Emiritisation Salary Guide 2023 by Michael Page
Emiritisation Salary Guide 2023 by Michael Page
Emiritisation Salary Guide 2023 by Michael Page
Part of PageGroup
1 www.michaelpage.ae
Our Emiratisation Salary Guide and Hiring Insights 2023 is developed as a reference for hiring managers and job seekers to make
informed employment decisions. Below is what we cover:
• Outlook of job applicants on key topics like job application and candidate experience, and dream job
• Salary benchmarks
2 1
PageGroup is a world-leading
specialist recruitment company
In 2022 the UAE was a stage for a series for key events, resolutions, and achievements, further driving the country’s
with over four decades 37 25
of expertise. With 8,000+
employees and operations in
• All federal government departments moved to a 4 1/2 day working week, with a weekend transition to Saturday and Sunday. 37 countries, PageGroup
• The spectacular closing ceremony of Expo 2020 – ‘the greatest show in the world’. provides recruitment on a local,
regional and global level.
• Sabatical leave (granted) for citizens, working in government who wish to start their own businesses. 139 EMPLOYEES
• M
ay was a time of great morning for the UAE, struck with grief due to the passing of The Late His Highness Sheikh Khalifa bin
Zayed Al Nahyan, President of the UAE and ruler of Abu Dhabi – wishing Allah Almighty grants him eternal peace. The nation and OFFICES
its people soon after felt a breath of relief, with the election of His Highness Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan as the UAE’s
new president.
• Emirati mothers in the UAE were granted same benefits as other citizens, education and health, ensuring children of all citizens FTSE 250 40+ YEARS
receive equal treatment.
• The UAE’s largest five-year budget of AED 90 billion approved for 2022 to 2026.
• In November we returned to normality with the cancellation of all COVID-19 precautionary measures.
• The UAE ended the year with the launch of the Arab world’s first lunar rover, dubbed ‘Rashid Rover’.
2022 what a year! A significant push on Emiratisation as we move into 2023 and why it needs to remain a priority and
focus point moving forward:
2022 saw the strongest push on Emiratisation that we have experienced and the UAE continues to make this a key priority as we Operating in the Middle East OFFICES IN DUBAI 50+ SPECIALIST
move into 2023. Since January 1st 2023, companies with more than 50 skilled workers or employees must ensure that 2% of those since 2006, the business has RECRUITMENT CONSULTANTS
employees are Emirati, or face a financial penalty. The fine of AED 6,000 per month, in respect of each Emirati employee not hired, established a strong position
will increase annually by AED 1,000 per month. MOHRE will also suspend the issuance and renewal of work permits for employers in the market and is led by
who do not pay the allocated fines, with further suspension of the labour file. The quota continues to increase year by year, with a management team with
the country’s aim that by the end of 2026, in line with the UAE Cabinets resolution, companies should have achieved a 10% over 100 years of combined
Emiratisation rate. international and regional FULL REGIONAL OVER 600,000 CANDIDATES
NAFIS is in place to support, offering various benefits including the Emirati salary support scheme, which has seen a further increase
in 2022, specifically for UAE citizens specialising in specific fields including Coding, Nursing and Accounting. The program will also
offer a subsidised five-year government paid contribution, on the company’s path against the cost of pension plans, for all the Emirati
staff and child allowances. OUR BRANDS: PAGE EXECUTIVE, MICHAEL PAGE,
There is a public classification system for private sector establishments. Financial discounts will be given to those in the top category PAGE PERSONNEL AND PAGE OUTSOURCING
[those exceeding the mandated Emiratisation quota, as well as some other HR legalities]. Companies in ‘Category 3’ could see
negative effects on their employer branding and public perception and could find it difficult to attract UAE National talent. Companies
need to focus on bolstering their employer brand and showcase their offerings to all potential employees.
Whether you are struggling to achieve your Emiratisation targets or need some support around onboarding and employer branding REASONS TO PARTNER WITH US
specifically for Emiratisation and would like to seek some expert hiring advice, likewise, if you are an established, ‘Category 1’
Emiratisation employer, we at Michael Page can help. We have a strong, active network of Emirati professionals as well as a deep
understanding of the complexities of UAE National hiring.
Reach out to us now to explore how we can support!
Access to leading edge platforms, so we Truly inclusive recruitment and Reduced time to hire with our
can guarantee the visibility of our customers’ candidates fully vetted against targeted approach
vacancies and engage with quality all requirements
candidates before our competition can
plans in the next 12 months. SAY THEY READ EVERYTHING
In a tight hiring market, it’s essential that companies and recruiters Using job ads for benchmarking
provide candidates with a positive experience. If the hiring process Not all candidates read job advertisements because they’re
is smooth and efficient, candidates are more likely to accept a job interested in applying for the position. Some simply use the
offer and recommend the company to their peers. information to benchmark the salary and job description of the THIS IS THE FORMAT CANDIDATES PREFER TO SEE IN A JOB AD:
But when does the candidate experience begin? For many advertised role against their own terms of employment. However,
applicants, it’s when they read the job advertisement. There and only 20% of those surveyed say they use job ads to benchmark
then, candidates form a strong first impression of the company that regularly (at least once a year), while 33% do it every 2-3 years. A
will influence their decision about whether to apply for the position.
53% 24%
large majority (48%) of respondents say they never use job ads for
To discover more about how candidates react to job ads, we benchmarking.
surveyed 500 UAE National job applicants from late September to
mid-December 2021. Read on to discover more about the pivotal
role job advertisements play in the candidate experience. Even the most comprehensive job advertisement only tells the PRESENTATION WITH DETAILS SHORT AND CONCISE STRUCTURE
candidate a fraction of what they need to know about a company
What is regarded as the most important element before accepting a position. The vast majority of candidates (92%)
in job ads? polled in our survey also look at the company website. 81% use
We asked candidates what they regarded as the most important online reviews on sites like Glassdoor to help them make an DO CANDIDATES USE DIFFERENT DEVICES TO READ AND APPLY FOR JOB OPPORTUNITIES?
information contained in job ads, and one element stood out: job assessment and a lower proportion (76%) look at the organisation’s
title. Almost six in 10 (59%) of those polled said job title is the key social media channels. Interestingly, about half (56%) of the
piece of data in any job posting, followed by salary (57%) and job respondents say they try to contact current or former employees to
location (41%).
Other pieces of information that candidates focus on include:
• Company name (35%)
get inside information on the company.
To apply or not to apply?
43% 42% 19%
Of course, not all candidates who read a job ad apply for the USE MAINLY MOBILE USE MAINLY MOBILE USE MAINLY DESKTOP
position. So, what are the factors that lead them to reject the
• Publication date (15%) opportunity?
Candidates like to read! For our survey respondents, the most important filter is
It may surprise you to learn that 61% of candidates in our survey qualifications. 39% of the respondents say they don’t apply for a
said they read the whole job advertisement. The remainder said position if they feel over- or under-qualified for the role. WHAT KEEPS CANDIDATES THIS IS HOW AND WHERE CANDIDATES
they read 80-90% of the content. The second most important factor is job ad posted long ago. 35% LOOK FOR MORE INFO ON THE COMPANY
of our respondents say they wouldn’t apply for a position if the job
This preference for reading the whole ad may be linked to THEY APPLY FOR:
accessibility. Many candidates now view job postings on their ad was posted long time ago.
Other criteria include poor company reputation (30%), salary (a 39%
mobile devices. Over one-third (43%) of those polled said they FEELING OVER/UNDER COMPANY
mainly use mobile devices to read job ads, and 42% use the same determining factor for 29% of respondents) and inconsistent job ad
(25%). Recruiters and hiring managers should note that a full 19% QUALIFIED FOR THE POSITION WEBSITE
devices to apply for the position. And (19%) of candidates still use
mainly desktop or laptop computers to submit the application. of respondents say they wouldn’t apply for a position if it involved
filling out long forms. SALARY OR BENEFITS 37%
Form can be as important as content ONLINE REVIEWS
Some recruiters are experimenting with original and creative
Key learnings for recruiters OLD PUBLICATION DATE OF 35% (GOOGLE REVIEWS,
formats for job ads. But the candidates we polled have different Hiring managers and talent acquisition teams can learn the THE OFFER GLASSDOOR ETC)
priorities. More than half (53%) said they prefer a professional, following from our survey data:
detailed format. Around 45% like having short and concise job • UAE National candidates weigh heavily on the job title when COMPANY REPUTATION 30%
advertisements, while 24% appreciate an ad that has subgroups.
Candidates want more information
deciding to proceed to applying for the job after reading the job ad.
Employers should ensure the job title is reflective of the experience UNCLEAR DESCRIPTION OF 25%
and skills expected from the candidate and this should be
Sometimes, candidates notice what isn’t included in job prominently displayed in the ad. THE ROLE
advertisements as much as what is. For example, almost nine in • You risk missing out on top candidates if your ads are unstructured, BY CONTACTING
10 (92%) like to see information about company culture. A similar
proportion (90%) of respondents think that job ads should include
difficult to read or contain inconsistent information.
• E-reputation and employer branding are vital! Before they apply,
salary range, while 77% say there are interested in learning more candidates will assess you and your company culture based on
about the organisation’s benefits and perks. your corporate website, social media channels and employee
review sites.
4 SURVEY PERIOD: September - December 2021 5
Landing the right contract Working for a socially responsible employer WHICH EXTRA BENEFITS ARE THE MOST ATTRACTIVE
After two years of COVID disruptions, it’s no surprise that our These days, candidates aren’t just looking for a salary boost
and career development opportunities. Three-quarters (78%) of TRAINING & CAREER DEVELOPMENT
respondents placed a high value on stability. When asked what
type of contract they were willing to consider for their next survey respondents said they wanted to work for a company
position, a full 70% said they would prefer a permanent position. committed to corporate social responsibility or CSR. Asked PRIVATE HEALTHCARE FOR THE EMPL0YEE & FAMILY
(23%) said they would like a temporary contract, while 24% to identify the most important CSR values, 61% chose the
would be happy with any kind of position. importance of human rights, while environmental responsibility FINANCIAL ADVANTAGES
and economic responsibility were highlighted by 56% and 50% of
Finding the perfect-sized company respondents, respectively.
Respondents were asked to choose their ideal company size:
Flexible work arrangements
small, middle or large. Preferences were fairly evenly split, with
middle-sized companies the top choice (chosen by 46% of Millions of employees found themselves working from home
respondents) followed by large companies (44%) and small for the first time during the COVID-19 pandemic — and our
3/4 72%
companies (6%). survey suggests that a majority would like to continue with this
arrangement. Well over half of respondents (72%) said they
Why do candidates gravitate towards middle-sized companies? would like to work remotely either some or all of the time.
Of the respondents who preferred middle-sized companies,
over a third (45%) highlighted more opportunities for training How would candidates like to divide their time between home CONSIDER ENVIRONMENTAL, SOCIAL AND LOOK FOR PART / FULL-TIME
and developing greater expertise. Other advantages identified and office? The most popular arrangement is four days at the
office, one day at home, preferred by 28% of respondents.
by these respondents include improved promotion and career
opportunities (32%) and decision-making is quicker (30%). Around 27% would like to work from home at least two days per IMPORTANT FACTOR WHEN CHOOSING A JOB
Ideal remote work schedule 1 day per week
week, while just 6% would like to work from home at least four
Candidates who prefer large companies seem to be mostly days per week.
motivated by the chance to accelerate their professional
development and earn a better salary. Of the respondents who The trend for remote working shouldn’t disguise the fact that
preferred large companies, 49% were drawn to working in a well- many employees enjoy working in the office. The key motivation
known or recognized company, while a clear structured vision for these workers is the chance to socialise: 31% enjoy the kind WHY EMPLOYEES STILL WANT TO WORK PART/FULL-TIME IN THE OFFICE
and interesting projects were highlighted by 21% and 19% of of social links and relaxing moments that are only possible in an
these respondents, respectively. office environment. While 42% of respondents highlighted the
advantages of having informal meetings with colleagues.
While small companies were the least favoured option, the
responses make clear that these organisations have several Office-based teams may also benefit from greater employee
“It’s just a job” is a phrase you don’t hear much today. What are employees’ top priorities?
61% SAID
Candidates aren’t just looking for a position that pays a decent
When asked about their day-to-day priorities, almost half 52%
salary and gives them a good chance of career advancement.
of respondents agreed that career growth potential was an LEADERSHIP
They’re looking for their dream job — and they’re thinking
essential ingredient in a “dream job”. A similar proportion gave
carefully about the various qualities they expect their ideal
their approval to organisations that have company transparency.
employer to possess.
Unsurprisingly in the age of COVID and remote working, 46%
To understand what Emirati candidates dream about these days, thought that a dream job was one where you could maintain the
we surveyed over 400 UAE National employees and jobseekers. right work-life balance.
We wanted to know what makes a manager great and the
Some aspects of employment may matter less to employees WHAT SHOULDN’T A MANAGER DO?
leadership mistakes that can turn a dream job into a nightmare.
than they did a few years back. For example, 37% of
We also asked respondents about what matters to them in their
respondents think it’s important for companies to offer appealing
day-to-day responsibilities.
office spaces and modern equipment. As for team building
Read on – some of the answers may surprise you. activities, 44% of respondents regard them as a priority.
Quitting a job is rarely an easy decision and it’s unwise • 28% didn’t find anything better
to make assumptions about why people do it. For every
4 out of 10 52%
professional who leaves a position because they are unhappy, • 22% felt that they didn’t completely think through their
there are others who love their current colleagues and resignation
employer and are simply looking to take their careers to the
• 19% missed their former colleagues
next level.
• 12% said the new company was not what they expected or WOULD CONSIDER RETURNING OF APPLICANTS HAVN’T
In a competitive hiring market, companies can’t afford to TO A FORMER COMPANY HEARD ABOUT
hoped for
“forget” about talented employees who leave on good terms COMPANY RETURNING
and who could be tempted to return if the opportunity arose. What can we learn from these findings? First, they confirm PROGRAMS FOR EX-EMPLOYEES
That’s why many employers now have return programs what most professionals already know: moving to a new
that allow them to keep in touch with their alumni and, if position is always a little risky and not every opportunity lives
circumstances allow, re-hire them. up to its billing. Second, they underscore the importance
of the human factor. Employees often form very close and
To learn more about why people quit and whether they would
mutually rewarding relationships with their co-workers. Even
consider re-joining a former employer, we surveyed 5,807 UAE
people who don’t regret leaving a job often miss their former
National job applicants. Let’s look at what they said.
colleagues. Given this, does it not make sense to think about
More than
How many people quit — and why? former employers when considering your career options? Let’s
look at the data…
3 out of 5
Five in ten (55%) respondents said they’d quit a position
voluntarily at least once. So what factors triggered their To return or not to return?
decision to leave?
Can going backwards in one sense take you forward in
• 3
7% said they wanted to acquire more responsibilities and
boost their career development.
another? 36% of respondents said that they have either
taken a position with one of their former employers or would of applicants candidates
consider doing so if the opportunity arose.
• 3
0% were simply looking for a change — a new job title or THINK THAT RETURNING TO A CONSIDER THAT COMPANY
That’s a big potential talent pool for companies struggling
to plug gaps in their workforces! But are companies doing
• O
ther factors (cited by around 30% of respondents in each enough to promote their return programs and encourage
case) included a desire for improved salary and benefits, a these former employees to return to the fold?
feeling of not sharing their current company’s values and
personal reasons. It appears not. About half (52%) of the respondents said they
hadn’t even heard about these programs.
A key takeaway from these results is that a feeling of having
reached their limit is a critical factor in many people’s decision Companies clearly have their work cut out to make these
initiatives more visible. At the same time, they need to be
to leave. Some employees have aspirations and ambitions
that simply can’t be satisfied by their current employer. Steps continually reviewing and improving their organisational
companies can take to retain these workers include fast- culture, with 66% of survey respondents agreeing that this is a
tracking their career development and offering improved critical factor in whether an employee decides to return.
compensation packages. However, if an employee wants to
The good news for companies is that only a minority of
change industries altogether or needs to leave for personal
respondents thought that returning to a former employer was
reasons, there’s little a company can do to stop them.
CEO and Founder of The Futurist Company, Alanoud Alhashmi is an Emirati Futurist, Thought Leader, and Serial PUBLIC SECTOR - LOCAL, FEDERAL, SEMI
Entrepreneur. She believes the power of Innovation and Technology can create solutions with impact, to make a
CFO 92,000 165,000 70,000 140,000
difference and help humanity.
Finance Director 66,000 145,000 52,000 90,000
Finance Manager 48,000 72,000 35,000 60,000
Was it always your ambition growing up, to pursue a career in your line of work?
Finance Analyst 20,800 40,000 20,000 30,000
I never knew what I really wanted to do; however, I knew I am good at certain things. But where I am today Accountant 24,200 44,000 20,000 30,000
is part of my journey in life, mistakes that helped me learn and people who guided me to what I would like to Head of Audit 85,000 165,000 68,000 140,000
achieve and what is important to me. Which is an interesting journey, knowing that all my skills been horned Audit Director 66,000 125,000 60,000 110,000
to the place I am at today, making an impact through multiple start-ups to engage and enable governments Audit Manager 48,000 75,000 32,000 65,000
and private sectors, to work efficiently and effectively together through a business model that ensures that
Audit Analyst - Associate 20,800 45,000 18,000 30,000
businesses are embracing sustainability and that economic benefits are guaranteed in its business model.
Investment Director 66,000 120,000 60,000 120,000
Investment VP 50,000 85,000 48,000 78,000
Why do you think it’s important more Emirati women take up careers within your specific field?
Investment Associate 34,500 60,000 30,000 50,000
It’s a field of enormous impact, that makes a difference not only to the UAE and GCC, but also beyond the region Investment Analyst 20,800 35,000 20,000 28,000
with global reach. Women have the capability to view the big picture, foresee the demand and supply the needs Treasury Director 66,000 90,000 45,000 85,000
for a better future with actions taken today. Treasury Manager 40,000 65,000 35,000 60,000
Khulood Al Mehairi
With a strong passion for Mar-Comms, and over ten years of experience working in the world of
Communications & Marketing Management, Khulood Al Mehairi has had the honour of growing with Mubadala,
one of the largest investment management companies in the region, and has been shortlisted for the Mubadala
Recognition Program.
Was it always your ambition growing up, to pursue a career in your line of work?
I’ve always wanted to be a free spirit. Today despite having a permanent job, I have always had an open
mindset to entrepreneurship.
Why do you think it’s important more Emirati women take up careers within your specific field?
One of my strong traits is the ability to communicate and receive information. I have always been interested in
historical fiction, so Corporate Internal Communications is futuristic fiction to me. It is us creating the stories and
encouraging involvement from the organization. My ambition will always continue to be able to communicate.
It is important for Emirati women to take up careers in Internal Communications because the effect of it is
magnificent and huge, impacting individuals and the organization, eventually society. It all goes back to good
storytelling and women are the best storytellers.
12 The above table specifies approximate gross monthly salary, excluding benefits and bonus, for UAE Nationals that have graduated with a Bachelors degree. 13
CHRO 75,000 110,000 65,000 95,000 Chief Legal Counsel 80,000 120,000 72,000 112,000
Head of HR / Director 55,000 80,000 40,000 78,000 General Counsel 75,000 85,000 70,000 80,000
L&D Director 50,000 80,000 28,000 55,000 Legal Director / Senior Legal Counsel 65,000 80,000 60,000 75,000
Talent Acquisition / Recruitment Director 50,000 80,000 40,000 55,000 Legal Manager / Legal Counsel 50,000 60,000 45,000 65,000
HR Manager 40,000 55,000 40,000 55,000 Paralegal 25,000 32,000 22,000 30,000
L&D Manager 40,000 55,000 45,000 50,000 Legal Secretary / Officer 18,000 24,000 18,000 22,000
Talent Acquisition / Recruitment Manager 40,000 55,000 45,000 50,000 Compliance Director 50,000 80,000 55,000 75,000
HR Specialist (3+ years' experience) 24,000 34,000 24,000 30,000 Compliance Manager 40,000 56,000 36,000 50,000
HR Assistant 18,000 25,000 18,000 25,000 Compliance Officer 18,000 28,000 15,000 25,000
PUBLIC SECTOR - LOCAL, FEDERAL, SEMI Chief Legal Counsel 85,000 145,000 75,000 95,000
CHRO 96,000 150,000 75,000 125,000 General Counsel 85,000 125,000 70,000 85,000
Head of HR / Director 66,000 110,000 65,000 105,000 Legal Director / Senior Legal Counsel 66,000 96,000 65,000 75,000
L&D Director 66,000 103,000 60,000 80,000 Legal Manager / Legal Counsel 48,000 68,000 50,000 60,000
Talent Acquisition / Recruitment Director 66,000 103,000 60,000 80,000 Paralegal 29,000 39,000 25,000 35,000
HR Manager 46,000 75,000 45,000 63,000 Legal Secretary / Officer 20,800 30,000 18,000 25,000
L&D Manager 46,000 75,000 32,000 50,000 Compliance Director 66,000 96,000 63,000 94,000
Talent Acquisition / Recruitment Manager 46,000 75,000 45,000 55,000 Compliance Manager 48,000 68,000 38,000 45,000
HR Specialist (3+ years' experience) 34,500 42,000 25,000 32,000 Compliance Officer 20,800 34,500 18,000 30,000
14 The above table specifies approximate gross monthly salary, excluding benefits and bonus, for UAE Nationals that have graduated with a Bachelors degree. The above table specifies approximate gross monthly salary, excluding benefits and bonus, for UAE Nationals that have graduated with a Bachelors degree. 15
CMO 65,000 110,000 58,000 92,000 Office Manager 25,000 45,000 24,000 40,000
Marketing Director 45,000 80,000 45,000 75,000 Executive Assistant 25,000 40,000 20,000 35,000
Marketing Manager 30,000 45,000 25,000 40,000 Personal Assistant 24,000 30,000 18,000 24,000
Brand Manager 25,000 35,000 20,000 30,000 Admin Assistant 18,000 25,000 15,000 20,000
Social Media Manager 25,000 35,000 17,000 27,000 Receptionist 18,000 22,000 15,000 18,000
PUBLIC SECTOR - LOCAL, FEDERAL, SEMI Office Manager 34,500 65,000 27,000 37,000
CMO 92,000 145,000 70,000 105,000 Executive Assistant 26,000 45,000 24,000 35,000
Marketing Director 66,000 95,000 55,000 85,000 Personal Assistant 22,000 35,000 18,000 25,000
Marketing Manager 48,000 75,000 40,000 75,000 Admin Assistant 20,800 28,000 18,000 24,000
Brand Manager 34,500 56,000 25,000 35,000 Receptionist 20,800 25,000 16,000 22,000
16 The above table specifies approximate gross monthly salary, excluding benefits and bonus, for UAE Nationals that have graduated with a Bachelors degree. The above table specifies approximate gross monthly salary, excluding benefits and bonus, for UAE Nationals that have graduated with a Bachelors degree. 17
CTO 75,000 150,000 70,000 140,000
Chief Procurement Officer 105,000 125,000 90,000 110,000
CISO 80,000 150,000 70,000 140,000
Procurement Director 55,000 110,000 58,000 100,000 Data Head / Director 60,000 100,000 55,000 90,000
Data Manager 40,000 55,000 40,000 50,000
Procurement Manager 35,000 50,000 30,000 45,000
Data Scientist 28,000 35,000 25,000 35,000
Procurement Officer 18,000 30,000 16,000 26,000 Data Analyst / Engineer 20,000 28,000 20,000 25,000
IT Director 60,000 130,000 55,000 120,000
PUBLIC SECTOR - LOCAL, FEDERAL, SEMI IT Manager 45,000 70,000 45,000 70,000
Chief Procurement Officer 120,000 140,000 110,000 120,000 IT Team Leader 32,000 45,000 30,000 42,000
Security / IT Engineer 25,000 45,000 20,000 40,000
Procurement Director 66,000 125,000 60,000 105,000
IT Officer 18,000 28,000 18,000 26,000
Procurement Manager 48,000 75,000 40,000 65,000
Procurement Officer 20,800 34,500 18,000 35,000 CTO 92,000 150,000 70,000 140,000
CISO 92,000 150,000 70,000 140,000
Data Head / Director 66,000 125,000 60,000 120,000
Data Manager 48,000 75,000 40,000 60,000
Data Scientist 30,000 50,000 28,000 40,000
Data Analyst / Engineer 25,000 35,000 20,000 30,000
IT Director 66,000 150,000 60,000 140,000
IT Manager 48,000 70,000 45,000 65,000
IT Team Leader 34,500 42,000 30,000 55,000
Security / IT Engineer 30,000 50,000 20,000 45,000
IT Officer 20,800 29,000 18,000 28,000
Salaries are shown per month in thousands of Arab Emirates Dirham (AED) - basic, housing and transport.
18 The above table specifies approximate gross monthly salary, excluding benefits and bonus, for UAE Nationals that have graduated with a Bachelors degree. The above table specifies approximate gross monthly salary, excluding benefits and bonus, for UAE Nationals that have graduated with a Bachelors degree. 19
UAE jobs: Salaries increase for fresh Emirati graduates as companies race to achieve Emiratisation target UAE SALARY GUIDE & HIRING INSIGHTS 2023
Salary benchmarks and trends-to-watch
Companies with more than 50 employees must increase their
Emiratisation rate to two per cent by the end of 2022; otherwise,
they will have to pay a fine of Dh6,000 per month for every citizen
not hired.
Recruitment and HR consultants say that there is excellent talent
available in the market and candidates are receiving several offers.
Samantha Wright, Managing Consultant for Emiratisation at Michael
Page, said companies are taking Emiratisation seriously and have
implemented some strong strategies. Many are closely looking into
what roles UAE nationals can take up in their organisations.
Read complete article here
As the UAE enters its next 50 years, the country, and its
Emiratisation initiative, must be credited for the positive role it has
played in advancing equal rights and creating a new generation of
skilled, female professionals.
Emiratisation is a government-led initiative that, through quotas and
incentives, strives to increase employment and career opportunities
for UAE nationals and counterbalance UAE nationals working Key insights on sector-specific talent trends Access the latest industry-specific job
within the private versus public sector. As a further promotion of
Emiratisation, MoHRE implemented a strategy in 2017 to localise market trends
more jobs specifically within the private sector.
Recruiters in the UAE say they are being inundated with urgent HIRING ADVICE CAREER ADVICE
pleas for help from private sector companies trying to hit Read our advice on talent attraction, Benefit from our tips on job search, CV
Emiratisation targets by the end of the year. By January 1, 2023,
companies with more than 50 employees must ensure 2 per cent development and retention writing, interview skills and more
of their staff are Emirati under a government drive to encourage
more citizens to enter the sector. Any employer that fails to reach
the target will have to pay a fine of Dh72,000 in January for each KNOW MORE LEARN MORE
Emirati worker they fail to hire, which equates to Dh6,000 a
month for every month in 2022.
“We’ve been inundated over the last few weeks with companies
asking for our ‘urgent’ help to hire UAE national talent at graduate
and entry level and as we’re approaching the 2022 deadline,”
said Samantha Wright, managing consultant for Emiratisation with
recruitment firm Michael Page.
20 21
Level 1609, Tamouh Tower Reem Island, Marina
Square P.O. Box 111963,
Abu Dhabi
United Arab Emirates+971 4 709 0300
22 23