Proposed AASHTO Guidelines For Performance-Based Seismic Bridge Design (2020)
Proposed AASHTO Guidelines For Performance-Based Seismic Bridge Design (2020)
Proposed AASHTO Guidelines For Performance-Based Seismic Bridge Design (2020)
86 pages | 8.5 x 11 | PAPERBACK
ISBN 978-0-309-48177-9 | DOI 10.17226/25913
Thomas P. Murphy, Modjeski and Masters, Inc., Stuart Bennion Lee Marsh,
BergerABAM, Ian G. Buckle, University of Nevada, Reno, Nicolas Luco, U.S.
BUY THIS BOOK Geological Survey, CH2M Hill Donald Anderson, Mervyn Kowalsky, North Carolina
State University, and Jose Restrepo, Advanced Analysis and Design, LLC;
National Cooperative Highway Research Program; Transportation Research Board;
National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine
National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2020. Proposed
AASHTO Guidelines for Performance-Based Seismic Bridge Design. Washington, DC:
The National Academies Press.
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Proposed AASHTO Guidelines for Performance-Based Seismic Bridge Design
Thomas P. Murphy
Modjeski and Masters, Inc.
Mechanicsburg, PA
Lee Marsh
Stuart Bennion
Federal Way, WA
Ian G. Buckle
University of Nevada, Reno
Reno, NV
Nicolas Luco
U.S. Geological Survey
Reston, VA
Donald Anderson
CH2M Hill
Corvallis, OR
Mervyn Kowalsky
North Carolina State University
Raleigh, NC
Jose Restrepo
Advanced Analysis and Design, LLC
Alpine, CA
Subscriber Categories
Bridges and Other Structures
Research sponsored by the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials
in cooperation with the Federal Highway Administration
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The Transportation Research Board is one of seven major programs of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine.
The mission of the Transportation Research Board is to provide leadership in transportation improvements and innovation through
trusted, timely, impartial, and evidence-based information exchange, research, and advice regarding all modes of transportation. The
Board’s varied activities annually engage about 8,000 engineers, scientists, and other transportation researchers and practitioners from
the public and private sectors and academia, all of whom contribute their expertise in the public interest. The program is supported by
state transportation departments, federal agencies including the component administrations of the U.S. Department of Transportation,
and other organizations and individuals interested in the development of transportation.
The research was performed and the research report prepared under NCHRP Project 12-106 by a
research team led by Modjeski and Masters, Inc., with Thomas P. Murphy as the principal investigator,
supported by Travis Hopper, Diane Long, and Maria Lopez. The research team also consisted of Lee
Marsh and Stuart Bennion of BergerABAM; Ian G. Buckle of the University of Nevada, Reno; Nico Luco
of the U.S. Geological Survey; Donald Anderson of CH2M Hill; Mervyn Kowalsky of North Carolina
State University; and Jose Restrepo of Advanced Analysis and Design, LLC.
By Waseem Dekelbab
Staff Officer
Transportation Research Board
The current AASHTO Guide Specifications for LRFD Seismic Bridge Design “guide specifi-
cations” do not address performance-based seismic bridge design or provide design criteria
for bridges that are critical or essential. Furthermore, the AASHTO guide specifications
do not provide direction to assist owners and designers who wish to consider seismic risk
mitigation beyond the life safety objective. A bridge may have different operational require-
ments depending on the post-earthquake functions (e.g., serving the community by pro-
viding emergency vehicle access), which would suggest a higher performance objective than
the basic levels included in the design codes. Research was needed to provide guidance
to help bridge owners and designers define enhanced seismic performance objectives and
design bridges to meet those objectives.
Modjeski and Masters, Inc., performed research under NCHRP Project 12-106, “Proposed
Guidelines for Performance-Based Seismic Bridge Design,” to develop the following:
• Proposed AASHTO guidelines for performance-based seismic bridge design,
• Proposed revisions to the AASHTO Guide Specifications for LRFD Seismic Bridge Design
to link with the proposed AASHTO guidelines for performance-based seismic bridge
design, and
• Proposed ground motion maps for inclusion in the AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Speci-
fications, as well as the AASHTO Guide Specifications for LRFD Seismic Bridge Design.
Two deliverables were provided as appendices and are not included within the published
report but are available on TRB’s website at by searching on NCHRP Research
Report 949. The appendices are as follows:
Appendix A: SDOF Column Investigation Sample Calculations and Results
Appendix B: Hazard Comparison
1 Summary
3 Chapter 1 Introduction
3 Background
3 Research Objectives
Note: Photographs, figures, and tables in this report may have been converted from color to grayscale for printing.
The electronic version of the report (posted on the web at retains the color versions.
As design for seismic motions has matured over the past decades, the single performance
goal of avoidance of collapse has more and more frequently been found not to meet the expec-
tations of postevent condition by owners, policy makers, and the public at large for a certain
subset of the bridge inventory. Because of this and because of advances in seismic engineering
that have made the attainment of higher levels of seismic performance practical both technically
and financially, a need was identified to provide guidance to designers and owners on how to
identify what increased level of performance should be considered and, once identified, how
to achieve that performance through the design process.
Research Objectives
The two main objectives of this research were to develop proposed AASHTO guidelines for
performance-based seismic bridge design and updated seismic hazard maps for AASHTO
based on the latest U.S. Geological Survey hazard models.
Literature Review
Purpose of Literature Review
Performance-based seismic design (PBSD) for infrastructure in the United States is a
developing field, with new research, design, and repair technologies; definitions; and method-
ologies being advanced every year. A synthesis report, NCHRP Synthesis 440: Performance-
Based Seismic Bridge Design (Marsh and Stringer 2013), was created to capture PBSD
understanding up to that point. This synthesis report described the background, objec-
tives, and research up until 2011 to 2012 and synthesized the information, including areas
where knowledge gaps existed. The literature review in this research report focuses on new
information developed after the efforts of NCHRP Synthesis 440. The intention is that this
research report will fuel the next challenge: developing a methodology to implement PBSD
for bridge design.
Participation State
Alaska DOT
Arkansas DOT
California DOT (Caltrans)
Illinois DOT
Indiana DOT
Missouri DOT
Montana DOT
Nevada DOT
Oregon DOT
South Carolina DOT
Utah DOT
Washington State DOT
volume of traffic, to give the public as much access as possible while damaged roads and bridges
are repaired.
For major and minor arterials, which encompass arterial roadways (including bridges) other
than the interstates (so therefore includes state highways and many city and county roads), the
target timeframe for response and recovery is between 0 to 24 hours and 3 months to 1 year,
depending on location; the percentage of roadways that are open for use will increase over this
period. Anticipated timeframe based on current capacity is between 1 week to 1 month and 1 to
3 years, depending on location; the percentage of roadways that are open for use will increase
over this period.
The goal of Washington State Emergency Management Council’s resiliency plan is to
establish a means to coordinate agencies, public–private partnerships, and standards toward
these resiliency goals. The plan outlines goals for recovery times for transportation systems
in terms of hours, days, weeks, months, and years, with targets to achieve different levels of
recovery (see Table 2) as follows.
Similar recovery timeframe processes were established for service sectors (e.g., hospitals,
law enforcement, and education); utilities; ferries, airports, ports, and navigable waterways;
mass transit; and housing. The overall resiliency plan also discusses the degree to which the
recovery of one component or sector would depend on the restoration of another. The key
interdependencies that the participants identified include information and communication
technologies, transportation, electricity, fuel, domestic water supplies, wastewater systems,
finance and banking, and planning and community development.
It appears that the implementation of the Washington State Emergency Management
Council’s initiative, originally assumed to take 2.5 to 3 years in 2012, has not seen significant
development since then. However, the State’s initiative to develop a more resilient community
has been extended down to the county level, with King County’s efforts referenced in Rahman
et al. (2014) and, at the city level, with the City of Seattle referenced in CEMP (2015). This
reflects the commitment needed not only by the legislature and the state departments but
also by other agencies (e.g., county, city, or utilities) and the public to take an interest in, and
provide funding for, the development of a resiliency plan. The recovery continuum is presented
graphically in Figure 2.
Developing this relationship with other agency plans is an iterative process that will take time,
as shown in Figure 3.
Identifying the critical sectors of the agency is necessary to develop a resiliency model
and determine how to approach a disaster recovery framework. King County worked from
Washington State’s initiative to develop Figure 4.
Minimal (A minimum level of service is restored, primarily for the use of emergency
responders, repair crews, and vehicles transporting food and other critical supplies.)
Functional (Although service is not yet restored to full capacity, it is sufficient to get
the economy moving again—for example, some truck/freight traffic can be
accommodated. There may be fewer lanes in use, some weight restrictions, and
lower speed limits.)
Operational (Restoration is up to 80 to 90 percent of capacity: A full level of service
has been restored and is sufficient to allow people to commute to school and to work.)
The document is one of the only references that addresses a system to develop probabilistic
methods to estimate downtime. The overall intent is to provide a roadmap to resilience. This
roadmap is intended to allow owners to resume business operation and to provide livable
conditions quickly after an earthquake.
The Los Angeles Tall Buildings Structural Design Council (LATBSDC 2014) created an alter-
native procedure specific to their location. Design specification criteria are identified and modi-
fications are described as appropriate for the PBSD approach to tall buildings in this localized
region. This procedure is a good example of how PBSD criteria and methodology need to be
established locally, with a knowledge of risk, resources, and performance needs in order to set
the criteria for true PBSD.
defines an acceleration used in design that would be exceeded during a given window of time
(e.g., a 7% chance of exceedance in 75 years). The following subsections provide a summary
of procedures currently used within AASHTO, as well as new issues that should be eventually
addressed in light of approaches used by the building industry.
DOT to include the 2014 U.S. Geological Survey hazard model; however, most state DOTs are
still using the out-of-date hazard model. Use of the outdated hazard model introduces some
inconsistencies in ground motion prediction, relative to the current Geological Survey hazard
website tool at some locations. Discussions are ongoing between NCHRP and the U.S. Geological
Survey to update the 2002 website tool.
Another issue associated with the current AASHTO probabilistic method is that it is based on
the geomean of the ground motion. In other words, the ground motion prediction equations
in the hazard model are based on the geomean of recorded earthquake motions. These motions
are not necessarily the largest motion. The building industry recognized that the maximum
direction could result in larger ground motions and introduced maximum direction corrections.
These corrections increase spectral acceleration by a factor of 1.1 and S1 by a factor of 1.3. The
relevance of this correction to bridges is discussed in the next subsection of this review.
The building industry also introduced a risk-of-collapse correction to the hazard model
results. This correction is made to Ss and S1. The size of the correction varies from approximately
0.8 to 1.2 within the continental United States. It theoretically adjusts the hazard curves to
provide a 1% risk of collapse in 50 years. The risk-of-collapse corrections were developed by the
U.S. Geological Survey for a range of building structures located throughout the United States.
Although no similar corrections have been developed for bridges, the rationale for the adjust-
ment needs to be further evaluated to determine if the rationale should be applied to bridge
As a final point within this discussion of probabilistic methods within the AASHTO guide
specifications, there are several other areas of seismic response that need to be considered. These
include near-fault and basin effects on ground motions, as well as a long-period transition
factor. The near-fault and basin adjustments correct the Ss and S1 spectral accelerations for
locations near active faults and at the edge of basins, respectively. These adjustments typically
increase spectral accelerations at longer periods (> 1 s) by 10% to 20%, depending on specifics
of the site. The long-period transition identifies the point at which response spectral ordinates
are no longer proportional to the 1/T decay with increasing period. These near-fault, basin,
and long-period adjustments have been quantified within the building industry guidance
documents but remain, for the most part, undefined within the AASHTO guide specifications.
As bridge discussions and research move closer to true probabilistic format for PBSD, these
issues need to be addressed as part of a future implementation process.
consistent with the median, 0 is the minimum, and 100 is the maximum). The NGA–West2
project GMPEs utilized RotD50 spectra for the ground motion models; however, the 2009
National Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program (NEHRP) provisions adopted a factor to
modify the median response, RotD50, to the maximum possible response, RotD100 as the
spectra for the design maps (Stewart et al. 2011). Introducing RotD100 resulted in a 10% to 30%
increase in spectral ordinates results relative to the geometric mean, which has traditionally
been used as a basis of seismic design.
In order to appreciate the impact of these choices, a brief discussion of RotDNN spectra is
warranted. As described in Boore (2010), for a given recording station, the two orthogonal-
component time series are combined into a single time series corresponding to different rotation
angles, as shown in Equation 1:
where a1(t ) and a2(t ) are the orthogonal horizontal component acceleration time series and
q is the rotation angle. For example, consider the two orthogonal horizontal component
time series, H1 and H2, shown in Figure 5. The single time series corresponding to the rotation
angle q is created by combining the Direction 1 and Direction 2 time series. Then, the response
spectrum for that single time series can be obtained, as shown in the figure.
The process is repeated for a range of azimuths from 0° to one rotation-angle increment
less than 180°. If the rotation-angle increment is q, then there will be 180/q single time series,
as well as 180/q corresponding response spectra. For example, if q = 30°, then there will be six
single time series (the original two, as well as four generated time series), as well as six response
spectra, as shown in Figure 6.
Once the response spectra for all rotation angles are obtained, then the nth percentile of the
spectral amplitude over all rotation angles for each period is computed (e.g., RotD50 is the
median value and RotD100 is the largest value for all rotation angles). For example, at a given
period of 1 s, the response spectra values for all rotation angles are sorted, and the RotD100
value would be the largest value from all rotation angles while RotD50 would be the median.
This is repeated for all periods, with potentially different rotation angles, producing the largest
response at any given period (period-dependent rotation angle.) Figure 7 shows an example of
the two orthogonal horizontal components, as well as the RotD50 and RotD100 spectra for the
as-recorded ground motion from the 2011 Christchurch, New Zealand, earthquake at Kaiapoi
North School station.
As can be seen in the sample spectra (see Figure 7), the RotD100 spectrum represents a sub-
stantial increase in demand when compared with the RotD50 spectrum. The main question
facing the bridge community from this point onward is the appropriate selection of response
spectra definition. This question can only be answered by developing sample designs to both the
RotD50 and RotD100 spectra, which would then be evaluated via no-linear time history analysis.
Such a study will require multiple bridge configurations and multiple ground motions.
As an example of the potential impact, Figure 8 shows the results of a single-degree-of-
freedom bridge column designed according to both RotD50 and RotD100 spectra, along with
the resulting nonlinear time history analysis. The column was designed using direct displacement-
based design to achieve a target displacement of 45 cm. It is clear from the results in Figure 8d
that the nonlinear response of the column designed to the RotD100 spectrum matches the target
Figure 8. Single bridge column designed according to both RotD50 and RotD100 spectra (Tabas EQ = Tabas
earthquake and displ. = displacement).
reasonably well, while designing to the RotD50 spectrum results in displacements that are
much greater than expected. This is, of course, only one result of an axisymmetric system. In the
future (and outside the scope of this project), a systematic study could be conducted for both
single degree of freedom and multiple degrees of freedom systems.
The literature on this topic can be divided into two categories: (1) response spectra definitions
and (2) impact on seismic response. The majority of the literature addresses the former. For
example, Boore et al. (2006) and Boore (2010) introduced orientation-independent measures
of seismic intensity from two horizontal ground motions. Boore et al. (2006) proposed two
measures of the geometric mean of the seismic intensity, which are independent of the in-situ
orientations of the sensors. One measure uses period-dependent rotation angles to quantify the
spectral intensity, denoted GMRotDnn. The other measure is the GMRotInn, where I stands for
period-independent. The ground motion prediction equations of Abrahamson and Silva (1997),
Boore et al. (1997), Campbell and Bozorgnia (2003), and Sadigh et al. (1997) have been updated
using GMRotI50 as the dependent variable.
Since more users within the building industry expressed the desire to use the maximum spec-
tral response over all the rotation angles without geometric means, Boore (2010) introduced
the measures of ground-shaking intensity irrespective of the sensor orientation. The measures
are RotDnn and RotInn, whose computation is similar to GMRotDnn and GMRotInn without
computing the geometric means.
With regard to impact on seismic response, the opinion paper by Stewart et al. (2011) and the
work by Mackie et al. (2011) on the impact of incidence angle on bridge response are relevant.
Specifically, Stewart et al. (2011) noted the importance of computational analysis of structures
(which had not been done as of 2011) in proposing appropriate spectra definitions.
Another approach to developing the appropriate seismic hazard comes out of Europe.
Delavaud et al. (2012) presented a strategy to build a logic tree for ground motion prediction in
European countries. Ground motion prediction equations and weights have been determined
so that the logic tree captures epistemic uncertainty in ground motion prediction for six different
tectonic regions in Europe. This includes selecting candidate GMPEs and simultaneously running
them through a panel of six experts to generate independent logic trees and rank the GMPEs on
available test data. The collaboration of this information is used to set a weight to the GMPEs
and create a consensus logic tree. This output then is run through a sensitivity analysis of the
proposed weights on the seismic hazard before setting a final logic tree for the GMPEs.
Tehrani and Mitchell (2014) used updated seismic hazard maps for Montreal, Canada to
develop a uniform hazard spectra for Site Class C and a seismic hazard curve to analyze bridges
in the localized area.
Kramer and Greenfield (2016) evaluated three case studies following the 2011 Tohoku
earthquake to better understand and design for liquefaction. Existing case history databases are
incomplete with respect to many conditions for which geotechnical engineers are often required
to evaluate liquefaction potential. These include liquefaction at depth, liquefaction of relatively
dense soils, and liquefaction of gravelly soils. Kramer and Greenfield’s investigation of the three
case histories will add to the sparse existing data for those conditions, and their interpretations
will aid in the validation and development of predictive procedures for liquefaction potential
FEMA-440 (FEMA 2005). All of these analysis articles identify areas of current discussion on
how to improve the analytical procedures proposed in the SGS.
NCHRP Synthesis 440 focused primarily on new analysis methods, but a recent increased focus,
in both academia and industry, has to do with new materials and systems and their impacts on
PBSD. The evolution of enhanced seismic performance has been wrapped into several research
topics, such as accelerated bridge construction (ABC), novel columns, and PBSD. The following
are several aspects, though not all-encompassing, which have been improved upon in the last
6 years or so.
Tensile Compressive,
Minimuma Expectedb Expectedb
Properties Range
Compressive Strength 3 to 14 ksi (20 to 95 MPa)
First Crack Strength 0.4 to 1.0 ksi (3 to 7 MPa)
Ultimate Tensile Strength 0.6 to 1.7 ksi (4 to 12 MPa)
Ultimate Tensile Strain 1 to 8%
Modulus of Elasticity 2600 to 5000 ksi (18 to 34 GPa)
Flexural Strength 1.5 to 4.5 ksi (10 to 30 MPa)
is required: the two assemblies are placed together and the annular space between the column
and cap filled with grout. Figure 10 shows the details of this connection, and Figure 11 shows
a test of the system.
Another system being investigated is isolation bearings or dampening devices. Xie and
Zhiang (2016) investigated the effectiveness and optimal design of protective devices for the
seismic protection of highway bridges. Fragility functions are first derived by probabilistic
seismic demand analysis, repair cost ratios are then derived using a performance-based methodol-
ogy, and the associated component failure probability. Subsequently, the researchers tried to
identify the optimal design parameters of protective devices for six design cases with various
combinations of isolation bearings and fluid dampers and discussed the outcomes.
Damage mitigation through isolation and energy dissipation devices is continually improving
based on research, development, and implementation in the field. Recent events within the
State of Washington, Alaska, and other state agencies have shown that the benefits of these tools
can be compromised if the intended performance cannot be sustained for the 75-year design
life of the structure. Mackie and Stojadinovic (2015) outlined performance criteria for fabrica-
tion and construction that need to be administered properly, and engineers should consider
the effects of moisture, salts, or other corrosive environmental conditions that can affect the
performance of the isolation or energy-dissipating system.
Another constraint with these systems can be the proprietary nature that occurs as a specific
isolation or energy-dissipating system is utilized to develop a specific performance expectation
that can only be accomplished with the prescribed system. This proprietary nature of these
systems can create issues for certain funding sources that require equal bidding opportunities
and the project expense that can accompany a proprietary system. To address this type of design
constraint, Illinois DOT has been developing an earthquake-resisting system (ERS) to leverage
the displacement capacity available at typical bearings in order to provide seismic protection to
substructures of typical bridges. LaFave et al. (2013a) identified the effects and design parameters,
4 at 5" O.C.
HSS16x0.500 1'-11"
Offset Studs Inside
Pipe from
Typ. 30° Cap Beam CL 2 21 "- 43 "Ø Shear Studs
15° Pipe Stud Detail
such as fuse capacity, shear response, and sliding response, which can be used to account for more
standard bearing configurations in seismic analysis, especially lower seismic hazard regions.
A variation on the use of bearings in order to improve seismic performance of a pier wall
configuration was outlined in Bignell et al. (2006). Historically, pinned, rocking, and sliding
bearings have been used with interior pier walls and steel girder superstructures. These bearing
configurations were compared with replacement elastomeric bearing configurations and details
for structural analysis techniques, damage limit states, and structural fragility, and performance
through probability distributions were utilized as a PBSD process for determining solutions
to seismic isolation and enhanced seismic performance. The foundation conditions, pier wall
effects, bearing type, and even embankment effects to structural performance were included in
this evaluation.
Another approach to enhanced performance is modifications to foundation elements or
increased understanding and modeling of soil–structure interaction, specifically where lateral
spread or liquefaction design conditions make conventional bridge design and elements imprac-
tical. One example of this is the seismic design and performance of bridges constructed with
rocking foundations, as evaluated in Antonellis and Panagiotou (2013). This type of rocking
goes beyond the loss of contact area currently allowed in the guide specifications. The applica-
tion of columns supported on rocking foundations accommodates large deformations, while
there is far less damage, and can re-center after large earthquakes. Another approach is to tie
a tolerable displacement of an individual deep foundation element to a movement that would
cause adverse performance, excessive maintenance issues, or functionality problems with the
bridge structure. Roberts et al. (2011) established a performance-based soil–structure–interaction
design approach for drilled shafts.
Chiou and Tsai (2014) evaluated displacement ductility of an in-ground hinging of a fixed
head pile. Assessment formulas were developed for the displacement ductility capacity of a
fixed-head pile in cohesion-less soils. The parameters in the formulas included the sectional
over-strength ratio and curvature ductility capacity, as well as a modification factor for consider-
ing soil nonlinearity. The modification factor is a function of the displacement ratio of the pile’s
ultimate displacement to the effective soil yield displacement, which is constructed through a
number of numerical pushover analyses.
Damage Analysis
As stated in NCHRP Synthesis 440, it is a fundamental need for the PBSD methodology to
determine the type of damage and the likelihood that such damage will occur in the particular
components of the structural system. This determination is of vital importance, as the damage
sustained by a structure (and its nonstructural components) is directly relatable to the use or loss
of a system after an earthquake. Therefore, there is a need to be able to reliably link structural
and nonstructural response (internal forces, deformations, accelerations, and displacements) to
damage. This is the realm of damage analyses, where damage is defined as discrete observable
damage states (e.g., yield, spalling, longitudinal bar buckling, and bar fracture). Although the
primary focus of the discussions is on structural components, similar considerations must
be made for nonstructural components as well.
NCHRP Synthesis 440 outlined an initial discussion on types of structural damage observed
during historic earthquakes and laboratory experiments, prefaced the methods that have been
developed to predict damage, identified structural details and concepts that could be used
to reduce damage even in strong ground shaking, and reviewed post-event inspection tools.
The new materials discussed in previous sections also apply to this discussion but are not
repeated herein.
Accurate damage prediction relies upon accurate definitions of performance limit states at
the material level (i.e., strain limits) and the corresponding relationship between strain and
displacement. Examples of recent research follow.
Research by Feng et al. (2014b, 2014c) used finite element analysis validated by experimental
test results to develop a model for predicting the tension strain corresponding to bar buckling.
The model considers the impact of loading history on the boundary conditions of longitudinal
bar restraint provided by the transverse steel.
Goodnight et al. (2016a) identified strain limits to initiate bar buckling based on experimental
results from 30 column tests (Equation 2). Following additional bidirectional tests on 12 columns,
Equation 2 was revised to Equation 3. In addition, strain limit state equations were proposed for
the compression strain in concrete to cause spiral yielding (Goodnight et al. 2017a).
Goodnight et al. (2016b) also developed a new plastic hinge length model based on the
data collected during those tests, which accounts for the actual curvature distribution in
RC bridge columns. The revised model separates the strain penetration component from the
flexural component while also recognizing that the hinge length for compression is smaller
than that for tension.
Brown et al. (2015) developed strain limit state (Equation 4) (tube wall local buckling) and
equivalent viscous damping equations for reinforced concrete filled steel tubes (RCFSTs).
The recommendations of the authors were based upon reversed cyclic tests of 12 RCFSTs
of variable D/t (diameter to thickness) ratios.
f yhe P
εs bar
buckling = 0.03 + 700ρs − 0.1 (2)
Es f ce′ Ag
f yhe P
εs bar
buckling = 0.032 + 790ρs − 0.14 (3)
Es f ce′ Ag
ε tension buckling = 0.021 − ≥ εy (4)
rs = reinforcement ratio,
fyhe = expected yield strength of the steel tube (ksi),
Es = elastic modulus of steel (ksi),
P = axial load (kip),
f ce′ = expected concrete strength (ksi),
Ag = gross area of concrete (in.2),
D = diameter of tube (in.),
t = thickness of tube (in.), and
ey = yield strain for steel (in./in.).
Loss Analysis
The PBSD combines the seismic hazard, structural, and damage analysis into a performance
matrix that can be estimated into a loss metric. There are many loss metrics that can be used
by, and that are important to, stakeholders and decision makers (discussed in detail in NCHRP
Synthesis 440), but all these metrics can be boiled down to three main categories: deaths, dollars,
and downtime.
Bertero (2014) discussed earthquake lessons, in terms of loss, to be considered in both design
and construction of buildings. At the beginning of 2010, two large earthquakes struck the
Americas. The January 12, 2010, Haiti earthquake with a magnitude 7.0 produced about
300,000 deaths (second by the number of fatalities in world history after the 1556 Shaanxi,
China earthquake). A month later, the February 27, 2010, Maule Chilean earthquake with
a magnitude 8.8 (an energy release 500 times bigger than that from the Haiti earthquake)
produced 500 deaths, most due to the resulting tsunami. However, the Chilean earthquake
caused more than $30 billion of direct damage, left dozens of hospitals and thousands of schools
nonoperational, and caused a general blackout for several hours, as well as the loss of service of
essential communications facilities, crucial to take control of the chaotic after-earthquake situ-
ation. Bertero (2014) compared the severity of both earthquakes and comments on their effects
to life and the economy of the affected countries, as well as the features of the seismic codes or
the absence of codes.
An example of risk analysis with PBSD is utilized in Bensi et al. (2011), with the development
of a Bayesian network (BN) methodology for performing infrastructure seismic risk assessment
and providing decision support with an emphasis on immediate post-earthquake applications.
A BN is a probabilistic graphical model that represents a set of random variables and their
probabilistic dependencies. The proposed methodology consists of four major components:
(1) a seismic demand model of ground motion intensity as a spatially distributed random
field, accounting for multiple sources and including finite fault rupture and directivity effects;
(2) a model for seismic performance of point-site and distributed components; (3) models of
system performance as a function of component states; and (4) models of post-earthquake
decision making for inspection and operation or shutdown of components.
The use of the term Bayesian to describe this approach comes from the well-known Bayes rule,
attributed to the 18th-century mathematician and philosopher Thomas Bayes:
Pr ( AB ) Pr ( B A )
Pr ( A B ) = = Pr ( A ) (5)
Pr ( B ) Pr ( B )
Pr(AB) is the probability of joint occurrence of Events A and B; Pr(A) is the marginal
probability of Event A; Pr(A|B) is the conditional probability of Event A, given that Event B
has occurred; and Pr(B) is the marginal probability of Event B. The quantity Pr(B | A) is known
as the likelihood of the observed Event B. Note that the probability of Event A appears on
both sides of Equation 5. The Bayes rule describes how the probability of Event A changes
given information gained about the occurrence of Event B.
For discrete nodes, a conditional probability table is attached to each node that provides the
conditional probability mass function (PMF) of the random variable represented by the node,
given each of the mutually exclusive combinations of the states of its parents. For nodes
without parents (e.g., X1 and X2 in Figure 12), known as root nodes, a marginal probability
table is assigned.
Figure 12.
A simple BN. The joint PMF of all random variables X in the BN is constructed as the product of the
conditional PMFs:
p ( x ) = ∏ i =1 p ( x i Pa ( x i ))
Bensi et al. (2011) goes on to introduce BN models further and discusses how to incorporate
BN-based seismic demand models into bridge design. The BN methodology is applied to
modeling of random fields, construction of an approximate transformation matrix, and numer-
ical investigation of approximation methods, including a discussion on the effect of correlation
approximations on system reliability. Modeling component performance with BNs to capture
seismic fragility of point-site components and distributed components, as well as modeling
system performance of BNs with both qualitative and conventional methods, is explained.
This reference goes on to identify efficient minimal link set (MLS), minimal cut set (MCS)
formulations, optimal ordering of efficient MLS and MCS formulations, and heuristic augmen-
tation that can be utilized with the BN methodology.
Bensi et al. (2011) continues the PBSD process by addressing the owner decision-making
process (see more discussion later in the report) and how to incorporate this model into that
process. Two example problems are provided utilizing this methodology, including a California
high-speed rail system that incorporates the bridge modeling into the example.
Similarly, in Tehrani and Mitchell (2014), the seismic performance of 15 continuous four-
span bridges with different arrangements of column heights and diameters was studied using
incremental dynamic analysis (IDA). These bridges were designed using the Canadian Highway
Bridge Design Code provisions (CSA 2006). The IDA procedure has been adopted by some
guidelines to determine the seismic performance, collapse capacity, and fragility of buildings.
Similar concepts can be used for the seismic assessment of bridges. Fragility curves can be devel-
oped using the IDA results to predict the conditional probability that a certain damage state
is exceeded at a given intensity measure value. Assuming that the IDA data are lognormally
distributed, it is possible to develop the fragility curves at collapse (or any other damage state)
by computing only the median collapse capacity and the logarithmic standard deviation of the
IDA results for any given damage state. The fragility curves can then be analytically computed
using Equation 7 as follows:
ln ( x ) − ln ( SaC50% )
P ( failure Sa = x ) = Φ (7)
function F = cumulative normal distribution function,
SCa 50% = median capacity determined from the IDA, and
bTOT = total uncertainty caused by record-to-record variability, design requirements,
test data, and structural modeling.
The seismic risk associated with exceeding different damage states in the columns, includ-
ing yielding, cover spalling, bar buckling, and structural collapse (i.e., dynamic instability) was
predicted. Some simplified equations were derived for Montreal, Quebec, Canada, to estimate
the mean annual probability of exceeding different damage states in the columns using the IDA
Repair and retrofit procedures are linked to loss predictions, as outlined in the FHWA’s retro
fitting manual (Buckle et al. 2006). Several chapters/articles address analysis, methodologies,
effects, analytical tools, and costs for retrofit and repairs to mitigate damage or return a structure to
a serviceable condition. Zimmerman et al. (2013) is one example, in which numerical techniques
and seismic retrofit solutions for shear-critical reinforced concrete columns was investigated,
utilizing test data of a reinforced concrete column with widely spaced transverse reinforcement.
The study focused on the analysis method of nonlinear trusses and the retrofit option known
as supplemental gravity columns, which is an example of how loss prediction and the analysis
process are linked and should be iterated through PBSD.
Source: Caltrans.
serviceability, and durability of bridges. Based on those lessons, design earthquake ground
motions corresponding to the subduction-type earthquake were revised, and the requirements
for easy and secure maintenance (inspection and repair works) for the bridges were clearly
specified. JRA has clarified their performance of ERE conventionally reinforced columns for a
dual-level (SPL 2 and SPL 3) seismic performance evaluation, as summarized in Table 7.
The JRA 2012 revisions also address connection failures between reinforced concrete steel
piles and the pile-supported spread footing to improve structural detailing and performance at
the head of the piles. This is similar to research performed by the University of Washington,
see Stephens et al. (2015) and Stephens et al. (2016) for both Caltrans and Washington State DOT,
respectively, to evaluate capacity protecting this region and even considering the development
of plastic hinges at these locations for combined hazard events or large lateral spreading and
liquefaction occurrences.
Caltrans also funded a study by Saini and Saiidi (2014) to address probabilistic seismic
design of bridge columns using a probabilistic damage control approach and reliability analysis.
Note: SPL1: Fully operational is required. Limit state of bridge is serviceability limit state. Negligible structural damage
and nonstructural damage are allowed.
Note: O-ST = ordinary standard bridge, O-NST = ordinary nonstandard bridge, Rec. = recovery bridge,
Imp. = important bridge, and NA = not applicable.
The probabilistic damage control approach uses the extent of lateral displacement nonlinearity
defined by Damage Index (DI) to measure the performance of bridge columns. DI is a measure of
damage from the lower measure of zero damage to the ultimate measure of a collapse mecha-
nism for an element that has been subjected to base excitations. The performance objective
was defined based on predefined apparent Damage States (DS), and the DS were correlated
to DIs based on a previous study at the University of Nevada, Reno (Figure 13) (Vosooghi
and Saiidi 2010).
A statistical analysis of the demand damage index (DIL) was performed to develop fragility
curves (load model) and to determine the reliability index for each DS. The results of the reliability
analyses were analyzed, and a direct probabilistic damage control approach was developed to
calibrate design DI to obtain a desired reliability index against failure. The calculated reliability
indices and fragility curves showed that the proposed method could be effectively used in seismic
design of new bridges, as well as in seismic assessment of existing bridges. The DS and DI are
summarized with performance levels defined by Caltrans in Table 8, which shows the correlation
between DS and DI. Figure 14 shows a fragility curve using lognormal distribution. Figure 15
shows both the fragility curves (upper two graphs) and reliability indices (lower two graphs) for
four column bents (FCBs), with 4-foot diameter columns that are 30 feet in length in Site D
for both the 1000 year and 2500 year seismic events.
P (DI { DS)
100% 100%
80% 80%
60% 60%
40% 40%
20% 20%
0% 0%
0.00 0.20 0.40 0.60 0.80 1.00 0.00 0.20 0.40 0.60 0.80 1.00
(a) (b)
Reliability Index | DS
Reliability Index | DS
3.0 2.0
0.0 0.0
Damage State (DS) Damage State (DS)
(c) (d)
Figure 15. Fragility curves and reliability indices for FCBs with 4-foot columns in Site D.
Research has shown that the next great (magnitude 9.0) Cascadia subduction zone earth-
quake is pending, as shown in Figure 16. This comparison of historical subduction zone
earthquakes in northern California, Oregon, and Washington covers 10000 years of seismic
history. The evidence of a pending event has made decision makers and the public take notice
and put forth resources to develop strategies revolving around PBSD.
Oregon’s performance-based features are modified from NCHRP Synthesis 440 to account
for a third hazard condition: Cascadia Subduction Zone Earthquake (CSZE) in Oregon DOT’s
Bridge Design and Drafting Manual—Section 1, Design (Oregon DOT 2016a; see also Oregon
DOT 2016b). Design of new bridges on and west of US 97 references two levels of perfor-
mance criteria: life safety and operational. Design of new bridges east of US 97 requires life
safety criteria only. Seismic design criteria for life safety and operational criteria are described
as follows.
• “Life Safety” Criteria: Design all bridges for a 1,000-year return period earthquake (7 percent prob-
ability of exceedance in 75 years) to meet the “Life Safety” criteria using the 2014 USGS Hazard Maps.
The probabilistic hazard maps for an average return period of 1,000 years and 500 years are available at
ODOT Bridge Section website, but not available on USGS website. To satisfy the “Life Safety” criteria, use
Response Modification Factors from LRFD Table using an importance category of “other.”
• “Operational” Criteria: Design all bridges on and west of US 97 to remain “Operational” after a full
rupture of Cascadia Subduction Zone Earthquake (CSZE). The full-rupture CSZE hazard maps are
available at the ODOT Bridge Section website. To satisfy the “Operational” criteria, use Response
Modification Factors from LRFD Table using an importance category of “essential.” When
requested in writing by a local agency, the “Operational” criteria for local bridges may be waived.
The CSZE is a deterministic event, and a deterministic design response spectrum must
be generated. To allow for consistency and efficiency in design for the CSZE, an application
for generating the design response spectra has been developed by Portland State University
(Nako et al. 2009).
AASHTO guide specifications values for Table are modified into two tables for
(1) values of Site Factor, Fpga, at zero-period on the acceleration spectrum and (2) values of
Site Factor, Fa, for short-period range of acceleration spectrum. Table is replaced with
values of Site Factor, Fv, for long-period range of acceleration spectrum.
For seismic retrofit projects, the lower level ground motion is modified to be the CSZE with
full rupture, as seen in Table 9. Performance levels, including performance level zero (PL0),
are specified based on bridge importance and the anticipated service life (ASL) category
are referenced in FEMA (2012a, 2012b, 2012c). A step-by-step methodology and explanation
of implementation are provided for an intensity-based assessment and for a time-based assess-
ment. The process of identifying and developing appropriate fragility curves is demonstrated.
A software program called Performance Assessment Calculation Tool has also been developed
with a user manual that is included in the FEMA documents to help engineers apply PBSD to
the building industry.
Importance, Loads,
Design Ground Motion,
Performance Limit States
Requirement Level Principles of Performance Verification
Figure 17. Code structure for seismic design using JRA design specifications.
Gaps related to structural analysis can include minimum and expected properties for
reinforcing greater than Grade 80, stainless steel, and other materials that can improve
serviceability and in some conditions performance. Oregon DOT has been using stainless
steel in their bridges located along the coastline and other highly corrosive environments
to extend the service life of the bridge; however, many of these locations are also prone
to large CSZE and the use of these materials in earthquake resisting elements is still being
In the State of Washington’s resiliency plan, outlined in Washington State Emergency
Management Council–Seismic Safety Committee (2012), what is missing is a link between
damage levels and return to service. This is a knowledge gap given what we know structurally
and what this report is suggesting as a desired goal for post-earthquake recovery.
Gaps related to decision makers can include bridge collapse. It is not intended that the
PBSD guide specifications will address tsunami events, but the JRA specifications do address
tsunami as well as landslide effects. Figures 18 and 19 are examples of these other types of
failure systems and show the collapse of bridges caused by effects other than ground motion
(Kuwabara et al. 2013).
The decision to combine these types of effects with a seismic hazard, even combining
liquefaction, down drag, and lateral spreading effects, needs additional clarification and is
currently left up to the owner to assess implications of probability, safety, and cost ramifications.
Liang and Lee (2013) summarized that in order to update the extreme event design limit states in
the AASHTO 2014, combinations of all nonextreme and extreme loads need to be formulated on
the same probability-based platform. Accounting for more than one-time variable load creates
a complex situation, in which all of the possible load combinations, even many that are not
needed for the purpose of bridge design, have to be determined. A formulation of a criterion to
determine if a specific term is necessary to be included or rejected is described, and a comparison
of the value of a given failure probability to the total pre-set permissible design failure probability
can be chosen as this criterion.
While the seismic hazard definition was once thought to be relatively well understood, there
is a growing knowledge gap related to the effect of rotation angle on intensity of ground motions
and how the use of a geometric mean of the motions, or other methods of including the effect of
rotation angle (RotDxx), should be incorporated into seismic design. This issue is not specific
to PBSD; like all seismic design methods, PBSD is reliant on a full understanding of the hazard
definition for proper implementation.
The knowledge gaps identified in NCHRP Synthesis 440 are still applicable. Many of these
knowledge gaps will become evident to both engineers and decision makers as the PBSD
guidelines are developed. Overall, the baseline information to develop PBSD guide specifica-
tions are in place. Industry’s end goal of understanding the relationship between risk-based
decision making and design decisions and methodologies to meet performance goals is going to
be an iterative process.
design and evaluation is the most complete methodology, the most widely used, and the type
closest to full probabilistic design, as seen by the work Caltrans is now advancing in their latest
seismic design criteria. However, a full probabilistic methodology is not universally ready for
deployment in a nationwide fashion.
more steps). In addition, iteration between the geotechnical and structural engineers will be
required in many of these steps.
It is intended that this methodology be as comprehensive as possible within the constraints
of the current state of the art. Further, it is intended that the methodology be applicable to the
same family of bridge types, configurations, geometries, and materials covered by the guide
specifications. In addition, the framework of the methodology is applicable to bridges not
covered by these specifications (such as suspension bridges) provided modifications are made
to its implementation on a case-by-case basis.
Since adoption is not mandatory, owners and designers will have the freedom to enhance or
modify or simplify the process to suit local conditions and policies.
Operational Categories
The research team developed alternative terminology for the operational categories from
that given by the AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications. The current wording in AASHTO
LRFD uses Critical, Essential, and Other to describe in decreasing order the operational categories
of bridges. These terms have caused confusion in the past, as the order of importance between
Critical and Essential is difficult to determine. As an alternative, the team developed the terms
Critical, Recovery, and Ordinary to replace them, as shown in Table 13. The Critical category
is retained. Essential is replaced with Recovery, as the term is more descriptive of why the
bridge is important to the regional transportation network after an earthquake. The fact that
the bridge needs to play a role in the recovery of the region provides justification for a higher
performance level. Other is replaced with Ordinary, to better describe the function of the bridge.
This PBSD methodology uses two levels of ground motion to develop a bridge design.
Each level of ground motion has an associated performance level (PL) coupled with an input
seismic hazard and is thus “performance based.” Each operational category is composed of
two ground motion levels: a lower one with an average return period of 100 years and an upper
one with an average return period of 1000 years. There are three basic performance levels: PL1 or
Category Description
Critical Open to all traffic immediately following the upper and lower level Motions.
Usable by emergency vehicles and for security/defense purposes after an
earthquake larger than the upper level motion.
Recovery As a minimum, open to emergency vehicles and for security/defense purposes
immediately following the upper and lower level motions.
Ordinary May be closed following the upper level motion, but no span is expected to
collapse during this motion. As a minimum, open to emergency vehicles and
for security/defense purposes immediately following the lower level motion.
Life Safety, PL2 or Operational, and PL3 or Fully Operational. Additionally, as seen in Table 14,
the three operational categories have increasing performance for each motion level and each
operational category. For example, the ordinary bridge category requires life safety performance
(PL1) for the upper event. In contrast, a bridge in the critical category would require fully opera-
tional performance (PL3) in both the lower level and upper level events.
It is also important to realize that PBSD does not necessarily imply that a two-level earth-
quake event methodology be used. A single-event methodology may be performance based
as long as performance and damage are linked to the EDPs. A two-level seismic-event method-
ology simply indicates that the owner or the authority having jurisdiction requires that the
bridge performance for two different ground motion levels be considered in the design. Such
a requirement is based on the notion that potential losses are best controlled with a two-level
approach. Thus, many PBSD methodologies are two level, although multi-level design is not
fundamentally a necessity for PBSD.
Another facet of the methodology described in this report for the three operational categories
is the use of 100 year and 1000 year motion levels. It is entirely plausible and reasonable that
an owner or authority having jurisdiction could specify larger events for either of the two levels.
The intent of this report is to provide a flexible framework that designers and owners can use
to improve seismic performance, and other earthquake motion levels may be used based on the
owner’s preferences and needs, some of which may be based on cost, so long as basic life safety
performance is met at the 1000 year level, as required by AASHTO LRFD.
Performance Levels
The performance level for each ground motion is determined based on bridge operational
category. See Table 14.
Performance Levels
PL1: Life Safety PL2: Operational PL3: Fully Operational
Significant damage is sustained during Damage sustained is No damage (or very minor
an earthquake and service is significantly minimal and access for damage that does not require
disrupted, but the potential for collapse is emergency vehicles is immediate attention) is
minimized. The bridge may need to be available after inspection sustained and full service is
replaced after a large earthquake. and clearance of debris. available for all vehicles
Bridge should be immediately after the
reparable with or without earthquake.
restrictions on traffic flow.
Significant damage includes permanent Minimal damage includes Very minor damage consists
offsets and cracking. Exposed, buckled, minor inelastic response of minor cracking of concrete,
and possibly some fractured reinforcing and narrow flexural possible incipient crushing or
steel. Repair may be possible but will cracking in concrete. flaking of concrete cover.
require invasive measures that may Exposed reinforcing steel,
include column replacement. At a but not visibly buckled.
minimum, reinforcing bar segments are Damage requires repair
replaced or plastic hinge relocation using minimally invasive
techniques employed, if repair is techniques that range from
attempted. Beams may be unseated simple patching of cover
from bearings, but no span is expected concrete and epoxy
to collapse. Similarly, foundations are not injection to steel jackets.
damaged except in the event of large Permanent deformations
lateral flows due to liquefaction, in which are not apparent, and
case inelastic deformation in piles may repairs can be made under
be evident. Undesirable failure modes nonemergency conditions
such as shear failure in reinforced with the possible exception
concrete are avoided. of superstructure
expansion joints, which
may need removal and
The research team adjusted the performance level for the lower level event, in order to
better align with past practices and limit the burden on designers and owners as much as
possible. The simplest approach was to set the performance level as PL3 Fully Operational
for all bridges at the lower level event. This would allow for simplified elastic demand analyses
and elastic demand to capacity ratio checks for this level of event, regardless of where a bridge
is located.
For certain locations within the United States, the hazard level, even at the reduced return
period of the lower level event, may be such that achieving PL3 would be unduly burdensome
in terms of construction cost. In these cases, a lower performance level is appropriate, with the
trade-off that more rigorous demand analyses and capacity assessment methods are required.
In that case, the designer may use the table provided for the upper level motions to determine
the analysis and capacity methods to be used.
Definitions of each performance level and expected damage states are given in Table 15.
Damage levels have been taken from Hose and Seible (1999).
Performance Level
Reinforcement f yhe P
tensile strain limit ε s bar
buckling 0.032 790 s 0.14 εs 0.8 εs bar
< 0.010
(RC Column) Es f ce' Ag buckling
compressive fyh εsu f yh εsu
1.4 0.004 1.4 0.004 1.4
v v
εc εc < 0.004
strain limit (RC f 'cc f 'cc
strain limit
abutment vertical No limit < 9” < 1”
abutment No Limit < 6” < 1”
horizontal offset
Approach fill
1/50 < 1/100 < 1/250
settlement limitc
flow/spread limit Site Specific Evaluation Required < 12” < 6”
due to liquefaction
Note: This table provides recommended strain limits for common bridge element types. The table is not intended to be exhaustive
with respect to bridge element types. For element EDPs not included in the table, the designer in concurrence with the owner
and peer review may develop project-specific EDP criteria. See Article 6.1, “Strain Limits,” of the AASHTO guidelines for further
background on this table. NA = not applicable for RCFST.
a ε s bar
buckling is the tension strain in the reinforcing steel that will result in bar buckling in compression during the following cycle of
seismic response. For definitions of the other variables in this table, refer to the Seismic Guide Specifications.
b Deterministic values are based on the median predictor for PL1. The reduced value for PL2 is based on a 20% probability of
initial bar buckling from the median predictor to create a higher standard of performance.
Approach fill settlement limits are defined in terms of vertical settlement versus horizontal distance of the approach slab
(i.e., 1:50 is 0.5 feet settlement over a 25-foot approach slab length). For further discussion of approach fill settlement limits,
see Article of the AASHTO guidelines.
Strain Limits
The primary EDPs used to influence the performance of a bridge under seismic loadings are
strain limits. These were chosen over other possible parameters, such as ductility ratios or drift
ratios, because they appear to be more directly tied to key performance limits. Strains do require
some effort on the part of the designer to calculate; however, these calculations predominantly
involve manipulation of analysis results and do not require additional analyses. The under-
standing of how strains are related to various damage states in reinforced concrete columns is
relatively advanced.
Table 3.1-4 (Table 16) of the proposed AASHTO guidelines details the strain limits for each
performance level. The key values presented relate to the design of reinforced concrete columns,
as these are the predominant construction type used in bridge design in high seismic areas.
The strain limits shown for various performance levels in Table 16 should be considered
ranges, with the deterministic values shown representing median values for the performance
level under consideration. For example, when considering the fully operational concrete
compressive strain limit, some structural members may exhibit crushing at values below or
above this limit. Irrespective of the actual value, once cover concrete exhibits crushing, it should
be repaired to ensure long-term serviceability. However, such repair does not impact the
immediate operation of the structure.
• 1 is the first yield of the transverse steel. The location on the pushover curve of this limit state
depends on transverse steel content, axial load, and curvature demand.
• 2 is the incipient buckling of the longitudinal reinforcement, and this corresponds to the
tensile strain limit given in Table 16. At this point of deformation, bar buckling is just begin-
ning to occur, and generally this buckling is not readily visible to human eye, although it has
been determined in the experimental work of Goodnight et al. (2017b) through the use of
highly accurate optical instruments. Physically, this point corresponds to incipient buckling
of longitudinal reinforcement after a previous deformation in the opposite direction that
induced inelastic tensile strains in the same bars. See Figure 22. This point does not correspond
to a limit state in the SGS. Determination of this point requires the use of a limiting tensile
strain along with a specific tensile plastic hinge length that has been calibrated to the experi-
mental data set that the researchers used. This tensile hinge length is used solely to establish
Limit 2, as shown in Figure 21. Repair of a column whose maximum deformation is between
spalling and incipient buckling should generally be restricted to epoxy injection of cracks and
patching of damaged cover concrete.
• 3 is the lower-bound compression strain limits as given by the well-established Mander
confined concrete model as used in the SGS, and as also given in Table 16. The lower-bound
compression limit state is that value given for PL2, which has a coefficient of 1.0 multiplying
the strain limit. The physical basis for this strain limit is shown in Figure 23, where axial load
is applied concentrically to a reinforced concrete column. The limit corresponds to crushing
of the confined concrete of the core, and this limit is based on the assumption that the strain
energy required to fracture the transverse steel equals the strain energy stored in the core when
this failure occurs. The calculation of the limits is based on semi-empirical consideration of
experimental data.
The lower-bound compressive strain limit was used with the SGS to be conservative since a
bar buckling prediction method did not exist at the time the SGS was developed.
Columns that have been loaded above the incipient buckling limit but that have not
reached the lower-bound compressive limit may be repaired with external jacketing. How-
ever, consideration should be given to the possibility of damage to the transverse steel and
longitudinal steel. This damage state is not entirely definable by strain limits alone, and each
column may need a case-by-case assessment of damage.
• 4 is the upper-bound compressive strain limit, which is also based on the Mander model. This
limit uses the same basic strain equation as Limit 3, except that a coefficient of 1.4 is applied
to the limit. With both bar buckling and compressive concrete strains specified, as in this
report, it is appropriate to increase the concrete compressive limit for PL1 by the 1.4 factor.
Columns that have been deformed above the lower-bound compressive strain limits may
require extensive reconstruction or replacement due to damage to both the transverse and
longitudinal reinforcement.
The pushover curve for a bridge column or pier is determined using the compressive plastic
hinge length, which is the same as that used in the SGS, and by this method a complete pushover
curve is developed. Then the tensile strain limit, along with the tensile plastic hinge length, is
used to determine the displacement at which the tensile strain limit will be reached. The capacity
of the bridge column or pier is then controlled by the limit that is reached first, incipient buckling
(tensile strain limit) or confined-concrete crushing (compressive strain limit).
Example pushover curves for two column diameters (48-in. and 60-in.), two axial loads
(1,000 kips and 2,000 kips), two longitudinal steel ratios (1% and 2%), and three transverse steel
ratios (0.3%, 0.5%, and 0.8%) are shown in Figures 24 and 25. Note that the 0.3% and 0.5%
transverse steel ratios are the lower limits of transverse steel currently specified in the SGS for
SDC B and C, respectively.
In these figures, the SGS implicit equations for displacement capacity are shown super
imposed on the curves for reference. Also for reference, the limiting concrete compressive strain
limit is the same as that in the SGS, and this corresponds to the limit for PL2 in this report. The
tensile limit in the following plots are for PL1, and these limits are shown with a blue diamond.
Thus, the curves provide a reference point for the new tensile limit for PL1 compared with the
life safety limit state of the SGS.
When compared with the SGS displacement capacities, it can be seen that for the higher
axial loads, incipient bar buckling (tensile strain limit) generally controls over the compressive
strains. For the lower axial loads, incipient bar buckling and the compressive crushing limits
are generally closer to one another. If the higher crushing limits (1.4x factor) were used to
generate a new PL1 set of pushover curves, then the new tensile strain limits would generally
control for the lower axial loads.
For RCFSTs, the steel tensile strain limit corresponds to the observed fracture strain of
RCFST systems (Brown et al. 2015).
Figure 24. Pushover curves for 48-in. diameter columns (Source: Goodnight et al. 2017a).
Figure 25. Pushover curves for 60-in. diameter columns (Source: Goodnight et al. 2017a).
k = 0.2 − 1 ≤ 0.08 Factor for Plastic Hinge Length
LSP = 0.15fye • dbl Strain Penetration Length
Settlement Limits
The settlement limits for abutments are shown in terms of angular distortions. This angular
distortion was defined by the relative settlement between the approach fill and the bridge abut-
ment. Usually an approach slab with a length of 25 feet to 30 feet will provide the transition.
Where no approach slab is used, the discussion of geometric offsets (Article 2.4.4 of the AASHTO
guidelines) applies.
For a pile-supported abutment, the distortion results from the settlement of the fill and the
underlying soil during or following seismic shaking. Normally, the pile-supported abutment
would be assumed to undergo negligible settlement during the seismic event. For abutments
supported on spread footings, the angular distortion would be caused by densification of
material forming the approach fill, as well as any relative settlement of the abutment because
of its imposed loads. Soil beneath the spreading footing below the approach fill and the footing
would normally be assumed to be equal.
Settlement is assumed to result from the densification that takes place in loose granular
soils located above the groundwater or from liquefaction and subsequent dissipation of excess
pore-water pressures located below the groundwater table. Various methods are available for
estimating settlement of the soil. These include empirical relationships for liquefied soils devel-
oped by Tokimatsu and Seed (1987) and by Ishihara and Yoshimine (1992), cone penetrometer
test methods recommended by Zhang et al. (2004), or through laboratory testing methods.
Amounts of settlement estimated by these methods depend on the density of the cohesion-less
soils, the level of induced shear stress and strain during the seismic event, and the thickness of the
liquefiable layers. For dry soils, approaches developed by Silver and Seed (1971), Youd (1972),
and Pyke et al. (1975) have been used. Factors affecting the settlement of dry sand include
relative density, shear stress or strain amplitude, and layer thickness. Most fills above the water
table have been compacted as part of approach fill construction, and therefore the most signifi-
cant concern occurs where abutment fills are supported on liquefiable soils. These settlements
can be estimated using procedures noted above.
The settlement limits for the PL1, PL2, and PL3 performance levels in Table 16 were developed
using conclusions from NCHRP Web-Only Document 245: Bridge Superstructure Tolerance to
Total and Differential Foundation Movements (Moon et al. 2017). These results are presented
in terms of support movement, where the support settles relative to the adjacent piers or to the
approach slab at the abutment. Tolerable movements for ride quality are rotations less than 1/250.
Guidance is provided for both simple and continuous spans in NCHRP Web-Only Document 245.
For the seismic case given in Table 16, the approach fill settles relative to the abutment; however,
the same angular rotation applies.
NCHRP Web-Only Document 245 defined the angular rotation limits consistent with require-
ments in the current AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications. These limits are applicable for
PL1, the life safety performance level in AASHTO. Under this level of differential movement,
acceptable performance for gravity loading is assumed to occur. This recommendation means
that for full operations (PL3) of the bridge following a seismic event, an angular rotation at
the abutment of <1/250 could occur and still be within the guidance set in NCHRP Web-Only
Document 245. In other words, as long as the angular rotation is less than this amount, full
operations would be allowed, consistent with current AASHTO guidance. With this inter
pretation, angular rotations for the PL1 and PL2 performance limits would be higher, since these
limits are for life safety and limited use. Allowable rotations of 1/50 and 1/100 were identified
for PL1 and PL2, respectively, based on the assumption that any use of the bridge would be
limited to emergency vehicles and speed would be controlled. For a typical 25-foot long
approach slab, the relative movement between the approach fill and the abutment would be
approximately 1 in., 3 in., and 6 in. for the PL3, PL2, and PL1, respectively, based on the perfor-
mance limits identified in Table 16.
The recommended angular rotation assumes that all settlement occurs within and below the
approach fill and the deep foundations supporting the abutment do not settle during the seismic
event. If the abutment is supported on spread footings, then the relative movement is between the
base of the spread footing and the top of the approach fill. In either case, the geotechnical engineer
would use current empirical, numerical, or test data to estimate the amount of relative movement.
If the interior bents for the bridge are also supported on spread footings, the allowable move-
ment in terms of angular rotation of the footing relative to adjacent bents can be estimated using
the methodology in NCHRP Web-Only Document 245.
settlement. If ground improvement is used to limit the development of liquefaction, then the
potential for lateral movement can be evaluated using either simplified pseudo-static stability
analysis method with Newmark-type displacement estimates or by numerical modeling. In
some situations, the displacement of interior bents must also be considered if the zone of lateral
spreading or flow extends beyond the abutment. Again, either the simplified pseudo-static
stability analysis method with Newmark-type displacement estimates or numerical modeling
can be used to assess this condition.
of the structural system, structure type, amount of nonlinear behavior expected in the soils,
and magnitude of the constructed value. These divisions are a step beyond what is currently
addressed in the Seismic Guide Specifications, but the research team thought this was needed
to ensure the appropriate level of analysis and assessment was applied for structures whose
behavior may be complex.
The guidelines rely on the methods of demand analysis and capacity assessment that have
been implemented in the Seismic Guide Specifications and LRFD Bridge Design Specifications,
as they have proved reliable and effective and will work equally well in the performance-based
framework. In addition, the direct displacement-based design method has been introduced in an
AASHTO document as an alternative approach to analysis and design. This method, which in a
strictly analytical form has been referred to as the substitute structure method, directly accounts
for the inelastic behavior of a structural system both in terms of a secant stiffness, as well as the
damping associated with inelastic deformations. The method can be cumbersome when applied
to multi-degree of freedom systems but avoids many of the inherent assumptions of elastic
methods that lead to less accuracy in results.
Seismic Hazard
The designer is directed to determine the need for site-specific hazard and site-specific ground
response analyses, in consultation with the owner. These site-specific analyses are typically more
accurate than national hazard maps because they are based on studies of local site conditions.
The decision to use site-specific analyses should primarily be based on (1) the operational
category of the bridge (a higher category equates to a more rigorous analysis) and (2) properties
of the soil profile at the bridge site. Both the upper and lower ground motion level shown in
Table 17 should be considered in the study.
For each return period in Table 17, a response spectrum is constructed using the appropriate
references to the AASHTO Guide Specifications for national hazard maps and site coefficients.
The seismic hazard level is then obtained using the spectral acceleration value (SD1), as shown
in Table 18.
I E1 A1 C3 B2 C3 C3 b
II E2 B1 D2 C2 D2 D3 b
III C1 b D2 b D3 b
IV D1 b D2 b D3 b
Note: Sets of bridge attributes (i.e., Basic, Intermediate, and Complex) are described in Table 21 and further
elaborated in Step 8 of the AASHTO guidelines.
If a bridge is located on a site where the Hazard Level is III or IV for the lower level ground motion and requiring
fully operational performance (essentially elastic behavior as specified for PL3 in Table 16) would place an
unreasonable burden on the design, owner may reduce the performance level to PL2. In this case, yield must be
expected in the columns, and demand and capacity assessment requirements should be as in Table 21 for PL2
and not as in Step 10 of the AASHTO guidelines.
b Design requirements selected by owner on a case-by-case basis.
Table 20. Basic requirements for each seismic design category (Guidelines Table 3.1-8).
Table 21. Demand analysis and capacity assessment requirements for upper level ground motion
(Guidelines Table 3.1-9).
Hazard Capacity
Bridge Attributesa Performance Level SDC Demand Analysisb
Level Assessmentc
Basic Life Safety, PL1 I A1 None Connection Strength Check
• Regular
II B1 Equivalent Static Analysis Implicit Method B
• Conventional III C1 Elastic Dynamic Analysis Implicit Method C
IV D1 Nonlinear Static Procedure
• Linear soils
• Low-to-moderate Operational, PL2 I B2 Equivalent Static Analysis Demand Capacity Ratio Method
value of
construction II C2 Elastic Dynamic Analysis Nonlinear Static Procedure
Fully Operational, PL3 I C3 Elastic Dynamic Analysis Demand Capacity Ratio Method
Intermediate Life Safety, PL1 I A1 None Connection Strength Check
• Irregular
II B1 Elastic Dynamic Analysis Implicit Method B
• Conventional III C1 Elastic Dynamic Analysis Implicit Method C
IV D1 Nonlinear Static Procedure
• Nonlinear soils
• Liquefaction Operational, PL2 I B2 Equivalent Static Analysis Demand Capacity Ratio Method
II C2 Elastic Dynamic Analysis Nonlinear Static Procedure
• Moderate-to-high
value of III-IV D2
Fully Operational, PL3 I C3 Elastic Dynamic Analysis Demand Capacity Ratio Method
Complex Life Safety, PL1 I C3 Elastic Dynamic Analysis Demand Capacity Ratio Method
• Irregular
II D2 Nonlinear Static Procedure
• Nonconventional III-IV d Nonlinear Response History Nonlinear Response History
Operational, PL2 I C3 Elastic Dynamic Analysis Demand Capacity Ratio Method
• Nonlinear soils
• Liquefaction II D2 Nonlinear Static Procedure
• High value of III-IV d Nonlinear Response History Nonlinear Response History
construction Fully Operational, PL3 I-IV d Linear Elastic Response Demand Capacity Ratio Method
a, b, c
See Steps 9 and 10 of the AASHTO guidelines for definitions of terms and explanation of methods.
d Design requirements selected by owner on a case-by-case basis.
The designer is directed to Articles 6.2 and 6.8 of the AASHTO Guide Specifications for the
geoseismic hazard evaluation and liquefaction assessment, respectively.
Capacity Design
There is an underlying assumption in the displacement-based seismic design methodology
utilized in the Seismic Guide Specifications that seismic loadings will control the design of the
main elements of the ERS and that inelastic behavior up to and beyond plastic hinge formation
will occur. This forms the basis of the capacity design philosophy, wherein the remaining
elements of the structure are proportioned to resist the maximum loads that can be developed
by the ERS. However, when the ERS is expected to remain essentially elastic even at the upper
level ground motions, proportioning the remainder of the structure for the full plastic capacity
of the ERS may require an impractically large set of design loads and a resulting design that
is excessively costly. This would seem to argue for the abandonment of capacity protection
principles when the structure is designed for elastic performance during the upper level ground
motions. However, a critical look at the performance of bridges during past earthquakes would
indicate that a certain amount of humility regarding the ability to predict the magnitude of
future events and the performance of the built environment when subjected to seismic motions
is in order.
This leads to two options: one, require at least some form of capacity protection even when
elastic performance is provided or, two, include an additional factor to account for uncertainties
that are normally covered by conservatism in the displacement capacities calculated and the
over-strength material factors used. The approach taken in the Guidelines is to strongly
encourage the adoption of the capacity protection philosophy and requirements of the Seismic
Guide Specifications even when elastic performance is targeted. If the designer chooses not to
utilize capacity protection design, then an additional factor of 1.5 is applied to the loads from
the demand analysis.
This factor is largely based on judgment. However, some rational basis should perhaps be
provided that could account for bridge size, importance, or some other attribute. Because many
major or significant bridges are often designed for project-specific criteria that may require
elastic response for a 2500 year return period ground motion, perhaps the factor should be
the ratio of the 2500 year site-adjusted 1-second spectral acceleration to that of the 1000 year
site-adjusted 1-second spectral acceleration. This will vary according to tectonic, geologic,
and topographic settings, but the intent would be to have enough capacity to withstand the
2500 year ground motion elastically if capacity protection is not used.
Design Examples
The proposed design examples were developed under Task 9. Because PBSD is an iterative
process and many of the key decisions can involve owner input and conflicting goals and priori-
ties, they were developed as if an actual design for a bridge were being conducted. The proposed
design examples include some nonlinear directionality to exhibit the expected path that PBSD
projects may take.
In addition to the design examples, a comparative study of a simple SDOF bridge structure
was undertaken to explore the reasonableness of the proposed methodology at sites across the
country, for representative column dimensions and loadings, and using traditional as well as
DDBD methods of analysis. This study is included with this report and titled Appendix A.
Background Information
The current versions of both the AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications and the AASHTO
Guide Specifications for LRFD Seismic Bridge Design use maps that are based on the 2002
U.S. Geological Survey seismic hazard modeling efforts, which are now considered out of date.
As detailed in the two specifications, both versions use a standard spectral shape and site
coefficients keyed to three mapped accelerations at 0.0 s (for PGA), 0.2 s, and 1.0 s to develop
the design spectrum for any location, as illustrated in Figure 27. The original scope for the
work in this phase was based on the use of the 2014 U.S. Geological Survey hazard model for
the new maps and the 2015 NEHRP site factors to account for the effects of soil on the seismic
hazards. However, there are some challenges associated with this approach. A new hazard
model, the 2018 model, has been developed by the U.S. Geological Survey and represents the
best understanding of the seismic hazard.
Based on a better understanding of site effects across the country, application of the 2015
NEHRP site factors would likely involve more sites that will require site-specific ground response
analyses than the previous site factors. Specifically, the updated NEHRP factors require perfor-
mance of site-specific analyses for higher spectral accelerations in Site Classes D and E, as well
as the previous requirement to conduct site-specific analyses for Site Class F. This represents a
significant increase in the amount of site-specific analysis over what was previously required.
The 2018 hazard model uses the current state of knowledge and includes significant advances
that have occurred in earthquake hazard modeling since the 2014 efforts. The advances involve
significant differences in the approach taken to the 2018 hazard model that will require consid-
eration by AASHTO before deciding on a path forward. These include
• A multi-period spectrum (22 periods) from 0 to 10 seconds is provided, rather than just
3 spectral periods. This allows direct application of the mapped values, rather than as input
to a pre-determined spectrum shape.
• Soil effects are directly included in the modeling, with input of the time-averaged shear wave
velocity in the upper 30 meters (Vs30), resulting in the appropriately modified spectrum
being supplied. The existing Site Classes A through E are further refined into a total of eight,
including three additional Site Classes BC, CD, and DE, plus Site Class F.
• Deep sedimentary basin effects are included for key areas that are strongly influenced by
these effects. This is especially important in the Pacific Northwest and Southern California.
• Updated attenuation models are included using the results of the NGA–East initiative, which
will be especially important in the central and eastern United States.
Figure 28 shows multi-period spectra for Salt Lake City for the refined site classes contained
in the 2018 hazard model. As opposed to the flat-topped spectra currently used and shown in
Figure 27, these spectra do not truncate the acceleration values in the region of peak spectral
Three main options were investigated for implementing updated mapping in the AASHTO
specifications. The first option would be to proceed as scoped and utilize the 2014 mapping
data and 2015 NEHRP site factors, including additional requirements for site-specific ground
response analyses. The second option would be to utilize the 2018 mapping data but keep the
3-period spectrum construction and the separate soil factors based on the 2015 NEHRP site
classes. The third option would be to utilize the 2018 data with the multi-period spectra and
the soil effects built into the mapping data. Each option is more fully described as follows.
Soil Classes A, B, BC, C, CD, D, DE, and E. These data are contained in Guidelines for Performance-
Based Seismic Bridge Design (to be published by AASHTO) and fully define the seismic hazard
for a return period of 1000 years (actually, 7% probability of exceedance in 75 years).
A comparison of design spectra from the current AASHTO provisions (based on the 2002
U.S. Geological Survey hazard model and 1997 NEHRP site factors) and the multi-period spectra
from the 2018 U.S. Geological Survey hazard model has been made for 17 cities across the
continental United States and is shown in Appendix B to this report. Comparisons for the cities
listed in Table 23 were developed in terms of acceleration response spectra, which is typically
used in seismic design, as well as the displacement response spectra, which has application when
utilizing a nonlinear or pseudo nonlinear approach, such as the DDBD method. Comparisons
of the PGA values are also presented, as these are often used in geotechnical evaluations of
seismic slope stability and liquefaction triggering.
The 2018 U.S. National Seismic Hazard Model eliminates the need to use a classical Newmark
spectrum shape and separate site coefficients and thus results in a design spectrum that is more
closely associated with the site-specific uniform hazard spectrum. This is evident for both the
acceleration and displacement spectra. For example, the slope of the displacement spectra
reduces as the period increases (which is consistent with actual ground motion records), as
opposed to constant-slope displacement spectra without a corner period.
Alaska and Hawaii were not included in the 2018 hazard model; however, approximate data
sufficient to develop the 22-period spectra are being developed by the U.S. Geological Survey
based on the latest hazard models available for these states and generic spectral shapes developed
using the 2018 hazard model for the conterminous (or contiguous) United States.
When evaluating the comparisons presented, it is useful to first compare the current AASHTO
spectrum and the 2018 hazard model spectrum for Soil Class B. This is the reference spectrum,
with no soil effects included. It has been referred to in the past as the “B-C boundary” hazard,
and is intended to represent the level of motion at the top of a bedrock layer (i.e., bedrock
outcrop at the ground surface) with a Vs30 of 760 m/s, without any amplification or damping of
the motions that might occur as the motions are affected by overlying soil layers. By comparing
these spectra, the differences in the reference hazard can be evaluated, separate from soil effects.
Two trends become apparent in reviewing the acceleration spectra for Soil Class B:
• For the locations examined in the western portion of the country, the hazard has generally
(but not everywhere) decreased at the B-C boundary.
• For the locations examined in the eastern portion of the country, the hazard levels are very
similar between current AASHTO and the 2018 hazard model, although reductions in the
long period spectral displacements are observed.
The 2018 hazard model uses updated ground motion models (e.g., Next Generation Attenu-
ation Relationships) and updated source models (e.g., UCERF3 and CEUS-SCC) for both the
western and eastern United States. Differences in the Site Class B hazard are primarily due to
the effect of using these models, which vary geographically and can compound or offset each
other. Other factors contributing to the difference include updates to methods for handling of
uncertainty and basin effects for four urban areas.
Comparing the spectra for increasingly soft soils, from Soil Classes C through E, shows more
dramatic changes with respect to the current AASHTO provisions. The method normally used
in AASHTO to account for soil effects is to modify the reference hazard at the B-C boundary
using site factors based on the properties of the soil in the top 30 meters at the three spectral
periods that define the standard curve. The factors used in AASHTO are the original site factors
developed in the early 1990s as a result of efforts at NEHRP agencies and are given in tables
depending on the site class as well as the values of the spectral acceleration at 0.0, 0.2, and
1.0 seconds. These site factors were developed for soils in the western United States, but they are
used nationwide. Furthermore, with recent work of the seismic community, it was found that
both the 1997 and 2015 NEHRP site factors can be inaccurate relative to direct consideration of
soil effects through the ground motion models.
In contrast, the 2018 hazard model includes the effects of soil directly via the ground motion
models for all 22 periods of the design spectrum, and this allows the site effects to be considered
separately for each seismic source and its distance. Furthermore, the soil effects are now based
on the specific regions of the country, and the differences between the western versus central and
eastern United States are significant. Additionally, U.S. Geological Survey has included inter-
mediate shear wave velocities, Vs30s, for use in developing a site-adjusted design spectrum, and
this provides improved choices for the site input data, almost doubling the number of site
classifications that can be used.
Sedimentary basin effects, which are a deeper form of soil effects, have been included in the
2018 hazard model for four key regions: Seattle, San Francisco, Los Angeles, and Salt Lake City.
Inclusion of basin effects elsewhere is not yet complete and will continue into future U.S.
Geological Survey hazard update cycles.
As a result, there are marked changes from the current AASHTO provisions, depending on
which part of the country is considered. For the western locations, there is in general an increase
in the design spectra for significant portions of the period range for Site Classes D and E. The
shapes of the 2018 hazard model spectra are more consistent with what has been seen when
performing site-specific analyses, in that short-period motions tend to be damped by the non
linear behavior of the soil, while motions at longer periods show amplification. This has not
always been the case with the current methods in AASHTO.
In the eastern portion of the country, there are dramatic reductions in design spectra for
the softer soil sites, especially in the longer period (T > 3 s) displacement spectra. Generally
speaking, this is due to the use of relationships for soil effects that are more representative of
soils found in the eastern portion of the country, rather than relationships originally developed
for the western United States.
Comparing the PGA charts for the various locations, a similar trend is seen with lower
Site Class B PGA values in the West for the 2018 hazard model but larger Site Classes D and E
PGA values. For sites in the East, the PGA values for Site Classes D and E are often less than the
current AASHTO values.
In summary, locations in the western United States would see reductions (but not everywhere)
in the hazard for firm soil and rock sites but increases in the hazard on softer soil sites. For the
eastern United States, the hazard for firm soil and rock sites would be similar to what is currently
specified but for softer soil sites, especially Site Class E, there could be dramatic reductions in
the design spectrum.
approximated by applying 1997 NEHRP site coefficients), and basin effects for several high-
population areas. The soil effects included account for the differences in soil behavior across the
nation. Additionally, a 22-period construction is used to define a unique spectral shape for each
site. In short, the 2018 hazard model is the best current science on defining the hazard posed by
earthquake ground motions at the national level.
A comparison with the current AASHTO-prescribed hazard, as defined by the mapping and
design spectrum construction methods contained in the latest versions of both the AASHTO
LRFD Bridge Design Specifications as well as the Guide Specifications for LRFD Seismic Bridge
Design, indicates several generalizations can be made. First, the base hazard level, as defined by
the design spectrum for Site Class B, is relatively similar for sites in the western United States.
Second, the soil effects in the western United States tend to increase the hazard significantly over
current AASHTO hazard, especially for the softer soil classifications of D and E. Third, some
sites in the western United States, such as Seattle, experience a significant increase in hazard at
longer spectral periods, due to the inclusion of basin amplifications. Finally, and most trouble-
some, the hazard in the central and especially eastern United States is dramatically lower with
the 2018 hazard model for softer soil sites.
The current level of awareness related to seismic design in the central and eastern
United States and the level of design that has resulted have taken many years of effort to develop.
There is a concern that this would be negatively impacted by the adoption of a hazard model
with substantially lower base seismic hazards for this area of the country. Merely adopting the
2018 hazard model, without other potential updates, would result in a substantial decrease in
the ability of bridges designed using this model to resist seismic motions.
A number of methods can be considered to attempt to alleviate this apparent problem.
The adoption of a 1000 year return period for bridges, as opposed to the 2500 year return
period for buildings, may be partially responsible for the situation. A short study of the 2018
hazard model results for a 2500 year return period did indicate an increase in the hazard for
the central and eastern United States to a more reasonable level, but also resulted in excessive
ground motion levels in the western United States. A simple increase in the return period does
not appear to be a solution to the current issue.
The building industry has transitioned from a pure hazard evaluation to a risk-targeted
design methodology, wherein the probability of collapse when a structure is subjected to
a given level of ground motion is included in the definition of the hazard. The differences
between the hazard in the central and eastern United States versus the western United States
were the main drivers for the adoption of this methodology. This is exactly what is seen in the
comparison of the 2018 hazard model previously presented. It may be that with the exploration
of the updated hazard model for AASHTO, the same conditions that prompted this action in the
building community are now present for the bridge community. Consideration of a risk-targeted
approach may be necessary in order to bring AASHTO in line with the latest developments in
seismic design.
The current AASHTO definition of seismic hazard is based on the uniform hazard approach,
in which the mapped motions have an equal probability of exceedance at any location in the
country. This is a rational, easily understandable approach and has served the bridge community
well over the years it has been utilized. However, there are some shortcomings to this approach.
The uniformity of exceedance probability is only assured at the specific return period selected.
In reality, the variation in seismic hazard with return period differs substantially across the
nation, with the intensity of motion at western sites rising quickly with return period then
leveling out, while in the central and eastern United States, the intensity remains low until
longer return periods, where it grows more rapidly. Since the choice of return period is arbitrary,
the differences in design motion across the country based on this choice, and arising from the
differences in hazard with return period, also become somewhat arbitrary. A risk-targeted
approach takes into account the full hazard curve and is based on the idea of an equal prob-
ability of collapse or some other damage state, rather than simply the equal probability of a
certain motion occurring during a specified time period (e.g., 75 years).
Based on the information developed and compared as part of this project, it appears the best
course of action is for AASHTO to consider a risk-targeted approach and develop the approach
for bridges to a consistent level with the uniform hazard approach, make comparisons similar
to what was done in this project to evaluate the effects on various locations across the country,
and then decide which approach is best suited to the bridge community.
Conclusions and
Suggested Research
The preceding chapters detailed the development of the proposed AASHTO Guidelines for
Performance-Based Seismic Bridge Design.
A comprehensive literature review was conducted that focused on developments subsequent
to the work contained in NCHRP Synthesis 440. Based on these findings, a methodology was
developed that implements performance-based seismic design using three main performance
levels and two seismic hazard levels. The heart of the methodology is a set of EDPs that relate
design parameters to the desired performance levels and are primarily based on limiting strains
in structural members. A robust matrix of required analysis methods and capacity determination
methods is specified consistent with the desired performance levels. Appendices are included to
provide more detailed guidance on the level of assumed damping and the DDBD method for
seismic analysis and design consistent with PBSD. Case studies are included in an appendix
to demonstrate how the guidelines can be applied to the design of a reinforced concrete
bridge column.
Suggested Research
During the creation of the proposed AASHTO guidelines, it became apparent that there were
significant differences between the results of elastic analyses and results from the use of the
substitute structure method. The main source of the differences is thought to be the estimates
of damping that were used in the original development of the equal displacement assumption.
Resolution of this issue requires additional research, which is strongly recommended.
The approach implemented in these guidelines is not fully probabilistic; the tie between
desired performance level and the resulting loss estimates has yet to be made. Sufficient research
exists to make this connection for earthquake resistance systems that utilize reinforced concrete
columns, but only for a relatively narrow class of column designs, and not for other elements
that may be used to resist seismic motions in the inelastic range. Further research is needed in
this area to develop fully probabilistic PBSD.
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