Assignment Ssda Sanaullah
Assignment Ssda Sanaullah
Assignment Ssda Sanaullah
Semester# 06 (Afternoon)
Roll no 81994
Authors: Muhammad Waqas and Muqaddas Khattak Department of Law, Abdul Wali Khan University
Mardan, Pakistan 2 Beacon House School Systems, Peshawar, Pakistan.
Review of the Article: Democracy is a Greek word literally means “rule by the people”. It is
one of the best forms of government ever created or preserved by the modern-day civilizations. It
is a form of government which supports extensive participation of people in government and also
promotes the views of citizens for the smooth functioning of society. Democratic principles are
governed and inspired by the universal freedoms such as the right to take part in the government
directly or through freely chosen representatives as stated in article 21 of Universal Declaration
of Human Rights.
To sum up democracy is the form of government in which power is vested in people. That’s why
informed choices are of great significance in democratic form of government to degrade the
abuse of this power. Citizens can ensure informed choices by participation in public life which is
in fact a key role of citizens in democracy. In democratic governments, citizens are under
obligation to become informed about the public issues and to investigate how the political
representatives cope with these issues and how the elected representatives exercise the powers
transferred to them by voting. They should know about the political process. Only then they
could be able to make informed choices of the candidates by expressing their opinions and
interests in the form of voting. Voting is an important method through which citizen participation
in government and their choice of leaders can be determined. Participation also involves political
campaigning, contesting elections as a candidate, debating issues of public interests etc.
Similarly political participation and political awareness can also help in establishing consensual
political culture and can eradicate the influence of biradari/caste system in politics that have
hobbled democracy and underpin the rule of elites. If people are not aware of the basic issues of
the state, they cannot make informed choices. As such they will possibly go for a wrong a choice
the consequences of which can be very dangerous for the public and the state as well.