Assignment Ssda Sanaullah

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Assignment no#01

Course title #SSDA

Department# Governance and public policy

Semester# 06 (Afternoon)

Submitted by# Muhammad Sanaullah Khan

Roll no 81994

Submitted to# Dr. Zain Rafique

Topic: Democracy in Pakistan

 Problems and Prospects in Making Informed Choices

Authors: Muhammad Waqas and Muqaddas Khattak Department of Law, Abdul Wali Khan University
Mardan, Pakistan 2 Beacon House School Systems, Peshawar, Pakistan.

Corresponding author’s email: [email protected]


Key words: Democracy; Informed Choices; Legal Pluralism; Political Culture.

Review of the Article: Democracy is a Greek word literally means “rule by the people”. It is
one of the best forms of government ever created or preserved by the modern-day civilizations. It
is a form of government which supports extensive participation of people in government and also
promotes the views of citizens for the smooth functioning of society. Democratic principles are
governed and inspired by the universal freedoms such as the right to take part in the government
directly or through freely chosen representatives as stated in article 21 of Universal Declaration
of Human Rights.

Challenges to the Informed Choices in Pakistan

Unawareness about the Nature of Democracy: Pakistan is a country where people are having
different ideologies. Some people are secular while others are Islamist. But neither of them is
aware of the democracy in Pakistan which has halted the democratic system. The democracy of
Pakistan is designed to give an opportunity to people of different ideologies to take part in
politics and bring those people, in power, they wish to govern them. Infact democracy in
Pakistan is the only democracy that has made a door open for political revolution. The current
chaos in Pakistan created by the terrorists in the name of Islamic revolution is due to the
unawareness of the people about the real democracy in Pakistan. The constitution of Pakistan
itself is supporting an Islamic Political Revolution. In Chapter 2 of the constitution, the name
written over there for the parliament is "The Majlis-e-Shora", the word “parliament” has been
written in parenthesis after it. A parenthetical phrase is an explanatory or qualifying word,
clause,or sentence inserted into a passage used to clarify the meaning. So the main focus is on
The Distorted Political Culture: Similarly another challenge to informed choices is the flawed
political culture of Pakistan. Consensual political culture is the back bone of democratic form of
government. A New York Times reporter Barbara Crossette in a report about Pakistan said that
Caste system plays a vital rule in party’s choice of candidates. Even the role of caste is
surprisingly important in nomination of candidates, by parties, to contest elections. A survey
conducted in 2008 established the fact that 27% urban and 37% rural voters had confirmed that
they had gathered in a meeting of biradari to decide whom to vote. In biradari system individual
opinion have no value, they are bound by the decision of biradari. Biradari makes decision of
every political and social aspect. Ethnicity has been exploited and a self-made political culture
has been introduced that have halted individual’s participation in elections.
Legal Pluralism: Legal pluralism is a term used for the existence of more than one legal system
in a community or geographical area. Democracy is a system of rule by laws, and for the proper
functioning of the rule of law, the unity of law is very important. The supreme law should be the
law of the state and should be uniform for all the subjects. The duty of its enforcement lies on the
shoulder of the state institutions. There should be no legal pluralism in a democratic state. But
unfortunately most of the developing countries like Pakistan are facing legal and cultural
pluralism due to the existence of different races in the country. After independence of Pakistan in
1947, the first duty of the state authority was to legislate for the newly born country in which
different caste and religion of people lived and they had their own different cultures and
traditions. While framing law the authority had to bear in mind all these condition but
unfortunately they were unable to full-fill the task handed over to them and had introduced the
existing laws with slight changes, which were not fulfilling the demand of the society and that is
why people followed their own customs and practices for the administration of justice.

To sum up democracy is the form of government in which power is vested in people. That’s why
informed choices are of great significance in democratic form of government to degrade the
abuse of this power. Citizens can ensure informed choices by participation in public life which is
in fact a key role of citizens in democracy. In democratic governments, citizens are under
obligation to become informed about the public issues and to investigate how the political
representatives cope with these issues and how the elected representatives exercise the powers
transferred to them by voting. They should know about the political process. Only then they
could be able to make informed choices of the candidates by expressing their opinions and
interests in the form of voting. Voting is an important method through which citizen participation
in government and their choice of leaders can be determined. Participation also involves political
campaigning, contesting elections as a candidate, debating issues of public interests etc.
Similarly political participation and political awareness can also help in establishing consensual
political culture and can eradicate the influence of biradari/caste system in politics that have
hobbled democracy and underpin the rule of elites. If people are not aware of the basic issues of
the state, they cannot make informed choices. As such they will possibly go for a wrong a choice
the consequences of which can be very dangerous for the public and the state as well.

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