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Agricultural Technology May-June 2022 MG Eng

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1.1 1.1.1 A

1.1.2 C

1.1.3 D

1.1.4 B

1.1.5 A

1.1.6 C

1.1.7 B

1.1.8 D

1.1.9 C

1.1.10 A


1.2 1.2.1 Red 

1.2.2 Hard facing 

1.2.3 Noise pollution 

1.2.4 GPS 

1.2.5 Rectangular bales 


1.3 1.3.1 E

1.3.2 G

1.3.3 C

1.3.4 F

1.3.5 D


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2.1 THREE possible factors that when choosing a suitable adhesive for this specific

 Inflammability.
 Duration of cohesion.
 Duration of usability.
 Heat resistance. (temperature)
 Water resistance/ Oil resistance.
 Elasticity.
 Load capacity. (Any 3) (3)
2.2 Advantages of using a water trough made from glass fibre over a trough made
of steel.
 Lightness.
 Can be formed into any shape.
 Can easily be sawn, drilled, and filed.
 Toughness.
 Easy repaired when broken.
 Does not rust, corrode or erode.  (Any 3) (3)
2.3 FOUR chemical substances that does not have any effect on Teflon.
 Adhesives./ Glue.
 Asphalt/tar.
 Dyes./ Poisons
 Greases.
 Gasses. 
 Latex.
 Lacquers/ Fuels.
 Paint. (4)
 Acids.  (Any 4)

2.4 2.4.1 ONE reason for using Vesconite in dry applications and explanation for
each answer.

Reason: Vesconite do not need any lubricant. 

Explanation: Made of internal lubricated polymers.  (2)

2.4.2 TWO circumstances where Vesconite can be effectively used on a

tractor to replace existing metal bushes.

 Front-axle swivel bushes.

 Steering linkage bushes.
 Gear lever bushes. 
 Three point lift bushes.  (2)

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2.5 2.5.1 THREE factors that must be taken into consideration when identifying tin
for the manufacturing of food cans.

 Soft.
 Malleable metal.
 Can be highly polished.
 Resists oxygen and water but dissolves in acids and bases (prevent
rust). (Any 3) (3)

2.5.2 TWO commercial uses of tin other than the application in the food
canning industry.

 Metal coating.
 Alloy element of bronze.
 Alloy element of soft soldering.
 Cool drink cans.  (Any 2) (2)

2.6 TWO properties of bronze bushes that makes it better suited for the use on

 Bronze resists corrosion.

 Resists metal fatigue more than steel.
 Better conductor of heat.
 Low friction properties. (Any 2) (2)

2.7 THREE influences of manganese on stainless steel.

 It combats corrosion.
 Gives steel a coarser structure.
 Changes the band structure, causing a reduction in striking strength.
 Increases tensile strength.
 Reduces the critical cooling tempo.
 Improves hardening.
 Increases resistance against wear.
 Reduces magnetism. (Any 3) (3)

2.8 Justification of the use of brass over copper in the manufacturing of water

 Strength.
 Machinability.
 Wear resistance.
 Hardness. (Any 2) (2)

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2.9 2.9.1 Identify component A and B in the diagram.

A - Energiser.
B - Earth spike. (2)

2.9.2 The maximum voltage allowed by legislation that can be applied in the

10 000 volt. (1)

2.9.3 Description of the daily tasks that must be carried out to maintain an
electric fence.

 Clear any vegetation from the fence line.

 Check for damaged or broken wires.
 Damaged isolators or loose connections.
 Regular testing of the energiser's pulse. (Any 2) (2)

2.9.4 FOUR soil conditions that can have a negative effect on the earth
efficiency of an electrical fence.

 Peat.
 Sandy soil.
 Gravel.
 Very dry soil.
 Snow or frozen ground. (Any 4) (4)

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3.1 3.1.1 THREE important factors that must be considered when installing a wind

 Select suitable environment.

 Size of the turbine.
 Availability of substantial wind strength.
 Absence of mountains and hills.
 Turbine capacity.
 Hire a professional to do a survey on the surrounding area. (Any 3) (3)

3.1.2 Explanation of TWO benefits of wind turbines.

 Decades of free electricity after initial-cost recovery.

 Increased property values.
 Reliable electricity generation.
 Relief from high prices of other forms of electricity.
 Personal energy independence.
 Supports clean energy.
 Fight global warming.
 Renewable energy. 
 No fuel costs.  (Any 2 ) (2)

3.2 3.2.1 The semi-conductive material used for the manufacturing of the
photovoltaic solar panel.

Silicon. (1)

3.2.2 Explanation of the process of generating electrical energy in a solar panel.

 The solar panels are made of a semi-conductive material that contains

 When photons (contained within the sun's rays) hit the solar cells, the
electrons absorb this solar energy.
 Transforming them into conduction electrons.
 Electrons are able to become free, and carry an electric charge through
a circuit to a destination. (4)

3.3 The advantages of a geothermal power station above a coal power station.

 A geothermal system does not create any pollution.

 The cost of the land to build a geothermal power plant on is usually less
 Geothermal plants take up very little room.
 You may receive tax cuts, and/or no environmental bills.
 No fuel is used to generate the power.
 No costs for purchasing, transporting, or cleaning up of fuels. (Any 4) (4)

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3.4 FOUR benefits of biofuels.

 Biofuel offers a cheaper solution to our energy needs.

 Bio-fuels are made from plant and animal waste.
 Biodegradable.
 Do not harm the environment.
 Does not require any radical changes to switch to the use of biofuels.
 Renewable sources of energy.
 Inexpensive to produce.
 Help prevent engine knocking. (Any 4) (4)

3.5 TWO resources for the manufacturing of methanol.

 Woody plant fibre.

 Coal.
 Natural gas.
 Fermented waste products such as sewage and manure. (Any 2) (2)

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4.1 4.1.1 Identification of part A.

Cutting Nozzle. (1)

4.1.2 Identifying the problem indicated by arrow B that can occur when
thick materials are being cut with the plasma-cutting machine.

The angle of cut will not be square/90º. (1)

4.1.3 Addressing the problem identified in QUESTION 4.1.2.

 A machine can be used to grind the face square.

 The welding nozzle can be tilted at an angle to compensate
for the problem. (Any 1) (1)

4.1.4 TWO types of gasses that are commonly used in the plasma-
cutting process.

 Regular air
 Argon
 Nitrogen
 Oxygen (Any 2) (2)

4.2 4.2.1 TWO gasses used during the oxy-acetylene cutting process.

Acetylene and oxygen.  (2)

4.2.2 Advantages of the oxy-acetylene apparatus over the plasma


 No need for electricity.

 Can be used to heat up work pieces. 
 Portable.
 No electrical components.
 Rust has no influence on the cutting process.
 Easy to operate.  (Any 3) (3)

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4.2.3 Important safety measures to note when working with the

oxy-acetylene cutting apparatus.

 If a cylinder falls over and breaks the main valve off, the
cylinder will become a missile and cause extreme damage.
 Wear a leather apron or similar protective clothing and
welding gloves when using an oxy-acetylene cutting torch.
 Always use proper oxy-acetylene cutting goggles.
 Never point the flame towards another person or any
flammable material.
 Always light the oxyacetylene cutting torch with a striker.
 Wherever possible, use a heat shield behind the component
you are heating.
 After heating a piece of metal, label it as 'HOT' with a piece of
chalk so that others will not attempt to pick it up.
 Make sure there are no leaks on pipes and connections. 
 Make sure all valves are closed after use.  (3)
(Any 3)

4.3 4.3.1 Describing the process to replace a worn welding tip.

 Remove the welding shield cup.

 Unscrew the damaged welding tip.
 Screw the new tip on.
 Replace the welding cup. (4)

4.3.2 Explanation of the use of anti-spatter spray during the MIG

welding process.

 Prevent the sprout from clogging with welding metal.

 Prevent the filler wire/welding electrode from sticking to the
contact tip. (2)

4.3.3 FOUR reasons for the welding wire not running smoothly
through the welding hose.

 Bended welding feeder hose.

 Damage to the feeding mechanism.
 Corroded welding electrode/wire.
 Damaged tip. (4)

4.4 Preventative measures:

4.4.1 Spot weld.

4.4.2 Pre-setting.
4.4.3 Clamping. (3)

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4.5 Design drawing of a door for a horse stable.

Marks will be allocated for the following:

Design (1)
Hinges and latch (2)
Dimensions (2)
Neatness (1)


4.6 Explanation of using an inverter welder powered by a generator rather

than using a MIG welder.
 Lightweight.
 Compact.
 No need for gas cylinder.
 Inverter can work in windy conditions. (Any 3) (3)

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5.1 5.1.1 FIVE basic implements that can be used in the harvesting of the

 Tractor.
 Cutting machine.
 Hay rake.
 Baling machine.
 Wrapping machine.
 Front-end loader. (Any 5) (5)

5.1.2 THREE advantages of using machinery in the harvesting process.

 Single operation.
 Less time consuming.
 Labour saving.
 Very reliable method.
 Economical. (3)

5.1.3 Another method that can be used to cut lucerne.

Using a sickle. (1)

5.1.4 ONE safety device that is installed on a baling machine

 Shear bolt.
 Slip clutch.
 Tension springs. (Any 1) (1)

5.2 5.2.1 Calculation of the running cost of a combine harvester.

(Show ALL calculations.)

R8 100-00 + R1 200-00 + R1 500-00 + R3 000-00

+ R8 000-00 = R21 800-00 (2)

5.2.2 Calculating the VAT (15%) of the total running cost.

R21 800-00 x 15% = R3 270-00 (2)

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5.3 5.3.1 Label for the graph.

Depreciation. (1)

5.3.2 Determine the right time to sell the tractor by analysing the data
from the graph and TWO reasons for the answer.

 During year 4.

 One year left on maintenance plan.
 Higher value than selling during year 6. (3)

5.3.3 THREE actions a farmer can take to minimize excessive

depreciation in the value of second-hand implements.

 Repair/Replace broken or worn parts.

 Store properly.
 Service according to user manual.
 Use implement according to specifications. (Any 3) (3)

5.4 5.4.1 Identification of the components labelled A, B and C and TWO

functions of each.

A. Top link.
 To adjust the angle of the implement in relation to the
tractors movement.
 Serves as top connection of the three-point mechanism to
the implement.
B. Hydraulic pump.
 Provides pressure to the hydraulic system of the tractor.
 Provides pressure to the hydraulic system of the
C. PTO drive shaft.
 Transmits driving power from tractor to the implement.
 Provide angular movement between the tractor and
implement. (9)

5.4.2 THREE important safety precautions applicable to component C.

 Never climb over the driving shaft when in motion. 

 Safety screen must be in place.
 Safety screen must not rotate with the shaft.
 Screen must by highly visible.
 Never work on an implement when driving shaft is in motion.
(Any 3) (3)

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5.5 5.5.1 Identification of the components labelled A, B and C.

A Flywheel.
B Clutch plate.
C Pressure plate. (3)

5.5.2 FOUR reasons for equipping a tractor with a clutch.

 Engine drive needs to be disengaged when gears are

 Drive should be disengaged when the tractor is started.
 The clutch is disengaged to allow engine speed to increase
and then engaged to give greater torque.
 Allows the operator to stop the tractor, belt pulley or PTO shaft
without stopping the engine. (4)

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6.1 6.1.1 Explanation of the structure's ability to carry the heavy load of the
irrigation system.

 Sustained by triangulation/truss method.

 Arched design.
 Steel cables/rods hold the trusses. (Any 2) (2)

6.1.2 ONE possible cause of sprinkler nozzle blockage and provide a solution
to the problem.

 Sand/fertilizer particles.
 Plant matter.
 Organisms in water. (Algae, tadpoles etc.)
 This can be prevented by installing a filter in the system. (Any 2) (2)

6.1.3 THREE factors to consider when selecting a water pump for the centre
pivot system.

 Water source.
 Type of pump.
 Size.
 Pressure requirements.
 Available pump models.
 Power source needed to run the pump. (Any 3) (3)

6.2 The process when an irrigation farmer sets the correct frequency and duration of
water application to a crop to maximise plant growth.

Irrigation scheduling/timing. (1)

6.3 6.3.1 Identify component A and its function.

 Manhole/Drain cover.
 It is to provide access for cleaning and inspection. (2)

6.3.2 Requirements that must be followed to keep septic system functional.

 Use only toilet paper.

 Do not flush down non-degradable materials into the tank.
(Cigarettes, plastics, rubber)
 No disinfectants, bleaches, oils should be flushed down the
 Inspect manhole regularly.
 Empty the tank when required. (Any 4) (4)

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6.4 6.4.1 Explanation of the technical lay out of the drainage system.
 It contains perforated pipes.
 The pipes are buried under gravel or pebbles.
 The water drains through the surface gravel and seeps into the
pipe's perforations before flowing out at the end of the pipe.
 Pipes are installed at a slight angle or slope to facilitate the flow of
water away from the waterlogged area. (Any 3) (3)
6.4.2 A system that can quickly move large amounts of water from water
logged fields.
 Channel drain.
 Slope drain.
 Herringbone. (Any 1) (1)

6.4.3 A few aspects that can cause problems if there is no drainage system
installed around the perimeter of a building.
 Water leaks into the house.
 Moisture rises into the walls.
 Standing water attracts pests.
 Erosion around the foundation. (Any 3) (3)
6.5 6.5.1 Identification of timer A.
Mechanical timer.
6.5.2 TWO disadvantages of timer B.
 Difficult to set up/operate.
 Battery needs to be replaced regularly.
 Electronic parts need to be properly sealed. (Any 2) (2)
6.5.3 The timer that has a multiple programming function.
Timer B. (1)
6.6 THREE advantages of using the faucet water filtration system.
 Does not require the boiling of water.
 Quick process of purifying water.
 Filters are easy accessible on the kitchen top.
 Can be switched on and off.
 Cartridges are fairly inexpensive and easy to change. (Any 3) (3)
6.7 A monitoring system for each scenario in the table below.

Scenario Monitoring system

Precisely control the rate of 6.7.1 Variable-rate Technology.
application of fertilizer.
Determine areas of under growth. 6.7.2 Geographic Information
System/Drone/Thermal imaging.Yield (2)
monitor. [30]


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