Debate Script (UTS)
Debate Script (UTS)
Debate Script (UTS)
1st Speaker (Barraca):
Introduction: Greetings, I am [name] from the affirmative side of the debate: Formal education is
more effective than personal experience in shaping one’s personality and self-understanding.
First off, may I define formal education as an organized system of learning and development
that spans from early childhood and primary school through secondary education and on to
university. The moment our minds form with learning, we are already bound to study the ways to
cope in the world we live in, education is one of those parts which takes us years before we can
assure that we actually learned something. Personal experience on the other hand may differ
from education being systematic as it goes naturally with life, this may be defined by the
opposing team but on our side, (Like I have mentioned) …
Argument: Education has always been a part of human's way of learning. Although it has
officially started on 23rd-24th BC based on research, education is still something we can rely on
especially in this day and age. In history, most leaders in the past weren't able to finish their
studies but somehow managed to get their position, indeed. Yet, even so, education has been
applied to not just the people but those leaders in position, still acknowledging that they need
education to learn more about how they were going to manage being in such positions. Sure,
experience is the best teacher as it improves skill, so does education because not only it
enhances critical thinking but it also help us move forward step by step.
Questions (Optional): –
1st speaker (Ydia):
Rebuttals (if meron):
Argument: Good morning everyone, we are the negative side in the argument that formal
education is more effcective than personal experience in shaping one's personality and
self-understanding. So before we start to our main topic, let me give you some insights about
personal experience. According to, personal experience refers to a person's
aggregate knowledge gained through self-study, work experience, workplace training, learning
from experience, professional training, seminars, and academic conferences. Personal
experience may also be a prime determinant of differences in beliefs.
Filipinos are known to being hospitable and obedient, hence is the reason why overseas Filipino
workers are such a compulsary action, especially to undergrad citizens who need to provide
their families. According to sunlife ph, Filipinos migrate to become overseas filipino workers
because our country cannot withhold the economical crisis which results to poverty over time.
And based from Statista, only 13% of the ofws are graduates from their respective degrees, and
the remaining 87% are filipinos that don’t hold any college diplomas, but with the personal
perseverance of filipinos to become successful and carry out all their responsibilities, they
sculpted themselves to their best version by all their experiences within their community and
manage to feed and provide their families without holding any diplomas.
Questions (Optional):
1st Speaker (Barraca):
Introduction/Rebutt(?): As the opposing team mentioned earlier, Filipinos that own no diploma
have a higher percentage of success and was able to carry their responsibilities, which may
have improved their skills through time…
Argument: If we're to tackle whether we need education or not, we will agree because not only
are we fond of interaction from our peers but of choosing who to be with in the long run. For
instance, a student have been with smart people, hence becoming and adapting their thinking–
this leads to a developed self. Some may criticize, thus receiving feedbacks and having the
results that affect self-understanding, to realize what to improve and what to add in the future.
The same as when an individual meets a person of different culture, they learn and adapt.
Questions (Optional):
1st speaker (Ydia):
Rebuttals (if meron):
Argument: Learning through experience is still highly valued in society. Experimentation and
experience have produced many great careers. Someone needs to have extraordinary talent,
be very motivated, and put in a lot of work for their job to succeed on this alone. People on this
path tend to have higher ownership and responsibility of their judgments, and according to
Doctor Kesi What cannot be learnt through education, training, and observation is learnt by
experience, and learning through experience is the hardest and the best. For, experience is not
inherited; earned, because experienced vocations necessitate establishing a brand from start,
which makes them excellent leaders.
Questions (Optional):
2nd Speaker (Matibag):
Rebuttals (if meron):
Argument: Formal education, like going to school or college, offers structured learning
opportunities and a variety of information that might influence someone's viewpoint.
People are frequently exposed to a variety of viewpoints, concepts, and ways of thinking
through formal education that they might not have otherwise encountered. Additionally, It offers
a curriculum that is carefully designed to help students acquire knowledge and develop skills
that are essential for their personal and professional growth. This can give a foundation for
problem-solving and critical thinking abilities, which are helpful in many aspects of life. This
structure allows individuals to learn in a systematic manner, which can have a significant impact
on their personality and self-understanding.
2nd Speaker (Arcillas):
Rebuttals (if meron): In regards to your arguments earlier, that “Curriculum is carefully designed
to help students, acquire knowledge and develop skills that are essential for their personal and
professional growth” And so is experience, when you do something repetitively, you bring your
self to retain it.
Argument: Not everyone can afford to send their kids in college after high school but lacking a
degree doesn't have to restrict our career choices because i believe experiences are the best
teachers in shaping one's personality and self-understanding in life. we can accumulate
knowledge through experience which allows us to put what we've learned from the books into
practice. It also helps us learn about everyday realities of life. In Addition how often have people
finished their studies just to find out that this was not what they were supposed to do? This
primarily results from a lack of self-awareness which is the most important contribution we gain
from experience. The benefit of having held a real job allows us to discover our skills and
limitations, places for progress, and provides insight into our area of passion.
3rd Speaker (Lucinada):
Rebuttals (if meron):
Argument: An individual learns how to interact with others through education. People are
respected in society based on how they behave. Any person's personality may be ruined by bad
behavior. A well-educated individual is aware of appropriate behavior in different environments.
Education gives us suitable terms to employ while conversing with others. An intelligent person
is aware that we should never speak negatively to other people. We must conduct correctly and
communicate appropriately in the society we inhabit. The period of time when you are moving
with society is a true test of your moral code.
3rd Speaker (Pablo):
Rebuttals (if meron):
Argument: To support our point, education can provide people with theoretical knowledge
that will allow them to perform a job. But what makes personal experiences better than this
is that experiences are what allows people to put all these knowledge into practice. We can
learn a lot from books on self-learning. We can't effectively learn relevant skills without
applying the concept to real life. The more we practice, the more new ways we have in our
brain to do a good job. we can get experience without knowledge and work our way around
mistakes and errors. There are people who do not have formal education but they are the
ones on top of the country today. This is because they learned through personal
4th Speaker (Mandahuyan):
Rebuttals (if meron):
Argument: Good behaviour towards others is always appreciated and admired. A wrong
behavior can spoil the whole personality that you have created for many years. Code of conduct
that is how to behave is also taught by the education system. Education can teach how to act
when you are in a conference or at a party, or somewhere else. Education can teach how to talk
to other people. Education can teach you what to speak and what not to. In the modern
education system, you are surrounded by many people around you and you need to
communicate with them some or the other time. This can be considered as a practical test for
your code of conduct. You can develop into a very good person if you can learn how to behave.
Questions (Last, if meron):
4th Speaker (Carandang):
Rebuttals (if meron):
Argument: Personal experience could go a long way in shaping one’s personality and
self-understanding. Infants or even children under the age of four learn without any formal
education, they develop their needs and wants to allow them to shape their own personality.
One article from Psychological Review, Carol Dweck tackles the question of; How do our
personalities develop? What do we come with and what is built from our experiences? And once
developed, how does personality work?
She started with the three basic psychological needs which are the need to predict our world;
the need to build competence to act in our world; and the need for acceptance of others (as
social beings). And she pointed out that infants are highly prepared for these needs. Then as
infants meeting their needs, they will start to develop, they will build their own beliefs and their
role in the world they live.
Proving my point that formal education is not better in shaping one’s personality and
In addition, the term BEATs are coined after Beliefs, Emotions, and Action Tendencies, that is
accumulated through experience of having to meet your needs. You already have these things
before you encounter formal education. I expect that most of us know that formal education
refers to the structured education system that is delivered by trained teachers and follows a
certain standard. It usually takes place in school, university, or college. Given this information, it
should be obvious that this will cost you money, either public or private.
In conclusion, I do believe that personal experience holds more value in developing your
personality since you experience it much earlier than formal education. Formal education might
be a new environment, a new experience, but let’s face it, not everyone has the privilege to
study in a classroom, not everyone has the opportunity to study in university let alone the
capacity to continue. Formal education NEEDS personal experience in shaping one’s
personality and self-understanding, not the other way around.
Questions (Last, if meron):
Last Speaker (Lucinada):
Rebuttals (if meron):
Questions (Last, if meron):
Closing: Formal education can provide individuals with knowledge and skills related to social
interaction and values, such as communication, teamwork, and ethical decision-making. It can
also provide individuals with opportunities for personal growth and self-discovery, such as
through exposure to new ideas and perspectives. Provides individuals with a foundation for
understanding ethical principles and values, and how to apply them in real-world situations.
Last Speaker (Carandang):
Rebuttals (if meron):
Questions (Last, if meron):
Closing: And so, as I end. Personality is an attribute that needs to be developed, not learned. I
am certain that most of the people here, agrees on that, therefore, it strengthens our argument
once more, that formal education is not, by any means, better than personal experience in terms
of shaping one's self and self-understanding.
I rest our case.