Sensory Menu

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Water play Water play Nature play Baking Water play Kinetic sand
texture ring Rattles Massage (oils) Moon sand texture ring Slime
Rattles Nature play Shaving foam Chocolate dirt Rattles Paper cache
Nature play Sensory bins Sensory bins Edible mud Nature play Cornflour bouncy balls
Ball pit Sensory storiy Bubble baths Peanut butter playdoh Ball pit Sensory rice
Textured book Sensory rice Sensory story Marshmallow playdoh Textured book Fidget toys
Bubbles Sensory jars Baking Edible slime Massage Threading
Finger painting Smell boxes Yoghurt paint Sandpit Weighted blanket
Sensory bins Coloured ice cubes Shaving foam Weighted vest
Water painting Rainbow rice Mud play Body sock
Sensory stories Rainbow jelly Finger painting Weighted stuffed
Bath paint Sensory bins Playdoh toy
Lego Frozen peas Sensory bins Blanket wrap
Slime Edible sensory foam Bubble baths Swaddle wrap
Cornflour bouncy balls Sensory story
Sensory rice Clay
Fidget toys Baking
Sensory jars Lego

Texture ring Chewing gum Water play Stepping stones
Ball pit Blowing bubbles Nature play Tunnels
Massage Star jumps and push Ball pit Moneky bars
Swings ups Swings Obstacle course
Trampoline Steamroll with ball Trampoline Step on bubble wrap
Fidget toys Hopscotch Jumping Scooterboard
Weighted blanket Blowing up balloon Dancing Balance beam
Weighted vest Tight hugs Bouncing on a yoga ball Leap frog
Body sock Scooter board Wiggle cushion Twister game
Weighted stuffed toy Stomping Spinning Head, shoulders, knees & toes
Blanket wrap Crab walk Gym mats
Swaddle wrap Wheelbarrow walk Slide

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