only way to answer this question in a more or less satisfactory manner is by studying the
forms and levels of our inner life. Moreover, our inner life is a complex phenomenon within
which there is also constant movement. About the nature of this movement I shall speak later,
but it is this movement in us that creates the illusion of movement around us, i.e. movement in
the material world. The well-known mathematician, Riemann, realized that, in regard to this
question of higher dimensions, time in some way becomes translated into space, and he
regarded the material atom as the entrance of the fourth dimension into three-dimensional
space. In one of his books Hinton has very interesting things to say about the 'law of surfaces':
This relationship of a surface to a solid or of a solid… to a higher solid, is one which we often
meet in nature. A surface is nothing more nor less than the relation between two things. Two
bodies touch each other. The surface is the relationship of one to the other. If our space stands
in the same relationship to higher space as does a surface to our space, then our space may
well be really a surface, i.e. the place of contact of two spaces of a higher order: It is a fact
worthy of notice, that in the surface of a fluid different laws obtain from those which hold
throughout the mass. There are a whole series of facts which are grouped together under the
name of surface tensions, which are of great importance in physics, and by which the
behaviour of the surfaces of liquids is governed. And it may well be that the laws of our
universe are the surface tensions of a higher universe. According to Hinton, if we consider the
surface as a medium lying between two bodies it would certainly have no weight, but would
be a powerful means of transmitting vibrations from one body to another. Moreover it would
be unlike any other substance, inasmuch as one could never get rid of it. However perfect a
vacuum be made between the two bodies, there would be in this vacuum just as much of this
unknown medium (i.e. surface) as there was before. Matter would go freely through this
medium. Vibrations of this medium would tear asunder portions of matter. This would tend to
show that this medium is unlike any ordinary matter. It possesses properties difficult to
reconcile in one and the same substance. Is there anything in our experience which
corresponds to this medium? Do we suppose the existence of any medium through which
matter freely moves, which yet by its vibrations destroys the combinations of matter -some
medium which is present in every vacuum, which penetrates all bodies, and yet can never be
laid hold of? The substance which possesses all these qualities is known to us and is called the
ether. The properties of the ether are a perpetual object of investigation in science. But in
view of all the considerations mentioned earlier, it would be interesting to have a look at the
world, supposing that we are not in, but on the ether, and the ether is merely the surface of
contact of two higher-dimensional bodies.* Here Hinton expresses an extremely interesting
thought; he links the idea of ether - which in the 'material' or even the 'energy' views of
modern physics remains completely unproductive and leads to a dead end - with the idea of
'time'. For him ether is not a substance but only a 'surface', the 'boundary' of something. But of
what? Again not of a substance, but only the limit, the surface, the boundary of one form of
perception and the beginning of another… Here, in a sentence, the walls and fences of the
materialistic dead end are broken down, and new and unexplored vistas revealed to our
Duality of body and mind. But in reality all is one. All is one. And all is soul. Soul is what
encompasses and transcends both. All is soul. And therefore man must have a soul indeed;
Is the soul immortal yes or no? Maybe it will last as long as the Universe. Because there is
also the “Absolute”. The Source. From which all springs. Only that is truly eternal;
Citation: “This number is the perfect representation of the microcosm, that is, of man in all his
phases and forms of existence. In number five, the working of the four elements is reflected,
which is directed by the fifth element, the akasa principle. The intuitive quabbalist will know
why it is the five that not only symbolizes man by the elements ruling within, but also by its
quabbalistic numerical order; for five is the half of ten and ten stands for the whole creation.
The microcosm, i.e., the miniature world, man, must be represented in its completeness by
half of ten. Since the working of the four elements, ruled by the akasa principle, is represented
by number five, this number also represents the power and the might, appertaining to the
planet Mars. Consequently, everything that expresses an active power or might is in harmony
with number five. All influences that are effected by the power and might of a human being
appertain to this number. The whole active magic belongs to this numerical order. Number
five is graphically represented by an equilateral pentagram, also called a pentagon.”
John Locke
In the Associationalism of Hartley and Hume was advanced the theory that the association of
ideas is the fundamental principle of psychology and the explanation for all mental
phenomena. Hartley held that if a sensation be repeated several times there is a tendency
towards its spontaneous repetition, which may be awakened by association with some other
idea even though the object causing the original reaction be absent. The Utilitarianism of
Jeremy Bentham, Archdeacon Paley, and James and John Stuart Mill declares that to be the
greatest good which is the most useful to the greatest number. John Stuart Mill believed
that if it is possible through sensation to secure knowledge of the properties of things, it
is also possible through a higher state of the mind - that is, intuition or reason - to gain a
knowledge of the true substance of things.
Darwinism is the doctrine of natural selection and physical evolution. It has been said of
Charles Robert Darwin that he determined to banish spirit altogether from the universe
and make the infinite and omnipresent Mind itself synonymous with the all-pervading
powers of an impersonal Nature. Agnosticism and Neo-Hegelianism are also noteworthy
products of this period of philosophic thought. The former is the belief that the nature of
ultimates is unknowable; the latter an English and American revival of Hegel's idealism.
The things or elements of the macrocosm are found in the microcosm. The things or
elements found in the microcosm are found in the macrocosm. Microcosm and
macrocosm are one and the same when self-realization becomes complete. What exists in
the macrocosm, exists in man. What exists in man, exists in the macrocosm. The active
force between the macrocosm and microcosm is the same. This age old theory is
correlated with the most modern space theories.
Vicoism is a philosophy based upon the conclusions of Giovanni Battista Vico, who held that
God controls His world not miraculously but through natural law. The laws by which men
rule themselves, Vico declared, issue from a spiritual source within mankind which is en
rapport with the law of the Deity. Hence material law is of divine origin and reflects the
dictates of the Spiritual Father. The philosophy of Ontologism developed by Vincenzo
Gioberti (generally considered more as a theologian than a philosopher) posits God as the
only being and the origin of all knowledge, knowledge being identical with Deity itself.
God is consequently called Being; all other manifestations are existences. Truth is to be
discovered through reflection upon this mystery.
Mind is a frequency domain outside space and time, hence belongs to a dimensionless
Singularity. Matter is in space and time, hence belongs to an extended, dimensional domain.
The energy of the material world is supplied by low-energy waves (from monads) which can
be shared in a collective monadic domain (spacetime). High-energy monadic frequencies
remain locked inside the monads. Matter is simply the shared content of monadic minds. It
has no reality outside minds. Nothing is falser than the scientific doctrine that matter exists
independently of mind, precedes mind and gives rise to the mind. The precise opposite is the
case. Mathematics is mental, not physical. It’s ontologically grounded in dimensionless
frequencies. From frequencies comes spacetime and matter, via the inverse Fourier transform.
It really is that simple.
Jimmy De Bilde
Trimurti. The triune god. Brahma, Vishnu & Shiva. Also the three energies. The creative,
preservative and disintegrative energies. This triune god is man. The individual. All three
energies are present in man. The divine powers of the individual (when developed). Likewise
so the divine knowledge. Microcosm and macrocosm are one. The Universe within. The entire
Universe is present in man. And remember that all is vibration. There is no matter. All is
energy, frequency, vibration. The AUM. Likewise so the mind. Master the vibrations and you
master everything. Align microcosm with macrocosm. Mind over matter. In every possible
way. Paranormal and psychic abilities are latent in everyone and can be trained. It all comes
down to will power. Or mental power. And that too can be trained. Anything is possible. The
so-called “magic” of the Ancients was (and is) very real. Anything is possible. If only you
“will”. Amen to that.
Kishore Krishnamoorthy
Can anyone explain the ending of "Interstellar" and the concept of the 5th dimension?
The world that we live in is 3 dimensional one. I hope you understand that part. The 3
dimensions are the length, breath and the height. Thus together they form a space where
something exists. These 3 dimensions are what we humans are capable of seeing and feeling.
That does not mean that only 3 dimensions exits in total. Just as how human ears can hear
only a limited range of sound frequency does not mean only that range exits. Now, take this
example, if you want to meet someone, you would tell him to meet you. The next question he
would ask you is where should you meet up? I.e the location or the space. Say, a coffee shop.
Now he may not be able to find you at that place at all times, 24*7. So you both would have
to fix up on a specific time in the timeline so that you both can find each other at that
particular point of space. What you are doing in essence here is that you are adding an extra
dimension to the 3 dimensional space. 4 dimensions. However, you do not have much control
over this 4th dimension called time. You cannot manipulate it like how you manipulate the 3
dimensions. You can move forward, backward, upward or downward as you wish in space,
but not backward in time. You don't have full control over it. The future human beings have
developed ways by which the can manipulate time. They have made time as a tangible
physical dimension over which they have full control. Unlike is, they can move forward or
backward in time as they wish. So this enables them to access on particular space at different
times. Suppose in that previous example, your friend wanted to meet you at the coffee shop
on Friday 5 pm. But, by mistake went there on Saturday 5 pm. Obviously you may not be able
to find him there at that time. He would have waited for on Friday evening and went home.
Let's just assume mobile phones have still not been invented. Now if you had the ability to
manipulate time you could visit the same coffee shop at any point in its timeline. You can
simply rewind and meet him Friday evening. This is the 4 dimensions explained. In
Interstellar they speak about 5th dimensions. The 5th dimension apparently is Gravity. Just as
how time has been made as a tangible physical dimension, gravity also has been made as a
physical dimension. Time has ability to transcend through space. All the 3 dimensions of the
space. Hence out becomes the 4th dimension. Gravity has the ability to transcend space and
time. All the 4 dimensions. So it becomes the 5th dimension. These are the 5 dimensions
explained. Now taking the example from before, when you visit that coffee shop on Saturday
evening 5 pm, you can't find your friend there. But you know where to look for him in the
timeline, since you have spoken to him earlier and even you have forgotten the exact time you
both fixed to meet up, you have a faint idea as to when could put be. Your guess would be
more correct than that of any random person about his existence on Friday evening since you
both have a connection that you shared before. This is the reason why Cooper is brought in
because he knows when to find his daughter Murph in that timeline and find that appropriate
time to provide the quantum data. Reason is the have bonding of love. There is that watch
through which he communicates using gravity. Amelia also explains that Love is the one
thing that we humans know of that had the ability to transcend through space and time just
like gravity. Since both Cooper and Murph both understand the language of parsletounge
(love) they could communicate. I hope this clarifies all your doubts.
Senia Sheydvasser
If you are referring to the 4th, 5th, or 6th dimension, it means that you do not understand what
the dimension of a space means. That’s okay - most people don’t. However, if you want to
actually learn, then your first priority must be to understand this word.
Linear algebra is extremely useful for mathematics, physics, and computer science, so it is
something that is a good idea to pick up regardless. The prerequisites for it are pretty much
minimal - familiarity with high school algebra is necessary, but you don’t need any
knowledge of calculus or really even geometry to be able to understand the definition of the
dimension of a space.
I understand if this sounds difficult, but I promise you that it really, really isn’t, and if you do
this, you will have a better understanding of what “the 5th dimension” is than if you read all
of the pop sci books in existence.
Davi Álefe
You could read Stephen Hawking’s The Universe in a Nutshell. It deals with higher
dimensions in the physical world, at least in some chapters and in a very accessible way,
different from other recommendations I've seen here.
If you take a linear algebra book, you will learn what are dimensions and spaces
mathematically and that's not an easy task - besides, boring when you are a beginner - so, if
you're just a curious person, try to stick to physics books written in an accessible language to
someone who doesn't have that deep a background.
There are some other books in the same style by some other authors too, as Carl Sagan. You
should check on then.
Vishwas Kukreti
X and Y agreed to meet for a cup of coffee. X said to Y, "Walk 5 kms straight from your
house(x- oordinate). Take a left and keep on walking for 2 kms(y-coordinate). You'll find a
coffee house there. Go to the third floor of the coffee house(z-coordinate). I'll be there." Y did
so. But he didn't find X there. Why? Because X didn't mention the time when he will be there.
He needs to specify the exact time when he will be present at the coffee house else they can’t
meet. If only he would have told that I'll be there on Friday or any other time, Y would have
met him. Time acts as a coordinate which specifies,along with x,y and z, the position of X.
In this way, I hope you get why time is referred to as a coordinate.
Mahardika Adihertianto
If we were in the 5th dimension, how would we travel through time and how would time
be portrayed?
0D is a dot,
From this, we could conclude that 5D is multiple timelines with little divergence. That means,
we could travel through multiple timelines that is similar to ours (with little timeline
divergence) at will. Imagine walking through 3 similar animations in 3 laptops that’s placed
closely together; you could see all 3 animations at the same time and notice the slight
difference of each animation. You could even rewind or fast forward the animations at will.
That’s the analogy of how being a 5th dimension would be like.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -----------------------
Akshat Nerella
OMG. All the answers to this question are very confusing and require a very high level of
understanding. Let me try to put it all in simple words for Quora readers.
1. Forward - Backward
2. Left - Right
3. Up – Down
These three together are called The space dimensions.
I say we are three-dimensional beings because we have control over these three. We can move
through them in both ways and even stop moment in a direction.
We do not have control over time, it only flows forward and we cannot stop or reverse it.
A simple example goes like this. In olden times, movies were on reels - frame by frame. If
those frames are rapidly played one by one, they make a movie. The frames flow through time
to make moment. Since, the frames are 2-D , the movie is 2 dimensional moving through the
time dimension.
Just like that, we are living in 3-D frames. Every moment of our life are just 3-d frames
flowing in time, which is the 4th dimension.
Up vote if you like my answer. We cannot change the number of dimensions at least let us
change the number of up votes!
Austin Gariepy
Notice some of its features. It clearly has 3 dimensions; length, width, and depth. It has 12
edges, each of equal length and perfectly at 90 degrees to each other.
Now look at its shadow. As you can see, its projection is only 2-dimensional, its edges are no
longer equal in size, and its angles vary from acute to obtuse.
What we’ve essentially done is scaled down a 3-dimensional object to a 2-dimensional object,
and in doing so we’ve lost/distorted some information about the object.
Since we are 3-dimensional beings, we are able to perceive and comprehend what a 3-
dimensional object looks like, even if we interpret it from a 2-dimensional projection.
Similarly, we cannot comprehend what a 4-dimensional object actually looks like, but we can
look at its shadow.
This is a hypercube, or at least our interpretation of its projection. In the fourth dimension, the
hypercube would have all of its edges simultaneously equal length and at perfect right angle
to each other. In order to scale it down to the 3rd dimension, we have to distort that
information, similar to how we distorted information about the cube’s 2-dimensional shadow,
so its edges are no longer equal or at right angles.
Just as a cube is a very simple shape in our three dimensional world, a hypercube is one of the
simplest four dimensional shapes. We can only imagine the extent of complexity in the fourth
Sean M. Cox
All the same, the use of ordinals to describe dimensions is fairly meaningless without a
defined context in which order has been laid out. There is no “learning about the 6th
dimension” outside of a very specific context.
And no, this is not a philosophical answer, we have a strong reason to claim this. But first,
let's see how amazing our brain is, and then we could appreciate it when we say we can.
What we see is actually a perception created by our brain from what's actually being captured
by our eye. For one thing, eye's light receptors are not smoothly distributed, and it has a big
hole roughly in the center of it. If our brain doesn't modify it, we would see things as being
distorted and has a big hole in the center of it. But we don't! So the magic of the brain is it's
capable to patch them up and create a perception of a smooth view. How does the brain do it?
It patches up from our experience of how a view supposed to be. Really.
The color of the rectangles marked A and B are actually the same, but our brain gives a
perception that they have a different color!
See the cylinder and its shadow. These two things fit our perception nicely of how they should
appear and affect the look of the checker box. By then, our brain concludes that the rectangle
B must have a darker color, because it's being covered by the shadow from the cylinder. But
our brain also knows that it cannot be too dark as it must be the whiter part of the checker
box. Thus even though rectangle A and B have the same color, our brain decides that we must
look a whiter look of rectangle B. Hence we perceive it as having a different color. It looks
very very convincing, but they're not! Check out the proof at the end of this answer to
convince yourself more about this. (Or simply prove it yourself by using color picker tool.)
Yes, our brain is that amazing!
While we're still in awe, quick, ask this question: what is brain? It's an isolated organ,
protected in our skull. It can't see, it can't smell, it can't taste, it can't hear, basically, it can't do
any thing but receive and send electrical signals all the time. For our brain, all those colors,
shapes, smells, touches, etc, are just combination from bunches of electrical signals in its
trillions of synapses. It builds its perception only from those electrical signals. Thus it has no
problem to build whatever perceptions and models it needs to, as for the brain itself,
they are no more than something like a mathematical model. Certainly we could use them
to build as many as higher dimensional model we like, or even whatever model we like, as we
could do the same thing mathematically. (Just don't forget its limited capacity!)
Now, back to the question. The problem is: in our daily experience, we accustom to only 3D
space of reality. Thus it's effortless for us to have the feeling of depth when we see things,
even though it's only a 2D picture, and what our eye captures is actually no more than a 2D
picture every time. But it's obviously not the case with higher dimensional spaces. So it's not
that our brain is not capable of building a higher dimensional perception, but we never
train it to be!
For some people, like mathematicians trained in higher-dimensional-spaces works, they are
more capable than the rest of us to visualize it in their brain. So, don't assume that people
can't, some of us, can!
Here is the proof that the colors of those two rectangles are the same:
An interesting comment, thanks to Mo Nastri:
Here's Terence Tao on the intuitive crutches he uses for higher-dimensional thinking. It's not
quite direct visualization, but it's very interesting nonetheless:
high-dimensional vector space as the state space for a large number of trials of a random
variable. More generally, many facts about low-dimensional projections or slices of high-
dimensional objects can be viewed from a probabilistic, statistical, or signal processing
Here's Scott Aaronson, who's great in general with intuitive explanations of technical
concepts, and whose explanation I personally found more tractable than Tao's:
- As someone else mentioned, discretize! Instead of thinking about R^n, think about the
Boolean hypercube {0,1}^n, which is finite and usually easier to get intuition about
- One of the central facts about R^n is that, while it has "room" for only n orthogonal vectors,
it has room for exp(n) almost-orthogonal vectors. Internalize that one fact, and so many other
properties of R^n (for example, that the n-sphere resembles a "ball with spikes sticking out,"
as someone mentioned before) will suddenly seem non-mysterious
- To get a feel for some high-dimensional object, ask questions about the behavior of a
process that takes place on that object. For example: if I drop a ball here, which local
minimum will it settle into? How long does this random walk on {0,1}^n take to mix?
What does a 5th dimension look and feel like in relation to spirituality, energy, and
ascending to a higher level of consciousness?
5th dimension can be seen as ‘heaven like’. It’s essentially what people talk about when they
describe heaven. When new earth transition happens on earth, it will become similar to living
in a heaven like place. Everything will just be amazing and it’s said that 5D is ‘fluid’. What
you wish for and want just happens with your intention and thoughts…
You will see next to ‘5’ in the chart below, it says ‘thought creates’…
Richard Muller
As far as physics has determined, there are three dimensions of space. We also know that if
we treat time as a dimension, then the equations of relativity become rotations in this space-
time system; other than that, time does not really behave like a fourth dimension; for example,
once we pick a coordinate system, we can stand still in the three spatial dimensions, but not in
the time dimension. In that sense, time is not really a fourth spatial dimension; it is
qualitatively different. (Some physicists counter this by arguing that the flow of time is an
illusion, but I consider that approach to be counter to the goal of science, which is to explain
what we perceive, not to deny it.)
A fourth or fifth spatial dimension could exist, and in current string theories there are
sometimes 7 additional spatial dimensions or more. But these are assumed to be "compact",
very small in scale. A good comparison is to the surface of a string, which has one large
dimension (along its length) and one very small dimension (as you move around its
circumference) that could easily be missed; from a distance, a string might look like a one-
dimensional line. If the additional dimensions of string theory are compact in that way, then
we can never experience them in ordinary life; but they would still be real. (We don't know if
string theory is valid, so we don't know if such dimensions exist.)
Of course, in the great series The Twilight Zone, Rod Serling was very clear about what he
meant when he said, "There is a fifth dimension, beyond those known to man." He explained
that it was "the dimension of imagination". Of course, that dimension is well-known to man,
so maybe what he meant was that we could imagine a fifth dimension that might affect our
Muhammad Sirhan
Is “moving into the 5th dimension” the same thing as having a “spiritual awakening”?
Dimension is a place for energy with the same frequency to enter. There are countless of
Even within this spiritual body there are so many dimensions not to mention the universe.
When a person is spiritually awakened, certain part of his/her existence will unlock a door to
a place..
So a spiritually awakened person may have that particular door opened but that does not mean
he or she knows how to enter that dimension.
For example, a clairvoyant who can see auras, chakras and past life so on and so forth. May
not necessarily have the ability to utilise their energy to heal or block negative energy.
Hence, that clairvoyant will need to open a tiny dimension on his or her palm chakra to at
least feel energy flow. Then it can be used for channeling later.
So a person who is spiritually awakened actually have some doors within their existence that
are open.
To be able to enter 5th or 6th or any dimension would require spiritual abilities. Spiritual
abilities is like a survival kit to enter other dimensions.
A person can be spiritually aware but to be able to use spiritual abilities would be another
Hence to enter other dimensions, that person have to be spiritually awakened and able to
harness it’s abilities as well.
Harish Tatavarthy
I see some of the answers here take the idea of time to explain higher dimensions; but time is
just a mathematical dimension. There are seriously more than 3 physical dimensions. So, I'm
going(trying) to explain them. The higher dimensions (dimensions beyond the 3 spatial
dimension) came into existence when Einstein, Kaluza, Klein, & several others worked on
making a single theory(known as "Unified theory" back then & "String theory" recently)
which would explain all of gravity, Electromagnetism, etc. They dreamt of postulating an
equation which would explain "all". If you want to know about how higher dimensions exist,
why they exist and how we intend to find them, see this video:
Okay, coming back to imagining higher dimensions, imagine this: Imagine 2 lizards crawling
on the roof in a room. The room has a balloon floating in the air. Somewhat like this (ignore
the balloon thread)
Now, assume that lizards can only crawl but not jump & also that they can only see what's in
front of them. So, for a lizard, this world is of only 2 dimensions. Since it can't see places or
go to places whatever's above or below it. Back to the room. Now, while the lizards are
crawling on the wall, a lizard suddenly slips & falls on the balloon. Now, the 1st lizard which
is sticking to the roof tries to find its mate by crawling each and every inch of the inside walls
of the room. And similarly, the 2nd lizard tries to find its mate by crawling every surface bit
of the balloon. Can either find either? No. Because, the lizard's vision does not let them see
beyond 2 dimensions. What occured to 2nd lizard in POV of 1st lizard? The 2nd lizard "
Slipped into another dimension". What occured to 2nd lizard in its own POV? It "slipped into
another dimension". We are like lizards. We can only see what we see but cannot see beyond
what we see since we are limited to see what we are meant to see. There is a 4th dimension, a
5th dimension (You know there are 10 dimensions if you have seen that video) in front of us.
But, we just simply cannot imagine or see them but to get them & play with them
mathematically. This tale may be a good metaphor to relate to our restriction of imagining
higher dimensions.
As pointed out in the comments, the analogy and explanation till this point has been
previously given by Carl Sagan, the Great. I have just made my understanding in my words
from what I've heard before.
Now, back to the lizard tale. Now seeing the plight of the lizards, assume you caught the tail
of 1st lizard & hung it in the air in the middle. Now, what will the 1st lizard see? It will be
amazed to see that there exists a "different" world completely. Now, after seeing the balloon
hanging in the room & a wall beyond it, maybe its brain (scientifically disputable*) triggers
its sense of 3rd dimension & suddenly, it can see the floor behind it It can see the chandeliers
hanging from a wall while crawling on corners. Similarly, all it takes is a person to show the
4th dimension to us & maybe our brain too(again, scientifically disputable*) will start seeing
what we have not been seeing all these days.
*Some think that after seeing the 4th dimension once; our brain will automatically trigger to
see it forever. If you want know why, read this: How a movie changed one man’s vision
I see the topic "Interstellar" has been tagged along with this question. If you are unable to
understand the ending because of not able to understand the idea of 4th dimension, read this at
your discretion. In the end, when Cooper is sucked into a Black hole, he enters a
“Tesseract"(No, not the Avengers 1) which was made by "them". Square is a unit shape in 2D
space; Cube is a unit shape in 3D & Tesseract is a unit shape in 4D space. In that tesseract, the
others capture the photons(light) that have fled from earth after reflecting from their
respective situations; and put them in a 3D space. Now, since the photons & gravitons are of
same particles but the frequency of the strings inside their quarks, he will be able to see the
photon & alter with graviton corresponding to that photon. i.e. he can see the situation &
control the gravity in that situation. So, it is basically that "they" have made a user-interface to
alter the gravity of the past. (He says TARS that they have made this for him to edit the past
that would lead to present) Using that UI, he makes the corresponding gravity signals and
makes the past happen. (Refer: Bootstrap paradox). After doing what he has done, "they"
close the Tesseract & suddenly he teleports to a place in the vicinity of Saturn. Since, he has
seen the 4th dimension & also transmitted the equation by which people can learn how to play
with gravity; people & Cooper both learn about this new dimension and build "Cooper
Station" using it.
Kunwar Agrwal
1. Lets say there is an ant on the ground and we draw a square around it using chalk.
Now lets assume that the ant cannot step on the line otherwise it will die. Now their
is no way out for the ant. For you as an observer, you will feel that the ant is stupid
for not jumping over the line. But the fact is that it cannot because ants cannot
actually jump. So this was a perfect case to understand that an organism hardwired
to think in a particular dimension cannot go beyond or see beyond that dimension.
for that person or whatever it is, there is a simple way out, but in a higher
dimension. The way we cannot see. This is because we are hardwired to see and
think in 3D and in no other dimension above that.
3. This explaination/example was given by Neil DeGrass Tyson in his radio show
star talk.
Satyam Dubey
Most of us thinks generally there are 3 dimensions Only, but there are at least 10 Dimensions
in the Universe.
Opp is it ?
But there are 10 basic dimensions listed below that you should know-
The first dimension is length, or x-axis—a straight line, with no other characteristics.
The Second Dimension: Height
Height, or y-axis, can be added to the length to produce a two-dimensional object, such as a
triangle or square.
Depth, or z-axis, can be added to the previous two dimensions to produce objects that have
volume, like a cube, pyramid, or sphere. This is the end of the dimensions that are directly
physically perceptible by human beings. All dimensions beyond the third are theoretical.
The Fourth Dimension: Time
The fifth dimension is a world slightly different than ours, from which we could measure
similarities and differences to our own world.
The Sixth Dimension: A Plane of All Possible Worlds With the Same Start Conditions
The sixth dimension is a plane containing all possible universes with the same start conditions
as ours; i.e., the Big Bang.
The Seventh Dimension: A Plane of All Possible Worlds With Different Start Conditions
The seventh dimension expands upon the sixth by plotting all possible worlds that begin
with different start conditions.
The Eighth Dimension: A Plane of All Possible Worlds, Each With Different Start
Conditions, Each Branching Out Infinitely
Are you dizzy yet? (OK, OK, look, there’s a point beyond which the mind of humanity is
unable to cognize without resorting to rave flyer graphics.)
The Ninth Dimension: All Possible Worlds, Starting With All Possible Start
Conditions and Laws of Physics
In each of these dimensions, which represent all possible start conditions, the laws of physics
are all completely different.
“Everything is possible”
At this level of complexity, everything that is possible and imaginable exists. Even a world in
which you have no student loans, no crime, And you are President of your Country.
Mitchell Hoiland
Specifically, what are the 4th and 5th dimensions in Interstellar? How does it all work?
Dimension No. 1: A line. Any line. A line that stretches from one point to another, without
any width to speak of.
Dimension No. 2: A plane - that comes to be when you add width to the line. As such, a plane
can exist as a flat surface viewed straight on: a floor, ceiling, tabletop, television or movie
screen and the images thereon
Dimension No. 3: Space. This one’s ours. Just as a line becomes a plane when you tack onto
it from the side, a plane becomes an object in our special world when you “inflate” it from
another angle.
Dimension No. 4: Time, essentially. Picture yourself at this very moment. Now, imagine
yourself five minutes ago - or five days, or five years, or (if you want to really blow your own
mind) five centuries. To grasp a world observed from the Fourth Dimension (as ours is from
the Third), picture each of these variations of yourself as physically connected along the line
of time. Though it’s tougher to picture, the jump from D3 to D4 exists in the same fashion
that the previous jumps (D1 to D2 and D2 to D3) do.
Dimension No. 5: The dimension in which we find McConaughey come the bookcase
sequence. If you can fathom it, step outside of the Fourth Dimension, separating further from
the viewpoint of endless physical manifestations. See, those endless physical manifestations
are themselves only one face of an entity - that which might be described as possibility.
Picture a timeline as an expression of one set of possibilities spawning from any singular
moment - a graspable example: start with your moment of birth, and track your life as a
collection of moments (faces on that never-ending “you” as observed from the Fourth
Dimension) all strewn together. Now, turn once more. Imagine this line as itself one face on
an object made up of lines of the like - all of the possible lines of moments/faces that might
spring from that initial point. Every conceivable thing that could happen after Point A (your
birth) gets its own line, and each of these lines is a face on the Fifth Dimension’s view of
Putting all of those explanations aside, the way I've always seen it is, in the 3rd dimension,
time just goes. No backwards, no forwards. In the fourth dimension, say you mess up your
drawing. You can simply "rewind" eight seconds and redo it. I imagine people living in a 4th
dimensional world would learn to use the 4th dimension as fluidly as we use our three
And the fifth dimensions allows you to see every given moment of your timeline, represented
physically (the bookshelves). You can just reach out and touch your world from twenty
minutes, seconds, years ago.
But that's just my (probably very incorrect) interpretation of it, in an attempt to simplify it so
my mind didn't melt when I thought about it too hard. Those explanations from Bustle.com
are probably much more accurate.
Paulito Thartist
Mathematically its been proven that there are 11 Dimensions. Each extra dimension is usually
explained in terms of objects that theoretically exist in those dimensions. Interestingly enough
the vedas ( I am still researching this) may have held the idea of 11 dimensions as a part of
their belief system for thousands of years. There is a-lot of conjecture about what is possible if
you could be a conscious being in one of those dimensions. As a sound engineer and digital
composer I might consider I operate in a 5th dimensional space with the help of my computer.
I can go back wards in and forward in time and have the ability to influence the events of a
composition While percieving the piece as a whole. In the same way a fifth dimensional being
maybe able to influence different points in time at during our 3D reality while being aware of
present past and future at any given moment.
So at the very least we know that there are 11 dimensions that exist in a mathematical reality.
Depending on the person there are more than three that exist in a phenomenological state (in
our vast mind and religious experiences) And some that exist in a digital meta state
(Demonstrable through digital technology and modeling ) Some concepts and ideas of higher
dimensions include multiple universes and theories about different abilities of conscious
beings living in those states, At the tenth dimension a conscious being has a God like ability
to change and perceive time and physics in multiple universes simultaneously in the same
way a conscious being like your self has the ability to change the reality of a two dimensional
object (ie a drawing on a piece of paper)or tearing it in half and grabbing another one. While I
think it may be unlikely that you can enter or perceive these dimensions, Why not take the
road less travelled and try. Don’t cast your pearls before swine. Find like minded people to
have this discussion at the very least you will learn more about the reality you live in and
JR Aceron
To me it's hard to explain fourth dimension but i could kind of get the idea of what it could
looks like.
So let's start from Zero Dimension, No size, No shape, no plane, nothing. Just a dot. You get
the point right? (No pun intended). What if you can somehow build a 1st dimension out of
multiple PointLands, easy! Just connect them to each other, then you just made a new
dimension, Lineland. It seems incomplete though. You can only move left and right, no
forward, no backward, no up, no down. Then just repeat the process, there are more Lineland
scattered around you, just grab them and do what you just did you make a line land.
When you combined line lands, it somehow became a flat surface. That's the 2nd dimension.
Flatland. You can only move in 4 directions, Left, Right, Forward, Backward. No Up and No
Now where going to our own Dimension now. 3rd dimension! Just stack multiple Flatlands
above each other then you get a Spaceland! You can now move in 6 directions now!
Up, down, left, right, forward, backwards.
You have to stack and make a new Dimension by using multiple Spaceland as building
blocks. Then we get Hyperland, 4th Dimension.
0D: No Directions
4D: possibly 8 Directions (Up, Down, Left, Right, Forward, Backward, Outwards, Inwards)
So i think my idea about 4th Dimension is that the new direction is outwards and inwards. So
4D Beings can leave and enter their world either in same, or different coordinates. So
basically no obstacles can stop them.
Senia Sheydvasser
What is the 5th dimension? Are there any other dimensions beyond the 5th?
As a mathematician, I can confidently say that it doesn't make sense to talk about the 5th
dimension. Rather, it would be better to talk about a 5th dimension.
What is a dimension in the first place? There are different definitions depending on context,
but the general gist of it is that is a "degree of freedom." Or perhaps another way to express
the idea is this: how many pieces of information do you need to specify a point in your space?
So, for example, the surface of the Earth is 2 dimensional - in order to specify a point, you
need to give two pieces of information: the latitude and the longitude. A cylinder is also 2-
dimensional - you need to specify how far up the cylinder you are and how far you have gone
around it. Space-time, on the other hand, is usually modeled as being 4 dimensional - you
have to specify 3 spatial coordinates, and another temporal one.
There is a possibility that space-time has more spatial dimensions that we are not at present
able to detect because they are very "curled up" - imagine the cylinder, but with an incredibly
small radius, so that it looks "almost" 1 dimensional.
There is no reason why you have to be limited to spatial or temporal dimensions, though. In
atmospheric science, for example, it is perfectly reasonable to talk about spaces that are 7
dimensional - you have 3 spatial dimensions, 1 temporal one, and then 3 extra dimensions to
specify the direction of wind flow at each point. You might have even more dimensions if you
want to also specify things like temperature and pressure. All these are just extra bits of
information that you might need to keep track of.
Henry Alman
Is it true that 5 dimensions exist in a black hole (according to the movie Interstellar)? If
they do, then how will they look?
We have absolutely no idea how the interior of a black hole works; that’s the truth of it.
Interstellar was a fairly scientifically accurate film (as these things go) up to that point. It’s
basically making stuff up there. Even if there is a 5th dimension, it certainly isn’t a bookcase
allowing you to see into your daughter’s past - at best you could consider that a metaphorical
There are a lot of Quora posts about what dimensions actually are in physics, and I’d highly
advise looking at some of them. The word means something quite specific and very different
from how science fiction uses it.
There are some physics theories that postulate that more than the normal four dimensions (3
of space, 1 of time) exist - string theory being one of them and the most famous. None,
however, have been proven; and as far as I’m aware, in all of them, any higher dimensions are
wrapped up into tiny length scales (around 10^-33 metres). Again, it wouldn’t be like a room
we could wander around in or anything; that’s just not what a dimension even is.
Even those theories don’t yet have any way to predict how these hypothetical dimensions
would work inside a black hole - for that we need a theory of quantum gravity, which we’re a
long way away from yet.
Krister Sundelin
A dimensionless space is a point, with no height, depth, length, or any other value.
A one-dimensional thing is a line. It has a length. Here I use an orange stick to illustrate, even
though the stick not only have length, but also have some width and height, but let’s ignore
Put two dimensions together at right angles, and you have two dimensions.
Add one more dimension at right angles to the first two, and you have three dimensions.
Now it gets tricky: how do you add another dimensions at right angles to the first three?
That shadow do look like the cube. None of the angles look like 90°, because of how a 3D
object is projected on a 2D surface.
This mess of sticks and hotsnot is a representation of a 4D object’s shadow in 3D space.
If you take any eight corners that are connected, then they would be a cube-side of the 4D
cube in 4D space. And just like any side of the purple cube is at right angles in 3D space, all
those cube-sides in the yellow hypercube would be at right angles in 4D space. But since this
is a projection of a 4D object in 3D space – its shadow, if you will – they are not at right
angles here.
Now, imagine taking every cube-side in the hypercube, and attach a hypercube to each of the
sides there, at right angles in 5D space, and you would have a 5D hypercube.
If you have problems doing that, don’t worry. I don’t even know where to begin messing with
sticks and hotsnot to build it.
And that’s how the fifth dimension would be like, from a 2D point of view.
John Akwei
If beings from the fifth dimension (as an example) visit earth, will they see it from a 5D
perspective or 3D? That is to say, are spatial dimensions exclusive to their re spective
If a 5 dimensional universe existed, (with 5 dimensions of space, and one dimension of time),
then the 5 dimensional beings inside the 5 dimensional universe could see our 3 dimensional
universe inside their 5 dimensional universe.
However, the 5 dimensional beings could only see our 3 dimensional universe in 3 of the 5
dimensions they are able to perceive. In the 2 extra dimensions that 5 dimensional beings are
able to perceive, our 3 dimensional universe would disappear.
In the 3 dimensions that are common to the 5 dimensional beings, and us (3 dimensional
beings), our 3 dimensional universe would appear normal.
Malcolm Shute
Try asking yourself whether we can go to the 3rd dimension. It doesn't mean anything.
We consider ourselves to live in a *space* that extends into the 3rd dimension (plus the other
two, plus time)
I think that's what you probably mean by your question, "Can we go to a space the extends
into the 5th dimension?"
Even then, I struggle to understand what such a question might mean. Certainly, we use the
language of mathematics to map our observations of the universe on to our models of how it
all works. In that context, "yes, by viewing the universe through the special viewing goggles
of mathematics" is probably the nearest I am going to come to giving you a meaningful
Harvir Dhindsa
Is gravity the 5th dimension portrayed in the movie 'Interstellar'? Could it be real as
No, gravity is not a dimension. Rather the hypothetical 5th dimensional space in "Interstellar"
is a space where gravity and the electromagnetic force have been unified. That is also what
Professor Brand was working on during the better part of the film, trying to find an equation
for unifying gravity.
Inside that 5th dimension is a kind of second pathway for time to pass. A second dimension of
time. The 4th dimension of relativity is our first dimension of time. In the 5th dimension, time
flows forward and backward. It is essentially non existent. Everything that ever had happened
or will happen, will happen at the same time. There is no event calendar. This is also why
Cooper is able to see Murph and send to her the key to saving the Earth' people.
As for whether it exists, that is a question for which we currently have no answer. However it
is hypothetical and at this point is a well researched and educated guess. It would however be
immensely cool!
Eva Silvertant
Is the visual representation of five dimensions shown in the movie Interstellar accurate?
The visual representation of five dimensions as shown in Interstellar is interesting, but at the
same time so faulty that it becomes amusing. It should be noted however that it wasn't
intended to be a representation of five dimensions. I think the makers of the movie were well
aware of the challenge of such an endeavor and the technical constraints one would have to
work with in terms of visualizing five dimensions in a three-dimensional reality - on a two-
dimensional screen I might add. As such, in the movie it was indicated that the Tesseract is a
three-dimensional representation of a five-dimensional reality, for the sake of the characters
of the movie and the viewers.
The problem is that visualizations of any objects in more dimensions than the ones we're used
to is inherently going to be a representation, making it impossible to address what 5D would
look like in reality.
Imagining 10 Dimensions — the Movie (or watch Imagining Ten Dimensions in Two
Dimension: 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
Mind you, this video will offer a narrative, no visual representations. It may be helpful in
interpreting the relevant scenes in Interstellar though. Also note that videos of each dimension
separately can be found on YouTube (see the links above), if you prefer to view the video or
parts of it that way. Particularly the video about the fourth dimension (Imagining the Fourth
Dimension) is quite significant.
As the video explains, dimensions can't function in isolation; you can't make a 1D line
without points; you can't make a 2D plane without lines; you can't make a 3D space without
planes, and you can't have a 4D duration without "multiple planck frames" of 3D space.
What you see in the movie Interstellar is essentially that 4D duration consisting of 3D space.
Note however that in the movie, 4D is represented as 3D space, rather than any attempt being
made to offer any insight into how higher dimensions may actually look like. You might
argue if an attempt was made to visualize four dimensions properly (or five dimensions
considering you are stepping outside the dimension of time as well), it would probably be
quite confusing and it would most likely look clumsy.
To get an idea of what I mean by a clumsy visualization, just look at this n-cube in a skew
orthogonal projection:
As you can see the 4-cube is getting clumsy already, and with each step the object becomes
significantly harder to interpret. Just imagine how difficult it would have been to not only
design the Interstellar scene with higher dimensions, but for any character to interact within
such environment. Just imagine the visual weirdness of looking through a higher dimensional
environment to interact with the book case in a location and time within the 3D realm.
Not to mention, perhaps the character should be represented in 5 dimensions as well, rather
than remain a 3-dimensional being within a higher-dimensional reality. Would you even be
able to recognize the character as Cooper - or even as a human?
Joshua Schroeder
You are actually traveling through the 4th dimension right now! You could even be called a
time traveler by a lower dimension goer. You are traveling through the 4th dimension at one
second per second. We do understand how this can be dilated and run slower (relativistically
speaking) but other manipulations haven’t been figured out yet. To be clear, you are a three
dimensional character that is moving through time and what we perceive as reality.
Until Einstein came along, it was thought that our reality and our understanding of time was
concrete and happened everywhere in the universe. That is just simply not the case. Time is
simply a series’s of realities and our perception of it at one second per second is unique to our
macro environment. Time is just not all that concrete. Doctor Who probably put it best when
he said “People assume that time is a strict progression of cause to effect, but actually, from a
nonlinear, non-subjective viewpoint, it's more like a big ball of wibbly-wobbly, timey-
wimey... stuff”.
Food for thought: As humans, we are basically recording our individual reality in a wetware
system (our brain) that is designed to sense the stimuli around us and convert all those signals
into chemical and electrical impulses that we perceive as reality. The fact that we agree on
any version of the fourth dimension at all is simply amazing and a testament to the precision
of the human body.
Hariz Zoran
According to theoretical physics, the 6th dimension is said to be a dimension where every
thing exists in multiple states, as in a 6th dimensional being can perceive objects in millions
of different ways, as in seeing it in the aspects of the multi verse, as in, in this universe a ball
would look one way and in another one it would look another way and that being can perceive
it in both, or basically in infinite ways…..
Ayush Goyal
If you understand 'dimension', you can understand the 4th, 5th and any nth dimension
In physics and mathematics, the dimension of a mathematical space (or object) is informally
defined as the minimum number of coordinates needed to specify any point within it,
So that's what you need to keep in mind - dimension is a parameter that can help us define any
point (or an event, for realistic and imaginative purposes)
For example, you can determine the location of a ball using the three dimensions of place, but
that DOES NOT accurately determine where your ball is. One must remember, that it is also
travelling through time, and thus mentioning the time of it's existence is another parameter
that needs to be specified, making time a dimension.
All of us live in the three space dimensions and are all travelling through the fourth - time.
Physically it is very difficult to Imagine the next dimension, but if you're a math geek -
dimension would just mean the number of vectors in the basis of a vector space.
You can ignore the above definition if you're not a fan of math. Basically, there are coordinate
systems that require 4 space dimensions to be determined completely. Some need 5, 6 and so
on. But there is no way that we can imagine these dimensions. But just because we can't
imagine them, does not mean we can;t understand them.
Chaitanya Pb
No, it is not. Gravity is a result of distortion (bending) of space-time due to the presence of
mass. Hence, it can be represented as a function of space and time dimensions. Clearly,
gravity cannot be the fifth dimension as a dimension should be independent of all the other
dimensions. Hope I helped.
Barak Shoshany
No, it is not true, as far as we know. We have only seen evidence for one dimension of time.
Some physicists have thought up mathematical models in which there are 2 or even more
dimensions of time, which are very interesting conceptually. However, ultimately these
theories need to be supported by evidence before they can be considered as "true".
Arithmetic of growth. It is active on all levels. Visibly or invisibly. From black holes over
quanta to galaxies. Fundamental building block of the Universe. Major role in aesthetics;
This Principle embodies the truth that “everything is in motion”; “everything vibrates”;
“nothing is at rest”; facts which Modern Science endorses, and which each new scientific
discovery tends to verify. And yet this Hermetic Principle was enunciated thousands of years
ago, by the Masters of Ancient Egypt. This Principle explains that the differences between
different manifestations of Matter, Energy, Mind, and even Spirit, result largely from varying
rates of Vibration. From THE ALL, which is Pure Spirit, down to the grossest form of Matter,
all is in vibration–the higher the vibration, the higher the position in the scale. The vibration
of Spirit is at such an infinite rate of intensity and rapidity that it is practically at rest - just as
a rapidly moving wheel seems to be motionless. And at the other end of the scale, there are
gross forms of matter whose vibrations are so low as to seem at rest. Between these poles,
there are millions upon millions of varying degrees of vibration. From corpuscle and electron,
atom and molecule, to worlds and universes, everything is in vibratory motion. This is also
true on the planes of energy and force (which are but varying degrees of vibration); and also
on the mental planes (whose states depend upon vibrations); and even on to the spiritual
planes. An understanding of this Principle, with the appropriate formulas, enables Hermetic
students to control their own mental vibrations as well as those of others. The Masters also
apply this Principle to the conquering of Natural phenomena, in various ways. “He who
understands the Principle of Vibration, has grasped the sceptre of power,” says one of the
old writers.
All Is Vibration
The great Third Hermetic Principle - the Principle of Vibration - embodies the truth that
Motion is manifest in everything in the Universe - that nothing is at rest - that everything
moves, vibrates, and circles. This Hermetic Principle was recognized by some of the early
Greek philosophers who embodied it in their systems. But, then, for centuries it was lost sight
of by the thinkers outside of the Hermetic ranks. But in the Nineteenth Century physical
science re-discovered the truth and the Twentieth Century scientific discoveries have added
additional proof of the correctness and truth of this centuries-old Hermetic doctrine.
The Hermetic Teachings are that not only is everything in constant movement and vibration,
but that the “differences” between the various manifestations of the universal power are due
entirely to the varying rate and mode of vibrations. Not only this, but that even THE ALL, in
itself, manifests a constant vibration of such an infinite degree of intensity and rapid motion
that it may be practically considered as at rest, the teachers directing the attention of the
students to the fact that even on the physical plane a rapidly moving object (such as a
revolving wheel) seems to be at rest. The Teachings are to the effect that Spirit is at one end
of the Pole of Vibration, the other Pole being certain extremely gross forms of Matter.
Between these two poles are millions upon millions of different rates and modes of vibration.
Modern Science has proven that all that we call Matter and Energy are but “modes of
vibratory motion,” and some of the more advanced scientists are rapidly moving toward the
positions of the occultists who hold that the phenomena of Mind are likewise modes of
vibration or motion. Let us see what science has to say regarding the question of vibrations in
matter and energy.
In the first place, science teaches that all matter manifests, in some degree, the vibrations
arising from temperature or heat. Be an object cold or hot - both being but degrees of the same
things - it manifests certain heat vibrations, and in that sense is in motion and vibration. Then
all particles of Matter are in circular movement, from corpuscle to suns. The planets revolve
around suns, and many of them turn on their axes. The suns move around greater central
points, and these are believed to move around still greater, and so on, ad infinitum. The
molecules of which the particular kinds of Matter are composed are in a state of constant
vibration and movement around each other and against each other. The molecules are
composed of Atoms, which, likewise, are in a state of constant movement and vibration. The
atoms are composed of Corpuscles, sometimes called “electrons,” “ions,” etc., which also are
in a state of rapid motion, revolving around each other, and which manifest a very rapid state
and mode of vibration. And, so we see that all forms of Matter manifest Vibration, in
accordance with the Hermetic Principle of Vibration. And so it is with the various forms of
Energy. Science teaches that Light, Heat, Magnetism and Electricity are but forms of
vibratory motion connected in some way with, and probably emanating from the Ether.
Science does not as yet attempt to explain the nature of the phenomena known as Cohesion,
which is the principle of Molecular Attraction; nor Chemical Affinity, which is the principle
of Atomic Attraction; nor Gravitation (the greatest mystery of the three), which is the
principle of attraction by which every particle or mass of Matter is bound to every other
particle or mass. These three forms of Energy are not as yet understood by science, yet the
writers incline to the opinion that these too are manifestations of some form of vibratory
energy, a fact which the Hermetists have held and taught for ages past.
The Universal Ether, which is postulated by science without its nature being understood
clearly, is held by the Hermetists to be but a higher manifestation of that which is erroneously
called matter - that is to say, Matter at a higher degree of vibration - and is called by them
“The Ethereal Substance.” The Hermetists teach that this Ethereal Substance is of extreme
tenuity and elasticity, and pervades universal space, serving as a medium of transmission of
waves of vibratory energy, such as heat, light, electricity, magnetism, etc. The Teachings are
that The Ethereal Substance is a connecting link between the forms of vibratory energy
known as “Matter” on the one hand, and “Energy or Force” on the other; and also that it
manifests a degree of vibration, in rate and mode, entirely its own.
Scientists have offered the illustration of a rapidly moving wheel, top, or cylinder, to show the
effects of increasing rates of vibration. The illustration supposes a wheel, top, or revolving
cylinder, running at a low rate of speed - we will call this revolving thing “the object” in
following out the illustration. Let us suppose the object moving slowly. It may be seen
readily, but no sound of its movement reaches the ear. The speed is gradually increased. In a
few moments its movement becomes so rapid that a deep growl or low note may be heard.
Then as the rate is increased the note rises one in the musical scale. Then, the motion being
still further increased, the next highest note is distinguished. Then, one after another, all the
notes of the musical scale appear, rising higher and higher as the motion is increased. Finally
when the motions have reached a certain rate the final note perceptible to human ears is
reached and the shrill, piercing shriek dies away, and silence follows. No sound is heard from
the revolving object, the rate of motion being so high that the human ear cannot register the
vibrations. Then comes the perception of rising degrees of Heat. Then after quite a time the
eye catches a glimpse of the object becoming a dull dark reddish color. As the rate increases,
the red becomes brighter. Then as the speed is increased, the red melts into an orange. Then
the orange melts into a yellow. Then follow, successively, the shades of green, blue, indigo,
and finally violet, as the rate of speed increases. Then the violet shades away, and all color
disappears, the human eye not being able to register them. But there are invisible rays
emanating from the revolving object, the rays that are used in photographing, and other subtle
rays of light. Then begin to manifest the peculiar rays known as the “X Rays,” etc., as the
constitution of the object changes. Electricity and Magnetism are emitted when the
appropriate rate of vibration is attained.
When the object reaches a certain rate of vibration its molecules disintegrate, and resolve
themselves into the original elements or atoms. Then the atoms, following the Principle of
Vibration, are separated into the countless corpuscles of which they are composed. And
finally, even the corpuscles disappear and the object may be said to be composed of The
Ethereal Substance. Science does not dare to follow the illustration further, but the Hermetists
teach that if the vibrations be continually increased the object would mount up the successive
states of manifestation and would in turn manifest the various mental stages, and then on
Spiritward, until it would finally re-enter THE ALL, which is Absolute Spirit. The “object,”
however, would have ceased to be an “object” long before the stage of Ethereal Substance
was reached, but otherwise the illustration is correct inasmuch as it shows the effect of
constantly increased rates and modes of vibration. It must be remembered, in the above
illustration, that at the stages at which the “object” throws off vibrations of light, heat, etc., it
is not actually “resolved” into those forms of energy (which are much higher in the scale), but
simply that it reaches a degree of vibration in which those forms of energy are liberated, in a
degree, from the confining influences of its molecules, atoms and corpuscles, as the case may
be. These forms of energy, although much higher in the scale than matter, are imprisoned and
confined in the material combinations, by reason of the energies manifesting through, and
using material forms, but thus becoming entangled and confined in their creations of material
forms, which, to an extent, is true of all creations, the creating force becoming involved in its
But the Hermetic Teachings go much further than do those of modern science. They teach that
all manifestation of thought, emotion, reason, will or desire, or any mental state or condition,
are accompanied by vibrations, a portion of which are thrown off and which tend to effect the
minds of other persons by “induction.” This is the principle which produces the phenomena of
“telepathy”; mental influence, and other forms of the action and power of mind over mind,
with which the general public is rapidly becoming acquainted, owing to the wide
dissemination of occult knowledge by the various schools, cults and teachers along these lines
at this time.
Every thought, emotion or mental state has its corresponding rate and mode of vibration. And
by an effort of the will of the person, or of other persons, these mental states may be
reproduced, just as a musical tone may be reproduced by causing an instrument to vibrate at a
certain rate - just as color may be reproduced in the same way. By a knowledge of the
Principle of Vibration, as applied to Mental Phenomena, one may polarize his mind at any
degree he wishes, thus gaining a perfect control over his mental states, moods, etc. In the
same way he may affect the minds of others, producing the desired mental states in them. In
short, be may be able to produce on the Mental Plane that which science produces on the
Physical Plane - namely, “Vibrations at Will.” This power of course may be acquired only by
the proper instruction, exercises, practice, etc., the science being that of Mental
Transmutation, one of the branches of the Hermetic Art.
A little reflection on what we have said will show the student that the Principle of Vibration
underlies the wonderful phenomena of the power manifested by the Masters and Adepts, who
are able to apparently set aside the Laws of Nature, but who, in reality, are simply using one
law against another; one principle against others; and who accomplish their results by
changing the vibrations of material objects, or forms of energy, and thus perform what are
commonly called “miracles.”
As one of the old Hermetic writers has truly said: “He who understands the Principle of
Vibration, has grasped the sceptre of Power.”
All is energy, frequency, vibration. Sound too is vibration. At the right frequency it will
disintegrate matter. Remember the “walls of Jericho” (Bible). And in the same way one may
also materialize matter;
“Concerning matter, we’ve been all wrong. What we have called matter is energy, whose
vibration has been so lowered as to be perceptible to the senses. Matter is spirit reduced to a
point of visibility. There is no matter.” (Albert Einstein)
Man is a projection of the Universe. The Universe is a projection of Man (See “fertilization”).
The entire evolution of the Universe is reflected in (the development of) man. The
phenomenal objective universe is simply a projection of the subjective, noumenal universe.
The microcosm and the macrocosm are one;
The search for the Holy Grail is the search for the real Self.
The quest for the Holy Grail is the eternal search for truth;
Mind (microcosm) and matter (macrocosm) are connected. This explains everything ranging
from “paranormal phenomena” to “psychic abilities”. Then maybe mind can be a physical
force indeed. “Mind over matter” taken literally. Thus nothing is impossible as a result. Be a
“Master of the Universe”. He-Man!
stages of creation; 7 circles in the “Seed of Life” (cell division & sacred geometry); 7 “Logi”
(Creative Lords);
The Archeometer was designed in Paris, by renowned mystic St. Yves d'Alveydre, in the late
1800's and early 1900s. It was developed by d'Alveydre, his wife, the Countess Keller, and his
associates, up until the time of his death in 1909. Still uncompleted, it was finished and
published by his adopted son & daughter the Count & Countess Keller, and his associates.
The Archeometer is a "Key to All Sciences of Antiquity," and includes the correlations of the
colors to music notes, the planets and the zodiac, the elements, and several languages of
importance to students of the mysteries at that time. However, over time, some of the
correlations have been shown to be just slightly off, simply by utilizing the Law of Octaves to
correlate the colors of the solar spectrum to the chromatic scale, for example, or by the
discovery and assignment of other planets to the zodiac, for another. Further, many of the
linguistic correlations are of less importance today than they were in d'Alveydre's time, to
those most commonly practicing modalities, and those who could most utilize such a tool in
this modern age. By utilizing d'Alveydre's work as a starting point, and my own works to
build a new foundation, the remaining correlations only needed the blanks filled in from there,
to provide the adept and novice alike a key to a new perspective on the "subtle energies,"
which affect us on so many levels, at all times. In this publication, the culmination of the
works is fully realized, in that it is put into practice in day-to-day life and relationships. The
ancient key to Sympathetic Vibratory Physics and the Law of Octaves known as the
Archeometer is brought into the modern age, for the utmost ease of understanding and use by
the most advanced adepts, as well as the beginning novice. Includes printable set of 12
Archeometer Triangle Cards, and printable Zener ESP cards.
“The Archeometer was a grandiose machine, which "translated into the material the word,
form, color, smell, sound and taste,"' it was the "key to all religions and all the sciences of
antiquity," and consisted of a disc or discs of colored cardboard with some very complex
diagrammatic arrangements.
In the pamphlet Archioniere. Brevet d'invention no 333.393 that was printed in 1903,1 Saint-
Yves d'Alveydre wrote in eight pages everything that he wanted the public to know about his
mysterious device. From this we learn more about the design of his Archeometer. The disc
was divided in concentric zones. These zones or divisions contained the correspondences that
existed between numbers, letters, colors and musical notes, the signs of the zodiac and of the
planets. On it was also found the invaluable alphabet of Watan. These letters were held of the
utmost importance since through these one could rediscover the elements of the symbolic and
figurative signs developed in antiquity and the meaning of which had been lost since time
immemorial. Also included in the Archeometer was a metric system, destined to reform
sonometry, that could be used in the determination of the proportions of all the graphical
Source: Internet
Many of these types of diagrams and engravings have been altered, or have deliberate
omissions and repetitions by the author, to make sure that only those with the "lost keys" can
I've heard these diagrams literally create an electro-magnetic vortex, and can be used to
amplify thought forms and manifest intention.
They also are used to draw straight lines from letter to letter, while spelling a name or word,
which creates a Sigil representing the name/idea that can be placed on a Talisman or Amulet.
This one appears to also be a rosetta stone linking Watan to Ancient Hebrew. I wish it was a
better scan.
I don't think it's supposed to spin, because it's purpose is create definite correspondences. Like
linking the 12 signs of the Zodiac to the 12 notes of the chromatic scale for example. It also
links the 12 signs of the Zodiac to their planetary rulers - the Moon rules Cancer, Mercury
rules Gemini, etc.
These correspondences (especially colors) are not "set in stone" they can change depending
on the system of Magic being implemented.
The symbols in the points of the large triangles are Watan for the planets, the large symbols in
the outermost ring are Watan for the Houses of the Zodiac.”
Source: Internet
All is soul. So matter is a “unit of soul”. Numbers are “units of soul”. Thoughts are ‘units of
soul”. All is soul. Soul is unity. Unity is soul;
Musical and planetary ratios (Law of Octaves);
The Universe is “sound” or “music”. Cosmic vibrations; Cosmic music; Cosmic harmonics;
The Universe is intelligent. The Universe is conscious. The Universe is alive. The Universe is
an organism;
The Universe and everything in it has its own keynote and vibration. Likewise so every
individual. When properly sounded, it will lead to resonance. Or to destruction
(disintegration). See: “Walls of Jericho” (Bible);
The mythologies are a product of the mystery schools. They serve to conceal “sacred
knowledge”, regardless of its nature. The specific and complete meaning of the various
mythologies is to be identified. Thoroughness is hereby of vital importance.
The pentagram (five-pointed star) (5) symbolizes man (the “microcosm”) and his capacities.
The pentagram was a sacred symbol of light, health, and vitality. It also symbolized the fifth
element – ether - because it is free from the disturbances of the four lower elements. It is
called equilibrium, because it divides the perfect number 10 into two equal parts.
This Principle embodies the truth that “All is Mind.” It explains that THE ALL (which is the
Substantial Reality underlying all the outward manifestations and appearances which we
know under the terms of “The Material Universe”; the “Phenomena of Life”; “Matter”;
“Energy”; and in short, all that is apparent to our material senses) is SPIRIT, which in itself is
UNKNOWABLE and UNDEFINABLE, but which may be considered and thought of as AN
UNIVERSAL, INFINITE, LIVING MIND. It also explains that all the phenomenal world or
niverse is simply a Mental Creation of THE ALL, subject to the Laws of Created Things, and
that the universe, as a whole, and in its parts or units, has its existence in the Mind of THE
ALL, in which Mind we “live and move and have our being.” This Principle, by establishing
the Mental Nature of the Universe, easily explains all of the varied mental and psychic
phenomena that occupy such a large portion of the public attention, and which, without such
explanation, are non-understandable and defy scientific treatment. An understanding of this
great Hermetic Principle of Mentalism enables the individual to readily grasp the laws of the
Mental Universe, and to apply the same to his well-being and advancement. The Hermetic
Student is enabled to apply intelligently the great Mental Laws, instead of using them in a
haphazard manner. With the Master-Key in his possession, the student may unlock the many
doors of the mental and psychic temple of knowledge, and enter the same freely and
intelligently. This Principle explains the true nature of “Energy,” “Power,” and “Matter,” and
why and how all these are subordinate to the Mastery of Mind. One of the old Hermetic
Masters wrote, long ages ago: “He who grasps the truth of the Mental Nature of the Universe
is well advanced on The Path to Mastery.” And these words are as true to-day as at the time
they were first written. Without this Master-Key, Mastery is impossible, and the student
knocks in vain at the many doors of The Temple.
The “Flower of Life” consists of 19 overlapping circle. May contain the Secrets of the
Universe. In any case, a lot of unseen knowledge;
DECAD (10)
See: fertilization of ovum by sperm. Flash of light. Rapid expansion (cell proliferation);
The Akasha is also known as the “Cosmic Memory Field”. Man symbolizes the Akasha as he
carries all within himself. Via connection to the “Cosmic Memory Field”, wherever it may be
located, access to unlimited knowledge is possible. The source of the ancient wisdom;
DUAD (2)
Duality (polarity). Positive and negative. Male and female. In the material world it symbolizes
electricity and magnetism;
Healing (therapeutic) effect of sound on body or psyche;
Citation: “Anyone who should believe to find in this work nothing else but a collection of
recipes, with the aid of which he can easily and without any effort attain to honor and glory,
riches and power and aim at the annihilation of his enemies, might be told from the very
inception, that he will put aside this book, being very disappointed.
Numerous sects and religions do not understand the expression of “magic” otherwise than
black art, witchcraft or conspiracy with evil powers. It is therefore not astonishing that many
people are frightened by a certain horror, whenever the word “magic” is pronounced.
Jugglers, conjurers, and charlatans have discredited this term and, considering this
circumstance, there is no surprise that magic knowledge has always been looked upon with a
slight disregard. Even in the remotest times the MAGUS has been regarded as one of the
highest adepts and it might be of interest to learn that, as a matter of fact, the word “magic” is
derived from this word. The so called “sorcerers” are by no means initiates but only imitators
o the mysteries, who counting partly on the ignorance and partly on the credulity of the
individuality or a whole nation in order to reach their selfish aims by, lies and fraud. The true
magician will always despise such practices.
In reality, magic is a sacred science, it is, in the very true sense the sum of all knowledge
because it teaches how to know and utilize the sovereign rules. There is no difference between
magic and mystic or any other conception of the name. Wherever authentic initiation is at
stake, one has to proceed on the same basis, according to the same rules, irrespective of the
name given by this or that creed. Considering the universal polarity rules of good and evil,
active and passive, light and shadow, each science can serve good as well as bad purposes.
Let us take the example of a knife, an object that virtually ought to be used for cutting bread
only, which, however, can become a dangerous weapon in the hands of a murderer. All
depends on the character of the individual. This principle goes just as well for all the spheres
of the occult sciences. In my book I have chosen the term of “magician” for all of my
disciples, it being a symbol of the deepest initiation and the highest wisdom.”
The idea of the unknowable Unity at the beginning has been the basis of many philosophies
and mythological systems. While Shankhara, with the Buddhism of a certain period, posited
the void as a fundamental assumption, the main stream of Hinduism has always rested on the
notion of the One, the Divine, who divided himself within himself to form his own self-
created opposite, the manifested universe. Within the divine self-regard, three qualities of
himself became distinguished: Sat (immobile being), Chit (consciousness-force) and Ananda
(bliss). The original unity, represented by a circle, is then restated in the concept of the Real-
Idea, the thought of God, which the Hindus called the bindu or seed, what we call the
geometrical point. The point, according to the Shiva Sutra Vimarshini Commentaries, forms
the limit between the manifest and non-manifest, between the spatial and the non-spatial. The
bindu corresponds to the 'seed-sound idea' of the Tantras. The Divine transforms himself into
sound vibration (nada), and proliferates the universe, which is not different from himself, by
giving form or verbal expression to this self-idea. Ramakrishna summarized the scripture by
saying, 'The Universe is nothing but the Divine uttering his own name to himself.'
Thus the universe springs forth from the Word. This transcendent Word is only a vibration (a
materialization) of the Divine thought which gives rise to the fractioning of unity which is
creation. The Word (saabda in Sanskrit, the logos of the Christians and Gnostics), whose
nature is pure vibration, represents the essential nature of all that exists. Concentric
vibrational waves span outward from innumerable centres and their overlappings (interference
patterns) form nodules of trapped energy which become the whirling, fiery bodies of the
heavens. The Real-Idea, the Purusha, the inaudible and invisible point of the sound-idea
remains fixed and immutable. Its names, however, can be investigated through geometry and
number. This emitted sound, the naming of God's idea, is what the Pythagoreans would call
the Music of the Spheres.
In ancient Egypt the primordial vibrational field (called nada in India) is called Nun, the
primal ocean. It is the One imaged as undifferentiated cosmic substance, the source of all
creation. Submerged within this primal ocean is Atum, the creator, who must first distinguish
himself from Nun in order for creation to begin. Atum is masculine, and analogous to Chit
(consciousness-force) of the Indian myth. Atum is pictured in a state of total self-absorbed
bliss. Some versions of the myth say that Atum is masturbating. His blissful self-
contemplation provokes his ejaculation and this ejaculation catches in his throat, causing him
to cough his own seed out of his mouth. He coughed and spit out Shu and Tefnut, who,
together with himself, form the first triad of the nine great Neteru or principles of creation.
Let us note the relationship of this creation myth to the Egyptian mathematical notation in
which fractions are represented by drawing a mouth as the numerator and unit marks
underneath for the denominator, imaging the idea of seed-powers being emitted from the
mouth, the creative Word 0 = 113. The hieroglyphic sign for the mouth o is the same sign
used to write the name of the supreme being, RZ (who, as creator, is known as Atum-RG).
Atum's projected seed enters into the primal vibration of Nun and coagulates it into the
universe of forms, just as the sperm coagulates the albuminous substance of the ovum. (This
and other functional correlations with Egyptian myth have been developed by Lucie Lamy in
Egyptian Mysteries.)
Today, in the field theory of modern astro-physics, the universe is conceived as an integral,
incomprehensibly vast vibrating field of ionized, pre-gaseous plasma, an image not unlike that
of the Nun or cosmic ocean of the Egyptian myth, or the Prakriti of the Hindu cosmology.
Within this field gravitational influences are triggered which cause a warp and densification
into nodal patterns. The disequilibrium and turbulence caused by the newly formed galactic
mass-centres under the forces of contraction releases compound ripples causing violent,
abrupt changes in the pressure and density of the whole cosmic plasma. These are referred to
as galactic 'sonic booms', sonic because indeed the propagation of any sound is simply the
rapid oscillatory pressure-density change in any medium. These whirling sonic shocks create
a spin in the entire galactic cloud and within the inner regions set up by this spin the stars are
born. This clearly restates the ancient image of universal creation through sound waves or the
Word of God; science reaffirms that visible stars and galaxies are spiral blast patterns,
residual imprints of standing shock waves from the thundering voice of the Universe. Thus
the most recent scientific model of creation is allied to the image given in ancient mythology,
and both acknowledge an absolute singularity or Unity at the beginning. In terms of the
orthodoxy of ancient mathematics, the symbols of mathematics should reflect the realities
they describe. With zero and the army of merely mental and statistical signs which followed
from it, we are very far from having a system of mathematical symbols which corresponds to
the pure geometric order of living space.
When individualized soul unites with the Great Soul/Universal Soul/God (True Self);
Published the “secret doctrine” (or parts of it). Plato was an initiate of the mystery schools;
Most of us are familiar with the mantra OM. We routinely chant it at the end of a group
meditation or a yoga class, without thinking much about it. Maybe we use a mantra that
begins with OM, but what does it really represent? What is the true value of this all-powerful
Science tells us that the Universe began with a big bang, whereas Vedanta says that the big
bang is actually a big OM, which didn’t just happen once; it is ongoing. In fact, if the OM
stopped for even a microsecond, the whole Universe as we know it would disappear instantly!
OM rises from Pure Consciousness, which is primary and underlies all existence, constantly
unfolding as our experience of the Universe.
Imagine, if you can, a time before the Universe existed. Imagine a field of Pure
Consciousness, an eternal silence. Not an empty silence, but one filled with the potential for
everything. At some point, Pure Consciousness decided it wanted to have an experience but,
as nothing else existed, it could only experience itself. Because all experiences are based on
contrast, Pure Consciousness had to move within itself to experience itself.
Now, movement creates friction, and friction creates noise, so Pure Consciousness
experiencing itself created a sound. However, Pure Consciousness, by definition, is silent, so
this sound, which was OM, had to be forced out of the silence and became what we call
conditioned consciousness. OM, or conditioned consciousness, is what we experience as the
Universe in which we live.
The idea that God created the world out of nothing is also central today to Islam, Christianity,
and Judaism - and many references to a god creating the Universe by sound (words) exist. In
the Old Testament God created through His words when He said, “Let there be Light.” The
Gospel of John says, “In the beginning was the Word (the sound of OM), and the Word was
with God, and the Word was God (Oneness).”
As the initial vibration of OM emerges from the unmanifest, it diversifies into all the different
vibrations of the Universe, which manifest as the world we know. OM, therefore, contains
within it all the mantras, sounds, and vibrations of the Universe. Everything in the Universe is
a manifestation of OM and ultimately a reflection of Pure Consciousness from which it
emerged. OM is the collective sound of the Universe, the Primordial Sound.
The Secret Doctrine of the Rosicrucians says, “The One becomes Many, the Unity becomes
Diversity, the Identical becomes Variety, yet the Many remains One.” The Gospel of John
says, “The Word became flesh” (manifest creation). In Egyptian literature, the creator god
pronounced the names of everything.
Modern science tells us the Universe is expanding. Vedanta tells us that our Consciousness, or
Awareness, expands as we grow towards Enlightenment. The Quran states, “And the heaven
(space) We created with might, and indeed We are (its) expander.”
If, as Vedanta tells us, the Universe is a projection of our Consciousness, then the so-called
expansion of the Universe is contingent on our spiritual growth, and at the moment of our
Enlightenment, the Universe will also reach the conclusion of its journey and cease to exist as
a separate reality.
Vedic References
OM is mentioned numerous times throughout Vedic literature, most commonly in its original
form of AUM.
The four principal Vedas, Rig, Sama, Yajur, and Atharva, expound on the knowledge of the
entire creation. It is said that all the knowledge of the four Vedas is contained in the Rig and
all the knowledge of the Rig Veda is contained in its first syllable “A”. Thus by fully
understanding this first syllable, which is the beginning of the mantra AUM, we can have
knowledge of the entire creation. According to the ancient Puranic texts, AUM represents the
union of the three main masculine deities and the forces within the Universe. “A” means
Brahma (creation), “U” means Vishnu (maintenance), and “M” means Shiva (destruction). In
the great Indian text the Bhagavad Gita, Krishna (the Divine) says, “Of words I am OM.”
The Chandogya Upanishad opens with the recommendation to "let a man meditate on OM,
the essence of all.” The Chandogya Upanishad also tells us that the gods took the song of OM
unto themselves, thinking, "with this [song] we shall overcome the demons,” thus implying
that OM inspires the good inclinations within each person.
When speaking of OM, the Katha Upanishad says, “this syllable is Brahman (the Absolute),
this syllable is the highest, he who knows that syllable, whatever he desires, is his.”
The Shvetashvatara Upanishad asserts that OM is a tool of meditation that empowers one to
know the God within oneself, to realize one's Atman (Soul, Self).
Adi Shankara said that if you can only study one Upanishad, it should be the Mandukya,
which is fortunate because it happens to be the shortest and is devoted entirely to OM. It
opens by declaring, "AUM, this syllable is this whole world, all past, present, future, and
whatever exists beyond time is AUM.” In other words, everything that exists in manifest
creation is contained within AUM. The Mandukya Upanishad then talks about four states of
The “waking state,” where the senses are turned outward, is represented by the letter “A” and
by knowing this, we become masters of our senses, leading to the fulfillment of all desires and
the attainment of greatness.
The “dream state,” where the senses are directed inward, is represented by “U” and by
knowing this we master our dreams, become established in wisdom, and everyone born into
our family is more deeply Brahman (highly evolved).
“Deep sleep,” where consciousness enjoys peace with no perception of external or internal
objects, is represented by the letter “M.” The Mandukya says that by knowing this we know
all, and everything merges into ourselves. In his Yoga Sutras, Patanjali says that Mmmm is
the name of God, and in Psalms it says, “God gives Truth to His beloved in sleep.”
The fourth state described in the Mandukya Upanishad is Turiya, which we know as
Transcendental Consciousness, Atman, the soundless aspect of AUM, or the “gap” between
thoughts. Turiya is represented by “AUM.” Though it is indivisible, it is the combination of
three sounds. The Mandukya tells us that AUM is the very Self, beyond birth and death, the
symbol of everlasting Joy. He who knows it as such, enters the Self with his self. Those who
know the Truth become the Truth.
Chanting OM
As OM is the sound of the Universe, it’s always present, so technically we can’t chant it. We
cannot create OM by a chanting of it; we only produce a vibration sympathetic with the
vibration that is already there, which is OM. It is not a chant made by us, created by us, or
initiated by us. Rather, we establish a connection between ourselves and the Supreme Reality,
which manifests itself as sound vibration in the form of OM.
An alternative way of chanting OM is in its separate form. In one breath chant, “Aaaa-Uooo-
Mmm,” followed by silence. The fullness of the “A” sound collapses into “U,” then “M,” and
finally the silence of all three together once they have ended on the gross level. The waking,
dreaming, and deep sleep states merging into the Oneness of the Absolute.
When OM is part of our mantra, such as in Primordial Sound Meditation, we experience the
fully expanded level of creation, attuning our individual souls to the Ultimate Reality.
vyaśema devahitam yadāyuh
svasti na indrovriddhaśravāh
svasti nah pūṣhā viśvavedāh
“Om. Shining Ones! May we hear through our ears what is auspicious; Ye, fit to be
worshipped! May we see with our eyes what is auspicious; May we, endowed with body
strong with limbs, offering praise, complete the full span of life bestowed upon us by the
divine beings; May Indra, of enhanced fame, be auspicious unto us; May Pūshan, who is all-
knowing, be auspicious unto us; May Tārkshya, who is the destroyer of all evils, be
auspicious unto us; May Brihaspati bestow upon us auspiciousness!
1. OM! - This Imperishable Word is the whole of this visible universe. Its explanation is as
follows: What has become, what is becoming, what will become, - verily, all of this is OM.
And what is beyond these three states of the world of time, - that too, verily, is OM.
2. All this, verily, is Brahman. The Self is Brahman. This Self has four quarters.
3. The first quarter is vaiśvānara. Its field is the waking state. Its consciousness is outward-
turned. It is seven-limbed and nineteen- mouthed. It enjoys gross objects.
Svapnasthāno’ntah-prajñah saptānga ekonavimsatimukhah
praviviktabhuk taijaso dvītiyah pādah.
4. The second quarter is taijasa. Its field is the dream state. Its consciousness is inward-turned.
It is seven-limbed and nineteen- mouthed. It enjoys subtle objects.
5. The third quarter is prājña, where one asleep neither desires anything nor beholds any
dream: that is deep sleep. In this field of dreamless sleep, one becomes undivided, an
undifferentiated mass of consciousness, consisting of bliss and feeding on bliss. His mouth is
6. This is the Lord of All; the Omniscient; the Indwelling Controller; the Source of All. This
is the beginning and end of all beings.
8. This identical Ātman, or Self, in the realm of sound is the syllable OM, the above described
four quarters of the Self being identical with the components of the syllable, and the
components of the syllable being identical with the four quarters of the Self. The components
of the Syllable are A, U, M.
9. Vaiśvānara, whose field is the waking state, is the first sound, A, because this encompasses
all, and because it is the first. He who knows thus, encompasses all desirable objects; he
becomes the first.
10. Taijasa, whose field is the dream state, is the second sound, U, because this is an
excellence, and contains the qualities of the other two. He who knows thus, exalts the flow of
knowledge and becomes equalised; in his family there will be born no one ignorant of
11. Prājña, whose field is deep sleep, is the third sound, M, because this is the measure, and
that into which all enters. He who knows thus, measures all and becomes all.
Amātrascaturtho’vyavahāryah prapancopaśamah
sivo’dvaita evamomkāra ātmaiva, samviśatyātmanatmanam
ya evam veda, ya evam veda.
12. The fourth is soundless: unutterable, a quieting down of all relative manifestations,
blissful, peaceful, non-dual. Thus, OM is the Ātman, verily. He who knows thus, merges his
self in the Self; - yea, he who knows thus.
Article 1 - Unlocking the Mystery of Nikola Tesla's 3, 6, and 9 and Its Connection to
Ancient Egypt
Nikola Tesla is said to have had a fascination with the numbers 3, 6, and 9, and believed that
they held special properties and significance. Some people have interpreted this to mean that
he believed that the numbers were connected to sacred geometry, ancient Egyptian beliefs,
and the law of vibration.
In Sacred Geometry, the number 3 represents the triad, a symbol of creation and
manifestation. The number 6 is said to represent balance and harmony, as well as the
interconnectedness of all things. The number 9 is said to symbolize completion and the
attainment of spiritual enlightenment.
In ancient Egypt, the number 3 was associated with the god Horus and was considered a
symbol of wisdom and spiritual insight. The number 6 was associated with the god Ptah, who
was said to have created the world through the power of speech. The number 9 was associated
with the god Atum, who was said to have brought forth the first life from the primordial
The Law of Vibration, which states that everything in the universe is in a constant state of
vibration, is also said to be connected to the numbers 3, 6, and 9. According to this theory, the
number 3 represents the balance between positive and negative energies, while the number 6
represents the balance between matter and energy, and the number 9 represents the balance
between physical and spiritual realms.
In Hermeticism, the numbers 3, 6, and 9 are also considered to be important, and are said to
be related to the concept of the “Hermetic Triad”. The Hermetic Triad is a concept that states
that the universe is composed of three basic principles: the principle of mentalism,
correspondence, and vibration. The number 3 represents mentalism, the number 6 represents
correspondence and the number 9 represents vibration.
Also thought to be associated with the numerals 3, 6, and 9 are the Pyramids of Giza, one of
the oldest and most enigmatic buildings on Earth. Because it is composed of 9 lesser
pyramids, which are thought to represent the 9 steps to spiritual enlightenment, the Great
Pyramid, for instance, is seen to be a depiction of the number 9. The pyramids are also
thought to include the number 6, as the height-to-base ratio is reported to be 6 to 1, signifying
harmony and balance. Additionally, the pyramids are thought to contain the number 3 since
they include three chambers and three primary stone layers. The ideas of sacred geometry and
the laws of vibration also seem to have been used in the pyramid's design and construction.
Tesla's obsession with these numbers may perhaps have something to do with the ancient
knowledge and wisdom that the Pyramids of Giza contained.
Nikola Tesla is said to have had a fascination with the numbers 3, 6, and 9, and believed that
they held special properties and significance. Some people have interpreted this to mean that
he believed that the numbers were connected to sacred geometry, ancient Egyptian beliefs,
and the law of vibration.
In Sacred Geometry, the number 3 represents the triad, a symbol of creation and
manifestation. The number 6 is said to represent balance and harmony, as well as the
interconnectedness of all things. The number 9 is said to symbolize completion and the
attainment of spiritual enlightenment.
In ancient Egypt, the number 3 was associated with the god Horus and was considered a
symbol of wisdom and spiritual insight. The number 6 was associated with the god Ptah, who
was said to have created the world through the power of speech. The number 9 was associated
with the god Atum, who was said to have brought forth the first life from the primordial
The Law of Vibration, which states that everything in the universe is in a constant state of
vibration, is also said to be connected to the numbers 3, 6, and 9. According to this theory, the
number 3 represents the balance between positive and negative energies, while the number 6
represents the balance between matter and energy, and the number 9 represents the balance
between physical and spiritual realms.
In Hermeticism, the numbers 3, 6, and 9 are also considered to be important, and are said to
be related to the concept of the “Hermetic Triad”. The Hermetic Triad is a concept that states
that the universe is composed of three basic principles: the principle of mentalism,
correspondence, and vibration. The number 3 represents mentalism, the number 6 represents
correspondence and the number 9 represents vibration.
Also thought to be associated with the numerals 3, 6, and 9 are the Pyramids of Giza, one of
the oldest and most enigmatic buildings on Earth. Because it is composed of 9 lesser
pyramids, which are thought to represent the 9 steps to spiritual enlightenment, the Great
Pyramid, for instance, is seen to be a depiction of the number 9. The pyramids are also
thought to include the number 6, as the height-to-base ratio is reported to be 6 to 1, signifying
harmony and balance. Additionally, the pyramids are thought to contain the number 3 since
they include three chambers and three primary stone layers. The ideas of sacred geometry and
the laws of vibration also seem to have been used in the pyramid's design and construction.
Tesla's obsession with these numbers may perhaps have something to do with the ancient
knowledge and wisdom that the Pyramids of Giza contained.
The trio of 3, 6, and 9 is regarded as one of the most crucial ideas in Hermetic philosophy.
The Hermetic Triad explains the nature of creation and manifestation and stands for the
universal laws that control it. Hermetic wisdom is built upon the three triad principles of
mentalism, correspondence, and vibration. These three concepts are interrelated and together
they make up the triad.
According to the mentalism principle, the divine mind fundamentally created the universe as a
mental structure. In other words, the cosmos is a representation of the divine mind's concepts
and thoughts. The relationship between the mind, spirit, and matter, as well as how they are
all interconnected, are represented by the number 3, which is also associated with this
According to the principle of correspondence, the macrocosm and the microcosm are
interconnected, and the same laws and principles that control the universe also apply to our
own existence. This idea is symbolized by the number 6, which is thought to reflect the
harmony and balance between the various tiers of existence, from the physical to the spiritual.
According to the idea of vibration, everything in the cosmos is always moving and changing.
The realization of the ultimate unity of all things and the achievement of spiritual
enlightenment are said to be symbolized by the number 9, which also serves as a
representation of this idea.
Also thought to be associated with the numerals 3, 6, and 9 are the Pyramids of Giza, one of
the oldest and most enigmatic buildings on Earth. Because it is composed of 9 lesser
pyramids, which are thought to represent the 9 steps to spiritual enlightenment, the Great
Pyramid, for instance, is seen to be a depiction of the number 9. The pyramids are also
thought to include the number 6, as the height-to-base ratio is reported to be 6 to 1, signifying
harmony and balance. Additionally, the pyramids are thought to contain the number 3 since
they include three chambers and three primary stone layers. The ideas of sacred geometry and
the laws of vibration also seem to have been used in the pyramid's design and construction.
Tesla's obsession with these numbers may perhaps have something to do with the ancient
knowledge and wisdom that the Pyramids of Giza contained.
In conclusion, while it is unclear exactly what Tesla meant by his interest in the numbers 3, 6,
and 9, it is clear that these numbers have had a significant place in the history of humanity
throughout the ages and in various cultures, and various theories suggest they can be
connected to sacred geometry, ancient Egyptian beliefs, the Law of Vibration and
Article 2 - Why Tesla Called “3, 6 and 9” the Secret of the Universe
Few truly understand what Nikola Tesla — history’s greatest inventor — meant by his cryptic
reference to “if you knew the magnificence of 3, 6 and 9, you would have a key to the
My background is in philosophy, a field best defined by Wilfrid Sellars as the aim “to
understand how things in the broadest possible sense of the term hang together in the broadest
possible sense of the term.”
For the above reason, quite naturally when I initially set out to understand programming, my
aim wasn’t merely to pluck a particular algorithm from a given structure or set of data, so as to
extract insights. Rather— my aim was to grasp the algorithm used for programming in general.
In other words, years before Christophe and I had set foot in that birthday party, the stage was
already being prepared for me to dazzle the audience. After all, I’d spent years toiling away in
solitude, held captive by that longing to glimpse what Einstein once dubbed:
By the metaphor “God’s thoughts,” Einstein meant it in a mathematical sense. Namely, his
heart longed for the equation or algorithm at the heart of the Cosmic Blueprint.¹
It’s important to bear in mind that Einstein professed belief in “Spinoza’s God,” which is to
say — Einstein identified God with Nature.²
And so, by the metaphor “mind of God,” Einstein hinted at grasping the cosmic instructions
with which Nature tells the universe how to work. Notice what’s being suggested here.
Given the circle’s historical standing as the symbol of infinity/completion, it’s no wonder
when a circle’s composition is reduced to its digital root, the results are— 3 + 6 + 0 = 9.
Because example trumps precept, or as Paul Halmos once put it, “the source of all great
mathematics is the special case, the concrete example,” occasion calls for the following brief
The digital root of 180 = 9
22.5 = 2 + 2 + 5 = 9
11.25 = 1 + 1 + 2 + 5 = 9
5.625 = 5 + 6 + 2 + 5 = 18 . . . 1 + 8 = 9
2.8125 = 2 + 8 + 1 + 2 + 5 = 18 . . . 1 + 8 = 9
1.40625 = 1 + 4 + 0 + 6 + 2 + 5 =18 . . . 1 + 8 = 9
In an effort not to tumble down too deeply into the rabbit hole of metamathematics, just know
number theory admits of the following insight.
Number theory, which forms the basis of mathematics, essentially deals with prime numbers
(the DNA of the number world). Yet so far as the primes go, just as DNA in the body is
comprised of 3 chemical subunits sequenced 3 at a time within genes, the “father” of all prime
numbers is in fact the number 3.
For the above reason, number 2 is the only even prime number. Pause for a second, if you will,
and truly chew on these vitamins for thought.
The number 3 serves as the only number that equals the sum of all preceding numbers (0 + 1 +
2 = 3). Also, when 3 is added to itself, the smallest perfect number ensues (6). And when 3 is
squared, the result is the number that completes the single-digit numbers in the decimal
system, better known as the number 9.
In short, because mathematics is the language of the universe, and the essence of mathematics
consists of numbers, it’s apparent that number theory merely echoes the famed Latin phrase:
Because example trumps precept, let’s briefly convince Father Time to rewind his hands and
thereby convince Mother Nature to retell hers- and history.
“Let there be light!” And then, like a gunshot, there came a flash followed by a — BIG BANG!
Afterward, the 3 elements of the universe (dark energy, dark matter and normal matter)
blasted into existence, along with the triplets — space, time and matter. …
Afterward, space sliced into 3-dimensions . . . time chopped into 3 phases . . . and matter
minced into 3 states.
Of course, for every spec of matter that arose, it found its equal and opposite reaction in
antimatter. It was not until such binary opposition found its synthesis in that all-important
“and one” — thus resulting in 3 entities — could the newborn Universe have started its long-
awaited growth spurt.
Afterward, the 3 generations of quarks and 3 generations of leptons arose, to say nothing of
the 3 types of color change. As for those quarks, 3 made their home in a proton and 3 quarks
in a neutron. Indeed, the 3 main parts of an atom — neutrons, protons and electrons —
With the expansion of the Universe, 3 main types of galaxies emerged. Of course, contained
within these galaxies were stars and planets, the result of which is 3 forms of massive objects
(galaxies, stars and planets).
Amid such formation, Newton’s 3 laws of motion were at hand. Far into the future, at some
distant galaxy known as the 3rd rock from the sun, 3 forms of natural laws would take effect.
The stage was set for the 3-body problem indeed.
Just over 3 billion years ago, life made its grand appearance on the world’s stage. Finally,
matter would unveil organisms armed with the trio of birth, life and death.
A watershed moment in the story of life came by way of a cyanobacterium’s entry into various
plant lineages, 3 times, and afterward it evolved into a chloroplast. Eventually, the tree of life
sprouted into 3 domains.
Speaking of the metaphorical “iceberg,” popularized by Freud, not even he — the ultimate
contrarian — armed with his notion of a three-part psyche,⁴ would’ve dared attempt to refute
the mighty Law of Three!
Not even the three patriarchs of the Bible — Abraham, Isaac and Jacob — would’ve found
fault with the mighty Law of Three.
Not even the Big Three of Greek philosophy — Socrates, Plato and Aristotle — would’ve
dared to contend with the theorem birthed from the Pure Mathematics Code. After all, Genius
Turner was born at 3:03 a.m. on Leap (Day) Year, which means 3 out of 4 years he lacks a
“There is something in this more than natural,” Shakespeare whispers from the grave,
“if philosophy can find it out.”
Indeed, any sensible thinker who employs the 3 parts of their brain to metabolize the above
vitamins for thought will have prepared the 3rd eye to behold Nature’s algorithm as expressed
in the world’s religions.
“The voice of the people is the voice of God,” runs the proverb. Indeed, starting with
the world’s oldest religion, Hinduism, it appropriately consists of the Trimurti.
In the Far East, here lie the 3 teachings of Chinese philosophy — Confucianism, Taoism and
Last but not least, the Middle East is the cradle of the 3 Abrahamic religions — Judaism,
Christianity and Islam.
As for Christianity, given that a staggering number of people have historically professed
allegiance to this particular religion — roughly 33 percent of the world’s population —
occasion demands noting how the Law of Three pervades the Greatest Story Ever Told.
According to the 3 synoptic Gospels, the 3 Wise Men bearing 3 gifts came to witness the birth
of Jesus of Nazareth.
King Herod hatched a plot to murder the prophesied “Messiah” — an assassination plot which
would take some 30 years to come to fruition, that is, when one of Herod’s 3 sons silenced
Jesus’ 3-year-long ministry.
In his ministry’s brief span, the Nazarene managed to raise 3 people from the dead, predicted
his disciple Peter would deny him 3 times, all in the wake of his impending crucifixion.
It was only right that 3 crosses were present during the crucifixion, one for Jesus and two for
the others. The Roman soldiers nailed a sign above the Nazarene’s head in 3 languages —
Hebrew, Latin and Greek.
Of course, once Jesus “gave up the ghost,” just 3 days later he is said to have arisen from the
grave. In so doing, the 3 grand feats of the crucifixion, resurrection and ascension signified the
Holy Trinity was thus complete.
Jesus Christ underwent his birth, life and death — all within a span of 33 years!
Better yet, Hinduism embraces the Sanskrit word for God (“Brahman”) and pronounces it:
So pervasive is the mighty Law of Three not even the world of sports is exempt. Take for
instance Michael Jordan, widely considered the greatest athlete of all:
To truly grasp the above insight is to come to grips with why logic has three fundamental
As far as the universe is defined as a logically ordered whole, better known as a “cosmos,” not
a chaos, it’s apparent why Nature’s cosmic algorithm checks and balances everything from
the three-parts of the smallest atom to the checks and balances system of the largest U.S.
government (three branches).
Of course, as I now type this while being armed with the Law of Three, I’m compelled to hint
at how this code unveils the greatest mystery of all.
(Drum roll . . .)
If the writer has a mind . . . which must be the case as evidenced by the thought processes
involved in writing.
If the reader has a mind . . . which must be the case as evidenced by the thought processes
involved in reading.
If the writer has a body . . . which must be the case as evidenced by the fingers typing on the
If the reader has a body . . . which must be the case as evidenced by the reader’s visual
Ahem, dear reader, I’ll let you feel in — pardon — fill in the blanks. Besides, I just overheard
Voltaire whisper in my third ear:
[1] Davies, Paul (1988) The Cosmic Blueprint: New Discoveries In Nature’s Creative Ability
To Order Universe
[2] 24 April 1929 in response to the telegrammed question of New York’s Rabbi Herbert S.
Goldstein: “Do you believe in God? Stop. Answer paid 50 words.” Einstein replied in only 27
(German) words. The New York Times 25 April 1929
[5] Coffey, Peter (1912) The Science of Logic. Longmans, Green, and Company. p. 22