Environmental Science 1544127102
Environmental Science 1544127102
Environmental Science 1544127102
Environmental Science
a Canadian perspective
Preface ix
Glossary 795
Bill Freedman: an appreciation
Bill Freedman (1950-2015) was a colleague at Dalhousie University and was also a neighbor down the street from me. I
was chair of the committee that recommended him for a position in the Biology Department in 1979 and later Bill became
my department chair. We shared many ecological interests and often walked together. So I knew Bill both personally and
When Bill arrived at Dalhousie University in 1979, he threw himself into intensive field work. His graduate students
became well versed in field skills and many have gone on to play key environment-related roles in Nova Scotia and
elsewhere. Bill was a superb supervisor.
Bill authored or co-authored over 100 refereed research papers. Collectively they could be described as quantitative
descriptions of natural and human-stressed habitats and their associated flora and fauna. Those studies continue to
provide invaluable reference or baseline data on the state of a wide range of aquatic and terrestrial sites in a world
changing ever more rapidly under the influence of humans. Many of the quantitative examples Bill provides in this book
are drawn from those papers.
A lot of Bill’s earliest work focused on effects of acid rain on surface waters and forests and relationships of aquatic
plants and amphibians to acidity. He ventured into assessment of carbon storage in forests well before it became an
important topic, subject to international agreements related to GHGs, and he was one of the first environmentalists to
highlight the potential of protected areas for carbon storage. In later years, he took an interest in urban ecology. He was
especially passionate about the Canadian Arctic, Sable Island and birds.
Bill was a collector, intellectually and physically. His intellectual collection was encyclopedic. There was very little on
land and in fresh waters world-wide that Bill could not make a comment on or cite his own observations.
Bill and George-Anne’s house, strategically located “half way between the Biology Dept. and the squash courts” as
Bill would say, hosted an incredible collection of artifacts including for example, hundreds of old Nova Scotia bottles,
probably a hundred or more wooden decoys, animal carvings, stuffed birds (100 years and older) and all manner of sea
floats and pieces of old fishing gear; their walls were covered with large bird prints, and bookshelves were replete with
old volumes on natural history. Nothing was new; most of the items came from a local flea market which Bill visited
Bill walked the talk as an environmentalist. He was a vegetarian for his last 30 years or so because of concerns about
impacts of livestock on environment. He filled the small spaces around his house with native plants. He had a small
Canadian built car. He volunteered for 25 years on the board of the Nature Conservancy of Canada, several as chair and
conducted related field work as a volunteer. I frequently think about the story I was told by one NCC board member
about the time they all wore horn rimmed glasses with Einstein-like moustaches to one of their meetings, an expression
of their strong affection for Bill, who bore more than a little facial resemblance to Einstein.
Bill never took any kind of conventional holiday. His rest and recovery days were spent birdwatching locally or in the
jungles of Peru or New Guinea, or as a guide on Adventure-Canada tours including their first NW passage tour, or
weeding his native plant garden. He was an inveterate reader and he loved The Blues.
Bill surprised the Biology Dept in 2000 when he volunteered to be chair at a time when no one really wanted to volunteer
because we were all ‘busy’ with our own teaching and research. He served as chair until 2007 with aplomb, while barely
detracting from his research and teaching activities. I never saw Bill get visibly angry; outraged about some injustice
perhaps, but not angry.
Bill spent a good three months or more of that last year updating his textbook, also editing a book on Sable Island, both
labours of love because he knew there was slim chance he would be around much longer.
Bill believed strongly that people are capable of rational action in relation to environmental issues if given “the facts”
and given some options. He was also Canadian to the core. That’s what drove him to write Environmental Sciences,
A Canadian Perspective. It was the first Canadian text on Environmental Science, and he updated it 5 times. The 6th
edition was headed for publication by a prominent academic press, but delays and miscommunications following his
passing led Bill’s spouse, George-Anne, to withdraw it and seek to have it published as a free online text available from
Dalhousie. I strongly encouraged that initiative in part because I think no one would be happier about it than Bill.
It is a wonderful gift: 1097 highly readable, referenced, well-illustrated pages organized under five sections and twenty-
two chapters. The literature cited goes up to mid-2015. With the information and references given, it would require little
effort to assemble the more recent research on any particular topic, e.g., using Google Scholar. I think the book will be
widely and well used by Canadians from coast to coast to coast, and thank George-Anne, Dalhousie University and of
course my friend and much missed colleague Bill for it being so-available.
Environmental Literacy
Environmental literacy can be defined as: “the degree to which people have an objective and well-informed
understanding of environmental issues.” Today, it is extremely important to have a understanding of environmental
issues. This is because the human economy is engaged in a wide range of activities that are causing enormous damage
to the ecosystems that sustain both our species and Earth’s legacy of biodiversity. All around us, this is witnessed by
pollution, climate warming, collapsing fisheries, deforestation, the degradation of agricultural soil, extinctions and
endangerment of species, and other damages.
Nevertheless, we need not be overly pessimistic. If our society takes constructive actions now, or at least soon, it will
not be too late to prevent or repair many of these important environmental problems, which threaten the welfare of
people and most other species. Within limits, humans are prescient creatures, and our society is capable of
implementing a sustainable economy that can support our livelihoods as well as healthy ecosystems.
It is clear, however, that any sustainable economy will involve ways of doing business that are different from those that
have recently been dominant. It will also require fundamental changes in the lifestyles of many people, especially those
living in wealthy countries such as Canada. Ultimately, such socio-economic transformations must involve much less
use of energy, materials, and other resources, in comparison with what many of us take for granted today. A more
respectful attitude toward the natural world is also badly needed.
Achieving such a transformation will depend on citizens having a sound understanding of environmental issues. Any
imposition of restrictions on access to resources will initially be uncomfortable for many people. Nevertheless, I
believe that people will be more willing to soften their lifestyle if they understand the reasons for those changes in the
context of the livelihoods of future generations and ecological sustainability more generally. With such an
understanding, most people will support economic and social changes that conserve the quality of their own and
future environments.
A broad-based environmental literacy will be a key requirement if a country such as Canada is to achieve the difficult
transition into an ecologically sustainable economy. Within that context, this book was developed to help Canadian
students in universities and colleges to have an objective and well-informed understanding of important environmental
A Canadian Textbook
This textbook is intended to provide the core elements of a curriculum for teaching environmental science at the
introductory level in Canadian colleges and universities. This book is suitable for students beginning a program in
environmental science, environmental studies, or sustainability. It is also appropriate for arts students who require a
science elective, and for science students who require a non-major elective. Not many introductory textbooks in
environmental science are written in a way that provides a deep examination of issues that are particularly important
in Canada, and the ways they are being dealt with by governments and society-at-large. Canada has unique national
and regional perspectives that should be understood by Canadian students, and it is regrettable that many of them are
studying from textbooks whose focus is not their own country.
ix | Preface
This book, however, was written from the ground-up to provide Canadian information and examples. This national
context is integrated throughout the text, along with North American and global data that provide a broader
perspective. Special Canadian Focus boxes illustrate important examples of environmental issues in our national
context. At the same time, Global Focus boxes enhance the international context for learning about issues, while In
Detail boxes examine particular topics in greater depth.
Environmental science draws on knowledge and methods from many fields of the sciences and social sciences,
including biology, chemistry, economics, ethics, geography, geology, medicine, physics, political science, sociology, and
statistics. Many environmental specialists adopt an interdisciplinary approach to integrate these different ways of
knowing in order to help understand and prevent environmental damage. This book also adopts an interdisciplinary
approach by drawing on a variety of disciplines. At the same time, however, the choice of topics and the interpretations
offered reflect my own experience and world view as an ecologist – one who has had a rather specialized career
examining the ecological dimensions of environmental problems.
The book is organized into twenty-eight chapters that are grouped into six parts:
Part I
“Ecosystems and Humans” serves as an introduction to the broad field of environmental science. It defines
environmental science, explains the principles of the ecosystem approach, gives an overview of environmental
stressors caused by human activities, and describes various world views.
Part II
“The Biosphere: Characteristics and Dynamics” consists of eight chapters that provide a scientific foundation for much
of what follows:
• Chapter 2 explains the scientific approach to identifying and understanding environmental problems
• Chapter 3 examines the geological, hydrological, and atmospheric characteristics of planet Earth
• Chapter 4 provides a basic understanding of the kinds and transformations energy, along with practical
• Chapter 5 explains the flows and cycles of nutrients
• Chapter 6 examines the overarching implications of evolution for biological and ecological change
• Chapter 7 is an overview of the various levels at which biodiversity can be examined, while also explaining why it is
important for intrinsic reasons as well as the welfare of humans
• Chapter 8 described the major biomes of Earth, from both a global perspective, as well as a Canadian one
• Chapter 9 provides an explanation of the realm of ecology, while also explaining the underlying context of that
subject area to many environmental problems
Preface | x
Part III
“The Human Population” deals with the growth and implications of the human population. It consists of two chapters:
Part IV
“Natural Resources” deals with the resources that humans and all other species need to sustain their livelihoods. It
consists of three chapters:
• Chapter 12 examines the relationship between resources and sustainable development, within the context of the
fields of economics and the more recently emerged perspectives of ecological economics
• Chapter 13 looks at the limited supplies of non-renewable resources, and their place in a sustainable human
• Chapter 14 examines renewable resources, and explains why they are the basic underpinning of any economy that
is sustainable over the longer term
Part V
“Environmental Damages” consists of thirteen chapters that deal with important damages that are being caused by
human activities.
• Chapter 15 explains the broader topics of environmental stressors, as well as the various kinds of pollution and
• Chapter 16 examines gaseous air pollution and the kinds of damage that are caused
• Chapter 17 looks at climate change and how its recent dynamics appear to be forced by anthropogenic increases in
greenhouse gases
• Chapter 18 focuses on metals and other toxic elements and some of their environmental effects
• Chapter 19 explains the causes of acidification, with particular attention to surface waters that have been affected
by “acid rain”, or the deposition of acidifying gases and precipitation
• Chapter 20 examines problems of surface waters that are not covered in other chapters, such as eutrophication
and hydroelectric development
• Chapter 21 looks at oil spills and the damage caused to marine and terrestrial environments
• Chapter 22 explains the various kinds of pesticides and their used, and described case studies of environmental
damages that are associated with their use
• Chapter 23 looks at forestry operations and their environmental effects, with particular attention to ecological
• Chapter 24 examines the environmental effects of agricultural activities
• Chapter 25 explains urban ecology and the benefits that could be achieves by taking a more ecological approach to
planning and the management of green spaces
• Chapter 26 looks at the causes and consequences of warfare, including those that are socioeconomic and others
xi | Preface
that represent environmental damages
• Chapter 27 examines the biodiversity crisis, including extinctions and endangerment of species and even entire
kinds of ecological communities, as well as mitigations that can be applied, such as the designation of protected
areas and the use of softer management practices on working landscapes.
Part VI
“Ecologically Sustainable Development” consists of one chapter that provides a synthesis and conclusion for the book.
• Chapter 28 discusses the process of assessing environmental impacts, provides a synthetic overview of
ecologically sustainable development, and it considers the prospects for Canada and for spaceship Earth
One completely new chapter has been added to this sixth edition – chapter 26 examines the causes and consequences
of warfare. This is a topic that is not often included in environmental textbooks, despite the fact that warfare has
devastating impacts on people, their economy, and the natural world. This chapter has a global focus, but particular
attention is paid to conflicts in which Canada played a significant role.
Of course, a lot of effort has gone into updating the information in this data-rich textbook. This has been done
wherever new data were available, and as a result the information content is fresh and current. Lastly, all of the boxes
have been reviewed and updated, and new ones have been added that highlight emerging issues that are relevant to
Canada, within an international context.
In addition, the book has been thoroughly edited to improve the clarity and accessibility of its language and format,
with an eye to making the content more appealing to undergraduate students.
A special effort has been made to incorporate features that will facilitate learning and enhance an understanding of
environmental science:
• Chapter Objectives are presented at the beginning of each chapter that summarize the anticipated learning
• Key terms are boldfaced where defined in the text, and are listed in a comprehensive glossary
• Canadian Focus boxes illustrate the application of important concepts to Canadian case studies
• Global Focus boxes enhance the international context for learning about environmental issues
• In Detail and Environmental Issues boxes provide additional technical information on selected topics
• Images, Figures, and Tables are abundant throughout, many of them being original analyses of publically available
data, and all with an explanatory caption that is further developed within the text
• Questions for Review are presented at the end of each chapter that provide opportunities to test students’ factual
and conceptual understanding of the material presented in the chapter (sample answers are provided in the
Instructor’s Manual; see below)
Preface | xii
• Questions for Discussion are also presented at the end of each chapter to provide thought-provoking queries that
help to stimulate careful reflection and class discussion
• Exploring Issues questions at the end of each chapter provide activities and exercises that help students to delve
deeper into environmental issues
• References are listed, by chapter, at the end of the book to help guide users to further reading
• A comprehensive Index makes looking up topics easy
• An Instructor’s Manual is available that includes suggested answers to all the questions for review and discussion
at the end of each chapter
• Lecture Templates in a PowerPoint format are available for all chapters, consisting of bulleted lecture notes and
full-colour versions of images, figures, and tables
I am grateful for the help that many busy colleagues and other professionals have provided over the years and editions
during which this book has been developed. These helpful persons offered an extremely valuable service by informally
reviewing draft material and by making important ideas and information available to me. Inevitably, I was not able to
incorporate all of the criticisms and suggestions, sometimes because they did not correspond with my own
interpretation of the subject matter. However, the overwhelming majority of suggestions and criticisms offered by
these people resulted in beneficial changes, and they improved the quality of the material.
These helpful colleagues are: Gordon Beanlands, Christine Beauchamp, Stephen Beauchamp, Karen Beazley, Marian
Binkley, Chris Corkett, Ray Cote, Roger Cox, Les Cwynar, Roger Doyle, Peter Duinker, William Ernst, Peter Feige, Tracy
Fleming, George Francis, David Gauthier, Chuck Geale, William Gizyn, Patricia Harding, Chris Harvey-Clarke, Owen
Hertzman, Jeff Hutchings, Adrian Johnston, Joseph Kerekes, Allan Kuja, Roshani Lacoul, Patriia Lane, Brian Le, Judy Loo,
Annette Luttermann, Paul Mandell, Moira McConnell, Ian McLaren, Chris Miller, Pierre Mineau, Gunther Muecke, Neil
Munro, Ram Myers, David Nettleship, David Patriquin, Allan Pinder, Stephen Price, Nigel Roulet, Robert Scheibling, Tara
Steeves, Donald Stewart, Kate Turner, Tony Turner, Torgney Viegerstad, Richard Wassersug, Peter Wells, Mary-Anne
White, Hal Whitehead, Sheilagh Whitley, Martin Willison, Stephen Woodley, and Vince Zelazney.
In addition, the publisher asked instructors at universities and colleges in Canada to provide formal reviews of parts of
the book, in each of its editions. I am grateful to the following instructors for providing that invaluable help and
constructive criticisms. They are: Susan Bare, Linda Campbell, Daniel Catt, Danielle Fortin, Scott Gilbert, Jon Hornung
Richard A. Jarrell, Trudy Kavanagh, Patrick Lane, Cindy Mehlenbacher, Stephen Murphy, Michael Pidwirny, Roberto
Quinlan, Lawton Shaw, Sue Vajoczki, Frank Williams, and Carl Wolfe.
Several personal acknowledgements are also in order. I thank my spouse, George-Anne Merrill, for her patient and
uncomplaining tolerance of my work habits and lifestyle, and for being my best friend in spite of everything I do and
don’t do. Also, my grown children, Jonathan and Rachael, for mysterious motivations that succeeding generations
engender in their parents.
Bill Freedman
Department of Biology
Dalhousie University
Halifax, Nova Scotia
xiii | Preface
Key Concepts
1. Define environmental science and distinguish it from related fields such as environmental studies, ecology, and
2. Explain the complexity of the universe through a hierarchical framework that includes consideration of Earth, life,
and ecosystems at various scales.
3. Identify key principles of the ecosystem approach to conserving natural resources.
4. Describe how environmental stressors and disturbances can affect species and ecosystems.
5. Explain the history of human cultural evolution in terms of an increasing ability to cope with environmental
constraints on the availability of natural resources and other aspects of economic development.
6. List at least three ways in which humans directly influence environmental conditions.
7. Identify four broad classes of environmental values.
8. Describe five important world views.
9. Understand the diverse issues of the environmental crisis by classifying them into three categories, and give
several examples within each of them.
10. Discuss the environmental effects of humans as a function of two major influences: increases of population and
intensification of lifestyle (per-capita effects).
11. explain the differences between economic growth and ecologically sustainable development.
Every one of us is sustained by various kinds of natural resources – such as food, materials, and energy that are
harvested or otherwise extracted from the environment. Our need for those resources is absolute – we cannot survive
without them. Moreover, the same is true of all other species – every organism is a component of an ecosystem that
provides the means of subsistence.
Collectively, the needs and activities of people comprise a human economy. That economy operates at various scales,
ranging from an individual person, to a family, to communities such as towns and cities, nation-states (such as Canada),
and ultimately the global human enterprise. While an enormous (and rapidly growing) number of people are supported
by the global economy, a lot of environmental damage is also being caused. The most important of the damages are the
depletion of vital natural resources, various kinds of pollution (including climate change), and widespread destruction
of natural habitats to the extent that the survival of many of the natural ecosystems and species of Earth are at grave
These issues are of vital importance to all people, and to all life on the planet. Their subject matter provides the
context for a wide-ranging field of knowledge called environmental studies, an extremely broad field of knowledge that
examines the scientific, social, and cultural aspects of environmental issues. As such, the subject matter of
environmental studies engages all forms of understanding that are relevant to identifying, understanding, and resolving
environmental problems. Within that context, environmental science examines the science-related implications of
Issues related to environmental problems are extremely diverse and they interact in myriad ways. Despite this
complexity, environmental issues can be studied by aggregating them into three broad categories:
These are extremely big issues – their sustainable resolution poses great challenges to people and their economy at all
scales. Nevertheless, it is important to understand that the study of environmental issues should not be regarded as
being a gloomy task of understanding awful problems – rather, the major goal is to identify problems and find practical
ways to repair them and prevent others from occurring. These are worthwhile and necessary actions that represent
real progress towards an ecologically sustainable economy. As such, people who understand and work towards the
resolution of environmental problems can achieve high levels of satisfaction with their contribution, which is
something that helps to make life worth living.
Typical questions that might be examined in environmental science include the following:
1. How large is the human population likely to be in Canada, or on Earth, in 50 or 200 years?
2. How can the use of fossil fuels be integrated into a sustainable economy, in view of the fact that they are non-
renewable resources that do not regenerate?
3. How can we harvest renewable resources (which do have the potential to regenerate) in ways that do not degrade
their stocks, such as cod in Atlantic Canada, wild salmon in British Columbia, wheat and other grains in the Prairie
provinces, and forest resources across much of the country?
4. What ecological damages are caused by various kinds of pollution, such as acid rain, ozone, pesticides, and sulphur
dioxide, and how can these effects be prevented or repaired?
5. Are human influences affecting global climate, and if so, what are the causes and consequences of this effect?
6. Where and how quickly are species and natural habitats becoming endangered or extinct, and how can these
calamities be prevented?
Image 1.1. Planet Earth. Earth is the third closest planet to the Sun, and it is the only place in the universe that is
definitely known to sustain life and ecosystems. Other than sunlight, the natural resources needed to sustain
the human economy are restricted to the limited amounts that can be extracted on Earth. This image of the
Western Hemisphere was taken from a distance of 35-thousand km from the surface of Earth. Source: R.
Stöckli, N. El Saleous, and M. Jentoft-Nilsen, NASA GSFC; http://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/IOTD/
Figure 1.1. Environmental science has an interdisciplinary character. All scientific disciplines are relevant to the
identification and resolution of environmental issues. However, the work requires an interdisciplinary approach
that engages many disciplines in a coordinated manner. This integration is suggested by the overlaps among
the disciplinary fields.
This book deals with the key subject areas of environmental science. To some degree, however, certain non-science
topics are also examined because they are vital to understanding and resolving environmental issues. These non-
science fields include ethics, philosophy, and economics.
Of all of the academic disciplines, ecology is the most relevant to environmental science, and in fact the terms are
often confused. Ecology may be defined simply as the study of the relationships of organisms with their environment.
Ecology is itself a highly interdisciplinary field of study – it mostly involves biology, but knowledge of chemistry,
computer science, mathematics, physics, geology, and other fields is also important. Geography is another
interdisciplinary field that is central to environmental science. Geography can be simply defined as the study of natural
features of Earth’s surface, including climate, soil, topography, and vegetation, as well as intersections with the human
economy. Obviously, ecology and geography are closely related fields.
Increasing numbers of scientists are studying human (or anthropogenic) influences on ecosystems, occurring as a
result of pollution, disturbances, and other stressors. Examples of the major subject areas are:
1. The extraction, processing, and use of non-renewable resources, such as fossil fuels and metals, in ways that do
An environmental scientist is a generalist who uses science-related knowledge relevant to environmental quality, such
as air or water chemistry, climate modelling, or the ecological effects of pollution. Several well-known environmental
scientists who have worked in Canada are: William Rees of the University of British Columbia, who studies ecological
economics and footprints, David Schindler of the University of Alberta, who studies the effects of pollution and climate
change on lakes, Bridget Stutchbury of York University, who examines factors affecting bird conservation, and Andrew
Weaver of the University of Victoria, who studies the causes and consequences of climate change.
Another group of people, known as environmentalists, is also involved with these sorts of issues, especially in the sense
of advocacy. This involves taking a strong public stance on a particular environmental issue, in terms of the need to
address the problem. David Suzuki is perhaps the most famous environmentalist in Canada, because he has so
effectively influenced the attitudes of people through books, television, and other media. Elizabeth May is another
well-known Canadian environmentalist, who has worked to deal with many issues as the director of the Sierra Club of
Canada, and more recently as the head of the Green Party of Canada and a Member of Parliament. A final example is
Paul Watson, a direct-action environmentalist who has worked through the Sea Shepherd Society. He has been
involved in non-governmental “policing” actions, such as the sabotage of vessels engaged in illegal whaling and fishing.
However, any person can be called an environmentalist if they care about the quality of the environment and work
towards changes that would help to resolve the issue. Environmentalists may work as individuals, and they often
pursue their advocacy through non-governmental organizations (NGOs; see Chapter 27 for an explanation of the role
of NGOs in Canada and internationally).
Through these media efforts, as well as his many books, magazine and newspaper articles, and public lectures,
Suzuki has been instrumental in informing a broad public in Canada and other countries about the gravity of
environmental problems, including their scientific and socio-economic dimensions. This is not to say that
everyone agrees with his interpretation of environmental issues. Such issues are always controversial, and
there are people who believe that some environmental problems – even climate change and the effects of
pesticides – are not important. But despite this disagreement, David Suzuki is a highly respected spokesperson
on a wide range of environmental topics. His work is now being advanced through the activities of the David
Suzuki Foundation, an advocacy and research organization founded in 1990 with the aim of enhancing progress
toward an ecologically sustainable human economy (see http://www.davidsuzuki.org/). Suzuki has built a
worldwide following of a broad constituency of people concerned about environmental damage and social
The universe consists of billions of billions of stars and probably an even larger number of associated planets. Our
Earth is one particular planet, located within a seemingly ordinary solar system, which consists of the Sun, eight
planets, three “dwarf” planets, and additional orbiting bodies, such as asteroids and comets.
Earth is the third closest planet to the sun, orbiting that medium-sized star every 365 days at an average distance of
149 million kilometres, and revolving on its own axis every 24 hours. Earth is a spherical body with a diameter of 12,700
kilometres. About 70% of its surface is covered with liquid water, and the remaining terrestrial area of exposed land
and rock is covered mostly with vegetation. With so much of its surface covered with water, one might wonder why
our planet was not named “Water” instead of “Earth.”
The most singularly exceptional characteristic of Earth is the fact that certain qualities of its environment have led to
the genesis and subsequent evolution of organisms and ecosystems. These favourable environmental factors include
aspects of Earth’s chemistry, surface temperature, and strength of gravity.
The beginning of life occurred about 3.5 billion years ago, only 1 billion years following the origin of Earth during the
formation of the solar system. It is not exactly known how life first evolved from inanimate matter, although it is
believed to have been a spontaneous event. On other words, the genesis of life happened naturally, as a direct result of
appropriate physical and chemical conditions.
Aside from the musings of science fiction, Earth is celebrated as the only place in the universe that is known to sustain
life and its associated ecological processes. Of course, this observation simply reflects our present state of knowledge.
We do not actually know that organisms do not exist elsewhere – only that life or its signals have not yet been
discovered anywhere else in the universe. In fact, many scientists believe that because of the extraordinary diversity of
environments that must exist among the innumerable planets of the multitudinous solar systems of the universe, it is
likely that life forms have developed elsewhere. Nevertheless, the fact remains that Earth is the only planet definitely
known to support organisms and ecosystems. This makes Earth an extraordinarily special place. We can consider the
universe at various hierarchical levels (Figure 1.2). The scale ranges from the extremely small, such as subatomic
particles and photons, to the fantastically large, such as galaxies and, ultimately, the universe.
1. individual organisms, which are living entities that are genetically and physically discrete
2. populations, or individuals of the same species that occur together in time and space
3. communities, or populations of various species, also co-occurring at the same time and place
4. landscapes and seascapes (collectively, these are ecoscapes), which are spatial integrations of various communities
over large areas
A species is defined as individuals and populations that can potentially interbreed and produce fertile offspring (see
Chapter 7). The word ecosystem is a generic term that is used to describe one or more communities of organisms that
are interacting with their environment as a defined unit. As such, ecosystems can be organized in a hierarchy – they
may range from small units occurring in discrete microhabitats (such as an aquatic ecosystem contained within a
pitcher plant or in a garden surrounded by pavement) to much larger scales (such as a landscape or seascape). Even the
biosphere can be viewed as being a single ecosystem.
Ecological interpretations of the natural world consider the web-like connections among the many components of
ecosystems in a holistic manner. This ecosystem approach does not view the system as a random grouping of
individuals, populations, species, communities, and environments. Rather, it confirms all of these as being intrinsically
connected and mutually dependent, although in varying degrees, and also as having emergent properties (In Detail 1.1).
An important ecological principle is that all species are sustained by environmental resources: the “goods and services”
that are provided by their ecosystem. All organisms require specific necessities of life, such as inorganic nutrients,
food, and habitat with particular biological and physical qualities. Green plants, for example, need access to an
adequate supply of moisture, inorganic nutrients (such as nitrate and phosphate), sunlight, and space. Animals require
suitable foods of plant or animal biomass (organic matter), along with habitat requirements that differ for each species.
It is important to understand that humans are no different in this respect from other species. Although this
dependence may not always seem to be immediately apparent as we live our daily lives, we nevertheless depend on
environmental resources such as food, energy, shelter, and water to sustain ourselves and our larger economies.
It follows that the development and growth of individual people, their populations, and their societies and cultures are
limited to some degree by environmental factors. Examples of such constraints include excessively cold or dry climatic
conditions, mountainous or otherwise inhospitable terrain, and other factors that influence food production by
agriculture or hunting.
However, humans are often able to favourably manipulate their environmental circumstances. For example, crop
productivity may be increased by irrigating agricultural land, by applying fertilizer, or by managing pests. In fact,
humans are enormously more capable of overcoming their environmental constraints than any other species. This
ability is a distinguishing characteristic of our species.
The human species is labelled by the scientific term Homo sapiens, a two-word name (or binomial) that is Latin for
“wise man.” Indeed, humans are the most intelligent of all the species, with an enormous cognitive ability (that is, an
aptitude for solving problems). When humans and their societies perceive an environmental constraint, such as a
scarcity of resources, they often have been able to understand the limiting factors and to then use insight and tools to
manipulate the environment accordingly. The clever solutions have generally involved management of the environment
or other species to the benefit of humans, or the development of social systems and technologies that allow a more
efficient exploitation of natural resources.
Humans are not the only species that can cope with ecological constraints in clever ways. A few other species have
learned to use rudimentary tools to exploit the resources of their environment more efficiently. For example, the
woodpecker finch of the Galapagos Islands uses cactus spines to pry its food of insects out of fissures in bark and
rotting wood. Chimpanzees modify twigs and use them to extract termites, a favourite food, from termite mounds.
A few such innovations or “discoveries” by other species have even been observed. About 60 years ago in England, milk
was hand-delivered to homes in glass bottles that had a bulbous compartment at the top to collect the cream as it
separated. A few great tits (chickadee-like birds) discovered that they could feed on the cream by tearing a hole in the
cardboard cap of the bottle. Other great tits observed this behavioural novelty and adopted it. The feeding tactic
became widespread and was even adopted by several other species, such as the blue tit. Cream-eating was a clever
innovation, allowing access to a new and valuable food resource.
Although other species have developed behavioural changes that allow more efficient exploitation of their
environment, none have approached the number and variety of innovations developed by humans. Moreover, no other
species has developed a cumulative expertise for exploiting such a broad range of resources. And no other species has
managed to spread these adaptive capabilities as extensively as humans have, in an increasingly global culture.
Unfortunately, humans also have developed an unparalleled ability to degrade resources and ecosystems and to cause
the extinction of other species. The intense damage caused by humans and our economy is, of course, a major element
of the subject matter of environmental science.
Note, however, that these various systems are not mutually exclusive. For example, an agroecosystem includes
elements of biosystems, ecosystems, and socio-cultural systems.
Systems have collective properties, which are based on the summation of their parts. One such property might
be the total number of organisms present in a defined area, which might be measured as the sum of all of the
individual plants, animals, and microorganisms that are estimated to be present.
Systems also have emergent properties, which are revealed only when their components interact to develop
functional attributes that do not exist at simpler, lower levels. For example, harmonies and melodies are
emergent properties of music, as occurs when vocalists, a drummer, a bass and lead guitarist, and a keyboard
player of a rock band all integrate their activities to perform a song. Emergent properties are complex and may
be difficult to predict or manage.
Biological systems provide numerous examples of emergent properties (see Chapter 9). For example, certain
kinds of fungi and algae join together as a life form known as a lichen, which is an intimate, mutually beneficial
relationship (a mutualism). The biological properties of a lichen are different from those of the partner species
(which cannot live apart in nature), and they are impossible to predict based only on knowledge of the alga and
the fungus.
Similarly, assemblages of various species occurring in the same place and time (an ecological community)
develop emergent properties based on such interactions as competition, disease, herbivory, and predation. This
Emergent properties are extremely difficult to predict and often emerge as “surprises,” for example, occurring
when ecosystems are stressed by some human influence. The interconnections within systems are particularly
important: any effects on particular components will inevitably affect all of the others. This extreme complexity
is one of the defining attributes of life and ecosystems, in contrast with physical (or non-biological) systems,
which are less complex.
Systems analysis is the study of the characteristics of systems, including their components, the relationships
among those elements, and their collective and emergent properties. Systems analysis is used to study
commercial, industrial, and scientific operations, usually with the goal of improving their efficiency. It can also
be applied to improve the management of ecosystems being exploited to provide goods and services for use by
the human economy. Ecologists also use systems analysis to better understand the organization and working of
natural ecosystems, regardless of any direct relationship to the harvesting of natural resources. A key result of
many such analyses is that the complexity of the system often precludes accurate predictions.
To see a remarkable example of a musical system with emergent properties, have a look at the video,
Stringfever Bolero at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H5MLNMgpywk
The development and productivity of organisms, populations, communities, and ecosystems are naturally constrained
by environmental factors. These constraints can be viewed as being environmental stressors (or stressors). For
example, an individual plant may be stressed by inadequate nutrition, perhaps because of infertile soil or competition
with nearby plants for scarce resources. Less-than-optimal access to nutrients, water, or sunlight results in
physiological stress, which causes the plant to be less productive than it is genetically capable of being. One result of
this stress–response relationship is that the plant may develop relatively few seeds during its lifetime. Because
reproductive (and evolutionary) success is related to the number of progeny an organism produces to carry on its
genetic lineage, the realized success of this individual plant is less than its potential.
Similarly, the development and productivity of an animal (including any human) are constrained by the environmental
conditions under which it lives. For instance, an individual may have to deal with stresses caused by food shortage or
by difficult interactions with other animals through predation, parasitism, or competition for scarce resources.
The most benign (or least stressful) natural environments are characterized by conditions in which factors such as
moisture, nutrients, and temperature are not unduly constraining, while disturbances associated with disease, wildfire,
windstorm, or other cataclysms are rare. These kinds of relatively benevolent conditions allow the most complex and
biodiverse ecosystems to develop, namely old-growth rainforest and coral reefs. Other environments, however, are
characterized by conditions that are more stressful, which therefore limits their development to less complex
ecosystems, such as prairie, tundra, or desert.
All ecosystems are dynamic, in the sense that they change profoundly, and quite naturally, over time. Many ecosystems
are especially dynamic, in that they regularly experience large changes in their species, amounts of biomass, and rates
of productivity and nutrient cycling. For example, ecosystems that occur in seasonal climates usually have a discrete
growing season, which is followed by a dormant period when little or no growth occurs. To varying degrees, all of the
natural ecosystems of Canada are seasonally dynamic: a warm growing season is followed by a cold dormant period
Ecosystems that have recently been affected by a disturbance (an episode of destruction) are particularly dynamic
because they are undergoing a process of ecological recovery known as succession. Succession occurs in response to
changes associated with natural disturbances such as a wildfire, windstorm, or insect or disease epidemic. These
cataclysmic stressors kill many of the dominant organisms in an ecosystem, creating opportunities for relatively short-
lived species, which may dominate the earlier years of the post-disturbance recovery. Succession also occurs after
anthropogenic disturbances, such as a deliberately lit wildfire or a clear-cut of mature timber.
The dynamics of natural disturbances can be far-reaching, in some cases affecting extensive landscapes. For example,
in most years, millions of hectares of the boreal forest of northern Canada are disturbed by wildfires. Similarly, great
areas may be affected by sudden increases of spruce budworm, a moth that can kill most mature trees in fir–spruce
forest, or by the mountain pine beetle, which kills pine trees. An even more extensive cataclysm ended about 12,000
years ago, when glaciation covered virtually all of Canada with enormous ice sheets up to several kilometres thick.
However, disturbances can also be local in scale. For example, the death of a large tree within an otherwise intact
forest creates a local zone of damage, referred to as a microdisturbance. This small-scale disturbance induces a local
succession of vigorously growing plants that attempt to achieve individual success by occupying the newly available
gap in the forest canopy.
Even highly stable ecosystems such as tropical rainforest and communities of deep regions of the oceans change
inexorably over time. Although catastrophic disturbances may affect those stable ecosystems, they are rare under
natural conditions. Nevertheless, as with all ecosystems, these stable types are influenced by pervasive changes in
climate and by other long-term dynamics, such as evolution.
In fact, natural environmental and ecological changes have caused the extinction of almost all of the species that have
ever lived on Earth since life began about 3.5 billion years ago. Many of the extinctions occurred because particular
species could not cope with the stresses of changes in climate or in biological interactions such as competition,
disease, or predation. However, many of the extinctions appear to have occurred synchronously (at about the same
time) and were presumably caused by an unpredictable catastrophe, such as a meteorite colliding with the Earth. (See
Chapters 7 and 26 for descriptions of natural extinctions and those caused by human influences.)
Environmental stressors and disturbances have always been an important, natural context for life on Earth. So, too,
have been the resulting ecological responses, including changes in species and the dynamics of their communities and
Image 1.2. Modern consumerism results in huge demands for material and energy resources to build and run
homes and to manufacture and operate machines and other goods. In an environmental context, this is
These days, of course, ecosystems are influenced not just by “natural” environmental stressors. In many situations,
anthropogenic influences have become the most important constraining influence on the productivity of species and
on ecosystems more generally. These direct and indirect influences have intensified enormously in modern times.
Humans affect ecosystems and species in three direct ways: (a) by harvesting valuable biomass, such as trees and
hunted animals; (b) by causing damage through pollution; and (c) by converting natural ecosystems to into land-uses
for the purposes of agriculture, industry, or urbanization.
These actions also engender many indirect effects. For example, the harvesting of trees alters the habitat conditions
for the diversity of plants, animals, and microorganisms that require forested habitat, thereby affecting their
populations. At the same time, timber harvesting indirectly changes functional properties of the landscape, such as
erosion, productivity, and the quantity of water flowing in streams. Both the direct and indirect effects of humans on
ecosystems are important.
Humans have always left “footprints” in nature – to some degree, they have always influenced the ecosystems of which
they were a component. During most of the more than 100,000 years of evolution of modern Homo sapiens, that
ecological footprint was relatively shallow. This was because the capability of humans for exploiting their environment
was not much different from that of other similarly abundant, large animals. However, during the cultural evolution of
Certain innovations occurring during the cultural evolution of humans represented particularly large increases in
capability. Because of their great influence on human success, these advances are referred to as “revolutions.” The
following are examples of early technological revolutions:
These and other revolutionary innovations all led to substantial increases in the ability of humans to exploit the
resources of their environment and to achieve population growth (Chapter 10). Unfortunately, enhanced exploitation
has rarely been accompanied by the development of a compensating ethic that encourages conservation of the
resources needed for survival. Even early hunting societies of more than about 10,000 years ago appear to have caused
the extinction of species that were hunted too effectively (Chapter 26).
The diverse effects of human activities on environmental quality are vital issues, and they will be examined in detail in
later chapters. For now, we emphasize the message that intense environmental stress associated with diverse human
activities has become the major factor causing ecological changes on Earth. Many of the changes are degrading the
ability of the environment and ecosystems to sustain humans and their economies. Anthropogenic activities are also
causing enormous damage to natural ecosystems, including to habitats needed to support most other species.
In fact, the environmental and ecological damage caused by humans has become so severe that an appropriate
metaphor for the human enterprise may be that of a malignancy, or cancer. This is a sobering image. It is useful to
dwell on it so that its meaning does not escape our understanding. Humans and their activities are endangering
species and natural ecosystems on such a tremendous scale and rate that the integrity of Earth’s life-support systems
is at risk.
From an ecological perspective, the pace and intensity of these changes is staggering. Moreover, the damage will
become substantially worse before corrective actions are (hopefully) undertaken to reverse the damage and allow an
ecologically sustainable human enterprise to become possible. From a pessimistic standpoint, however, it may prove to
be beyond the capability of human societies to act effectively to fix the damage and to design and implement solutions
for sustainability.
These are, of course, only opinions, albeit the informed views of many environmental specialists. Anticipating the
future is always uncertain, and things may turn out to be less grim than is now commonly predicted. For example, we
might be wrong about the availability of key resources needed to sustain future generations of humans. Still, the clear
indications from recent patterns of change are that the environmental crisis is severe and that it will worsen in the
foreseeable future.
The choice that people make can influence environmental quality in many ways – by affecting the availability of
resources, causing pollution, and causing species and natural ecosystems to become endangered. Decisions
influencing environmental quality are influenced by two types of considerations: knowledge and ethics.
In the present context book, knowledge refers to information and understanding about the natural world, and ethics
refers to the perception of right and wrong and the appropriate behaviour of people toward each other, other species,
and nature. Of course, people may choose to interact with the environment and ecosystems in various ways. On the
one hand, knowledge provides guidance about the consequences of alternative choices, including damage that might
be caused and actions that could be taken to avoid that effect. On the other hand, ethics provides guidance about
which alternative actions should be favoured or even allowed to occur.
Because modern humans have enormous power to utilize and damage the environment, the influence of knowledge
and ethics on choices is a vital consideration. And we can choose among various alternatives. For example, individual
people can decide whether to have children, purchase an automobile, or eat meat, while society can choose whether to
allow the hunting of whales, clear-cutting of forests, or construction of nuclear-power plants. All of these options have
implications for environmental quality.
Perceptions of value (of merit or importance) also profoundly influence how the consequences of human actions are
interpreted. Environmental values can be divided into two broad classes: utilitarian and intrinsic.
1. Utilitarian value (also known as instrumental value) is based on the known importance of something to the welfare
of people (see also the discussion of the anthropocentric world view, below). Accordingly, components of the
environment and ecosystems are considered important only if they are resources necessary to sustain
humans—that is, if they bestow economic benefits, provide livelihoods, and contribute to the life-support system.
In effect, people harvest materials from nature because they have utilitarian value. These necessities include water,
timber, fish and animals hunted in wild places, and agricultural crops grown in managed ecosystems.
Ecological values are somewhat broader utilitarian values—they are based on the needs of humans, but also on
those of other species and natural ecosystems. Ecological values often take a longer-term view. Aesthetic values
are also utilitarian but are based on an appreciation of beauty, but they are subjective and influenced by cultural
perspectives. For instance, environmental aesthetics might value natural wilderness over human-dominated
ecosystems, free-living whales over whale meat, and large standing trees over toilet paper. On the other hand,
aesthetics that are heavily influenced by more anthropogenic considerations might result in the opposite
preferences. Maintaining aesthetic values can provide substantial cultural, social, psychological, and economic
2. Intrinsic value is based on the belief that components of the natural environment (such as species and natural
ecosystems) have inherent value and a right to exist, regardless of any positive, negative, or neutral relationships
with humans. Under this system, it would be wrong for people to treat other creatures cruelly, to take actions that
cause natural entities to become endangered or extinct, or to fail to prevent such occurrences.
As was noted previously, ethics concerns the perception of right and wrong and the values and rules that should
There is also tension between ethical considerations that are individualistic and those that are holistic. For example,
animal-rights activists are highly concerned with issues involving the treatment of individual organisms. Ecologists,
however, are typically more concerned with holistic values, such as a population, species, or ecosystem. As such, an
ecologist might advocate a cull of overabundant deer in a park in order to favour the survival of populations of
endangered plants, whereas that action might be resisted by an animal-rights activist.
Values and ethics, in turn, support larger systems known as world views. A world view is a comprehensive philosophy
of human life and the universe, and of the relationship between people and the natural world. World views include
traditional religions, philosophies, and science, as well as other belief systems. In an environmental context, generally
important world views are known as anthropocentric, biocentric, and ecocentric, while the frontier and sustainability
world views are more related to the use of resources. The anthropocentric world view considers humans as being at
the centre of moral consideration. People are viewed as being more worthy than any other species and as uniquely
disconnected from the rest of nature. Therefore, the anthropocentric world view judges the importance and
worthiness of everything, including other species and ecosystems, in terms of the implications for human welfare.
Image 1.3. According to the biocentric and ecocentric world views, all species have intrinsic value. This does
not, however, mean that one species cannot exploit another. This image of a girl and her puppy was taken in
Kimmirut, southern Baffin Island. Source: B. Freedman.
The biocentric world view focuses on living entities and considers all species (and individuals) as having intrinsic value.
Humans are considered a unique and special species, but not as being more worthy than other species. As such, the
biocentric world view rejects discrimination against other species, or speciesism (a term similar to racism or sexism).
The ecocentric world view considers the direct and indirect connections among species within ecosystems to be
invaluable. It also includes consideration for non-living entities, such as rocks, soil, and water. It incorporates the
biocentric world view but goes well beyond it by stressing the importance of interdependent ecological functions, such
as productivity and nutrient cycling.
The sustainability world view acknowledges that humans must have access to vital resources, but the exploitation of
those necessities should be governed by appropriate ecological, intrinsic, and aesthetic values. The sustainability world
view can assume various forms. The spaceship world view is quite anthropocentric. It focuses only on sustaining
resources needed by people, and it assumes that humans can exert a great degree of control over natural processes
and can safely pilot “spaceship Earth.” In contrast, ecological sustainability is more ecocentric. It considers people
within an ecological context and focuses on sustaining all components of Earth’s life-support system by preventing
human actions that would degrade them. In an ecologically sustainable economy, natural goods and services should be
utilized only in ways that do not compromise their future availability and do not endanger the survival of species or
natural ecosystems.
The attitudes of people and their societies toward other species, natural ecosystems, and resources have enormous
implications for environmental quality. Extraordinary damages have been legitimized by attitudes based on a belief in
the inalienable right of humans to harvest whatever they desire from nature, without consideration of pollution,
threats to species, or the availability of resources for future generations. Clearly, one of the keys to resolving the
environmental crisis is to achieve a widespread adoption of ecocentric and ecological sustainability world views.
Environmental Issues 1.1. Old-Growth Forest: Values in Competition Ethics and values are greatly influenced by
cultural attitudes. Because the attitudes of people vary considerably, proposals to exploit natural resources as
economic commodities often give rise to intense controversy. This can be illustrated by the case of old-growth
rainforest on Vancouver Island.
Old-growth forest in the coastal zone of British Columbia contains many ancient trees, some of which are
hundreds of years old and of gigantic height and girth (see Chapter 23). The cathedral-like aesthetics of old-
growth forest are inspiring to many people, providing a deeply natural, even spiritual experience. Elements of
the culture of the First Nations of coastal British Columbia are based on values associated with old-growth
forest. Whatever their culture, however, few people fail to be inspired by a walk through a tract of old-growth
forest on Vancouver Island. Old-growth forest is also a special kind of natural ecosystem, different from other
forests, and supporting species that cannot survive elsewhere. These ecological qualities give coastal old-
growth forest an intrinsic value that is not replicated elsewhere in Canada. This ecosystem represents a distinct
element of our natural heritage.
Old-growth forest is also an extremely valuable resource because it contains large trees that can be harvested
and manufactured into lumber or paper. If utilized in this manner, old-growth forest can provide livelihoods for
people and revenues for local, provincial, and national economies. Old-growth forest also supports other
economic values, including deer that can be harvested by hunters, and salmon by fishers, as well as birds and
wildflowers that entice ecotourists to visit these special habitats. Intact old-growth forest also provides other
valuable services, such as flows of clean streamwater and assistance in the regulation of atmospheric
concentrations of vital gases such as carbon dioxide and oxygen. At one time, old-growth forest was
widespread on Vancouver Island, but it is now endangered both there and almost everywhere else in Canada.
This has happened largely because old-growth forest has been extensively harvested and replaced by younger,
second-growth stands. The secondary forest is harvested as soon as it becomes economically mature, which
happens long before it can develop into an old-growth condition. The net result is a rapidly diminishing area of
old-growth forest and endangerment of both the ecosystem and some of its dependent species.
The modern environmental crisis encompasses many issues. In large part, however, we can classify the issues into
three categories: population, resources, and environmental quality. In essence, these topics are what this book is
about. However, the core of their subject areas is the following:
• Population
In 2015, the human population numbered more than 7.3 billion, including about 34 million in Canada . At the global
level, the human population has been increasing because of the excess of birth rates over death rates. The recent
explosive population growth, and the poverty of so many people, is a root cause of much of the environmental
crisis. Directly or indirectly, large population increases result in extensive deforestation, expanding deserts, land
degradation by erosion, shortages of water, change in regional and global climate, endangerment and extinction
of species, and other great environmental problems. Considered together, these damages represent changes in the
character of the biosphere that are as cataclysmic as major geological events, such as glaciation. We will discuss the
human population in more detail in Chapters 10 and 11.
• Resources
Two kinds of natural resources can be distinguished. A non-renewable resource is present in a finite quantity. As
these resources are extracted from the environment, in a process referred to as mining, their stocks are inexorably
diminished and so are available in increasingly smaller quantities for future generations. Non-renewable resources
include metals and fossil fuels such as petroleum and coal. In contrast, a renewable resource can regenerate after
harvesting, and if managed suitably, can provide a supply that is sustainable forever. However, to be renewable, the
ability of the resource to regenerate cannot be compromised by excessive harvesting or inappropriate management
practices. Examples of renewable resources include fresh water, the biomass of trees and agricultural plants and
livestock, and hunted animals such as fish and deer. Ultimately, a sustainable economy must be supported by
renewable resources. Too often, however, potentially renewable resources are not used responsibly, which impairs
their renewal and represents a type of mining. The subject area of natural resources is examined in detail in
Chapters 12, 13, and 14.
• Environmental Quality
This subject area deals with anthropogenic pollution and disturbances and their effects on people, their economies,
other species, and natural ecosystems. Pollution may be caused by gases emitted by power plants and vehicles,
pesticides, or heated water discharged into lakes. Examples of disturbance include clear-cutting, fishing, and forest
fires. The consequences of pollution and disturbance for biodiversity, climate change, resource availability, risks to
human health, and other aspects of environmental quality are examined in Chapters 15 to 26.
In a general sense, the cumulative impact of humans on the biosphere is a function of two major factors: (1) the size of
the population and (2) the per-capita (per-person) environmental impact. The human population varies greatly among
and within countries, as does the per-capita impact, which depends on the kind and degree of economic development
that has occurred.
Paul Ehrlich, an American ecologist, has expressed this simple relationship using an “impact formula,” as follows: I = P ×
A × T, where
Calculations based on this simple PAT formula show that affluent, technological societies have a much larger per-
capita environmental impact than do poorer ones.
How does Canada’s impact on the environment compare with that of more populous countries, such as China and
India? We can examine this question by looking at two simple indicators of the environmental impact of both individual
people and national economies: (a) the size of the human population, (b) the use of energy and (c) gross domestic
product (GDP, or the annual value of all goods and services produced by a country). The use of energy is a helpful
environmental indicator because power is needed to carry out virtually all activities in a modern society, including
driving vehicles, heating or cooling buildings, manufacturing industrial products, and running computers. GDP
represents all of the economic activities in a country, each of which results in some degree of environmental impact.
One of the major influences on the environmental impact of any human population is the number of people (the
population size). In this respect, Canada has a much smaller population (35.1 million in 2015) compared to China (1.3
billion), India (1.1 billion), or the United States (321 million) (Figure 1.3a).
However, on a per-person basis, people living in Canada or the U.S. have much larger environmental impacts than do
those living in China or India, as indicated by both per-capita energy use (Figure 1.3c) and per-capita GDP (Figure 1.3e).
This difference is an inevitable consequence of the prosperous nature of the lifestyle of North Americans and other
wealthier people, which on a per-capita basis is achieved by consuming relatively large amounts of natural resources
and energy, while generating a great deal of waste materials. Sometimes this environmental effect of a wealthier
population is referred to as “affluenza”.
However, the per-capita environmental impact is only part of the environmental influence of a country, or of any
human population. To determine the national effect, the per-capita value must be multiplied by the size of the
population. When this is done for energy, China and the U.S. have by far the largest values, while Canada and India are
much less (Figure 1.3b). Still, it is remarkable that the national energy use of Canada, with its relatively small population,
is close to that of India and within an order of magnitude of China, which have enormously larger populations. The
same pattern is true of national the GDPs of those countries.
These observations drive home the fact that the environmental impact of any human population is a function of both
(a) the number of people and (b) the per-person environmental impact. Because of this context, relatively wealthy
countries like Canada have much larger environmental impacts than might be predicted based only on the size of their
population. On the other hand, the environmental impacts of poorer countries are smaller than might be predicted
Figure 1.3. The relative environmental impacts of China, India, Canada, and the United States. The
environmental impacts of countries, and of their individual citizens, can be compared using simple indicators,
such as the use of energy and the gross domestic product. Canada’s relatively small population, compared with
China and India, is somewhat offset by its higher per-capita GDP and use of energy. However, because the per-
capita data for the U.S. and Canada are similar, relative population sizes are the key influence on the
environmental impacts of these two countries. Sources of data: population data are for 2015 (U.S. Census
Bureau, 2015); energy use (all commercial fuels) for 2013 (BP, 2013); GDP for 2013 (CIA, 2014).
Sustainable development refers to development of an economic system that uses natural resources in ways that do not
deplete them or otherwise compromise their availability to future generations. In this sense, the present human
economy is clearly non-sustainable. The reason for this bold assertion is that the present economy achieves rapid
economic growth through vigorous depletion of both non-renewable and renewable resources (see Chapters 12-14).
Economic growth and development are different phenomena. Economic growth refers to increases in the size of an
economy because of expansions of both population and per-capita resource use. This growth is typically achieved by
increasing the consumption of natural resources, particularly non-renewable ones such as fossil fuels and metals. The
rapid use results in an aggressive depletion of vital non-renewable resources, and even renewable ones. In Canada, for
example, considerable economic growth is being achieved by the huge investments of capital needed to mine and
process the great oil-sand resources of northern Alberta (see Canadian Focus 13.1). In contrast, a comparable scale of
investment in renewable energy initiatives, such as wind or solar power, or in energy conservation, would have
contributed more so to sustainable development.
Almost all national economies have been growing rapidly in recent times. Moreover, most politicians, economic
planners, and business people hope for additional growth of economic activity, in order to generate more wealth and to
provide a better life for citizens. At the same time, however, most leaders of society have publicly affirmed their
support of sustainable development. However, they are confusing sustainable development with “sustainable economic
growth.” Unfortunately, continuous economic growth is not sustainable because there are well-known limits due to
finite stocks of natural resources, as well as a limited ability of the biosphere to absorb wastes and ecological damage
without suffering irreversible degradation. This limit is a fundamental principle of ecological economics (see Chapter
Economic development is quite different from economic growth. Development implies a progressively improving
A sustainable economy must be fundamentally supported by the wise use of renewable resources, meaning they are
not used more quickly than their rate of regeneration. For these reasons, the term sustainable development should
refer only to progress being made toward a sustainable economic system. Progress in sustainable development
involves the following sorts of desirable changes:
• increasing efficiency of use of non-renewable resources, for example, by careful recycling of metals and by
optimizing the use of energy
• increasing use of renewable sources of energy and materials in the economy (to replace non-renewable sources)
• improving social equity, with the ultimate goal of helping all people (and not just a privileged minority) to have
reasonable access to the basic necessities and amenities of life
Despite abundant public rhetoric, our society has not yet made much progress toward true sustainability. This has
happened because most actions undertaken by governments and businesses have supported economic growth, rather
than sustainable development. We will further examine these issues in Chapter 12 and other parts of this book.
Sustainable development is a lofty and necessary goal for society to pursue. But if a sustainable human economy is not
attained, then the non-sustainable one will run short of resources and could collapse. This would cause terrible misery
for huge numbers of people and colossal damage to the biosphere.
The notion of sustainability can be further extended to that of ecologically sustainable development. This idea includes
the usual aspect of sustainable development in which countries develop without depleting their essential base of
natural resources, essentially by basing their economy on the wise use of renewable sources of energy and materials.
Beyond that, however, an ecologically sustainable economy runs without causing an irretrievable loss of natural
ecosystems or extinctions of species, while also maintaining important environmental services, such as the provision of
clean air and water. Ecological sustainability is a reasonable extension of sustainability, which only focuses on the
human economy. By expanding to embrace the interests of other species and natural ecosystems, ecological
sustainability provides an inclusive vision for a truly harmonious enterprise of humans on planet Earth. Identifying and
resolving the barriers to ecological sustainability are the fundamental objectives and subject matter of environmental
studies. It provides a framework for all that we do.
Environmental science is a highly interdisciplinary field that is concerned with issues associated with the rapidly
increasing human population, the use and diminishing stocks of natural resources, damage caused by pollution and
disturbance, and effects on biodiversity and the biosphere. These are extremely important issues, but they involve
complex and poorly understood systems. They also engage conflicts between direct human interests and those of
other species and the natural world.
Ultimately, the design and implementation of an ecologically sustainable human economy will require a widespread
Finally, it must be understood that that the study of environmental issues is not just about the dismal task of
understanding awful problems. Rather, a major part of the subject is to find ways to repair many of the damages that
have been caused, and to prevent others that might yet occur. These are helpful and hopeful actions, and they
represent necessary progress toward an ecologically sustainable economy.
1. Define environmental science, environmental studies, and ecology. List the key disciplinary fields of knowledge
that each includes.
2. Describe the hierarchical structure of the universe and list the elements that encompass the realms of biology and
3. Identify the key environmental stressors that may be affecting an ecosystem in your area (e.g., a local park). Make
sure that you consider both natural and anthropogenic stressors.
4. What is the difference between morals and knowledge, and how are these conditioned by personal and societal
5. Explain how cultural attributes and expressions can affect the ways that people view the natural world and
interact with environmental issues.
1. Describe how you are connected with ecosystems, both through the resources that you consume (food, energy,
and materials) and through your recreational activities. Which of these connections could you do without?
2. How are your personal ethical standards related to utilitarian, ecological, aesthetic, and intrinsic values? Think
about your world view and discuss how it relates to the anthropocentric, biocentric, and ecocentric world views.
3. According to information presented in this chapter, Canada might be regarded as being as overpopulated as India
and China. Do you believe this is a reasonable conclusion? Justify your answer.
4. Make a list of the most important cultural influences that have affected your own attitudes about the natural world
and environmental issues.
Exploring Issues
1. You have been asked by the United Nations to devise an index of national and per-capita environmental impacts
that will be used to compare various developed and less-developed countries. Until now, the United Nations has
used extremely simple indicators, such as energy use and gross domestic product, but they now want to use more
realistic data. How would you design better indicators? What do you think would be the most important
components of the indicators, and why?
Armstrong, S.J. and R.G. Botzler. 2003. Environmental Ethics: Divergence and Convergence. McGraw-Hill, Columbus,
Botkin, D. 1992. Discordant Harmonies. A New Ecology for the 21st Century. 2nd ed. Oxford University Press, New York.
Brown, L.R. 2003. Plan C: Rescuing a Planet Under Stress and a Civilization in Trouble. W.W. Norton and Company, New
British Petroleum (BP). 2013. Statistical Review of World Energy 2013. BP, London, UK. https://web.archive.org/web/
Callicott, J.B. 1988. In Defense of the Land Ethic: Essays in Environmental Philosophy. State University of New York
Press, Albany, NY.
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). 2014. The World Factbook. CIA, Langley, VA. https://web.archive.org/web/
DesJardins, J.R. 2000. Environmental Ethics: An Introduction to Environmental Philosophy. 3rd ed. Wadsworth,
Belmont, CA.
Devall, B. and G. Sessions. 1985. Deep Ecology: Living as if Nature Mattered. Peregrine Smith Books, Salt Lake City, UT.
Ehrlich, P. and A.H. Ehrlich. 1991. The Population Explosion. Ballantine, New York, NY.
Evernden, L.L.N. 1985. The Natural Alien: Humankind and Environment. University of Toronto Press, Toronto, ON.
Evernden, L.L.N. 1992. The Social Creation of Nature. Johns Hopkins Press, Baltimore, MD.
Freedman, B. 1995. Environmental Ecology: The Ecological Effects of Pollution, Disturbance, and Other Stresses.
Academic Press, San Diego, CA.
Hargrove, E.C. 1989. Foundations of Environmental Ethics. Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ.
Kuhn, T.S. 1996. The Structure of Scientific Revolutions. 3rd ed. University of Chicago Press, Chicago, IL.
Leopold, A. 1949. A Sand County Almanac. Oxford University Press, New York, NY.
Livingston, J.A. 1994. Rogue Primate: An Exploration of Human Domestication. Key Porter Books, Toronto, ON.
Miller, G.T. 2006. Living in the Environment. Brooks Cole, Pacific Grove, CA.
Nash, R.F. 1988. The Rights of Nature: A History of Environmental Ethics. University of Wisconsin Press, Madison, WI.
Regan, T. 1984. Earthbound: New Introductory Essays in Environmental Ethics. Random House, New York.
Rowe, J.S. 1990. Home Place: Essays on Ecology. NeWest Publishers, Edmonton, AB.
Schumacher, E.F. 1973. Small Is Beautiful. Harper & Row, New York, NY.
Wackernagle, M. and E.E. Rees. 1996. Our Ecological Footprint: Reducing Human Impact on the Earth. New Society
Publishers, Gabriola Island, BC.
White, G.F. 1994. Reflections on changing perceptions on the Earth. Annual Review of Energy and Environment, 19:
White, L. 1967. The Historical Roots of Our Ecologic Crisis. Science 155: 1203–07.
Key Concepts
1. Describe the nature of science and its usefulness in explaining the natural world.
2. Distinguish among facts, hypotheses, and theories.
3. Outline the methodology of science, including the importance of tests designed to disprove hypotheses.
4. Discuss the importance of uncertainty in many scientific predictions, and the relevance of this to environmental
Science can be defined as the systematic examination of the structure and functioning of the natural world, including
both its physical and biological attributes. Science is also a rapidly expanding body of knowledge, whose ultimate goal
is to discover the simplest general principles that can explain the enormous complexity of nature. These principles can
be used to gain insights about the of the natural world and to make predictions about future change.
Science is a relatively recent way of learning about natural phenomena, having largely replaced the influences of less
objective methods and world views. The major alternatives to science are belief systems that are influential in all
cultures, including those based on religion, morality, and aesthetics. These belief systems are primarily directed toward
different ends than science, such as finding meaning that transcends mere existence, learning how people ought to
behave, and understanding the value of artistic expression.
Modern science evolved from a way of learning called natural philosophy, which was developed by classical Greeks and
was concerned with the rational investigation of existence, knowledge, and phenomena. Compared with modern
science, however, studies in natural philosophy used unsophisticated technologies and methods and were not
particularly quantitative, sometimes involving only the application of logic.
Modern science began with the systematic investigations of famous 16th- and 17th-century scientists, such as:
• Nicolaus Copernicus (1473-1543), a Polish astronomer who conceived the modern theory of the solar system
• William Gilbert (1544-1603), an Englishman who worked on magnetism
• Galileo Galilei (1564-1642), an Italian who conducted research on the physics of objects in motion, as well as
• William Harvey (1578-1657): an Englishman who described the circulation of the blood
• Isaac Newton (1642-1727): an Englishman who made important contributions to understanding gravity and the
nature of light, formulated laws of motion, and developed the mathematics of calculus
The English philosopher Francis Bacon (1561-1626) was also highly influential in the development of modern science.
Bacon was not an actual practitioner of science but was a strong proponent of its emerging methodologies. He
promoted the application of inductive logic, in which conclusions are developed from the accumulating evidence of
experience and the results of experiments. Inductive logic can lead to unifying explanations based on large bodies of
data and observations of phenomena. Consider the following illustration of inductive logic, applied to an environmental
• Observation 1: Marine mammals off the Atlantic coast of Canada have large residues of DDT and other chlorinated
hydrocarbons in their fat and other body tissues.
• Observation 2: So do marine mammals off British Columbia.
• Observation 3: As do those in the Arctic Ocean, although in lower concentrations.
Inductive conclusion: There is a widespread contamination of marine mammals with chlorinated hydrocarbons.
Further research may demonstrate that the contamination is a global phenomenon. This suggests a potentially
important environmental problem.
In contrast, deductive logic involves making one or more initial assumptions and then drawing logical conclusions from
those premises. Consequently, the truth of a deductive conclusion depends on the veracity of the original assumptions.
If those suppositions are based on false information or on incorrect supernatural belief, then any deduced conclusions
are likely to be wrong. Consider the following illustration of deductive logic:
• Assumption 1: TCDD, an extremely toxic chemical in the dioxin family, is poisonous when present in even the
smallest concentrations in food and water—even a single molecule can cause toxicity.
• Assumption 2: Exposure to anything that is poisonous in even the smallest concentrations is unsafe.
• Assumption 3: No exposure that is unsafe should be allowed.
The two conclusions are consistent with the original assumptions. However, there is disagreement among highly
qualified scientists about those assumptions. Many toxicologists believe that exposures to TCDD (and any other
potentially toxic chemicals) must exceed a threshold of biological tolerance before poisoning will result (see Chapter
15). In contrast, other scientists believe that even the smallest exposure to TCDD carries some degree of toxic risk.
Thus, the strength of deductive logic depends on the acceptance and truth of the original assumptions from which its
conclusions flow.
In general, inductive logic plays a much stronger role in modern science than does deductive logic. In both cases,
however, the usefulness of any conclusions depends greatly on the accuracy of any observations and other data on
which they were based. Poor data may lead to an inaccurate conclusion through the application of inductive logic, as
will inappropriate assumptions in deductive logic.
Goals of Science
The broad goals of science are to understand natural phenomena and to explain how they may be changing over time.
A higher goal of scientific research is to formulate laws that describe the workings of the universe in general terms.
(For example, see Chapter 4 for a description of the laws of thermodynamics, which deal with the transformations of
energy among its various states.) Universal laws, along with theories and hypotheses (see below), are used to
understand and explain natural phenomena. However, many natural phenomena are extremely complex and may never
be fully understood in terms of physical laws. This is particularly true of the ways that organisms and ecosystems are
organized and function.
Scientific investigations may be pure or applied. Pure science is driven by intellectual curiosity – it is the unfettered
search for knowledge and understanding, without regard for its usefulness in human welfare. Applied science is more
goal-oriented and deals with practical difficulties and problems of one sort or another. Applied science might examine
how to improve technology, or to advance the management of natural resources, or to reduce pollution or other
environmental damages associated with human activities.
A fact is an event or thing that is definitely known to have happened, to exist, and to be true. Facts are based on
experience and scientific evidence. In contrast, a hypothesis is a proposed explanation for the occurrence of a
phenomenon. Scientists formulate hypotheses as statements and then test them through experiments and other forms
of research. Hypotheses are developed using logic, inference, and mathematical arguments in order to explain
observed phenomena. However, it must always be possible to refute a scientific hypothesis. Thus, the hypothesis that
“cats are so intelligent that they prevent humans from discovering it” cannot be logically refuted, and so it is not a
scientific hypothesis.
A theory is a broader conception that refers to a set of explanations, rules, and laws. These are supported by a large
body of observational and experimental evidence, all leading to robust conclusions. The following are some of the most
famous theories in science:
Celebrated theories like these are strongly supported by large bodies of evidence, and they will likely persist for a long
time. However, we cannot say that these (or any other) theories are known with certainty to be true –some future
experiments may yet falsify even these famous theories.
The scientific method begins with the identification of a question involving the structure or function of the natural
world, which is usually developed using inductive logic (Figure 2.1). The question is interpreted in terms of existing
theory, and specific hypotheses are formulated to explain the character and causes of the natural phenomenon. The
research might involve observations made in nature, or carefully controlled experiments, and the results usually give
scientists reasons to reject hypotheses rather than to accept them. Most hypotheses are rejected because their
predictions are not borne out during the course of research. Any viable hypotheses are further examined through
Figure 2.1. Diagrammatic Representation of the Scientific Method. The scientific method starts with a question,
relates that question to a theory, formulates a hypothesis, and then rigorously tests that hypothesis. Source:
Modified from Raven and Johnson (1992).
The scientific method is only to investigate questions that can be critically examined through observation and
experiment. Consequently, science cannot resolve value-laden questions, such as the meaning of life, good versus evil,
or the existence and qualities of God or any other supernatural being or force.
An experiment is a test or investigation that is designed to provide evidence in support of, or preferably against, a
By far the most useful working hypotheses in scientific research are designed to disprove rather than support. A null
hypothesis is a specific testable investigation that denies something implied by the main hypothesis being studied.
Unless null hypotheses are eliminated on the basis of contrary evidence, we cannot be confident of the main
This is an important aspect of scientific investigation. For instance, a particular hypothesis might be supported by
many confirming experiments or observations. This does not, however, serve to “prove” the hypothesis – rather, it only
supports its conditional acceptance. As soon as a clearly defined hypothesis is falsified by an appropriately designed
and well-conducted experiment, it is disproved for all time. This is why experiments designed to disprove hypotheses
are a key aspect of the scientific method.
Revolutionary advances in understanding may occur when an important hypothesis or theory are rejected through
discoveries of science. For instance, once it was discovered that the Earth is not flat, it became possible to confidently
sail beyond the visible horizon without fear of falling off the edge of the world. Another example involved the discovery
by Copernicus that the planets of our solar system revolve around the Sun, and the related concept that the Sun is an
ordinary star among many – these revolutionary ideas replaced the previously dominant one that the planets, Sun, and
stars all revolved around the Earth.
Thomas Kuhn (1922-1995) was a philosopher of science who emphasized the important role of “scientific revolutions” in
achieving great advances in our understanding of the natural world. In essence, Kuhn (1996) said that a scientific
revolution occurs when a well-established theory is rigorously tested and then collapses under the accumulating
weight of new facts and observations that cannot be explained. This renders the original theory obsolete, to be
replaced by a new, more informed paradigm (i.e., a set of assumptions, concepts, practices, and values that constitutes
a way of viewing reality and is shared by an intellectual community).
A variable is a factor that is believed to influence a natural phenomenon. For example, a scientist might hypothesize
that the productivity of a wheat crop is potentially limited by such variables as the availability of water, or of nutrients
such as nitrogen and phosphorus. Some of the most powerful scientific experiments involve the manipulation of key
(or controlling) variables and the comparison of results of those treatments with a control that was not manipulated. In
the example just described, the specific variable that controls wheat productivity could be identified by conducting an
experiment in which test populations are provided with varying amounts of water, nitrogen, and phosphorus, alone
and in combination, and then comparing the results with a non-manipulated control.
In some respects, however, the explanation of the scientific method offered above is a bit uncritical. It perhaps
suggests a too-orderly progression in terms of logical, objective experimentation and comparison of alternative
hypotheses. These are, in fact, important components of the scientific method. Nevertheless, it is important to
understand that the insights and personal biases of scientists are also significant in the conduct and progress of
science. In most cases, scientists design research that they think will “work” to yield useful results and contribute to
the orderly advancement of knowledge in their field. Karl Popper (1902-1994), a European philosopher, noted that
scientists tend to use their “imaginative preconception” of the workings of the natural world to design experiments
based on their informed insights. This means that effective scientists must be more than knowledgeable and
technically skilled – they should also be capable of a degree of insightful creativity when forming their ideas,
hypotheses, and research.
Image 2.1. An experiment is a controlled investigation designed to provide evidence for, or preferably against, a
Much scientific investigation involves the collection of observations by measuring phenomena in the natural world.
Another important aspect of science involves making predictions about the future values of variables. Such projections
require a degree of understanding of the relationships among variables and their influencing factors, and of recent
patterns of change. However, many kinds of scientific information and predictions are subject to inaccuracy. This
occurs because measured data are often approximations of the true values of phenomena, and predictions are rarely
fulfilled exactly. The accuracy of observations and predictions is influenced by various factors, especially those
described in the following sections.
A few phenomena are considered to have a universal character and are consistent wherever and whenever they are
accurately measured. One of the best examples of such a universal constant is the speed of light, which always has a
value of 2.998 × 108 meters per second, regardless of where it is measured or of the speed of the body from which the
light is emitted. Similarly, certain relationships describing transformations of energy and matter, known as the laws of
thermodynamics (Chapter 4), always give reliable predictions.
However, most natural phenomena are not so consistent—depending on circumstances, there are exceptions to
general predictions about them. This circumstance is particularly true of biology and ecology, related fields of science
In large part, the inaccuracies of biology and ecology occur because key functions are controlled by complexes of
poorly understood, and sometimes unidentified, environmental influences. Consequently, predictions about future
values of biological and ecological variables or the causes of changes are seldom accurate. For example, even though
ecologists in eastern Canada have been monitoring the population size of spruce budworm (an important pest of
conifer forests) for some years, they cannot accurately predict its future abundance in particular stands of forest or in
larger regions. This is because the abundance of this moth is influenced by a complex of environmental factors,
including tree-species composition, age of the forest, abundance of its predators and parasites, quantities of its
preferred foods, weather at critical times of year, and insecticide use to reduce its populations (see Chapter 21).
Biologists and ecologists do not fully understand this complexity, and perhaps they never will.
Many natural phenomena are highly variable in space and time. This is true of physical and chemical variables as well
as of biological and ecological ones. Within a forest, for example, the amount of sunlight reaching the ground varies
greatly with time, depending on the hour of the day and the season of the year. It also varies spatially, depending on the
density of foliage over any place where sunlight is being measured. Similarly, the density of a particular species of fish
within a river typically varies in response to changes in habitat conditions and other influences. Most fish populations
also vary over time, especially migratory species such as salmon. In environmental science, replicated (or
independently repeated) measurements and statistical analyses are used to measure and account for these kinds of
temporal and spatial variations.
Accuracy refers to the degree to which a measurement or observation reflects the actual, or true, value of the subject.
For example, the insecticide DDT and the metal mercury are potentially toxic chemicals that occur in trace
concentrations in all organisms, but their small residues are difficult to analyze chemically. Some of the analytical
methods used to determine the concentrations of DDT and mercury are more accurate than others and therefore
provide relatively useful and reliable data compared with less accurate methods. In fact, analytical data are usually
approximations of the real values – rigorous accuracy is rarely attainable.
Precision is related to the degree of repeatability of a measurement or observation. For example, suppose that the
actual number of caribou in a migrating herd is 10,246 animals. A wildlife ecologist might estimate that there were
about 10,000 animals in that herd, which for practical purposes is a reasonably accurate reckoning of the actual
number of caribou. If other ecologists also independently estimate the size of the herd at about 10,000 caribou, there is
a good degree of precision among the values. If, however, some systematic bias existed in the methodology used to
count the herd, giving consistent estimates of 15,000 animals (remember, the actual population is 10 246 caribou), these
estimates would be considered precise, but not particularly accurate.
Precision is also related to the number of digits with which data are reported. If you were using a flexible tape to
measure the lengths of 10 large, wriggly snakes, you would probably measure the reptiles only to the nearest
centimetre. The strength and squirminess of the animals make more precise measurements impossible. The reported
average length of the 10 snakes should reflect the original measurements and might be given as 204 cm and not a value
such as 203.8759 cm. The latter number might be displayed as a digital average by a calculator or computer, but it is
unrealistically precise.
It is rarely useful to report environmental or ecological data to more than 2-4 significant figures. This is because any
more would generally exceed the accuracy and precision of the methodology used in the estimation and would
therefore be unrealistic. For example, the approximate population of Canada in 2015 was 35.1 million people (or 35.1 ×
106; both of these notations have three significant figures). However, the population should not be reported as
33,100,000, which implies an unrealistic accuracy and precision of eight significant figures.
Environmental science is filled with many examples of uncertainty—in present values and future changes of
environmental variables, as well as in predictions of biological and ecological responses to those changes. To some
degree the difficulties associated with scientific uncertainty can be mitigated by developing improved methods and
technologies for analysis and by modelling and examining changes occurring in different parts of the world. The latter
approach enhances our understanding by providing convergent evidence about the occurrence and causes of natural
However, scientific information and understanding will always be subject to some degree of uncertainty. Therefore,
predictions will always be inaccurate to some extent, and this uncertainty must be considered when trying to
understand and deal with the causes and consequences of environmental changes. As such, all information and
predictions in environmental science must be critically interpreted with uncertainty in mind (In Detail 2.1). This should
be done whenever one is learning about an environmental issue, whether it involves listening to a speaker in a
classroom, at a conference, or on video, or when reading an article in a newspaper, textbook, website, or scientific
journal. Because of the uncertainty of many predictions in science, and particularly in the environmental realm, a
certain amount of scepticism and critical analysis is always useful.
Environmental issues are acutely important to the welfare of people and other species. Science and its methods allow
for a critical and objective identification of key issues, the investigation of their causes, and a degree of understanding
of the consequences of environmental change. Scientific information influences decision making about environmental
issues, including whether to pursue expensive strategies to avoid further, but often uncertain, damage.
Scientific information is, however, only one consideration for decision makers, who are also concerned with the
economic, cultural, and political contexts of environmental problems (see Environmental Issues 1.1 and Chapter 27). In
fact, when deciding how to deal with the causes and consequences of environmental changes, decision makers may
give greater weight to non-scientific (social and economic) considerations than to scientific ones, especially when
there is uncertainty about the latter. The most important decisions about environmental issues are made by politicians
and senior bureaucrats in government, or by private managers, rather than by environmental scientists. Decision
makers typically worry about the short-term implications of their decisions on their chances for re-election or
continued employment, and on the economic activity of a company or society at large, as much as they do about the
consequences of environmental damage (see also Chapter 27).
• Is the information derived from a scientific framework consisting of a hypothesis that has been developed
and tested, within the context of an existing body of knowledge and theory in the field?
• Were the methodologies used likely to provide data that are objective, accurate, and precise? Were the data
analyzed by statistical methods that are appropriate to the data structure and to the questions being asked?
• Were the results of the research compared with other pertinent work that has been previously published?
Were key similarities and differences discussed and a conclusion deduced about what the new work reveals
about the issue being investigated?
• Is the information based on research published in a refereed journal—one that requires highly qualified
reviewers in the subject area to scrutinize the work, followed by an editorial decision about whether it
warrants publication?
• If the analysis of an issue was based on incomplete or possibly inaccurate information, was a precautionary
approach used in order to accommodate the uncertainty inherent in the recommendations? All users of
published research have an obligation to critically evaluate what they are reading in these ways in order
to decide whether the theory is appropriate, the methodologies reliable, and the conclusions sufficiently
robust. Because so many environmental issues are controversial, with data and information presented
on both sides of the debate, people need to be able to formulate objectively critical judgments. For this
reason, people need a high degree of environmental literacy—an informed understanding of the causes
and consequences of environmental damages. Being able to critically analyze information is a key personal
benefit of studying environmental science.
The procedures and methods of science are important in the identifying, understanding, and resolving environmental
problems. At the same time, however, social and economic issues are also vital considerations. Although science has
made tremendous progress in helping us to understand the natural world, the extreme complexity of biology and
ecosystems makes it difficult for environmental scientists to make reliable predictions about the consequences of
many human economic activities and other influences. This context underscores the need for continued study of the
scientific and socio-economic dimensions of environmental problems, even while practical decisions must be made to
deal with obvious issues as they arise.
1. Outline the reasons why science is a rational way of understanding the natural world.
2. What are the differences between inductive and deductive logic? Why is inductive logic more often used by
scientists when formulating hypotheses and generalizations about the natural world?
3. Why are null hypotheses an efficient way to conduct scientific research? Identify a hypothesis that is suitable for
examining a specific problem in environmental science and suggest a corresponding null hypothesis that could be
examined through research.
4. What are the causes of variation in natural phenomena? Choose an example, such as differences in the body
1. What are the key differences between science and a less objective belief system, such as religion?
2. What factors result in scientific controversies about environmental issues? Contrast these with environmental
controversies that exist because of differing values and world views.
3. Explain why there are no scientific “laws” to explain the structure and function of ecosystems.
4. Many natural phenomena are highly variable, particularly ones that are biological or ecological. What are the
implications of this variability for understanding and predicting the causes and consequences of environmental
changes? How do environmental scientists cope with this challenge of a variable natural world?
Exploring Issues
1. Devise an environmental question of interest to yourself. Suggest useful hypotheses to investigate, identify the null
hypotheses, and outline experiments that you might conduct to provide answers to this question.
2. During a research project investigating mercury, an environmental scientist performed a series of chemical
analyses of fish caught in Lake Canuck. The sampling program involved seven species of fish obtained from various
habitats within the lake. A total of 360 fish of various sizes and sexes were analyzed. It was discovered that 30% of
the fish had residue levels greater than 0.5 ppm of mercury, the upper level of contamination recommended by
Health Canada for fish eaten by humans. The scientist reported these results to a governmental regulator, who was
alarmed by the high mercury residues because of Lake Canuck’s popularity as a place where people fish for food.
The regulator asked the scientist to recommend whether it was safe to eat any fish from the lake or whether to
avoid only certain sizes, sexes, species, or habitats. What sorts of data analyses should the scientist perform to
develop useful recommendations? What other scientific and non-scientific aspects should be considered?
American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS). 1990. Science for All Americans. AAAS, Washington, DC.
Giere, R.N. 2005. Understanding Scientific Reasoning. 5th ed. Wadsworth Publishing, New York, NY.
Kuhn, T.S. 1996. The Structure of Scientific Revolutions. 3rd ed. University of Chicago Press, Chicago, IL.
McCain, G. and E.M. Siegal. 1982. The Game of Science. Holbrook Press Inc., Boston, MA.
Moore, J.A. 1999. Science as a Way of Knowing. Harvard University Press, Boston, MA.
Popper, K. 1979. Objective Knowledge: An Evolutionary Approach. Clarendon Press, Oxford, UK.
Raven, P.H., G.B. Johnson, K.A. Mason, and J. Losos. 2013. Biology. 10th ed. McGraw-Hill, Columbus, OH.
Silver, B.L. 2000. The Ascent of Science. Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK.
Key Concepts
In this chapter we examine various aspects of the physical world, including the origin of planet Earth and the nature
and dynamics of its physical attributes. Understanding these subjects is important in environmental science because
they provide a context for interpreting many of the changes that are being caused by human activities.
Planet Earth
The universe is thought to have originated as many as 12-15 billion years ago during a ginormous cataclysm known as
the “big bang.” Initially, virtually all of the mass of the nascent universe consisted of the two lightest elements,
hydrogen and helium, which existed as an extremely diffuse gaseous mass. Eventually, under the pervasive influence of
gravity, the hydrogen and helium were aggregated into immense masses that became increasingly compressed under
enormously high pressure and temperature. When the pressure and temperature were sufficiently intense, nuclear
fusion reactions began to occur within the masses, at which point they had become young stars. In addition to
releasing immense quantities of energy, the fusion reactions caused the formation of heavier elements. Because of
these processes, there are now 88 naturally occurring elements. Hydrogen and helium are still, however, the most
abundant elements, comprising more than 99.9% of the mass of the universe.
The Sun is an ordinary star, one of billions of billions that exist in the universe. The Sun, its eight orbiting planets, plus
miscellaneous comets, meteors, asteroids, and other materials (such as space dust) are collectively known as the solar
system. This particular region of the universe is organized and held together by a balance of the attractive force of
gravitation and counteracting influences associated with rotation and orbiting (these same forces, along with
continuing expansion from the initial big bang, also organize the universe). The age of the solar system (and of Earth) is
at least 4.6 billion years.
Earth is the third-closest planet to the Sun. Earth is a dense planet, as are other so-called terrestrial planets located
relatively close to the Sun: Mercury, Venus, and Mars. The mass of these planets consists almost entirely of heavier
elements such as iron, nickel, magnesium, aluminum, and silicon. These inner planets were formed by a selective
condensing of heavier elements out of the primordial planetary nebula (the disk of gases and other matter that slowly
Earth is the only place in the universe that is definitely known to sustain life. It is quite possible, however, that other
planets in the cosmos also sustain life. Although there is no direct evidence of this, many scientists consider it likely
that life has evolved elsewhere. One estimate suggests that the universe contains 1022 (10,000 billion billion) stars, with
perhaps 10% of them having planetary systems (1021systems). With such incredibly large numbers, it is highly probable
that at least some of the billions of billions of other planetary systems support suitable conditions for a genesis of life,
in addition to what occurred on Earth.
Earth is a spherical body with a diameter of about 12,740 km. It revolves around the Sun in an elliptical orbit, at an
average distance of about 149 million km, completing an orbit in 365.26 days, or one year. Earth also rotates on its axis
every 24 hours, or one day. Its single moon has a diameter of about 3,474 km and a mass about 2% that of Earth. The
Moon revolves around Earth in an elliptical orbit at an average distance of about 385,000 km, completed every 27.3
days (the lunar month).
The sphere of Earth is composed of four layers—the core, mantle, lithosphere, and crust—arranged in concentric layers
like an onion. The massive core has a diameter of about 3,500 km and is composed of hot, molten metals, particularly
iron and nickel. The internal heat of Earth is thought to be generated by the slow, radioactive decay of unstable
isotopes of certain elements, such as uranium.
The mantle is a less dense region that encloses the core. It is about 2,800 km thick and composed of minerals in a
plastic, semi-liquid state known as magma. The mantle contains relatively light elements, notably silicon, oxygen, and
magnesium, occurring as various mineral compounds. Magma from the upper mantle sometimes erupts to the surface
at mountainous vents known as volcanoes and is usually spewed to the surface as lava, which cools to form basaltic
The next layer, the lithosphere, is only about 80 km thick and is made of rigid, relatively light rocks, especially basaltic,
granitic, and sedimentary ones. These rocks contain elements found in the mantle as well as enriched quantities of
aluminum, carbon, calcium, potassium, sodium, sulphur, and other lighter elements.
The outermost layer is known as the crust. Oceanic crust is relatively thin, averaging 10–15 km, while continental crust
is 20–60 km thick. Earth’s crust has an extremely complex mineralogical composition, in contrast to the mantle and
especially the core, which are thought to be relatively uniform in structure and constitution. The most abundant
elements in the crust are oxygen (45%), silicon (27%), aluminum (8.0%), iron (5.8%), calcium (5.1%), magnesium (2.8%),
sodium (2.3%), potassium (1.7%), titanium (0.86%), vanadium (0.17%), hydrogen (0.14%), phosphorus (0.10%), and carbon
The rocks forming the crust can be grouped into three basic types: igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic. Igneous
rocks include basalt and granite, which are formed by the cooling of molten magma. The mineral forms depend on the
rate of cooling plus other factors. Basalt is a heavy, dark, extremely fine-grained rock that sometimes forms vertical,
columnar structures. Basaltic rocks are the major constituent of oceanic crust, originating in submarine places where
magmic lava erupts to the sea-floor surface, such as deep-ocean spreading zones and abyssal volcanoes. Basalt can
also be formed at terrestrial volcanoes – for instance, it is the basement rock of the Hawaiian archipelago and other
volcanic islands. Granitic rocks dominate the continental crust, are typically relatively light in colour and density, and
Sedimentary rocks include limestone, dolomite, shale, sandstone, and conglomerates. These form from particles
eroded from other rocks or from precipitated minerals such as calcite (CaCO3) that become lithified (turned into stone)
under great pressure in deep oceanic deposits. Sedimentary rocks typically overlie basaltic or granitic rocks.
Metamorphic rocks are formed from igneous or sedimentary ones that were changed under the combined influences
of massive geological heat and pressure. These conditions were encountered when the primary rocks were carried
deep into the lithosphere by crustal movements, such as those associated with mountain building (described below).
Gneiss, for example, is a metamorphic rock derived from granite, while marble is derived from limestone, and slate
from shale. About 30% of Earth’s surface is covered by the solid substrates of continents and islands. The other 70% of
Earth’s surface is liquid water, almost all of which is oceanic. In addition, Earth’s dense sphere is immersed in a gaseous
envelope known as the atmosphere, which extends to a distance of about 1,000 km. However, about 99% of the mass of
the atmosphere occurs within 30 km of the planet’s surface.
Geological Dynamics
Throughout its history, Earth has been subject to enormous geological forces that have greatly affected its
mineralogical composition and surface features. The predominant influences are tectonic forces, which are associated
with crustal movements and other processes that cause structural deformation of rocks and minerals. Geological
forces also cause the continents and their underlying plates to slowly move about Earth’s surface, much like rafts of
solid rock riding upon a sea of plastic magma. Mountain ranges are built where crustal plates collide and push up
surface rocks.
Earthquakes and volcanoes are also tectonic phenomena, which influence Earth’s crust and surface with extremely
powerful, sometimes disastrous events. Other massive geological forces include rare, cataclysmic strikes into our
planet by meteorites and extensive glaciation associated with cooling of the climate. Slower but still pervasive
geological forces are erosion (caused by water, wind, and gravity) and weathering (the fracturing of rocks and
dissolution of minerals).
Over geological time, these various physical processes have profoundly influenced the character of Earth. Geological
forces continue to have enormous influences on Earth and its ecosystems, over both short- and long-term time scales.
Environmental changes associated with these geological dynamics provide a natural context for the substantial
changes that humans are now causing through their economic activities.
Earth is frequently struck by fast-moving rocky or metallic objects from space known as meteorites. Although
meteorites are relatively small objects (by planetary standards), they have immense momentum because of their speed,
which typically ranges from 10-100 km/s. The smallest, most numerous meteorites reaching Earth typically burn up or
explode in the atmosphere because of heat generated by friction, but larger ones may survive to impact the surface. It
has been estimated that each day a meteorite weighing at least 100 g strikes the surface somewhere in Canada.
Very large meteorites are extremely rare, but if the impact the surface enormous damage is caused. The impact site is
typically obliterated and a large crater is formed because vast amounts of crustal materials are ejected into the
atmosphere. Immense sea waves can also be caused by a meteorite impact. Several dozen large meteorite craters are
known in Canada. The largest is an ovoid depression with a diameter of 140 km near Sudbury, Ontario, caused by a
Image 3.1. View of Lake Manicouagan, Quebec. This doughnut-shaped lake is an impact crater from a meteorite
impact that occurred about 215 million years ago. This image was taken from the space shuttle Endeavour on
May 25, 2011. Source: NASA photo 714196. http://www.dvidshub.net/image/714196/earth-observations-lake-
Earth’s evolutionary history has been punctuated by a number of catastrophic events of mass extinction, during which
most of the existing biota disappeared in a short period of time, to be later replaced by new species (see Chapter 6).
Paleontologists recognize these cataclysms by the occurrence of rapid changes in the fossil record, which point to a
transition between stages in the geological time scale (Table 3.1). According to surviving evidence, the most intense
mass extinction event occurred 245 million years ago at the end of the Permian period, when an astonishing 96% of
species may have become extinct. Another mass extinction occurred 65 million years ago at the end of the Cretaceous
period, when perhaps 76% of species became extinct, including the last of the dinosaurs. According to one theory, the
end-of-Cretaceous extinctions were caused when a 10–15 km wide meteorite impacted the Earth. This resulted in that
huge amounts of fine dust being spewed into the upper atmosphere, which caused a severe cooling of the climate that
large animals and many ecosystems could not tolerate. Some geologists believe that the impact site was near the
Yucatan coast of Mexico, where a buried, 170-km-wide ring structure exists, dated to about 65 million years old.
Although controversial, the theory of rare, meteorite-caused catastrophes has also been used to explain other mass
extinctions in the geological record.
Table 3.1. The Geological Time Scale. The divisions between geological time stages are assigned on the basis of
Plate Tectonics
The theory of plate tectonics concerns the dynamics of surface crustal materials. In simple terms, this theory suggests
that the crust and mantle behave as an enormous convecting system that, at the surface, is characterized by extremely
slow movements of huge plates of rigid crustal material. The plates move from zones where they are created by an
upwelling of magma from the upper mantle, toward other zones where they are destroyed by downward movement
into the upper the mantle. In the creation zones, the plastic magma rises to the surface, solidifies, and then extends
laterally in a process known as sea-floor spreading. In the down-welling zones, there is a subduction of sea-floor crust
back down into the mantle, where it is re-melted and convected laterally. The magma may eventually reach another
upwelling region and again be carried to the crust. The slowly moving, rigid plates of surface crust have a basement of
basaltic rock, with lighter, granitic-based continents rafting on the surface of some of the oceanic plates (Figure 3.1).
Figure 3.1. Tectonic Forces. (a) The continents are viewed as granitic islands that are rafting upon underlying
plates of basaltic oceanic crust. (b) Heat and density gradients in the mantle cause a slow, convective circulation
to develop in the molten magma. This circulation forms new basaltic crust at zones of magmic upwelling known
as mid-oceanic ridges, followed by lateral sea-floor spreading and eventual subduction back to the mantle at
For example, in the Atlantic Ocean, about halfway between the Americas and Europe and Africa, a deep-sea geological
structure called the Mid-Atlantic Ridge runs in a roughly north to south direction. This abyssal ridge is a zone of sea-
floor spreading, from which the two continental regions are diverging at a slow but steady rate of 2-4 cm/year. In
essence, the Atlantic ocean is widening at this rate, which is equivalent to 2-4 meters per century.
In contrast, parts of the continental landmass in the western Americas are riding on regions of plates that are
subducting beneath the oceanic Pacific Plate. However, along most of southwestern North America, the Pacific and
North American Plates are moving in opposite but parallel directions. This is causing southern California and the Baja
These tectonic forces result in frequent earthquakes and volcanic eruptions along the Pacific coasts of North and
South America, the Aleutians, and eastern Asia. This geologically active region around the Pacific Ocean is referred to
as the “ring of fire” because of its many volcanoes. In addition to these discrete but intense geological events, there is
active building of the relatively young mountains in this region. The mountain building is caused by crustal materials
being pushed upward in regions where continents and oceanic plates are colliding with each other. In a similar
manner, the lofty Himalayas of southwestern Asia were and still are being created by immense uplifting forces that are
generated as the northward-drifting Indian subcontinent pushes into the larger Asian landmass.
It is thought that the continents were a single contiguous mass during the Permian period, about 290 million years ago.
This primeval super-continent, referred to as Pangaea, was surrounded by a single, global ocean. However, divergent
forces of crustal plates moving in different directions then pulled Pangaea apart, initially into two masses known as
Laurasia and Gondwanaland, and then into the existing continents of North and South America, Africa, Eurasia,
Australia, and Antarctica.
An earthquake is a trembling or movement of the Earth caused by a sudden release of geological stresses at some point
within the crust or upper mantle. Earthquakes are most often caused when crustal plates slip across or beneath each
other at their faults, but they can also be caused by a volcanic explosion. Although their seismic energy can affect a
large area, earthquakes have a spatial focus, known as the epicentre and defined as the surface position lying above the
deep point of energy release. An intense earthquake can cause great damage to buildings, and the collapsing
structures, fires, and other destruction can take a great toll on people. In 1556 an earthquake struck Shanxi Province in
China and caused about 830,000 deaths, making it the most deadly earthquake in recorded history. The most famous
catastrophic earthquake in North America was the San Francisco event in 1906, caused by slippage along the San
Andreas Fault, which killed 503 people and resulted in tremendous physical damage. However, other earthquakes
during the twentieth century resulted in much greater losses of human lives, including one in 1976 that killed 242,000
people in Tangshan, China; another in 1927 that killed 200,000 in Nan-Shan, China; and one in Tokyo–Yokohama, Japan,
that killed 200,000 in 1926. Notable recent earthquakes include one in Kobe, Japan (1995) that killed 5,500 people,
another in Kashmir (2005) that killed 79,000 people, one in Sichuan, China (2008) that killed 70,000 people, and one in
the Tohuku region of Japan (2011) that generated a tsunami (seismic sea wave) that killed 16,000 people.
The events in San Francisco (1906) and Tokyo (1926) affected large cities. The powerful tremors caused great damage,
partly because of weak architectural designs that were unable to withstand the strong forces. In both cases, however,
about 90% of the actual destruction resulted from fires. Earthquakes can also cause soil to lose some of its mechanical
stability, resulting in destructive landslides and subsidence (sinking) of land and buildings.
Undersea earthquakes can trigger a fast-moving, sea-surface phenomenon known as a tsunami or seismic sea wave. A
tsunami is barely noticeable at sea, but it can become gigantic when the wave reaches shallow water and piles up to
heights that can swamp coastal villages and towns. In 1929, an earthquake off eastern Canada generated a seismic sea
wave that killed 29 people in Newfoundland and Cape Breton. In 1946, a large earthquake centred on Umiak Island in
the Aleutian Islands caused a tsunami to strike Hawaii, 4,500 km away, with an 18 m crest. In 2004, a tsunami in the
Indian Ocean killed more than 225,000 people (see Global Focus 3.1).
The colossal tsunami waves were moving at speeds of about 60 km/hr when they impacted the shore. They
caused widespread devastation and more than 225,000 deaths by drowning and injuries caused by floating
debris and collapsing buildings. The hardest-hit places were Sumatra (which suffered at least 168,000 dead and
missing), Sri Lanka (35,000), the eastern coast and islands of India (18,000), and Thailand (8,000). At least 7,000
of the deaths were tourists from developed countries who were visiting coastal resorts during their holiday
break. In addition to the mortality, tens of millions of people were displaced from their homes and livelihoods
by the flooding. In many of the worst-hit places, the damage was made much more severe because of increased
coastal vulnerability caused by the removal of previously abundant mangrove forest, mostly to develop tourist
resorts and brackish ponds for shrimp aquaculture. Where mangroves remained intact, the coastal forest
provided a sea-wall that helped to absorb much of the force of the tsunami, providing a measure of protection
to areas further inland.
Responding to the overwhelming toll of death and destruction, citizens and governments of many non-affected
countries delivered large donations of aid for rescue and subsequent recovery, including money (pledges
totalled about US$5.4 billion), specialized rescue personnel, food and water, and materials for reconstruction.
From the environmental perspective, important lessons to be learned from this devastating tsunami include the
facts that natural disasters are unpredictable and inevitable, and that the ensuing destruction can be made
much worse by inappropriate land-use practices and a lack of emergency planning and response capability.
Image 3.2. A devastated village on the coast of Aceh, Sumatra, after the killer tsunami of December 26, 2004.
Source: image by P.A. McDaniel, United States Navy, ID
050102-N-9593M-040; https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/
A volcano is a vent in the surface from which molten lava flows onto the ground and liquid, solid, and gaseous materials
are ejected into the atmosphere. The largest eruptions can literally explode a volcanic mountain, ejecting immense
quantities of material into the environment and causing enormous damage and loss of life. For example, an eruption of
Mount Vesuvius in the year 79 CE (Common Era) buried the Roman city of Pompeii, killing almost all of its inhabitants. A
1902 explosion of Mont Pelée on the Caribbean island of Martinique killed 30,000 people.
The greatest eruption of modern times was that of Tambora, a volcano in Indonesia that exploded in 1815 and blew
more than 300 km3 of material into the atmosphere (including the top 1,300 m of the mountain). Some of the finer
particulates of this massive eruption were blown into the upper atmosphere (the stratosphere), causing an increase in
Earth’s reflectivity that resulted in global cooling. The year 1816 became known as the “year without a summer” in
Europe and North America because of its unusually cool and wet weather, including frost and snowfall during the
summer months.
Another famous Indonesian eruption was that of Krakatau in the Sunda Strait in 1883, which ejected 18-21 km3 of
material as high as 50-80 km into the atmosphere. The 30-m tsunami associated with this eruption killed about 36,000
people in coastal villages.
Large volcanic eruptions can also disturb great expanses of forest and other ecosystems. For instance, the 1980
explosion of Mount St. Helen’s in the state of Washington blew down about 21,000 hectares of coniferous forest and
otherwise damaged another 40,000 ha. Mudslides also devastated large areas, and a vast region was covered by
particulate debris (known as tephra) that settled from the atmosphere.
Some volcanoes produce chronic lava flows and venting of gases. These volcanoes tend to form distinctive, cone-
shaped mountains from their accumulated lava, which solidifies into finely crystalline, glassy rocks. An active example
Glaciers, or persistent sheets of ice, are common features in high-latitude environments of the Arctic and Antarctic.
They also occur at high altitude on mountains, even in tropical countries such as New Guinea and Peru. Glaciers are
formed from a deep, persistent snowpack, which becomes compressed into ice as its weight accumulates. Most
glaciers occur on land, but some also extend onto the ocean. At the present time, about 10% of the land surface of
Earth is covered with glaciers, the largest of which are the continental ice sheets of Antarctica. The largest glaciers in
the Northern Hemisphere are in Greenland, but parts of Baffin and Ellesmere Islands in the Canadian Arctic are also
covered with glacial ice, as are some mountainous areas in western Canada.
Glaciation refers to an extensive advance of ice sheets, caused by a period of extended global cooling sometimes
referred to as an ice age. There have been a number of glacial periods during geological history, although details are
known only about the most recent glaciation because it obliterated most traces of earlier events. The most recent
glacial period, known as the Wisconsin, began about 85,000 years ago and ended about 11,000 years ago.
At the height of the Wisconsin glaciation, ice covered about 30% of Earth’s land surface, including almost all of what is
now Canada, as well as extensive areas of the continental shelf that are now beneath the ocean. The latter occurred
because sea level was about 120 m lower during that glaciation as a result of so much water being tied up in ice on land.
The greatest ice mass in Canada was the Laurentide Ice Sheet, which reached a thickness of about 4 km. The
Cordilleran Ice Sheet of the western mountains contained ice up to 2 km thick.
The present Holocene (recent; Table 3.1) epoch is relatively warm and ice-free and is referred to as an interglacial
stage. Climate has not, however, been uniformly warm during the present interglacial. For example, the period of about
1450 to 1850 is known as the Little Ice Age because of its relatively cool climate. During that period there was a
moderate expansion of glaciers and snowfields in many parts of the world, including the Arctic regions and western
mountains of Canada.
Glaciers are extremely erosive forces that crush, scour, and excavate the underlying terrain with their massive weight
and ponderous movements. Glaciers also transport huge quantities of excavated debris around the landscape. These
solid materials are eventually deposited when the glaciers melt, tumbling from the ablating (melting) ice mass or being
carried away by meltwater running in streams and rivers. Extensive deposits of glacial debris are common over almost
all of Canada, often occurring as distinctive landforms, such as the following:
• moraines, which are a series of long, mounded hills, usually lying perpendicular to the flow of the regional glacier,
and containing mixed rocky debris known as till
• drumlins, or teardrop-shaped hills that are elongated in the direction of movement of the glacier and are
composed of a mixture of rocky materials
• eskers, which are long, serpentine mounds of crudely sorted debris that was deposited by a river flowing beneath
a glacier
• erratics, or rounded boulders of various sizes that are incongruously scattered over the landscape
• long U-shaped valleys in mountainous terrain, which were carved from pre-existing river valleys by the erosive
forces of a glacier
• fiords, which are long, narrow, steep-sided inlets of the ocean that were carved by outlet glaciers descending from
a much larger ice sheet at higher altitude
• outwash plains, which contain a mixture of materials, ranging in size from rocks to sand or clay, that were
The tremendous ice sheets that once obliterated almost all of Canada were largely gone by 8,000 to 10,000 years ago,
although glacial remnants still occur on islands in the Arctic and on mountains of western Canada. The Canadian
landscape has been profoundly shaped by the impressive geological signatures of the advance and retreat of the
immense continental glaciers of times past. Since then, the terrain and landforms have been greatly modified by other
geological forces, such as erosion and weathering, and by the redevelopment of ecosystems after the retreat of the
immense ice sheets. However, compared with the effects of the Wisconsin and previous glaciers, those forces have had
a relatively small influence on the enduring character of the landscapes and coastal seascapes of Canada.
Image 3.3. During the most recent, Wisconsin glaciation, almost all of Canada was covered by glaciers. Remnant
glaciers still occur, such as this ice cap on Ellesmere Island. Source: B. Freedman.
Meteorite impacts, earthquakes, volcanic explosions, and glaciation are all tremendous geological forces – they are
capable of obliterating both natural and anthropogenic ecosystems. However, less forceful geological dynamics are also
important, although they exert their influences more pervasively, by operating relatively slowly over longer time scales
rather than as extremely destructive events.
Weathering refers to physical and chemical processes by which rocks and minerals are broken down by environmental
Erosion refers to the removal of rocks and soil through the actions of gravity, flowing water, ice, and wind. Erosion is a
pervasive geological process, occurring at various rates in all environments. Usually it is gradual, occurring as particles
are slowly removed by flowing water or blowing wind, or when dissolved minerals are carried away by underground
flows of water. However, erosion also occurs as mass events, such as a landslide in steep terrain. Over extremely long
periods of time, weathering and erosion tend to influence the landscape towards a relatively flat and homogeneous
condition known as a peneplain.
Even geological features as immense as mountains are slowly eroded away, with their enormous mass gradually
descending to be deposited in lower regions. For instance, the Precambrian Shield that is so extensive in regions of
Canada is composed of the granitic basement rocks of ancient mountains that were slowly eroded away by the actions
of water, wind, and glaciers. The somewhat less ancient hills of the Appalachians of eastern North America, which
extend into New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, and Newfoundland, are also the eroded relics of a once-great mountain
range. The youngest mountain range in North America, the Rocky Mountains, extends from the western United States
north into Alberta, British Columbia, the Yukon, and the western Northwest Territories. The Rockies still have many
towering, sharp peaks because they have not yet been much reduced by the inexorable, mass-wasting forces of
The rates of natural weathering and erosion is influenced by many factors, including the hardness of rocks, degree of
consolidation of soil and sediment, amount of vegetation cover, rate of water flow, slope of the land, speed and
direction of winds, and frequency of storm events and other disturbances. Some of these factors can be greatly
influenced by human actions. For example, when the local vegetation is disturbed, its moderating influence on erosion
is reduced or eliminated. In fact, human activities associated with agriculture, forestry, and road-building have greatly
increased the rates of erosion in almost all regions of the world. In many cases, the increased losses of soil have had
serious consequences for the productivity of agricultural land and for natural biodiversity (see Chapters 14, 20, 23, and
Rocks, sand, clays, and other debris eroded from mountains and other uplands must, of course, go somewhere. These
materials are carried to lower altitude, and eventually much of the mass is deposited in the oceans, where they settle
to the bottom in a process known as sedimentation. Over extremely long periods of time (tens or more millions of
years), the mass of sedimented material builds up to the extent that intense pressure is exerted on lower levels of the
sediment, which causes it to become more densely packed and fuse into sedimentary rock in a process called
lithification. Examples of sedimentary rocks are mudstone, sandstone, shale, limestone, and mixtures of these known
as conglomerates (the latter may also contain eroded non-sedimentary rocks, such as granite and basalt).
Eventually, under the influence of tectonic forces, enormously slow and powerful collisions of crustal plates can cause
areas of deep-oceanic sedimentary rocks to uplift, sometimes raising them to great altitude and contributing to the
formation of new mountain ranges underwater or on the continents. As such, geological uplift is the means by which
marine rocks and fossils find their way to the tops of the highest mountains. Uplift and mountain building are
important stages in the geological recycling of some of the continental mass that was wasted downslope during
millions of years of erosion.
The hydrosphere is the portion of Earth that contains water (H2O), including in the oceans, atmosphere, land surface,
and underground. The hydrologic cycle (or water cycle) refers to the rates of movement (fluxes) of water among these
various reservoirs (compartments). The hydrologic cycle functions at all scales, ranging from local to global. The major
elements of the global hydrologic cycle are illustrated in Figure 3.2.
Figure 3.2. Major Elements of the Hydrologic Cycle. The hydrologic cycle includes the influences of oceans and
other kinds of surface water (such as lakes and rivers), as well as groundwater and atmospheric moisture
(occurring as clouds and humidity). Water evaporates, precipitates as rain and snow, and flows in various kinds
of channels, both along the surface as well as underground.
Each compartment of the hydrologic cycle has both input and output fluxes, and the sum of all of these elements
comprises the cycle. If the rate of input to a compartment equals the rate of output, then there is a flow-through
equilibrium and the amount of water present does not change. Of course, if input exceeds output, the compartment
increases in size over time, and it decreases if input is less than output.
On the global scale, the major compartments of the hydrologic cycle are in a long-term equilibrium condition.
However, this is not generally true on a local scale, especially over shorter intervals of time. For example, a particular
area may temporarily flood or dry out. In addition, local hydrological conditions can change over the long term.
Glaciation, for example, stores immense quantities of solid water on land, and excessive use of groundwater can
deplete an artesian reservoir (aquifer).
Image 3.4. The global hydrologic cycle involves water movement through the atmosphere, on the surface, and
underground, as well as storage in oceans, lakes, glaciers, and groundwater. Ultimately, rivers like the Niagara
River, which flows north from Lake Erie to Lake Ontario, represent a flow to the ocean of water that had been
Although the hydrologic cycle is an exceedingly complex phenomenon, it can be examined in the context of four major
compartments (Table 3.2):
1. The oceans are the largest hydrological compartment, accounting for about 97.4% of all water on the planet.
2. Surface waters occur on the landmasses and account for 2.3% of global water. Almost all that amount is tied up in
glaciers, mostly in Antarctica and Greenland, with lakes, ponds, rivers, streams, and other surface bodies of liquid
water amounting to only 0.002%.
3. Groundwater accounts for 0.32% of global water. Groundwater can occur in relatively shallow soil horizons, where
it is accessible for uptake by plants, or it can drain laterally into surface waters such as lakes and streams. Deeper
groundwater is inaccessible for these purposes and it forms artesian reservoirs in spaces within porous or
fractured bedrock. Such aquifers receive water infiltrating by deep drainage from above or by long-distance
underground transport from nearby upland areas.
4. Atmospheric water accounts for only about 0.001% of the global total. It can occur as a gas, vapour (tiny,
suspended droplets), or solid (ice crystals), all of which are highly variable over space and time. A cloud is a dense
aggregation of liquid or solid water in the atmosphere, while gaseous water is invisible. Note that the maximum
amount of water a volume of atmosphere can hold is highly dependent on temperature, with warmer air having a
much greater water-storage capacity than cold air. The term humidity refers to the actual concentration of water
in the atmosphere (measured in g/m3), while relative humidity expresses actual humidity as a percentage of the
saturation value for a particular temperature.
Table 3.2. The Hydrologic Cycle. This table shows the quantity of water involved in various global
Evaporation is a change of state of water from a liquid to a gas, or from a solid directly to a gas (evaporation directly
from ice or snow is more properly referred to as sublimation). Globally, about 86% of evaporation is from the oceans,
and the rest is from terrestrial surfaces. On terrestrial landscapes, water can evaporate from bodies of surface water,
from moist soil and rocks, and from vegetation. Transpiration refers specifically to the evaporation of water from
plants, while evapotranspiration refers to all sources of evaporation from a landscape.
Precipitation is the deposition of water from the atmosphere, occurring as liquid rain or as solid snow or hail. In
addition, vapour-phase atmospheric water can condense or freeze onto surfaces as dew or frost, respectively. As
previously noted, most global evaporation is from the oceans, much of which precipitates back to them. However,
some is transported by moving air masses over the continents, resulting in a net import of evaporated water from the
oceans to the land surfaces. Precipitation volumes can be especially large in mountainous areas facing an ocean, a
phenomenon known as orographic precipitation (In Detail 3.1).
Surface flows involve water that is transported in streams and rivers. In contrast, lakes and ponds are relatively static
storage reservoirs. Surface flows move in response to gravitational descents associated with altitude – in other words,
water flows downhill. Ultimately, most surface flows carry water to the oceans, thereby helping to balance the net
import of moisture evaporated from the oceans.
In Detail 3.1. Orographic Precipitation along a Transect through Coastal British Columbia
The spatial pattern of precipitation in coastal British Columbia illustrates the phenomenon of orographic
precipitation. It occurs as moisture-laden air masses, blown by the prevailing westerly winds from the Pacific
Ocean, encounter the mountains of the Coast Range. As the air masses rise, they cool (by 0.5 to 0.8°C for every
100 m increase in elevation), which greatly reduces their ability to hold water. This causes much of the moisture
to condense into clouds and to then precipitate from the atmosphere as snow and rain.
As the air mass passes to the other side of the mountains and starts to descend, it warms again, which
increases its moisture-holding capacity. Therefore, precipitation is much sparser on the rain-shadow side of
the mountains.
Groundwater drainage involves the infiltration of water into the ground. Shallow groundwater can move laterally,
eventually draining into surface waters. It can also be taken up by plant roots to later be transpired into the
atmosphere through foliage. However, deeper groundwater is not available for plant uptake or to recharge surface
waters. It accumulates in underground artesian reservoirs, which can be very large. The biggest such aquifer in North
America is the Ogallala, which underlies about 450,000 km² of the western U.S.
The hydrologic cycle is extremely important. Water is needed by natural ecosystems for the metabolic needs of
organisms, for cooling, and as a ubiquitous solvent that allows water-soluble nutrients to be absorbed by organisms.
Water is also required by people for use in agriculture, industry, and recreation. Unfortunately, in many regions water
and its biological resources (such as fish) have been used excessively, and water quality has been degraded through
pollution. Damages caused to water and its resources, and ways of mitigating those effects, are common themes in
many chapters in this book.
The Atmosphere
The atmosphere is an envelope of gases that surrounds the Earth and is held in place by the attractive forces of gravity.
The density of the atmospheric mass is much greater close to the surface and decreases rapidly with increasing
altitude. The atmosphere consists of four layers, the boundaries of which are inexact because they may vary over time
and space:
1. The troposphere (or lower atmosphere) contains 85-90% of the atmospheric mass and extends from the surface to
Image 3.5. The atmosphere is composed of a mixture of gases, fine particulates, and water vapour occurring as
clouds. This view of a foggy tropical forest was taken in the highlands of Peru. Source: B. Freedman
Beyond the atmosphere is outer space, an immeasurably vast region where the Earth exerts no detectable chemical or
thermal influences.
About 78% of the mass of the atmosphere is composed of nitrogen gas (N2), while 21% is oxygen (O2), 0.9% argon (Ar),
and 0.04% carbon dioxide (CO2). The rest is various trace gases, including potentially toxic ones such as ozone (O3) and
sulphur dioxide (SO2) (see Chapter 16). The atmosphere also contains highly variable concentrations of water vapour,
which can range from only 0.01% in frigid winter air in the Arctic to 5% in warm, humid, tropical air. On average, the
total weight of the atmospheric mass exerts a pressure at sea level of around 1.0 × 105 pascals (Pa; or one atmosphere),
which is equivalent to 1.0 kg per cm2.
As was noted above, wind directions are influenced by the relative locations of high and low atmospheric pressures.
Wind directions are also influenced by the Coriolis effect, which is caused by the west-to-east rotation of Earth. For
example, in the mid-latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere, the distribution of pressure in the lower atmosphere
provides a northward force on wind direction. The Coriolis force, which deflects motions to the right in that
hemisphere, balances the pressure-gradient force so that the winds tend to blow from west to east. In comparison, in
the mid-latitudes of the Southern Hemisphere, the pressure gradient force is directed toward the south, while the
Coriolis force deflects motions to the left. On balance, this again results in winds tending to blow from west to east.
Local patterns of wind flow are also influenced by surface topography—mountains are barriers that deflect winds
upward or around, while valleys can channel wind flows.
Prevailing winds blow relatively continuously in a dominant direction. There are three major classes of prevailing
1. trade winds are tropical airflows that blow from the northeast (to the southwest) in the Northern Hemisphere, and
from the southeast in the Southern Hemisphere
2. westerlies are mid-latitude winds that blow from the southwest in the Northern Hemisphere, and from the
northwest in the Southern Hemisphere
3. polar easterlies blow from the northeast at high northern latitudes, and from the southeast near Antarctica.
Climate refers to the prevailing atmospheric conditions of temperature, precipitation, humidity, wind speed and
direction (together, these are wind velocity), insolation (incoming solar radiation), visibility, fog, and cloud cover in a
place or region. Climatic data are usually calculated as statistics (such as averages or ranges of values), using data
obtained from at least several decades of monitoring (the preferred period for the calculation of “normal” climatic
parameters is at least 30 years).
In contrast, weather refers to day-to-day or instantaneous meteorological conditions (the latter is referred to as “real-
time” weather). Because weather is related to short-term conditions, it is much more variable over time and space than
climate. Most aspects of climate are functions of solar insolation and of how this incoming energy is absorbed,
reflected, and re-radiated by the atmosphere, oceans, and terrestrial surfaces. The complex subject of physical energy
budgets is described in Chapter 4. For the present purpose, it is worthwhile to examine several ecologically important
• Give Thanks to the Sun. If it were not for the warming influence of solar radiation, the temperature of the surface
and atmosphere would approach the coldest that is physically possible – this is absolute zero, or -273°C (or 0o on
The above factors influence the input, reflection, absorption, and dissipation of solar radiation, resulting in large
variations of air, water, and surface temperatures over the surface of Earth. The energy gradients that develop result in
global processes that attempt to distribute the energy more evenly, by movements of air masses in the atmosphere
(winds) and currents of water in the oceans. In addition, prevailing wind directions can interact with oceanic currents
to generate circular water flows known as gyres. Subtropical gyres rotate clockwise in the Northern Hemisphere and
counter-clockwise in the Southern Hemisphere, while subpolar gyres rotate in the opposite directions.
Climate has an important influence on the character of ecological development in any region or place. Climatic
conditions can vary on a large scale, called macroclimate, which affects the nature of ecosystems over a large area.
Climatic conditions can also vary on much smaller scales, called microclimate, which may be affected by local
topography, proximity to the ocean or a large lake, or understorey conditions beneath a dense canopy of tree foliage.
Four climatic factors particularly affect the development of ecosystems (see Chapter 8). Of these, variations of
precipitation and temperature generally have the greatest influence. The amounts of precipitation are greatly affected
by the flow of prevailing winds, the humidity of air masses, and the influence of topography (see In Detail 3.1). A dry
climate may only support desert vegetation, whereas wetter conditions may allow old-growth forest and wetlands to
Temperature is relatively warm in tropical latitudes and at lower altitude in mountainous terrain, while it is cooler at
high latitude and high altitude. In general, places with cold temperatures develop tundra vegetation, whereas warmer
temperatures may support forest. Temperate and polar latitudes have large seasonal fluctuations in temperature.
Tropical forest develops in moist regions where temperature remains uniformly warm, while temperate and boreal
forests are dominated by tree species that can tolerate cold temperatures during the winter. Wind can also have a
substantial ecological influence, although this is typically less important than that of precipitation and temperature.
Very windy locations may not be able to support forest, even though precipitation and temperature are otherwise
favourable. This occurs in many coastal habitats in Canada, where windy conditions result in shrub-dominated
ecosystems rather than the forest that occurs farther inland.
Extreme events of weather, such as drought, flooding, a hurricane, or a tornado, can also be important. Severe
disturbances have a large influence on ecological development, especially where they occur frequently. For example,
frequent drought or severe windstorms may restrict the development of forest in some regions, even though the
average climatic conditions may be favourable.
Major elements of the climates of Canada are described in Canadian Focus 3.1. Their relationship with ecological
development is examined in Chapter 8.
The figure shows seasonal patterns of change, using temperature as an indicator. Note that the high-Arctic
station at Alert (82o N) on far-northern Ellesmere Island is much colder and has a brief growing season
compared with the southerly stations. Thompson (55o N) is in the boreal zone of northern Manitoba and it also
has a relatively cold climate with a short growing season. Lethbridge, in the prairie region of southern Alberta,
Table 3.3 Normal climate values (longer-term averages) calculated for the period 1981 to 2010 (Environment
Canada, 2015).
Figure 3.4. Average daily temperature for a range of places in Canada. Source: Data from Environment Canada
Knowledge of the physical world is a central aspect of environmental science – it provides essential context for
understanding the causes and consequences of almost all changes that are caused by human activities. The physical
and structural attributes of Earth influence the geological and geographical forces affecting its surface (both water and
land) and atmosphere. In addition, the amount and spectral quality of incoming sunlight have a profound influence on
the energy budget and climates of the planet. Increasingly, anthropogenic influences are having a large, cumulative
effect on these natural effects and are transforming the surface attributes of Earth by affecting erosion, surface cover,
environmental chemistry, and even global climate.
1. What are the various layers of Earth’s solid sphere and atmosphere? Briefly describe the characteristics of these
2. What causes tectonic forces, and what are their consequences on crustal dynamics?
3. What is glaciation? Describe the major surface features that it leaves behind.
4. What are key factors affecting regional climate and microclimate?
1. Explain how geological forces have influenced landscape features in the region where you live.
2. Where does your drinking water come from? Trace its origins and disposal in terms of the hydrologic cycle.
3. Explain the differences between climate and weather. Discuss the influences of climate and weather on your daily
and annual life.
4. Natural disasters, such as extreme weather caused by a windstorm or massive rain event, are rare but inevitable
occurrences. What is the recent history of natural disasters in the place where you live? Do you think that land-
use and other human influences may have increased the possibility of worse damage being caused by these
unpredictable events?
Exploring Issues
1. You are part of a research team that is investigating the potential environmental effects of climate change in a
region of hilly topography. Your responsibility is to characterize the climatic conditions in the study area, giving
sufficient detail so the team can understand the overall conditions as well as the local ones, such as in valleys, on
slopes, and on hilltops. What kinds of factors would you have to consider when designing the climate-monitoring
program? Consider the following aspects: (a) the number of monitoring sites, (b) where monitoring sites should be
located, (c) what variables to measure (such as wind, temperature, precipitation, sunlight), and (d) how long you
must monitor conditions before determining the normal climate (as opposed to the weather).
Alvarez, W., E.G. Kauffman, F. Surlyk, L.W. Alvarez, F. Asaro, and H.V. Michel. 1984. Impact theory of mass extinctions
and the invertebrate fossil record. Science, 223: 1135-41.
Botkin, D.B. and E.A. Keller. 2014. Environmental Science: Earth as a Living Planet. 9th ed. J. Wiley & Sons, New York, NY.
Bryant, E.A. 1997. Climate Process and Change. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK.
Cowen, R. 2013. History of Life. 4th ed. Blackwell Sci. Pub., London, UK.
Environment Canada. 2015. Canadian Climate Normals. Atmospheric Environment Service, Ottawa,
ON. http://climate.weather.gc.ca/climate_normals/index_e.html#1981
Flint, R.F. and B.J. Skinner. 1987. Physical Geology. J. Wiley & Sons, New York.
Keller, E.A. 2010. Environmental Geology. 9th ed. Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ.
Lutgens, F.K., E.J. Tarbuck, and D.G. Tasa. 2011. Essentials of Geology. 11th ed. Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ.
Margulis, L. and L. Olendzenski (eds.). 1992. Environmental Evolution. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA.
Odum, E.P. 1993. Basic Ecology. Saunders College Publishing, New York, NY. Priest, J. 2012. Energy: Principles,
Problems, Alternatives. 8th ed. Kendall Hunt
Pielou, E.C. 1991. After the Ice Age: The Return of Life to Glaciated North America. University of Chicago Press, Chicago,
Schneider, S.H. 1989. The Changing Climate. Scientific American, 261 (3): 70-9.
Skinner, B.J., S.C. Porter, and J. Park. 2004. Dynamic Earth: An Introduction to Physical Geology, 5th ed. John Wiley &
Sons, New York, NY.
Smil, V. 2007. Energy in Nature and Society. General Energetics of Complex Systems. MIT Press, Boston, MA.
Van Andel, T.H. 1985. New Views on an Old Planet: Continental Drift and the History of the Earth. Cambridge University
Press, Cambridge, UK.
Key Concepts
1. Describe the nature of energy, its various forms, and the laws that govern its transformations.
2. Explain how Earth is a flow-through system for solar energy.
3. Identify the three major components of Earth’s energy budget.
4. Describe energy relationships within ecosystems, including the fixation of solar energy by primary producers and
the passage of that fixed energy through other components of the ecosystem.
5. Explain why the trophic structure of ecological productivity is pyramid-shaped and why ecosystems cannot
support many top predators.
6. Compare the feeding strategies of humans living a hunting and gathering lifestyle with those of modern urban
None of planet Earth, its biosphere, or ecosystems at any scale are self-sustaining with respect to energy. In fact,
without continuous access to an external source of energy, all of these entities would quickly deplete their quantities
of stored energy and would rapidly cool, and in the case of the biosphere and ecosystems, would cease to function in
ways that support life. The external source of energy to those systems is solar energy, which is stored mainly as heat
and biomass. In effect, solar energy is absorbed by green plants and algae and is utilized to fix carbon dioxide and
water into simple sugars through a process known as photosynthesis. This biological fixation of solar energy provides
the energetic basis for almost all organisms and ecosystems (the few exceptions are described later). Energy is critical
to the functioning of physical processes throughout the universe, and of ecological processes in the biosphere of
Earth. In this chapter we will examine the physical nature of energy, the laws that govern its behaviour and
transformations, and its role in ecosystems.
Energy is a fundamental physical entity and is simply defined as the capacity of a body or system to accomplish work.
In physics, work is defined as the result of a force being applied over a distance. In all of the following examples of
work, energy is transformed and some measurable outcome is achieved:
Electromagnetic Energy
Electromagnetic energy (or electromagnetic radiation) is associated with photons. These have properties of both
particles and waves and travel through space at a constant speed of 3 × 108 m/s (the speed of light). Electromagnetic
energy exists as a continuous spectrum of wavelengths, which (ordered from the shortest to longest wavelengths) are
known as gamma, X-ray, ultraviolet, visible light, infrared, microwave, and radio (Figure 4.1). The human eye can
perceive electromagnetic energy over a range of wavelengths of about 0.4 to 0.7 μm, a part of the spectrum that is
referred to as visible radiation or light (1 μm, or 1 micrometre, is 10–6 m; see Appendix A).
Figure 4.1. The Electromagnetic Spectrum. The spectrum is divided into major regions on the basis of
wavelength and is presented on a logarithmic scale (log10) in units of micrometres (1 µm = 10–3mm = 10–6 m).
Note the expansion of the visible component and the wavelength ranges for red, orange, yellow, green, blue,
and violet colours.
Electromagnetic energy is given off (or radiated) by all objects that have a surface temperature greater than absolute
zero (greater than -273°C or 0°K). The surface temperature of a body determines the rate and spectral quality of the
radiation it emits. Compared with a cooler body, a hotter one has a much larger rate of emission, and the radiation is
dominated by shorter, higher-energy wavelengths. For example, the Sun has an extremely hot surface temperature of
about 6000°C, and as a direct consequence most of the radiation it emits is ultraviolet (0.2 to 0.4 μm), visible (0.4 to 0.7
μm), and near infrared (0.7 to 2 μm). (Note that the interior of the Sun is much hotter than 6000°C, but it is the surface
temperature that directly influences the emitted radiation.) Because the surface temperature of Earth averages much
cooler at about 15°C, it radiates much smaller amounts of energy at longer wavelengths (peaking at a wavelength of
about 10 μm).
Image 4.1. The energy of the Sun is derived from nuclear fusion reactions involving hydrogen nuclei. These
reactions generate enormous quantities of thermal and electromagnetic energy. Solar electromagnetic
radiation is the most crucial source of energy that sustains ecological and biological processes. Source: NASA
Kinetic Energy
Kinetic energy is associated with bodies that are in motion. Two classes of kinetic energy can be distinguished.
Mechanical kinetic energy is associated with any object that is in motion, meaning it is travelling from one place to
another. For example, a hockey puck flying through the air, a trail-bike being ridden along a path, a deer running
through a forest, water flowing in a stream, or a planet moving through space are all expressions of this kind of kinetic
energy. The amount of mechanical kinetic energy is determined by the mass of an object and its speed.
Thermal kinetic energy is associated with the rate that atoms or molecules are vibrating. Such vibrations are frozen at
-273°C (absolute zero), but are progressively more vigorous at higher temperatures, corresponding to a larger content
of thermal kinetic energy, which is also referred to as heat.
Potential Energy
Potential energy is the stored ability to perform work. To actually perform work, potential energy must be transformed
into electromagnetic or kinetic energy. There are a number of kinds of potential energy:
Gravitational potential energy results from gravity, or the attractive forces that exist among all objects. For example,
water stored at any height above sea level contains gravitational potential energy. This can be converted into kinetic
energy if there is a pathway that allows the water to flow downhill. Gravitational potential energy can be converted
into electrical energy through the technology of hydroelectric power plants.
Chemical potential energy is stored in the bonds between atoms within molecules. Chemical potential energy can be
liberated by exothermic reactions (those which lead to a net release of thermal energy), as in the following examples:
• Chemical potential energy is stored in the molecular bonds of sulphide minerals, such as iron sulphide (FeS2), and
Electrical potential energy results from differences in the quantity of electrons, which are subatomic, negatively
charged particles that flow from areas of high density to areas where it is lower. When an electrical switch is used to
complete a circuit connecting two areas with different electrical potentials, electrons flow along the electron gradient.
The electric energy may then be transformed into uses as light, heat, or work performed by a machine. A difference in
electrical potential is known as voltage, and the current of electrons must flow through a conducting material, such as
a metal.
Elasticity is a kind of potential energy that is inherent in the physical qualities of certain flexible materials and that can
perform work when released, as occurs when a drawn bow is used to shoot an arrow.
Compressed gases also store potential energy, which can do work if expansion is allowed to occur. This type of potential
energy is present in a cylinder containing compressed or liquefied gas.
Nuclear potential energy results from the extremely strong binding forces that exist within atoms. This is by far the
densest form of energy. Huge quantities of electromagnetic and kinetic energy are liberated when nuclear reactions
convert matter into energy. A fission reaction involved the splitting of isotopes of certain heavy atoms, such as
uranium-235 and plutonium-239 (U235 and 239P), to generate smaller atoms plus enormous amounts of energy. Fission
reactions occur in nuclear explosions and, under controlled conditions, in nuclear reactors used to generate
electricity. A fusion reaction involves the combining of certain light elements, such as hydrogen, to form heavier atoms
under conditions of extremely high temperature and pressure, while liberating huge quantities of energy. Fusion
reactions involving hydrogen occur in stars and are responsible for the unimaginably large amounts of energy that
these celestial bodies generate and radiate into space. It is thought that all heavy atoms in the universe were produced
by fusion reactions occurring in stars (see Chapter 3). Fusion reactions also occur in a type of nuclear explosive device
known as a hydrogen bomb. A technology has not yet been developed to exploit controlled fusion reactions to generate
electricity; if and when available, controlled fusion could be used to generate virtually unlimited amounts of
commercial energy (see Chapter 13).
Image 4.2. Organic matter and fossil fuels contain potential chemical energy, which is released during
combustion to generate heat and electromagnetic radiation. This forest fire was ignited by lightning and
burned the organic matter of a pine forest. Source: NASA image: Kari Greer, http://www.nasa.gov/images/
Units of Energy
Although energy can exist in various forms, all of them can be measured in the same or equivalent units. The
internationally accepted system for scientific units is the SI system (Système International d’Unités), and its
recommended unit for energy is the joule (J). One joule is defined as the energy required to accelerate 1 kg of mass at 1
m/s2 (1 metre per second per second) over a distance of 1 m.
A calorie (or gram-calorie, abbreviation cal) is another unit of energy. One calorie is equivalent to 4.184 J, and it is
defined as the amount of energy required to raise the temperature of 1 g of pure water by 1°C (specifically, from 15°C to
16°C). Note, however, that the dietician’s “Calorie” is equivalent to 1000 calories (1 Calorie = 1 kcal). However, the energy
content of many food products is now listed in kJ in countries using the SI system of units, such as Canada.
Energy Transformations
As was previously noted, energy can be transformed among its various states. For example, when solar electromagnetic
radiation is absorbed by a dark object, it is transformed into thermal energy and the absorbing body increases in
temperature. The gravitational potential energy of water stored at a height is converted into the kinetic energy of
All transformations of energy must behave according to certain physical principles, which are known as the laws of
thermodynamics. These are universal principles, meaning they are always true, regardless of the circumstances.
The first law of thermodynamics, also known as the law of conservation of energy, can be stated as follows: Energy can
undergo transformations among its various states but it is never created or destroyed; therefore, the energy content of
the universe remains constant. A consequence of this law is that there is always a zero balance among the energy
inputs to a system, any net storage within it, and the energy output from the system.
Consider the case of an automobile driving along a highway. The vehicle consumes gasoline, an energy input that can
be measured. The potential energy of the fuel is converted into various other kinds of energy, including kinetic energy
embodied in forward motion of the vehicle, electrical energy powering the lights and windshield wipers, heat from
friction between the vehicle and the atmosphere and road surface, and hot exhaust gases (thermal energy) and
unburned fuel (chemical potential energy) that are vented through the tailpipe. Overall, in accordance with the first law
of thermodynamics, an accurate measuring of all of these transformations would find that, while the energy of the
gasoline was converted into various other forms, the total amount of energy was conserved (it remained constant).
The second law of thermodynamics can be expressed as follows: Transformations of energy can occur spontaneously
only under conditions in which there is an increase in the entropy of the universe. Entropy is a physical attribute
related to disorder, and is associated with the degree of randomness in the distributions of matter and energy. As the
randomness (disorder) increases, so does entropy. A decrease in disorder is referred to as negative entropy. Consider,
for example, an inflated balloon. Because of the potential energy of its compressed gases, that balloon may slowly leak
its contents to the surrounding atmosphere, and it may even burst. Either of these outcomes can occur in a
spontaneously fashion, because both processes would represent an increase in the entropy of the universe. This is
because compressed gases are more highly ordered than those widely dispersed in the atmosphere. In contrast,
dispersed gases in the atmosphere would never spontaneously relocate to inflate a balloon. A balloon will only inflate
only if energy is expended through a local application of work, such as by a person blowing into the balloon. In other
words, energy must be expended to cause a local decrease of entropy in a system. However, note that this energy cost
itself gives rise to an increase in the entropy of the universe. For instance, the effort of a person inflating a balloon
involves additional respiration, which uses biochemical energy and results in heat being released into the environment.
Another example concerns planet Earth. The planet continuously receives solar radiation, almost all of which is visible
and near-infrared wavelengths in the range of about 0.4 to 2.0 μm. Some of this electromagnetic energy is absorbed
and converted to thermal energy, which heats the atmosphere and surface. The planet cools itself of the absorbed solar
radiation in various ways, but ultimately that energy is dissipated by an emission of electromagnetic energy to outer
space as longer-wave infrared radiation (of a spectral quality that peaks at a wavelength of 10 μm). In this case,
relatively short-wavelength solar radiation is ultimately transformed into the longer-wavelength radiation emitted by
Earth, a process that represents a degradation in quality of the energy and an increase in the entropy of the universe.
An important corollary (or secondary proposition) of the second law of thermodynamics is that energy transformations
can never be completely efficient—some of the initial content of energy must always be converted to heat so that
A superficial assessment might suggest that life in general appears to contradict the second law of thermodynamics.
Plants, for example, absorb visible wavelengths of electromagnetic radiation and use this highly dispersed form of
energy to fix simple inorganic molecules (carbon dioxide and water) into extremely complex and energy-dense
biochemicals. The plant biomass may then be consumed by animals and microbes, which synthesize their own complex
biochemicals. These various bio-syntheses represent energy transformations that greatly decrease local entropy
because relatively dispersed electromagnetic energy and simple inorganic compounds are being converted into the
complex, highly ordered biochemicals of organisms. Do these biological transformations contravene the second law of
This seeming paradox of life can be resolved using the following logic: the localized bio-concentration of negative
entropy can only occur because the system (ultimately referring to the biosphere, or all life on Earth) receives a
constant input of energy in the form of solar radiation. If this external source of energy were somehow terminated, all
of the organisms and organic materials would spontaneously degrade, releasing simple inorganic molecules and heat
and thereby increasing the entropy of the universe. Therefore, life and ecosystems cannot survive without continual
inputs of solar energy, which are required to organize and maintain their negative entropy. In this sense, the biosphere
can be viewed as representing an “island” of negative entropy, highly localized in space and time, and continuously
fuelled by the Sun as an external source of energy.
Electromagnetic radiation emitted by the Sun is by far the major input of energy that drives ecosystems. Solar energy
heats the planet, circulates its atmosphere and oceans, evaporates its water, and sustains almost all its ecological
productivity. Eventually, all of the solar energy absorbed by Earth is re-radiated back to space in the form of
electromagnetic radiation of a longer wavelength than what was originally captured. In other words, Earth is a flow-
through system, with a perfect balance between the input of solar energy and output of re-radiated energy, and no net
storage over the longer term.
In addition, almost all ecosystems absolutely depend on solar radiation as the source of energy that photosynthetic
organisms (such as plants and algae) utilize to synthesize simple organic compounds (such as sugars) from inorganic
molecules (carbon dioxide and water). Plants and algae then use the chemical potential energy in these sugars, plus
inorganic nutrients (such as nitrate and phosphate), to synthesize a huge diversity of biochemicals through various
metabolic reactions. Plants grow and reproduce by using these biochemicals and their potential energy. Moreover,
plant biomass is used as food by the enormous numbers of organisms that are incapable of photosynthesis. These
organisms include herbivores that eat plants directly, carnivores that eat other animals, and detritivores that feed on
dead biomass. (The energy relationships within ecosystems are described later.)
Less than 0.02% of the solar energy received at Earth’s surface is absorbed and fixed by photosynthetic plants and
algae. Although this represents a quantitatively trivial component of the planet’s energy budget, it is extremely
important qualitatively because this biologically absorbed and fixed energy is the foundation of ecological productivity.
Ultimately and eventually, however, the solar energy fixed by plants and algae is released to the environment again as
An energy budget of a system describes the rates of energy input and output as well as any internal transformations
among its various states, including changes in stored quantities. Figure 4.2 illustrates key aspects of the physical
energy budget of Earth.
The rate of input of solar radiation to Earth averages about 8.36 J/cm2-minute (2.00 cal/cm2-min), measured at the
outer limit of the atmosphere. About half of this energy input is visible radiation and half is near infrared. The output of
energy from Earth is also about 8.36 J/cm2-min, occurring as longer-wave infrared. Because the rates of energy input
and output are equal, there is no net storage of energy, and the average surface temperature of the planet remains
stable. Therefore, as was previously noted, the energy budget of Earth can be characterized as a zero-sum, flow-
through system.
However, the above is not exactly true. Over extremely long scales of geological time, a small amount of storage of
solar energy has occurred through an accumulation of undecomposed biomass that eventually transformed into fossil
fuels. In addition, relatively minor long-term fluctuations in Earth’s surface temperature occur, representing an
important element of climate change. Nevertheless, these are quantitatively trivial exceptions to the statement that
Earth is a zero-sum, flow-through system for solar energy.
Figure 4.2. Important Components of Earth’s Physical Energy Budget. About 30% of the incoming solar
radiation is reflected by atmospheric clouds and particulates and by the surface of the planet. The remaining
70% is absorbed and then dissipated in various ways. Much of the absorbed energy heats the atmosphere and
terrestrial surfaces, and most is then re-radiated as long-wave infrared radiation. Atmospheric moisture and
greenhouse gases interfere with this process of re-radiation, keeping the surface considerably warmer than it
would otherwise be (see also Chapter 17). The numbers refer to the percentage of incoming solar radiation. See
the text for a more detailed description of important factors in this energy budget. Source: Modified from
Even though the amount of energy emitted by Earth eventually equals the quantity of solar radiation that is absorbed,
many ecologically important transformations occur between the initial absorption and eventual re-radiation. These are
the internal elements of the physical energy budget of the planet (see Figure 4.2). The most important components are
described below:
Reflection – On average, Earth’s atmosphere and surface reflect about 30% of incoming solar energy back to outer
space. Earth’s reflectivity (albedo) is influenced by such factors as the angle of the incoming solar radiation (which
varies during the day and over the year), the amounts of reflective cloud cover and atmospheric particulates (also
highly variable), and the character of the surface, especially the types and amounts of water (including snow and ice)
and darker vegetation.
Absorption by the Atmosphere – About 25% of incident solar radiation is absorbed by gases, vapours, and particulates
in the atmosphere, including clouds. The rate of absorption is wavelength-specific, with portions of the infrared range
being intensively absorbed by the so-called “greenhouse” gases (especially water vapour and carbon dioxide; see
Chapter 17). The absorbed energy is converted to heat and re-radiated as infrared radiation of a longer wavelength
than what has been initialy absorbed.
Absorption by the Surface – On average, about 45% of incoming solar radiation passes through the atmosphere and is
absorbed at Earth’s by living and non-living materials at the surface, a trabsformation that increases their temperature.
However, this figure of 45% is highly variable, depending partly on atmospheric conditions, especially cloud cover, and
also on whether the incident light has passed through a plant canopy. Although over the longer term (years) and even
the medium term (days) the global net storage of heat is essentially zero, in some places there may be substantial
changes in the net storage of thermal energy within the year. This occurs everywhere in Canada because of the
seasonality of its climate, in that environments are much warmer during the summer than in the winter. Nevertheless,
almost all of the absorbed energy is eventually dissipated by re-radiation from the surface as long-wave infrared.
Evaporation of Water – Some of the thermal energy of living and non-living surfaces causes water to evaporate in a
process known as evapotranspiration. This process has two components: the evaporation of water from lakes, rivers,
Melting of Snow and Ice – Absorbed thermal energy can also cause ice and snow to melt, representing an energy
transformation associated with a change of state of water from a solid to a liquid form.
Wind and Water Currents – There is a highly uneven distribution of the content of thermal energy at and near the
surface of Earth, with some regions being quite cold (such as the Arctic) and others much warmer warm (the tropics).
Because of this irregular allocation of heat, the surface develops processes to diminish the energy gradients by
transporting mass around the globe, such as by winds and oceanic currents (see also Chapter 3).
Biological Fixation – A very small but ecologically critical portion of incoming solar radiation (globally averaging less
than 0.02%) is absorbed by chlorophyll in plants and algae and used to drive photosynthesis. This biological fixation
allows some of the solar energy to be temporarily stored as potential energy in biochemicals, thereby serving as the
energetic basis for ecological productivity and life on Earth.
Energy in Ecosystems
An ecological energy budget focuses on the absorption of energy by photosynthetic organisms and the transfer of that
fixed energy through the trophic levels of ecosystems (“trophic” refers to the means of organic nutrition). Ecologists
classify organisms in terms of the sources of energy they utilize.
Autotrophs are capable of synthesizing their complex biochemicals using simple inorganic compounds and an external
source of energy to drive the process. The great majority are photoautotrophs, which use sunlight as their external
source of energy. Photoautotrophs capture solar radiation using photosynthetic pigments, the most important of
which is chlorophyll. Green plants are the most abundant examples of photoautotrophs, but algae and some bacteria
are also photoautotrophic.
A much smaller number of autotrophs are chemoautotrophs, which harness some of the energy content of certain
inorganic chemicals to drive a process called chemosynthesis. The bacterium Thiobacillus thiooxidans, for example,
oxidizes sulphide minerals to sulphate and uses some of the energy liberated during this reaction to chemosynthesize
organic molecules.
Because autotrophs are the biological foundation of ecological productivity, ecologists refer to them as primary
producers. The total fixation of solar energy by all of the primary producers within an ecosystem is known as gross
primary production (GPP). Primary producers use some of this production for their own respiration (R) – that is, for the
physiological functions needed to maintain their health and to grow. Respiration is the metabolic oxidation of
biochemicals, and it requires a supply of oxygen and releases carbon dioxide and water as waste products. Net primary
production (NPP) refers to the fraction of GPP that remains after primary producers have used some for their own
respiration. In other words: NPP = GPP – R.
The energy fixed by primary producers is the basis for the productivity of all other organisms, known as heterotrophs,
which heterotrophs rely on other organisms, living or dead, to supply the energy they need. Animal heterotrophs that
feed on plants are known as herbivores (or primary consumers); three familiar examples are deer, geese, and
grasshoppers. Heterotrophs that consume other animals are known as carnivores (or secondary consumers), such as
timber wolf, peregrine falcon, sharks, and spiders. Some species feed on both plant and animal biomass and are known
as omnivores –the grizzly bear is a good example, as is our own species. Many other heterotrophs feed primarily on
Image 4.3. Plant productivity is sustained by solar energy, which is fixed by chlorophyll in the plant and used to
combine carbon dioxide, water, and other simple inorganic compounds into the complex molecular structures
of organic matter. These ecologists are studying the productivity of a plant community on Sable Island, Nova
Scotia. Source: B. Freedman.
Productivity is production expressed as a rate function, that is, per unit of time and area. Productivity in terrestrial
ecosystems is often expressed in units such as kilograms of dry biomass (or its energy equivalent) per hectare per year
(kg/ha-y or kJ/ha-y), while aquatic productivity is often given as grams per cubic metre per year (g/m3-y).
Many studies have been made of the productivity of the various trophic levels in ecosystems. For example, studies of a
natural oak–pine forest found that the total fixation of solar energy by the vegetation (the annual gross primary
production) was equivalent to 4.81 × 104 kJ/m2-y (48 100 kJ/m2-y) (Odum, 1993). This fixation rate was equivalent to
less than 0.1% of the annual input of solar radiation. Because the plants used 2.72 × 104 kJ/m2-y during their
respiration, the net primary productivity was 2.09 × 104 kJ/m2-y, represented mainly by the growing biomass of the
trees. The various heterotrophic organisms in the forest used 1.26 × 104 kJ/m2-y to support their respiration.
Ultimately, the net accumulation of biomass by all organisms in the ecosystem (referred to as the net ecosystem
productivity) was equivalent to 0.83 × 104 kJ/m2-y, or 8.3 × 103 kJ/m2-y.
The primary productivities of the world’s major classes of ecosystems are summarized in Table 4.1. Note that the rate of
production is greatest in tropical forests, wetlands, coral reefs, and estuaries. The production for each ecosystem type
is calculated as its productivity multiplied by its area. However, the largest amounts of production occur in tropical
forests and the open ocean. Note that the open ocean has a relatively small productivity, but its global production is
large because of its enormous area.
Table 4.1. Primary Production of Earth’s Major Ecosystems. The ecosystems are listed in order of net primary
productivity. Productivity is the rate of production, standardized to area and time, while production is the total
amount of biomass (in dry tonnes) produced by the global area of an ecosystem. See Chapter 8 for descriptions
of these biomes (major kinds of ecosystems). Source: modified from Whittaker and Likens (1975).
Figure 4.3 illustrates important elements of the food web of Lake Erie, one of the Great Lakes. In this large lake,
shallow-water environments support aquatic plants, while phytoplankton occur throughout the upper water column.
The shallow-water plants are consumed by ducks, muskrat, and other herbivores, while phytoplankton are consumed
by tiny crustaceans (zooplankton) and bottom-living filter-feeders such as clams. Zooplankton are eaten by small fish
such as smelt, which are eaten by larger fish, which may eventually be eaten by cormorants, bald eagles, or humans.
Dead biomass from any level of the food web may settle to the bottom, where it enters a detrital food web and is eaten
by small animals and ultimately decomposed by bacteria and fungi.
Figure 4.3. Major Elements of the Food Web in Lake Erie. Food webs are complex systems, involving many
In accordance with the second law of thermodynamics, the transfer of energy in food webs is always inefficient
because some of the fixed energy must be converted into heat. For example, when a herbivore consumes plant
biomass, only some of the energy content can be assimilated and transformed into its biomass. The rest is excreted in
feces or utilized in respiration (Figure 4.4). Consequently, in all ecosystems the amount of productivity by autotrophs is
always much greater than that of herbivores, which in turn is always much greater than that of their predators. As a
broad generalization, there is about a 90% loss of energy at each transfer stage. In other words, the productivity of
herbivores is only about 10% of that of their plant food, and the productivity of the first carnivore level is only 10% of
that of the herbivores they feed upon.
Figure 4.4. Model of Energy Transfer in an Ecosystem. Lower levels of a food web always have a greater
production than higher levels. For this reason, the trophic structure is roughly pyramidal. According to the
second law of thermodynamics, some of the energy content in food webs is converted into heat or respiration
(R). There is about a 90% loss of energy at each transfer stage.
The second law of thermodynamics applies to ecological productivity, a function that is directly related to energy flow.
The second law does not, however, directly explain the accumulated biomass of an ecosystem. Consequently, it is only
For example, in the open ocean, phytoplankton are the primary producers, but they often maintain a biomass similar to
that of the small zooplankton that feed upon them. The phytoplankton cells are relatively short-lived, and their
biomass turns over quickly because of their high rates of productivity and mortality. In contrast, the individual
zooplankton animals are longer-lived and much less productive than the phytoplankton. Consequently, the
productivity of the phytoplankton is much larger than that of the zooplankton, even though at any particular time
these trophic levels may have a similar biomass.
Some ecosystems may even have an inverted pyramid of biomass, characterized by a smaller biomass of plants than of
herbivores. This sometimes occurs in grasslands, in which the dominant plants are relatively small herbaceous species
that can be quite productive but do not maintain a large biomass. In comparison, some of the herbivores that feed on
the plants are large, long-lived animals, which may maintain a greater total biomass than the vegetation. Some
temperate and tropical grasslands have an inverted biomass pyramid, especially during the dry season when there may
be large populations (and biomass) of long-lived herbivores such as antelope, bison, deer, elephant, gazelle,
hippopotamus, or rhino. However, in accordance with the second law of thermodynamics, the annual (or long-term)
productivity of the plants in these grasslands is always much larger than that of the herbivores.
In addition, the population densities of animals are not necessarily smaller than those of the plants that they eat. For
instance, insects are the most important herbivores in many forests and they commonly maintain large populations. In
contrast, the numbers of trees are much smaller, because each individual plant is large and occupies a great deal of
space. Forests typically maintain many more herbivores than trees and other plants, so the pyramid of numbers is
inverted in shape. As in all ecosystems, however, the pyramid of forest productivity is much wider at the bottom than
at the top.
Because of the inefficiency of the energy transfer between trophic levels, there are energetic limits to the numbers of
top carnivores (such as eagles, killer whales, sharks, and wolves) that can be sustained by an ecosystem. To sustain a
viable population of top predators, there must be a suitably large production of prey that these animals can exploit.
This prey must in turn be sustained by an appropriately high plant productivity. Because of these ecological
constraints, only extremely productive or very extensive ecosystems can support top predators. Of all Earth’s
terrestrial ecosystems, none supports more species of higher-order carnivores than the savannahs and grasslands of
Africa. The most prominent of these top predators are the cheetah, hyena, leopard, lion, and wild dog. This unusually
high richness of top predators can be sustained because these African ecosystems are immense and quite productive
of vegetation, except during years of drought. In contrast, the tundra of northern Canada can support only one natural
species of top predator, the wolf. Although the tundra is an extensive biome, it is a relatively unproductive ecosystem.
Some pre-industrial human populations functioned as top predators. This included certain Aboriginal peoples of
Canada, such as the Inuit of the Arctic and many First Nations cultures of the boreal forest. As an ecological
consequence of their higher-order feeding strategy within their food web, these cultures were not able to maintain
large populations. In most modern economies, however, humans interact with ecosystems in an omnivorous
manner—we harvest an extremely wide range of foods and other biomass products of microbes, fungi, algae, plants,
and invertebrate and vertebrate animals. One of the consequences of this kind of feeding is that a large human
population can be sustained.
Cultivated animals eat a great deal of food. In the industrial agriculture practised in developed countries,
including Canada, livestock are raised mostly on a diet of plant products, including cultivated grain. Some
vegetarians argue that if that grain were fed directly to people, the total amounts of cereals and agricultural
land needed to support the human population would be much less. This argument is based on the inefficiency
of energy transfer between trophic levels, which we examined in this chapter in a more ecological context. This
energy-efficiency argument is most compelling for animals that are fed on grain and other concentrated foods.
It is less relevant to livestock that spend all or part of their life grazing on wild rangeland – in that ecological
context, ruminant animals such as cows and sheep are eating plant biomass that humans could not directly
consume and so they are producing food that would not otherwise be available.
Similarly, many chickens, pigs, and other livestock are fed food wastes (for example, from restaurants) and
processing by-products (such as vegetable and fruit culls and peelings, and grain mash from breweries) that are
not suitable for human consumption. It has been estimated that about 25% of global cropland is being used to
grow grain and other foods for livestock, and that 37% of the world’s cereal production is fed to agricultural
animals. In North America, however, about 70% of the grain production is fed to livestock. And there are
immense numbers of agricultural animals: globally, there are more than 3 billion cows, goats, and sheep, and at
least 20 billion chickens. The cows alone eat the equivalent of the caloric needs of 8–9 billion people.
Assimilation efficiency is a measure of the percentage of the energy content of an ingested food that is
absorbed by the gut and therefore available to support the metabolic needs of an animal. This efficiency varies
among groups of animals and also depends on the type of food being eaten. Herbivorous animals typically have
an assimilation efficiency of 20–50%, with the smaller rate being for tough, fibrous, poor-quality foods such as
grass and straw, and the larger one for higher-quality foods such as grain. Carnivores have a higher assimilation
efficiency, around 80%, because their food is so dense in protein and fat. Overall, it takes about 16 kg of feed to
produce 1 kg of beef in a feedlot. The ratios for other livestock are 6:1 for pork, 3:1 for chicken, and 2:1 to 3:1 for
farmed fish. These assimilation inefficiencies would be avoided if people directly ate the grain consumed by
Ecological energetics is not the only consideration in the energy efficiency of vegetarianism. Huge amounts of
energy are also used to convert natural ecosystems into farmland, to cultivate and manage the agroecosystems,
to transport commodities, to process and package foods, and to transport, treat, or dispose of waste materials.
These energy expenditures would also be substantially reduced if more people had a vegetarian diet and
lifestyle. Clearly, vegetarians have a smaller “ecological footprint” associated with their feeding habits (see Table
25.1 in Chapter 25).
Energy can exist in various states, but transformations from one to another must obey the laws of thermodynamics.
Organisms and ecosystems would spontaneously degrade if they did not have continuous access to external sources of
energy. Ultimately, sunlight is the key source of energy that supports almost all life and ecosystems. Sunlight is used by
1. What forms of energy are described in this chapter? How can each be changed into other forms?
2. What are the first and second laws of thermodynamics? How do they govern transformations of energy?
3. What are the major elements of Earth’s physical energy budget?
4. Why is the trophic structure of ecological productivity pyramid-shaped?
1. According to the second law of thermodynamics, systems always spontaneously move toward a condition of
greater entropy. Yet life and ecosystems on Earth represent local systems where negative entropy is continuously
being generated. What conditions allow this apparent paradox to exist?
2. Why are there no natural higher-order predators that kill and eat lions, wolves, and sharks?
3. Why would it be more efficient for people to be vegetarian? Discuss your answer in view of the pyramid-shaped
structure of ecological productivity.
4. Make a list of the key sources and transformations of energy that support you and your activities on a typical day.
What is the ultimate source of each of the energy resources you use (such as sunlight and fossil fuels)?
Exploring Issues
1. As part of a study of the cycling of pollutants, you have been asked to describe the food web of two local
ecosystems. One of the ecosystems is a natural forest (or prairie) and the other is an area used to grow wheat (or
another crop). How would you determine the major components of the food webs of these ecosystems, the species
occurring in their trophic levels, and the interactions among the various species that are present?
Botkin, D.B. and E.A. Keller. 2014. Environmental Science: Earth as a Living Planet. 9th ed. Wiley & Sons, New York, NY.
Freedman, B. 1995. Environmental Ecology. 2nd ed. Academic Press, San Diego, CA. Gates, D.M. 1985. Energy and
Ecology. Sinauer, New York, NY.
Hinrichs, R.A. and M. Kleinbach. 2012. Energy: Its Use and the Environment. 5th ed. Brook Cole, Florence, KY.
Odum, E.P. 1993. Basic Ecology. Saunders College Publishing, New York, NY
Liu, P.I. 2009. Introduction to Energy, Technology, and the Environment. 2nd ed. ASME Press, New York, NY.
Priest, J. 2012. Energy: Principles, Problems, Alternatives. 8th ed. Kendall Hunt Publishing Co., Dubuque, IO.
Schneider, S.H. 1989. The Changing Climate. Scientific American, 261(3): 70-9
Whittaker, R.H. and G.E. Likens. 1975. The Biosphere and Man. pp. 305-28. In: Primary Productivity of the Biosphere. (H.
Lieth and R.H. Whittaker, eds.). Springer-Verlag, New York, NY.
Key Concepts
Nutrients are any chemicals that are needed for the proper functioning of organisms. We can distinguish two basic
types of nutrients: (1) inorganic chemicals that autotrophic organisms require for photosynthesis and metabolism, and
(2) organic compounds ingested as food by heterotrophic organisms. This chapter deals with the inorganic nutrients.
Plants absorb a wide range of inorganic nutrients from their environment, typically as simple compounds. For example,
most plants obtain their carbon as gaseous carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere, their nitrogen as the ions
(charged molecules) nitrate (NO3–) or ammonium (NH4+), their phosphorus as phosphate (PO43–), and their calcium
and magnesium as simple ions (Ca2+ and Mg2+). The ions are obtained in dissolved form in soil water absorbed by plant
roots. Plants utilize these various nutrients in photosynthesis and other metabolic processes to manufacture all of the
biochemicals they need for growth and reproduction.
Some inorganic nutrients, referred to as macronutrients, are needed by plants in relatively large quantities. These are
carbon, oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium, and sulphur. Carbon and oxygen are
required in the largest amounts because carbon typically comprises about 50% of the dry weight of plant biomass and
oxygen somewhat less. Hydrogen accounts for about 6% of dry plant biomass, while nitrogen and potassium occur in
concentrations of 1-2% and those of calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, and sulphur are 0.1-0.5%. Micronutrients are
needed in much smaller amounts, and they include boron, chlorine, copper, iron, manganese, molybdenum, and zinc.
Each of these accounts for less than 0.01% of plant biomass and as little as a few parts per million (ppm, or 10–6; 1 ppm
is equivalent to 0.0001%; see Appendix A).
Image 5.1. The productivity of a natural ecosystem is often limited by the supply of nutrients. This can be
investigated by experimentally adding fertilizer to the system. In this case, nitrogen fertilizer was added to a
meadow in Arctic tundra on Ellesmere Island, resulting in increased productivity. The experimental plot is a
Heterotrophs obtain the nutrients they require from the food they eat, which may be plant biomass (in the case of a
herbivore), other heterotrophs (carnivore), or both (omnivore). The ingested biomass contains nutrients in various
organically bound forms. Animals digest the organic forms of nutrients in their gut and assimilate them as simple
organic or inorganic compounds, which they use to synthesize their own necessary biochemicals through various
metabolic processes.
Although Earth gains small amounts of material through meteorite impacts, these extraterrestrial inputs are
insignificant in comparison with the mass of the planet. Essentially, at the global level, Earth is an isolated system in
terms of matter. As a consequence of this fact, nutrients and other materials “cycle” within and between ecosystems. In
contrast, energy always “flows through” ecosystems and the biosphere (Chapter 4). Nutrient cycling refers to the
transfers, chemical transformations, and recycling of nutrients in ecosystems. A nutrient budget is a quantitative
(numerical) estimate of the rates of nutrient input and output to and from an ecosystem, as well as the amounts
present and transferred within the system.
The major elements of a nutrient cycle are shown in Figure 5.1. The outer boundary of the diagram defines the limits of
an ecosystem. (It could even represent the entire biosphere, in which case there would be no inputs to or outputs from
the system.) In ecological studies, the system is often defined as a particular landscape, lake, or watershed (a terrestrial
basin from which water drains into a stream or lake). Each of these systems has inputs and outputs of nutrients, the
rates of which can be measured.
1. The atmosphere consists of gases and small concentrations of suspended particulates and water vapour.
2. Rocks and soil consist of insoluble minerals that are not directly available for uptake by organisms.
3. Available nutrients are present in chemical forms that are water soluble to some degree, so they can be absorbed
by organisms from their environment and contribute to their mineral nutrition.
4. The organic compartment consists of nutrients present within living and dead organic matter. This compartment
can be divided into three functional groups: (a) living biomass of autotrophs such as plants, algae, and autotrophic
bacteria, (b) living heterotrophs including herbivores, carnivores, omnivores, and detritivores, and (c) and all forms
of dead organic matter.
The major transfers of material between compartments, or fluxes, are also shown in Figure 5.1. These are important
transfer pathways within nutrient cycles. For instance, insoluble forms of nutrients in rocks and soil become available
for uptake by organisms through various chemical transformations, such as weathering, that render the nutrients
soluble in water. This is reversed by reactions that produce insoluble compounds from soluble ones. These latter
reactions form secondary minerals such as carbonates (e.g. limestone, CaCO3, and dolomite, MgCO3), oxides of iron
and aluminum (Fe2O3 and Al(OH)3), sulphides (e.g., iron sulphide, FeS2), and other compounds that are not directly
available for biological uptake.
Figure 5.1. Conceptual Diagram of a Nutrient Cycle. This diagram shows the major elements of a nutrient cycle
for a particular ecosystem, such as a watershed. Each box represents a compartment (atmosphere, soil and
rocks, organic material, and available nutrients) that contains a quantity of material. The arrows represent
fluxes, or transfers of material between compartments. Source: Modified from Likens et al. (1977).
Other fluxes in nutrient cycles include the biological uptake of nutrients from the atmosphere or from the available
These concepts are examined in more detail in the following sections. Initially, we examine the soil ecosystem, which is
where most nutrient cycling occurs within terrestrial habitats. We will then examine key aspects of the cycling of
carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, and sulphur.
Soil is a complex and variable mixture of fragmented rock, organic matter, moisture, gases, and living organisms that
covers almost all terrestrial landscapes. Soil provides mechanical support for growing, even for trees as tall as 100 m.
Soil also stores water and nutrients for use by plants and provides habitat for the many organisms that are active in the
decomposition of dead biomass and recycling of its nutrient content. Soil is a component of all terrestrial ecosystems,
but it is also in itself a dynamic ecosystem.
Soil develops over long periods of time toward a mature condition. Fundamentally, soil is derived from a so-called
parent material, which consists of rocks and minerals that occur within a metre or so of the surface. Parent materials
in most of Canada were deposited through glacial processes, often as a complex mixture known as till, which contains
rock fragments of various sizes and mineralogy. In some areas, however, the parent materials were deposited beneath
immense inland lakes, usually in post-glacial times. Such places are typically flat and have uniform, fine-grained soils
ranging in texture from clay to sand. (Clay particles have a diameter less than 0.002 mm, while silt ranges from 0.002 to
0.05 mm, sand from 0.05 to 2 mm, gravel from 2 to 20 mm, and coarse gravel and rubble are larger than 20 mm.) Figure
5.2 presents a textural classification of soil based on the percentage of clay-, silt-, and sand-sized particles.
Figure 5.2. A Textural Classification of Soils. The percentage composition of clay-, silt-, and sand-sized particles
is used to classify soils into the 12 major types that are shown. Source: Modified from Foth (1990).
The characteristics of the parent material have an important influence on the type of soil that eventually develops.
However, soil development is also profoundly affected by biological processes and climatic factors such as
precipitation and temperature.
For example, water from precipitation dissolves certain minerals and carries the resulting ions downward. This
process, known as leaching, modifies the chemistry and mineralogy of both the surface and deeper parts of the soil. In
addition, inputs of litter (dead biomass) from plants increase the content of organic matter in soil. Fresh litter is a food
substrate for many decomposer species of soil-dwelling animals, fungi, and bacteria. These organisms eventually
oxidize the organic debris into carbon dioxide, water, and inorganic nutrients such as ammonium, although some
material remaining as complex organic matter, known as humus. As soils develop, they assume a vertical stratification
known as a soil profile, which has recognizable layers known as horizons. From the surface downward, the major
Soil that has been modified by human influences may be stratified differently. In cultivated land, for example, a
homogeneous plough layer (Ap) of 15-20 cm develops at the surface. The plough layer is uniform in structure because it
has been repeatedly mixed up for many years. In addition, the soil of agricultural land is often deficient in organic
matter, compacted by the repeated passage of heavy machinery, and degraded in structure, nutrient concentration,
and other qualities important to its ability to support crop productivity. These subjects are examined in more detail in
Chapters 14 and 24.
Image 5.2. Soil in natural ecosystems often develops a vertical stratification. Typically, there are organic-rich
horizons on the surface and mineral-rich ones below. This soil “pit” was dug in a spruce-dominated stand of
boreal forest in Labrador. Beneath the darker organic surface layer is a light-coloured mineral horizon from
which iron and aluminum ions have been leached downward by percolating water. The next reddish layer is
part of the B horizon, where iron and aluminum are deposited. The lightish bottom layer is the parent material,
Broadly speaking, soil within a particular kind of ecosystem, such as tundra, conifer forest, hardwood forest, or prairie,
tends to develop in a distinctive way. Soils are classified by the ecological conditions under which they developed. The
highest level of classification arranges soils into groups called orders, which can themselves be divided into more
The soil ecosystem is extremely important. Terrestrial plants obtain their water and much of the nutrients they need
from the soil, absorbing them through their roots. Soil also provides habitat for a great diversity of animals and
microorganisms that play a crucial role in litter decomposition and nutrient cycling.
Soil is economically important because it critically influences the kinds of agricultural crops that can be grown (this
topic is examined in Chapter 14). Some of the most productive agricultural soils are alluvial deposits found along rivers
and their deltas, where periodic flooding and silt deposition bring in abundant supplies of nutrients. As long as they are
not too stony, chernozem and brunisol are also fertile and useful for agriculture. Much prairie agriculture is developed
on chernozem soils, while much of the fertile agricultural land of southern Quebec and Ontario has brunisol types.
Carbon is one of the basic building blocks of life and the most abundant element in organisms, accounting for about
half of typical dry biomass. Key aspects of the global carbon cycle are presented in Figure 5.3 (see also Chapter 17 and
Figure 17.1). Gaseous carbon dioxide (CO2) is the most abundant form of carbon in the atmosphere, where it occurs in a
concentration of about 400 ppm (0.04%), although methane (CH4, 1.8 ppm) is also significant.
Atmospheric CO2 is a critical nutrient for photosynthetic organisms, such as plants and algae. Plants absorb this gas
through tiny pores (called stomata) in their foliage, fix it into simple sugars, and then use the fixed energy to support
their respiration and to achieve growth and reproduction. The biomass of autotrophs is available to be consumed by
heterotrophs and passed through food webs. All organisms release CO2 to the atmosphere as a waste product of their
respiratory metabolism.
CO2 is also the most common emission associated with the decomposition of dead organic matter. However, if this
process occurs under anaerobic conditions (in which oxygen, O2, is not present), then both CO2 and CH4 are emitted.
Because anaerobic decomposition is relatively inefficient, dead organic matter often accumulates in wetlands such as
swamps and bogs, eventually forming peat. Under suitable geological conditions of deep burial, high pressure and
temperature, and a lack of oxygen, peat and other organic materials may be slowly transformed into carbon-rich fossil
fuels such as coal, petroleum, and natural gas (see Chapter 13).
Atmospheric CO2 also dissolves into oceanic water, forming the bicarbonate ion (HCO3–), which can be taken up and
fixed by photosynthetic algae and bacteria, which are the base of the marine food web. Various marine organisms also
use oceanic CO2 and HCO3– to manufacture their shells of calcium carbonate (CaCO3), an insoluble mineral that slowly
accumulates in sediment and may eventually lithify into limestone (also CaCO3).
Over almost all of geological time, the amount of CO2 absorbed by the global biota from the atmosphere was similar to
that released through respiration and decomposition. Consequently, the cycling of this nutrient can be viewed as a
steady-state system. In modern times, however, anthropogenic emissions have changed the atmospheric carbon
balance. Global emissions of CO2 and CH4 are now larger than the uptake of these gases, an imbalance that has
resulted in increasing concentrations in the atmosphere. This phenomenon appears to be intensifying the greenhouse
effect of Earth and resulting in global warming (see Chapter 17).
Nitrogen is another important nutrient for organisms, being an integral component of many biochemicals, including
amino acids, proteins, and nucleic acids. Like the carbon cycle, that of nitrogen has an important atmospheric phase.
However, unlike carbon, nitrogen is not a significant constituent of rocks and minerals. Consequently, the atmospheric
reservoir plays a paramount role in the cycling of nitrogen (Figure 5.4).
Figure 5.4. Model of the Global Nitrogen Cycle. Nitrogen occurs in three main compartments: the atmosphere,
terrestrial organic material, and oceanic organic material. The amounts of nitrogen stored in compartments are
expressed in units of millions of tonnes of nitrogen (106 t or megatonnes, Mt), while fluxes are in 106 t/y. Based
on data from Hutzinger (1982) and Freedman (1995).
Virtually all nitrogen in the atmosphere occurs in the form of nitrogen gas (N2, sometimes referred to as dinitrogen),
which is present in a concentration of 78%. Other gaseous forms of nitrogen are ammonia (NH3), nitric oxide (NO),
nitrogen dioxide (NO2), and nitrous oxide (N2O). These trace gases typically occur in atmospheric concentrations much
less than 1 ppm, although there may be larger amounts close to sources of anthropogenic emissions (see Chapter 16).
Nitrogen also occurs in trace particulates containing nitrate (NO3–) and ammonium (NH4+), such as ammonium nitrate
(NH4NO3) and ammonium sulphate ((NH4)2SO4), both of which can be significant pollutants related to acid rain and
haze (see Chapters 16 and 19).
Nitrogen occurs in many additional forms in terrestrial and aquatic environments. “Organic nitrogen” refers to the
great variety of nitrogen-containing molecules in living and dead biomass. These chemicals range in character from
simple amino acids, through proteins and nucleic acids, to large and complex molecules that are components of
humified organic matter. Nitrogen in ecosystems also occurs in a small number of inorganic compounds, the most
important of which are N2 and NH3 gases and the ions nitrate, nitrite (NO2–), and ammonium. The nitrogen cycle
involves the transformation and cycling of the various organic and inorganic forms of nitrogen within ecosystems.
Because the two nitrogen atoms in dinitrogen gas are held together by a strong triple bond, N2 is a highly unreactive
compound. For this reason N2 can be directly used by only a few specialized organisms, even though it is extremely
abundant in the environment. These nitrogen-fixing species, all of which are microorganisms, have the ability to
metabolize N2 into NH3 gas, which can then be used for their nutrition. More importantly, the NH3 also becomes
indirectly available to the great majority of autotrophic plants and microorganisms that cannot fix N2 themselves.
Biological nitrogen fixation is a critical process – most ecosystems depend on it to provide the nitrogen that sustains
their primary productivity. In fact, because nitrogen is not an important constituent of rocks and soil minerals,
N2 fixation is ultimately responsible for almost all of the organic nitrogen in the biomass of organisms and ecosystems
throughout the biosphere. The only other significant sources of fixed nitrogen for ecosystems are the atmospheric
deposition of nitrate and ammonium in precipitation and dustfall, and the uptake of NO and NO2 gases by plants.
However, these are generally minor sources in comparison with biological N2 fixation.
The best known of the N2-fixing microorganisms are bacteria called Rhizobium, which live in specialized nodules on
the roots of leguminous plants, such as peas and beans. Some non-legumes, such as alders, also live in a beneficial
symbiosis (a mutualism; see Chapter 9) with N2-fixing microorganisms. So do most lichens, which are a mutualism
between a fungus and an alga. Many other N2-fixing microbes are free-living in soil or water, such as cyanobacteria
(blue-green bacteria).
Non-biological nitrogen fixation also occurs, for instance during a lightning event when atmospheric N2combines with
O2 under conditions of great heat and pressure. Humans can also cause N2 to be fixed. For example, nitrogen fertilizer
is manufactured by combining N2 with hydrogen gas (H2, which is manufactured from CH4, a fossil fuel) in the
presence of iron catalysts to produce NH3. In addition, NO gas is formed in the internal combustion engines of
vehicles, where N2 combines with O2 under conditions of high pressure and temperature. Large amounts of NO are
emitted to the atmosphere in vehicle exhaust, contributing to air pollution (Chapter 16). Anthropogenic N2 fixation now
amounts to about 120 million tonnes per year, about 83% of which is the manufacturing of fertilizer. This is a globally
important component of the modern nitrogen cycle and is comparable in magnitude with non-human N2fixation
(about 170 million tonnes per year).
Image 5.3. Most species in the pea family (Fabaceae), such as these soybeans, develop a mutualism with
Rhizobium bacteria. The Rhizobium live in nodules on the roots and fix nitrogen gas (N2) into ammonia (NH3),
After an organism dies, its organically bound nitrogen must be converted to inorganic forms; otherwise, the recycling
of its fixed nitrogen would not be possible (Figure 5.5). The initial stage of this process is ammonification, in which the
organic nitrogen of dead biomass is transformed to ammonia, which acquires a hydrogen ion (H+) to form ammonium
(NH4+). As such, ammonification is a component of the complex process of decay, but one that is specific to the
nitrogen cycle. Ammonification is carried out by a variety of microorganisms. The resulting ammonium is a suitable
source of nutrition for many species of plants, particularly those that live in environments with acidic soil. Most plants,
however, cannot utilize NH4+ effectively, and they require nitrate (NO3–) as their main source of nitrogen nutrition.
Nitrification is the process by which nitrate is synthesized from ammonium. The initial step is the conversion of NH4+
to nitrite (NO2–), a function carried out by bacteria known as Nitrosomonas. Once the nitrite is formed, it is rapidly
oxidized to nitrate by Nitrobacter bacteria. Because Nitrosomonas and Nitrobacter are sensitive to acidity, nitrification
does not occur in acidic soil or water. This is why plants growing in acidic habitats must be able to use ammonium as
their source of nitrogen.
Figure 5.5. Important Transformations of Fixed Nitrogen in Ecosystems. The diagram indicates the key
transformations of nitrogen among its most important inorganic forms in soil and aquatic ecosystems. Source:
In denitrification, also performed by a wide variety of microbial species, nitrate is converted to either of the gases N2O
or N2, which are released to the atmosphere. Denitrification occurs under anaerobic conditions, and its rate is greatest
when there is a large concentration of nitrate, for example in fertilized agricultural land that is temporarily flooded. In
some respects, denitrification can be considered a counter-balancing process to nitrogen fixation. In fact, global rates
of nitrogen fixation and denitrification are in a rough balance, so the total amount of fixed nitrogen in the biosphere is
not changing much over time.
Phosphorus is a key constituent of many biochemicals, including fats and lipids, nucleic acids such as the genetic
materials DNA and RNA, and energy-carrying molecules such as ATP. However, phosphorus is required by organisms in
much smaller quantities than nitrogen or carbon. Nevertheless, phosphorus is often in short supply and so it is a
critical nutrient in many ecosystems, particularly in freshwater and agriculture.
In contrast to the carbon and nitrogen cycles, that of phosphorus does not have a significant atmospheric phase.
Although phosphorus compounds do occur in the atmosphere, as trace quantities in particulates, the resulting inputs
to ecosystems are small compared with the amounts available from soil minerals or from the addition of fertilizer to
agricultural land. Phosphorus tends to move from the terrestrial landscape into surface waters and then eventually to
the oceans, where it deposits to sediment that acts as a long-term sink. Although some phosphorus minerals in
oceanic sediment are eventually recycled to the land by geological uplift associated with mountain building, this is an
extremely slow process and is not meaningful in ecological time scales. Therefore, aspects of the global phosphorus
cycle represent a flow-through system.
Nevertheless, certain processes do return some marine phosphorus to portions of the continental landscape. For
example, some kinds of fish spend most of their life at sea but migrate up rivers to breed. When they are abundant, fish
such as salmon import substantial quantities of organic phosphorus to the higher reaches of rivers, where it is
decomposed to phosphate after the fish spawn and die. Fish-eating marine birds are also locally important in returning
oceanic phosphorus to land through their excrement.
Soil is the principal source of phosphorus uptake for terrestrial vegetation. The phosphate ion (PO43–) is the most
important form of plant-available phosphorus. Although phosphate ions typically occur in small concentrations in soil,
they are constantly produced from slowly dissolving minerals such as calcium, magnesium, and iron phosphates
Aquatic autotrophs also use phosphate as their principal source of phosphorus nutrition. In fact, phosphate is
commonly the most important limiting factor to the productivity of freshwater ecosystems. This means that the
primary productivity will increase if the system is fertilized with phosphate, but not if treated with sources of nitrogen
or carbon (unless they first have sufficient PO43– added; see Chapter 20). Lakes and other aquatic ecosystems receive
most of their phosphate supply through runoff from terrestrial parts of their watershed, and by the recycling of
phosphorus from sediment and organic phosphorus suspended in the water column.
Humans are greatly affecting the global phosphorus cycle by mining it to manufacture fertilizer, and applying that
material to agricultural land to increase its productivity. For some time, the major source of phosphorus fertilizers was
guano, the dried excrement of marine birds. Guano is mined on islands, such as those off coastal Chile and Peru, where
breeding colonies of seabirds are abundant and the climate is dry, allowing the guano to accumulate. During the
twentieth century, however, deposits of sedimentary phosphate minerals were discovered in several places, such as
southern Florida. Phosphorus had become geologically concentrated in sedimentary deposits in these places through
the deposition of marine organisms over millions of years. These deposits are now being mined to supply mineral
phosphorus used to manufacture agricultural fertilizer. However, when these easily exploitable mineral deposits
become exhausted, phosphorus may turn out to be a limiting factor for agricultural production in the not-so-distant
About 50 million tonnes of phosphorus fertilizer are manufactured each year. This is a highly significant input to the
global phosphorus cycle, in view of the estimate that about 200 million tonnes of phosphorus per year are absorbed
naturally from soil by vegetation.
Image 5.4. Where colonial seabirds are abundant, their excrement (guano) can be mined as a source of
phosphorus-rich fertilizer. This is a view of a large colony of fish-eating guanay cormorants (Phalacrocorax
bougancillii) near Paracas off the coast of Peru. The dried guano is periodically scraped from the rocks and used
for agricultural purposes. Source: B. Freedman.
Because the supply of available forms of nitrogen (particularly NO3– and NH4+) is often a limiting factor to
agricultural productivity, these are generally the most abundant nutrients in fertilizer. However, the use of
agricultural fertilizer can result in concentrations of NO3– in drinking water that are high enough to be toxic to
humans, especially to infants (see Chapter 24). We also know that plants can take up gaseous NO and N2O from
the atmosphere and use them as nutrients, along with NO3– and NH4+ from precipitation and soil water. Yet
gaseous NO and N2O are air pollutants if they occur in high concentrations, especially in sunny environments
where they are involved in the photochemical production of toxic ozone (see Chapter 16). Furthermore, large
amounts of NO3– and NH4+ in rain and snow may contribute to acid rain (see Chapter 19).
There are other examples of environmental problems caused by excessive nutrients. For instance, CO2 is one of
the most important plant nutrients because carbon comprises about half of plant biomass. But this critical
nutrient occurs in a relatively small atmospheric concentration – only about 0.04%. However, the
concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere has increased by about 45% during the past two centuries and it
continues to amplify. This well-documented change is contributing to global warming, an important
environmental problem (see Chapter 17).
Clearly, these examples show that there is a fine balance between chemicals serving as beneficial nutrients, or
as damaging pollutants.
Sulphur is a key constituent of certain amino acids, proteins, and other biochemicals. Sulphur is abundant in some
minerals and rocks and has a significant presence in soil, water, and the atmosphere.
Atmospheric sulphur occurs in various compounds, some of which are important air pollutants (see Chapter 16).
Sulphur dioxide (SO2), a gas, is emitted by volcanic eruptions and is also released by coal-fired power plants and metal
smelters. SO2 is toxic to many plants at concentrations lower than 1 ppm. In some places, such as the Sudbury area,
important ecological damage has been caused by this gas (Chapter 16).
In the atmosphere, SO2 becomes oxidized to the anion (negatively charged ion) sulphate (SO42–), which occurs as tiny
particulates or is dissolved in suspended droplets of moisture. In this form, the negative charge of sulphate must be
balanced by the positive charge of cations such as ammonium (NH4+), calcium (Ca2+), or hydrogen ion (H+, a key
element of “acid rain”; see Chapter 19).
Hydrogen sulphide (H2S), which has a smell of rotten eggs, is emitted naturally from volcanoes and deep-sea vents. It is
also released from habitats where organic sulphur compounds are being decomposed under anaerobic conditions, and
from oxygen-poor aquatic systems where SO42– is being reduced to H2S. Dimethyl sulphide is another reduced-
sulphur gas that is produced in the oceans and emitted to the atmosphere. In oxygen-rich environments, such as the
atmosphere, H2S is oxidized to sulphate, as is dimethyl sulphide, but more slowly.
Most emissions of SO2 to the atmosphere are associated with human activities, but almost all H2S emissions are
natural. An important exception is the emission of H2S from sour-gas wells and processing facilities, for example, in
Alberta. Overall, the global emission of all sulphur-containing gases is equivalent to about 251 million tonnes of sulphur
per year. About 41% of this emission is anthropogenic and the rest is natural (see Chapter 16).
Sulphur occurs in rocks and soils in a variety of mineral forms, the most important of which are sulphides, which occur
as compounds with metals. Iron sulphides (such as FeS2, called pyrite when it occurs as cubic crystals) are the most
common sulphide minerals, but all of the heavy metals (such as copper, lead, and nickel) can exist in this mineral form.
Wherever metal sulphides become exposed to an oxygen-rich environment, the bacterium Thiobacillus thiooxidans
oxidizes the mineral, generating sulphate as a product. This autotrophic bacterium uses energy from this chemical
transformation to sustain its growth and reproduction. This kind of primary productivity is called chemosynthesis (in
parallel with the photosynthesis of plants). In places where large amounts of sulphide are oxidized, high levels of
acidity are associated with the sulphate product, a phenomenon referred to as acid-mine drainage (see Chapter 19).
Sulphur also occurs in a variety of organically bound forms in soil and water. These compounds include proteins and
other sulphur-containing substances in dead organic matter. Soil microorganisms oxidize organic sulphur to sulphate,
an ion that plants can use in their nutrition.
Plants satisfy their nutritional requirements for sulphur by assimilating its simple mineral compounds from the
environment, mostly by absorbing sulphate dissolved in soil water, which is taken up by roots. In environments where
the atmosphere is contaminated by SO2, plants can also absorb this gas through their foliage. However, too much
absorption can be toxic to plants – there is a fine line between SO2 as a plant nutrient and as a poison.
Nutrients are chemicals that are essential for the metabolism of organisms and ecosystems. If they are insufficient in
quantity, then ecological productivity is less than it potentially could be. Nutrients can also be present in excess, in
which case environmental damage may be caused by toxicity and other problems. Nutrients routinely cycle among
inorganic and organic forms within ecosystems. Key aspects of nutrient cycles are illustrated by the carbon, nitrogen,
phosphorus, and sulphur cycles.
1. What are the basic aspects of a nutrient cycle? In your answer, describe the roles of compartments and fluxes.
2. How is soil formed from a parent material? Include the influences of physical and biological processes in your
3. What are the major kinds of soil? How do they differ?
4. What are the key chemical transformations in the nitrogen cycle, and which ones are affected by human
1. Compare and contrast key aspects of the cycling of carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, and sulphur.
2. The use of nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers is crucial to modern agriculture, yet these materials are
manufactured from non-renewable resources and may not be so readily available in the future. What would be the
consequences for agricultural production if these fertilizers were to become more expensive and less available?
3. How do your daily activities affect aspects of the carbon cycle?
4. If soil becomes acidic, the process of nitrification may no longer occur. What are consequences of this change for
the nutrition of plants?
Exploring Issues
1. A sewage-treatment plant has applied for permission to dispose its nutrient-rich sludge onto nearby agricultural
land. You have been asked to design a study that would examine the effects of the sludge on the cycling of nitrogen
and phosphorus in the agroecosystem. What key response variables should be measured during the study? What
experiments would you recommend for examining the potential effects of the sludge on nutrient cycling and crop
Atlas, R.M. and R. Bartha. 1998. Microbial Ecology: Fundamentals and Applications. 4th ed. Benjamin/Cummings, Menlo
Park, CA.
Blasing, T.J. and K. Smith. 2007. Recent Greenhouse Gas Concentrations. Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center,
Oak Ridge National Laboratory, U.S. Department of Energy, Oak Ridge, TN. http://cdiac.ornl.gov/pns/
current_ ghg.html
Botkin, D.B. and E.A. Keller. 2014. Environmental Science: Earth as a Living Planet. 9th ed. Wiley & Sons, New York, NY.
Brady, N.C. and R.R. Weil. 2007. The Nature and Properties of Soils. 14th ed. Prentice Hall, New York, NY.
Freedman, B., J. Hutchings, D. Gwynne, J. Smol, R. Suffling, R. Turkington, R. Walker, and D. Bazeley. 2014. Ecology: A
Canadian Context. 2nd ed. Nelson Canada, Toronto, ON.
Hutzinger, O. (ed.) 1982. The Handbook of Environmental Chemistry. Springer-Verlag, New York. Likens, G.E., and F.H.
Bormann. 1999. Biogeochemistry of a Forested Ecosystem. 2nd ed. Springer-Verlag, New York.
Margulis, L., C. Matthews, and A. Haselton. 2000. Environmental Evolution. 2nd ed. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA.
Plaster, E.J. 2002. Soil Science and Management. 3rd ed. Delmar Thomson Learning, Florence, KY.
Post, W.M., T. Peng, W.R. Emanual, A.W. King, V.H. Dale, and D.L. DeAngelis. 1990. The Global Carbon Cycle. American
Scientist, 78: 310-26.
Schlesinger, W.H. 1997. Biogeochemistry: An Analysis of Global Change. 2nd ed. Academic Press, San Diego, CA.
1. Explain differences in environmental conditions before and after the natural genesis of life.
2. Discuss the differences between creationism and evolution as explanations of the origin of life and species.
3. Describe the theory of evolution by natural selection.
4. Explain the role of genetics in understanding evolution and biodiversity.
In the Beginning …
Based on geological and astronomical data, the Earth is believed to have originated by the condensation of interstellar
dust about 4.5 billion years ago. The pre-life environments of the planet were vastly different from what exists today.
The initial atmosphere likely resulted from volcanic out-gassing and its chemistry was dominated by hydrogen
sulphide (H2S), methane (CH4), ammonia (NH3), carbon dioxide (CO2), and other gases that today exist only in trace
concentrations. In contrast, the modern atmosphere has large concentrations of oxygen (O2) and nitrogen (N2).
One reason for a profound change in atmospheric chemistry was the evolution of photosynthetic organisms, which
release O2 as a waste product of their autotrophic metabolism. As the concentration of O2 increased, the atmosphere
changed from an environment that favoured reducing reactions (in which the reaction products have a net gain in
electrons) to one in which oxidizing reactions were predominant. Hydrogen sulphide, methane, and ammonia are all
reduced compounds, but in an O2-rich atmosphere, they become oxidized to sulphate (SO42–), carbon dioxide, and
nitrate (NO3–), respectively. In addition, O2 can participate in photochemical reactions that produce small amounts of
ozone (O3). When present in the upper atmosphere, ozone absorbs solar ultraviolet radiation and thereby shields
organisms from many of the damaging effects of this kind of electromagnetic energy.
The genesis of life on Earth is thought to have occurred in a primordial aquatic environment at least 3.5 billion years
ago. It is not known exactly how life first began from inanimate matter, although many biologists believe that the
process was a spontaneous occurrence. In other words, the origin of life happened naturally, as a consequence of the
existence of appropriate conditions of chemistry, temperature, pressure, energy, and other environmental factors.
As such, the origin of life could have happened as a series of random events occurring under suitable conditions. Some
biologists, however, believe that genesis could have taken place in a more purposeful manner, under the influence of
autocatalytic (self-catalyzed) reactions that favoured the synthesis and persistence of particular organic chemicals.
Under those selective influences, molecules and their interrelationships became increasingly more complex and
eventually developed the qualities that define the simplest forms of life: metabolism, growth, and reproduction.
The appropriate environmental conditions for the genesis of life probably included the presence of many simple
organic compounds in primordial waters. It is believed that the simple organic compounds were naturally synthesized
by inorganic (i.e., non-living) reactions among the ammonia, methane, hydrogen sulphide, and other compounds that
were abundant in the pre-life atmosphere. These reactions were favoured because the atmosphere at that time was a
high-energy environment associated with ultraviolet radiation and lightning strikes. The resulting organic compounds
were deposited into the primordial ocean by rainfall, where they became progressively concentrated, especially in
shallow pools on oceanic shores, where the rate of evaporation would have been high.
96 | Chapter 6 ~ Evolution
Modern scientists have performed simple laboratory experiments that are thought to simulate those primordial
conditions. In airtight flasks, mixtures of water and gaseous CH4, NH3, and H2S are sparked by electric arcs. These
experiments yield various types of hydrocarbons, amino acids (precursors of proteins), nitrogenous bases (precursors
of nucleic acids), and other organic chemicals. Scientists think that something similar happened prior to the origin of
life on Earth.
However, it is an enormous step from the occurrence of appropriate environmental conditions to the spontaneous
genesis of living microorganisms. Scientists do not yet understand how this momentous event—the origin of the first
organisms—occurred. In fact, the boundary between complex chemical systems and living organisms is somewhat
arbitrary (for example, viruses exist at this boundary). Nevertheless, there is a broad consensus among scientists that
microorganisms did appear in the oceans about 3.5 billion years ago (Table 6.1). Those first microorganisms were
heterotrophic consumers of the rich soup of organic compounds that had accumulated in pre-biological oceans over
hundreds of millions of years. The first chemoautotrophic microorganisms evolved several hundred million years later,
and the first photosynthetic ones about 2.5 billion years ago.
Table 6.1. Estimated Dates of the Origins of Important Life Forms. The data represent the time of first
appearance of each type of organism in the fossil record. Source: Modified from Raven and Johnson (2004).
Chapter 6 ~ Evolution | 97
The earliest life forms were prokaryotes, which are single-celled organisms that lack an organized nucleus containing
the genetic material, which was likely DNA or RNA (see In Detail 6.1). Eventually, eukaryotes (which have a nucleus
bounded by a membrane) evolved from simpler prokaryotic predecessors.
More complex microorganisms, containing subcellular organelles such as mitochondria, plastids, and cilia, are thought
to have evolved as a result of symbiotic associations occurring among different species. According to this theory,
smaller microorganisms became encapsulated within larger ones in a mutually beneficial symbiosis (a mutualism; see
Chapter 9). For example, certain smaller microorganisms may have evolved into specialized energy-processing
organelles known as mitochondria. Other encapsulated microbes became specialized to capture light and to use that
energy in photosynthesis—they became chloroplasts. Mitochondria and chloroplasts contain small quantities of DNA
that is distinctive in character and believed to be residual from ancient times when these organelles were independent
Multicellular organisms were the next major category of life form to appear, in late Precambrian times (see Tables 3.1
and 6.1). The evolution and radiation of these complex organisms was driven by physiological and ecological
adaptations associated with interactions of specialized cells and, eventually, organs. The first multicellular organisms
were small and simple, but these eventually evolved into the larger, more complex organisms that are now prominent
on Earth, including vertebrates, the phylum of animals to which humans belong.
“Progression” of Life
All species, from the smallest and simplest, such as bacteria tinier than 1 µm, to enormous blue whales exceeding 30 m
in length, represent well-adapted and marvellous examples of the diversity of organisms. Moreover, in a sense modern
biologists believe that all living species are similarly “advanced.” The two reasons for thinking this are: (1) all living
species have had the same amount of time to evolve since the first organisms appeared, and (2) they are all exquisitely
adapted to coping with the opportunities and constraints presented by the environments in which they live.
Of course, species also vary enormously in their complexity. We should, however, be careful when we use the terms
“simple” and “complex” in an evolutionary context, because these concepts are difficult to precisely define. In fact, all
organisms display a mixture of traits, some of which evolved in ancient times, while others are more recent
adaptations. For example, almost all organisms (except some viruses) have DNA as their genetic material, so this is an
ancient trait. In contrast, flight in bats and intelligence in humans represent specific adaptations that occurred
relatively late in only a few evolutionary lineages.
The fossil record clearly demonstrates that, over time, there has been a progression of life forms on Earth. The first
prokaryotic organisms were tiny and simple, but through evolution these led to the development of more complex
eukaryotic microorganisms, and so on until large, exceedingly complex animals and plants evolved. This evolutionary
pattern implies a clear temporal sequence. Nevertheless, it is important to understand that relatively complex, more
recent species (including humans) do not represent the acme of evolution, nor have they inherited the Earth and its
opportunities. Rather, all living species share this bountiful planet and its biosphere – the only place in the universe
known to sustain life.
Image 6.1. Dinosaurs (order Dinosauria) were dominant animals on Earth for about 160 million years, but the last
species became extinct 65 million years ago. We know that dinosaurs used to exist because their fossilized
bones have been discovered on all continents. Modern reptiles are relatives of dinosaurs, and birds are their
surviving descendants. This model of Troodon formosus, a predatory dinosaur, is located in the Museum of
98 | Chapter 6 ~ Evolution
Nature in Ottawa. Source: B. Freedman.
DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) carries the genetic information in almost all species. In some viruses, however, the
genetic information is contained in RNA (see below). DNA, a nucleic acid, consists of linear sequences of only
four nucleotides: adenine, cytosine, guanine, and thymine. The sequences are arranged as two strands, which
coil as a double helix (spiral) and are held together by hydrogen bonds between complementary nucleotides:
adenine with thymine, and cytosine with guanine. The genetic information is embedded in the precise
sequence of the nucleotides.
RNA (ribonucleic acid) is composed of a single strand of nucleotides. In RNA, uracil substitutes for the thymine
of DNA. The nucleotide sequences of RNA guide the translation of the genetic information of DNA into the
structure of proteins (see below).
Chromosomes are composed of DNA and protein and they contain the genetic information of the cell.
Chromosomes are self-duplicating—they create exact copies of themselves through the process of replication
(see below). An exact copy is passed to each daughter cell when a cell divides. Chromosomes in body (somatic)
cells of plants and animals occur as complementary pairs (homologous pairs). The number of pairs of
chromosomes varies greatly among species, from one to hundreds.
Chapter 6 ~ Evolution | 99
Genes are specific regions of a chromosome that determine the development of a particular trait by coding for
a specific protein during transcription (see below). Because chromosomes occur in pairs, the genes also are
paired. Genes commonly occur in more than one form, each of which is called an allele. Often, one allele is
dominant (D) and the other recessive (r). The dominant one is expressed when both alleles in a gene pair are of
this type (DD), and also when both dominant and recessive alleles occur (rD or Dr). Recessive alleles are
expressed only if both are of this type (rr). The condition in which both alleles are the same (DD or rr) is
referred to as homozygous, while the mixed condition (rD or Dr) is heterozygous.
Replication is the biochemical process during which the nucleotide sequence of each strand of DNA is copied.
Replication is necessary for cellular division to occur, because each new cell requires an identical copy of the
DNA. During replication, the double helix of DNA “unzips,” which allows free nucleotides to hydrogen-bond
with those in each strand, producing new but identical DNA molecules. If an error occurs during replication,
the result in a change in the genetic information, which is called a mutation.
Transcription involves DNA unzipping and a complementary strand of RNA being made on one of the DNA
strands, in a manner similar to replication. Then the RNA floats free and the DNA zips up again. Three types of
RNA can be made: (a) ribosomal RNA (rRNA), which forms small bodies in the cytoplasm called ribosomes; (b)
messenger RNA (mRNA), which transports information from DNA to the ribosome; and (c) transfer RNA (tRNA),
which is described below.
Translation occurs when the mRNA, which contains information from a portion of a DNA strand, attaches to a
ribosome in the cytoplasm (outside of the nucleus). There, tRNA molecules bind to specific amino acids and
transport them to the mRNA in the correct sequence for the synthesis of a particular protein. (Amino acids are
the building blocks of proteins. Only 20 amino acids are common, but they make up the extraordinary diversity
of proteins that are found in organisms. Proteins are extremely important, mainly as structural chemicals and
metabolism-regulating enzymes.) The information on the mRNA, copied from the DNA, determines the exact
sequence of amino acids in a protein, and therefore determines its function.
Meiosis is important in sexual reproduction, in which two “sex” cells, one from each parent, combine to start a
new life. If those cells were somatic cells, each would have the same number of chromosomes as the parent (the
diploid number), and the progeny would then have double the number of the parent. However, this does not
occur because sex cells are not diploid. Instead, through meiosis, the number of chromosomes in sex cells is
halved (to haploid), so the progeny has the same number of chromosomes as the parent.
During meiosis, the paired chromosomes separate, with one of each pair going randomly to each daughter “sex”
cell. Just before they separate, exchanges of genetic material may occur between the paired chromosomes—a
phenomenon known as crossing-over. Both of these processes increase the variability of genetic information in
sex cells. When the haploid sex cells (one from each parent) combine, the result is a diploid progeny. Having
chromosomes from each parent, the progeny is genetically different from them, but also similar. This is how
parents pass their genetic information to their offspring.
Genotype refers to the unique genetic information of individual organisms, as embodied in the nucleotide
sequences of their DNA. The unique genotype of an individual is fixed (except for rare mutations). However, the
collective genotypes of populations and species are quite variable, although this is restricted by the range of
genetic variation among the constituent individuals.
Phenotype refers to the actual expression of an individual’s genotype in terms of its anatomical development,
behaviour, and biochemistry. For example, recessive alleles, unless in a homozygous condition, are not
expressed, even though they appear in the genotype.
More importantly, the expression of genetic potential is also affected by environmental conditions and other
The ability of an individual to exhibit phenotypically plastic responses to environmental variations is itself
genetically determined to some extent. Therefore, phenotypic plasticity reflects both genetic capability and
varying expression of that capability, depending on the circumstances met during the life of an individual.
Evolution may be simply defined as genetically based changes in populations of organisms, occurring over successive
generations. Evolution is a critically important theory because it accounts for the development of existing species from
progenitors that may have been unlike their descendants in form and function. The reality of evolution is widely
accepted by scientists, as much so as the theory of gravity, which explains how the Earth revolves around the Sun as
well as many other aspects of the organization of the universe.
Natural selection is believed to be an especially important cause of evolutionary change. In essence, natural selection
predicts that individual organisms that are better adapted to coping with the opportunities or limitations of their
environment will have an increased likelihood of leaving descendants. If the adaptive advantages are genetically
determined, they will be passed to some of the progeny, then to subsequent generations, and so on. This process will
result in evolutionary change.
Evolution can also occur in response to catastrophic influences on populations of organisms, such as a forest fire or
flood. This may result in more haphazard (random) changes in the genetic structure of a population. Small populations
are particularly subject to such non-selective evolutionary influences. Evolution may also occur in response to choices
made by humans of desirable traits in certain species—this is known as cultural selection (or artificial selection).
It is important to understand that individual organisms do not evolve. Evolution is a process of genetic change from
generation to generation, occurring in populations or higher-order groupings of organisms (such as species). This is
not to say that individual organisms cannot display variable responses to environmental conditions. These responses
are, however, constrained by the degree of biochemical, developmental, and behavioural flexibility that is allowed by
the genetic complement of each individual (its genotype). The variable expression of the genetic information of an
individual is called phenotypic plasticity, but this response to variations in environmental conditions is not
evolutionary change. For evolution to occur there must be a change in the collective genetic information of a
population or species.
Evolution can occur at various scales. Evolutionary biologists use the term microevolution to refer to relatively subtle
changes occurring within a population or species, often within only a few generations. This may lead to the evolution
of a variety, race, or subspecies. In contrast, macroevolution describes the evolution of new species or higher
taxonomic groups, such as a genus, family, or class. Evolutionary biologists continue to debate and discuss the linkages
of these scales of evolution. Are patterns of macroevolutionary change simply the cumulative effects of many
microevolutionary changes over long periods of time? Or is macroevolution actually a result of large changes occurring
over a short time, each representing a great step (or saltation) of evolution? Or does macroevolution happen in both
A biological definition of species is “a group of organisms that is reproductively isolated from other such groups.”
Within a species, individual organisms tend to resemble each other, but more importantly, they can breed with each
other and produce fertile offspring. An inability to successfully interbreed implies reproductive isolation.
That species have evolved from earlier progenitors is a well-established theory, richly supported by evidence. Some of
the most compelling lines of argument, showing evolutionary patterns of relatedness and descent, are explained in the
following sections.
A well-known example of evolution that is supported by evidence in the fossil record is that of the horse lineage. One
of the earliest horse-like progenitors was Eohippus, a dog-sized creature that lived about 50 million years ago. Its foot
had two fused and three separate toes. Comparison of the morphology (structure) of fossil bones suggests that
Eohippus was an ancestor of Mesohippus, a larger animal that lived 35 million years ago. Its foot had three fused
central toes and two free outer ones. Further evolution led to Merychippus, a somewhat larger animal living 20 million
years ago that also had three fused and two free toes. Next came Pliohippus, a pony-sized animal living 10 million years
ago, that had all five toes fused into a hoof. Modern horses evolved several million years ago and have a hoof like that of
Pliohippus. They include the horse (Equus caballus), donkey (E. asinus), Mongolian wild horse (E. przewalskii), and zebra
(E. burchelli).
Modern species display many obvious similarities and dissimilarities that can be used to group them on the basis of
inferred relatedness. Early studies of this sort mostly involved comparative anatomy. Research on animals relied mostly
on the characteristics of bones, shells, skins, and other enduring structures, while studies of plants largely involved the
anatomy of flowers and fruits. More recent studies gather a much wider range of comparative information to examine
relatedness among groups of species, including information about their behaviour, ecology, proteins, and—most
recently—specific base sequences of DNA. For example, studies involving DNA and blood proteins have clearly shown
that humans are closely related to other great apes, such as the chimpanzee, orangutan, and gorilla. Of these, humans
are most closely related to chimpanzees – in fact, the two species share about 99% of the information encoded in their
DNA. These observations do not suggest that humans evolved from modern apes. Rather, the appropriate
interpretation is that humans and living apes share common, ape-like ancestors.
Evolution Observed
As was just described, patterns of relatedness and descent can be inferred from comparative studies of the fossil
record and of the attributes of modern species. However, it is important to understand that the evolution of a new
species has never been directly observed. This is because it takes a very long time for populations of related organisms
to diverge enough to become new species – perhaps thousands to hundreds of thousands of years. In spite of this,
Although speciation has not been observed in nature, clear examples of microevolution are known. These cases
provide key evidence in support of the theory of evolution.
Industrial Melanism
One example of microevolution is that of the peppered moth (Biston betularia) of western Europe. The normal
coloration of this moth is a mottled, whitish tan. During the day, the moth often rests on lichen-covered trees, where it
is difficult to see against the bark. This camouflage is important to the moth’s survival because its most important
predators, such as birds, hunt using vision.
About a century ago in England, it was observed that some populations of peppered moths had developed a black
coloration, known as melanism. This had apparently occurred in response to changes in local tree bark, which had lost
its lichen cover because of air pollution and had become blackened by the deposition of soot. In these habitat
conditions the normal light-coloured moths were highly visible to predators and were at a selective disadvantage
compared to darker moths. Studies showed that melanism is genetically based, and that melanistic moths occurred,
but were rare, in unpolluted habitats. However, melanistic individuals became dominant in populations living in
polluted habitats, representing a population-level genetic change. This famous example of microevolution, which has
also been demonstrated in other species of moths, is known as “industrial melanism”.
Interestingly, air quality has greatly improved over most of western Europe in recent decades, largely due to clean-air
legislation that has reduced the use of coal as a source of energy. As a result, lichens are again growing on trees and
bark surfaces have less soot. These recoveries have been accompanied by the reappearance of light-coloured peppered
moths in places where their populations had been dominated by melanistic ones—another evolutionary response to
changing environmental conditions.
Metal-Tolerant Ecotypes
In another example of observed evolution, several plant species were found growing on sites in England and Wales that
were polluted by metal-rich mine waste. Although the soil was toxic to most plants, populations of a few species were
thriving. The most common species were grasses, such as bent-grass (Agrostis tenuis). Research showed that these
local populations had a genetically based, physiological tolerance of the toxic metals, and that they differed in this
respect from other populations of the same species growing on non-polluted sites. The locally adapted populations,
referred to as “metal-tolerant ecotypes,” were found to have evolved in as few as several years after their first exposure
to the toxic soil. (This example was the first one to be documented and is famous for that reason. Canadian examples of
metal-tolerant ecotypes, discovered later, are described in Chapter 18.)
Image 6.2. These are metal-tolerant ecotypes of the grass Deschampsia caespitosa, growing in metal-polluted
The Book of Genesis is the first book of The Bible, an ancient text that provides the written foundation for many of the
beliefs of the Abrahamic religions (Judaism, Christianity, and Islam). The description of divine creation in Genesis is the
oldest written explanation of the origin of life on Earth, the existence of species, and the roles and responsibilities of
humans in their interactions with the natural world. However, there are some profound disagreements between
fundamentalist interpretations of Genesis and aspects of the theory of evolution. As a result, some religious interests
have long attacked the theory of evolution, a circumstance that greatly intensified after the publication of Charles
Darwin’s ideas about the role of natural selection in evolution (see the next section).
Nevertheless, science and religion are not irreconcilable. Indeed, for many people, physical concerns belong to the
domain of science, whereas spiritual ones belong to the domain of religion.
In any event, some religious groups continue to insist upon a literal interpretation of the Bible as the ultimate authority
for all knowledge. In particular, creationists reject the theory of evolution in favour of a literal interpretation of
Genesis. They assert that the account given in Genesis means that God created the universe and all living organisms
during a six-day period, culminating with the creation of humans. Humans were created in the physical image of God
and were given authority and power to freely use the resources of Earth: “And God said, let us make Man in our image,
after our likeness; and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle,
and over all the Earth and over every creeping thing that creepeth over the Earth.”
Note, however, that there is some controversy about the meaning of the word “replenish” in this biblical passage. Some
people have interpreted it in the sense of conservation, as in to refill or restore resources as they are used. Others,
however, maintain that the original meaning was “to fill up,” and, in this sense, it referred to filling the Earth with
humans and their economic activities. The latter interpretation is the one that is usually accepted in modern
environmental writings that examine the relationship between humans, their economy, and the natural world.
Based on their literal interpretation of Genesis and other passages in the Bible, creationists have drawn the following
conclusions relevant to evolution:
• Earth and its species are not ancient because creation occurred only a few thousand years ago.
• Species are essentially immutable, having been created as entities that have not changed since their creation.
• Because species were individually created, existing species did not descend from earlier ones through evolution.
• Humans are particularly special, having been created in the Creator’s image—they are not related to or descended
from any other species.
But these ideas do not accord with scientific findings, as were described on the preceding pages. In particular:
• The geological record clearly demonstrates that Earth and the solar system are extremely old, having begun to
develop at least 4.5 billion years ago. Life is also ancient, having originated about 3.5 billion years ago. Earth and
organisms date back much further than a few thousand years.
• The fossil record provides many examples of large changes in the characteristics of species over time, as do
studies of some living species. Clearly, species are not immutable. Moreover, the existing complement of species
on Earth represents only a small sample of all those that have ever lived. The fossil record demonstrates that most
species that evolved during the long biological history of our planet are now extinct. Many of the extinct species,
families, and even phyla have no living descendants—their entire lineage is extinct (see Chapter 7).
• The fossil record presents clear evidence of lineages among groups of organisms, indicating that living species
have descended from earlier ones. In almost all cases, the progenitor species are now extinct. There are even a few
examples in the fossil record of links between major groups. Perhaps the most famous of these is Archaeopteryx, a
metre-long creature that lived about 150 million years ago. It had teeth and other dinosaurian characters, but it
also had a feathered body and could fly. Archaeopteryx is considered to be a link between extinct dinosaurs and
living birds.
• Fossil and genetic information indicate that humans are descended from earlier, now-extinct species and genera.
Fossil records show that the human species (Homo sapiens) is derived from an evolutionary lineage of anthropoid
apes. There are a few other surviving species in that lineage, with chimpanzees, and to a lesser degree gorillas and
orangutans, being the closest living relatives of humans. All surviving members of the ape family are descended
from now-extinct progenitors.
People known as scientific creationists also insist that their interpretation of Genesis is the most reliable source of
knowledge about the origin and evolution of life. Scientific creationists have attempted to explain some of the
discrepancies between their beliefs and current scientific understanding of evolution. For example, some of them
acknowledge that geological and fossil evidence suggests that Earth and life are ancient phenomena and that most
species have become extinct. Most scientific creationists also acknowledge that species have changed over time, but
only through microevolution—they do not agree that macroevolution has led to the development of new species from
earlier ones. By extension, scientific creationists also do not believe that humans are descended from previous species
of hominids or are related to other ape-like creatures or other primates. Moreover, the theory of scientific creationism
Science proceeds by careful observation and hypothesis testing. But scientific creationism rests on a belief, not a
testable hypothesis, concerning a literal interpretation of the Bible as representing “truth” and “knowledge”. Most
predictions of scientific creationists cannot be tested by rigorous methodology, but when they can be, they are refuted
by the evidence. In short, despite its name, scientific creationism is not science.
Because organisms vary in their genetics and phenotypes, they also differ in their abilities to deal successfully with
stresses and opportunities in their environment. Under certain conditions, an individual with a particular phenotype
(which is substantially determined by its genotype) may be relatively successful compared with others having different
genotypes and phenotypes.
In the sense meant here, the “success” of an individual means successful reproduction – having progeny that
themselves go on to reproduce successfully. This is also referred to as fitness, or the proportionate genetic
contribution made by an individual to all of the progeny in its population. A central tenet of evolutionary theory is that
individuals maximize their fitness by optimizing the degree to which their own genetic attributes will influence future
generations of their species.
Biologists believe that evolution proceeds mainly by natural selection, which operates when genetically based variation
exists among individuals within a population, so that some of them are better adapted to deal with the prevailing
environmental conditions. On average, the more-fit organisms have greater success in reproduction, and so have a
disproportionate influence on the evolution of subsequent generations.
The theory of evolution by natural selection is perhaps the greatest unifying concept in modern biology, as it gives
context to virtually all aspects of the study of life. This theory was co-announced publicly in 1858 by two English
naturalists: Charles Darwin (1809–1882) and Alfred Russel Wallace (1823–1913). Darwin, however, had been working on
aspects of the theory for about 20 years prior to its publication, and he had collected detailed evidence in support of
natural selection as a mechanism of evolution. Darwin’s copious evidence was marshalled in the famous book, On the
Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, published in 1859. Because of this book, Darwin has become more
closely linked than Wallace to the theory of evolution by natural selection. Darwin is also the more famous of the two
scientists, largely because of his great contributions toward understanding the mechanisms of evolution. Perhaps the
most influential biologist of all time, Darwin undertook an astonishingly broad range of research projects on a great
variety of species and biological topics.
In his Origin of Species, Darwin summarized natural selection in the following way: “Can we doubt … that individuals
having any advantage, however slight, over others, would have the best chance of surviving and of procreating their
kind? On the other hand, we may feel sure that any variation in the least degree injurious would be rigidly destroyed.
This preservation of favourable variations, I call Natural Selection.”
In an unpublished essay that Wallace sent to Darwin for review in 1858, natural selection was expressed in a rather
similar fashion: “The life of wild animals is a struggle for existence … in which the weakest … must always succumb …
giving rise to successive variations departing further and further from the original type.”
The theory of Darwin and Wallace was based on the following line of reasoning:
When it was first presented publicly in 1858, the theory of evolution by natural selection created a sensation among
scientists and also within society. The excitement and controversy occurred largely because the theory provided the
first convincing body of evidence in support of the following three notions: (a) evolution occurs, (b) it proceeds under
natural influences, and (c) it has resulted in the great diversity of living species.
This was a radically different view from that of creationism, which was the prevailing explanation of the origin of life
and species in the mid-nineteenth century. Interestingly, Darwin’s writings did not directly challenge the existence of a
divine Creator. He mostly discussed the causes of change in species over time, and did not directly suggest that the
initial ancestors had not been created by God. Modern theories about the spontaneous genesis of life on Earth are
based on relatively sophisticated science that was unknown to Darwin. Nor did he know of the mechanisms of genetics
and the inheritance of traits.
Modern extensions of the theory of evolution by natural selection suggest that new species evolve from progenitors (a
process known as speciation). This is thought to happen when populations become isolated by intervening barriers
such as a mountain range, extensive glaciers, or other inhospitable discontinuities. Isolation is important in speciation
because it reduces or eliminates genetic interchanges, and thereby allows differentiation to proceed more effectively.
Isolated populations that experience different environmental conditions are subject to differing selection pressures
and can evolve in dissimilar ways. Eventually, there may be enough evolutionary change that the populations can no
longer successfully interbreed, even if they become spatially reunited. At that point, the populations have achieved
reproductive isolation, and so have become closely related but different species.
Speciation is also thought to occur in a more linear fashion, as when progenitor species gradually evolve over time in
response to changes in environmental conditions. Eventually, the ancestral species may become extinct, but new ones
evolved from the progenitor lineage may survive to continue the evolutionary chain.
Knowledge of genetics in Darwin’s time was based on a highly incomplete understanding of how an organism’s traits
are passed to its offspring. One popular theory, the “inheritance of acquired traits”, was based on the observation that
the morphology, behaviour, and/or biochemistry of individual organisms could vary in response to environmental
change. According to the theory, these plastic responses to environmental conditions could be passed along to an
individual’s progeny. For example, during periods of drought or intense competition for food, individual short-necked
However, natural selection suggests a different mechanism of this evolutionary change: within populations of short-
necked giraffes there existed a genetically determined variation in neck length among individuals. Because long-
necked giraffes were better able to find food, they were more likely to survive and reproduce. This meant that more of
the next generation had the long-necked trait, and this anatomical feature became increasingly prominent in the
evolving population.
Modern observations and experiments have shown that “acquired traits” are just a manifestation of phenotypic
plasticity. There is no evidence that they can become genetically fixed in an individual and passed along to its offspring.
In contrast, the science of genetics has provided convincing evidence in support of the theory of evolution by natural
selection. The biochemical mechanisms that determine the genotype of an individual organism and how some of its
characteristics are passed to progeny have been discovered. The subject matter is rather complicated and cannot be
dealt with in much depth here. It is, however, useful to examine the key experiments that first suggested the existence
of genes.
This research was conducted by Gregor Mendel (1822–1884), an Austrian scientist (and monk) who developed important
ideas about inheritance through breeding experiments with the garden pea (Pisum sativum). Mendel was interested in
producing pea hybrids, which involves crossing two parent plants, each having distinctive traits. Prior research had
shown that certain traits were fixed in cultivated varieties of peas, including flower colour (white or purple) and
whether the seeds have a wrinkled or smooth coat. In total, Mendel worked with 32 traits of this sort. Pea flowers are
bisexual, containing both female (pistil, containing the ovules) and male (anthers, containing pollen) parts. These are
compatible within the same individual, so self-fertilization can occur. However, Mendel experimented by cross-
fertilizing selected parents, producing known hybridizations.
In each experiment, Mendel cross-bred two inbred varieties in which certain traits “bred true” (they were homozygous,
such as for a white or purple flower colour). The progeny (first generation) were all the same: they all had purple
flowers. However, crosses between the first-generation plants yielded a ratio of about three purple flowers to one
white flower in the second generation. This fits the prediction for two-generation crosses between two homozygous
lines, as follows:
1. Represent the original purple variety as AA. This trait is dominant over the white flower trait (called recessive).
2. Represent the original white variety as aa.
3. When the two plants are crossed, the first-generation progeny all have purple flowers but are heterozygous (Aa).
4. A cross between the first-generation plants yields four possible outcomes: AA, Aa, aA, and aa. Each is equally
probable. Because A is dominant to a, the AA, Aa, and aA progeny all have purple flowers. Only aa has white
flowers. Therefore, the expected ratio of purple to white among the second-generation progeny is 3:1.
The most important conclusion to emerge from Mendel’s work was that the inheritance of genetic information occurs
in a “particulate” form (which we now refer to as genes), often involving dominant and recessive alleles. Inheritance is
not a blended condition—in the example just described, a cross of purple- and white-flowered pea plants does not
yield progeny of an intermediate colour. Therefore, flower colour and many other traits are discrete units that remain
intact during inheritance and either are, or are not, expressed in progeny.
Mendel first published his results in 1865 in a relatively obscure journal. As a result, the work was unknown to the
mainstream of science for many years. However, Mendel’s work was re-discovered and republished in 1900 and it
quickly became the basis of modern theories of genetic inheritance.
It is important to recognize that much genetic information in an individual does not appear to code for functional
enzymes or other proteins, and so does not code for traits that could be selected for or against. Because of its
neutrality with respect to natural selection, this type of genetic material is sometimes referred to as “junk DNA”.
However, we may be ignorant of other roles that so-called junk DNA may play in the functioning of the genome.
Strictly speaking, GMOs are organisms whose genotype has been influenced by human intervention. But people
have been doing this for an extremely long time. As early as about 10,000 years ago, when people first began to
cultivate other species as crops, they selectively bred individual plants and animals that had favourable traits
(see Chapter 10 for an explanation of socio-cultural evolution, including the early development of agriculture).
This “artificial selection” rapidly led to the evolution of crop varieties that were more responsive to
management and had greater yields than their wild progenitors. In this sense, almost all domesticated species
of plants, animals, and microorganisms that are cultivated as sources of food, material, or energy are
“genetically modified organisms.” They were produced using conventional methods of selective breeding, a
process that is not very controversial.
More recently, however, new techniques in biotechnology, specifically in molecular biology, have been used to
create novel genetic modifications of organisms. These techniques allow biologists to selectively insert
portions of the DNA of one species into the genome of another species. This is a fundamentally different kind of
genetic modification than selective breeding, and it should more properly be referred to as transgenic
modification, or as recombinant bioengineering. There are potential benefits to this kind of genetic
modification of crop species, including the development of varieties that are resistant to diseases or pests and
that require less fertilizer or pesticide. In spite of these seeming benefits, there is controversy over transgenic
biotechnology and the commercial use of GMOs, largely because of the following issues:
• Should scientists be interfering with the very foundation of life—the genetics of species—by using methods
of genetic “engineering” that do not normally exist in nature?
• Do novel, transgenic organisms represent “new” varieties of designed and manufactured life that are
appropriate for patenting and use for commercial gain? (In fact, various legal rulings have stated that this
can be done, and some transgenic crops have become extremely profitable to owners of the patents.)
• Are important ecological risks associated with the cultivation of transgenic organisms? Because many
biological and ecological unknowns are associated with this practice, “surprises” may follow from the release
of these organisms into the environment, including unanticipated damage to crops, wild species, and natural
These are contentious and precautionary issues, and the controversy is not resolved. In some cases, illegal
releases of GMO products have been made by private interests, a circumstance that reflects weakness in the
regulatory control mechanisms (Clapp, 2008). Nevertheless, some GMO products have been widely
commercialized and are now routinely used. For instance, transgenic GMO varieties of soybean and canola have
Although natural selection is the most important mechanism of evolution, it is not the only one. For example, artificial
selection involves the deliberate breeding of plants, animals, and microorganisms to enhance certain traits that
humans view as desirable. Artificial selection has obvious parallels to natural selection in that individual organisms with
particular, genetically based traits experience greater success in breeding, so they become over-represented in
subsequent generations. However, traits that are favoured in artificial selection may not be adaptive in the natural
world. In addition, because the breeding of desired genotypes can be controlled, evolutionary change occurs much
more rapidly under artificial selection than under natural selection.
For example, maize (or corn, Zea mays) is an important crop that, through artificial selection, now differs enormously
from its closest wild progenitor, a Mexican grass known as teosinte (Euchlaena mexicana). Artificial selection has
caused many evolutionary changes in maize. For example, the fruiting head (consisting of the cob and seeds) is much
larger than in wild ancestors of maize; the seeds have different coloration; the seeds implant securely onto the cob so
they do not scatter before harvesting; the ripe fruit is tightly wrapped within enclosing leaves known as bracts, again
to prevent pre-harvest losses; and there are vigorous growth responses to fertilizer application, weed control, and
other cultivation practices. Moreover, without the intervention of humans through cultivation, maize would likely
become extinct within only a few generations. This is partly because artificial selection has rendered its seeds virtually
incapable of detaching from the cob, which in any event is tightly bound in leafy bracts. Therefore, unaided seed
dispersal is almost impossible.
All domesticated plant, animal, and microbial species have undergone artificial selection for desirable traits.
Sometimes, however, artificial selection proceeds in bizarre directions, with the fostering of genetic traits that are
viewed as desirable for aesthetic rather than practical reasons. For example, oriental breeders of pet fish have
produced some amazing varieties of goldfish (Carassius auratus) and koi (a golden-coloured variety of carp, Cyprinus
carpio). These varieties, often with grotesque shapes and behaviours, would be rapidly eliminated in a wild population
but are prized as unusual and valuable specimens by aficionados of these aquatic pets. Similar comments could be
made about curious varieties of cats, dogs, pigeons, and many kinds of horticultural plants.
Evolution can also occur through a process known as genetic drift, or random changes in the frequencies of genes
occurring in small and isolated populations. Such populations often exist on islands, or they may be created through a
catastrophic reduction of a larger population because of disease, disturbance, or some other factor. The relatively small
genetic base of small populations is sometimes called a “bottleneck.” Subsequent evolution is based on the restricted
genetic variation of only a few individuals, which may become further reduced through the effects of inbreeding
(reproduction between closely related individuals, such as siblings). Given the restricted amount of genetic variation,
the evolution of a small population may proceed very differently from that of a larger population.
Image 6.3. The many varieties of dog are a result of cultural selection for desired traits, but all are the same
Earth is the only place in the universe that is definitely known to sustain life and ecosystems. It is thought that life
spontaneously arose at least 3.5 billion years ago, because of the existence of environmental conditions appropriate for
its genesis. Since that origin, profound changes have occurred in the morphology and functionality of organisms
through a process known as evolution. Evolution may be simply defined as changes in the genetic makeup of
populations and species over time (individual organisms do not evolve). Although evolution has influenced life on Earth
ever since it began, there is controversy over the mechanisms of the process. Almost all biologists believe that natural
selection has been the most important cause of evolutionary change, but some think that geological catastrophes (such
as meteorite strikes of the planet or intense volcanic eruptions) have also had a large influence.
1. How has the evolution of organisms, especially those capable of photosynthesis, resulted in important changes in
chemistry of the environment?
2. What evidence supports the theory of evolution?
1. Why are many biologists reluctant to describe certain species as being “more advanced” or “more highly evolved”
than others?
2. How might environmental conditions experienced during your lifetime have affected your own development?
Relate your answer to the phenomenon of phenotypic plasticity.
3. Why is knowledge of genetics important to understanding evolutionary processes?
4. Do you think there is enough scientific evidence in support of the idea of spontaneous generation of life for it to
replace faith-based notions of divine creation?
Exploring Issues
1. You have been asked to participate in a debate about the genesis and evolution of life. What kinds of evidence
would you use to support the theory that life began from inanimate matter billions of years ago? What evidence
supports the theory that humans evolved from earlier ancestors that are now extinct?
Bengtson, S. (ed.). 1995. Early Life on Earth. Columbia University Press, New York, NY.
Clapp, J. 2008. Illegal GMO releases and corporate responsibility: Questioning the effectiveness of voluntary measures.
Ecological Economics, 66: 348-358.
Cowen, R. 2000. History of Life. 5th ed. Blackwell Scientific, London, UK.
Coyne, J.A. and H.A. Orr. 2004. Speciation. Sinauer Associates, Sunderland, MA.
Darwin, C.D. 1859. On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the
Struggle for Life. Murray, London, UK.
Eldredge, N. 2000. The Pattern of Evolution. W.H. Freeman & Co., San Francisco, CA.
Hall, B.K. and B. Hallgrímsson. 2013. Strickberger’s Evolution. 5th ed. Jones & Bartlett Learning, Boston, MA.
Klug, W.S. and M.R. Cummings. 2011. Concepts of Genetics. 10th ed. Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ.
Lewin, R. 1991. Thread of Life: The Smithsonian Looks at Evolution. Smithsonian Books, Washington, DC.
Numbers, R.L. 1993. The Creationists: The Evolution of Scientific Creationism. University of California Press, Berkeley,
Raven, P.H., G.B. Johnson, K.A. Mason, and J. Losos. 2013. Biology. 10th ed. McGraw-Hill, Columbus, OH.
Shapiro, R. 1986. Origins: A Sceptic’s Guide to the Creation of Life on Earth. Simon & Schuster, New York, NY.
Biodiversity is the richness of biological variation. It is often considered to have three levels of organization:
Genetic Variation
In almost all species, individuals differ genetically – that is, in terms of information encoded in their DNA. This variation
constitutes genetic biodiversity at the level of populations, and ultimately of the species.
However, there are exceptions to this generalization. Some plants, for example, have little or no genetic variability,
usually because the species relies on asexual (vegetative) means of propagation. In such species, genetically uniform
clones can develop, which consist of plants that, although discrete, nevertheless constitute the same genetic
“individual.” For example, clones of trembling aspen (Populus tremuloides) can develop through vegetative propagation,
in some cases covering more than 40 ha and consisting of thousands of trees. Such aspen clones may be the world’s
largest “individual” organisms (in terms of total biomass). Similarly, the tiny plant known as duckweed (Lemna minor),
which grows on the surface of fertile waterbodies, propagates by developing small vegetative buds on the edge of its
single leaf. These break off to produce “new” plants, resulting in a genetically uniform population. These interesting
cases are exceptions, however, and most populations and species contain a great deal of genetic variation.
Image 7.1. Species are a familiar element of biodiversity. The jaguar (Panthera onca) is a widespread large
predator in South and Central America. This one was photographed in Tambopata National Park, Peru. Source:
B. Freedman.
Richness of Species
Species richness is the number of species in a particular ecological community or in another specified area, such as a
park, province, country, or, ultimately, the biosphere. Species richness is the aspect of biodiversity that people can
most easily relate to and understand.
It is well known that many tropical countries support a greater species richness than do temperate countries (such as
Canada). In fact, tropical rainforest supports more species than any other kind of ecosystem. Unfortunately, species-
rich rainforest in tropical countries is being rapidly destroyed, mostly by conversion into agricultural land-uses and
other disturbances. These changes are causing the endangerment or extinction of many species and are the
overwhelming cause of the modern-day biodiversity crisis (see Chapter 26). The magnitude of this crisis is much
smaller in Canada. Nevertheless, many of our native species have become extinct or otherwise at risk because of over-
harvesting or habitat loss (Chapter 26).
A total of about 1.9 million species have been identified and given a scientific name. About 35% of these “known”
species live in the tropics, 59% in the temperate zones, and 6% in boreal or polar latitudes. However, it is important to
Most of the species that biologists have named are invertebrates, with insects making up the bulk of that total, and
beetles (order Coleoptera) comprising most of the insects (Table 7.1). The scientist J.B.S. Haldane (1892–1964) was once
asked by a theologian to succinctly tell, based on his deep knowledge of biology, what he could discern of God’s
purpose. Haldane reputedly said that God has “an inordinate fondness of beetles.” This reflects the fact that, in any
random sampling of all the known species on Earth, there is a strong likelihood that a beetle would be the chosen
Table 7.1. Numbers of Species in Various Groups of Organisms. The numbers of identified species are based on
recent tallies, while the estimated numbers are based on the opinions of biologists about how many species will
eventually be discovered in the major groups of organisms.
*This is a conservative number. Some estimates suggest more than 30 million species of insects living in
tropical forests alone (see text). Sources: Modified from Groombridge (1992), Heywood (1995), Environment
Canada, (1997), Chapman (2009), and United Nations Environment Program (2001), and Bernhardt (n.d.).
Furthermore, it is believed that many tropical insects have not yet been described by biologists – perhaps more than
another 30 million species, with many of them being small beetles. This remarkable conclusion initially emerged from
research by T.L. Erwin, an entomologist who was studying tropical rainforest in South America. Erwin treated small
Clearly, biologists know remarkably little about the huge numbers of relatively small, unobtrusive species that occur in
poorly explored habitats in the tropics and elsewhere, such as the deep ocean. However, even in a relatively well-
prospected country like Canada, many species of invertebrates, lichens, microbes, and other small organisms have not
yet been discovered. Of course, larger plants and animals are relatively well known, partly because, for most people
(including scientists), these have greater “charisma” than small beetles, microbes, and the like. Still, even in Canada and
other relatively well-studies countries, new species of vascular plants and vertebrate animals are being discovered.
Compared with invertebrates and microbes, the species richness of other groups of tropical-forest organisms is better
known. For example, a survey of rainforest in Sumatra, Indonesia, found 80 species of tree-sized plants (with a
diameter greater than 20 cm) in an area of only 0.5 hectare. A study in Sarawak, Malaysia, found 742 woody species in a
3-ha plot of rainforest, with half of the species being represented by only a single individual. A similar study in
Amazonian Peru found 283 tree species in a 1 ha plot, with 63% represented by only one individual and 15% by only
two. In marked contrast, temperate forest in North America typically has fewer than 9-12 tree species in plots of this
size. The richest temperate forest in the world, in the Great Smokies of the eastern United States, contains 30–35 tree
species, far fewer than occur in tropical forest. More northern boreal forest, which covers much of Canada, has only
1-4 species of trees present.
A few studies have been made of the richness of bird species in tropical rainforest. A study of Amazonian forest in Peru
found 245 resident bird species, plus another 74 migrants, in a 97-ha plot. Another study found 239 species of birds in a
rainforest in French Guiana. In contrast, temperate forest in North America typically supports 30-40 species of birds.
Not many comprehensive studies have been made of other kinds of biota in tropical ecosystems. In one study, a 108
km2 area of dry tropical forest in Costa Rica was found to contain about 700 species of plants, 400 vertebrate species,
and 13,000 species of insects, including 3,140 kinds of moths and butterflies.
Image 7.2. Community-level biodiversity. This intertidal community in Pacific Rim National Park on the west
coast of Vancouver Island sustains various algae, barnacles, mussels, starfish, and other species that vary in
Richness of Communities
Biodiversity at the level of landscape (or seascape; collectively these are referred to as ecoscapes) is associated with the
number of different communities that occur within a specified region, as well as their relative abundance, size, shape,
connections, and spatial distribution. An area that is uniformly covered with a single kind of community would be
judged as having little biodiversity at the level, compared with an ecoscape having a rich and dynamic mosaic of
different communities.
Because natural ecoscapes contain many species and communities that have evolved together, it is as important to
conserve this level of biodiversity as it is to protect genetic and species diversity. Natural communities, landscapes, and
seascapes are being lost in all parts of the world, with the worst damages involving the destruction of tropical forest
and coral reefs. However, dramatic losses of this level of biodiversity are also occurring in Canada:
• Only about 0.2% of the original area of tall-grass prairie remains, the rest having been converted to agricultural
• Almost all of the Carolinian forest of southern Ontario has been destroyed, mostly by conversion to agricultural
and urbanized landscapes.
• The survival of old-growth forest in coastal British Columbia is at risk, with the dry coastal Douglas-fir type being
especially depleted. The loss of old-growth forest is mostly due to timber harvesting, which converts the
ecosystem into a younger, second-growth forest (see Chapter 23).
• Throughout southern Canada, wetlands of all kinds have been destroyed or degraded by pollution, in-filling, and
other disturbances.
• Natural fish populations have been widely decimated, including mixed-species communities in the Great Lakes,
populations of salmonids (salmon and trout) in western Canada, and cod and redfish off the Atlantic Provinces.
In all of these Canadian examples, only remnant patches of endangered natural communities and ecoscapes remain.
These are at great risk because they are no longer components of robust, extensive, naturally organizing ecosystems.
Biodiversity is important for many reasons. The value of biodiversity provides credence for its conservation. The
reasons why biodiversity is important can be categorized into several groups.
Utilitarian Value
Humans are not isolated from the rest of the biosphere, in part because our survival depends upon having access to
products of certain elements of biodiversity. Because of this requirement, humans must exploit species and
ecosystems as sources of food, biomaterials, and energy—in other words, for their utilitarian value (also known as
instrumental value).
For instance, all foods that we eat are ultimately derived from biodiversity. Moreover, about one-quarter of the
prescription drugs dispensed in North America contain active ingredients extracted from plants. In addition, there is a
wealth of additional, as yet undiscovered products of biodiversity that are potentially useful to people. Research on
wild species of plants, animals, and microorganisms has discovered many new bio-products that are useful as food,
medicines, materials, or other purposes. Like many of the species already known to be useful, some of the newly
discovered ones have a potentially large economic value.
To illustrate the importance of medicinal plants, consider the case of the rosy periwinkle (Catharantus roseus), a small
herbaceous plant that is native to Madagascar, a large island off northeastern Africa. One method used in the search
for anti-cancer drugs involves screening large numbers of wild plants for the presence of chemicals that have an ability
to slow the growth of tumours. During one study of that kind, an extract of rosy periwinkle was found to counteract
the reproduction of cancer cells. Further research identified the active chemicals to be several alkaloids, which are
probably synthesized by the rosy periwinkle to deter herbivores. These natural biochemicals are now used to prepare
the drugs vincristine and vinblastine, which have proved to be extremely useful in chemotherapy to treat childhood
leukemia, a cancer of the lymph system known as Hodgkin’s disease, and several other malignancies.
The exploitation of wild biodiversity can be conducted in ways that allow the renewal of harvestable stocks.
Unfortunately, many potentially renewable biodiversity resources are overharvested, which means they are managed
as if they were non-renewable resources (they are being “mined”; see Chapters 12 and 14). This results in biological
resources becoming degraded in quantity and quality.
Sometimes, over-exploited species become locally extirpated or are even rendered globally extinct, and when this
happens their unique values are no longer available for use by humans. The great auk and passenger pigeon are
examples of Canadian species that were made extinct by over-harvesting. Local and regional extirpations have been
more numerous and include the cougar, grizzly bear, timber wolf, and wild ginseng over most of their former ranges
(see Chapters 14 and 26).
Image 7.3. Many elements of biodiversity provide products useful to people as food, materials, and medicines. In
the 1990s, a chemical called taxol extracted from species of yews was found to be helpful in treating certain
malignancies, particularly ovarian cancer. Commercial harvests were made of two yews native to Canada to
Studies by anthropologists have repeatedly shown that Aboriginal peoples are intimately aware of useful
medicinal plants that grow within their local ecosystems. This “traditional ecological knowledge” is helpful in
identifying useful plants for further investigation by scientists. Nevertheless, only a small fraction of the
enormous richness of biodiversity has been investigated by scientists for its potential to supply us with useful
products. Because of the likelihood of discovering new bio-products, it is imperative that we continue to
engage in “bio-prospecting” research. Work of this sort is ongoing in many countries, including Canada. Canada
supports about 3,200 species of native plants, of which as many as 1,000 have been used for medicinal
purposes, mostly by Aboriginal peoples. Of this relatively large number, several tens of species have become
• Yarrow (Achillea millefolium) is a widespread perennial herb of disturbed habitats and meadows that can be
taken (often in capsule form) to treat the common cold, diarrhea, fever, and some other maladies, or used as
a poultice to stanch the flow of blood from wounds. It is easily cultivated or may be gathered from the wild.
• Purple coneflower (Echinacea pallida var. angustifolia) is a perennial herb of prairie habitats that is widely
drunk as a root extract. The root may also be chewed or taken in other forms to prevent or treat the common
cold, sore throat, bacterial infections, and other ills. It is easily cultivated and is one of the most widely used
herbal medicines in North America.
• Evening primrose (Oenothera biennis) is a widespread biennial herb of disturbed habitats and meadows that
may be taken as a whole-plant infusion to treat asthma and gastrointestinal disorders, or as a pressed-oil
product as a nutritional supplement. It is easily cultivated or can be gathered from the wild.
• Ginseng (Panax quinquefolius) is a perennial understorey plant of eastern hardwood forest that may be taken
as a root infusion as a general tonic or to treat headache, cramps, fever, rheumatism, and other maladies.
It is cultivated on a five- to seven-year rotation, and may be the most widely used herbal medicine in the
world. It should not be gathered from the wild because past over-harvesting has rendered it endangered.
• Pacific yew (Taxus brevifolia) is a tree-sized plant of the humid of the west coast, and Canada yew (T.
canadensis) a shrub of eastern forest. An extract of bark or leaves containing the chemical taxol has
proven useful in the treatment of certain malignancies, particularly ovarian and breast cancers. Biomass
for processing is gathered from wild plants, but local over-harvesting has been an issue in some areas.
Plantations of Pacific yew and other yews are being established to relieve the pressure on slow-growing
populations of wild plants.
• Cranberry (Vaccinium macrocarpon) is a widespread trailing shrub of bog wetlands that may be taken as
a pressed juice as a source of vitamin C, to treat urinary tract infections and kidney ailments, and for
other purposes for which its diuretic properties are useful. The species is extensively cultivated and is also
gathered from wild habitats.
Biodiversity provides many ecological services that are critical to the stability and integrity of ecosystems as well as the
welfare of humans. They include nutrient cycling, biological productivity, control of erosion, provision of oxygen, and
removal of carbon dioxide and its storage as organic carbon. All of these services are critical to the welfare of people
and other species, but they are not usually assigned economic value. In part, this is because we do not yet have
sufficient understanding and appreciation of the “importance” of ecological services and of the particular species and
communities that provide them. According to Peter Raven, a famous botanist and advocate of biodiversity, “In the
aggregate, biodiversity keeps the planet habitable and ecosystems functional.”
Intrinsic Value
Biodiversity has its own intrinsic value (or inherent value), regardless of any direct or indirect worth in terms of the
needs or welfare of humans. This value is fundamental to all elements of biodiversity, and is irreplaceable. This intrinsic
Biodiversity Is Worthwhile
Many people firmly believe that wild biodiversity and natural ecosystems are worthwhile and important. They cite the
utilitarian and intrinsic values of biodiversity, but may also mention less tangible opinions, such as the charisma of
many species (such as wolves, pandas, and baby harp seals) and the spirituality of natural places (such as towering old-
growth forest and other kinds of wilderness). Because this belief is becoming increasingly widespread and popularized,
it is having a major influence on politicians, who are including biodiversity issues in their agendas for action—threats to
biodiversity have become politically important.
Undoubtedly, there is an undiscovered wealth of products of biodiversity that are potentially useful to humans. Many
of these bio-products will be found in tropical species that have not yet been “discovered” by biologists. Clearly, the
most important argument in favour of preserving biodiversity is the need to maintain natural ecosystems so they can
continue to provide their vast inventory of useful products and their valuable ecological services. In addition,
biodiversity must also be preserved for its intrinsic value.
Image 7.4. Landscapes and seascapes are spatial mosaics of various communities occurring at a large scale. This
landscape in Nova Scotia is characterized by a mosaic of conifer-dominated (dark green) and hardwood (bright
colours) stands of forest, plus lakes, streams, and wetlands. Source: B. Freedman.
Biologists classify species into higher-order groupings on the basis of their relatedness and similarities. Similarity is
judged using information about anatomy, development, biochemistry, behaviour, and habitat selection. These
classifications are made by systematists (biologists who study the evolutionary relationships among groups of
organisms) and taxonomists (who focus on naming groups of organisms).
The systematics of life is organized hierarchically, with levels ranging through subspecies, species, genus, family, order,
class, phylum, and kingdom. This system is illustrated in Table 7.2.
Table 7.2. Biological Classification. The hierarchical, systematic classification of organisms is illustrated by three
representative species.
A species is described using two Latinized words, known as a binomial. If a subspecies is also recognized, the name has
three Latin words (such as Pseudotsuga menziesii glauca, the interior form of the Douglas-fir).
Many species also have a scientifically recognized “common name,” and they may also have informal common names.
For example, the scientifically recognized common name of the widespread tree Populus tremuloides is trembling
aspen, but this species is also known as aspen, golden aspen, mountain aspen, poplar, quaking asp, quaking aspen,
trembling poplar, and that old-time favourite, “popple.” Some of the common names have only a local use and are
unknown in other parts of the range of the species. Common names may also overlap among species—for instance,
both the balsam poplar (Populus balsamifera) and large-toothed aspen (P. grandidentata) are often called “poplar.”
To avoid the ambiguities associated with common names, species are assigned a globally recognized binomial and
sometimes a “proper” common name. Because of this system, biologists working in Canada, the United States,
Germany, Turkey, Russia, China, and other countries where the animal Ursus arctos occurs all know it by its binomial.
In English, this animal is known as the grizzly or brown bear, and in other languages by other common names. But no
one is confused by its scientific binomial name.
Most biologists divide all of Earth’s species into five major groups, known as kingdoms. Although somewhat
controversial and subject to ongoing refinement, this systematic organization is believed to reflect the evolutionary
relationships among groups of organisms. The kingdoms and their major characteristics are briefly described below.
Monerans are the simplest of single-celled microorganisms and include bacteria and blue-green bacteria, the latter
being photosynthetic. They are prokaryotes, because their genetic material is not contained within a membrane-
bounded organelle called a nucleus. Organisms in the other kingdoms have nuclei within their cells and are called
eukaryotes. Prokaryotes also do not have other kinds of organelles, such as chloroplasts, flagella, or mitochondria.
They were the first organisms to evolve, about 3.5 million years ago. It was not until 1.5 billion years ago that the first
eukaryotes appeared.
At least 7,643 species of bacteria have been named (Table 7.1), but there are many additional species that have not yet
been described by microbiologists. The diversity of bacteria includes species capable of exploiting a phenomenal range
of ecological and metabolic opportunities. Many are decomposers, found in “rotting” biomass. Some species are
photosynthetic, others are chemosynthetic, and still others can utilize virtually any organic substrate for their
nutrition, either in the presence or absence of oxygen. Some bacteria can tolerate extreme environments, living in hot
springs as torrid as 78°C, while others are active as deep as 400 m in glacial ice.
Many bacterial species live in mutually beneficial symbioses (mutualisms) with more-complex organisms. For example,
some live as a community in the rumens of cows and sheep, and others live in the human gut, in both cases aiding in
the digestion of food. Other bacteria, known as Rhizobium, live in the roots of leguminous plants (such as peas and
clovers), where they fix atmospheric nitrogen gas into a form (ammonia) that plants can use as a nutrient (see Chapter
Many bacteria are parasites of other species, causing various diseases. For example, Bacillus thuringiensis is a
pathogen of moths, butterflies, and blackflies and has been used as a biological insecticide against certain pests in
agriculture and forestry. Species of bacteria also cause important diseases of humans, including cholera, diphtheria,
gonorrhea, Legionnaire’s disease, leprosy, pneumonia, scarlet fever, syphilis, tetanus, tooth decay, tuberculosis,
whooping cough, most types of food poisoning, and the “flesh-eating disease” caused by a virulent strain of
Protists include a wide range of simple, eukaryotic organisms, comprising both unicellular and multicellular species.
Protists include foraminifera, protozoans, slime moulds, and single-celled and multicellular algae. The latter group
includes the large seaweeds known as kelps, some of which are over 10 m long. The kingdom Protista consists of 14
phyla and about 60,000 named species, which vary enormously in their genetics, morphology, and function. Many
biologists believe that the Protista is a catch-all group of not-so-closely related groups. It is likely that the protists will
eventually be divided into several kingdoms because of accumulating evidence of key differences among groups and
recognition that the other, more-complex eukaryotic kingdoms (fungi, plants, and animals) evolved from different
protistan ancestors.
Several phyla of protists, broadly known as algae, are photosynthetic. These groups include the diatoms
(Bacillariophyta), green algae (Chlorophyta), dinoflagellates (Dinoflagellata), euglenoids (Euglenophyta), red algae
(Rhodophyta), and brown algae such as kelps (Phaeophyta). Algae are important primary producers in marine and
freshwater ecosystems. Some seaweeds are harvested to extract chemicals known as alginates, which are important
additives to many foods and cosmetics. Uncommon marine phenomena known as “red tides” are blooms of certain
dinoflagellates that produce extremely toxic metabolites.
Other phyla of protists are heterotrophic in their nutrition. These groups include the ciliates (Ciliophora), forams
(Foraminifera), slime moulds (Myxomycota), amoebae (Rhizopoda), and unicellular flagellates (Zoomastigina). Forams
are unicellular microorganisms that form an architecturally complex shell of calcium carbonate, the remains of which
This kingdom consists of yeasts, which are single-celled microorganisms, and fungi, which are multicellular and
filamentous. Fungi evolved at least 400 million years ago, but they may be much older than that because their remains
do not fossilize well. Fungal cells excrete enzymes into their surroundings, which then externally digest complex
organic materials. The fungus then ingests the resulting simple organic compounds. All fungi are heterotrophic—most
are decomposers of dead organic matter, while others are parasitic on plants or animals. There are three major
divisions (phyla) of fungi, distinguished mainly by their means of sexual reproduction. Asexual reproduction is also
The zygomycetes (division Zygomycota) achieve sexual reproduction by the direct fusion of hyphae (the thread-like
tissues of fungi), which form resting spores known as zygospores. There are about 600 named species, the most
familiar of which are the bread moulds, such as Rhizopus, with their fluffy mycelium (a loosely organized mass of
The ascomycetes (division Ascomycota) include about 30,000 named species, some of which are commonly known as a
cup fungus or morel. During sexual reproduction, ascomycetes form numerous microscopic, cup-shaped bodies known
as asci, which are located in specialized fleshy structures called ascocarps. Familiar species include yeasts, morels, and
truffles, as well as the pathogens that cause chestnut blight and Dutch elm disease (see below).
The basidiomycetes (division Basiodiomycota) include about 16,000 named species. Sexual reproduction involves a
relatively complex spore-producing structure known as a basidium, which depending on its shape may be called a
mushroom, puff ball, toadstool, or shelf fungus. In Canada, the largest of these structures is developed by the giant
puff ball (Calvatia spp.), which has a ball-like basidium with a diameter up to 50 cm.
Lichens are mutualisms between a fungus and either an alga or a blue-green bacterium. Most of the lichen biomass is
fungal tissue, which provides habitat and inorganic nutrients for the photosynthetic partner, which in turn provides
organic nutrition to the fungus. Another type of mutualism, known as a mycorrhiza, involves a relationship between
plant roots and certain fungi. This relationship is beneficial to the plant because it allows more efficient absorption of
inorganic nutrients from the soil, especially phosphate. About 80% of plant species develop mycorrhizae.
Fungi are ecologically important because they are excellent decomposers, allowing nutrients to be recycled and
reducing the accumulation of dead biomass.
Various kinds of fungi are economically important because they spoil stored grain and other foods, are parasites of
agricultural or forestry plants, or cause diseases in humans and other animals. Ringworm is a disease of the skin,
usually the scalp, which is caused by various fungi. The chestnut blight fungus (Endothia parasitica) was accidentally
introduced to North America and wiped out the native chestnut (Castanea dentata), which used to be a prominent and
valuable tree in eastern forests. The Dutch elm disease fungus (Ceratocystis ulmi) is another introduced pathogen that
is killing elm trees (especially white elm, Ulmus americana).
Economically useful fungi include a few species of yeast that can ferment sugars under anaerobic (O2-deficient)
conditions, yielding gaseous CO2 and ethanol. The CO2 raises bread dough prior to baking, while brewers take
Some mushroom-forming fungi are cultivated as a food, while other edible species are collected from natural habitats.
The most commonly cultivated species is the meadow mushroom (Agaricus campestris), while the most prized wild
mushroom is the extremely flavourful truffle (Tuber melanosporum). Some wild mushrooms contain chemicals that
induce hallucinations, feelings of well-being, or other pleasurable mental states, and are sought by people for religious
or recreational use. These include the fly agaric (Amanita muscaria), a species widespread in Canada and elsewhere,
and psilocybin (Psilocybe spp.) of more southern regions of North America and Central America. Some wild mushrooms
are deadly poisonous even when eaten in tiny quantities. The most toxic species in Canada are the destroying angel
(Amanita virosa) and deathcap (A. phalloides).
Plants are photosynthetic organisms that manufacture their food by using the energy of sunlight to synthesize organic
molecules from inorganic ones. Plants evolved from multicellular green algae about 430 million years ago, and the first
tree-sized ones appeared 300 million years ago. Plants are different from algae in that they are always multicellular,
have cell walls rich in cellulose, synthesize a variety of photosynthetic pigments (including chlorophylls and
carotenoids), and use starch as their principal means of storing energy. Plants are extremely important as
photosynthetic fixers of CO2 into organic carbon, and they are dominant in terrestrial ecosystems, where algae and
blue-green bacteria are sparse. Plants can be separated into 12 divisions, which are aggregated into two functional
Bryophytes are relatively simple plants that lack vascular tissue and do not have a waxy cuticle covering their foliage, a
characteristic that restricts these plants to moist habitats. The bryophytes consist of the following:
Vascular plants are relatively complex and have specialized, tube-like, vascular tissues in their stems for conducting
water and nutrients. There are nine divisions of vascular plants:
The flowering plants are also known as angiosperms, because their ovules are enclosed within a specialized membrane,
and their seeds within a seedcoat. The conifers, ginkgo, and gnetums lack these structures and are referred to as
gymnosperms. Together, the angiosperms and gymnosperms are known as seed plants. Their seeds develop from a
fusion between specialized haploid cells known as pollen and ovules, in a process called pollination.
Many flowering plants grow as shrubs or trees. Rigid, woody tissues in their stems provide mechanical strength that
allows these plants to grow tall against the forces of gravity and wind. Other angiosperms lack rigid stem tissues and
grow as herbaceous plants that die back to the ground at the end of the growing season.
Species of angiosperms are important crops in agriculture, while both conifer and angiosperm trees are prominent in
forestry. Plants are also economically important as sources of biochemicals in industry and medicine, and because they
provide the food and habitat required by so many other organisms, including many animals that are used by people as
Animals are multicellular organisms, and most are mobile during at least some stage of their life history, having the
ability to move about to search for food, to disperse, or to reproduce. Animals are heterotrophs: they must ingest their
food, ultimately consuming the photosynthetic products of plants or algae.
Most animals (except the sponges) have their cells organized into specialized tissues that are further organized into
organs. Almost all animals reproduce sexually, a process that involves the joining of haploid gametes from a male and
female to produce a fertilized egg. Animals comprise the bulk of identified species of organisms, with insects being the
most diverse group. Apart from these broad generalizations, animals are extremely diverse in their form and function.
They range in size from the largest blue whales (Balaenoptera musculus), which can reach 32 m in length and 136
tonnes of weight, to the smallest beetles and soil mites, which are less than 1 mm long and weigh a few milligrams.
The animal kingdom includes about 35 phyla. The majority occur in marine habitats, with a smaller number in
freshwater and on land. All animals in all the phyla except one are considered to be invertebrates (with no backbone),
while the phylum Chordata includes the vertebrates – animals with a backbone. The most prominent phyla are
described below.
• Sponges (phylum Porifera) include a marine group of about 5,000 species plus 150 freshwater ones. Sponges are
simple animals, sessile (non-mobile) as adults, with no differentiation of tissues into organs. They filter-feed on
organic matter suspended in their watery habitat. The slow flow of water through sponges is driven by surface
cells that use flagella, tiny whip-like structures, to move water over their surface.
• Cnidarians (phylum Cnidaria) include about 9,000 species, almost all of which are marine. Familiar groups include
corals, hydroids, jellyfish, and sea anemones. Cnidarians have a simple, gelatinous body structure. They display
radial symmetry, meaning a cross-section in any direction through their central axis yields two parts that are
mirror images. Jellyfish are weakly swimming or floating animals, with a body form known as a medusa. Most other
cnidarians are sessile as adults, being attached to a bottom substrate. Cnidarians are carnivores that use tentacles
ringing their mouth opening to capture prey, often after subduing the victim by stinging it with specialized cells.
Corals develop a protective casement of calcium carbonate and are important reef-building organisms.
• Flatworms and tapeworms (phylum Platyhelminthes) include about 12,000 species of soft-bodied, ribbon-shaped
animals. Many flatworms are free-living scavengers or predators of small animals, while tapeworms and flukes are
internal parasites of larger animals, including humans.
• Nematodes (phylum Nematoda) include 12,000 species of small, worm-like creatures. These animals are round in
• True worms (phylum Annelida) include about 12,000 species of tubular, segmented, soft-bodied animals. Most
worms are marine, but others occur in freshwater and moist terrestrial habitats. Worms are divided into three
major groups: bristleworms or polychaetes, typical worms or oligochaetes (including earthworms), and leeches or
hirudineans. Most feed on dead organic matter, but leeches are blood-sucking parasites of larger animals.
Earthworms provide an important service by helping to recycle dead biomass in many terrestrial habitats.
• Molluscs (phylum Mollusca) comprise about 85,000 species of clams, cuttlefish, octopuses, oysters, scallops, slugs,
snails, and squids. Many have a hard shell of calcium carbonate that protects the soft body parts. Other molluscs,
such as squid and octopus, lack this hard shell. Molluscs are most abundant in marine and freshwater habitats,
with relatively few terrestrial species. Most are herbivores or scavengers, but some are predators. Various species
are used by humans as food, and several produce pearls, used for making jewellery. Some slugs and snails are pests
in agriculture, while others are alternative hosts for certain parasites, such as the tropical fluke that causes
schistosomiasis in humans.
• Arthropods (phylum Arthropoda) comprise the largest group of organisms. There are more than a million named
species and likely millions of others that have not yet been described. Arthropods have an exterior skeleton
(exoskeleton) made of a polysaccharide known as chitin, with their body parts segmented to allow movement. They
have at least three pairs of legs. The most abundant groups are the spiders and mites (class Arachnida),
crustaceans (Crustacea), centipedes (Chilopoda), millipedes (Diplopoda), and insects (Insecta). Insects alone make
up more than half of all named species. Arthropods are of great economic importance, with some species being
used by people as food (such as lobster), and others used to produce food (such as the honey of certain bees).
Termites damage buildings by eating wood, while various insects are pests in agriculture. Species of mosquitoes,
blackflies, fleas, and ticks spread diseases of humans and other animals, including malaria, yellow fever,
encephalitis, and plague.
• Echinoderms (phylum Echinodermata) include about 6,000 species of marine animals, such as brittle stars, sand
dollars, sea stars, sea cucumbers, and sea urchins. Echinoderms have radial symmetry as adults. Most have an
exoskeleton of calcium carbonate, some are covered with spiny projections, and some move about using large
numbers of small, tube-feet. Sea urchins and sea cucumbers are harvested as a minor source of food, popular in
some Asian countries.
• Chordates (phylum Chordata) are the most familiar group of animals. Distinctive characters (in at least the
embryonic phase) include a hollow nerve cord that runs along the dorsal (top) surface and a flexible, rod-like
dorsal structure (the notochord), which is replaced by the vertebral column in adults. There are about 63,000
species of chordates, divided among three subphyla. The tunicates (Urochordata) are composed of about 1,000
species of marine animals, including sea grapes and sea peaches. Tunicates have a small notochord and adults are
sessile filter-feeders. The lancets (Cephalochordata) consist of 23 species of filter-feeding marine animals, which
have a long, laterally compressed body. The vertebrates (Vertebrata) comprise almost all species in the group, most
of which have a vertebral column as adults. The major classes of living vertebrates are the following.
◦ The jawless fishes (class Agnatha) include 63 species of lampreys and hagfishes, which first evolved 470
million years ago. These marine or freshwater animals have a notochord and a skeleton of cartilage.
◦ The bony fishes (class Osteichthyes) include about 30,500 species of typical fish, such as cod, salmon, tuna,
and guppies. The first bony fishes evolved about 390 million years ago.
◦ The amphibians (class Amphibia) consist of 6,515 species of frogs, salamanders, toads, and legless caecilians.
The first amphibians evolved about 330 million years ago. Early stages in the life history (egg and larva) are
aquatic, but adult stages of many species can live in terrestrial habitats.
◦ The reptiles (class Reptilia) include 8,734 species of crocodilians, lizards, snakes, and turtles. Reptiles first
evolved about 300 million years ago. Extinct groups include the dinosaurs, plesiosaurs, and pterosaurs, the
last of which became extinct about 65-million years ago. Reptiles were the first fully terrestrial animals,
capable of completing all stages of their life history on land (although some species, such as turtles, are highly
aquatic as adults). Reptiles have a dry skin and lay eggs on land. Their young are miniature versions of the
◦ The birds (class Aves) consist of 9.990 species, which first evolved about 225 million years ago from small,
dinosaurian ancestors. Birds are homeothermic (warm-blooded), are covered in feathers, lay hard-shelled
eggs, and have a horny covering of the jaws known as a beak. Most species can fly, the exceptions being the
largest birds, penguins, and many species that evolved on islands lacking predators.
◦ The mammals (class Mammalia) consist of 5,487 species, which first evolved about 220 million years ago (the
earliest fossil mammals are difficult to distinguish from reptiles). Mammals became prominent after the
extinction of the last dinosaurs, about 65 million years ago. Mammals are homeotherms, have at least some
hair on their body, feed their young with milk, and have a double circulation of the blood (i.e., a four-
chambered heart and fully separate circulatory systems for oxygen-poor and oxygen-rich blood). There are
three major groups of mammals: Monotremes are a few species of egg-laying mammals that live in Australia
and New Guinea—the platypus and several species of echidnas. Marsupials bear live young that at birth are at
an extremely early stage of development. After birth, the tiny young migrate to a special pouch (the
marsupium) on the mother’s belly where they develop further while feeding on milk. Examples of marsupials
include kangaroos, koala, and wallabies, which live only in Australia, New Guinea, and nearby islands, and the
opossum of the Americas. Placental mammalsinclude many familiar species of the Americas, Africa, and
Eurasia. Placental mammals give birth to live young that are suckled by the mother. Humans are a species of
placental mammal.
Image 7.5. Humans and dogs are species of mammals. Humans (Homo sapiens), along with other great apes, are
in the family Hominidae. Dogs (Canis lupus familiaris) are a domesticated subspecies of the wolf and are in the
Biodiversity is the richness of biological variation—it exists at the levels of genetics, species richness, and community
diversity on landscapes and seascapes. Biodiversity is important to the survival of humans and their economy, and also
to all other species. Biodiversity also has inherent value. Human activities have resulted in the extinction of many
elements of biodiversity, and the survival of many others is being placed at grave risk (Chapter 26). Damage to
biodiversity is a principal aspect of the environmental crisis.
Exploring Issues
1. You are a biodiversity specialist, and a group of politicians has asked why it should spend public money to protect
an endangered species occurring within their jurisdiction. You know that these people are sceptical, and that if
you do not convince them to preserve the species and its habitat, it may become extinct. What information and
arguments would you include in your presentation to the politicians?
2. Make a comprehensive list of products of biodiversity that you use in a typical day. The list can include raw and
processed foods, medicines, materials, and sources of energy.
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Reaka-Kudla, M.L., D.E. Wilson, and E.O. Wilson (eds.). 1997. Biodiversity II: Understanding and Protecting Our
Biological Resources. National Academy Press, Washington, DC.
Terborgh, J., S.K. Robinson, T.A. Parker, C.A. Muna, and N. Pierpont. 1990. Structure and organization of an Amazonian
forest bird community. Ecological Monographs, 60: 213-238.
United Nations Environment Program. 2001. Global Biodiversity Outlook. Secretariat of the Convention on Biological
Diversity, Montreal, PQ.
Wilson, E.O. (ed.). 1988. Biodiversity. National Academy Press, Washington, DC.
A biome is a geographically extensive type of ecosystem. A particular biome occurs wherever environmental conditions
are suitable for its development, anywhere in the world. Biomes are characterized by the life forms of their dominant
organisms, but not necessarily by their particular species. On land, biomes are generally identified by their mature or
older-growth vegetation. In contrast, aquatic biomes are usually distinguished by their dominant animals. Biomes are
classified using a system that is used at an international level—that is, by ecologists working in many countries.
Figure 8.1 shows a map of the distribution of the most extensive terrestrial biomes. The distribution of biomes is
determined by environmental conditions, which must be appropriate to support the dominant species. Moisture and
temperature are usually the most important environmental influences on the distribution of terrestrial biomes (Figure
8.2). The distribution of various types of wetlands within terrestrial biomes is mostly influenced by the amount and
permanence of surface water and the availability of nutrients. Marine biomes are most strongly influenced by water
depth and upwellings, which affect the amounts of light and nutrients that are available to support primary
Figure 8.1. Distribution of the Major Terrestrial Biomes. Note that the spatial complexity is greatest in regions
with mountainous terrain, such as the western Americas and southern Asia. Source: Modified from Odum
Figure 8.2. Environmental Influences on the Distribution of Terrestrial Biomes. This diagram suggests the
reasons why temperature and moisture are believed to be the most important environmental factors affecting
the distributions of terrestrial biomes. Source: Modified from Odum (1993).
As long as environmental conditions are suitable for its development, a particular biomes may occur in widely
divergent regions, even on different continents. Although widely separate regions of a biome may be dominated by
This context is illustrated by the boreal forest, an extensive biome that occurs in northern regions of Canada, Alaska,
and Eurasia. The boreal forest occurs in regions with a cold and long winter, short but warm summer, and generally
moist soil. This biome is situated between the more northern tundra, and temperate forest or prairie to the south. The
dominant vegetation of boreal forest is typically coniferous trees, especially species of fir, larch, pine, or spruce.
However, the particular species vary from region to region, and angiosperm (hardwood) trees may also be present.
Over much of northern Canada the boreal coniferous forest is dominated by stands of black spruce (Picea mariana).
However, in some regions, stands of white spruce (Picea glauca), jack pine (Pinus banksiana), balsam fir (Abies
balsamea), or tamarack (Larix laricina) are dominant. In the boreal forest of northern Europe, Siberia, and northern
parts of Japan, Korea, and China, there are other species of coniferous trees. In some cases, there may be stands
dominated by hardwood trees, such as trembling aspen (Populus tremuloides) in parts of northern Canada. However,
all of these different forest types occurring on several continents are structurally and functionally convergent
ecosystems within the same biome—the coniferous forest.
We should also note that any particular biome is described on the basis of its dominant, most extensive kind of
ecological communities. For the boreal forest, this is usually stands of coniferous trees. However, biomes are not
homogeneous, and they contain other kinds of less-widespread communities. For instance, parts of the boreal forest
are dominated by persistent areas of shrubs such as species of alder, dwarf birch, and willow, and there may also be
wetlands such as bogs and fens as well as distinctive communities associated with streams and rivers.
In addition, local areas may be subjected to occasional catastrophic disturbances, which may result in a landscape
being composed of a mosaic of stands of various stages (and ages) of ecological recovery, called succession. In the case
of boreal forest, disturbances are typically caused by wildfire or by epidemics of insects that kill trees (see Chapter 22).
Natural biomes are characterized by their dominant ecological communities, which are composed of particular
assemblages of plants, animals, and microorganisms. There are also anthropogenic ecosystems that are strongly
influenced by humans and their activities, such as cities and agricultural land. In fact, all of the modern biomes have
been influenced by people to some degree—at the very least, all organisms in even the most remote places now contain
trace contaminations of organochlorine chemicals (such as DDT and PCBs) that humans have manufactured and
dispersed into the environment (see Chapter 22).
Ecologists have used a number of systems to divide the biosphere into major biomes, one of which is illustrated in
Figure 8.1. The classification of global biomes described here is modified from a system proposed by the ecologist E.P.
Odum. In the following sections, the world’s biomes are examined within global and ecoregional contexts. This is
appropriate because biomes are widespread ecological units whose boundaries and species do not respect political
Terrestrial Biomes
Tundra is a treeless biome that occurs in environments with a long, cold winter and a short, cool growing season.
There are two types of tundra: alpine and arctic. Alpine tundra occurs at higher elevations in mountainous regions,
Image 8.1. Tundra is a biome of short vegetation growing in climatically stressed environments of the Arctic and
Antarctic and on mountaintops. This is a view of arctic tundra on northeastern Somerset Island. The rock was
marked by James Ross, who from 1848 to 1849 commanded the first search for John Franklin’s expedition, and
overwintered at the site. The initials E. I. refer to his ships, the Enterprise and Investigator. Source: B.
Boreal coniferous forest, or taiga, is an extensive biome of environments with a cold winter, short but warm growing
season, and moist soil. It is most extensive in the Northern Hemisphere. The boreal forest is dominated by coniferous
trees, especially species of fir, larch, pine, and spruce. Some angiosperm trees may also be prominent, particularly
aspen, birch, and poplar. Stands of boreal forest are poor in tree species, and may be dominated by only one or a few
kinds. Most regions of boreal forest are subject to periodic disturbances, usually by wildfire, but sometimes by
windstorms or insect epidemics.
Image 8.2. The boreal coniferous forest (taiga) is extensive in northern regions of Canada, Alaska, and Eurasia.
This photo shows a stand of black spruce with a carpet of feather mosses, in central Labrador. Source: B.
Temperate deciduous forest occurs in relatively moist, temperate climates with a short, moderately cold winter and
warm summer. This biome is dominated by a mixture of hardwood tree species. Most of the trees have seasonally
deciduous foliage, meaning their leaves are shed each autumn and then regrown in the springtime. This is an
adaptation to surviving the drought and other stresses of winter. Common trees of temperate deciduous forest in
North America are species of ash, basswood, birch, cherry, chestnut, dogwood, elm, hickory, magnolia, maple, oak,
sassafras, tulip-tree, and walnut. These trees occur in distinctive communities based on their preferences for
particular qualities of soil moisture and fertility, soil and air temperature, and other environmental factors.
Image 8.3. The temperate deciduous forest contains species of angiosperm trees, which drop their leaves in the
autumn, plus some coniferous trees. This biome is widespread south of the boreal forest. This stand in Nova
Temperate rainforest develops in a climate in which the winter is mild and precipitation abundant year-round. Because
this climate is too moist to allow frequent wildfires, old-growth forest often develops. The old-growth forest is
dominated by coniferous trees of mixed age and species composition, but some individual trees are extremely large
and can be centuries old, sometimes even exceeding a thousand years. Prominent tree species in temperate rainforest
of the humid west coast of North America are Douglas-fir, hemlock, red cedar, redwood, Sitka spruce, and yellow
Image 8.4. Temperate grassland is widespread in the dry interior of North America and other continents, and is
dominated by species of grasses and other herbaceous plants. This view is of shortgrass prairie in Grasslands
National Park in southern Saskatchewan. Source: B. Freedman.
Chaparral develops in south-temperate environments with a so-called Mediterranean climate, with winter rains and
summer drought. Typical chaparral is characterized by dwarfed trees and shrubs with interspersed herbaceous
vegetation. Periodic fires are characteristic. In North America, chaparral is best developed in coastal southern
Desert can be temperate or tropical, and it most commonly occurs in continental interiors or in the rain shadow of
mountains. The distribution of desert is determined by the amount of soil moisture, which in the temperate zones is
generally associated with an annual precipitation of less than about 25 cm. The driest desert supports almost no plant
productivity, but less-dry conditions may support communities of herbaceous and succulent plants, both annual and
Image 8.5. Desert is a sparsely vegetated biome of extremely dry environments. This view is of arid habitat in
Peru, in a region where there is no detectable precipitation in some years. Source: B. Freedman.
Tropical grassland and savannah occur in regions with as much as 120 cm of annual rainfall, but a pronounced dry
season. Savannah is dominated by grasses and herbaceous angiosperms, with scattered shrubs and tree-sized plants
that provide an open canopy. Some tropical grasslands and savannahs support large populations of big animals,
including migratory ones. This is particularly true of Africa, where this biome supports a diverse community of large
mammals, such as elephant, gazelle and other antelopes, hippopotamus, rhinoceros, water buffalo, and predators of
these herbivores, such as cheetah, hyena, leopard, lion, and wild dog.
Semi-evergreen tropical forest develops in a warm climate with pronounced wet and dry seasons. Most trees and
shrubs are seasonally deciduous, shedding their foliage in anticipation of the dry season. This biome supports a great
richness of biodiversity, though less than tropical rainforest.
Evergreen tropical rainforest occurs in tropical climates with copious precipitation throughout the year. Tropical
rainforest often develops into an old-growth condition because wildfire and other catastrophes are uncommon. Old-
growth tropical rainforest supports a tremendous richness of tree species of many sizes and ages, most of which retain
their foliage throughout the year. This forest also sustains an extraordinary diversity of other plants, animals, and
microorganisms. Tropical rainforest represents the peak of development of terrestrial ecosystems because the biome
supports huge biomass, high productivity, and rich biodiversity under relatively benign climatic conditions.
Image 8.6. Evergreen tropical forest occurs in warm regions where rainfall is abundant throughout the year.
Freshwater Biomes
Lentic ecosystems contain standing or very slowly flowing water, as occurs in lakes and ponds. The ecological
character of lentic systems is most strongly influenced by water chemistry, particularly its transparency and nutrient
concentration. Waters that are well supplied with nutrients are highly productive (eutrophic), while infertile waters are
unproductive (oligotrophic). In general, shallow waterbodies are much more productive than deeper ones of a
comparable surface area. However, waterbodies with poor transparency are much less productive than might be
predicted on the basis of their nutrient supply. Waters that are brown-coloured because of dissolved organic matter
have poor transparency, as do turbid waters with fine suspended particulates. Lentic ecosystems are characterized by
zonation in two dimensions. Horizontal zonation is due to changes in water depth and is usually related to the slope
and length of the shore. Vertical zonation occurs in deeper water and is related to the amount of light, water
temperature, and nutrient and oxygen concentrations. Lentic ecosystems often develop distinct communities along
their shore (known as the littoral zone), in their deeper open water (the pelagic zone), and on their sediment (the
benthic zone).
Lotic ecosystems are characterized by flowing water and include rivers and streams. The quantity, velocity, and
seasonal variation of water flow are important environmental factors. Within streams or rivers, silt-sized particles are
deposited in places with relatively calm water, leaving a fine-grained or muddy substrate. In contrast, the substrate of
places with vigorous water flow is rocky because fine particles have been eroded away. For similar reasons, the
turbidity is greatest during times of high water flow. Turbidity is an important factor because it interferes with light
penetration and thereby restricts primary productivity. Lotic ecosystems sustain some productivity of algae and
Wetlands occur in shallow, flooded places on land. There are four major types: marsh, swamp, bog, and fen. Marshes
are the most productive; they are dominated by plants that are rooted in sediment but grow as tall as several metres
above the water surface, such as reed, cattail, and bulrush. Open-water areas of marshes have floating-leaved plants,
such as water lily and lotus. Swamps are forested wetlands that may be flooded seasonally or permanently. Swamps are
often dominated by such trees as silver maple (Acer saccharinum), white elm (Ulmus americana), or bald cypress
(Taxodium distichum). Bogs are acidic, relatively unproductive wetlands that develop in a cool, wet climate. Their
supply of nutrients is sparse because bogs are fertilized only by atmospheric inputs of dust and chemicals dissolved in
precipitation. Bogs are typically dominated by species of Sphagnum moss (also known as peat moss). Fens also develop
in a cool and wet climate, but since they have a better nutrient supply than bogs, they are less acidic and more
Image 8.7. A marsh is a fertile wetland dominated by taller herbaceous plants, such as bulrush and cattail. This
images shows a lakeside marsh dominated by cattail (Typha latifolia) in Point Pelee National Park in southern
Ontario. Source: B. Freedman.
Image 8.8. A swamp is a forested wetland. This example is dominated by silver maple (Acer saccharinum) in
Marine Biomes
The open ocean consists of pelagic and benthic ecosystems. The pelagic (open-water) ecosystem is strongly influenced
by physical and chemical factors, particularly waves, tides, currents, salinity, temperature, light intensity, and nutrient
concentration. The rate of productivity is small, and comparable to that of terrestrial desert. The primary production is
associated with phytoplankton, which range in size from extremely small photosynthetic bacteria to larger (but still
microscopic) unicellular and colonial algae. The phytoplankton are grazed by tiny animals known as zooplankton (most
of which are crustaceans), which are eaten in turn by larger zooplankton and small fish. Large predators such as
bluefin tuna, sharks, squid, and whales are at the top of the pelagic food web. The benthic ecosystem of the open ocean
biome is supported by a sparse rain of dead biomass from the surface. The benthic ecosystem of the deep oceans is not
yet well described, but it appears to be somewhat rich in species, low in productivity, and extremely stable over time.
Some large regions of the open ocean have an enormous rotating surface current known as a gyre, which is caused by
the Coriolis effect associated with the rotation of Earth. Gyres in the Northern Hemisphere rotate in a clockwise
direction, while those in the Southern Hemisphere are counter-clockwise. Gyres collect floating material, such as
floating seaweeds like Sargassum, as well as garbage from coastal dumping and debris from fishing fleets. One example
is the North Pacific gyre, which covers most of that oceanic basin, and another is the North Atlantic gyre, also known
as the Sargasso Sea.
Continental shelf waters occur near the shores of continents and are relatively shallow because they overlie an
underwater projection of the landmass (a continental shelf). Compared with the open ocean, these nearshore waters
are relatively warm and well supplied with nutrients. The nutrients come from inputs of rivers and from deeper,
relatively fertile oceanic water that is occasionally stirred from the bottom by currents or turbulence caused by
windstorms. Because the nutrient supply of coastal waters is relatively high, phytoplankton are productive and support
a higher biomass of animals than occurs in the open ocean. Some of the world’s most important fisheries are
Image 8.9. The Pacific continental shelf waters are rich in marine life. Pictured here is a “forest” of large
seaweeds known as kelps (Nereocystis spp.), which provide critical habitat for many animals, such as black
rockfish (Sebastes melanops). Source: C. Harvey-Clark.
Regions with persistent upwelling occur where local oceanographic conditions favour the upwelling of relatively deep,
nutrient-rich water to the surface. The increased nutrient supply allows these areas to sustain high rates of primary
productivity. This ecological foundation supports large populations of animals, including big fish, sharks, marine
mammals, and seabirds. Some of the most productive fisheries occur in upwelling areas, such as those off the west
coast of South America and extensive regions of the Antarctic Ocean.
Estuaries are a complex group of coastal ecosystems that are open to the sea but are semi-enclosed in an embayment.
Estuaries are transitional between marine and freshwater biomes, typically having large fluctuations of salinity
associated with inflows of fresh water from the nearby land, twice-daily tidal cycles, and marine storm surges.
Estuaries typically occur as coastal bays, river mouths, salt marsh, and tropical mangrove forest. They are highly
productive ecosystems, largely because their semi-enclosed circulation tends to retain much of the water-borne input
of terrestrial nutrients. Estuaries provide critical habitat for juvenile stages of commercially important fishes, shellfish,
and crustaceans.
Seashores are an interface of terrestrial and oceanic biomes and they support a complex of coastal ecosystems. The
seashore biome is locally influenced by physical environmental factors, especially bottom type, the intensity of wave
action, and the frequency of major disturbances such as storms. Hard-rock and cobblestone bottoms in temperate
regions usually develop communities dominated by large species of seaweeds or kelp. These are productive
ecosystems and can maintain large amounts of algal biomass. Areas with softer bottoms of sand or mud develop
communities supported by the productivity of benthic algae and inputs of organic detritus from elsewhere. These soft-
Coral reefs are a tropical marine biome that develops in shallow, relatively infertile places close to land. The physical
structure of coral reefs is composed of the calcium carbonate shells of dead corals and molluscs. Coral reefs support a
highly biodiverse veneer of crustose algae, living corals, other invertebrates, and fish. The biome is dominated by
corals, which are colonial animals that live in a mutualism with unicellular algae. Because this symbiosis is efficient in
acquiring nutrients from water, corals can sustain a high rate of productivity even though they occur in infertile water.
Species may also have a transnational context. For example, the western red cedar (Thuja plicata) occurs in
humid coastal forest throughout western North America, as does white pine (Pinus strobus) in the east. The
grizzly (or brown) bear (Ursus arctos) is even more widespread—its original range encompassed much of Eurasia
and North America, in the latter extending from Arctic regions of northwestern Canada, through much of the
western United States, to northern Mexico.
Many animals are migratory, undertaking long-distance movements between their summer and winter ranges.
Because great distances may be involved, many migratory animals use habitats in various countries at different
times of the year. This pattern is well known for the millions of migratory birds that venture to Canada to breed
in the summer, but spend the winter in warmer climes, and it is also true of some other kinds of animals.
For instance, the monarch butterfly (Danaus plexippus) is one of the most wide-ranging insects in the world,
being native to North and South America, the Caribbean, Australia, New Zealand, and other Pacific islands, and
also being introduced to Western Europe. The monarch is highly migratory in its North American range. At the
end of the growing season, during September and October, adult monarchs undertake along migration to the
south, where they spend the winter in one of two small areas. Most venture to central Mexico, where they
winter in dense, multi-million populations at only about 12 mountain roosts in the states of Michoacán and
Mexico. A much smaller population of western monarchs undertakes a migration to roosts in coastal southern
California. The longest migrations are made by monarchs that were born in eastern Canada—these intrepid
butterflies travel thousands of kilometres to reach their wintering roosts in Mexico.
When spring comes, the overwintering monarchs begin a northward migration. When they find a sufficient
abundance of milkweed plants (Asclepias spp.), the only food eaten by the larvae, the females lay about 400 eggs
and die soon afterward. The larvae hatch, feed voraciously, metamorphose into adults after 20-45 days, and
then continue the northward migration. After a breeding relay of three to five generations, adult monarchs
reach the northernmost parts of their range in Canada, where they breed wherever milkweed is abundant. The
last generation of the year, which transforms into adults in September, is the one that undertakes the
astonishing southward migration to the wintering roosts in Mexico or California.
The conservation of the monarch butterfly is greatly complicated by its migratory habit, the use of various
kinds of ecosystems at different times of the year, and the fact that all of its habitats must be conserved if the
species is to survive. However, the greatest conservation risk is the survival of its only 12 winter roosts in
Human-Dominated Ecosystems
Immense areas that were once occupied by natural habitats have been converted into land-uses that serve the human
economy in various ways. These human-dominated ecosystems are anthropogenic in the sense that their
characteristics are a consequence of environmental conditions associated with the activities of people. The character
of these ecosystems may be an intended result of management practices, as is the case of agroecosystems in which
crops are grown, or horticultural ecosystems where the intent is more aesthetic. Less-deliberate anthropogenic
influences, such as pollution and disturbance, also affect the character of human-dominated ecosystems, often by
causing ecological damage.
Of course, human-dominated ecosystems are prevalent wherever people are living in dense populations, such as in
cities and towns. But they are also widely prevalent in the countryside where resource-extraction industries such as
Urban-industrial techno-ecosystems are typical of urbanized areas and are dominated by the dwellings, businesses,
factories, and other infrastructure of society (see Chapter 25). This anthropogenic biome supports many species in
addition to humans, but they are mostly alien plants and animals that have been introduced from other regions.
Typically, the non-native species cannot live locally outside this biome (other than the foreign biome to which they are
Rural techno-ecosystems occur outside of urbanized areas and consist of the extensive technological infrastructure of
civilization. These ecosystems include rural transportation corridors (highways, railways, and electricity-transmission
corridors) as well as small towns supporting industries involved in the extraction and processing of natural resources.
Rural techno-ecosystems support a blend of introduced species, plus those native species that are tolerant of stresses
associated with human activities.
Agroecosystems are a complex of habitats that are managed to grow crops for use by humans. The most intensively
managed kinds involve monocultures (single-species crops) of plants or animals that are cultivated in agriculture,
aquaculture, or forestry. These valuable and necessary crops are grown under conditions that enhance their
productivity, although intensive management systems may cause many ecological problems (see Chapter 24). Less-
intensively managed agroecosystems may involve the cultivation of mixtures of species (polycultures), and they may
provide habitat for some native species. Semi-natural habitats used for the grazing of livestock also support some
indigenous biodiversity. When a agroecosystem is abandoned, it slowly reverts to a more natural condition, although it
can take many decades before there are ecological communities that are similar to what was originally present,
especially in forested regions.
Image 8.11. Urban-industrial techno-ecosystems are dominated by the dwellings, businesses, factories, and
other infrastructure of human society. These areas support the economic activities of large numbers of people,
and are sustained by enormous flows of resources from the surrounding landscape, and even from other
countries. This aerial view of Halifax shows an area used entirely for roads, hospitals, homes, and schools.
As we have learned, biomes are geographically extensive ecosystems that occur anywhere in the world where
environmental conditions are suitable for their development, and they are characterized by the life forms of their
dominant organisms rather than by their particular species. Learning about biomes is important because it provides
insight into the character and environmental influences on major kinds of ecosystems.
Nevertheless, in the practical context of identifying and conserving the species and natural ecosystems of the world,
there are limitations to the concept of biomes, mostly because of the non-specificity of their biotic assemblages. If the
biodiversity of the world is to be conserved, we need to understand how species are naturally aggregated into
communities and larger ecosystems, and how these biotic assemblages are distributed over space and time—there
must be enough biogeographic resolution (identification of distinct communities) to conserve the intricate fabric of life
on Earth, and biomes do not provide this kind of information.
This problem is dealt with by identifying and mapping extensive units known as ecozones (or as ecoregions). These
units are large landscapes or seascapes (ecoscapes) that contain distinct groupings of naturally assembled species and
their communities. Like biomes, their spatial boundaries reflect conditions that existed prior to major changes in land-
use caused by anthropogenic influences. The distribution of terrestrial ecoregions of the world has been mapped by
Olson et al. (2001) and is presented in Figure 8.3. Note that the identity and distribution of the freshwater and marine
ecoregions of the world must also be known for the purposes of conservation, but this work has not yet been done.
Figure 8.3. Terrestrial Ecoregions of the World. This map recognizes 867 terrestrial ecoregions, with the
greatest amount of diversity occurring in humid tropical realms. Note that this map only covers terrestrial
The ecosystems found in Canada have been described in various ways, including a hierarchical classification of
distinctive types. The largest ecological zones in the national classification are referred to as ecozones. There are 15
terrestrial and 5 marine ecozones in Canada (Figure 8.4). Each of these natural ecozones is characterized by key
aspects of the physical environment, such as the climate and dominant landforms, as well as by their natural
ecosystems and prominent species. Because so much of the Canadian landscape has been intensively modified through
human activities, three anthropogenic ecosystems also occur: urban, agricultural, and industrial.
Figure 8.4. Ecozones of Canada. Canada’s ecozones are described by the nature of their dominant biota and
aspects of the physical environment, particularly climate, soil, geology, and other landscape-scale geographic
features for terrestrial ecozones, and climate and ice cover for marine ecozones. Source: Modified from
Ecological Stratification Working Group (1995).
Of course, the boundaries of biomes and ecozones rarely align with political borders. Consequently, all of the southern
ecozones of Canada also extend into the United States. Figure 8.5 shows the results of a collaborative ecosystem-
mapping study that involved scientists from Canada, Mexico, and the United States (CEC, 1997). This map shows the
distribution of the 15 Level-1 ecological regions of North America (these are equivalent in scale and qualities to biomes).
In addition, there are 52 Level-2 ecological regions (equivalent to Canadian ecozones). Because countries share
ecozones, they also have a mutual responsibility to steward their ecological values. Sometimes, this can lead to conflict
if one country believes the other is damaging shared resources or natural ecosystems. For example, Canada and the
United States (or particular provinces or states) have ongoing arguments related to such binational issues as the
• The effects of raw sewage discharged by the city of Victoria, BC, may be damaging water quality in nearby U.S.
waters in Juan de Fuca Strait.
Binational considerations are also relevant to the many species that migrate between their breeding and wintering
grounds, which may involve the use of different ecoregions in separate countries. For example, many of the songbirds
that breed in Canada spend much of the year in habitats in the United States or in Central or South America. Migratory
species of economic value are also an issue, such as species of Pacific salmon that may breed in particular rivers in
Canada or the United States, but could be fished in waters of either country, or even in international waters of the high
seas. Global Focus 8.1. examines one such example concerning the monarch butterfly, some of which may breed in
southern Canada, and then migrate through the United States to reach their hibernating sites in central Mexico.
Figure 8.5. Distribution of the 15 Terrestrial Ecological Regions (Level-1) for North America. These regions are
roughly comparable to global biomes. Source: Commission for Environmental Cooperation (1997).
One such project began in 1980, when a team of Canadian scientists working in the tundra biome began to
study a place with a relatively moderate climate, known as a high-Arctic oasis. This one in particular is located
on a lowland adjacent to the coast of Alexandra Fiord on eastern Ellesmere Island. Their objectives were to
describe the plant and animal communities of the oasis and to determine the environmental factors that
influence its biodiversity and productivity. Specific research topics included work on the local and regional
climate, geology, soils, distribution and species composition of plant communities, ecological productivity, the
life histories of prominent plant species, responses of vegetation to experimental manipulations of
environmental conditions, and animal populations and their habitat relationships.
This was a multidisciplinary research program, but because all the component studies were carried out in the
same place, their results could be integrated to develop a larger picture of the structure and function of the
oasis. This kind of understanding is of scientific importance because ecosystems in the Arctic biome have not
yet been well studied. The research also contributes to the knowledge required to assess the many kinds of
ecological damage that are potentially associated with increasing resource exploitation, ecotourism, and
climate change in the Arctic.
The team at Alexandra Fiord found that the climate of the lowland is indeed more moderate than that of the
larger landscape. In general, the air and surface temperatures are warmer, soil moisture is greater, and there is
less wind. It appears that dark-coloured cliffs on nearby uplands absorb solar radiation and then re-radiate
infrared energy that helps to warm the oasis, in a similar manner to how an oven is heated by its hot, enclosing
walls. The lowland is also relatively sheltered, so heat-dispersing winds are less vigorous. In addition, snow
meltwater from surrounding uplands helps to keep local soils moist, so wet meadows and other communities
that depend on abundant moisture can develop.
The moderate environmental conditions allow the lowland to support abundant vegetation, including lush wet
meadows dominated by sedge and cottongrass. The communities in drier places are dominated by dwarf
shrubs and cushion plants, which are long-lived woody plants that grow no taller than 5 cm above the soil
surface. These include avens, bilberry, white heather, arctic willow, and purple saxifrage. Disturbed habitats
beside rivers and streams or near human habitations (the lowland contains an abandoned post of the Royal
Canadian Mounted Police) support profuse flowerings of herbaceous plants, such as arctic poppy and willow-
herb. These plant communities are much more productive than those on the prevailing polar desert that
surrounds the lowland, and consequently the oasis supports relatively large populations of animals. The
abundant birds include snow bunting, Baird’s sandpiper, hoary redpoll, arctic tern, oldsquaw duck, greater
snow goose, rock ptarmigan, parasitic jaeger, and another 19 species. Studies of the Arctic skipper butterfly
discovered that its slow-growing larvae take 14 years to accumulate enough energy to undergo metamorphosis
to the adult stage, resulting in a remarkably long life cycle.
Because of its relatively small area (only 8 km2), this lowland oasis is not able to support a population of
muskox, the most important large herbivore in the larger ecozone. However, small numbers of this impressive
Biomes are geographically extensive ecosystems that occur throughout the world wherever environmental conditions
are suitable for their development. The same biome may occur in far-flung places, even on different continents, and in
such cases it will be similar in structure and function but will usually be dominated by different species. Temperature
and moisture availability are the most critical environmental factors affecting the distribution of terrestrial biomes.
Marine biomes are most influenced by depth, nutrient availability, and temperature.
The natural landscapes of Canada are divided into biophysical regions known as ecozones—15 terrestrial and five
marine. In turn, the ecozones are divided into smaller units known as ecoregions. Ecozones and ecoregions are
characterized by their natural landforms, climate, species, and ecological communities. The natural biomes of the
world, and the ecozones of Canada, are being rapidly modified by human activities, and many of their inherent
biodiversity values are becoming increasingly at risk. These damaging changes are most intensive in regions where
people live and work in high population densities, such as in the southern regions of Canada.
1. List five biomes. What are the essential characteristics of each of them?
2. What are the characteristics of the ecozones that occur in the province where you live? For detailed information,
visit http://canadianbiodiversity.mcgill.ca/english/ecozones/ecozones.htm .
3. Select any Canadian ecozone. What are the most important environmental factors affecting the species and
ecological communities of that ecozone? Have these factors changed much over the past century or during the
past decade? For detailed information on the ecozone, visit the website noted in the previous question.
1. Why is it useful to know about the species of plants and animals that live in some defined area, such as a park,
county, or province? Is it useful to know about the ecological communities? How does this kind of information
assist in planning for conservation and sustainable development?
2. Ecologists usually consider native species to have greater “value” than non-native ones. Why do they think this
way? Is the rationalization only scientific, or does it include an element of non-objectivity?
3. Select any one of the more southerly Canadian ecozones, where human activities have become dominant
influences affecting species and ecological communities. Describe any damage that you think human activities
might have caused to the native species and natural ecosystems of that ecozone, and consider whether it might be
possible to repair any of those effects. For detailed information on the ecozone,
visit http://canadianbiodiversity.mcgill.ca/english/ecozones/ecozones.htm.
1. You have been asked to characterize and map the various ecosystems occurring in a national park (choose one
near where you live). How would you determine the distribution and characteristics of the various kinds of
terrestrial, wetland, and aquatic ecosystems present in the park?
Barbour, M.G. and W.D. Billings. 2000. North American Terrestrial Vegetation,2nd ed. Cambridge University Press, New
York, NY.
Begon, M., R.W. Howorth, and C.R. Townsend. 2014. Essentials of Ecology. 4th ed. Wiley, Cambridge, UK.
Bolen, E.G. 1998. Ecology of North America. John Wiley & Sons, New York, NY.
Breckle, S.W. 2002. Walter’s Vegetation of the Earth. The Ecological Systems of the Geo-Sphere, 4th ed. Springer-
Verlag, Berlin, Germany.
Commission for Environmental Cooperation (CEC). 1997. Ecological Regions of North America. Toward A Common
Perspective. CEC, Montreal, PQ.
Commission for Environmental Cooperation (CEC). 2009a. Terrestrial Ecoregions, 2007. CEC,
Montreal. http://www.cec.org/naatlas/maps/index.cfm?catId=7&mapId=15&varlan=english
Commission for Environmental Cooperation (CEC). 2009b. Marine Ecoregions, 2008. CEC,
Montreal. http://www.cec.org/naatlas/maps/index.cfm?catId=7&varlan=english
Crabtree, P. (ed.). 1970. The Illustrated Natural History of Canada (9 vol.). NSL Natural Science of Canada, Toronto, ON.
Ecological Stratification Working Group. 1995. A National Ecological Framework for Canada. Environment Canada,
Ottawa, ON.
Freedman, B., J. Hutchings, D. Gwynne, J. Smol, R. Suffling, R. Turkington, R. Walker, and D. Bazeley. 2014. Ecology: A
Canadian Context. 2nd ed. Nelson Canada, Toronto, ON.
Heywood, V.H. (ed.). 1995. Global Biodiversity Assessment. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK.
National Wetlands Working Group. 1988. Wetlands of Canada. Ecological Land Classification Series No. 24.
Environment Canada, Ottawa, ON.
Odum, E.P. 1993. Ecology and Our Endangered Life-Support Systems. Sinauer, Sunderland, MA.
Odum, E.P. and G.W. Barrett. 2004. Fundamentals of Ecology. Brooks Cole, Florence, KY.
Rowe, J.S. 1972. Forest Regions of Canada. Forestry Canada, Ottawa, ON.
Schultz, J. 2004. Ecozones of the World: The Ecological Divisions of the Geosphere. 2nd ed. Springer Verlag, Berlin,
Shelford, V.E. 1974. The Ecology of North America. University of Illinois Press, Urbana, IL. USDA. 2009. Major Biomes
Map. United States Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service. Washington,
DC. http://soils.usda.gov/use/worldsoils/mapindex/biomes.html
Wilkinson, T., J. Bezaury-Creel, T. Hourigan, E. Wiken, C. Madden, M. Padilla, T. Agardy, H. Herrmann, L. Janishevski,
and L. Morgan. 2007. Marine Ecoregions Of North America. Commission on Environmental Cooperation, Montreal, PQ
Wiken, E., D. Gauthier, I. Marshall, K. Lawton, and H. Hirvonen. 1996. A Perspective on Canada’s Ecosystems: An
Overview of the Terrestrial and Marine Ecozones. Occ. Pap. No. 14. Canadian Council on Ecological Areas, Ottawa, ON.
Woodward, S.L. 2003. Biomes of the Earth: Terrestrial, Aquatic, and Human-Dominated. Greenwood Press, Oxford, UK.
1. Describe how species are adapted to different levels of stress and disturbance in their habitat.
2. Explain how population growth occurs, as well as constraints on population size.
3. List major environmental factors that influence ecological communities.
4. Describe what is meant by a landscape (and seascape) and how environmental influences affect their spatial and
temporal dynamics.
5. Outline the Gaia hypothesis and discuss its applicability to the functioning of the biosphere.
Ecology is the study of the relationships between organisms and their environment. In the sense meant here,
“environment” includes both (a) non-living factors, such as temperature, moisture, nutrients, and physical
disturbances, as well as (b) living organisms, which exert influences through competition, herbivory, predation, and
disease, and by providing elements of habitat (as when trees provide habitat for species living in a forest). Because all
organisms and ecosystems are subjected to a multiplicity of influences, it can be difficult to predict the ecological
effects of changes in environmental conditions.
Some environmental influences are resources that organisms can exploit as opportunities, which allows them to gain
the necessities of life and livelihood. Other environmental influences are stressors, or constraints on productivity and
reproductive success. Many stressors operate in a continuous (chronic) fashion, as is often the case for climatic factors,
soil and water pollution, and many biological interactions. Other stressors affect organisms and ecosystems as events
of disturbance, which cause severe damage in a short period of time. A disturbance is followed by an extended period
of ecological recovery called succession. Disturbance may be caused by natural forces such as a wildfire or windstorm,
or by anthropogenic influences such as the clear-cutting of a forest or ploughing of a field.
Image 9.1. An individual organism is genetically unique and is different from other individuals of its species. This
green heron (Butorides virescens) was photographed in southern Florida, but it also occurs in southern Canada.
Image 9.2. This population of northern gannets (Morus bassanus) breeds at Cape St. Mary’s in Newfoundland.
Source: B. Freedman.
1. An individual organism is defined, in an evolutionary context, as a genetically unique entity. However, some
species propagate by asexual mechanisms, and they may develop clones of genetically identical “individuals”.
2. A population is a group of individuals of the same species that are co-occurring in time and space and can
potentially interbreed with each other.
3. A species consists of one or more populations in which individuals can potentially interbreed, and are
reproductively isolated from other such groups.
4. A community is an assembly of populations of various species that co-exist and interact as a distinctive grouping.
5. An ecoscape is a spatial integration of various kinds of communities over a large area. Each community is a spatial
“patch” and the ecsoscape comprises a dynamic mosaic, which is referred to as a landscape in terrestrial
environments and as a seascape in marine ones.
6. The biosphere consists of all of life and ecosystems on Earth and the environments where they occur.
Each of these levels of ecology is meaningful, and all are relevant to environmental science. However, these various
tiers of ecology are not totally discrete—they are all interconnected and each level influences every other. This chapter
examines issues that are relevant to the various hierarchical levels of ecology.
Image 9.3. Coral reefs are shallow-water ecosystems in tropical seas, and they are extremely rich in species, as
is illustrated by this community near Puerto Morelos, Mexico. Source: A. Pinder
Autecology is the field within ecology that deals with the study of individuals, populations, and species. Important
topics in autecology include the following:
• differences among species in life-history characteristics and in adaptations to various kinds of environmental
• influences of the environment on individual organisms, including effects on their development and behaviour
• the causes of changes in the size and makeup of populations
Life-History Characteristics
Each species is unique and can be described by its anatomical, behavioural, biochemical, and ecological attributes.
These characteristics are ultimately determined by the collective genetic variation that exists among the individuals
that comprise the species.
Each species is unique. Nevertheless, species can be aggregated into groups based on similarities of their attributes.
These affinities may be due to ancestral relatedness, due to related species sharing aspects of their evolutionary
history. For example, all maple trees (genus Acer) look rather alike and occur in habitats of temperate forest. Similarly,
all members of the cat family (Felidae) bear a certain resemblance and are ecologically comparable in that all are
predators, although of different prey and in different kinds of habitat. However, unrelated species may also display
similar attributes, usually because they have had a history of analogous changes through a phenomenon known as
evolutionary convergence (or parallel evolution). Convergence suggests that, through natural selection, unrelated
species living in comparable environments may evolve to resemble each other and to play similar functional roles in
their ecosystem.
There are many examples of evolutionary convergence among unrelated groups of organisms. For instance, all
perennial (long-lived) plants growing in arid environments have a need to conserve moisture. This critical function is
enhanced by a growth form that includes adaptations to reduce water loss, such as a cylindrical trunk and branches,
tissues protected by a waxy cuticle, and no leaves. Thorniness is another useful trait in an arid environment because
spines deter herbivores from consuming biomass and stores of water. Many desert-inhabiting plants have developed
one or more of these adaptations, including species of cacti (family Cactaceae), euphorbs (Euphorbiaceae), and
succulents (Crassulaceae). Although species in these families are not closely related in an evolutionary sense, they may
resemble each other because of evolutionary convergence.
There are also examples of convergence among species of animal. One is the similarities of the timber wolf (Canis
lupus) of Eurasia and North America and the marsupial wolf (thylacine, Thylacinus cynocephalus) of Australia. Another
example is the groundhog (Marmota monax) of North America and the marsupial wombat (Vombatus ursinus) of
Australia. Also, the penguins (family Spheniscidae) of the Southern Hemisphere are similar to the guillemots, murres,
puffins, and related auks (family Alcidae) of the Northern Hemisphere.
Ecologists often categorize plant species on the basis of their autecology. One system is based on the adaptations of
plants for coping with certain kinds of habitat conditions. The ecologist Philip Grime has suggested that plant
strategies can be divided into three basic categories, which are determined by life history and its relationship to
habitat. This system proposes that two groups of environmental factors – disturbance and stress – have a strong
influence on the evolution of plant life-history strategies. Disturbance may be a frequent or uncommon occurrence,
and severe or mild in its intensity. Stress is a longer-term site condition, and it can be intense if associated with an
extreme shortage of moisture, light, or nutrients, or innocuous if these vital factors are well available. Any particular
However, Grime suggests that plants exhibit only three primary life-history strategies, because they cannot cope with
an environment that is both stressful and frequently disturbed (4 above). The three primary life-history strategies are:
• Competitor plants are dominant in habitats in which disturbance is rare and environmental stresses are relatively
unimportant. Under such conditions, competition is the major selective influence on plant evolution and on the
organization of their communities. Competitive plants are effective at acquiring resources and using them to
achieve a dominant position in their community by interfering with the productivity of other plants. Useful
adaptations in competitors include rapid tall growth, a spreading canopy, and a widely spreading root
system—these characters help to occupy space and take advantage of resources. In addition, seedlings of many
competitive plants can establish themselves beneath a closed canopy.
• Ruderals occur in frequently disturbed environments with abundant resources, so stress is not great. Ruderal
plants are therefore well adapted to utilizing rich but temporary habitats. They are typically short-lived and
intolerant of stress and competition. Ruderals produce large numbers of seeds, which usually have mechanisms for
long-distance dispersal so that newly disturbed habitats can be colonized.
• Stress-tolerators are adapted to environments that are marginal in terms of climate, moisture, or nutrient supply,
but are infrequently disturbed and therefore stable. They are typical of arctic, desert, and other stressful
environments, and are generally short, slow-growing, and intolerant of competition.
Another system of categorizing organisms, more commonly applied to animals, involves two groups of life-history
characteristics. One consists of longer-lived organisms that produce relatively few progeny, but invest a lot of
resources in each to improve their chance of survival. These are known as K-selected species. The other group,
referred to as r-selected, includes short-lived species that produce large numbers of small offspring, each of which has
a relatively small chance of survival, but due to the enormous numbers it is likely that some will persist. K-selected
species are dominant in relatively stable, mature habitats in which competition is the controlling influence on
community structure, while r-selected species occur in younger, recently disturbed habitats in which resources are
freely available and rapid population growth is possible. (The source of the “K” and “r” labels comes from the logistic
equation, a fundamental element of population ecology that, for simplicity, is not examined here.)
Species can also be considered in terms of other aspects of their reproductive strategy, such as how often they
reproduce. Some species have only one reproductive event during their lifetime, usually dying afterward. This type of
reproduction, known as semelparous, is seen in annual and biennial plants, many insects and other invertebrates, and
Pacific salmon. Most semelparous species are short-lived, but some can live for many years, gradually accumulating
enough energy to sustain a massive, “big-bang” reproductive effort. Semelparous reproduction is favoured in rich
habitats that are frequently disturbed, and it is common among ruderal and r-selected species.
Species that reproduce a number of times during their lives are known as iteroparous. These are typically long-lived
species that live in stable habitats. Iteroparous species may produce large numbers of small offspring (r-selected), or
they may produce fewer, larger young, each of which receives a substantial investment of parental resources (K-
Autecology also deals with the lives of individual organisms and how they are influenced by their physical and
biological environments.
As we examined in Chapter 6, all individual organisms have a fixed complement of genetic information, known as their
genotype. However, the expression of genetic information (the phenotype) is influenced by environmental conditions, a
phenomenon known as phenotypic plasticity. If individuals experience difficult environmental conditions, the
phenotypic expression of their genetic potential may include a suboptimal growth rate and the production of few or no
progeny. In contrast, other individuals that live in a more benign environment can achieve higher productivity and have
many offspring. The latter, more prolific circumstance is highly desirable in terms of an individual achieving
evolutionary “success.” By definition, successful individuals have managed to maximize their fitness—their genetic
contribution to future generations.
The success of an individual organism is also affected by unpredictable disturbances, which may result in injury or
premature death. Even if living in a benign environment, with good access to the necessities of life, an unlucky
individual may just happen to be scorched by a wildfire, devoured by a predator, debilitated by a disease, or hit by a
Population Ecology
The study of populations is another aspect of autecology. The abundance of all species changes over time in response
to environmental factors that affect four population-related (or demographic) variables: birth rate (BR), immigration
rate (IR), death rate (DR), and emigration rate (ER). The change in population size (ΔP) during a unit of time (say, a year)
is described using the following equation:
ΔP = BR – DR + IR – ER
This demographic relationship is true of all species, including humans. In some cases, isolated (or closed) populations
do not receive any immigration of new individuals and do not lose any to emigration. Under such conditions, ΔP is
calculated as BR – DR, a value known as the natural rate of population change.
Often, ΔP is expressed as a percentage change by dividing its value by the initial population size – for instance, a
population of 100 individuals that increases by 10 in one year has a 10% annual growth rate. If the percentage change in
a population is constant over time, there will be an accelerating rate of increase or decrease, called exponential
Imagine a circumstance in which a fertile pair of individuals manages to discover a new suitable habitat—one that has
not been previously occupied by their species. Under such conditions, the founder individuals will breed and the
population will grow over time. Initially, resources are abundant and do not constrain growth of the population. During
that period the percentage rate of increase will be constant, being limited only by how quickly progeny can be
produced (the birth rate) and themselves become fertile (the maturation rate), and countered only by any deaths that
might occur. This is the maximum rate of population growth, which is limited only by the biology of the species and not
by competition for resources, and it is referred to as the intrinsic rate of population increase. Any population that is
growing at the intrinsic rate of increase (or indeed at any fixed percentage rate) will quickly explode in abundance (see
In Detail 9.1).
Eventually, however, the population will approach the carrying capacity of the available habitat, or the population that
can be supported without causing resources to become limiting, or other environmental damages. At or beyond the
carrying capacity, opportunities are constrained by the limited availability of resources, and so individuals in the
population must compete with each other. Intense competition results in physiological stress, which may cause a
However, the earlier exponential growth may have resulted in an abundance that exceeded what the habitat could
support. Such an overpopulation would degrade the environment, resulting in a decrease in its carrying capacity. If this
happens, the population size will decrease through an increase in the mortality rate, or perhaps by a surge of
emigration in search of new habitats. These may result in an oscillation of abundance around the carrying capacity, or
in a rapid crash in the numbers of individuals in the population. Usually, a crash takes the population to a level below
the carrying capacity, creating a circumstance for renewed population growth. In small habitats, however, the crash
can be massive enough to extirpate a local population.
Population ecologists have developed mathematical models of population dynamics that account for the influences of
such factors as the intrinsic rate of population increase, the carrying capacity of habitats, the effects of predation and
disease, and even the effects of unpredictable disturbances. These models are described in introductory textbooks of
ecology and are not dealt with here in any detail. For the present purposes, there are several important points to
understand about population ecology:
• Populations of all species are dynamic. They change over time due to varying rates of birth, death, immigration,
and emigration.
• Populations of all species can, potentially, increase rapidly under conditions in which resource availability and
other factors are not constraining. Examples of rapid population growth are illustrated in Figure 9.1. However,
unlimited growth cannot be sustained – in all of the cases in Figure 9.1, the population sizes eventually levelled off,
decreased, or crashed.
• Ultimately, the sustainable abundance of a species is limited by the carrying capacity of the available habitat.
Examples of population growth that level off at the carrying capacity of the habitat are illustrated in Figure 9.2.
• Some populations are relatively stable. Usually they exist in environments in which resource availability is
predictable so that a balance can be achieved with the carrying capacity. For example, relatively little change
occurs in the year-to-year populations of trees growing in old-growth forest, unless a rare, catastrophic
disturbance occurs.
• Other populations are relatively dynamic, changing greatly over time and rarely achieving even a short-term
balance with the carrying capacity of their habitat. This is commonly true of species living in habitats that are
disturbed frequently or are in an early, relatively dynamic stage of succession. Some populations are cyclic,
achieving great abundances at regular intervals, interspersed by longer periods of lower abundance. Cyclic
populations are obviously unstable over the short term, but they may be stable over the long term.
• Populations that exceed the carrying capacity of their habitat are never sustainable at that high level, because of
the environmental damage is caused. Unsustainable populations eventually crash to a smaller abundance and
sometimes to extinction. Figure 9.3 shows an example of rapid population growth that resulted in habitat
degradation and a subsequent population crash. Populations can also crash for other reasons, such as the sudden
occurrence of a deadly disease. This is happening with the native white elm (Ulmus americana) of North America,
which is being decimated by an introduced pathogen (the Dutch elm disease fungus, Ceratocystis ulmi) to which
this tree has little immunity. Other causes of population crashes include unsustainable levels of predation and
extensive disturbances such as wildfire or clear-cutting.
Figure 9.1. Rapid Growth of Some Natural Populations. (a) The population of mourning doves (Zenaida
macroura) wintering in southern Ontario over 48 years. This used to be a rare bird, but it has apparently
benefited from a warming climate, suburban habitat, and winter feeding. (b) The population of mallards (Anas
platyrhynchos) wintering in southern Ontario over 35 years, illustrated with two independent sets of data. This
Figure 9.2. Population Growth Stopping at Carrying Capacity. (a) The population growth of yeast cells grown in
a flask is initially exponential but then levels off at the carrying capacity of the habitat. Carrying capacity is
determined by the volume of the flask, the quantity of nutrients available, and the increasing concentrations of
toxic metabolites, including ethyl alcohol. (b) The population of a moss colonizing a suitable, but initially bare,
rock substrate in Iceland. The carrying capacity is limited by the amount of two-dimensional space. Sources:
Modified from (a) Krebs (1985); (b) Silverton (1987).
Consider, for example, an investment of $100 made at a fixed interest rate of 10% per year, locked in for a
10-year period. After Year 1, the initial deposit grows to $110, which represents the initial investment plus
accumulated interest. In Year 2, the 10% interest rate is applied to the $110, so the earned interest is larger ($11)
than in Year 1 ($10). In Year 3, the 10% interest is applied to the accumulated $121, so the earned interest is
larger yet ($12.10), and the accrued value of the investment is $133.10. At the end of Year 4, the initial investment
of $100 is worth $146.41. It is then $161.05 at the end of Year 5 … and $259.37 at the end of Year 10, representing
an impressive 159% return on the initial investment. Clearly, a compounded rate of interest leads to a rapid
increase in capital.
Exponential growth refers to the accelerating growth of an initial quantity due to a constant rate of increase.
Sometimes an important parameter known as the doubling time is calculated—it is the time required for a two-
The mathematics of compounded interest can also be applied to the exponential growth of populations of
organisms. One example will suffice: In 2015, the global human population was about 7.3 billion people, growing
at about 1.3% per year. Therefore, in only 54 years (i.e., 70 divided by 1.3% per year), the human population
could double to more than 14 billion, if the growth rate were not to change. The environmental implications of
such a population increase are immense (see Chapter 10).
Figure 9.4. Exponential Growth. This curve shows the growth of an initial deposit of $100 invested at a
compound interest rate of 1, 5, or 10% per year. Biological populations also grow in an exponential fashion if
their rate of increase is constant. However, when resources become limiting, the rate of increase decreases,
and the population may crash.
Community Ecology
An ecological community is an aggregation of populations that occur in the same time and place as a distinctive
grouping, and that interact physically, chemically, and/or behaviourally. The study of relationships among species
within communities is known as synecology. Strictly speaking, a community consists of all plant, animal, and microbial
populations occurring together on a site.
The Niche
Each species within a community exploits the environment and interacts with other species in a particular manner.
Ecologists use the word niche to describe the role of a species in its community, which can also be viewed as its
“occupation” or livelihood. Some niches are relatively narrow and specialized, as is the niche of bats that feed only on
flying insects of a certain size, or wasps that pollinate only one or a few species of plants. Other niches, however, are
The so-called fundamental niche is determined by the range of a species’ tolerance of environmental conditions. These
tolerances are reflected in the ways that a species obtains its nutrition and how it interacts with other species, and
they are mediated by aspects of behaviour, morphology, and physiology. In comparison, the realized niche reflects the
range of environmental conditions that a species actually manages to exploit in nature. The realized niche is smaller
than the fundamental niche because all species are to some degree constrained by biological interactions such as
competition, predation, and disease.
Functional Communities
Because of their complexity, entire communities are rarely examined by ecologists. Ecological studies are usually
limited by the amounts of funding and breadth of expertise available. Instead, community-level research usually
involves the examination of selected groups of similar organisms, such as “communities” of insects, fish, birds, plants,
or microbes. Although the scope of such work is limited, it does allow ecologists to investigate important aspects of
community ecology.
Forest communities, for example, contain a wide range of organisms of various species and sizes, including plants,
animals, and microorganisms. The populations of the diverse species interact in myriad ways. Trees, for instance,
provide the physical structure of the habitat, make food available for herbivores, and drop leaf litter that is
decomposed by species of the detrital food web. Other interactions within a forest community include predation,
parasitism, and disease, as well as symbioses such as pollination, seed dispersal, and root mycorrhizae. Because of the
inherent complexity of forest communities, most ecological studies only investigate selected components.
This pragmatic approach to community-level research can be illustrated by studies of the ecological effects of forestry
conducted in the Maritimes by the author and a number of students. To do this work we divided the larger community
into the following functional groups:
During some of the studies of birds, specific work was done with species that nest in cavities in trees. These comprise
a “cavity-requiring” element of the larger avian community. Similarly, work on insects and other invertebrates has
involved functional groups that live in soil, in rotting deadwood, or on foliage. But even with all of these (and other)
functional groups, we did not manage to examine all of the elements of the forest communities that we were studying.
Factors Influencing Communities Ecological communities are affected by various environmental factors, particularly
those described below.
Species Present – Obviously, only those species that are present in a habitat, or are capable of dispersing into it, can
Appropriate Habitat – If a habitat is unsuitable, then a particular species will not be able to use it even if it is capable of
dispersing to the site. There are many aspects of habitat suitability, and all of them must be satisfied within the limits
of tolerance of a species if it is to become a component of a community.
Biological Interactions – Species interact through herbivory, predation, competition, disease, and symbiosis, the latter
including mutualism, commensalism, and parasitism. All of these interactions can influence the presence and
abundance of species within communities. The following examples illustrate these influences.
Herbivory – occurs when animals feed on plant biomass. Larvae of the hemlock looper (Lambdina fiscellaria) are
voracious feeders on the foliage of spruce, fir, and other coniferous trees. When conditions are suitable, this moth can
proliferate rapidly, causing damage over a large area of forest, as periodically happens in eastern Canada. Stands
defoliated for several years have many dead trees, representing an important element of community change. The loss
of much of the forest canopy has indirect effects, such as allowing understorey plants to grow more vigorously. The
changes in vegetation affect the habitat available for species of insects, birds, and other animals. Microorganisms and
other detritivores are also affected because large quantities of dead tree biomass are available to be decomposed.
Predation – involves an animal killing and eating another animal. Predators can greatly reduce the abundance of their
prey, thereby changing the structure of the community. For instance, during the summer, most forest birds feed on
insects, spiders, and other invertebrates, which are nutritious food for both adults and their rapidly growing nestlings.
Avian predation can change the invertebrate community, as has been demonstrated by studies in which small areas of
forest were enclosed with netting. This excluded avian predators, but invertebrates could move in or out. Under these
conditions, the abundance of many insects and spiders increased, with species vulnerable to avian predation benefiting
the most.
Image 9.4. Species interact with each other in various ways, such as herbivory, predation, competition, disease,
and symbiosis. This photo shows caribou (Rangifer tarandus) grazing in a tundra meadow in the Nunavik region
Competition – occurs when the biological demand for an ecological resource exceeds the supply, causing organisms to
interfere with each other. Plants, for example, often compete for access to limited supplies of sunlight, water,
nutrients, and space. Animals may compete for food, nesting sites, mates, and other resources. Intraspecific
competition occurs when individuals of the same species vie for access to resources, while interspecific competition
occurs between species. If a species is particularly effective at co-opting resources to its own benefit, it may displace
other species, a phenomenon known as competitive displacement (or in extreme cases, competitive exclusion). This
affects the presence and relative abundance of species in the community. For example, sugar maple (Acer saccharum)
is a highly competitive tree in hardwood forests of eastern Canada. Where environmental conditions are well suited for
this species, it can dominate mature stands. If large sugar maple trees are removed from a stand, perhaps by a selective
timber harvest, other tree species (as well as small sugar maples) will benefit from the reduced competition and will
grow more vigorously.
Disease – is a pathological relationship in which the health of plants or animals suffers from an infestation of another
species, usually a microbe. Virulent diseases can cause enormous changes in the composition of ecological
communities. In the early 1900s, the American chestnut (Castanea dentata) was afflicted by chestnut blight (Endothia
parasitica), an introduced fungal pathogen. Because chestnuts have little immunity to this disease, the species was
virtually eliminated from the forests of eastern North America by the 1950s. This change released other tree species
from competition with the previously dominant chestnut, and they quickly filled gaps in the canopy created by its
Symbiosis – refers to intimate relationships that may occur among species. This may involve an obligate relationship in
which the symbionts cannot live apart, but more commonly the association is somewhat flexible. Symbioses can
The main types of symbiosis are mutualism, in which both partners benefit; parasitism, in which one organism benefits
and the other is harmed; and commensalism, in which one organism benefits without harming the other. While
symbioses are critical to one or both partners, they can also indirectly affect the habitat and the resources available to
other members of the community.
Lichens are a familiar example of a mutualism. They are an obligate association between a fungus and either an alga or
a blue-green bacterium. The fungus benefits from the productivity of the photosynthetic partner, while the latter gains
a relatively moist microhabitat and improved access to inorganic nutrients.
Another mutualism, called a mycorrhiza, is an intimate association between fungi and the roots of vascular plants. The
plant benefits through enhanced access to nutrients, especially phosphate, while the fungus receives nutritious
exudates from the roots. This mutualism also provides a broad, community-level benefit through increased primary
productivity. Many species of legumes live in a mutualism with the bacterium Rhizobium japonicum, which fixes
nitrogen gas (N2) into ammonia, a critical nutrient.
Another mutualism involves species of dinoflagellates (single-celled algae) that live within corals (small, colonial
animals), where they receive protection and access to nutrients. The corals benefit through access to the
photosynthetic productivity of the algae.
Many animals eat plant biomass, but few are able, on their own, to digest complex polymeric biochemicals such as
cellulose and lignin. Consequently, many herbivores live in a mutualism with microorganisms, which inhabit their gut
and secrete enzymes that digest cellulose and lignin, making those abundant sources of nutrition available to the
animal. Cows, deer, and sheep host their digestion-aiding microorganisms in a specialized pouch of their fore-
stomach, called the rumen. Humans also harbour a diverse community of microorganisms in their gut, many of which
are important to our nutrition.
Other mutualisms include the many species of flowers that are pollinated by particular kinds of insects. Pollination is
crucial to the reproductive success of plants, while the insects benefit from an abundant food source of nectar or
pollen. In addition, herbivores in the community benefit from the fruits that are produced because of pollination, and
in turn they may help to disperse the plant seeds.
An example of commensalism is the epiphyte community of plants, lichens, and mosses that often grow on large trees.
The epiphytes gain an benefit from the relationship through increased access to sunlight, but the host trees are not
affected to any meaningful degree. There are many familiar examples of parasitism, including fleas on a dog and
tapeworms in humans. The parasite benefits by taking nutrition from the host, but the host usually suffers, and may
even die from a severe infestation.
Image 9.5. A mutualism is an intimate symbiosis in which both partners benefit from the relationship. Lichens,
such as the light-coloured Parmelia saxatilis in the photo, are an obligate mutualism between a fungus and an
alga, meaning the two species cannot live apart in nature. Thus, taxonomists treat them as a single “species.”
Disturbance is an event of destruction of some part of a community, an occurrence that is followed by a sometimes
pronged period of ecological recovery called succession. All communities are dynamic, changing over time in their
species composition and functional attributes (such as productivity, decomposition, and nutrient cycling). However,
the rate of change depends on the stability of environmental conditions, which is greatest in communities that are
close to the end-point of a succession. In contrast, the most dynamic communities are associated with the younger
stages of succession. Disturbances can occur on two spatial scales.
• Stand-replacing disturbances are caused by wildfire, a disease epidemic, clear-cutting, and other cataclysmic
events. This kind of disturbance is extensive and results in the immediate replacement of a community with a
different one, followed by a period of successional recovery. Over time, succession may regenerate a community
similar to what existed before the disruption, or a different one may result. The younger stages of a sere
(successional sequence) are especially dynamic in terms of community change. During the initial years of recovery,
competition is not intense, and ruderal, r-selected species dominate. Later stages of succession are much less
dynamic, and K-selected species dominate.
• Microdisturbances are local disruptions that affect small areas within an otherwise intact community. A
microdisturbance may, for instance, be associated with the death of an individual large tree, which results in a gap
in the canopy, below which community change is relatively dynamic as species compete to take advantage of the
additional sunlight. Similarly, the death of an individual coral head represents a microdisturbance within a tropical
reef community. Although ecological changes are dynamic within a gap created by a recent microdisturbance, at
the stand level the community is relatively stable. Gap-phase community dynamics occur in all ecosystems but are
especially important during later stages of succession, such as in older-growth forests.
• Gradual changes environmental conditions are associated with varying altitude on a mountain, differences of
climate over large distances across continents, and other relatively continuous gradients. This type of spatial
change is reflected in gradual variations of communities because individual species have different but overlapping
tolerances and requirements of environmental conditions. These biological differences result in overlaps of the
distributions of species, which can make it difficult for ecologists to determine the locations of boundaries
(ecotones) between types of communities.
• Rapid changes in environmental conditions occur at sharp boundaries between different kinds of soil or bedrock,
at interfaces between aquatic and terrestrial habitats, and in places affected by disturbance. The latter influence
can occur, for instance, between a burned and unburned tract of forest, or between an ecological reserve and its
surrounding area, which may be affected by agriculture or forestry. Relatively discrete changes in environmental
conditions favour large differences in community types, with distinct boundaries between them.
Landscape Ecology
Landscapes (or seascapes in the marine context) are a mosaic of “patches”, each of which represents an ecological
community. A landscape may contain various kinds of communities for the following reasons:
• each community reflects particular environmental conditions, such as different soil or bedrock types or variations
of standing water (as in lakes, streams, or wetlands)
• the communities represent various stages in succession, such as patches of different age after wildfire or insect
• the communities may be related to land-use, as when parts of landscapes are affected by urbanization, agriculture,
forestry, roads, or other human influences.
Over time, the spatial patterns of communities on landscapes are highly dynamic. This largely reflects the influence of
disturbances and successional recovery. A patch that today is a pasture, a recent clear-cut, or a burn may be a mature
forest after 50 years of succession. Similarly, a pond may in-fill over the centuries and become a wetland, which with
further time may succeed into a forest. Ecologists use the term “shifting mosaic” to integrate the spatial and temporal
variations of communities on landscapes. The following factors affect the shifting mosaic of communities.
• Patch size relates to the area of particular stands of communities (a stand is a community in a specific place). All
species need some minimal area of habitat to support their populations, and small patches may not be adequate
for that purpose. Relatively small patches may, however, help to support a population living in several stands on
the landscape (an extensive population of this sort is known as a metapopulation). This can happen if the patches
are connected by corridors to other suitable habitat, or if the species is capable of dispersing through surrounding
inhospitable habitat (for this to occur, the landscape matrix must be permeable to movements of the species).
• The amount of edge is important because it influences the length of ecotone (transitional) habitat associated with
a patch. A circular patch has the smallest ratio of edge to area, and smaller patches have higher ratios than larger
ones of the same shape. An ecotone between patch types is a particular kind of habitat, and it may be selectively
used by “edge species.” However, the greater the ratio of edge to area, the less “interior” habitat there is (this is
uninfluenced by ecological conditions associated with an ecotone). Ecologists have identified “interior species”
that are less successful if they try to use habitat close to an edge. Certain forest birds, for example, experience
Landscape ecology is an important subject area in environmental science. Humans commonly affect individual stands
of particular kinds of communities, but many of the ecological effects must be managed at the scale of landscapes and
Image 9.7. A landscape is a mosaic of various kinds of communities, each stand of which represent a patch. In
addition, landscapes are subjected to patch dynamics associated with natural disturbances, such as wildfire,
windstorms, and insect outbreaks. However, the patch dynamics of many forested landscapes are being
increasingly structured by forestry. In this aerial view of an area in New Brunswick, the natural forest is being
harvested by clear-cutting (the lighter patches are snow in clear-cuts), which initiates a succession that
restores a forest for another harvest in 60-80 years. Unless some areas are set aside for protection, this entire
The Biosphere
The biosphere consists of all life and ecosystems on Earth. It is bounded by the presence of living organisms, and it is
the only place in the universe definitely known to support life. Ecological processes at the level of the biosphere
include global climatic, oceanic, and atmospheric regimes (Chapter 3), the planetary energy budget (Chapter 4), and
global nutrient cycles (Chapter 5). These biospheric processes influence all life and ecosystems. At the same time, life
and ecosystems also influence biosphere-level processes.
In fact, some scientists have suggested that there may be a degree of homeostatic control, or feedback, between the
reciprocal influences of global ecosystems and their environment. A notion describing these biosphere-environment
relationships is known as the Gaia hypothesis, a controversial idea popularized by the scientist James Lovelock. He
suggests that organisms and ecosystems have caused large changes to occur in certain physical and chemical
attributes of the global environment, and they have resulted in improvements in living conditions on the planet. The
hypothesis envisions all of Earth’s species and ecosystems as being a sort of “superorganism,” which is called Gaia.
According to Lovelock, Gaia attempts to optimize environmental conditions toward enhancing its own health and
continuity, and it uses feedback mechanisms to help maintain conditions within a range that life can tolerate. The
ancient Greeks believed that Gaia (or Gaea) was the prolific ancestor of many of their most important gods. The
Romans, who adopted many Greek gods and ideas, knew Gaia as Terra. More recently, the Gaian myth has been
personified as “mother Earth.”
The Gaian idea is attractive and interesting, largely because it integrates many ideas and large-scale observations into
a consolidated belief and world view. However, Earth is the only planet in the universe that is known to support life and
ecosystems, and so it is the only known replicate in the great experiment of life. Consequently, the Gaia hypothesis
Atmospheric Oxygen
Earth’s primordial atmosphere did not contain oxygen (O2). This gas appeared only after the first photosynthetic
organisms, blue-green bacteria, evolved. These, and the somewhat later evolved green algae, give off O2 as a waste
product of photosynthesis. The modern concentration of O2 in the atmosphere, about 21%, has resulted entirely from
photosynthesis and is a critical environmental factor for most species and many key ecological processes. It appears
that the concentration of atmospheric O2has been fairly stable for several billions of years. This suggests a long-term
equilibrium between O2production by photoautotrophs and its consumption by respiration, including decomposition.
Interestingly, if the concentration of oxygen were much higher than 21%, say 25%, then biomass would be much more
combustible. This condition would lead to more frequent and extensive wildfires, which would severely damage
terrestrial ecosystems. These observations can be interpreted as suggesting the existence of a homeostatic control of
the concentration of atmospheric O2, operating at the biospheric scale. This control may achieve a balance between
the need to have sufficient O2 to sustain the most abundant organisms (which have an aerobic metabolism), and larger
O2 concentrations that would result in destructive conflagrations.
The concentration of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere is regulated by a complex of physical and biological
processes by which this gas is emitted and absorbed. Atmospheric CO2 is important in Earth’s greenhouse effect,
which maintains the surface temperature within a range that organisms can tolerate (Chapters 4 and 17). The
greenhouse effect helps maintain an average surface temperature of about 15°C, compared with the -18°C that would
otherwise occur and would be too cold for organisms to tolerate. Advocates of the Gaia hypothesis suggest that these
observations imply a homeostatic control of atmospheric CO2 and an indirect control of the greenhouse effect and
There is clear evidence that organisms and ecosystems cause substantial changes to occur in their environment, and
also that they are affected by those conditions. The scientific community does not, however, widely support the notion
that Earth’s species and ecosystems have somehow integrated into a mutually benevolent symbiosis aimed at
maintaining a comfortable range of environmental conditions.
The Gaia hypothesis is nevertheless quite useful in environmental science. Gaian ideas emphasize the diverse
connections that exist within and among ecosystems, as well as the damaging consequences of human actions that are
increasingly causing large environmental and ecological changes to occur. If these changes were to exceed the
biospheric limits of homeostatic tolerance and repair, the consequences for the planet’s geophysiology and ecology
could be catastrophic.
Evolutionary Ecology
Evolutionary ecology is a fusion of ecology and evolution – it involves the interpretation of ecological relationships in
terms of evolution, natural selection, and related themes. Moreover, it acknowledges that species and their ecology
have an evolutionary history that involves change over time, usually occurring as adaptive responses to environmental
• Convergence occurs when unrelated species occupy similar niches in distant but comparable environments. As a
result they are subjected to parallel regimes of natural selection, and evolve to be similar in morphology and
behaviour. An example noted earlier is the placental wolf (Canis lupus) of Eurasia and North America and the
thylacine or marsupial wolf (Thylacinus cynocephalus) of Tasmania.
• Coevolution occurs when species interact in ways that affect the survival or reproductive success, so that they are
subject to regimes of natural selection that result in integrated evolutionary change. The intensity of coevolution
can, however, vary greatly. In extreme cases, it may lead to the evolution of an obligate mutualism, meaning that
neither partner can survive without the other. Lichens are one example—these are mutualisms between a fungus
and an alga, neither of which can survive on its own.
Coevolution also affects the feeding relationships of organisms. For example, milkweed plants (such as the common
milkweed, Asclepias syriaca) have evolved to produce high concentrations of cardiac glycosides, which are distasteful
and poisonous to most animals and help to protect the plants from being eaten. However, the monarch butterfly
(Danaus plexippus) has evolved a tolerance to those biochemicals and so can eat milkweed tissues (in fact, their larvae
eat nothing else). When this happens, the cardiac glycosides are incorporated into tissues of the monarchs, giving a
measure of protection from being eaten by birds and other predators. The defence is so effective that the unrelated
viceroy butterfly (Limenitis archippus) has evolved a colouration and flight pattern that mimic those of the monarch,
which helps deter its own predators.
Coevolutionary interactions have also been studied between many plants and their pollinating insects. One example is
the bee orchid (Ophrys apifera), whose flower structure has evolved to resemble the abdomen shape of the solitary bee
Eucera. This induces male bees to try to copulate with the orchid, which becomes pollinated in the process (although it
is also capable of self-pollination).
Image 9.8. Convergent evolution can be illustrated by comparison of the skulls of two unrelated mammalian
predators – the timber wolf (Canis lupus), a placental mammal, and the thylacine or Tasmanian wolf (Thylacinus
Some ecologists have even speculated about the possibility of natural selection operating at levels higher than
populations or species (this is known as group selection). For instance, there has been speculation that certain boreal-
forest assemblages have evolved to be highly flammable, and that this characteristic has promoted stand-replacing
wildfires, a disturbance that can rejuvenate the ecosystem. It is true that mature boreal forest dominated by black
spruce or white birch can easily ignite and burn rapidly, but there is not yet a supporting theory of the adaptive
evolution of communities, as opposed to their constituent species.
As is true for all of biology, evolutionary theory provides a key element of the conceptual background of ecology.
Knowledge and insights from evolution and ecology are also central to understanding the environmental effects of the
human economy.
Applied Ecology
The application of ecological principles to dealing with economic and environmental problems is known as applied
ecology (or as environmental ecology). There are three major subject areas:
1. the management of renewable resources, such as those important in agriculture, fisheries, and forestry
Later chapters in this textbook contain many examples of the use of applied ecology to deal with problems of resource
management, pollution, and disturbance. Although the subject is not dealt with here in detail, it can be briefly
illustrated by the following examples:
• Setting Harvest Limits: The rate of forest productivity in a region can be estimated by measuring trees in plots that
are re-sampled over the years, or by coring populations of trees and examining the annual ring-width of the
recently grown wood. This information can be used to set limits on the amount of timber that can be harvested
without degrading the resource. Analogous methods of measuring productivity can be used to manage the
sustainable harvesting of populations of mammals, birds, and fish.
• Increasing Biological Productivity: Applied ecological research can determine whether the productivity of
biological resources can be increased—for example, if forest growth could be enhanced by applying fertilizer,
thinning dense stands, or establishing plantations. Research can also predict other implications of these
management practices, including effects on biodiversity and water quality.
• Remediation, Reclamation, and Restoration: Ecologists can provide research-based advice for improving
conditions in areas that have been degraded by pollution or disturbance. Various kinds of schemes can be used to
deal with ecological damage:
• Remediation involves actions that are undertaken to deal with a particular problem, such as liming lakes and rivers
to decrease their acidity, planting tolerant plants in polluted environments, or undertaking captive breeding and
release to increase the abundance of an endangered species.
• Reclamation involves more comprehensive actions to establish a productive ecosystem on degraded land. For
example, an old landfill or a disused industrial site may be reclaimed to a permanent cover of vegetation, such as a
• Restoration has a loftier goal of attempting to establish a self-maintaining facsimile of a natural ecosystem on
degraded land. For instance, the techniques of restoration ecology might be used to convert abandoned farmland
back to a native prairie or forest.
• Offsets for Greenhouse Gases: Ecologists can predict the amount of forest that must be grown and protected in
order to offset industrial emissions of greenhouse gases. This can allow companies and nations to reduce their net
emissions of CO2 and to make progress toward meeting international agreements to deal with climate change.
• Reducing Erosion: Some areas have been badly degraded by erosion caused by deforestation and other land-use
changes. Ecologists can find ways to deal with this problem—for example, by planting forests, using terraced
agricultural fields, or managing local hydrology to reduce overland or subsurface water flows.
Ecology is the study of the relationships of organisms with the environmental factors that provide the requirements of
life and livelihood. These factors include resources such as nutrients and food, the influences of other organisms
through competition and predation, as well as stressors such as disturbance and pollution. Knowledge of ecology is
central to understanding many of the most important damages that the human economy is wreaking to the biosphere.
Applied ecological knowledge is essential to managing renewable resources on a sustainable basis, to conserving
biodiversity, and to avoiding and repairing damage caused by pollution and other destructive influences of humans.
1. Use the principles of autecology to discuss the resource needs and environmental tolerances of humans.
2. How is the human economy integrated into the biosphere?
3. How are ideas and knowledge about population ecology relevant to people?
4. What are the core elements of the Gaia hypothesis? What evidence exists to support this hypothesis? How are
Gaian ideas relevant to environmental science?
5. It is difficult and expensive to implement a large-scale project in restoration ecology. Under what sorts of
conditions do you think such a project might be worthwhile?
Exploring Issues
1. The niche has sometimes been described as the “occupation” of a species—what it does for a living, the resources it
uses, and its habitat. You have been asked to make a presentation to a group of non-ecologists, in which you must
describe the niche of humans. What information would you include in your presentation?
Begon, M., R.W. Howorth, and C.R. Townsend. 2014. Essentials of Ecology. 4th ed. Wiley, Cambridge, UK.
Freedman, B. and J. Riley. 1980. Population trends of various species of birds wintering in southern Ontario. Ontario
Field Biologist, 34: 49-79.
Freedman, B., J. Hutchings, D. Gwynne, J. Smol, R. Suffling, R. Turkington, R. Walker, and D. Bazeley. 2014. Ecology: A
Canadian Context. 2nd ed. Nelson Canada, Toronto, ON.
Goodwin, C. E., B. Freedman, and S. M. McKay. 1977. Population trends in waterfowl wintering in the Toronto region,
1929–1976. Ontario Field Biologist, 31: 1-28.
Grime, J.P. 2001. Plant Strategies, Vegetation Processes and Ecosystem Properties. 2nd ed. J. Wiley, London.
Kimmins, J.P. 2003. Forest Ecology. 3rd ed. Prentice Hall, New York, NY.
Krebs, C.J. 2008. Ecology: The Experimental Analysis of Distribution and Abundance. 6th ed. Benjamin Cummings, New
York, NY.
Lovelock, J.E. 2000. Gaia: A New Look at Life on Earth. Oxford University Press, New York, NY.
MacDonald, G.M. and L.C. Cwynar. 1991. Post-glacial population growth rates of Pinus contorta ssp. latifolia in western
Canada. Journal of Ecology, 79: 417-429.
Mills, S. 1996. In Service of the Wild: Restoring and Reinhabiting Damaged Land. Beacon Press, Boston, MA.
Odum, E.P. 1997. Ecology: A Bridge Between Science and Society. Sinauer Associates, New York, NY.
Odum, E.P. and G.W. Barrett. 2004. Fundamentals of Ecology. Brooks Cole, Florence, KY.
Silverton, J. and D. Charlesworth. 2001. Introduction to Plant Population Biology. Blackwell Science Ltd, Oxford, UK.
Smith, L.E. 1991. Gaia: The Growth of an Idea. St. Martin’s, New York.
1. Outline the process of cultural evolution and explain how it has increased the carrying capacity for the human
2. Describe the growth of the human population during the past 10,000 years.
3. Explain why population growth has been especially rapid during the past several centuries.
4. Discuss why there are large differences in population growth rates between developed and less-developed
5. Explain the demographic transition and how it affects age-class structure and population growth.
6. List the major methods of birth control, and discuss why they are controversial.
7. Explain what a population policy is, and how it can affect future human population.
8. Outline possible causes of a population crash.
About ten-thousand years ago, only a few million humans were alive. Since then our population has grown enormously
– in 2015, there were more than 7.3 billion, and the number is climbing steadily (by about 86.6 million, or 1.2% per year).
In terms of consequences for the biosphere, the enormous growth of the human population is the most important
event to have occurred since the end of the most recent continental-scale glaciation, which ended about 12,000 years
Although the global population of humans has been increasing for millennia, the growth rate been particularly rapid
during the past few centuries. Moreover, there is every indication that the present, extremely large population will
continue to increase for at least another 50-100 years. Several possible scenarios of future population growth will be
examined later in this chapter.
The environmental consequences of any human population are a function of a number of interacting factors, but two
are especially important: the number of people and their per-capita environmental impact. The per-capita impact is
related to both the lifestyles of individual people and the level of technological development of their society. These
both affect the use of natural resources, the production of wastes, and the degradation of ecosystems (see also Chapter
The growth of the human population during the past several millennia is a remarkable phenomenon, and its scale may
be unprecedented during the history of life on Earth. This inference is based on the following observations:
• the population growth has been sustained over a long period of time
• an extraordinarily large abundance has already been achieved
• there has been a similarly impressive population growth of species that live in a close, mutualist relationship with
humans, such as cows, pigs, chickens, and agricultural plants, which have their own cumulative environmental
• a remarkable variety of species and ecosystems is being exploited as natural resources to support the human
In large part, these phenomenal achievements of Homo sapiens have been realized through the profound benefits of
cultural evolution (or socio-cultural evolution). This term refers to the progression, throughout human history, of a
series of adaptive discoveries of increasingly sophisticated tools and social systems. The capacity of people to learn
from the experience of others, including the transmission of knowledge from one generation to the next, has allowed
cultural evolution to proceed. In turn, this adaptive process has allowed people to become increasingly more efficient
in the capture of natural resources by exploiting other species, ecosystems, and non-renewable materials (Chapter 12).
Cultural evolution has allowed humans to achieve an unparalleled success in their domestication of planet Earth.
Unfortunately, the remarkable growth of the human economy (which represents increases in both population and per-
capita environmental impact) has also caused terrible damage to the biosphere. Much of this damage has resulted in a
large reduction in the carrying capacity for people and their enterprise. Moreover, natural ecosystems have been
severely reduced in area, a change that is causing a massive loss of innumerable other species (see Chapter 26). In its
totality, this damage already represents a global environmental crisis, and it is still worsening. Regrettably, the
impressive growth of the human enterprise through cultural evolution has largely been achieved by reducing the ability
of the biosphere to support most other species and natural ecosystems.
It is important to understand that the increasing size of the human population is not, on its own, the root cause of the
environmental crisis. The rapid escalation of per-capita resource use and waste production is at least as important.
Nevertheless, However, a sustainable resolution of the environmental crisis cannot be achieved if the explosive growth
of the human population is not dealt with.
In this chapter we examine the remarkable changes that have occurred in the abundance of people during the past
10,000 or so years, and how cultural evolution has further increased the intensity of resource use. We also look at
The biological history of hominids, including Australopithecus africanus, extends to perhaps 4 million years. The genus
Homo goes back about 2 million years; Homo sapiens, the only surviving species, is about 200,000 years old.
For almost all of the evolutionary history of our species, relatively small numbers of people were engaged in
subsistence lifestyles – they foraged over large areas while hunting wild animals and gathering edible plants. These
people roamed the landscape in small family groups, searching for food and other necessities and using simple
weapons and tools made of bone, stone, wood, and other natural materials. The hunter–gatherer lifestyle characterized
the first 95% or so of human history, and during that lengthy time the population of our species was probably fewer
than 1 million individuals.
By some 12-15-thousand years ago, people had discovered all of the major habitable landmasses, including the
Americas. The latter were colonized relatively late, when small groups roved eastward across a broad (up to 1000 km
wide) but temporary land bridge that connected Siberia and Alaska, through a region that is now the Aleutian Islands.
That bridge was still present as recently as 11,000 years ago, and it existed because so much of global water was tied up
in glaciers on land that sea level was about 110 m lower than it is now. (Note, however, that some archaeologists believe
there may have been an earlier colonization of the Americas, occurring up to 60,000 years ago.) The wandering
Siberians discovered a landscape with bountiful resources that had never before been exploited by people.
Descendants of those first colonists of the Americas spread quickly, in the manner of an expanding wave, to occupy
and exploit all habitable regions of North, Central, and South America. Occurring at the same time as the colonizing
surge of people was a mass extinction of many species of large mammals and birds. It is likely that these unfortunate
animals were naive to the lethal prowess of the novel two-legged predators that hunted in well-coordinated packs, and
they were unable to adapt to the onslaught (Chapters 12 and 26).
Cultural evolution has been a pervasive characteristic of our species, and there were many adaptive innovations of
society and technology during the long-lasting prehistoric phase of foraging societies. These were cumulative
advancements, meaning that each innovation built upon earlier ones and so the tools, practices, and social
organizations got better and better. The innovations allowed natural resources to be exploited more efficiently, and
economies of increasing size and complexity to be supported. The key advances of these prehistoric times, which
because of their immense influence are sometimes referred to as “revolutions” (or great forward steps) of cultural
evolution, include the following:
Each of these breakthroughs enhanced the ability of people to exploit natural resources. This increased the effective
carrying capacity of the ecosystems they were utilizing and allowed the population to increase and the overall
At about that time, the first significant developments of primitive agriculture began, marking the beginning of a period
known as the neolithic revolution (or the new stone age; see Figure 10.1). The first agricultural innovations included the
beginning stages of domestication of a few edible plants and animals, such as barley and sheep, and the discovery of
simple ways to cultivate them to achieve greater yields. Because crops must be tended and protected, the adoption of
agricultural practices meant that lifestyles had to be much more sedentary. The eventual achievement of predictable
food surpluses allowed some people to be supported as non-agricultural workers living in villages. This social and
economic change eventually fostered the development of city-states and then nation-states, along with their relatively
sophisticated cultures and technologies.
The development of agriculture and its associated socio-cultural systems was one of the great forward leaps of human
cultural evolution. The neolithic revolution provided an enormous increase in the carrying capacity of the environment
for people and their domesticated species. Steady population growth was a result of this change, because even the
primitive agricultural systems of those early times could support many more people than could subsistence lifestyles
based on foraging for wild plants and animals.
The initial development of agriculture was followed by further innovations that increased the yield of crops. These
This brief outline suggests that the cultural evolution of human socio-technological systems has involved a long and
cumulative series of adaptive discoveries and innovations. Each of them increased the ability of people to exploit the
resources of their environment, which increased the effective carrying capacity and thereby fostered growth of the
populations of people and their mutualist species, and of the overall human economy.
As a result of this adaptive progression, there were about 1-5 million people alive at the dawn of agriculture about
10-thousand years ago, 200–300 million at the beginning of the Common Era 2000 years ago (0 CE), and 500 million in
The rate of population growth then began to increase markedly, a trend that has been maintained to present times.
These recent, extremely rapid increases in the human population have occurred for several reasons. Of primary
importance have been the discoveries of increasingly effective processes and tools in sanitation and medicine, which
resulted in great decreases in death rates. Ways of preventing lethal communicable diseases have been especially
important in this respect.
In addition, recently discovered technologies have allowed for an increasingly effective harvesting of natural resources,
the manufacturing of improved products, and greatly improved methods and infrastructure for transportation and
communications. These have been achieved as a result of the industrial revolution, which began in the mid-eighteenth
century. Agricultural systems have also been greatly improved through the development of improved crop varieties and
better methods of cultivation, which have resulted in substantial increases of yield. Again, all of these progressions of
cultural evolution have further increased the carrying capacity of the environment for people.
Between 8000 BCE and 1650 CE, the human population increased from about 5 million to 500 million, with an average
doubling time of 1500 years and a growth rate of 0.01% per year (Figure 10.2). Since then the population has increased
greatly and the doubling times have become less. The global population reached 1 billion in 1850, 2 billion in 1930, 4
billion in 1975, and 7.3 billion in 2015.
Figure 10.2. Growth and Doubling Times of the Human Population. Sources: Data from Ehrlich et al. (1977) and
Population Reference Bureau (2015).
The cultural evolution of social, technological, and economic systems has allowed many people to enjoy great
improvements of lifestyle. The main advancements have been in food and health security, which are a result of better
access to sanitation, health care, food, shelter, and other elements of subsistence. (In the sense meant here, “security”
This is not to say that hunter-gatherers did not enjoy aspects of their lifestyle. These people undoubtedly had a rich
cultural life, and many were able to satisfy their subsistence needs by “working” only a few hours each day, leaving
much time for relaxing and socializing. In fact, the transitions to agricultural and then industrial societies have involved
considerably greater workloads for average people and less time for relaxation. The additional work has, however,
reaped benefits of the sort noted above, and for much larger numbers of people.
It is important to understand that the many improvements in human security and lifestyle have involved a great
intensification of the per-capita environmental impact. We can easily understand this important change by examining
patterns of energy usage, which is a simple indicator of per-capita impact (Figure 10.3; see also Chapter 1). Compared
with hunter-gatherers, people living in an advanced technological society use at least 50 times more energy, and their
environmental impact is greater by a similar degree.
Figure 10.3. Cultural Evolution and Energy Use. These data are estimates of the per-capita use of energy by
people engaged in various kinds of lifestyles. Energy use is presented here as a simple indicator of
environmental impact. Source: Modified from Goldemberg (1992).
The intensification of the per-capita use of energy has been especially great during the past century of accelerating
technological development. In fact, during the past century, the global per-capita economic output and energy use
have both increased at similar or greater rates as the human population (Figure 10.4). These per-capita increases have,
Figure 10.4. A Century of Change in Global Population and Per-capita Environmental Effect. Global-scale
economic activity and energy use are being used here as simple indicators of the environmental impact of a
human population. Economic activity is given in constant US$ (year 1990), so inflation does not account for the
increase over time. Sources of data: DeLong (1998), Population Reference Bureau (2015), and BP (2014).
It is important to remember that the rapid increases of population and per-capita environmental influence multiply
together to determine their total effect. For example, population is multiplied by the per-capita economic activity to
calculate the gross world product (GWP), or the sum of the economic activities of all people in the world. Using this
calculation, the data in Figure 10.4 suggest that the GWP in 2013 was about 42 times larger than in 1900 ($41.7 ×
1012 versus $1.1 × 1012; note that to account for inflation, both of these values are in constant year-1990 US$; note the
2013 data, if expressed in year-2013 dollars, would be $71.8 × 1012; note also that 1012 is a trillion, or a thousand billion).
This is much larger than the growth of population during that same period (4.3 times larger), and also that of per-capita
economic activity (9.5 times larger).
A similar calculation can be made for global energy consumption, again using data from Figure 10.4. If we do this, we
determine that global energy use was about 40 times larger in 2013 than in 1900. Because of the multiplication effect,
this is much larger than the growth of population during that period (4.3 times larger) or of per-capita energy use (8.5
times larger).
Some large animals have been domesticated and live in a mutualism with humans. The most populous of these
are cows (Bos taurus and B. indica) with a population of about 1.5 billion, sheep (Ovis aries) with 1.2 billion, goats
(Capra hircus) with 1.0 billion, and pigs (Sus scrofa) with 1.0 billion (FAO, 2015). Some smaller mutualists are even
more abundant, including an estimated 22 billion chickens (Gallus gallus).
It is doubtful that any wild, large animals ever had such enormous populations as do humans and our
domesticated animals (Freedman, 2010). Within historical times, the most populous wild, large animal was the
American bison (Bison bison), which prior to its near extermination by over-hunting, may have numbered 60
million individuals. At the present time, the most populous large animals in the wild are the white-tailed deer
(Odocoileus virginianus) of the Americas with 40-60 million individuals, large kangaroos in Australia (Macropus
gigantea and M. rufus) with up to 50-60 million, and the crabeater seal (Lobodon carcinophagus) of the
Antarctic with 15 million. The populations of these wild animals are only 1% or less of that of humans.
A few other wild species of large animals maintain populations in the millions, including as many as 7 million
ringed seals (Phoca hispida) in the Arctic, 7-8 million harp seals (Phoca groenlandica) in the North Atlantic, and
3 million caribou (reindeer, Rangifer tarandus) in the Arctic and Subarctic.
Clearly, humans and their large-animal mutualists are unusually abundant, and even unnaturally so. The huge
populations of domesticated animals (humans included) can be maintained only by using an extremely large
fraction of the productivity of Earth’s ecosystems. Some ecologists have estimated that fraction to be as large
as one-quarter (Vitousek et al., 1986; Haberl et al., 2013).
Regional Variations
It is important to recognize that population growth varies enormously among regions and countries. In recent decades,
some countries have achieved a natural rate of growth (birth rate minus death rate) as high as 4% per year, which if
maintained could double their population in only 18 years.
Populations are growing most quickly in Africa, with a rate of increase of about 2.4% per year (Table 10.1). Although
African countries vary considerably, as a whole, the continent is the world’s poorest region. Its socioeconomic
condition is partly due to legacies of its colonial history, including national boundaries that often make little sense in
view of the distributions of tribal and language groups. In some countries, other factors also detract from development,
particularly endemic corruption in government and business and strife between tribes. In addition to those important
problems, the increasing populations of African countries are also making it extremely difficult to deal with chronic
poverty. The population of continental Africa was about 224 million in 1950, 1,136 million in 2014, and an anticipated
2,428 million (or 2.43 billion) in 2060. With human populations increasing so quickly, and the amounts of agricultural
land and other resources remaining static or even declining because of over-exploitation, it will be a formidable
challenge to avert social and ecological catastrophes in many African countries. Resolving these problems will require
both national fortitude and generous international assistance.
Table 10.1. Regional Population Growth. Data for 2025 and 2050 are estimated from recent demographic trends
(i.e., in rates of birth, immigration, death, and emigration). The natural rate of population increase (in 2014, data
Populations are growing least quickly in Europe, where the present change is about 0.2% per year, a rate that is
expected to hold for several decades (the rate of natural change is 0.0%/y, while net immigration is 0.2%/y).
Populations are growing somewhat more quickly in North America, currently at 0.7% per year (the natural increase is
0.4%/y, while net immigration is 0.3%/y).
Much of the population growth in Canada and the United States is due to relatively open levels of immigration from
other countries rather than to natural population change (see Chapter 11). The major source regions of the immigration
are Asia, Central and South America, and Africa, mostly from countries with growing populations and few prospects for
poor people to improve their lifestyle. Immigration is also coming from parts of eastern Europe where there is little
population growth but much unemployment and economic hardship.
Data for recent population growth in selected countries are listed in Table 10.2. Countries with the fastest increases in
population are in Africa and Asia, and to a lesser degree, in Central and South America. Populations are increasing
rapidly in almost all countries in those regions.
Table 10.2. Population Growth in Selected Countries. Data are from World Resources Institute (2008) and
There are, however, some anomalous situations whose dynamics are largely driven by the movements of large numbers
of refugees. For instance, Afghanistan had a population decrease of 1.8% per year during the period 1980 to 1985 (WRI,
2008). This was mostly because a devastating civil war killed many people, while even larger numbers fled to
neighbouring Pakistan and Iran. In contrast, the population of Afghanistan increased by an extraordinary 6.9% per year
during 1990–1995, largely because many refugees migrated back after a sporadic ceasefire restored relative peace.
Overall, the intrinsic rate of increase of the Afghani population has been 2.7-3.5% per year. In 1950, the population of
Afghanistan was 8 million. By 2014 it had increased four-fold to 31 million, and it is projected to reach 44 million by
2030 and 57 million by 2060.
Some countries have had recent population growth even more rapid than Afghanistan. In Nigeria, for example, the
population was 33 million in 1950 and is projected to reach 262 million in 2030 (about an 8-fold increase) and 397
million in 2060 (12-fold). (Note, however, that such predictions for Nigeria and some other countries could prove
inaccurate because of mortality from the AIDS epidemic or some other disaster; see the last section of this chapter and
Global Focus 10.2). In Iran, the population increase between 1950 and 2030 is projected to be about 5-fold. Try to
imagine the ecological and resource stresses associated with population explosions like these! Contemplate being a
politician or governmental bureaucrat who is charged with the responsibility of ensuring livelihoods and an acceptable
quality of life for so many citizens, while also protecting the environmental quality and ecological heritage of the
country! The challenges are daunting.
The countries with the most stable populations are mainly in Europe. The populations of most European countries are
growing at less than 0.5% per year, and the doubling times are longer than 100 years. As was previously noted, the
Fortunately, many countries are showing rapid decreases in their rate of population increase. China, for example, had
population growth rates exceeding 3% per year in the 1960s and 1970s, but this decreased to 0.5% per year in 2014. The
slowdown is occurring because the government of China has recognized the acute problems associated with
population growth, and so has developed policies to slow the increases and is implementing them in an effective
manner. However, China’s government has imposed its population policy with a determination that has sparked
debates about human rights. Controversial measures have included coerced sterilization and the enforcement of a
one-child-per-family guideline, particularly in urban areas. Nonetheless, China appears to be firmly on the road to
rapidly decreasing its rate of population growth. We can only hope this necessary action has occurred in time. China’s
population in 2050 was 555 million, but this had more than doubled in 2014 to 1.4 billion, and even with its aggressive
population policy this could still increase further. These are immense numbers of people to accommodate within the
bounds of the landmass and natural resources of China, which are not increasing in area or quantity.
The situations in Brazil, India, Indonesia, Korea, Mexico, and Thailand are similar, although none of these countries is
experiencing declining rates of population growth as rapid as that of China. India, the world’s second-most populous
country, had 1.3 billion people in 2014, and may somehow have to support 1.5 billion in 2030. Although all of these
countries have started to develop population policies aimed at reducing growth rates, they are not being implemented
as effectively as in China.
In general, countries that are experiencing the most rapid population growth are relatively undeveloped and poor, and
they are tropical or subtropical in distribution. However, not all poor countries have high population growth rates. The
population growth rates of Cuba, for example, have been consistently less than 1% per year since the 1950s. Although
Cuba is relatively poor, almost all of its citizens are literate and its social system provides ready access to housing, food,
social security, and health care, including effective means of birth control.
It can be broadly generalized that the wealth and state of development of nations correlate inversely with their
population growth rate. Nevertheless, any country with an appropriate and effectively delivered population policy can
achieve a strong measure of control of the rate at which its population is increasing. The case of Cuba demonstrates
this fact.
The explosive rates of population increase in so many poor countries are straining the ecosystems that must somehow
sustain the burgeoning numbers of people and their livelihoods. This can be illustrated by the case of Sudan, in
northeastern Africa. The population of Sudan was 2.9 million in 1917, but it had irrupted to 38 million by 2006, an
increase of 6.4 times (Olsson and Rapp, 1991; WRI, 2008) (an irruption is a rapid increase). Because most Sudanis are
engaged in agricultural livelihoods, the populations of livestock also increased tremendously during that period. The
number of cattle increased 51-fold (to 41 million); camels, 17-fold (to 3.9 million); sheep, 39-fold (to 50 million); and
goats, 35-fold (to 43 million). These enormous amounts of growth in the populations of people and livestock have
degraded the carrying capacity of rangelands in Sudan and other regions of Africa. At the same time, terrible damage
has been caused to natural ecosystems.
It must be remembered, however, that comparable rates of growth occurred in Europe and North America in previous
centuries. In Britain, for example, extensive deforestation and other habitat losses resulted in the extirpation of many
species of native plants and animals. In addition, deforestation and the grazing of hillsides in Scotland virtually
eliminated the native forest that once covered that landscape, although there has since been some replacement by
conifer plantations. These ecologically destructive activities have largely been forgotten, and most inhabitants of
Britain now regard the transformed landscape of their country as being “natural.” Comparable stories can be told of
regions of southern Canada that were once extensively forested, but are now covered by urban and agricultural land-
uses, with only small areas of degraded “natural” habitat.
Societies living in relatively primitive, undeveloped conditions have always tended to have high rates of births and
deaths, typically about 40-50 per thousand. (Birth and death rates are commonly expressed as the average number per
thousand individuals in the population per year.) These were the usual rates of natality (births) and mortality (deaths)
throughout almost all of human history. As long as the rates of births and deaths remained high and similar to each
other, the population growth was small or zero. It is only during the past several centuries that rapid growth has
This has occurred largely because death rates have decreased substantially in all countries. The large reductions of
death rate are due to the benefits of improved sanitation, medicine, immunization, and social welfare, along with
widespread access to education (which, among other things, provides a widespread awareness of the benefits of
sanitation and medicine).
The life-saving benefits of sanitation, immunization, and medicine are particularly consequential for younger people,
especially those less than five years old. This group tends to have the highest death rates under “primitive” conditions.
Other relatively vulnerable groups that have benefited include the elderly and women in childbirth. As well, large
reductions in mortality from infectious diseases, such as bubonic plague, diphtheria, influenza, malaria, plague,
smallpox, tuberculosis, and yellow fever, have been important in reducing mortality during the past several centuries.
However, these medical and social benefits have not been shared equally among countries, or among income groups
within nations. For this reason, people living in less-developed countries, and poorer income groups within countries,
typically have considerably higher death rates than do more-developed or wealthier ones. This trend is readily
apparent if data for death rates in poorer countries with increasing populations are compared with those of wealthier
countries having more stable populations (Table 10.4).
Compared with the relatively large decreases of death rates in all of countries and cultures, decreases in birth rates
have been much slower (Table 10.3). In general, the wealthiest, most developed countries have relatively low birth rates,
with rates typically about 10 per thousand. Moreover, these are almost in balance with death rates, so the natural
population increase in those countries is low or zero. In large part, the relatively low birth rates of the wealthier
countries have resulted from the emergence of a cultural inclination to have small families, which can be achieved
because there is ready access to safe and effective methods of birth control.
Table 10.3. Demographic Information for Selected Countries. Note that the intrinsic rate of population change is
calculated as the birth rate minus the death rate. A difference of +10 units is equal to a 1% increase per year. The
fertility rate is the number of children born to an average woman over her lifetime. Life expectancy is the
number of years lived from birth. Data are from World Resources Institute (2008) and Population Reference
Changes in cultural attitudes about family size appear to be a natural outcome of increasing affluence and health as
societies develop and become wealthier. Such cultural changes are critically important for dealing with the potentially
explosive population growth of modern times. In a sociological sense, however, it is not exactly known how these
changes in attitude come about. In less-developed societies, children are often viewed as a source of inexpensive
labour and providers of material comfort for their parents in old age. In contrast, in wealthier societies, children are
considered to be substantial economic and social responsibilities for their parents – they are expensive consumers of
space, education, energy, food, clothing, and other necessities. This context provides a strong incentive for having a
smaller family.
Although birth rates have recently been decreasing, they are nevertheless quite high in most less-developed countries.
Because death rates have fallen considerably, their populations are growing rapidly (see Table 10.4). In general, birth
rates have remained high because of cultural preferences for larger families – this factor is strongly influenced by high
death rates in recent history, particularly of young children. Fifty years ago, a family might have had six birthed
children, with only three surviving because of a high rate of infant mortality. Today, however, all six might survive. In
addition, some religions influence birth rates because they promote large families or strongly disapprove of modern
methods of birth control. The social factors result in a lag in the cultural adjustment of birth rate to offset the rapid
declines in mortality. The ensuing imbalance has resulted in the rapid population growth that is occurring in almost all
less-developed countries.
However, the situation is not quite as simple as this. In many countries, the fertility rate is maintained at a considerably
higher level than many people, particularly women of childbearing age, might freely choose. This happens because
many women do not have sufficient access to safe and effective means of birth control. Exceptions are countries such
as China and Cuba, and to a lesser degree Brazil, India, Indonesia, Korea, Sri Lanka, and Thailand, all of which are
substantially reducing their population growth rates, mainly by ensuring that their citizens have access to effective
means of controlling their fertility.
Almost all of human history has been characterized by relatively primitive living conditions, and during that time there
was low or zero population growth (ZPG) because high death rates were balanced by high birth rates. During the past
several centuries, however, many countries have had rapid population growth because the rate of births exceeded that
of deaths. More recently, during the past five decades or so, a condition of ZPG has occurred in relatively “developed”
nations and cultures, in which low death rates are balanced by low birth rates.
The so-called demographic transition refers to the transition of a population from a condition of high birth and death
rates to another of low birth and death rates (Figure 10.5). It typically takes a rather long time, usually several
generations, for a society to make it through this transition, and while that is happening the population increases at a
high rate. The imbalance occurs because modern sanitation, immunization, and medicine contribute to a rapid
decrease of mortality, but that occurs without a simultaneous off-setting decrease in birth rates. If, for example, the
annual birth rate remained at 45 per thousand while the death rate declined to 11 per thousand, the population would
grow at 3.4% per year. If that situation continued, the population would double in only 20 years. These numbers are, by
the way, actual demographic parameters for Zambia in 2014, one of the least-developed countries in the world.
Figure 10.5. The Demographic Transition. This illustration models the transition from a condition of high birth
and death rates to one of low birth and death rates. Typically, the death rates decrease faster than birth rates,
and the corresponding imbalance has an explosive influence on population growth. Zero population growth
occurs when birth and death rates offset each other. If the birth rate falls below the death rate, the population
will decrease in size.
No cultures prefer high death rates, but some do have a preference for larger families. Recent history has shown that it
takes one or two generations to overcome cultural inclinations toward having large families, and for birth rates to
decline to a level that is in balance with modern death rates.
Many of the developed countries of today had the great fortune of passing through their demographic transition
during times when their populations were relatively small, and under circumstances in which their “surplus” people
In actual fact, however, at the time of their European “discovery” these regions were already occupied by indigenous
peoples. Nevertheless, in the socio-political context of the time (16th to 19th centuries), European powers seized
ownership of many foreign regions, displaced or subjugated the original inhabitants, and colonized the freed-up land
through an immigration of poor or otherwise mobile citizens from the home countries. To a substantial degree, the
notion of under-population lingers today, particularly in Canada, the United States, and Australia, which still allow
relatively high rates of immigration of people from other countries. As a result, the population growth rates in those
countries substantially exceed what would be expected based on birth and death rates, which are almost in balance
and reflect passage through the demographic transition.
In recent centuries, immigrants from a great many countries have swelled the populations of Canada and the United
States. For example, at the time of the first United States census, in 1790, that country had a population of 4 million.
Sixty years later, in 1850, the population had increased to 23 million. That growth was largely achieved through
immigration of many people from Britain and other European countries. (The natural increase in population during
that period was also vigorous, adding 4-8 million people.) Changes of a similar degree occurred in Canada (see Chapter
11). The ability of many European countries to export so much of their surplus population was critical to their relatively
smooth passage through the demographic transition.
Today, only a few countries still allow a substantial rate of immigration, most notably Canada, the United States, and
Australia. However, the actual numbers of people involved in transnational immigration to developed countries, several
million per year, is small in comparison with the global population growth (about 87 million per year in 2014). Moreover,
there is no reason to expect that these and other host nations will continue to be willing, or able, to absorb population
surpluses from other countries.
One of the bitter truths of modern times is that the relatively poor, less-developed countries of the world, which have
the fastest population growth, have no significant outlets for their burgeoning surpluses of people. All nations today
have access to the mortality-reducing benefits of modern sanitation and medicine, but in most countries these are not
yet balanced by a control of birth rates. Consequently, many less-developed countries are faced with a pressing need
to bridge their demographic transition much more quickly than today’s developed countries ever had to do. Moreover,
this daunting feat must be accomplished without much emigration. There are no underpopulated frontiers left on
Earth – local population crises can no longer be exported somewhere else.
Future Populations
All trends in demographic indicators indicate that the human population will continue to grow rapidly into the
foreseeable future. However, there are convincing signals of decreasing rates of population growth in almost all
countries. This is encouraging, but it does not negate the fact that the global population is still growing rapidly
(although not as quickly as several decades ago).
It is never possible to accurately foretell how complex phenomena, such as changes in human populations, will unfold
in the future. Nevertheless, by extrapolating from recent trends it is possible to infer the likely values of birth and
There is also, of course, the possibility that some catastrophic event or environmental deterioration could cause a
massive increase in human death rates, resulting in a population crash. Such a calamity might be caused by a newly
emerged virulent disease, a collapse in the availability of vital resources, a nuclear holocaust, or some other global
emergency. However, events such as these are unpredictable and can never be forecast with accuracy – the most that
can be suggested is that they may occur at some time in the future.
Population scientists have developed sophisticated mathematical models to predict the future abundances of humans.
These models can be run using various demographic scenarios, for example, by changing the values of birth rate, death
rate, population structure, or other variables. These models are not catastrophist – rather, they assume that future
population size will be determined by relatively small changes in birth and death rates and not by a huge increase in
death rates (i.e., a population crash).
Figure 10.6 shows world population growth from 1800 to 2010, and three models of future growth to 2100. The models
are low-, medium-, and high-level projections based on studies by the United Nations. The low-level model uses
optimistic demographic predictions, such as assuming that effective population policies will be implemented rapidly
and will allow stable populations to be achieved as quickly as can be hoped. This model suggests that the population
will increase to about 8 billion around 2050 and then decline to 6 billion by 2100. The high-level model uses relatively
conservative parameters, such as effective policies not being implemented until considerable time has passed, so that
the necessary demographic transitions will take a long time to occur in rapidly growing populations. This model
forecasts a continuing increase of population to about 16 billion in 2100.
The medium-level prediction is perhaps most realistic because it uses more likely scenarios of political and economic
factors that affect population policies and their influence on demographic parameters. This model suggests that the
population will level off around 2100 at an abundance of 10 billion people.
Therefore, it appears that the global population will increase greatly from its present level before it (hopefully)
stabilizes. This assumes, of course, that there is no intervening catastrophe such as a collapse of the environmental
carrying capacity for our species, an unprecedented pandemic, or a global war.
Figure 10.6. The human population from 1800 to 2100. The data in black and blue are estimates to 2110, with
those in blue being relatively accurate. Future populations are based on three population scenarios, ranging
from low-level to high-level in terms of the assumptions of demographic parameters. The low-level model
makes optimistic and probably unrealistic assumptions about population policies. The high-level model is more
conservative and assumes that the imbalance between birth and death rates will be addressed more slowly. The
medium-level model may be the most likely outcome, although there is considerable uncertainty. Source: Cobb
Image 10.2. In less-developed countries, governments will have to find livelihoods for increasingly larger
numbers of young people, even as space, resources, and environmental quality are rapidly diminishing. These
Moreover, it appears that the populations of almost all countries will increase. However, the population growth will not
be equitably shared between the less-developed and more-developed regions of the world. In 1950, about 34% of the
world’s population of 2.5 billion lived in developed countries. However, recent population growth has been much more
rapid in less-developed countries, so that in 2014, only about 17% of the world’s 7.3 billion people lived in developed
regions. This disparate trend will intensify in the near future, and by 2050, perhaps less than 10% of the world’s 10-12
billion people may be living in developed regions (Figure 10.7).
Figure 10.7. Predicted Populations by Major Regions. The predictions are based on medium-level projections,
with the cones indicating probability intervals of 80% (darker shading) or 95% (lighter shading). Source:
Age-Class Structure
A population structure describes the relative abundances of specified groups of people. This includes the age-class
structure, or the proportions of individuals in various age groups. This aspect of population structure differs greatly
between populations that are growing or stable, and there are important implications for their future growth.
Populations that have been stable for some time have similar proportions of people in various age classes (Figure 10.8).
In other words, there are roughly comparable numbers of people aged 5-10, 10-15, 15-20, 20-25 years, and so on. This
equitable distribution holds for most age-classes, except for the elderly, who always have a higher risk of mortality.
This kind of age-class distribution is typical of relatively developed countries that have made it through their
demographic transition.
Figure 10.8. Age-Class Structure of the Global Population. Compare the age-class structures of a relatively
young, rapidly growing population (the less-developed world, in 2010) with a stable population (developed
In marked contrast, the age-class distribution of a rapidly growing population reflects the fact that there are larger
numbers of younger individuals than older ones. Consequently, growing populations have a triangular age-class
structure – it is much wider at the bottom than at the top. In fact, almost half of the people in a rapidly growing
population are typically less than 15 years old (Table 10.5). This kind of population structure suggests an enormous
potential for future growth as increasingly larger numbers of young people mature to reproductive age. This kind of
age-class distribution is typical of less-developed countries that have not passed through a demographic transition.
Table 10.5. Age Structure of the Populations of Selected Countries in 2014. Data from Population Reference
Bureau (2015).
Since 1979, the government of China has enforced a “one-child policy” for most families in the country, which is a
fertility rate that is considerably smaller than that which would replace the numbers of parents (about 2.1). This policy
is mostly enforced in urban areas, and ethnic minorities are exempt from it. Families that are subjected to the one-
child policy may experience intense social pressure to not have more than one child and there are also substantial
economic disincentives such as fines and poor educational opportunities for second children. Many parents have been
sterilized against their will.
In addition, there is a cultural preference in China for male children because of the prevailing system of inheritance of
family lineage and property by the first-born son. This attitude has led many people to give up girl newborns for
adoption, and even the abortion of female fetuses and infanticide. These are all disagreeable choices, but many parents
have chosen them in order to make another attempt to ensure that the single allowed child is male. Because of female
abortion and infanticide, an imbalance has developed in the female to male ratio in the population, which is already
having important social implications because many men are having difficulty finding a spouse and starting a family.
Already, in 2014, there were 16% more males younger than 20 years in China than females in the same age group.
Some of the population-control measures that occur in China are controversial, and from some points of view they
abuse human rights. However, the Chinese government considers such measures to be necessary in view of the
enormous population of their country and the further growth that is inherent in its relatively young age-class
structure. In other words, in countries where population growth is causing a desperate situation, a vigorous
implementation of aggressive population policies seems appropriate.
Distribution of Populations
Another important element of population structure is the spatial distribution of people and this has changed over time.
This is a complex topic because the distribution of people varies enormously among countries in different stages of
development, and also within countries (for example, there are dense urban populations and much sparser rural ones).
As we previously examined, most of the world’s people live in relatively poor, less-developed countries, almost all of
which are located in tropical and subtropical regions. Because populations are growing most quickly in those less-
developed countries, this pattern of the global distribution of people will become even more pronounced over time
(see Figure 10.7). The rapidly growing populations in those countries present enormous challenges to their
governments, international agencies (such as the United Nations as well as non-governmental organizations), and more
broadly, the sustainability of the global human society and economy. Even today, many of the great masses of poor
people in less-developed countries do not have access to equitable livelihoods, or even to acceptable standards of food,
shelter, education, health care, and other necessities, not to mention the cultural and entertainment amenities that
Urbanization (the development of cities and towns) is a critical aspect of population distribution. All countries are
urbanizing rapidly, and in fact, urbanization is occurring more rapidly than population growth. Increasing urbanization
is being driven by a number of interacting factors, the most important of which is the migration of poor rural people to
towns and cities in search of employment, services, and cultural amenities. On average, about three-quarters of the
population of developed countries are now living in urban environments, compared with one-third of people in the
less-developed parts of the world. By 2025, it is expected that the urban population will double to more than 5 billion
and 90% of that increase will be in developing countries. Global urbanization represents an extraordinary change in
the distribution of people, compared with the essentially agrarian societies of only one century ago, when more than
95% of people lived in rural areas.
The greatest metropolitan areas in the world are known as megacities (having >10 million inhabitants) or as urban
agglomerations (large contiguous urban areas). Most of the largest ones are located in developing countries (Table
10.6), a trend that will increase in the future. Note that in the year 1950, the only megacity in the world was New York.
This fact highlights the fact that urbanization of the global population during the past several centuries is an extremely
important aspect of human history.
Table 10.6. Megacities. These are the largest urban agglomerations in the world, of which 33 existed in 2014.
Data are for 2014 (Demographia, 2014).
Of course, urban people live under densely crowded conditions, and their livelihoods tend to involve work in
Birth Control
Many individual people and families make conscious choices about their reproduction, including how many children to
have. Historically, the available methods of controlling pregnancy were few, unreliable, and sometimes unsafe.
One of the most effective methods of birth control is the avoidance of sexual intercourse before marriage (or before a
non-married spousal partnership). This is because society generally accepts that matrimony is a social institution
involving a commitment by both parents to care for their children. Avoidance of sexual intercourse affects population-
level birth rates by delaying and spacing reproduction. A complementary effect is gained by delaying marriage until
relatively late in life, which if accompanied by pre-marital chastity, also delays reproduction and decreases birth rates.
Coitus interruptus, or withdrawal of the penis prior to ejaculation, likewise contributes to lower rates of impregnation
associated with copulation. This practice has been widely used throughout history. In addition, breast-feeding mothers
have a lower probability of conceiving another child, so delaying the weaning of children also helps to space births.
Some birth control practices have long been used, even by hunter-gatherer and early agricultural cultures, particularly
when they had to deal with resource crises such as insufficient food. These practices include the following:
The Polynesian culture inhabits islands in the southwestern Pacific Ocean. Perhaps because of the obvious resource
constraints associated with living on islands, they were aware of the problems of overpopulation and carrying capacity
and practiced several methods of birth control. Prior to the modern era, Polynesians engaged in a subsistence
economy, cultivating various crops (notably coconut, sweet potato, taro, and yam), raising pigs and chickens, and
hunting fish, marine mammals, and mollusks in shallow waters. Their populations were closed to varying degrees, with
no or little immigration or emigration, depending on the isolation of their island homes. On some islands, such as
Easter Island, there was likely no exchange of people after the initial colonization.
The methods of population control practiced by the Polynesians included polyandry (in which one woman has several
husbands at the same time), non-marriage of men who did not own land, abstention from sex for some time after birth
of a child, coitus interruptus, abortion, and infanticide. However, these methods were not always sufficient to prevent
population growth. Consequently, the Polynesians are well known for their voyages of colonization, undertaken during
times of population pressure. They constructed sea-going outrigger sailing canoes and provisioned them with stores of
water, crop plants, pigs, and chickens. Family units then embarked and headed toward the vast Pacific horizon in
Today, people have access to a diversity of methods of birth control that are safer and more effective than most of
those available in the past (see In Detail 10.1). Consequently, individuals and families in many countries can now choose
from a range of safe and readily available methods of birth control to control their reproduction.
However, the use of birth control raises questions beyond issues that are purely medical and scientific, including many
related to religion, ethics, and philosophy. For example, because of beliefs regarding the sanctity of human procreation,
the Catholic Church opposes almost all methods of control of conception and birth. So do most fundamentalist
Christian, Jewish, and Muslim denominations.
In Canada and the United States, the most contentious method of birth control is abortion. On the one hand, anti-
abortionists (also known as “pro-life” activists) contend that abortion violates the sanctity of life and should never be
permitted. On the other hand, pro-abortion activists (also known as “pro-choice”) argue that a fetus is not a viable life
and that each woman living in a free and democratic society should have the right to make decisions regarding her
own body and reproduction. The acrimonious debate over abortion has erupted in both legal and illegal
demonstrations, including the picketing of clinics and hospitals. Unlawful acts have been committed by radical fringe
elements from both sides of the issue, including a few cases of extremists who oppose abortion committing arson and
even the murder of physicians and other medical personnel.
A contraceptive works by preventing ovulation, implantation of ova, or entry of sperm into the cervical canal.
Oral contraceptives are most common and have a typical failure rate of less than 1% if properly used (the failure
rate is the number of pregnancies per year while using the method, compared with no birth control). Depo-
Provera, an injectable hormone, prevents ovulation for three months. The morning-after pill (RU486) is taken
within 72 hours of intercourse and is 75-95% effective. These methods are reversible, so conception is possible
soon after stopping use.
A spermicide is a chemical that kills sperm and is applied by women by inserting a sponge, foam, jelly, or cream
into the vagina. The failure rate is 3-20% (the higher failures are associated with improper use of the method;
this also applies to ranges cited for other methods).
An intrauterine device (IUD) is inserted into the uterus, where it prevents the implantation of ova, probably by
stimulating an inflammatory response. IUDs have a failure rate of 1-5%. This method is now being used less
often because of risks of pelvic inflammation and infertility.
A cervical cap is a mechanical block, inserted by a woman to block access of sperm to the cervix. The failure
rate is 3-10%.
A contraceptive diaphragm blocks entrance to the cervix and is used with spermicidal jelly and/or foam. The
failure rate is 3-14%.
A condom provides a mechanical barrier that contains the sperm after ejaculation, thereby preventing entry
into the vagina. The failure rate is 2-10%.
Douching involves flushing the vaginal area with water (often containing a spermicide) after intercourse.
Douching is not very effective because it does not completely remove sperm, so the failure rate is about 40%.
Natural family planning includes several methods approved by the Catholic Church that are based on
abstinence or on the timing of intercourse according to periods when women have a relatively low fertility. One
of these is the rhythm method, which involves the timing of sexual intercourse to avoid days during which the
woman is fertile. This method has a high failure rate (13-20%), largely because it is difficult to accurately
determine the fertile period.
Vasectomy is a method of sterilization for males. It involves cutting and/or tying the vas deferens, the tube that
carries the sperm from the testis before mixing with seminal fluids. This method has a failure rate of less than
Tubal ligation is a method of sterilization for women, in which the oviduct (fallopian tube) connecting the ovary
and the uterus is tied, preventing the passage of ova. This method has a failure rate of less than 0.1%.
Abortion involves the use of medication or surgery to terminate a pregnancy before the fetus is viable (meaning
before it is capable of living unassisted outside the womb). In much rarer cases, a late-term abortions may
occur, even in the third trimester of pregnancy. Abortion is an effective method of birth control and is relatively
safe if carried out by qualified medical personnel (although the procedure is not without medical risk).
No birth control – on average, heterosexual intercourse without the use of birth control will result in
fertilization and pregnancy about 10% of the time. If pregnancy is not desired, this would correspond to a
failure rate of 90%.
Sources: Kane (1983), Solomon et al. (1990), and Leisinger and Schmitt (1994), and Speroff and Darney (2010).
Population Policies
A population policy refers to a larger social strategy that is designed and implemented by a government. Whether or
not a country has an official population policy, it does have a population issue. From the perspective of environmental
studies, the population problems of less-developed and developed countries are quite different in terms of their
characteristics and prospects for effective action through the implementation of a policy.
Less-Developed Countries
As was previously examined, less-developed countries are relatively poor and have not progressed far in terms of
industrial and socio-economic development. In addition, their populations are growing rapidly because of a large
excess of births over deaths. Under such conditions, unfettered population growth is a huge barrier to the
development process – it is an enormous undertaking just to provide the minimal requirements of life to rapidly
increasing numbers of people, let alone to achieve the improved standards of living that are expected from socio-
economic development.
Although many people migrate from less-developed countries to wealthier ones, there are not enough of those
emigrants to make much of a difference in their overpopulated home countries. This is because wealthy countries have
tight controls over the numbers of immigrants they are willing to receive, and compared with global population
In addition, because people who are better off are more inclined to have smaller families, a more equitable distribution
of wealth in less-developed countries would contribute greatly to achieving the necessary population goals. For a
similar reason, many people and agencies (such as the United Nations Population Fund) support the idea of a transfer
of some wealth from developed to less-developed countries. This could include both direct transfers of wealth and
relief of much of the foreign-held debt loads of poorer countries.
An effective but less desirable alternative to these sorts of population policies involves coercive initiatives in family
planning, such as social and/or economic disincentives to having more than one or two children per family. Forcing
people to use family-planning practices infringes on their human rights, even if there are long-term social and
environmental benefits. Consequently, coercion presents a social and ethical dilemma for governments. Such actions
may, however, prove to be necessary if free choices do not result in sufficient reductions of population growth.
There is also, of course, another alternative, which is easily implemented by all societies and governments. Instead of
designing and adopting effective population policies, governments could do little to reduce birth rates, thereby
allowing populations to continue to rapidly grow. This would intensify the severe environmental damage already being
caused in most less-developed countries, which would further decrease the carrying capacity for people, their
economy, and other species. The population and resource crises would then eventually resolve themselves in a natural,
biological fashion, as would happen for any species. There would be a catastrophic increase in the death rate – a crash
of the population.
Image 10.3. Compared with people living in wealthy countries, the inhabitants of less-developed countries use
much smaller amounts of material and energy resources. Therefore, on a per-capita basis, the environmental
impacts of poorer people are relatively small. This family is engaged in subsistence agriculture in West Papua
Developed Countries
Developed countries are relatively wealthy, and their average citizens have access to desirable lifestyles compared to
the typical conditions in less-developed countries. Moreover, most developed countries have passed through their
demographic transition or have substantially done so. Consequently, their natural rate of population growth is
relatively slow.
Progress through the demographic transition requires the maturation of new cultural attitudes about appropriate
family size and access to effective means of controlling reproduction. As such, population policies in developed
countries tend to ensure that people are sympathetic to small-family goals and that they have easy access to means of
birth control.
A major issue concerning the population policies of developed countries is the rate of immigration to allow. There are
huge numbers of poor people living in less-developed countries who would happily migrate to wealthier ones in search
of better economic, lifestyle, and social opportunities. In fact, many economists and politicians believe that this kind of
immigration should be encouraged. They believe that it is desirable for developed countries to have a growing
population, which would be an increasing marketplace for saleable goods while providing an abundant source of
inexpensive labour. In contrast, ecologically minded economists and environmental specialists argue that there are
severe limits to this kind of population and economic growth. This is because the relatively intensive lifestyles of the
growing numbers of people living in developed countries would require disproportionately increasing amounts of
resources, while generating large amounts of wastes. This kind growth is not sustainable for very long.
The characteristically high per-capita environmental impact of people living in wealthier countries integrates closely
Environmental scientists have suggested that continued uncontrolled growth of the human population could
eventually lead to a population crash. If such a catastrophe were to occur, it would probably be due to one of the
following kinds of scenario.
A Pandemic
A population crash could be caused by the emergence of one or more new, deadly, communicable diseases to which
humans have little or no immunity. There are historical precedents for such a disastrous pandemic. The best example
is the bubonic plague (or black death), which was caused by the bacterium Pasteurella pestis. Bubonic plague is thought
to have originally been an endemic disease of a species of wild rodent in Asia, later spreading to rats. Under unsanitary
conditions, humans and rats may live in close proximity, which can allow rat-fleas to bite people and spread bubonic
plague. The first outbreak of this disease occurred in the early fourteenth century, starting in central Asia and then
spreading through Europe. This was an extremely virulent disease with no known cure at the time, and it killed as
much as half of some human populations. Around 1320, the population of Europe was about 85 million, but this fell to
60 million by 1400 as a result of bubonic deaths. Today, bubonic plague can be effectively treated with antibiotics, and
rat populations are controlled by routine sanitation measures.
Another killer pandemic swept the world in 1918-19, caused by an epidemic of a novel strain of influenza. As many as
20-40 million people died. Other virulent diseases will probably emerge in the future, probably transmitted to humans
by close contact with other species, most likely from chickens or primates. A recent example is the Ebola virus, which
causes a deadly hemorrhagic (bleeding) fever. It was probably spread to humans from a species of rainforest monkey in
west-central Africa. Two other examples are a virulent strain of avian flu, which would likely jump to humans from
domestic chickens or ducks, and severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), whose origin is believed to be wild
carnivores killed as food for people. Some epidemiologists believe that acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS)
also has the potential to cause catastrophic mortality in human populations. AIDS is a slowly developing syndrome that
is almost always lethal unless there is access to the right kinds of drugs, which are rather expensive (see Global Focus
10.2). Finally, deadly antibiotic-resistant strains of Staphylococcus and other pathogenic bacteria may have to potential
to cause a human pandemic.
So far, medical science has managed to deal with these new, lethal, communicable diseases. However, science may not
be able to cope with all of the future pestilences that may arise. If this proves to be the case, there could be
catastrophic results for dense, vulnerable populations of modern humans. Such an event could be caused by the
emergence of a new virulent pathogen, but it could also be initiated by germ-warfare terrorism, for example, using the
anthrax or smallpox germs.
In 2013, about 35 million people were living with HIV (Table 10.7). The highest rates of infection are in sub-
Saharan Africa, where more than 24 million people are HIV-positive, equivalent to 5% of the adult population.
The infection rate is lower in Asia, but is increasing. However, because of programs to reduce the risk of
becoming infected, the annual rate of new infections has fallen by about 38% since 2001 (from as many as 3.6 in
2011 to 2.1 million in 2013; UNAIDS, 2014). The reduction of new HIV infections has declined especially in
children, by about 52% over that period. The cumulative mortality since the epidemic began is more than 39
million. The number of deaths was as many as 1.7 million in 2013, down from 2.6 million in 2005.
Table 10.7 Numbers of People with HIV/AIDS in 2013 (UNAIDS, 2013, 2014)
The death rate of HIV-positive people is relatively low in developed countries, where there is relatively good
access to antiretroviral and other drugs that can slow the development of the disease or treat its consequences.
Fewer people in less-developed countries have access to those treatments (nor do many poorer people in
wealthier countries). In fact, many HIV-positive people in less-developed countries do not even know that they
are HIV-positive. Fortunately, this situation in less-developed countries is improving due to assistance
programs originating in more-developed ones. In total, about 13 million HIV-positive people had access to
antiretroviral therapy in 2013, compared with 5 million in 2009.
Some countries in Africa have been hit especially hard by AIDS. Botswana is one of the worst-hit countries, with
23% of adults being HIV-positive in 2013. AIDS-related mortality will have an enormous effect on life
expectancy in that country, which in 2012 was 47 years, compared with 65 years in the absence of AIDS. The
huge increase in mortality has enormous implications for social and economic conditions in that country, as is
the case of all heavily afflicted countries.
AIDS is a terrible illness that is devastating for afflicted people and their families, and it is already contributing
to slowing the rate of increase of the human population. Nevertheless, this medical calamity does not mean
that world governments no longer need to develop and implement rational population policies. The human
population is still expected to grow substantially from its present huge size. Like population growth, the AIDS
epidemic is only partially recognized by most governments, and like population growth, it can be dealt with if
appropriate policies are developed and effective actions are taken.
The specter of famine has been present throughout human history. A famines can be caused by various factors,
including an insect outbreak, insufficient rainfall causing drought, excessive precipitation causing flooding, and
warfare and other socio-political upheavals. Ancient historical records are full of descriptions of deadly famines in
many societies. Some of the most catastrophic famines of pre-twentieth-century Asia and Europe killed hundreds of
thousands of people.
However, much greater famines have occurred since the beginning of the twentieth century. For example, as many as
5-10 million people may have starved in the Soviet Union during 1932-1934 as a combined result of drought and social
upheaval associated with the forced collectivization of private farms by the communist government. Another famine in
West Bengal in 1943 killed 2-4 million people. More recent famines have occurred in various parts of Africa and Asia,
usually caused by a crop failure due to drought and other extremes of weather, and often aggravated by the chaos of
war or revolution.
Overpopulation exacerbates most factors that contribute to famine. In general, a region or country is vulnerable to
famine under the following conditions:
Environmental Issues 10.1. Controversy over Population Policies, Family Planning, and Birth Control
Any objective consideration of national and global environmental problems would have to conclude that the
rapidly increasing population of humans is a key issue – in general, more people means an accelerating
depletion of natural resources, as well as more pollution and damage to biodiversity. Of course, it is not as
simple as this because environmental damage is also greatly affected by the lifestyles that people lead, which
influences their per-capita use of resources, generation of wastes, and effects on the natural world.
In spite of the obvious importance of actions to reduce the rate of population increase, there is much
controversy over policies related to family planning and birth control. A population policy is a strategy that is
designed and implemented by a government in order to influence growth of the numbers of people and other
demographic factors, such as the age distribution. For example, here are some key elements of provincial or
national population policies in Canada:
• encouraging immigration (which has more than double the influence on population growth in Canada than
does natural increase; see Chapter 11)
• in particular, encouraging the immigration of younger persons, who have a relatively long lifespan within the
working economy and so would help to offset the increased “aging” of the general population
• having more babies – various jurisdictions have enacted pro-natalist policies to encourage larger family
sizes, such as financial subsidies and relief from income tax
• ensuring that Canadians have easy access to safe and effective measures of birth control, which allows
people to make choices about their reproduction and family size
However, no Canadian government has ever indicated what it considers to be a “desirable” size of the
In many other countries, however, national leaders view an increasing population as being a clear threat to the
sustainability of their economy and to other environmental concerns. China is one such case – its population
was 0.55 billion in 1950 and grew to 1.364 billion in 2014, the largest of any country (Table 10.3). Because the
Government of China is acutely aware of the economic and environmental risks that are associated with rapidly
increasing numbers of people, it has enacted a relatively strong population policy. That policy is substantially
founded on allowing people to have easy access to a wide range of effective means of birth control, including
abortion, as well as only allowing one child per family (the latter policy began in 1979). This strategy is showing
signs of success, and the national population is expected to peak at around 1.4 billion in 2030, and to then have
a moderate decline to 1.3 billion in 2060.
However, the one-child policy is intensely controversial because it denies the right of people to choose their
family size. Moreover, those who have more than one child may be subjected to strong economic or social
penalties, such as a fine or restricted access to schooling, and in early years of implementation of the policy
there were cases of coerced abortion or sterilization – all of these consequences may be viewed as being
contrary to basic human rights. The case of China’s population policy presents a clear dilemma – it reflects the
tension between a desire to maintain individual rights and a larger societal goal of a sustainable population.
To varying degrees, there is controversy in all countries over the rights of people to have easy access to
effective means of birth control. In Canada, much of the argument is about access to abortion services (see
Canadian Focus 11.3). In many other countries, however, other means of family planning are also controversial –
in some cases, only abstinence is considered acceptable. This is particularly the case of countries or social
communities in which fundamentalist religious views have a powerful influence on public attitudes and
governmental policies, including nations in which the dominant religions are fundamentalist versions of
Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, or Judaism. This social circumstance could also be regarded as disregarding
certain basic rights, such as that of a woman to control her own body and fertility, and that of a family to plan
its size. There are varying rationales for the restriction of access to means of birth control in these sorts of
countries or communities. In essence, they involve ideas such as natural population increase being mandated
by God, while birth control is not, and they are further complicated by the notion that a large population
somehow transmutes into increased national power or influence.
It is clear that controversies over population policies, family planning, and birth control are not fully resolvable
– they are a societal dilemma. From the environmental perspective, it is crucial that the human population be
limited to a size that can be sustained by the capacity of the biosphere to provide resources and assimilate
wastes, while also respecting the need to conserve a viable natural world. This goal of sustainability can only be
achieved if people have easy access to effective means of controlling their reproduction, and in many cases, the
existing policies and laws are in conflict with those sorts of free choices.
Environmental catastrophists suggest that there could be a collapse in the ecological carrying capacity for the
extremely large human population. If that were to happen, widespread starvation would follow. It is already clear that
some potentially renewable resources have been exhausted by over-harvesting and that stocks of non-renewable ones
are being rapidly depleted (Chapters 12, 13, and 14). Compelling evidence of this phenomenon comes from collapsing
A Nuclear Holocaust
Enormous numbers of people have died prematurely through the direct and indirect consequences of warfare. The
most lethal conflicts were the First World War, which killed as many as 20 million people, and the Second World War,
during which at least 38 million died (Freedman, 1995). Potentially, however, modern humans are capable of killing
enormously larger numbers of people through the unbridled use of nuclear weapons. Despite significant reductions
since the “Cold War” ended in the early 1990s, the nuclear powers still have enormous arsenals of extremely powerful
nuclear weaponry, particularly the United States and Russia. The explosive power of these weapons is immense and
capable of causing such extreme damage to the human economy and the biosphere that any surviving people could be
returned to a Stone Age existence. Conventional military theory holds that nuclear arsenals are most useful as
deterrents against other nuclear-power nations, and recent treaties have resulted in large reductions in arsenals.
Nevertheless, the remaining stockpiles are immense and in active service, and it is not difficult to imagine scenarios of
political instability and conflict that could lead to a nuclear holocaust. Until all nuclear weapons are beaten into
ploughshares, a global nuclear disaster cannot be ruled out.
Although extraordinarily unlikely, it is conceivable that Earth and its ecosystems could suffer a natural, unpredictable,
environmental catastrophe such as a meteorite impact. There are precedents for such a rare event, with clear evidence
from the geological record (Chapter 3). For instance, it appears that about 65 million years ago, Earth may have been
struck by a meteorite, an accident that caused enormous environmental change and resulted in a mass-extinction
event (Chapters 6 and 26). Fortunately, cosmic calamities of such a colossal intensity are exceedingly rare, occurring
only every 25-30 million years or so. It is much more likely that any crash that might occur in the human population
would be caused by a virulent disease or a collapse of carrying capacity, rather than by a big-bang cataclysm from a
meteorite strike.
The human population has been growing exponentially in recent centuries. Additional growth will occur in the
foreseeable future, but at decreasing rates. Demographic models suggest that the population will eventually stabilize,
but this may happen at a level at least 50% larger than the more than 6 billion people alive today.
Accompanying the growth of the human population has been an even more rapid increase in per-capita environmental
impact. In combination, these have changed the biosphere on a scale and intensity that is comparable to the effects of
such enormous geological events as full-blown glaciation. The damage includes deforestation, depletion of all kinds of
natural resources, pollution, and mass extinction. It is clearly apparent that the cumulative, anthropogenic impacts on
the environment will escalate even further with increases in the abundance of people.
A key to decreasing the growth of the human population is to get less-developed countries through their demographic
transition, which requires reducing birth rates to a level that balances already low death rates. If this is to happen, a
widespread cultural change in favour of smaller families will have to occur, or else governments will have to coerce
The enormous growth of the human population must be kept in mind whenever environmental problems are
considered. To some degree, the environmental effects of people and their economies can be avoided or repaired by
technological strategies such as pollution control and the conservation of natural resources. However, the size of the
human population remains a root cause of the ecological damage caused by our species.
1. What are major stages of cultural evolution? How do they relate to changes in carrying capacity and growth of the
human population?
2. Explain the demographic transition. Compare its dynamics in developed and less-developed countries.
3. Why is age-class structure so important in future growth of a population?
4. Describe possible reasons why the human population will eventually level off or decrease.
1. What is the recent pattern of growth of the human population? Discuss possible scenarios for future growth.
2. Compare demographic parameters and population growth rates in developed and less-developed countries. What
social and economic factors explain the differences?
3. What are the major means of birth control? Discuss controversies associated with their use.
4. What is the likelihood of a human population crash? What are the potential causes?
5. Why is HIV/AIDS more prevalent in poorer countries than in wealthier ones?
Exploring Issues
1. The government of a less-developed country has asked for your help in designing a population policy. You will visit
the country for several months to get an appreciation of the socio-economic and environmental problems that
exist and to help you understand cultural influences on the design of a population policy. What kinds of studies
would you want to make during your visit? What key elements would you recommend for the population policy?
2. The personal choice to use birth control can be difficult and is further complicated by considerations about the
various methods that are available. Make a list of the key ethical, social, and economic issues associated with any
three methods of birth control (you can select them from In Detail 10.1). Consider both the personal dimensions of
choice (personal ethics and views) as well as those relevant to society at large (such as group pressure, whether a
particular method is legal, and the ease of access to particular methods).
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Wrigley, E.A. 2004. Poverty, Progress and Population. Cambridge University Pressm Cambridge, UK.
Yaukey, D. and D.L. Anderton. 2001. Demography: The Study of Human Population. 2nd ed. Waveland Press, Long
Grove, IL.
In Chapter 10 we examined the dynamics of human populations in different countries as well as on a global scale. This
information provides an international context for the examination of population issues in Canada. Canada ranks among
the top 20% of nations in terms of its human population (about 36 million in 2015). Canada also ranks among the
wealthiest of nations in terms of per-capita indicators of economic development, use of natural resources, and impacts
on environmental quality (see Chapter 1). Because Canadians have an environmentally intensive lifestyle, our country
has a much greater impact on Earth and its resources than would be predicted on the basis of its population alone.
Image 11.1. Although population densities are high in Canadian cities (illustrated by this crowd listening to
musical buskers in Halifax), they are relatively low in the country as a whole. Most of Canada is not suitable for
Because Canada has achieved a relatively high level of economic and social development, it has an opportunity to
manage its environmental quality in a sustainable manner. Canada also has a responsibility to control its population
growth within sustainable limits. Moreover, because of our privileged and wealthy status, Canada has an obligation to
demonstrate a vision of sustainability to other nations, including less-developed countries that are hoping to emulate
our achievements. A central element of sustainable development is the implementation of a sensible population policy.
It is important that Canadians become knowledgeable about national and global population issues. If Canadians
understand these subjects, they will be sympathetic to population policies that are appropriate within Canada, as well
as abroad.
Around 1000 CE, the Norse explorer Leif Ericsson made several landfalls along the northeast coast of North America.
The Norse attempted a colonization, including a settlement at l’Anse aux Meadows in Newfoundland, but that quickly
failed. About 500 years later, other European explorers encountered vast regions in the Americas that had previously
been unknown to them. They did not, however, find unpopulated lands. In fact, all of the Americas were fully occupied
by various indigenous or Aboriginal cultures (consisting of First Nations or Amerindians, plus the northern Inuit). At the
end of the fifteenth century, at the time of the voyages of Christopher Columbus and John Cabot, the indigenous
peoples of the Americas had an estimated population of about 35 million people. About 30 million of these people lived
in South and Central America, and 5 million in North America.
Some of the First Nations had developed advanced cultures and economies, particularly the Aztecs and Maya of
Central America and the Inca of South America. These people built elaborate cities that contained great pyramids and
other impressive buildings. Their nations were supported by complex physical and social infrastructures. Like cities
everywhere, those of the more advanced Amerindian societies relied on the surrounding agricultural landscape to
supply food, water, and other resources. Furthermore, taxes were collected from people living in the producing regions
to support the rulers, administrators, soldiers, and artisans who were living in the urbanized centers.
The First Nations cultures in what is now Canada were diverse, comprising 12 language groups, some of which had
many dialects. Some of the cultures, such as the Huron and Iroquois of the eastern temperate woodlands, were
essentially agrarian societies. These people supplemented their agricultural livelihood by foraging for useful wild plants
and by hunting deer, birds, fish, and other animals. They lived in grand longhouses in stockaded villages, surrounded by
well-tended fields in which they cultivated maize, beans, pumpkin, squash, sunflower, and other crops.
Other First Nations subsisted largely through hunting and foraging lifestyles. The Bella Coola, Haida, Nootka, Tlingit,
and related nations of the humid Pacific coast exploited a relatively abundant and predictable resource base, and
consequently, they lived in permanent settlements. These people were mostly fishers of salmon, molluscs, and
additional coastal resources, supplemented by wild plants, deer, and other terrestrial resources.
Most of the First Nations of the western prairies, such as the Assiniboine, Blackfoot, and Piegan, were semi-nomadic
hunters of the enormous herds of bison and other prairie animals that existed at the time. The more northern
Athapaskans, Chipewyan, Cree, Dene, and Innu of the sweeping boreal forest hunted caribou, moose, beaver, and
waterfowl, and fished for grayling, trout, whitefish, and pike. The Beothuk, Mi’kmaq, and Maliseet of the Atlantic region
also hunted moose, deer, and caribou, fished in freshwaters, and gathered shellfish in shallow coastal waters. All of
these peoples also gathered wild plant foods when they were abundant. The northernmost Inuit were the most recent
Aboriginal migrants to Canada. They subsisted on marine mammals, such as ringed seal, walrus, beluga, narwhal, and
even great bowhead whales. They also hunted caribou when those migratory animals were nearby.
Not much is known about the population sizes of these Aboriginal nations of what is now Canada. Estimates are based
on assumptions about their lifestyle and the presumed carrying capacity of their habitats. At about the time when the
first Europeans came to Canada, the total Aboriginal population may have been about 300,000.
European Contact
The European colonization of the Americas began in the early sixteenth century, following the “discovery” of these
lands in 1492 by Christopher Columbus, who was a Genoan sailing on behalf of the Spanish Crown. Columbus was
seeking an oceanic passage to the rich spices and silks of China, India, Japan, and Southeast Asia, but he blundered on
Soon after the arrival of the Europeans, the numbers of Aboriginal people began to precipitously decline. By the end of
the nineteenth century, the Amerindian population of North America was only about 20% of their initial 5 million. The
most important causes of this calamitous mortality were infectious diseases, particularly measles, smallpox,
tuberculosis, and influenzas. Europeans were relatively tolerant of these diseases that they brought to the Americas,
but the indigenous peoples were extremely vulnerable. Epidemiologists refer to populations that are hypersensitive to
infectious diseases as “virgin fields”. Such populations can suffer intense mortality from introduced diseases (known as
virgin-field epidemics).
In addition, huge numbers of Aboriginal peoples died as a direct and indirect result of conflicts associated with the
European conquest. Others died during inter-tribal wars, some of which were precipitated when competing European
nations upset previous balances of power among indigenous groups, in part by providing their Aboriginal allies with
advanced weaponry. In addition, many people starved when they were dispossessed of their resources and livelihoods
by European colonists and governments. For example, the rapacious 19th-century slaughter of the great bison herds
was partly a stratagem to deprive the Plains First Nations of their crucial resource base.
In 1500, there were about 300,000 indigenous people in Canada, a population that subsequently collapsed to perhaps
60,000. The Aboriginal nations of Canada now number about 1.4 million people whose self-identified ancestry is First
Nation (or Indian; 852-thousand), Métis (452-thousand), or Inuit (60-thousand) (2011 data; Statistics Canada, 2012).
The initial wave of Europeans coming to Canada were mostly French and British adventurers seeking furs, fish, timber,
agricultural land, trade, and colonial lands. Compared with their European homelands, which even then were relatively
densely populated, Canada represented a great frontier to these colonists, replete with boundless opportunities to
develop livelihoods and make money. The fact that these lands were already occupied by Aboriginal cultures did not
matter much to the European colonists because the dominant world views of the time were aggressive and imperialist.
These beliefs served to legitimize the displacement of indigenous peoples by the technologically empowered
Slowly over the first century or so, and then as a great flood of immigration, colonists came to Canada from France and
Britain, and later from many other countries. Today, the population is an amalgam derived from a rich diversity of
immigrants from virtually all parts of the world, plus descendants of the original Aboriginal cultures.
Between 1500 and 1700, the population of the North American continent increased to about 6 million people. This
included about 1 million black slaves, who had been brought unwillingly from Africa to the southeastern colonies to
work on plantations. Under laws of the time, slaves were the human property of their “owners,” having no personal
freedom and few rights. Although people in the northern colonies had few slaves, they did employ large numbers of
indentured servants, mostly of European origin, who were bound to their employers by contracts and debts that in
many cases were impossible to pay off. Those difficult obligations were not much removed from slavery.
Following this initial phase of colonization, the pace of immigration markedly quickened. Data are not available for the
entire period, but between 1820 and 1930 at least 50 million persons of European birth migrated to colonies and former
colonies around the world, but particularly to the Americas. This immense human dispersal involved about one-fifth of
the population of Europe during the period. The mass migration was stimulated by a combination of factors: rapid
population growth in Europe, a shortage of arable land there, famine in Ireland and other countries, and rivalries
As was noted in Chapter 10, this great 19th and 20th-century dispersal was a critical factor in allowing European
countries to have a relatively easy passage through their demographic transitions.
Canadian Focus 11.1. The Legacy of Daniel LeBlanc and Françoise Gaudet
In 1650, Daniel LeBlanc emigrated from France to Acadia. He married Françoise Gaudet, also an immigrant, and
settled into subsistence farming near what is now Annapolis Royal in Nova Scotia. Many families during that
time were large, which was considered a good thing because children helped with the onerous labour of
clearing the forest, tending crops and livestock, and taking care of the home and extended family. In fact,
fecundity remained high among French Canadians for more than three centuries until the 1950s and 1960s,
when birth rates began to plummet.
Daniel and Françoise had seven children – six sons and a daughter. Five of their sons married, presenting Daniel
and Françoise with 35 grandchildren. Today, the LeBlanc family has an enormous legacy of descendants,
estimated to number more than 300,000 in Canada and the United States (many have the anglicized surname
White). The LeBlanc clan is the largest of the Acadian lineages. This extraordinary case demonstrates the
awesome power of human population growth.
The French effort of colonization began in 1604, when Samuel de Champlain led an expedition that settled near
Annapolis Royal in the lower Bay of Fundy, followed by another mission that founded Quebec City in 1608. In
the early 1600s, there were about 500 French colonists in the region known as New France. In 1663, after a half-
century of tentative colonization, a census reported 3,215 people of French origin in Quebec, while another in
1671 found about 400 in Acadia. Most were single men who had journeyed to the Canadian frontier as soldiers,
as priests hoping to convert indigenous people to Roman Catholicism, as government administrators, or as
adventurers seeking their fortune through the fur trade.
In the following decade, the pace of colonization quickened markedly because of renewed sponsorship by the
French government. Many families of settlers arrived from France, intent on developing agriculture in the
fertile lowlands of Acadia and along the St. Lawrence River. The immigration of single women was also
encouraged to offset a substantial deficit of females in New France. Many of these young women were
recruited from Parisian orphanages and were known as les filles du roi. In 1673, there were about 6700
Francophones in New France.
Immigration then greatly slowed because royal sponsorship of emigrants ended and there were also dwindling
prospects for finding work in the colonies. French immigration to Acadia ceased when that area was ceded to
Britain in 1713, and it terminated to Isle Royale (Cape Breton Island) after the fortress of Louisbourg was lost to a
British siege in 1758. Immigration to Quebec then also ended after the British victory at the Plains of Abraham in
1759, which effectively ended the colonization of eastern Canada by France. Population growth after this period
was almost entirely due to natural increases, owing to the excess of births over deaths.
Birth rates were high in New France (and elsewhere) during the 18th century, typically about 50-60 per 1000
people in the population. Anecdotal evidence suggests there was great fecundity in early colonial times – one
soldier serving under the Marquis de Montcalm is said to have had 250 descendants when he died. Families of
By 1770, the francophone population of Quebec had increased to 86,000. After 1759, all the growth of the
French-Canadian population was due to the natural excess of births over mortality, while much of the growth
of the non-francophone population was due to immigration. By 1815, the francophone population of Quebec
was 269,000 (there were also about 60,000 British colonists), and in 1885, it was 1.18 million (plus 250,000 non-
Francophones). During the nineteenth century, the average number of births in Catholic families in Quebec was
about seven (this refers to all Catholics, but the great majority of them were French). This high fecundity is
typical of populations at the beginning of their demographic transition. It should be pointed out, however, that
high fecundity was not unique to Quebec – it was also typical of areas elsewhere in Canada, including Ontario.
In 1926, there were about 3 million Francophones in Quebec, elsewhere in Canada, and in the United States.
Almost all of these people were descendants of the original few hundred emigrants from France. At the present
time, there are about 6.8 million French Canadians. This includes about 5.9 million Francophones living in
Quebec, 300-thousand Acadians, and smaller numbers in other provinces. There are also hundreds of
thousands of Americans of French descent, many of whom live in Louisiana and New England.
Population Growth
Reliable information is available describing early population growth in some regions of what is now Canada, notably in
the eastern tracts known as New France (see Canadian Focus 11.1 and 11.2). The first credible estimate of the population
of all of Canada is for 1851, when there were about 2.4 million people (Figure 11.1). By 1867, the year of Confederation, the
population was 3.3 million, and by the turn of the twentieth century it had increased to 5.4 million. Much of the
population growth resulted from a natural rate of increase of 1.3-2.0% per year, with birth rates of 36-45 per 1000
people and death rates of 18-21 per 1000. In fact, because of a relatively depressed economy during the first several
decades after Confederation, immigrants to Canada were fewer than emigrants.
Figure 11.1. The Population of Canada. In 1851, the Canadian population was about 2.4 million. This graph shows
the steady growth of the population up to 2015, when it was 35 million. Data from Statistics Canada (1992,
2014a) and World Resources Institute (2008).
The natural rate of growth of the Canadian population (birth rate minus death rate) has slowed markedly during the
past century (Figures 11.2 and 11.3). This has happened mainly because of rapid decreases in the birth rates, which now
almost counterbalance the death rates (which had declined earlier).
Figure 11.2. Components of Natural Growth of the Canadian Population. The data are standardized per 1000
people in the population and are annual rates. Note that an annual growth rate of 10/1000 is equivalent to 1%
An exception to the general decline in birth rates is a demographic anomaly known as the baby boom, which occurred
between the mid-1940s and late-1950s. This period of relatively high fecundity was due to social optimism following
the end of the Second World War. In addition, during that War many couples delayed marriage and childbearing
because so many young men went overseas to fight, while many women were employed in factories and other wartime
occupations. After the war ended, people again turned their attention to having families. During the baby boom, the
birth rate averaged about 27 per 1000, and the natural growth rate of the population was 1.9% per year.
An important reason for the end of the baby boom was the growing affluence and urbanization of many Canadians,
which led to a general preference to have smaller families. Also important was the increasingly easy access to and
social acceptance of methods of birth control. By the year 2014 the birth rate in Canada was 11 per 1000, and the natural
rate of increase of the population was 0.36% per year.
Immigration has always been an important factor in the population growth of Canada, as can be appreciated by
examining Figure 11.3. During most of Canada’s history, considerably more migrants have moved to this country than
away from it. The major exception was during the latter decades of the 19th century, when many people emigrated
from Canada to the United States and there were brief episodes of negative migration. During the 20th century,
however, Canada had consistently high rates of net migration.
Figure 11.3. Population Growth Rates in Canada. Natural growth rates are calculated as births minus deaths,
while the actual growth rate also accounts for net migration (immigrants minus emigrants). The data are
standardized to the size of the population and are average annual rates. Data from Kalbach (1988) and Statistics
Canada (2007a, 2014a).
Since the mid-1980s, net immigration has contributed about half of Canada’s population growth rate (the rest is due to
natural growth; Figure 11.3). If sustained, the 0.98% per year rate of increase of 2010–2014 would result in the
population doubling in only 72 years. This rate of population growth is similar to that of the United States and Australia,
which are also relatively wealthy countries with small natural rates of population growth but substantial rates of
immigration. These three countries are exceptional: most other developed nations, particularly those of Europe, have
much smaller rates of population increase, in part because they do not permit much immigration (see Chapter 10). This
can be attributed mainly to higher population densities of European countries in comparison with Canada, the United
States, and Australia.
Future Growth
Results of four models of future Canadian populations are summarized in Figure 11.4. Actual population growth is
shown from 1972 to 2013, and then four scenarios are presented to 2063. The low-, medium-, and high-growth models
are from Statistics Canada (2014), and the fourth is a simple projected based on growth at 1% per year (which has been
the rate over about the past decade). All of the scenarios are realistic to some degree because they involve plausible
outcomes of either recent trends or reasonably anticipated changes in government policy regarding immigration and
demographic issues, as well as reproductive choices made by families. Overall, the models predict that the population
of Canada will grow substantially from its 2015 value of about 36 million. The slow-growth model project a population
of about 40 million in 2062, compared with 51 million in the medium-growth, 64 million in the high-growth, and 58
Figure 11.4. Recent and Projected Canadian Populations. The low-growth model is based on lower rates of
fertility and immigration than occur at present. The high-growth model is based on higher rates of fertility and
immigration, while the medium-growth model is between those two. The 1% per year model is based on a
compounded calculation based on the typical rate of population increase that has occurred over the past
decade. Data for the low-, medium, and high-growth models are from Statistics Canada (2014b).
Population Structure
The age structure of the Canadian population is illustrated in Figure 11.5. In general, the pattern is typical of a
population that has progressed most of the way through its demographic transition. Note, however, the anomalous
bulge of numbers that corresponds to the baby boomers. Fecundity dropped in Canada after the baby boom, and once
this bulge has worked its way through the population structure, the age distribution will assume a more uniformly
vertical shape. As the baby boomers age and retire from work, they are expected to exert significant strain on Canada’s
capacity for providing social and medical care for its elderly citizens.
Although Canada has a population structure characteristic of a country that has almost completed its demographic
transition, the growth rate remains relatively high, at about 1% per year. Much of the population growth is due to
immigration. Although this factor is not related to age-class structure, it is notable that relatively young people of
childbearing age are prominent among immigrants to Canada. This adds further momentum to population growth.
Figure 11.5. Age Structure of the Canadian Population in 2014. This diagram shows the relative numbers of
people by age. The demographic “bump” of people peaking at about 55 years old corresponds to a period of
Regional Differences
All regions of Canada have experienced substantial population growth during the past century (Table 11.1). During the
past several decades, however, the increases have been most rapid in Alberta, British Columbia, Ontario, and
Saskatchewan. In 1867, the Atlantic Provinces accounted for 21% of the Canadian population, while Quebec was 32%,
Ontario 44%, and the rest of the country 3%. At that time the western regions were largely unsettled, but tremendous
population growth has since occurred there. The Atlantic Provinces now account for 7% of the Canadian population,
Quebec 23%, Ontario 39%, the Prairie Provinces 18%; British Columbia 13%, and the three territories 0.3% (Table 11.2).
Table 11.1. Regional Distribution of the Canadian Population. These data show the growth of the population of
Canada and its regions since Confederation in 1867. Note that data for the Prairie Provinces prior to 1901
include only Manitoba. Data for Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Yukon were combined with the Northwest
Territories until 1901, when they became separate political units. In 1949, Newfoundland joined Canada. Data
are in thousands of people. Data from Statistics Canada (1992, 2014d)
The highest rates of natural population increase (births minus deaths) occur in Nunavut (1.9%/year), the Northwest
Territories (1.4%/y) (Table 11.3). In those territories, the populations are dominated by persons of First Nations and
Inuit communities, which tend to have relatively large families and a higher rate of population growth. Those
territories also have the lowest mortality rates, largely because of their comparatively young populations. People
younger than 15 years comprised 30% of the population of NU and 21% of NWT in 2014, compared with a national
average of 16% (Statistics Canada, 2014g). Overall, the age structure and growth rates of these territories is comparable
to regions that are only beginning to pass through their demographic transition, and in that sense, they are anomalous
with the rest of Canada.
Table 11.3. Demographic Parameters by Province and Territory. Data are per 1,000 people in the population and
are annual rates (for 2014; note that a value of 10 per thousand per year is the same as 1% per year). Data for
total increase include net migration. Fertility rate is the average number of births per woman aged 15-49 (in
2011). Data from Statistics Canada (2014e,f).
The population of Canada is much denser in southern parts of the country, and especially in urbanized areas (Figure
11.6). This pronounced spatial pattern reflects the distribution of economic opportunities in Canada, most of which are
related to urbanization, climate, and suitability of the land for agriculture.
Figure 11.6. Population density in Canada. The areas marked in red account for 75% of the population, while
those in light-orange account for almost 25%. The area in white, which accounts for about 99% of the area of
Until the latter half of the twentieth century, most Canadians lived in rural environments where they worked in
agriculture and other country livelihoods. The proportion of Canadians living in the countryside has steadily
decreased, from 87% in 1851 to 19% in 2011 (Figure 11.6).
Figure 11.7. Rural and Urban Populations in Canada. The total population (millions of people) and the percentage
distribution of urban and rural Canadians are presented. The definitions of “rural” and “urban” have varies over
time, but recently rural has meant people living outside populations centres smaller than 1,000 and outside
areas with more than 400 persons/km2. Data from Statistics Canada (2014h).
As time passes, urban Canadians are living in increasingly larger centres of population. In 1871, only 2.9% of Canadians
lived in centres with a population greater than 100-thousand people. In 2011, 63% of Canadians lived in the 20 largest
cities in the country (Table 11.4), even though these metropolitan areas account for only 0.6% of the country’s
landmass. In fact, 35% of Canadians live in the three largest cities.
Table 11.4. Cities of Canada. The populations of the 20 largest metropolitan areas of Canada, in decreasing order
of population (in 2011). Percent increase refers to growth over the period 1971 to 2011. Data from Statistics
Canada (1997, 2014i).
Most government planners, politicians, and leaders in business do not consider Canada to be overpopulated. In fact,
they more typically believe that Canada is underpopulated and capable of comfortably absorbing considerable growth
of its population. This view is debatable in view of the relatively intensive lifestyles of Canadians (which is typical of
people living in developed countries) and the correspondingly large per-capita environmental impact. Nevertheless,
continuing the population-growth paradigm is the predominant way of thinking among decision makers in Canadian
governments and businesses. Consequently, Canada and its regions do not have well-developed population policies,
other than those that establish targets and guidelines for the numbers and types of immigrants that will be allowed
into the country.
In addition, Canadian governments have not encouraged other countries to develop their own population policies,
especially those that are less-developed and have rapidly growing populations. Canadian governments also do not
provide significant aid to those poorer countries to help them increase the availability of birth control. By not
becoming involved in the population problems of less-developed countries, our governments avoid potentially high-
profile controversy. However, this attitude contributes little to dealing with the global increase of the human
Governments within Canada also lack policies to encourage their citizens to have smaller families as a means of
slowing the growth of national or regional populations. In fact, Canadian governments more typically pursue policies
that are pro-natalist. This has been true of the government of Quebec, which in recent times has provided cash
payments to women based on the number of children they have, and had provided daycare at greatly subsidized costs
to parents. In addition, all provinces and the federal government provide substantial income-tax breaks to parents
based on the number of children they are supporting. These tax benefits are intended to help lower-income families
with the costs of child-rearing, but they can be interpreted as a pro-natalist aspect of the income-tax system.
Image 11.2. People living in wealthy countries, such as Canada, use resources intensively and therefore have a
high per capita environmental impact. This is a view of the Eaton Centre in Toronto. Source: B. Freedman.
However, governments in Canada do permit their citizens to choose freely among a wide range of safe and effective
As was discussed in Chapter 10, abortion is an extremely contentious issue in Canada and elsewhere. The controversy
has resulted in many public demonstrations and confrontations between pro-life (anti-abortion) and pro-choice (pro-
abortion) groups. In a few instances, the patrons and personnel of abortion clinics have been illegally harassed or
assaulted, and clinics have even been firebombed. In the 1990s, there were three cases of doctors who had provided
abortion services being shot (in Ancaster, Vancouver, and Winnipeg), and in 2000 another was stabbed at his clinic
Nevertheless, although abortion and other means of birth control remain controversial issues, Canadians who desire to
control the number and spacing of their children do have relatively easy and inexpensive access to safe and effective
means of birth control. While most Canadians take responsible advantage of this opportunity, it is not comparably
available to most people in the world. Consequently, the natural rate of population increase in Canada is relatively
small, while it is high in almost all poorer countries.
Moreover, immigration is a key contributor to population growth in Canada. It is well known that, other than
descendants of its original Aboriginal peoples, Canada is almost entirely populated by immigrants and their offspring
(accounting for about 97% of the total population). Canada has always had a relatively open immigration policy, and this
continues today. In 2013, Canada admitted 259-thousand immigrants (permanent residents) from more than 200
countries, including 24-thousand refugees, equivalent to about 0.8% of the national population (Citizenship and
Immigration Canada, 2014). The top source countries of immigrants were the Philippines (14%), China (12%), and India
(10%). The overall population growth of Canada is about 1% per year, and net immigration accounts for about 60% of
that growth. If not for its rather vigorous immigration rate, Canada would be close to a ZPG (zero population growth)
There has always been some controversy over the immigration and refugee policies of Canada, as is true of all
countries. Newcomers have contributed enormously to the economic development and cultural diversity of Canada –
they have helped to make the country an interesting and prosperous place to live. These benefits must, however, be
balanced against some of the downsides of continuing to have relatively open immigration policies, because of their
contribution to rapid population growth. It is obvious that any population policy to reduce the rate of population
growth in Canada must deal with the numbers of immigrants that the country accepts.
However, all of these methods of birth control are controversial to varying degrees. As a result, powerful
interest groups, including major religions, have steadfastly opposed the use of some of the most effective
Abortion is, by far, the most contentious method of birth control. Many people view abortion as the taking of a
human life, while others regard this medical procedure as a safe means by which a woman can choose to
terminate an unwanted pregnancy. The situation is sometimes described as pitting the right to life of the fetus
against the right of the mother to control her body and make decisions about her own life and lifestyle.
Although both positions may share concerns about preventing unwanted pregnancies, the highly polarized
views on abortion are essentially irreconcilable and so there is intense controversy. In Canada, the medical
procedure of abortion is no longer a crime, but anti-abortion groups have continued to picket in public places,
including hospitals and clinics where the service is provided. Most of the protest actions have been peaceful,
but a few have not. There have been cases of violence in Canada and the United States, including arson and
bombing of clinics, and physical attacks on doctors and other personnel involved with providing abortion as a
medical service.
Henry Morgentaler is the most famous crusader for access to abortion services in Canada. He has been
prosecuted several times under provisions of the Criminal Code that had effectively banned abortion services
outside of a framework for access decisions in public hospitals. (The consent of a committee of doctors was
required before an abortion could be provided, but some hospitals did not have such a committee, and some
provinces did not allow them to be formed.) However, Morgentaler was never convicted by a jury of any of the
charges laid against him (in four trials). Eventually, in 1988, ruling on an appeal by the Crown of a Morgentaler
acquittal, the Supreme Court of Canada struck down the criminal code provisions as contravening the Charter
of Rights and Freedoms, based on the lack of access for many women to abortion services in hospitals. That
decision effectively legalized the availability of the medical procedure in Canada. In 2011, about 92.5-thousand
abortions were reported in Canada (60% in private clinics; CIHI, 2014).
Although Henry Morgentaler has been a highly polarizing force within Canadian society, in July 2008 he was
awarded the Order of Canada. This highest available and prestigious civilian honour was given in recognition of
his notable contribution to Canadian society. Not surprisingly, the award was controversial.
An important context of the abortion debate is whether women, particularly those living in isolated regions and
in poorer countries, should have reasonable access to alternative means of family planning (including birth-
control drugs, condoms, and intrauterine devices). Many people believe that a successful population policy
requires the education of women about health and reproductive issues, while ensuring that they have access to
safe and effective means of birth control. The education of men to take responsibility for pregnancy is also
crucial. However, in most cultures and circumstances, women have traditionally had the primary responsibility
for pregnancy and childcare.
In addition to family planning, birth control, and abortion, some new issues related to human reproduction are
also creating controversy. These include advances in reproductive technology leading to artificial insemination,
test-tube babies, and cloning. Social changes, such as the acceptability of same-sex couples, are also altering
the traditional allocation of childcare responsibilities.
Population issues are controversial, and they are uncomfortable for many people to examine and discuss in an
objective manner. Yet they are too important to ignore, because sustainable economies will never be developed
unless the population of humans is controlled.
Selected Web Resources Lifesite Canada, https://www.lifesitenews.com/ (a pro-life web site) Feminist Majority
Foundation, https://feminist.org/ (a pro-choice web site) United Nations Population
Fund, http://www.unfpa.org/
At the time of its “discovery” by European explorers, about 300-thousand Aboriginal people were living in what is now
Canada. The Aboriginal population then collapsed due to the effects of introduced diseases, warfare, and social
disruption, but it has now increased to more than 1 million. The colonization of New France began in 1604 but totaled
only a few thousand immigrants; however, the descendants of these people today number more than 7 million.
Immigration of English and other Europeans also began in the 17th century and continued to the present, to be joined
in the 20th and 21st centuries by migrants from all parts of the world. Today, the population of Canada is more than 35
million and it continues to increase at about 1% per year, which is sufficient to double its size in another 70 years.
1. How did the population size of Aboriginal people in Canada differ before and after the European colonization?
2. How have recent trends in population and growth rates differed among the provinces and territories of Canada?
3. What are the relative importance of birth rate, death rate, immigration, and emigration to the population growth in
the province or territory where you live?
1. How has the growth of the Canadian population changed over time? Discuss the factors influencing growth during
the past several decades and those that will likely influence it into the near future.
2. Compare the age-class structure of the Canadian population with that of a less-developed country. Explain the
3. What are the basic elements of the population policy of the government of Canada? Do you think they should be
changed? If so, which aspects should be changed?
4. Do you consider Canada to be underpopulated or overpopulated? Explain your reasons.
Exploring Issues
1. Assume that the government of Canada is worried about the “aging” population and is thinking about
implementing pro-natalist policies (such as giving money to parents who have additional children) as well as
increasing the rate of immigration. You are a prominent environmental specialist and have been asked to make a
presentation to a House of Commons committee that is considering these issues. What arguments would you use
to convince the politicians that an increase in the rate of population growth is not desirable?
2. The decision whether to have children and how many is complex. Make a list of the “benefits and costs” of having a
child and how these change with increasing family size. Consider the personal benefits and costs (such as the
satisfaction of nurturing children, and the cost of purchasing clothing) as well as those shared with society (such
as medical and education costs).
Bracq, J.C. 1926. The Evolution of French Canada. Macmillan, New York, NY.
Burger, J. 1990. The Gaia Atlas of First Peoples. Doubleday Dell, New York, NY.
Canadian Institute for Health Information (CIHI). 2014. Number of Induced Abortions Reported in Canada† in 2011, by
Province/Territory of Hospital or Clinic. http://www.cihi.ca/CIHI-ext-portal/pdf/internet/
Crosby, A.W. 1986. Ecological Imperialism: The Biological Expansion of Europe, 900–1900. London: Cambridge
University Press.
Dumas, J. and A. Belanger. 1998. Report on the Demographic Situation in Canada, 1997. Statistics Canada, Ottawa, ON.
Kalbach, W.E. 1988. Population. pp. 1719-1722 In: The Canadian Encyclopedia, 2nd ed. Hurtig Publishers, Edmonton.
Knowles, V. 2007. Strangers at Our Gates: Canadian Immigration and Immigration Policy, 1540-2006. 2nd ed. Dundurn,
Toronto, ON.
Leacy, F.H. 1983. Historical Statistics of Canada, 2nd ed. Statistics Canada, Ottawa, ON.
Natural Resources Canada. 2012. Atlas of Canada. Population Distribution, 2006. http://atlas.nrcan.gc.ca/site/english/
Ray, A. 1987. When two worlds meet. pp. 17-104 In: Brown, C. (ed.). The Illustrated History of Canada. Lester, Toronto,
Statistics Canada. 1992. Postcensal Annual Estimates of Population by Marital Status, Age, Sex, and Components of
Growth for Canada, Provinces, and Territories. Ottawa: Statistics Canada.
Statistics Canada. 1997. A National Overview—Population and Dwelling Counts. Ottawa: Statistics Canada.
Statistics Canada. 2012. Aboriginal Peoples in Canada: First Nations People, Metis and Inuit, National Household Survey,
2011. Catalogue no. 99-011-X2011001, Statistics Canada, Ottawa, ON. http://www12.statcan.gc.ca/nhs-enm/2011/as-
Statistics Canada. 2014a. Population by year, by province and territory. CANSIM, Table
051-0001. http://www5.statcan.gc.ca/cansim/
December, 2014.
Statistics Canada. 2014b. Population Projections for Canada (2013 to 2063), Provinces and Territories (2013 to 2038).
Publication 91-520-X. http://www.statcan.gc.ca/pub/91-520-x/2014001/c-g-eng.htm
Statistics Canada. 2014c. Population by sex and age group, 2014. CANSIM, Table 051-0001. http://www.statcan.gc.ca/
Statistics Canada. 2014e. Components of population growth, by province and territory. CANSIM, Table
051-0004. http://www.statcan.gc.ca/tables-tableaux/sum-som/l01/cst01/demo33a-eng.htm
Statistics Canada. 2014f. Births and total fertility rate, by province and territory. CANSIM, Table
102-4505. http://www.statcan.gc.ca/tables-tableaux/sum-som/l01/cst01/hlth85b-eng.htm
Statistics Canada. 2014g. Population by sex and age group, by province and territory. CANSIM, Table
051-0001. http://www.statcan.gc.ca/tables-tableaux/sum-som/l01/cst01/demo31a-eng.htm
Statistics Canada. 2014h. Population, urban and rural, by province and territory (Canada). From 2011 Census of
Population. http://www.statcan.gc.ca/tables-tableaux/sum-som/l01/cst01/demo62a-eng.htm
Statistics Canada. 2014i. Population and dwelling counts, for census metropolitan areas, 2011 and 2006 censuses. From
2006 and 2011 Census of Population. http://www12.statcan.gc.ca/census-recensement/2011/dp-pd/hlt-fst/pd-pl/
Trovato, F. 2008. Canada’s Population in a Global Context: An Introduction to Social Demography. Oxford University
Press, Toronto, ON.
Young, B. and J.A. Dickinson. 1988. A Short History of Quebec: A Socio-Economic Perspective. Copp Clark Pitman,
Toronto, ON.
World Resources Institute. 2008. EarthTrends. The Environmental Information Portal. Washington, DC.
For about five decades now, we have been able to examine photographs of Earth as viewed from space. Images from
that perspective show that Earth is a spherical mass, with a blue oceanic surface, brownish-green landmasses, and a
clear atmosphere except where visibility is obscured by whitish clouds. Such images also reveal that beyond Earth and
its atmosphere is the immense, black void of space – an extremely dilute, universal matrix. If we divert our attention
from this compelling image of spaceship Earth and focus instead on the unimaginably larger abyss of space, we cannot
fail to be stirred by the utter isolation of our lonely planet, the only place in the cosmos that is known to sustain life
and ecosystems.
With such a lucid image of Earth in mind, it is not difficult to understand that the resources necessary to sustain life
are limited to those already contained on the planet. That is, with one critical exception – the electromagnetic
radiation that is continuously emitted by the Sun. A tiny fraction of that solar energy irradiates Earth, warms the
planet, and drives photosynthesis. With the exception of sunlight, however, Earth’s resources are entirely self-
contained and finite.
It is an undeniable reality that all organisms must have continuous access to resources obtained from their
environment. Plants and algae, for example, require sunlight and inorganic nutrients, while animals and heterotrophic
microbes must feed on the living or dead biomass of other organisms. Because their organisms must be nourished by
environmental capital, the concept can also be extended to ecosystems in their totality. The necessary resources must
be available in at least the minimal amounts needed to sustain life, and in larger quantities in ecosystems that are
increasing in biomass and complexity, as occurs during succession.
The same reality holds for individual humans, our societies, and our economic systems. All people and their enterprises
are subsidized by the harvesting of resources from the environment (including those taken from ecosystems). These
necessities must be available in the minimal amounts needed to sustain human life, and in much larger quantities in
economic systems that are growing over time. An obvious conclusion is that economic and ecological systems are
inextricably linked. Indeed, this is an undeniable fact.
The main connections between economic systems and the natural world involve flows of resources from the
environment (including ecosystems) into the human economy, and offsetting flows of disused materials, by-products,
An ultimate goal of environmental studies to understand how the use of natural resources and changes in
environmental conditions are related to a sustainable economic system and to the quality of human life. Ultimately, a
sustainable economy is one that runs forever, and that operates without a net consumption of natural capital – the
rates of resource use are equal to or smaller than the rates at which the resources are regenerated or recycled. This
definition focuses on the resource-related aspects of sustainability. Also important, however, are environmental
damages that may be caused by the extraction and management of natural resources. The social context must also be
considered, particularly the ways that wealth is shared among the people who are participating in an economy.
In this chapter, we examine the broader issues related to the use of natural resources in economic systems. Initially, we
examine the characteristics of non-renewable and renewable resources. Non-renewable resources are finite, do not
regenerate, and therefore are diminished by use. In contrast, renewable resources can regenerate and may be
managed to maintain or increase their productivity, and we describe practices that foster those goals. This is followed
by an investigation of the reasons for a catastrophic but remarkably common phenomenon – the depletion of
potentially renewable resources through excessive use. Finally, we consider the notion of sustainability, a topic that is
critically important to the long-term health of both economic and ecological systems. This chapter deals with natural
resources in a conceptual manner; Chapters 13 and 14 investigate the actual use of resources in the international and
Canadian economies.
Natural Resources
All natural resources (also known as natural capital) can be divided into two categories: non-renewable and renewable.
Non-renewable resources are present in a finite quantity and do not regenerate after they are harvested and used.
Consequently, as non-renewable resources are used, their remaining stocks in the environment are depleted. This
means that non-renewable resources can never be used in a sustainable fashion – they can only be “mined.” Examples
of non-renewable resources include metal ores, petroleum, coal, and natural gas.
Although continuing exploration may discover additional stocks of non-renewable resources that can be exploited, this
does not change the fact that there is a finite quantity of these resources present on Earth. For example, the discovery
of a large amount of metal ore in a remote place may substantially increase the known, exploitable reserves of those
non-renewable materials. That discovery does not, however, affect the amounts of the metal present on Earth.
Metals are often used to manufacture parts of buildings and machinery. To some degree, the metals can be recovered
after these uses and recycled back into the economy, effectively extending the lifespan of their reserves. However, due
to the growth and increasing industrialization of the economy, the demand for metals is accelerating. Because
recycling cannot keep up with the increasing demands for metals, large additional quantities must be mined from their
known reserves in the environment. For valuable metals, such as gold and platinum, there is a high efficiency of
recycling, but it is much less so for iron and other less-costly metals.
Fossil fuels are the other major category of non-renewable resources. They are mostly combusted to provide energy
for transportation and heating, which converts their organic compounds into carbon dioxide and water, which are
A more minor use of fossil fuels is to manufacture various kinds of plastics. These synthetic materials can be recycled
after initial uses, which does help to extend the lifespan of the reserves of fossil fuels. Nevertheless, because the
dominant use of fossil fuels is as sources of energy, they essentially flow through an industrial economy, with little new
Image 12.1. Non-renewable resources can only be mined. This is a view of the Etaki open-pit diamond mine in
the Northwest Territories. Three open pits can be seen as a cluster, plus another at the top-left of the image,
along with an extensive tailings-disposal area and other infrastructure. Source: Jason Pineau, Wikimedia
Commons; http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Ekati_mine_640px.jpg .
Renewable resources are capable of regenerating after harvesting, so potentially their stocks can be utilized forever.
Most renewable resources are biological, although some are non-biological. Biological Renewable
Resources Renewable resources that are biological in nature (bio-resources) include the following:
• wild animals that are hunted as food or for bio-materials, such as deer, moose, hare, ducks, fish, lobster, and seals
• forest biomass that is harvested for lumber, fiber, or energy
• wild plants that are gathered as sources of food
Image 12.2. Renewable resources, such as timber and fish, are capable of regenerating after they are harvested.
Provided they are not over-harvested or managed inappropriately, renewable resources can be harvested in a
sustainable fashion. This photo shows a load of timber that was harvested on Vancouver Island. Source: B.
Non-Biological Renewable Resources The following are renewable resources that are non-biological:
Many renewable resources can be managed to increase their rates of recruitment and productivity and to decrease
mortality. In the following section we explain how management practices can be used to increase the productivity of
biological resources.
Although a renewable resource can regenerate after harvesting, it can also be badly degraded by excessive use or by
inappropriate management. These practices can damage the ability to regenerate and may ultimately cause a collapse
of the stock. If this happens, the renewable resource is being “mined”, or used as if it were a non-renewable resource.
As such, it becomes depleted by excessive use. For this reason, ecologists commonly use the qualified term: potentially
renewable resources.
By the 16th century, the Easter Islanders had developed a flourishing society, with a population as large as
15,000. Because of food surpluses, they had time to engage in a cultural activity that involved carving huge slabs
of stone into human-faced monoliths, which they erected on great bases of stone at special places along the
coast. The heavy monoliths (weighing up to 75 t) and their massive bases were carved at an inland quarry and
then moved with enormous human effort (there were no draft animals) to their coastal sites, perhaps by rolling
them on logs cut from the island’s forest.
Image 11.3. Human-faced moai, which are large monoliths carved of volcanic stone on Easter Island. Source:
Aurbina, Wikimedia Commons; http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Easter_Island#mediaviewer/
File:Moai_Rano_raraku.jpg .
In other words, the deforestation of their island caused the economy of this Polynesian society to collapse. The
cultural and economic disintegrations were so great that when Europeans first arrived at Easter Island in 1772,
the inhabitants could not remember why the stone monoliths had been erected. These people were living in
squalid conditions in caves and reed huts, were engaged in warfare among rival clans, and were cannibals,
possibly to supplement the meagre food available on their treeless island.
An obvious lesson of Easter Island is that even primitive societies are capable of over-exploiting the vital
resources needed for subsistence. Undoubtedly, the Easter Islanders were keenly aware of their precarious
circumstances – especially the limited resources available to sustain their society on a small and isolated island.
As these vital resources became obviously diminished, the people likely discussed the need to conserve their
economic base. However, any such deliberations came to naught, and there was an irreversible collapse of the
economy and culture of these people.
Easter Island is a compelling metaphor for Earth as a planetary “island.” Earth, too, has limited stocks of energy,
minerals, and biological resources to sustain the human economy. Any of these natural resources can be rapidly
depleted by excessive use. There was no alternate, resource-rich refuge to which the Easter Islanders could
escape from their self-inflicted catastrophe. Likewise, as far as we know, there is no alternative to planet Earth.
Management of Renewables
Potentially at least, populations of animals and plants, and their assemblages known as communities and ecosystems
(such as a tract of forest), can be harvested in a sustainable manner – that is, without depleting the size of the resource
or its capability to renewal. Essentially, this is due to the fact that, within limits, bio-resources are able to regenerate
after some of their biomass is harvested. As long as the rate of harvesting does not exceed that of regeneration, a bio-
resource can be used in a sustainable way.
Ultimately, the upper limits of the productivity of an individual organism is limited by genetically determined factors
that influence its fecundity, longevity, and growth rate. To reach that potential limit of productivity, an organism must
experience optimal environmental conditions. In a collective sense, genetic factors also set a ceiling on the potential
productivity of populations or organisms, as well as communities and larger ecosystems. However, in the real world it
is typical that environmental conditions are not optimal, and so the actual (or realized) recruitment, growth, and
maturation of individuals and biomass are less than their potential amounts. As a result, it is possible to increase the
size of a harvest by the use of management practices that enhance the productivity of bio-resources. When these
practices are used in a coordinated way, they are called a management system.
In general, the various management practices are designed to alleviate environmental constraints on productivity. This
is done by mitigating factors that may be preventing some recruitment, or are causing mortality, or are constraining
the rate of productivity. In addition, the selective breeding of individuals with desirable traits may be used to alleviate
genetically based constraints to productivity – ultimately, such genetic “improvements” may result in domesticated
varieties of crops.
In any case, however, the expression of many genetic factors is influenced by environmental conditions, various of
Figure 12.1. Factors Affecting the Yield of a Biological Resource. The biomass and productivity of a bio-resource
are determined by the recruitment of individuals into the population, their growth rates, and their mortality
through either harvesting or natural means. These factors are affected by both genetically determined and
environmental influences. Often, environmental and biological factors can be managed to increase the
productivity and size of the stock of a bio-resource. Source: Modified from Begon et al. (2005).
If resource managers understand the nature of constraints on the productivity of bio-resources, and can devise ways
to reduce those influences, then the yield of harvested products can be increased. In any truly sustainable system of
resource management, those increases in yield must be obtained without degrading the capability of the resource for
renewal (they cannot be obtained by over-harvesting the resource or by degrading environmental conditions). The
most important practices that are used to increase the productivity of bio-resources are described below. (Note,
however, that while these are commonly used methods of increasing the productivity of bio-resources, all
management practices cause some degree of ecological damage, as is examined in later chapters.)
Selective Breeding
In all species, there is some degree of genetically based influence on biological attributes of individuals such as
fecundity, longevity, and productivity. Plant and animal breeders deliberately select individuals that display traits that
are considered desirable and use them in breeding programs intended to develop “improved” varieties of crops. This is
Enhancement of Recruitment
The rate of recruitment of new individuals into an exploited population can be increased in various ways. Some
commonly used methods are described below.
• Planting: In intensively managed agricultural, aquacultural, and forestry systems, managers may try to achieve an
optimally spaced monoculture of the crop. This is done so that the productivity will not be limited by competition
with non-crop species or by individuals of the crop growing too closely together. The recruitment of plant crops is
often managed by sowing seeds under conditions that favour their germination and establishment, while
optimizing density to minimize competition. Sometimes young plants are grown elsewhere and then out-planted,
a practice that is used to cultivate paddy rice, develop fruit-tree orchards, and establish plantations in forestry.
• Regeneration of Perennial Crops: Some management systems encourage perennial crops to regenerate by re-
sprouting from surviving rhizomes or stumps after the above-ground biomass is harvested. This regeneration
system is used with sugar cane and with stands of ash, aspen, maple, and poplar in forestry. In some cases, the
regenerating population may have to be thinned to optimize its density.
• Stock Enhancement: Recruitment of many fishes, particularly salmon and trout, is often enhanced by stripping
wild animals or hatchery stock of their eggs and milt (sperm). The eggs are then fertilized under controlled
conditions and incubated until they hatch. The larval fish (called fry) are cultivated until they reach a fingerling
size, when they are released to suitable habitat to supplement the natural recruitment of wild fish.
• Site Preparation: Certain practices favour the recruitment of economically preferred tree species in forestry. For
instance, some pines recruit well onto clear-cuts that have been site-prepared by burning, as long as a supply of
seeds is available. Seedlings of other tree species establish readily onto exposed mineral soil and are favoured by
mechanical scarification that exposes that substrate by disrupting the organic surface mat.
• Managing the Sex Ratio: Recruitment of some hunted animals can be maintained by allowing only adult males to
be harvested. For example, most species of deer are polygynous (males breed with more than one female).
Consequently, a hunt can be restricted to males, on the assumption that the surviving bucks will still be able to
impregnate all of the females in the local population.
• Harvest Season: Recruitment of some animals can be managed by limiting the hunting season to a particular time
of the year. For example, restricting the hunt of waterfowl to the autumn allows ducks and geese to breed during
the spring and summer so that recruitment can occur. Hunting in the springtime interferes with that
As noted previously, the productivity of all plants and animals is constrained by environmental influences, which
include inorganic factors such as nutrient availability and temperature and biological ones such as competition and
disease. Often, management practices can be used to manipulate environmental conditions to reduce their limitation
on growth rate, allowing an increased harvestable yield. Sometimes a management system is used, involving a variety
of practices applied in a coordinated manner. Some examples follow.
• Agricultural Systems: In intensive agricultural systems, high-yield varieties of crops are grown and managed to
optimize their productivity. The management practices typically combine some or all of the following: fertilizer
addition to enhance nutrient availability, irrigation to reduce the effects of drought, tillage (ploughing) or herbicide
Mortality of juveniles and adults can seriously affect the sizes of plant and animal stocks. However, by thinning out the
stock, mortality also influences the intensity of competition and that can increase the growth rate of survivors. Natural
mortality can be caused by predation, disease, or disturbance, while harvesting mortality is associated with use by
humans. Resource depletion occurs when the total rate of mortality (natural plus harvesting) exceeds the regenerative
capability of the stock.
• Natural mortality associated with predators, parasites, diseases, and accidents can be decreased in various ways:
◦ Diseases, Parasites, and Herbivores: Mortality of crop plants caused by herbivorous insects may be managed by
using insecticide or by changing the growth conditions to develop a habitat that is less favourable to the pest.
Livestock are commonly affected by parasites, a problem that may also be reduced by using a pesticide. For
example, sheep infested with ticks are dipped in chemical baths that kill the pests. Similarly, mortality caused
by disease may be reduced by using medicines that treat the symptoms, by administering antibiotics to deal
with bacterial infections, or by changing cultivation methods to decrease vulnerability. All such practices allow
diseases, parasites, and herbivores to be controlled over the short term, but none are long-term solutions to
these causes of productivity loss and mortality.
◦ Natural Predators: It is uncommon for coyote, wolf, cougar, or bears to be important predators of livestock,
but many farmers still consider any losses to these species to be unacceptable. Some hunters feel the same
way about mortality that natural predators cause to hunted wildlife, such as deer, moose, and caribou.
Consequently, in many regions these large predators have been relentlessly persecuted by shooting, trapping,
and poisoning. An alternative to killing the predators is to restrict their access to livestock using fences or
guard animals such as dogs and donkeys.
• Harvesting mortality must also be closely managed to ensure that the total mortality (natural plus anthropogenic)
stays below the threshold for depleting the resource. For an ideal population, the maximum sustainable yield
(MSY) is the largest amount of harvesting mortality that can occur without degrading the stock. Theoretically, a
harvest rate less than MSY would leave a “surplus” of the stock to natural sources of mortality, while any greater
than MSY would impair regeneration. Note that any harvest rate equal to or less than MSY would theoretically
sustain the resource. Harvest-related mortality is influenced by many factors, including the amount and kinds of
harvesting equipment and personnel, and the time the units spend harvesting. Resource managers can adjust the
mortality by controlling the total harvesting effort, which is a function of both the means (such as the kinds of
fishing boats and their gear) and the intensity (the number of boats and the amount of time each spends fishing) of
◦ Technology: Equipment has a great influence on harvesting rate. Consider, for example, the various methods of
catching fish, summarized in Figure 12.2. These technologies vary greatly in efficiency, which might be
indicated by the amount of fish caught per-person fishing, per-unit of energy expended, or per-unit of
investment in equipment. In general, much greater harvesting mortality is associated with the more intensive
technologies, such as drift nets, trawls, and seines, compared with simpler methods such as hand-lines. The
Figure 12.2. Fishing Technologies. Methods of catching fish vary enormously in their efficiency and in
the associated harvesting mortality. (a) Line methods range from hand-lines with one or more hooks,
to floating or bottom long-lines that extend for kilometers and have thousands of hooks. (b) A gill-net
can be set on the bottom or attached to drifting buoys and can range up to tens of kilometers in
length, catching fish and other animals as they try to swim through the mesh. (c) A trawl is an open,
broad-mouthed net that is dragged along the bottom or through the water column, while a purse seine
is positioned around a school of fish near the surface and then pulled shut with a bottom draw-line.
Source: Freedman (2010).
◦ Selection of Species and Sizes: The great variation in selectivity of harvesting methods, with regards to both
species and size, can be an important consideration in resource management. In a fishery, for example, a
change in the net-mesh diameter influences the sizes of animals that are caught. Usually, it is advantageous to
not harvest smaller individuals, which may not yet have bred and often have a smaller value-per-unit-weight
than bigger animals. In forestry, size- or species-selective cutting might be used in preference to clear-
cutting, perhaps to encourage regeneration of the most desirable tree species. Those methods also reduce
environmental damage, by keeping the physical structure of the forest relatively intact. o Number of
Harvesting Units: An obvious way to manage mortality associated with harvesting is to limit the number of
units that are participating in a harvest. In a fishery, for example, the government could limit the number of
fishers by issuing only a certain number of licenses. Usually, the kind of technology that the harvesters can use
is also specified, such as the number of boats using a particular fishing gear. o Time Spent Harvesting: The
harvesting effort is also influenced by the amount of time that each unit works. Often there is strong pressure
on regulators to allow harvesting to occur for as long as possible, because of the great economic value of
investments made in machinery and personnel. Even so, in some cases, the harvesting time is closely
regulated. For example, certain herring fisheries in coastal waters of western North America are only allowed
to operate for as little as several hours per year.
• Regulatory tools are legal and administrative procedures that managers use to achieve a measure of control over
the harvesting effort, and therefore over the mortality associated with exploitation. Relatively direct controls
Potentially, all management options (including selective breeding, enhancement of growth and recruitment rates, and
management of mortality rate) can result in larger yields of bio-resources. However, the factors that influence the size
and productivity of stocks of renewable resources are imperfectly understood. Consequently, the management systems
advocated by resource scientists are also imperfect. Despite this caveat about uncertainty, enough is usually known
about ecological factors affecting bio-resources to design harvesting and management systems that will not degrade
the capability for renewal.
At the very least, precautionary levels of harvesting that are small enough to avoid over-exploiting the resource can be
predicted, even though the harvest might be smaller than the potential maximum sustainable yield. It is not necessary
that harvests of natural resources are as large as are potentially attainable. If resource managers cannot predict an
accurate MSY, then it is ecologically prudent to harvest at a rate known to be smaller than the MSY, but that is clearly
sustainable. Of course, such strategies result in smaller harvests and less short-term profit. These are, however, more
than offset by the longer-term economic and ecological benefits of adopting prudent strategies of resource use.
Moreover, the regional economic benefits of smaller (but sustainable) harvests can be enhanced by taking steps to
ensure that the manufactured outputs of resource-dependent industries focus more so on “value-added” products. In
forestry, for example, the export of raw logs might be prohibited, while local manufacturing of value-added products
such as lumber, furniture, and violins would be encouraged. Similarly, a regional fishing industry might focus on the
production and export of higher-valued products, such as prepared foods, rather than unprocessed fish. These kinds of
integrations of resource harvesting and manufacturing can optimize the regional economic benefits of resource-based
industries, while allowing smaller, sustainable harvests of the resource to take place.
Regrettably, non-sustainable rates of harvesting have been common in the real world of open, poorly regulated, bio-
resource exploitation. This has happened even where so-called “scientific” management was being used. These facts
become clear from the examples of resource degradation described in this chapter (and also in Chapters 14 and 26).
Non-Sustainable Use
Many potentially renewable resources have been used by humans in an unsustainable manner. Either these resources
were excessively harvested (a condition known as over-harvesting or over-exploitation), or their post-harvest
regeneration was inappropriately managed. Either of these can result in depletion or exhaustion of the resource by so-
called mining (a term more usually applied to a non-renewable resource).
There are many examples of the non-sustainable use of potentially renewable resources. A few species have even been
made extinct by excessive hunting, such as the dodo, passenger pigeon, and great auk (the latter two occurred in
Canada; see Chapter 26). In other cases, seemingly abundant species were rendered endangered by over-harvesting,
Additional examples of the mining of potentially renewable resources include the following:
• extensive deforestation of many parts of the world, which has resulted in losses of timber and fuelwood resources
as well as environmental damages such as erosion and regional changes in climate (Chapter 23)
• extensive degradation of the quality of agricultural soil, resulting in declining crop yields and sometimes the
abandonment of previously arable land (Chapter 24)
• widespread depletions of groundwater by over-use for irrigated agriculture, which is rapidly drawing down local
and even regional aquifers (Chapter 24)
• exhaustion of fisheries, such as those of cod and other groundfish off the Atlantic Provinces, and salmon and
herring off British Columbia (Chapter 14)
• depletion of many hunted resources – various species of fish, antelope, deer, furbearers, waterfowl, whales, and
others (Chapter 14)
Not all cases of the mining of potentially renewable resources have occurred in modern times. Examples that are
prehistoric are described in Global Focus 12.1 and 12.2. These well-known cases demonstrate that even relatively
unsophisticated human societies with primitive technologies have caused enormous damage to their crucial resource
In some cases, an early depletion of potentially renewable resources was followed by efforts of conservation or
improved management, which subsequently restored the depleted stocks (but not ones that had been made extinct).
(In the sense used here, conservation refers to the “wise use” of natural resources, including recycling and other means
of efficient utilization, as well as ensuring that the harvesting of renewable resources does not exceed their
regeneration.) For example, regulating the hunting of white-tailed and mule deer has allowed those species to remain
abundant in regions where habitat is suitable. Comparable successes have been achieved with other once-depleted
animals, such as certain sportfish, ducks, and geese. Examples of these kinds of conservation successes are described
as case studies in Chapter 26.
Overall, however, there is more bad news than good about future stocks and regeneration of many potentially
renewable resources. Although some renewables are being used in a manner that is supportive of their future
availability, many are not. If this situation does not change for the better in the near future, there will be grim
consequences for the human economy, and also for biodiversity and natural ecosystems.
In North America, a wave of extinctions began about 11-thousand years ago, soon after people colonized the
continent by migrating across a land bridge from Siberia. (The land bridge existed because sea level was much
lower than today, as a result of so much water being tied up in glacial ice.) Within a relatively short time, at least
56 species of large mammals (weighing more than 44 kg), 21 smaller mammals, and several large birds had
Image 12.4. An artistic impression of a wooly mammoth (left) and an American mastodon (right). Source:
Dantheman9758 at Wikimedia Commons; http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:MammothVsMastodon.jpg
Similar events of mass extinction have occurred elsewhere, also coinciding with the colonization of places by
stone-age hunters. In New Guinea and Australia, waves of extinction occurred about 50-thousand years ago,
following the discoveries of those islands by Melanesians migrating south from Asia. These extinctions involved
the losses of many large marsupials, flightless birds, and tortoises.
In New Zealand, an extinction wave occurred less than 1,000 years ago, following the discovery of those islands
by Polynesians. This swept away numerous large, flightless birds, including a 250-kg, 3-m giant moa (Dinornis
maximus), 26 other species of moa, a goose (Cnemiornis calcitrans), a swan (Cygnus sumnerensis), a giant coot
(Fulica chathamensis), a pelican (Pelecanus novaezealandiae), an eagle (Harpagornis moorei), and fur seals and
various large lizards and frogs. The extinctions of the moas progressed as a wave from North Island to South
Island over a two-century period following the Polynesian colonization. Great quantities of bones have been
discovered at places where the moas were herded and butchered. Some of the bone deposits were mined by
European colonists and used as phosphate fertilizer.
The human colonization of Madagascar occurred about 1,500 years ago. This also resulted in many extinctions,
including the loss of 6-12 species of huge elephant birds, 14 lemurs, 2 giant tortoises, and other large animals.
Prehistoric mass extinctions also occurred in Hawaii, New Caledonia, Fiji, the West Indies, and other island
groups. All are believed to have resulted from over-hunting by newly colonizing people.
Clearly, the unsustainable use of bio-resources, resulting in irretrievable losses of species important to people,
is not only a modern phenomenon. Prehistoric humans could also be rapacious, given appropriate
opportunities in the form of naïve and edible species.
In cases where only a particular species is being harvested, over-exploitation generally involves an excessive
harvesting rate, occurring without sufficient attention to regeneration. Under such conditions, the stocks are quickly
mined, and they collapse to economic or biological extinction.
Sometimes, a “virgin” (or previously unexploited) resource is dominated by large, old-growth individuals, which are
harvested selectively during the initial stages of resource “development.” This changes the structure of the resource to
one that is dominated by smaller, younger individuals. Because younger individuals are often relatively fast growing,
the productivity of the resource is not necessarily smaller than that of the initial old-growth stock, although the total
biomass may be less. However, if this kind of resource degradation is taken too far, the population may collapse in both
productivity and biomass. The collapse may be caused by inadequate recruitment into the harvested population
because the fecundity of younger individuals is not sufficient to offset the harvesting mortality.
Patterns of resource degradation are more complicated in the case of mixed-species resources, which are often over-
exploited in a sequential manner. At first, only certain species in the virgin mixed-species resource may be considered
desirable from the economic perspective. In addition, some individual organisms may be very large, especially in the
case of old-growth resources. For instance, old-growth forest of coastal British Columbia is typically dominated by
large individuals of valuable tree species, which are coexisting with many smaller individuals (see Chapter 23). Many
pre-exploitation communities of fish, whales, and other species are also typically dominated by large individuals of
desirable species.
The exploitation of a mixed-species resource usually involves a sequential harvest of commodities with progressively
smaller economic value (measured as value per individual, as well as per unit of biomass and of harvested area). Initially,
the largest individuals of the most valuable species are harvested selectively and are rapidly depleted. In an old-growth
forest, for example, the largest logs of the most desirable species have the highest value per unit of biomass – they can
be used to manufacture large-dimension lumber of precious species or costly veneer products. The intention of post-
harvesting management is not to re-create another old-growth forest, because this would take too much time and
would also involve an extended period of relatively low productivity (see Chapter 23). Instead, the site is typically
converted into a second-growth forest.
Next, smaller individuals of the most desired species might be harvested selectively, along with the largest individuals
of secondarily desired species. In a forest, the economic products might be smaller-dimension lumber. If management
of the regenerating stand is intended to produce timber for manufacturing into lumber, the subsequent harvests would
be on a relatively long rotation, say 60-100 years, depending on the growing conditions.
However, area-harvesting methods might then be used to harvest all individuals of all species for manufacturing into
bulk commodities. In the case of forestry, trees might be clear-cut for the production of small lumber, pulp, industrial
fuel, charcoal, or domestic fuelwood. Subsequent harvests for such purposes would be on a short rotation, perhaps
30-50 years. Sometimes the area-harvesting system is followed by management that regenerates a productive
resource, although it has a different character from the original, natural ecosystem. In forestry, for example, natural
mixed-species forest might be converted into a single-species plantation or perhaps into an agricultural ecosystem
(see Chapter 23).
Intensive harvesting, sequential or otherwise, can also lead to a collapse of biological productivity and therefore to a
huge loss of resource value. For instance, clear-cut forests sometimes regenerate into shrub-dominated ecosystems
that resist the establishment of tree seedlings. This severe resource degradation may require expensive management
to restore another economically useful forest.
Image 12.5. Ecologically rich old-growth forest in tropical countries is being rapidly cleared to provide
agricultural land. The conversion results in destruction of the forest (the mining of a potentially renewable
To function over the longer term, an economy depends on a sustained input of natural resources. Given this vital
context, it would appear to be economically self-destructive to degrade renewable resources by over-harvesting them
or by inappropriate management. Nevertheless, this maladaptive behaviour has occurred frequently through human
history. In fact, most uses of potentially renewable resources have been decidedly non-sustainable, and have caused
stocks to become depleted. The most important reasons for this foolish behaviour are outlined below.
• The world’s dominant cultures have developed an ethic that presumes that humans have the “right” to take
whatever they want from nature for subsistence or economic benefits. This is an expression of the
anthropocentric world view (Chapter 1). Particularly noteworthy is the so-called Judeo-Christian ethic (White,
1967), which is based on the Biblical story of creation. In that story, God directed humans to “be fruitful, and
multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it,” and to “have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl
of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth”
(Genesis 1:28). From a purely ecological perspective, this is an arrogant attitude, but it is typical of the world’s
dominant cultures and religions. Modern technological ethics have developed from this commanding world view
and are now used to legitimize the rapid mining of natural resources and the collateral ecological damage.
• Individual people and their societies are intrinsically self-interested. This attitude is responsible for many cases of
over-exploitation of resources in order to optimize short-term profit. At the same time, ecological damage
Within an economic context that involves free access to common-property resources (these are owned by all of
society), the above factors inevitably lead to the over-harvesting of potentially renewable resources. In a highly
influential essay, Garrett Hardin (1968) called this frequently observed phenomenon “the tragedy of the commons.” He
explained this economic misadventure using the analogy of a publicly owned pasture (the “commons”) to which all local
farmers had open access for grazing their sheep. Individual, self-interested farmers believed that they would gain
additional economic benefits by having as many of their own sheep as possible grazing the pasture. This led to an
excessive aggregate use of the pasture, which damaged the forage resource. Hardin’s major conclusion was that
“freedom in a commons brings ruin to all,” and this has generally been true of the ways in which many renewable
resources have been abused.
Many nations are experiencing crises because of diminishing stocks of natural resources and the associated ecological
damage caused by disturbances, pollution, and loss of biodiversity. Remarkably, many of these countries have not yet
attempted to deal effectively with the resource depletion. With few exceptions, the design and implementation of
intelligent strategies for using natural resources has so far proven to be beyond the capability of modern political and
economic systems.
Nevertheless, people are definitely capable of designing and implementing systems that would conserve natural
resources and the healthy ecosystems that are required to sustain economies. The solutions to resource-related
predicaments require an integration of scientific knowledge and social change, along with the adoption of ecologically
based economic policies that pursue true sustainability. Such solutions are far preferable to unfettered economic
growth based on the depletion of natural resources.
1. the objective is to gain short-term profit rather than to achieve long-term resource sustainability
2. the social perspective is that of individual people or corporations and not the society at large
3. the natural resource is perceived to have value only if it is harvested and converted into cash, and
4. only the costs of extraction are considered in the calculation of profit, while the costs of ecological
damage and resource degradation are paid by society as a whole (in economic terms, they are treated as
Over the longer term, the liquidation of potentially renewable resources is clearly a losing strategy for society
and for future generations. For individuals, firms, and local economies, however, liquidation can be a highly
“profitable” strategy because they can accumulate wealth more quickly. Therefore, influential people often
advocate and pursue this tactic. Consider the following statement in 1986 by Bill Vander Zalm, the Premier of
British Columbia, one of the world’s greatest exporters of forest products: “Let’s cut down the trees and create
jobs.”1 This is what has been happening, more or less, to many potentially renewable resources in most parts of
the world.
. Luinenberg, O. and S. Osborne. (compilers) 1990. The Little Green Book: Quotations on the
Environment. Vancouver, BC: Pulp Press Publishers. ↩
To an economist, growth and development are different phenomena. Economic growth is a feature of an economy that
is increasing in size over time. It is associated with increases in both the numbers of people and their per-capita use of
resources. Particularly in developed countries, economic growth is typically achieved by a rapid consumption of
natural resources. Non-renewable resources, such as metals and fossil fuels, are consumed in especially large
quantities in a growing economy. Potentially renewable resources are also frequently mined, rather than being
harvested on a sustainable basis.
In recent times, almost all national economies have been growing quite rapidly. Moreover, most economic planners,
politicians, and businesspeople hope for additional increases in economic activity into the foreseeable future. They feel
this way because economic growth is viewed as a means of generating more wealth for countries and companies, while
providing a better life for citizens.
Unfortunately, there are well-known limits to growth – these constraints are related to the finite resources on planet
Earth plus the laws of thermodynamics (Chapters 1 and 4). Consequently, economic growth can never be sustained over
the longer term. In the perspectives of ecologists and environmentally minded economists, growth is not necessarily
desirable: “Economic growth as it now goes on is more a disease of civilization than a cure for its woes” (Ehrlich, 1989).
Economic development is different from growth. It implies an improving efficiency in the use of materials and energy,
and it thereby represents progress being made toward a sustainable economic system. In this sense, sustainable
economic development involves the following actions:
Sustainable Development
Sustainable development refers to making progress toward an economic system that uses natural resources in ways
that do not deplete their capital or otherwise compromise their availability to future generations of people. In this
sense, the present human economy is obviously non-sustainable because it involves rapid economic growth that is
achieved by vigorously mining both non-renewable and potentially renewable resources.
Many politicians, economists, resource managers, and corporate spokespersons have publicly stated that they are in
favour of sustainable development. However, most of these people are confusing genuine sustainable development
with “sustained economic growth,” which by definition is not possible.
The term “sustainable development” was first popularized in the widely acclaimed report Our Common Future, by the
World Commission on Environment and Development, an agency of the United Nations. (This report, published in 1987,
is often referred to as the Brundtland Report, after Gro Harlem Brundtland, the chair of the Commission at the time.)
However, even this report obscured some important differences between economic growth and development. In fact,
the Brundtland Report advocated a large expansion of the global economy: “It is . . . essential that the stagnant or
declining growth trends of this decade [the 1980s] be reversed.” The report suggested that economic growth, coupled
with a more equitable distribution of wealth, was required to improve the living standards of poorer peoples of the
world. It further presumed that real progress toward a no-growth, equilibrium economy could not be made until
society had achieved the equitable socio-economic conditions that are required for stopping both population growth
and the rampant depletion of natural resources.
One of the recommendations of the Brundtland Report was that the global average per-capita income should grow by
3% per year (if maintained, this would double per-capita income every 23 years). However, because the global
population was increasing at about 2% per year at the time, the economic growth rate would have to compensate,
requiring a 5% per year increase in the total economy (3% plus 2%, resulting in a 14-year doubling time). Of course, in
those regions where population growth is more rapid, such as much of Africa, south Asia, Latin America, and most
cities (see Chapter 10), economic growth rates might have to be even higher in order to achieve a 3% per year increase
in real per-capita income. Ultimately, the Brundtland Report estimated that a 5- to 10-fold expansion of the global
human economy was needed in order to set the stage for attaining a condition of sustainable development.
The authors of the Brundtland Report believed that this growth would best be achieved through “policies that sustain
and expand the environmental resource base.” Such policies would include the advancement of efficient technologies
that could help to achieve economic growth while consuming fewer material and energy resources. In addition, a
redistribution of some wealth from richer people and regions to poorer ones would be central to achieving the growth
of average per-capita income that is championed in the Brundtland Report. It is important to understand that the
Brundtland Report was developed through a consensus-building process that involved wide-ranging consultations
among diverse interested parties. Therefore, representatives of many nations and cultures had to agree on its content.
Considering the diversity of the interests involved, it is not surprising that the report advocated substantial economic
From the ecological perspective, however, it is doubtful that a 5- to 10-fold increase in the human economy could be
sustained. Many have argued that it would be much more sensible to pursue solutions that aggressively attack both
economic growth (as it is currently achieved) and population growth. These solutions would include vigorous actions
toward population control, a more equitable distribution of wealth, reduced use of resources by wealthier peoples of
the world, more equitable access of women to education and social empowerment, development and use of more
efficient technologies, and rigorous conservation of natural resources. These sustainable solutions are more difficult
and unpopular than the policies advocated by most mainstream politicians and economists, but they appear to be
necessary if a sustainable human economy is to be achieved.
However, conventional economics performs much less well in the valuation of resources for which there are no
obvious markets. Such valuations require the use of surveys or the observation of behaviour (such as the
numbers of people visiting a park, or those contributing money to an environmental charity). These sorts of
valuations are difficult and somewhat controversial, but they are necessary if society is to implement a full-cost
accounting system that acknowledges the fact that important environmental damage is associated with many
economic activities. These kinds of valuations are made in the relatively new field of environmental economics,
and they may involve finding the costs of the following kinds of damages:
• the depletion of natural resources, including its longer-term implications for the survival of future
• pollution and its ecological and human health effects
• disturbances that cause damage to natural ecosystems
• endangerment and extinction of species
• impairment of ecosystem services, which are a major part of the life-support system of the planet
• social effects of environmental damage, including unacceptable economic disparities (including poverty) and
the disenfranchisement of indigenous people and socioeconomic groups
These kinds of environmental damage are widely recognized as being important, but their value is only partially
The field of ecological economics goes even further than the full valuation of environmental damage. Ecological
economics arose as a conceptual fusion of economics and ecology (note that the names of these disciplines
share the same root, ecos, derived from the Greek word oikos, meaning “household”). The most important
feature of ecological economics is that it attempts to examine the relationships between ecosystems and
economic systems in a non-anthropocentric manner (one that goes beyond any known usefulness to humans).
In particular, ecological economics employs a variety of biophysical measures of scarcity and valuation. These
include the embodied energy content (a comprehensive life-cycle assessment of the energy used to
manufacture, transport, and eventually discard of a product) and the ecological footprint (the land area needed
to support the needs for energy and materials of an individual, city, or country; see Chapter 25). These
approaches can yield compelling results that help us to understand the consequences of our economic
activities and encourage individuals, businesses, and society at large to make choices that are less damaging to
the environment.
Sustainable Economies
The proper definition of a sustainable economy is one that can be maintained over time without causing a depletion of
its capital of natural resources. Ultimately, a sustainable economy can be supported only by the “wise use” of renewable
resources, which would be harvested at rates equal to or less than their productivity. Therefore, “economic
development” should refer only to progress made toward a sustainable economic system. Unfortunately, there have
been few substantial gains in this direction. This is because most actions undertaken by politicians, economists,
planners, and businesspeople have supported rapid economic growth rather than sustainable economic development.
In large part, they do this because they believe they are following the wishes of the public to have greater access to
wealth and employment.
Because non-renewable resources are always depleted by their use, they cannot provide an ultimate foundation of a
sustainable economic system. However, non-renewable resources do have an important role to play in a sustainable
economy. Their use should, however, be tied to improving the stocks of comparable renewable resources so that a net
depletion of capital does not occur. For example, if people want to use non-renewable coal, they might act to provide a
compensating increase in forest area and biomass. This could result in no net consumption of potential energy
(because tree biomass and coal are both fuels), and no net increase in the concentration of atmospheric carbon dioxide
or other pollutants (because trees absorb CO2 as they grow, and mature forest can store carbon for a long time if not
disturbed). Of course, any non-renewable materials already in use in the economy should continue to be used and be
recycled as efficiently as possible.
Symptoms of Non-Sustainability
As was previously mentioned, the dominant trends of local, national, and global economies are mostly toward vigorous
economic growth, rather than toward sustainable development. The key indicators of these trends of non-sustainable
growth are summarized below.
Figure 12.3. Growth of the Canadian Economy and Population. Gross domestic product (GDP) is an economic
indicator that is related to the total size of a national economy. Because these data for Canadian GDP are
standardized to constant 2007 dollars, the pattern of steady growth is not due to inflation. The data show a
close correlation between growth of the Canadian population and the GDP (the r2 value of the relationship is
0.984, which in a statistical sense means that 98.4% of the variation of population is accounted for by variation
in GDP). Note, however, that the close visual convergence of the two curves is an artifact caused by adjustment
of the vertical axes. Sources of data: GDP from Statistics Canada (2014) and population from Figure 11.1.
• Depletion of Non-Renewable Resources: All stocks of metal ores, petroleum, natural gas, coal, and other non-
renewable resources are finite, being limited to what is present on Earth. These resources are being rapidly
consumed, and their exploitable reserves will eventually become depleted. However, discoveries of additional
exploitable stocks will extend the economic lifetimes of non-renewable resources, as will efficient recycling.
Nevertheless, global stocks of non-renewable resources are being rapidly depleted (see Chapter 13).
• Depletion of (Potentially) Renewable Resources: Around the globe there are crises of depletion of renewable
resources. In many regions, for example, once- enormous fish stocks are collapsing, deforestation is proceeding
rapidly, the fertility of agricultural soil is declining, supplies of surface water and groundwater are being depleted
and polluted, and hunted animals are becoming scarcer. Not all stocks of renewable resources are being severely
depleted, but the declines are becoming more common and widespread (see Chapter 14).
• Depletion of Non-Economic, Environmental Resources: Some resources that are necessary for the health of
Modern economies deliver great benefits to people who are wealthy enough to purchase a happy and healthy lifestyle,
replete with sufficient food, shelter, material goods, and recreational opportunities. For less-wealthy people, however,
current economic systems may allow only minimal access to the most fundamental basics of subsistence. If a fairer,
more equitable delivery of economic benefits to the poorer people of the world is to be achieved, then either non-
sustainable economic growth or a substantial redistribution of some of the existing wealth will be required.
Ultimately, the global scale and long-term sustainability of the human economy will be limited by the ability of the
biosphere to deliver renewable resources and ecosystem services. However, the limits of many potentially renewable
resources have already been exceeded, resulting in stock declines or collapses. These well-documented damages
should be regarded as warnings of the likely future of the human enterprise, unless there are marked improvements in
resource-use systems. If critical resources are no longer available to support economic activity, the non-sustainable
economy will be forced to contract in size, and may collapse.
It must be recognized that an ecologically sustainable economy might not be very popular with much of the public, or
with politicians, government administrators, and business interests. These stakeholders would experience short-term
pain (likely felt over decades) to achieve long-term, sustainable, societal gains. The pain would be associated with a
less-intensive use of natural resources, the abandonment of the paradigm of economic growth, and the rapid
stabilization – and perhaps downsizing – of the human population. The gains would be associated with an ecologically
sustainable economic system that could support human society, and the rest of the biosphere, for a long time.
As we have repeatedly observed, people rely on natural resources to sustain their enterprise. Throughout history,
resources that are essential to economies have been consumed to exhaustion (assuming there was a technological
capability to do so). It is clear that better, more sustainable systems must be found that will allow us to use natural
capital without depleting its stocks and without degrading ecosystems in unacceptable ways. Human societies
desperately require these sustainable systems, but it remains to be seen whether we will design and implement them.
The human economy can function only if it has continuous access to an input of natural resources, of which there are
two kinds: non-renewable and renewable. Non-renewable resources cannot regenerate, so they always become
depleted as they are used. In contrast, renewable resources are capable of regeneration, so they can potentially be
1. What are the differences between non-renewable and (potentially) renewable natural resources? Give examples of
2. How can the productivity of biological resources be increased through management?
3. Describe three cases of the “mining” of (potentially) renewable natural resources. Why did the over-exploitation
4. What are the key differences between conventional economics and ecological (environmental) economics?
1. What are the differences between economic growth and development? Relate economic growth and development
to the notion of sustainable development. Do you believe that the Canadian economy is making much progress
toward sustainable development? Explain your answer.
2. Can you think of any examples of economically valuable, potentially renewable resources that have not been
severely depleted through excessive use or inappropriate management? Explain your answer.
3. List three environmental values that do not directly contribute to the human economy, but are nevertheless
important to the healthy functioning of ecosystems. Could these services be valuated (measured in dollars) in
order to allow their degradation to be considered a true “cost” of doing business? What would be the benefits of
such an ecological cost-accounting?
4. In this chapter, we defined sustainable development as “progress toward an economic system based on the use of
natural resources in a manner that does not deplete their stocks nor compromise their availability for use by
future generations of humans.” We also defined ecologically sustainable development as “considering the human
need for resources within an ecological context, and including the need to sustain all species and all components
of Earth’s life-support system.” Discuss the key similarities and differences in these two kinds of economic
Exploring Issues
1. Show how natural resources are important in your life by making a list of resources that you use daily for energy,
food, or as materials in manufactured products.
2. You have been asked to help develop a plan for sustainable forest management on a large tract of land. What
Begon, M., R.W. Howorth, and C.R. Townsend. 2014. Essentials of Ecology. 4th ed. Wiley, Cambridge, UK.
Brown, L.R. 2001. Eco-Economy: Building an Economy for the Earth. W.W. Norton and Company, New York, NY.
Brown, L.R. 2003. Plan C: Rescuing a Planet Under Stress and a Civilization in Trouble. W.W. Norton and Company, New
York, NY.
Chambers, N., C. Simmons, and N. Wackernagel. 2001. Sharing Nature’s Interest: Ecological Footprints as an Indicator
of Sustainability. Earthscan Publications, London, UK.
Chiras, D.D. and J.P. Reganold. 2009. Natural Resource Conservation: Management for a Sustainable Future. 10th ed.
Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ.
Clark, W.C. 1989. Clear-cut economies: Should we harvest everything now? The Sciences, Jan./Feb.: 16-19.
Clark, W.C. and R.E. Munn (eds.). 1986. Sustainable Development of the Biosphere. Cambridge University Press, New
York, NY.
Costanza, R. 1991. Ecological Economics: The Science and Management of Sustainability. Columbia University Press,
New York, NY.
Costanza, R. and H.E. Daly. 1992. Natural capital and sustainable development. Conservation Biology, 6: 37-46.
Daly, H.E. 1997. Beyond Growth: The Economics of Sustainable Development. Beacon Press, Boston, MA.
Diamond, J. 2004. Collapse: How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed. Viking, East Rutherford, NJ.
Ehrlich, P.R. 1989. Facing the habitat crisis. BioScience, 39: 480-482.
Faber, M.M., R. Manstetter, and J. Proops. 1996. Ecological Economics: Concepts and Methods. Edward Elgar Publishers,
New York, NY.
Farley, J. and H.E. Daly. 2003. Ecological Economics: Principles and Applications. Island Press, Washington, DC.
Freedman, B. 1995. Environmental Ecology. 2nd ed. Academic Press, San Diego, CA.
Freedman, B. 2010. Environmental Science. A Canadian Perspective. 5th ed. Pearson Education Canada, Toronto, ON.
Freedman, B., J. Hutchings, D. Gwynne, J. Smol, R. Suffling, R. Turkington, R. Walker, and D. Bazeley. 2014. Ecology: A
Canadian Context. 2nd ed. Nelson Canada, Toronto, ON.
Holechek, J.L., R.A. Cole, J.T. Fisher, and R. Valdez. 2003. Natural Resources: Ecology, Economics, and Policy. 2nd ed.
Prentice Hall, East Rutherford, NJ.
Martin, P.S. and H.E. Wright (eds.). 1967. Pleistocene Extinctions: The Search for a Cause. Yale University Press, New
Haven, CT.
Meadows, D.H., D.L. Meadows, and J. Randers. 1992. Beyond the Limits: Global Collapse or a Sustainable Future.
Earthscan, London, UK.
Meadows, D.H., J. Randers, and D.L. Meadows. 2003. Limits to Growth: The 30-Year Update. Chelsea Green Publishing
Co., White River Junction, VT.
Rees, W.E. 1990. The ecology of sustainable development. Ecologist, 20(1): 18-23.
Statistics Canada. 2014. Gross domestic product, expenditure-based, provincial and territorial. Cansim Table
384-00384. http://www5.statcan.gc.ca/cansim/
Thirgood, J.V. 1981. Man and the Mediterranean Forest: A History of Resource Depletion. Academic Press, New York, NY.
Tietenberg, T. 2005. Environmental and Natural Resource Economics. 9th ed. Addison Wesley Boston, MA.
Tristram, H.B. 1873. The Natural History of the Bible. Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, London, UK.
White, L. 1967. The historical roots of our ecological crisis. Science, 155: 1203-1207.
World Commission on Environment and Development (WCED). 1987. Our Common Future. Oxford University Press,
Oxford, UK.
1. Describe the global and Canadian production and use of metals, fossil fuels, and other non-renewable resources.
2. Explain the heavy reliance of industrialized economies on non-renewable resources, and predict whether these
essential sources of materials and energy will continue to be readily available into the foreseeable future.
3. Outline five major sources of energy that are available for use in industrialized countries, and describe the
potential roles of these in a sustainable economy.
As we noted in Chapter 12, the reserves of non-renewable resources are inexorably diminished as they are extracted
from the environment and used in the human economy. This is because non-renewable resources are finite in quantity
and their stocks do not regenerate after they are mined. Note that the word reserve has a specific meaning here – it is
used to denote a known amount of material that can be economically recovered from the environment (that is, while
making a profit).
Of course, continuing exploration may discover previously unknown deposits of non-renewable resources. If that
happens, there is an increase in the known reserves of the resource. For example, the world’s known reserves of nickel
and copper have been increased during the past two decades because of the discovery of rich deposits of those metals
in northern Quebec and Labrador. There are, however, limits to the number of “new” discoveries of non-renewable
resources that can be made on planet Earth.
Changes in the value of non-renewable commodities also affect the sizes of their economically recoverable reserves.
For example, if the value of gold increases in its marketplace, then it may become profitable to prospect for new stocks
in remote places, to mine lower-grade ores, and to reprocess “waste” materials containing small quantities of this
valuable metal. An improvement of technology may have the same effect, for instance, by making it profitable to
process ores mine that were previously non-economic.
In addition, the life cycle in the economy of some non-renewable resources, particularly metals, can be extended by
recycling. This process involves collecting and processing disused industrial and household products to recover
reusable materials, such as metals and plastics. However, there are thermodynamic and economic limits to recycling,
which means the process cannot be 100% efficient. Furthermore, the demand for non-renewable resources is
increasing rapidly because of population growth, spreading industrialization, and improving standards of living along
with the associated per-capita consumption. This has resulted in an accelerating demand for non-renewables that
must be satisfied by mining additional quantities from the environment.
The most important classes of non-renewable resources are metals, fossil fuels, and certain other minerals such as
gypsum and potash. The production and uses of these important natural resources are examined in the following
Metals have a wide range of useful physical and chemical properties. They can be used as pure elemental substances,
as alloys (mixtures) of various metals, and as compounds that also contain non-metals. Metals are used to manufacture
tools, machines, and electricity-conducting wires; to construct buildings and other structures; and for many other
purposes. The most prominent metals in industrial use are aluminum (Al), chromium (Cr), cobalt (Co), copper (Cu), iron
(Fe), lead (Pb), manganese (Mn), mercury (Hg), nickel (Ni), tin (Sn), uranium (U), and zinc (Zn). The precious metals gold
(Au), platinum (Pt), and silver (Ag) have some industrial uses (such as conductors in electronics), but are valued mostly
for aesthetic reasons, particularly to manufacture jewelry. Some of the more common metal alloys are brass
(containing at least 50% Cu, plus Zn), bronze (mostly Cu, plus Sn and sometimes Zn and Pb), and steel (mostly Fe, but
also containing carbon, Cr, Mn, and/or Ni). Metals are mined from the environment, usually as minerals that also
contain sulphur or oxygen. Deposits of metal-bearing minerals that are economically extractable contribute to the
known reserves of metals. An ore is an assortment of minerals that are mined and processed to manufacture pure
metals. The stages in metal mining, processing, manufacturing, and recycling are summarized in Figure 13.1.
Figure 13.1. Metal Mining and Use. This diagram shows major stages of the mining, manufacturing, use, and re-
use of metals, as well as the associated emissions of waste gases and particulates to the environment. Overall,
the diagram represents a flow-through system, with some recycling to extend the lifetime of metals within the
economy. Source: Modified from Freedman (1995).
If the metal-rich fraction contains sulphide minerals, it is next concentrated in a smelter by roasting at high
temperature in the presence of oxygen. This releases gaseous sulphur dioxide (SO2) while leaving the metals behind.
The concentrate from the smelter is later processed into pure metal in a facility called a refinery. The pure metal is
then used to manufacture industrial and consumer products. The SO2 may be processed into sulphur or sulphuric acid
that can be used in various other industrial processes, or it may be released to the environment as a pollutant.
After the useful life of manufactured products has ended, they can be recycled back into the refining and
manufacturing processes, or they may be discarded into a landfill.
High-quality ores are geologically uncommon. The deposits that are most economic for mining are typically located
fairly close to the surface, and the ores have a relatively high concentration of metals. However, the thresholds vary
depending on the value of the metal being processed. Ores with very small concentrations of gold and platinum can be
economically mined because these metals are extremely valuable (per unit of weight). In contrast, less-valuable
aluminum and iron must be mined as richer ores, in which the metals are present in high concentrations.
Data showing the global production of industrially important metals are given in Table 13.1. Note that for most metals
the amounts consumed are somewhat larger than the annual production; this indicates that some of the consumption
involves recycled material that has been reclaimed from previous uses. Also note the large increase in production of
most metals since 1977. Iron and aluminum are the metals produced and used in the largest quantities. The life index (or
production life, calculated as the known reserves divided by the annual rate of production) of aluminum is about 592
years, and for iron ore it is 58 years (Table 13.1). Life indexes for other metals listed in the table are less, which suggests
that their known reserves are being quickly depleted. It is important to remember, however, that those known reserves
are increased by new discoveries, changes in technology, and more favourable economics for the resource.
Table 13.1. Global Production, Consumption, and Reserves of Selected Metals. Data from: U.S. Bureau of Mines
(1977) and U.S. Geological Survey (2014).
The reserve life (life index) of Canadian reserves of metals is similar to or shorter than their global values (Table 13.2).
Canadian reserves make up 15% of the global reserves of uranium and 5–10% of those of cadmium, nickel, silver, and
Table 13.2. Reserves, Production, and Consumption of Selected Metals in Canada, 2012. Note that bauxite
(aluminum ore) is not mined in Canada, but large amounts are imported for processing. Data from: Natural
Resources Canada (2014a) and U.S. Geological Survey (2014).
Table 13.3. Provincial Production of Selected Metals in Canada, 2013. Data from: Natural Resources Canada
Fossil fuels include coal, petroleum, natural gas, oil-sand, and oil-shale. These materials are derived from the partially
decomposed biomass of dead plants and other organisms that lived hundreds of millions of years ago. The ancient
biomass became entombed in marine sediment, which much later became deeply buried and eventually lithified into
sedimentary rocks such as shale and sandstone. Deep within those geological formations, under conditions of high
pressure, high temperature, and low oxygen, the organic matter transformed extremely slowly into hydrocarbons
(molecules that are composed only of carbon and hydrogen) and other organic compounds. In some respects, fossil
fuels can be considered to be a form of stockpiled solar energy – sunlight that was fixed by plants into organic matter
and then stored geologically.
Image 13.1. Because petroleum and other fossil fuels are non-renewable resources, their future reserves are
diminished when they are extracted from the environment. This is an oil pump in southeastern Saskatchewan.
In a geological sense, fossil fuels are still being produced today, by the same processes that involve dead biomass being
subjected to high pressure and temperature. Because the natural geological production of fossil fuels continues, it
might be argued that these materials are a kind of renewable resource. However, the rate at which fossil fuels are being
extracted and used is enormously faster than their extremely slow regeneration. Under this circumstance, fossil fuels
can only be regarded as being non-renewable.
Hydrocarbons are the most abundant chemicals in fossil fuels. However, many additional kinds of organic compounds
may also be present, which incorporate sulphur, nitrogen, and other elements in their structure. Coal in particular is
often contaminated with many inorganic minerals, such as shale and pyrite.
The most important use of fossil fuels is as a source of energy. They are combusted in vehicle engines, power plants,
and other machines to produce the energy needed to perform work in industry, for transportation, and for household
use. Fossil fuels are also used to produce energy to heat indoor spaces, an especially important function in countries
with a seasonally cold climate. Another key use is for the manufacturing of synthetic materials, including almost all
plastics. In addition, asphaltic materials are used to construct roads and to manufacture roofing shingles for buildings.
Coal is a solid material that can vary greatly in its chemical and physical qualities. The highest quality coals are
anthracite and bituminous, which are hard, shiny, black minerals with a high energy density (the energy content per
unit of weight). Lignite is a poorer grade of coal, and it is a softer, flaky material with a lower energy density. Coal is
mined in various ways. If deposits occur close to the surface, they are typically extracted by strip-mining, which
involves the use of huge shovels to uncover and collect the coal-bearing strata, which are then transported using
After it is mined, coal may be washed to remove some of the impurities and then ground into a powder. Most is then
combusted in a large industrial facility, such as a coal-fired generating station, a use that accounts for about half of the
global use of coal and 88% in Canada (Natural Resources Canada, 2014b). In addition, about 75% of the world’s steel is
manufactured using coal as an energy source, often as a concentrated material known as coke. Coal can also be used to
manufacture synthetic petroleum.
Petroleum (crude oil) is a fluid mixture of hydrocarbons with some impurities, such as organic compounds that contain
sulphur, nitrogen, and vanadium. Petroleum from different places varies greatly, from a heavy tarry material that must
be heated before it will flow, to an extremely light fluid that quickly volatilizes into the atmosphere. Petroleum is mined
using drilled wells, from which the liquid mineral is forced to the surface by geological pressure. Often, the natural
pressure is supplemented by pumping.
A heavy form of petroleum called bitumen is also produced by mining and refining oil- sand, which is extracted in
northern Alberta. Oil-sand deposits that are close to the surface are mined in immense open pits, while deeper
materials are treated with steam so they will flow and are then extracted as a heavy liquid using drilled wells.
Once extracted, petroleum is transported by overland pipelines, trucks, trains, and ships to an industrial facility known
as a refinery, where the crude material is separated into various constituents. The fractions may be used as a liquid
fuel, or they can be manufactured into many useful materials, such as plastics and pigments. The refined fractions
include the following:
Natural gas is also extracted using drilled wells. The dominant hydrocarbon in natural gas is methane, but ethane,
propane, and butane are also present, as often is hydrogen sulphide. Most natural gas is transported in steel pipelines
from the well sites to distant markets. Sometimes it is liquefied under pressure for transportation, particularly by ships.
In Canada, however, it is distributed mostly through an extensive network of pipelines. Natural gas is used to generate
electricity, to heat buildings, to cook food, to power light vehicles, and to manufacture nitrogen fertilizer.
Image 13.2. Continued exploration for non-renewable resources can discover new reserves. Because Earth is
finite, however, there are limits to these discoveries, which are being approached rapidly. This enormous off-
shore production platform was constructed to develop the Hibernia petroleum deposit on the Grand Banks off
Newfoundland. Source: Dosya: Hibernia platform, Wikipedia Commons; http://tr.wikipedia.org/wiki/
The global production and reserves of fossil fuels are shown in Table 13.4. The production of petroleum increased by
29% between 1993 and 2013, natural gas by 64%, and coal by 83%. There is active exploration for all these fuels, and
additional reserves are being discovered in various regions of the world. Fossil fuels are, however, being consumed
extremely rapidly, particularly in developed and rapidly developing economies. Consequently, the expected lifetimes of
the known reserves are alarmingly short, equivalent to 113 years for coal, 55 years for natural gas, and 58 years for
These numbers should not be interpreted too literally, however, because ongoing exploration is discovering additional
deposits, which add to the known reserves. This is illustrated by changes in the calculated reserve life of petroleum,
which was 46 years in 1993, but twenty years later had actually increased to 58 years. Of course, this seemingly
unexpected result is due to the fact that previously unknown reserves of petroleum had been discovered during that
20-year period, or rising prices had made once-uneconomic resources viable (such as the oil-sands of Alberta).
Nevertheless, the discoveries will be limited by the finite amounts present on Earth, so the fact remains that the stocks
of these non-renewable resources are being depleted rapidly.
Table 13.4. Global Production and Reserves of Fossil Fuels, 2013. “Proven” reserves are the total amounts of a
resource that are known to exist. The reserve life is the reserves divided by the annual rate of extraction.
Source: Data from British Petroleum (2014).
At the present time, petroleum is the world’s most important fossil fuel resource, largely because it can easily be
refined into portable liquid fuels that are readily used as a source of energy for many industrial and domestic purposes.
In addition, petroleum is the major feedstock used to manufacture plastics and other synthetic materials.
About 46% of the world’s proven recoverable reserves of petroleum occurs in the Middle East (Table 13.5). This fact
underscores the strategic importance of that region to the global energy economy and its security. Saudi Arabia alone
has 16% of the world’s petroleum reserves, followed by Iraq, Iran, and Kuwait each with 6-9%. Note that the large
reserves cited for Venezuela and Canada are largely for “non-conventional” sources of petroleum, such as very-heavy
oil and oil-sand (respectively), which are relatively expensive to mine and refine. The world’s most developed
economies are in Europe, North America, and eastern Asia. Those in Europe and Asia depend heavily on petroleum
imports from the Middle East, Russia, and Venezuela to maintain their consumption levels. This was once also the case
for North America, but it has been much less so since about 2010 because of large increases in domestic production
associated with petroleum in shale formations and oil-sand in northern Alberta.
The world’s best-endowed countries in terms of total fossil-fuel resources are Russia and the United States, both of
which have enormous reserves of natural gas, coal, and petroleum (Table 13.5).
Table 13.5. Reserves of Fossil Fuels in Selected Countries. The countries are listed in order of decreasing
reserves of petroleum in 2013. Data are proven reserves, and are from British Petroleum (2008).
Most reserves of fossil fuels in Canada occur in the western provinces, as does most of the production (Table 13.7). In
addition to conventional petroleum, Canada has a huge resource of oil-sand, from which a heavy bitumen is extracted
that is upgraded to a synthetic petroleum (see Canadian Focus 13.1). There are about 14 million hectares of oil-sand
Table 13.6. Production, Consumption, and Reserves of Fossil Fuels in Canada, 2013. Percentage consumption
refers to the fraction of Canadian production that is used within Canada. The reserve life is the proven reserves
divided by the annual production. Source: Data from British Petroleum (2014).
(1) toe = tonnes of oil equivalent, which allows all of the fossil fuels to be expressed in comparable units
Table 13.7. Provincial Production of Fossil Fuels, 2012. Where data are missing, the production was zero or small
and not reported. Source: Data from Statistics Canada (2014b).
About 67% of the Canadian production of natural gas is consumed domestically, the rest being exported to the United
States (Table 13.6). Similarly, about 55% of the coal production and 54% of petroleum is used domestically. However,
these national data hide some important regional differences. In particular, a large fraction of the petroleum extracted
in western Canada is exported to the United States, but this is offset by a substantial import of foreign oil to the
eastern provinces. Overall, while Canada produced about 193-million (106) tonnes of petroleum in 2013, it consumed
104 x 106 t, exported 163 x 106 t, and imported 153 x 106 t (BP, 2014). The production value of crude oil was $45 billion in
2013, while that of oil-sand bitumen and its synthetic petroleum was $57 billion, and natural gas $16 billion (CAPP, 2014).
That of coal was $4.6 billion (NRC, 2014b). Canada produces about 5% of the global production of natural gas, 5% of the
petroleum, and 1% of the coal (BP, 2014). These are much larger than the 0.5% of the global population that lives in
The oil-sand resource of Alberta is immense. The total reserve is about 27.3-billion tonnes of petroleum
equivalent (168-billion barrels), but the resource under “active development” in 2013 was 4.2-billion t (British
Petroleum, 2014). For comparison, Saudi Arabian reserves of conventional petroleum, the largest in the world,
are about 36.5-billion t.
In 2012, the production of crude bitumen plus synthetic petroleum in Alberta was 89.8-million tonnes, which
was equivalent to 76% of the province’s total oil production and 58% of Canada’s (Statistics Canada, 2014c).
About two-thirds of the petroleum is typically refined into gasoline and other liquid fuels, and the rest is used
as asphalt to build roads and to manufacture roofing products.
Development of the oil-sand resource has moved quickly since the first activity began in the late 1960s.
Between 1996 and 2013, a total of $376 billion was invested in new and ongoing projects, with $59 billion in 2013
alone (CAPP, 2014). In 2013, there were 13 oil-sand extraction projects. Assuming that the pace of development
continues apace, comparably large investments will continue to be made over the next decade or so, especially
if prices for crude oil remain high (most oil-sand operations need a selling point of about $80 per barrel to be
economically viable). Most of the frenetic development is occurring near Fort McMurray, which has rapidly
grown from a village in the 1960s to about 72-thousand in 2014.
Deposits of oil-sand that occur near the surface (less than about 75 m deep) are mined in open pits (strip-
mined) using immense shovels, which along with the trucks they load, are the largest such machines in the
world. The raw oil-sand is processed using heat and steam to yield a viscous bitumen (its room-temperature
consistency is similar to molasses). The bitumen is modified with light hydrocarbon fluids to reduce its
viscosity so that it can flow and be transported in a pipeline. The typical yield from mined oil sand is about 1 t of
synthetic petroleum from 15 t of raw resource. About 75-90% of the bitumen present is recovered by the
extraction process. The remainder, along with massive quantities of tailings (processed sand and clay), is back-
filled into the huge quarries. Once the back-filled areas are filled, they will be contoured, top-dressed with
previously stockpiled overburden (gravel, sand, clay, and organic muck from muskeg), and planted to restore a
land-use for pasture or as forest. The industry is required to rehabilitate mined sites to a level of productivity at
least that of the pre-existing ecosystem. Ultimately, about 20% of the total oil-sand resource lies close enough
to the surface to potentially be extracted by open-pit mining. However, because this method was the first to be
developed, about two-thirds of the recent production of oil-sand bitumen is from surface mines.
The other one-third of oil-sand bitumen production is from in situ (“in place”) extraction of deposits deeper
than 75 m. This is done in various ways, such as injecting steam into the deposit and then pumping the liquefied
bitumen to the surface for further processing. Alternative extraction methods include the use of injected
solvents to make the bitumen flowable so that it can be pumped to the surface. About 80% of the oil-sand
reserves are potentially recoverable by in situ technology, which results in much less disturbance of the surface
environment, compared with open-pit mining.
Image 13.3. View of an open-pit mine for the extraction of bitumen-sand in northern Alberta. Source: B.
Oil-sand mining and processing are energy-intensive activities that take place in huge industrial facilities. The
energy to run machinery and processing facilities is obtained by burning fossil fuels, particularly natural gas, so
the industry is a major emitter of greenhouse gases. The oil-sand industry has voluntarily committed to major
investments in improved technology to decrease their intensity of energy use and CO2 emissions (see Canadian
Focus 17.1.) By decreasing the energy intensity of their operations, the industry will emit smaller amounts of
greenhouse gases per tonne of bitumen and synthetic that they produce. Nevertheless, because of the rapidly
increasing scale of oil-sand operations in northern Alberta, there will be a large increase in the total amount of
emissions. In fact, the growth of the oil-sand industry is responsible for most of the increase in Canadian
emissions of greenhouse gases over the past decade or so.
There are additional important environmental effects of the mining and processing of oil sands. They include
pollution of the atmosphere, groundwater, and surface water; the extensive destruction of natural habitats; and
socio-economic disruptions of rural and Aboriginal communities. In the larger context, however, these
damages must be viewed as an inevitable result of the apparent enthusiasm of Canadian society, politicians, and
business interests to mine, sell, and use fossil-fuel resources at a rapid (and non-sustainable) rate. This is
happening because of the perceived importance of these activities to the domestic and export economies of
Other materials that are mined in large quantities in Canada include asbestos, diamonds, gypsum, limestone, potash,
salt, sulphur, aggregates, and peat. Except for diamonds, these materials have a smaller commodity value (value per
tonne) than metals and fossil fuels. Global or Canadian shortages of these materials are not imminent. The mining of
these kinds of minerals contributed $11-bilion to the GDP of Canada in 2011 (Statistics Canada, 2014a).
Asbestos refers to s a group of tough, fibrous, incombustible silicate minerals that are used to manufacture fireproof
insulation, cement additives, brake linings, and many other products. However, certain kinds of asbestos minerals have
been linked to human health problems, particularly lung diseases. These hazards have greatly reduced the market for
this otherwise useful mineral. As recently as 2010 about 0.18-million tonnes of asbestos were mined in Quebec, but the
last two mines closed in 2011 (NRC, 2014a).
Diamonds are relatively new to the mining scene in Canada, with the first major discoveries not made until the 1990s.
About 10.6-million carats of diamonds were mined in 2013, with a value of $2.0 billion. Almost all mining occurs in the
Northwest Territories, with some also in Ontario, and with exploration elsewhere on the Canadian Shield.
Gypsum, a mineral composed of calcium sulphate, is used to manufacture plaster and wallboard for the construction
industry. About 2.7-million tonnes of gypsum were mined in 2013, with a value of $38 million. All gypsum mining occurs
in Nova Scotia.
Limestone is a rock composed of calcium carbonate. It is used to manufacture cement, as well as lime for making
plaster. In addition, some limestone, and the related metamorphic rock known as marble, is quarried for use as building
stone and facings. About 18-million tonnes of limestone were mined in 2013. It was used to make 11.8-million tonnes of
cement with a value of $1.6 billion. Another 1.8-million tonnes of lime were manufactured, with a value of $306 million.
Ontario, Quebec, and British Columbia have the largest cement industries, and Ontario the largest lime-making
Potash is a rock formed from the mineral potash feldspar, and it is mined to manufacture potassium-containing
fertilizer. About 10.1-million tonnes of potash (K2O) were mined in 2013, with a value of $6.1 billion. Potash is mined in
Saskatchewan and New Brunswick.
Salt, or sodium chloride, is used in the chemical manufacturing industry, for de-icing roads, as “table salt,” and as a
food additive and flavouring. About 12.4-million tonnes of salt were mined in 2013, with a value of $645 million. The
largest salt mines are in Ontario, Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Nova Scotia.
Sulphur is manufactured from hydrogen sulphide obtained from sour-gas wells (gas wells rich in H2S), from pollution-
control scrubbers (for SO2) at metal smelters, and from deposits of native (or elemental) sulphur. Sulphur is used in the
chemical manufacturing industries and to make fertilizer. About 6.4-million tonnes of sulphur were produced in 2013,
with a value of $517 million. About 90% of the sulphur production is obtained from sour-gas wells in Alberta and
Aggregates include sand, gravel, and other materials that are mined for use in road construction and as fillers for
concrete in the construction industry. Aggregates are a low-grade resource, having relatively little value per tonne.
However, these materials may be available only in small quantities close to large cities, leading to local shortages. About
228-million tonnes were quarried in 2013, with a value of $1.75 billion. These materials are mined in all provinces and
territories, at rates more or less related to the local construction activity.
Peat is a sub-fossil material that has developed from dead plant biomass that is hundreds to thousands of years old. It
accumulates in bog wetlands, where it becomes partially decomposed (or humified). Peat is sometimes dried and
Energy Use
It is critical for any economy to have ready access to relatively inexpensive and accessible sources of energy for
commercial, industrial, and household purposes. The use of large amounts of energy is especially characteristic of
developed countries, such as Canada. As has been examined previously, relatively wealthy, developed countries use
much more energy (on a per-capita basis) than do poorer, less-developed countries.
Ever since people achieved a mastery of fire, they have used fuels for subsistence purposes, that is, to cook food and to
keep warm. Initially, locally collected wood and other plant biomass were the fuels used for those purposes. Perhaps
only one-million people were alive when fire was first domesticated, and their per-capita energy use was small.
Consequently, biomass fuels were a renewable source of energy because the rate at which they were being harvested
was much smaller than the rate at which new biomass was being produced by vegetation.
In modern times, however, the human population is enormously larger than it was when fire was first put to work.
Moreover, many countries now have intensely industrialized economies in which per-capita energy usage is extremely
high. The combination of population growth and increased per-capita energy use means that enormous amounts of
energy are used in developed countries. The energy is needed to fuel industrial processes, to manufacture and run
machines, to keep warm in winter and cool in summer, and to prepare food.
Most industrial energy supplies are based on the use of non-renewable resources, although certain renewable sources
may also be important. For comprehensiveness, both non-renewable and renewable energy sources are discussed
together in this section.
Sources of Energy
The world’s major sources of industrial energy are fossil fuels and nuclear fuels, both of which are non-renewable.
Hydroelectric power, generated using the renewable energy of flowing water, is also important in some regions,
including much of Canada. Relatively minor energy sources, often called “alternative sources”, include biomass fuels,
geothermal heat, solar power, wind, and waves, all of which are potentially renewable.
Any of the above sources can be harnessed to drive a turbine, which spins an electrical generator that converts the
kinetic energy of motion into electrical energy. Solar energy can also generate electricity more directly, through
photovoltaic technology (see below). Electricity is one of the most important kinds of energy used in industrial
societies, being widely distributed to industries and homes through a network of transmission lines. The following
sections briefly describe how these various energy sources are used.
Image 13.4. Electricity generated by sing nuclear fuel or by burning coal, oil, or natural gas uses non-renewable
sources of energy. This is an airphoto of the Bruce Nuclear Generating Station in Ontario, with Lake Huron in
the background. Source: Chuck Szmurlo, Wikimedia Commons, http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/
Coal, natural gas, petroleum, and their refined products can be combusted in power plants, where the potential energy
of the fuel is harnessed to generate electricity. Fossil fuels can also power machines directly, particularly in
transportation, in which gasoline, diesel, liquefied natural gas, and other “portable” fuels are used in automobiles,
trucks, airplanes, trains, and ships. Fossil fuels are also combusted in the furnaces of many homes and larger buildings
to provide warmth during colder times of the year. The burning of fossil fuels has many environmental drawbacks,
including emissions of greenhouse gases, sulphur dioxide, and other pollutants into the atmosphere.
Nuclear Fuels
Nuclear fuels contain unstable isotopes of the heavy elements uranium and plutonium (235U and 239Pu, respectively).
These can decay through a process known as fission, which produces lighter elements while releasing 2-3 neutrons per
nucleus and an enormous quantity of energy. The emitted neutrons may be absorbed by other atoms of 235U or 239Pu,
causing them to also become unstable and undergo fission in a process known as a chain reaction. An uncontrolled
chain reaction can result in a devastating nuclear explosion. In a nuclear reactor, however, the flux of neutrons is
carefully regulated, which allows electricity to be produced safely and continuously.
Nuclear reactions are fundamentally different from chemical reactions, in which atoms recombine into different
compounds without changing their internal structure. In nuclear fission, the atomic structure is fundamentally altered,
and small amounts of matter are transformed into immense quantities of energy.
Most of the energy liberated by nuclear fission is released as heat. In a nuclear power plant, some of the heat is used to
boil water. The resulting steam drives a turbine, which generates electricity. Most nuclear-fuelled power plants are
Various elements, most of which are also radioactive (such as radon gas), are produced during fission reactions. One of
these, 239Pu, can also be used as a component of nuclear fuel in power plants. To obtain 239Pu for this purpose (or for
use in manufacturing nuclear weapons), spent fuel from nuclear generating stations is reprocessed. Other trans-
uranium elements and any remaining 235U (as well as non-fissile 238U) can also be recovered and be used to
manufacture new fuel for reactors.
So-called fast-breeder reactors are designed to optimize the production of 239Pu (which occurs when an atom of 238U
absorbs a neutron to produce 239U, which then forms 239Pu by the emission of two beta electrons). Although fast-
breeder reactors have been demonstrated, they have not been commercially developed. Breeder reactors produce
“new” nuclear fuel (by producing plutonium) and thereby help to optimize use of the uranium resource. However, there
are limits to the process because the original quantity of 238U is eventually depleted. Therefore, both 235U and 239Pu
should be considered to be non-renewable resources.
A number of important environmental problems are associated with nuclear power. These include the small but real
possibility of a catastrophic accident such as a meltdown of the reactor core, which can result in the release of large
amounts of radioactive material into the environment (as happened at the Chernobyl reactor in Ukraine in 1986).
Nuclear reactions also produce extremely toxic, long-lived radioactive by-products (such as plutonium), which must be
safely managed for very long periods of time (up to tens of thousands of years). Enormous quantities of these “high-
level” wastes are stockpiled in Canada and in other countries that use nuclear power, but so far there are no permanent
solutions to the problem of their long-term management. Another problem is the emission of toxic radon gas and
radioactivity from “low-level” wastes associated with uranium mines, structural elements of nuclear power plants, and
other sources.
Fusion is another kind of energy-producing nuclear reaction. This process occurs when light nuclei are forced to
combine under conditions of extremely high temperature (millions of degrees) and pressure, resulting in an enormous
release of energy. Fusion usually involves the combining of hydrogen isotopes. One common fusion reaction involves
two protons (two hydrogen nuclei, 1H) fusing to form a deuterium nucleus (composed of one proton and one
neutron, 2H), while also emitting a beta electron and an extremely large amount of energy.
Fusion reactions occur naturally in the interior of the Sun and other stars, and they can also be initiated by exposing
hydrogen to the enormous heat and pressure generated by a fission nuclear explosion, as occurs in a so-called
hydrogen bomb. However, nuclear technologists have not yet designed a system that can control fusion reactions to
the degree necessary to generate electricity in an economic system. If this technology is ever developed, it would be an
enormous benefit to industrial society. It would mean that virtually unlimited supplies of hydrogen fuel for fusion
reactors could be extracted from the oceans, which would essentially eliminate constraints on energy supply. So far,
however, controlled fusion reactions remain the stuff of science fiction.
Hydroelectric Energy
Hydroelectric energy involves harnessing the kinetic energy of flowing water to drive a turbine that generates
electricity. Because the energy of flowing water develops naturally through the hydrologic cycle, hydroelectricity is a
renewable source of energy. There are two classes of technologies for the generation of hydroelectricity.
Canada’s largest hydroelectric generating facilities are located Churchill Falls in Labrador with a capacity of 5,429
megawatts (MW), La Grande-2 in northern Quebec with 5,328 MW, G.M. Shrum in British Columbia with 2,730 MW, and
La Grande 4 and 3 in Quebec, with 2,651 and 2,304 MW, respectively. All of these facilities have large reservoirs to store
water. Although hydroelectric energy is renewable, important environmental impacts are associated with use of this
technology. Changes in the amount and timing of water flow in rivers cause important ecological damages, as does the
extensive flooding that occurs when a reservoir is developed (see Chapter 20).
Image 13.5. Hydroelectricity is a renewable source of energy. This facility taps part of the flow of the Niagara
River to generate electricity. Source: B. Freedman.
Solar Energy
Solar energy is continuously available during the day, and it can be tapped in various ways as a renewable source of
energy. For example, it is stored by plants as they grow, so that their biomass can be harvested and combusted to
release its potential energy (see Biomass Energy, below).
Solar energy can also be trapped within a glass-enclosed space. This happens because glass is transparent to visible
Solar energy can also be used to generate electricity using photovoltaic technology (solar cells), which converts
electromagnetic energy directly into electricity. In another technology, large, extremely reflective parabolic mirrors
are used to focus sunlight onto an enclosed volume that contains water or another fluid, which becomes heated and
generates steam that is used to drive a turbine to generate electricity.
Geothermal Energy
Geothermal energy can be tapped in the very few places where magma occurs relatively close to the surface and heats
ground water. The boiling-hot water can be piped to the surface, where its heat content is used to warm buildings or
to generate electricity. In addition, the smaller energy content of slightly warmed geothermal water, which is present
almost everywhere, can be accessed using heat-pump technology and used for space heating or to provide warm water
for a manufacturing process. Geothermal energy is a renewable source as long as the supply of groundwater available
to be heated within the ground is not depleted by excessive pumping.
Wind Energy
The kinetic energy of moving air masses, or wind energy, can be tapped and used in various ways. A sailboat uses wind
energy to move through the water, a windmill may be used to power the lifting of groundwater for use at the surface,
and wind turbines are designed to generate electricity. Extensive wind-farms, consisting of arrays of highly efficient
wind-driven turbines, have been constructed to generate electricity in consistently windy places in many parts of the
world. In 2014, Canada had an installed wind-farm capacity of 8,517 MW, of which 24 had a capacity of greater than 100
MW (Canadian Wind Energy Association, 2014). The largest wind-farms are Seigneurie de Beaupré (QC, 272 MW), Gros-
Morne (QC, 212 MW), Amaranth (ON, 200 MW), and Wolfe Island (197 MW).
Image 13.6. Wind is increasingly being used as a source of commercial energy in Canada. These wind turbines
are operating near Tilbury in southwestern Ontario. Source: B. Freedman.
Tidal cycles develop because of the gravitational attraction between Earth and the Moon. In a few coastal places, tidal
energy, the kinetic energy of tidal flows, can be harnessed to drive turbines and generate electricity. The Bay of Fundy
in eastern Canada has enormous tides, which can exceed 16 m at the head of the bay. A medium-scale (20 MW) tidal-
power facility has been developed at Annapolis Royal in Nova Scotia. There is potential for much more tidal power
development within the Bay of Fundy, and there are ongoing technological studies to install additional facilities at
various places there. The new installations will use tidal-powered turbines that are laid on the bottom or suspended in
the water column, which avoids the environmental damage associated with a dam.
Wave Energy
Waves on the ocean surface are another manifestation of kinetic energy. Wave energy can be harnessed using specially
designed buoys that generate electricity as they bob up and down, although this technology has not yet been
developed on a commercial scale.
Biomass Energy
The biomass of trees and other plants contains chemical potential energy. This biomass energy is actually solar energy
that has been fixed through photosynthesis. Peat, mined from bogs, is a kind of sub-fossil biomass.
Like hydrocarbon fuels, biomass can be combusted to provide thermal energy for industrial purposes and to heat
homes and larger buildings. Biomass can also be combusted in industrial-scale generating stations, usually to generate
If the ecosystems from which biomass is harvested are managed to allow post-harvest regeneration of the vegetation,
this source of energy can be considered a renewable resource. Peat, however, is always mined faster than the slow rate
at which it accumulates in bogs and other wetlands, so it is not a renewable source of biomass energy.
Energy Consumption
The consumption of energy varies greatly among countries, largely depending on differences in their population and
degree of development and industrialization (Table 13.8). In general, the per-capita use of primary energy (this refers to
fuels that are commercially traded, including renewables used to generate electricity) in less-developed countries is
less than about 1 toe per person per year. However, in the less-developed countries there is a relatively larger use of
non-commercial or “traditional” fuels for purposes of subsistence and local commerce, such as wood, charcoal, dried
animal manure, and food-processing residues such as coconut shells and bagasse (a residue of sugar cane pressing).
The use of traditional fuels is not reflected in the data of Table 13.8.
Countries that are developing rapidly are intermediate in their per-capita energy consumption, but their rates of
energy use are increasing rapidly due to their industrialization. In Malaysia, for example, the national consumption of
primary energy increased by 167% between 1993 and 2013, while in South Korea it increased by 118%, in China by 270%,
in India by 189%, and in Brazil by 103% (by comparison, the growth was 17% in Canada and 11% in the U.S.; WRI, 2014).
While the use of energy has grown in these and other rapidly developing countries, their reliance on traditional fuels
has dropped. This happens because traditional fuels are relatively bulky, smoky, and less convenient to use than
electricity or fossil fuels, particularly in the urban environments where people are living in increasingly large numbers.
In addition, the supplies of wood, charcoal, and other traditional fuels have become severely depleted in most rapidly
developing countries, particularly near urban areas.
Relatively developed countries have a high per-capita consumption of energy (Table 13.8). Their energy use is typically
more than 3 toe/person and almost entirely involves electricity and fossil fuels. The world’s most energy-intensive
economies, on a per-capita basis, are those of Canada and the United States (9.38 and 7.13 toe/person, respectively) ,
which have more than 40-50 times the per-capita usage of people living in the least-developed economies of the
Table 13.8. Consumption of Primary Energy in Selected Countries in 2013. Primary energy refers to fuels that
are commercially traded, including renewables used to generate electricity. National energy consumption
mostly reflects the size of the economy of a country and its population, while per-capita use allows for a
comparison of the lifestyle-intensity of average people. Source: Data from BP (2014).
The use of commercial energy in Canada increased by 116% between 1965 and 1990, and by 33% between 1990 and
2013, while per-capita consumption increased by 54% and 4% during the same periods, respectively (Figure 13.2). The
fact that per-capita energy use increased much less quickly than national consumption suggests that Canadians have
become more efficient in their use of energy, especially during the more recent period. Smaller automobiles, improved
gas economy of vehicles, better insulation of residences and commercial buildings, and the use of more efficient
industrial processes have all contributed to this increased efficiency. Nevertheless, although these gains of energy
efficiency have been substantial, they have been more than offset by growth in the per-capita ownership of
automobiles, consumer electronics, and other energy-demanding products and technologies. Also important have
been large increases in industrial energy use associated with oil-sands developments in Alberta during the past several
decades. These latter changes have caused the overall use of energy in Canada to increase substantially.
Figure 13.2. Trends in the Consumption of Primary Energy in Canada. Note the different scales of national
energy consumption (1018 J) and per capita consumption (1012 J/person). Sources: Data from British Petroleum
The intensive energy usage by Canadians reflects the high degree of industrialization of our national economy. Also
significant is the relative affluence of average Canadians (compared to the global average). Wealth allows people to lead
a relatively luxurious lifestyle, with ready access to energy-consuming amenities such as motor vehicles, home
appliances, space heating, and air conditioning. Canada is also a large country, so there are relatively large
expenditures of energy for travelling. In addition, the cold winter climate means that people use a great deal of energy
to keep warm.
Energy Production
As was examined in Chapter 12, a sustainable enterprise cannot be supported primarily by the mining of non-
renewable sources of energy or other resources. Therefore, a sustainable economy must be based on the use of
renewable sources of energy.
However, most energy production in industrialized countries is based on non-renewable sources. Averaged across the
relatively developed countries shown in Table 13.9, non-renewable fossil fuels and nuclear power account for 91% of
the total use of energy. Renewable sources, such as hydroelectric, geothermal, solar, wind, and biomass fuels, account
for only about 9%. With such a small reliance on non-renewable sources, it is clear that the major economies of the
world are not close to having developed sustainable energy systems. Considering the rapid rate at which reserves of
non-renewable energy resources are being depleted, one wonders how long the energy-intensive economies of
developed nations can be maintained.
Table 13.9. Energy Consumption in Selected Countries in 2013. Data are in units of 106 tonnes of oil equivalent.
Of Canada’s total consumption of primary energy in 2013, 31% came from petroleum, 28% came from natural gas, 6%
from coal, and 7% from nuclear energy (Figure 13.3). These non-renewable energy sources account for 72% of the total
use of primary energy in Canada. Most of the remaining production comes from hydroelectricity (27%), which is
renewable (although it can cause substantial environmental damage through flooding to create reservoirs, and can
require large amounts of non-renewable resources for the construction of dams, transmission lines, and related
infrastructure; see Chapter 20). Another 1.3% involves the use of other renewable sources of energy, such as wind and
biomass. There are also, of course, environmental impacts of the harvesting of trees and other kinds of biomass for use
as fuel (see Chapter 23).
Figure 13.3. Sources of Primary Energy in Canada. Overall, about 86% of commercial energy consumption is
derived from non-renewable sources. The data are for 2006 and are in units of 106 tonnes of oil equivalent.
Biomass includes both solid and liquid forms, and “other renewables” includes geothermal, solar, and wind.
Source: Data from British Petroleum (2008)
Non-renewable resources are always diminished as they are used. Although non-renewables can be used with great
enthusiasm to achieve economic growth, they cannot be the basis of a sustainable economy. Only renewable resources
can play that fundamental role. In this chapter we learned that the non-renewable resources that are vital to the
functioning of modern “advanced” economies, such as that of Canada, are being rapidly depleted. For instance, the life
index of the global reserves of copper is only about 39 years, while that of nickel is 30 years, and zinc 19 years. Among
fossil fuels, the life index of the global reserves of petroleum is about 58 years, while that of natural gas is 55 years, and
coal 113 years. While it is true that continuing exploration will find additional reserves of these and other non-
renewable resources, there are limits to those further discoveries. In addition, about 72% of the consumption of
primary energy in Canada is based on non-renewable sources, as is 39% of the electricity generation. Because the
reserves of all non-renewable resources are being depleted rapidly, both in Canada and around the world, the longer-
1. Using information from this chapter, describe the Canadian and global production and use of non-renewable
2. Show how industrialized countries rely mostly on non-renewable resources to sustain their economies. Will this
kind of resource use be able to continue for very long? Why or why not?
3. What are the various non-renewable and renewable sources of energy available for use in industrialized countries?
What are the future prospects for increasing the use of renewable sources?
4. What are the key sources of energy and materials that are ultimately based on sunlight? Which of these resources
would you consider to be renewable, and which not?
1. Outline the ways in which you use energy, both directly and indirectly. For each of your major uses, how could you
decrease your energy consumption? How would a decrease in energy consumption affect your lifestyle?
2. What are the apparent barriers to the widespread adoption of renewable sources of materials and energy in
advanced economies (such as Canada)?
3. What are the roles of non-renewable and renewable resources in a sustainable economy?
4. Biomass, wind, and hydroelectricity are all examples of renewable sources of energy. Examine the energy-source
distributions for several countries in Table 13.9 and discuss why they are not relying more on renewable sources of
5. Make lists of the apparent benefits and risks associated with nuclear power. Focus on resource and environmental
issues, such as the depletion of fossil fuels, emissions of greenhouse gases, and the long-term disposal of toxic and
hazardous wastes.
Exploring Issues
1. A committee of the House of Commons is examining the sustainability of the Canadian economy. You are an
environmental scientist, and the committee has asked you to advise them on improving the sustainability of the
use of materials and energy. What would you tell them about the sustainability of present use? What
improvements would you recommend?
Chiras, D.D., and J.P. Reganold. 2009. Natural Resource Conservation: Management for a Sustainable Future. 10th ed.
Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ.
Craig, J.R., D.J. Vaughan, B.J. Skinner, and D. Vaughan. 2001. Resources of the Earth: Origin, Use, and Environmental
Impact. 3rd ed. Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ.
Freedman, B. 1995. Environmental Ecology, 2nd ed. Academic Press, San Diego, CA.
Freedman, B., J. Hutchings, D. Gwynne, J. Smol, R. Suffling, R. Turkington, R. Walker, and D. Bazeley. 2014. Ecology: A
Canadian Context. 2nd ed. Nelson Canada, Toronto, ON.
Harris, J.M. and B. Roach. 2014. Environmental and Natural Resource Economics: A Contemporary Approach. 3rd ed.
Routledge, New York, NY.
Holechek, J.L., R.A. Cole, J.T. Fisher, and R. Valdez. 2002. Natural Resources: Ecology, Economics, and Policy. 2nd ed.
Prentice Hall, East Rutherford, NJ.
Natural Resources Canada (NRC). 2014a. Mineral Production of Canada, by Province and Territory. NRC, Ottawa,
ON. http://sead.nrcan.gc.ca/prod-prod/ann-ann-eng.aspx
Natural Resources Canada (NRC). 2014b. About Coal. NRC, Ottawa, ON. http://www.nrcan.gc.ca/energy/coal/4277
Ripley, E.A., R.E. Redmann, and A.A. Crowder. 1996. Environmental Effects of Mining. St. Lucie Press, Delray Beach, FL.
Statistics Canada. 2013. Table 127-0007. Electric power generation, by class of electricity producer. Table 127-0007,
Statistics Canada, Ottawa, ON. http://www5.statcan.gc.ca/cansim/
Statistics Canada. 2014a. Gross domestic product (GDP) at basic prices, by North American Industry Classification
System (NAICS), annual (dollars). Table 379-0029, CANSIM database. Statistics Canada, Ottawa,
ON. http://www5.statcan.gc.ca/cansim/
November, 2014.
Statistics Canada. 2014b. Report on Energy Supply and Demand in Canada, 2012 Preliminary. 57-003-X, Statistics
Canada, Ottawa, ON. http://www.statcan.gc.ca/pub/57-003-x/57-003-x2014002-eng.pdf
Statistics Canada. 2014c. Supply and disposition of crude oil and equivalent, monthly (cubic metres). Table 126-0001,
CANSIM database. http://www5.statcan.gc.ca/cansim/
a26?lang=eng&retrLang=eng&id=1260001&paSer=&pattern=&stByVal=1&p1=1&p2=-1&tabMode=dataTable&csid= Access
ed November, 2014.
Tietenberg, T. and L. Lewis. 2011. Environmental and Natural Resource Economics.9th ed.. Addison Wesley, Boston, MA.
1. List the major classes of renewable resources and describe the character of each.
2. Identify ways by which renewable resources can be degraded by excessive harvesting or inappropriate
3. Describe the renewable resource base of Canada and discuss whether those resources are being used in a
sustainable fashion.
4. Show how the commercial hunts of cod and whales have represented the “mining” of potentially renewable
Renewable resources are capable of regenerating after harvesting, so their use can potentially be sustained forever. For
this to happen, however, the rate of use must be less than that of regeneration – otherwise, a renewable resource is
being mined, or being used as if it was a non-renewable resource.
The most important classes of renewable resources are water, agricultural soil quality, forests, and hunted animals
such as fish, deer, and waterfowl. In the following sections we examine the use and abuse of these potentially
renewable resources. (We previously looked at renewable sources of energy, such as hydroelectricity, solar power,
wind, and biomass, in Chapter 13.)
Fresh Water
Although water is extremely abundant on Earth, about 97% of it occurs in the oceans and is too salty for many uses by
organisms or the human economy. Of the remaining 3% that is fresh water, almost all occurs in glacial ice and is not
easily available for use by people or other species. The “available” forms of fresh water mostly occur in the surface
waters of lakes and rivers, or as groundwater in soil or rocks. These limited stocks of fresh water are a vital resource
for ecosystem processes and for many of the economic activities of people.
Surface Water
Surface water is a collective term for lakes, ponds, streams, and rivers. Fresh water from these bodies can be used for
drinking, cleaning, agricultural irrigation, generation of hydroelectricity, industrial cooling, and recreation. Surface
waters are abundant in regions where the climate is characterized by more precipitation than evapotranspiration,
which allows the aqueous resource to be recharged (see Chapter 3). However, in drier regions surface waters are
uncommon or rare, and this presents a natural constraint on ecological and economic development.
In regions where there is a low rate of recharge of surface water, excessive use for irrigation or industrial or municipal
purposes (such as drinking, washing, and flushing toilets) can rapidly deplete the resource. A deficiency of surface
In the Middle East, for example, the watershed of the Jordan River is shared by Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, and Syria. All of
these countries have a dry climate, and all demand a share of the critical water resource. Also in the Middle East, the
watersheds of the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers originate in Turkey, while Iraq and (to a lesser degree) Syria are highly
dependent down-river users that are threatened by hydroelectric and agricultural diversion schemes in Turkey. In
northern Africa, the watershed of the Nile River encompasses territory in nine countries: Egypt, Ethiopia, Sudan,
Rwanda, Burundi, Democratic Republic of Congo, Tanzania, Kenya, and Uganda. The collective needs of those countries
for water exceed the limited capacity of even that great river.
In North America, the most contentious water-use conflicts involve the Colorado River and the Rio Grande, which are
shared by the United States and Mexico. The use of water from these rivers is extremely intensive, particularly for
irrigated agriculture. In fact, virtually all the flow of the Colorado River could potentially be used in the United States
before it even reaches northern Mexico, where there is also a substantial demand. In addition, the chemical quality of
the water is degraded by inputs of dissolved salts mobilized by agricultural practices in the U.S., a factor that severely
compromises the potential use of any remaining river-water flow in Mexico. Because this binational problem is
important, the two federal governments have negotiated a treaty that guarantees a minimum quantity of flow and
water quality where the Colorado River crosses the international boundary. The Rio Grande has a similar problem,
which is also being dealt with by a treaty between the two countries.
Even where surface waters are relatively abundant, their quality can be degraded by pollution by nutrients,
hydrocarbons, pesticides, metals, or oxygen-consuming organic matter. Excessive nutrients can increase the
productivity of surface waters, causing a problem known as eutrophication (see Chapter 20). Biological contamination
by bacteria, viruses, and parasites from fecal matter of humans, pets, or livestock can render the water unfit for
drinking or even for recreation (Chapter 25). Thermal pollution, due to the release of heat from power plants or
factories, can also cause ecological damage in receiving waterbodies. The effects of acidification, metals, pesticides,
and eroded materials can also be an important issue for surface waters, as is examined in detail in various following
Groundwater occurs in underground reservoirs of water known as aquifers, in which the fluid is present in the
interstitial spaces and cracks of overburden and porous bedrock (see Figure 3.2 in Chapter 3). Groundwater can be an
extremely valuable natural resource, especially in regions where lakes and rivers are not abundant. It is typically
accessed by drilling and pumping to the surface.
Groundwater stores are recharged through the hydrologic cycle. This happens as water from precipitation slowly
percolates downward through surface overburden and bedrock in a sometimes extensive area known as a recharge
zone. In humid regions, where the amount of precipitation is greater than the quantity of water that is dissipated by
evapotranspiration and surface flows, the excess serves to recharge groundwater. An aquifer that quickly recharges
can sustain a high rate of groundwater pumping and can be managed as a renewable resource.
In drier environments, however, the amount of precipitation available to recharge groundwater is much smaller. An
aquifer that recharges extremely slowly is essentially stocked with fossil water (or paleowater) that has accumulated
over thousands of years or more. Such aquifers have little capability to recharge if their groundwater is used rapidly, so
their stores are easily depleted. Slowly recharging aquifers are essentially a non-renewable resource, whose reserves
are “mined” by excessive use.
Groundwater resources are also threatened by pollution when chemicals are deliberately or accidentally discarded into
the ground. For instance, groundwater may be polluted by gasoline leaking from underground storage tanks at service
stations, degraded by the infiltration of agricultural fertilizer and pesticides, or contaminated by bacteria and nutrients
seeping from manured fields or septic systems. Badly contaminated groundwater may not be usable as a source of
drinking water, and even for the irrigation of crops.
It is important to understand that groundwater may be rendered persistently unusable as a source of drinking water if
it has been contaminated by hazardous or toxic substances, such as hydrocarbons (gasoline, engine oil, or home-
heating fuel), pesticides, nitrate originating with agricultural fertilizer, or Escherichia coli and other pathogens
originating with the dumping of livestock manure or untreated urban sewage sludge. Because many aquifers recharge
and turn over slowly, it may take decades or even centuries for these kinds of contaminants to be purged from the
system. In general, the “dilution solution to pollution” does not work well when groundwater is the receiving medium.
It is always precautionary to avoid activities that carry a risk of damaging the quality of water in an aquifer.
Groundwater can also be degraded by the intrusion of salt water, which can render the resource unfit for drinking or
irrigation. In areas close to an ocean, deeper saline groundwater is typically overlain by a surface layer of fresh water
(which is less dense than salt water and therefore “floats” above it). If fresh groundwater is withdrawn at a rate faster
than the recharge capability of an aquifer, the deeper salt water will rise. Once this happens, it is extremely difficult to
displace the salt water, and the ability of the aquifer to supply fresh water may have been destroyed.
The regions of the world with the smallest per-capita water resources are Asia, Africa, and Europe, a pattern that
partly reflects the high population densities of those continents. In general, Canada has abundant supplies of both
surface water and groundwater. Nevertheless, water is scarce in relatively arid regions of our country, such as
southern parts of the Prairie Provinces and southeastern British Columbia. There, the shortage of water for irrigation is
a constraint on agricultural development, a problem that may intensify in the future, according to most climate-
warming scenarios.
Groundwater is an important resource in some regions of Canada, particularly where surface water is not abundant or
its chemical quality is poor. Often, groundwater is naturally cleaner than surface water and is therefore better suited
for many purposes, especially household use. Sometimes, however, groundwater quality is impaired through naturally
high concentrations of calcium, iron, and other chemicals.
In general, national patterns of water use are influenced by the degree and kind of economic development, the
population size, and amounts of rainfall. Among the less-developed nations, those that depend heavily on irrigated
agriculture have a relatively water use, with agriculture accounting for more than 85% of the total (Table 14.1).
However, many less-developed countries with an arid climate, such as Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia, and others, would also
benefit greatly from having more irrigated agriculture. However, these countries do not have access to sufficient water
for this kind of management, so per-capita water use, even while largely agricultural, remains small.
Some developed countries have rather high per-capita water use. Canada and the United States, for example, use
much of their surface water for generating hydroelectricity. In addition, the western United States has invested heavily
in irrigated agriculture. Canadians use about 5 billion cubic metres of water per year from both surface-water and
groundwater sources. Only about 4% of that total water usage is groundwater. However, about 12% of Canadians rely
on groundwater for domestic use (Table 14.2).
Table 14.2. Use of Water by Households in Canada, 2011. Municipal sources refer to a centralized facility to treat
and distribute water. Non-municipal sources are almost entirely private wells. Groundwater refers to the
percent of household water that is derived from this source. Per-capita use refers to households. Source: Data
from Environment Canada (2011) and Statistics Canada (2013).
Within the home, about 35% of the total use of water is typically for showers and baths, 30%, to flush toilets, 20%, to
do laundry, 10%, for drinking, and 5%, for cleaning (Environment Canada, 2014). The water returned to the environment
after these various uses is typically degraded in quality because of the presence of various kinds of dissolved and
suspended substances.
In addition, about 12% of the water used for various purposes is consumed during the process, This occurs because
some of the water evaporates into the atmosphere so that the discharge of used water is smaller than the quantity
initially withdrawn. This is particularly true of most agricultural uses, in which much of the applied water evaporates.
This is a reason why about 58% of the water used in the Prairie Provinces is consumed during the process, compared
with only 2% of that used in Ontario.
In addition, Canada manages the flow of tremendous quantities of surface water using dams and reservoirs (see
Chapter 20). This is done to generate hydroelectricity, control flooding, accumulate water for irrigation, and manage
municipal reservoirs. Canada has about 930 large dams (taller than 15m), of which 64% are primarily used to provide
hydroelectricity; 9% are multipurpose, 9% to confine mining tailings, 6% for municipal water supply, 5% for irrigation,
and 7% for other purposes (Environment Canada, 2010). There are thousands of additional smaller dams as well.
Like many towns and cities, Walkerton provides its citizens with drinking water, in this case extracted using a
system of drilled wells. Unfortunately, E. coli polluted the groundwater in one of the wellfields. This was likely
A subsequent inquiry discovered a remarkable combination of irresponsibility and incompetence on the part of
town officials. Initially, the bacterial pollution was not detected by routine water-quality monitoring, but even
when it was discovered, sensible action was not immediately taken to deal with the problem. According to the
local Medical Officer of Health, officials in the Walkerton Public Utilities Commission knew about the E. coli
pollution for several days before they informed the public about the hazard. Meanwhile, people continued to
drink their tapwater, which resulted in hundreds of them becoming severely ill. Seven people died from their
bacterial poisoning.
A post-disaster study reported that the Walkerton tragedy caused direct economic damage of about $6.9
million to the citizens and businesses of the town and decreased property values by $1.1 million. Additional
economic costs included more than $9 million to fix the water system and $3.5 million spent on legal fees by
the Government of Ontario. However, if the indirect costs of illness and suffering are also considered, the
incident may have caused damages equivalent to $65–155 million.
Obvious lessons to be learned from the Walkerton tragedy include the need for (1) competent local
maintenance and monitoring of public water supplies; (2) oversight of the local agencies by higher authorities
(in this case, the Provincial Government); and (3) sensible regulation and close monitoring of the disposal and
environmental effects of the enormous amounts of untreated livestock sewage that are produced in Canada.
Agricultural Resources
The production of an agricultural crop is measured in gross units, such as tonnes of wheat harvested on a farm, in a
region, or in a country as a whole. The production is related to several factors, including the amount of land under
cultivation and the productivity of the crop.
By comparison, the productivity is a rate function and is standardized per unit area and unit time, such as the tonnes of
wheat harvested per hectare in a particular year. The productivity is related to the management system being used,
plus a vital quality of the land that is referred to as site capability.
Ultimately, the amount of agricultural land in any region (and on Earth) is a limited resource. To some degree, the area
of land suitable for cultivating crops can be increased by clearing the pre-existing natural forest and grassland that
may be growing on fertile sites, and by draining certain kinds of wetlands. There are, however, finite areas of those
kinds of natural ecosystems that are suitable for conversion into arable land. Only about 30% of Earth’s surface is
terrestrial, and most of that land is too cold, hot, dry, wet, rocky, or infertile to be converted into an agricultural land-
Image 14.1. Agricultural production relies on rainfall and site capability, which supply moisture, nutrients, and
Some countries still have substantial areas of natural ecosystems that are suitable for conversion. Most of those
countries are less-developed and have a rapidly growing population, and they are actively pursuing this tactic of
economic development by clearing tropical rainforest, savannah, and wetlands (see Table 14.3 for examples of recent
changes). Other less-developed countries have few remaining areas of natural land that are suitable for agricultural
development. In spite of their rapidly growing populations, these countries have not managed to create much
additional cropland in the past several decades. For instance, this is the situation of Bangladesh, China, and India.
Table 14.3. Agricultural Land in Selected Countries. Land areas are for 2012; % refers to percentage change of
2012 compared with 1993 (a positive value indicates an increase). Source: Data from FAO (2014b).
Site Capability
Agricultural site capability (or site quality) can be defined as the potential of an area of land to sustain the productivity
of agricultural crops. Site capability is a complex ecological quality that depends on nutrients, organic matter, and
moisture in the soil, plus additional factors that affect the productivity of crops. These factors are influenced by
climate and drainage, by the vigour of ecological processes such as decomposition and nutrient cycling, and by the
kinds of microbial and plant communities that are present.
Site capability is extremely important to the productivity of agricultural systems, and therefore to the production and
availability of food. Because the beneficial qualities of cultivated land can be maintained and even improved by the use
of appropriate management practices, site capability represents a potentially renewable resource. However, it can also
be degraded by certain agricultural practices (see Chapter 24).
Ultimately, site capability for agriculture depends on seven interrelated factors: soil fertility, organic matter, bulk
Soil fertility is related to the ability of an ecosystem to supply the nutrients that are needed to sustain the productivity
of a crop. Especially important are the sources of nitrogen, particularly inorganic forms such as ammonium and nitrate,
as well as phosphate, potassium, calcium, magnesium, and sulphur. Soil fertility is influenced not only by the amounts
of these nutrients, but also by factors that affect their availability to plants, such as:
• the cation exchange capacity, or the degree to which positively charged ions (these are cations) of such nutrients
as ammonium (NH4+), potassium (K+), and calcium (Ca2+) are bound by soil
• the anion exchange capacity, which is related to the binding of negatively charged ions (anions) such as nitrate
(NO3-), phosphate (PO43–), and sulphate (SO42–)
• soil acidity or alkalinity, which are usually measured as pH, and affect the solubility of many nutrients as well as
key aspects of microbial activity
• the rate of oxidation of organically bound nutrients into inorganic compounds that plants can take up and use
more effectively in their nutrition
• the enhancement of nutrient availability through the addition of agricultural fertilizer or other practices
For example, consider the process of nitrification (see Chapter 5), an important function that is performed by certain
bacteria and that transforms ammonium into nitrate. The rate of nitrification is greatly decreased in soil that is acidic
or waterlogged, which results in much less availability of nitrate to crops. Soil fertility is also degraded if excessive
amounts of nutrients are removed when crops are harvested, and also by the compaction of soil, depletion of soil
organic matter, waterlogging, and acidification.
Soil organic matter consists of plant debris and humified organic material. Organic matter contributes to the ability of
soil to form a loose, crumbly structure called tilth. Soil with good tilth is well aerated, allows plant roots to grow freely,
and retains moisture, all of which are important factors that affect crop growth.
In addition, some nutrients are components of soil organic matter. These organically bound nutrients are slowly
released for plant uptake through the process of decomposition, which in this respect can be viewed as a natural, slow-
release, organic fertilization. Organic matter in the soil also helps to retain ionic forms of nutrients through cation and
anion exchange capacity. Intensive cropping with insufficient return of crop residues typically results in a loss of soil
organic matter and degradation of the valuable ecological services it provides.
Bulk density of soil (its weight per unit volume) has a large effect on tilth and drainage. It is generally preferable to
have a low bulk density, but this can be degraded by the loss of soil organic matter and by compaction caused by the
repeated passage of heavy machinery, especially when fields are wet. Soil that has been degraded by compaction may
become wetter, lack oxygen, and have impaired nutrient cycling and poor root growth. These changes can result in a
substantial decrease of productivity.
Resistance to erosion is degraded when soil is left without a cover of vegetation or crop residues during the winter,
when contour ploughing is not practiced (such as when cultivation runs down a slope rather than along it), and when
steep terrain is tilled. In contrast, sites are resistant to erosion if they are well vegetated, have good tilth, are flat, and
the climate is not excessively wet or windy. In effect, erosion represent an important problem because it is a loss of soil
mass, which occurs as particles are carried away by the forces of wind or running water. Any agricultural practices that
increase the rate of erosion should be viewed as a mining of soil capital. In severe cases, erosion can strip away the
relatively fertile, surface horizons of the soil. In the worst cases, bedrock may be exposed and the land is forever ruined
for agricultural use.
Moisture status is another important aspect of site capability. In general, an intermediate moisture status (referred to
The moisture status of sites is largely affected by climatic factors, especially the rates of precipitation and
evapotranspiration. Soil moisture is also affected by the drainage characteristics – coarse-grained soils may drain too
rapidly and have little ability to hold moisture, while heavy clay soils may not drain well enough, retaining water close
to the surface. Soils with good tilth tend to have a degree of drainage midway between these extremes.
Salinization refers to the accumulation of various kinds of salts in the soil, particularly excessive amounts of sodium,
magnesium, potassium, chloride, or sulphate. These and other salts are present in irrigation water and in certain kinds
of fertilizer and they remain behind when water evaporates to the atmosphere. Salinization is a common problem in
agricultural fields that are irrigated but do not have enough drainage to carry the salts downward into the soil and
away, causing them to accumulate at the surface.
The abundance of weeds is important because when abundant, they provide too much competition for crop plants.
The term “weed” can be defined as plants that are judged to be interfering with some human purpose (see Chapter 22).
An increased abundance of weeds may be caused when a particular species of crop is cultivated in a continuous
fashion, without rotation with other crops. An excessive abundance of weeds is commonly managed by tilling the soil
and/or by using herbicide. In addition, a buildup of weed populations can be avoided by rotating crops and by using
other management practices that provide less favourable conditions for the unwanted plants.
Over the longer term, intensive agricultural management can result in a degradation of site capability. When this
happens, the productivity of crops decreases, and in severe cases the land may no longer be suitable for agricultural
use. Fortunately, such damage can often be avoided or repaired by changing the management system. For example,
inorganic fertilizer may be applied to the soil in an attempt to compensate for declining fertility. Organic soil
conditioners, such as compost and manure, can also be added to mitigate losses of organic matter, thereby helping to
maintain the fertility and tilth of soil. In other cases, pesticides may be used to try to manage weeds and other pests.
These management options are, however, intensive in their use of material and energy resources, and they may cause
additional damage to the site and nearby ecosystems. Ultimately, truly sustainable agricultural systems involve the use
of management strategies that conserve site capability while minimizing the use of nutrients, pesticides, and non-
renewable sources of energy (see the section on Organic Agriculture in Chapter 24).
In 2014, more than 7.3-billion people were alive, and almost all were reliant on agricultural crops as their prime source
of food. There are also relatively minor amounts of food that are harvested from the wild, such as by fisheries, but
agricultural production is responsible for the great bulk of the modern human diet.
In addition, our associated domestic animals largely depend on the production of agricultural crops. The numbers of
livestock are actually greater than those of people, including about 1.5-billion cows, 1.5-billion sheep, 1.2-billion goats,
1.0-billion pigs, and 22 billion chickens (Chapter 10). Although some of these domestic livestock forage on wild plants in
unbroken pastures (which have not been seeded to agricultural forage plants), many are fed grain and hay that has
specifically been grown for them. In fact, about 40% of the global production of grain is fed to livestock. Eventually,
food products derived from the livestock are eaten by people, who are secondary consumers (and top predators) in this
part of the agricultural food chain.
If a country has an excess of agricultural production over domestic consumption, then it has a surplus available for
Table 14.4. International Trade of Agricultural Produce. Net trade is calculated as exports minus imports. A
positive number is a net export, and a negative one a net import. Cereals include maize, rice, sorghum, and
wheat. Pulses are legumes, such as peas, beans, and soybeans. Regions and countries are listed according to
decreasing exports of cereals. Data are for 2011 and are in 106tonnes per year. Source: Data from FAO (2014b).
In terms of the gross food value provided to people, the world’s most important crops are cereals, such as barley,
maize, rice, sorghum, and wheat. Also important, but secondary, are tuber crops, such as cassava, potato, sweet potato,
and turnip. In any country, the total production of cereals plus other crops is a function of the amount of land devoted
to the cultivation of those species, multiplied by the average productivity.
Productivity (or yield, typically measured in tonnes of crop harvested per hectare per year) reflects the combined
Table 14.5. Agricultural Production in Selected Countries. Data are for 2013; % refers to the percentage change
in yield between 1974 and 2013. Source: Data from FAO (2014b).
Note also that Table 14.7 also has data that shows how the yield of crops has increased over the past four decades (from
1974 to 2013; note that a 100% increase means there was a doubling of yield). The increases in productivity are rather
impressive, and are due to crop varieties that have been selectively bred to respond well to intensive management
systems, as well as to increased use of management practices such as the use of fertilizer, pesticides, and irrigation.
The improved rates of yield have been key to increased rates of agricultural production during the same period. Of
course, many of the benefits of increased agricultural production have been absorbed by large increases in population,
especially in less-developed countries.
These trends are also shown by indicators of food production that are compiled by the Food and Agriculture
Organization of the United Nations (Figure 14.1). The index is a composite indicator that takes into account the
production of all important crop species, with the data being expressed relative to the base period 2004-2006 (for
which the value is set to 100). The index covers all edible agricultural products and is a price-weighted summation
The global data show a strong and steady increase of overall agricultural production from 1961 to 2012, although the
increase is much more moderate in the per-capita data (Figure 14.1a). In other words, most of the increase in global
agricultural production during the past half-century has been eroded (on a per-capita basis) by population growth. Not
surprisingly, this pattern is even more striking in the data for the least-developed countries, which show little
improvement in per-capita food production over the period.
These observations suggest that there is a food “treadmill”, in which increases in food production, obtained by
converting natural habitats and adopting more intensive management practices, are being mostly offset by population
growth. The metaphor of a treadmill is apt in this case, because on that sort of running machine a great deal of effort is
expended, but the runner stays in about the same place.
Figure 14.1. Changes in two indicators of agricultural production. The production index data (a), as well as the
per-capita index (b), are relative to the period 2004-2006, which are set to a scale of 100. Separate graphs are
shown for global values and least-developed countries. Source: Data from FAO (2014b).
Table 14.6 compares indicators of the intensity of agricultural management among selected countries. There is great
variation among countries, with some less-developed ones using practices that are intensive as some developed ones.
In general, however, the intensity of management is greater in wealthier countries, with greater use of fertilizer and
pesticide, more mechanization, and larger more industrial farms.
Table 14.6. Intensity of Agricultural Management in Selected Countries. Fertilizer data are combined
applications of inorganic nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium fertilizer (for 2012). Pesticide data combined
applications of insecticide, herbicide, fungicide, and bactericide (for 2011, or the most recent year for which
there were data). Tractor data are for 2011 or most recent. Water use is the percent of total withdrawals that are
used for agriculture. Source: Data from FAO (2014b).
Other agricultural systems used in less-developed countries are much less productive than paddy rice, generally
because of suboptimal rainfall and less fertile soil. The least productive systems are used in semi-arid regions. Under
such conditions, it is not possible to cultivate many plant crops. However, livestock such as camels, cows, goats, and
sheep can roam extensively over the landscape, harvesting the sparse production of native forage. The dispersed plant
biomass of semi-arid ecosystems is too small in quantity and too poor in nutritional quality for direct harvesting and
use by people. However, grazing livestock are able to convert the poor-quality forage into a form (such as meat or milk)
that people can utilize as food.
Increasingly, the agricultural systems used in less-developed countries are becoming more intensive in their
management. In this sense, they are rapidly proceeding toward the kinds of systems used in developed countries.
Indicators of this change include increasing use of fertilizer, pesticides, and mechanization. Another indicator is the
increasing size of farm holdings, which occurs as the agricultural activities become commercialized and owned by
large companies. These changes have resulted in increasing yields in many less-developed countries over recent
decades (see Table 14.7). These increases of productivity are largely due to the cultivation of “improved” varieties of
crop plants as well as the adoption of intensive agricultural practices.
The industrialization of agricultural production in these countries also results in important social changes. Of
particular importance is the rapid amalgamation of small family farms into larger commercial units. This results in the
displacement of many poor people from agricultural livelihoods. These economic refugees then migrate to towns and
cities, which causes the rate of urbanization to be much faster than what would be expected from population growth
Agriculture in Canada
Canada is one of the world’s great agricultural nations and a major contributor to the international trade in food.
Canada’s production of cereals was 66-million tonnes in 2013, which ranked 8th in the world and comprised 2.3% of
the global production (FAO, 2014). In that same year Canada exported 21 x 106 t of grain, which ranked 5th in the world.
The gross domestic product (GDP) associated with agricultural production is about $22-billion, of which 73% is crops
and 27% livestock (in 2011; Statistics Canada, 2014a). Canadian exports of agricultural products in 2011 had a value of
$41-billion, and imports $31-billion, for a net trade surplus of $10-billion for the agricultural sector (FAO, 2014).
At the beginning of the twentieth century, more than 80% of the Canadian labour force was employed in agriculture. At
the time, farming mostly relied on animal and human labour as sources of energy for cultivation and harvesting. Most
farms were relatively small, family-operated enterprises, run mainly as subsistence operations to produce food and
other crops for use by the family. Any surplus production was traded in local markets for cash or manufactured goods.
The agricultural surplus was eventually sold in Canadian cities or exchanged internationally by traders. Much of today’s
agricultural activity in less-developed countries still has this sort of socio-economic character.
Today, however, most Canadian agriculture involves highly mechanized, industrial operations. Only about 2.2% of the
national workforce is employed in farming (in 2011; Statistics Canada, 2014b). Virtually all cultivation, harvesting, and
Canada has an immense land base, some 10-million km2, making it the second-largest country in the world (after
Russia). However, the area suitable for agriculture is largely confined to southern parts of the country. The ability of
land to support agricultural uses is categorized by a system known as the Canada Land Inventory. The distribution of
the most productive lands for agriculture is shown in Table 14.7.
Table 14.7. Distribution of Class 1–3 Land in Canada. Soil capability classes 1-3 are suitable for the cultivation of
crop species, with 1 being best and 3 less so. Classes 4 and 5, used for pasture or rough grazing, are not
reported here. Not all of the high-quality land is used for agriculture – some has been converted to urban and
suburban land-uses. Data are expressed in 103 km2. Source: Data from Hoffman et al. (2005).
Most of the highest-capability land is located in southern regions of Canada, where the growing season is relatively
long and moist, and on sites with relatively flat terrain and fertile soil. Southern Ontario, for example, has 56% of the
class-1 land in Canada, while Saskatchewan has 25%; Alberta, 14%; and Manitoba, 4%. Unfortunately, some of the best-
quality land has been lost to urbanization, which swallowed up 7,400 km2 of prime agricultural land between 1971 and
2001, more than doubling the total amount lost to this process (Hoffman et al., 2005). In total, more than 7% of class-1
agricultural land has been converted. This loss of the best agricultural land has serious consequences for the
production of crops, particularly high-value ones such as soft fruits in the Niagara region of Ontario and the Okanagan
Valley of southern British Columbia.
As was previously examined, the quality of land for agriculture is influenced by such factors as soil fertility, organic
matter concentration, drainage, and the abundance of weeds. All of these qualities can be degraded by inappropriate
land management. It is important to monitor changes in these site factors over time, in order to track changes in the
sustainability of agriculture. Unfortunately, suitable monitoring data do not yet exist in most areas, although programs
are being designed.
There are, however, some general indications that soil fertility and other site factors are declining in quality over much
of the agricultural land base. For example, in order to maintain the productivity of many agroecosystems, large
Huge amounts of fertilizer are used to increase crop productivity in Canada. In 2011, fertilizer was applied to 25 million
hectares of farmland, more than a three-fold increase over 1971 (Table 14.8). In 2013, agricultural land was fertilized with
2.5-million tonnes of nitrogen and 0.9 million tonnes of phosphate. Compared with rates of fertilizer use in 1970, these
represent increases of about 10-fold and 3-fold, respectively.
Table 14.8. Agricultural Land-Use and Crops in Canada. Data are in millions of hectares (106 ha). Data from
The use of pesticides to deal with insect pests, weeds, and fungal pathogens is also intensive in Canadian agriculture.
In 2011, herbicide was applied to 25-million hectares of farmland, representing a three-fold increase over 1971 (Table
14.10). Insecticide was applied to 3.2-million hectares and fungicide to 5.5-million hectares, together representing a
9-fold increase over 1971.
Canadian agricultural systems also utilize crop varieties that have been selectively bred to increase their potential
productivity and resistance to pests and pathogens, to respond vigorously to fertilizer addition and other intensive
management practices, and to grow well under regional climatic regimes. This is not to say that these varieties are
optimally adapted to intensively managed agroecosystems. New pests and diseases often develop, so the crop-
breeding industry must continuously respond to changes in ecological conditions.
Overall, the intensification of industrial agriculture has greatly increased the production of crops in Canada. Similarly
large increases in production have been accomplished in other countries that have adopted intensive and mechanized
agricultural systems. This includes the United States, most countries of Western Europe, and, increasingly, Brazil,
About 65-million hectares of land are cultivated on 206,000 farms in Canada (2011 data). This area is equivalent to
about 7% of Canada’s landmass. Over time, however, the number of farms has decreased markedly, even while their
average area has increased (Figure 14.2a). Farming has also become greatly intensified in Canada, in terms of
mechanization and the use of fertilizer and pesticides. In recent years, the largest production and areas of crops have
been wheat (27 x 106 t in 2014), canola (14 Mt), corn (maize; 12 Mt), barley (7 Mt), and soybean (6 Mt) (Figure 14.2b,c). In
addition, new crops have been introduced to Canada and are grown over large areas, especially canola (oil rapeseed),
lentils, soybeans (Figure 14.2b).
Animal husbandry has also become intensive in Canada. Most production of chickens, cows, and pigs now occurs on
so-called factory farms. This is an industrial system that involves raising livestock indoors under densely crowded
conditions. The livestock are fed to satiation with nutritionally optimized diets, while diseases are managed with
antibiotics and other medicines. Productivity may be enhanced with growth hormones (see Chapter 24).
More than 167-million chickens are raised annually for meat and eggs on Canadian farms, most of them in operations of
an industrial scale and intensity (Statistics Canada, 2014f; FAO, 2014b). As well, more than 8-million turkeys are raised,
mostly on factory farms. Larger livestock include about 16-million cows (including 2-million milk cows), 26-million pigs,
0.8 million sheep, and 0.9 million horses. Dairy cows and pigs are raised mostly on factory farms. Most beef cows spend
part of their lives grazing outdoors in pastures or on semi-natural prairie. However, prior to slaughter, most of the
animals are rounded up and then kept in crowded feedlots, where they are well fed so that they can gain weight
rapidly. Sheep, goats, and horses are raised under less intensive conditions.
Figure 14.2. Historical Changes in Agricultural Activity in Canada. (a) The number and size of farms and tractors
as an indicator of mechanization ; (b) production of select crops; (c) livestock slaughtered. Source: Modified
from Statistics Canada (2006). Source: Data from Statistics Canada (2014e).
The most devastating period of drought during the past century occurred from 1929 to 1937, when low
precipitation and over-cultivation of prairie soil caused the land to turn to a fine dust that blew away during
windstorms. The dust accumulated as dunes and windrows, covering roads and buildings and making life
difficult or impossible for many rural people in the affected regions. Since then, the precipitation regime has
been more moderate and there has been a widespread adoption of soil-conservation practices, such as planting
lines of trees and windbreaks, fallowing of fields as part of a crop rotation, and additional measures.
Nevertheless, events of severe drought continue to occur in the prairie region. For example, during 2001 much
Years of severe drought have a destabilizing influence on the agricultural economy of the Prairie region. In
2002, owing to the cumulative effects of three consecutive years of poor spring runoff (due to below-average
snowfall) and sparse precipitation during the growing season, the amount of forage available in drought-
stricken areas was critically low. Many ranchers had to sell off most or all of their cattle, including vital
breeding stock, because they were unable to grow enough forage to feed their animals and were unable to pay
the high cost of importing feed.
The production of crops was also hard hit. The national production of non-durum wheat, which is mostly
grown in the Prairie Provinces, was only 12-million tonnes in 2002, compared with 18-million tonnes in 2001
and 21-million tonnes in 2000 (an overall 44% decrease). The production of canola was also markedly down,
from 7-million tonnes in 2000 to 5-million tonnes in 2001 and 3-million tonnes in 2002 (a 55% decrease).
Although Canada is normally an exporter of grain to global markets, in 2002 we imported wheat from Russia.
Farmers have a number of management options available to them during periods of drought. For instance, they
can practice summer fallow, a practice in which the land is not cultivated in some years in order to conserve its
vital soil moisture. Farmers can also choose to grow crops that are relatively tolerant of drought, such as field-
pea or wheat. If surface water or groundwater are available, irrigation may be an option.
The practice of agriculture has always been somewhat risky in the Prairie region, and farmers can suffer
terribly from the economic and emotional damage of drought. During such times, it is essential that affordable
crop insurance and other means of financial support be available to the agricultural community. This should, in
fact, be a national priority – all Canadians are fed by the produce grown by farmers, and we must share with
them the consequences of the ecological and economic risks inherent in their agricultural enterprise.
Forest Resources
Forests of various kinds are extremely important terrestrial ecosystems. They cover extensive areas of the surface of
Earth, and fix and store huge amounts of biomass. The global cover of forest is about 40-million km2, of which 56% is
in temperate and boreal regions and 44% in tropical regions (2012 data; FAO, 2014b). The present forest area is about
half of what it was before humans began to cause deforestation about 10-thousand years ago, mostly to develop
agricultural land. Although temperate and boreal forests now cover an area comparable to the tropical forest, their
production is only about half as large, and they store only 60% as much biomass. There are also another 3-billion
hectares of open woodlands and savannah. The most heavily forested regions are in North and South America, Europe,
and Russia, all of which have more than 30% forest cover.
Worldwide, an immense area of about 25 million hectares of forest is cleared or harvested each year. Tree biomass is
harvested for three major reasons:
1. as a fuel for subsistence, that is, to burn as a source of energy for cooking and warmth
2. as an industrial fuel, used to generate electricity or to produce steam or heat for a manufacturing process
3. as a raw material to manufacture lumber, paper, composite materials such as plywood and waferboards, and other
The net primary production of global forests has been estimated to be about 49-billion tonnes per year, of which an
extraordinary 28% is used by humans (Vitousek et al., 1986). Human use can be divided into the following categories:
Image 14.2. Clear-cutting is the most common method of harvesting forests in Canada. Mechanized harvesting
systems are used in most areas, such as this machinery that fells and de-limbs trees, cuts them into convenient
lengths, and hauls the wood to a roadside. Source: B. Freedman.
Forest resources in many countries are being rapidly depleted by high rates of clearing. This is particularly true in
many tropical countries, where deforestation is largely driven by increasing populations and the resulting need for
more agricultural land and wood fuels. Also important are the economic and industrial demands for tree biomass to
manufacture into charcoal and products for international trade.
The global rate of deforestation was 6.1-million hectares per year between 1990 and 2010 (UNEP, 2014). These are high
rates of forest loss, and they appear to have increased since the late 1990s. Satellite data for Amazonia, for example,
The rates of deforestation of some less-developed and rapidly developing countries are shown in Table 14.11. Recently,
some of these countries have been losing their forests at extraordinary rates. For instance, between 1990 and 2010,
Nigeria lost 48% of its forest cover at an average rate of 2.4% per year. Another African country, Burundi, lost 41% of its
forest during that period, while Honduras in Central America lost 36%. The rapid deforestation that is occurring in
most developing countries represents the mining of potentially renewable lumber, fuelwood, and other uses of tree
biomass. In addition, deforestation in tropical and subtropical regions causes terrible ecological damages, such as
endangerment and extinctions of biodiversity. These topics are examined in Chapters 23 and 26.
In contrast to the rapid deforestation that is occurring in most less-developed countries, the forest cover of many
developed ones has recently been stable or increasing (Table 14.9). This is happening in spite of industrial harvesting of
timber resources in many of those countries, largely to manufacture lumber and paper. This is because the industrial
forestry that is typically pursued in Canada, the United States, and Western Europe allows, and even works to
encourage the regeneration of another forest on harvested sites. Consequently, there is no net loss of forest cover,
although the character of the ecosystem may change because of the management system being used, especially if tree
plantations replace the natural forest (see Chapter 26).
Table 14.9. Forest Resources and Forestry Production in Selected Countries. Forest area is for 2010;
deforestation is the change in forest area between 1990 and 2010 (if positive, the forest increased), expressed
over the entire period and as an annual average. Harvesting data for industrial roundwood and fuelwood are for
2012. Source: Data from FAOSTAT (2014) and UNEP (2014).
Globally, the net trend is one of rapid deforestation. Between 1990 and 2010, about 7-million hectares of forest per year
were lost to deforestation (UNEP, 2014). Almost all of this aggressive deforestation is associated with the conversion of
tropical forest into agricultural land, but the harvesting of forest products is also important in some regions. Globally,
only about half of the original forest area remains.
During 2013, the global consumption of wood averaged 3.6-billion cubic metres, representing a 1% increase from a
decade earlier (Table 14.11). The wood consumption included the following:
In Canada, an enormous industrial complex depends on the harvesting of forest biomass, largely for manufacturing
into lumber, composite materials such as plywood and waferboard, and pulp and paper. The total value of products
manufactured from forest resources in 2013 was $53-billion (Canadian Forest Service, 2014).
Most of Canada’s production of forest products is intended for export, providing foreign earnings that are crucial to
maintaining a positive balance of trade. In 2013, Canadian exports of forest products had a value of $33.7-billion, and
the net contribution to the international balance of trade was $12.7-billion (this is the value of exports minus imports
within the forestry sector (Canadian Forest Service, 2014). By comparison, Canada’s overall balance of trade in 2012 was
minus $6.7-billion, and it would have been worse without the positive contribution of the forestry sector (Statistics
Canada. 2014g). Overall, Canada is the world’s leading exporter of forest products, accounting for 9% of global trade.
For comparison to the net earnings from the export of forest products ($12.7-billion), those of other key economic
sectors in Canada in 2013 were:
Of course, to achieve the great economic benefits of forestry, large areas of mature forest must be harvested each year.
In 2013, 638-thousand hectares of mature forest were harvested, which is considerably less that the 1-million hectares
that was the annual harvest from 1995 to 2006 (Natural Resources Canada, 2013). The large decrease reflects a general
Almost all of the industrially harvested area in Canada is allowed to regenerate to forest. Deforestation, or long-term
conversion to non-forest land-uses, is relatively uncommon in Canada. The recent amount of deforestation has been
about 46-thousand hectares per year (in 2010), of which agricultural conversions were responsible for 41%, oil and gas
activities for 24%, municipal conversions for 10%, forestry for 8%, industry for 7%, road-building for 6%, and others the
rest (Natural Resources Canada, 2013). However, it should be understood that much of the harvested forest is not
regenerating well because it is poorly stocked with commercially valuable tree species. For example, about 15% of
Crown land harvested since 1975 is considered to be understocked.
In addition, the regeneration of trees on most of the harvested area (this is known as reforestation) is encouraged by
the planting of seedlings and other aspects of silvicultural management. In 2012, about 67% of the harvested area was
planted with tree seedlings. Many of the planted areas are managed quite intensively to develop tree plantations, a
system that represents the application of an agricultural model to the growing of trees, also known as agroforestry.
Tree farms are generally more productive of biomass than natural forest, but they lack many elements of native
biodiversity and other ecological and aesthetic values (Chapter 23). Other aspects of intensive forestry management
may include the thinning of overly dense tree regeneration, the use of herbicide to reduce the abundance of non-crop
plants (or “weeds”), and the use of insecticide if there is an irruption of insects that threaten the tree cop, such as
spruce budworm (Chapter 22).
Almost all the non-planted tracts of the harvested area (33% of the total) also regenerates back to forest. However, this
occurs through a “natural regeneration” of tree species. Natural regeneration may involve seedlings that existed on the
site prior to harvesting and survived the disturbance (known as advanced regeneration), seedlings that established
from seeds dispersed onto the site from nearby forest, or seeds dispersed by mature seed-trees left on the site.
Overall, from the industrial perspective, forestry as it is practiced in Canada appears to be conserving its primary
economic resource – the area of forest and the productivity of tree biomass. Supporting this bold statement are three
observations: (1) there is little net deforestation in Canada, and most of what does occur is not directly due to forestry
practices; (2) almost all harvested sites regenerate back to another forest, which will be available for harvesting again
once the trees grow to an appropriate size; and (3) except in some local areas, for short periods of time, the amount of
timber harvesting does not exceed the landscape-scale forest productivity. Of course, not all considerations are so
positive. For instance, as was previously noted, natural regeneration has resulted in extensive areas that are, from the
economic perspective, understocked with commercial tree species.
Moreover, additional environmental considerations must be weighed before Canadian industrial forestry can be
considered to be ecologically sustainable (in the sense that was explained in Chapters 1 and 12). These issues, to be
examined in Chapter 23, include the following:
• long-term effects of harvesting and management on site capability, which may become degraded by nutrient
losses and erosion
• effects on populations of fish, deer, and other hunted species, which are also an economic “resource”
• effects on indigenous biodiversity, including native species and naturally occurring ecosystems (such as old-
growth forest)
• effects on hydrology and aquatic ecosystems
• implications of forestry for carbon storage (this is important with respect to anthropogenic influences on the
greenhouse effect; Chapter 17)
Table 14.10. Forest Resources and Forestry Production in Canada. Land classified as “productive” of timber has a
sufficiently high productivity and stocking of trees to be economically exploitable, while “non-productive”
forest is considered to be non-economical. Harvest data are for 2013. Increases are from 1990. Source: Data
from Natural Resources Canada (2013).
Fish Resources
Wild populations of fish have long been exploited as food. In recent decades, there have been enormous increases of
the rate of harvesting of wild fish, and also in the cultivation of certain species in semi-domestication, a practice
known as aquaculture. Like crop plants, livestock, and forests, populations of fish can be harvested in a sustainable
manner, which would allow the yields to be maintained. However, fish stocks can also be over-harvested to the degree
that their regeneration is impaired. When this happens, productivity declines and the bio-resource can disastrously
collapse. Regrettably, the recent history of many of the world’s major fisheries provides abundant examples of over-
exploitation causing rapid declines in resources.
The global harvest of fish, crustaceans, and shellfish in 2012 was about 91-million tonnes. This included 66-million
tonnes of marine fish (representing a 4% decrease over 1993), 10 x 106 t of freshwater fish (a 91% increase), 1.7 x 106 t of
diadromous fish (these are mostly salmon that migrate between salt and fresh water; +6%), and 44 x 106 t of fish grown
in aquaculture (294% increase) (Table 14.11).
Table 14.11. Fish Catches and Aquaculture in Selected Countries. Data are in 106 t/y in 2012, with percentage
increase since 1993 given in brackets. Countries are listed in order of decreasing catches of marine fish (data
include diadromous fishes). Source: Data from FAO (2014).
Canada is a major fishing nation, with an annual harvest of 803-thousand tonnes of marine fish in 2013, with a value of
$2.1 billion (Table 14.14). There was also a substantial harvest of freshwater fish, equivalent to 29 x 103 t and a value of
$67 million. Aquaculture is also becoming increasingly important. The total harvest of fish in 2013 was 174-thousand
tonnes, with a value of $834 million. Total exports of fish products had a value of $4.15-billion. The exports were partly
offset by fish imports of $2.74-billion, for a net trade balance of $1.41-billion in this economic sector.
The most important marine species harvested are summarized in Table 14.12. Note that these data are for Canadian
Table 14.12. Landings of Selected Fishes in Canada. Catch biomass is in 103 t/y, and economic value is in millions
of dollars. Data are for 2012. Source: Data from Fisheries and Oceans Canada (2014a).
In 1992, the total catch of cod in Atlantic Canada was 239-thousand tonnes, of which 80% was landed by Canadian
vessels and 20% by the foreign fleet working within the 320-km management zone (see Canadian Focus 14.2). The 1992
catch was, however, much smaller than what had been attained in previous decades, which averaged as much as
598-thousand tonnes during 1982–1986 (81% was Canadian landings). In fact, the declining harvest reflected a collapse
of the cod stocks throughout eastern Canadian waters, a resource calamity that resulted in the closure of virtually the
entire fishery in 1992. The cod stocks were still largely closed to commercial exploitation in 2014 (when this was
written), and will likely remain so for several years. In 2012, the cod landings in the Atlantic region were 11-thousand
By 1550, hundreds of ships were sailing from coastal Europe, catching cod and preserving it by drying or salting
to sell in their home markets. By 1600, about 650 ships were fishing off Newfoundland, and by 1800, it was
about 1,600 vessels. Between 1750 and 1800, the average landings were 190-thousand t/y which increased to
400-460-thousand t/y during 1800-1900, and almost 1-million t/y between 1899 and 1904 (Mowat, 1984;
Cushing, 1988).
In those early times, the cod were harvested using hand-lines, long-lines, traps, and seines. Many men fished
from small dories, often launched from a larger mother ship, such as one of the celebrated fishing schooners
that sailed from Newfoundland or Nova Scotia. Although this technology is inefficient, the total fishing effort
was large and therefore so was the catch. Consequently, some near-shore cod stocks became depleted,
although not those of the offshore banks.
The fishery greatly intensified during the twentieth century because of such technological innovations as the
• the development of more efficient netting technologies, particularly trawls and monofilament gill nets
• the use of sonar equipment to locate schools of fish
• increases in ship-borne capacity to store and process fish, which allowed vessels to stay at sea for a longer
The improved technology allowed enormous catches to be made, particularly in the 1960s when the fishery was
essentially an unregulated, open-access enterprise. By this time, unsustainably high catches were causing cod
stocks to collapse (see Figure 1).
Image 14.4. Before the stocks of cod were heavily exploited, individual fish were much larger than they are
today. Huge “mother cod” are now exceedingly rare. This is unfortunate because they have much greater
Because the declining stocks of cod were causing an economic crisis to occur in the Atlantic fishery, in 1977 the
Government of Canada declared a 320-km wide fisheries-management zone within which quotas of fish were
allocated. The conservation actions resulted in short-lived increases in cod stocks and landings. However,
exploitation levels were still too high, and the fishery experienced an even more serious collapse. In 1992, the
federal government declared a moratorium on commercial fishing for cod, a ban that was still largely in force in
2014 (when this was written). Because only small populations of adult cod are available for spawning, the
recovery of the stocks has been slow. However, if allowed, the cod may eventually recover to again be a
bounteous resource.
Figure 14.3. Recent History of Landings of Cod off Eastern Canada. Note the large decrease in overall landings,
and the increasing proportion of Canadian landings after the declaration of a 320-km management zone in 1977.
A moratorium on cod fishing was declared in 1992, but there have been some by-catch and sporadic quotas
since then. Data are in thousands of tonnes. Sources: Statistics Canada (1994) and Fisheries and Oceans Canada
The hypothesis of over-exploitation suggests that the cod resource was exploited faster than it could
regenerate, which caused a decline that became especially acute from the 1970s to early 1990s. The excessive
harvesting was caused by several factors. Over the years, scientists had estimated the size and productivity of
cod stocks and their maximum sustainable yield (MSY). The scientific information was, however, imperfect.
First, it is extremely difficult to estimate the abundance of fish in the open ocean. In addition, a population
model being used in the 1980s to determine stock size and to set quotas was systematically overestimating cod
biomass and MSY, and that resulted in the allocation of unsustainable fishing quotas.
Moreover, politicians and other decision makers in Canada (and everywhere else) are influenced by socio-
economic considerations in addition to the advice of scientists. In the context of cod, these pressures come
from individual fishers, their associations, and fish companies. These interest groups all need cash flows and
livelihoods, in a context where there are few alternatives to fishing for employment and revenue generation.
These powerful socio-economic influences led to political decisions to set larger quotas than were being
recommended by fishery scientists, a factor that has contributed to the mismanagement of cod stocks and
many other resources.
Most of the Grand Banks falls within Canada’s 320-km management zone. Some parts, however, extend into
international waters, where, until 1995, there was an unregulated multinational fishery. Because cod and most
other marine species are mobile and do not recognize the boundaries of management zones, foreign over-
fishing in international waters compromised efforts to conserve the stocks. However, between 1977 and 1991,
Canadians landed about 85% of the cod caught in the Northwest Atlantic, and their fishery was being regulated.
Humans are not the only predators of marine resources. The harp seal (Pagophilus groenlandicus) is the most
abundant marine mammal in the Northwest Atlantic (more than 7-million). The seal population consumes about
1 million tonnes of food per year. However, this seal’s prey consists of a wide variety of species, especially
crustaceans and small fish such as capelin (Mallotus villosus) and Arctic cod (Boreogadus saida). Even though
the cod stocks collapsed at the same time that the seal population was increasing, the minor role of cod in their
diet makes it unlikely that seals were an important cause.
Finally, some people believe that the recruitment of cod may have been somehow impaired by environmental changes,
including several years of cold surface-water temperatures in parts of the Northwest Atlantic. However, there is no
direct evidence to support such an environment-related cause of the collapse of the cod stocks. The simplest and most
compelling hypothesis offered to explain the collapse of cod stocks is this: the valuable resource was exploited at an
intensity that exceeded its capability for renewal. In other words, the cod stocks of the Northwest Atlantic, one of the
world’s greatest potentially renewable bio-resources, were fished to commercial extinction.
Marine Mammals
Marine mammals have been subjected to intensive commercial hunting in many oceanic regions. Initially, they were
hunted mostly as a source of oil, which in pre-petroleum times was a valuable commodity as a fuel in lamps and for
cooking. A few marine mammals, including Steller’s sea cow, the Caribbean monk seal, and the Atlantic grey whale,
became extinct because of over-hunting, and many other species or populations became endangered (see Chapter 26).
People have been hunting whales for centuries. The first species to be commercially hunted was the northern right
whale (Balaena glacialis), which was considered the “right” whale to kill because it swims slowly and close to shore and
floats when dead. Early records tell of hunts in the Bay of Biscay (coastal Europe) in the eleventh century. Men would
row or sail near a right whale, harpoon it, allow it to tow their boat until exhausted, and then repeatedly lance the
animal until it bled to death. The carcass would then be towed to shore and butchered, and the blubber rendered by
boiling into a valuable oil. Even this crude hunt was enough to exterminate the right whale from European waters.
The development of steam ships made it possible to hunt swifter whales, such as the roquals (blue, fin, sei, and minke).
The invention of the harpoon gun in 1873, and later the exploding-head harpoon, made it easy to kill even the biggest
whales. By 1925, huge factory ships would spend months or years in remote waters, processing whales killed by a small
fleet of boats, sometimes guided to their prey by spotter aircraft. Whales of all species and sizes could be efficiently
located, killed, and processed. This onslaught resulted in a rapid, and profitable, depletion of whale stocks.
With only a few exceptions, whale populations were not over-harvested to extirpation, but rather to commercial
extinction – to a small population that was no longer profitable to find and kill. The sequential exploitation of a whale
community is best illustrated by the hunt in Antarctic waters, where five species initially co-existed in great abundance
(Figure 14.2).
In response to concerns about declining populations of whales, the International Whaling Commission (IWC) was
established in 1949. The IWC was given a mandate to develop and implement conservation-related controls over the
multinational, highly capitalized, competitive, and profitable whaling industry. Unfortunately, the initial efforts of the
IWC were not very successful, partly because it is so difficult to estimate whale stock sizes and recruitment and to
determine accurate sustainable yields. More importantly, the major whaling nations were not particularly co-operative,
and the IWC was not aggressive in setting and enforcing quotas small enough to ensure that whale populations would
not be depleted. These problems are to be expected whenever a for-profit enterprise is allowed to regulate and police
itself. According to J.L. McHugh, a former commissioner and chairperson of the IWC, “From the time of the first
meeting of the Commission … almost all major actions or failures to act were governed by short-range economic
considerations rather than by the requirements of conservation” (cited in Ellis, 1991).
Because of its enormous size, with the largest males reaching 32 m and 136 tonnes, the blue whale (Balaenoptera
musculus) was initially the most profitable species in the Antarctic seas. The original population in those waters was
about 180-thousand, and as many as 29-thousand were killed in a single year (Figure 14.2; note that during the Second
World War, as few as 59 animals were harvested in a year). Between 1955 and 1962, declining stocks meant an annual
harvest of only 1-2-thousand. After 1965, killing this species was prohibited by the IWC. In total, about 331,000 blue
whales were killed in Antarctic waters between 1920 and 1965. The present Antarctic population of blue whales is fewer
As blue whales became depleted, the fin whale (B. physalus) became the favoured species of the Antarctic hunt. This is
the second-largest species, up to 21 m long. As many as 29-thousand animals were harvested in a year, causing this
species to decline, though not to commercial extinction. More than 704-thousand fin whales were killed in this region.
The present population is less than 85-thousand animals, about 21% of the original abundance. The global abundance is
about 163-thousand, compared with an initial 700-thousand.
As the largest species became difficult to harvest because of their increasing rarity, initially “less desirable” species
were hunted. These were the sei whale (B. borealis), humpback whale (Megaptera novaeangliae), sperm whale (Physeter
macrocephalus), and minke whale (B. acutorostrata). These smaller species were also over-harvested, and their
populations also declined.
Toward the end of the hunt in the Antarctic Ocean, the population of blue whales had been reduced by about 99%,
humpback whales by 97%, sei whales by 82%, and fin whales by 79%. By the early 1980s, whalers were killing mostly the
relatively small (up to 9.1 m long) and abundant minke whale. Finally, in 1982, the IWC announced a moratorium on
Antarctic whaling, to begin in 1985-1986. Japan and the former USSR continued a commercial hunt until 1986-1987.
Since then, only Japan has whaled in the Southern Ocean, killing hundreds of minke whales in most years for the
purposes of “research,” as well as fin whales.
Industrial whaling also depleted whale stocks in the Northern Hemisphere. Early European explorers found large
populations of northern right whales in waters off Atlantic Canada, and these valuable animals were soon hunted. The
Basque hunt of 1530-1610 killed about 25-40-thousand right whales (but few afterward because of the severely
depleted stocks). The right whale survives today in the western Atlantic as an endangered population of about 350
animals, only 3-4% of the original abundance. Although this species has been protected from hunting for more than 50
years, its abundance is not increasing much. This is probably because of mortality caused by accidental collisions with
ships and entanglement in fishing gear.
Soon after the right whales were depleted off eastern North America, populations of bowhead whales (Balaena
mysticetus) were discovered in Arctic Canada, Alaska, and eastern Siberia. Like right whales, the slow-swimming
bowhead could be easily overtaken by whaling boats and killed. The population of about 55-thousand bowheads in the
western Arctic was soon depleted. Bowhead whales are now rare, although their populations are increasing. These
animals are no longer hunted commercially, although a hunt by Inuit in northern Alaska kills 20-40 animals per year.
Since 1996, Canadian Inuit have been allowed to again hunt a few bowhead whales, a practice that is permitted because
of the importance of this species in their culture.
A final example of depletion of a whale stock involves the grey whale (Eschrichtius robustus) of western North America.
This species winters and breeds in warm waters off Mexico and migrates up the Pacific coast to summer in the western
Beringean Ocean. Commercial hunting began in 1845 and largely ended by 1900 because the stock had been reduced to
an endangered several thousand animals. These were protected from further hunting, and the grey whale has since
increased to about its pre-exploitation abundance of about 24-thousand animals. However, the species remains
extirpated off Western Europe and is critically endangered in eastern Asia.
In total, more than 2.5 million whales of all species were killed during the commercial hunts of the past four centuries.
Although there is now a ban on commercial whaling, Norway and Japan are still hunting minke whales, each killing
several hundred per year. These and several other countries are lobbying aggressively for a return to a limited
commercial hunt. In recent years, Japanese whaling interests have announced intentions to harvest larger numbers of
minke whales, as well as fin whales and humpback whales in Antarctic waters. This was obviously a commercial
Seal Hunting
Seals breed on land or sea ice, often in dense populations, and during the past several centuries, huge numbers have
been commercially slaughtered for their skin, blubber, meat, and other products. Until the mid-twentieth century, seal
hunting was an unregulated enterprise that severely depleted the resource, with several species made extinct and
many regional and local extirpations (see Chapter 26). Since then, conservation measures have protected most seal
populations. Some severely depleted species have managed to increase in abundance, such as the California sea lion
(Zalophus californianus), northern fur seal (Callorhinus ursinus), and northern elephant seal (Mirounga angustirostris)
in Pacific waters near North America.
One of the largest commercial hunts has involved the harp seal (Pagophilus groenlandicus), an abundant species of the
northern Atlantic Ocean. These seals breed prolifically on pack ice in the Gulf of St. Lawrence and around
Newfoundland and Labrador, and then summer in the eastern Arctic. Harp seals are especially vulnerable to hunters in
April, when large numbers of newborn pups, called whitecoats because of the colour of their birth fur, lie about on the
pack ice. Because they are not yet aquatic, the pups are easily approached and killed. Adults are also concentrated at
that time and can be caught in nets, shot on the ice, or clubbed if they try to defend their young. The skins of harp
seals are a valuable commodity, and many people enjoy eating their meat.
Historically, the largest hunts were by Newfoundlanders, but hunters from Labrador, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward
Island, and Quebec have also been active. The numbers harvested in any year mostly depended on the ice conditions,
which affect how close sealers can get to the whelping aggregations of seals. During the heyday of this enterprise,
more than 600-thousand animals were harvested annually, as occurred in 1831, 1840, 1843, and 1844 (Busch, 1985).
Overall, about 21-million harp seals were taken between 1800 and 1914. This vast slaughter of a large wild animal has
only a few parallels, including the massacre of bison in the nineteenth century (Chapter 26), the modern hunt of
kangaroos in Australia, and that of deer in the Americas.
Another 12-million harp seals were taken between 1915 and 1982, with up to 380-thousand in one year (1956). Since
then, the harvests have been smaller, mostly because of intense controversy about a commercial harvest of wild animal
babies and the consequently diminished market for seal products. For instance, in 1984 the European Union (EU)
banned the import of whitecoat pelts, which resulted in reduced harvests in Canada, from 190-thousand per year in
1981-1982 to 19-80-thouand per year during 1983-1990. (Note that young harp seals are not called whitecoats after they
are 9-10 days old, when they begin to shed their white fur. At the time, older young could still be imported to the EU,
but the most lucrative market had been for whitecoats. In 2010, the EU banned the importing of all sea products.)
In recent decades, animal-rights and conservation advocates, as well as elements of the popular media, have engaged
in sensationalized reporting of the hunting of harp seals in Atlantic Canada. This has resulted in the hunt being widely
regarded as a cruel and barbaric enterprise, mostly because baby seals, which are extremely attractive animals, were
the object of the hunt. The young seals were killed by clubbing or shooting, which are humane methods of slaughter.
However, some sealers were not competent in these killing methods, and videos have shown that during the rush to
harvest young seals, animals might be inadequately clubbed and then skinned while apparently “alive” (or at least still
twitching – the seals were likely brain-dead). Video images like this are extremely upsetting to most people, and they
have been widely publicized by well-organized opponents of the Canadian hunt of harp seals.
Many people, however, do not agree with the portrayal of the seal hunt as being unusually “cruel and brutal.” They
contend that the commercial harvesting of wild seals is no more ruthless than the slaughter of domestic livestock. For
example, each year tens of millions of large mammals and hundreds of millions of chickens are raised and slaughtered
annually in Canada, often under cruel conditions, to provide meat and other products (see also Chapter 24). Clearly,
Although the intense hunting caused harp seals to decrease in abundance, the species was never depleted to the
degree of biological or commercial endangerment. This was not a result of a conservation ethic by the sealers or their
industry. In fact, sealers typically killed as many harp seals as they could, particularly before 1970 when the Canadian
government began to regulate the hunt through a quota system. In general, only the physical difficulty of hunting in
treacherous pack ice limited the numbers of seals that could be found and killed, and so prevented a severe depletion
of their stocks.
When the commercial hunt was reduced in the late 1980s, the global abundance of harp seals was about 3 million
animals, including 2 million in Canadian waters. Even then, the harp seal was among the world’s most populous large
wild animals. In 2014, its abundance in Canadian waters was more than 7.4-million (there are also up to 0.6-million
hooded seals and 0.5-million grey seals; Fisheries and Oceans Canada, 2014b). In fact, the rapidly increasing harp seal
population is alarming some people, who are concerned that the seals are “eating too many fish” (although there is
little evidence to support this idea; see Canadian Focus 14.2).
In any event, harp seals are again being harvested. The harvest is intended to cull the seal population somewhat, while
providing economic benefits through the sale of meat, hides, and other products (including penises, for which there is
a market in eastern Asia). The most recent quota allowed the harvest of 400-thousand harp seals in 2013-2014,
including adults and recently moulted young (but not whitecoats). The quota for hooded seals was 8,200, and grey seals
60-thousand. However, the actual harvests are much smaller, largely because of collapsed markets in the European
Union and elsewhere. The actual harvest of harp seals in 2013 was 94-thousand, with a markey value of the raw pelts
being about $3-million. A nominal goal of the management plan is to reduce the abundance of harp seals to about 3.85
Terrestrial Hunting
Many terrestrial animals are also hunted in large numbers, including big mammals such as bears, deer, gazelles,
kangaroos, and pigs. Many birds are also hunted, particularly grouse, pheasants, shorebirds, and waterfowl. Much
hunting of wild animals is undertaken for subsistence purposes, but sport hunting is also important in some regions.
Hunting is a popular activity. Many Canadians hunt on a regular basis, whether for subsistence, as a blood sport, or for
both reasons. The most commonly hunted large mammals are species in the deer family, but other animals are also
taken. The most important big-game species in Canada are the following (annual harvests during 2011-2013):
(Note that these data were compiled from information provided by provincial and territorial governments, using the
most recent available information. However, the data are incomplete in that they are based on incomplete surveys of
Image 14.5. Many white-tailed and mule deer are harvested by hunters each year in Canada. This mule deer was
photographed in Jasper National Park, Alberta. Source: B. Freedman
Although the demand for wild furs has declined in recent decades, fur-bearing animals are still trapped in large
numbers in Canada. During 2011-2013, at least 900-thousand furbearers were trapped annually, including
295-thousand muskrat, 170-thousand beaver, 75-thousand marten, 72 000 squirrels, 52-thousand raccoons,
73-thousand coyotes, 55-thousand mink, and 27-thousand fox. An additional 1.46 million mink were raised and
harvested on fur farms.
Image 14.6. About one million geese are harvested by hunters each year in Canada. This snow goose was
Waterfowl are also harvested in large numbers. In total, about 1.2-million ducks were taken by hunters in 2013, along
with 1.1-million geese (Canadian Wildlife Service, 2013; U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, 2014). This is considerably smaller
than the U.S. harvest from this essentially same population of migratory waterfowl, which totaled about 13.7-million
ducks and 3.4-million geese in 2013. The most commonly hunted game birds in Canada (harvested in 2013) are the
Some of the species that are hunted or trapped in Canada have declining populations over at least some of their range
where they are exploited. This is the case of many southern populations of caribou, wolf, and grizzly bear, and of some
waterfowl, such as canvasback and redhead ducks. This is not to say that these species should be considered
endangered in Canada, but it does indicate that it is necessary to monitor their population changes to ensure that
over-hunting does not cause them to decline to an unacceptable degree.
Renewable resources are the only fundamental basis of a sustainable economy. In this chapter, we learned that the
most important kinds of renewable resources in Canada and the rest of the world are fresh water, agricultural
products, forest biomass, fish, and hunted birds and mammals (renewable sources of energy were examined in Chapter
13). Some of these are wild resources that are harvested from natural ecosystems, while others are managed in
agricultural systems to achieve higher yields (including in agroforestry and aquaculture). In general, Canada is rich in
renewable natural resources, with a bountiful surplus of many of them available to export to other countries.
Nevertheless, Canada also provides cases of the depletion of potentially renewable resources by excessive harvesting
or inadequate management of the regeneration.
1. What is meant by a renewable natural resource? Explain the principle by referring to one of the following: surface
water and groundwater, agricultural site capability, timber, or a hunted animal.
2. What are the most important renewable resources in Canada? Indicate, giving reasons, whether you think those
resources are being used in a sustainable manner.
3. Use data on natural resources in Chapters 13 and 14 to develop a “resource profile” for the province or territory
where you live. Consider the relative importance of non-renewable and renewable resources in the economy and
the implications for longer-term sustainability.
4. What are the criteria for ecological sustainability?
1. Identify a potentially renewable natural resource that has been over-harvested and depleted in your region. What
are the reasons for the unsustainable use of the resource?
2. Should relatively abundant species of whales (such as the minke) or harp seals be hunted? Your answer should
consider whether the species can be harvested in a sustainable manner, and should also address the ethics of
hunting wild animals.
3. What are the political and economic problems of sharing water resources between countries or regions?
4. Although food can be purchased in a store, it does not really come from there – it is actually harvested from wild
ecosystems or is cultivated in agriculture. Consider the food that you eat and the ethical and environmental issues
associated with its production. You may find this question to be particularly interesting if you focus on meat,
which is lethally harvested from millions of animals each year in Canada.
1. The Minister of the Federal Department of Fisheries and Oceans has been asked to allow the resumption of whale
hunting in Canadian waters. The minister asks for your advice on the matter, and you decide to develop lists of
benefits and damages that would occur if the hunting were allowed. Prepare these lists and explain how each item
relates to the ecological sustainability of a potential whale harvest.
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seasons. Bethesda, MD. http://www.flyways.us/sites/default/files/uploads/
Vitousek, P.M., P.R. Ehrlich, A.H. Ehrlich, and P.A. Matson. 1986. Human appropriation of the products of
photosynthesis. Bioscience, 36: 368-373.
1. Describe the environmental stressors, their causes, and how ecosystems respond to changes in their intensity.
2. Explain the differences between contamination and pollution.
3. Provide examples of natural stressors and explain how knowledge of them can help us understand anthropogenic
4. Outline the differences among toxicology, environmental toxicology, and ecotoxicology.
5. Explain the differences between voluntary and involuntary risks.
6. Identify how a risk assessment is done of a predicted exposure to a toxic chemical.
Environmental Stressors
Environmental stressors (stressors) are factors whose influence is to constrain productivity, reproductive success, and
ecosystem development (see Chapter 9). To some degree, stressors affect all organisms as well as their populations,
communities, and ecoscapes (landscapes and seascapes). Stressors may be natural in origin, being associated with such
environmental influences as:
The effects of natural stressors are not always negative. Some individuals, populations, and communities may benefit
from the effects of natural stress, even while others suffer a degree of damage.
Increasingly, however, stressors associated with human activities are the most critical influence on species and
ecosystems. In too many cases, anthropogenic stressors are causing important damage to resources that are needed to
sustain people and their economy, and also to natural biodiversity and ecosystems.
Image 15.1. Wildfire, windstorms, and insect outbreaks can be extensive disturbances that affect ecosystems at
a landscape scale. This photo shows a stand of eastern hemlock (Tsuga canadensis) trees that has been killed by
Environmental stressors may occur as an intense, short-lived event of destruction, also known as a disturbance.
Alternatively, stressors may exert their influence over an extended period of time – that is, in a chronic manner. The
interaction of organisms with a stressor at a particular place and time is called exposure. Exposure can be
instantaneous or it may accumulate over time. If an exposure is intense enough, it will cause some sort of biological or
ecological change, called a response, to occur. It is important to understand, however, that individuals, populations,
and communities are capable of tolerating a range of intensity of stressors without suffering significant damage. In
other words, certain thresholds of biological or ecological tolerance must be exceeded before damage is caused (Image
Image 15.2. Stressors are environmental factors that affect organisms and ecosystems. They may exist at
varying intensities of exposure, as is suggested by the metaphor of a water faucet, whose dial if turned to the
right will increase the flow of water, or decrease or stop it if turned the other way. For actual stressors, if a
threshold of biological or ecological tolerance is exceeded, then a response will occur. Source: B. Freedman.
Damage occurs when one or more stressors elicit responses that can be interpreted as a degradation of environmental
quality. Such responses may include illness or death caused by an exposure of wild animals to pesticides, or as a
reduction of the productivity of ecosystems, or the endangerment of vulnerable elements of biodiversity. In this
Kinds of Stressors
The diverse kinds of environmental stressors are grouped into classes, although they are not entirely exclusive.
• Physical stress is a disturbance in which there is an intense exposure to kinetic energy, which causes damage to
habitats and ecosystems. Examples include such disruptive events as a hurricane or tornado, a seismic sea wave
(tsunami), the blast of a volcanic eruption, an explosion, or trampling by heavy machinery or hikers.
• Wildfire is another disturbance, which involves the uncontrolled combustion of the biomass of an ecosystem. A
wildfire can be ignited by people, or naturally by lightning. A severe fire consumes much of the biomass of an
ecosystem, but even a less-severe wildfire may kill many organisms by scorching and poisoning by toxic gases.
• Chemical pollution occurs when one or more substances occur in a concentration high enough to elicit
physiological responses in organisms, potentially causing toxicity and ecological change. Chemical stressors
include pesticides, gases such as ozone and sulphur dioxide, and toxic elements such as arsenic and mercury.
Pollution may also be caused by excessive nutrients, which can distort productivity and other ecological functions.
Note that the mere presence of a potentially toxic agent does not necessarily cause pollution. (The distinction
between contamination and pollution is examined later in this chapter.)
• Thermal pollution is caused by the release of heat (thermal energy) into the environment, which results in
ecological stress because species vary in their tolerance of temperature extremes. Thermal stress may occur at
natural springs and submarine vents where geologically heated water is emitted. It is also associated with
discharges of hot water from power plants.
• Radiation stress is caused by excessive exposure to ionizing energy. The radiation may be emitted by nuclear
waste or explosions, or it can be diagnostic X-rays or solar ultraviolet energy.
• Climatic stress is associated with insufficient or excessive regimes of temperature, moisture, solar radiation, wind,
or combinations of these.
• Biological stressors are associated with interactions occurring among organisms, such as competition, herbivory,
predation, parasitism, and disease. For example, individuals of the same or different species may compete for
essential resources that are limited in supply. Herbivory, predation, parasitism, and disease are trophic
interactions, in which one species exploits another. Exploitation can be anthropogenic, as when humans harvest
wild animals or trees, or it can be natural, perhaps associated with defoliating insects or disease-causing
• Biological pollution occurs when people release organisms beyond their natural range. This might involve the
introduction of alien species that invade and alter natural habitats, or it may be the release of pathogens into the
environment through discharges of raw sewage.
Image 15.3. Biological “pollution” is caused when species are introduced into habitats beyond their natural
range, where they may cause ecological damage. This non-native lupine (Lupinus polyphyllus) has been
introduced to eastern Canada, where it thrives in gardens and along roadsides. Although an attractive
wildflower, it displaces indigenous plants. Source: B. Freedman.
An ecosystem that has been affected by a disturbance typically suffers mortality among its species, along with damage
to its structural properties (such as species composition and biomass distribution) and functional attributes (such as
productivity and nutrient cycling). Once the disturbance event is over, a process of recovery through succession
begins. If the succession proceeds for a long enough time, it will restore another mature ecosystem, perhaps one
similar to that existing before the disturbance.
Chronic stressors operate over longer periods of time (rather than as events), and they include climatic factors and
many kinds of chemical and thermal pollution. Depending on the intensity of exposure, organisms may suffer acute
toxicity resulting in tissue damage or even death, or a less-obvious chronic damage that results in decreased
Exposure to a higher intensity of environmental stressors can result in evolutionary changes if individual organisms
vary in their tolerance and those differences are genetically based. Under such conditions, natural selection in favour
of tolerant individuals will eventually result in increased tolerance at the population level. At the community level,
relatively vulnerable species will be reduced or eliminated from the habitat if the intensity of stress increases markedly.
The niches of those species may then be occupied by more tolerant members of the community, or by invading species
that are capable of exploiting a stressful but weakly competitive habitat.
A prolonged intensification of stress will cause longer-term ecological change to occur. Consider, for example, a case
in which a new metal smelter is constructed in a forested landscape. If the smelter emits toxic sulphur dioxide gas, the
This kind of ecological damage involve changes in the composition and dominance of species in communities, in the
spatial distribution of biomass, and in functions such as productivity, litter decomposition, and nutrient cycling.
Because a smelter is a discrete point source of environmental stress, the ecological responses eventually stabilize as
gradients of community change that radiate outward, in a downwind or downstream direction from the source of
The intensity of a stressor may also decrease in time and space. When this happens, the ecological responses are, in
many respects, the reverse of the damage that occurs when the stress intensifies. These changes represent a process
of recovery through succession. In the case of the Sudbury smelters, emissions of pollutants have decreased greatly
because of the installation of pollution-control technologies. This has resulted in much less toxic stress in the
surrounding environment, which has allowed some ecological recovery to occur (Chapters 16 and 18).
Ecologists have described the general attributes of ecosystems that have been subjected to severe stress for a period
of time. In general, as environmental stress intensifies significantly (such as by increasing pollution), the following
changes are observed:
Ecosystems that are chronically exposed to intense stress (such as climate-stressed tundra) eventually stabilize.
Typically, the stable ecosystems are low in species richness, simple in structure and function, and dominated by
relatively small, long-lived species. As well, they have low rates of productivity, decomposition, and nutrient cycling.
If an increase in environmental stress has an anthropogenic causation, then the resulting ecological changes are often
considered to represent damage and are viewed as a degradation of environmental quality and ecological integrity
(these terms are examined in Chapter 27).
Image 15.4. Natural disturbances such as wildfire initiate a process of ecological recovery known as succession.
This photo shows a burned area of boreal forest near Inuvik in the Northwest Territories. The community at
this early stage of succession is dominated by an herbaceous plant called fireweed (Epilobium angustifolium).
Pollution is caused by an exposure to chemicals or energy at an intensity that exceeds the tolerance of organisms. As
such, pollution is judged to have occurred when it can be shown that organisms have suffered toxicity, or other kinds
of ecological damage can be demonstrated. Pollution can affect humans and other species, as well as communities and
ecoscapes. Pollution is often caused by an exposure to chemicals in large enough concentrations to poison at least
some organisms. However, pollution can also be caused by non-toxic exposures, such as the excessive fertilization of a
waterbody, a release of waste heat into the environment, or the discharge of raw sewage containing pathogens.
Contamination refers to those much more common situations in which potentially damaging stressors are present in
the environment, but at an intensity too low to cause measureable damage. For instance, a certain chemical may occur
in a higher concentration than is normally encountered in the environment. However, if its concentration is too low to
cause measurable toxicity to at least some organisms, or to affect other ecological components or processes, the
chemical is a contaminant rather than a pollutant.
In fact, metals such as aluminum, cadmium, lead, mercury, and zinc are present in all parts of the environment,
including all organisms, in at least a trace concentration. If the detection limits of the available analytical chemistry are
Pollution and contamination are often judged with a human-focused bias. People decide whether pollution is causing
“damage” at some place and time, and how important the effects might be. This anthropocentric bias tends, quite
naturally, to favour humans and those species, communities, and ecosystem functions that are recognized as
supporting the human economy, or may be appreciated for other reasons, such as aesthetics.
Interestingly, certain species, communities, and ecological processes will actually benefit from most kinds of pollution.
For example, particular species may take advantage of ecological opportunities made available when pollution reduces
the abundance of a previously dominant species. Many of the case studies described in following chapters involve
situations in which opportunistic species of plants, animals, and microorganisms have benefited from ecological
changes caused by pollution.
Pollution is not only caused by human activities – in some cases, it is a purely natural phenomenon. “Natural” sources
of pollution include emissions of particulates and gases such as sulphur dioxide from volcanoes, seeps of petroleum on
the ocean floor, high concentrations of metals in certain soils and rocks, and the heat of geothermal springs. Natural
pollution may cause severe ecological changes (which humans may view as being a kind of damage). The effects can be
as intense as those caused by anthropogenic pollution. Nevertheless, although the fact of natural pollution is
interesting and well recognized, it does not justify human activities that cause similar kinds of damage.
Studies of the ecological effects of natural pollution can provide insight into the potential longer-term effects of
anthropogenic emissions. This is because many examples of natural pollution are ancient, and the resulting patterns of
ecological change may be similar to those caused by more recent anthropogenic emissions.
One interesting example occurs at the Smoking Hills in the Northwest Territories. This is a remote wilderness, and is
little influenced by people. At several places along the seacoast and nearby rivers, erosion has exposed deposits of
bituminous shale. These carbon-rich deposits have spontaneously ignited at various places and have been smouldering
for centuries and fumigating the nearby tundra with sulphur dioxide. The SO2 is toxic to plants and also causes soil and
water to become highly acidic. The natural pollution has severely damaged terrestrial and aquatic habitats of the
tundra at the Smoking Hills (see Chapter 16).
Another example of natural pollution occurs when metal-rich minerals occur close to the surface of the ground, which
results in toxic conditions for vegetation. For example, plant ecologists have studied soil containing “serpentine”
minerals, which are rich in nickel and cobalt. When they occur in high concentrations, these metals are toxic to most
plants. Habitats containing serpentine minerals develop a distinctive plant community that is dominated by low-
growing species that can tolerate the toxic stress of the metal-rich soil (see Chapter 18).
An additional case of natural pollution involves certain species of marine phytoplankton that occasionally become
abundant and cause ecological damage. In events called toxic blooms, these algae release biochemicals that are
poisonous to a broad range of animals that are exposed through the food web. In some cases, humpback whales have
died at sea after eating fish polluted with saxitoxin, a potent neurotoxin synthesized by dinoflagellate algae. The algal
toxins are also a risk to people eating fish polluted by this and other chemicals, such as domoic acid.
Research and discussion of naturally occurring pollution is useful and informative in environmental science. However,
in this book, we emphasize pollution caused by human activities and its resulting damage. This focus is sensible
Anthropogenic Pollution
In the modern world, an enormous amount of pollution is associated with human activities. This has caused important
damage to human health and to managed and natural ecosystems. People cause pollution in diverse ways, and we
examine them in following chapters. Most commonly, anthropogenic pollution is associated with these kinds of
• accidental or deliberate emissions of chemicals into the environment, such as sulphur dioxide, metals, pesticides,
and petroleum
• releases of substances that react in the environment to synthesize chemicals of greater toxicity – this is known as
secondary pollution (as occurs when ozone is created by photochemical reactions in the atmosphere)
• emissions of chemicals that degrade stratospheric ozone, such as chlorofluorocarbons
• releases of waste industrial heat, as when a power plant discharges hot water into a river or lake
• discharges of nutrient-laden sewage or fertilizer into waterbodies
• emissions of greenhouse gases that threaten global climate
• releases of alien species that cause damage when they invade managed or natural habitats, or are pathogens of
people, crops, or native species
Image 15.5. Many human activities result in emissions of pollutants into the environment. This image shows a
380-m smokestack at a metal smelter near Sudbury, Ontario. Source: B. Freedman.
A disturbance is an episodic but intense disruption that causes severe biological and ecological damage. An event of
disturbance is followed by a sometimes lengthy period of ecological recovery through the process known as
succession. There are two broad types of disturbances: community-replacing disturbances and microdisturbances.
• A community-replacing disturbance is extensive in scale and results in a catastrophic destruction of one or more
original communities. Natural examples are caused by wildfire, windstorm, avalanche, and glaciation, while
anthropogenic ones include clear-cutting and ploughing. These large-scale disturbances may be followed by a
successional recovery that eventually regenerates a community similar to what was destroyed. Younger
communities in the successional sequence (or sere) are relatively dynamic in their structural and functional
properties. They are typically dominated by species that are abundant only during the initial stages of recovery,
when competition is not so intense. Community changes in later stages are somewhat less dynamic, until a late-
stage community is re-established.
• A microdisturbance involves a local disruption that only affects a small area within an otherwise intact community.
Anthropogenic microdisturbances include the selective harvesting of individual large trees or particular animals,
while leaving the community otherwise intact. Ecological changes are relatively rapid within a habitat patch that
Natural Disturbance
Disturbance is a natural force that affects all ecosystems. For example, a wildfire may kill mature trees over a large
area, but that event of destruction is followed by regeneration through succession. Fire is common in the boreal forest
and in drought-prone ecosystems such as prairie and savannah. On average, about 2-million hectares of forest burns
each year in Canada, mostly in fires started by lightning. Wildfire transforms the habitat conditions and also causes
severe pollution by the emission of particulates and gases such as carbon dioxide and nitrogen oxides to the
Other natural agents of disturbance include hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, and even glaciation (over geological time).
These also cause large-scale ecological damage, which is followed by successional recovery. After glaciation, which
involves prolonged burial and abrasion of the land by an enormous mass of ice, the post-melting recovery is initiated
by immigrating organisms that colonize the raw landscape.
A volcanic eruption or earthquake can generate one or more devastating oceanic waves, or tsunamis. In 1883, the
cataclysmic eruption of the volcanic island of Krakatau in Indonesia created a 30-m tsunami wave that killed about
36-thousand people. In 2004, more than 225-thousand people were killed by a tsunami in the Indian Ocean (see Global
Focus 3.1). In 2011, a subsea earthquake generated a tsunami of up to 40.5 m that devastated coastal regions, travelled
up to 10 km inland over low-lying terrain, caused at least 18-thousand deaths, destroyed hundreds of thousands of
buildings, and created a technological crisis when flooding rendered inoperable the control systems of a large nuclear
power plant.
The blast and heat of a volcanic eruption can also damage ecosystems, as occurred in 1980 when Mount St. Helens in
Washington erupted in a more-or-less sideways blast. The explosion blew down 21-thousand ha of conifer forest, killed
another 10-thousand ha by heat injury, and otherwise damaged an additional 30-thousand ha. There were also
devastating mudslides, and a huge area was covered with particulate ejecta (known as tephra) that settled from the
atmosphere 50-cm or more deep.
A volcanic eruption can also emit huge amounts of sulphur dioxide, particulates, and other pollutants high into the
atmosphere. About 2-5 million tonnes of SO2 (expressed as the sulphur content, or SO2-S) are emitted by volcanoes in
a typical year, and an individual eruption may emit more than 1-million tonnes. This natural SO2 contributes to the
acidification of precipitation and to other environmental damage (Chapter 19).
Natural population outbreaks (irruptions) of herbivores, predators, or pathogens can also result in intense damage to
natural habitats. For instance, the spruce budworm (Choristoneura fumiferana) periodically defoliates huge areas of
conifer forest in eastern Canada (more than 55 million hectares in 1975). This causes extensive mortality of fir and
spruce trees and other ecological damages (Chapter 22). A recent outbreak of the mountain pine-beetle (Dendroctonus
ponderosae) has caused similarly extensive damage to pine forests in western Canada and the northwestern U.S., with
about 36-million ha affected. A marine example is the green sea urchin (Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis), which
occasionally irrupts in rocky subtidal habitats off Nova Scotia. These invertebrates can over-graze mature “forest” of
the kelps Laminaria and Agarum, resulting in a “barren ground” with much less productivity and biomass. After the
population of sea urchins collapses, the kelp forest quickly re-establishes.
Microdisturbances are also a common feature of natural ecosystems. Examples of these smaller-scale disturbances
include the deaths of individual large trees within an otherwise intact forest, perhaps caused by disease or an accident
Ecologists try to understand the effects of natural disturbances and to apply that knowledge to design management
systems that allow resources to be harvested or otherwise used while controlling the resulting ecological damage. For
example, understanding the characteristics of gap-phase disturbances in an old-growth forest can aid in the design of
a selective harvesting system that emulates the natural disturbance regime. The use of that kind of system will leave
the physical and ecological integrity of the forest substantially intact, even while individual trees are periodically
harvested for commercial use. Those individuals would be replaced by natural regeneration. In view of the natural,
gap-phase disturbance dynamics of old-growth forest, clear-cutting followed by the planting of tree seedlings might
be considered a less “natural” management system. However, clear-cutting might be an appropriate practice to use
when harvesting forest that is adapted to community-replacing disturbances, such as wildfire or insect outbreaks (see
Chapters 22 and 23).
Anthropogenic Disturbance
Humans also disturb ecosystems in diverse ways, many examples of which are described in the following chapters.
Anthropogenic disturbances are associated with many activities, such as the conversion of ecosystems, the harvesting
of natural resources, introductions of alien species, construction of roads and buildings, and warfare.
The harvesting of both renewable and non-renewable resources always causes disturbances to ecosystems. So does
the post-harvest management of renewable resources. For instance, intense disturbance is caused by strip-mining the
surface for coal or oil-sand. Similarly, harvesting a forest by clear-cutting represents a community-replacing
disturbance, which is followed by regeneration through succession. Additional disturbances may be associated with
silvicultural management, such as scarification to prepare the land for planting tree seedlings, and herbicide spraying
to decrease the abundance of weeds. Harvesting may also be selective, as when particular species or sizes of trees or
fish are targeted for harvesting. This may represent a kind of gap-phase disturbance.
The conversion of natural ecosystems into agricultural or urbanized land-uses also represents a severe disturbance. In
these cases, the successional recovery is closely managed to foster the development of an anthropogenic ecosystem.
Usually, the habitats are dominated by alien species of plants and animals, and sometimes by the bricks and concrete of
the built environment. These conversions displace almost all of the original native species and natural communities.
People have deliberately or accidentally introduced many species beyond their natural range. Often, the introduced
aliens become invasive of natural habitats, in the sense of displacing native species and causing other kinds of
ecological damage. North American examples include the introduction of zebra mussels (Dreissena polymorpha) into
the Great Lakes, purple loosestrife (Lythrum salicaria) into wetlands, and starlings (Sturnus vulgaris) and domestic
pigeons (rock doves, Columba livia) into urban areas.
Warfare also produces a wide range of community-replacing and microdisturbances through explosions, the passage
of heavy vehicles over the landscape, spills of fuel and other toxic chemicals, hunting to provide food for large numbers
of soldiers, and even (as occurred during the Vietnam War) extensive spraying of herbicide onto forest and agricultural
To summarize, pollution and disturbance can be natural phenomena. Since life began, both of these environmental
stressors have affected the structure and function of ecosystems. In modern times, however, pollution and disturbance
Toxicology is the science of the study of poisons. It examines their chemical nature and effects on the physiology of
organisms. If the dose (exposure) is large enough, any chemical, even water, can cause toxicity.
Environmental toxicology is a broader field than conventional toxicology. In addition to studying the biology of
poisoning, it also examines environmental factors that influence the exposure of organisms to potentially toxic
chemicals. Important topics in environmental toxicology are the following:
Ecotoxicology has an even broader domain because it studies the direct poisonous influences of chemicals as well as
indirect ones. Examples of indirect ecological influences include changes in habitat or in the abundance of food. For
instance, the use of a herbicide in forestry or agriculture will affect the biomass and species composition of the
vegetation on a treated area. These are important changes in the habitats of animals. Even if the herbicide does not
poison animals that are exposed to the spray, they may be affected by changes in their habitat. A complex of factors
influences the ecotoxicological risks associated with exposure to chemicals in the environment. The most important
factors are: (1) biological sensitivity, (2) the inherent toxicity of the chemical being considered, (3) the intensity of the
exposure, and (4) any indirect effects that might be caused. These considerations are examined below:
In Detail 15.1. What Is Toxicity? In the biological sense, a chemical can poison an organism if it detrimentally
affects some aspect of its metabolism. This effect is called toxicity. A toxic chemical may, for example, disrupt
the functioning of an enzyme system or interfere with cellular division. However, the legal definition of toxic
substance, as stated by the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, is as follows: “A substance is defined as
toxic if it enters or may enter the environment in a quantity or concentration or under conditions that: (1) have
or may have an immediate or long-term harmful effect on the environment; (2) constitute or may constitute a
danger to the environment on which human life depends; or (3) constitute or may constitute a danger in
Canada to human life or health.”
This definition has legal standing in Canada, and it is used in the management and regulation of a wide variety
of chemicals.
However, this definition is inadequate in some important respects, particularly because it deals only with
extremely toxic chemicals, under conditions in which they occur in high concentrations. Substances whose
acute toxicity is less may cause subtle, long-term damage to people, other species, and important ecological
values. These kinds of exposures are not dealt with by this definition.
1. Biological Sensitivity
Sensitivity to chemical exposures varies greatly among individual organisms and species. Studies in toxicology, which
Data in Table 15.1 illustrate the sensitivities of a number of species to the extremely toxic chemical, TCDD
(2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin). TCDD has no industrial or medicinal uses, but it is incidentally synthesized
during high-temperature combustions in incinerators, during forest fires, in the chlorine bleach whitening process for
wood pulp, and in the manufacturing of certain industrial chemicals, particularly trichlorophenol, which is used to
produce the herbicide 2,4,5-T and the antibacterial agent hexachlorophene. These syntheses can result in the emission
of TCDD into the environment, where humans and other organisms may be exposed. Because of its toxicological
notoriety, TCDD and its chemical relatives are relatively well-studied substances.
The data in Table 15.1 suggest that species differ greatly in their sensitivity to TCDD. Among the species for which data
are available, the guinea pig is especially vulnerable to TCDD, whereas hamsters and frogs are less so. Sensitivity to
chemicals also varies with the route of exposure and with the sex and age of animals.
Table 15.1. Acute Toxicity of TCDD to Various Animals. The animals were exposed to TCDD under laboratory
conditions. Oral exposure involves ingestion into the stomach; dermal exposure consist of absorption through
the skin; intraperitoneal exposure involves injection into the abdominal cavity. LD50 (lethal dose for 50%
mortality) is the dose that kills half of a population of experimental animals. LD50 is measured in units of
amount of chemical per unit of body weight (e.g., µg/kg). Source: Data from Tschirley (1986).
Illustrations of data showing acute and chronic toxicities are presented in Table 15.2. The chemical illustrated here is
glyphosate, a herbicide that is widely used in agriculture, forestry, and horticulture (see Chapter 22). The data suggest
that, if the concentration of glyphosate is large enough, it will cause acute toxicity. However, long-term tests of
chronic toxicity did not demonstrate observable effects at the examined levels of exposure. Note also, that the
Table 15.2. Acute and Chronic Toxicity of Glyphosate. The toxicity data are from controlled exposures under
laboratory conditions. Acute toxicity is measured by the oral LD50, while chronic exposures are from long-term
feeding experiments. The data for chronic exposure are no-effect levels, which are doses at or below which
there is no observable effect. Source: Modified from Freedman (1991).
2. Inherent Toxicity
Chemicals vary enormously in their intrinsic, or relative, toxicity. Some chemicals are extremely toxic in minute doses,
while others will only cause poisoning at a much higher intensity of exposure. This is illustrated by data in Table 15.3,
which compares the acute toxicity of a wide range of chemicals. There are two central messages:
Table 15.3. Acute Toxicity of Various Chemicals. Toxicity is indicated by oral LD50 data from controlled
laboratory tests. The LD50 data are in units of mg of chemical per kg of body weight, and the test species was
the rat. Source: Data from Freedman (1995).
Exposure has a fundamental influence on toxicity. It may be defined as the dose of chemical that any individual or
group of organisms receives per unit of time. Exposure to any potentially toxic chemical is affected by many factors,
including environmental influences. For example, the exposure of a mouse in an agricultural field sprayed with an
insecticide could be affected by such factors as the spray rate, kind of equipment being used, weather, persistence of
the chemical (how long it remains active), and the behaviour and choices of food and habitat of the mouse. If a
toxicologist is evaluating the exposure of people to potentially toxic substances, there would be a consideration of the
amount ingested with solid and liquid food, the intake while breathing, and the amounts present in both working and
ambient (or non-occupational) environments.
4. Indirect Effects
Also important in ecotoxicology are the indirect effects of toxic chemicals, or effects other than the direct poisoning of
organisms. Indirect effects are most commonly associated with changes in habitat or in the condition of the immune
system of an organism. In some cases, indirect damage is worse than the direct toxic effects of chemicals. For instance,
the use of a herbicide in forestry causes changes in vegetation, which affects animals that live in the habitat, even if the
herbicide itself is not directly toxic to them.
The above discussion suggests that if an exposure is intense enough, even routinely encountered chemicals may be
poisonous. In fact, even water can be toxic if a person drinks enough in a short period of time. This happens because
the physiological capacity to regulate salts in the blood plasma can be overwhelmed by drinking too much water too
quickly, causing a toxic syndrome called hyponatremia. Depending on body weight, the lethal dose for an adult is 5-10
L, ingested over an hour or less. Similarly, if the dose is large enough, carbon dioxide, table sugar (sucrose), table salt
(sodium chloride), Aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid), drinking alcohol (ethanol), and other routinely ingested chemicals can
cause poisoning (Table 15.3).
This fundamental rule of biology was first emphasized by Philip von Paracelsus (1493-1541), a Swiss physician and
alchemist who is considered to be the father of “modern” toxicology. One of his most famous conclusions can be
paraphrased as “Dosage determines poisoning.”
In perhaps all cases, there are thresholds of tolerance to potentially toxic chemicals. The tolerance occurs because
organisms have physiological mechanisms to excrete toxins from the body, to metabolize them into less-toxic
substances, or to sequester (store) them in certain body tissues where they will not cause damage. Organisms also have
mechanisms to repair damage caused to tissues or biochemical systems, providing that the chemical exposures are not
too high and excessively damaging. For a chemical to cause toxicity, the capacities of these physiological systems must
be overwhelmed.
Interpretation of Damage
The notion of physiological thresholds of tolerance helps to define the difference between contamination and
pollution, which we examined previously. The idea of thresholds also indicates why it is best to frame the discussion in
terms of “potentially” toxic exposures to chemicals. This is especially the case when the actual environmental
concentrations are not known, and when the biological risks of extremely small doses are not sufficiently understood.
However, the notion of biological thresholds of tolerance is somewhat controversial, and not all toxicologists would
agree with the explanation just given. Those scientists believe that exposure to even one or a few molecules of some
kinds of chemicals may be of toxicological importance. This is particularly true of chemicals that are thought to be
carcinogenic at extremely small exposures, and also of radionuclides and highly energetic forms of ionizing energy,
such as X-rays and gamma radiation.
Often, the risks to humans exposed to chemicals are interpreted differently from those of other species, particularly
wild animals and plants. This is because the prevailing cultural attitudes place much greater value on the life and health
of individual people than on those of other species. As such, there is a special reluctance, both social and regulatory, to
permit human exposures to many kinds of potentially toxic chemicals.
However, regulations and guidelines tend to be considerably less strict for human exposures that occur in a workplace,
as compared with non-occupational exposures. This recognizes the fact that considerable risks are inherent in the
activities and environmental conditions of many occupations. Particularly significant hazards confront firefighters,
police officers, members of the armed forces, operators of heavy machinery, and workers in chemical industries.
Within limits, chemical exposures associated with earning a living are generally interpreted as a “cost of doing
business”, and may therefore be judged to be acceptable.
Such attitudes can, however, change markedly over time. Certain occupational hazards that were once considered
routine and tolerable are now viewed as unacceptable. For instance, when synthetic organic insecticides, such as DDT,
were first introduced in the mid-1940s and 1950s, people were remarkably casual about using them. Workers often
applied these insecticides with only minimal attention to avoiding exposure to themselves and others. Such poorly
controlled usages would be unthinkable today, especially in relatively well-regulated countries such as Canada.
If chemicals cause toxicity to species other than humans, the importance of that effect is interpreted on the basis of
the following considerations:
• Are measurable changes seen in the populations of affected species? From an ecological perspective, population-
level damage is the most important consideration, even while it is acknowledged that the death of an individual
organism is regrettable. Populations of all species have a certain degree of resilience and can tolerate some
mortality caused by toxic chemicals without suffering an overall decline.
• Are affected species important in maintaining the integrity of their community? Ecological philosophies suggest
that all species have intrinsic value. Nevertheless, species do vary greatly in their contribution to the functioning
and structure of their community. So-called keystone species have a dominant influence (Chapter 9). Substantial
changes in their abundance should be judged as relatively important compared with damage inflicted on more
minor species.
• Is the damage of economic importance? This consideration involves damage to resources that are needed by
humans and therefore have economic value. In this sense, damage is judged to be relatively important if it is
caused to hunted animals such as deer or trout, to trees that can be harvested to manufacture pulp or lumber, or
to vital ecological services such as the provision of clean water and air. From a purely utilitarian perspective,
damage caused to non-economic values, both species and services, may be viewed as being less important.
• Other considerations, less tangible than those just mentioned, involve appraising damage in aesthetic or ethical
terms. These considerations are also important, but they are difficult to interpret in terms of risks or benefits to
human welfare. As a result, aesthetic or ethical considerations are rarely reflected in regulatory criteria or in the
management of potentially toxic chemicals in the environment.
Environmental Risks
Broadly interpreted, environmental risks are hazards – a likelihood of suffering damage or misfortune as a result of
exposure to a biological or environmental circumstance. Risks are associated with driving an automobile, flying in an
airplane, participating in sports, hiking in the wilderness, being exposed to toxic chemicals, and getting out of bed in
the morning. Environmental risks interact with biological factors to determine the likelihood of experiencing damage
of some kind, such as developing a cancer or suffering an injury.
Statisticians assign probability values to many kinds of risks using data based on previous experience, such as the
frequency of automobile accidents or cases of poisoning with a chemical such as a particular medicine. This approach
is illustrated in Table 15.4, which summarizes recent causes of mortality in Canada. These data suggest that the average
Canadian has an annual risk of dying of about 0.7% (calculated as the total annual mortality divided by the national
Table 15.4. Causes of Mortality in Canada. These data summarize the most important causes of deaths among
Data concerning less-common environmental risks are more difficult to acquire. Usually they must be developed from
predictive models based on knowledge of medical science and likely exposures to environmental influences. However,
both of these kinds of information are imperfect because they are based on an incomplete understanding of
interactions between environmental influences and biological responses. Consequentlythe calculated risk factors are
inaccurate and sometimes controversial. These issues are particularly important for diseases, such as cancers, that
have an extended latency period (often several decades) between exposure and development.
Cancers are a leading cause of mortality in Canada and in other relatively wealthy countries. Remarkably little is
known, however, about the specific environmental and biological factors that predispose organisms to developing
various types of cancer. Table 15.5 summarizes data from a study that estimated the risks of dying from cancer that are
associated with several potentially contributing factors. Of the approximately 0.5 million cancer deaths that occur each
year in the United States, dietary factors are believed to be the most important predisposing factor, accounting for
about 35% of the mortality, followed by tobacco smoking (30%), infections (10%), and reproductive and sexual
behaviour (7%). Of the various risks, smoking is most easily preventable: this voluntary exposure is responsible for
about 86% of lung cancers, as well as other diseases (Canadian Cancer Society, 2005). About half of Canadian smokers
will die from a smoking-related ailment, most before the age of 70.
The population of Canada is 10.8% that of the United States, while the number of cancer-related mortalities is 11.3%
that of the United States. These similar proportions, along with the comparable lifestyles of Canadians and Americans,
suggest that the estimated risks in Table 15.5 are also relevant to Canadians.
Table 15.5. Estimated Risks of Cancer Mortality. Cancers are grouped by their possible causes, in terms of
environmental exposures. The data are the best estimates for the U.S. population, with the range of estimates in
Image 15.6. Smoking entails a voluntary exposure to a wide range of chemicals that are known to be toxic. In
addition, non-smokers are involuntarily exposed to sidestream smoke by sharing space with smokers in public
spaces or their home. Source: B. Freedman.
Table 15.6. Public Perception of Risks of Various Environmental and Medical Hazards. The data, based on a
national survey of 1503 Canadians, indicate the percentage of the survey group that chose the designated
Clearly, people understand that environmental factors pose risks to human health. Often, however, they have little
understanding of the actual risks, as opposed to the perceived risks. Sometimes, people view certain high risks to be
inconsequential while considering much smaller risks as being unduly important. Nevertheless, public perceptions of
risks have an extremely important influence on politicians, policy makers, and bureaucrats in government and
industry, and on their decisions concerning the management and regulation of environmental and health hazards.
An environmental risk assessment is an evaluation of the risks associated with a hazard in the environment. A risk
A meteorologist, for example, may predict the probability that a particular place will be struck by lightning under
various weather conditions. The likelihood is much greater during a thunderstorm than during sunny conditions, and is
greater beneath a large tree in an open field than beside a shrub in a ditch. The energy content of a typical lightning
strike is also known, as is the biological damage to a person who might be struck. With this information, it is relatively
straightforward to model the risks of a lightning-caused injury associated with standing in the middle of an open field,
or under a tree in that same field, on a sunny day or during a thunderstorm. This is a simple example of an
environmental risk assessment. A risk assessment for potentially toxic exposures to chemicals can be conducted for
individual organisms, for populations, or for ecological functions such as productivity, decomposition, and nutrient
cycling. To assess the risks associated with exposure to chemicals, one requires knowledge of two factors: the intensity
of exposure (the anticipated dose) and the biological damage that is likely to be caused by the predicted exposure. The
integration of these two types of information is known as a dose-response relationship (Figure 15.1).
Figure 15.1. Conceptual Models of Dose-Response Relationships. Model (a) suggests that the larger the dose
encountered, the greater the proportion of the population that is affected. ED50 represents the dose that
affects 50% of the test population (effective dose). If the biological response being measured is death, the term
LD50 is used, or te dose killing 50% of the population (lethal dose). Model (b) suggests that larger doses have a
more pronounced effect on physiology (or on an ecological function). In this case, the rate of a biological
function is plotted versus the chemical exposure, and the data are expressed as a percentage of the control rate
(in the absence of the chemical). In this curve, ED50 represents the dose needed to decrease the rate of the
function by 50%.
Figure 15.2. Examples of Dose-Response Curves. Note the extremely wide ranges of doses that were examined
in these experiments. Each experiment includes a control treatment involving a zero dose of the chemical.
Graph (a) describes effects of the herbicide 2,4-D on growth rate of a mycorrhizal fungus, Hebeloma
longicaudum. Graph (b) illustrates effects of the herbicide 2,4,5-T on the germination of seeds from the surface
organic mat of a clear-cut. Graph (c) shows effects of 2,4,5-T on the decomposition of leaf litter. Sources: Data
from Estok et al. (1989), Fletcher and Freedman (1989), and Morash and Freedman (1989).
An exposure assessment investigates all of the ways by which organisms may encounter a potentially toxic level of a
The assimilation rate of a chemical into the bloodstream and organs varies greatly among the exposure pathways.
Assimilation depends on several factors, including the metabolic characteristics of the organ into which the chemical is
being absorbed, such as the lungs, the gastrointestinal tract, or the skin. The physical-chemical form of the substance
also affects its uptake dynamics. For instance, mercury can occur as an elemental vapour or liquid, as inorganic
compounds such as mercuric chloride, and as organomercurial complexes such as methylmercury (an especially
bioavailable and poisonous compound). The total exposure for a person is the sum of the chemicals assimilated
through all pathways, which typically vary greatly in their effect.
The relative importance of various sources of a chemical depends to some extent on a person’s lifestyle and
occupation. These influence how often and to what degree the various sources are encountered. Dental workers, for
example, may come into contact with mercury vapours because this metal is sometimes used to make fillings. In
addition, a diet rich in certain species of large oceanic fish, such as halibut, shark, swordfish, and tuna, is relatively rich
in mercury (see Chapter 18). Therefore, both dental workers and big-fish consumers may have a higher risk of mercury
Once an exposure assessment has been undertaken, the biological hazards can be predicted on the basis of known
dose-response relationships. Unfortunately, dose-response information is often incomplete, or even lacking. For
instance, most hypotheses about potential dose-response relationships in humans are actually inferred from research
that has been conducted in laboratories using other mammals, such as dogs, mice, monkeys, pigs, and rats. These
species have physiological, anatomical, and behavioural characteristics that are broadly similar to those of humans, but
they also differ in important respects. Consequently, most assessments of human exposure to trace levels of
environmental chemicals are inaccurate.
In addition, the information about dose-response relationships is almost non-existent for wild species and for
ecological functions such as productivity and nutrient cycling. As with human-focused assessments, it is common to
use data for surrogate (or proxy) species, which are believed to be typical in their dose responses.
For example, a study may be undertaken to predict the potential effects of inputs of particular chemicals to a certain
lake. It is highly unlikely that relevant dose-response data will be available for the species of fish in the ecosystem.
Consequently, predictions will typically be made using information for proxy species, such as rainbow trout (Salvelinus
gairdneri) or fathead minnow (Pimephales promelas). These fishes have been well studied in toxicological laboratories
and are widely used as indicators. Similarly, the potential effects on the zooplankton community might be predicted
using information available for well-studied species, such as the water fleas Daphnia magna and Ceriodaphnia dubia,
while the risk assessment for phytoplankton might use data for the unicellular algae Selenastrum capricornutum and
Chlorella vulgaris.
The results of a risk assessment for an ecosystem or a part of it (such as a community), if based on laboratory studies of
surrogate species, are always uncertain. This is especially true if the potential effects are being predicted of chemical
exposures in a natural environmental context. Such risk assessments are, however, the best that can be done under
most circumstances because there is rarely enough funding or time to do more comprehensive studies. Nevertheless,
because these methods deliberately overestimate the potential risks, they provide conservative guidance for
management purposes.
In Detail 15.2. Mutagens, Teratogens, and Hormone Mimics Mutagens, teratogens, and hormonally active
A mutagen is a substance or agent that induces a genetic mutation, meaning a change in the coding sequence
of nucleic acids in DNA or RNA. Exposure to mutagens may result in mutations that are “harmless,” meaning the
genetic change is not known to result in a serious biochemical consequence. In other cases, however, a
mutation may result in a deformity or disease, such as many kinds of cancer. A cancer may be an endpoint of
mutations occurring in body (somatic) cells, while mutations of sperm and egg cells may result in heritable
changes that can be passed to offspring. An environmental mutagen is one that is encountered in the
environment. Incidents of genotoxicity have been observed in wild animals, such as occurrences of fish
tumours and frogs born with excess limbs. In humans, genotoxicity may be associated with some kinds of
cancer and with congenital birth defects, which normally occur in about 3% of births. Genotoxocity may be
caused by exposure to various chemicals and other agents. Potent mutagens that are used in biomedical
research include ethylmethanesulfonate and nitrosoguanidine. Other sources of laboratory and environmental
genotoxicity include the following:
• highly energetic (ionizing) radiation associated with ultraviolet-B, X-rays, and gamma radiation
• polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), such as benzo(a)pyrene
• polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and certain pesticides
• methyl mercury and some other metals
• aflatoxin present in mouldy nuts and grains
• dimethyl nitrosamine present in nitrite-treated foods
• diesel exhaust
• effluent from pulp mills
• tobacco and barbecue smoke
A teratogen is an agent that induces abnormal development of an embryo or fetus. It may act through
mutagenicity or by some other means, such as physical irritation of cells or tissues. A famous example of
teratogenic damage was caused by thalidomide, a medication that was prescribed as a sedative to pregnant
women from 1950-1961. Thalidomide proved to be capable of crossing the placenta and caused devastating limb
abnormalities (extreme shortening or absence of limbs) in the fetus, and its medical use resulted in an epidemic
of seriously deformed children. Another well-known teratogen is ethyl alcohol (alcohol in drinks), which if taken
in excess during pregnancy can cause fetal alcohol syndrome. Exposure to rubella virus during pregnancy can
also lead to severe deformity of a fetus. An environmental teratogen is encountered in the environment, and
this exposure may have increased the incidence of deformities of wild animals, including mollusks, fish, and
A hormonally active substance is a hormone or another chemical that has a similar effect on the regulation of
biochemistry. Hormones are chemical messengers that travel through the circulatory system until they reach
specific receptor cells in target organs, where they regulate physiology. They are produced in the endocrine
system, which consists of various glands, such as the adrenal gland, ovaries, pancreas, pituitary gland, testes,
and thyroid gland. Hormones help to regulate growth, development, metabolism, deposition of fat,
maintenance of the electrolyte balance in fluids, sexuality, and behavioural responses to external stimuli (such
as excitement and fright). Examples of hormones include the following:
Because hormones are necessary for healthy physiology, development, and behaviour, any serious disruption of
their activity can have severe consequences for organisms. Some chemicals present in the environment,
including natural ones and others that are anthropogenic, can cause such interference and are known as
hormone mimics. For example, certain plants contain so-called phytoestrogens that can affect the hormone
physiology of animals feeding upon them. Examples of plants with relatively high levels of phytoestrogens
include soybean (Glycine max), red clover (Trifolium pratense), flax (Linum vulgare), and black cohosh
(Cimicifuga racemosa). Some women use herbal preparations of these plants to relieve symptoms of
menopause. Other natural phytoestrogens have been used in birth-control pills to control human fertility.
Many other substances present in the environment are also hormonally active, including a wide array of
chemicals released by human activities. Even at extremely small exposures, they may mimic or block the action
of certain hormones, resulting in a physiological change. This may have detrimental effects on wild and
domestic animals and also on people. The following anthropogenic chemicals are thought to be hormonally
active through environmental exposures:
• organochlorines, including dioxins (such as TCDD), polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), and the insecticides
DDT, dieldrin, and lindane
• other kinds of pesticides, including atrazine, permethrin, and trifluralin
• tributyltin, which is used as a marine antifoulant
• alkylphenols used as surfactants, such as nonylphenol
• certain placticizers, such as dibutyl phthalate and butylbenzyl phthalate
• natural hormones and synthetic steroids from contraceptives that are released to the environment in
sewage or occur as residues in food, including estradiol, estrone, and testosterone
• phytoestrogens in pulp-mill effluents, including coumestans, isoflavones, and lignans
The biological effects of environmental mutagens, teratogens, and hormonally active substances are not yet
well understood. Although the presence of many of these agents in the environment has been widely noted,
scientists do not yet know the level of contamination at which an unacceptable amount of biological damage
may result. This has resulted in controversy about the potential effects of these bioactive chemicals on wild
animals and humans: some people recommend a highly precautionary approach, while others believe that more
evidence of consequential damage is needed before stringent control practices are implemented. Although
there are observations of some local populations of wild animals suffering significant damage, there is not yet
convincing evidence of effects on people from environmental exposures to these agents. Of course, any
significant level of genetic or developmental damage to humans would be deemed to be unacceptable.
References: Phillips and Venitt (1995), Machachlan and Guillet (2002), Servos et al. (2008)
Environmental stressors are factors that can constrain the productivity and reproduction of organisms, or the
development of ecosystems. The stressors can be natural or anthropogenic and may operate over the short term
(acute) or long term (chronic). Stressors may cause physical disruption, as when a forest is affected by a wildfire,
windstorm, or timber harvest. Other stressors operate by causing toxicity, as when organisms are exposed to solar
ultraviolet radiation or to pesticides. Environmental risks are associated with exposure to a wide variety of factors in
the environment. A major activity in environmental science is the study of these risks and the prediction of their
effects on people, other species, and ecosystems.
1. What are the various kinds of environmental stressors? Provide an example of each.
2. Explain the difference between pollution and contamination?
3. How do toxicology, environmental toxicology, and ecotoxicology differ?
4. Use the data in Table 15.4 as the basis of a brief essay about the risks of death. Make sure that you relate the risks
to environmental exposures, where appropriate.
1. Identify examples of naturally occurring pollution and disturbance in the region where you live. What
considerations determine how society judges the importance of the natural and anthropogenic sources?
2. Compare the ecological effects of a community-replacing disturbance and a gap-phase microdisturbance. How is
knowledge of these effects useful for designing ecologically appropriate practices for resource harvesting and
management? Use old-growth forest as an example.
3. What do you consider to be the five most important risks to your health? Compare your list with the data in Tables
15.4 and 15.5. What are the similarities and differences? Why do they exist?
4. If all chemicals are potentially toxic, should society allow any exposure to these potential health risks? Discuss this
statement and its conceptual fallacy.
Exploring Issues
1. How can the data presented in Table 15.2 for the herbicide glyphosate be used to assess the probability of people
or animals suffering toxicity when this chemical is used in agriculture, forestry, or around the home (these are all
common uses)? What additional information would you need to perform a comprehensive risk assessment for this
chemical? What about consideration of the indirect effects on wild animals caused by changes in vegetation in
treated areas?
Begon, M., R.W. Howorth, and C.R. Townsend. 2014. Essentials of Ecology. 4th ed. Wiley, Cambridge, UK.
Canadian Cancer Society. 2014. Cancer Information. Canadian Cancer Society, Regina, SK. http://www.cancer.ca/
en/?region=ns Accessed December, 2014.
Clarke, L.B. 1991. Acceptable Risk? Making Decisions in a Toxic Environment. University of California Press, Berkeley,
Cote, R.P. and P.G. Wells. 1991. Controlling Chemical Hazards: Fundamentals of the Management of Toxic Chemicals.
Unwin Hyman, London, UK.
Estok, D., B. Freedman, and D. Boyle. 1989. Effects of the herbicides 2,4-D, glyphosate, hexazinone, and triclopyr on the
growth of three species of ectomycorrhizal fungi. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination & Toxicology, 42: 835-839.
Fletcher, K. and B. Freedman. 1986. Effects of several herbicides used in forestry on litter decomposition. Canadian
Journal of Forest Research, 16: 6-10. Forbes, V.E. and T.L. Forbes. 1994. Ecotoxicology in Theory and Practice. Chapman
& Hall, New York, NY.
Freedman, B. 1991. Controversy over the use of herbicides in forestry, with particular reference to glyphosate usage.
Journal of Environmental Science & Health, C8: 277-286.
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Hodge, R.A., P.R. West, and R. Gregory-Eaves. 1996. Toxic substances. Chapter in 1996 State-of-the-Environment
Report for Canada. Environment Canada, Ottawa, ON.
Hoffman, D.J., B.A. Rattner, G.A. Burton, and J. Cairns. (Eds.). 2003. Handbook of Ecotoxicology, 2nd ed. CRC Press, Boca
Raton, FL.
Kolluru, R.V., S.M. Bartell, R.M. Pitbaldo, and S. Stricoff (Eds.). 1996. Risk Assessment and Management Handbook for
Environmental, Health, and Safety Professionals. McGraw Hill, New York, NY.
Krewski, D., L. Lemyre, M.C. Turner, L.E.C. Lee, C. Dallaire, L. Bouchard, K. Brand, and P. Mercier. 2006. Public
perception of population health risks in Canada: Health hazards and sources of information. Human and Ecological Risk
Assessment, 12: 626-644.
Landis, W.G. and M.-H. Yu. 2004. Introduction to Environmental Toxicology: Impacts of Chemicals Upon Ecological
Systems. 3rd ed. CRC Press, Boca Rotan, FL.
McLachlan, J.A. and L.J. Guillette (Editors). 2002. Environmental Hormones: The Scientific Basis of Endocrine
Disruption. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 948, 142 pp.
Morash, R. and B. Freedman. 1989. Effects of several herbicides on the germination of seeds in the forest floor.
Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 19: 347-350.
Moriarty, F. 1999. Ecotoxicology: The Study of Pollutants in Ecosystems. 3rd ed. Academic Press, San Diego, CA.
Newman, M.C. and W.H. Clements. 2008. Ecotoxicology: A Comprehensive Treatment. Taylor & Francis, Boca Raton, FL.
Odum, E.P. and G.W. Barrett. 2004. Fundamentals of Ecology. Brooks Cole, Florence, KY. Phillips, D.H. and S. Venitt
(Editors). 1995. Environmental Mutagenesis. Academic Press, San Diego, CA.
Rombke, J. and J.F. Moltmann. 1995. Applied Ecotoxicology. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL.
Schuurmann, G. and B. Markert (Eds.). 1998. Ecotoxicology: Ecological Fundamentals, Chemical Exposure, and
Biological Effects. Wiley & Sons, New York.
Schindler, D.W. 1987. Detecting ecosystem responses to anthropogenic stress. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and
Aquatic Science, 44: 6-25.
Servos, M., P. Delorme, G. Fox, R. Sutcliffe, and M. Wade. 2008. Endocrine disrupting substances. In: Threats to Sources
of Drinking Water and Aquatic Ecosystem Health in Canada, Environment Canada, Ottawa,
ON. http://publications.gc.ca/pub?id=9.558191&sl=0
Smith, W.H. 1984. Ecosystem pathology: A new perspective for phytopathology. Forest Ecology and Management, 9:
Statistics Canada. 2014. Leading causes of death, by sex. CANSIM Table 102-0561, Statistics Canada, Ottawa,
ON. http://www.statcan.gc.ca/tables-tableaux/sum-som/l01/cst01/hlth36a-eng.htm Accessed November, 2014.
Suter, G (ed.). 2007. Ecological Risk Assessment, 2nd ed. Taylor & Francis, Boca Raton, FL. Thomas, S.P. and S.E. Hrudey.
1997. Risk of Death in Canada: What We Know and How We Know It. University of Alberta Press, Edmonton, AB.
1. Outline the major sources of emission of air pollutants associated with sulphur, nitrogen, and hydrocarbons.
2. Explain the difference between primary and secondary pollutants.
3. Contrast the environmental problems associated with stratospheric and tropospheric ozone.
4. Examine the importance of air pollutants to ecosystems and to human health.
5. Outline the lessons to be learned from natural pollution at the Smoking Hills.
6. Describe the patterns of pollution and ecological damage near point sources of air pollution.
Gaseous air pollutants are emitted from various natural sources, such as volcanoes and forest fires. However,
anthropogenic emissions of some gases may be greater than the natural ones, and are increasing because of population
growth and industrialization.
In ancient times, there was not much pollution. Nevertheless, even then local problems would have occurred. For
instance, smoky wood fires used for cooking and warmth would likely have caused poor-quality air to occur inside of
badly ventilated dwellings. Hunting cultures often used fire to drive game animals and improve local forage, and those
burns would have resulted in large emissions of particulate carbon (soot), carbon dioxide, and other gases that would
have temporarily impaired air quality. Overall, however, these effects were relatively minor.
Of course, as people became more numerous and industrialized, air pollution increasingly developed into a much
bigger problem. When the Industrial Revolution began (around 1750), coal quickly became the major fuel used to
generate heat and energy for machines, and that resulted in increasingly worse air pollution. The widespread use of
coal led to severe pollution by sulphur dioxide (SO2) and soot in the industrial towns and cities of Europe and the
Americas. Since 1900, burgeoning industrialization and new technologies such as power plants and automobiles have
further increased the emissions of pollutants.
Air pollution can be especially severe in situations when the lower atmosphere is stable and calm. These conditions
often occur beneath an atmospheric phenomenon called an inversion, in which a layer of cool air is trapped beneath a
higher layer of warmer air (the more usual pattern is for temperature to cool with increasing altitude). An atmospheric
inversion is a relatively stable condition that prevents polluted ground-level air from mixing with cleaner air from
higher altitudes (see In Detail 16.1). If an atmospheric inversion is accompanied by fog, the pollution is known as smog
(a word derived from “smoke” and “fog”). As recently as the 1950s, occasional so-called “killer smogs” rich in SO2 and
soot caused the deaths of thousands of urban people, and many more suffered from respiratory distress (pollution rich
in SO2 is also called reducing smog). The most famous killer smogs occurred in London, Glasgow, some other industrial
centres of Europe, and near Pittsburgh in the United States (these are described later).
Once scientists recognized the severe damage that was being caused by air pollution, governments began to pass laws
to decrease the emissions. Pollution control became particularly vigorous after medical researchers discovered clear
evidence of links between air quality and human diseases and deaths. Particular attention was paid to air pollution in
• switching from coal, which is a relatively “dirty” fossil fuel, to “cleaner” ones such as natural gas or oil, or to
alternative energy technologies such as nuclear power and hydroelectricity
• constructing tall smokestacks to spread emissions over a much wider area so that ground-level exposures become
less common and less intense – this tactic is the “dilution solution to pollution”
• centralizing energy production in large power plants to replace much of the relatively dirty and inefficient burning
of coal in home fireplaces and furnaces, thereby permitting better control of emissions
• treating waste gases to remove some of their pollutant content, thereby reducing emissions to the atmosphere
Because of these helpful regulatory actions, the importance of reducing smogs became much less in many countries.
However, so-called oxidizing smog has become more important causes of damage in many regions. Oxidizing smog
develops in the atmosphere through complex photochemical reactions in which hydrocarbons and nitrogen oxides are
transformed into ozone (O3) and other gases. Ozone and other oxidizing gases harm vegetation and irritate the
respiratory system and eyes of people. Oxidizing smog develops under sunny conditions if hydrocarbons and nitrogen
oxides are present from automobile and industrial emissions, and especially if the presence of an atmospheric
inversion reduces dispersion of the polluted air mass.
In this chapter, we examine the most important gaseous pollutants. Their sources of emission, chemical
transformations, and toxicity are described, and Canadian case studies are used to demonstrate the ecological
damages that may be caused.
In Detail 16.1. Normally, the temperature of the atmosphere decreases with increasing altitude. Under certain
conditions, however, a layer of relatively cool air may become trapped under a layer of warmer air, a
phenomenon known as an atmospheric inversion (or temperature inversion; see Figure).
Figure 16.1. Normally, air temperature decreases with increasing altitude (red line), but during an atmospheric
inversion, a ground-level layer of cooler air is trapped beneath warmer air (blue lines).
An atmospheric inversion can be rather stable. Until it is dispersed by vigorous winds, it can trap and
accumulate air pollutants that are emitted during the inversion event. Severe episodes of air pollution can
occur when stable inversions develop and are maintained for several days.
Some places regularly develop less-persistent inversions, such as Los Angeles, Mexico City, and Greater
Vancouver. In these places, the inversions develop in the morning but are typically dispersed during the
afternoon. In the meantime, however, oxidizing air pollutants such as ozone can accumulate into a
photochemical smog.
Sulphur Gases
Sulphur dioxide (SO2) is one of the most important of the gaseous air pollutants. SO2 is a colourless but pungent gas.
Humans can detect its bitter taste at a concentration of only 0.3-1 ppm (parts per million; for SO2, 1 ppm = 2.6 mg/m3).
Hydrogen sulphide (H2S), another sulphur gas, can be detected as a foul odour, reminiscent of rotten eggs, at
concentrations lower than 1 ppb (parts per billion; for H2S, 1 ppm = 1.4 mg/m3) (unless otherwise indicated, specific
data cited in this and other chapters in this section on environmental damages are from Freedman, 1995).
After they are emitted to the atmosphere, SO2 and H2S become oxidized to other compounds, and ultimately form
sulphate (SO42–; see In Detail 16.2). Because the sulphate ion carries negative charges, it is an anion (this refers to any
ion, atom, or molecule with a negative charge). Because H2S is quickly oxidized to SO2, its atmospheric residence time
is less than one day (this is the time to complete disappearance of an initial amount). SO2 oxidizes more slowly, at a rate
of < 1-5% per hour, depending on sunlight, humidity, strong oxidants such as ozone, and the presence of metal-
containing particulates that may act as catalysts. A typical residence time of SO2 in the atmosphere is about four days.
Consequently, SO2 may disperse a long distance from its point of emission before it becomes oxidized or is deposited
to a terrestrial or aquatic surface. This kind of dispersal is referred to as long-range transportation of air pollution
Atmospheric sulphate, formed by the oxidation of SO2 or H2S, can combine with positively charged ions (cations) to
form various compounds. Most atmospheric sulphate occurs as tiny particulates, especially ammonium sulphate
((NH4)2 SO4). This is the most prominent component, along with ammonium nitrate (NH4NO3), of the fine particulate
haze that often impairs visibility in cities. Haze also occurs in some rural areas where pollutants have been imported by
LRTAP from emission sources elsewhere. Other cations that combine with sulphate include calcium (Ca2+), magnesium
(Mg2+), and sodium (Na+). Often, however, there are not enough of these cations to balance all of the negative charges
of the sulphate (SO42–) present. Under such conditions, hydrogen ions (H+) serve to balance some of the negative
charges, resulting in an aerosol containing sulphuric acid (H2SO4), the most important component of acidic
precipitation (see Chapter 19).
Volcanoes are natural sources of emission of sulphur gases. On average, volcanoes emit about 12-million tonnes of
sulphur gases per year, of which 90% is SO2 and 10% is H2S. However, the enormous 1991 eruption of Mount Pinatubo
in the Philippines emitted 7-10-million tonnes of SO2 (expressed as the sulphur content, or SO2-S). The much smaller
eruption of Mount St. Helens in Washington State in 1980 vented about 0.2-million tonnes of SO2-S. Natural emissions
of SO2 also occur during wildfires.
The global anthropogenic emissions of SO2 are about 150-million tonnes per year, or 3.8-times the natural releases
(Table 16.1). Fossil-fuel combustion accounts for about half of the anthropogenic emissions. Coal and petroleum contain
mineral compounds of sulphur, such as pyrite (FeS2), as well as organic sulphur compounds. When these fuels are
burned, the sulphur becomes oxidized to gaseous SO2, which may be vented to the atmosphere. Hard coals mined in
eastern North America contain 1-12% sulphur, softer coals from western regions have <0.3-1.5%, crude oil has 0.8-1.0%
residual fuel oils such as bunker -C have 0.3-0.4%, and motor fuels such as diesel and gasoline have 0.04-0.05%. Other
important sources of SO2 emissions are manufacturing processes (23% of global emissions), the smelting of metal ores
(7%), and the burning of natural habitats during agricultural conversions (most of the rest).
Table 16.1. Global Emissions and Other Characteristics of Important Air Pollutants. Emission data are for 2000.
Sources: Modified from Freedman (1995) and NEAA (2015).
Anthropogenic emissions of SO2 have increased enormously since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution.
Emissions in 1860 were about 5-million tonnes, compared with about 150-million tonnes in 2000. Since then, most of
the wealthier countries have invested heavily in clean-air technologies for power plants and other industrial users of
coal and oil in order to reduce emissions of damaging SO2 to the atmosphere. The clean-air actions include the
• the installation of technologies to capture SO2 from post-combustion waste gases (this is known as flue-gas
desulphurization or scrubbing)
• the removal of some of the sulphur content of fuels (known as fuel desulphurization or coal washing)
• the installation of particulate-control devices (such as electrostatic precipitators) to greatly reduce the emissions
of particulates (although this has little effect on SO2 emissions)
• switching to low- or no-sulphur fuels such as natural gas, or to no-sulphur energy technologies such as
However, future global emissions are bound to increase. China, India, and other rapidly industrializing countries supply
much of their burgeoning energy needs by burning coal and petroleum fuels. In China, coal is the major source of
industrial energy, accounting for 68% of the energy supply (in 2013; Table 13.9). Due to increasing industrialization,
emissions of SO2 in China increased from 10-million tonnes in 1980 to 34-million tonnes in 2000, a 3.4-fold increase in
only 20 years.
The amounts of SO2 emissions differ greatly among nations, depending on their population, their kind of
industrialization, and the fuels they mostly use. For instance, Canadian emissions of SO2 are about 22% of those of the
United States (Table 16.2). However, the population of Canada is only about 11% that of the United States (Chapter 10).
Therefore, per-capita emissions of SO2 are about double in Canada than in the United States.
Table 16.2. Comparison of Emissions of Air Pollutants in Canada in the United States. Data are in units of
millions of tonnes per year (106 t/y). Percent refers to the percentage of total emissions by country. Sources:
Modified from Environment Canada (2014) and Environmental Protection Agency (2014).
About 66% of Canadian emissions of SO2 are from large industrial sources, particularly metal smelters, while 24% are
from “fuel combustion,” which is mostly fossil-fuelled power plants. In comparison, 84% of U.S. emissions are from
power plants, and 10% from industrial sources. Most of this difference is due to two factors: a relatively large
proportion of electricity generation in Canada is from nuclear and hydro technologies, which do not emit SO2, and
metal smelting is a major industry in Canada.
Because of human-health and environmental damages associated with SO2 and other air pollutants, most developed
nations have acted to reduce their emissions. In Canada, emissions of SO2 were reduced by about 41% between 1985
and 2012 (Figure 16.1), compared with a 32% reduction in the United States. In both countries the reductions were
achieved by several methods:
• switching to low- or no-sulphur fuels for some major uses, especially for electricity generation
However, as is shown in Figure 16.1, reductions of emissions from industrial sources (especially metal smelters) and
stationary sources (mostly coal-fuelled power plants) have been especially important. The large reductions of SO2that
have been achieved in North America during the past several decades cost many billions of dollars to achieve, and they
should be regarded as an important “success story” of pollution control.
Figure 16.2. Reductions of emissions of sulphur dioxide in Canada. Source: Data from Environment Canada
In contrast to SO2, the global emissions of sulphide gases are mostly from natural sources (Table 16.1). The largest
sources are H2S emitted from anoxic sediment in shallow marine and inland waters, and dimethyl sulphide ((CH3)2S)
produced by phytoplankton and out-gassed from oceanic waters. The natural emission of H2S is about 100-million
tonnes per year, and dimethyl sulphide, 15-million tonnes per year (both expressed as sulphur equivalent, or as tonnes
of S). Anthropogenic emissions of H2S are about 3-million tonnes per year, and are mostly from chemical industries,
sewage-treatment plants, and livestock manure.
The global emission of all sulphur-containing gases is equivalent to almost 300- million tonnes of sulphur per year.
About half of the global emission is from anthropogenic sources.
Clean air typically contains less than 0.2 ppb of SO2 or H2S. Concentrations of SO2 and H2S in air that is polluted by
emissions are highly variable. They are typically about 0.2 ppm in urban atmospheres but can exceed 3 ppm close to
large emission sources.
Concentrations of H2S in the environment are rarely high enough to be toxic to plants. However, accidental emissions
from sour-gas plants (where H2S is removed from natural gas) may cause local vegetation damage. In contrast,
concentrations of SO2 in cities and near industrial sources are often high enough to injure wild and cultivated plants.
Near certain metal smelters, vegetation has been severely damaged, as we examine later.
An exposure to 0.7 ppm SO2 for one hour will result in acute injury to most plant species, as will 0.2 ppm over an eight-
In addition, plants will often exhibit a reduction in yield when exposed to concentrations of SO2 that are lower than
those required to cause an acute injury. This type of response, which occurs without symptoms of acute tissue
damage, is referred to as “hidden injury”. Hidden injuries to wild and agricultural vegetation are measured by enclosing
plants in experimental chambers and exposing them to either air containing ambient levels of SO2, or that that has
been filtered through charcoal to remove that gas. If productivity is greater in the filtered air, it follows that the
ambient SO2 was causing a hidden injury. Studies of pasture grasses have found that exposure to SO2 concentrations
averaging only 0.04 ppm would cause hidden injuries as reductions of yield.
The Canadian air-quality guideline for ambient SO2 in the atmosphere is a maximum of 450 µg/m3 (0.17 ppm) over a
one-hour exposure (Table 16.3). This guideline is based on the concentration that causes acute foliar (leaf) injuries to
most agricultural plants. Although regions meeting this guideline would not show much acute damage to vegetation,
relatively sensitive species might be affected through hidden injuries, possibly resulting in significant losses of yield.
Table 16.3. Air Quality Guidelines for the Protection of Human Health and the Environment in Canada. Note that
in terms of the dose received by an organism, a longer-term exposure to lower concentrations of chemicals can
be equivalent to a shorter-term exposure to a higher concentration. PM2.5 refers to particulates smaller than
2.5 micrometers. The data are guidelines, except where standards for implementation in 2015 are marked as *.
Source: Modified from CCME (2014) and Environment Canada (2013).
Humans and most other animals are much less sensitive to SO2 than plants are. Guidelines for allowable exposures of
people to SO2 and other potentially toxic gases accommodate the fact that, in terms of dose received, longer-term
exposures to low concentrations can be as important as higher acute exposures.
Guidelines for occupational exposures to air pollutants are frequently greater than those for ambient exposures. In
North America, it is recommended that occupational exposures to SO2 be no higher than 2 ppm (5.2 mg/m3) over the
long term, and no higher than 5 ppm (13 mg/m3) for shorter exposures. However, some people are relatively sensitive
to SO2, and concentrations less than 1 ppm (2.6 mg/m3) may cause them to suffer asthma or other distresses related to
Oxidation of SO2
SO2 + OH → HO•SO2 (1)
HO•SO2 + O2 → HO2 + SO3 (2)
SO3 + H2O → H2SO4 (3)
H2SO4 → 2H+ + SO42- (in aqueous solution) (4)
Note that the SO42– produced is important as a constituent of acid rain and as particulate ammonium sulphate
((NH4)2SO4), which are important pollutants.
Oxidation of NO
NO + HO2 → NO2 + OH (5)
NO2 + OH → HNO3 (6)
HNO3 → H+ + NO3– (in aqueous solution) (7)
Similarly, the NO3– produced is important in acid rain and as particulate ammonium nitrate (NH4NO3).
Nitrogen Gases
The most important of the nitrogen-containing gases are nitric oxide (NO), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), nitrous oxide (N2O),
and ammonia (NH3). NO and NO2 are often considered together as a complex, referred to as NOx.
Nitrous oxide (N2O) is a colourless, non-toxic gas that produces a mild euphoria when inhaled. This gas is also known
as “laughing gas” and is used as a mild anaesthetic in medicine, and sometimes as a recreational drug. Because N2O is a
rather unreactive compound, it has a long residence time in the atmosphere of about four years. Most N2O emissions
are associated with microbial denitrification in soil and water. These are equivalent to about 18-million tonnes per year,
while industrial emissions are 12-million tonnes per year. Agricultural soil fertilized with nitrate can have high rates of
N2O emission, and modern agricultural practices are thought to have increased global emissions by about 40%.
Nitric oxide (NO) is a colourless and odourless gas, while nitrogen dioxide is reddish, pungent, and irritating to
respiratory and eye membranes. Natural emissions of NOx are about 430-million tonnes per year (expressed as NO; the
same emissions expressed as NO2 are 658-million tonnes per year). The most important natural emissions of NOx are
due to bacterial denitrification of nitrate in soil, fixation of atmospheric nitrogen gas (N2) by lightning, and oxidation of
biomass nitrogen during fires (see Chapter 5).
Anthropogenic emissions of NOx, about 83-million tonnes per year (expressed as NO), result mostly from the
combustion of fossil fuels, especially in automobiles and power plants (Table 16.1). These emissions are mostly NO,
which is secondarily oxidized to NO2 by reactions in the atmosphere. Ultimately, most atmospheric NOx gases become
oxidized to nitrate (NO3–), an ion that is important in the acidification of precipitation and ecosystems (Chapter 19).
It is rare that concentrations of NH3 or NOx gases are high enough to injure vegetation. The environmental damage
associated with NOx is focussed on the photochemical reactions by which ozone, a much more toxic gas, is produced
(see below), and also the acidification of precipitation and ecosystems.
Ambient concentrations of NH3 and NOx are rarely high enough to bother humans. Guidelines for long-term exposures
in an occupational setting are 25 ppm (34 mg/m3) for NO and 5 ppm (10 mg/m3) for NO2. Occupational guidelines for
short-term exposures are 35 ppm (47 mg/m3) and 5 ppm (10 mg/m3), respectively. Intense occupational exposures to
NOx can cause impaired pulmonary function in humans.
Hydrocarbons are a diverse group of chemicals whose molecular structures containing various combinations of
hydrogen and carbon atoms. The simplest hydrocarbon is methane (CH4), a gas. Larger hydrocarbons with greater
weight and more complex structure may occur as vapours, liquids, or solids (Chapter 22). Other volatile organic
compounds (VOCs) may contain oxygen, nitrogen, and other light elements in addition to carbon and hydrogen, and
include alcohols, aldehydes, and phenols.
The background concentration of methane in the atmosphere is about 1.7 ppm (1 ppm = 0.65 mg/m3), while all other
hydrocarbons and volatile organics together amount to less than 1 ppb (Table 16.1; the conversions to mg/m3 are
variable depending on the molecular weight). Most emissions of CH4 are natural and are associated with the
Atmospheric hydrocarbons other than CH4 are referred to as non-methane hydrocarbons. Natural emissions of these
and many organics occur mainly as gases and vapours that evaporate from living vegetation, along with smaller
quantities that out-gas from deposits of fossil fuels. The largest emissions from forests typically occur during hot,
sunny days. Natural emissions of non-methane hydrocarbons are about 200-million tonnes per year, compared with
anthropogenic emissions of 186-million tonnes per year (Table 16.1). The most important anthropogenic sources are
unburned fuel emitted from vehicles and aircraft, releases during fossil-fuel mining and refining, and evaporation of
Organic gases and vapours can be toxic, but atmospheric concentrations are rarely high enough to damage vegetation
or animals. The environmental importance of these gases and vapours lies mainly in their role in the photochemical
reactions that produce toxic ozone. In addition, CH4 is an important greenhouse gas that affects global warming
(Chapter 17). In some workplaces, however, relatively toxic organics such as benzene and formaldehyde may be
important pollutants.
There are two different ozone-related environmental issues: (1) O3 in the stratosphere and (2) O3 in the troposphere
(ground-level ozone). High concentrations of ozone are naturally present in the upper-atmospheric layer known as the
stratosphere, which begins at about 8-17 km above the Earth’s surface, depending on the latitude and season.
Stratospheric O3 causes no damage and is not an air pollutant. Rather, by absorbing solar ultraviolet radiation,
stratospheric 3helps to protect organisms on the surface pf the planet from many damaging effects of exposure to this
harmful part of the electromagnetic spectrum. In contrast, O3 in the lower3 atmosphere (the troposphere) is an
important air pollutant that is damages vegetation, materials, and human health. Ozone is removed from the
atmosphere by interactions with other gases, organic vapours, and terrestrial and aquatic surfaces (including
Ground-Level Ozone
Ground-level ozone (O3) is the most damaging of the so-called photochemical air pollutants. Less important are
peroxyacetyl nitrate (PAN), hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), and other oxidant gases. Oxidizing smog is rich in O3 and the
other oxidant gases. These chemicals are secondary pollutants, meaning they are not actually emitted to the
atmosphere (as are primary pollutants such as SO2 and NOx). Instead, they are synthesized within the atmosphere by
photochemical reactions (chemical reactions that require light, especially ultraviolet wavelengths). These proceed at
faster rates and result in a buildup of oxidants if NOx and hydrocarbons are present in high concentrations, a condition
that is typically due to anthropogenic emissions.
Some regions tend to develop a weak atmospheric inversion in the morning. Because an inversion is relatively stable
and resists the in-mixing of cleaner air from above or beyond, this condition encourages the development of oxidizing
smog during the morning and early afternoon. Later in the day, the inversion is typically broken up by stronger winds,
The concentrations of ground-level O3 vary greatly among different regions of North America. Average concentrations
in the southwestern United States are relatively high, at about 100 ppb (1 ppb = 2 µg/m3), and they generally range
from 40–60 ppb in other regions of the United States and in southern Canada.
Canada, the United States, and other countries have developed air quality standards for O3. These are intended to
reflect concentrations that would prevent severe damage to agricultural and wild vegetation. For some time, the
American O3 standard was 80 ppb (160 µg/m3) (for an average one-hour exposure), but in 1979 this was relaxed to 120
ppb (240 µg/m3). The authorities made the change because the original standard of 80 ppb was frequently exceeded
over large regions and so was essentially unenforceable. In fact, even the 120 ppb criterion is commonly exceeded in
some regions, particularly in the southwestern United States.
The Los Angeles basin suffers especially intense photochemical air pollution. Concentrations of O3 can exceed 500 ppb
(one-hour average), and they typically exceed 100 ppb for more than 15 days during the summer. Maximum
O3 concentrations are lower in other cities of North America, typically reaching up to 150-250 ppb (one-hour average).
These concentrations are well within the range at which O3 can cause acute injury to plants, which is why O3 is such
an important air pollutant. The emissions of ozone precursors (NOx and hydrocarbons) occur mainly in cities, but
extensive ecological damage is caused when polluted air masses are transported to rural areas dominated by
agricultural or natural vegetation.
In Canada, the regions that most often experience ozone pollution are the lower Fraser Valley in southwestern British
Columbia, the Windsor-Quebec City corridor, and the southern Maritimes (Environment Canada, 1999). The lower
Fraser Valley, a coastal lowland bounded by mountains to the east, often has atmospheric inversions and receives large
emissions of ozone precursors from the Greater Vancouver area to the west. Some places in the lower Fraser Valley
have maximum O3 concentrations of about 100 ppb.
The Windsor–Quebec City corridor also has local emissions associated with people and industries (about 60% of the
Canadian population lives in the region), but this area also receives ozone and its precursors in air masses blowing
from highly populated regions in the United States. Many places in the corridor have O3 concentrations of 110-160 ppb,
and values up to 190 ppb have been measured.
The southern Maritime region is affected mainly by ozone-rich air masses blowing in from industrial parts of southern
Ontario, Quebec, and the northeastern United States. Some places in southern New Brunswick and western Nova
Scotia have O3 concentrations of up to 90-110 ppb.
Toxicity of Ozone
Humans and some animals are sensitive to O3, which can irritate and damage membranes of the eyes and respiratory
system and cause a loss of lung functioning. The guideline for long-term exposure to O3in an occupational setting is
100 ppb (196 µg/m3), and it is 300 ppb (589 µg/m3) for short-term exposures. However, sensitive people can be
affected by O3-related symptoms at lower concentrations. Exposure to O3 can result in asthmatic attacks and can
exacerbate bronchitis and emphysema.
Ozone causes important damage to wild and agricultural plants over widespread areas. Foliar injuries are often
distinctive to O3, and they diminish the photosynthetic capacity of plants and thereby reduce their productivity. Acute
injuries are caused to most species by two- to four-hour exposures to 200-300 ppb O3, while long-term exposures to
only 40-100 ppb may cause hidden injuries (and reduced yield). However, many species are more sensitive and suffer
acute and hidden injuries at lower concentrations. Some varieties of tobacco (Nicotiana tobacco), for example, can
Researchers have grown agricultural plants in experimental chambers that received ambient air, or air filtered through
charcoal, which removes any O3. These studies have been useful in defining the extent of damage caused to
agricultural crops by exposure to ambient O3. One series of field experiments demonstrated that crop yields were
reduced in all regions of the United States. The worst damage occurred in the southwest, where sunny conditions and
large emissions of NOx and hydrocarbons result in especially high O3 concentrations. That study estimated that crop
damage due to O3 was equivalent to 2–4% of the total agricultural yield in the United States, with economic losses
equivalent to more than $5 billion per year. Because O3-related damage to vegetation occurs over extensive areas of
North America, it is by far the most important air pollutant in agriculture. Ozone is probably also the leading air
pollutant causing damage to forests and other natural ecosystems.
Stratospheric Ozone
In contrast to ground-level ozone, ozone in the stratosphere protects life on Earth from the damaging effects of solar
ultraviolet (UV) radiation. This is the reason why the fact that stratospheric ozone is being destroyed by anthropogenic
emissions of certain gases is cause for alarm.
Ozone is produced in the stratosphere by natural photochemical reactions. They involve the absorption of solar UV
radiation by oxygen molecules (O2), which creates highly reactive oxygen atoms (O) that join with other O2 molecules
to form O3 (see In Detail 16.2). These reactions proceed relatively quickly in the stratosphere because high-energy UV
radiation is abundant there. As a result, O3 concentrations are typically 200-300 ppb in the stratosphere, about 10
times greater than in the ambient troposphere.
Stratospheric O3 provides a critical environmental service. It efficiently absorbs most of the incoming high-energy UV
radiation, which can be extremely damaging to organisms. In particular, DNA is a strong absorber of UV and can be
damaged by this radiation. This can increase the risk of developing skin cancers, including melanoma, an often-fatal
malignancy. Other health risks from UV exposure include the development of cataracts in the eyes and suppression of
the immune system. UV radiation also damages plants, in part because chlorophyll (the key photosynthetic pigment) is
degraded by UV absorption, which may lead to decreases in productivity. The waxy covering of the cuticle of foliage is
also damaged by UV radiation.
Stratospheric O3 can be destroyed by various processes, including reactions with the trace gases NOxand N2O and
with reactive ions of bromine, chlorine, and fluorine. Because of anthropogenic emissions, the concentrations of some
of these O3-consuming chemicals have been increasing in the stratosphere, leading to concerns about the depletion of
stratospheric O3. It is widely believed that emissions of chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), particularly the industrial gases
known as freons, have been especially important in this regard. Because CFCs are extremely unreactive in the
troposphere, they eventually migrate up to the stratosphere, where they are bombarded with UV radiation and slowly
degrade (photodissociate) to release free chlorine. The chlorine efficiently reacts with and destroys O3.
The O3-destroying reactions proceed most effectively under extremely cold and stagnant conditions in the
stratosphere, such as those occurring above polar latitudes at the end of the Antarctic and Arctic winters. These polar-
focused O3 depletions result in the development of so-called ozone holes during the early springtime. These
phenomena have been observed regularly since the early 1980s. The O3 holes over Antarctica are particularly extensive
and typically involve decreases of the O3 concentration of 30-50% during the spring. Smaller depletions of O3 occur
above the Arctic, including northern Canada. The affected areas in the Northern Hemisphere are much smaller than
their counterparts in Antarctica.
Figure 16.3. Changes in the maximum annual size of the ozone “hole” over Antarctica. Source: Data from
National Weather Service (2015).
Initially, the governments of many countries were reluctant to ratify the protocol because they did not want to
impose strict controls on the manufacturing and use of chemicals they thought were necessary for the
functioning of their economies. This was particularly true for nations of the European Community, the former
Soviet Union, and Japan. However, Canada, the United States, Norway, and Sweden strongly advocated control
measures, and they managed to convince the reluctant nations to phase out their use of ozone-depleting
substances. The Montreal Protocol came into force on January 1, 1989, and was then ratified by 40 countries,
which accounted for about 82% of the global use of CFCs.
The Montreal Protocol was subsequently improved by a series of amendments to eliminate the use of halons by
1994; of CFCs, methyl chloroform, HBFCs (hydrobromofluorocarbons), and carbon tetrachloride by 1996; of
methyl bromide by 2010; and of HCFCs (hydrochlorofluorocarbons) by 2030. The amended protocol was ratified
by many additional countries, including China and India, huge nations that had not participated in the initial
negotiations. By 2009, 197 countries were parties to the Montreal Protocol, making it the first such treaty to
achieve universal approval. The amendments also established the Montreal Protocol Multilateral Fund to
The Montreal Protocol and its subsequent amendments have been called a “success story” in the regulatory
control of pollution. Many developed countries (including Canada) accelerated and surpassed their original
reduction targets, and less-developed countries have committed to not allowing the use of ozone-depleting
substances in their economies. This success was achieved because of the following:
In summary, rigorous information, effective international and national institutions, a spirit of co-operation,
effective leadership by inspired leaders, and the availability of alternative technologies combined to bridge
political differences in favour of the pursuit of a shared environmental interest. This is why the Montreal
Protocol and its implementation are a success story of environmental regulatory action.
An extraordinary case of a natural emission of gas causing human deaths involved the release of a large volume of
CO2 from a lake in Cameroon, West Africa. Lake Nyos is a 200-m-deep volcanic lake in which the deep waters are
naturally supersaturated with CO2, similar to bottled soda water. One night in 1986, a large amount of sediment
apparently slumped into the steep-sided lake, causing some of its bottom water to churn to the surface. The water de-
gassed its CO2 content as a dense air mass, which then flowed into low areas in the surrounding landscape. The
CO2-rich air asphyxiated about 1,700 sleeping people and 3,500 livestock as far as 25 km from the lake, plus uncounted
wild animals. Atmospheric CO2 is capable of causing severe toxicity at concentrations greater than 8-10%; its “normal”
level is about 0.04%. Plants are much less vulnerable to CO2 toxicity, so no vegetation was damaged by this rare and
astonishing natural event.
Anthropogenic emissions of other gaseous pollutants have sometimes caused increases in human mortality and
diseases. Some people, especially those with chronic respiratory or heart diseases, are especially vulnerable to the
effects of air pollution. Exposures of people to toxic gases can occur within several contexts, including the following.
• The ambient environment: The urban atmosphere typically contains relatively high concentrations of potentially
toxic chemicals. This is true in general, but air quality is especially bad during smog events, often caused by poor
dispersion during an atmospheric inversion. Consequently, city people living their normal lives are routinely
exposed to higher concentrations of air pollutants than those living in cleaner, rural environments.
• The working environment: Many people are exposed to high concentrations of pollutants as a consequence of
their occupation. Of course, the specific exposures depend on the job – workers in metal smelters may be exposed
to sulphur dioxide and metallic particulates, auto mechanics may be affected by exhaust fumes containing carbon
monoxide and hydrocarbons, and laboratory workers may inhale various organic solvents.
• The indoor environment: Buildings are often contaminated by gases and fumes. For example, space heaters,
furnaces, and fireplaces burning wood, kerosene, or fuel oil may emit carbon monoxide into the indoor
environment. All high-temperature combustions emit nitric oxide, and many synthetic materials and fabrics vent
formaldehyde and other organic vapours. These chemicals can accumulate if indoor air is not exchanged
All of these exposures to air pollutants have important implications for human health. However, the pollution of the
ambient urban environment is the focus of the following paragraphs.
Since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution in Western Europe in the mid-18th century, people living in cities and
working in certain types of factories have been exposed to high concentrations of air pollutants. Especially important
have been sulphur dioxide, soot, and other emissions associated with the combustion of coal and other fossil fuels. The
most severe exposures to pollutants in urban environments typically occurred during prolonged atmospheric
inversions, which prevent the dispersion of emissions and result in smogs rich in SO2 and particulates.
Coal has long been used in many places to heat homes and other buildings. The associated emissions have been
regarded as a problem in cities and towns in Europe since at least 1500. With the beginning of the Industrial
Revolution, which initially used coal as its principal energy source, air pollution worsened markedly. The first
convincing link between air pollution and a substantial increase in the death rate of an exposed human population was
made in 1909, in relation to a noxious smog during an inversion in Glasgow, Scotland, when about one-thousand deaths
may have been caused.
The most infamous “killer smog” in North America occurred in 1948 in Donora, Pennsylvania. An inversion and fog
persisted in the Donora Valley for four days, but emissions from several factories continued, resulting in a build-up of
high concentrations of SO2 and particulates in the atmosphere. The smog resulted in increased mortality in the local
population (20 deaths in a population of only 14 100). An additional 43% of the population became ill, 10% severely so.
The most common symptoms were irritation of the eyes and respiratory tract, sometimes accompanied by coughing,
headache, and vomiting.
The world’s most notorious killer smog afflicted London, England, in 1952, when an extensive inversion and fog
stabilized over southern England. In London, emissions of pollutants, mostly from coal combustion, transformed the
natural “white fog” into a venomous “black fog.” Visibility was terrible – people lost their way while walking or driving,
even falling off wharves into the Thames River, and airplanes became lost while trying to taxi at the airport. The smog
lasted for four days, but it was followed by another 14 days with a higher-than-usual death rate. Overall, about 3,900
deaths were attributed to this episode of noxious pollution. Most of the affected people were elderly or very young, or
had pre-existing respiratory or heart diseases.
Until the early 1960s, severe episodes of urban air pollution were common in the cities of North America and Western
Europe. Most of the smogs were caused by the widespread burning of coal in fireplaces and furnaces in homes,
electrical utilities, and factories. The poor-quality urban air affected the health of people and animals and also
damaged vegetation. In many cities, only certain kinds of plants that can tolerate air pollution could grow. Examples of
pollution-tolerant trees that are commonly grown in urban Canada include Norway maple (Acer platanoides), silver
maple (A. saccharinum), linden (Tilia europaea), tree-of-heaven (Ailanthus altissima), and ginkgo (Ginkgo biloba).
To deal with the problems of this kind of smog, governments brought in legislation that has required large reductions
in the emissions of air pollutants, particularly in cities. In Canada, for example, the enactment of various federal,
provincial, and municipal laws related to air emissions has substantially improved urban air quality. Air quality has been
similarly improved under legislation enacted in the United States, Britain, and other wealthier countries since the
Unfortunately, in the cities of countries with rapidly growing economies, such as Brazil, China, India, Indonesia, and
Mexico, poorly regulated industrial and urban growth is resulting in awful declines in air quality. Although not yet well
studied in terms of human diseases, these appear to be modern tragedies of urban air pollution.
Smog is widely regarded as a major cause of environmental damage, because it causes toxicity to vegetation
and deteriorates building surfaces and other materials. Smog is also known to cause diseases and discomfort in
many people. The elderly and children are especially vulnerable, as are people with existing heart or lung
diseases (particularly asthma, bronchitis, and emphysema). Even healthy adults, however, may be affected on
days with severe smog. The key causes of toxicity are ozone, other gases, and the finest particulates (<2.5 µm),
which can penetrate into the smallest lung cavities (known as alveoli) and cause irritation and other problems.
However, the data showing an association of smog and human diseases are epidemiological – that is, they
involve discovering statistical relationships among the concentrations of atmospheric pollutants and the
prevalence of certain maladies. In southern Ontario, for example, there is a predictable increase in hospital
admissions of people suffering from respiratory ailments at times when concentrations of ozone and/or
sulphate particulates are high. Although it is rarely possible to link a specific disease in a particular person to an
exposure to air pollution, statistical estimates by the Ontario Medical Association suggested that smog is
annually responsible for about 9,500 premature deaths and $7.8 billion in health-related costs in Ontario (OMA,
Because of the importance of smog as a stressor of urban Canadians, governments have initiated programs to
monitor air pollutants and predict their concentrations so that “smog alerts” can be issued to the public.
Environment Canada, in partnership with provincial and municipal governments, routinely issues advisories in
smog-prone cities, usually on the day before a high level of ozone is predicted. Similarly, some provinces and
municipalities have developed air-quality indices to provide daily advisories. The intent is to encourage people
and industries to take actions to reduce air pollution and to avoid unnecessary exposure by staying inside
buildings and by not engaging in outdoor exercise that involves deep breathing.
In 2005, Ontario experienced its worst-ever smog summer, with 53 days between June and September having
air so polluted by ozone and other chemicals that it was considered a health hazard. The smog was caused by
emissions from the many vehicles and other sources in that well-populated region, coupled with weather that
Figure 16.4. History of smog advisories in Ontario. Source: Data from Ontario Ministry of the Environment
In this section we examine two case studies of ecological damage caused by air pollution. The first example describes
“natural” air pollution at the Smoking Hills, a remote locality in the Arctic. The second examines ecological effects of
emissions from large smelters near Sudbury, Ontario.
The Smoking Hills are located in the Northwest Territories on the coast of the Beaufort Sea. At various places along the
coast and nearby rivers, seams of bituminous shale occur as exposed strata in steep places were erosion is occurring.
The shale contains pyritic sulphur, which becomes oxidized to sulphate when exposed to atmospheric oxygen through
erosion of the cliffs. The oxidation produces heat (the reaction is exothermic), which under insulating conditions can
increase the temperature enough to spontaneously ignite the bituminous materials. These smoulder and release SO2,
which fumigates the nearby tundra. The first recorded sighting of the Smoking Hills was in 1826 by John Richardson, an
explorer. However, the burns were long known to local Inuit and are likely thousands of years old.
Image 16.1. Natural air pollution at the Smoking Hills is caused when seams of bituminous shale spontaneously
Winds at the Smoking Hills often blow the SO2-laden plumes (air masses) inland at ground level, such that they
fumigate the tundra. The pollution is most intense at the edge of the cliff, where the plumes begin to spread inland.
Concentrations of SO2 at the cliff edge are as high as 2 ppm, and then rapidly decrease inland in a more or less
exponential manner (Figure 16.3). This gradient of air pollution occurs because the gases become progressively diluted
in the ambient atmosphere with increasing distance from the points of emission.
Figure 16.5. Sulphur Dioxide at the Smoking Hills. The data are averages of 8- and 14-day sampling periods,
respectively. The averages include times when SO2 concentrations were high, as well as those when the
The pollution by SO2 has severely acidified the soil. Acidic conditions in freshwater ponds reach pH 2 or less, compared
with pH 8 or more outside the fumigation area (see In Detail 19.1 for an explanation of pH as a measure of acidity). The
extreme acidification causes metals to become dissolved from minerals in soil and aquatic sediment (Table 16.4). High
concentrations of solubilized metals are toxic to terrestrial and aquatic organisms. In addition, sulphate occurs in high
concentrations in both soil and water. This is mostly a result of the dry deposition of SO2 from the atmosphere and its
subsequent oxidation to SO42–within the ecosystem (see Chapter 19).
Table 16.4. Chemistry of Tundra Ponds at the Smoking Hills. The data are in ppm and are averages for ponds
within the pH range. Source: Data from Havas and Hutchinson (1983).
The high concentration of SO2 in the air and the acidity and soluble metals in soil and water result in the fumigated
habitats being highly toxic to most plants, animals, and microorganisms. Close to the edge of the seacliff in fumigated
Pollution-tolerant species also occur in acidic ponds at the Smoking Hills. Even the most acidic ponds, which have a pH
as low as 1.8, support at least six species of algae. These are extremely tolerant of acidity and dissolved metals and are
not found in non-acidic waterbodies. In contrast to the acidic ponds, the unpolluted ponds are alkaline, with pH
greater than 8, and they support rich algal communities of more than 90 species. A few acid-tolerant invertebrates also
occur in acidic ponds (but only at pH greater than 2.8), including a crustacean (Brachionus urceolaris) and an insect
midge (Chironomus riparius). The invertebrate fauna of non-acidic ponds is much richer in species and more
productive (Havas and Hutchinson, 1983).
Image 16.2. Soil and surface waters at the Smoking Hills have been severely acidified by the deposition of
sulphur dioxide. The acidity causes metals to go into solution, exacerbating the toxic conditions. This pond has
been affected by atmospheric SO2 and by acidic, metal-laden drainage water that has passed through roasted
shale. Source: B. Freedman.
The most important lesson to be learned from the Smoking Hills is that “natural” pollution can cause ecological damage
that is as intense as that associated with anthropogenic emissions. Clearly, SO2 can damage ecosystems regardless of
the source of the pollution. In addition, the natural pollution at the Smoking Hills has stressed ecosystems for a long
time – at least thousands of years – and the ecological effects have likely reached a steady-state condition. The study
of the Smoking Hills provides some understanding of the long-term effects of severe air pollution:
In 1883, while blasting through bedrock during construction of the Canadian Pacific Railroad, a worker with some
knowledge of prospecting discovered a rich body of metal-bearing ore in the vicinity of Sudbury, Ontario. The principal
metals in the ore are nickel and copper. However, valuable quantities of iron, cobalt, gold, silver, and other metals are
also produced from the mines, as are sulphur and selenium.
One of the world’s largest industrial complexes has been developed to mine and process the rich ore bodies near
Sudbury. The facilities have included underground mines, an open-pit mine, ore-processing mills with tailings-disposal
areas, smelters, metal refineries, sulphuric-acid plants, and various other installations. The industrial activities around
Sudbury provide a key economic base for a regional population of more than 160-thousand people.
The metals in the Sudbury ore occur as sulphide minerals, meaning they are combined with sulphur in compounds
such as nickel sulphide and iron sulphide. Consequently, an important step in processing the ore is to roast the
material at a high temperature in the presence of oxygen, which converts the sulphides into gaseous SO2. The roasting
increases the concentration of valuable metals in the residual material, which can then be smelted and refined into
pure metals (see Figure 13.1).
The large-scale roasting and smelting in the Sudbury area have resulted in huge emissions of SO2 and metal-
containing particulates to the atmosphere, causing severe pollution and ecological damage. Until 1928, the roasting
was conducted in huge open pits known as roast beds, which consisted of a layer of locally harvested cordwood over-
heaped with sulphide ore. The wood was ignited, and the heat kindled the metal sulphides, releasing additional thermal
energy because the oxidation is an exothermic reaction. The roast bed became hot enough to support a self-sustaining
combustion of the ore, which would burn and smoulder for several months, after which the reactions were quenched
with water. When the nickel and copper concentrates had cooled, they were collected and shipped to a refinery for
further processing.
As is evident in the accompanying images, this crude roasting process resulted in intense ground-level fumigation of
the landscape with toxic SO2, acidic mist, and metallic particulates. The pollution devastated ecosystems near the roast
beds. The denuding of terrestrial habitats resulted in massive erosion of soil from slopes, exposing the bedrock, which
became pitted and blackened by reaction with the sulphurous fumes.
Image 16.3. A view of a roast bed near Sudbury, around 1925. The top photo shows a roast bed being prepared
with a bottom layer of wood (in the foreground), upon which heaps of sulphide ore were piled using the track-
mounted gantry. When the wood was ignited, heat from the burning wood ignited the sulphide ore, which
would smoulder for several months, giving off dense plumes of SO2and metal-laden particulates. After the
sulphur was oxidized and driven from the ore into the atmosphere, the fires were quenched and the metal
concentrates collected and taken away for further processing. The plumes killed nearby vegetation, caused
local soil and lakes to become toxic because of acidity and metals, and resulted in severe erosion and exposure
of naked bedrock. Source: Inco Limited Archives.
In 1928, the government of Ontario prohibited any further use of roast beds. All roasting was then conducted at
smelters located at Coniston, Copper Cliff, and Falconbridge, all in the vicinity of Sudbury. A smelter is a huge facility
that contains roasting chambers within a building. Most of their emissions of waste gases and particulates are vented
high into the atmosphere through a smokestack, which allows the pollutants to be dispersed and greatly reduces the
severity of local ground-level pollution.
The largest smelter was built at Copper Cliff in 1929. Initially it had a single smokestack, with two others added in 1936.
In 1972, the three stacks were replaced with a single 381-m “superstack” (at the time, the world’s tallest chimney, but
now the second-tallest). At the same time, the Coniston smelter was closed and its production shifted to Copper Cliff.
The Falconbridge smelter, with smokestacks of 93 m and 140 m, is owned by another company. The commissioning of
the superstack in 1972 allowed pollutants to be vented high enough into the atmosphere to make ground-level
fumigations infrequent events. This resulted in a great improvement of air quality in the Sudbury area. Tall
smokestacks facilitate the dispersion and mixing of emissions into ambient air. This is sometimes referred to as the
“dilution solution to pollution.”
Because the superstack is so tall, its emissions are well dispersed into the regional atmosphere. Little of the vented SO2
is deposited locally, a fact reflected by the relatively good air quality in the region since 1972. In fact, studies have
indicated that only about 1% of the SO2 emissions are deposited within 40 km of the superstack. This means that 99%
of the SO2 is exported over a longer distance, which avoids local damage but contributes to the acidification of
precipitation over a large region (see Chapter 19). The plume from the superstack can be detected chemically at
distances 150 km or more away.
The emissions of pollutants have also been reduced by other methods. Devices such as electrostatic precipitators are
used to recover metal-containing dusts from the smelter flue-gases, while SO2emissions have been reduced by
installing wet scrubbers, building sulphuric-acid plants, and constructing a facility to separate iron sulphides from the
more valuable minerals of nickel and copper.
Emissions of SO2 in the Sudbury area peaked during 1960-1972, when discharges from the three smelters averaged
about 2.25 million tonnes per year. At that time, Sudbury was the world’s largest source of anthropogenic
SO2 emissions, responsible for about 4% of global releases. Emissions of SO2from the smelters have decreased greatly
since that time, to about 0.14 x 106 t/y during 2006-2013 (Figure 16.4; Environment Canada, 2014). The decreases are
due mainly to expensive investments in pollution abatement technologies, including equipment for flue-gas
desulphurization. Although greatly diminished, the emissions of SO2 remain large.
Figure 16.6. Reductions of Emissions of Sulphur Dioxide from the Copper Cliff Smelter. Source: Data from
The post-superstack air quality in the Sudbury region represents a great improvement over the sulphurous past. Toxic
fumigations with SO2, acidic mists, and metallic particulates were much more frequent and intense when roast beds
were in use, as well as prior to 1972 when the smelters had shorter stacks and little pollution-abatement technology.
Almost all of the worst of the ecological damage in the region resulted from the earlier emissions of pollutants. Other
disturbances added to that damage, however, including the clear-cutting of forests to provide fuel for roast beds and
the starting of wildfires by prospectors and by sparks from steam-powered railroad engines. The modern emissions of
SO2 and other pollutants in the Sudbury region, while still large, are well dispersed and only infrequently cause acute
biological damage. In fact, a substantial ecological recovery has occurred since the superstack was commissioned in
Large areas of land and surface water in the Sudbury region were severely damaged by pollution from the roast beds
and smelters. The smelters are large, point-sources of emissions, so the severity of ecological damage decreased
rapidly with an increasing distance away. Over the years, ecologists have documented vegetation damage in the area.
In 1970, about 100 km2 of land around the smelters was characterized as “severely barren” and another 360 km2 had
“impoverished” vegetation, including a lack of conifers in the forest (Watson and Richardson, 1972). White pine (Pinus
strobus), an economically important tree, is sensitive to air pollution and it showed diagnostic SO2-injuries over an
area of about 6,400 km2.
Image 16.4. This hillside has been damaged by emissions of pollutants close to the Copper Cliff smelter. The
worst damage was caused by roast beds, but fumigations from the smelter were also important. Following the
devastation of the forest that once grew here, soil eroded into nearby basins. The naked bedrock became
Pollution was especially damaging around Copper Cliff, the location of the largest smelter. The most degraded habitats
occur within several kilometres of this facility and support almost no forest. Hills and slopes in this zone are
extensively denuded of vegetation, their soil is eroded, and the exposed bedrock has been blackened by reaction with
acidic fumigations. Only a few plant species that have evolved pollution-tolerant populations grow in this area,
including several species of grasses, other herbaceous plants, and stunted, shrub-sized plants of some trees (see also
Chapter 18).
The intensity of pollution-related stress rapidly lessens at greater distances from the smelters (there is a spatial
gradient), and damage to vegetation is correspondingly less intense. About 3-8 km from the Copper Cliff smelter,
remnants of forest survive where the local topography provided a degree of shelter from the pollution. However,
denuded and blackened hilltops are still common in this patchily vegetated zone. Trees in the remnant stands are
stunted, with many dead branches and other injuries. The trees include relatively pollution-tolerant species such as
red maple (Acer rubium), white birch (Betula papyrifera), red oak (Quercus rubra), trembling aspen (Populus
tremuloides), and large-toothed aspen (P. grandidentata). The forest cover beyond 8 km is almost continuous, but the
biomass and biodiversity of the stands are impoverished. Beyond 20-30 km from the smelters, the forests are little
affected by pollution and mixed stands of conifer and hardwood trees occur, as is typical of the region (Freedman and
Hutchinson, 1980).
Lakes close to the Sudbury smelters were also severely degraded by atmospheric pollution. More than 7-thousand
waterbodies in the region were acidified by the deposition of SO2 and contain elevated concentrations of toxic nickel,
copper, and other metals. The polluted water bodies contain species-poor communities of tolerant algae, plants, and
zooplankton. They lack fish, mostly because of their acidity.
However, great improvements in ground-level air quality since the building of the superstack in 1972 have resulted in
dramatic ecological recoveries in the Sudbury area. Where eroded soil collected in moist basins, wet meadows
Lakes are also recovering in the region. In a set of 44 lakes that were monitored since 1981, including 28 that were
highly acidified (to pH 5.0 or less), only 6 were that acidic in 2004 and 14 had recovered to pH 6.0, a level that would
support most of the aquatic biota typical of the region (Keller et al., 2007). The concentrations of smelter-related
metals, such as copper and nickel, are also much less, although still elevated compared with background conditions. In
1972, the pH of Baby Lake was 4.0-4.2, and it was almost devoid of algae and had no invertebrates or fish (Havas et al.,
1995). However, by 1985 it had recovered to pH 6.8 and by 1995 to pH 7.2, and metals also decreased in concentration.
Those improvements in water quality allowed the lake to be colonized by a diversity of phytoplankton, aquatic plants,
invertebrates, and even small fishes.
Since the early 1970s, the ecological recovery of some degraded areas has been assisted by various management
practices. The most important of these has been the liming of soil to reduce the acidity and thereby alleviate toxicity
associated with metals. Also important have been the sowing of grasses and other plants that are known to be tolerant
to the toxic conditions, the addition of fertilizer, and the planting of tree seedlings. Similar efforts in lakes have
involved liming to reduce their acidity and metal toxicity, which has promoted the recovery of the biota. These efforts
of reclamation, along with the natural regeneration that has occurred because of the greatly decreased pollution since
the superstack was built, have helped to greatly improve degraded habitats in the Sudbury region.
The case of Sudbury is perhaps the world’s best-documented example of ecological damage caused by toxic gases and
metals emitted from smelters. There are, however, additional examples of this sort of damage around other smelters in
Canada, affecting smaller areas, such as the smelters at Flin Flon, MB, Rouyn-Noranda, QC, Trail, BC, and Yellowknife,
These smelters are all large, point-sources of emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere. All developed pronounced
spatial gradients in the intensity of pollution, which decreased exponentially with increasing distance from the source
of emissions until the ambient condition is reached. The patterns of ecological damage track these spatial gradients of
toxic stress.
Gaseous air pollutants, such as sulphur dioxide and nitric oxide, are emitted from a variety of sources, which range
from large power plants and smelters to individual automobiles and home furnaces. In contrast, secondary pollutants
such as ozone are not emitted but are formed in the atmosphere by photochemical reactions involving sunlight and
emitted oxides of nitrogen and hydrocarbons. If their concentrations are high enough, gaseous pollutants (often in
combination with particulates) can be a risk to human health, and they may cause severe ecological damage. Because
these risks are now well known, many governments have taken steps to reduce the emissions of the most important air
pollutants. This is particularly the case for relatively developed countries, such as Canada. Although the emissions of
air pollutants in wealthy countries remain large, they are generally stabilizing or even decreasing. However, in rapidly
growing economies, such as China and India, hasty and poorly controlled industrialization is resulting in rapidly
worsening air pollution.
1. Compare the natural and anthropogenic emissions of sulphur and nitrogen compounds. Why do the sources of
emission vary between regions and countries?
2. Why are high concentrations of ozone in the lower atmosphere considered an environmental problem? Why does
this differ from the stratosphere, where too little ozone is a problem?
3. Explain are the differences between primary and secondary air pollutants? Give examples of each.
4. Why has air pollution decreased so much in the Sudbury region, and what have been the ecological responses to
this environmental improvement?
1. Compare, in broad terms, the patterns of ecological damage caused by “natural” pollution at the Smoking Hills with
those caused by smelters near Sudbury. Why is it useful to study the ecological effects of natural pollution?
2. Existing clean-air technologies could be used to greatly reduce the emissions of air pollutants everywhere.
Considering the damage that pollutants cause to human health, ecosystems, and other values, why are these
technologies not being used more extensively? Consider factors associated with economics, politics, scientific
uncertainty about pollution damage, and the benefits of having cleaner air. Contrast the lack of action with the
successes achieved in controlling the emissions of ozone-depleting substances through the Montreal Protocol.
3. Epidemiological (statistical) research suggests that human health may be affected by ambient levels of air
pollutants in urban areas, particularly through increased incidences of respiratory diseases, such as asthma.
However, the statistical data are rather weak, and only a relatively small proportion of the urban population
appears to be affected. What are some issues that decision makers must consider when deliberating about
additional controls on the release of air pollutants in urban areas?
4. Like most other smelters built during the twentieth century, the ones at Sudbury caused obvious damage to
ecosystems and human health. Why were those large industrial facilities not shut down or better controlled by the
governments of the day? Today, new smelters are being built in Canada and in other countries. Are there risks of
those industrial facilities repeating the mistakes of the past?
Exploring Issues
1. You have been asked to assess the potential ecological effects of building a new metal smelter in a region that is
now wilderness. The smelter will emit sulphur dioxide to the atmosphere. Based on what you know about pollution
damage at the Smoking Hills, around Sudbury, and at other smelters, what would be the most important
considerations to incorporate into the environmental impact assessment? Focus on the potential effects on
terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems.
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Gizyn, W. 1980. The Chemistry and Environmental Impact of the Bituminous Shale Fires at the Smoking Hills, NWT.
M.Sc. Thesis, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON.
Gunn, J.M. (ed.). 1995. Restoration and Recovery of an Industrial Region: Progress in Restoring the Smelter-Damaged
Landscape near Sudbury, Canada. Springer, New York, NY.
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Havas, M., D.G. Woodfine, P. Lutz, K. Yung, H.H. MacIsaac, and T.C. Hutchinson. 1995. Biological recovery of two
previously acidified, metal-contaminated lakes near Sudbury Ontario, Canada. Water, Air and Soil Pollution, 85: 791-796.
Hemond, H.F. and E.J. Fechner. 2014. Chemical Fate and Transport in the Environment. 3rd ed. Academic Press, San
Diego, CA.
Hester, R.E. and R.M. Harrison. 1998. Air Pollution and Health. Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge, UK.
Holgate, S.T., J.M. Samet, R.L. Maynard, and H.S. Koren (eds.). 1999. Air Pollution and Health. Academic Press, San Diego,
Keller, W., N.D. Yan, J.M. Gunn, and J. Heneberry. 2007. Recovery of acidified lakes: Lessons From Sudbury, Ontario,
National Weather Service (U.S.). 2015. Meteorological Conditions and Ozone in the Polar Stratosphere. NWS,
Washington, DC. Accessed January, 2015. www.cpc.ncep.noaa.gov/products/stratosphere/polar/polar.shtml
Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency (NEAA). 2015. Emission Database for Global Environmental Research
(EDGAR). NEAA. The Hague, The Netherlands. http://themasites.pbl.nl/tridion/en/themasites/edgar/
emission_data/edgar_32ft2000/index-2.html Accessed January, 2015.
Ontario Medical Association (OMA). 2015. Smog/Air Pollution. Resources. OMA, Toronto, ON. https://web.archive.org/
web/20160914204453/https://www.oma.org/HealthPromotion/Smog/Pages/default.aspx .
Ontario Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change. 2014. Summary of Smog Advisories. OMECC, Toronto,
ON. http://www.airqualityontario.com/press/smog_advisories.php Accessed January 2015.
Parson. E. 2003. Protecting the Ozone Layer: Science and Strategy. Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK.
Pepper, I.L., C.P. Gerba, and M.L. Brusseau (eds.). 2006. Pollution Science, 2nd ed. Academic Press, San Diego, CA.
Roberts, T.M. 1984. Effects of air pollutants in agriculture and forestry. Atmospheric Environment, 18: 629-652.
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Wiley-Interscience, New York, NY.
Shriner, D.S. 1990. Responses of vegetation to atmospheric deposition and air pollution. In Acidic Deposition: State of
Science and Technology. Vol. III. Terrestrial, Materials, Health, and Visibility Effects. Superintendent of Documents, U.S.
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Vallero, D. 2014. Fundamentals of Air Pollution, 5th ed. Academic Press, San Diego. Wark, K. Jr., C.F. Warner, and W.T.
Davis. 1998. Air Pollution: Its Origin and Control. 3rd ed. Addison-Wesley, Menlo Park, CA.
Watson, W.Y. and D.H. Richardson. 1972. Appreciating the potential of a devastated land. Forestry Chronicle, 48: 312-315.
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Meeting, Canadian Land Reclamation Association. Guelph, ON.
Wise, W. 2001. Killer Smog: The World’s Worst Air Pollution Disaster. Author’s Guild, New York, NY.
1. Outline the physical basis of Earth’s greenhouse effect, and describe how human influences may be causing it to
2. Explain the term greenhouse gas (GHG).
3. Describe how the various GHGs vary in their effectiveness and influence on the greenhouse effect.
4. Identify which GHGs have been increasing in concentration in the atmosphere, and give the reasons for those
5. Explain the probable climatic consequences of an intensification of the greenhouse effect, and describe possible
economic and ecological effects.
6. Discuss strategies for reducing the intensity of the human influence on the greenhouse effect.
In this chapter we examine how Earth’s naturally occurring greenhouse effect keeps the surface of the planet relatively
warm. We also describe how certain atmospheric constituents influence this phenomenon. These constituents are
known as greenhouse gases (GHGs) and they work by slowing the rate by which Earth is able to cool itself of absorbed
solar radiation. It is well documented that the concentrations of some of the GHGs, particularly carbon dioxide, are
increasing because of emissions associated with various human activities. Potentially, these increased concentrations
could intensify the greenhouse effect, which would result in global warming. This would be an extremely important
environmental change, with potentially devastating consequences for the human economy and natural ecosystems.
Earth’s greenhouse effect is a well-understood physical phenomenon, and it is critical in maintaining the average
surface temperature of the planet at about 15°C. Without this influence, the surface temperature would average about
-18°C, or 33° cooler than it actually is. This would be frostier than organisms could tolerate over the long term, because
at -18°C water is in a solid state. Liquid water is crucial to the proper functioning of organisms and ecosystems. At
Earth’s actual average temperature of 15°C, water is unfrozen for much or all of the year (depending on location). This
means that enzymes can function and physiology can proceed efficiently, as can the many important ecological
processes that involve liquid water.
Image 17.1. The combustion of fossil fuels for transportation and commercial energy is the leading
To understand the nature of Earth’s greenhouse effect, it is necessary to comprehend the planet’s energy budget. As
we examined in Chapter 4, an energy budget is a physical analysis that deals with the following:
Solar electromagnetic radiation is the major input of energy to Earth. On average, this energy arrives at a rate of about
8.4 J/cm2•min. Much of the incoming solar radiation penetrates the atmosphere and is absorbed by the surface of the
planet. However, the surface temperature does not increase excessively because Earth dissipates the absorbed solar
energy by emitting long-wave infrared radiation. The surface temperature is determined by the equilibrium rates at
which (1) solar energy is absorbed by the surface, and (2) the absorbed energy is re-radiated in a longer-wavelength
form (see Figure 4.2 for a diagram of the greenhouse effect).
If the atmosphere were transparent to the long-wave infrared radiated by the surface, then that energy would travel
unobstructed to outer space. However, this is not the case because so-called greenhouse gases (GHGs; also known as
radiatively active gases or RAGs) are present in the atmosphere. GHGs efficiently absorb infrared radiation, and
become heated as a consequence. They then dissipate some of this thermal energy through yet another re-radiation.
(This re-radiated energy has a longer wavelength than the electromagnetic energy that was originally absorbed. This is
necessary to satisfy the second law of thermodynamics.) The re-radiated energy of the GHGs is emitted in all
directions, including back toward the surface. The net effect of the various energy transformations and re-radiations
involving atmospheric GHGs is a reduction in the rate of cooling of Earth’s surface. Thus, the equilibrium temperature
of the planet’s surface is warmer than it would be if the GHGs were not present in the atmosphere.
The process just described is known as the greenhouse effect because its physical mechanism is similar to the warming
Water vapour (H2O) is the most important of the radiatively active constituents of Earth’s atmosphere, accounting for
about 36% of the overall greenhouse effect, followed by carbon dioxide (CO2; about 20%). Lesser roles are played by
trace concentrations of methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O), ozone (O3), carbon tetrachloride (CCl4), and
chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs).
These latter compounds are, however, much stronger absorbers of infrared energy than is CO2 (on a per molecule
basis, they are more efficient GHGs). A molecule of CH4 is about 28 times more effective than one of CO2 at absorbing
infrared radiation, while N2O is 265 times more effective (these are known as greenhouse warming potentials, with
CO2 assigned a value of 1.0; Table 17.1).
There is no evidence that the concentration of water vapour in the atmosphere has increased recently. However,
concentrations of CO2 and other GHGs have increased markedly during the past several centuries because of
emissions associated with human activities (Table 17.1). Prior to 1750, the atmospheric concentration of CO2 was about
280 ppm, whereas in 2014 it had reached 399 ppm, which is a 43% increase. Other GHGs have also increased during
this period. The increases have been especially rapid since the middle of the twentieth century, coinciding with
enormous increases in population, industrialization, and deforestation.
Because the various GHGs are known to influence the greenhouse effect, it is reasonable to hypothesize that their
increasing concentrations will intensify that process. A stronger greenhouse effect could lead to global warming. Such
an environmental change should be viewed as being an anthropogenic intensification of Earth’s naturally occurring
greenhouse effect. Overall, the increased concentration of CO2 is estimated to account for about 57% of this possible
enhancement of the greenhouse effect, while CH4 is responsible for 15%, tropospheric O3 for 12%, halocarbons for 8%,
and N2O for 5% (Table 17.1).
Table 17.1. Increases and Characteristics of Greenhouse Gases. Source: Data from Blasing, 2014.
Concentrations of CO2 in the atmosphere have been increasing steadily for at least the past century. The data record
supporting this change is excellent and demonstrates one of the most convincing examples of long-term changes of
any aspect of environmental chemistry. For example, atmospheric CO2 has been monitored continuously since 1958 at
a remote observatory located on Mauna Loa, a mountain on the island of Hawaii (Figure 17.1). Data are also shown for
Alert, a high-Arctic station located at the northern tip of Ellesmere Island, Nunavut. The data from both places clearly
show steadily increasing concentrations of CO2 in the atmosphere during the past five decades.
Figure 17.1. Increases in Atmospheric CO2. These data are from measurements made on an equatorial station on
Mauna Loa, Hawaii, and in the High Arctic in northern Ellesmere Island, Nunavut. Each datum represents an
annual average. Note that prior to 1750, the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere was about 280 ppm (see
text). Source: Data from Keeling et al. (2014).
A seasonal cycle of CO2 concentration is illustrated in Figure 17.2, again using data from Mauna Loa and Alert. The
annual periodicity is caused by high rates of CO2 uptake by vegetation of the Northern Hemisphere during the growing
season. This seasonal CO2 fixation occurs at rates that are high enough depress its overall concentration in the global
atmosphere. The effects if larger in the Arctic than at the Equator, although both regions have the same annual average
concentration of CO2.
Figure 17.2. Seasonal Changes in Atmospheric CO2. These data are based on measurements made at Mauna Loa,
The increased concentrations of atmospheric CO2 are due to emissions associated with various human activities. The
two most important sources of anthropogenic emissions are examined in more detail in the following sections:
• the combustion of fossil fuels, during which the carbon content of the fuel is oxidized to CO2, which is emitted to
the atmosphere
• deforestation, an ecological conversion in which mature forests that store large amounts of organic carbon are
converted into ecosystems that contain much less, with the difference being made up by a released of CO2 to the
Fossil fuels are the most important source of energy in industrialized countries, followed by hydroelectricity, nuclear
power, and relatively minor sources such as wood, solar, and wind energies (Chapter 13). The rates of utilization of coal,
petroleum, natural gas, and oil sand have increased enormously during the past century, mostly to satisfy surging
energy demands for industry, transportation, and space heating. The manufacturing of cement also results in large
emissions of CO2 to the atmosphere.
In total, since about the beginning of the Industrial Revolution in 1750, about 365-billion tonnes of CO2-C (carbon in
the form of CO2) have been released to the atmosphere from the consumption of fossil fuels and the production of
cement (Boden et al., 2013). Half of these fossil-fuel CO2 emissions have occurred since the mid-1980s.
Between 1860 and 1869, during the middle part of the Industrial Revolution, the combustion of fossil fuels, mainly coal,
resulted in the global emission of about 422-million tonnes of CO2 per year (Boden et al., 2013). By the year 2012, global
emissions from fossil-fuel combustion had increased by a factor of 80, to 35.4 billion tonnes per year (Figure 17.3).
About 95% of the commercial emission of CO2 in 2012 was due to the combustion of fossil fuels, of which 43% was from
liquid hydrocarbons, 33% from coal, and 18% from natural gas. The remaining 5% is associated with cement
manufacturing and gas flaring (Table 17.2).
Table 17.2. Global and North American Emissions of Carbon Dioxide and Methane. Source: CDIAC (2015).
Figure 17.4. Major Sources of CO2 Emissions to the Atmosphere in Canada. Data are for 2004 and are in 106 tC/
y. Data for coal, petroleum, and natural gas are related to combustion sources, while land-use changes are
The global commercial emissions are equivalent to about 1.3 tCO2/person•year (in 2010; Table 17.3). Of course, per-
capita use of fossil fuels differs greatly among countries, depending on their kind and degree of industrialization, types
of energy sources, climate, and other factors. The largest per-capita emissions are in several countries that flare large
amounts of fossil fuels at wellheads and refiners, such as Qatar and Trinidad & Tobago. Other than those cases, the
greatest emissions are in wealthy, energy-intensive countries, such as Canada, Australia, the United States, Japan, and
most of Western Europe. The smallest emissions are in the poorest, least-developed countries, where there is
relatively little use of fossil fuels because of the expense to purchase them.
Table 17.3. Per-Capita Emissions of CO2 by Selected Countries. Data are for commercial sources of emission
(mostly fossil fuels), in units of tonnes of CO2-C per person•year in 2010. Source: Data from Boden et al. (2014).
Mature forest stores large amounts of organic carbon in vegetation and the dead organic matter of soil. All other kinds
of ecosystems, including younger forests that are regenerating from a disturbance, store much less organic carbon
than occurs in older forests. This observation suggests that whenever an area of mature forest is disturbed by timber
harvesting, or is cleared to provide land for agricultural or urbanized use, much less organic carbon will be stored on
the land.
If a harvested stand is allowed to regenerate to another mature forest, then the depletion of stored carbon will be a
medium-term phenomenon. However, if forest is converted into an anthropogenic land-use, such as for agriculture or
urbanization, there is a permanent loss of carbon stored on the land. In either case, the difference in the average
quantity of organic carbon stored in the ecosystem is balanced by an emission of CO2 to the atmosphere. The
CO2 release mostly occurs by decomposition of the forest biomass or by burning. To a lesser degree, and for similar
reasons, a carbon loss also occurs when natural grassland is converted into cultivated agriculture.
It is well known that humans have caused enormous reductions in the area of mature forest in most regions of the
world (Chapters 12 and 14). These changes began slowly, initially perhaps with the domestication of fire and its
widespread use to improve the habitat of hunted animals. Deforestation proceeded more rapidly when it was
discovered that fertile agricultural land could be developed by removing the natural cover of forest or grassland. (The
harvested trees were also valuable commodities.) Deforestation has proceeded especially quickly during the past
several centuries because of population growth, agricultural expansion, and industrialization.
Prior to any substantial clearing of Earth’s natural forests, the global terrestrial vegetation stored an estimated
900-billion tonnes of organic carbon (Figure 17.5). About 90% of that carbon was stored in forest, of which half was in
tropical forest. Now, only about 560-billion tonnes of carbon are stored in terrestrial vegetation, a 38% decrease.
Moreover, the stocks of global biomass are diminishing further as more-and-more natural ecosystems are converted
into agricultural and urban ones that store much less carbon.
During the 143-year period from 1870 to 2013, changes in land-use (mostly conversions of forest into agricultural land)
resulted in the emission of about 145-billion tonnes of CO2-C. This quantity is about 45% of the emissions due to fossil
fuel combustion during the same period (320-billion tonnes of CO2). More recently, in 2013, the combustion of fossil
fuels emitted about 9.9-billion tonnes of CO2-C into the atmosphere, while deforestation accounted for another
0.9-billion tonnes.
As was previously noted previously, forest and grassland ecosystems store large amounts of carbon in the biomass of
their vegetation and soil. When these “high-carbon” ecosystems are converted into agricultural or urban ones, there is
a large emission of their organic carbon to the atmosphere (mostly as CO2 from decomposition and fires).
The disturbance of forests by harvesting timber also results in a large emission of CO2, because mature stands support
much more biomass than younger ones (old-growth forest stores the most). However, the carbon emission scenario is
complicated by what is done with the harvested timber. For example, if the tree biomass is burned as a fuel, the release
of CO2 to the atmosphere occurs rapidly. On the other hand, if the harvested wood is used to manufacture lumber,
furniture, or violins, all of which are “enduring” products with an extended lifespan, the release of CO2 to the
atmosphere occurs slowly. It must also be remembered that much of the initial release of CO2 may eventually be offset
by regeneration of the harvested forest (unless this is prevented, as happens when deforestation occurs to develop
agricultural or urban land-use).
Table 17.4 shows large differences between regions in their emissions of CO2 from changes in land-use. In North
America, extensive forest clearing began when the continent was colonized by Europeans and continued until the
1920s. Since then, however, large areas of marginally economical agricultural land have been returned to forest.
Overall, the net emission of CO2 by changes in forest area has recently been close to zero—that is, agricultural land is
However, in relatively poor, less-developed, tropical countries of Africa, Asia, and Latin America, forests are being
cleared rapidly. This is being dome mostly to develop agricultural land to provide livelihoods and grow food for
increasing numbers of people, and also to provide agriculture commodities for export. This is a serious problem not
only because of the large emissions of CO2, but also because of the consequences for biodiversity (Chapter 26).
Fortunately, there are signs that the rate of global deforestation may be slowing down. It appears to have reached a
peak in the 1990s, when the resulting carbon emissions from deforestation and other land-use changes was about 1.6 x
109 tC/y, and has slowed to 0.9 x 109 tC/y from 2004-2013 (Global Carbon Budget (2014).
Image 17.2. The conversion of carbon-dense ecosystems, such as forest, into agricultural and urban ecosystems
that store much less carbon is an important source of CO2 emissions. This site on Sumatra has had its tree
cover felled and the woody debris burned. The land will be planted with a variety of crops. Deforestation is
proceeding rapidly in this region of Indonesia, and in most tropical countries. Source: B. Freedman.
Table 17.4. Net Emissions of CO2 to the Atmosphere as a Result of Land-Use Changes. Negative numbers
indicate that carbon stored in ecosystem biomass is increasing. Source: Data from Houghton (2008).
Key anthropogenic influences on the global carbon budget are summarized in Figure 17.5, which shows the major
compartments in which carbon is stored as well as transfers between them. Although Figure 17.5 simplifies the complex
nature of the global carbon cycle, some important inferences can be made that are relevant to the greenhouse effect.
Anthropogenic emissions have caused a 43% increase to occur in the amount of CO2 stored in the atmosphere, from
about 580 x 109 t of CO2-C in pre-industrial times to 844 x 109 t in 2015. The atmospheric concentration of CO2 has
accordingly increased during the same period, from about 280 ppm to 400 ppm.
Before humans began to modify the character of Earth’s ecosystems, especially by extensive deforestation, the global
emission and fixation of atmospheric CO2 were approximately in balance. In other words, on a global basis, the gross
primary production (GPP) was about equal to ecosystem respiration (ER), and biologically fixed carbon was not
changing over time. However, deforestation is now resulting in huge emissions of CO2, amounting to about 2.0 x 109 t/
y of CO2-C. Overall, modern terrestrial ecosystems are storing about 38% less carbon in their vegetation and 12% less
in soil compared with pre-industrial times.
Ultimately, the oceans are the most important sink for CO2 emitted through human activities. The oceans have a net
absorption of about 3.1 x 109 t/y of CO2-C from the atmosphere. However, this is much less than the anthropogenic
emissions of 8.6 × 109 t/y of CO2-C, and so the amount of CO2 stored in the atmosphere is increasing. The oceans have
an enormous capacity for absorbing atmospheric CO2, which is ultimately deposited as calcium carbonate (CaCO3), a
mineral that accumulates in sediment (mostly as the shells of molluscs, foraminifera, and other invertebrates).
However, the rate of formation of CaCO3 is affected by various factors, including the concentration of inorganic carbon
in seawater as well as acidity. This concentration is determined by the rate at which CO2 enters the oceans from the
atmosphere, minus its biological uptake (mostly by phytoplankton during photosynthesis). Although anthropogenic
CO2eventually ends up as CaCO3 in oceanic sediment, there is a substantial time-lag in the response of oceanic sinks
Acidification of the ocean is an additional issue. In actual fact, the ocean is maintained as a non-acidic environment by
carbon dynamics and a variety of other influences, with a typical pH between about 7.5 and 8.4 (Chester and Jickells,
2012). In this case, acidification would be represented oceanic water becoming less alkaline over time. The acidification
is caused by atmospheric CO2 dissolving into oceanic water, a process that forms carbonic acid (H2CO3), a weak acid,
according to this equation:
The carbonic acid may then dissociate to form bicarbonate (HCO3–) and carbonate ( CO3–2), as follows:
The rate at which CO2 can dissolve into the ocean is in equilibrium with its atmospheric concentration. As a result, the
rapid increases of atmospheric CO2 (to 400 ppm in 2015) has resulted in more dissolving, more production of carbonic
acid, and the apparent beginning of acidification of that vast aquatic ecosystem. One estimate is that the average pH of
the global oceans has decreased from 8.25 to about 0.1 unit less (still non-acidic, but nevertheless representing a
degree of acidification; Jacobson, 2005). Ocean acidification is a potentially serious problem, because many marine
organisms can only live within a narrow range of tolerance of this aspect of water chemistry.
Figure 17.5. Key Compartments and Fluxes of the Global Carbon Cycle. Amounts stored in the compartments
are in units of tonnes of carbon, while transfers are in tonnes of carbon per year. Sources: Data from Blasing
(1985), Solomon et al. (1985), Schlesinger (1995), and Global Carbon Budget (2014).
Climate Change
As was previously examined, Earth has a naturally occurring greenhouse effect, the physical mechanism of which is
relatively simple and understood by scientists (Chapter 4). Moreover, the greenhouse effect helps to maintain the
Although this potential intensification of the greenhouse effect remains a hypothesis, it is an extremely important one.
If this environmental change does happen, it would have many climatic and ecological consequences, some of which
would be catastrophic for both economically important and natural ecosystems.
Climate change refers to long-term variations of the weather that are experiences in a region. One of the most
important indicators of climate change is the temperature of the surface atmosphere. Air temperature is measured
routinely in many places throughout the world. These data can be used to calculate estimates of the average surface
temperature of Earth and to detect changes over time. However, the air-temperature records suffer from some
important problems:
• Air temperature is extremely variable over time and space, and the unfavourable signal : noise ratio makes it
difficult to detect long-term trends.
• Most of the older data are less reliable than modern records (accurate recordings of surface air temperatures
began around 1880).
• Many weather-monitoring stations are located in urbanized areas, and their data are influenced by the so-called
“urban heat island”, which is characterized by typically warmer conditions than occurs in surrounding, rural places.
Moreover, a large number of initially rural weather stations have become surrounded by urban land-uses, resulting
in a “contamination” of their air-temperature records.
• Global temperatures can respond to influences other than changes in the greenhouse effect, such as the cooling
effects of volcanic eruptions that inject great masses of highly reflective aerosols into the upper atmosphere, as
well as variations in the intensity of solar output.
In spite of the various difficulties with data used to estimate Earth’s average surface temperature, recent analyses
suggest that there has been a definite warming trend since the mid-nineteenth century. The average global surface
temperature has increased by more than 0.8°C over the past 150 years (Figure 17.6). The warmest years since 1850 have
all occurred since about 1990. This warming partly reflects the end of a 400-year period of climate cooling, known as
the Little Ice Age, which lasted until the mid-1800s (Figure 17.7). However, there appears to have been a particular
intensification of warming during the most recent several decades. Note also that the recent warming trend is not
without precedent – even warmer periods have occurred during the past 10-12-thousand years.
Figure 17.6. Recent Changes in Global Surface Temperature. The data are the global annual temperature
anomaly (°C), calculated relative to the average for 1961-1990. A negative value means a year was relatively cool,
Figure 17.7. Deviation of Global Average Surface Temperature from Present Conditions. Curve (a) shows long-
term trends since the end of the most recent ice age. Curve (b) shows the past millennium. Note that a value of
“zero” means that no temperature change (deviation) has occurred. Sources: Modified from Environment
Moreover, paleoclimatic studies of long-term changes have provided rather convincing evidence of a link between
concentrations of atmospheric CO2 and climatic warming. Especially valuable data come from a core of glacial ice
taken in Antarctica, representing a record of 417-thousand years (Figure 17.8). Results of this important study suggest a
strong correlation between CO2 concentration and air temperature, implying a possible causal relationship. It is not
clear, however, whether increased concentrations of CO2caused warming via an intensified greenhouse effect, or
possibly the opposite. An increase in CO2emissions from ecosystems could have been a result of climatic warming,
perhaps because the rate of biomass decomposition increased or because of the warming of frozen soil in polar
latitudes (which would release biomass in permafrost for decomposition and methane release). Clearly, Figure 17.8
suggests a strong relationship between CO2 and temperature change, but the possible interpretations are ambiguous
because of “chicken or egg” considerations – it is unclear which came first.
Figure 17.8. Variations in Atmospheric CO2 and Surface Temperature. These data were obtained by studying a
417,000-year glacial-core record from Vostok, Antarctica. The red data are the temperature deviation and the
blue are CO2 concentration. The two data sets are strongly correlated, with a coefficient of 0.82. Sources: Data
from Petit et al. (2000) and Barnola et al. (2003).
Many such simulation experiments have examined the scenario of a doubling of CO2 concentration from its recent
concentration of about 400 ppm. These experiments suggest that such a doubling would result in an increase of 1°C to
4°C in the average temperature of the surface atmosphere. The intensity of warming is predicted to be greatest in
high-latitude regions, where the temperature increases might be two to three times greater than in the tropics.
Warming of the lower atmosphere will be one likely change that will be caused by an increased intensity of the
greenhouse effect. However, there could also be important effects that occur indirectly, in response to changes in the
distribution of heat in the atmosphere. The most important of the indirect changes would include large-scale shifts in
the patterns of atmospheric circulation. Such shifts would likely result in changes in the amounts, spatial distribution,
and seasonality of precipitation. Changes in precipitation regimes would influence soil moisture, which would greatly
affect the distribution and productivity of vegetation, both natural and managed. These changes in precipitation
regime would likely have much greater effects on agricultural and wild ecosystems than would any direct influence of a
warmed atmosphere.
The IPCC has released an influential series of research reports—in 1990, 1995, 2001, 2007, and 2014. Each of the
IPCC report was the most detailed syntheses ever done, up to their time. The 2014 IPCC report (IPCC, 2014a).
The reports made strong statements about the reality of global warming, its potential consequences, and the
anthropogenic role in its causation. Some highlights include the following statements (from IPCC, 2014b; text in
italics is directly quoted):
• Human interference with the climate system is occurring, and climate change poses risks for human and
natural systems.
• In recent decades, changes in climate have caused impacts on natural and human systems on all continents
and across the oceans. The evidence of impacts is strongest for natural systems, but effects on human
systems have also been attributed.
• In many regions, changing precipitation or melting snow and ice are altering hydrological systems. This is
affecting water resources, with glaciers shrinking almost worldwide, affecting runoff and water resources
downstream, and permafrost warming and thawing in both high-latitude and high-elevation regions.
• Many terrestrial, freshwater, and marine species have shifted their geographic ranges, seasonal activities,
migration patterns, abundances, and species interactions in response to ongoing climate change.
• Based on many studies covering a wide range of regions and crops, negative impacts of climate change on
crop yields have been more common than positive impacts.
• Impacts from recent climate-related extremes, such as heat waves, droughts, floods, cyclones, and wildfires,
reveal significant vulnerability and exposure of some ecosystems and many human systems to current
climate variability.
• Climate-related hazards exacerbate other stressors, often with negative outcomes for livelihoods, especially
for people living in poverty. Poor people are affected by effects on livelihood, reduced crop yields, or
destruction of homes, as well as indirectly by increased food prices and insecurity.
The IPCC (2014b) report also noted that society was now routinely incorporating climate-related adaptations
into planning and social policies:
• Adaptation is becoming embedded in some planning processes, with more limited implementation of
responses. Recognition is increasing of the value of social, institutional, and ecosystem-based measures,
and of the limits to adaptation . So far, technological and engineered options are the most commonly
implemented adaptive responses, often within existing programs such as disaster risk management and
water management.
It must be recognized that these and other IPCC projections and policy suggestions are based on imperfect
scientific and economic models. Nevertheless, although the IPCC predictions suffer from some degree of
inaccuracy, the likelihood of errors was addressed in the many component studies (and is indicated by
qualifiers such as “very likely” and “high confidence”). The field of anthropogenic climate change remains highly
controversial, but the IPCC (2014) reports are by far the most reliable sources of credible information that we
have to advise our individual and societal responses to this important problem.
In terrestrial ecosystems, the direct effects of global warming and associated climatic changes would be restricted
mainly to plants. Animals and microorganisms would also be affected, but only through secondary responses to
changes in their habitat caused by any effects on vegetation.
The predicted increases in air temperature might not affect plants much because those changes would probably not be
sufficient to increase heat-related stress. Much more important would be any substantial changes in the amounts and
seasonal patterns of precipitation. Soil moisture is often a key environmental influence on the distribution and
productivity of vegetation. For instance, a decrease in the amounts of precipitation or soil moisture in the Canadian
Prairies would likely cause the natural mixed-grass prairie to change into short-grass prairie, or even to semi-desert.
Decreased soil moisture would also affect the kinds of crops that could be grown in many regions, as well as their
productivity. That could make present agricultural systems more difficult or even impossible unless irrigation was
About 14-thousand years ago, the continental glaciers started to melt back, and they were about 80% gone by
8-10-thousand years ago. Vegetation in the regions of Canada changed substantially during the warming climates that
followed this deglaciation. One of the paleoecological tools that have been used to study the changes involves the
examination of fossil pollen grains extracted from dated sections of cores of lake sediment (these studies are known as
palynology). This kind of analysis has provided a record of vegetation changes extending as far back as early
The research in Canada and elsewhere suggests that plants responded to post-glacial warming in a species-specific
manner. This occurred because of the different abilities of species to migrate to and colonize newly available habitats
released by the melting of glacial ice. As a result, the species composition of early post-glacial plant communities was
different from that occurring today under similar climatic regimes. We can expect the responses of natural vegetation
to future climate changes to also be species-specific. This will result in the development of plant communities that are
different from those that occur now. If climate change results in substantial modifications in the character of plant
communities, there will also be adjustments in the species of animals, microbes, and other organisms that can be
supported on the landscape. Challenges to native biodiversity will be an important consequence of climate change in
Canada and everywhere else in the world.
Image 17.3. This is a small “island” of trees in the midst of tundra near Tuktoyaktuk in the Northwest Territories.
These short individuals of white spruce (Picea glauca) are remnants of a more widespread population that
established during a period of warmer climate more than about six centuries ago. If an anthropogenic
intensification of Earth’s greenhouse effect were to result in a warming climate, as has been predicted, then
these tree-islands may be focal points from which trees could colonize the tundra. If this kind of change occurs
over large area, there would be profound consequences for the biota and for human interests. Source: B.
Climate change in tropical countries, which support much larger numbers of species than Canada does, would have
great ecological consequences. For example, most of northern and central South America is now characterized by a
warm and humid, tropical climate. However, this region is thought to have been considerably drier during the past
glacial period, which ended 10-14-thouand years ago. During that time, much of the tropical region was covered by an
open-canopied savannah, while rainforest occurred only in isolated regions with relatively high rainfall, known as
refugia. In terms of the landscape, the refugia of tropical forest occurred as “islands” within a more extensive matrix of
savannah, which is an inhospitable habitat for species of moist forest. The restructuring of tropical ecosystems during
the Pleistocene Ice Age, which was driven by climate changes of the time, must have had enormous impacts on the
It is important to acknowledge that scientists do not fully understand the probable dynamics of impending changes in
climate. As a result, they are not able to make reliable predictions about the changes in surface temperature,
precipitation, evapotranspiration, and other climatic factors that may occur in the regions of Canada or elsewhere.
Nevertheless, it can be reasonably suggested that any large changes in climate, and especially in precipitation, would
result in fundamental alterations of the structure and productivity of both natural ecosystems and agroecosystems.
Those changes would have important consequences for the flows of resources that are required by people, as well as
for the habitats of other species.
As was just noted, changes in climate would influence the ability of landscapes to support agricultural production. In
Canada, this would be particularly true of the great expanses of agricultural land in the Prairie Provinces. Much of this
terrain is already marginal from a rainfall perspective, and is vulnerable to years of severe drought. Wheat, for example,
is a vital crop that is grown extensively in areas that were originally short-grass prairie. In North America, as much as
40% of this 400-million hectare, semi-arid region has already been desertified to some degree as a consequence of
ecological changes associated with agricultural practices. Sporadic crop-threatening droughts occur widely. If the land
is irrigated, the limitations of sparse precipitation in this region can be alleviated. However, insufficient water is
available for this purpose, and secondary problems, such as salinization, can be caused by irrigation. Clearly, any
further losses of soil moisture in this important agricultural region would be extremely damaging to agricultural
production and to food security.
The extent and severity of forest fires would also likely be affected by changes in the amount and distribution of
precipitation and evapotranspiration, and to their secondary effects, such as soil moisture. In a typical year, 1-2-million
hectares of forest burns in Canada, but this is variable – in some years more than 10-million hectares may be
consumed. Modelling experiments have suggested that an increased intensity of the greenhouse effect would cause a
drier climate to occur over much of the boreal region, and this could result in a 50% increase in the annual burned
area (Flannigan and Van Wagner, 1991).
In marine ecosystems, increases in water temperature would adversely affect some biota. Prolonged warming may
cause corals to lose their symbiotic algae (known as zooxanthellae), sometimes resulting in death of the coral. This
syndrome of damage, known as coral bleaching, can be induced by unusually high or low temperature, changes in
salinity, and other stresses. Coral reefs are the world’s most biodiverse marine ecosystems, and they are already
threatened by many stressors associated with human activities, including coastal pollution, mining of the coral, and
overly intensive fisheries.
Another predicted consequence of global warming is the accelerated melting and retreat of glaciers. There is
widespread evidence that this change is already occurring. In Canada, most glaciers in Alberta, British Columbia,
Nunavut, and the Yukon are in rapid retreat. This will have consequences for the flow of rivers that are substantially
dependent on glacial meltwater, including large ones that provide water for some of the largest cities and towns in
Alberta and Saskatchewan, including Calgary, Edmonton, Regina, and Saskatoon. Rapid glacial retreat is also well
documented in the Alps of Europe and on Mount Kilimanjaro in Kenya, the top of which may be ice-free by 2050. It is
also affecting the world’s most massive glaciers, in Greenland and Antarctica.
An additional predicted effect of global warming is an increase in sea level. This change would be caused mostly by a
thermal expansion of seawater, because as water warms, its volume increases. There would also be an influence on sea
level from the melting of massive glaciers, particularly those in Antarctica and Greenland, which would release some of
their enormous mass to the oceans. Even an increase of sea level of a metre or so would have massive implications for
It is also predicted that global warming might increase the frequency, and perhaps the severity, of events of severe
weather. This means that hurricanes, tornadoes, and even El Niño events could become more frequent, and perhaps
also more intense. These extremes of weather have well known, devastating effects on economic and ecological
systems. Most of the climate-modelling studies suggest that the intensity of warming will be much greater at higher
latitudes. This means that changes in countries like Canada, where the climate ranges from temperate to polar, would
be much greater than in tropical regions. Therefore, relatively wealthy, well-developed countries like Canada and the
United States may be exposed to much of the damage associated with climate change. Less-developed, equatorial
countries may be less directly affected. These predictions are, however, highly uncertain.
On the international front, key initiatives related to research and planning are being led by the United Nations
Environment Programme (UNEP) and the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), which in 1988 established
the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). The IPCC undertakes comprehensive reviews of the
science of global warming, with a focus on likely scenarios of climatic, ecological, and economic consequences.
The IPCC also does research on ways to slow or prevent the increases in GHGs and on how economic and
ecological systems might adapt to predicted climate change. At the international level, the IPCC is the most
credible source of information about climate change. In 2014, the IPCC released its fifth round of technical and
policy reports (IPCC, 2014a).
Because of concerns about the potentially disastrous consequences of global warming, in 1990 the IPCC and
other groups of climate specialists recommended that the United Nations (UN) mobilize global leadership to
negotiate an international agreement to reduce emissions of GHGs. The UN then established an
Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee to draft the terms of a UN Framework Convention on Climate
Change (UNFCCC). After a series of difficult international negotiations, the UNFCCC was drafted and then
adopted in 1992 at the UN Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
The objective of the UNFCCC is to stabilize atmospheric GHGs at concentrations that would prevent a
dangerous intensification of the planetary greenhouse effect. Signatory nations to the UNFCCC, known as
“parties to the convention,” have agreed to undertake certain actions to compile information on emissions of
GHGs, develop policies to decrease emissions, prepare strategies to adapt to anticipated effects of climate
change, and provide financial and scientific support to developing countries. Moreover, the 140 countries that
signed the UNFCCC in Rio agreed to discuss its implementation at a global forum, which was held in Berlin in
1995. At that meeting, it was agreed that global emissions of GHGs should be reduced and a further series of
international negotiations was needed to reach consensus on an implementation strategy. Those negotiations
were completed at another meeting, held in Kyoto, Japan, in 1997. The outcome of that key meeting was the
Kyoto Protocol.
According to the terms of the Kyoto Protocol, the world’s nations are divided into three groups:
In addition, many organizations have “observer” status, including about 50 inter-governmental and 650 non-
governmental organizations (NGOs) that represent the business, environment interests, industry, labour,
indigenous cultures, and research and academic bodies. For the Kyoto Protocol to become legally binding, it
had to be ratified by at least 55 parties to the UNFCCC, including enough Annex I countries to account for at
least 55% of the CO2 emissions of all developed countries (in 1990). Canada, the European Union, and Japan
ratified in 2002, and when Russia did so in 2004, the 55% criterion was reached and the Kyoto Protocol because
a legal treaty. Unfortunately, the United States had not ratified the Protocol, although it is nevertheless making
progress with actions to reduce its emissions of GHGs.
Key aspects of the Kyoto Protocol are the binding targets that it sets for the reduction of GHG emissions by
developed countries. It is important to understand, however, that the Protocol is only a first step toward
reducing global emissions of GHGs – the intent is to negotiate additional protocols that will include reductions
by rapidly developing countries such as China and India, and further efforts by developed ones. For example, in
2015, the global community met in Paris to review and improve upon the existing Kyoto-related targets to
reduce emissions of GHGs.
The commitments of Canada are typical of countries of Annex II. When Canada ratified in 2002, it committed to
reduce its emissions of CO2 by 6% below the levels in 1990, and to achieve that goal by 2008-2012. To
accomplish such a large reduction was, however, a formidable challenge. In fact, by the target date, Canadian
emissions of CO2 had increased by about 33% since 1990. That had occurred mostly because of rapid economic
developments in Alberta, especially great increases in the amount of mining and processing of oil-sand.
Moreover, even today, Canada has not developed an effective strategy for meeting its legal obligations under
the Protocol, largely because of the intense political and economic controversies associated with the actions
that would be necessary. Moreover, the governments of Canada and some other jurisdictions, notably Alberta,
are focusing on intensity-based targets, which encourage improved technological efficiencies but do not
necessarily reduce the aggregate emissions of GHGs. Such tactics do little to reduce the rapid increase of
emissions from new fossil-fuel enterprises, such as the aggressively growing oil-sand industry.
In 2012, Canada formally withdrew from its ratification of the Kyoto Protocol. This was done by the Harper
Government of the day because of the certainty that Canada would badly miss its Kyoto targets, coupled with a
political philosophy that economic growth should not be sacrificed to meet environmental targets of this sort.
At about the same time, the Harper Government announced its new target to reduce emissions of greenhouse
gases – to have emissions in 2020 that would be 17% below those in 2005. At the time of this writing, the most
recent emissions data (for 2010) showed that our national emissions had actually increased by 13% (Boden et al.,
2014). The most important reason for that increase was a rapid expansion in large industrial facilities to mine
and process oil-sand in northern Alberta, a development for which much further aggressive growth is planned
However, many other developed countries will have little difficulty in meeting their obligations. For instance,
since 1990, many countries of Western Europe have extensively replaced coal-burning industrial utilities with
ones that use natural gas, which results in a large reduction of CO2 emissions. Also, most countries of the
former Soviet Union, including Russia, have suffered a downsizing of their industrial sectors since 1990, making
it easy for them to meet their Kyoto targets. These economic restructurings, which had no direct linkage to the
Kyoto Protocol, did not occur in North America. The only ways for countries like Canada and the United States
to reduce their emissions of GHGs is to rapidly change the ways that energy is used by aggressively enacting
conservation measures while also moving away from a heavy reliance on fossil fuels. It will take a high level of
political fortitude if they are to achieve such changes, and without such determination, countries like Canada
will fail to meet their international obligations to collaborate with other countries in reducing global emissions
of CO2 and other greenhouse gases.
Carbon dioxide is an important nutrient for plants. As a result, increased concentrations of CO2 can stimulate the
productivity of some plants, especially if moisture and nutrients are abundant.
Many laboratory experiments have shown that agricultural plants can be more productive when fertilized by CO2. In
fact, some commercial greenhouses increase the productivity of crops such as cucumber, tomato, and ornamental
plants by fertilizing the air with CO2 at concentrations of 600-2000 ppm.
Usually, however, the productivity of crops grown under field conditions is limited by an inadequate supply of nutrients
other than CO2, usually nitrogen, phosphorus, or potassium, and often the availability of water is also a constraint.
Under these kinds of conditions, the responses of plants to CO2 fertilization are small and short term, or non-existent.
Increased concentrations of CO2 can also affect many plants by decreasing their rate of water loss by transpiration.
Most water loss occurs through tiny pores, known as stomata, on the leaf surfaces. The size of the stomatal opening is
controlled by specialized guard cells. Activity of the guard cells is influenced by CO2, and stomata tend to close
partially or entirely when its concentrations are high. Because the availability of moisture is an important factor
affecting plant productivity in agricultural and forest ecosystems, decreased water losses from lessened transpiration
could be a beneficial effect.
It appears that some benefits might be realized from CO2 fertilization and decreased transpiration, especially in
intensively managed agricultural systems. It is important to recognize, however, that these gains are likely to be minor.
Moreover, the possible benefits would probably be overwhelmed by the negative consequences of anthropogenic
climate change. The distribution and composition of natural and managed ecosystems could be greatly affected by
effects on precipitation and other climatic factors, and that could result in enormous damage being caused to
economic resources in agriculture, forestry, and fisheries, and also to natural biodiversity.
Carbon credits are related to systems of emissions trading, which were first applied to releases of SO2. For
Although the trading of carbon credits is not yet regulated or certified in Canada, they are still being acquired
by many individuals and companies who are seeking to reduce their net emissions of GHGs or to achieve a
carbon-neutral lifestyle or business. Carbon credits can be generated in various ways:
• Afforestation is the establishment of forest on land in a low-carbon area, such as pasture or cropland. As
the forest grows, the carbon stored on the land increases, resulting in less CO2 in the atmosphere, plus
additional benefits such as habitat for biodiversity. If the intent of a project is to develop an older forest and
maintain it, then the carbon-storage benefits are larger than any other ecological offset scheme.
• Reforestation is the regeneration of a new forest on land where timber has been harvested. Although the
harvest reduces the carbon stored on the site, reforestation ensures that forest biomass is regenerated.
Compared with a post-harvest conversion of the land to agricultural or urbanized uses, reforestation
provides carbon credits.
• Conservation agriculture involves practices that increase soil biomass. This is done by leaving crop residues
to enhance soil organic matter, by planting seeds directly into the soil without ploughing, and by using a
crop rotation instead of continuously planting a single species.
• Geological carbon storage involves trapping CO2 produced by fossil-fuel combustion and then
concentrating it as a liquid or gas that can be injected into an underground reservoir. For instance,
CO2 produced by a coal-fired power plant in North Dakota is being concentrated, transported by pipeline
to Weyburn in southern Saskatchewan, and injected into a geological formation to enhance pressure and
petroleum recovery. Carbon offsets are also generated – up to 40-million tonnes of CO2 over 30 years.
• Replacing some fossil fuel use by non-GHG energy sources also generates carbon credits. This could involve
renewable energy sources or nuclear-derived electricity. For example, an investment in the development of
wind-turbine energy, photovoltaics, passive solar, or biomass fuels result in less use of fossil fuels. So does
improved insulation and wind-proofing of buildings and the installation of higher-efficiency technologies,
such as fluorescent lighting and hybrid gasoline-electric vehicles.
It is clear that any of these options results in a reduced amount of CO2 in the atmosphere. Nevertheless, some
kinds of carbon credits are controversial, and critics refer to them as “hot air.” Here are the key objections to
trading in carbon credits:
• Genuine decreases in CO2 emissions may be avoided by the purchase of carbon credits. Ultimately, dealing
with climate change will require that large reductions occur in the emissions of GHGs. In this context,
carbon credits may be viewed as a modern form of the archaic Catholic tradition of “indulgences”, or the
forgiveness of sins, the purchase of which allowed people to sin without great consequence.
• Fictitious carbon credits have been marketed by disreputable people or organizations, Examples include
trees not being planted as contracted or not being tended, so they did not survive. Because carbon trading
is not yet regulated or audited, there is potential for fraudulent or incompetent schemes.
• Downsized economies also represent a carbon credit, in that less industrial activity results in reduced
emissions of GHGs. Examples include the down-sized economies of post-1990 Russia and other countries
of Eastern Europe. These post-Cold War economies became smaller because of inefficiencies of their social
and industrial systems, which had nothing to do with actions to reduce emissions of GHGs. It is not sensible
to reward a necessary economic restructuring with carbon-credit monies.
• Ecological carbon credits must be maintained against natural disturbances, timber harvesting, and other
influences that would reduce the carbon stored in biomass. Moreover, older forests do not forever increase
Clearly, there are a number of ways to generate reliable carbon offsets, and their implementation will reduce the net
emissions of GHGs. However, it is important that these schemes be properly audited and regulated. It is also crucial to
understand that any effective, societal-level plan to deal with emissions of GHGs will require large reductions in the
use of fossil fuels.
Because of the potential consequences of anthropogenic climate change, governments are considering actions to
reduce the emissions of CO2 and other GHGs in the atmosphere, or at least to slow their rates of increase. This goal
could be achieved in two ways: (1) by reducing the emissions of GHGs, and (2) by increasing the rates at which they are
removed from the atmosphere. The latter tactic is especially relevant to CO2, the most abundant of the anthropogenic
Ultimately, large decreases in the emissions of GHGs, particularly CO2, must be the major tactic of any strategy to deal
with an intensification of the greenhouse effect. However, it is extremely difficult to rapidly reduce emissions of
CO2 because they are associated with so many economically important activities. As we previously examined, the major
CO2-emitting activities include the use of fossil fuels in industry, transportation, and space heating; the manufacturing
of cement; and ecological conversions, particularly of forest to agriculture. Politicians, economists, and environmental
specialists all worry about the shorter-term economic consequences of actions necessary to rapidly reduce the
emissions of CO2 to the atmosphere. In general, they believe it is more prudent to reduce those emissions through
more protracted actions.
Planting large numbers of trees is an option that would contribute to reducing the CO2 concentration in the
atmosphere. As trees and other plants grow, they fix CO2 into the organic carbon of their accumulating biomass.
Depending on the species and growing conditions, that biomass can eventually reach several tonnes of dry weight per
large tree, about half of which is carbon.
Studies have shown that substantial carbon credits can be gained by planting large numbers of trees in urban and rural
environments. The carbon credits are especially large if the tree-planting involves afforestation, or the creation of
forest on disused agricultural land. (Afforestation converts non-forested land into a forest, while reforestation ensures
that another forest regrows on a site from which timber was harvested.) Agroecosystems typically store small amounts
of carbon in biomass, while forests store much more. The carbon-storage function would be optimized if mature or
old-growth forest is established, and if that ecosystem were maintained in its high-carbon condition for as long as
possible. (Harvesting of mature trees would detract from the carbon-storage function.) Moreover, the afforestation of
extensive areas would achieve many additional, non-carbon benefits, such as the enhancement of biodiversity.
Although tree-planting and afforestation are attractive options toward reducing CO2 in the atmosphere, these tactics
cannot offset more than a portion of the CO2 emitted by fossil-fuel combustion and deforestation. An enormous area
of land would have to be afforested to achieve full offsets. For example, to fully offset the CO2 emissions from one 200
MW coal-fired generating station (which would emit about 0.34-million tonnes of CO2-C per year), the carbon-fixing
services of about 500,000 ha of natural forest of the kind typical of eastern Canada would be required. If the forest
productivity were increased by silvicultural management on a fertile site, as little as one-tenth of that area might be
required, but that would still be a huge area (Freedman et al., 1992). Only a limited amount of land is available, in
In any event, dealing effectively with an anthropogenic climate change will require a comprehensive, integrated
strategy, of which reduced emissions of GHGs must be the major component. Carbon offsets such as tree-planting will
be a useful element, but they will not be sufficient.
The most important means of reducing CO2 emissions would potentially involve the following:
• aggressive conservation of energy through more efficient use, which would result in a decreased demand for fossil
• increased use of non-carbon energy (such as solar, wind, tidal, hydro, biomass, and nuclear) to displace many uses
of fossil fuels
• prevention of further conversions of forest into agricultural and other land-uses, to avoid CO2emissions that are
associated with deforestation
• afforestation, which would increase carbon stored in ecosystems
However, it must be recognized that the implementation of an effective strategy involving these actions would be
politically and economically difficult. Industrialized nations depend heavily on fossil fuels, and changes in this reliance
will have huge implications for economic systems, industrial capitalization, resource use, and citizens’ expectations of
lifestyle. Similarly, deforestation in tropical countries is a primary means by which impoverished people gain access to
opportunities and livelihoods, and harvested timber helps to earn the foreign exchange that is necessary to fund
development activities.
The societal changes that would be necessary to effectively deal with an intensified greenhouse effect are
revolutionary in their nature and magnitude. Designing the required economic and energy systems will be a
tremendous challenge, and implementing them will require enlightened and forceful leadership. Unfortunately, there
are no easy solutions to an environmental problem as potentially damaging as anthropogenic climate change.
Moreover, it appears that it will be necessary and precautionary to implement effective actions as soon as possible,
even before it is definitely known that many of the damages are occurring.
In general, the climate-change skeptics do acknowledge that there has been a recent trend of global warming,
because it is well evidenced by melting glaciers, a lengthening ice-free period in polar waters, climate-related
changes of the distribution of many species, and an increase in mean global surface temperature. Nevertheless,
the skeptics believe that natural causes may be responsible for these effects – such as variations in the emission
of energy by the Sun or in the absorptive capacity of Earth’s atmosphere (perhaps related to changes in
reflective aerosols emitted by volcanoes).
Because there is not yet scientific unanimity about anthropogenic climate warming, there is room for political
and economic interests to deny that the problem is real or important. This allows them to avoid taking
Arguably, these are legitimate actions for the vested interests to take, because effective societal responses to
anthropogenic climate change have such large economic implications. Nevertheless, it is possible to view such
actions with a cynical eye, because these kinds of tactics have been used before with other public controversies
related to health and environment, such as thalidomide, cigarette smoking, acid rain, and others. In fact, some
environmental advocates suggest that it is possible to establish a predictable framework for the response of
vested industrial / economic / political interests to public controversies, such as anthropogenic climate
• Step 1. Deny that the problem exists, or claim that the scientific evidence is weak or inconsistent.
• Step 2. If possible, suppress the conduct or release of new scientific research that is likely to produce results
that are contrary to the views of the vested interest. This is possible if scientific agencies are under their
political or economic control.
• Step 3. If possible, blame “external” influences or interests for the damage, particularly “natural” factors.
• Step 4. Insist that an especially large burden of well-validated scientific evidence must be in place before
agreeing that environmental change has been substantial enough for the vested interest to accept a measure
of responsibility and so to take mitigative action.
• Step 5. Finally, claim that despite any resulting environmental damage, the instigating economic activity
is too important to the regional/national/global economy to bear significant regulation – in the sense
that any slowing of economic activity is viewed as being contrary to vital national interests and therefore
unacceptable to society at large.
However, there are also cases where people and organizations that believe in anthropogenic climate change
have mocked or denigrated the views of skeptics. Moreover, some climate-change proponents “oversell” some
of the evidence. For example, some proponents claim that hurricane Katrina (2005) and similar events of
extreme weather were somehow caused by global warming. In fact, this is just an idea and there is no
convincing scientific evidence to back it up (although modelling research does suggest that over the medium-
and longer-term, the Gulf of Mexico and other tropical waters will become warmer and this might be expected
to spawn more and stronger hurricanes). These non-objective positions are particularly worrisome if scientists
are involved, because the conduct and communication of their knowledge should remain objective and
apolitical and not stray into the emotional realm of advocacy.
Moreover, environmental scientists have a limited ability to provide convincing evidence of an anthropogenic
influence. Climatic systems are extremely large, open, and complex, and science is not able to make watertight
predictions about these sorts of systems. In fact, uncertainty about outcomes is the basis of a precautionary
orientation: scientists may advocate action in the absence of complete proof, because the consequences of no
action might be too great for society to absorb. This is the reason why so many scientists are advocates of
taking action to deal with climate change, even though they may not yet be fully convinced, in a strictly
scientific sense, of the degree to which recent global warming is due to anthropogenic influences.
Strident advocacy positions by either skeptics or believers of anthropogenic climate change are not particularly
helpful. Ideally, environmental controversies should be resolved by a continuous and objective review of the
Earth’s natural greenhouse effect is caused by the activity of radiatively active gases in the atmosphere, and it helps
make the planet habitable. The concentrations of key GHGs are increasing rapidly, particularly carbon dioxide, and this
is predicted to intensify the greenhouse effect. This could result in global warming and many other climatic effects,
such as changes in precipitation regimes and in the frequency of severe weather events. These changes would have
severe consequences for agroecosystems and the human economy in general, and also for natural ecosystems
(notwithstanding that, in some places, there might be improvements in agriculture and new opportunities for some
species and ecological communities). At the international level, the Kyoto Protocol is the key first action being taken to
reduce the emissions of GHGs that threaten to cause global warming. Many countries have ratified this treaty and are
taking steps to reduce their emissions of GHGs (unfortunately, Canada withdrew its ratification in 2012 because of an
imminent failure to meet its targets for reduced emissions). However, the Kyoto-related actions are highly
controversial and are not in themselves sufficient to achieve their intended goal of preventing or slowing global
warming – future actions will have to be more decisive.
1. Describe Earth’s natural greenhouse effect and the factors that create it.
2. How may human influences be making the greenhouse effect more intense?
3. What is a greenhouse gas (GHG)? What are the most important GHGs in the atmosphere, and how are human
actions affecting their concentrations?
4. What are the likely climatic and ecological consequences of an intensification of the greenhouse effect?
1. How might the Canadian economy and the lifestyles of typical Canadians be affected if serious actions are taken to
reduce the emissions of greenhouse gases?
2. Despite repeated commitments since the Conservative Party of Canada assumed control of the Government of
Canada, our country has not yet announced a comprehensive strategy to reduce our national emissions of
greenhouse gases. Especially problematic are a lack of regulations for the fossil-fuel industries, whose rising
emissions are the key reason that Canada has missed its avowed Kyoto targets. Do you think that these actions by
the Harper Government are prudent and justified, or do you disagree with them? Explain your answer.
3. Mostly because of the potential economic effects, the Kyoto Protocol has been highly controversial in Canada and
other countries. But even if the provisions of the treaty are fully implemented, there would only be a slowing of the
rate of increase of greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere. This is because the rates of emission of
CO2 and other GHGs would still be larger than can be absorbed by the planetary sinks. Should the reductions of
emissions of GHGs be even larger than required by the Kyoto Protocol? How would you convince politicians,
industrial interests, and other concerned parties that it must be done?
1. Your provincial government has struck a committee of politicians and citizens to recommend actions to reduce
the net emissions of greenhouse gases. As the principal science advisor to the committee, you have been asked to
develop a list of practical options that should be undertaken. What actions would you recommend for
implementation immediately, and which more gradually (that is, progressively during the next 10 years)? Justify
each of your recommendations.
2. For one day, make a list of your activities that result in emissions of carbon dioxide or methane to the atmosphere.
These should include direct emissions (for example, by breathing or driving a vehicle) and indirect ones (as when
trees must be harvested to provide you with paper, or when organic garbage is disposed into a landfill). Estimate
the percentage reduction in emissions that you think you could make without suffering an unacceptable degree of
change in your lifestyle.
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1. Describe the ubiquitous distribution of elements in the environment and explain this phenomenon in terms of the
difference between pollution and contamination.
2. Outline cases of natural pollution by toxic elements and explain how they provide insight into the effects of
anthropogenic pollution.
3. Describe cases of anthropogenic pollution by metals and outline the resulting ecological damage.
All of the naturally occurring metals and other elements are ubiquitous (found everywhere) in at least trace
concentrations in soil, water, air, and organisms. As long as the detection limits of the available analytical chemistry are
low enough, this universal contamination can always be demonstrated.
Organisms require some of the trace elements as essential micronutrients, including copper, iron, molybdenum, zinc,
and in some cases aluminum, nickel, and selenium. Under certain conditions, however, these same elements can
accumulate to high concentrations in organisms and cause ecological damage (see In Detail 18.1). Trace elements that
are most often associated with environmental toxicity are the heavy metals cadmium, chromium, cobalt, copper, iron,
lead, mercury, nickel, silver, tin, and zinc, as well as the lighter elements aluminum, arsenic, and selenium.
Some cases of elemental pollution are natural in origin. This usually involves metal-rich minerals being exposed at the
surface and causing local ecological changes. However, human activities have caused additional examples of pollution
by toxic elements, particularly in the vicinity of industrial sources such as smelters. In addition, emissions of mercury
and lead from power plants and automobiles have caused widespread contamination of remote environments, although
it is not yet certain that this is causing ecological damage.
There are cases of people having been poisoned by exposure to toxic elements in their environment. Some historians
believe that the decline of the Roman Empire may have been hastened by neurotoxicity caused by chronic lead
poisoning. The Romans had significant exposure to lead because they stored acidic beverages (such as wine) in pottery
treated with pigments and glazes that contained lead. As well, their water piping was made of lead (the word
“plumbing” is based on the Latin word for lead – plumbum). In nineteenth-century Britain, many people who made felt
top-hats developed neurological damage because of their exposure to mercury compounds used to give a shiny finish
to the hats – hence Lewis Carroll’s character in Alice in Wonderland, the “Mad Hatter,” and the expression “mad as a
More recently, thousands of people suffered mercury poisoning during the 1960s after they ate grain that had been
treated with mercuric fungicide. In one disastrous case in Iraq in 1971, more than 6,500 people were poisoned (about
500 died) when they ate food prepared from mercury-treated grain. The grain had been donated by a foreign aid
program and was intended only for planting. Although the sacks of grain were labelled to indicate that the seeds were
poisonous, many of the victims were illiterate or did not understand or ignored the implications of the message. About
the same time, similar poisonings occurred when people ate mercury-treated grain in Guatemala, Iran, and Pakistan.
Mercury also caused thousands of cases of poisoning at Minamata, Japan. A factory there had discharged elemental
mercury into Minamata Bay. In that form mercury is not very poisonous, but microbes in the sediment transformed the
metal into methylmercury, which is extremely toxic and bio-accumulates in organisms in preference to the water of
their aquatic environment. The methylmercury further biomagnified up the food web and caused extensive poisoning
of fish-eating birds, domestic cats, and people (see In Detail 18,1 and Global Focus 18.1). In this chapter, we examine
natural and anthropogenic pollution with toxic elements and the resulting ecological consequences.
Another phenomenon, known as biomagnification (or food-web magnification), is the tendency for top
predators to have the highest concentrations of these chemicals. Organisms are highly efficient at assimilating
methylmercury and organochlorines from their food. Therefore, these chemicals become stored in organisms,
rather than being excreted. This means that predators at the top of the food web develop the highest
concentrations (residues) of these chemicals. Usually, bioaccumulation and food-web magnification progress
with age, so the oldest individuals in any population are the most contaminated.
Figure 18.1. Biomagnification leads to progressively higher concentrations of methylmercury and chlorinated
hydrocarbons in organisms higher in the food web. The common loon (Gavia immer) is a top predator in many
lakes. In some regions of Canada, these birds can harbour concentrations of methylmercury that are high
enough to impair their reproduction. The source of the environmental mercury is not yet known for certain,
but it may be associated with anthropogenic emissions from power plants, incinerators, and smelters.
All of the naturally occurring elements are present in at least trace concentrations in all samples of water, soil and
rocks, air, and organisms. The term background concentration refers to a presence that is not significantly influenced
by either anthropogenic emissions or unusual natural exposures. The background concentration in soil and rocks is
usually much higher than in water, and also generally higher than in the tissues of organisms (Table 18.1).
However, elements that are dissolved in water often occur in chemical forms (such as ions) that are relatively easily
absorbed by organisms. For this reason, even a trace aqueous concentration may be toxic. In contrast, the much higher
concentrations that commonly occur in soil and rocks are mostly insoluble, and therefore are not particularly
bioavailable. Scientists determine the total concentration of metals in a component of the environment (such as soil,
sediment, or rock) by digesting a sample in a hot mixture of strong acid. In contrast, the “available” concentration is
determined from an aqueous (water) extract of a sample. In general, the available concentration of toxic elements in
soil are much smaller than the total concentrations (generally less than 1% of the total value), and it is also much more
relevant to potential toxicity.
Most elements are found in only trace concentrations in the environment (Table 18.1). In contrast, aluminum and iron
are prominent constituents of rocks and soil, with concentrations typically about 8% and 3-4%, respectively. However,
almost all of the aluminum and iron in soil and rocks occurs as insoluble minerals that are not readily available for
uptake by organisms. For example, virtually all aluminum in soil occurs as insoluble silicate and clay minerals. Although
aluminum in these forms comprises about 8% of the soil mass, it is not available for uptake by plants and is therefore
non-toxic. However, much smaller concentrations of aluminum, typically only a few parts per million (ppm), are found
as ions, either bound to organic matter and clay surfaces or freely dissolved in soil water. The ionic forms of aluminum
are readily available for biological uptake and may cause toxicity to species that are sensitive to this metal.
Much higher concentrations of soluble available aluminum occur in strongly acidic environments, especially when the
pH is less than about 5.5. (In fact, almost all metals are much more soluble under acidic conditions.) Aluminum
solubility is also greater in strongly alkaline environments, with pH higher than about 8. Moreover, different ionic
species of aluminum occur at different pH levels:
• Al3+ is dominant in strongly acidic environments with a pH less than about 5.0
• AlOH2+ and Al(OH)2+ are important under less acidic conditions of pH 4.5–5.5
• Al(OH)3 from pH 5.2–9.0
• and AlOH4– in alkaline environments with pH greater than 8.5.
Aluminum toxicity is a common problem for organisms that live in highly acidic or alkaline environments. This is
because of the combined influences of greater solubility and the presence of relatively toxic ions under those
Table 18.1. Background Concentration of Elements in Selected Components of the Environment. Source: Data
The toxicity of elements and other chemicals is related to two factors: (1) the exposure (dose) and (2) the vulnerability
of an organism to the particular substance. The dose received is influenced by the available concentration in the
environment and the period of exposure. Therefore, a long-term exposure to only a minute available concentration
may cause toxicity, especially if the element is able to bioaccumulate and then biomagnify in the food web until it
exceeds a threshold of biological tolerance.
Organisms vary greatly in their tolerance of exposures to toxic elements (and to all other poisons). Consequently, an
intense exposure to a potentially toxic chemical may result in some species being poisoned, while tolerant ones may
not be damaged and may even benefit from the demise of sensitive species in their community. In addition, there is
usually genetically based variation for tolerance within a species. This can lead to the evolution of populations (known
as ecotypes) that are relatively tolerant of toxic exposures (we examine this topic in the next section).
The most common mechanism of poisoning by toxic elements is damage to an enzyme system. (Organisms have a huge
diversity of enzymes, which are proteins that catalyze specific biochemical reactions and are critical to healthy
metabolism.) The poisoning occurs because metal ions bind to specific enzymes, which changes their shape and results
in a loss of their unique catalytic function. Toxic elements may also cause poisoning by binding to DNA or RNA, thereby
disrupting transcription and translation, the processes by which genetic information is used to produce specific
proteins (including enzymes; see In Detail 6.1). Toxic metals can also disrupt DNA replication and hence cell division.
Typical symptoms of acute poisoning caused by toxic elements in plants include abnormal patterns of growth,
decreased productivity, impaired reproduction, the occurrence of disease, and ultimately death. Symptoms of chronic
toxicity are harder to detect and may include a “hidden injury” such as a decrease in productivity that occurs without
Natural Pollution
Localized natural pollution sometimes occurs when metal-rich minerals are present at the surface and are prominent
in the chemistry of soil, surface water, and vegetation. These conditions can often be identified by a distinctive,
stunted growth form of the vegetation, and sometimes by the presence of particular indicator plant species. In
combination with chemical analyses, these biological indicators can be used to explore for metal-rich deposits, a
technique known as biogeochemical prospecting.
In some cases, natural pollution by metals can be quite intense. For example, soil containing up to 3% lead plus zinc
was found at a site on Baffin Island. In another case, peat filtering a spring of metal-rich groundwater in New
Brunswick accumulated as much as 10% copper. High concentrations of metals in soil are also reflected in the
chemistry of plants, especially in certain genetically adapted hyperaccumulator species that may occur in metal-rich
habitats. For example, nickel concentrations as high as 10% have been measured in plants in the genus Alyssum
growing in Russia, and up to 25% in the blue-coloured latex of Sebertia acuminata from New Caledonia in the South
Pacific. These hyperaccumulator plants grow on naturally metal-polluted sites.
Some well-studied cases of natural pollution involve soil influenced by serpentine minerals, which are rich in nickel,
chromium, and cobalt and are associated with asbestos deposits. Soil containing serpentine minerals is toxic to non-
adapted plants because of the high concentrations of these metals, in combination with an imbalance of the nutrients
calcium and magnesium. Serpentine soil typically contains several thousand parts per million of nickel, but can have as
much as 25-thousand ppm (or 2.5%) of this metal.
The natural vegetation on serpentine sites is often distinctively stunted. Extensive serpentine “barrens” occur in
eastern Quebec and western Newfoundland. Those habitats support tundra-like ecosystems in a landscape that is
otherwise covered by boreal forest.
In some places, serpentine areas support plant species that occur only in that kind of habitat, a narrow distribution
that ecologists refer to as endemic. In other cases, widespread species have evolved locally adapted populations that
can cope with the toxic and nutritional stresses of serpentine soil – these are known as ecotypes. On non-serpentine
sites, the specifically adapted endemics and ecotypes are quickly eliminated by competition with plants that are better
competitors in less-stressful habitats.
Serpentine sites in northern California support relatively ancient vegetation, because the area was not glaciated. These
habitats contain at least 215 endemic species or subspecies of plants. Some of the endemics occur only on particular
serpentine sites in California and nowhere else in the world. In contrast, the serpentine barrens in eastern Canada are
relatively young, being released from glaciation only about 10-thousand or fewer years ago. Consequently, not enough
time has passed to allow many serpentine endemics or ecotypes to evolve.
Image 18.1. An extensive area of serpentine-rich rock occurs in Gros Morne National Park in western
Newfoundland. Soil rich in serpentine has high concentrations of toxic nickel and cobalt and is poor in
nutrients. These conditions are stressful to plants and result in the development of stunted vegetation of
limited species diversity, as in this scene. The typical vegetation on non-serpentine soil in this region is a
Semi-arid regions in various parts of the world often have areas with soil that contains high concentrations of
selenium. These seleniferous habitats may support plants that hyperaccumulate selenium, such as species in the genus
Astragalus (locoweeds). About 25 North American species of Astragalus are hyperaccumulators of selenium. They may
contain up to 1.5% of selenium in their tissues, storing it in unique amino-acid-like biochemicals, such as
selenomethionine. The Astragalus species also emit dimethyl selenide and dimethyl diselenide to the atmosphere,
giving them a distinctive, unpleasant odour. Livestock that feed on these plants are poisoned by a toxic syndrome
known as alkali disease or blind staggers.
Even in remote oceanic habitats, mercury often accumulates in high concentrations (as methylmercury, CH3Hg) in fish,
birds, and sea mammals. In marine waters off eastern and western Canada, large fish may have mercury concentrations
in their flesh that exceed the limit considered acceptable for human consumption (more than 0.5 ppm mercury on a
fresh-weight basis; Figure 18.1). Analysis of old specimens of fish and seabirds in museums has revealed levels of
mercury contamination similar to those in modern samples, which suggests that the phenomenon may be natural. The
contamination of marine animals represents a substantial biomagnification from ambient seawater, which has a trace
concentration of mercury of less than 0.1 ppb.
Figure 18.2. Mercury Contamination of Fish Captured Offshore of North America. The data show the average
mercury concentration in the muscle of species of marine fishes. The data are in ppm, measured on a fresh-
The biomagnification occur because of the progressive accumulation of mercury up the trophic web. Algae initially
absorb mercury from the water (as methylmercury), and zooplankton accumulate even larger residues as they graze on
the algae. Zooplankton-eating fish accumulate still larger quantities, but the largest residues occur in long-lived top
predators, such as big fish and marine mammals (see In Detail 18.1).
Within any particular species of fish, larger (and older) individuals generally have higher mercury concentrations than
smaller (and younger) ones. A study of swordfish caught off eastern Canada found that animals heavier than 45 kg had
an average mercury concentration of 1.1 ppm, while those weighing 23-45 kg had 0.86 ppm, and those smaller than 23
kg had 0.55 ppm (Armstrong, 1979). It appears that mercury residues become more intense as the animals age and grow
High concentrations of mercury also occur in fish-eating marine mammals and birds, which are top predators in their
ecosystem. Studies of adult harp seals (Phoca groenlandica) in eastern Canada found an average mercury
concentration of 0.34 ppm in muscle and 5.1 ppm in the liver (Armstrong, 1979). High mercury residues also occur in
North Atlantic seabirds, with an average of 7 ppm found in feathers of northern skua (Catharacta skua), 5 ppm in puffin
(Fratercula arctica), and 1-2 ppm in fulmar (Fulmarus glacialis), kittiwake (Rissa tridactyla), razorbill (Alca torda), and
common murre (Uria aalge) (Thompson et al., 1991).
Mercury contamination of fish has also been observed in many remote lakes. For example, about three-quarters of
1,700 lakes monitored in Ontario have fish with mercury exceeding 0.5 ppm fresh weight in their flesh. In a remote lake
in northern Manitoba, the average mercury concentration in muscle of 53 northern pike (Esox lucius) was 2 ppm fresh
weight and one animal had 5 ppm (McKay, 1985). In general, freshwater fish that are top predators have the highest
residues of mercury, and larger or older individuals are the most contaminated.
Federal, provincial, and territorial governments in Canada issue advisories about eating fish taken from particular lakes
and rivers where mercury residues are known to be a problem; the advisories may also have information about other
contaminants, such as PCBs and dioxins. In Ontario, for example, more than 2,200 waterbodies are monitored for this
purpose (MOEE, 2014). The advisories tell people how many fish of particular species and sizes they can eat. The
general threshold is 0.61 ppm, but it is as low as 0.26 ppm for pregnant women and children, and no fish with more
than 1.84 ppm should be consumed. About one-third of the advisories given for sportfish taken from Ontario lakes
result in some level of consumption restriction. In Sweden, about half of the lakes have some fish with mercury
The causes of mercury contamination of lakes are not known for certain. It seems likely that the phenomenon may be
natural in regions that are remote from sources of emission. However, anthropogenic mercury is contributing to the
problem closer to large emissions sources, such as coal-fired generating stations, municipal incinerators, and smelters.
For example, Harp Lake in Ontario is located relatively close to municipal and industrial sources of emissions. Studies
found that atmospheric deposition accounted for 57% of the mercury input to that lake, suggesting a significant
anthropogenic influence (Mierle, 1990).
The above discussion of mercury in lakes refers to the many situations in which there are no direct anthropogenic
inputs of the metal. However, there are well known cases of pollution caused directly by industrial releases. For
example, discharges from chlor-alkali and acetaldehyde factories and some older pulp mills have caused local mercury
pollution, resulting in high residues of methylmercury in fish and other animals. The case of Minamata Bay, Japan,
involved an acetaldehyde plant (Global Focus 18.1). A less severe case in Canada, which affected parts of the English and
Wabigoon Rivers in northwestern Ontario, involved a pulp mill.
Significant bioaccumulation of mercury also occurs when hydroelectric reservoirs are developed (see Chapter 20).
Flooding leaches naturally occurring soil mercury into the reservoir, where bacteria in oxygen-poor sediment
transform it into methylmercury that is biomagnified by fish. This process occurs more rapidly in acidic lakes because
that condition favours the production of methylmercury in the sediment, compared with less available
dimethylmercury in non-acidic waterbodies.
Although there is some controversy about the relative importance of natural and anthropogenic sources of mercury to
remote lakes, it is reassuring to know that the overall emissions have been greatly reduced in recent decades (Figure
18.3). This occurred because of improved emissions controls at industrial facilities, including the closing of several
metal smelters and coal-fired power plants.
Figure 18.3. Mercury Emissions in Canada. Source: Data from Environment Canada (2015).
It took several years for the complex of symptoms caused by methylmercury poisoning to be recognized as
being ultimately due to emissions from the acetaldehyde factory. Initially, in the mid-1950s, doctors noticed
that people were displaying a novel and strange neurological syndrome, characterized by progressive
degeneration of the nervous system. Symptoms intensified from numbness in the limb extremities, to slurred
speech, loss of peripheral vision, convulsions, unconsciousness, and ultimately the death of many victims.
There was also a congenital syndrome caused by toxicity to fetuses by methylmercury passed across the
placental barrier. Afflicted children suffered from deformity, mental retardation, and impaired motor control. At
the same time, fish-fed cats were killed by a neurological disease, as were fish-eating birds.
It soon became apparent that the disease was being caused by eating fish harvested from Minamata Bay.
Although industrial waste being dumped into the bay was an early suspect, not much was initially done to
either reduce the discharges or to prevent people from eating seafood caught in the polluted area. Then, in
1959, scientists from Kumamoto University concluded that an organo-mercurial compound was the cause of
the toxic syndrome. Soon after, it was realized that its origin was inorganic mercury of industrial origin that
was being naturally methylated in the bay. The company that caused the pollution challenged these
conclusions, although it began to pay compensation to some of the most severely afflicted people (but only if a
release was signed that absolved the company of responsibility and eliminated the possibility of future lawsuits;
moreover, many affected people were denied compensation). Despite intense controversy, the company
continued to release mercury to the aquatic environment until 1968, when a change in technology eliminated it
from the manufacturing process.
Ultimately, about 2,200 people were officially diagnosed as having Minamata Disease as a result of exposure to
methylmercury in seafood harvested from the bay. Of these, about 100 died of their poisoning. In addition, at
least 12-thousand people may have suffered milder forms of the disease but were not officially diagnosed. In
1973, a court found the chemical company to have behaved in a negligent manner and to be liable for the
damages. Many people suffering from mercury-caused disease were awarded compensation, although the
amounts paid were disputed as being insufficient and many people received nothing. The bottom line, however,
is that people died of avoidable methylmercury poisoning, and many survivors experienced terrible physical
and mental disabilities.
Important lessons can be learned from this environmental catastrophe. One is that unanticipated
consequences may result from human activities that are thought to be environmentally safe. In the Minamata
case, it was believed that the dumping of wastewater containing inorganic mercury would not cause serious
damage to the marine environment. At the time, it was not known that bacteria in sediment are capable of
transforming mercury into bio-magnifying and toxic methylmercury. Moreover, even when it was recognized
that this was happening, and that people and wildlife were being poisoned, business interests and regulatory
and political authorities did not act decisively to ensure that people were no longer exposed to the toxic threat.
This negligence greatly compounded the problem.
In any event, the tragic case of Minamata Bay has improved our understanding of the consequences of
Anthropogenic Sources
Industrial processes used to mine, process, and use metals can result in the pollution of air, water, and land (refer to
Figure 13.1).
Mining Residues
Areas near mine sites may be badly damaged by the dumping of metal-rich excavation waste (rocks whose metal
concentration is not high enough to be considered commercial ore). Because these materials may be toxic, vegetation
development can be restricted to early successional communities, such as sparse grassland. In some cases, soil toxicity
is severe enough that few plants manage to establish even after hundreds of years. This can be seen on mine wastes
from 2000-year-old Roman lead workings in England and Wales.
Ecologists studying British sites polluted by mine wastes have found that these habitats often support plant ecotypes
that are genetically tolerant of the metals that are present. The locally adapted ecotypes can grow in metal-polluted
soils, where non-tolerant plants are eliminated by the toxic stress. Conversely, the tolerant ecotypes are poor
competitors in non-polluted environments, and so are rare in habitats unaffected by metal toxicity.
Research into metal-tolerant ecotypes has provided insights into the process of evolution (Chapter 6). Metal-tolerant
individuals do occur in populations growing on non-polluted sites, but they are rare. However, the frequency of
tolerant genotypes increases quickly after metal pollution occurs. In places with sharp boundaries between polluted
and non-polluted soils, a tolerant population can maintain itself over a distance of only a few metres. This is possible
because the intense toxicity of polluted soil strongly favours the survival and reproduction of tolerant individuals. Such
a population-level change in genetically based characters, occurring in response to an agent of natural selection (in
this case, metal pollution), is a demonstration of evolution (more specifically, microevolution).
Metal-tolerant ecotypes have been studied near Sudbury, where pollution by nickel and copper has been caused by
emissions from smelters and roast beds (see Chapter 16). Plant communities of polluted sites are dominated by metal-
tolerant ecotypes of several grasses, particularly Agrostis gigantea and Deschampsia caespitosa. Meadows of these
grasses developed soon after the extremely tall “superstack” was commissioned in 1972. Because it dispersed emissions
widely, the superstack greatly reduced ground-level SO2 pollution. However, soil in the area remained acidic and
polluted with metals. The local ecotypes of these grasses can tolerate toxic stress from acidity and metals, but are
intolerant of SO2, which is why the grasslands did not develop until after the superstack began to operate.
The metal tolerance of the grass Deschampsia caespitosa has been studied. Plants were grown in solutions containing
the metals of interest, and were compared with controls (Figure 18.3). The data show that the Sudbury population is
tolerant of nickel and copper, which occur in their native soil at concentrations of about 400 ppm, compared with 20
ppm at non-polluted reference sites. The Sudbury population is also more tolerant of aluminum. This is a response to
the greater solubility and toxicity of aluminum in acidic soil near the smelters (which had a pH of 3.5-3.9, compared
with pH 6.8-7.2 at reference sites).
Figure 18.4. Tolerance of a Grass to Metals. Populations of the hairgrass (Deschampsia caespitose) were
collected from metal-polluted places near Sudbury and from reference sites where metals are not a problem.
The index of metal tolerance is based on the root growth that occurs when plants are grown in solutions
Metal-Containing Tailings
Once ore is mined, it is ground to a fine powder in a process called milling. The powder is then separated into a
valuable metal-rich fraction, which is roasted and smelted, plus large quantities of waste tailings. In most cases, the
tailings are dumped into a low-lying contained area, which when full is covered with vegetation as a stabilization
measure. Although the tailings are a waste product, they still contain high concentrations of metals, and that can make
it difficult to establish vegetation after a dump is filled. In addition, if sulphide minerals are present, acidity is
generated when they become oxidized by bacteria, and that makes the toxicity worse. Chemical analyses of tailings
from several Canadian mines are shown in Table 18.2. The tailings contain high concentrations of various metals,
depending on the ore being processed. The acidic tailings are especially toxic, because metals are much more soluble
and bioavailable under acidic conditions.
Table 18.2. Chemical Analyses of Metal-Contaminated Tailings. Samples were taken from sites in the Yukon and
northern Ontario. Metal data are in ppm, sulphur in %. Data modified from Kuja (1980).
One such disaster occurred in 2014 in the Cariboo region of central British Columbia, when an accidental breach
occurred at the tailings disposal area of a copper- gold mine at Mount Polley. The massive spill involved about
10-million cubic metres of water and 4.5-million cubic metres of slurry (a fluid mixture of tailings particles and water)
(Allen and Voiland, 2014). The great scouring flow eroded banks and uprooted trees and much of the volume eventually
deposited into nearby Polley Lake, whose surface rose by 1.5 metres. Some of the flow then continued via Hazeltine
Creek into the much larger Quesnel Lake, which had been famous as a deep, pristine waterbody. By the end of the day
of the breach, the 4-km2 tailings pond was almost empty. In this case, the cause of the breach appears to have been
over-filling of an under-engineered tailings disposal area.
Image 18.2. A catastrophic release of tailings occurred at the Mount Polley mine in 2014. The top image shows
the tailings-disposal area prior to the breach, with the light-blue colour representing the area where wastes
were being dumped. The bottom image shows conditions after the breach, with almost all of the volume of the
dump site having escaped to Polley Lake and some also to Quesnel Lake. Source: NASA (2014).
Image 18.3. Tailings are the fine waste that remains after ore is ground and processed to remove metal-rich
minerals. Tailings contain high concentrations of metals and can generate acidity when exposed to the
atmosphere. These conditions make it difficult to establish vegetation after disposal sites are filled. This is a
view of a reclaimed area of tailings near Sudbury. Most of the vegetation was sown, but native shrubs and trees
are also becoming established. Source: B. Freedman.
The tailings are a finely ground material, composed mainly of minerals that are not particularly toxic. However,
The reclamation procedures result in a stable grassland being established, which is then invaded by native
shrubs, trees, and other plants. The methods include the following:
1. application of 900 kg/ha of limestone (CaCO3), which raises the pH of the tailings to 4.5-5.5 and reduces the
availability of metals
2. several applications of fertilizer during the initial stages of grassland establishment, with nitrogen being
especially important
3. application of an organic mulch to improve the water-holding and aeration characteristics of the surface
4. sowing with a mixture of long-lived pasture grasses and legumes, as well as annual rye (Secale cereale),
which provides a short-lived nurse crop that helps mitigate the stressful microclimate for tender seedlings
of the perennial grasses and legumes
As vegetation establishes and develops on the reclaimed tailings-disposal areas, some animals begin to use the
habitat. Birds that breed in the grassy habitat and its central pond include mallard and black ducks (Anas
platyrhynchos and A. rubripes), American kestrel (Falco sparverius), killdeer (Charadrius vociferus), and
savannah sparrow (Passerculus sandwichensis). At least 90 species of birds have been observed to use the
reclaimed tailings dump and its pond during migration.
A smelter is a large industrial facility where ore is roasted. This is done to oxidize sulphide minerals, a process that
results in large amounts of waste SO2 and metallic particulates. In most cases today, pollution-control technologies are
used to recover much of the SO2 and particulates before the flue-gases are vented to the atmosphere. In the past,
however, those wastes were emitted into the environment, causing intense pollution and ecological damage. As
recently as several decades ago this was a common practice, and it still is for some older smelters. Newer smelters
operate much more cleanly.
A smelter is a point source of toxic stress to surrounding ecosystems. Emissions may result in well-defined spatial
gradients of both pollution and its resulting ecological damage, which diminish with increasing distance. Studies of
damage near smelters indicate the following generalizations:
• Close to the point source, pollution by atmospheric SO2 and metals in soil is most severe
• The intensity of pollution decreases rapidly (more or less exponentially) with increasing distance from the smelter.
• Damage to vegetation varies with the intensity of toxic stress and includes decreases in biomass, productivity, and
species diversity, with only a few low-growing species occurring in the most polluted habitats
• Ecological processes such as nutrient cycling and decomposition are disrupted by toxic metals, gases, and acidity
The pattern of metal pollution around a point source can be illustrated by the Copper Cliff smelter near Sudbury.
Figure 18.4 shows that metal concentrations in the environment decline rapidly with increasing distance from that
smelter. These data specifically refer to the forest floor, but similar observations are seen in soil, vegetation, lakewater,
and other components of the ecosystem.
As we examined in Chapter 16, SO2 has also been an important pollutant in the Sudbury area. Consequently, it is
difficult to determine the specific role of toxic metals in causing ecological damage. One way to investigate the
influence of metals is to grow plants in polluted soil in a greenhouse, where SO2 is not present. These bioassay
experiments have demonstrated that soil collected near the smelters is toxic, mainly because of its high concentrations
of metals. To a substantial degree, the toxicity persists even after the soil acidity is neutralized by adding lime.
Not all smelters emit both SO2 and metals. The ecological damage that results from those that emit only metallic
particulates has consequently been caused by metal pollution. One well-studied smelter, at Gusum, Sweden, has
operated since 1661 (Tyler, 1984). Zinc is an important pollutant there, reaching concentrations as high as 2%
(20-thousand ppm) in surface organic matter close to the point source, compared with less than 200 ppm farther than
6 km away. Copper pollution is similar, reaching 1.7% within 0.3 km, compared with 20 ppm beyond 6 km. The zinc and
copper pollution has caused local ecological damage. Pine and birch trees have died or declined close to the source,
and understorey plants, mosses, lichens, and soil-dwelling invertebrates have been damaged. Rates of decomposition
and nutrient cycling are also impaired in the most polluted sites. Some plants, however, are tolerant of the metal
pollution at Gusum. They include the grass Deschampsia flexuosa and the moss Pohlia nutans, which do relatively well
in sites that are toxic to other plants.
Until the 1970s, inorganic chemicals were widely used as pesticides in agriculture (see also Chapter 22). This was
especially true in fruit orchards, where pesticides based on lead arsenate, calcium arsenate, copper sulphate, and
related compounds were used to control fungal diseases and arthropod pests. These compounds have now been
largely displaced by synthetic organic pesticides.
However, until the mid-1970s, annual spray rates of lead in Ontario orchards were as high as 8.7 kg/ha, while arsenic
treatments reached 2.7 kg/ha, zinc 7.5 kg/ha, and copper 3.0 kg/ha (Frank et al., 1976). The spray rates depended on
Residues of these chemicals accumulated in the soil of treated orchards. Studies of apple orchards found residues as
high as 890 ppm of lead and 126 ppm of arsenic in surface soil, compared with background levels of <25 ppm lead and
<10 ppm arsenic (Figure 18.5). The accumulations were caused by up to 70 years of spraying lead arsenate as an
insecticide, mostly against the codling moth (Laspeyresia pomonella), a pest that causes “wormy” apples.
Figure 18.6. Accumulation of Arsenic and Lead in Orchards. Lead arsenate was used as an insecticide to combat
infestations of apple orchards with codling moth. These data show the progressive accumulation of arsenic and
lead in soils of orchards in southern Ontario. The largest residues are in the oldest orchards, which had been
sprayed for many years. The background concentration for lead is 20 ppm, and for arsenic it is 10 ppm. Source:
Data from Frank et al. (1976).
Agricultural soil can also be contaminated by the use of mercury-containing fungicides, especially those that protect
newly germinated seedlings from a fungal infection known as damping-off. This pathogen attacks seedlings at the soil-
air interface and causes the weakened plant to fall over and die. Mercury-containing pesticides are also used to control
turfgrass diseases on golf-course putting greens. Mercury residues ranging from 24-120 ppm have been measured in
the soil of putting greens in Ontario, while up to 9 ppm was found in Nova Scotia. The sowing of seed coated with
mercuric fungicide has caused poisoning of wild animals that consumed the planted grain or ate herbivores that did so.
Alkyl-mercury compounds such as methylmercury are especially hazardous in this respect because this form is
extremely toxic and readily assimilated by animals from their food. Figure 18.6 shows the mercury contamination of
seed-eating wildlife in regions of Alberta where treated seed was used, compared with areas where that exposure did
not occur. Use of these fungicides was common until the early 1970s.
Figure 18.7. Mercury in Animals Feeding on Treated Seed. Seed-eating rodents and birds were exposed to alkyl-
mercury fungicide by feeding on treated seed in agricultural areas in Alberta. Data are also presented for an
area where mercury-treated seed was not used (labelled as untreated). The data are average data for liver and
are in ppm dry weight. Source: Data from Fimreite et al. (1970).
Figure 18.8. Mercury Contamination of Swedish Hawks. (a) Mercury in feathers of goshawks (Accipiter gentilis),
during various time periods; (b) Mercury in feathers of marsh harriers (Circus aeruginosus). Note the large
increase in contamination caused by the use of alkyl-mercury fungicides and the rapid decrease that followed
the banning of these chemicals in 1966. Source: Data from Johnels et al. (1979).
Millions of birds have suffered lead poisoning in North America each year because they ate spent shotgun pellets. Most
of the spent shot was associated with hunting. In Canada, for example, about 2000 tonnes of lead shot were used by
hunters each year in the early 1990s. Although more localized, skeet shooting was also a problem because of the large
amount of shot deposited, up to tonnes of lead each year.
After being ingested by a seed-eating bird, lead shot may be retained in the gizzard, a muscular forepouch of the
stomach. Hard grit is normally retained in the gizzard and used to grind tough-coated seeds, aiding in their digestion.
Unfortunately, shotgun pellets are similar in size and weight to the grit that many birds select for this purpose. The
Waterfowl have been especially widely affected, with 2-3 million individuals, or 2-3% of the North American
population, dying each year from lead-shot poisoning in the early 1990s. The retention of just one or two pellets in its
gizzard can poison a duck, causing a wasting away of 30-50% of its body weight, neurological toxicity, and ultimately
death. Typically, about 10% of the waterfowl surveyed in North America had one or more shotgun pellets in their
gizzard. Larger aquatic birds, such as swans, are known to retain lead fishing weights in their gizzard. Lead sinkers or
shot were cited as the cause of 20-50% of the mortality of trumpeter swans (Cygnus buccinator) in western North
America. Lead sinkers are also known to poison tundra swans (C. columbianus) wintering in the eastern United States,
mute swans (C. olor) in Europe, and common loons (Gavia immer) in Canada and the United States. In Canada, about
500 t/y of lead fishing sinkers and jigs were lost in the early 1990s.
A related syndrome, caused by ingesting lead shot and bullets, afflicts birds that scavenge dead carcasses. Although the
numbers are not well documented, this poisoning is known to kill vultures, eagles, and other scavenging birds. The
critically endangered California condor (Gymnogyps californianus) has been relatively well studied – about 60% of its
known deaths in the wild between 1980 and 1986 were caused by toxicity from ingested bullets in carrion. Because of
the widespread poisoning of birds by lead shot, regulators have now restricted its use. Lead shot is banned over most
of the United States. In Canada, the use of non-toxic shot has been required in all wetland areas since 1997 and in all
other hunting areas since 1999. The use of lead shot for hunting is being replaced mostly by steel shot, and to a lesser
degree by bismuth shot. The restricted use of lead shot has caused some controversy because many hunters believe
that the alternative shot types might cause more crippling deaths. However, field tests have shown this effect to be
marginal, as long as the inferior ballistic qualities of the alternatives are compensated for by shooting at closer
distances or by using a larger size of shot.
Lead emitted by automobiles has contributed to a general contamination of urban environments. From 1923, but
particularly after 1945, tetraethyl lead was added to gasoline as a so-called “anti-knock” compound. The lead increases
mechanical efficiency and gasoline economy, while decreasing engine wear. In 1975, about 95% of the gasoline used in
North America was leaded at concentrations as high as 770 ppm. In 1987, only 35% of the gasoline was leaded, and the
maximum permitted then was 290 mg/L. The decreased use of lead between 1975 and 1987 was mostly due to the
increased use of catalytic converters to reduce emissions of other automobile pollutants, especially carbon monoxide
and hydrocarbons. Automobiles equipped with a catalytic converter can only use unleaded gasoline, because the
catalysts, usually platinum, are rendered inactive by lead. The increasing use of unleaded fuels resulted in a 93%
decrease in lead particulates in the air of Canadian cities between 1977 and 1989.
After 1990, the use of leaded gasoline was banned in Canada and the United States (the only exceptions were low-lead
fuels [up to 30 ppm] for use in some farm vehicles, marine engines, and large trucks). Consequently, emissions of lead
from automobiles in Canada decreased from about 9,500 t in 1978 to less than 100 t/y since 1995. However, many other
countries, particularly in the less-developed world, continue to allow the use of leaded fuels.
Almost all of the lead in gasoline is emitted as particulates through the vehicle tailpipe. The larger particulates settle
out close to the roadway. This results in the buildup of a well-defined gradient of lead pollution, the intensity of which
is related to traffic volume. This pattern of roadside pollution is illustrated in Figure 18.8 (this study was made prior to
the banning of leaded fuels). Finer lead particulates are more widely dispersed in the atmosphere and contribute to the
general contamination that occurs in cities. Not surprisingly, studies have shown some effects of lead on urban wildlife.
For example, pigeons (Columba livia) living in cities can have significant residues of lead and may exhibit symptoms of
acute poisoning.
Freedman (1982).
Overall, there have been large reductions in the emissions of lead in Canada, and also in other developed countries
(Figure 18.9). This improvement in environmental conditions has occurred because of the banning of leaded gasoline as
well as improved emissions controls at smelters and other industrial facilities.
Figure 18.10. Lead Emissions in Canada. The especially large decrease in 1995 was due to the banning of leaded
gasoline, and much of the continuing reduction was due to improvements of industrial practices. Source: Data
from Environment Canada (2015).
All of the naturally occurring elements are present in at least a trace level of contamination in all components of the
environment – in the air, water, soil, and organisms. Sometimes their concentration is naturally elevated, as occurs
when an ore body is present at the surface of the ground. Increasingly, however, anthropogenic activities are
responsible for large emissions of toxic elements to the environment, and in some cases this has resulted in serious
damage to ecosystems and in toxicity to people. The worst cases of pollution involve industrial practices that are no
longer allowed in Canada or other wealthy countries, such as uncontrolled emissions of metals from smelters, the
dumping of mercury into aquatic environments, the use of leaded gasoline, and the use of lead shot for hunting.
Nevertheless, pollution by toxic elements is still an important problem. Damage is still being caused to ecosystems and
organisms by releases of lead, mercury, and other toxic elements. This is true of all parts of the world, although
pollution by toxic elements in poorer countries is much less controlled than in wealthier ones.
1. How can we identify normal (or reference) levels, contamination, and pollution by metals and other elements given
that these substances are ubiquitous in the environment?
2. What are the important sources of metal emissions to the environment?
3. What is the difference between the total and available concentrations of metals?
4. Describe the spatial pattern of metal pollution around a large point source of emissions, such as a smelter.
1. Do you think that environmental damage similar to that near Sudbury is likely to be caused if a new smelter is
constructed to process the ore mined at the ore deposit at Voisey’s Bay, Labrador? (Note that the ores in both
cases are similar – they contain sulphide minerals of nickel and copper.)
2. Important environmental benefits have been gained by banning the use of leaded gasoline in Canada. Why were
there long delays in taking similarly vigorous actions against the use of lead shot in hunting and skeet shooting and
lead weights in fishing?
3. Pick an element that was examined in this chapter and research its benefits, toxicity, effects on the environment,
control, and mitigation.
4. Explain the principles of bioaccumulation and biomagnification using the case of methylmercury in aquatic
ecosystems. Why do you think these phenomena were unanticipated “surprises” to environmental scientists?
Exploring Issues
1. Assume that Canada and the United States are negotiating a treaty to govern their emissions of mercury to the
environment. You are a science advisor to the Canadian team. Some members of the team want to press for a “zero
emissions” policy, believing that no emissions of mercury to the environment are acceptable. They ask for your
advice on this issue. What kinds of information about the toxicity of mercury, to humans and to wild ecosystems,
do you need in order to give the team objective advice about the proposed zero-emissions policy? Also, is it
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Foulkes, E.C. (ed.). 1990. Biological Effects of Heavy Metals. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL.
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and vineyards of southern Ontario. Canadian Journal of Soil Science, 56: 463-484.
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Gilmour, C.C. and E.A. Henry. 1991. Mercury methylation in aquatic systems affected by acid deposition. Environmental
Pollution, 71: 131-169.
Gunn, J.M. (ed.). 1995. Restoration and Recovery of an Industrial Region: Progress in Restoring the Smelter-Damaged
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Johnels, A., G. Tyler, and T. Westermark. 1979. A history of mercury levels in Swedish fauna. Ambio, 8: 160-168.
Kruckeberg, A.R. 1984. California Serpentine: Flora, Vegetation, Geology, Soils, and Management Problems. University of
California Press, Los Angeles, CA.
McKay, C. 1985. Freshwater Fish Contamination in Canadian Waters. Chemical Hazards Division, Department of
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Mierle, G. 1990. Aqueous inputs of mercury to Precambrian Shield lakes in Ontario. Environmental Contamination &
Chemistry, 9: 843-851.
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NASA Earth Observatory. http://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/IOTD/view.php?id=84202&src=ve
Ontario Ministry of Environment and Energy (MOEE). 2014. Eating Ontario Sport Fish (2013-14). MOEE, Toronto,
ON. https://web.archive.org/web/20141009013225/http://www.ontario.ca/environment-and-energy/guide-eating-
Peters, T.H. 1984. Rehabilitation of mine tailings: a case of complete ecosystem reconstruction and revegetation of
industrially stressed lands in the Sudbury area, Ontario, Canada. Pp. 403-421 In: Effects of Pollutants at the Ecosystem
Level. (P.J. Sheehan, D.R. Miller, and P. Bourdeau, eds.), Wiley, New York, NY.
Ripley, E.A., R.E. Redmann, and A.A. Crowder. 1996. Environmental Effects of Mining. St. Lucie Press, Delray Beach, FL.
Salomons, W., U. Förstner, and P. Mader (eds.). 1995. Heavy Metals: Problems and Solutions. Springer, New York, NY.
Sanderson, G.C. and F.C. Bellrose. 1986. Lead Poisoning in Waterfowl. Special Publication 4, Illinois Natural History
Society, Urbana, IL.
Sarkar, B. (ed.). 2002. Heavy Metals in the Environment. Marcel Dekker, New York, NY. Scheuhammer, A.M. and S.L.
Norris. 1996. The ecotoxicology of lead shot and lead fishing weights. Ecotoxicology, 5: 279-295.
Spitz, K. and J. Trudinger. 2008. Mining and the Environment: From Ore to Metal. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL.
Spry, D.J. and J.G. Weiner. 1991. Metal bioavailability and toxicity to fish in low-alkalinity lakes: A critical review.
Environmental Pollution, 71: 243-304.
Thompson, D.R., K.C. Hamer, and R.W. Furness. 1991. Mercury accumulation in great skuas (Catharacta skua) of known
age and sex, and its effect on breeding and survival. Journal of Applied Ecology, 28: 672-684.
Tyler, G. 1984. The impact of heavy metal pollution on forests: A case study of Gusum, Sweden. Ambio, 13: 18-24.
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condors. Journal of Wildlife Management, 52: 238-247.
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Wong, M.H.W. and A.D. Bradshaw. 2003. The Restoration and Management of Derelict Land: Modern Approaches.
World Scientific Publishers, London, UK.
1. Describe the most important chemical ingredients of precipitation and explain which ones may cause acidity to
2. Outline the spatial patterns of acidic precipitation in North America, and identify factors influencing this
3. Explain the difference between the wet and dry deposition of acidifying substances and how their rates vary.
4. Describe how water chemistry is affected as precipitation interacts with vegetation and soil, and explain the
implications for surface waters.
5. Identify factors that make fresh waters vulnerable to acidification.
6. Describe the effects of acidification on freshwater organisms.
7. Discuss the roles of liming and fertilization in the reclamation of acidified lakes.
8. Explain the importance of reducing emissions of sulphur and nitrogen gases to mitigating the acidification of
surface waters.
Acidification is a process that is characterized by increasing concentrations of hydrogen ions (H+) in soil or water. It
can cause metals and their compounds to ionize, producing ions (such as Al3+) in concentrations high enough to be
toxic to plants, animals, and microorganisms. Consequently, increasing acidification is usually interpreted as a
degradation of environmental quality. Acidification is caused by many influences, both natural and anthropogenic, but
the most widespread problems are associated with a phenomenon commonly referred to as acid rain.
Acid rain has been an important problem in parts of North America since at least the 1950s, but it did not become a
high-profile issue until the early 1970s. This rather sudden attention resulted from the discovery that acid rain was a
widespread problem in Western Europe, and the realization that the same conditions likely occurred in North America.
This awareness stimulated research in Canada and the United States, which demonstrated that acid rain was causing a
widespread acidification of lakes and streams, and possibly of soil. The acidification of aquatic ecosystems was
resulting in important ecological damage, including the loss of many fish populations. Buildings and other materials
were also being damaged because acidity erodes metals, paint, and some kinds of quarried stone.
Strictly speaking, the term “acid rain” refers only to acidic rainfall, which along with snowfall accounts for wet
deposition. However, acidifying chemicals are also deposited from the atmosphere when it is not raining or snowing,
through the dry deposition of certain gases and particulates. A suitable phrase to define this complex of processes is
“the deposition of acidifying substances from the atmosphere”, or more simply, acidifying deposition. In this chapter
we examine natural and anthropogenic causes of the acidification of ecosystems. We focus on the chemical qualities of
acidic precipitation and dry deposition, their effects on terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems, and how acidification can
be avoided or mitigated.
Acids and bases react together to form water and a neutral salt. If equal numbers of moles of each are present,
the solution has both zero acidity and zero alkalinity – the concentrations of H+ and OH–are both exactly 1 ×
10-7mol/L. Such a solution is said to be neutral.
Because extremely wide ranges of H+ and OH– concentrations are encountered in nature and in laboratories,
acidity is measured in logarithmic units, which are referred to as pH (an abbreviation for “potential of
hydrogen”). pH is defined as –log10H+], or the negative logarithm to base 10 of the aqueous concentration of
hydrogen ion, expressed in units of moles per litre. Acidic solutions have a pH less than 7.0, while alkaline
solutions have a pH greater than 7.0. Note that a one-unit difference in pH implies a 10-fold difference in the
concentration of hydrogen or hydroxyl ions. The scale illustrated below shows the pH of some commonly
encountered substances.
Chemistry of Precipitation
Scientists have adopted a functional definition of acidic precipitation as having a pH less than 5.65. This was chosen as
the cut-off because at pH 5.65, an aqueous solution of carbonic acid (H2CO3) is in equilibrium with atmospheric CO2,
as follows: CO2 + H2O ⇌ H2CO3 ⇌ H+ + HCO3– ⇌ 2H+ + CO32-
This definition assumes that “non-acidic” precipitation is essentially distilled water, in which the acidity is determined
only by the atmospheric concentration of CO2 and the amount of carbonic acid that subsequently develops. This is why
the threshold below which precipitation is deemed “acidic” is set at the slightly acidic pH of 5.65, rather than at the
strict zero-acidity pH of 7.0 (see In Detail 19.1).
It is, however, too simplistic to consider atmospheric moisture as consisting merely of distilled water in a pH
equilibrium with gaseous CO2. Additional chemicals are also present in trace concentrations in precipitation. For
example, on windy days, dust containing calcium and magnesium is blown into the atmosphere, and precipitation
containing these elements may develop a pH higher than 5.65. This is especially true of agricultural and prairie
landscapes, where the ground surface is often bare of plant cover and soil particles may be easily eroded into the
atmosphere. In some other regions, a relatively high concentration of naturally occurring sulphate in the atmosphere
may result in precipitation having a pH less than 5.65.
This principle is relevant to the acidification of water. The concentration of H+ can be determined as the
difference in concentrations of the sum of all anion equivalents minus the sum of all cations other than H+.
Therefore, if the total equivalents of anions exceed the total equivalents of cations other than hydrogen ion,
then H+ must go into solution to balance the cation “deficit,” as follows: H+ = (SO42- + NO3– + Cl–) – (Na+ + NH4+
+ Ca2+ + Mg2+)
The above equation has proven to be useful in studies of acidic precipitation. Prior to about 1955, the
measurement of pH was somewhat inaccurate. There were, however, reliable analyses of other important ions
in surface waters and precipitation. In such cases, the equation can be used to calculate pre-1955 pH values,
providing important data for studies of the historical pH in waters sensitive to acidification.
One of the longest-running records of precipitation chemistry is from a research site at Hubbard Brook, New
Hampshire, in a region exposed to intense acidifying deposition. During 1967-1971, when acid rain was relatively severe,
the average pH of precipitation at Hubbard Brook was 4.1. This level of acidity then relaxed somewhat to pH 4.9 in
1991-1995 because of decreased industrial emissions, particularly of the acid-forming gas SO2, and then even more so
in 2009-2013 because of further decreases in SO2emissions (Table 19.1; see In Detail 19.2 for an explanation of
equivalents). Sulphate and nitrate are the most important anions in precipitation, and from 1967-1971 they occurred
accounted for 88% of the anion equivalents. During 2009-2013 these two still contributed 87% of the anion equivalents,
although their total amounts were considerable smaller. These data suggest that most of the acidity in the
precipitation occurs as dilute solutions of sulphuric and nitric acids. The precipitation events at Hubbard Brook that
are most acidic are associated with storms that have passed over the large metropolitan regions of Boston, New York,
and New Jersey. These areas have enormous emissions of SO2 and NOx, which are the precursor gases of much of the
SO42- and NO3– in acidic precipitation.
Table 19.1. Chemistry of Precipitation at Hubbard Brook. The data represent the average concentration (in
microequivalents per litre, or µeq/L) of various ions in precipitation during three 5-year periods. The small
difference between the sums of cation and anion equivalents is due to analytical inaccuracies, which are
inevitable in even the best chemical data. Source: Data from Buso et al. (2003).
Acidic precipitation is a widespread phenomenon in eastern North America (Figure 19.1), Europe, eastern Asia, and
elsewhere. In eastern North America prior to the mid-1950s, precipitation with pH below 4.6 affected only relatively
local areas, mostly in southern Ontario, New York, Pennsylvania, and New England. Since then, however, this area has
expanded considerably. At present, most of southeastern Canada and the eastern United States experiences acidic
precipitation. It appears that the spatial pattern in North America existed before the 1950s, but the phenomenon has
since become more widespread and its intensity has increased. One of the most important aspects of acidic
precipitation is the vast size of the areas it affects.
Precipitation chemistry varies greatly between regions (Figure 19.1). The variation reflects the patterns of emission of
SO2 and NOx, the degree of oxidation of those gases to SO42- and NO3-, the prevailing direction travelled by polluted
air masses, and the amount of acid-neutralizing dust in the atmosphere. Atmospheric dust is particularly important
where vegetation cover is sparse, such as in agricultural regions where tiny soil particles are easily eroded into the
atmosphere by strong winds blowing over bare fields. Unpaved roads are also an important source of atmospheric
Figure 19.2. Characteristics of Precipitation in Eastern North America. Points on the curved lines (known as
isopleths) have equal annual average values of (a) pH in precipitation; (b) sulphate deposition in precipitation (in
kg/ha•y; this is excess sulphate, which is corrected for sulphate of marine origin); and (c) nitrate deposition (in
Table 19.2. Precipitation Chemistry in Various Places in Canada. The data (in µeq/L) are average concentrations
in wet-only precipitation, meaning the collector was open to the atmosphere only during rain or snow events.
The ELA (Experimental Lakes Area) site is in a remote area of northwestern Ontario near Kenora (see Canadian Focus
20.1). Like Dorset, the ELA is in a largely forested landscape of Precambrian Shield, where bedrock and soil are
composed of hard minerals such as granite and gneiss. However, the ELA site is much less influenced by air masses
affected by anthropogenic emissions (labelled as “remote continental”), so its precipitation is not as acidic (average pH
4.7) than at Dorset and has less nitrate and sulphate.
The Kejimkujik site in western Nova Scotia is also underlain by hard granitic bedrock and the nearby terrain is forested.
This site is distant from large sources of emissions of SO2 and NOx, but it often receives air masses that have passed
over densely populated areas in the northeastern United States and eastern Canada. However, by the time the storm
systems reach Kejimkujik, much of their acidic material has rained out, so the local precipitation is only moderately
acidic (average pH 4.6). Kejimkujik is also influenced by oceanic weather systems, so its precipitation has high
concentrations of sodium and chloride that are derived from sea spray. Oceanic salt water has a pH of about 8.0
because of the presence of chemicals such as bicarbonate, so marine aerosols have an acid-neutralizing influence on
the precipitation in coastal regions.
Lethbridge is located in a landscape of mixed-grass prairie in southern Alberta. Precipitation there is non-acidic
(average pH 6.0) because of the neutralizing influence of calcium- and magnesium-rich particulates that are relatively
abundant in the atmosphere. These originate with dust blown up from agricultural fields and roads. This dust also
accounts for the abundant Ca2+ and Mg2+ in the precipitation.
Rapid changes in precipitation chemistry may occur at the border between a forested landscape and areas dominated
by prairie or agricultural land. A study in southern Ontario examined precipitation at eight places in a forested area
with thin soil and Precambrian bedrock, and at three sites just south of the Shield in agricultural terrain with calcium-
rich soil (Dillon et al., 1977). The average pH of precipitation among the Shield sites was 4.1-4.2, while at sites to the
south it was 4.8-5.8. Precipitation was less acidic in the agricultural area because of the local neutralizing influence of
dust blown up from fields and roads.
Another important characteristic of acidic precipitation is that, unlike SO2 and metal particulates, its intensity does not
increase closer to large point sources of emissions, such as a coal-fired power plant or a smelter. For instance,
precipitation is no more acidic close to the superstack at Sudbury than in the larger region, yet that is Canada’s largest
point sources of SO2. Moreover, when that smelter was closed by a strike in 1979, the acidity of local precipitation did
not change – it averaged pH 4.49 during the seven-month strike, compared with pH 4.52 during the prior seven months
when there were large SO2 emissions (Scheider et al., 1980).
Fog moisture may also be quite acidic in eastern North America and elsewhere. Fogwater collected at high elevations
and at coastal locations is commonly more acidic than pH 4.0, and it can be as acidic as pH 2.5-3.0. At forested sites
where fog is a common occurrence, large amounts of acidity and other chemicals are filtered out of the atmosphere by
trees. This occurs because tiny suspended water droplets coalesce on the surface of foliage and bark as fog passes
through a forest canopy, a process that removes much of the fogwater from the atmosphere. This phenomenon is
illustrated in Table 19.3 for a conifer forest on a mountain that often experiences foggy conditions. The total input of
atmospheric moisture to that forest was 264 cm/year, with rain and snow accounting for 68% and fogwater 32% (fog
was present 40% of the time). However, the concentrations of many chemicals are much higher in fogwater than in
precipitation – because the suspended water droplets are tiny, the dissolved chemicals are less “diluted” by their
aqueous matrix. As a result, the rates of deposition of dissolved substances to the forest can be higher than from
precipitation. At this particular location, fog water accounted for 62% of the H+ deposition and 81% of the inputs of
SO42- and NO3-.
Table 19.3. Chemistry and Deposition of Fogwater. The deposition of water and ions was studied in a conifer
forest at a high-elevation site on Mount Moosilauke, New Hampshire. Fogwater deposition occurs when
Acidifying substances and their gaseous precursors are often transported over long distances in the atmosphere, far
from their sources of emission. The acidifying chemicals do not respect political boundaries, so emissions occurring in
one country can degrade ecosystems and valuable resources in other countries. This transboundary context has
helped to focus the attention of governments on the problem of acidifying deposition from the atmosphere.
In Western Europe, for example, Scandinavians justifiably argued that most of the acidifying deposition that has
affected extensive regions of their landscape has resulted from emissions of SO2 and NOx in Germany and England.
This international European context was the first well-demonstrated case of so-called LRTAP, an acronym for the
long-range transport of atmospheric pollutants.
Similar transboundary circumstances occur elsewhere. In eastern North America, there are large populations and
industrial centres in the northeastern United States. Emissions of SO2 and NOx from those areas often waft into
eastern Canada, worsening damage caused there by local emissions. U.S. emissions are responsible for about 90% of
the wet deposition of acidifying nitrogen compounds in eastern Canada, along with 63% of the wet deposition of
sulphur compounds, 43% of the dry deposition of nitrogen, and 24% of the dry deposition of sulphur (Shannon and
Lecht, 1986). Canada also exports some of its emissions to the United States, although Canadian emissions account for
less than 5% of the total deposition of sulphur and nitrogen compounds in the eastern states. In total, Canada receives
about 4 million tonnes of SO2 per year from the United States (Environment Canada, 1999).
Dry Deposition
Dry deposition occurs during intervals between precipitation events, and it includes the following:
• the direct uptake of gaseous SO2 and NOx by vegetation, soil, and water
• gravitational settling of larger particles
• the filtering of suspended particulates by vegetation
Dry deposition occurs to all kinds of habitat, but forest is particularly effective at absorbing gases and particles from
Dry deposition can result in large inputs of substances from the atmosphere, including some that generate acidity
when they are chemically transformed within the ecosystem. For instance, atmospheric SO2 readily dissolves into the
surface water of lakes and streams. This gas is also freely absorbed by plants – it enters foliage through tiny abundant
pores on the surface known as stomata, and then dissolves into the moist film of water that covers the surface of cells
in a sub-stomatal cavity. In this sense, the SO2 behaves just like CO2, a vital nutrient, which is also absorbed by plants
in this manner. The absorbed SO2 becomes oxidized to the anion sulphite (SO32-), which is rapidly oxidized to sulphate
(SO42-). Because the sulphate is balanced electrochemically mostly by hydrogen ions, acidity is generated by the
transformation of SO2 gas into the SO42- ion (see Figure 19.2).
Figure 19.3. Acidification Caused by Transformations of Sulphur and Nitrogen. This diagram describes the
acidifying effects of important transformations of nitrogen and sulphur compounds in soil or water. Source:
Modified from Reuss (1985).
NOx gas may be similarly dry-deposited and then oxidized to nitrate (NO3-), which also generates an equivalent
amount of H+. The gas ammonia (NH3) and the cation ammonium (NH4+) can also be dry-deposited to soil or water,
where they can be oxidized by bacteria to nitrate plus equivalent quantities of H+.
The rates of dry deposition of sulphur and nitrogen compounds are greatest when there are high concentrations of
gaseous NOx and SO2 in the atmosphere. Such conditions typically occur in urban areas and close to large industrial
sources of emissions. In those places, dry deposition accounts for much larger inputs of acidifying substances than
does wet deposition. In more remote, less-contaminated environments, far from sources of emission, inputs with
precipitation are typically larger than dry deposition.
Within 40 km of the largest smelter at Sudbury, about 55% of the atmospheric sulphur deposition occurs as dry
deposition (Chan et al., 1984). About 91% of the dry deposition involves gaseous SO2, while the rest is sulphate
particulates. However, the superstack at that smelter, being extremely tall (380 m), is effective at dispersing its
Soil Acidity
Soil acidity is an important factor that affects the growth of plants. Soil acidification is a natural process that has been
demonstrated by studies of succession in ecosystems.
One well-known study was done at Glacier Bay in Alaska. The melting of a glacier in a long fiord is exposing a mineral
substrate of till that has a pH of about 8.0 and contains up to 10% carbonate minerals of calcium and magnesium
(Crocker and Major, 1955). Once exposed, this material becomes modified by colonizing plants and climatic factors.
Rainfall is especially important, because much of it percolates through the soil and leaches dissolved chemicals to
beyond the rooting depth of the plants. These influences result in an increased acidity of the soil, which reaches about
pH 4.8 after 70 years of succession, by which time a conifer forest is established. The acidification is accompanied by
large and progressive declines in the amounts of Ca, Mg, and carbonates in the soil during the succession.
In part, the acidification is caused by the uptake of the nutrients Ca, Mg, and K by trees and other plants, a process that
is accompanied by the excretion of H+ and a decrease in the buffering capacity of the soil (this is related to the ability
of the soil to resist further acidification). The leaching of calcium and other cations out of the soil by rainwater also
contributes to acidification.
Various chemical changes occur as rainwater percolates through the soil and interacts with minerals, organic matter,
microbes, and roots:
These reactions cause important changes to occur in the soil, such as acidification, the leaching of calcium and
magnesium, and the solubilization of metals, particularly toxic ions of aluminum (such as Al3+; see Chapter 18). All of
these processes occur naturally wherever the input of water from precipitation exceeds the amount returned to the
atmosphere by evapotranspiration, so there is a surplus to percolate downward through the soil. These reactions are
also influenced by the kind of vegetation growing on the site. For instance, pines, spruces, and oaks tend to cause soil
to acidify. In addition, the deposition of acidifying substances from the atmosphere can potentially increase the rates
of some of these processes in soil, and thereby increase the leaching of toxic Al3+ and H+ into streams and lakes.
Soil acidity is influenced by numerous chemical transformations and ion exchanges. Some are carried out by
organisms, while others are non-biological reactions. The following are the most important factors affecting soil
• Carbonic Acid. In many terrestrial ecosystems, such as grassland and forest, the surface litter and upper soil are
rich in organic matter and roots. Decomposition and respiration result in high concentrations of CO2 (often
• The Sulphur Cycle. Much of the sulphur in soil occurs in organically bound forms. Microbial processes can
transform this organic sulphur into more highly oxidized compounds, including sulphides and elemental sulphur,
but if oxygen is abundant, these become further oxidized to sulphate. Overall, the oxidation of organic sulphur to
SO42- releases one equivalent of H+ per equivalent of SO42- produced (this is the same as two H+ per SO42- SO42- is
absorbed by a root, an equivalent quantity of OH– is excreted to conserve electrochemical neutrality, so there is no
net effect on acidity. However, if atmospheric deposition causes a direct input of SO42- to the soil, followed by
uptake by plant roots, the net effect is a reduction of acidity. In addition, if the soil is deficient in oxygen
(anaerobic), as commonly occurs in wet sites, then the SO42- can be transformed by microbes into a sulphide
compound, which results in the consumption of an equivalent amount of H+ and a reduction in acidity.
Reactions associated with the sulphur cycle usually have a smaller effect on soil acidity than those involving the
nitrogen cycle. In certain situations, however, the sulphur cycle is dominant. For instance, when a wetland is
drained, its previously anaerobic sediment becomes aerobic. This allows bacteria to oxidize reduced sulphide
compounds into sulphate. Some drained wetlands develop an extremely acidic condition known as acid sulphate
soil. For 10 or more years after drainage occurs, usually to develop agricultural land, the pH can be lower than 3.0.
This severely impairs crop growth, although the acidity can be neutralized by adding calcium carbonate (lime) to
the soil.
Sometimes, sulphide minerals such as pyrite (iron sulphides) become exposed to atmospheric oxygen. This allows
specialized Thiobacillus bacteria to oxidize the sulphides, a process that produces sulphate and oxidized iron ions,
according to the following reaction: 4 FeS2 + 15 O2 + 14 H2O → 4 Fe(OH)3 + 16 H+ + 8 SO42-
This phenomenon, known as acid-mine drainage (or as acid-rock drainage), causes severe acidification of soil and
surface waters. It can cause a pH less than 2.0 to develop, with high concentrations of sulphate and toxic ions of
The potential effects of atmospheric deposition on soil acidity have been studied in experiments in which simulated
rainwater solutions was added to soil contained in plastic cylinders, known as lysimeters. These experiments have
shown that extremely acidic solutions can cause these changes in soil chemistry:
• an increase in acidity
• increased leaching of calcium, magnesium, and potassium, resulting in their depletion and greater vulnerability of
the soil to acidification
• increased solubilization of toxic metal ions, especially of aluminum, but also iron, manganese, and others
• an overwhelming of the ability of soil to absorb sulphate, after which this ion leaches freely, at a rate similar to its
input (because SO42- is an anion, its leaching is accompanied by base cations and toxic Al3+ and H+, which may
contribute to the acidification and toxicity of surface waters.)
One experiment involved the treatment of a sandy soil from jack pine stands with simulated rainwater, adjusted with
sulphuric acid to a pH of 5.7, 4.0, 3.0, or 2.0 (Table 19.4). Even treatment with the extremely acidic pH 2.0 had little
effect on soil acidity, and the percolating solutions had a pH higher than 6.5 in all treatments. However, the leaching of
Ca, Mg, total bases (Ca + Mg + K + Na), and sulphate were much higher in the pH 2.0 treatment. Overall, this experiment
found that the soil was quite resistant to effects of acid loading. Eventually, however, the resistance could be overcome
by treatment with highly acidic solutions, and perhaps by long-term exposure to more moderate acidities. Keep in
mind that experiments such as these are short-term investigations, whereas soil acidification in nature is a slow, long-
term process.
Table 19.4. Experimental Leaching of Soil by Acidic Solutions. The data are concentrations of chemicals in water
that drained from lysimeters containing sandy soil collected from two jack pine (Pinus banksiana) stands in
northern Ontario. The experiment ran for three years, with simulated rainfall of various pH levels added at 100
cm/year as weekly 1-2 hour events. The data are averages of three replicates. Source: Modified from Morrison
Researchers monitoring soil chemistry at particular places in the field can determine whether acidification has
occurred, although such studies do not necessarily identify the causes of the change. For instance, the conversion of
agricultural land into conifer forest usually results in acidification of the soil. In southern Ontario, the afforestation of
abandoned farmland with pine or spruce caused the soil to acidify from pH 5.7 to pH 4.7 after 46 years of forest
development (Brand et al., 1986). It is less understood whether already-forested sites will become more acidic because
of atmospheric inputs of acidifying substances. A study in southern Ontario re-sampled forest soils after a 16-year
interval, in a region where the average pH of precipitation is about 4.1, but no further soil acidification was observed
(Linzon and Temple, 1980).
Overall, studies conducted elsewhere in Canada, and in the United States and Europe, have also come to ambiguous
conclusions about the effects of atmospheric deposition on soil acidification. Except for cases where the atmosphere is
severely polluted by SO2, such as near a metal smelter, there is no convincing evidence that atmospheric deposition
has acidified soil on a wide scale. It appears that soil acidification is a potential long-term risk associated with this type
of pollution.
Terrestrial Vegetation
Numerous studies have demonstrated that plants may be injured by treatment with simulated “acid rain.” In almost all
of the studies, however, the pH that caused acute injuries was more acidic than is normally found in ambient
For example, experiments in Norway exposed young conifer stands to simulated acid rain for three years (Tveite, 1980).
The control treatment was pH 5.6-6.1, while the acidified treatments used pH 4.0 or 3.0. On average, control saplings of
lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta) grew 15–20% less than plants receiving the acidic treatments. Growth of Scotch pine (P.
sylvestris) and birch (Betula pendula) was also stimulated by the acidic treatments, while spruce (Picea abies) was
unaffected. However, the moss-dominated ground vegetation was severely damaged by the most acidic treatment (pH
Laboratory experiments are also useful for determining the effects of rainwater pH on plants, because the
environmental conditions can be well controlled. In general, such experiments do not find reductions of growth until
In general, it appears that trees and other vascular plants have little risk of suffering acute injury from exposure to
ambient acid rain. However, stresses associated with acidic precipitation could possibly decrease plant growth, even in
the absence of acute injuries. These “hidden injuries” (see Chapter 16) might be caused by a subtle disruption of plant
metabolism, or indirectly by changes in soil chemistry. Because acidic precipitation affects extensive regions, even a
small decrease in plant productivity could have important economic and ecological consequences.
Hidden injuries, if they do occur, are most relevant to forest and other kinds of natural vegetation. Agricultural land
becomes acidified mostly through management practices, such as cropping and the use of nitrogen fertilizer.
Moreover, agricultural soil is routinely treated with liming agents to reduce its acidity.
Image 19.2. During the 1980s, many stands of sugar maple (Acer saccharum) in Ontario and Quebec suffered a
severe thinning of their canopy. In some places, many trees died. Some scientists believe this damage was
caused by acid rain, or by other types of air pollution, such as ozone. Alternative explanations include climate
change, severe winter weather, nutrient imbalance, and a history of insect infestation. The controversy over the
causes of the phenomenon has not been resolved, but fortunately, much of the damage disappeared by the
mid-1990s. This photo was taken in a declining stand in southern Ontario. Source: R. Vinebrooke.
Clearly, the effects of acidifying depositions on soil and vegetation are somewhat ambiguous. However, as the following
sections will show, the effects on vulnerable freshwater ecosystems can be severe.
Surface Waters
Surface waters include streams, rivers, lakes, and ponds. Their chemistry is influenced by the types of soil and
vegetation in the watershed, climatic factors, and the deposition of chemicals from the atmosphere.
In regions where the winters are cold and a snowpack accumulates, the springtime meltwater that flows into streams
and lakes tends to be relatively acidic. This so-called acid shock phenomenon occurs partly because snowmelt cannot
percolate into the frozen soil, so its acidity does not become neutralized by interaction with minerals there. In
addition, the initial meltwaters are considerably more acidic than the later fractions. The relatively intense acidity of
snowmelt is responsible for much of the toxicity of affected surface waters.
The water chemistry of two lakes in a region of Nova Scotia that is subject to acidic precipitation is described in Table
19.5. These lakes are more dilute than most fresh waters, in the sense of having a low concentration of dissolved ions,
and their nutrient supply is sparse, so they are unproductive (oligotrophic). Nevertheless, these lakes have higher
concentrations of dissolved substances than the precipitation that falls on them –their total ions average 440 µeq/L,
compared with 135 µeq/L in precipitation. The higher concentrations are due to substances that leach from terrestrial
soil and eventually migrate into the lakewater. In contrast, the concentrations of ammonium and nitrate are higher in
precipitation than in the lakes, suggesting that the atmospheric inputs of these nutrients are “consumed” by biological
uptake within the watershed.
Table 19.5. Chemistry of Two Lakes in Nova Scotia Lakes. The data are the average concentration (µeq/L) of
chemicals in precipitation and in water of two lakes. Beaverskin Lake has clear water while Pebbleloggitch has
brown water because of drainage from a bog in its watershed. Both are headwater lakes, meaning they do not
receive drainage from lakes higher in altitude. Source: Data from Kerekes and Freedman (1988) and Freedman
Beaverskin Lake is slightly acidic (pH 5.3) and oligotrophic, with very transparent water. In comparison, Pebbleloggitch
Lake is influenced by drainage from an adjacent bog. Dissolved organic compounds (known as fulvic acids) drain from
the bog into the lake, giving the lakewater a dark-brown colour and an acidity (pH 4.5) that is similar to the
precipitation. Although these two lakes are located only 1 km apart, they differ markedly in acidity because of the
organic acids in tea-coloured Pebbleloggitch Lake. In general, bog-influenced waters are naturally acidic, commonly
with an acidity of pH 4.0-5.0.
Image 19.3. About a third of the watershed of Pebbleloggitch Lake, Nova Scotia, is an acidic bog (the fine, light
texture in the upper part of the image). The rest is covered by forest. The boggy area leaches organic acids to
A widespread acidification of surface waters in eastern Canada has been attributed to the deposition of acidifying
substances from the atmosphere. The eastern United States and Scandinavia have also been affected in this way.
A survey of surface waters was conducted by the Environmental Protection Agency in the United States (Baker et al.,
1991). In a national sample of 28,300 lakes, 1,180 were acidic, most of which are in eastern states. Atmospheric
deposition was thought to have acidified 75% of the acidic lakes, while 3% were affected by acid-mine drainage and
22% by acidity from bogs. Of 64,300 streams that were sampled, 4,670 were acidic, of which 47% were acidified by
atmospheric deposition, 26% by acid-mine drainage, and 27% by bogs. Florida has the highest frequency of acidic
lakes, mostly because of organic acids from natural wetlands. The influence of atmospheric deposition is most
important in the northeastern states, particularly in the Adirondack Mountains, where 10% of the lakes have a pH ≤5.0,
and 20% have a pH ≤5.5.
Although such a comprehensive survey of the status of lakes and streams has not been carried out in Canada, acidified
surface waters are known to be common, particularly in the eastern provinces. It has been estimated that there are
more than 14,000 acidic lakes in Ontario, Quebec, and the Atlantic Provinces (Environment Canada, 1996). The
sensitivity of surface waters to acidification is related to the amount of alkalinity in their water, which itself is
associated with the amounts of calcium and magnesium in soil and rocks of the watershed (see the following section).
The chemical and biological changes that occur as surface waters become acidified have been examined in important
studies in which sulphuric acid was deliberately added to lakes (Schindler, 1990). These whole-lake experiments were
conducted in the Experimental Lakes Area (ELA) of northwestern Ontario. The most intensively studied lake, named
Lake 223, is a 279 ha, oligotrophic waterbody. Lake 223 was studied for two years before it was experimentally acidified,
and then for a number of years afterward. Beginning in 1976, sulphuric acid was added to acidify the lake, which
reduced its pH from 6.5 initially to 5.0-5.1 during 1981-1983. Its acidity was then allowed to decrease to pH 5.5-5.8
during 1984-1988.
As expected, the concentrations of sulphate and hydrogen ions increased in Lake 223, because these were added to the
lake. Sulphate averaged 35 µmol/L in 1975, compared with 115 µmol/L in 1979. Increased concentrations of manganese
(a 980% increase by 1980), zinc (550%), and aluminum (155%) occurred because these chemicals dissolved out of
sediment under the acidified conditions. Acidification also caused the water to become more transparent, which
allowed increased light penetration and deeper heating during the summer. Many biological changes also occurred;
these are described later in this chapter.
Note the large numbers of H+ that are produced – these can lead to severely acidic conditions in water draining
from the substrates where the reactions are occurring. In fact, acid-mine drainage commonly results in a pH
less than 2.0, along with high concentrations of sulphate and toxic aluminum, iron, and manganese. If the ARD
is associated with rock or tailings from metal mining, it may also be rich in toxic copper, nickel, or other heavy
As a stream flows away from a source of ARD, it interacts with neutralizing minerals and may also receive
inflows of non-acidic water. These cause the acidity to be reduced, so the pH gradually increases. Once the pH
recovers beyond about 3.0, dissolved iron comes out of solution as a yellow-orange precipitate of Fe(OH)3,
sometimes known as “yellow-boy.” As the yellow-boy settles over the streambed, it can smother bottom-
dwelling organisms.
Wherever it occurs, acid-rock drainage is a severe environmental problem, mostly because it is so toxic to
aquatic life. Consequently, efforts are made to prevent ARD at the source, or to treat it once it has occurred. In
Canada, work to address ARD is concentrated under the Mine Environment Neutral Drainage (MEND) program
of Natural Resources Canada. It has been estimated that the total “liability” from ARD is equivalent to $2-5
billion if problems are not treated.
Where possible, it is prudent to avoid ARD by preventing the exposure of sulphide-bearing rocks to the
atmosphere. Metal mines and construction industries often accomplish this by storing sulphide tailings under
water. However, there are still many cases where they cause ARD and need to treat it to reduce its toxicity. The
usual way to mitigate ARD is to add a liming agent, such as limestone (CaCO3) or lime (Ca(OH)2), which
neutralizes the acid content. In a few cases, “artificial wetlands” have been constructed to deal with the
problem: the ARD is input at one end of the wetland and exits at the other, with much of its acidic content
Vulnerability to Acidification
Surface waters that are vulnerable to acidification have a low alkalinity, or acid-neutralizing capacity. As H+ is added to
water, it is absorbed by acid-neutralizing reactions until the capacity to neutralize the acid is exceeded. After that
point, there is a rapid decrease in pH, until a different buffering system comes into play (Figure 19.3). Bicarbonate
(HCO3-) alkalinity is the critical buffering system within the circumneutral pH range of 6.0-8.0. When the buffering
capacity of the available HCO3– is depleted, the water acidifies rapidly. Bicarbonate reacts with H+ to form H2O + CO2.
Because this reaction neutralizes added H+, the pH does not change until the alkalinity is exhausted.
Figure 19.4. Titration Curves for Fresh Water. This diagram shows a titration curve for water from a typical
freshwater lake. The initial concentration of alkalinity (HCO3-; lower curve) was 100 µeq/L. These curves are
similar to what is observed when dilute acid is slowly added to clear lakewater with little alkalinity. Once the
alkalinity is exhausted, the water acidifies rapidly. Source: Modified from Henriksen (1980).
The situation is different, however, in watersheds in which the bedrock, soil, and sediment are derived from hard,
poorly soluble rocks such as granite, gneiss, and quartzite, which contain few carbonate minerals. Watersheds of this
type have little capacity for generating alkalinity and so they are easily acidified by wet and dry depositions from the
atmosphere. Vulnerable watersheds are especially common in eastern Canada, where thin soils derived from
carbonate-poor glacial till commonly overlie hard granitic bedrock.
Headwater lakes and streams are at particular risk of acidification. These systems receive no drainage from
waterbodies at higher elevation, and their watersheds are usually small. Consequently, there is little opportunity for
rainwater to interact with soil and bedrock, and much of the acidity in precipitation does not become neutralized
before the water reaches headwater lakes and streams.
At high elevation in many mountainous regions, crustal granite is exposed by erosion and the terrain in such regions
may also be vulnerable to acidification. This is the case in parts of the Rocky Mountains of western North America and
in the Appalachians of the eastern United States. Again, the vulnerability occurs because granite contributes little
alkalinity to surface waters.
Within a vulnerable region, however, even a small pocket of calcium-rich soil in the watershed can provide enough
alkalinity to allow a waterbody to resist acidification. For example, 15 lakes were surveyed in an area of Precambrian
Shield in southern Ontario where precipitation is quite acidic (Dillon et al., 1977). Fourteen of the lakes had little
alkalinity (95-175 µeq/L), were slightly acidic (pH 5.8–6.7), and were considered highly vulnerable to acidification. One
lake, however, had some calcium-rich till in its watershed. That lake had a high alkalinity (1,200 µeq/L) and high pH
(7.1), and it is unlikely to acidify.
A related issue is the gradual loss of calcium and magnesium from terrestrial watershed due to long periods of leaching
by acidic groundwater. Eventually, the supply of those cations also becomes depleted in oligotrophic streams and lakes
with naturally dilute concentrations of ions, which are common in regions of granitic bedrock, such on the
Precambrian Shield. The depletion of calcium and magnesium represents a depletion of the acid-neutralizing capacity
of a waterbody, and it is a physiological issue for organisms that need large amounts of those cations to form their
shells of calcium carbonate (such as mussels) or chitin (a glucose-derived polysaccharide that needs calcium to
harden). The occurrence of aquatic osteoporosis has been demonstrated in lakes in eastern Canada, and additional
research will likely show that it is widespread problem (Jeziorski et al., 2008).
Freshwater Organisms
Many changes occur in the biota as freshwater ecosystems become acidified. In general, freshwater organisms are
considerably more sensitive to the acidification of their habitat than are terrestrial plants.
Freshwater Algae
Many species of microscopic, single-celled algae (phytoplankton) live in lakes. The water chemistry greatly influences
the particular species that are present. Because species of diatoms (family Bacilliarophyceae) and golden-brown algae
(Chrysophyceae) are particularly sensitive, they are useful indicators of water chemistry. For example, a study of 72
lakes in the Sudbury area found that certain diatom species were indicators of particular aspects of water chemistry
(Dixit et al., 1991):
1. indicators of acidic water: Eunotia pectinatus, Fragilaria acidobiontica, Pinnularia subcapitata, Tabellaria
The phytoplankton community changed markedly during the acidification of Lake 223 in the Experimental Lakes Area
(Findlay and Kasian, 1986). Initially, it was dominated by species of golden-brown algae, but with acidification this
changed to green algae (Chlorophyceae). Although species composition changed substantially, there was little
difference in the diversity of species. A small increase in algal biomass occurred as a result of the acidification, likely
caused by increased water clarity, which allowed more productivity to occur. When Lake 223 was allowed to become
less acidic, algal species typical of the pre-acidification community quickly reappeared.
However, the phytoplankton community is much more sensitive to fertility of the water than to changes in its acidity,
being especially responsive to phosphorus (see Chapter 20). In fact, the productivity of almost all fresh waters
increases if they are fertilized with phosphorus. This ecological change, known as eutrophication, also occurs in acidic
waterbodies. This is illustrated by studies of two adjacent lakes in Nova Scotia, Little Springfield and Drain. After
construction activity in their watersheds exposed pyrite-containing minerals to the atmosphere, both lakes became
highly acidic through a process similar to acid-mine drainage (Kerekes et al., 1984). Little Springfield Lake had a pH of
3.7 and supported little algal productivity – it was oligotrophic. However, Drain Lake (pH 4.0) received phosphorus-rich
sewage, and it became eutrophic and highly productive in spite of its acidity.
Periphytes are microscopic algae that live on the surface of sediment, rocks, woody debris, and aquatic plants. The
periphyton community can include hundreds of species, even in acidic lakes. Periphytes are especially abundant in
lakes with clear water, including acidic ones, where their late-summer biomass may develop cloudy or felt-like mats.
During the acidification of Lake 223, a benthic mat of the filamentous green alga Mougeotia developed in shallow water
after the pH decreased below 5.6. The reasons for the growth of algal mats are not known, but they could be due to
reduced grazing by invertebrates.
Aquatic Plants
Aquatic plants (or macrophytes) can be abundant in shallow lakes and ponds. The acidification of some lakes has
resulted in an increase of aquatic mosses, especially species of Sphagnum. In some cases, this was accompanied by
declines of other plants, such as reed (Phragmites communis), water lobelia (Lobelia dortmanna), and quillwort (Isoetes
spp.). Moreover, the invasion by Sphagnum may intensity acidification, because these mosses are highly efficient at
absorbing Ca2+, Mg2+, and other cations from the water, which they exchange for H+. Mats of Sphagnum also interfere
with chemical reactions at the sediment/water interface, which hinders the neutralization of acidity that occurs there.
Communities of aquatic plants differ greatly between clear-water acidic lakes and those with organically stained water.
For example, Pebbleloggitch Lake (Table 19.5) has dark-brown, acidic (pH 4.5) water, which prevents light penetration
into deeper habitats. Consequently, aquatic plants can grow only within a shallow fringe around the edge of the lake,
and only 15% of the bottom is vegetated (Stewart and Freedman, 1989). The most abundant macrophytes, such as the
yellow water-lily (Nuphar variegatum), have floating leaves. In comparison, nearby Beaverskin Lake has extremely clear
water and virtually the entire bottom receives enough light to support aquatic plants, even to a depth of 6.5 m. Many of
the macrophytes, including mats of Sphagnum, maintain all of their foliage underwater.
Zooplankton are tiny animals, mostly crustaceans, that live in the water column. Most zooplankters filter-feed on
phytoplankton cells, but a few are predators. Some species are tolerant of acidity and may occur in water of pH 4.0 or
less. The effects of acidification on zooplankton are complex because several factors are involved:
A survey of 47 lakes in Ontario found that certain zooplankton are good indicators of water chemistry (Sprules, 1975).
Indicator species of acidic lakes with pH < 5.0 were Daphnia catawba, D. pulicaria and Polyphemus pediculus. Others
occurred only at pH > 5.0: Daphnia ambigua, D. galeata mendotae, D. longiremis, D. retrocurva, Diaptomus
oregonensis, Epischura lacustris, Leptodora kindtii, and Tropocyclops prasinus mexicanus. However, some zooplankters
were indifferent to acidity and occurred over a wide range of pH. For example, Diaptomus minutus was the most
frequently observed species, occurring over pH 3.8 to 7.0. Acidic lakes had a somewhat depauperate community of
zooplankters – those with pH < 5.0 had 1-7 species with only one or two dominant being dominant, while lakes with a
pH > 5.0 had 9-16 species with three or four being dominant.
The experimental acidification of Lake 223 resulted in an increased abundance of zooplankton, an effect that was
attributed to an increase in their food of phytoplankton biomass (Malley et al., 1982). Throughout the acidification,
Diaptomus minutus and Cyclops bicuspidatus remained the most abundant zooplankters, but some other species were
intolerant. This included the opossum shrimp (Mysis relicta), a large predator that disappeared when the pH decreased
below 5.6.
Benthic Invertebrates
Benthic invertebrates live on or in the sediment of waterbodies. The number of species tends to be lower in acidic
waters, but they can still be abundant, especially it predatory fish have disappeared. The most common benthic
invertebrates in acidic lakes are species of insects and crustaceans (although other species of these groups are
intolerant of acidity). Molluscs do not occur in strongly acidic conditions because it is difficult for them to maintain
their shell of calcium carbonate. A study of more than a thousand lakes in Norway found that no species of clams could
tolerate a pH below 6.0, and no snails below 5.2 (Okland and Okland, 1986).
Because sediment is more strongly buffered than its overlying water, it is much less vulnerable to acidification. For
instance, the acidity of sediment did not change much during the experimental acidification of Lake 223 (Kelly et al.,
1984). When the pH of water just above the sediment was 5.3, at 0.5 cm into the sediment it was 6.0, and at 2.0 cm it
was 6.7, unchanged from the pre-acidification condition. Because the habitat of benthic invertebrates is well buffered,
some of them are not much affected by acidification of the overlying lakewater. During the acidification of Lake 223,
the abundance of chironomid midges increased and peaked at a water pH of about 5.6 (Mills, 1984). However, the
initially abundant mayfly larvae disappeared at pH 5.0, and the crayfish Orconectes virilis became extirpated because
of reproductive failure after the pH fell below 5.6.
Fish populations are the best-known victims of acidification. Many losses of trout, salmon, and other economically
important fish have occurred in acidified waters in Canada, the United States, and Eurasia.
Studies in Ontario have documented the loss of fish populations from acidified lakes in the Killarney region (Beamish
and Harvey, 1972; Harvey and Lee, 1982). That area is subject to severely acidic precipitation (pH 4.0-4.5) and to dry
deposition of acidifying SO2 because of its proximity to the smelters at Sudbury. A survey in the 1970s found that 33 of
150 lakes in the Killarney area had a pH below 4.5. These ecologists actually monitored the local extirpation of several
fishes in Lumsden and George Lakes. There was also anecdotal evidence for losses of other populations, because local
people had a memory of historical sport fisheries in currently fishless lakes. The Killarney area has had 17 extirpations
of lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush), an important sportfish that cannot breed at pH <5.5. There are also extirpations of
smallmouth bass (Micropterus dolomieiu) from 12 lakes, of largemouth bass (M. salmoides) and walleye (Stizostedion
vitreum) from four lakes, and yellow perch (Perca flavescens) and rock bass (Ambloplites rupestris) from two lakes.
Lumsden Lake acidified from pH 6.8 in 1961 to 4.4 in 1971. That acidification resulted in a reproductive failure and
extirpation of lake trout, lake herring (Coregonus artedii), and white sucker (Catostomus commersoni). When George
Lake reached pH 4.8-5.3, lake trout, walleye, burbot (Lota lota), and smallmouth bass disappeared. As acidification
progressed further, there were losses of northern pike (Esox lucius), rock bass, pumpkinseed sunfish (Lepomis
gibbosus), brown bullhead (Ictalurus nebulosus), and white sucker. These extirpations resulted from persistent failures
of these fishes to reproduce in acidified lakes.
Losses of sportfish populations have also occurred in Nova Scotia, where Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) has been lost
from acidic (pH below 4.7) rivers, but not from those with higher pH (Figure 19.4). Lacroix and Townsend (1987) penned
juvenile salmon in four acidic streams in Nova Scotia – none survived in pH below 4.7, but all did at higher pHs.
Figure 19.5. Catch of Atlantic Salmon in Nova Scotia Rivers. These sport-fishing data are standardized to
facilitate comparison among rivers. The top line is rivers with pH greater than 5.0, and the bottom one is pH 5.0
or less. Source: Modified from Watt et al. (1983).
Elsewhere, early surveys (from the 1930s) in the Adirondack Mountains of New York State found that brook trout
An extensive survey of 700 Norwegian lakes in the 1970s found that brown trout (Salmo trutta) was absent from 40% of
the waterbodies and sparse in another 40% (Wright and Snekvik, 1978). Almost all of those lakes had supported trout
before the 1950s. The extirpation of trout populations was most extensive in southern Norway, where acidifying
deposition is most intense.
In eastern North America, the fish that are most tolerant of acidification are yellow perch, rock bass, central
mudminnow (Umbra limni), largemouth bass, bluegill (Lepomis macrochirus), black bullhead (Ictalurus melas), brown
bullhead, golden shiner (Notemigonus crysoleucas), and American eel (Anguilla rostrata). These species occur in some
waterbodies with pH more acidic than 4.6. Other species are more sensitive to acidification and generally need a pH
>6.0 to survive.
Prior to its experimental acidification, Lake 223 supported lake trout, white sucker, fathead minnow (Pimephales
promelas), pearl dace (Semotilus margarita), and slimy sculpin (Cottus cognatus) (Mills et al., 1987). The fathead minnow
was most sensitive to acidification, and it rapidly declined when the pH reached 5.6. Reproductive failure of lake trout
began at pH 5.4, and of white sucker at pH 5.1, resulting in population declines as older fish died.
In general, younger life-history stages (fry and juveniles) are more sensitive to acidity than are adult fishes. This is why
most losses of populations are attributed to reproductive failure rather than to mortality of adults. There are, however,
many observations of adult fish being killed by exposure to acid-shock events during snowmelt in the springtime.
As surface waters acidify, the concentration of dissolved metals increases, especially of Al3+ and AlOH2+, which are
toxic ions of aluminum. In many acidic waters, aluminum toxicity is sufficient to kill fish, regardless of any direct
effects of H+. In general, the survival and growth of fish larvae and older life-history stages become reduced when the
concentration of dissolved ionic aluminum exceeds 0.1 ppm, an exposure that is common in acidic waters. In brown-
coloured water, however, almost all dissolved aluminum and other metals is present as organometallic complexes.
Metals in that state are much less toxic than the free-ionic forms that occur in clear water with a similar acidity.
Amphibians depend on aquatic habitat during at least part of their life cycle. Most Canadian species lay their eggs in
water, which their larvae inhabit until metamorphosis occurs, after which the adults utilize nearby terrestrial habitat.
Research suggests that some species of amphibians are vulnerable to acidification of their aquatic habitat, while others
appear to be indifferent.
A study of amphibian breeding sites in Nova Scotia, covering a pH range from 3.9 to 9.0, found that some species were
not obviously influenced by acidity (Dale et al., 1985):
Yellow-spotted salamander and green, bull, wood, and pickerel (R. palustris) frogs all had eggs, developing larvae, and
adults present in some habitats at pH 4.0, suggesting that reproduction was occurring at that extreme acidity. Studies
in other regions, however, have shown that some species of amphibians are intolerant of acidity.
Laboratory experiments with 14 species of amphibians found that exposing eggs to pH 3.7-3.9 caused more than 85%
embryonic mortality, while prolonged exposure to pH 4.0 caused a rate of mortality >50% (Freda et al., 1991). It must be
Aquatic Birds
Directly toxic effects of acidification on waterfowl and other aquatic birds have not been documented and probably do
not occur. However, acidification causes aquatic habitats to change, and this has indirect consequences for bird
populations. For instance, if acidification eliminates populations of smaller fishes, then fish-eating waterfowl such as
the common loon (Gavia immer) and merganser (Mergus merganser) will suffer, as will piscivorous raptors such as
osprey (Pandion haliaetus). At the same time, however, the extirpation of predatory fish could result in an increased
abundance of aquatic insects and zooplankton, which improves the food resource for other waterfowl, such as mallard
(Anas platyrhynchos), black duck (A. rubripes), ring-necked duck (Aythya collaris), and goldeneye (Bucephala clangula).
The breeding success of common loons was studied on 84 lakes in Ontario (Alvo et al., 1988). Only 9% of breeding
attempts were successful on low-alkalinity lakes ( < 40 µeq/L), which are either acidic or vulnerable to acidification. In
contrast, 57% of breeding attempts were successful on lakes with alkalinity of 40-200 µeq/L, and 59% if > 200 µeq/L.
These observations likely reflect the size of the fish populations in these lakes.
A study of 79 small lakes and ponds in New Brunswick found a larger biomass of aquatic invertebrates in the littoral
zone (shallow, near-shore) in acidic waterbodies with pH 4.5-4.9 than in those with pH >5.5 (Parker et al., 1992). Five
species of ducks that feed on invertebrates had an average of 3.5 broods/ha on waterbodies with pH 5.5, compared
with 0.65 broods/ha at higher pHs. The greater biomass of invertebrates in the acidic waterbodies was likely due to
decreased predation because of a reduced fish community.
Drain Lake in Nova Scotia was previously described as a highly acidic (pH 4.0) but eutrophic lake. Drain Lake is fishless
but it has large populations of aquatic invertebrates and plants. This habitat allows black ducks and ring-necked ducks
to be more productive than is typical for lakes in the region (Kerekes et al., 1984).
Even before acidification became a high-profile issue, wildlife managers in some regions were “improving” habitat for
sportfish in brown-coloured lakes by treating the acidic water with powdered limestone (calcium carbonate, CaCO3) or
lime (calcium hydroxide, Ca(OH)2). These treatments, known as liming, serve to reduce acidity, clarify the water, and
improve the productivity of fish such as trout. Not surprisingly, considerable research has also been done on the use of
liming treatments to improve the condition of lakes and other surface waters that have been acidified by atmospheric
Effects of liming on pH are illustrated in Figure 19.5 for three limed lakes and one reference (non-limed but acidic) lake
in Ontario (Dillon et al., 1979; Yan et al., 1979). Initially, the treated lakes had a pH of 4.0-5.0, but this was increased to
pH 7.0-8.0 by the whole-lake liming treatment. Middle and Hannah Lakes had a fairly stable pH after treatment, but
Lohi quickly drifted back to an acidic condition. This difference reflects the sizes of the watersheds of the lakes – Lohi
drains a relatively large area and flushes quickly, so its neutralization results are shorter lived. Note that fertilizing the
lakes with phosphate, which stimulates the productivity of phytoplankton, also has an acid-neutralizing effect,
although it is much smaller than what resulted from liming.
Figure 19.6. Effects of Liming Lakes. These lakes are located in the Sudbury region, and they were acidified by a
Initially, the treated lakes had a large decline in the productivity of phytoplankton and zooplankton. However, the
phytoplankton biomass soon returned to the pre-liming condition, but with lingering changes in species composition.
The zooplankton recovered more slowly, and even after three years had not returned to the pre-liming abundance. In
addition, fish kept in cages in the limed lakes suffered high rates of mortality. This was likely due to metal toxicity,
because the lakes had been affected by fallout from the Sudbury smelters. Although the aqueous concentrations of Al,
Cu, Ni, and Zn all decreased after liming, because their solubility is greater in acidic water, they still remained high
enough to stress fish and other biota.
In some regions of Scandinavia, liming is routinely used to treat large numbers of acidified lakes and rivers. This is
done to mitigate the damage caused by acidification, especially to fish populations. Sweden, for example, has the
world’s largest liming programs (Stensdotter et al., 2005). By the late 1970s, about 17-thousand lakes in Sweden had
been acidified by atmospheric deposition (out of a total of 90-thousand lakes), as had many streams and rivers. Of the
acidified waterbodies, more than 7,500 lakes and 14,000 km of flowing water are being treated with liming agents;
about 200-thousand tonnes of powdered limestone is used each year. Typically, the liming treatment must be repeated
on a three-year rotation. In Norway, about 3,000 waterbodies have been limed (State of the Environment Norway,
2008). Liming has been conducted much less extensively in North America, largely because the programs are expensive
and environmental priorities are different from Scandinavia.
Research on liming has shown that acidified surface waters can be neutralized. Nevertheless, it must be understood
that liming treats the symptoms of damage in acidified ecosystems, but not the causes of the acidification. Moreover,
liming itself represents an environmental stress that transforms a waterbody from one polluted condition to another
that is still damaged, but less toxic. Liming causes a large change in acid-adapted ecosystems, which is followed by
changes in species abundances as new communities develop. In general, the most important benefit of liming is that
less-acidic waters can support fish, whereas acidic waters cannot. However, liming is not a long-term solution to the
acidification of fresh waters. In part, this is because waterbodies must be periodically re-treated as the liming materials
are consumed or flushed out of the system.
Image 19.4. This lake near a smelter at Sudbury was acidified to a pH less than 4.0, mostly by the dry deposition
of SO2. Since this photo was taken in 1972, SO2 pollution in the vicinity has been greatly abated, and that has
allowing the lake to become less acidic. Today, it again provides habitat for species that are intolerant of severe
acidity. Source: B. Freedman.
Reducing Emissions
Ultimately, the extensive damage caused by acidifying deposition from the atmosphere can only be resolved by
reducing the emissions of acid-forming gases. Although this fact is intuitively clear, the issue of emissions reduction
remains controversial for the following reasons:
• Scientists do not know exactly how much the emissions of SO2 and/or NOx must be reduced to prevent damage
by acidifying deposition.
• Various emission-reduction strategies are possible, and they vary in their economic consequences. Would it be
more effective to target large point-sources of emissions, such as power plants and smelters, while paying less
attention to smaller but numerous sources, such as automobiles and oil-burning home furnaces? Or should both
large and small sources be aggressively curtailed?
Not surprisingly, industries and regions that are responsible for large emissions of acid-forming gases have tended to
resist the imposition of substantial legislated reductions of their releases. In general, they argue that the scientific
justification for the reductions is not yet convincing, while the costs of controls are known to be large and potentially
disruptive of the economy.
In addition, how low should the rates of atmospheric deposition of sulphur and nitrogen compounds be, in order to
avoid further acidification of sensitive surface waters or to allow their recovery? The critical rates of deposition of
acidifying compounds are influenced, in part, by the vulnerability of the receiving ecosystems – areas with shallow,
nutrient-poor soil can sustain much lower inputs of acidifying substances than areas rich in calcium. Highly sensitive
lakes in eastern Canada are considered to have critical-load thresholds of <20 meq/ha•y of sulphur and nitrogen
deposition (Figure 19.6).
Figure 19.7. Critical Loads of Sulphur and Nitrogen and Sensitivity of Surface Waters in Eastern Canada. A
critical load is the wet and dry deposition of sulphur and nitrogen compounds that can be tolerated without
causing acidification. The data are in meq/ha•yr. The values in parentheses are for sulphur only (kg SO4/ha•yr).
Source: Environment Canada (2005).
Although there are many uncertainties about the specific causes and magnitude of the damage caused by the
atmospheric deposition of acidifying substances, it is obvious that what goes up (emissions of acid-precursor gases)
In 1992, the governments of Canada and the United States signed a binational treaty aimed at reducing acidifying
deposition in both countries. This agreement, known as the Canada–U.S. Air Quality Agreement, calls for large
expenditures by industries and governments to substantially reduce the emissions of air pollutants, especially SO2.
These cutbacks are on top of reductions of emissions that both countries had already achieved during the 1980s. In the
United States, emissions of SO2 have decreased from 23.1 Mt in 1980 to 16.9 Mt in 1995 and to 6.0 Mt in 2011, while
emissions of NOxincreased slightly from 20.7 Mt in 1980 to 21.8 Mt in 1995 and then decreased to 13.6 Mt in 2011 (EPA,
2014; see also Table 16.2). For comparison, the Canadian emissions of SO2 decreased from 4.7 Mt in 1980 to 2.5 Mt in
1995 and to 1.3 Mt in 2012, while emissions of NOx remained about the same during 1980 to 1995 at 2.4–2.6 Mt/y, and
then declined to 1.9 Mt/y in 2012 (Environment Canada, 2014).
Image 19.5. The built environment may also be damaged by acidifying deposition from the atmosphere. For
example, structures made of limestone, marble, or sandstone become chemically destabilized and eroded by
the dry deposition of SO2 and NOx and by acidic precipitation. These pollutants are seriously damaging many
famous artifacts of cultural heritage, such as this ancient citadel known as the Acropolis in Athens, Greece.
Source: B. Freedman.
A major component of the U.S. initiatives to reduce emissions of SO2, established under the 1990 Clean Air Act
Amendments, is the creation of a marketplace for emissions trading. In essence, any company that is emitting SO2 at a
rate less than it has been permitted by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has a right to sell (or trade) those
non-used “credits” to another business that is exceeding its emissions target. This is an important initiative because it
helps to set a “market value” for emissions of certain pollutants, and also for investments to reduce their release. From
the environmental perspective, this marketplace for emissions is a logical instrument because the atmosphere is a
The flexibility associated with these options is considered by many economists and politicians to have been an
important benefit of the system of emissions trading. Nevertheless, the establishment of a marketplace that
commodifies the release of SO2 does liberate many companies from the expensive investments that would be required
to achieve tangible reductions of their emissions. This fact has engendered controversy, as has the potential
establishment of a global marketplace for tradable emissions of greenhouse gases under the Kyoto Protocol (Chapter
In any event, are the cuts in emissions large enough to achieve their intended effect of preventing and repairing the
acidification of ecosystems? According to a science assessment carried out by Environment Canada, the reductions of
SO2 emissions have resulted in lower rates of acidifying deposition in Canada (based on a comparison of data for
1990–1994 and 1996–2000; Environment Canada, 2005). Nevertheless, an estimated 21-75% of eastern Canada still
receives amounts of acidifying deposition that exceed the critical loads (the smaller numbers correspond to a best-
case scenario, and the larger to a worst-case one). Environment Canada also suggests that, to protect ecosystems from
further damage caused by acidifying deposition, a further 75% reduction of SO2 emissions will be required by Canada
and the United States beyond those agreed to under the existing Air Quality Agreement. A similar conclusion was
reached by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency in its own science assessment of the issue (2011).
Furthermore, not much action has been taken to reduce the emissions of NOx, and this appears to be working against
the environmental benefits associated with increased control of SO2. It is crucial that future regulatory actions include
reduced emissions of both SO2 and NOx and that acid rain and its environmental damage continues to be monitored.
The 1992 air-pollution treaty between Canada and the United States is a helpful accomplishment. Although there have
been reductions in the acidity of precipitation and surface waters in some areas, it appears that the reductions of
SO2 emissions are not large enough to fully mitigate many of the damages caused by acidifying deposition. So far,
extremely large areas of terrain continue to be affected by acidification caused by Atmospheric deposition.
Improving trends in the chemistry of precipitation and streamwater at Hubbard Brook, NH, a monitoring location with
outstanding longer-term data of this sort of data, are shown in Figure 19.7. The precipitation data show that the acidity
of precipitation is decreasing (the pH is increasing), and that the concentrations of sulphate and nitrate are also
decreasing. The reduction of sulphate concentrations is especially large, and likely reflects the fact that regulatory
controls have concentrated on SO2 emissions (the main precursor of sulphate) more so that on NOx (the precusors of
nitrate). The streamwater data also show decreasing acidity and sulphate concentration, as well as a steady decrease in
the concentrations of calcium. The latter observation may reflect a progressive loss of calcium from these watersheds,
which represents a degradation of the ability of the system to provide acid-neutralizing capability agains future inputs
of acidifying substances. John Smol (2008) of Queen’s University refers to the phenomenon of progressive calcium
losses as a kind of “osteoporosis” that affects and degrades many watersheds whose soil and bedrock are low in
Figure 19.8. Trends in the chemistry of (a) precipitation and (b) streamwater chemistry at Hubbard Brook, NH.
Source: data obtained from Gene E. Likens, Hubbard Brook Eco system Study, with funding from the National
Science Foundation and The A.W. Mellon Foundation. http://www.hubbardbrook.org/data/
It must be recognized that pollution control is extremely expensive. For example, it could cost $600 million annually to
further reduce the SO2 emissions by 50% below the current targets for eastern Canada and the eastern United States.
Because of this cost, policies that favour reduced emissions of SO2 and NOxmay not be able to survive the frequent
challenges mounted by politicians, economists, and business people who do not believe that such actions are
Acidification is a natural process that occurs as ecosystems interact with climatic and biological influences, for
example in bogs and coniferous forest. Acidification is also caused by anthropogenic influences, particularly emissions
of SO2 and NOx, which oxidize to form acids while in the atmosphere or after they are dry-deposited to ecosystems.
Aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems that are vulnerable to acidification have little acid-neutralizing capacity, largely
because of small amounts of calcium and magnesium carbonates in their soil, sediment, or rocks. Low-alkalinity
freshwaters are particularly at risk of acidification by atmospheric deposition. When a waterbody acidifies to a pH less
than about 6.0, it begins to lose its populations of vulnerable fish species and other sensitive biota. Acidifying
influences also damage the built environment by eroding materials made of limestone, marble, and certain metals such
as copper. Although some of the ecological damage caused by acidification to surface waters can be mitigated by
liming, this treatment has to be repeated, typically on about a three-year rotation. The best way to avoid the
environmental problems associated with acidifying deposition is to reduce the emissions of the key acid-precursor
gases (SO2 and NOx). To a substantial degree, this is being done in wealthy countries, including Canada. However,
rapidly growing economies, such as China and India, are not paying much attention to this environmental problem, and
it is rapidly becoming worse as they aggressively increase their supply of commercial energy by burning sulphurous
fossil fuels, particularly coal.
1. Explain the principle of conservation of electrochemical neutrality? How is it relevant to the chemistry of
precipitation and surface waters?
2. What environmental influences cause soil to become acidic? How can this problem be mitigated?
3. How does the acidification of freshwater habitat affect the aquatic biota, including phytoplankton, macrophytes,
zooplankton, benthic invertebrates, fish, and birds?
4. Define critical load, and explain factors that influence its value for particular kinds of terrain and surface waters.
1. Compare the chemistry of rainwater and lakewater in a region that is vulnerable to acidification. What are the
reasons for the differences?
2. How do wet and dry depositions of acidifying substances contribute to acidification? Why do their rates and
relative importance differ between urban and rural areas?
3. Are surface waters in the area where you live acidic or likely to become so? Explain your answer in terms of terrain
Exploring Issues
1. There are two broad options for dealing with acidifying deposition: (1) reduced emissions to prevent the problem
and (2) liming of water and soil to treat the symptoms. Some people have called emissions reductions the “billion
dollar solution,” and liming the “million dollar solution.” This is because of the potentially greater capital costs
associated with technologies for reducing SO2 and NOx emissions. Which of these options (or both) do you think is
most appropriate for dealing with acidification as an environmental problem? Explain your answer.
2. Canada and the United States have negotiated a treaty concerning the transboundary movements of air pollutants,
with a focus on acidifying deposition from the atmosphere. Major aspects of the treaty are reductions in the
emissions of SO2, and to a lesser degree, NOx to the atmosphere. You are a scientist working for Environment
Canada and have been given the responsibility of monitoring whether the negotiated emissions reductions have
been successful in improving conditions in the province where you live – is acidification becoming less of a
problem? How would you design a program of environmental monitoring and research to answer this important
question? What ecological and human health questions would you examine?
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Research Board of Canada, 32: 389-395.
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Studies of the Effects of Liming Acidified Waters, Swedish Environmental Protection Agency, Stockholm, Sweden.
Stewart, C.C. and B. Freedman. 1989. Comparison of the macrophyte communities of a clearwater and a brown-water
oligotrophic lake in Kejimkujik National Park, Nova Scotia. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution, 46: 335-341.
Tveite, B. 1980. Effects of acid precipitation on soil and forest. 9. Tree growth in field experiments. Pp. 206-207 in:
Ecological Impact of Acid Precipitation (D. Drablos and A. Tollan, eds.). SNSF Project, Oslo, Norway.
Watmough, S.A. and P.J. Dillon. 2004. Major element fluxes from a coniferous watershed in central Ontario, 1982-1999.
Biogeochemistry, 67: 369-398.
Watt, W.D., C.D. Scott, and W.J. White. 1983. Evidence of acidification of some Nova Scotia rivers and its impact on
Atlantic salmon. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Science, 40: 462-473.
Wood, T. and F.H. Bormann. 1976. Short-term effects of a simulated acid rain upon the growth and nutrient relations of
Pinus strobus. Pp. 815–824 in: General Technical Report NE-23, Northeastern Forest Experiment Station, U.S.D.A.
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Wright, R.F. and E. Snekvik. 1978. Acid precipitation: Chemistry and fish populations in 700 lakes in southernmost
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Aquatic ecosystems are affected by many environmental stressors, both natural and anthropogenic. All levels of the
aquatic food web are affected, as are ecological processes such as productivity and nutrient cycling. In previous
chapters, we examined the use of aquatic resources (Chapter 14) and damage caused by pollution by metals and
acidification (Chapters 18 and 19). Here, we look at the effects of eutrophication caused by nutrient enrichment, and
caused by hydroelectric developments. Effects on aquatic ecosystems of oil spills, pesticides, forestry, agricultural
activities, and urbanization are examined in later chapters.
Eutrophic waters are well supplied with nutrients, and as a result they are highly productive. In contrast, oligotrophic
waters are much less productive because of a restricted availability of nutrients. Mesotrophic waters are intermediate
between these two conditions.
Some waterbodies occur in inherently fertile watersheds and are naturally eutrophic. So-called cultural
eutrophication, however, is caused by anthropogenic nutrient inputs, usually by the dumping of sewage or runoff of
fertilizer from agricultural land. Both inland and marine waters can become eutrophic through increases in their
nutrient supply, although the problem is more common in fresh waters.
The most conspicuous symptom of eutrophication is a large increase in primary productivity, especially of
phytoplankton, which can develop extremely dense populations known as an algal bloom. Shallow waterbodies may
also experience a vigorous growth of aquatic plants (macrophytes). Because the increased productivity of algae and
macrophytes can allow higher trophic levels to be more productive, aquatic invertebrates, fish, and waterfowl may also
be abundant in eutrophic waterbodies.
However, extremely eutrophic (hypertrophic) waters may become severely degraded. These waterbodies develop
noxious blooms of cyanobacteria (blue-green bacteria) and algae during the summer, which may cause an off-flavour
in water used for drinking, and may also release toxic organic compounds. In addition, decomposition of the algal
biomass consumes a large amount of oxygen, which causes anoxic conditions that are extremely stressful and even
lethal to aquatic animals.
Causes of Eutrophication
Most lakes in Canada are geologically “young” because they occur on landscapes that were released from glacial ice
only about 8-12-thousand years ago (depending on the region). Many lakes are relatively deep, having had little time to
accumulate much sediment in their basins. They also tend to have low rates of nutrient input. Over the millennia,
however, oligotrophic lakes of this sort gradually increase in productivity as they accumulate nutrients. They also
become shallower due to sedimentation, which results in increased rates of nutrient cycling. The slowly increasing
productivity of many lakes over time is a natural expression of the eutrophication as a longer-term process.
Surface waters may also be naturally eutrophic if they occur in a watershed with fertile soil. This is the case of many
lakes and ponds in the prairie region, where there is an abundance of shallow waterbodies that recycle their nutrients
Anthropogenic (cultural) eutrophication involves more rapid increases in aquatic productivity. This is most often
caused by nutrient loading associated with sewage dumping or runoff contaminated by agricultural fertilizer. Wherever
humans live in dense populations or engage in intensive agriculture, there are large inputs of nutrients into lakes and
rivers. In coastal areas, estuaries and shallow near-shore areas may also be affected by anthropogenic nutrient inputs
and eutrophication.
A theory called the Principle of Limiting Factors states that certain ecological processes are controlled by whichever
environmental factor is present in the least supply relative to demand. According to this idea, the primary production
of waterbodies is limited by the nutrient that is present in least supply relative to its demand (assuming that light,
temperature, and oxygen supply are all adequate). Research has shown that, in almost all fresh waters, primary
production is limited by the availability of phosphorus, occurring as the phosphate ion (PO43–. In contrast, marine
waters are usually limited by the availability of inorganic nitrogen, particularly in the form of nitrate (NO3-).
During the 1960s and early 1970s, eutrophication was a topic of intense environmental controversy, part of which
focused on the question of which nutrients were the limiting factors to primary production in lakes. Many scientists
believed that phosphorus was most important in this regard. Others, however, suggested that dissolved nitrogen, in the
form of nitrate or ammonium, was the critical limiting nutrient in many fresh waters. Plants and algae have relatively
large demands for all of those nutrients, which typically occur in low concentrations in water.
It was also suggested that dissolved inorganic carbon (as bicarbonate, HCO3–) could be a limiting factor. Inorganic
carbon is needed in large amounts by autotrophs, but in aquatic systems HCO3– is replenished mainly by the diffusion
of atmospheric CO2 into the surface water, which is a slow process.
Eventually, research convincingly demonstrated that phosphorus is the key nutrient that limits primary production in
most fresh waters. Consequently, controlling the rate of phosphorus supply is now known to be a crucial action if
eutrophication is to be avoided.
The vital role of phosphorus is suggested in Table 20.1, which shows its typical concentration in fresh water (an index
of supply) and its concentration in plants (an index of demand). Because the ratio of demand to supply for phosphorus
is considerably larger than for other nutrients, it is a likely candidate to be the primary limiting factor for the
Table 20.1. Demand and Supply of Essential Nutrients in Water. These are indexed by the typical concentrations
in freshwater plants and in fresh water. Source: Data from Vallentyne (1974).
Other studies confirm that phosphorus is the usual controlling nutrient for eutrophication. Perhaps the most
convincing data come from a famous series of experiments conducted in the Experimental Lakes Area (ELA; see
Canadian Focus 20.1). Most of the research at the ELA involved the addition of nutrients at various rates and in
different combinations to selected lakes, followed by monitoring of the ecological responses. The most important
whole-lake experiments were the following (Schindler, 1978, 1990; Levine and Schindler, 1989):
• For two years, Lake 304 was fertilized with phosphorus, nitrogen, and carbon. It responded by becoming
eutrophic. After the addition of phosphorus was stopped, the lake returned to its original oligotrophic condition,
even though nitrogen and carbon were still being added.
• The two basins of Lake 226, an hourglass-shaped lake, were isolated with a vinyl curtain. One basin was fertilized
with carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus in a weight ratio of 10:5:1, while the other received only carbon and
nitrogen at 10:5. Only the basin receiving phosphorus developed algal blooms. After five years, the nutrient
additions were stopped, and the original oligotrophic condition returned within just one year. A similarly rapid
recovery was observed in another experiment, involving Lake 303, after fertilization with P was stopped.
• Lake 302N was fertilized with phosphorus, nitrogen, and carbon. However, the nutrients were injected directly
into deep water during the summer, at a time when lakes develop a thermal stratification (see In Detail 20.1).
Because the nutrients were injected deeply, primary production in the surface water was not affected and
eutrophication did not occur. Research at the ELA also showed that when phosphorus was added to lakes, the
supply of nitrogen and carbon already present was capable of supporting phosphorus-induced eutrophication. In
part, this occurred because eutrophication induced an increased rate of fixation of atmospheric dinitrogen (N2) by
blue-green bacteria and a faster diffusion of atmospheric CO2 into the lakewater.
Eutrophication also causes pronounced changes to occur in the species composition, relative abundance, and biomass
of phytoplankton, which are the most important primary producers in the ELA lakes. Changes in the phytoplankton
resulted in effects on organisms at higher levels of the food web, such as zooplankton and fish. For example, the
productivity of whitefish (Coregonus clupeaformis) in hourglass-shaped Lake 226 was greater in the eutrophied basin
than in the oligotrophic one. This occurred in response to the greater abundance of their prey of zooplankton and
aquatic insects, which itself a trophic response to increased algae productivity.
The relatively warm, upper water of a stratified lake is known as the epilimnion, while the cooler, deeper water
is the hypolimnion. These layers are separated by a narrow zone of rapid change, known as the thermocline.
During the autumn, as the epilimnion cools, the stratification diminishes and the two layers become mixed by
strong winds.
During stratification, oxygen and other dissolved substances can enter the hypolimnion, but mainly by diffusion
across the thermocline. Because diffusion is a slow process, hypolimnetic oxygen becomes depleted in
stratified lakes whose deeper water receives large inputs of organic material. The organic input may be
associated with sewage, agricultural runoff, or algal biomass sinking from the epilimnion. The development of
anoxic (no oxygen) conditions represents an important degradation of water quality because fish and most
other animals cannot live in such an environment.
Sometimes, density gradients associated with dissolved salts may also cause lakes to become stratified. In these
cases, a surface layer of fresh water sits on top of more saline, deeper water, with the layers separated by a
steep chemical and density gradient known as a halocline.
The ELA is located in a remote region of northwestern Ontario near Kenora. The area contains many lakes and
wetlands. The watersheds are largely forested, with thin soil that overlies hard quartzitic bedrock of the
Canadian Shield. The ELA is not a protected area, so forestry is pursued, as are mining exploration and tourism.
However, there is an understanding among the various interests in the ELA that some of the lakes and their
watersheds are being used for research and should not be disturbed.
Image 20.1. Lake 226 in the Experimental Lakes Area was divided into two separate basins with a heavy
vinyl curtain. The upper basin in the photograph was fertilized with phosphorus, nitrogen, and carbon,
while the lower one received nitrogen and carbon. Only the basin that received phosphorus became
eutrophic and developed blooms of phytoplankton, which are discernible as a whitish hue in the photo.
One of the most important experimental procedures used at the ELA has been the controlled perturbation of
entire lakes or wetlands. This is done to investigate the ecological effects of certain anthropogenic stressors,
such as eutrophication, acidification, metal pollution, and flooding of wetlands. These are known as whole-lake
experiments (and some as whole-wetland experiments). The experimental procedure includes an initial study of
the lake or wetland for several years to determine the baseline conditions. The system is then perturbed in
some way, for example, by causing it to become eutrophic by adding nutrients. The experimental lakes are
monitored for a range of ecological responses, such as changes in the abundance and productivity of species
and communities, in nutrient cycling, and in chemical and physical factors.
The experimental lakes are paired with reference (non-perturbed) ones, which provide information on natural
changes that are unrelated to the manipulation. Because the reference lakes are monitored for a long time, they
also provide extremely useful information relevant to changes in the ambient environment, such as climate
Unfortunately, research at the ELA has been periodically threatened by cutbacks in funding, and the future of
this world-class facility and its programs has been subjected to bouts of uncertainty. Throughout the history of
the ELA, the DFO provided most of the funding to maintain its research infrastructure. Most of the experiments
were also funded by DFO and conducted by its personnel or by university scientists working with them.
However, during the early 1990s, DFO focused its activities more so on marine issues, and for several years it
looked as if cutbacks might result in the ELA facility closing down. In fact, despite an international outcry from
In North America, eutrophication was most severe as an environmental problem during the 1960s and 1970s. At that
time, the average discharge of phosphorus to inland waters was about 2 kg/person•year. About 84% of the phosphorus
loading was associated with the dumping of municipal sewage, and the rest was due to agricultural fertilizer and
sewage (from livestock). In addition, the nitrogen discharge at the time was about 12.5 kg/person•year, of which 36%
was from municipal and 64% from agricultural sources.
Because scientists have convincingly demonstrated that phosphorus is the primary limiting nutrient for eutrophication
in fresh water, control strategies have focused on reducing the input of that nutrient to surface waters.
Phosphorus in Detergent
One of the first targets was domestic detergents. During the 1960s and early 1970s, detergents contained large
amounts of sodium tripolyphosphate (STP), which typically accounted for 50-65% of the weight of the product (12-16%
as phosphorus). The STP was added as a so-called “builder” to reduce the activity of calcium and other cations in the
wash water, thereby allowing the cleaning agents in the detergent (the surfactants) to work more efficiently. During the
1960s and early 1970s, as much as 3-million kilograms of high-phosphate detergents were used in North America each
year, and virtually all was eventually flushed into surface waters through the sewage system. Detergent use accounted
for about half of the phosphorus content of wastewater discharges during the early 1970s.
Fortunately, the domestic use of detergent is a discrete activity, and good substitutes are available to replace STP in
the builder function. Consequently, it was relatively easy to achieve a rapid decrease in phosphorus loading by
regulating the use of high-phosphate detergent. In 1970, detergents sold in Canada could contain as much as 16%
phosphorus; this was decreased to 2.2% by 1973, and in 2010 the limit was reduced to 0.5%. Some areas have already
banned the sale and use of detergents containing any phosphorus.
Sewage Treatment
The production of livestock manure in Canada is about 181 × 106 t/y, with a phosphorus content of 0.30 × 106 t/y and
nitrogen content of 1.10 × 106 t/y (in 2006; Statistics Canada, 2008). Not much of the livestock manure is treated before
being released to the environment – it is mostly disposed onto fields or into a nearby waterbody. The production of
human sewage is about 10 × 109 t/y (most of this is water, equivalent to 10 × 1012 L/y; because municipal sewage is
flushed away in toilets, it is much more diluted by water than is livestock manure; Environment Canada, 2010). Most of
the human sewage in Canada is treated before it is released to the environment (see Chapter 25 for notable
In most places, the principal objectives of sewage treatment are to reduce inputs of pathogenic microorganisms and
oxygen-consuming organic matter to receiving waters. However, in places where surface waters are vulnerable to
eutrophication, sewage may also be treated to reduce the quantity of phosphorus in the effluent.
All sizeable towns and cities in Canada have facilities to collect the sewage effluent from homes, businesses,
institutions, and factories (Chapter 25). This infrastructure consists of complex webs of underground sewage pipes and
Regrettably, however, some municipalities in Canada continue to dump their raw, untreated sewage into a nearby
aquatic environment. This practice is more common for cities and towns that are located beside an ocean, because
well-flushed marine environments have a huge capacity for diluting and biodegrading organic pollutants. Cities that
dump raw sewage into the ocean include Saint John and St. John’s on the Atlantic coast, and Victoria on the Pacific
coast. Consequently, some of their coastal habitats have become degraded by the aesthetic, hygiene-related, and
ecological damage associated with the dumping of untreated sewage. Although the worst damage is restricted to the
vicinity of the sewage outfalls, it is still an important problem that should be responsibly addressed by constructing
sewage-treatment facilities.
Image 20.2. Even acidic lakes can become eutrophic if fertilized. Drain Lake near Halifax became extremely
acidic (pH 4.0) after pyritic minerals in its watershed were exposed to the atmosphere by construction activity,
which resulted in their oxidation and the production of sulphuric acid. However, the lake also received inputs of
sewage, which caused it to become eutrophic and to support a lush productivity of aquatic plants, algae,
zooplankton, insects, and waterfowl. The lake was too acidic, however, to support fish (see also Chapter 19).
Source: B. Freedman.
Compared with many oceanic environments, inland waters such as lakes and rivers have a much smaller capacity for
diluting and biodegrading sewage waste. Consequently, most municipalities located beside an inland waterbody treat
their sewage before discharging the effluent. Sewage treatment can, however, vary greatly in degree and in the
technology used, as we examine below (Freedman, 1995; Sierra Legal Defence, 2004, 2006).
Tertiary treatment to reduce phosphorus in municipal effluents requires expensive investments in technology and
operating costs. Consequently, this practice is pursued only under certain conditions. Tertiary treatment is mostly
used by communities located beside rivers and around the Great Lakes. Moreover, because the Great Lakes are
affected by effluents originating from sources in both Canada and the United States, bilateral agreements have been
negotiated concerning the loading of phosphorus and other pollutants. To meet the target loadings, municipalities in
both countries must use tertiary systems to achieve a high degree of phosphorus removal from sewage.
Elsewhere in Canada, less attention is generally paid to the removal of phosphorus from municipal effluents. Although
municipalities may treat their sewage, only primary or secondary systems are generally used, mostly to reduce the
abundance of pathogens and to lower BOD in the effluent (Chapter 25).
As previously noted, agricultural livestock produce enormous amounts of fecal materials. However, their manure is
rarely treated before it is disposed into the environment. Treatment facilities for agricultural sewage are considered
too expensive and are not often required by regulators. This happens even though some intensive rearing facilities,
such as agro-industrial feedlots and factory farms, may produce huge amounts of concentrated manure, equivalent to
the sewage of a small city.
Meretta and Char Lakes are two small lakes that are located on Cornwallis Island in northern Canada. Because of the
severe climate in the High Arctic, tundra lakes are relatively simple ecosystems. Moreover, nutrient inputs are sparse
and cycling is slow, so tundra lakes are naturally oligotrophic. Char Lake is a typical oligotrophic, polar lake, with
extremely clear water and low rates of productivity of algae, zooplankton, and fish. Meretta Lake, in contrast, received
sewage from a small community. Because of the nutrient input, it became moderately eutrophic (Schindler et al., 1974).
The sewage dumping resulted in phosphorus loading about 13 times larger in Meretta than in Char Lake, while the
nitrogen input was 19 times higher. Consequently, during the growing season, Meretta Lake developed a phytoplankton
biomass averaging 12-times greater than in Char, and up to 40-times higher during the summer algal bloom. In the
winter, these lakes are covered with ice, which restricts the rate at which atmospheric oxygen can enter the water.
During this time, the decomposition of organic material, mostly sewage waste but also algal biomass, exerts a great
demand for oxygen in the bottom water of Meretta Lake, resulting in anoxic conditions. The oxygen depletion causes
severe stress to aquatic animals and impairs the reproduction of Arctic char (Salvelinus alpinus), a type of trout.
This case demonstrates that even polar lakes, which are relatively simple ecosystems because of their severe climatic
environment, can exhibit a strong eutrophication response to fertilization with limiting nutrients.
The Great Lakes are one of the world’s outstanding fresh water systems, holding about one-fifth of global surface fresh
water (excluding glaciers). Lake Superior sits at the top of this chain, with Lakes Michigan, Huron, Erie, and Ontario
located below. The lakes and their watersheds drain to the Atlantic Ocean through the St. Lawrence River, itself a great
waterway (there is also some flow to the Mississippi River, through a canal in Chicago). The aggregate surface area of
the Great Lakes is 245-thousand km2, and the watershed is 539-thousand km2 (Table 20.2). About 35 million people live
in the watershed, of which 10-million are in Canada.
All of the Great Lakes except Lake Michigan form part of the border between Canada and the United States.
Consequently, issues concerning resources and water quality are binational: waters in Canadian jurisdiction are
affected by actions in the United States and vice versa. Especially important issues are the dumping of sewage and
industrial waste, the conversion of forest and wetlands into agricultural and residential land-uses, and commercial and
sport fishing. Recognizing this context, the governments of Canada and the United States have entered into a number
of co-operative agreements regarding the management of resources, emissions of pollutants, and research and
monitoring of their shared Great Lakes ecosystem. Much of the integrated binational activity is coordinated by the
International Joint Commission, a body with equal representation from both countries. The Great Lakes Water Quality
Agreement, implemented in 1972 and modified in 1978, 1983, 1989, and 2012, commits Canada and the United States to
maintain and restore the chemical, physical, and ecological integrity of the Great Lakes and their watershed.
Lake Erie has a relatively small volume and is located in a watershed with fertile soil. Consequently, Lake Erie has
always been the most productive of the Great Lakes. However, its productivity has been greatly increased as a result of
nutrient inputs associated with urban sewage and agricultural drainage. This has created eutrophic conditions in
shallower regions of the lake. The western basin of Lake Erie is particularly vulnerable to eutrophication because it is
relatively shallow and warm and receives large inputs of sewage and agricultural runoff. In addition to nutrient loading,
Lake Erie has been affected by other important stressors. These include contamination by potentially toxic chemicals,
large commercial and recreational fisheries, conversion of most of the natural ecosystems in its watershed into
agricultural and urban land-uses, and introductions of alien plants and animals. This complex of stressors has degraded
the water quality and ecosystem of Lake Erie. The damage was particularly acute during the late 1960s and early 1970s,
when pollution was relatively uncontrolled. Although some of the earlier problems have been alleviated, Lake Erie is
Table 20.2. Size and Watershed Characteristics of the Great Lakes of North America. Sources: Data from Gregor
and Johnson (1980), Neilson et al. (1994), Environment Canada (1996, 2013), Dolan et al. (2010), and EPA (2012).
Oxygen Depletion
Lake Erie develops a stratified condition during the summer, making it difficult for oxygen to penetrate to deep-water
habitat (see In Detail 20.1). If the deeper water is subject to large demands for oxygen to decompose organic materials,
deoxygenation can result. During most summers from the 1950s to 1970s, this condition occurred widely in Lake Erie,
especially in its shallow western end. Sewage dumping and algal biomass sinking from the surface water resulted in an
intense demand for oxygen, causing extensive deoxygenation of bottom water.
Deoxygenation is harmful to aquatic animals, most of which require free access to oxygen in order to live. The episodes
of anoxia in Lake Erie caused great changes to occur in the community of invertebrates living in the sediment
(benthos). The benthic community was dominated by larvae of mayflies (aquatic insects in the order Ephemeroptera).
The most common species were Hexagenia rigida and H. limbata, which lived in surface mud in an abundance of about
400/m2. However, following a series of severe oxygen depletions in the 1950s, these insects decreased to about 40/m2,
and by 1961 they had almost disappeared, occurring at less than 1/m2.
The collapse of benthic mayflies was widely reported by the popular media, which sensationalized the phenomenon by
suggesting that Lake Erie was “dead.” This was by no means the case, because the mayflies had been replaced by a
benthic fauna that is tolerant of deoxygenation. These included aquatic worms known as tubificids (Limnodrilus spp.),
insect larvae of the midge family (order Diptera, family Chironomidae), and small molluscs (snails in the order
Algal Blooms
Because Lake Erie has a greater supply of nutrients, it supports a much larger biomass of phytoplankton than the other
Great Lakes. When its eutrophication was most severe, its western basin supported about twice as much algal biomass
as Lake Ontario (per unit of surface area), and 11 times more than oligotrophic Lake Superior.
The communities of phytoplankton vary greatly among the sub-basins of Lake Erie and also between its nearshore and
offshore waters. The eastern and central basins are relatively deep and unproductive, while the shallower western
basin is more productive. In all three basins, however, shallow nearshore habitat is more productive than offshore
water. The algal bloom that occurs during the spring in eutrophic water is typically dominated by diatoms of the genus
Melosira, while the bloom in late summer is dominated by the blue-green bacteria Anabaena, Microcystis, and
Aphanizomenon, the diatom Fragilaria, and the green alga Pediastrum.
In addition, the colonial green alga Cladophora glomerata can occur as filamentous mats attached to rocks in shallow
habitats. This alga grows in locally fertile habitats in Lake Erie and some of the other Great Lakes. It was especially
abundant during the 1960s and 1970s, when storms caused mats of its biomass to detach from rocky substrates,
eventually washing ashore as a malodorous mass or sinking to deeper water to contribute to the development of
anoxic conditions.
Studies have shown that the western basin of Lake Erie has always been relatively productive, sustaining a lush growth
of aquatic plants and algae and large populations of fish. However, the huge nutrient inputs associated with sewage
dumping and agricultural runoff increased the intensity of eutrophication. Fortunately, these problems have been
alleviated substantially since the 1970s. This is because inputs of phosphorus to the lake have decreased, mainly
through a ban on high-phosphate detergent and the construction of tertiary sewage-treatment plants to service cities
and towns.
Changes in Zooplankton
The zooplankton of Lake Erie used to be dominated by relatively large species, such as Limnocalanus macrurus and
species of Daphnia. By the 1960s, however, these had mainly been replaced by smaller, previously rare species, such as
Diaptomus siciloides, which is considered to be an indicator of eutrophic conditions. The greatest changes occurred in
the shallow western basin, where the midsummer zooplankton density increased from less than about 7-thousand/
m3 prior to 1940, to as much as 110-thousand/m3 in 1959. However, even at that time, zooplankton species typical of
oligotrophic conditions survived in the deeper eastern basin.
Changes in the zooplankton community were caused partly by the increasing primary productivity, because single-
celled phytoplankton are the food-base of these tiny crustaceans. In addition, at about the same time that Lake Erie
was becoming more eutrophic, its commercial fishery was over-exploiting larger species of fish, which are typically
piscivorous (they eat other fish). After the demise of the piscivorous species, the fish community became dominated by
smaller species that feed on zooplankton (known as planktivorous fish), which selectively feed on larger zooplankton.
Therefore, smaller species of zooplankton were favoured and their abundance increased.
Lake Erie has long supported a large fishery, which typically exceeds the combined landings of all the other Great
Although the catch of the fishery on Lake Erie has not declined, the nature of the fish community has changed greatly.
These changes illustrate a severe degradation of the fishery resource and of the natural ecosystem. When the
commercial fishery on Lake Erie began in the nineteenth century, the prime targets were the largest, most valuable
species – these were whitefish (Coregonus clupeaformis), lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush), and herring (Leucichthys
artedi). This is a common pattern whenever a previously unexploited fishery or forest resource is initially harvested –
take the best and leave the rest (see Chapter 14).
Unfortunately, populations of the most desirable species were rapidly depleted. This happened because the fishing
pressure was excessive and could not be sustained. Also, severe habitat degradation occurred in the lake, caused
mainly by erosion and siltation associated with extensive deforestation of its watershed. As the most desirable species
disappeared, the fishing industry switched to “second-choice” species, such as blue pike (Stizostedion vitreum
glaucum), walleye (S. v. vitreum), sauger (S. canadense), and yellow perch (Perca flavescens). Because of over-
exploitation and habitat degradation, the species of Stizostedion became extirpated or rare by the early 1970s. The
fishery was then dominated by smaller, low-value species such as yellow perch, and by alien fish such as rainbow smelt
(Osmerus mordax), freshwater drum (Aplodinotus grunniens), and carp (Cyprinus carpio). Therefore, although the total
yield of fish caught has remained fairly large and consistent over time, the quality of the economic resource and the
integrity of the fish community have been badly degraded.
Recent Changes in Environmental Quality: For a number of reasons, ecological conditions have improved markedly in
Lake Erie since the late 1970s. This has largely been achieved by the construction of sewage-treatment facilities in
lakeside cities and towns in Canada and the United States (as well as upstream, especially on the Detroit River and Lake
St. Clair). Many of these facilities include technology to reduce phosphorus inputs. The annual loading of phosphorus
to Lake Erie has been reduced from about 28-thousand tonnes in 1968, to 20-thousand t in 1974, and 6-17-thousand t
during 1981-2008 (average 9-thousand t; Richards, 2012; Figure 20.1). Whereas in the 1960s most of the phosphorus
loading was from point-sources (primarily discharges of sewage from towns and cities), it is now mostly non-point
discharges associated with agricultural runoff.
The reduction of phosphorus input has alleviated eutrophication in Lake Erie (Makarewicz and Bertram, 1991). The
average biomass of phytoplankton decreased from 3.4 g/m3 in 1970 to 1.2 g/m3 during 1983-1985. The largest biomass
still occurs in the western basin, where it averaged 1.9 g/m3 during 1983-1987, compared with 1.0 g/m3 in the central
basin and 0.6 g/m3 in the deepest, eastern basin. Blooms of nuisance algae have also decreased in intensity. For
example, the blue-green alga Aphanizomenon flos-aquae had a standing crop as high as 2.0 g/m3 in 1970, but only 0.22
g/m3 during 1983-1985. Similarly, diatoms that indicate eutrophic conditions have decreased in abundance, by 85% in
the case of Stephanodiscus binderanus in the western basin, and by 94% for Fragilaria capucina. At the same time,
diatoms indicative of mesotrophic or oligotrophic conditions have become more abundant, notably Asterionella
formosa and Rhizosolenia eriensis. The open water of the previously eutrophic western basin is now considered to be
in a mesotrophic condition, while the eastern basin is now oligotrophic.
Figure 20.1. Phytoplankton Density in Lake Erie. This figure shows how filter-feeding on phytoplankton by
zebra mussels has helped to clarify the water of Lake Erie (along with the influence of reduced phosphorus
loading). The sampling site at Union is at the western end of the lake, while Blenheim and Elgin are
progressively east. The zebra mussel invaded from west to east, and there was a lag in the development of its
The animal communities have also changed since the 1970s. Species of zooplankton that indicate oligotrophic
conditions have become more abundant, while indicators of eutrophication are fewer and mostly restricted to the
western basin. Since 1972, the populations of relatively large fishes have increased greatly, particularly walleye and
introduced Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchus spp.). These are fish-eating species, and their predation has decreased the
abundance of smaller, zooplankton-eating fish such as smelt, alewife (Alosa pseudoharengus), and shiners (Notropis
spp.). The decrease of planktivorous fishes has allowed secondary increases of larger-bodied zooplankton, such as the
waterflea Daphnia pulicaria.
The zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) is another cause of important ecological change. This bivalve mollusc, a
native of Eurasia, was accidentally introduced to the Great Lakes by the discharge of ballast water from transoceanic
ships. The mussel can rapidly attain an extremely dense population (up to 50-thousand/m2) on hard underwater
surfaces such as rock, metal, and concrete. It is a filter-feeder, and its huge populations have an enormous capability
for removing algal cells from water. Consequently, they may be responsible for some of the recent clarification of Lake
Erie and eutrophic parts of other Great Lakes (Figure 20.1). In addition, their dense populations have benefited some
species of ducks that winter on the lakes and feed on benthic molluscs and other invertebrates. However, the invasion
of the Great Lakes by zebra mussels has also caused serious damage, including a reduction in filter-feeding
zooplankton (with secondary effects on planktivorous fish), and the displacement of native molluscs that cannot
compete with the dense shoals of this non-native mussel. Industries and water utilities have also suffered damage from
the clogging of their water-intake pipes.
Lake Erie is an important example of the cumulative, detrimental effects of a variety of anthropogenic stressors on the
ecological health of a large lake. The stressors that have degraded Lake Erie include eutrophication caused by nutrient
loading, habitat damage through siltation resulting from deforestation of the watershed, over-exploitation of a
potentially renewable fishery, pollution by oxygen-consuming sewage and toxic chemicals, and introductions of alien
species. Fortunately, Lake Erie is also beginning to demonstrate that a highly degraded ecosystem can be induced to
recover somewhat, assuming that the causes of the damage can be mitigated effectively. Still, there is much that should
A dam is a structure that is used to contain flowing water, which backs up to form a lake-like impoundment. Some
dams are immense. The world’s first “very large” dam was the 221 m Hoover Dam, built in 1935. The tallest is the
Jinping-I Dam at 305 m, on the Yalong River in China. Dams may be built for various useful purposes: as components of
a hydroelectric development, as a flood-control structure, and to store water for use in irrigated agriculture or to
supply municipal water. The International Commission on Large Dams (2014) reports that there are 58.3-thousand
dams taller than 15 m in the world (these are referred to as “large dams”), and perhaps 800-thousand shorter ones.
About 49% of the dams have a single use, of which 49% are for irrigation, 20% for hydroelectricity, 13% for municipal
water supply, 9% for flood control, and 10% for other purposes. Of the multi-use dams, 24% are for irrigation, 19% for
flood control, 17% for municipal water supply, 16% for hydroelectricity, 12% for recreation, and 12% for other purposes.
Canada has 1,166 large dams (>15 m) and also many smaller ones. About 64% of the large dams are primarily used for
hydroelectricity, 11% for water supply, 9% to containing tailings from mines, 6% for municipal water supply, 6% for
irrigation, 2% for flood control, and 4% for other purposes, while 9% are multi-purpose (Environment Canada, 2010).
The construction of dams and impoundments always causes environmental damage and affects local people in various
ways. For these reasons, these developments are always controversial at the local scale, and often at national and
international levels as well. Such controversy has been sufficient to halt some proposals (often in concert with
concerns about economic and energy-supply issues). A high-profile Canadian example of this is the Great Whale
development, which was suspended in 1994. This was to be the second phase of a series of hydro megadevelopments
proposed by Hydro-Québec in waterways east of James Bay and Hudson Bay. An international example is the Three
Gorges Project in China (see Global Focus 20.1).
Moreover, if today’s criteria for acceptable environmental and socio-economic impacts had been applied to earlier
proposals, many of the existing dams and impoundments would not have been constructed. For example, the World
Bank has progressively upgraded its environmental and socio-economic criteria for funding large dam projects. In
1996, it re-evaluated proposals it had considered during the period of 1960 to 1995 (Dorcey et al., 1997) and found that
under the older evaluation criteria, about 10% of the proposals had been considered “unacceptable” for funding. Under
the new criteria, however, 26% would have been considered unacceptable and another 48% only “potentially
acceptable” (the latter could become acceptable if modified to take account of certain environmental and/or socio-
economic concerns).
In the next sections we examine the most important environmental effects of dams and impoundments, with an
emphasis on those occurring in Canada.
The highest-profile hydroelectric development in China, and the second-largest in the world, is the Three
Gorges Project (the largest is the Itaipú Dam in Brazil and Paraguay) (China Three Gorges Project, 2011;
International Rivers, 2008; Wikipedia, 2015). Construction began in 1993 and was completed in 2012, with a total
expenditure equivalent to US$26 billion. The project has flooded an enormous reservoir in the canyon of the
Yangzi River in southeastern China. The main dam is 0.94 km wide and 182 m high, and the reservoir extends
for 640 km and covers 632 km2. The project has 32 generating units each of 700 MW of installed capacity,
which will provide an enormous amount of power (the aggregate capacity is 22,400 MW, or about 12% of the
national total). The power will be used in southern and central regions of China, where the economy is growing
most quickly.
The Three Gorges Project is expected to provide the following key benefits to China:
However, the massive Three Gorges project is also extremely controversial for many reasons:
• it has dammed the flow of a great river – at 6,300 km, the Yangzi is the third-longest river in the world (after
the Nile and Amazon)
• its associated reservoir inundated land where many people lived – about 1.3 million people had to be
relocated to higher ground, many of whom were dispossessed of fertile land and built-upon developed
property and ended up in worsened financial circumstances.
• there are fears about the safety of the dam and its enormous reservoir, partly based on risks of inferior
design and construction fostered by corruption in the awarding of some contracts; an engineering failure
could be a massive catastrophe
• pollutants are likely to accumulate in the reservoir (at present, they are mostly carried by the river to
the ocean), including massive amounts of chemicals released from flooded industrial sites that were not
properly cleaned up
• the reservoir may silt up rather quickly, because of erosion caused by extensive deforestation of the Yangzi
• about 1,300 sites of cultural and historical importance were destroyed by inundation; only some of their
artefacts and structures were salvaged
Clearly, the Three Gorges Project is a monumental undertaking of human ingenuity and engineering. It has
transformed a significant part of the surface of the planet and is having gigantic economic and environmental impacts.
It is a sobering thought that the extreme benefits and risks of such a colossal endeavour were made necessary by the
astonishing increases in the economic scale of the human enterprise. As enormous as this project is, we can expect
proposals for others of similar or larger magnitude if the energy and material demands of the burgeoning human
economy are to be met.
Hydroelectricity is produced by using the kinetic energy of flowing water to turn a turbine, which connects to a
generator that produces electricity, which is distributed to consumers through a complex network of transmission
lines (see Chapter 13). The global use of hydroelectricity was 3,782 terawatt-hours of electricity (in 2013; this is
equivalent to 856 x 106 tonnes of oil equivalent; BP, 2015). About 56% of the global use of hydroelectricity occurs in
developed countries, and 23% in North America. Canada has invested relatively heavily in the development of
hydroelectric resources and accounts for 10% of the global use of this energy source (for comparison, Canada
constitutes 0.5% of the global population). Hydroelectricity accounts for about 6.7% of all commercial energy use, but
75% of the use of renewable sources (others include wind, solar, geothermal, and biomass).
There are three basic ways to harness flows of surface water to generate hydroelectricity:
1. A large impoundment can accumulate riverflow and flood an extensive area of land. This stores water from the
spring high-flow period so that electricity can be generated according to demand throughout the year. This kind
of facility has a large effect on the seasonal variation of below-dam riverflow, because it greatly reduces the spring
peak flow while increasing the flow during the summer, fall, and winter (Figure 20.2). Large impoundments are the
most common type of major hydroelectric facility in Canada.
Figure 20.2. Effects of Reservoir Development on Seasonal Flow of the Peace River. The Bennett Dam and its
associated reservoir were built in 1968, so the upper curves (for 1915–1967) represent pre-impoundment
conditions. The flows were measured at the town of Peace River, Alberta. The most notable changes are (1) an
overall reduction in the annual variation of riverflow; (2) a large reduction in peak flow during mid-April to mid-
July; and (3) an increase during the low-flow period of September to March. Source: Modified from Rosenberg et
al. (1997).
3. A combined system incorporates elements of both run-of-the-river and the development of a large impoundment.
These so-called peaking systems will store water during part of the day and release it during the time of highest
demand for electricity, which is generally between 08:00 and 22:00 (Figure 20.4). One variation is the pumped-
storage system, in which electricity generated during low-demand times of the day is used to pump water into an
elevated reservoir; the stored water is later used to generate electricity at the peak-demand time. If the peak-flow
system causes large flow variations downriver, important ecological damage may be caused. Other combined
systems have run-of-the-river generators installed on rivers draining into a central reservoir or installed
downriver of a reservoir.
Figure 20.3. Effects of Peaking Discharges on Hourly Mean Discharge to the Nelson River. The data are for a
one-week period in July 1984. This figure illustrates the changes in hydrology that occur downstream if the
generation of electricity is timed to meet the peak daily demand. Note the relatively low demand during the
weekend. Kelsey Dam is not subject to these peaking discharges, so it represents the background pattern of low
flow in the summer. Source: Modified from Rosenberg et al. (1997).
Environmental Effects
• Because the energy source (flowing water) is renewed through the hydrologic cycle, hydroelectricity is a
renewable source of power.
• The emissions of greenhouse gases are much smaller than those associated with the use of fossil fuels to generate
• Unlike fossil fuels, there are no direct emissions of SO2 or NOx, which are important causes of acid rain.
• In some regions, impoundments help control downstream flooding, which might otherwise cause economic
damage and risks to people living in flood plains (described later).
• Substantial recreational or commercial fisheries may develop in reservoirs.
However, to a degree these advantages are rather simplistic, particularly because large quantities of fossil fuels, metals,
• Flooding of Natural Habitat: Large reservoirs flood extensive areas of terrestrial and wetland habitat. This causes
ecological damage, including the displacement of plants and animals that had utilized the original habitats. In some
cases, uncommon or rare species may be affected, particularly if unusual habitats such as waterfall spray zones or
special wetlands are destroyed. Of course, even while flooding destroys terrestrial and wetland areas, it also
develops new aquatic habitats, which provide opportunities for certain fish, waterfowl, and other aquatic species.
The productivity of algae, zooplankton, and fish is usually relatively high for several years after the creation of a
new reservoir because of nutrients leached from flooded soil.
• Methylmercury: High concentrations of methylmercury commonly occur in fish in reservoirs. This happens
because inorganic mercury that is naturally present in soil becomes methylated by bacteria under the anoxic
conditions that develop in sediment after flooding. As we learned in Chapter 18, methylmercury is readily
bioaccumulated by organisms and then magnifies up the food web to occur in particularly high concentrations in
top predators. It also tends to occur in higher concentrations in older individuals within a fish population. Mercury
concentrations in the flesh of predatory fish in reservoirs are often higher than 1.0 ppm and can reach 3 ppm,
which significantly exceeds the 0.5 ppm limit for fish intended for human consumption. Fish with high
concentrations of methylmercury are also a toxic hazard to natural predators such as osprey (Pandion haliaetus),
bald eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus), and river otter (Lutra canadensis). In the boreal region of Canada, the
concentration of mercury in fish increases after the initial development of a reservoir and persists for 10-30 years
or longer (Figure 20.5). In general, this phenomenon is most intense in large, new reservoirs. It is less of a problem
in reservoirs that are created by raising the water level of a steep-sided lake or river valley with shorter-term
storage, or in older impoundments.
Figure 20.4. Mercury in Fish in the Robert Bourassa Reservoir, Quebec. The data are for mercury in the
muscle of fish, expressed in mg/kg (or ppm) on a fresh-weight basis. The data are standardized to fish size;
those for pike are for individuals 70 cm long, while those for walleye are for animals 40 cm long. The
reservoir was first filled in 1979. Source: Data from Schetagne et al. (2002).
Image 20.3. Two views of Churchill Falls, Labrador: (left) the 75 m tall falls prior to the completion of
the 5429 MW generating station in 1974; and (right) the greatly reduced flow in 1988 due to the
diversion of riverflow to generate electricity. Source: A. Luttermann.
Image 20.4. This hydroelectric generating station is located on the Niagara River in southern Ontario. It
generates electricity mostly at night, using river flow that has been diverted to a storage reservoir (not
visible in the photograph). During the day, however, the riverflow passes over Niagara Falls, a popular
• Emissions of Greenhouse Gases: The development of a large reservoir results in conditions suitable for the
emission of large amounts of carbon dioxide and methane to the atmosphere (see Chapter 17). The production of
methane, which is about 28 times more potent as a greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide, may occur if flooding
results in anaerobic conditions through the decomposition of large amounts of biomass – the dead trees and litter
of drowned forests and the organic matter of inundated wetlands, especially peaty bogs and fens. Such oxygen-
poor conditions favour the production of methane during decomposition, which out-gasses into the atmosphere.
The emission of greenhouse gases is greatest during the first several decades after flooding and then slows to a
rate similar to that of natural lakes. Experimental flooding of a wetland at the Experimental Lakes Area resulted in
a twenty-fold increase in the rate of methane emission to the atmosphere. Under conditions that are particularly
favourable for methane generation, the rate of emission of greenhouse gases (standardized as greenhouse
warming potential because CH4 has greater radiative activity than CO2) can exceed that of a coal-fired power plant
(although this is more characteristic of tropical reservoirs than cooler ones; Rosenberg et al., 1997).
• Effects on Biodiversity: Some hydroelectric developments have destroyed the habitat of threatened species or
unusual ecosystems. The proliferation of dams on rivers has greatly reduced or extirpated many populations of
Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) and Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchus spp.). At least 142 stocks of Pacific salmon in
western Canada have been lost partly because of hydroelectric dams (in combination with logging, over-fishing,
and other stressors), and many others are threatened. Hydroelectric developments also threaten the breeding
habitat of the harlequin duck (Histrionicus histrionicus) in both eastern and western Canada (it is endangered in
the eastern part of its range). Construction of the Churchill Falls hydro project in Labrador destroyed the habitat of
rare species of ferns, mosses, and liverworts in the misty spray zone of the original natural waterfall. Undoubtedly,
numerous undocumented losses of rare species and their habitat occurred during the construction of
hydroelectric developments in Canada and elsewhere prior to the early 1970s, when biodiversity surveys became a
routine component of environmental impact assessments for these projects.
One example of insensitive hydro development was the Churchill Falls Project in Labrador, for which
construction began in 1967. In 1969, the government of Newfoundland entered into a contract with Hydro-
Québec (a Crown Corporation of Québec) to supply power for 65 years, but at a price that (incredibly, in
retrospect) took no account of monetary inflation or the future value of hydroelectricity. In 1971, flooding of the
Smallwood Reservoir began, and it eventually covered an immense 6,700 km2. In 1974, a generating station with
a capacity of 5429 MW was completed and electricity began to flow to markets in Québec and the northeastern
United States.
It is astonishing by the standards of today, but the Churchill Falls Project was developed with only a few studies
of its potential environmental impacts. For instance, there was little understanding of how the local and
regional ecology might be affected by the enormous changes in the hydrology of the Churchill River, one of the
great watercourses of eastern Canada. Inevitably, the huge reservoir caused extensive damage through
flooding, other habitat changes, and the mobilization of bioavailable methylmercury.
It is also remarkable that this immense industrial development occurred without much consultation with the
local people, particularly those of the Innu culture, who are the original inhabitants of that region of Labrador.
The local Innu had long engaged in subsistence hunting and commercial trapping in the project region,
undertaking seasonal movements to traditional areas where they obtained wild meat as food and furs to sell.
Most of these people were completely unaware of the proposed hydroelectric development or its likely
consequences for their traditional activities. Some of them lost their canoes, cabins, and other possessions to
flooding, for which they were not compensated. Many archaeological sites, such as burying grounds, were also
• compensation for damage suffered by Innu during the initial development at Churchill Falls
• a full assessment of the environmental and socio-economic impacts of the proposed new development
• royalties and other compensation, such as specified job and contract opportunities, for Innu persons and
companies during the new development
• the settlement of a comprehensive land claim, in view of the assertion of the Innu Nation of Aboriginal title
for almost all of that region of Labrador
To reinforce their position, the Innu have at various times held public protests in the project area and on
Newfoundland. They have also petitioned their case to environmental organizations, power companies, and
state governments in the northeastern United States, where much of the power would likely be sold. A
particularly high-profile demonstration was held to confront a press conference staged by the governments of
Québec and Newfoundland in March of 1998, near the village of Churchill Falls, where their premiers jointly
announced a new plan for a hydro development on the Lower Churchill River. This protest by the Innu garnered
front-page attention throughout Canada and internationally. The project envisioned at that time would have
cost about $10 billion. It would have constructed a new reservoir, dam, and generating facility of 2,264 MW at
Gull Island, while also increasing the capacity of the existing Upper Churchill Falls station by 1000 MW.
Since then, the government of Newfoundland & Labrador has enetered into an agreement with Nova Scotia to
develop a hydro facility on the Lower Churchill River and a transmission corridor through to New England.
However, at the time of writing (2015), full consensus had not yet been obtained from the Innu people, and a
land settlement had not been achieved. However, many detailed or environmental and socio-economic impact
assessments had been completed. Although this hydroelectric development in Labrador remains contentious,
its construction is likely to begin in the summer of 2015.
The La Grande Complex in Québec was developed between 1973 and 1996 (Messier, 1998). The development is centred
on the La Grande River, but the river’s natural flow has been augmented by diversions of the Caniapiscau River (48% of
its flow) and the linked Eastmain and Opinaca Rivers (90% of their flow). The first phase of the development occurred
between 1973 and 1985 and resulted in five reservoirs with a total impoundment area of 11,335 km2 (including 10,400
km2 of newly flooded land). Three powerhouses were built, with a total generating capacity of 10,282 MW. The second
phase of the development, between 1987 and 1996, added five powerhouses (capacity 4,962 MW) and three new
reservoirs (1,618 km2, including 1,134 km2 of flooded land). During the planning, construction, and operating phases of
the development, Hydro-Québec undertook extensive studies of hydrology, climate, ecology, socio-economics, and
other issues related to potential environmental impacts.
For several years after the new impoundments were flooded, there was a relatively high productivity of phytoplankton
and zooplankton. This occurred because of the high concentrations of nutrients, especially phosphorus, that were
leached from flooded soil. The resulting abundance of invertebrates and small fish allowed a relatively high
Image 20.5. Hydroelectric developments in relatively flat terrain can result in the flooding of enormous areas as
reservoirs. This view shows a small part of one of the reservoirs behind the LG-1 Dam on the La Grande River.
The first phase of this immense hydroelectric development resulted in five reservoirs with a total area
exceeding 11,000 km2. Source: A. Luttermann.
Erosion associated with high-water discharges threatened the village of Fort George on the estuary of the La Grande
River, forcing the relocation of its inhabitants to a new settlement upstream at Chisasibi. The relocation resulted in
considerable social and lifestyle disruptions for the people, almost all of whom were Cree. The immense
impoundments also affected the patterns of land-use by local hunters and trappers, some of whom no longer had
access to their traditional areas. Greatly increased winter flows associated with hydroelectricity production have also
created unstable ice conditions on the river. Consequently, some former winter travel routes are no longer safe to use.
Local people and their communities were also greatly affected by the diverse economic effects of the land-claim
settlement and seven project-related agreements. (A total of $555 million was allocated for compensation and remedial
work on Cree, Inuit, and Naskapi lands associated with the development of the La Grande Complex.) They were also
greatly affected by the entry into wage employment, the construction of a network of roads and other infrastructure,
the influx of many non-local people working on the hydro facilities, and by other rapid socio-economic changes. Some
of the changes have been viewed favourably but others have not, particularly if they are considered to have degraded
the traditional elements of Cree, Inuit, or Naskapi culture.
Some areas are highly vulnerable to flooding in the springtime, especially if the yield of water from the watershed due
to rapid snowmelt or a severe rain event exceeds the capacity of a river channel, which may cause massive spillover
onto normally terrestrial habitat. An area that is vulnerable to this kind of hydrological influence is known as a flood
plain, and they are common in many parts of Canada (see Canadian Focus 20.3). Such flooding may occur regularly or it
may happen only in years with unusually high water yield from the watershed. To prevent or reduce the damage
caused by flooding, control structures such as dams, reservoirs, and channelled spillways may be constructed.
Some Canadian proposals to develop impoundments for flood control and irrigation have been extremely
controversial. Two of the most notable have been the Rafferty-Alameda project in southeastern Saskatchewan and the
Oldman Dam in southwestern Alberta.
The Rafferty-Alameda project consists of the Rafferty Dam and Reservoir on the main branch of the Souris River, the
Alameda Dam and Reservoir on Moose Mountain Creek, and associated channelizations and diversions. This project
was undertaken to provide the following benefits: water for the irrigation of about 4,800 ha of land, regional flood
control, storage of municipal water, cooling water for a thermal power plant, and reservoir-based recreation. However,
opponents of the project objected to some of its environmental impacts, which included the displacement of 75 farm
families by flooding of the reservoirs, the destruction of habitat of rare prairie plants and animals as well as fish, a
degradation of downstream water quality and quantity, and damage to cultural and historical sites. Intense controversy
was engendered by this proposal, and a legal challenge forced it to undergo a full-scale environmental impact
assessment (EIA). This was done, even though construction activities were already at an advanced stage and had to be
temporarily halted. The Rafferty Dam was completed in 1992 and the Alameda, in 1994.
It should be noted that the Rafferty-Alameda Project was the subject of a landmark decision in Canadian law, known as
the Rafferty Decision. The project was initially issued a permit by the provincial government, but its opponents
initiated legal action based on the need for a full EIA under the requirements of federal law. In 1989, the Federal Court
of Canada ruled that the Department of the Environment (a federal agency) must conduct a comprehensive EIA of the
proposed project under the Environmental Assessment and Review Process (EARP). That legal decision gave the federal
EARP guidelines the force of law, making it mandatory to do such assessments for any development proposals involving
the federal government. This includes any federally funded proposal, even if the development is to be undertaken by
another (non-federal) organization, or if there is a risk of an environmental effect on an area of federal responsibility.
Much of the political controversy in this case was associated with disagreements between the provincial and federal
governments over jurisdictional issues.
The Oldman project consists of a dam, a reservoir, and associated structures on the Oldman River. The project was
undertaken to provide the following benefits: water for irrigation of 68,850 ha of land, regional flood control, storage of
municipal water for Lethbridge and Fort McLeod, enhancement of downstream fish populations through flow
regulation, and reservoir-based recreation. However, opponents of the project, including members of the local Peigan
Aboriginal Nation, objected to some of its likely environmental impacts, which are similar to those described for the
Rafferty-Alameda case. Opponents of the Oldman Dam were successful in a legal action to force the proponents to
undertake a full EIA (this was the first application of the Rafferty decision of 1989; it was eventually resolved by the
Supreme Court of Canada). The EIA was conducted, even though the development was already about 40% completed.
Construction of the dam was completed in 1993. However, much controversy remained because some concerns of the
environmental review panel were not fully addressed before the permit was granted for completion.
The Saguenay disaster, in 1996, was caused by an intense July rainstorm that delivered 15.5 cm of precipitation
during a 50-hour period. The resulting flooding caused the deaths of 10 people and forced about 16-thousand
others from their homes. About 1,350 houses were destroyed or badly damaged, and one-thousand families had
to be permanently relocated. There was also a devastating impact on commercial, industrial, and tourism
operations. The total economic damage was more than $800 million. Although some of the rivers feeding into
the Saguenay region had flood-control dams and reservoirs in place, these were not adequate to deal with the
enormous volume of water generated by the extreme rain event.
A much-more extensive event affected the flood plain of the Red River in 1997, as a result of a high volume of
spring runoff from an unusually deep snowpack that had accumulated from several storms. The flooding
affected more than 2-thousand km2 of flat low-lying terrain, and it caused 24-thousand people to be evacuated
from their homes in southeastern Manitoba and more than 50-thousand in North Dakota and Minnesota,
including almost all of the population of the city of Grand Forks. The total cost of the damage from this flood
exceeded $1 billion. The destruction in Manitoba would have been much worse, but an extensive network of
temporary dikes was hurriedly built by local residents, volunteers, and the Canadian army. Along with an
existing system of permanent dikes and diversion channels, these protected most of the city of Winnipeg,
which otherwise would have been devastated by flooding (although these same dikes did exacerbate some of
the flooding that occurred south of Winnipeg). Crucial to saving the city was the Red River Floodway, built in
1968 to give protection from just this kind of severe flooding. Until the great flood of 1997, many people
somewhat derisively referred to this floodway as “Duff’s Ditch,” after Duff Roblin, the premier who had
authorized construction of the project against intense political opposition because of its high capital costs.
The third case occurred in the early summer of 2013, when heavy rains triggered the worst flooding ever
recorded in southern Alberta. The rainfall reached 32.5 cm over two days in some places on the eastern slope of
the Rocky Mountains, and the massive downward flow from large watershed then inundated low-lying
floodplains of the Bow, Elbow, Highwood, Red Deer, Sheep, Little Bow, and South Saskatchewan rivers and their
various tributaries. More than 100-thousand people were displaced from their homes, four people died of
drowning, and the economic damage was estimated to exceed $5 billion.
Image 20.6. A view of flooding in Calgary, looking towards the East Village neighbourhood during the Great
Alberta Flood of 2013. Source: Ryan L.C. Quan, Wikimedia Commons, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/
1. Outline the evidence that phosphorus is the limiting nutrient for algal productivity in lakes.
2. Lake Erie has been affected by a variety of environmental stressors. Which of them have caused the most damage
to the lake?
1. How is sewage treated in the community where you live? Describe the environmental benefits of treating your
community’s sewage, and the damages of not doing so.
2. Compare the major environmental effects of large impoundments and run-of-the-river hydroelectric
3. Are there any dams or reservoirs close to where you live? Identify one and prepare a list of the “benefits” and
“damages” that it brings to society and the environment.
4. Why do large hydroelectric proposals always engender such intense local controversy?
Exploring Issues
1. A proposal is being made to develop a hydroelectric facility on a large river. There are two development options: (a)
a run-of-the-river facility, and (b) a larger dam that would develop an extensive reservoir. Option (b) would
generate considerably more electricity. You are an environmental scientist and have been asked to compare the
potential environmental impacts of the two proposals. What major topics would you examine in your impact
assessment? What do you think the likely results would be (in terms of the relative impacts of the two
development options)?
British Petroleum (BP). 2015. Statistical Review of World Energy 2014. BP, London, UK. https://web.archive.org/web/
world-energy.html Viewed January, 2014.
China Three Gorges Project. 2011. Three Gorges Project. China Committee on Large Dams, Beijing, China.
Cooke, G.D. and E.B. Welch. 2005. Restoration and Management of Lakes and Reservoirs, 3rd ed. CRC Press, Boca
Raton, FL.
Cowx, I.G. (ed.). 2002. Management and Ecology of Lake and Reservoir Fisheries. Blackwell Publishing, Oxford, UK.
Dodds, W.K. and M.R. Wiles. 2010. Freshwater Ecology: Concepts & Environmental Applications, 2nd ed. Academic
Press, San Diego, CA.
Dolan, D.N., P. Richards, and K. McGunagle. 2010. Phosphorus Loading to the Great Lakes. University of Wisconsin,
Green Bay, WI.https://web.archive.org/web/20180605151609/http://web2.uwindsor.ca/lemn/
Environment Canada. 1996. The State of Canada’s Environment, 1996. Government of Canada, Ottawa, ON.
Environment Canada. 2010. Municipal Water Use Report, 2006 Statistics. Environment Canada, Ottawa, ON.
Environment Canada. 2010. Dams and Diversions. Environment Canada, Ottawa, ON. http://webarchive.bac-
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1. Outline the most common causes of oil spills on land and at sea.
2. Describe how spilled oil becomes dispersed in the environment.
3. Explain how hydrocarbons cause toxicity to organisms.
4. Explain how petroleum kills birds and how they may be rehabilitated.
5. Describe case studies of the ecological effects of oil spills at sea and on land.
6. Discuss the potential consequences of petroleum resource development in the Arctic.
Petroleum (crude oil) is a non-renewable natural resource (Chapter 13) used mainly as a source of energy. It is also used
to manufacture a diverse array of petrochemicals, including synthetic materials such as plastics. Petroleum is mined in
huge quantities. Pipelines, ships, and trains transport most of this volume, plus its refined products, around the globe.
The risks of spillage are always present, and oil spills may cause severe ecological damage. Petroleum accounts for
about 33% of the global production of commercial energy (in 2013; 31% in Canada) (Table 13.9). Moreover, the global
use of petroleum is still increasing – by 8% from 2004 to 2013 (Table 21.1). The fastest increases are in rapidly growing
economies, such as China (59%) and India (75%). Relatively wealthy, developed countries support about 20% of the
human population, but account for 48% of the global use of petroleum – 22% in North America, 21% in Europe, and 5%
in Japan.
Table 21.1. Petroleum Production and Use in Selected Countries in 2013. Data are in 106 t/year, with percentage
change since 2004 (10-year period) given in brackets. Positive values for net export means the country
The global reserves of petroleum are about 238-billion tonnes, of which 48% occurs in the Middle East, 13% in North
America, and 6% in Russia (2013 data; BP, 2014). Almost all mining of petroleum occurs far from the places where it is
consumed. The Middle East, for example, is a huge exporter of petroleum and its refined products; the amount shipped
abroad is about 3.5 times larger than domestic usage in that region. In contrast, Europe (minus the former USSR)
produces about 22% of the petroleum it consumes, while Asia produces 28%, and the United States 54%.
Canada produces about 87% more petroleum than it consumes (in 2013; CAPP, 2014). About 42% of the production is
conventional crude oil, and the other 58% is synthetic petroleum manufactured from oil-sand bitumen. About 76% of
the Canadian production occurs in Alberta, 15% in Saskatchewan, and 7% offshore of Newfoundland.
Most of the production occurs in remote areas, while most consumption is in densely populated areas of the country.
Consequently, enormous quantities of petroleum and its refined products are transported over great distances, mostly
by overland pipelines, railroads, and trucks. In addition, western Canada exports large amounts of petroleum and
refined products to the United States and to Asia, and eastern Canada exports to the eastern United States and
imports from the Middle East and Latin America. Therefore, even though Canada is more than self-sufficient in its net
production and consumption of petroleum, immense quantities of the commodity and its refined products move
within, out of, and into the country and its regions.
On the global scale, most petroleum and its refined products are transported by oceanic tankers and overland
pipelines. Local distribution systems involve smaller tankers, barges, pipelines, railroads, and trucks. There is a risk of
accidental spillage from all of these means of transportation. Some of the spills have been spectacular in their volume
and environmental damage. In addition, petroleum is discharged into the environment by many smaller sources, which
sum to a large cumulative amount.
In this chapter we examine the causes of oil spills and the ecological damage that can be caused in aquatic and
terrestrial environments.
Petroleum is a naturally occurring mixture of liquid organic compounds, almost all of which are hydrocarbons
(molecules made up only of hydrogen and carbon atoms). Petroleum is a fossil fuel, as are coal, oil-sand (or bitumen-
sand), and natural gas. Fossil fuels are derived from ancient plant biomass that became buried in deep sedimentary
formations. Over geologically long periods of time, the biomass was subjected to high pressure, high temperature, and
anoxia. The resulting chemical reactions eventually produced a rich mixture of gaseous, liquid, and solid compounds.
Naturally occurring hydrocarbons range in complexity from gaseous methane, with a weight of only 16 g/mole, to solid
substances in coal with molecular weights exceeding 20,000 g/mole. (In chemistry, a mole is a standard quantity of a
substance, equivalent to the amount contained in 6.02 × 1023 atoms or molecules.)
• Aliphatic hydrocarbons are compounds in which the carbon atoms are organized in a simple chain. Saturated
aliphatics (also called paraffins or alkanes) have a single bond between adjacent carbon atoms, while unsaturated
molecules have one or more double or triple bonds. This is illustrated by the two-carbon aliphatic hydrocarbons
ethane (H3C─CH3), ethylene (H2C═CH2), and acetylene (HC≡CH). Unsaturated aliphatics are relatively unstable
and do not occur naturally in petroleum. Rather, they are produced during industrial refining, and photochemically
in the environment after crude oil is spilled.
• Alicyclic hydrocarbons have some or all of their carbon atoms arranged in a ring structure, which may be saturated
or unsaturated. Cyclopropane (C3H6) is the simplest alicyclcic hydrocarbon.
• Aromatic hydrocarbons contain one or more five- or six-carbon rings in their molecular structure. Benzene (C6H6)
is the simplest aromatic hydrocarbons.
Crude petroleums vary greatly in their specific mixtures of hydrocarbons and other chemicals. They typically consist of
about 98% liquid hydrocarbons, 1-2% sulphur (or less), and < 1% nitrogen, plus vanadium and nickel up to 0.15%. When
petroleum is processed in an industrial refinery, various hydrocarbon fractions are separated by distillation at different
temperatures. This is done to produce such products as gasoline, kerosene, heating oil, jet fuel, lubricating oils, waxes,
and residual fuel oil (also known as bunker fuel). In addition, a process known as catalytic cracking converts some of
the heavier fractions into lighter, more valuable hydrocarbons such as those in gasoline.
Oil Spills
Oil pollution is caused by any spillage of petroleum or its refined products. The largest spills typically involve a
discharge of petroleum or bunker fuel to the ocean from a disabled tanker or a drilling platform, to an inland waterway
from a barge or ship, or to land or fresh water from a well blowout or broken pipeline. In addition, some enormous oil
spills have resulted from deliberate acts of warfare.
Terrestrial Spills
Oil spills onto land are relatively common. Between 1989 and 1995, about 3,500 spills per year were reported in Canada
– most all were relatively small, although by law they must be reported (Environment Canada, 1998). About 42% of the
spills occurred in the vicinity of production wells, while 29% were from pipelines, and 16% from tanker trucks. During
that period, up to 140-thousand t of oil was spilled per year in petroleum-producing areas, due to accidental losses and
Most large terrestrial spills involve a ruptured pipeline. Canada has about 36-thousand km of pipeline for transporting
petroleum and refined liquids and 255-thousand km for natural gas (CAPP, 2014; for comparison, there are about
1.0-million kilometers of roads, of which 416-thousand are paved; Transport Canada, 2014). Pipeline breaks may be
caused by faulty welding, corrosion, or pump malfunctions, as well as by erosion slumps earthquakes, and even armed
vandals engaged in target practice. Operator negligence may also be an issue, as was the case of the Lake Mégantic
disaster in 2013 (Canadian Focus 21.1).
The extensive Canadian network of pipelines incorporates spill sensors and other advanced technologies that allow
damaged sections to be rapidly shut down. When this system works well, it allows individual accidents to be kept
relatively small. Some other countries use fewer of these technologies, and consequently may suffer huge petroleum
spills from overland pipelines. For example, in northern Russia, some pipelines have become corroded, and insufficient
countermeasures are in place to prevent or contain oil spills.
In general, oil spilled on land affects relatively localized areas of terrain because most soils absorb petroleum well.
However, much larger areas of aquatic habitat are affected if spilled oil reaches a watercourse, because wind and
currents cause slicks to spread and disperse widely.
Canadian Focus 21.1. Off the Rails at Lake Mégantic. Late one night in June, 2013, a train carrying a 72-car load
of petroleum to a refinery in Saint John, NB derailed in the town of Lac-Mégantic, QC (Wikipedia, 2015). The
train had actually passed through the town some hours previously, but had been parked 11 km further along for
the night, but its conductor (the sole operator of the train), prior to going to a local hotel to sleep, did not set
enough manual brakes to keep the train in place. When the brakes failed, the unattended train rolled backward,
reaching a speed as fast as 100 km/hour, and eventually derailed in the downtown core of Lac-Mégantic.
Because the cargo of light petroleum was so inflammable, 63 of the 72 tank cars caught fire and exploded as
immense fireballs that destroyed 30 buildings, some of them historic, and caused the deaths of 47 people, most
of whom were late-night patrons of a popular nightclub. Associated environmental damage included pollution
of groundwater and a nearby river with petroleum residues, as well as air pollution from the smoky plumes. The
financial losses were in the hundreds of millions of dollars. Aided by funds provided by the provincial and
federal governments, as well as insurance monies, the town of Lac-Mégantic is rebuilding its downtown, but
the trauma of this terrible accident will linger for many decades.
Although Canada has a good safety record for transporting petroleum, natural gas, and other hazardous goods,
there is always a risk of an accident happening. Such events most often occur because of a failure of
infrastructure or equipment, but inattention and negligence can also be a cause. There are no good excuses for
either of those reasons for tragic and dangerous outcomes when it comes to transporting dangerous materials.
Marine Spills
Petroleum spills into the world’s oceans currently amount to about 1.4-million tonnes/year (Figure 21.1). This is
considerably less than the spillage that occurred in the 1970s and early 1980s, which was 3-6 million tonnes/year
(Koons, 1984). In addition to petroleum spills, there is a large natural emission to the oceans of hydrocarbons not
derived from petroleum. These chemicals are synthesized and released by phytoplankton, at an estimated 26-million
tonnes/year. These huge biological releases contribute to the background concentration of hydrocarbons of about 1
ppb (1 µg/L) in seawater. The biogenic emissions are a natural contamination and do not result in known biological
damage. There are also natural emissions from underwater seeps, which amount to about 0.6-million tonnes/year and
may sometimes cause local ecological damage.
Massive spills associated with wrecked supertankers or well platforms attract a great deal of attention, and deservedly
so. On average, they amount to about 170,000 t/y of oil spillage. It is important to recognize, however, that relatively
small but frequent discharges are associated with urban runoff, oil refineries, “normal” tanker discharges, and other
coastal effluents. Because these discharges are frequent, they account for a large volume of petroleum and are
responsible for the local contamination and pollution by hydrocarbons that is typical of many coastal cities and
harbours. Overall, based on tanker traffic and the regulatory environment governing the transport and handling of
petroleum at sea and on inland waterways, it has been estimated that Canada can expect to experience more than 100
small spills per year (< 1t), more than 10 medium-sized spills (1-100 t), and more than one major spill (100-10 000 t)
(Environment Canada, 1998). A catastrophic spill exceeding 10,000 t is expected about every 15 years.
Another important source of petroleum inputs to the oceans has been discharges of oily washings from the storage
tanks of ships that transport petroleum and liquid fuels. After a tanker delivers a load of petroleum to a refinery, it fills
some of its storage tanks with seawater, which acts as stabilizing ballast while the ship travels to get its next load. As
the tanker approaches its destination, the ballast may be discharged into the ocean. If the waste water is not treated, it
contains hydrocarbon residues equivalent to about 1.5% of the tanker’s capacity in the case of bunker fuel, less than 1%
for petroleum, and about 0.1% for light refined products such as gasoline. For large oil tankers, this could amount to as
much as 800 t of hydrocarbons.
This large operational source of marine pollution has decreased greatly since the 1970s due to widespread adoption of
two procedures: the load-on-top (LOT) method and the crude oil washing (COW) method. LOT separates and contains
most of the oily residues before ballast water is discharged to the marine environment (the residual oil is combined
with the next load). If used in calm seas, the LOT technique can recover 99% of the oily residues, although the
efficiency may be 90% or less if the tanker has had a turbulent passage.
The COW method is a more recent innovation than LOT. It involves washing the petroleum storage tanks with a spray
of crude oil before the new cargo is loaded. The spray dissolves the residual sludge, allowing it to combine with the
next load. The advantage of the COW method is that it eliminates the need to rinse the empty tanker compartments
with seawater, so there are no bilge washings to discharge to the marine environment.
The most disastrous marine spills of petroleum (several of which are described later in this chapter) include the
following accidents involving “supertankers” (having a capacity of 500-thousand tonnes or more):
• In 1967, the Torrey Canyon spilled 117-thousand t of petroleum off southern England
• In 1973, the Metula spilled 53-thousand t in the Strait of Magellan
• In 1978, the Amoco Cadiz spilled 230-thousand t in the English Channel
• In 1989, the Exxon Valdez spilled 36-thousand 000 t in southern Alaska
• In 1993, the Braer spilled 84-thousand t off the Shetland Islands of Scotland
• In 1996, the Sea Empress spilled 72-thousand t off Wales
• In 1999, the Erica spilled 20-thousand t into the Bay of Biscay off France and Spain
• In 2002, the Prestige spilled 63-thousand t into the Atlantic off France and Spain
• In 2003, the Tasman Spirit spilled 30-thousand t off Pakistan
• In 2009, the Montera spilled 30-thousand t off northern Australia
Some enormous accidental spills have occurred from offshore platforms used for exploratory drilling for petroleum:
• In 1979, the blowout of the IXTOC–I exploration well in the Gulf of Mexico spilled about 500-thousand t
• In 1977, a blowout from the Ekofisk platform in the North Sea off Norway spilled 30-tonnes
• In 2011, a blowout from the Deepwater Horizon off the Gulf coast of Louisiana, an exploration well that was drilling
in extremely deep water (about 1,500 m), resulted in an immense spill of as much as 669-thousand t of petroleum
and caused tens of billions of dollars of economic damage.
Although Canada has never suffered a marine spill of petroleum as large as the ones listed above, our country has had
several notable tanker spills:
• The Arrow ran aground in Chedabucto Bay, Nova Scotia, in 1970, and spilled 11-thousand tonnes of bunker-C fuel (a
common industrial fuel). About 300 km of shoreline was polluted and many seabirds were killed (about 2-thousand
dead birds were collected from Chedabucto Bay and another 5-thousand from Sable Island, 320 km away).
• The Kurdistan spilled 7,500 t of bunker fuel in Cabot Strait between Newfoundland and Nova Scotia in 1979.
• The Nestucca spilled 875 t of bunker fuel in 1988 off Washington State and extensively polluted shorelines on the
west side of Vancouver Island, British Columbia. About 3,600 dead birds of 31 species were collected on western
beaches of Vancouver Island, but the total mortality was estimated at more than 10-thousand birds.
Image 21.1. Aquatic birds are among the most evocative and tragic victims of oil spills. This blue-winged teal
Huge amounts of petroleum and refined products have been spilled during warfare. During the Second World War,
German submarines sank 42 tankers off eastern North America, resulting in the spillage of about 417-thousand tonnes
of oil and fuels. During the Iran-Iraq War (1981-1987) there were 314 attacks on oil tankers, 70% of them by Iraqi forces.
That war’s largest spill occurred in 1983, when Iraq damaged five tankers and three production wells at the Iranian
Nowruz offshore facility, spilling more than 260-thousand t of petroleum into the Gulf of Arabia. The world’s largest-
ever marine spill occurred during the brief Gulf War of 1991. Iraqi forces deliberately released huge quantities of
petroleum (about 0.8-million tonnes) into the Gulf of Arabia from a Kuwaiti coastal loading facility. In part, this spill was
a tactic of warfare – an attempt to make it difficult for Allied forces to execute an amphibious landing during the
liberation of Kuwait. Mostly, however, the spill was an act of economic and ecological terrorism. The Iraqis also caused
an enormous spillage on land during that war by igniting the more than 700 production wells in Kuwait. An estimated
2-6 million tonnes of petroleum per day were emitted from the burning wells. After the Gulf War was over, it took 11
months to control and cap the blowouts. By that time, an immense 42-126-million tonnes of petroleum had spilled.
Most of the crude oil burned in the atmosphere or evaporated, but 5-21 million tonnes accumulated as vast crude-oil
lakes in the desert around the blowouts. More recently, during the aftermath of a U.S.-led invasion of Iraq in 2003,
insurgent forces routinely attacked oil-exporting pipelines as acts of resistance and economic terrorism. This caused
large petroleum spills to occur, although information about the volumes of pollution or environmental damage is not
Various natural processes affect petroleum and refined products after they are spilled into the environment (Figure
Figure 21.2. Fate of Spilled Petroleum on Water. Source: Modified from Clark and MacLeod (1977).
• Evaporation of vapours is important in reducing the amount of spillage remaining in the aquatic or terrestrial
environment. Evaporation typically dissipates almost 100% of gasoline spilled at sea, 30-50% of crude oil, and 10%
of bunker fuel. In other words, the relatively light, volatile hydrocarbon fractions are selectively evaporated, leaving
heavier residues behind. Rates of evaporation are increased by warm temperatures and vigorous winds.
• Spreading refers to the movement of an oil slick over the surface of water or land. Spreading can occur over
extremely large areas on water, but it is much more restricted on land because of the high absorptive capacity of
soil. The degree of spreading on water is influenced by the viscosity of the spilled material and by environmental
factors such as windspeed, water turbulence and currents, and the presence of surface ice. One experimental
spillage of 1 m3 of petroleum onto calm seawater created a slick 0.1 mm thick, with a diameter of 100 m, after 100
minutes. A petroleum slick only 0.3 µm thick or less is visible as a glossy sheen on calm water. In addition, a slick
on water is moved about by currents and wind and may eventually wash onto a shore.
• Dissolution causes pollution of the water beneath an oil slick. Lighter hydrocarbons are more soluble in water than
heavier ones, while aromatics are much more soluble than alkanes (Table 21.2). After a spill of petroleum at sea, the
hydrocarbon concentration in water a few metres beneath the slick may be 4-5 ppm (g/m3), thousands of times
greater than the 1 ppb (mg/m3) that normally occurs in ambient seawater.
Table 21.2. Solubility of Alkane and Aromatic Hydrocarbons. Solubility is reported in g/m3 (ppm) in fresh water.
Within the aromatics, aqueous solubility decreases with increasing molecular size and with the number of
• Residual materials remain after the lighter fractions of spilled petroleum have evaporated or dissolved. At sea,
residual materials typically form a gelatinous, water-in-oil emulsion known as “mousse” because of its vague
resemblance to the whipped chocolate dessert. Oil spilled offshore usually washes onto shorelines as mousse,
which may then weather to form a long-lasting tarry residue on rocks. Alternatively, mousse may eventually
combine with particles of sediment on the beach to form sticky, tar-like patties that subsequently become buried
or may be washed back to sea during a storm. Mousse that does not wash ashore eventually weathers into
semisolid, floating asphaltic residues known as “tar balls”.
• Degradation refers to the slow decomposition of spilled materials by microorganisms and by photo-oxidation by
solar ultraviolet radiation. Many species of bacteria, fungi, and other microorganisms can utilize hydrocarbons as
an energy source. The rate of biodegradation varies greatly, however, depending on ambient temperature, the
concentration of oxygen, and the availability of key nutrients such as nitrogen and phosphorus. In general, lighter
hydrocarbons are relatively easily decomposed by biological and inorganic oxidations, while heavier fractions
resist degradation and can be quite persistent in the environment.
Acute toxicity caused by petroleum, refined products, or pure hydrocarbons is typically associated with the ingestion
of the materials, followed by the destruction of cellular membranes, which results in the death of tissues. The toxic
effects are influenced by several factors:
• the chemical composition of the spilled material, including its component hydrocarbons
• the intensity of exposure, or the amount or concentration of specific hydrocarbons or type of petroleum
• the frequency of exposure events, such as whether the pollution is a single event, chronic (continuous), or frequent
(a series of episodes)
• the timing of the exposure, especially whether it occurs during a critical time for a species or ecosystem
• the condition of the spilled material, including thickness of a slick, nature of the emulsion, degree of weathering,
and persistence of residues
• environmental influences on exposure and toxicity, including weather conditions, oxygen status, and the presence
of other pollutants
It is important to recognize that severe damage may be caused by methods used during a cleanup, such as the use of
dispersants and emulsifiers, hot-water washing, the removal of oiled substrates, burning, and the tilling of oiled soil to
improve aeration and decomposition. Ecological effects are also influenced by damage caused to keystone species in
the food web, which has disproportionate effects on the community.
Effects on Birds
Seabirds are extremely vulnerable to oil spills. These include cormorants, sea ducks (eiders, mergansers, scaup,
scoters), alcids (auklets, murres, puffins, razorbills), and penguins. During the non-breeding season, a spill can cause
enormous mortality to these birds because they may congregate in large, seasonal flocks. Moreover, since alcids and
penguins have low reproductive rates, their abundance can take a long time to recover from an event of mass mortality
caused by an oil spill. Murres, for example, do not begin to breed until they are five years old, lay a one-egg clutch, and
raise only about 0.5 young per pair of breeding adults per year.
The most common cause of death of seabirds results from their feathers becoming oiled when they dive through or
swim in oil-polluted water. This causes the birds to lose critical insulation and buoyancy, and they die from excessive
heat loss leading to hypothermia or by drowning. They also ingest toxic oil while attempting to clean their feathers by
preening. In addition, bird embryos can be killed by even a light oiling of the egg by the feathers of a contaminated
The size of a petroleum spill is not an accurate indicator of its potential to damage bird populations. The ecological
context is also critically important, because even a small spill in a sensitive habitat can wreak havoc. For example, in
1981, a relatively small discharge of oily bilge water from the tanker Stylis off Norway killed about 30-thousand
seabirds. This happened because the spill affected a critical habitat where seabirds are abundant during the winter. In
another case, more than 16-thousand oiled Magellanic penguins (Spheniscus magellanicus) were discovered on
beaches in Argentina in 1991, even though no offshore slick could be found. The oil likely came from the bilge washings
of a passing tanker. Similar damage has occurred off Newfoundland and Nova Scotia because of illegal discharges of
oily bilge water by tankers. In January 1997, about 30-thousand murres and other seabirds were killed in this way near
Cape St. Mary’s in southern Newfoundland.
Ecological Effects
In the following sections we will examine case studies of oil spills to understand the kinds of ecological damage that
are caused by oil pollution and cleanup methods. We will examine spills from wrecked supertankers and offshore
drilling platforms, chronic emissions near petroleum refineries, and oiling of terrestrial vegetation.
The Torrey Canyon wreck in 1967 was the first oil spill involving a supertanker. The ship was bound for a refinery in
Wales with 117-thousand tonnes of crude oil when it ran aground, spilling its entire cargo and polluting hundreds of
kilometres of coast. Seabirds were among the most tragic victims of this spill, with at least 30-thousand killed.
Immediately after the wreck occurred, an intensive cleanup of oiled beaches began. This effort used large amounts of
detergent and dispersant to create oil-in-water emulsions on polluted shorelines, which were then rinsed to shore
waters using pressurized water streams from hoses. Unfortunately, the chemicals used as emulsifiers were extremely
toxic and their enthusiastic use greatly increased the damage already caused by petroleum to the flora and fauna of
coastal habitats.
However, emulsifiers were not used during the cleanup of rocky beaches. There, the marine algae, although damaged
by oily residues, preserved some of their regenerative tissue and then regrew relatively quickly. Some species of
intertidal invertebrates also proved rather tolerant to oiling. Many limpets (Patella spp.), for example, survived and
were later able to graze on algae on oiled rocks.
The unanticipated damage caused by toxic emulsifiers was an important lesson from the cleanup of the Torrey Canyon
disaster. Soon after, less-toxic dispersants were developed for use in oil-spill emergencies. Techniques improved too,
so these chemicals could be used more judiciously, mainly to clean sites of high value for industrial or recreational
purposes and to treat offshore locations where ecological damage would be less.
A post-oiling succession occurred after the Torrey Canyon spill, which eventually restored ecosystems that are typical
of the region. Oiled habitat in the rocky intertidal zone was initially colonized by the opportunistic green alga
Enteromorpha. As invertebrate herbivores recovered, this alga was grazed and replaced by species of perennial
seaweeds, which are the typical algae of rocky intertidal habitats. Except for lingering effects on seabird populations,
ecological damage caused by the Torrey Canyon spill turned out to be relatively short term because the recovery was
In habitats that were cleaned with emulsifiers, however, the recovery was much slower. Some areas took up to 10 years
to recover communities similar to those present before the spill.
In Detail 21.1. Cleaning Oiled Birds Birds become fouled if they swim or dive in water polluted by oil. Because of
the great empathy that people have for these victims of pollution, intense efforts are often made to rehabilitate
oiled birds by cleaning them of residues and treating their poisoning (Clark, 1984; Holmes, 1984; Harvey-Clark,
The first significant effort to do this was after the Torrey Canyon spill of 1967, when about 8-thousand oiled
birds, mostly murres (Uria aalge) and razorbills (Alca torda), were captured and treated. Unfortunately, the
methods available at that time for rehabilitating oiled birds were not particularly effective and only 6% of the
treated animals survived for more than one month. Similarly, more than 1,600 oiled birds were cleaned after the
Santa Barbara spill in 1969, mostly western grebes (Aechmophorus occidentalis) and loons (Gavia immer), but
only 15% survived.
These early rehabilitation efforts were not successful because biologists did not yet understand that removing
oily residues from birds is not all that is needed – their physiological stress (including poisoning) must also be
addressed. Biologists determined several reasons for the deaths of oiled birds:
• Because oiled birds were not captured and treated soon enough, they became hypothermic (excessively
• Birds were ingesting residues while trying to clean themselves, and that toxicity had to be mitigated
• The methods for removing oily residues involved the use of harsh solvents and emulsifiers that were
themselves toxic, caused damage to feather structure, or did not clean the feathers sufficiently
• Most oiled birds are hypoglycemic to some degree, a condition involving low blood sugar and weight loss
Today, better methods are available to capture, clean, and rehabilitate oiled birds. These improved techniques
have been developed through trial and error while treating accidentally oiled birds, and by research on
experimental animals. Because it is now known that oiled birds must be treated as soon as possible, spill-
response teams try to capture them quickly. In addition, relatively gentle cleaning agents known as
polysorbates are used to de-oil birds, and electrolyte solutions and glucose are routinely administered to treat
dehydration and hypoglycemia.
The methods of post-cleaning rehabilitation and release have also improved. Typically, birds are kept for 7 to 10
days after cleaning. They are released as soon as the waterproofing of their feathers has been restored, their
salt-excreting metabolism has recovered, their anemia is corrected, and they have started to regain weight.
As a result of the improved methods, up to 75% of oiled birds may be released after timely cleaning and
rehabilitation. However, the success rate varies greatly, depending on bird species, the type of oil, and other
factors, especially how much time has passed between the oiling event and the capture and treatment.
Nevertheless, despite the relatively effective cleaning methods of today, studies have shown that the post-
release survival of birds can be poor. It appears that as few as 1% of treated and released seabirds survive for
even one year (Sharp, 1996). With such poor survival, it is questionable whether any substantial ecological
benefit is gained from cleaning programs. It is expensive to treat oiled birds, and many volunteers are needed,
including specialists such as veterinarians. It is, of course, enormously better to avoid oil spills altogether than
to try to deal with the terrible damage caused to wild animals and ecosystems.
The Amoco Cadiz supertanker accident occurred in 1978, about a decade after the Torrey Canyon and in the same
general area, but closer to France. The wreck of the Amoco Cadiz spilled 233-thousand t of petroleum and fouled about
360 km of shoreline, of which 140 km were heavily oiled. The cleanup of some beaches involved digging up and
removing oily sand and sediment. Detergent and low-toxicity dispersants were used only to remove fouling residues in
harbours and to disperse floating slicks of mousse in offshore waters. Because emulsifiers were used judiciously, many
of the ecological damages caused by oil pollution and the cleanup were much less severe than after the Torrey Canyon
spill. Recovery from the Amoco Cadiz spill was substantially complete within several years. However, some effects on
benthic invertebrates lasted for a decade, and there was lingering damage to local colonies of alcid seabirds.
The Exxon Valdez suffered an accidental grounding in 1989 in southern Alaska, and this caused the most damaging
tanker accident ever to occur in North American waters. A significant amount of the petroleum extracted in the United
States is mined in northern Alaska, from where a 1,280 km pipeline carries it south to the port of Valdez. The oil is then
transported to markets in the western U.S. by a fleet of supertankers. The first part of the oceanic passage runs
through a narrow shipping channel in Prince William Sound.
Before the Exxon Valdez accident in March, 1989, tankers had navigated that passage about 16-thousand times.
However, the Exxon Valdez, the newest tanker in the Exxon fleet, was incompetently steered onto a submerged reef,
resulting in a spill of 36-thousand tonnes of its 176-thousand t load of petroleum. About 40% of the spill washed onto
shoreline habitat of Prince William Sound, while 25% was carried out of the sound by currents, and 35% evaporated at
sea. Less than 10% was recovered or burned at sea.
The environmental damage was compounded by a lack of preparedness by industry and government for dealing with
an oil-spill emergency. Essential equipment for containment and oil recovery was not immediately available, and it took
too long to mobilize trained personnel. Consequently, despite favourable sea conditions during the first critical days
after the grounding, few effective oil-spill countermeasures were mounted. Not until the second day of the spill was it
possible to off-load unspilled petroleum from the Exxon Valdez to another tanker, and not until the third day were
floating booms deployed to contain part of the spill. Unfortunately, a gale developed on the fourth day, making it
impossible to contain or recover spilled petroleum, which then became widely dispersed.
The region around Prince William Sound is famous for its spectacular scenery and large populations of wildlife. Some
ecological communities and species were severely damaged by the oil spill. However, controversies have arisen about
both the poor understanding of some ecological effects, and the role of science and scientists in sorting out legal and
political aspects of the disaster (Holloway, 1996; Weins, 1996). For a long time, some scientists were prohibited from
sharing their information because of legal needs for confidentiality. Controversies arose among scientists,
environmental advocates, and other interest groups about the scale and intensity of some of the reported damages.
About 1,900 km of shoreline habitat was oiled to some degree. A survey found that 140 km was “heavily oiled,” meaning
there was at least a 6 m wide oiled zone. Another 93 km were “moderately oiled” (3-6 m wide zone), 323 km were
“lightly oiled” (3 m wide), and the rest “very lightly oiled” (< 10% cover of oil). Overall, about 20% of the shoreline of the
Sound, plus 14% of beaches on the nearby Kenai Peninsula and Kodiak Island, suffered some degree of oiling.
A heroic and extremely expensive effort was undertaken to clean up some of the pollution from oiled beaches. About
11-thousand people were involved, costing the Exxon corporation about US$2.5 billion. The U.S. government spent an
additional US$154 million. Residues were removed from heavily oiled beaches by machines and people wielding shovels
and bags. Other places were cleaned by pressurized streams of hot or cold water. On some beaches, people actually
wiped oiled rocks with absorbent cloths, a procedure that was ironically referred to as “rock polishing”.
These cleanup efforts helped greatly, and they were aided by natural processes, especially winter storms and microbial
degradation of residues. Consequently, the amount of residues on beaches declined rapidly in the years following the
spill. One survey of 28 polluted sites found an average of 37% surface oil cover in the first post-spill summer of 1989,
but less than 2% in 1990. Another survey in 1991, after two post-spill winters and three summers, found that fewer than
2% of the beaches still had visible surface residues, compared with 20% in the first summer after the spill. However,
subsurface residues still existed in many places.
Initially, severe damage was caused to the seaweed-dominated intertidal zone of affected coastlines. These effects
were made worse by certain cleanup methods, particularly washing with pressurized hot water. Fortunately, much of
this damage proved to be short term, and by the end of 1991 a substantial recovery of seaweeds and invertebrates had
begun. However, there were lingering effects on community structure, and vestiges of oil were still present 15 years
later at some sites.
Prince William Sound supports large fisheries for salmon and herring. In 1988, before the spill, the catch had a value of
about US$90 million. The fishery was closed in 1989 because of the spill, and Exxon paid compensation of $302 million
to displaced fishers and processors (many of whom were also employed in the cleanup, earning $105 million in wages
and vessel charters).
In 1990, the harvest of pink salmon (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha) in the Sound was 44-million fish, larger than the
previous record-high catch of 29-million fish. These were two-year-old fish, about one-quarter of which would have
Sea otters (Enhydra lutris) were the hardest-hit marine mammals. More than 3,500 otters were killed by oiling, out of a
population of 5-10-thousand. A total of 357 oiled sea otters were captured and treated, of which 223 survived and were
released or placed in zoos.
Seabirds are very abundant in the region, particularly so in the autumn when certain species aggregate there during
their southern migration. At that time, about 10-million seabirds may inhabit the Sound. Fortunately, the Exxon Valdez
disaster happened in late winter, but there were still about 600-thousand seabirds present. About 36-thousand dead
birds were found, but many additional corpses sank or drifted out to sea, and the total mortality may have been
375-435-thousand seabirds.
About 400 people, 140 boats, and 5 aircraft were hired by Exxon to capture and rehabilitate oiled birds. They managed
to treat 1,600 birds of 71 species, but half of them died of their injuries. The rest were treated and released to the wild,
but the lingering effects of hydrocarbon poisoning likely prevented most of them from surviving for long.
Although severe ecological damage was caused by the Exxon Valdez spill, the recovery was rapid. Waves and winter
storms quickly removed most of the spill residues. Even bird and mammal populations that suffered large mortality
recovered to their natural abundance within a decade or less. From a strictly environmental perspective, the habitats
affected by the disaster showed an impressive amount of resilience. However, people and local communities were also
affected by this calamity, and surveys have shown that their bad memories are deeply ingrained.
Image 21.2. The top photo shows a heavily oiled beach on Green Island, Prince William Sound, soon after the
Exxon Valdez disaster in 1989. The site was cleaned with warm-water washing in 1989, and then manually in
1990. In 1990 and 1991, it was treated with fertilizer to enhance microbial breakdown of the petroleum residues.
The bottom photo shows the improved condition of the same beach in 1992, as a result of the natural and
managed cleanups. Although little visible damage occurs on the surface, there are hydrocarbon residues deeper
in the substrate. Source: Exxon Corporation.
Because the heavy oil had been spilled in U.S. waters by a U.S. company, but most of the damage occurred in
coastal waters or on beaches in Canada, a cross-boundary dimension helped to focus the attention of
governments on dealing with the calamity and preventing future occurrences. Several months after the
Nestucca incident, the much larger Exxon Valdez spill in Alaska greatly added to the anxiety in both countries
about the risks of large oil spills from the fleet of huge tankers that was ferrying northern petroleum to markets
in the western United States. Partly because of this binational attention, more stringent regulations were
enacted in both Canada and the U.S. to try to prevent these kinds of catastrophes. (Both the Nestucca and
Exxon Valdez spills were caused by operator negligence, and thus were preventable accidents.) In addition,
more effective action plans were developed to enhance the capabilities for oil-spill countermeasures and
cleanups. Eventually, Environment Canada sued the U.S. company that was responsible for the Nestucca spill
and collected CAN$4.4 million in damages. This money was used to rehabilitate a seabird colony on Langara
Island, a critical habitat off Vancouver Island.
The Deepwater Horizon spill off the Gulf coast of Louisiana in 2011 was the largest accidental blowout (an uncontrolled
discharge from a wellhead) in history. The Deepwater Horizon was a drilling and exploration platform working in
extremely deep water (about 1,500 m). The blowout was apparently caused by a failure of the casing of the borehole
and also of the fail-safe blowout preventer. These likely occurred because of an unwise engineering decision to use an
insufficient cementing regime for the borehole despite encountering extremely high geological pressure during the
drilling. This resulted in a fire and explosion on the drilling platform, which sank during the fire-fighting action
because of the enormous amounts of water poured into it. The blowout lasted for 87 days and the immense spill was as
much as 669-thousand tonnes of crude oil, which spread over as much as 176-thousand km2 of water, affected beached
from western Florida to Texas, and caused tens of billions of dollars of economic damage.
The spill engendered a massive effort to staunch the blowout, burn the soil at sea or recover it for disposal on land, to
protect coastal habitats from fouling, and to capture and rehabilitate oiled wildlife. About 7,000 m3 of dispersant was
used to help protect coastal infrastructure and habitats, and also to disperse the petroleum as it issued from the
subsea blowout itself. Despite the enormous effort, considerable damage was done to natural habitats, recreational
beaches, the commercial fishery, and harbours, with some effects of residues lingering even into 2014 (when this was
written). There were extensive deaths of marine mammals, birds, fish, and other marine life.
Subsequent legal actions found that British Petroleum (BP), the operator of the drilling project, bore primary
responsibility for the disaster. Eventually, BP paid more than US$42-billion in criminal and civil settlements,
Image 21.3. View of the Deepwater Horizon spill. The coast of Louisiana and Alabama are shown, in the greater
The IXTOC-I spill in 1979 was one of the world’s largest accidental spills. This was a Mexican drilling platform being
used for petroleum exploration in the Gulf of Mexico. The blowout remained uncontrolled for more than nine months,
resulting in a spillage estimated at 476-thousand tonnes of petroleum. About 50% of the spill is thought to have
evaporated into the atmosphere, while 25% sank to the bottom, 12% was degraded photochemically or by
microorganisms, 6% was burned at sea or recovered near the spill site, and 7% fouled about 600 km of shoreline in
Mexico and Texas.
This enormous blowout caused great economic damage. It fouled beaches important to tourism, and affected the
fishing industry by oiling boats and gear, preventing fishing near slicks, and tainting valuable fish and invertebrates
with foul-tasting hydrocarbons. Many birds, sea mammals, turtles, and other wildlife were oiled and died, although
these and other ecological damages were not well documented.
The Santa Barbara offshore blowout occurred in 1969 off southern California. This spill involved about 10-thousand t of
petroleum and fouled 230 km of coastline. Birds were the most obvious victims, with about 9-thousand killed, or half of
the population occurring at the time of the spill. About 60% of the dead birds were grebes and loons, which winter in
the area. Attempts were made to capture and clean oiled birds, but the efforts were not very successful. Coastal
ecosystems were also severely damaged, especially in rocky intertidal habitats, but recovery was fairly rapid. Within
one year, barnacles began to re-colonize intertidal habitat, even on rocks still covered with asphaltic residue. Beaches
Large but still poorly known reserves of oil and gas occur in Arctic regions of Canada and Alaska. Exploratory drilling is
widespread, and there are land-based production wells in the western Arctic near Norman Wells and on the north
slope of Alaska. The exploration, production, and transport of hydrocarbons from the Arctic carries the risk of
accidental spillage in terrestrial or marine environments. The consequences of a petroleum spill in the Arctic Ocean
are potentially catastrophic. Such a spill could result from a tanker accident in ice-choked waters or from an offshore
Climatic conditions in the Arctic are severe – a factor that greatly increases the likelihood of spills from offshore oil
wells through equipment failure or human error. Furthermore, the icy conditions of the long winter would make it
difficult to quickly drill an offshore relief well, a necessary step in controlling a blowout. Containing or cleaning up a
spill in Arctic seas would also be a daunting task. Because of entrapment under sea ice and the cold, nutrient-poor
conditions, spilled oil would not evaporate or dissolve into seawater as effectively as under warmer conditions, and
microbial biodegradation would be extremely slow. Consequently, the amount of spilled oil would not decrease much
over time, and most of the initial toxicity would persist. (Note that the spill from the Exxon Valdez occurred in boreal
waters of southern Alaska, which are subject to much less severe temperature and ice conditions than occur in the
Arctic Ocean.)
Arctic marine wildlife, particularly migratory seabirds and mammals, are extremely vulnerable to the effects of an oil
spill. When they return to their northern breeding habitat in the early summer, marine birds and mammals often
aggregate in dense populations in patches of ice-free water, known as leads and polynyas. These open-water habitats
are places where spilled petroleum would accumulate. Enormous mortality of migrating sea ducks, murres, seals,
whales, polar bears and other species would result as they became oiled by sticky residues. Because of the persistence
of residues in the cold ocean, this threat would persist for years, and long-term debilitating damage to these animals
would result. Potential damage to fish, zooplankton, and other components of the marine ecosystem are little known,
but might be less intensive than the effects on marine birds and mammals.
A number of exploration wells have been drilled on the continental shelf of the Arctic Ocean off northern Canada and
Alaska (and also in boreal and temperate waters off Newfoundland and Nova Scotia, where production wells now
operate). Fortunately, there have not been any large spills of petroleum from the offshore drilling activities in the Arctic
Ocean of North America (although there have been several blowouts involving natural gas). However, in spite of the
adoption of the most modern spill-prevention technologies, a severe spill may be inevitable during offshore
exploration and production activity in the Arctic. Such an accident would cause enormous ecological damage, from
which recovery would be very slow.
Environments around tanker terminals and coastal petroleum refineries are chronically exposed to small but frequent
oil spills, discharges of contaminated wastewater, and airborne contaminants from industrial sources. Similarly, coastal
ecosystems near cities and towns, both marine and freshwater, are chronically affected by oil and fuel that are dumped
into sewers, which often discharge these wastes directly into the aquatic environment. Chronic exposures such as
these are much less intense than the severe pollution associated with wrecked tankers, but environmental damage still
Oil spills result in severe damage to terrestrial vegetation, but usually relatively local areas are affected (except in the
case of extremely large spills). This is because soil, particularly if it is rich in organic matter, has a great absorptive
capacity for petroleum. In addition, much of the oil spilled on land tends to accumulate in low spots and does not
spread widely. This is particularly true in much of northern Canada, where deep infiltration into the soil may be
prevented by impenetrable bedrock or permafrost. The relatively localized impacts of many terrestrial spills of
petroleum are very different from the effects in aquatic environments, in which spilled oil spreads widely and can
affect an enormous area.
Research has also shown that a wide range of natural, soil-dwelling microorganisms can utilize petroleum residues as a
metabolic substrate (as a food). These oil-degrading bacteria, fungi, and other microbes are widespread in soils and
waters. After soil becomes polluted by an oil spill, they rapidly proliferate in response to the presence of hydrocarbons
that can be used as a source of metabolic energy.
Petroleum is a carbon-rich substrate, but it is highly deficient in key nutrients such as nitrogen and phosphorus.
Consequently, the vigour of the microbial response to oiling, and the rate of decomposition of residues, can be greatly
increased by adding fertilizer. Microbial decomposition of residues can also be enhanced by tilling the soil to increase
the availability of oxygen. In general, fertilizer addition and tilling are relatively inexpensive but effective ways to speed
up the biodegradation of petroleum residues, while avoiding the severe damage associated with a physical cleanup.
This is particularly true of agricultural areas.
Of course, any spilled oil that reaches groundwater or surface waters will cause severe damage there. Spills into high-
energy streams and rivers become extensively dispersed, and some residues will flow into lakes or the ocean. Oil in
ponds and lakes can be quite persistent, accumulating around the margins, where vegetation and wildlife habitat are
damaged. However, after spilled petroleum has weathered for a year or more, the toxicity of the residues may decrease
so that aquatic plants can grow through surface slicks without suffering much damage. The phytoplankton and
zooplankton communities are also somewhat resistant to weathered oil. However, any waterfowl that attempt to use
oiled waterbodies become fouled with residues, and this is usually fatal to them.
Studies have been made of the effects of petroleum on tundra and boreal forest ecosystems, including experimental
spills onto vegetation. These studies found that crude oil behaves as a herbicide to terrestrial vegetation, killing foliage
and woody tissue. In some plants, however, the perennating (regenerating) tissues were not all killed, allowing re-
growth after the oiling.
These general observations are illustrated by a study in the western Arctic (Table 21.3). The experimental oiling caused
a rapid defoliation of plants, reflected by the reduced cover of foliage after the oiling, in contrast to the non-oiled
(control) vegetation. Black spruce (Picea mariana) trees are dominant in the boreal forest sites. These did not die
Table 21.3. Effects of Experimental Spills of Crude Oil on Arctic Vegetation. The plant communities studied in
the western Canadian Arctic were: (1) mature black spruce (Picea mariana) boreal forest, (2) 40-year-old spruce
forest, (3) cotton-grass (Eriophorum vaginatum) wet-meadow tundra, and (4) dwarf-shrub tundra. The oiled
vegetation was treated with petroleum at 9 litres/m2, while the control vegetation was not oiled. The forest
study area is near Norman Wells, and the tundra is near Tuktoyaktuk, both in the Northwest Territories.
After the initial damage, many plants of the forest and tundra began to recover. Black spruce was an exception, as no
new seedlings were observed during the five-year study. Lichens and mosses also recovered slowly.
Of course, the environmental consequences of oil development are much broader than the ecological effects of
petroleum spills on land or in water. The construction of infrastructure such as roads and pipelines in remote terrain
has a variety of environmental consequences. In addition, the influx of large sums of money and wage employment into
rural places has huge socio-economic impacts, some of them positive, but others disruptive. As with any industrial
development, potential damage to the ecological and socio-economic environments must be identified and, as far as
possible, minimized. The residual damage must then be balanced against the economic and social benefits that are
expected to be gained from the development of fossil-fuel resources.
Petroleum is a vital natural resource that is transported over long distances from places where it is extracted to those
where it is consumed. Refined products, such as gasoline and kerosene, are also transported widely. There is always a
risk of accidental spills and even deliberate ones (such as acts of war or terrorism). When they occur, they may cause
extreme damage to the environment. There have been some spectacularly large petroleum spills, particularly as a
result of shipping accidents involving large tankers, as well as incidents during war. These large spills have had
devastating effects on affected ecosystems. In some cases, the natural recovery can be aided by massive cleanup
efforts and wildlife rehabilitation. It is important to recognize, however, that most large spills are accidents that can be
prevented. This can be done if tankers, pipelines, and other equipment are designed and maintained to a high standard
of reliability, if effective spill-containment measures are in place, and if personnel work diligently to prevent these
disasters. It is always best to avoid oil spills and other environmental emergencies than to engage in very expensive
post-spill actions to clean them up.
1. Considering the poor survival of aquatic birds after they have been “rehabilitated” from oiling and returned to the
ocean, do you think that it is worthwhile to treat these victims of oil spills?
2. In view of the ecological risks, do you think that oil exploration and extraction should be allowed in the Canadian
3. Why is it not possible to prevent all spills of petroleum?
4. Examine the data in Table 21.1 and use them to inform an analysis of the reasons for the international trade in
petroleum. Consider both the global context and that of North America.
Exploring Issues
1. A proposal has been made to build an oil refinery on the coast (choose whichever one you live closest to). The
crude oil will be brought to the refinery by tanker ships, and the refined products will be distributed by ship, train,
and truck. You are working as an environmental consultant and have been asked to recommend spill-prevention
and countermeasure tactics to protect the marine and terrestrial environments around the refinery. Provide a list
of practices that would provide this function of spill prevention and countermeasures.
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1. Explain the notions of “pest” and “weed,” and provide reasons why it may be necessary to decrease their
2. Differentiate pesticides by the pests to which they are targeted.
3. Classify pesticides into major chemical groups.
4. Outline the risks and benefits of pesticide use in sanitation, agriculture, forestry, and horticulture.
5. Explain why there is a global contamination of organisms with DDT and related organochlorines, and describe the
associated ecological damage.
6. Outline the ecological damage caused by carbofuran, and explain why it took so long for the use of this insecticide
to be banned.
7. Describe the economic benefits and ecological risks of pesticide use in forestry.
8. Outline the concept of integrated pest management, and explain whether it is applicable to all pest-management
Humans are constantly engaged in struggles against competitors and diseases. One way to gain an advantage in many
of those ecological interactions is through the use of pesticides. These substances are used to protect crop plants,
livestock, domestic animals, and people from damage and diseases caused by microorganisms, fungi, insects, rodents,
and other “pests,” and to defend crops from competition with unwanted but abundant “weeds.”
It is important to understand that the use of words like “pest” and “weed” is highly contextual. In most situations, for
example, white-tailed deer are valued for their wild beauty, and they provide economic and subsistence benefits
through hunting. However, this animal may also be considered a pest when it feeds in a garden, agricultural field, or
forestry plantation. The same is true, to some degree, of other species that are considered to be a pest or weed.
People have been using pesticides for a long time (Hayes, 1991). There are records of unspecified chemicals being used
by Egyptians to drive fleas from their home as long as 3,500 years ago. Arsenic has been used as an insecticide in China
for at least 2,900 years. In his epic poem the Odyssey, the Greek poet Homer (writing about 2,800 years ago) referred
to the burning of sulphur (which generates toxic SO2 gas) to purge homes of vermin such as fleas.
However, pesticide use has become much more common in modern times, and an enormously wider variety of
substances is being used. At least 300 insecticides, 290 herbicides, 165 fungicides, and many other pesticidal chemicals
are available in more than 3,000 different formulations. Strictly speaking, a pesticide is a product that consists of a
formulation of several chemicals – the “active ingredient” attacks the pest, while various “inert ingredients” enhance its
effectiveness (see In Detail 22.1). Even larger numbers of “commercial products” are available, because many involve
similar formulations manufactured by different companies.
Almost all pesticides are chemicals. The active ingredients of some of them are based on natural biochemicals that are
extracted from plants grown for that purpose, while others are inorganic chemicals based on toxic metals or
compounds of arsenic. Most modern pesticides, however, are organic chemicals that have been synthesized by
• increased yields of crops, because of protection from diseases, competition, defoliation, and parasites
• revention of much spoilage and destruction of stored food
• avoidance of certain diseases, thereby conserving health and saving the lives of millions of people and domestic
This is not to say, however, that more pesticide use would achieve even better results. In fact, it has been argued that
pesticide use in North America could be decreased by half without greatly affecting crop yields (Pimentel et al., 1991).
The European Union (EU) has taken some forceful steps to reduce pesticide use within its jurisdiction (Pesticide News,
2003). In 2003, EU permits for 320 pesticides were revoked, and as many as another 180 were scheduled for delisting in
2010; in total, half of the pesticides used in 1993 were no longer permitted in 2010. In large part, the withdrawals
involve obsolete pesticides and others of minor commercial importance, for which the owners do not want to invest
the large amounts of money needed to assure EU regulators that their products are safe for people and the
environment. Similar actions are also occurring in North America, but they are less advanced than in the EU. Because
of the substantial benefits that can be derived from the use of pesticides, their consumption has increased enormously
during the past half-century. Overall, the use of pesticides increased ten-fold in North America between 1945 and 1989
(Pimentel et al., 1992), although it has since levelled off. Pesticide use is now a firmly integrated component of
technological systems that are widely used in modern agriculture, forestry, horticulture, and public health
management in most parts of the world.
Unfortunately, the considerable benefits of pesticides are partially offset by damage their use causes to ecosystems
and sometimes to human health. Each year, about one-million people are poisoned by pesticides, with as many as
20-thousand fatalities (Pimentel et al., 1992). Although developing countries account for only about 20% of global
pesticide use, they sustain about half of the poisonings. This is because relatively toxic insecticides are used in many
developing countries, by a workforce whose widespread illiteracy hinders the understanding of instructions for proper
use, and whose safety is further compromised by poor enforcement of regulations and by inadequate use of protective
equipment and clothing.
The most tragic case of pesticide-related poisoning occurred in 1984 at Bhopal, India. About 2,800 people were killed
and 20-thousand seriously poisoned when a factory accidentally released 40 tonnes of methyl isocyanate vapour to the
atmosphere. Methyl isocyanate is a precursor chemical of carbamate insecticides (Rozencranz, 1988).
In addition, many pesticide applications cause ecological damage by killing non-target organisms (organisms that are
not considered to be a pest). This damage is particularly important for broad-spectrum pesticides, which are toxic to
organisms in addition to the specific pest. Pesticides applied as a broadcast spray are spread over a large area, such as
an agricultural field, lawn, or stand of forest.
If a broad-spectrum pesticide is broadcast-sprayed, many non-target organisms are exposed and they may be
damaged or killed. For example, in a typical agricultural field or forestry plantation, only a few plant species are
abundant enough to compete significantly with crops and reduce their productivity. These are the “weeds” that are the
target of a broadcast herbicide application, but many other plants are also affected. The non-target plants may provide
habitat or food for animals, and they help to prevent erosion and loss of nutrients. These benefits are degraded by non-
target damage – by damage to organisms that are not pests. Similarly, broadcast insecticide spraying causes non-target
mortality to many beneficial arthropods in addition to the species that is considered to be a pest. Many birds,
Pesticide use has been expanding rapidly, and this is happening in all countries, although to varying degrees. Although
much is known about the environmental damage caused by the use of pesticides, not all of the potential effects are well
understood. In this chapter we examine the nature of pesticides and their important uses. We then examine cases of
ecological damage caused by their routine use to deal with pest-management problems.
In Detail 22.1. Pesticides, Formulations, and Inert Ingredients. A commercial pesticide product is a mixture of
chemicals that can be used to kill or otherwise control pests. The “active ingredient” is the chemical that
actually attacks the pest, while so-called “inert ingredients” are added to the formulation to enhance its
effectiveness. Inert ingredients may do this by making the pesticide easier to apply (such as by making it soluble
in water), by helping it to spread or stick to leaf surfaces, or by stabilizing the formulation to increase its shelf-
Many inert ingredients are, however, biologically active, so they are not really passive substances (Environment
Canada, 2001; EPA, 2005). It is more realistic to refer to them as “other ingredients.” In general, the percentage
of other ingredients in a pesticide is specified on the product label, but their identity and concentrations are
not given because they are considered to be proprietary information of commercial value. Sometimes, however,
a manufacturer will identify these ingredients, and may even specify their concentration. Some inert
ingredients carry risks of causing toxicity through normal use of the pesticide. Examples of particular concern
include chlorobenzene, dioctyl phthalate, formaldehyde, hexane, hydroquinone, isophorone, nonylphenol,
phenol, and rhodamine.
One inert ingredient that has engendered particular controversy about its potential toxicity to humans is
nonylphenol (NP), which is used as an emulsifier in some pesticides. NP is a degradation product of
nonylphenol ethoxylates (NPEs), which have been used for decades as detergents and emulsifiers. They are
used in manufacturing processes for paint, paper, pesticides, petrochemicals, resins, steel, and textiles, and are
ingredients in many cleaning products.
NPEs and NP are anthropogenic chemicals that enter the environment with discharges of industrial and
municipal wastewater. NPEs degrade by microbial reactions, and some of the metabolites are bioactive through
toxicity and estrogenic (hormonal) effects, including NP, nonylphenol diethoxylate, nonylphenol ethoxylate,
nonylphenoxyacetic acid, and nonylphenoxyethoxyacetic acid. These may have a moderate persistence in the
environment, especially in anaerobic habitats and in groundwater, and they now have developed a widespread
but low level of contamination and bioaccumulation. Species vary widely in their vulnerability to toxicity from
NP and NPEs, but many studies have reported toxic and estrogenic effects on aquatic organisms.
Some toxicologists believe that humans are also exposed to significant risks from these chemicals, through the
use of consumer products, food, and other pathways. In a risk assessment, Environment Canada (2001)
concluded that “nonylphenol and its ethoxylates are entering the environment in a quantity or concentration . .
. [that has] or may have an immediate or long-term harmful effect on the environment or its biological
diversity,” so they should be regulated as “toxic” chemicals under the Canadian Environmental Protection Act.
Although these chemicals are not “considered a priority for investigation of options to reduce human exposure
through control of sources,” it was recommended that further studies of their bioactivity and environmental
risks be undertaken.
Although the major releases of NP and related chemicals are via industrial and municipal effluents, they are also
present as “other ingredients” in pesticides. This has led to controversy about damage that may be caused to
Classification by Target
Pesticides are defined by their usefulness in killing or otherwise decreasing the abundance of species that are deemed
to be “pests.” Pesticides are, however, an extremely diverse group of substances. To better understand their usefulness
and toxicity, and the damage they cause, it is helpful to categorize them in various ways. One classification is based on
the intended target of the use:
• a fungicide is used against fungi that cause diseases and other damage to crop plants and animals
• a herbicide is used to kill weeds, which are unwanted plants that interfere with some human purpose; most use in
agriculture and forestry is intended to release crop plants from competition, while horticultural use is mostly for
• an insecticide is used to kill insects that are pests in agriculture, horticulture, or forestry, or that spread diseases
such as mosquito vectors (a path by which a disease is spread) of malaria, yellow fever, and encephalitis
• an acaricide is used to kill mites that are pests in agriculture, and ticks that are vectors of ailments such as Lyme
disease and typhus
• a molluscicide is used to kill snails and slugs in agriculture and gardens, and aquatic snails that are vectors of
diseases such as schistosomiasis
• a nematicide is used against nematodes, which can damage the roots of agricultural plants
• a rodenticide is used to control mice, rats, gophers, and other rodents that are pests in agriculture or around the
• an avicide is used to kill birds, which are sometimes considered pests in agriculture
• a piscicide is used to kill fish, which may be pests in aquaculture
• an algicide is used to kill unwanted growths of algae, for example, in swimming pools
• bactericides, disinfectants, and antibiotics are used to control infections and diseases caused by bacteria (Note
that antibiotics are not actually classified as “pesticides” under the Pest Control Products Act)
Chemical Classification
Because almost all pesticides are chemicals, they can be categorized according to similarities in chemical structure.
The most important groups are described below and in Table 22.1. A few “non-chemical” pesticides are based on
microbes, and are discussed later under “Biological Pesticides.”
Inorganic pesticides are compounds that contain toxic elements such as arsenic, copper, lead, or mercury. They are
highly persistent in terrestrial environments, being only slowly dispersed by leaching and erosion by wind or water.
Recently, inorganic pesticides have been widely replaced by synthetic organics. Prominent examples include Bordeaux
mixture, a complex of copper-based compounds that is used as a fungicide to protect fruit and vegetable crops, and
arsenicals such as arsenic trioxide, sodium arsenite, and calcium arsenate, which are used as herbicides and soil
sterilants. Paris green, lead arsenate, and calcium arsenate are used as insecticides.
Organic pesticides are mostly synthesized chemicals, but some are natural toxins produced by certain plants that are
extracted and used as pesticides. Important examples include the following:
• Natural organic pesticides are extracted from plants. For example, nicotine and related alkaloids are extracted
from tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) and used as insecticides, usually applied as nicotine sulphate. Neonicotinoids
are a synthetic analogue. Pyrethrum is a complex of chemicals extracted from certain chrysanthemums
(Chrysanthemum cinerariaefolium and C. coccinium) and used as an insecticide. Rotenone is extracted from
several tropical shrubs (Derris elliptica and Lonchocarpus utilis) and used as an insecticide, rodenticide, or
Figure 22.1. Residues of PCBs in the Food Web of Lake Ontario. Organochlorine insecticides, such as DDT, DDD,
and dieldrin, show a similar pattern of bioaccumulation and biomagnification as PCBs, but their residue levels
are different. Source: Data from Environmental Protection Agency (2003).
In Detail 22.2. Chemical Structure of Organochlorines Organochlorines are a diverse group of compounds that
are made up of atoms of carbon, hydrogen, and chlorine. Their biochemical activity (including toxicity) and
potential usefulness depend entirely on their chemical structure. Certain organochlorines are used as
insecticides (such as DDT, DDD, dieldrin), herbicides (2,4-D, 2,4,5-T), or insulating fluids (PCBs). Others have no
particular use at all but are nevertheless important environmental contaminants. For example, DDT and DDD
are metabolized in organisms to DDE, which is a non-pesticide that can accumulate to a high concentration in
fatty tissues. Another example is the extremely toxic dioxin TCDD, which is non-intentionally synthesized as a
contaminant during the manufacturing of certain organochlorines (such as trichlorophenol) and through
reactions occurring when organic waste is incinerated.
The following diagrams illustrate the specific chemical structures of a number of environmentally important
organochlorines. In the diagrams, the ring-like structures are derived from benzene, which has the formula
C6H6. Organochlorines are formed by the substitution of one or more of the hydrogen atoms by chlorine
atoms. Note the following:
• There is great similarity among DDT, DDD, and DDE, which differ by only a single chlorine atom
• Similarly, 2,4-D and 2,4,5-T differ by only one chlorine atom
• PCBs are a complex mixture of molecules with a basic biphenyl structure, but varying in the amount of
substitution of chlorine for hydrogen atoms; in the diagram, “X” can be either H or Cl
• TCDD, strictly speaking, is not an organochlorine because it contains two oxygen atoms
The global use of pesticides was about 2.4-million tonnes in 2007, a total that includes insecticides, herbicides,
fungicides, preservatives, and disinfectants (Grube et al., 2007). Global pesticide trade in 2007 had a value of about
US$39 billion. About 39% (by weight) of pesticides used were herbicides; insecticides accounted for 18%, fungicides for
10%, and “other chemicals” for 33% (mostly used as soil fumigants). Data for the United States were herbicides 44%,
insecticides 9%, and fungicides 6%. Data for Canada are not available but would be proportionately similar to those for
the United States (Canada accounts for about one-ninth of the North American market for pesticides). Total
expenditures for pesticides in the United States were about US$12 billion in 2007. The following is a top-20 list of
conventional pesticides recently used in the United States (values are 106 kg of active ingredient per year):
1. glyphosate; herbicide; 83
2. atrazine; herbicide; 34
3. metam sodium; soil fumigant; 24
4. metolachlor-S; herbicide; 15
5. acetochlor; herbicide; 14
6. dichloropropene; fumigant; 13
7. 2,4-D; herbicide; 12
8. methyl bromide; soil fumigant; 6
9. chloropicrin; fumigant; 5
10. pendimethalin; herbicide; 4
11. ethephon; plant growth regulator; 4
12. chlorothalonil; fumigant; 4
13. metam potassium; fumigant; 4
14. chloropyrifos; insecticide; 4
15. copper hydroxoide; fumigant; 4
16. simazine; herbicide; 3
17. trifluralin; herbicide; 3
18. propanil; herbicide; 3
19. mancozeb; fungicide; 3
20. aldicarb; insecticide; 3
In addition, about 1,180 × 106 kg of chlorine and hypochlorite was used as disinfecting agents, 35 × 106kg of sulphur as
fungicide, 47 × 106 kg of oil as insecticide, 22 × 106 kg of sulphuric acid as fumigant, and 434 × 106 kg of various
substances as wood preservatives. Strictly speaking, these chemicals are not considered pesticides, even though they
are used against certain pests. The most important uses of pesticides are in agriculture and forestry, around the home,
and in human health and sanitation programs. We examine these uses in the following sections.
Various insects and ticks are vectors that transmit pathogens among individuals of the same species, or from an
alternate host to people, or to domestic and wild animals. Important human diseases that are vectored by invertebrates
incluse the following:
• malaria, which is caused by the protozoan Plasmodium and spread to people by Anopheles mosquitoes
• yellow fever, encephalitis, and West Nile virus, caused by viruses and spread by mosquitoes
• sleeping sickness, caused by the protozoan Trypanosoma and spread by the tsetse fly Glossina
To varying degrees, the incidence of these maladies can be controlled by using pesticides against the invertebrate
vectors or the alternate hosts. The abundance of mosquitoes, for example, can be reduced by spraying insecticide in
their aquatic breeding habitat or by applying a persistent insecticide to the interior walls of buildings, where they rest.
Similarly, people infested with body lice may receive a surface dusting with an insecticide – this was an early use of
DDT. Plague can be controlled by using rodenticide along with sanitation programs to reduce rat populations. Over the
past half-century, pesticides have decreased the abundance of vectors and alternate hosts and have spared hundreds
of millions of humans from the debilitating or deadly effects of certain diseases, particularly in tropical countries. (This
has been an important factor in reducing death rates and allowed rapid population growth.)
In fact, one of the first important uses of DDT was in Naples, Italy, during the Second World War, to prevent a deadly
plague of typhus that could have decimated Allied troops and the civilian population. Because of the success of this use
of DDT and its contribution to the victorious war effort, the British prime minister at the time, Winston Churchill,
referred to the insecticide as “that miraculous DDT powder.”
Malaria has long been an important disease in tropical countries. During the 1950s, about 5% of the global population
was infected with malaria. The use of insecticide to reduce the abundance of mosquitoes achieved huge reductions in
the incidence of malaria in some countries. For instance, during 1933-1935, India recorded about 100-million cases of
malaria per year and 750-thousand deaths. However, the incidence was reduced to 150-thousand cases and 1,500
deaths in 1966 because of spraying with DDT and the draining of mosquito-breeding wetlands (McEwen and
Stephenson, 1979). Similarly, 2.9-million cases of malaria occurred in Sri Lanka in 1934, and 2.8 million in 1946, but DDT
use helped to reduce that incidence to only 17 cases in 1963 (Hayes, 1991). However, malaria has recently been resurging
in some tropical countries, partly because mosquitoes have developed a genetically based tolerance of previously
effective insecticides. Many people are again being exposed to the malarial parasite, although the disease can today be
controlled by drugs that prevent Plasmodium from multiplying in the blood. (However, there are also signs that
Plasmodium is becoming resistant to those drugs.)
Modern agriculture is a highly technological activity. Machines, energy, fertilizer, pesticides, and high-yield crop
varieties are used in intensive management systems to grow crops (see Chapters 14 and 24). The role of pesticides is to
help control the abundance of the following problems:
Undeniably, these uses of pesticides are important factors in modern agriculture. Even with pesticide use, the damage
caused by pests and diseases around the world are equivalent to about 24% of the potential crop of wheat, 46% of rice,
35% of corn (maize), 55% of sugar cane, 37% of grapes, and 28% of vegetables (McEwen and Stephenson, 1979). In North
America pests destroy about 37% of the potential production of food and fibre crops (Pimentel et al., 1992).
Of course, management practices in agriculture have intensified greatly, particularly during the twentieth century and
since. This change has resulted in increases in crop productivity. The gains in agricultural yield have been largely
achieved by the combined influences of the following:
The recent intensification of agrotechnology is sometimes referred to as the “green revolution”. Although agricultural
yields have increased greatly, it must be recognized that the gains are highly subsidized by the following (see also
Chapters 14 and 24):
In the United States, for example, the yield of corn was typically about 1.4 t/ha-yr in 1933, but it increased to 4.2 t/ha-
yr in 1963 and to 5.1-7.1 t/ ha-yr during 1978-1984. In Mexico, wheat yields increased from 0.75 t/ ha-yr in 1945 to 2.6 t/
ha-yr in 1964. The yield of rice in Japan increased from a pre-war average of 1.8 t/ ha-yr to 4.0 t/ ha-yr in 1963, while
in the United States, rice yields have reached 4.9–5.5 t/ ha-yr (Hayes, 1991). Similar gains in agricultural yield have been
realized in Canada (see Figure 14.1).
Almost all intensively managed agricultural systems depend to some degree on pest control. High-yield crop varieties
are often vulnerable to infestation by insect pests, diseases, and competition from weeds. Pesticides are routinely
prescribed to manage those problems. Moreover, monocultural systems (in which only a single crop is grown in a field)
result in reduced populations of natural predators and parasites, which can exacerbate existing pests and allow new
ones to develop. Some environmentalists have described intensively managed agricultural systems as being a pesticide
treadmill, because they rely on pesticides, often in increasing quantities, to deal with unanticipated pests that emerge
as “surprises.”
The use of pesticides in Canadian agriculture has increased greatly in recent decades. Herbicide was applied to
26.7-million hectares of farmland in 2011, a three-fold increase over 1971 (Table 14.10). Insecticide and fungicide were
applied to 8.7-million hectares, an 11-fold increase. Overall, pesticide use in North American agriculture increased by
about ten-fold between 1945 and 1989 (Pimentel et al., 1992). Interestingly, during that same period, crop losses (to
insects only) actually increased somewhat, from about 7% during 1941-1951 to 13% during 1951-1974 (Hayes, 1991). These
trends, which might seem to contradict each other, may be due to such factors as the development of tolerance by
some pests to pesticides, the emergence of new pests because of accidental introductions, changes in predator-prey
relationships caused by pesticide use, and the introduction of new crop varieties that are vulnerable to pests.
Agricultural damage caused by arthropod pests varies greatly. Sometimes there is direct competition with humans for
a food resource, as when insects defoliate crops in fields or attack stored food. Such depredations can sometimes
obliterate agricultural yield, as can happen during a severe infestation of locusts. More commonly, however, insects
reduce the yield only somewhat.
In some cases, however, even minor damage by pests can make the produce unsaleable. This can be the case of damage
caused to apples by the codling moth (Carpocapsa pomonella). “Wormy” apples with larvae of this insect are not
saleable to consumers, and up to 90% of the fruit in unsprayed orchards may be infested (McEwen and Stephenson,
1979). Even a minor discoloration of fruit, such as apple scab and russeting of oranges (neither affect the productivity or
nutritional quality of the crop) are considered unacceptable by many consumers. Therefore, seemingly unimportant
Much pesticide use in agriculture is targeted against weeds, which interfere with crop plants by competing for limited
resources of light, water, and nutrients. (Of course, “weediness” is partly a matter of context – in other situations, some
weed species have positive attributes.) It is well known that weeds, if abundant, can cause large decreases in the
productivity of agricultural crops, even by 50-90%. This is the reason why farmers have always taken measures to
reduce the abundance of weeds, initially by hand-pulling or hoeing them and later by mechanical cultivation
(ploughing) to disrupt their growth. More recently, chemical herbicides have been widely used to control agricultural
weeds. In the United States, for example, herbicide is used on 85% of the planted area for most crops (Gianessi and
Sankula, 2003). Crops receiving the most herbicide are canola (on 99% its cultivated area), dry beans (99%), carrot
(98%), maize (98%), rice (98%), sugarbeet (98%), peanut (97%), green bean (96%), soybean (96%), tomato (96%),
blueberry (95%), citrus (95%), cotton (95%), and potato (93%). Herbicide use in wheat is relatively low (55%) because
mechanical cultivation during sowing is effective in reducing weeds for this crop.
According to Gianessi and Sankula (2003), if herbicide use were discontinued for the 40 crops they studied, then weed
management would have to rely on increased mechanical cultivation and manual weeding. They calculated that would
have an annual cost of US$14 billion, about double that of herbicide use ($6.6 billion per year). If herbicide use were
discontinued and replaced by alternative practices, they estimated that 35 of the 40 crops studied would suffer a
decline in productivity, by an average of 21% (range of 5-67%). The productivity loss would have a value of about $21
billion per year (including $13 billion in lost productivity and $8 billion in increased costs of management). Note,
however, that the “direct costs” of herbicide use cited above ($6.6 billion/yr) do not include the value of environmental
damage that might be caused, for instance, by toxicity to non-target plants, wildlife, or agricultural workers. It must be
remembered that non-herbicidal methods of weed control also cause environmental damage, particularly mechanical
cultivation, which increases soil erosion and compaction. No-till management systems, which greatly reduce the rate
of erosion, must rely on the use of herbicide to control weeds.
Of course, the weeds must be vulnerable to the toxicity of the herbicide being used against them, while the crop plant
must be tolerant. Some herbicides are toxic to broad-leaved weeds (dicotyledonous plants) but not to corn, wheat,
barley, or other crops in the grass family (monocotyledonous plants). Consequently, herbicides are widely used in grain
agriculture in North America. For instance, about 98% of the maize and rice acreage is treated. Some important
diseases of agricultural plants can be managed with pesticide. Sometimes, insecticide is sprayed to control arthropod
vectors of microbial diseases. More commonly, fungicide is used to control pathogenic fungi such as late blight
(Phytophthora infestans) of potato, apple scab (Venturia inequalis), powdery mildew (Sphaerotheca pannosa) of peach,
and seedrot and damping-off of many crop species (Pythium spp.). Fungicide also helps to prevent the spoilage of
stored crops by fungi such as Aspergillus flavus, which can grow in stored legumes, grains, and nuts, producing deadly
aflatoxins that make foods poisonous to humans and livestock.
Pesticides in Forestry
The use of pesticides in forestry raises a great deal of controversy, often more so than use of the same chemicals in
agriculture. The controversy partly concerns damage that may be caused to the many native species that are exposed
to forestry sprays, compared to mostly aliens in agriculture. In addition, spraying in forestry is mostly done by
government agencies and large companies, while in agriculture it often involves individual farmers working a family
farm. Most people have greater empathy for individuals than for big government or big business, and this can influence
their opinions about pesticide use.
Pesticides are used in forestry mainly to control epidemics of defoliating insects and to manage weeds in re-forested
areas and plantations. The largest insecticide spraying campaigns have been undertaken against spruce budworm
Pesticides are commonly used in and around homes. For instance, insecticide may be used to kill bedbugs and
cockroaches, and rodenticide to poison rats and mice. As well, large amounts of pesticide are used in horticulture.
Herbicides are especially widely applied, mostly to achieve the grass-lawn aesthetic that many homeowners seek. To
this end, herbicide is used to kill broad-leaved plants such as dandelion and plantain. The “weed” in common “weed-
and-feed” lawn preparations is the herbicide 2,4-D, dicamba, or mecoprop.
Some of the most intensive pesticide usage occurs in the management of golf courses, particularly on putting greens
where the lawn quality must be very consistent. Fungicide is used in especially large amounts to prevent turf-grass
diseases. On a per-unit area basis, the use of pesticides on putting greens can be more intensive than almost any in
Environmental Effects
Pesticide applications are intended to manage the impacts of pests by reducing their abundance and damage to below
an economically or aesthetically acceptable threshold. This objective can sometimes be achieved selectively, thereby
avoiding non-target damage. For example, rodenticide can be used judiciously to kill rats and mice around the home,
while minimizing toxic exposures to non-target cats, dogs, and children (although risk is never eliminated).
More typically, however, pesticide use involves a less-selective broadcast application, usually by spraying. A crop-
dusting aircraft or tractor-drawn sprayer is often used, which results in many non-target species being exposed to the
spray. The non-target organisms may live on the sprayed site, or they may be off-site and suffer exposure from aerial
or aquatic drift of a pesticide. Non-target exposures include both direct contact with a sprayed pesticide as well as
indirect exposure through the food web.
The ecotoxicological risk that is inherent in an exposure to pesticide (and to other chemicals) is influenced by a
complex of variables, as we previously examined in Chapter 15. Several points should be considered when interpreting
exposures of non-target organisms (including people) to pesticides and other chemicals:
Of course, pesticides vary enormously in their toxicity. Herbicides, for example, are extremely toxic to at least some
plants, but not necessarily to animals, which differ in important physiological respects from plants. In contrast, most
insecticides and rodenticides are toxic to a wide range of animals and can cause non-target poisoning of diverse
species, including humans.
Table 22.2. Acute Toxicity of Various Chemicals to Rats. The oral LD50, measured in milligrams of chemical per
kilogram of body weight, is the amount required to kill 50% of a trial population of rats, exposed through their
food in a controlled laboratory test. Source: Modified from Freedman (1995)
In the remainder of this chapter, we will examine several case studies of particular uses of pesticides. These are useful
in illustrating the broader principles and patterns of the ecological damage caused by these chemicals.
The first case study involves DDT and related organochlorine insecticides, such as DDD, dieldrin, and aldrin. These
chemicals were once widely used in Canada and most other developed countries. Although these organochlorines were
banned here in the early 1970s, they continue to be used in some less-developed nations.
DDT and its relatives are persistent in the environment. Consequently, even though these chemicals have not been
used in Canada for several decades, there are still substantial residues in the ecosystems of our country. In part, this is
also a result of the continued use of these organochlorines in some tropical countries, because small amounts of
residue from those ongoing uses are transported to high-latitude countries by global cycling processes. In addition,
organochlorines are more persistent in cooler environments than in warmer ones. As a result, these and some non-
insecticidal organochlorines (such as PCBs and dioxins) are still important contaminants in Canada.
DDT was first synthesized in 1874, but its insecticidal properties were not discovered until 1939. Its first important use
was during World War II in programs to control body lice, mosquitoes, and other disease vectors. DDT was quickly
recognized as being an extremely effective insecticide, and it became widely used in agriculture, forestry, and against
malaria. The use of DDT peaked in 1970, when 175-million kilograms were manufactured globally. Soon afterward,
developed countries began to ban most uses of DDT because it was found to be causing ecological damage, including
the contamination of people and their food web. Some researchers thought this contamination could be causing
illnesses, such as increases in cancer and liver disease. However, DDT use has continued in some tropical countries,
mostly against mosquito vectors of disease.
However, even in those countries the use of DDT and other organochlorine insecticides has been decreasing. This is
partly because many pests have developed a genetically based tolerance of these chemicals (sometimes known as
resistance), which decreases their effectiveness as pesticides. The development of tolerance is an evolutionary process
in which exposure to a toxic substance selects for resistant individuals within a genetically variable population (see
Chapters 6 and 15). Although tolerant individuals are normally rare in unsprayed populations, they may become rapidly
dominant in sprayed habitat. If the insecticide does not kill them, they survive to reproduce, and pass on the genes for
tolerance to their offspring. More than 500 species of insects and mites have populations tolerant to at least one
insecticide, and there are more than 100 fungicide-resistant plant pathogens, 55 herbicide-tolerant weeds, and five
rodents resistant to anticoagulants (NRC, 1986; Winston, 199; Landis et al., 2002).
Several physical and chemical properties of organochlorines have an important influence on their ability to cause
ecological damage. First, they have an extended persistence, or a tendency to remain chemically unchanged in the
environment because they are not easily degraded by microorganisms or by physical agents such as sunlight or heat.
For example, DDT has a half-life in soil of 3-10 years. The primary breakdown product of DDT is the closely related
organochlorine DDE, which has a similar persistence.
In addition, DDT and related organochlorines are essentially insoluble in water and so cannot be “diluted” into that
abundant solvent. Instead, these chemicals are highly soluble in fats (or lipids), which occur mostly in organisms.
Moreover, organisms are highly efficient at assimilating organochlorines that are present in their food. As a result,
predators at the top of the food web develop the highest residues of organochlorines, particularly in their fatty tissues
(this is known as biomagnification or food-web magnification). Both bioconcentration and food-web magnification are
progressive with age, so the oldest individuals in a population are the most contaminated (see In Detail 18.1).
These properties of organochlorines are illustrated in Figure 22.1 and Table 22.3. Note that the concentrations are
miniscule in air, water, and non-agricultural soil, compared with the much higher residues that occur in organisms.
Note also that concentrations in plants are lower than in herbivores, and that residues are highest at the top of the
food web, such as in predatory birds and humans.
Table 22.3. Typical Residues of DDT in the 1960s and 1970s. Sources: Data from Edwards (1975) and Freedman
Although organochlorine residues are ubiquitous in the biosphere, much higher concentrations occur in animals that
Intense exposures to organochlorines caused important ecological damage, including bird poisonings. During the
1950s and 1960s, bird kills resulted when DDT was sprayed in urban areas to kill the beetle vectors of Dutch elm
disease, caused by a fungal pathogen (Ceratocyctis ulmi) that was accidentally introduced to North America from
Europe. The fungus is transported between trees by bark beetles, which can be controlled to some degree by the use of
insecticide. Spraying for this purpose was intensive, and typically involved an application of 0.7-1.4 kg of DDT per tree.
Birds feeding on invertebrates in treated areas were exposed to lethal doses. One study in New Hampshire found 117
dead birds in a 6 ha spray area, and estimated that 70% of the breeding robins (Turdus migratorius) had been killed
(Wurster et al., 1965). So much avian mortality occurred in sprayed neighbourhoods that bird song was markedly
reduced – hence the title of Rachel Carson’s 1962 book, Silent Spring (In Detail 22.3).
In addition to acute poisoning caused by organochlorines in sprayed areas, more insidious damage was occurring over
large regions. Many species experienced long-term chronic toxicity, even well away from sprayed areas. It took years
of population monitoring and ecotoxicological research before organochlorines were identified as the cause of this
widespread damage. In fact, we can view the chronic poisoning of birds and other wildlife as an ecological “surprise”
that occurred because scientists (and society) had no experience with the long-term effects of persistent,
biomagnifying organochlorines.
Raptorial birds were among the prominent victims of organochlorine insecticides. These birds are vulnerable because
they are top predators and accumulate high residues of organochlorines. Breeding populations of various raptors
suffered large declines. Severely affected species included the peregrine falcon (Falco peregrinus), osprey (Pandion
haliaetus), bald eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus), and golden eagle (Aquila chrysaetos) (see Canadian Focus 22.1). In all
cases, these species were exposed to a “cocktail” of organochlorines, including the insecticides DDT, DDD (both are
metabolized to DDE), aldrin, dieldrin, and heptachlor, as well as PCBs, a group of non-insecticidal compounds with
many industrial uses. Researchers have investigated the relative importance of these various organochlorines in
causing the population declines of raptors. It appears that DDT may have been the more important toxin to birds in
North America, while cyclodienes (particularly dieldrin) were more influential in Britain (Cooper, 1991; Moriarty, 1999).
Damage to raptors was mainly associated with chronic effects on their reproduction, rather than toxicity caused to
adults. Reproductive damage included the production of thin eggshells that would break under the weight of an
incubating parent, high mortality of embryos and nestlings, and abnormal adult behaviour. The numbers of fledged
chicks declined, and that resulted in rapid population declines.
Since the bans of DDT and other organochlorines in North America, their residues in wildlife have been progressively
decreasing. Data showing this decline have been obtained by analyzing eggs of herring gulls (Larus argentatus)
breeding on the Great Lakes (Figure 22.2). Although eggs from various places differ in their residues (partly depending
on local sources), they all exhibit large decreases in DDE and PCB. Decreases in residues have also occurred in double-
crested cormorants (Phalacrocorax auritus).
Figure 22.2. Changes in Organochlorine Residues in Bird Eggs. Eggs of herring gull have shown decreasing
residues since the use of DDT, PCBs, and other persistent organochlorines was banned in North America in the
early 1970s. Muggs/Leslie are breeding sites in the Toronto waterfront, while Big Sister Island is in Green Bay in
Lake Michigan. Residues are measured in ppm. Sources: Data from Bishop and Weseloh (1990), Environment
In Detail 22.3. Silent Spring Rachel Carson, an American biologist, wrote many scientific articles and several
books, the most famous of which, Silent Spring, was published in 1962. Silent Spring was aimed at a popular
audience, and it was a lively and controversial indictment of pesticide use as it was practised at the time,
particularly the use of DDT and other organochlorine insecticides. Silent Spring was written to warn society
about the known and potential dangers that these pesticides pose to wildlife, and also to people through
contamination of their food. Silent Spring achieved that objective and, in fact, was a literary bombshell that
caused an eruption of public awareness about pesticide issues.
Although DDT and its organochlorine relatives were clearly useful in killing pests, Carson described how they
were also causing extensive mortality to non-pest arthropods, and also to birds, mammals, and other wildlife.
She also warned that people were being widely exposed to organochlorines, with significant residues being
found, for example, in the milk of nursing mothers. She noted, “For the first time in the history of the world,
every human being is now subjected to dangerous chemicals, from the moment of conception until death.”
Although little was known about the subject at the time, Carson warned that the chronic, low-level exposure of
people to organochlorines was potentially dangerous.
A best-seller, Silent Spring stirred up an enormous controversy about the effects of anthropogenic chemicals in
the environment. Companies that manufactured pesticides mounted their own information and advertising
programs. They attempted to discredit Carson by labelling her as an irresponsible agitator and by claiming that
she did not represent the views of most scientists. In fact, some of the technical details of Carson’s analysis
were later found to be incorrect, but this is not surprising considering the incomplete understanding at the
time about pesticides and their environmental impacts. Nevertheless, the essential thesis of Silent Spring was
that organochlorine insecticides were widely contaminating organisms and the environment, were persistent,
and were causing extensive damage. In large part, these assertions were correct.
Unfortunately, Rachel Carson died an early death from cancer in 1964, just as the message of Silent Spring was
Important replacements for DDT and related organochlorines have been organophosphate and carbamate insecticides.
These poison insects and other arthropods by inhibiting a specific enzyme, acetylcholinesterase (AChE), which is
critical in the transmission of nerve impulses. Vertebrates such as amphibians, fish, birds, and mammals are also
sensitive to poisoning of their AChE system. In all of these animals, acute poisoning by organophosphate and
carbamate insecticides causes tremors, convulsions, and ultimately death.
Carbofuran is a carbamate insecticide that can be used for many purposes in agriculture. One formulation is a liquid
suspension that can be diluted in water and then broadcast-sprayed against pests such as grasshoppers and leaf
beetles. It is also available in a granular formulation, in which the insecticide coats particles of grit and is sown along
with seeds to protect tender seedlings from insect damage. The granular formulation has been commonly used when
sowing canola and maize.
Unfortunately, wildlife is exposed to toxic doses of carbofuran when either of these formulations is used. For example,
if not all of the carbofuran granules are buried in the planting furrows, they remain exposed on the surface (Mineau,
1993). In one method of seeding, used for corn in Ontario, 15-31% of the granules remained exposed on the surface, or
515-1065 exposed granules per metre of furrow. Methods used to plant canola in western Canada often left about 5% of
the granules on the surface. The exposed granules may be ingested by seed-eating birds, which require hard particles
of that size as “grit” for macerating hard-coated seeds in their muscular gizzard. The carbofuran is extremely toxic:
consumption of only 1-5 granules can kill a small bird. Raptors and mammals are secondarily poisoned if they scavenge
the dead bodies.
In addition, fields treated with carbofuran may become flooded during the spring and autumn, and the surface water
may then contain large residues of the insecticide. This is particularly the case if the soil and water are acidic, which
greatly reduces the rate of breakdown of carbofuran into less toxic chemicals.
Of all the pesticides used recently in agriculture, carbofuran has probably caused the most non-target mortality of
birds and other wild animals. Even though there is no systematic program for reporting bird kills caused by pesticide
use in Canada or the United States, a large number of toxic incidents were documented for carbofuran (Mineau, 1993),
a few of which were:
• More than 2,000 Lapland longspurs (Calcarius lapponicus), a seed-eating finch, were killed after eating carbofuran
granules in a freshly planted canola field in Saskatchewan in May 1984
• About 1,200 birds, mostly savannah sparrows (Passerculus sandwichensis), were killed in by granular carbofuran in
turnip and radish fields in British Columbia in September 1986
• More than 1,000 green-winged teal (Anas carolinensis) were killed within hours of landing in a flooded turnip field
in British Columbia in the autumn of 1975
• At least 50 mallards (Anas platyrhynchos) and pintails (A. acuta) were poisoned in a flooded field in British
Columbia in December 1973
• 2,450 dead widgeon (Mareca americana) found one day after spraying of an alfalfa field in California in March 1974
These examples are only a small fraction of the known bird kills caused by the routine use of carbofuran in agriculture.
There are also, of course, larger numbers of unreported incidents. Because carbofuran use in agriculture carries such a
Canadian Focus 22.1. Organochlorines and the Peregrine Falcon The most famous avian victim of
organochlorines was the peregrine falcon, whose population declines were first noticed in the early 1950s in
North America and Western Europe (Peakall, 1990; Freedman, 1995). By 1970, peregrines in eastern North
America (the subspecies Falco peregrinus anatum) had stopped reproducing and were critically endangered. At
the same time, the tundrius subspecies of the Arctic was rapidly declining. Only the pealei subspecies that
breeds on islands off British Columbia and Alaska had normal reproduction success and a stable population.
The pealei falcons do not migrate. Moreover, they live in a region where pesticides are not used and mainly
feed on non-migratory seabirds. In contrast, anatum peregrines breed in a region where organochlorines were
widely used, and they fed on contaminated prey. The tundrius falcons breed in a northern wilderness where
pesticides are not used, but they winter in Central and South America where their food was contaminated by
organochlorines, as was their prey of migratory waterfowl and shorebirds in the Arctic. Studies by wildlife
toxicologists found that populations of peregrine falcons with high organochlorine residues were laying thin-
shelled eggs and suffering other kinds of reproductive impairment. This damage was causing their populations
to collapse. By 1975, the anatum birds had become extirpated in eastern North America, while the arctic
tundrius birds had declined to only about 450 pairs from historical levels of more than 5-thousand pairs.
Fortunately, many countries (including Canada, the United States, and most other developed nations) banned
further use of DDT and most other organochlorines in the 1970s. This resulted in a marked decrease in residues
in the food of peregrines and other raptors, which allowed their populations to stabilize or recover. By 1985,
arctic peregrines were increasing in abundance, and small breeding populations had re-established in more
southern regions.
The recovery was greatly enhanced by a program (funded in Canada by the Canadian Wildlife Service) that bred
peregrines in captivity to provide young birds for release into the former range of the anatum subspecies.
Several thousand young peregrines were released in Canada and the U.S., and many of the birds survived and
bred. Some of them were released in cities, where tall buildings provide cliff-like nesting habitat and there are
abundant pigeons and other urban birds as prey. Thanks to declining residues of organochlorines resulting
from bans on the use of these chemicals, the peregrine falcon is on its way back.
Image 22.1. The peregrine falcon is a species that suffered widespread population declines as a result of the
ecotoxicological effects of DDT and other organochlorines. Source: Dennis Jarvis, Wikimedia
Other modern insecticides are also poisoning Canadian birds. Diazinon, an organophosphate insecticide, has caused
numerous cases of mass mortality. For instance, in the late 1980s, there were at least five events in which entire flocks
of Canada goose (Branta canadensis) were killed when they fed on grass on golf courses in southern Ontario that had
been treated to reduce infestations of turf insects (Mineau, 1999). The geese died within minutes, as is typical of acute
poisoning by AChE inhibitors. Similar toxic events have occurred in the United States, including one in which 700 Brant
geese (Branta bernicla) were killed on a golf course in New York. Diazinon has now been banned for use on golf courses
in the U.S., but it can still be used in Canada for that purpose and also for horticultural and agricultural purposes,
although its use is declining.
In 1996, it was discovered that agricultural use of monocrotophos and other organophosphate insecticides against
grasshoppers in Argentina was killing large numbers of Swainson’s hawks (Buteo swainsoni). This raptor breeds in
western Canada and the U.S. and migrates to winter on the pampas of South America. Populations of this hawk had
been declining for several years. However, it was not until some birds were fitted with satellite transmitters and
followed to Argentina that wildlife toxicologists discovered a probable cause of the decline – poorly regulated use of
monocrotophos on the wintering grounds. Field studies in Argentina discovered that more than 20-thousand
Swainson’s hawks had been killed in just one agricultural area (other regions were not surveyed), out of a total breeding
population of only 400-thousand (of which up to one-quarter breed in Canada).
Monocrotophos is extremely toxic to birds, although it is not persistent in the environment. Because of the risk of
ecological damage, monocrotophos has been banned in the United States and was never registered for use in Canada.
In Argentina, however, the insecticide could be legally used. Swainson’s hawks were exposed to lethal doses of
monocrotophos when they fluttered behind spray tractors to feed on grasshoppers flushed by the machinery, and also
Perhaps the most contentious pesticide-related issue of recent years (this was written in 2015) is the use of
neonicotinoid insecticides agriculture (Jeschke et al., 2011; Mineau and Palmer, 2013; van der Sluijs et al, 2014). These
are a class of synthetic AChE-inhibiting insecticides that are chemically similar to nicotine, the key alkaloid in tobacco.
Neonicotinoids are much less toxic to vertebrate animals that carbamate and organophosphate insecticides, but they
are persistent and broad-spectrum poisons to non-target arthropods. The “neonic” group includes a variety of
compounds, with imidacloprid recently being one of the most widely used insecticides in the world.
Neonicotinoids are a systemic insecticide. The chemical can be applied with irrigation water, as a water-based spray,
or as a coating on seed intended for planting. In all of those cases, the neonic is absorbed and then distributed
throughout the plant to confer protection against herbivorous insects. These have become popular uses – since the
introduction of neonics in the early 1990s, they have grown to account for several billions of dollars of annual sales.
Neonicotinoids are used on a wide range of crops. In the United States, they are used on 95% of the canola and maize
acreage, and at least half of cotton, sorghum, soybean, and sugar beet. They are used on many fruit crops, including
almonds, apples, berries, cherries, grapes, oranges, and peaches, as well as vegetables such as leafy greens, potatoes,
and tomatoes, and even cereal grains. They are also used as a wood preservative.
Recently, the use of neonicotinoids has been linked to some important environmental problems. One is the general
decline in pollinating insects, which are vital both to agricultural production and to natural ecosystems. The
agricultural linkage involves that fact that most commercial fruits, ranging from apples to zucchinis, rely on insects to
pollinate their flowers so that fruit development can occur. Honeybees are especially important in this regard, yet
these vitally important pollinators have been badly declining because of a syndrome referred to as colony collapse
disorder. The cause of that damage is not exactly known, but neonics are suspected as having a contributing influence.
Another indirect effect of the widespread use of neonics could be declines of some bird species due to a reduction of
their arthropod food base (Hallmann et al., 2014).
As a result of the growing concerns about the environmental effects of neonicotinoid insecticides, many countries have
been restricting or banning their use. In 2013, a study by the European Food Safety Authority reported an unacceptably
high risk to honeybees from many uses of neonics, and in 2014 a critical integrated study was published (van der Sluijs
et al, 2014). In 2014, in response to this and other research, 15 of the 27 European Union member states voted to restrict
the use of three neonicotinoids (clothianidin, imidacloprid, and thiamethoxam) for two years while additional studies
were undertaken. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is reviewing their registration, and Canadian authorities
are monitoring those international developments.
Pesticides are used much more extensively in agriculture than in forestry (about 80% of pesticide sales in Canada are
for use in agriculture, 12% for domestic and industrial use, and 2% for forestry purposes; Environment Canada, 1996).
However, forestry case studies better illustrate many of the ecological effects of pesticide use because the treated
habitats support mainly native species and natural or semi-natural ecosystems. In contrast, agricultural habitats are
dominated by non-native species and are intensively managed, making them less amenable to the examination of some
of the ecological effects of pesticides.
Spruce Budworm
The largest insecticide spray programs in forestry have been mounted against spruce budworm (Choristoneura
fumiferana), particularly in New Brunswick. Because the spraying occurs over extensive natural forests, whose
biodiversity consists of native species, it represents an excellent case study to examine the ecological effects of
insecticide use. Spruce budworm is a native moth whose larvae are pests of fir- and spruce-dominated forest. An
infestation can affect tens of millions of hectares, and trees are killed after several years of defoliation. Mature stands
dominated by balsam fir (Abies balsamea) are particularly vulnerable. White spruce (Picea glauca) is also a preferred
food, but red spruce (P. rubens) and black spruce (P. mariana) are less apt to suffer lethal damage. Spruce budworm is
always present in small populations in its fir-spruce habitat, but it occasionally irrupts to an enormous abundance and
becomes a pest. Under normal conditions, only about five larvae may occur on each conifer tree, but this increases to
2-thousand at the beginning of an irruption, and to more than 20-thousand during the peak. A local outbreak is
typically sustained for 6-10 years, and then collapses. Studies in Quebec have shown that outbreaks have occurred at
an average interval of about 35 years (Blais, 1985). An outbreak is typically synchronous (occurring at the same time)
over an extensive area of vulnerable forest, although there are large variations in the abundance of budworm among
stands. The exact reasons for the irruptions are not known, but they may involve several years of warm, dry weather in
the springtime, which favours the survival of larvae.
It appears that the extent of damage caused by spruce budworm may have increased during the three outbreaks of the
twentieth century. The outbreak that began in 1910 affected about 10-million hectares, one starting in 1940 involved
25-million ha, and another in 1970 affected more than 55-million ha (Figure 22.3). The enlarging areas of infestation
may be related to an increase in the extent of vulnerable fir-spruce forest, possibly due to the following influences:
Figure 22.3. Forest Area Defoliated by Spruce Budworm in the Twentieth Century. The area corresponds to
stands suffering severe or moderate defoliation. Source: Modified from Kettela (1983).
Enormous damage has been caused by budworm to economically important forest resources. During the most recent
outbreak (1971-1984), tree mortality was equivalent to more than 38-million cubic metres of saleable timber. During the
peak of the infestation, substantial tree mortality occurred over about 26.5-million hectares in eastern Canada (Ostaff,
1985). The rapid development of an infestation can be illustrated by the case of Cape Breton Island (Ostaff and
MacLean, 1989). No defoliation by budworm was observed in 1973, but in 1974 there was moderate-to-severe defoliation
over 165-thousand hectares. This increased to 486-thousand ha in 1975, and to 1.22-million hectares in 1976, when
essentially all of the vulnerable fir-spruce forest was infested.
An irruption of budworm can last for 10 or more years, with the damage increasing over time. During the first two
years of severe defoliation on Cape Breton, 4% of the balsam fir trees died. The cumulative mortality increased to 9%
after four years of heavy defoliation, 37% after six years, 48% after eight years, 75% after 10 years, and 95% after 12
Mature trees are much more vulnerable to budworm than are smaller immature ones, which commonly survive an
outbreak. Consequently, the understorey of a damaged stand typically contains a dense population of small fir and
spruce. Known as advanced regeneration, this is important in re-establishing the next fir-spruce forest after an
infestation collapses. On Cape Breton, severely damaged stands typically had an advanced regeneration of 45-thousand
small fir plus 3-thousand spruce per hectare, most of which survived the infestation (MacLean, 1988).
After the mature trees die and the canopy opens up, the small conifers grow rapidly and establish another fir-spruce
forest, which becomes vulnerable decades later to another irruption of budworm. These observations suggest that,
over the long term, the interaction between the forest and budworm can be viewed as an ecologically stable, cyclic
succession. The natural cycle of disturbance and recovery has probably been occurring for thousands of years,
although human influences may have increased its scale since the nineteenth century.
Of course, spruce budworm causes great economic instability in the forest-products industry, which is in competition
with this moth for the fir-spruce resource. The periodic irruptions of budworm severely damage the forest, making it
difficult for humans to plan their own orderly harvesting and management of the trees. Spraying is one way of dealing
with this problem, because it can limit the defoliation and prevent some tree mortality. The objective of spraying is not
to eradicate the budworm, but to decrease the damage it causes, and thereby maintain the forest resource and its
dependent economy.
Image 22.3. This is a ground-level view of a stand damaged by spruce budworm on Cape Breton Island.
Although the mature balsam fir trees have been killed, dense regeneration is occurring in the understorey. After
40-50 years, another mature forest will have developed, ready to be harvested by budworm or by humans.
Insecticide Spraying
After the Second World War, an early use of DDT was against spruce budworm. In 1953 alone, 804-thousand hectares
of forest were sprayed in Quebec and New Brunswick. By 1968, when further use of DDT for this purpose was banned,
a total of 15-million ha had been sprayed at least once (Ennis and Caldwell, 1991). In New Brunswick alone, 5.75-million
kilograms of DDT were sprayed onto budworm-infested forest (Armstrong, 1985).
After the further use of DDT was banned in 1968, the insecticides used were fenitrothion and phosphamidon, both
organophosphates, and aminocarb, a carbamate. Of these, fenitrothion was used most widely. By 1985, phosphamidon
had been sprayed on 8.1-million hectares, aminocarb on 19-million ha, and fenitrothion on 64-million ha (these are
sums of annual sprayed areas, with most treated stands receiving two sprays per year; Ennis and Caldwell, 1991). New
Brunswick had the biggest spray program to “protect” the forest resource against budworm – up to 1985, a cumulative
total of 69-million ha was treated, compared to 37-million ha in Quebec, 10-million ha in Maine, and 1.7-million ha in
Newfoundland. The most extensive spraying in New Brunswick was in 1976, when 4.2-million hectares were treated.
Afterward, spraying decreased to less than 1-million ha after 1985, to less than 0.5-million ha after 1990, and to zero
after 1993 due to collapse of the budworm outbreak.
During the late 1980s, a biological insecticide based on the bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis var. kurstaki (abbreviated
B.t.) began to displace the synthetic pesticides in budworm spraying. B.t. is toxic to most lepidopterans (moths and
butterflies) and to some other insects, including blackflies and mosquitoes. Otherwise, this insecticide causes little
Non-Target Damage
The synthetic insecticides used against budworm caused a great deal of non-target mortality. Typical spray rates and
toxicities for the insecticides are summarized in Table 22.4. DDT is the least toxic to budworm, but the most toxic to
salmonid fish. Perhaps the most important reason for the 1968 ban on using DDT against budworm was the mortality
caused to sportfish, particularly Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) and brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis).
Table 22.4. Acute Toxicity of Insecticides Used against Spruce Budworm. Typical application rates for forestry
purposes are in kilograms per hectare. Acute toxicity to budworm larvae and selected vertebrate species was
determined under laboratory conditions. The units of toxicity to budworm are in micrograms per square
centimetre of body surface; for trout, data are ppm in water; and for pheasant and rat, data are ppm in food.
Note: the 96-hr LC50 is the concentration in water that killed 50% of a population of trout after a 96-hour
exposure. Source: Freedman (1995).
The insecticides that initially replaced DDT are more toxic to budworm and so could be sprayed at lower rates while
achieving a similar degree of pest control. Although these insecticides are less toxic to fish than DDT was, they can be
very poisonous to other animals. Fenitrothion and aminocarb, for example, are highly toxic to all arthropods, so their
use results in an enormous kill of non-target insects and spiders, including many predators of budworm. One study
estimated that a typical fenitrothion spray killed as many as 7.5-million individuals of hundreds of species of arthropods
per hectare, although more than 90% of the dead biomass was budworm (Varty, 1975). Overall, a typical spray with
fenitrothion caused a short-term decrease in arthropod biomass of 35%, and a decrease in total individuals of 50%
(Agriculture Canada, 1993). However, studies found that the non-target damage to arthropods was temporary and
long-term decreases in abundance were not detectable (Varty, 1975; Millikin, 1990). The post-spray recovery was due to
recolonization from non-sprayed forest, along with increases by arthropods that survived the spraying.
Bird populations are unusually abundant in infested forest because budworm is a plentiful and nutritious food for
insect-eating animals. In fact, some birds are uncommon except in budworm-infested forest. In one study, the
breeding population of bay-breasted warbler increased from only 0.25 pairs/ha in non-infested forest to 30 pairs/ha
during a budworm outbreak, while Tennessee warbler increased from 0 to 12.5 pairs/ha (Morris et al., 1958).
During an outbreak of budworm, most birds rely heavily on the larvae as food for raising nestlings. One study
estimated that birds eat 89-thousand budworm larvae and pupae per hectare of infested forest, compared with
6-thousand/ha in stands without an irruption (Crawford et al., 1983). However, despite the enthusiastic effort, bird
predation has no substantial effect on the abundance of budworm during an outbreak – birds consume only about 2%
of the larvae. In essence, insectivorous birds are satiated by the extremely abundant food resource and are incapable of
Because birds are abundant in a budworm-infested forest, they are exposed to any insecticide that might be sprayed.
Even though some of the insecticides used against budworm are extremely toxic to birds, it has proved difficult to
document actual damage to avian populations by spraying. First, it is extremely difficult to find dead or dying birds in
forest habitat because they occur in a small density and are quickly scavenged by other animals. Even with all the
insecticide spraying in New Brunswick between 1965 and 1987, the Canadian Wildlife Service has records of only 125
dead birds (Busby et al., 1989), which is a gross underestimate of the actual mortality.
In addition, it is difficult to detect population changes resulting from mortality of birds in forest. A census of forest
birds is taken by mapping the locations from which male birds sing; this information is then used to determine the
boundaries of their territories. The song censuses are conducted in the spring over a period of four to six weeks.
During that time, bird populations are dynamic because migratory species are returning from their wintering grounds,
and they arrive at different times. Moreover, if a territory-holding bird is killed by an insecticide spray, it may be
quickly replaced from a “surplus” of non-breeding individuals that wander extensively, searching for suitable habitat
that is not occupied by another of their species. Because of the temporal variations in bird abundance and the rapid
replacement of killed individuals, it is difficult to document population changes caused by insecticide spraying.
Phosphamidon is very poisonous to birds (Table 22.4), and its use likely caused severe mortality of some species. One
study suggested that as many as 376-thousand ruby-crowned kinglets were killed in New Brunswick during the 1975
spray season, mostly by phosphamidon (Pearce and Peakall, 1977). Because they forage high in the canopy, kinglets are
particularly vulnerable to insecticide exposure during an aerial spray. The presumed damage to birds was the key
reason why phosphamidon was banned for use against budworm after 1975.
Fenitrothion is less poisonous to birds, but it nevertheless has a small margin of toxicological safety during operational
sprays. While a normal application appears to cause little avian mortality, exposure to a double spray, as commonly
occurs with overlapping spray swaths, can be lethal. Studies of white-throated sparrows found much greater mortality
and behavioural impairment after a double application of fenitrothion, compared with the normal spray rate (Busby et
al., 1989).
Table 22.5 shows the effects of a fenitrothion spray on birds. When interpreting these census data, the trends in the
sprayed habitat should be compared with those of non-sprayed forest. The comparison is necessary because the “pre-
spray” census was conducted in mid-May, when many migratory birds had not yet returned to their breeding habitat.
Consequently, the total avian abundance in the pre-spray census was much smaller than occurs later on. If the data are
considered in this relative sense, they suggest that the fenitrothion spraying had no obvious effects on the abundance
or species composition of the avian community. It is likely, however, that some birds were poisoned by fenitrothion
during the spray and that the damage was not reflected in the census for the reasons we noted earlier.
Table 22.5. Effects of Fenitrothion on Bird Populations. The data show the effects of forest spraying with
fenitrothion on breeding birds in the Gaspé region of Quebec. The operational spraying procedure is to treat
stands twice, about one week apart. In this study, birds were censused for five days before spraying, then for
seven days after the initial spray on May 21, 1976, and again for five days after the second spray on May 30. The
sprayed stand (“Spr”) was treated with fenitrothion at 0.56 kg/ha, while the unsprayed reference stand (“Ref”)
monitors changes that are unrelated to spraying. Bird density is expressed as numbers per 10 hectares. Only
It should also be recognized that a budworm outbreak causes severe damage to the forest, and this affects the habitat
of wildlife. Table 22.6 illustrates the effects of this habitat change on birds. Defoliation by budworm caused relatively
little damage to Stand A, so the decreased population of some birds (such as solitary vireo and many warblers) was
caused by a decrease in the availability of food because the outbreak had collapsed and budworm is a critical resource.
In contrast, Stand B was intensely damaged by budworm, with large habitat changes that included many dead trees and
a lush growth of understorey plants. In this stand, the decreased abundance of some birds (such as solitary vireo,
Tennessee warbler, black-throated green warbler, blackburnian warbler, and bay-breasted warbler) resulted from
changes in vegetation as well as a reduced availability of larvae as food. Note, in addition, that some birds (such as least
flycatcher, magnolia warbler, and white-throated sparrow) do well in recently disturbed stands: they benefit from the
habitat associated with budworm damage.
Table 22.6. Abundance of Birds During and After a Spruce Budworm Outbreak. The data are from a study in
New Brunswick. Stand A was monitored for eight years during an infestation (1952-1959), and then for six post-
outbreak years (to 1965). However, Stand A suffered little damage to its trees – the average age of balsam fir
trees was 120 years in both sampling periods. Stand B was censused for five infestation years (1955-1959) and
for five post-outbreak years (to 1964). Stand B suffered intense damage to its trees – the fir averaged older than
80 years when the infestation began, but < 10 years old afterward because so many mature trees had died. The
bird data are in numbers per 40 hectares. Only prominent species are listed. Source: Data from Gage and Miller
Overall, it appears that the demonstrated ecological effects of post-DDT spray programs against spruce budworm
were relatively short in duration and moderate in intensity (with the exception of the effects of phosphamidon on
birds). Residues of such chemicals as fenitrothion and aminocarb are not long lived, and no magnification occurs in the
food web. Although substantial mortality was caused to many non-target species, long-term decreases in their
populations have not been documented (bearing in mind that such effects are hard to demonstrate, particularly at
larger spatial scales). For example, although many individual birds have undoubtedly been poisoned by insecticide
toxicity, measurable damage to their populations has not been demonstrated.
Spray Policies
Spraying insecticide on forest infested by spruce budworm has economic benefits that are associated with the
protection of conifer trees, an important natural resource. As a result, decision makers and regulators in some
provinces have considered spray programs to be necessary. Many environmentalists, however, come to different
conclusions about the benefits and costs of spraying, because they valuate ecological damage more highly than do
After 1986, fenitrothion was the only synthetic insecticide used against budworm. In 1993, a risk assessment of this use
(Pauli et al., 1993) concluded that many of its ecotoxicological damages are significant: “The weight of evidence
accumulated with respect to the identified and potential negative impacts caused by the forestry use of fenitrothion on
non-target fauna and their potential ecological implications, supports the conclusion that the large-scale spraying of
fenitrothion for forest pest control, as currently practised operationally, is environmentally unacceptable.”
Partly because of the strong conclusions of that risk assessment, the registration of fenitrothion for use in budworm
spray programs in Canada was withdrawn in 1995. This action left B.t., a bacterial insecticide that causes little non-
target damage, as the major insecticide available for spraying against this forest pest.
Alternatives to Insecticide
In addition to ecotoxicity caused by any insecticide, spray programs against budworm have other drawbacks from a
forest-management perspective. Within limits, treating infested stands with insecticide maintains fir-spruce forest
“alive and green” and therefore available as a resource for the economically important forest industry. However,
spraying also maintains good habitat for budworm, and so may prolong its outbreaks. Agencies that spray insecticide
can become “locked” into this pest-management tactic and must continue to spray if the forest resource is to be
maintained in an economically viable condition. In the absence of an alternative control practice, spraying may be
perceived to be the best available short-term tactic. Clearly, however, spray programs over extensive areas are not
An alternative to spraying insecticides may be the use of silvicultural practices that are aimed at reducing the
vulnerability of stands to budworm infestation. For example, relatively tolerant species such as black spruce might be
planted extensively. Alternatively, the landscape could be structured so that the total area of mature but vulnerable
forest is kept small. If the landscape mosaic was dominated by less vulnerable stands that could be harvested by
industry at about the rate at which the trees mature, a smaller area would be vulnerable to budworm infestation. It
must be recognized, however, that such actions would represent a huge intensification of forest management and
would cause enormous changes in the ecological character of the landscape. Little is known about the long-term
economic viability or ecological consequences of such changes in forest-management strategy.
Further research into alternative methods of budworm control may yield novel methods that are effective. Some
promise has been demonstrated by the release of large numbers of tiny Trichogramma wasps that are parasites of
budworm, by the use of synthetic hormones that disrupt moulting or mating of the budworm, and by several other
innovative biotechnologies. So far, however, none of these methods have proven sufficiently effective to be used in
operational programs to reduce an irruption of budworm.
If regulators decide that the resource damage caused by spruce budworm must be controlled, it is desirable to utilize
the least damaging, but still effective, options. At present, effective control appears to require insecticide, with the only
available one being B.t. The use of synthetic organic insecticides in budworm spray programs, with their attendant
ecotoxicological damage, appears to be history.
Herbicides in Forestry
The most common use of herbicide in forestry is to keep weeds from competing with young conifers, allowing them to
grow more rapidly so that harvests can be more frequent (Newton and Knight, 1981; Freedman, 1995). The forestry use
of herbicide accounts for less than 2% of the total use of these chemicals in Canada. However, forestry use affects the
As in agriculture and horticulture, there are alternatives to the use of herbicide in forestry. These options include the
crushing of competing vegetation with large machines, manual cutting of weeds with brush saws, prescribed burning,
and even using sheep to selectively browse weedy plants. These alternatives can provide a degree of weed control, but
foresters generally regard them as more expensive and less effective than herbicide use.
Image 22.4. This is a four-year-old clear-cut of a coniferous forest in Nova Scotia. Almost all of the vegetation is
considered (by foresters) to be “weeds” that compete with desired conifer seedlings for space, water, and
nutrients. The objective of a herbicide treatment is to reduce the abundance of weeds, so as to allow the
conifers to grow more quickly. Source: B. Freedman.
As with any pesticide, the successful use of herbicide for a management purpose requires the selection of an
appropriate chemical and its proper application. If the right choices are not made, the weeds will not be adequately
controlled, and the conifer crop may be injured. In addition, the suppression of “weeds” affects the useful ecological
services that they provide, such as helping to control erosion and reducing losses of nutrients by leaching. Using
herbicide also reduces employment opportunities available in manual weed-control programs. For these and other
reasons, including the fears that many people have about the potential toxicological risks of pesticides in the
environment, the use of herbicide (and insecticide) in forestry has been very controversial.
Weeds in Forestry
Any disturbance of a forest is followed by vigorous regeneration involving many species of plants that compete for
space, nutrients, and moisture. This is true whether the disturbance is caused by a natural fire, insect attack, or clear-
cutting. During the first 10 to 15 years of succession, the plant community is dominated by many plants other than the
conifers that are desired by the forest industry. This can be illustrated by examining vegetation data for young clear-
cuts in Nova Scotia, where conifers contributed only 4-9% of the plant cover (Figure 22.4). Other species that are not
Figure 22.4. Dominant Plants in Disturbed Forest. The vegetation was surveyed in four clear-cuts of conifer
forest in Nova Scotia that were 4-6 years old. The data represent the range of average plant cover among the
four sites, expressed as the percentage of ground that is obscured by foliage. Because of overlap, cover values
can exceed 100%. Source: Data from Freedman (1995).
The effects of competing plants on conifer productivity are illustrated by a study of a site in New Brunswick that had
been treated with herbicides 28 years previously (MacLean and Morgan, 1983). Prior to the herbicide treatment, the
vigorously growing vegetation had been dominated by angiosperm shrubs that formed a dense, 2-m-tall canopy that
overtopped the shorter conifers. The herbicide spray had released the conifers from some of the stresses of
competition. The study consequently found, 28 years after the herbicide treatment, that the biomass of balsam fir on
the sprayed plots was about three-times larger than on an adjacent unsprayed plot. From the forestry perspective, this
means that the herbicide treatment allowed a conifer-dominated stand to develop more quickly, shortening the time to
the next harvest.
The silvicultural objective of herbicide spraying is to manage vegetation by changing its character. A herbicide
treatment in forestry reduces the abundance of competing vegetation, but it rapidly recovers. In essence, a herbicide
treatment returns the post-harvest regeneration (usually post-clear-cutting) to an earlier successional stage, while for
several years releasing small conifer plants from some effects of competition. The changes in vegetation are illustrated
by a study in Nova Scotia, in which a substantial recovery occurred within only one growing season after a herbicide
treatment (Figure 22.5). The recovery involved species whose seeds colonize sprayed sites, as well as plants that were
Figure 22.5. Recovery of Vegetation after a Herbicide Treatment. Regenerating clear-cuts were treated with the
herbicide glyphosate at two sites in Nova Scotia. The reference plots were not sprayed and illustrate the normal
recovery of vegetation after clear-cutting. The sprayed plots were sampled for one year prior to the herbicide
treatment, and the post-spray recovery was then monitored for several years. The data are percentage plant
cover at the end of the summer. Source: Data from Freedman et al. (1993).
Compared with many insecticides, herbicides used in forestry (such as 2,4,5-T, 2,4-D, and glyphosate) are not very toxic
to animals (see Table 22.2). At exposures encountered by animals during typical forestry uses, the direct toxicological
risks are probably unimportant. This is particularly true of glyphosate, the most commonly used herbicide.
Glyphosate is extremely toxic to most plants, acting by blocking the synthesis of several essential amino acids. All
plants and some microorganisms use this metabolic pathway, but animals obtain these amino acids in their food.
Consequently, glyphosate is non-toxic to animals (see Tables 15.2 and 22.2).
Nevertheless, glyphosate causes large changes to occur in habitat because it affects the productivity and biomass of
plants. Birds and other animals can be affected by a decreased availability of berries and other plant foods. In addition,
the reduced foliage biomass on sprayed areas sustains a lower abundance of insects and spiders, which are important
foods for most birds. These are indirect ecotoxicological effects of herbicide spraying, and they affect birds and other
wildlife even if they are not directly poisoned.
Image 22.5. A helicopter releases a silvicultural application of the herbicide glyphosate to a clear-cut in Nova
A study in Nova Scotia found only small changes in the abundance of birds that were breeding on clear-cuts treated
with glyphosate (Table 22.7). Although the avian population decreased between the pre-spray and first post-spray
years, this also occurred on the reference plot, suggesting it was caused by a factor unrelated to the herbicide
treatment, such as bad weather. In the second year after spraying, the abundance of birds on the sprayed plots was
similar to the first post-spray year, while on the unsprayed plot it increased to about the pre-spray value.
Table 22.7. Populations of Breeding Birds on Herbicide-Treated Clear-Cuts. Average data are presented for four
sprayed plots and one unsprayed reference plot from a study in Nova Scotia. The sprayed plots were treated
with glyphosate. The data are pairs of breeding birds per square kilometre, surveyed for one year before the
herbicide treatment (year 0), and then for four post-spray years. Only abundant species are listed here. Source:
The most common species were white-throated sparrow and common yellowthroat, which had a decreased abundance
on both the sprayed and reference plots up to the second year after spraying, and then recovered by the fourth post-
spray year. On the reference plot, song sparrow and Lincoln’s sparrow declined during the course of the study, whereas
on the sprayed plots they were most abundant in the second and fourth years after spraying. The reference plot
became colonized by some new species, including black-and-white warbler, red-eyed vireo, ruby-throated
hummingbird, and palm warbler. These species did not invade the sprayed plots because the herbicide treatment
caused the habitat to revert to a younger stage that was less favourable to these birds.
Most studies of the effects of herbicides on deer and moose have examined the availability of their food. Broad-leaved
shrubs are a preferred food (known as browse) for species of deer, but they are also important weeds in forestry and
are a target of herbicide treatments. The quantity of browse, although initially reduced by herbicide spraying, is often
increased in the medium-term through the regeneration of shrubs. For example, studies in Maine found that several
years after spraying, the availability of browse was greater on treated clear-cuts, partly because the height of the shrub
canopy was lower, which gave white-tailed deer easier access to this food (Newton et al., 1989). This is not always the
case, however, and some studies have shown that herbicide spraying may decrease the habitat quality for deer.
Overall, field research suggests that herbicide use in forestry has relatively small effects on birds and other wildlife that
utilize clear-cuts as habitat. Other disturbances associated with forestry cause much larger effects on wildlife,
particularly clear-cutting and the conversion of the natural forest into a plantation (see Chapter 23).
The hazards to people from herbicide use in forestry have also been scrutinized. The concerns include occupational
risks for people who are engaged in spraying or are working in recently sprayed areas, as well as risks for the general
population. These issues are highly controversial. Much of the concern has focused on the phenoxy herbicides 2,4,5-T
and 2,4-D, partly because 2,4,5-T may contain a trace contamination of TCDD, a toxic dioxin. However, the use of other
herbicides, such as glyphosate, is also controversial.
It is somewhat reassuring to know that many scientists believe that herbicides can be used safely in forestry (and in
agriculture and horticulture), provided the instructions for their use are followed carefully. Many scientists also believe
that herbicides do not cause undue risks to sprayers or people living near the treated areas. These are among the
reasons why governments have registered these pesticides for uses that are economically beneficial by allowing
Pesticides are commonly used in agriculture, horticulture, and forestry. It is clear from this fact that most politicians,
bureaucrats, and resource managers – and many scientists – have decided that the environmental “costs” associated
with the use of pesticides are “acceptable” in view of economic benefits that are achieved. It is debatable, however,
whether reliance on pesticide use is desirable over the long term. This is particularly true for those pesticides that are
toxic to a broad spectrum of organisms. Most people would prefer that less reliance be placed on such non-specific
methods of pest control.
A much preferable approach is known as integrated pest management (IPM), which employs an array of
complementary tactics toward achieving pest control, with the aim of there being fewer environmental and health
risks. Elements of an IPM system can include the following:
• use of natural predators, parasites, and other biological agents that can help to control a pest, while causing few
non-target damages
• use of crop varieties that are resistant to pests
• management of habitat to make it less suitable for pests
• careful monitoring of pest abundance, so control measures are undertaken only when necessary
• use of pesticides, but only if required as a component of an IPM strategy
A successful IPM program can greatly reduce, but not necessarily eliminate, reliance on pesticides. For example, for
many years the cultivation of cotton in the southern United States relied on the intensive application of insecticides
against pests such as the boll weevil. Widespread use of an IPM system to control this insect in Texas cottonfields
reduced insecticide use from 8.8 million kilogram in 1964 to 1.05 million kilogram in 1976 (Bottrell and Smith, 1982).
Nevertheless, insecticide use against this pest remained necessary.
Wherever possible, IPM systems utilize control methods that are as specific as possible to the pest so that non-target
damage can be avoided or greatly reduced. Some of the best examples of such specific methods involve biological
control (the use of a biological agent). The usefulness of biological control can be illustrated with the following
successful controls of introduced agricultural pests (Freedman, 1995):
• The cottony-cushion scale (Icyera purchasi) is a sap-sucking insect that was accidentally introduced to the United
States, where it became a threat to citrus agriculture. Research in its native Australia discovered that the pest was
naturally controlled by certain insect predators and parasites. In 1888, two of its predators, a lady beetle and a
parasitic fly, were introduced to California. This allowed almost total control over this potentially disastrous pest.
Unfortunately, this biological control was disrupted when DDT and other broad-spectrum insecticides were used
to deal with other orchard pests beginning in the late 1940s.
• St. John’s wort (Hypericum perforatum), a common weed, is toxic to cattle. It became a serious pest in pastures
after it was introduced from Europe. In 1943, two leaf beetles that feed on this plant were released to North
America, and this pest is no longer an important problem.
• The prickly pear cactus (Opuntia stricta) was imported to Australia from North America and grown as an
ornamental plant and a “living fence.” It escaped and became a serious weed in rangelands. This pest was
controlled by the introduction of one of its herbivores, a moth whose larvae feed on the cactus.
Unfortunately, biological control may not be suitable for all pest problems, and in fact it has not succeeded in most
cases in which it has been attempted. The list of failures includes forest pests such as spruce budworm and gypsy
moth. Researchers have investigated the potential for controlling budworm using pest-specific bacteria, viruses, and
other agents of diseases, wasps that parasitize and kill larvae, and sex and developmental hormones to disrupt mating
and growth. Some of the biological control methods have shown promise, but they do not yet achieve a consistent kill
of budworm and are relatively expensive. For these reasons, they are not considered ready for routine use against this
important pest.
The only viable alternative to the broadcast spraying of synthetic insecticides to control budworm is an insecticide
based on the bacterium B.t. (examined earlier). Research into other biological controls continues, and some may yet
prove successful and would allow managers to develop an effective IPM system that does not rely on broadcast
spraying of insecticides, even relatively specific ones such as B.t.
At the present time, however, it appears that society will continue to rely heavily on pesticide use in intensively
managed systems in agriculture and forestry. This will happen even though the intensive systems cause ecological
damage (partly because this damage is not fully accounted for as an economic “cost”).
It is important that additional research is undertaken to develop viable methods of biological control and other
elements of IPM systems. This is necessary if the present reliance on the pesticide treadmill is to be replaced with less-
damaging methods of pest management. Such a change would deliver substantial benefits to society, because the
agricultural and forestry systems that we require for sustenance could be managed on a more ecologically sustainable
basis. In part, this will require that more attention be directed to the ecological damage caused by the intensive use of
Because of this damage, it is highly desirable that non-pesticidal alternatives to pest control are discovered as quickly
as possible. Until this happens, pesticide use should be reduced to the lowest levels that continue to effectively control
the pests. Some environmentalists have argued that pesticide use in North America is much greater than necessary
and that it could be decreased without causing a significant adverse effect on crop yields. In fact, the European Union
has already passed legislation requiring that agricultural pesticide use be reduced by half, and many pesticides have
been banned. Serious consideration should also be given to such actions in Canada.
Canadian Focus 22.2 Municipal Bans on Pesticide Use Most Canadian municipalities have banned the routine
use of pesticides to manage lawns and gardens. This was done in response to concerns about the exposure of
humans and pets to pesticide residues in the urban environment. Because most pesticide use in horticulture is
essentially for cosmetic purposes, and alternative pest-management practices are available, it is believed that
no substantial economic detriment would be suffered from the pesticide bans.
In 1991, the town of Hudson, Quebec, passed the first bylaw to regulate horticultural pesticide use. Opponents
of that law included lawn-care companies and pesticide manufacturers, and they were successful in having it
struck down by the Quebec Court of Appeal. In 2000, however, the Supreme Court of Canada reversed that
In 2000, the Halifax Regional Municipality enacted a bylaw that prohibits the use of horticultural pesticides
within 50 m of any park or playground, daycare centre, senior-citizen residence, public school, university,
church, or hospital. In the remaining places where pesticides could still be used, homeowners wanting to use
them must apply for a permit, and if it is granted, they must post a prominent sign for one day before and four
days after the application. In a typical year, several hundred permit applications are received, most of which are
for use against chinch bugs (Blissus leucopterus) in lawns. Almost all of the applications are made by lawn-care
companies on behalf of their clients, and about half are approved. The Halifax bylaw is controversial, and it has
been resisted by lawn-care companies, some gardeners, and other interests. Paradoxically, a weakness in the
Halifax bylaw is that it does not ban the sale of pesticides – only most of their uses. Because pesticides can be
so easily obtained, compliance with the bylaw is substantially voluntary, and no one has ever been charged with
violating it. In spite of this weakness, the bylaw has been widely applauded as a step forward in the broader
environmental sense.
In 2003, the council of Toronto, the largest city in Canada, passed a pesticide bylaw and in so doing greatly
bolstered country-wide efforts across our country. In 2009, Ontario enacted a province-wide ban on the sale
and use of pesticides for cosmetic purposes. These and ongoing actions to restrict the unnecessary use of
pesticides have resulted from concerted actions of citizens and appropriate governmental responses, and they
are an environmental “success story”.
Pesticides are a wide range of substances that are used to gain an advantage over species that cause diseases or are
pests in agriculture, forestry, or horticulture. However, the use of many pesticides carries risks of causing damage to
human health or the environment. Pesticides have become an integrated component of most of the intensive systems
by which foods and other crops are grown, and there are not yet good replacements for all of their uses. For this
reason, the use of pesticides will continue into the foreseeable future. Nevertheless, it is important that more research
be done to find effective ways of reducing the dependence on pesticides, especially on integrated pest-management
systems and on means of biological control. In the meantime, it is important that pesticide use be reduced to the
lowest amounts possible and that the most damaging chemicals are withdrawn from legal use.
1. Classify pesticides according to their intended targets and also by their major chemical groups.
2. What is a “pest”? Why do people consider it necessary to manage their abundance in agriculture, horticulture,
forestry, and public health?
3. What characteristics of organochlorines have caused them to become global contaminants? Why do they pose
special toxicological risks to top predators?
4. In view of the fact that spruce budworm is a native insect, why is the damage it causes to conifer forest considered
to be a problem?
1. Identify and compare the benefits and environmental risks associated with pesticide use in one of agriculture,
horticulture, or forestry.
2. Are there effective alternatives to the continued use of pesticides? Consider the roles of integrated pest
management, biological controls, and other options.
3. For many common uses of pesticides, there are alternative ways of managing the targeted pest. For example,
weeds in a lawn can be controlled by digging them out, rather than by using a herbicide. Pest rodents could be
trapped instead of being killed with a rodenticide. What do you think should be the key considerations when
deciding whether to use pesticides or alternative means of control?
4. Some people believe that the use of pesticides should be allowed only in extreme cases, for example, to save
human lives or to prevent a food catastrophe. Most pesticide use, however, is more routine than this. What do you
think about this issue? Should it be made more difficult for people to use pesticides? Or should farmers and other
potential users have freedom to make their own choices about pesticide use?
Exploring Issues
1. A large corporation is seeking permission from the government to market a new insecticide in Canada. You are a
wildlife biologist and have been asked to recommend studies to identify whether unacceptable damages would be
caused to animals, plants, or ecosystems by the new insecticide. How would you design such a study? What
specific questions would you want to answer?
2. You are an environmental scientist and have been asked to provide expert advice about a proposed new municipal
bylaw regulating the cosmetic use of pesticides in horticulture. The bylaw itself could be similar to the one used in
Halifax, as described in Canadian Focus 22.2. From the environmental perspective, what would you consider to be
the benefits and problems with the proposed bylaw?
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1. Explain how forest harvesting removes nutrient capital from the site.
2. Outline how forestry can damage aquatic ecosystems, and how many of those effects can be avoided.
3. Describe how clear-cutting affects biodiversity.
4. Explain the special qualities of old-growth forest, and how they are affected by timber harvesting.
5. Discuss ecological consequences of the conversion of natural forest into plantations.
6. Explain the concept of integrated forest management.
Forestry includes both the harvesting of trees and the management of post-harvest succession to foster the
regeneration of another forest. Forest science guides these activities by providing an understanding of the
environmental factors that affect the productivity of trees. The primary goal of commercial forestry is to provide
sustainable harvests of tree biomass that can be used to manufacture lumber, paper, and other industrial products, or
as a source of bio-energy. Secondary goals are related to the management of hunted animals (such as deer and fish) on
forest landscapes, and sometimes the designation of certain areas as protected (where no timber harvesting occurs).
Forestry is an important economic sector in many countries. This is the case in Canada, where a large industrial
enterprise depends on a continuous supply of tree biomass for the production of products that have a great economic
value ($34 billion in 2013; see Chapter 14 for forestry-related economics).
Of course, to achieve these economic benefits, trees must be harvested from extensive areas of mature forest. In
Canada, clear-cutting is the most commonly used method of forest harvesting – this method removes all of the
economically useful trees on a site at the same time. Clear-cutting accounts for about 90% of the annual timber
However, clear-cutting is not the same as deforestation. Deforestation involves the permanent conversion of a forest
into some other kind of ecosystem, such as an agricultural or urbanized land-use. In Canada and most other developed
countries, industrial clear-cutting is generally followed by the regeneration of another forest. In fact, it is common
practice to manage the post-harvest succession to speed up the rate of regeneration of trees. This allows the next
harvest to be made after a relatively short time, so more profit can be made. (This period of time is known as a harvest
rotation.) In this sense, forestry as it is usually practised does not result in a net deforestation, and if appropriately
managed the forest resource is not depleted. Even though hundreds of thousands of hectares are harvested each year
in Canada (638-thousand ha in 2013), the net deforestation is essentially zero (Table 14.11).
Timber harvesting can be viewed as a disturbance of the forest ecosystem, followed by regeneration. Additional
disturbances are associated with silvicultural activities, such as preparing the site for planting, thinning dense stands,
and applying herbicide or insecticide to deal with pest problems. Silviculture, the branch of forestry that involves
tending and growing forests, is practised over an extensive area in Canada. For instance, about 67% of the area
harvested (in 2012) is planted to tree seedlings (the other 33% regenerates naturally.) Some planted areas are managed
In this chapter we examine some of the ecological effects of timber harvesting and silviculture, with a focus on site
quality, hunted animals, and biodiversity. Additional effects of forestry are examined in other chapters: pesticide
spraying in Chapter 22, implications for carbon storage in Chapter 17, and tropical deforestation and global biodiversity
in Chapter 26.
In Chapter 14, we defined site capability (or site quality) as the potential of land to sustain the productivity of
agricultural crops. This is also relevant to forestry, in terms of the ability of land to sustain the productivity of trees.
Site capability is a complex attribute that involves the amounts of nutrients and organic matter in soil, the availability
of moisture, and other factors affecting plant growth. These factors are influenced by soil type, climate, drainage, rate
of nutrient cycling, and the kinds of plant and microbial communities that are present.
The ability of soil to supply plants with nutrients is a critical aspect of site capability. In large part, this ecological
function depends on the nutrient capital of a site, which is the amount of nutrients present in the soil, living
vegetation, and dead organic matter. When trees are harvested, the nutrients in their biomass are also removed, which
can deplete the nutrient capital of the site.
A stand of forest may be harvested using a variety of methods, which vary in the amount of biomass and nutrients that
are removed from the site. A selection harvest is a relatively “soft” method because it involves the harvesting of only
some of the trees from a stand, leaving others behind and the structure of the forest substantially intact. The most
intensive harvest is a clear-cut, in which all economically useful trees are removed. The smallest clear-cuts, typically
involving a hectare or less, are known as a group-selection harvest. More typically, clear-cuts entail the harvesting of
trees from larger areas, on the order of 20-100 ha. The largest clear-cuts may extend over hundreds, and even
thousands, of hectares. However, such extensive operations are unusual, and are usually associated with the salvaging
of trees that have been damaged by a wildfire, windstorm, or insect infestation.
There are also some less intensive methods of clear-cutting. A shelterwood harvest is a staged clear-cut, in which
some larger trees of economically desirable species are left standing during the initial cut. These provide a seed source
and a partially shaded environment that encourages natural regeneration. Once the regeneration is well underway, the
large “leave” trees are harvested. A strip-cut is another kind of staged harvest, in which long and narrow clear-cuts are
made at intervals, with uncut forest left in between to provide a source of seed to regenerate trees in the cut strips.
Once the regeneration is established, another strip-cut is made, again leaving intact forest on one of the sides. This
system of progressive strip-cutting continues until all the forest in the management block (the specific area being
managed this way) has been harvested. Typically, an area is harvested in three to four strips. To regenerate trees on the
final strips, foresters may rely on advanced regeneration – that is, on small individuals of tree species that existed in
the stand prior to harvesting and that survived the disturbance of clear-cutting. Alternatively, they may plant the last
strip with seedlings.
Image 23.1. This photo shows a three-year-old shelterwood cut of hardwood forest in Nova Scotia. About 60%
of the trees were removed during the harvest, but many of the “best” trees were left to grow into high-quality
sawlogs and to shed seeds to promote regeneration. This treatment produces a complex habitat that supports a
Clear-cutting systems also vary in how intensively the biomass of individual trees is harvested. The usual stem-only
harvest involves the removal of tree trunks, leaving the roots, stumps, and logging “slash” (cut branches and foliage) on
the site. The harvested logs can then be processed into lumber or pulp for manufacturing paper. A whole-tree harvest
is more intensive because it removes all of the above-ground biomass of the trees, including the branches and foliage.
This intensive kind of harvest will recover considerably more biomass than a stem-only cut, which is an advantage if
the wood is to be used as a source of bio-energy.
Although intensive harvests such as a whole-tree clear-cut increases the yield of biomass, there is also considerably
more removal of nutrients. Some forest scientists have suggested that the nutrient removals from whole-tree harvests
could degrade the capability of sites to sustain tree productivity. The problem would be especially severe if the
harvests are conducted over a short rotation. This might not allow enough time for the nutrient capital to recover by
natural inputs, such as by precipitation, nitrogen fixation, and weathering of minerals (Figure 23.1).
Figure 23.1. Effects of Harvest Intensity and Length of Rotation on Nutrient Capital. Diagram (a) suggests that a
relatively long rotation can allow harvested nutrients to be replenished by natural inputs through rainfall,
weathering of minerals, nitrogen fixation, and other means. An adequate post-harvest recovery means that
harvesting is sustainable with respect to the nutrient capital of the site. Under the shorter rotation (dashed
line), the harvested nutrients are not totally replenished between successive clear-cuts, resulting in a
degradation of nutrient capital. Site capability can also be degraded by an increase in the intensity of the
harvest. This is illustrated in diagram (b), in which a whole-tree clear-cut removes twice as much nutrient as a
stem-only harvest. Diagram (c) indicates that fertile sites (solid line) are less likely to be degraded by intensive
Site impoverishment caused by intensive cropping is a well-known problem in farming, in which severely degraded
land may have to be abandoned for some or all agricultural purposes. However, usually this problem can be managed,
to a degree, by applying fertilizer or composted organic matter to the land. Sometimes, however, the degradation of
site capability, especially of tilth, is too severe, and this simple mitigation is not successful. Of course, the harvest
rotation in agriculture is usually annual, whereas in forestry it ranges from about 20 to 100 years. However, each
timber harvest involves the removal of a huge quantity of biomass, and thus of nutrients.
Compare, for example, the amounts of biomass and nutrients removed by clear-cuts of a conifer forest in Nova Scotia
(Table 23.1). In this case, a whole-tree clear-cut yielded 30% more biomass than a stem-only harvest. The increased
yield may be an advantage, particularly if the harvest is to be used for energy production. The increased harvest of
biomass is, however, due to the removal of nutrient-rich tissues such as foliage and small branches. Consequently, the
Table 23.1. Removal of Biomass and Nutrients by Clear-Cuts of a Conifer Forest in Nova Scotia. This study
involved weighing the biomass harvested by (a) a stem-only clear-cut and (b) a whole-tree clear-cut (each 0.5
ha). Nutrient concentrations were determined in subsamples of the biomass and were used to calculate the
amounts of nutrients removed. “Percentage increase” refers to the whole-tree removals, compared with stem-
only removals. Source: Data from Freedman et al. (1981).
Unfortunately, there are few studies that allow foresters to compare the productivity of subsequent harvest rotations
on the same site. Such studies would take more than 50-100 years, requiring several generations of foresters!
Therefore, it is difficult to evaluate the implications of nutrient removal by clear-cutting. Overall, however, it appears
that a degradation of site nutrient capital is a less severe problem in forest harvesting than in agriculture.
Consequently, nutrient removals by timber harvesting should be viewed as a potential long-term problem. Because
forestry is an economically important activity, and the maintenance of site capability is critical to the sustainability of
the enterprise, scientists should continue to study the effects of harvesting on nutrient capital. In the short term,
however, forestry causes more immediate kinds of damage to site capability and biodiversity that deserve our
Leaching of Nutrients
The disturbance of forested land can increase the rate at which dissolved nutrients are transported downward into the
soil with percolating rainwater (a process known as leaching). If the nutrients leach deeper into the soil than tree roots
can penetrate, they are effectively lost from the “working” nutrient capital of the site. Eventually, leached nutrients can
find their way into groundwater and surface waters.
The nutrients with the greatest tendency to leach are nitrate and potassium, both of which are highly soluble in water.
However, calcium, magnesium, and sulphate may also leach in significant amounts. Of course, following a clear-cut,
any nutrient losses by leaching are in addition to that removed with tree biomass.
A well-known study of nutrient leaching caused by forest disturbance was done at Hubbard Brook, New Hampshire.
This large-scale experiment involved felling all of the trees on a 16-ha watershed, but without removing any biomass –
the cut trees were left on the ground. The watershed was then treated with herbicide for three years to suppress
regeneration. This experiment was designed to examine the effects of intense disturbance, by de-vegetation, on
Overall, during a 10-year period following the cutting, the de-vegetated watershed lost 50 kg/ha-year of NO3-N (i.e.,
nitrogen in the form of nitrate), 45 kg/ha-y of Ca, and 17 kg/ha-y of K in streamflow (Bormann and Likens, 1994; Figure
23.2 shows data for the first three years, which were the most dramatic). The losses were much larger than from an
undisturbed reference watershed: 4.3 kg/ha-y of NO3-N, 13 kg/ha-y of Ca, and 2.2 kg/ha-y of K.
In part, the increased losses of nutrients were due to a 31% increase in the yield of water from the de-vegetated
watershed (during the first three years after cutting). The increased streamflow was caused by the disruption of
transpiration from plant foliage. However, increases in nutrient concentration in the streamwater were more
important: during the first three years, NO3 increased by an average factor of 40; K, by 11; Ca, by 5.2; and Mg, by 3.9.
The losses of N, Ca, and Mg in the streamwater were similar to their amounts in the above-ground biomass of the
Figure 23.2. Nutrient Losses in Streamflow after Deforestation. The experimental watersheds are located at
Hubbard Brook, New Hampshire. The data represent “net flux”, or the difference between inputs from
precipitation and outputs due to leaching and streamflow. The data are for the first three years following
deforestation of a 16-ha watershed, compared with an uncut reference watershed of similar size. Losses are
stated in kilograms per hectare per three-year period. TDS = total dissolved solids. Source: Modified from
Bormann and Likens (1979).
Nitrate and other highly soluble ions are leached from watersheds after clear-cutting (and after other disturbances,
such as wildfire) for several reasons. First, disturbance stimulates the activity of microbes involved in the
decomposition of organic matter. This occurs because removal of the tree canopy results in warming of the forest floor
and surface soil, and decreased uptake by plants leads to an increase of soil nutrients and moisture. Second,
disturbance often stimulates the microbial processes of ammonification and nitrification (see Chapter 5), resulting in
increased rates of production of nitrate, which is extremely soluble and readily lost from soil.
Forestry activities can cause severe losses of soil, or erosion, particularly in terrain with steep slopes. In most cases,
erosion is triggered by improperly constructing logging roads, using streams as trails to haul logs, running log-removal
trails down slopes instead of along them, and harvesting trees from steep slopes that are extremely vulnerable to soil
loss. In general, however, road building is the most important cause of erosion on forestry lands, especially where
culverts (channelled stream crossings) are not sufficiently large or numerous, or are poorly installed.
Severe erosion causes many environmental damages. In extreme cases, the loss of soil may expose bedrock, making
forest regeneration impossible. Soil loss also represents a depletion of site nutrient capital. Erosion also causes
secondary damage to aquatic habitats, including the deposition of silt (or siltation), which covers gravel substrates that
are important to spawning fish. Also, the shallower water increases the risk of flooding.
However, in many cases erosion is a largely avoidable environmental effect of forestry. The irresponsible practices that
can cause erosion are restricted by provincial regulations and occur much less frequently now than in the past.
Practices that help to reduce erosion include the following:
• planning the route of forest roads to avoid stream crossings as much as possible
• installing a sufficient number of properly sized culverts
• avoiding the disturbance of stream channels by heavy equipment
• leaving buffer strips of uncut forest beside watercourses
• using log-removal practices that avoid disturbance of the forest floor (such as cable yarding, in which a tall spar
anchors cables radiating into the clear-cut, which allows logs to be dragged to a central place without the use of a
wheeled skidder)
• allowing vegetation to regenerate quickly, which speeds the re-establishment of biological moderation of erosion
• deciding to selectively harvest, or to not harvest, steep sites that are highly vulnerable to erosion
It has become a common practice to leave strips of uncut forest beside streams, rivers, and lakes. These buffer zones
greatly reduce the erosion of streambanks, eliminate temperature increases in the water, maintain riparian (lake- and
stream-side) habitat for wildlife, and mitigate some of the aesthetic damage from forest harvesting.
In some cases, selective harvesting of trees may be allowed within riparian buffers, as long as this does not
compromise the ecological services provided by these special management zones.
The cover of forest on a watershed has a strong influence on its hydrology. Large amounts of water are evaporated into
the atmosphere by vegetation, especially by trees because they have so much foliage (this is transpiration;
evapotranspiration includes evaporation from non-living surfaces). In the absence of transpiration, an equivalent
quantity of water would leave the watershed as streamflow or as seepage to deeper groundwater.
For example, studies of four well-forested watersheds in Nova Scotia found that evapotranspiration was equivalent to
15-29% of the annual input of water by precipitation (rain plus snow), with runoff in streams accounting for the other
71-85% (these watersheds have no substantial drainage to deep groundwater; Freedman et al., 1985).
The hydrologic budget of watersheds is extremely seasonal, particularly in the temperate and boreal climates that are
typical of forested regions of Canada. This can be illustrated by the watershed of the Mersey River in Nova Scotia
(Figure 23.3). The annual input of water from precipitation was 146 cm/y, with 82% arriving as rain and 18% as snow.
About 62% of the annual input was dispersed by riverflow and 38% by evapotranspiration. Evapotranspiration is
highest during the growing season, which results in relatively sparse riverflow. Runoff is greater during late autumn
and early winter, when there is little transpiration because deciduous trees have dropped their foliage, and even
conifers are in a quiescent state. However, much of the precipitation during that period recharges groundwater
storage, which had been depleted by the uptake of water by vegetation during the summer. Runoff is greatest during
the spring, when the accumulated snowpack melts, and that results in a spate of riverflow.
Figure 23.3. Seasonal Hydrology of the Mersey River in Nova Scotia. Water inputs from incident precipitation
(IP) into the 723 km2 watershed, and riverflow (RF) from the watershed, are displayed as monthly averages for
the period 1968-1982. Evapotranspiration (ET) was estimated using a climatic model, and groundwater storage
Disturbances such as wildfire and timber harvesting alter the hydrology of watersheds. The seasonality and amounts of
flow can change, and erosion and flooding may occur downstream. Some poorly drained sites may become wetter,
because reduced transpiration can raise the water table. In general, the increase in streamflow is related to the
proportion of the watershed that was disturbed. If an entire watershed is clear-cut, the increase in streamflow can be
as much as 40% in the first year. The increase is proportionately less after partial cuts.
Clear-cuts usually regenerate quickly, and in some cases the vigorous regrowth of shrubs and herbs can restore most
of the original foliage area in as few as four to six years. Consequently, the biggest increases in streamflow occur in the
first year after cutting, followed by rapid recovery to the pre-harvest condition. In the temperate and boreal climates
prevalent in much of Canada, the largest increases in streamflow occur during the late spring, summer, and early
autumn, these being the seasons when transpiration is most important.
Hydrology can also be affected by a change in the type of forest that is dominant on a watershed. For example, if an
area of hardwood forest is converted into conifer plantations, the annual streamflow may decrease. This happens
because the conifers maintain their foliage throughout the year, and so extend the transpiration season into times
when angiosperm trees lack foliage.
Clear-cuts usually regenerate rather quickly. Initially, however, most of the regenerating biomass involves plants other
than the tree species that foresters consider desirable. As a result, the vigorous regrowth is often regarded as being
detrimental to silvicultural objectives. Such non-crop plants may be viewed as “weeds,” and their abundance may be
controlled by a herbicide application (see Chapter 22).
However, a rapid re-vegetation of clear-cuts and other disturbed lands does provide important ecological benefits. The
regenerating plants influence the ecological “reorganization” of disturbed lands. They re-establish a measure of
biological control over nutrient cycling, erosion, and hydrology, while also restoring habitat for animals.
Clear-cutting and other forestry practices inflict intense disturbances on forests. They cause dramatic changes in the
habitat available to support plants, animals, and microbes, as well as their various communities. Some species benefit
from habitat changes that occur because of forestry, but others suffer damage.
In the following sections, we examine the effects of forestry on aspects of Canadian biodiversity – the richness of
biological variation in our country. The effects of clear-cutting on plants, mammals, birds, and fish will be examined
because these groups are relatively well studied and are considered to be important by our society.
Any severe disturbance results in changes in the dominant species of plants that are living on a site. Because they have
such a great influence on local environmental conditions, trees are the dominant organisms in forests. After clear-
cutting, many smaller plants take advantage of the relatively uncompetitive conditions that occur, and they dominate
the initial stages of the post-harvest succession. They are then reduced in abundance, or even eliminated from the
community, once several decades of regeneration have gone by and tree-sized plants re-establish their dominance.
Many plants of early post-cutting succession can only be successful in open habitats –they are intolerant of the shade
and other stressful conditions beneath a forest canopy. These relatively short-lived ruderal plants can typically
disperse widely, a propagation strategy made necessary because of their ephemeral habitat (see Chapter 9). Ruderal
plants that can proliferate in recently disturbed forests include asters, goldenrods, grasses, and sedges. A specific
example is the fireweed (Chamerion angustifolium), a purple-flowered herb that is often abundant after wildfire (hence
its name) and also after clear-cutting. Some woody plants are also ruderals, because they are most abundant during
the recovery after disturbance. Examples are the red raspberry (Rubus strigosus), pin cherry (Prunus pensylvanica),
and elderberry (Sambucus racemosa). Because of their need for open, recently disrupted habitat, ruderal plants benefit
from clear-cutting and other disturbances that are associated with forestry.
Unlike ruderal plants, some other species are tolerant of the environmental stress that occurs beneath a closed forest
canopy. Examples are the white trillium (Trillium grandiflorum), shield fern (Dryopteris marginalis), feather mosses
(such as Pleurozium schreberi and Hylocomium splendens), and certain lichens, such as lungwort (Lobaria pulmonaria).
These species are not tolerant of open conditions, and they decline after clear-cutting. Once suitable conditions re-
develop, these plants may again increase in abundance.
In general, once a clear-cut has had two to four years to regenerate, the plant community is actually richer in species
than the mature forest that was harvested (this is particularly true of vascular plants). The increase in species diversity
occurs because recently disturbed habitats are relatively flush in such resources as light, nutrients, and water. This
allows many species of low-growing plants to be supported, including a diversity of ruderal ones. In comparison,
stressful habitats, such as the understorey beneath a mature forest canopy, support fewer species of plants.
A study of a hardwood forest in Nova Scotia illustrates the species-rich nature of vegetation after a clear-cut (Crowell
and Freedman, 1994). That study examined stands of mature forest, plus clear-cuts of various age. The number of plant
species in the ground vegetation (shorter than 2 m) averaged 11/m2 on two one-year-old clear-cuts, and increased to
White-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) and mule deer (O. hemionus) are the most common wild ungulates in
southern Canada. They feed on woody stems (known as browse) and low-growing herbaceous plants, and they need
brushy habitat for at least part of their yearly range. The abundance of these deer has increased in many regions since
the European colonization of Canada, prior to which landscapes were more extensively covered with mature and old-
growth forest. In Nova Scotia, for example, white-tailed deer were initially uncommon and were soon extirpated by
over-hunting. However, these deer were re-established in the nineteenth century by deliberate introductions and
natural immigration from New Brunswick. Today, this species is likely more abundant in the region than at any time
since deglaciation.
The modern abundance of Odocoileus deer is largely due to an increased availability of early successional, shrubby
habitat, along with decreased populations of their natural predators. The shrubby habitat was created by the
abandonment of poorer-quality agricultural land, timber harvesting, and wildfire. These all result in habitat dominated
for several decades by shrub-sized plants, with a rich understorey of forbs (herbaceous dicot plants) and graminoids
(grasses, sedges, and rushes).
The shrubby habitat tends to be distributed on the landscape as a mosaic of stands in various stages of succession
within a matrix of mature forest. This spatial arrangement enhances the suitability of the landscape for Odocoileus if
the following conditions are present: (1) extensive production of nutritious and palatable browse in younger stands; (2)
abundance of ecotonal (or edge) habitat; (3) availability of good yarding habitat of mature conifer forest, which provides
shelter in regions where the winter is severe and the snowpack is deep. If these habitat qualities occur within a mosaic
of stands of various ages, the landscape is more favourable to these deer than either extensive clear-cuts or unbroken
expanses of mature forest.
The central parts of a large clear-cut are not well used by deer, as they like to be close to protective forest cover. A
study in eastern Canada found that white-tailed deer fed about seven times more intensively in the centre of clear-
cuts less than 80 ha in area than in the middle of larger clear-cuts up to 410 hectares in size (Drolet, 1978). In fact,
optimal clear-cuts for white-tailed deer are rather small in area, although this varies regionally. For example, clear-
cuts smaller than 4 hectares in New Brunswick and smaller than 2 hectares in southern Ontario have been
recommended to improve habitat for white-tailed deer.
To some degree, the amount of useful habitat on larger clear-cuts is greater if they have an irregular shape. Erratic
shapes have a higher ratio of edge to area than do circular, square, or rectangular shapes. Consequently, an irregular
shaped clear-cut provides more edge habitat, while also making the central part of the harvested area more accessible
to deer.
Clear-cuts may also have physical obstructions to deer movements, such as tangles of logging slash. They may also
have deep snow during the winter because snowfall is not intercepted by an overhead canopy of conifer trees. In
general, deer movements are severely restricted by snow deeper than 50-70 cm.
Deer eat a variety of woody plants, forbs, and graminoids, and these foods are often much more abundant on cutover
and burned sites than in mature forest. After clear-cutting, the biomass of browse and herbaceous plants typically
increases to a peak after 8-15 years, followed by a decline as the tree canopy matures and shades the understorey. This
successional pattern is illustrated in Figure 23.4 for stands of various ages following clear-cutting. The quantity of
Figure 23.4. Shrub and Herb Biomass in Stands of Different Ages. The data are from a region of maple-birch
forest in Nova Scotia. Stands aged 20 years and younger were created by clear-cutting. Biomass is reported in
tonnes of dry weight per hectare. The data are the average for the indicated age range, with the number of
replicate stands given in brackets. Source: Data from Crowell and Freedman (1994).
Browse is not only more abundant, but also of better nutritional quality in clear-cuts and burns than in mature forest.
Recently sprouted, rapidly growing twigs have higher concentrations of protein, nitrogen, and phosphorus, and are
more succulent and more easily digested than the older browse that is found in mature forest.
Ongoing disturbances in forest management areas can also affect habitat use by deer. These include frequent traffic
along logging roads, noise from harvesting operations, and the excessive hunting pressure that can result from easy
access along forestry roads.
Moose (Alces alces) and elk (Cervus elaphus) may also benefit from some forest-harvesting practices. Moose feed
primarily on browse, although they also eat aquatic and terrestrial forbs during the summer. Elk graze on graminoids
and forbs during the growing season, but eat browse during the winter. Because the abundance of browse and herbs
usually increases after timber harvesting, the habitat of moose and elk can be somewhat improved. In general,
however, these species are less favoured by forestry than are white-tailed and mule deer.
The woodland caribou (Rangifer tarandus; known as reindeer in Eurasia) is another abundant species of deer,
particularly in the north. They require an extensive habitat of mature conifer forest, particularly during the winter
All of the species of wild ungulates in Canada are important in hunting, an activity that generates economic value while
also providing subsistence for many rural people (see Chapter 14). Increasingly, foresters and wildlife biologists are
working together to develop integrated management plans that can accommodate the need to harvest both timber and
ungulates from landscapes. These plans can allow relatively large populations of white-tailed deer, mule deer, moose,
and elk to occur, even while clear-cutting and other forestry practices take place. In general, however, caribou do not
do well in regions where a great deal of timber harvesting occurs, and they are also intolerant of other industrial
activities, such as those related to oil and gas. We will examine integrated forest management in more detail at the end
of this chapter.
Smaller Mammals
Hares and rabbits are abundant in most regions of Canada and are economically important as small game, as pests, and
in recreational wildlife viewing. They feed by browsing and grazing and can benefit from an increase of low shrubs and
herbs after timber harvesting, the abandonment of agricultural land, and wildfire. In fact, hares and rabbits can be
abundant enough to impede tree regeneration through girdling (gnawing the bark around a sapling, which kills the
young tree) and clipping (chewing the foliage and growing points of a young tree).
Other small mammals, such as mice, voles, shrews, and moles, are important as components of food webs. They also
sometimes impede forest regeneration by consuming tree seeds and by girdling saplings. In some cases, they are
considered beneficial because they eat potentially damaging insects.
Most studies report that forest harvesting has relatively minor effects on small mammals. For example, no substantial
differences were found in their overall abundance, species richness, or diversity among stands of mature forest, three-
to five-year-old clear-cuts, strip-cuts, and shelterwood cuts (Figure 23.5).
Figure 23.5. Comparison of Small-Mammal Communities among Habitat Types. Data are from various habitats
in a maple-birch forest in Nova Scotia. Abundance is indexed by the numbers of animals caught per 100 days of
Pine marten (Martes americana) and fisher (M. pennanti) are medium-sized carnivores with extensive ranges in North
America. Unfortunately, these furbearers have suffered large population declines in many regions, mostly because they
have been trapped too intensively. In addition, marten and fisher appear to depend partly on the complex habitat
structure of older coniferous forest. Consequently, they are considered to be at risk from timber harvesting.
Many birds require mature forest as habitat for breeding, wintering, or during migration. However, many other species
need the types of habitat that occur during early stages of forest succession, including those created through such
forestry activities as clear-cutting.
Ruffed grouse (Bonasa umbellus) are commonly hunted, as are spruce grouse (Canachites canadensis) and blue grouse
(Dendragapus obscurus). Populations of these “upland game birds” are generally favoured by a landscape mosaic that
includes both mature forest and younger, brushy stands. Ruffed grouse prefer areas dominated by hardwood forest
with some conifers mixed in, especially stands dominated by poplars and birches. These birds feed mainly on the
foliage, young twigs, catkins, and buds of woody plants, and also eat fleshy fruits when available. In Nova Scotia, they
utilize clear-cuts of maple-birch forest that are five or more years old. Clear-cuts of aspen forest in Minnesota become
suitable after 4 to 12 years of regeneration, and are then used for 10 to 15 years, while older aspen stands are wintering
habitat (Gullion, 1988). Wildlife biologists recommend that, to provide habitat for ruffed grouse in aspen forest, forestry
should be conducted to create a mosaic of different-aged stands, each of 10 hectares or less, with adjacent ones
differing in age by 10 to 15 years.
Wildlife managers sometimes refer to the many birds that are not hunted as “non-game” species. These birds can,
however, be economically important as predators of insects that damage trees or other crops, and as the object of
An important aspect of habitat structure is the distribution of distinct patches, either within a stand or on a landscape.
The shape of a patch affects its ratio of edge to area, and thus the amount of ecotonal habitat. Patch size is also
important because small, isolated habitats cannot sustain birds that maintain a large territory. In addition, the species
composition of the vegetation affects the types of food and other habitat elements that occur in a stand. The presence
of cavity trees, standing dead trees (or snags), and logs on the forest floor is also critical to many birds and other
animals (this is discussed in the next section). Finally, the abundance of many birds often increases in stands in which
there is an outbreak of insects, such as spruce budworm (see Chapter 22).
Many birders have a general knowledge of the relationships between bird species and habitats, and they use this
understanding to predict what they might see under certain conditions. Ecologists know enough about the specific
requirements of some birds to manage their habitat. The best forestry-related example of this practice is the use of
prescribed fire to create even-aged stands of jack pine (Pinus banksiana) in Michigan. This ensures an appropriate
habitat for the endangered Kirtland’s warbler (Dendroica kirtlandii).
Of course, each bird species has particular habitat needs. If the physical and botanical character of a habitat is changed
by a disturbance such as wildfire or clear-cutting, many species can no longer breed in the affected stand. The same
disturbance, however, will create opportunities for early successional birds.
These changes are illustrated in Table 23.2, which compares the birds in mature stands and in clear-cuts of hardwood
forest. The mature forest supported an average population of 663 pairs/km2, dominated by ovenbird, least flycatcher,
red-eyed vireo, black-throated green warbler, and hermit thrush. The three- to five-year-old clear-cuts supported a
slightly less abundant population of 588 pairs/km2, dominated by chestnut-sided warbler, common yellowthroat,
white-throated sparrow, and dark-eyed junco. Note that although the forest and clear-cuts had similar densities of
birds, the species were almost entirely different. This occurred because the habitats were very different in terms of
physical structure and the species composition and biomass of vegetation. Although clear-cutting deprived mature-
forest birds of habitat, it created opportunities for early successional species.
Table 23.2. Breeding Birds in Mature Forest and Adjacent Clear-Cuts in Nova Scotia. The three stands of mature
forest had a closed canopy dominated by maple and birch, while the clear-cuts (3-5 years old) had a vigorous
regeneration of shrubs and herbaceous plants. Less-abundant birds are not included. Data are in pairs per
square kilometre. Source: Data from Freedman et al. (1981).
Image 23.2. This is a two-year-old clear-cut of hardwood forest in Nova Scotia. Birds breeding in this habitat
included dark-eyed junco (Junco hyemalis), white-throated sparrow (Zonotrichia albicollis), song sparrow
Image 23.3. This is an eight-year-old clear-cut of hardwood forest. Birds breeding in this habitat include
chestnut-sided warbler (Dendroica pensylvanica), common yellowthroat (Geothlypis trichas), and alder
Living trees with heart-rot cavities, standing dead trees (snags), and logs lying on the forest floor (coarse or large
woody debris) are critical habitat elements for many animals. This is particularly true of many birds, which use these
habitat features for nesting, as substrates for foraging, and as perches for hunting, resting, or singing. In fact, about
one-third of the birds that breed in temperate and boreal forest depend on these features, particularly on cavities.
For example, all 12 species of woodpeckers that breed in Canada excavate cavities in snags or in living, heart-rotted
trees. The cavities are used as nesting sites and for roosting at night. In addition, most woodpeckers forage for their
food of invertebrates by drilling and excavating into the bark and wood of dead and living trees. Many other birds nest
in the abandoned cavities made by woodpeckers, or they use natural cavities formed in rotten parts of trees. Some
other birds nest in or beneath woody debris, or they build platform nests on tall snags or living trees with a damaged
Because so many birds depend on cavities, maintaining this habitat feature has become an important consideration in
forest management. The issue is especially prominent in the older-growth forests of the West Coast, where as many as
six species of woodpeckers may co-occur in relatively large populations, along with many other cavity-dependent
birds. If we wish these species to remain in regions where forestry is being practised, a substantial part of any
management area must be maintained as mature or old-growth forest. If plantations are established, they should be
designed to provide habitat for birds that require snags and dead logs. For example, cavity trees can be left standing
during the harvest. Cavity- and snag-dependent species are also better accommodated by less intensive harvesting
methods, such as selection cuts.
Image 23.4. Snags, or standing dead trees, are a critical habitat element for many animals. This photo shows
Freshwater Biota
• by siltation (the settling of soil eroded from the land and streambanks)
• by increases in water temperature caused by the removal of shading vegetation from stream edges
• by blocking stream channels with logging debris
• by changes in hydrology
Damage may also be caused by accidental spills of fuel and as a result of pesticide spraying (see Chapter 22). Any of
these assaults on freshwater habitat can affect populations of fish, amphibians, and aquatic invertebrates. These
problems are especially severe in hilly or mountainous terrain because of the many small streams and rivers that occur
there, and because steep slopes are highly vulnerable to erosion.
In most cases, it is possible to avoid or mitigate many of the damages caused to aquatic ecosystems. As we previously
noted, erosion can be greatly reduced if roads and culverts are constructed carefully, logs are hauled correctly, and
riparian buffers of uncut forest are left beside water-courses. Leaving buffer strips also avoids an accumulation of
logging debris in streams, as does not felling trees into aquatic habitats. Riparian buffers are also effective at
preventing increases in water temperature, because they shade streams even if the nearby forest has been harvested.
Image 23.5. This photo of a riparian buffer of uncut forest beside a stream in New Brunswick was taken in
winter. The shading vegetation prevents increases in water temperature that would be caused by clear-cutting
Old-Growth Forest
Old-growth forest is a late-successional (or climax) ecosystem that is characterized by at least some old trees, a multi-
aged population (all age classes are represented, from young to old), and a complex physical structure. The structure of
the habitat includes multiple layers within the canopy, some massive trees, large snags, and big logs lying on the forest
floor. In some ecological contexts, the term “old-growth” is also used to refer to senescent populations of shorter-lived
trees, such as older stands of poplar, birch, or cherry. This is not, however, the meaning of “old-growth forest” that is
considered here.
Old-growth forest is a natural ecosystem with special values that are not replicated in plantations or even in natural
regenerated secondary forests. For this reason, old-growth forest has great intrinsic value and is an important
component of natural heritage. It also supports certain plants and animals that do not occur in other Canadian
habitats. (However, this is a relatively minor attribute of temperate and boreal old-growth forest –tropical old-growth
sustains enormously larger numbers of dependent species; see Chapters 7 and 26.) In addition, old-growth forest
delivers important ecological services, such as storing carbon and providing clean water and air, and it has economic
value for outdoor recreation and ecotourism.
Old-growth forest was once much more extensive in Canada (and elsewhere in the world) than it is today. In eastern
Canada, for example, early “development” of the land by European settlers involved the extensive clearing of old-
growth forest into agricultural land-uses, as well as its conversion into younger second-growth forest by timber
harvesting. As a result, there is little of this ecosystem type left in the eastern provinces, where only a few percent of
the total forest is now in an old-growth condition.
Many of the characteristics of old-growth forest, including elements of biodiversity, can be accommodated by so-
called “new forestry” harvesting systems that are relatively “soft” in the intensity of disturbance that they cause. The
best example of a new forestry system is selection cutting with retention of snags and cavity-trees. Because only some
of the valuable timber is removed during a selection harvest, the physical and ecological integrity of the forest are left
substantially intact, which conserves many of the old-growth values.
However, there are limits to what can be achieved through the new-forestry practices. If a goal of society is to preserve
old-growth forest as a special kind of natural ecosystem, this is best done by establishing large, landscape-scale
protected areas. The size of the protected areas is a critical factor because they must be big enough to sustain the
long-term ecological dynamics that permit old-growth forest to develop, especially the natural disturbance regime.
This landscape perspective is important because particular stands of old-growth forest cannot be preserved forever –
they will inevitably become degraded by natural disturbance and/or environmental change. Consequently, old-growth
forest can be sustained only if large protected areas are designated to preserve the necessary ecological dynamics.
Old-growth forest is an extremely valuable natural resource, more so than any other kind of forest. This is because it
contains large individuals of economically desirable tree species. This timber can be used to manufacture valuable
products, such as fine-grained, large-dimension lumber and plywood. However, stands of old-growth forest are rarely
managed by foresters to maintain their defining characteristics. Rather, they are “mined” by harvesting, followed by
silvicultural management to convert the site into a younger, second-growth forest. The second-growth forest will only
be allowed to develop into a middle-aged forest before it is again harvested.
There is an economic rationale for this kind of management strategy. In the old-growth condition, a forest does not
sustain a positive net production of biomass. This happens because, at the stand level, the productivity by living trees is
more-or-less balanced by the deaths of other individuals through disease, accident, or old age. If the objective of
management is to optimize the productivity of tree biomass, it is better to harvest a middle-aged forest soon after its
net productivity begins to decrease, which is well before its attains an old-growth condition. Of course, this kind of
economic thinking does not take account of the special ecological and aesthetic values of old-growth forest, which are
degraded by logging.
Because old-growth forest has particular characteristics, some species of wildlife will only occur in this habitat. This is
especially true of tropical old-growth forest. In Canada, animals that depend substantially on old-growth forest include
the marbled murrelet (Brachyramphus marmoratus), the northern spotted owl (Strix occidentalis caurina), and the
American marten (Martes americana). In addition, some plants are more abundant in old-growth than in younger,
mature forest. Examples include the Pacific yew (Taxus brevifolia) and lungwort lichen (Lobaria pulmonaria). Ongoing
studies will discover additional examples, especially of insects, lichens, mosses, and other less conspicuous elements of
forest biodiversity. These indigenous biodiversity values are endangered by the continued logging of old-growth forest
in Canada.
Canadian Focus 23.1. Controversy in Clayoquot Sound Clayoquot Sound is a Pacific embayment that reaches
inland in central Vancouver Island to encompass a watershed of about 2,630 km2. The mountainous terrain
supports a great variety of habitats, including extensive forest on the interior mountains and the flatter coastal
plain. The climate is mild temperate, with abundant rainfall. The wet climate encourages the natural
Because of the extensive logging of old-growth forest in Clayoquot Sound (and elsewhere), this ecosystem is
much less extensive today than it used to be. This is particularly true of the coastal plain and lower elevations in
the mountains, where the most accessible forest occurred. Today, about 80% of the remaining forest occurs at
higher elevations and on steeper slopes.
Almost all of the old-growth stands that are logged on Vancouver Island and elsewhere in coastal British
Columbia regenerate to another forest. Moreover, the second-growth forest is dominated by the same species
of trees as occurred in the original old-growth stands. However, the second-growth forest is harvested soon
after its trees are large enough to be used to manufacture lumber or pulp, and this happens at a much younger
age than is required to re-develop an old-growth condition. Much controversy has arisen over the rapid and
extensive conversion of old-growth into second-growth forest. Many people believe that old-growth forest has
great intrinsic value because it is a distinct natural ecosystem, and it is also valued for cultural, aesthetic, and
ecological reasons.
Environmentalists have targeted the remaining old-growth forest of the Clayoquot area for protection, and
over the years have focused much activism to that end. In part, this has occurred because the area is accessible
and traversed by many people travelling to Pacific Rim National Park and the tourism area of Tofino. In fact,
there are more extensive tracts of old-growth forest elsewhere on Vancouver Island and on the mainland of
British Columbia. However, because those other forests are remote, protests there would have been less
effective in attracting media and public attention than actions in the Clayoquot region.
The most intense protests began in March 1993, soon after the government of B.C. purchased stock in a
company that had a licence to harvest timber in the Clayoquot region. A few weeks later, the government
issued permits to log 74% of the area. This sparked an explosion of public demonstrations, including a large
gathering at Clayoquot Sound. Some of the attendees had travelled across Canada by train, as part of a media
event that symbolically began in Newfoundland and ended in coastal British Columbia. In addition to the
protests and publicity stunts, there were blockades of logging roads and other kinds of civil disobedience,
leading to the arrest of more than 850 people.
Image 23.6. This landscape in the Clayoquot Sound region was once covered mainly by old-growth rainforest.
Because the valley floor supported the largest trees and was accessible, it was harvested first, in this case about
15 years prior to this photo being taken. The clear-cuts regenerate well through planted seedlings and natural
seeding-in, and another mixed-species forest will again develop. However, this secondary forest will be
harvested before it re-attains an old-growth condition. The stands at mid-slope were clear-cut three years
In October 1993, the premier of B.C. announced the establishment of a Scientific Panel for Sustainable
Ecosystem Management in Clayoquot Sound. The panel was made up of 23 members, including experts in
ecology, biodiversity, forestry, ecotourism, and other relevant interests. The mandate of this highly regarded
group was to “make forest practice in Clayoquot not only the best in the province, but the best in the world.”
In June 1995, after a series of public meetings and other deliberations, the panel released a report containing
120 recommendations. These were accepted by the government and passed into law. The panel recommended
that sustainable ecosystem management should be the over-riding objective for the Clayoquot region, and that
all activities, including those of forestry, should be conducted with that objective in mind.
Many of the recommendations advocated silvicultural systems that would retain the key characteristics of old-
growth rainforest, such as an uneven age structure, snags and cavity trees, woody debris, and healthy aquatic
ecosystems. The panel felt that those objectives could be largely met by restricting the proportion of any large
watershed that could be converted into younger age classes, accomplished by limiting the cut rate to no more
than 1% of a catchment per year. That practice would ensure that sufficient areas of old-growth forest, or of
managed forest having most of its habitat values, would always be present to satisfy the needs of dependent
species. The panel also recommended that large areas be fully protected from forestry, particularly areas and
sites of great value because of their ecological features, aesthetics, cultural significance, or utility for
The recommendations of the panel, and their acceptance by government, satisfied most people regarding the
ecological sustainability of the forest-management plan for the Clayoquot Sound region. The panel’s work
should not, however, be regarded as a perfect model of sustainability or as a permanent solution to the
controversy over forestry in regions of old-growth forest.
1. Scientists can recommend actions to make forestry more environmentally sustainable (this is true of all
economic activities).
2. The various interested parties may commit to undertake recommended changes, thereby alleviating the
economic and political disruptions associated with public controversy.
3. However, economic and political priorities may again shift, and thereby delay or prevent the implementation
of changes.
4. Therefore, citizens and environmentalists should always be skeptical about promises made by government
and industry to protect environmental quality. Moreover, there is never a guarantee that a future
government will not change agreed-upon rules (including legislated ones) in ways that provide less
protection for the environment. It is even possible that the priorities of future generations of Canadians may
support such an action.
The best hope of preventing future damage is to ensure that the social contract of forestry always includes an
obligation to: (1) conduct industrial activities in a manner that does not degrade the timber resource, (2)
maintain non-timber economic values such as hunted species and tourism, and (3) sustain the carbon-storage,
hydrologic, and biodiversity values of old-growth forest and other elements of natural heritage. All of these
forest values are important and must be maintained, and it is crucial that Canadians understand this. Unless
this happens, the controversy will surely continue.
The clear-cutting of natural forest is often followed by the planting of a new crop of trees, usually of a conifer species.
These may then be intensively managed to increase the productivity of the stand. This system results in the
development of a plantation (or tree-farm), which is an anthropogenic forest of a relatively simple character in
comparison with the natural, mature or old-growth, mixed-species forest that previously occupied the site. Because
many native species of the natural forest are unable to utilize the habitat available in a plantation, the ecological
conversion has critical implications for biodiversity.
The most important habitat changes are related to differences in the tree species and physical structure of a plantation
compared to natural forest. A typical plantation is dominated by trees of a particular species and of similar age and size
(in population ecology this is known as a cohort, while in agriculture it is referred to as a monoculture). This is a greatly
simplified ecosystem compared with natural forest, which typically has trees of various species, ages, and sizes. Such
changes are greatest when the original forest is hardwood dominated, mixed hardwood-conifer, or old-growth. The
changes are fewer if natural, even-aged conifer forest is replaced with a conifer plantation.
Image 23.7. Forestry plantations are deficient in tree cavities, which are needed by many birds for nesting and
roosting. In this study, artificial cavities were placed in conifer plantations and in natural forest, to see whether
this feature was limiting the use of the habitat by species of cavity-dependent birds. It turned out that they only
nested in the artificial cavities that were erected in plantations, which indicates that this habitat feature was
Of course, any changes in vegetation and habitat have secondary effects on the animals that can be sustained. Studies
of conifer plantations in New Brunswick have found that they can support an abundant population of birds (Table 23.3).
In fact, a 15-year-old plantation supported a larger bird population than did nearby natural forest, while species
richness was similar. In this study, many birds of the natural, conifer-dominated forest began to invade the plantations
once the trees were older than about 10 years.
Table 23.3. Breeding Birds in Natural Forest and Plantations. Natural, mixed-species forest and spruce and pine
plantations were surveyed in New Brunswick. The plantations were surveyed at 3, 6, 7, and 15 years of age, and
the natural stands were 60 years old. Only abundant species are listed here. Data are given as pairs per 10
hectares; stand age is in years. Source: Data from Johnson and Freedman (2002).
Table 23.4. Snags and Large Woody Debris in Natural Forest and Plantations. Natural mature forest and conifer
plantations were surveyed in New Brunswick. Data are for snags (standing dead trees) and woody debris with a
diameter greater than 5 cm. Basal area is the cross-sectional area of snags or trees and is a measure related to
biomass. Volume is also related to biomass. Source: Data from Freedman et al. (1996).
Sometimes, plantations are established on previously agricultural or industrial lands (this is known as afforestation).
Depending on the particular habitat that results, these plantations are likely to enhance the populations of some native
birds by providing forest habitat. This can be a benefit in regions where agriculture is the dominant land-use, for
example, in southern Ontario. However, greater biodiversity benefits would be attained if an attempt were made to
restore a more natural forest, rather than a plantation.
Image 23.8. This 30-year-old plantation of white spruce (Picea glauca) in New Brunswick is a conifer forest, but
it is simple in physical and biological structure. Although this habitat supports some native plants and animals,
many others are eliminated by the scarcity of critical habitat elements, such as cavity trees and woody debris.
Source: B. Freedman.
Biodiversity at the level of landscape is related to the distribution and richness of ecological communities, including
their dynamics over time (see Chapter 7). If a landscape is covered with only one or a few types of communities, it has
little biodiversity at this level. In contrast, an area with a complex and dynamic mosaic of communities has much
greater landscape-level biodiversity. Landscape ecology involves the study of the patterns and dynamics of
communities on landscapes (and seascapes).
Landscape-level biodiversity is influenced by disturbances that result in some stands (or patches) of older communities
being replaced with younger ones. Natural causes of these stand-replacing disturbances include wildfire, windstorms,
volcanic eruptions, and insect irruptions. Anthropogenic causes include those associated with forestry.
Sometimes, timber harvesting is designed to mimic the natural patch-disturbance regime. For example, many pine
forests are naturally disturbed by periodic wildfires, during which most of the mature trees may be killed. Soon
afterward, a new cohort of tree seedlings establishes, and with time they grow into another mature forest. To some
degree, foresters can emulate this natural disturbance regime when they develop plans to harvest and manage pine
Forestry, by its nature, imposes an anthropogenic patch dynamic onto the landscape. This may occur if an un-natural
Forestry creates fragmented landscapes that contain successionally dynamic patches of silvicultural and natural-forest
habitats. Many species of native wildlife find the silvicultural habitats to be adequate for their purposes. However, such
habitats and their dynamics are incapable of supporting other native elements of biodiversity, whose survival may
therefore be at risk. If these native values are to be conserved, large patches of natural forest must be set aside as
protected areas.
To achieve a balance between the needs of forestry and the responsibility to conserve indigenous biodiversity,
consideration must be given to the size, shape, and spatial arrangement of the patches on managed landscapes,
including the protected areas. For example, if the protected areas are too few, small, isolated, or young to
accommodate all of their biodiversity objectives, then it will be necessary to design a landscape that is more
ecologically appropriate. Design options that have been recommended to meet the biodiversity objectives of protected
areas are examined in Chapter 26.
Some of the national parks of Canada are among the largest protected areas in the world. Yet many of these are too
small to maintain viable populations of certain species, or to maintain the ecological dynamics required to allow old-
growth forest to persist. Species that are most at risk need extensive areas of habitat to sustain their populations. They
include the grizzly bear (Ursus arctos), wolf (Canis lupus), spotted owl, and marbled murrelet. Even the largest national
parks may not be big enough to sustain these species over the centuries.
In such cases, the protected areas and their surrounding landscape must be managed as “greater protected areas” – as
an integrated ecosystem. If forestry continues to be an important economic activity in the landscape around protected
areas, it must be conducted with a view to sustaining those species and natural communities that might be at risk. In
many cases, this will require changes in the forestry-management system. Such changes might include maintaining a
network of protected areas that are connected by corridors and incorporate critical habitat elements, such as cavity
trees and woody debris, into managed stands.
Global Focus 23.1. Is Canada “the Brazil of the North”? Sometimes, to gain an edge in the public sphere,
individuals or organizations may use relatively extreme rhetoric when making arguments for or against an
environmental position. For example, some opponents of intensive forestry practices have claimed that Canada
should be viewed as “the Brazil of the North” because of the kinds of forestry being practised here. The point
has been especially made in reference to the clear-cutting of old-growth coastal rainforest in British Columbia.
But is it reasonable to assign a “Brazil of the North” label to Canada?
Obviously, Canada and Brazil are very different places in terms of people, culture, economy, and natural
ecosystems. Nevertheless, there are key similarities with respect to forests and forestry between the two
countries, as well as major differences. For example, although both countries are still heavily forested, each has
lost a major part of the original forest to agricultural development and urbanization. In Brazil, the worst losses
are of Atlantic tropical and subtropical forest, as well as forest in Amazonia. In Canada, it is mostly temperate
forest in southern regions of the eastern provinces. Both countries have a large forest industry, although
Canada’s is more export-oriented. Both countries have designated many protected areas (such as national
parks), but neither has created enough such areas and their stewardship is deficient (for example, by not
A key ecological difference is in the biodiversity that is supported by the two countries. Canada has many
indigenous species, but only a few are endemic (having a local distribution and occurring nowhere else). This is
because Canada is a young country, in the ecological sense, having only been released from continental
glaciation about ten-thousand years ago. In marked contrast, the natural ecosystems of Brazil are much older,
and most have developed under subtropical and tropical climatic regimes. The humid forests of such regions
support much higher levels of biodiversity, including many endemic species, compared with the natural
ecosystems of Canada, which range from polar to temperate. In this vital respect, deforestation in Brazil causes
enormously more grievous damage to biodiversity than it does in Canada because many more species and
ecosystem types are affected, and the risks of causing extinctions are much greater. This context does not
trivialize the importance of avoiding actions that cause native species or natural ecosystems of Canada to
become at risk, but it is a valid comparison.
There are many additional comparisons that could be made when trying to understand whether we are the
“Brazil of the North” or they are the “Canada of the South” (see selected data in table). Ultimately, however,
subjective and extreme rhetoric is not particularly helpful when trying to help people develop informed
opinions about important environmental issues. Table 23.5.
Increasingly, foresters in many parts of Canada are working with other interested parties to develop integrated forest
management plans that accommodate the need to harvest timber from forested landscapes while also sustaining other
values. Usually, these plans focus on finding ways to conduct forestry while also supporting hunted species such as
deer, elk, trout, and salmon. Efforts may also be made to accommodate other uses and values, such as non-
consumptive recreation, for example, birding and hiking.
By co-operating in the design of integrated management plans, the forest industry is attempting to come to grips with
some of the controversies that arise from their woodland operations. Society expects that the vast forests of Canada
will continue to deliver a wide range of goods and services. These include the economic benefits from timber
harvesting, while also satisfying the needs of sport hunters, fishers, hikers, and other outdoor recreationists. Even
while they are used in these ways, forest landscapes are also expected to provide such ecologically important services
as carbon storage, clean air and water, and to sustain native biodiversity.
The forest industry is making progress in the directions that society expects, but much more has to be done. This is
particularly true of the need to set aside additional areas that are protected from forestry. If they are large enough, the
protected areas can allow ecological processes to continue in a manner that is unfettered by major human stressors, so
that natural ecosystems can develop and native species can sustain their populations. In addition, forestry will have to
change to accommodate more of the habitat needs of biodiversity on managed sites.
If the Canadian forest industry is to legitimately claim that it is conducting its operations in an ecologically sustainable
manner, it must achieve several broad objectives. First, it is critical that the rate of timber harvesting does not exceed
that of forest productivity. At the same time, other economic values must be sustained, such as viable populations of
hunted animals and opportunities for outdoor recreation. Finally, it is critical that no indigenous elements of
biodiversity are made endangered by forestry. Although the forest industry has been making headway toward
improving its environmental practices in Canada, not all of the requirements of ecologically sustainable forestry are
being satisfied. Therefore, considerably more progress is required in this direction.
Forestry is a key economic sector in Canada, each year affecting millions of hectares of landscape. Timber harvesting
and management of the subsequent regeneration cause many environmental changes, including decreases of carbon
storage, alterations of hydrology, erosion, and effects on the habitat of wildlife. Because timber harvesting and
silvicultural practices are severe disturbances of forested sites, some environmental damage is inevitable. To a large
degree, however, many of the damages could be mitigated by adopting different forestry practices than are currently
used. These include less use of the predominant clear-cutting system, and replacing it with softer practices such as
selection harvesting. Greater attention to the protection of aquatic habitat is also necessary, such as retaining buffer
strips of uncut forest along all watercourses. Some damage to the habitat of wildlife on cutovers can also be mitigated,
for instance, by retaining cavity trees and by greater reliance on natural regeneration rather than on plantations. It is
also necessary to protect large areas of natural forest from intensive resource harvesting. This requires the
implementation of a connected network of protected areas that is sufficient to conserve those species and ecological
communities that are incompatible with use of the landscape for forestry purposes.
1. How do forestry practices threaten the nutrient capital and site quality of harvested stands?
2. How does timber harvesting affect the hydrology of streams and rivers?
3. What elements should an integrated management plan include for a typical forested watershed in your region?
Consider the needs to ensure a constant supply of timber, deer, sportfish, clean water, and habitat for non-game
4. What are the characteristics of a typical old-growth forest in the region where you live? Do you think that the
special values of the old-growth forest can be accommodated by forestry, or can old-growth forest be preserved
only by creating large protected areas where trees are not harvested? What are the economic implications of
setting aside such large tracts of potentially valuable timber? What are the ecological implications?
1. Consider a typical forest in the region where you live. What are the dominant species of trees, other plants, and
animals that live in that forest? What are some important interactions among those species? Consider, for
example, the habitat needs of certain animals, including their foods.
2. Are forest products important in your life and in the functioning of your community? Compile a list that shows
how trees are used for bio-energy, lumber, paper, and other products. Also consider non-timber uses of forests,
such as hunted animals, recreation, carbon storage, and the provision of clean air and water.
3. How might forest resources make a larger contribution to the Canadian economy, or to that of your region? Would
it be possible, for example, to harvest more wood without degrading the timber resource? Could more people be
employed in woodland operations if harvesting and management activities were less mechanized? Consider also
the prospects for reducing the export of raw materials, such as logs, through increased local processing into
manufactured products.
4. Why is it essential that a large and connected system of protected areas be a key part of any landscape-scale plan
for ecologically sustainable forestry?
Exploring Issues
1. A proposal is being made to build a lumber mill in an area that is now wilderness. About 40% of the forest in the
area is in an old-growth condition. You are an ecologist, working as part of a team of scientists to assess the
potential environmental impacts of the forest management plan to supply timber to the proposed sawmill. Your
responsibility is to consider the sustainability of the supply of timber and other forest resources, as well as effects
on rare species and natural ecosystems. What would you examine to ensure that the forest management is
ecologically sustainable?
Barnes, B.V., S. Spurr, D. Zak, and S. Denton. 1998. Forest Ecology. 4th ed. John Wiley & Sons, New York, NY.
Bormann, F.H. and G.E. Likens. 1994. Pattern and Process in a Forested Ecosystem. Springer, New York, NY.
Boyce, M.S. and A. Haney (eds.). 1999. Ecosystem Management: Applications for Sustainable Forest and Wildlife
Resources. Yale University Press, New Haven, CT.
Buskirk, S.W. 1992. Conserving circumboreal forests for martens and fisher. Conservation Biology, 6: 318-320.
Crowell, M. and B. Freedman. 1994. Vegetation development during a post-clearcutting chronosequence of hardwood
forest in Nova Scotia, Canada. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 24: 260-271.
Drolet, C.A. 1978. Use of forest clear-cuts by white-tailed deer in southern New Brunswick and central Nova Scotia.
Canadian Field-Naturalist, 92: 275-282.
Freedman, B. 1995. Environmental Ecology. 2nd ed. Academic Press, San Diego, CA.
Freedman, B., R. Morash, and A.J. Hanson. 1981. Biomass and nutrient removals by conventional and whole-tree clear-
cutting of a red spruce-balsam fir stand in central Nova Scotia. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 11: 249-257.
Freedman, B., C. Stewart, and U. Prager. 1985. Patterns of Water Chemistry of Four Drainage Basins in Central Nova
Scotia. Technical Report IWD-AR-WQB-85-93, Environment Canada Moncton, NB.
Freedman, B., S. Woodley, and J. Loo. 1994. Forestry practices and biodiversity, with particular reference to the
Maritime Provinces of eastern Canada. Environmental Reviews, 2: 33-77.
Freedman, B., V. Zelazny, D. Beaudette, T. Fleming, S. Flemming, G. Forbes, G. Johnson, and S. Woodley. 1996.
Biodiversity implications of changes in the quantity of dead organic matter in managed forests. Environmental Reviews,
4: 238-265.
Friends of Clayoquot Sound. 2014. About Clayoquot Sound. www.focs.ca/ Gillis, A.M. 1990. The new forestry: an
ecosystem approach to land management. BioScience, 40: 558-562.
Gullion, G.W. 1988. Aspen management for ruffed grouse. Pp. 9-12 in: Integrating Forest Management for Wildlife and
Fish. General Technical Report NC-122, North Central Forest Experiment Station, St. Paul, MN.
Harris, L.D. 1984. The Fragmented Forest. University of Chicago Press, Chicago, IL.
Hunter, M.L. 2003. Wildlife, Forests, and Forestry: Principles of Managing Forests for Biological Diversity. Prentice
Hal0,l Englewood Cliffs, NJ.
Johnson, G.A.M. and B. Freedman. 2002. Breeding birds in forestry plantations and natural forest in the vicinity of
Fundy National Park, New Brunswick. Canadian Field-Naturalist, 116: 475-487.
Kimmins, J.P. 2003. Forest Ecology: A Foundation for Sustainable Management. 2nd ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice
Hall College Division.
Kimmins, J.P. 2005. Forest Ecology. 3rd ed. Macmillan, New York, NY.
Kimmins, J.P. 1997. Balancing Act: Environmental Issues in Forestry. 2nd ed. University of British Columbia Press,
Vancouver, BC.
Krause, H.H. 1982. Nitrate formation and movement before and after clear-cutting of a monitored watershed in central
New Brunswick. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 12: 922-930.
Martin, C.W., R.S. Pierce, G.E. Likens, and F.H. Bormann. 1986. Clearcutting Affects Stream Chemistry in the White
Mountains of New Hampshire. NE-579, Northeastern Forest Experiment Station, USDA Forest Service, Broomall, PA.
Maser, C. 2001. Forest Primeval: The Natural History of an Ancient Forest. Oregon State University Press, Corvallis, OR.
Maser, C., A.W. Claridge, and J.M. Trappe. 2007. Trees, Truffles and Beasts: How Forests Function. Rutgers University
Press, Rutgers, NJ.
McRae, D.J., L.C. Duchesne, B. Freedman, T.J. Lynham, and S. Woodley. 2001. Differences between wildfire and
clearcutting and their implications in forest management. Environmental Reviews, 9: 223-260.
Morgan, K. and B. Freedman. 1986. Breeding bird communities in a hardwood forest succession in Nova Scotia.
Canadian Field-Naturalist, 100: 506-519.
Smith, D.M., B.C. Larson, M.J. Kelty, and P.M.S. Ashton. 1996. The Practice of Silviculture: Applied Forest Ecology, 9th Ed.
J. Wiley and Sons, New York, NY.
Swan, D., B. Freedman, and T. Dilworth. 1984. Effects of various hardwood forest management practices on small
mammals in Nova Scotia. Canadian Field-Naturalist, 98: 362-364.
Swanson, F.J. and J.F. Franklin. 1992. New forestry principles from ecosystem analysis of Pacific Northwest forests.
Ecological Applications, 2: 262-274.
Welsh, D. and D.R. Fillman. 1980. The impact of forest cutting on boreal bird populations. American Birds, 34: 84-94.
World Resources Institute. 2008. Earth Trends. The Environmental Information Portal. Washington,
DC. http://www.wri.org/
1. Explain how agricultural production is essential to the survival of large numbers of people and domestic animals.
2. Define the term “domestication,” and relate it to humans, their agricultural crops, and livestock.
3. List the most important plants and animals in agriculture, and describe the management systems used in their
4. Identify the most important environmental effects of agriculture, and describe the damage that they cause.
5. Explain how organic agriculture uses a more ecological approach to the cultivation of crops, resulting in less
environmental damage.
Agriculture can be defined as the science, and art, of cultivating the soil, producing crops, and raising livestock. Even
relatively simple agricultural practices can greatly increase the production of food, compared with the hunting and
gathering of wild animals and plants. Prior to the development of agriculture, which first appeared around 10,500 years
ago, perhaps 5-10 million people were able to subsist through a hunting and gathering lifestyle. Today, the world
supports an enormous population (more than 7.3 billion in 2015), and almost all depend on the agricultural production
of food (fishing and hunting also provide some food). Clearly, the development of agricultural practices and
technologies, and their improvements over time, are among the most crucial of the “revolutions” that have marked the
socio-cultural evolution of Homo sapiens.
Agriculture was probably first practised in the Fertile Crescent, a region of southwestern Asia that includes parts of
what are now Iran, Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, and Turkey. Similar developments likely occurred at about the
same time in China, although the archaeological evidence is less clear. Other cultures discovered the benefits of
agriculture somewhat later, in part through the domestication of local species of plants and animals (for instance, in
parts of Central America, western South America, and New Guinea). In other regions, however, domesticated species
were mostly imported from elsewhere, as occurred in Australia, Europe, and North America.
In any event, beginning with the cultivation and then domestication of a few useful plants and animals, agricultural
technology has advanced to the point where it is now able to support enormous populations of humans and our
mutualist species (see Chapter 10).
Modern agriculture involves a number of distinct management practices. In the case of crop plants, they include:
selective breeding, tillage, the use of fertilizer and pesticides, irrigation, and reaping. Each practice helps to increase
the yield of biomass that can be harvested for food or other uses. The practices are typically used in various
combinations, which are undertaken as an integrated system of ecosystem and species management to achieve a large
production of crops. However, the management practices also cause important environmental damages.
We previously examined agricultural production and economics in Chapter 14. In this chapter we investigate
environmental damages that are associated with agriculture, with particular attention to effects that occur in Canada.
We will examine the intensive cultivation of crop plants and livestock, as well as softer management practices that are
used in organic agriculture.
Almost all of the important agricultural crops have been domesticated. Domestication refers to the progressive
modification of crops through the selective breeding of cultivated races (or cultivars), which are now genetically,
anatomically, and physiologically different from their wild ancestors. Crop plants have been selectively bred to increase
their yield and response to management practices and to enhance their palatability. In some cases, thousands of years
of domestication have resulted in crop plants that bear so little resemblance to their wild ancestors that they are now
incapable of maintaining themselves in the absence of management by people. For example, several millennia of
selective breeding of maize (corn; Zea mays) have resulted in its cob becoming tightly wrapped within leafy bracts. As a
consequence, its seeds are no longer able to scatter from the cob, so they cannot germinate and develop new plants
unless assisted to do so by humans.
A few crop plants have not yet been domesticated. One example is the lowbush blueberry (Vaccinium angustifolium),
which has been cultivated for only a few decades. In this case, the habitat of wild plants (in the genetic sense) is being
managed to increase their abundance and fruit production as a perennial crop. Because not much selective breeding
has been conducted, the blueberry is not yet a domesticated plant. Most crop plants are grown as food, while others
are sources of fibre, fuel, or medicine. Important domesticated food plants include the following:
• Small grains: barley (Hordeum vulgare), maize (corn, Zea mays), millet (Panicum miliaceum), oats (Avena sativa), rice
(Oryza sativa), sorghum (Sorghum vulgare), wheat (Triticum aestivum and T. durum)
• Legumes (pulses): broad bean (Vicia faba), garden bean (Phaseolus vulgaris), garden pea (Pisum sativum), lentil
(Lens culinaris), peanut (Arachis hypogaea), soybean (Glycine max)
• Sweet fruits: apple (Malus domestica), banana (Musa sapientum), grape (Vitis vinifera), grapefruit (Citrus maxima),
mango (Mangifera indica), orange (Citrus sinensis), peach (Prunus persica), pear (Pyrus communis), plum (Prunus
domestica), raspberry (Rubus idaeus), strawberry (Fragaria virginiana and F. chiloensis), sweet cherry (Prunus
avium), watermelon (Citrullus lanatus)
• Vegetable fruits: cucumber (Cucumis sativus), pumpkin (squash, Cucurbita pepo), red pepper (Capsicum annuum),
tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum)
• Roots and tubers: beet (Beta vulgaris), carrot (Daucus carota), garlic (Allium sativum), onion (Allium cepa), parsnip
(Pastinaca sativa), potato (Solanum tuberosum), radish (Raphanus sativus), sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas), turnip
(Brassica rapa)
• Vegetables: asparagus (Asparagus officinalis); broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower (all varieties of Brassica oleracea);
celery (Apium graveolens); lettuce (Lactuca sativa); spinach (Spinacia oleracea)
• Edible oils: canola (or rape, Brassica napus), oil palm (Elaeis guineensis), olive (Olea europaea), peanut, soybean
• Sugar crops: sugar beet (Beta vulgaris), sugar cane (Saccharum officinarum)
• Herbs and spices: chili pepper (Capsicum annuum), mint (Mentha spp.), pepper (Piper nigrum)
• Beverages: cocoa (Theobroma cacao), coffee (Coffea arabica), cola (Cola acuminata), hops (Humulus lupulus), tea
(Camellia sinensis)
• Recreational drugs: cannabis (marijuana, Cannabis sativa), coca (Erythroxylum coca), opium poppy (Papaver
somniferum), tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum)
Other domesticated plants are cultivated as sources of fibre, which is used to manufacture thread, woven textiles,
cordage (such as rope), and paper. Important fibre plants include cotton (Gossypium hirsutum), flax (Linum
usitatissimum), and hemp (Cannabis sativa). Some species of trees, such as pines (Pinus species), poplars (Populus spp.),
Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii), and spruces (Picea spp.), are grown in plantations (called agroforestry) as sources
of fibre. However, these species have not been selectivel bred to the degree that they would be considered
Other crops are grown as sources of rubber (especially para rubber, Hevea brasiliensis), for medicinal purposes (such as
digitalis, Digitalis purpurea), as chewing gum (chicle, Achras zapota), as dyes (indigo, Indigofera tinctoria), or for other
relatively minor uses.
Image 24.1. Agricultural plants are usually intensively managed to develop a monoculture, which is an
ecosystem comprised almost entirely of a single crop. This field of canola is in Prince Edward Island. Source: B.
The parts of plants that are used for food include seeds (beans, wheat, and other grains and pulses), flowers (broccoli),
fruits (melons, grapes, tomato), leaves (lettuce, cabbage), stems (asparagus, celery), and roots, tubers, and other
underground tissues (onion, potato, radish). In many cases, the edible parts are tissues that evolved to store energy for
the plant, such as swollen leaves and stems, and tubers. In other cases, the edible parts are energy-rich tissues that are
involved in sexual reproduction, such as fruits and seeds. An important aspect of the domestication process is the
selective breeding of crops to exaggerate their desirable traits, which usually results in cultivars that are very different
from their wild ancestors.
The above lists suggest a rich diversity of crop species. We must remember, however, that the inventory of cultivated
plants is only a tiny fraction of the number of species that are potentially useful as foods or for other purposes, but
have not yet been investigated for their usefulness (there are about 250-thousand species of vascular plants, but only
tiny faction of them most have been investigated for their usefulness; Table 7.1).
Overall, people eat several thousand species of plants, of which about 200 have been domesticated. Of these, only 12
species account for about 80% of global food production (Diamond, 1999). They are:
As we examined in Chapter 14, the cultivation of agricultural crops is an extremely important economic activity. The
Canadian production of cereal crops was 66.4-million tonnes in 2013 (a 31% decrease from a decade earlier), while that
of root and tuber crops was 4.6-million tonnes (14% decrease), and meat 4.5-million tonnes (7% increase) (FAO, 2015).
The most important plant crops grown in Canada are listed in Table 24.1. Note the general increase in crop productivity
(yield) during the 20-year period, due to an intensification of management practices. Note also the large increases in
the production of certain crops, in particular canola, lentils, peas, and soybean. The production of wheat, barley, and
maize also increased, partly in response to improved opportunities to export these commodities.
Table 24.1. The Production of Leading Plant Crops in Canada over a 20-year period (in 2014 and 1995). Crops are
listed in order of decreasing area harvested. Source: Data from Statistics Canada (2014a,b).
Various management practices and systems, which vary greatly in their intensity, can be applied to the cultivation of
any crop plant (or to livestock). The most intensive systems may involve cultivating a monoculture (only one crop
species) using a series of such practices as tilling the soil, planting, applying fertilizer and pesticide, and a harvest when
the crop is ripe. Intensive agricultural systems are typically used on relatively large farms and they rely on specialized,
fossil-fuelled machinery (known as mechanization). Intensive systems may also be used on smaller farms in order to
achieve higher production on a limited area of land.
The use of intensive agricultural systems is common in relatively developed countries, such as Canada. It also occurs in
plantation-style agriculture in less-developed countries, where commodities are grown mostly for an export market. In
contrast, subsistence farming, as is commonly practised by poor people in less-developed countries, involves little or
no use of fertilizer or pesticide and no mechanization. So-called organic agricultural systems used in developed
countries also eschew the use of synthetic fertilizer and pesticides (this approach to farming is examined in detail later
in this chapter).
Key practices for growing crop plants in intensively managed systems include the following:
• selective breeding of crop varieties for higher yield, greater response to management practices, adaptation to local
climatic or soil conditions, and resistance to disease or herbicide
• tilling the soil so that seeds can establish and to reduce competition from weeds
• planting the crop at an optimal spacing, usually as a monoculture, to increase productivity and the ease of
• applying inorganic fertilizer or organic matter (including animal dung) to enhance the nutrient supply
• irrigating to enhance the availability of water
• controlling weeds by mechanical means (such as tillage) or by the use of herbicide
• controlling invertebrate pests using pesticide (most commonly insecticide or nematicide), by introducing diseases
or predators of the pests, or by managing the habitat to make it less suitable for them
• controlling fungal pathogens by using fungicide or by managing habitat to make it less suitable
• harvesting the crop biomass as efficiently as possible
• developing crop-rotation systems that maintain site quality and help prevent the build-up of pests and pathogens
• using mechanized systems to till the soil, plant seed, apply fertilizer and pesticide, and harvest the crop
• cultivating some crops, such as tomato and cucumber, in greenhouses
• developing so-called organic systems that maintain high crop yields while reducing or eliminating the use of
synthetic fertilizer and pesticide
As we noted previously, intensive management systems vary greatly among crop species and among regions, and it is
far beyond the scope of this chapter to describe such systems in detail. Nevertheless, we can get an idea of what an
intensive system can involve by examining case studies dealing with selected crops (see Canadian Focus 24.1, 24.2, and
24.3). Practices used in organic agriculture are examined later in this chapter.
Canadian Focus 24.1. Growing Wheat on the Prairies Wheat is the most important crop grown in Canada,
ranking first in both area under cultivation (average of 9.5-million hectares sown during 2010-2014) and harvest
(28.5-million tonnes annually during the same period). Most wheat is grown on large, mechanized farms in the
Prairie Provinces. The management system used depends on the climatic zone and soil type. The practices
described here are recommended for spring-planted wheat in the dark-brown soil zone of Saskatchewan
(Saskatchewan Agriculture and Food, 2014).
Image 24.2. Farming in Canada mostly involves intensively managed, mechanized operations. This photo shows
Canadian Focus 24.2. Growing Potatoes in the Maritimes One of the most intensive management systems used
in Canada involves the cultivation of potatoes in the Maritimes, particularly in Prince Edward Island and New
Brunswick. The practices described below are typically used on relatively large, mechanized farms (Atlantic
Potato Committee, 1993).
• Tillage: The first tilling is done before planting to break up the soil and facilitate drainage and aeration.
This may be done in late autumn or early spring. Tilling in the spring avoids some of the erosion occurs if
sloped fields are ploughed in the autumn and left without a cover of crop residue or winter rye. However,
spring tilling requires that the fields be dry enough to support heavy machinery, so it often results in a later
seeding and less growing time for the crop. A lighter, secondary tillage prepares the seedbed and is followed
by periodic between-row tillage to reduce the abundance of weeds as the crop grows.
• Choosing the Variety: Specific varieties are grown, with the choice depending on site conditions and
whether the crop is to be used as table potatoes, to process into frozen fries or potato chips, or to be used as
“seed” (see below). About 20-25 varieties are cultivated in the Maritimes (of which six-eight comprise about
80% of the crop). However, this is only a fraction of the diversity of the potato – hundreds of local cultivars
are grown in the Andean highlands, where this crop was first domesticated.
• Preparing the “Seed”: Potatoes are grown from slices of a tuber that contains several “eyes” (a bud from
which a shoot can sprout). The “seed” is surface-sterilized and dusted with fungicide to prevent soft rot and
other diseases. This is a vegetative (or clonal) means of propagation that results in plants being genetically
Image 24.3. A field of potatoes in flower in Prince Edward Island. Source: B. Freedman.
Livestock are raised primarily as sources of food. The most important domesticated livestock in Canada are the cow
(Bos taurus), horse (Equus caballus), pig (Sus scrofa), sheep (Ovis aries), and goat (Capra hircus). The most prominent
birds are chicken (Gallus gallus), duck (Anas platyrhynchos), and turkey (Meleagris gallopavo). The most important fish
are Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) and rainbow trout (Oncorhyncus mykiss) – the cultivation of fish is known as
aquaculture. Ranching of non-domesticated livestock, such as bison (Bison bison) and elk (Cervus elaphus), is also
Livestock in developed countries are mostly grown under intensive management systems. In large part this involves
rearing animals on “factory farms,” although beef cattle may spend much of their lives foraging on rangeland, as do
sheep. Key practices for growing livestock under intensive management include the following:
• selective breeding of varieties for higher yield and greater response to management practices
• developing “tame” or converted (seeded) pastures to supply fresh fodder, and hayfields for hay feeding, silage
production, or bedding
• feeding livestock with concentrated foods that are manufactured from fish, slaughterhouse offal (meat “wastes”),
pulses, and other products, together with mineral supplements
• using antibiotics and other medicines to prevent or treat diseases
• using growth hormones to increase production in certain animals (particularly cows)
Again, it is beyond the scope of this chapter to describe intensive management systems for livestock in detail. We can,
however, examine a case study to get an idea of what the systems may involve (Canadian Focus 24.3).
Canadian Focus 24.3. Raising Livestock on Factory Farms Enormous numbers of animals are raised in Canada to
provide meat, milk, eggs, and other products. In 2013, about 167-million chickens were slaughtered, as were
5.7-million turkeys. The most important livestock are cows (16 million including 2-million milk cows) and pigs
(26 million) (Chapter 14).
To increase productivity, most poultry, cows, and pigs are reared on “factory farms” in extremely crowded
quarters, with feeding to satiation, plus other intensive practices. (However, many cows spend much of their
life on rangeland or pasture, being kept under close confinement only during a “finishing” phase of rapid
growth in a feedlot before slaughter.)
Because of the obvious potential for treating animals cruelly under such conditions, livestock rearing on factory
farms is a controversial practice. Animal-rights groups protest against the conditions imposed on livestock
during rearing, transportation, and slaughter. In addition, many people choose to not purchase foods from
factory farms, or they have adopted a vegetarian lifestyle in order to not participate in what they consider an
inhumane economic activity. Partly because of these protests, factory farms have become well-guarded
facilities with tightly controlled access.
Agriculture Canada, the Canadian Federation of Humane Societies, and food-industry associations have
developed guidelines for the acceptable treatment of livestock in our country. The following is a list of
recommended practices for rearing livestock; all are routinely used on industrial farms and are considered
“acceptable” by regulators (Agriculture Canada, 1989, 2009, 2013).
• The distal third of the beak and tips of the toes may be amputated to prevent injuries from fighting under
close confinement.
• Non-saleable chicks may be euthanized by maceration (grinding), lethal exposure to CO2 or CO,
electrocution, or decapitation.
• Day-old chicks may be transported from a hatchery to a rearing facility in boxes containing no more than
100 chicks and providing each with a floor space of at least 21 cm2 (about four times the area of a $1 coin).
The transportation should not exceed 48 hours.
• For the production of eggs by chickens living in an open pen, mature birds (up to 1.8 kg) should be provided
with the equivalent of at least 0.2 m2 of space (this is three times the area of a letter-sized piece of paper).
For the production of meat in an open pen, mature birds (> 3.6 kg) require 0.186 m2 each. This is considered
sufficient to allow the chickens to stand, turn around, and stretch their wings. Smaller chickens may be
provided with less space.
• For chickens reared in cages, mature birds (up to 2.2 kg) should have at least 0.045 m2 each (0.75 times a
letter-sized paper). No more than seven adult birds should be in one cage.
• The concentration of ammonia in the air during rearing should be less than 25 ppm. (At this level, a person
would experience considerable discomfort.)
• A mature dairy cow should have a space of at least 11 m2, and a pregnant cow 15 m2. These dimensions are
considered sufficient to allow the cow to groom, get up and lie down, and stretch its limbs.
• Mature beef cattle that are confined in a feedlot, with paved ground and a shed for cover, should have a
space of at least 4.5 m2 per animal.
• If there is no shed, the space should be at least 8 m2. A somewhat larger area is needed if the ground is not
• The concentration of ammonia in the air during rearing should be less than 25 ppm.
• Mature pigs (> 110 kg) confined in a slat-floored stall (this allows drainage of feces and urine) should be
provided with a space of at least 1.8-2.2 m2 per animal. If non-slatted, there should be at least 2.0-2.4 m2 per
animal. These dimensions are considered sufficient to allow the pig to get up and lie down comfortably.
Smaller animals may be provided with less space.
• Breeding sows > 340 kg kept in an individual stall should have a space at least 80 cm wide and 210 cm long
(1.5 m2). Smaller animals may be provided with less width.
There are also recommended practices for transporting livestock from rearing facilities to slaughterhouses,
which is usually by truck or train. For example, cows and other ruminant animals can be transported for as long
as 52 hours without receiving any water, food, or rest. For pigs, horses, and poultry this period is 36 hours.
Guidelines for the humane killing of animals also exist. This is usually done by electrocution, shooting, or
bleeding, and sometimes by lethal injection. All of these practices are controversial because many people regard
them as inhumane. Moreover, facilities for rearing, transporting, and slaughtering animals are inspected
irregularly, and sometimes infrequently. This means that, in many respects, compliance with the guidelines is
Agricultural site capability (or site quality) refers to the ability of an ecosystem to sustain the productivity of crops
(Chapter 14). Soil fertility is an important aspect of this – it is related to the amount of nutrients present and to factors
affecting their availability, such as drainage, tilth, and organic matter in the soil. Site quality can be degraded by
agricultural practices, which may result in the erosion of topsoil, loss of organic matter and nutrients, and a buildup of
weed populations. These result in decreased crop yields, which may then require intensive management practices
(such as fertilizer and herbicide application) to try to compensate for the damage. Allowing site quality to degrade is a
non-sustainable use of agricultural land.
Nutrient Loss
As plants grow, they take up nutrients from the soil (Table 24.2). When a crop is harvested, the nutrients contained in
their biomass are removed from the site. The ability of the soil to supply nutrients may then diminish if the removals
exceed the rate at which nutrients are regenerated by atmospheric deposition, nitrogen fixation, and the weathering of
soil minerals.
In any event, the use of fertilizer in agriculture has increased greatly in Canada. In 1971, fertilizer was added to about
6.9-million hectares, but this increased to 25-million hectares in 2011 (Chapter 14). Canadian fertilizer application rates
are considerably lower than in some other countries: in 2012, an average of 66 kg of fertilizer was applied per hectare
of agricultural land in Canada, compared with 443 kg/ha in China, 234 kg/ha in Japan, 124 kg/ha in France, and 116 kg/
ha in the United States. In countries with the highest rates of fertilizer application, agricultural land is relatively
valuable and property taxes are high, which creates an economic incentive to use intensive management practices to
increase the productivity.
Table 24.2. Annual Uptake of Key Nutrients by Selected Crop Species. Data are in kg/ha. Sources: Data from
Hausenbuiller (1985) and Atlantic Potato Committee (1993).
Often, the rate of fertilizer application is intended to satiate the needs of the crop so that its productivity is not limited
by the availability of nutrients. This may result in an excess of nutrients in the soil, which may cause several
environmental problems:
Organic Matter
Soil organic matter is a crucial factor that affects fertility and site capability. Organic matter has a strong influence on
Figure 24.1. Changes in Organic Matter in a Prairie Soil. The data are for the surface 30 cm of soil and reflect
historical management practices of annual tillage and fertilizer application. The data since 1990 show the
potential effects on soil organic matter of conventional tillage without fertilizer, no-tillage without fertilizer,
and no-tillage with nitrogen fertilizer at 50 kg/ha-y. Source: Modified from Acton and Gregorich (1995).
Several practices are recommended for increasing the amount of organic matter in soil. They include adding crop
residues, livestock manure, or other organic-rich materials, such as composted municipal waste or sewage sludge. The
use of no-tillage or low-tillage systems is also helpful, because ploughing encourages the decomposition of organic
matter (no-tillage involves sowing seeds by drilling them directly into the ground without prior cultivation). The use of
no-tillage in combination with fertilizer application is also effective at increasing organic matter in prairie soil (Figure
24.1). The regular addition of manure is also useful. A 50-year study in Ontario found that yearly additions of manure
increased the organic matter in soil from an initial 85 t/ha to 100 t/ha, compared with 56 t/ha where no manure was
applied (this is within the plough depth of the soil, about 30 cm; Environment Canada, 1996).
Soil Erosion
Soil is eroded by wind and by the runoff of rain and melted snow. Although erosion is a natural process, its rate can be
greatly increased by agricultural practices, and this may be a serious environmental problem. Erosion represents a loss
of soil capital, which can impoverish site capability and can cause deep gullying of fields, a damage that is almost
impossible to rehabilitate. Erosion also damages aquatic ecosystems by increasing sedimentation and turbidity, which
are destructive of fish habitat. Wind-eroded soil can also be a local nuisance (for example, as a source of dirt inside
homes and by soiling laundry hung out to dry), and in severe cases it can literally bury machinery and buildings (as
occurred on the prairies during the “dust-bowl” years of the 1930s).
Agricultural practices that increase the rate of soil erosion include the following:
Averaged across Canada, about 20% of the cultivated land is at severe or high risk of erosion caused by flowing water.
However, this varies greatly among the provinces, with British Columbia having 75% of its cultivated land in this risk
category, New Brunswick 80%, and Prince Edward Island 81% (Table 24.3). Although land in the southern Prairie
Provinces is at relatively low risk from water erosion, it is prone to wind-caused erosion (because there are few trees,
and fields are often left bare in winter). On average, 36% of the cultivated land in the prairie region is at severe or high
risk of wind erosion, and 29% is at moderate risk.
Table 24.3. Risk of Erosion by Water on Cultivated Land. Data are percent of cultivated land. Source: Data from
Fortunately, there is an increasing use of soil-conservation practices (such as those listed below), and this is reducing
the risks of erosion by wind or water:
Figure 24.2. Costs of Tillage Systems. The data are for prairie wheat, obtained by a survey of 250 fields in
Alberta during 1988–1992. Conventional tillage results in crop residues being incorporated into the soil.
Reduced tillage leaves crop residues on the surface, helping to reduce erosion. Zero-tillage involves no
cultivation; the crop seed is drilled into the ground. Note that the three systems have similar overall costs: $152,
$146, and $145, respectively. The no-tillage system incurs higher herbicide cost because tillage helps to reduce
the abundance of weeds. The greater use of herbicide is, however, offset by lower operating and fertilizer costs.
There is also, of course, an environmental benefit because less erosion is caused. Source: Modified from Acton
and Gregorich (1995).
The frequent passage of heavy machinery, or the yarding of a dense livestock population, can compress the air spaces
in soil, a condition known as compaction. Soil compaction is a serious problem that results in waterlogging, oxygen-
poor conditions, impaired nutrient cycling, poor root growth, and decreased crop productivity. Compaction can be
largely avoided by avoiding any unnecessary passages of heavy machinery over fields, using large tires to spread the
load, and reducing the density of livestock kept in outdoor stockades.
The buildup of soluble minerals in the surface soil, or salinization, is a major problem in drier regions. The most
important salts are usually sulphates and chlorides of sodium, calcium, and magnesium, which in severe cases are
visible as a whitish crust on the surface. Salinization occurs when there are high concentrations of salts in the soil, and
the rate of evaporation exceeds the water input from precipitation. These conditions bring salts to the surface, where
they are deposited as the water evaporates. Irrigation practices can also be a cause of salinization if insufficient water
is added to allow dissolved salts to drain to below the rooting depth of the crop. Saline soil is toxic to most crops,
largely because of interference with the uptake of water, along with ion imbalance and toxicity.
In Canada, this problem is mostly restricted to low-rainfall regions of the Prairie Provinces and to a small area in
southeastern British Columbia. About 2% of the cultivated land in the Prairies has more than 15% of its area affected by
salinization, while 36% has 1-15% of the area affected, and the remaining 62% has < 1% affected (Acton and Gregorich,
The control of salinization requires practices that keep the height of the water table low or prevent dissolved salts from
rising. These practices include the diversion of surface flows, installation of a subsurface drainage system, using longer
The increasing aridity of drylands, or desertification, can make agriculture difficult or impossible. Desertification may
be affecting as much as 30% of the land surface of the planet, directly affecting 250 million people and putting another
billion at risk in more than 100 countries (FAO, 2007). Desertification is a complex problem, caused by both climate
change and other anthropogenic influences. The latter include unsustainable land-use practices in drylands, such as
over-grazing, intensive cultivation, deforestation (often to obtain fuelwood), and improper irrigation. These practices
can cause the loss of topsoil and vegetation cover and a degradation of agricultural capability. These effects are greatly
intensified by drought.
Desertification is largely a problem of regions that are already marginal in terms of the amounts of precipitation and
soil moisture that are available to support agriculture. The best-known cases occur in less developed countries, such
as dryland regions in Africa, south and central Asia, and Latin America. However, it is also an important problem in the
interior regions of North America and Australia. In Canada, about 300-thousand km2 in southern Alberta and
Saskatchewan are at risk of desertification. This region experienced widespread loss of topsoil by wind erosion during
the drought of the 1930s, and it is still vulnerable to this degradation. The best agricultural land-use in this semi-arid
region is livestock grazing on unbroken perennial range. The development of “tame” pastures and the cultivation of
annual crops are more likely to cause desertification.
Groundwater and surface waters can become polluted by runoff containing fertilizer, pesticides, and livestock sewage.
Inputs of nutrients and organic matter from fertilizer and sewage can cause severe ecological damage to surface
waters through eutrophication and oxygen depletion. These changes, coupled with the presence of pathogenic and
parasitic organisms, can result in waters becoming unsuitable for drinking by people, perhaps even by livestock, or for
use in irrigation (see Environmental Issues 14.1).
The worst problems involve the disposal of the enormous quantities of manure that are produced by livestock kept in
feedlots and factory farms. These animals produce about 181-million tonnes of manure per year, considerably more
than the amount of human feces produced in Canada (2.2 million tonnes per year) (Statistics Canada, 2009). Moreover,
human fecal waste is mostly treated in sewage-treatment plants (Chapters 20 and 25) rather than dumped onto
agricultural land or into surface waters, as is commonly done with livestock manure.
The most important agricultural pollutant of groundwater is nitrate, which originates with manure applications to
farmland and the use of fertilizer. This problem occurs because the nitrate ion (NO3–) leaches readily with water that
percolates through the soil to groundwater (nitrate is highly soluble in water and is not retained by ion-exchange
reactions in the soil). Nitrate pollution is a hazard for people who use groundwater as a source of drinking water.
Although nitrate itself is not very toxic, it is converted by microbes in the human gut to nitrite, which when absorbed
into the blood strongly binds with hemoglobin (forming a compound known as methemoglobin), thereby reducing the
capacity to carry oxygen. Children are especially vulnerable to this effect; the so-called “blue-baby syndrome” refers to
oxygen-starved infants who have been poisoned by nitrate in their drinking water or food.
Nitrate pollution of groundwater is a widespread problem. A study of 900 rural wells in southern Ontario found that
15% had concentrations exceeding the safe limit (the Health Canada guideline is 10 ppm of NO3-N). A study in the
Okanagan Valley of British Columbia found that 33% of wells have nitrate contamination (Acton and Gregorich, 1995).
The dumping of raw manure can also pollute groundwater and surface waters with fecal coliforms and other intestinal
pathogens and parasites. These are health hazards to anyone using a polluted waterbody or aquifer as a source of
drinking water or even for swimming. Health Canada has set a safe limit of 50 coliforms/L for drinking water, but this
is commonly exceeded in well waters in areas where untreated manure is spread onto agricultural land. A study in
Ontario found that 32% of 900 rural wells had coliform counts that exceeded the safe limit, and another in Ile d’Orléans
in Quebec found that 83% of 35 sampled wells exceeded the limit (Acton and Gregorich, 1995).
Groundwater and surface waters can also be contaminated by agricultural pesticides, whose use has increased
enormously (Figure 24.3). Moreover, some commonly used pesticides are highly leachable in soil, with important
examples being atrazine, dinoseb, metolachlor, metribuzin, and simazine. Once a pesticide reaches groundwater, it
may persist for a long time. Atrazine, for example, persists for at least five years.
A study of 900 wells in Ontario found that 12% had detectable concentrations of pesticides (mainly atrazine), although
only 0.2% had residues exceeding the limit considered safe (5 µg/L of atrazine). Another study in the Annapolis Valley
of Nova Scotia found pesticides in 41% of domestic wells (again, most frequently atrazine), but none exceeded the safe
limit (Acton and Gregorich, 1995). Moreover, important damage has been caused to wildlife (including birds and
mammals) by seasonal residues of carbofuran, diazinon, and some other insecticides (see Chapter 22).
Figure 24.3. Changes in Pesticide Use in Agriculture in the Prairie Ecozone. Source: Modified from Acton and
Gregorich (1995).
Extremely large areas of natural habitat have been converted into agroecosystems that are used for the production of
food. This change has resulted in huge losses of natural ecosystems, and in some regions, grievous damage has been
caused to indigenous biodiversity (see Chapter 26).
Agricultural conversion is the leading cause of deforestation in the world today, particularly in subtropical and tropical
countries. In southern Canada (especially in southern Quebec and Ontario), almost all of the initially forested land with
good capability for agriculture has been converted into crop production (or into urbanized land-use). The deforestation
has imperilled the Carolinian ecosystem and its many endangered species in southwestern Ontario (see Chapters 8 and
26). Similarly, the tall-grass prairie of southeastern Manitoba and southwestern Ontario (the Windsor area) has become
endangered through agricultural conversion, as have the semi-desert and desert of extreme southern Saskatchewan,
Alberta, and British Columbia. Although not yet critically endangered, the mixed-grass and short-grass prairies of
western Canada are also threatened by agricultural conversion. In fact, most of the rare and endangered plants and
animals of the original ecosystems of southern Canada are at risk because of the loss of their natural habitat to
The damage to biodiversity occurs because agricultural ecosystems typically provide poor habitat for native species.
This is because agroecosystems are simple in their physical structure (especially compared with natural forest) and are
strongly dominated by alien plants and animals. For example, natural hardwood forest in Quebec and Ontario may
sustain a diverse assemblage of hundreds of native vascular plants, bryophytes, and lichens, as well as more than 80
species of birds and other vertebrate animals and perhaps thousands of invertebrates. When that natural forest is
converted to, for example, cultivated pasture for livestock, it becomes dominated by only a few forage plants that are
not native to Canada. Those aliens include barnyard grass (Dactylis glomerata), meadow grass (Alopecurus pratensis),
ryegrass (Lolium perenne and L. multiflorum), timothy (Phleum pratense), alfalfa (Medicago sativa), red clover
(Trifolium pratense), and white clover (Trifolium repens). The pasture would also support other plants, including
species considered to be “weeds,” but almost all would also be aliens.
Although highly productive in an agricultural context, such pastures are extremely degraded from the ecological
perspective. The same is true, more or less, of other agroecosystems in Canada – they provide poor habitat for native
species (the only notable exception is unbroken pasture in the Prairie Provinces, or grazing land that has never been
ploughed and sown with alien forage plants).
The conversion of natural ecosystems into agroecosystems is an ongoing process in all countries. Private organizations
such as the Nature Conservancy of Canada and other land trusts are attempting to purchase the best surviving tracts
of natural habitat in order to protect them from being destroyed. To some degree, governmental conservation agencies
are also working to do this. However, limited funds are available for this purpose, and the losses of natural habitat are
proceeding rapidly (see Chapter 26).
Image 24.4. Orchards of apples, peaches, and pears are forest-like in structure, but they contain only one
species of tree (the crop) and are intensively managed to increase production and to control pests and diseases.
Few native species are able to use these kinds of habitats. This orchard is on the Niagara Peninsula of southern
Ontario. Source: B. Freedman.
Deforestation and other conversions of natural habitat to agricultural use result in enormous emissions of carbon
dioxide into the atmosphere (see Chapter 17). Natural ecosystems store a large amount of carbon in their plant biomass
and soil. Because agroecosystems store much less organic carbon, a consequence of agricultural conversion is a large
emission of CO2 to the atmosphere. Since 1850, such conversions have resulted in almost as much CO2 emission as has
occurred through the combustion of fossil fuels. Prior to 1750, the atmospheric concentration of CO2 was about 280
ppm, but by 2014 it had reached 399 ppm, a 43% increase. This change in atmospheric chemistry is an important
problem because the increasing CO2 may be helping to intensify Earth’s greenhouse effect. In fact, increased CO2 is
responsible for about 60% of anthropogenic climate warming.
In addition, the use of nitrogen fertilizer results in high concentrations of nitrate occurring in the soil. This encourages
the process of denitrification, which results in the emission of nitrous oxide (N2O) to the atmosphere (Chapter 5). N2O
is also a greenhouse gas, having 310 times the warming potential of CO2. The atmospheric concentration of N2O has
increased from about 0.27 ppm in 1750 to 0.33 ppm in 2014; this gas is responsible for about 5% of anthropogenic
climate warming.
Organic Agriculture
In organic agriculture, crops are grown using relatively “natural” methods of maintaining soil fertility, and pest-control
methods do not involve synthetic pesticides. Compared with conventional agricultural systems, less environmental
damage is associated with organic agriculture, and it tends to result in more stable crop yields, which may even be
Figure 24.4. Comparison of Conventional and Organic Agriculture in Southern Ontario. Gross margin is the
revenue from the sale of the crop minus the direct costs of its production. The data are five-year averages
during 1986–1990, involving the study of 234 ha of land managed by conventional practices and 228 ha of
organic agriculture. Source: Data from Henning (1994).
A major focus of organic agriculture is the maintenance of soil fertility by enhancing natural pathways of nutrient
cycling as well as soil tilth. In natural ecosystems, microorganisms continuously recycle inorganic nutrients (such as
nitrate, ammonium, and phosphate) from dead organic matter, most of which is plant litter. The microbes metabolize
the complex organic forms of nutrients, converting them to simple inorganic molecules. The fixation of atmospheric
N2 by microorganisms is also an important source of nitrogen input in organic agriculture (this involves legume-
bacterial mutualisms as well as free-living bacteria; see Chapter 5). Overall, the release of inorganic nutrients is
typically slow enough that they can be effectively taken up by crop plants, so relatively little is lost to groundwater or
surface water.
In conventional agriculture, most inorganic nutrients are added directly as synthetic fertilizer. In contrast, organic
Organic matter is also critical to maintaining tilth, a vital soil property that helps to:
In contrast, tilth becomes degraded in conventional agriculture because frequent ploughing increases the
decomposition of soil organic matter, even while there are relatively small inputs of new organic matter from crop
debris, and heavy machines compact the soil.
Organic farmers enhance the organic content and fertility of cultivated soil in three major ways.
1. They add livestock manure and urine (often these are first composted) to the soil because these materials contain
useful organic matter and nutrients. However, as mentioned earlier, this practice must be controlled because
excess applications can pollute groundwater and surface water with nutrients and pathogens and cause local air
pollution with ammonia and odours.
2. They add green manure, which is living plant biomass that is incorporated into the soil by ploughing. The most
fertile green manure is legume biomass, such as that of alfalfa and clover, because these fix atmospheric nitrogen
gas, making them a good organic source of nitrogenous fertilizer. Organic farmers often grow legumes in a crop
rotation to maintain soil nitrogen.
3. They add compost, or partially decomposed and humified organic material, to the soil. Composting is a partly
aerobic process by which microbes and soil animals fragment and decompose organic material, eventually forming
complex, high-molecular-weight humic substances. These are resistant to further decay and are extremely useful
as a soil conditioner and organic fertilizer.
It is important to understand that growing plants take up the same inorganic forms of nutrients (such as nitrate,
ammonium, and phosphate) from soil, regardless of whether they are supplied by organic practices or with
manufactured fertilizer. The important difference is in the role of ecological processes versus manufacturing – organic
methods rely on renewable sources of energy and materials, rather than non-renewable ones. Overall, the longer-term
effects on soil fertility and tilth using organic practices are much less damaging than those associated with
conventional agriculture.
Pest Management
All agroecosystems have problems with pests. In conventional agriculture, they are usually managed using pesticides
(but often within the context of integrated pest management; see Chapter 22). Although pesticides can reduce the
effects of pests on the yield of a crop, their use may cause environmental damage. Instead of synthetic pesticides,
organic farmers rely on other methods of pest management, such as the following:
Organic farmers, as well as the consumers of their produce, must be relatively tolerant of some of the damage and
lower yields that pests may cause. For example, most consumers of organic produce are satisfied with apples that have
some blemishes caused by the scab fungus (Venturia inaequalis), and aesthetic that does not affect the nutritional
quality or safety of the apples. In conventional agriculture, this cosmetic damage is managed using fungicide, to
provide consumers with apples having a blemish-free appearance that they have been conditioned to expect in their
Intensive livestock rearing may involve keeping animals together under crowded conditions in poorly ventilated
environments, often continuously exposed to their own manure and urine. Animals kept in such unsanitary conditions
are vulnerable to infection, which may retard their growth or kill them. In conventional agriculture, this problem is
managed partly through the use of antibiotics, which may be given to sick animals or as a prophylactic treatment by
adding them continuously to the feed of an entire herd.
Ultimately, humans are exposed to small residues of antibiotics when they eat the products of these animals. Although
this low-level exposure has not been conclusively demonstrated to pose an unacceptable health risk to people, the
issue is nevertheless controversial. One potential problem lies in the development of antibiotic-resistant pathogens,
which can result in antibiotics becoming less effective for medical purposes.
Organic farmers might use antibiotics to treat an infection in a particular sick animal, but they do not continuously add
them to livestock feed. In addition, many raise their animals under more open and sanitary conditions than those used
in conventional agriculture. Animals that are relatively free of the stresses of crowding and constant exposure to
manure are more resistant to diseases and have less need for antibiotic treatment.
In addition, some industrial systems for raising livestock use synthetic hormones, such as bovine growth hormone, to
increase the growth rate of animals or the production of milk. Inevitably, these hormones persist as trace contaminants
in animal products that are consumed by humans. Although no risk to humans has been conclusively demonstrated
from these exposures, there is controversy about the potential effects. Organic farmers do not use synthetic growth
hormones to enhance the productivity of their livestock.
Another recent innovation in agriculture is the use of so-called transgenic crops, which have been genetically modified
by the introduction of genetic material (DNA or RNA) from another species (see Environmental Issues 6.1). The intent of
this bioengineering is to confer some advantage to the crop that cannot be developed through selective breeding,
which relies only on the intrinsic genetic information (the genome) that is naturally present in the species.
Varieties of several important crops are transgenic and have been patented by the private companies that developed
and market them. For example, a transgenic variety of canola is resistant to glyphosate, which allows that herbicide to
be used as part of the management system. Transgenic varieties of potato and maize produce the insecticide that is
naturally synthesized by B.t. and so are resistant to some insect pests. Transgenic crops are increasingly being grown
in conventional agriculture in Canada and elsewhere, but they are not generally used in organic agriculture.
Many people believe that organically grown food is safer or more nutritious than food grown by conventional
From the environmental perspective, the most important benefits of organic agriculture are the reduced use of non-
renewable sources of energy and materials, better health of the agroecosystem, and enhanced sustainability of food
However, it appears that organic agricultural systems will not become more widely adopted until a number of socio-
economic conditions change. First, more consumers must be willing to pay the often slightly higher costs of
organically grown food and to accept a lower aesthetic quality in certain products. Second, vested agricultural
interests in business, government, and universities must become more sympathetic to the goals and softer
environmental impact of organic agriculture. These institutions must support more research to advance organic
agriculture and promote its use. Finally, the practitioners of conventional agricultural systems must deal more directly
with the environmental damage that is associated with their activities, especially the use of manufactured pesticides
and fertilizers. If this were done, it would probably eliminate or even reverse the existing price differential between
food produced by organic and by conventional agricultural systems.
Agriculture is a huge and necessary enterprise because it provides food for billions of people. A variety of crops are
grown in various parts of the world, many of them domesticated, but only a few key ones account for most of the food
production. These are barley, maize, manioc, potato, rice, sorghum, soybean, sweet potato, and wheat. Much
environmental damage is associated with agriculture, including pollution, degraded land capability, and the destruction
of natural habitats. In addition, livestock are not treated well in the industrial agro-food system, often being subjected
to unnecessarily inhumane conditions while being reared, transported, or slaughtered. Much of the damage associated
with agriculture can be avoided by using more organic means of production and processing. This is the major
environmental advantage of organic foods, along with a perception of health benefits by many consumers. Although
organic foods are usually somewhat more expensive to purchase, the price differential is more than offset by the
environmental benefits from improved stewardship of land, the conservation of resources, and decreased pollution.
1. What are the processes by which plants and animals become domesticated? How do these processes work?
2. Make a list of the most important food crops, both plant and animal, that are grown in Canada. For comparison,
make a list for any selected country not in North America.
3. Make a list of the most important environmental effects of agriculture. Which of them do you think could be
avoided relatively easily, and which not?
4. How is the production of agricultural crops important to you? How does agriculture contribute to the size and
functioning of the Canadian economy?
Exploring Issues
1. Select a crop plant or animal that is cultivated in the province where you live. Use the website of your provincial
agricultural department to find out the practices that are recommended for growing the crop and what its
production costs and economic value are.
2. Make a list of key agricultural practices (such as tillage, planting, fertilizer application, and pest control), and
compare how they are done in conventional and organic agriculture. Based on your comparison, to what degree do
you think organic agriculture causes fewer environmental damages than conventional practices?
3. A committee of the House of Commons is examining organic agriculture in Canada. The committee has asked you
to compare the environmental effects of conventional and organic agricultural practices. What information about
crop production and ecological impact would you assemble for the committee?
Acton, D.F. and L.J. Gregorich (eds.). 1995. The Health of Our Soils: Toward Sustainable Agriculture in Canada.
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Ottawa, ON.
Agriculture Canada. 2014. Recommended Code of Practice for the Care and Handling of Pigs. Agriculture Canada,
Ottawa, ON. http://www.nfacc.ca/codes-of-practice/pig-code
Agriculture Canada. 1989. Recommended Code of Practice for the Care and Handling of Poultry. Agriculture Canada,
Ottawa, ON. http://www.agr.gc.ca/misb/aisd/poultry/pub1757e.pdf
Agriculture Canada. 2009. Code of Practice for the Care and Handling of Dairy Cattle. Agriculture Canada, Ottawa,
ON. http://www.nfacc.ca/codes-of-practice/dairy-cattle/code
Agriculture Canada. 2013. Recommended Code of Practice for the Care and Handling of Farm Animals: Beef Cattle.
Agriculture Canada, Ottawa, ON. https://www.nfacc.ca/codes-of-practice/beef-cattle
Atlantic Potato Committee. 1993. Atlantic Canada Potato Guide. Atlantic Provinces Agricultural Services Co-ordinating
Committee, Fredericton, NB.
Clements, D. and A. Shrestra. 2004. New Dimensions in Agroecology. Food Products Press, New York, NY.
Conford, P. (ed.). 1992. A Future for the Land. Organic Practice from a Global Perspective. Green Books, Bideford, UK.
Diamond, J. 1999. Guns, Germs, and Steel. The Fates of Human Societies. W.W. Norton, New York. Environment Canada.
1996. The State of Canada’s Environment, 1996. Government of Canada, Ottawa, ON.
Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations (FAO). 2015. FAOSTAT database. http://faostat3.fao.org/
Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO). 2007. Sustainable development of drylands and combating
desertification. http://www.fao.org/docrep/v0265e/v0265e00.htm
Gliessman, S.R. 1997. Agroecology: Ecological Processes in Sustainable Agriculture. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL.
Hansen, A.L. 2010. The Organic Farming Manual: A Comprehensive Guide to Starting and Running a Certified Organic
Farm. Storey Publishing, North Adams, MA.
Hausenbuiller, R.L. 1985. Soil Science: Principle and Practices. 3rd ed. Wm. C. Brown, Dubuque, IA.
Henning, J. 1994. Economics of organic farming in Canada. Pp. 143-159 in: The Economics of Organic Farming. An
International Perspective. (N.H. Lampkin, and S. Padel, eds.). CAB International Publishers, New York, NY.
Howard, A. 2007. The Soil and Health: A Study of Organic Agriculture. The University Press of Kentucky, Lexington, KY.
Loomis, R.S. and D.J. Connor. 1992. Crop Ecology: Productivity and Management in Agricultural Systems. Cambridge
University Press, Cambridge, UK.
Magdoff, F. and R.R. Weil. 2004. Soil Organic Matter in Sustainable Agriculture. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL.
Soule, J.D. and J.K. Piper. 1992. Farming in Nature’s Image: An Ecological Approach to Agriculture. Island Press, New
York, NY.
Statistics Canada. 2009. Manure production, Canada, major drainage areas and sub-drainage
areas. http://www5.statcan.gc.ca/cansim/
Statistics Canada. 2015a. CANSIM. Table 001-0010. Areas, yield, production and farm price of principal field
crops. http://www5.statcan.gc.ca/cansim/
Statistics Canada. 2015b. CANSIM. Table 001-0014. Area, production and farm value of
potatoes. http://www5.statcan.gc.ca/cansim/
1. Explain the factors that allow cities to exist and support their human population.
2. Describe recent trends of rapid urbanization.
3. Describe the structural and functional characteristics of the urban ecosystem.
4. Define the concept of an ecological footprint.
5. Explain the essential elements of urban planning and how it has affected land-use in Canadian cities.
6. List the major kinds of urban pollution and describe their causes and recent trends in Canadian cities.
7. Describe the methods of waste management.
8. Compare the management of solid waste and sewage among Canadian cities.
9. Explain the major elements of urban biodiversity and how it can be better managed through the naturalization of
Urban areas are cities, towns, and other places where people live in a compact population. Most urban people are
engaged in economic activities that function efficiently in dense populations, such as commerce, education,
manufacturing, and services. In contrast, resource-based economic activities, such as cultivating food and harvesting
minerals, fossil fuels, timber, or wildlife, occur primarily in rural areas.
Urban areas import energy, food, and materials from the local countryside, as well as from more distant regions of
their country, in addition to other nations around the world in an increasingly global commerce. The resource-related
connections between cities and rural areas exist at all spatial scales (local, regional, and global) and are an integral but
often insufficiently appreciated aspect of urban ecology.
The development of dense habitations (initially small villages) during human cultural evolution began about
10-thousand years ago, when early agricultural practices allowed the production of local surpluses of food (harvests
that exceeded the subsistence needs of the farmers themselves). The excess food encouraged the development of
specialized occupations that were most efficiently performed in a central place such as a village or town. New societal
activities included organized religion and political systems, artisanal manufacturing, and the means of administering
these over wide areas through hierarchical economic, political, religious, and military structures.
The first villages were probably supported by both settled agriculture and local hunting-and-gathering activities. By
about 9,000 years ago, small farming villages were relatively widespread in some regions, particularly in the Fertile
Crescent of the Middle East (see Chapter 24). By 8,500 years ago, that region boasted sizeable walled towns. Similar
developments also occurred in China and probably elsewhere in southern Asia.
From these humble beginnings, urbanization of the human population has proceeded apace, and especially rapidly
during the past century. Only about 2.5% of the human population lived in towns and cities in 1800, and 5-10% in 1900.
Today, about half of the human population lives in urban places, and this is predicted to rise to two-thirds by 2025 (or
In Canada, about 20% of the population lived in towns and cities in 1871, increasing to 38% in 1900, 63% in 1950, and
81% in 2011 (of which 45% live in cities larger than 750-thousand people; Chapter 11).
In 1750, few cities supported more than 50-thousand people – London was the only one in England, and there were
none in North America. In 1830, New York and Philadelphia were the only American cities with a population greater
than 100-thousand. By 1910, however, 52 cities in North America supported more than 100-thousand people (New York
was the largest, with more than 1 million). In 1950, New York and Tokyo were the only two megacities in the world (that
is, having a population greater than 10 million). In 2014, there were 537 cities supporting more than 1 million people,
including 35 megacities, of which 29 were in the developing world (Brinkhoff, 2015). The largest megacities are listed in
Table 10.5.
No effective discussion of urban population policies has occurred in any country. Consequently, no population policies
exist for urban areas in Canada or elsewhere. The key issues are how large should cities be in order to provide people
with safe and clean places to live, while also supplying the goods and services that urban areas can deliver most
effectively? If the largest cities are considered overpopulated, how can continued population growth be discouraged?
Can people be encouraged to move to smaller centres? These and other questions related to urban population policies
are extremely controversial, but all will have to be addressed.
Image 25.1. Urban environments are highly artificial. This shopping atrium in Toronto has semi-natural light, an
atmosphere that is temperature-controlled for comfort, some potted plants (all tropical species), a flock of
fibreglass Canada geese, and an overall ambience that is contrived to stimulate consumerism. Source: B.
Urban Ecosystems
Any urbanized area can be viewed as being an ecosystem, because it has the following ecological attributes:
1. a need for enormous inputs of energy and materials to sustain its human population and its diverse economic
activities, and to maintain its structure and grow
2. a complex metabolism, including well-developed webs of transfer, processing, and storage of materials, energy,
and information among interacting organisms and economic sectors
3. and immense outputs of heat and other waste materials, which are disposed of in surrounding ecosystems, causing
pollution and other environmental problems
Of course, the habitats of cities and towns are very strongly influenced by human activities. Collectively they comprise
an urban–industrial techno-ecosystem (Chapter 8). The structure of this anthropogenic ecosystem is dominated by the
businesses, dwellings, factories, roads, and other infrastructure of the human economy, while also supporting
manicured green space as well as remnants of natural habitats in parks and other less-developed spaces. Although
humans are the dominant species in the urban ecosystem, many other species are also supported, most of which are
All urban areas are intrinsically dependent on surrounding ecosystems to provide them with necessary resources and
to assimilate wastes that are generated. The ecological footprint (or eco-footprint) of an urban population is the area of
ecoscape (landscape and seascape) that is needed to supply the necessary food, energy, materials, waste disposal, and
other crucial goods and services. As a global average, the average human has an eco-footprint of about 2.7 hectares,
but there are only 1.8 ha of bio-productive land and water on Earth (Ewing et al., 2010). This means that the human
enterprise has already overshot global bio-capacity by 30%, and is now operating on an unsustainable basis by
depleting the remaining stocks of “natural capital”. Note that, in the context of ecological footprints, these data are
measures in “global hectares” (gha), which represent the average productivity of all bio-productive habitats on Earth or
in a country, including agricultural land, forests, and fishing grounds, but not including desert, glaciers, or the open
An average Canadian has an ecological footprint of about 7.3 global hectares (2007 data; Ewing et al., 2010). This is the
seventh-most intensive national per-capita footprint in the world, after the United Arab Emirates (10.7 gha), Qatar (10.5
gha), Denmark (8.3 gha), Belgium (8.0 gha), the United States (8.0 gha), and Estonia (7.9 gha).
Here are some additional comparisons among wealthier countries: Australia (6.8 gha), Kuwait (6.3 gha), Ireland (6.3
gha), Norway (5.6 gha), France (5.0 gha), Germany (5.0 gha), United Kingdom (4.9 gha), and Japan(4.7 gha). The rapidly-
growing economies include Russia (4.4 gha), Brazil (2.2 gha), China (2.2 gha), and India (0.9 gha).
Of course, people living in poorer countries have much smaller ecological footprints: Afghanistan (0.6 gha), Bangladesh
(0.6 gha), Haiti (0.7 gha), Burundi (0.9 gha), Ethiopia (1.1 gha), Vietnam (1.4 gha), and Peru, (1.5 gha).
The major influences on the differences in these ecological footprints are related to the intensity of energy and
material use and waste production within the national economies. The per-capita ecological footprint of Canada is
about 7.0 global hectares per person, while the bio-capacity is 14.9 gha (Figure 25.1). The major elements of the
footprint are related to emissions of carbon dioxide (a greenhouse gas; this is known as the “carbon footprint”) and
activities associated with harvesting or otherwise damaging forests and engaging in agricultural and fishing activities.
The major contributions to bio-capacity are ecosystem services related to Canada’s extensive areas of forest,
agricultural land, and fishing grounds. Overall, the bio-capacity of Canada is about double the ecological footprint.
Figure 25.1. The Ecological Footprint of an Average Canadian. The data are in percentages, based on the relative
contribution of each category to the (a) per-capita ecological footprint or (b) the bio-capacity of Canada. The
data are related to the area of bio-productive habitat that is needed to provide resources and to assimilate
waste products. Note that the data for the carbon footprint are the hectares needed to provide fossil-fuel
CO2 offsets, such as the area of forest whose productivity compensates for the energy content of an amount of
fossil fuel used, or that fixes atmospheric CO2at a comparable rate. Source: Data from Ewing et al. (2010).
1. Toronto 39.1
2. Montreal 26.8
3. Vancouver 16.2
4. Ottawa-Hull 8.7
These footprints are about 71 times larger than the actual areas of these cities. Without such enormous regions to draw
upon for resources, these and all other urban areas would be unable to survive.
Urban Planning
Urban ecosystems have extremely complex structures and functions (although not more so than natural ecosystems).
To some degree, their development has occurred in an orderly fashion, with certain areas being designated for
particular kinds of structures and activities. Urban planning is the active process of designing and organizing the
structure and function of cities. As such, urban planning contributes to the information needed by legislators and other
decision makers as they develop sensible and efficient siting of the following:
• buildings, including homes, commercial properties, institutions (such as hospitals and schools), and industrial
• infrastructure for transportation, utilities, and waste management, such as roads, railways, public-transit routes,
electrical transmission and pipeline corridors, sewers and sewage-treatment facilities, and solid-waste disposal
• greenspaces, including playing fields and horticultural and natural-area parks
Well-planned urban areas have relatively pleasant neighbourhoods where people live and work. In contrast, poorly
planned cities are chaotic, dirty, and unpleasant. In general, urban planning is most effective in wealthy developed
countries such as Canada, but much less so in poorer developing countries where the population is growing and
urbanization is proceeding most rapidly.
The dominant planning paradigm of the past 60 years has involved the segregation of major land-uses and economic
activities into different areas. This kind of strategy has greatly influenced the design of modern cities, including all
those in Canada. It has resulted in many urban people living in discrete inner-city neighbourhoods or more distant
suburbs, while shopping in large malls, working in factory or office complexes and industrial parks, and commuting
long distances among these land-use types. However, this type of planning has contributed to some important urban
problems, including the following:
• the rapid growth of huge, multi-city, urbanized regions (sometimes known as conurbations)
• the inefficient segregation of residences from places of work and commerce
• long commuting times for workers
• congested transportation systems
• a decay of neighbourhood life
• environmental problems such as air and water pollution, wasteful use of energy and materials, paving of valuable
farmland (many urban areas are located on excellent agricultural land), and losses of natural habitat
Some of these issues are examined in more detail later in this chapter.
The paradigm of widely segregated land-use is now being challenged by the concept of a more integrated
“neighbourhood” design. This involves the development of relatively compact, self-sufficient communities that contain
a mixture of residential and commercial land-uses. In some respects, this harkens back to more traditional elements of
Urban Land-Use
Urbanized areas cover about 20 000 km2 of Canada, only 0.2% of the total land. Canada is, nevertheless, a highly
urbanized country because 81% of its population (about 22 million people) lives in cities and towns.
Although patterns of land-use vary among cities in Canada, the dominant uses are for residential, commercial,
industrial, and transportation purposes (Figure 25.2). As such, urban areas are mostly occupied by: single-family
homes, duplexes, and apartment buildings; commercial, industrial, and institutional buildings; parking lots and paved
roads; and other built structures. Non-paved areas are mostly grassy lawns. All of these urban “habitats” are highly
anthropogenic in character – they are, after all, places where large numbers of people live, work, and play. Some urban
greenspaces also contain habitat for elements of native biodiversity, as we examine later.
Figure 25.2. Land-Use in Some Canadian Cities. The data show the percentage distribution of land-use in 1995.
Note that the cities do not all report comparable units: Vancouver and Ottawa do not report agricultural land,
Environmental Issues 25.1. Urban Sprawl Canadian cities are growing rapidly for two reasons: (1) most
immigrants prefer to live in urban areas, and (2) there is immigration from rural districts. Both of these groups
All cities and towns in Canada are located on land that was formerly occupied by natural ecosystems. However,
much of the sprawl that is occurring today involves the conversion of agroecosystems into urbanized areas.
When the agricultural land is lost, there is a depletion of the ability of the landscape to provide food. This is an
important problem in parts of southern Canada, where much of the highest-capability land in the country is
being converted into residential and commercial uses of cities.
Urban sprawl is also a threat to natural habitats, particularly in areas that sustain rare ecosystems. For example,
the area around Victoria is the only place in Canada where dry forest dominated by Garry oak (Quercus
garryana) occurs. This is habitat to many rare species and is one of our most endangered natural ecosystems.
The expansion of residential areas is the greatest risk to this coastal oak forest. Conservation agencies in
government and the private sector, including the Nature Conservancy of Canada, are trying to protect the
surviving patches of this rare forest.
Urban sprawl can also be a threat to the ability of landscapes to provide key environmental “services,” such as
clean water. One such case involves an area known as the Oak Ridges Moraine, which has become a rallying
point for habitat protection against further urbanization in the Greater Toronto Area. The moraine is a 160-km-
long, 1950-km2 ridge located north of the city, and it is composed of hilly terrain underlain by glacial sand and
gravel. Because of its rough topography and poor fertility, much of its area has remained forested or is used for
pasture or other low-intensity agricultural purposes. Groundwater originating in the moraine is a source of
well-water recharge for about 250-thousand people and is a source of 65 rivers and streams and many
wetlands. However, with the rapid growth of the greater Toronto region, the moraine has been subjected to
increasing pressure from residential and commercial development. Extensive clearing of its forested and
pasture areas would degrade the ability of the moraine to provide clean groundwater for use by people and to
support streams and wetlands. Loss of the remaining forest would also destroy habitat for native species that
are rare in the region.
In response to intense lobbying from groups seeking to limit new developments on the moraine, the
Government of Ontario formed an advisory panel to provide advice about the regulation of land-use. The panel
provided many recommendations, including the need to protect 92% of the moraine from intensive
development, and these were key in the preparation of The Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Act, 2001. The
Act was used to prepare a land-use plan, including provisions for core natural areas and linkages among them,
comprising about 62% of the moraine. In 2002, the premier of Ontario announced the formation of a non-profit
Oak Ridges Moraine Foundation and provided it with $15 million to fund public education, monitor the moraine,
develop trails, and secure natural habitats. The federal government also announced that land it owns on the
moraine, about 30 km2, would be kept as greenspace. In addition, the Nature Conservancy of Canada has been
acquiring properties of high conservation value and is setting them aside as protected areas.
These are positive actions, although there is still pressure from some landowners to allow more residential and
commercial development in the area. Fortunately, however, these pressures have mostly been resisted and
there is continuing progress in the conservation of greenspace in the Oak Ridges Moraine.
Urban Transportation
All urban areas have complex systems for moving people and goods. The physical infrastructure for transportation
includes roads, parking lots, railroads, subways, airports, and water routes, plus the many kinds of vehicles that operate
on these corridors. From the turn of the twentieth century to the 1950s, public transit systems were the most
Figure 25.3. Changes in Urban Transportation in Canada. The data show the trends in the use of urban transit
systems and in automobile ownership. The jumps in the data series in certain years reflect changes in the ways
that the data were reported. Source: Data are from Statistics Canada (2006, 2014) and APTA (2014).
Most urban transportation involves the use of motorized vehicles (Figure 25.4). On average, about 93% of passenger-
kilometres are travelled by private vehicle (car or light truck), and only 4%, by bus; 3%, by rapid transit and rail; and less
than 1% by other means (such as bicycles). About 75% of trips are made by car or truck; 14%, by public transit; 10%, by
walking; and 1%, by bicycle. In general, larger cities have a better developed infrastructure for public transit. For
example, in Metropolitan Toronto, 65% of total trips are by automobile or small truck, 30%, by public transit, 4%, on
foot, and 1%, by bicycle (NRTEE, 1998).
Figure 25.4. Means of Transportation in Some Canadian Cities. Data are for 1995 and are the percentages of the
total passenger-kilometres travelled within the various cities. Source: Data from National Round Table on the
Environment and Economy (1998).
Figure 25.5. Costs of Transportation in Canada. Data are for 2013 and are the average annual per-capita
expenditures on transportation. The value in the pie wedges indicates the annual expenditure in current
dollars, and the area represents the percentage of the total. Sourcs: Data from Transport Canada (2014).
Image 25.2. A large amount of space is allocated to cars and other vehicles in cities, particularly roads and
parking areas. If intelligent life forms on a voyage of discovery were to hover in their spacecraft over a Canadian
city, they might initially conclude that the dominant form of life is the automobile. Source: B. Freedman.
In Detail 25.1. The Bicycle: A Green Machine Invented in the late nineteenth century, the bicycle rapidly became
recognized as an efficient, safe, and fun way to get around. Even today, with all of the advances in technologies
for powered transportation, the bicycle is still the most efficient means of transporting people on land. This
fact is illustrated by comparing the energy typically used to transport a passenger using various technologies
(Holcomb, 1987):
Unlike motorized transportation, riding a bicycle does not emit air pollutants such as NOx, SO2, hydrocarbons,
However, bicycle riding can be dangerous, mostly because of the risk of collisions with motor vehicles. About
2% of vehicle-related deaths in North America involve bicyclists (motor-vehicle accidents are the other 98%,
but the per-trip and per-kilometre risk of death associated with bicycle use is more than twice as great;
Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, 2014). In the United States in 2012, there were 772 bicycle-related
fatalities, and Canadian data are about 10% of that. However, bicycle fatalities have decreased by 24% since 1975
because most cyclists now wear a helmet (98% of fatalities involve people without a helmet). Safer bicycle use
requires separate lanes along busy roadways, improved awareness by automobile and truck drivers of the need
to share the road with bicycle riders (and vice versa), and increased use of safety equipment by bicyclists,
especially helmets and lights and reflective devices at night. The use of bicycles in cities can be encouraged in
the following ways:
• by developing a network of cycleways (separate paths for bicycles), bike lanes, and paved shoulders on major
• by providing secure parking facilities at workplaces and public-transit stations (the latter is known as “bike
and ride”)
• by having a fleet of bicycles for free use or inexpensive rental from a network of pick-up centres (this system,
first used in several European cities, is being tried on a smaller scale in North America, including Montreal)
• by educating people about the advantages of bicycle transport and safety issues.
Other ways to increase bicycle use would be much more difficult to implement. For example, urban-planning
options could encourage people to live closer to their workplaces, giving them shorter commutes. In addition,
legislation could ensure that people using motorized transport pay the full costs of their choice of
transportation by withdrawing subsidies for the construction of roads, bridges, parking lots, and other
infrastructure and by applying realistic taxes (such as user fees) to offset the costs of associated air pollution
and resource depletion.
Urban Pollution
Urban pollution includes elevated concentrations of chemicals and particulates, increased noise and heat, and
impaired aesthetics. We briefly examine each of these topics in the following sections.
Chemical Pollution
Urban environments commonly have higher concentrations of various chemicals than typically occur in rural places. As
well, a wider range of chemicals is present, including many synthetic ones. Often, chemical pollution of the urban
environment is intense enough to damage the health of people, animals, and vegetation.
• Hydrocarbon spills: Liquid hydrocarbons, such as gasoline, fuel oil, paints, and solvents (such as those used in dry-
cleaning) are stored in many places. This includes underground tanks at gasoline stations and fuel-oil tanks in
homes and at commercial, industrial, and institutional buildings. Smaller amounts of fuels are contained in all cars,
trucks, and other vehicles. Spills of some kinds of liquid fuels, such as gasoline, can be extremely hazardous
because of the risk of fire or explosion. In addition, if liquid hydrocarbons are spilled onto soil, they quickly
penetrate and cause local pollution of the groundwater, which may then spread widely as a plume of tainted water.
This can ruin the usefulness of an aquifer as drinking water: as little as 1 ppm of hydrocarbons can result in
discernible tainting and even smaller concentrations of some chemicals are considered a health risk. It is difficult
or impossible to contain a hydrocarbon spill once it reaches groundwater or to fully rehabilitate a polluted aquifer.
It is much easier to avoid hydrocarbon spills than to deal with the environmental damage they cause.
• Metals: Urban soil can become polluted by metals in many ways. For example, people who live near metal-
recycling factories may be exposed to pollution through dustfall from the atmosphere. In one case, severe
pollution was found in a downtown Toronto residential neighbourhood near a car-battery recycling factory. Lead
in surface soil near the factory exceeded several thousand ppm (one sample had >5% lead), and some residents had
elevated lead in their blood and hair. This astonishing land-use conflict occurred because of earlier, inappropriate
land-use zoning, when less attention was placed on environmental concerns. However, the battery-recycling
factory still remains in the residential neighbourhood, although it operates much more cleanly than in the past.
Lead pollution of urban soil has also been caused by residues of old paint, which often had very high
concentrations of lead-containing pigments (commonly reaching 38% in the dried residue), especially in white and
red colours. (Lead is now mostly replaced in household paints by titanium and other less-toxic metals). Soil close
to busy highways is also affected by leaded gasoline (this problem has dissipated since the 1990 ban on leaded
gasoline; see Figure 25.6 and Chapter 18).
Eutrophication is another kind of urban pollution. Lakes and rivers in urban areas often have an enriched nutrient
supply, which results in increased productivity and eutrophication. The nutrient inputs originate from fertilizer use in
horticulture, leaching from septic fields, and sometimes the dumping of sewage. Urban waterbodies are also commonly
polluted with coliform bacteria and other intestinal pathogens and parasites that originate with sewage and surface
runoff contaminated by pet and bird feces. Lakes and rivers may also be affected by spilled fuel, metals, garbage
dumping, and sedimentation by soil eroded during construction activities. Any of these influences on urban lakes may
render them less suitable or even unfit as a source of drinking water or for recreational purposes. Eutrophication and
sedimentation also cause significant ecological damage in many urban waterbodies.
Urban air pollution can also be severe, causing life-threatening health problems for many people, particularly the old
or very young and those with respiratory diseases. Severe pollution by sulphur dioxide and particulates was once
common in North American and European cities, when coal was burned as an industrial and residential fuel. This
problem has, however, been greatly alleviated since the early 1960s because of clean-air regulations (Chapter 16).
However, this kind of reducing smog is still severe and even worsening in many rapidly developing countries, where a
lower priority is given to enforcing clean-air laws.
In spite of great improvements since the 1960s, cities in Canada and other developed countries continue to be affected
by significant levels of air pollution (Chapter 16; Figure 25.6). The following are particularly important.
• SO2 and NOx gases: Although so-called reducing smog is much less of a problem than before, urban atmospheres
still have higher concentrations of SO2 and NOx than rural areas. The dry deposition of these gases damages
marble, limestone, sandstone, and other acid-sensitive building materials and statues, and it contributes to the
acidification of aquatic habitats (Chapter 19). In addition, these gases may be directly toxic to sensitive urban
Figure 25.6. Air Quality Trends in Canada. These data are from sampling stations located throughout Canada,
but mostly in urban areas. Source: Data from Environment Canada (2014).
The climate of urban regions is different from that of nearby rural areas. Compared with rural areas, cities typically
exhibit the following characteristics:
Thermal Pollution
Thermal pollution occurs when an increase in environmental temperature is sufficient to result in ecological damage.
This may be due to the direct discharge of heat into the environment, often from a point source into an aquatic
ecosystem. As the water becomes warmer, the respiration of poikilothermic (cold-blooded) organisms increases, about
doubling in rate for every 10°C increase in temperature. At the same time, the amount of dissolved oxygen in the water
decreases (because the solubility of gases is less in warm water). The increased metabolism and decreased oxygen
cause physiological stress to aquatic organisms. Associated ecological problems include changes in the communities of
fish, invertebrates, aquatic plants, and algae. Extreme thermal pollution can result in anoxic water, accelerated
Thermal pollution is associated with discharges of warmed water from fossil-fuelled or nuclear-power plants or other
large industrial facilities. These places often use a local waterbody as a source of cooling water. The warmed water is
then returned to the environment to dissipate its increased heat content. Because power plants are typically 30-40%
efficient in converting the energy content of their fuel into electricity, the other 60-70% of that energy must be
dissipated. A power plant employs heat exchangers to warm the cooling water, which is then released into the
However, some receiving waterbodies may be too small to absorb all of the heat received without becoming excessively
warmed (for example, by more than about 5°C) and suffering ecological damage. In such cases, some of the heat may
be dissipated into the atmosphere using special facilities, such as a constructed, shallow cooling pond, in which surface
evaporation cools the water before its release into the natural environment. Alternatives include a “wet” cooling tower,
in which the water is cooled by spraying it into the air, or a “dry” cooling tower, which uses a system of heat
exchangers to transfer heat to the atmosphere (these options are uncommon because of their high costs of
construction and operation). Better yet, some of the “waste” heat may be used to warm nearby buildings, or in
commercial greenhouses to grow vegetable crops in winter (as occurs near the Bruce Nuclear Generating Station in
Ontario), or in an aquaculture facility to grow fish (this is more commonly done in Europe).
Noise Pollution
Urban areas are typically much noisier than rural ones. Most of the noise comes from the operation of various kinds of
machines that are abundant in urban places, such as air conditioners, lawnmowers, automobiles, heavy trucks, and air
compressors. Loud music may also be important. Noise pollution begins when the level of ambient sound becomes
distracting to the normal activities of people, for example, by making it difficult to understand a conversation or to
have a restful sleep.
Noise intensity (also called sound pressure or loudness) is measured in units of decibels (dB). An increase of 10 dB is
approximately equivalent to a doubling of the loudness. When the distance from a point source is doubled, the noise
level decreases by about 6 dB. However, when the distance from a linear source of noise (such as a busy highway) is
doubled, the sound level decreases by only about 3 dB.
At a high intensity, noise pollution can cause a progressive and enduring hearing impairment, which begins with a
decreased ability to perceive higher-pitched sound. Under prolonged exposure, the hearing loss may progress through
much of the auditory range. Hearing loss is caused by both the duration and intensity of exposure. For example, an
occupational exposure to 115 dB may be permitted for no longer than 15 minutes, while exposure to 100 dB may be
allowed for two hours and 90 dB for up to eight hours. Noise becomes painful at about 140 dB, although prolonged
exposure to levels above 80-90 dB can result in long-term hearing loss. The noise levels typically associated with
various sources are shown in Figure 25.7.
People may be exposed to excessive noise in various ways. Non-voluntary exposures occur in the ambient
environment, such as near a road with heavy traffic. Occupational exposures occur in noisy factories or in hangars
where jet engines are serviced. Voluntary exposures to excessive noise are also common, such as when people attend
thunderous rock concerts or use headphones to listen to loud music. It is well known that permanent hearing loss is
common among rock musicians as well as people who regularly listen to loud music at concerts, clubs, or using
headphones. Frequent target-shooting with firearms can also result in long-term hearing loss unless effective ear
protection is used.
Various levels of government in Canada have set criteria for permissible exposures to noise. For example, Health
Figure 25.7. Sound Pressure Levels Associated with Various Sources of Noise. Source: Data from Timerson
Aesthetic Pollution
Aesthetic pollution is substantially a matter of cultural values. It commonly involves visual images that are displeasing
to many (but not necessarily all) people. As such, the criteria for aesthetic pollution cannot be precisely defined. For
example, many people might find the following to be objectionable:
Waste Management
Any discarded materials can be viewed as waste, but there are a number of categoris:
• Solid wastes are extremely variable in composition and include discarded food, leaves and lawn clippings,
newspapers and other papers, glass and plastic bottles, cans, disposable diapers, construction debris, industrial
chemicals, old cars, and disused furniture
• Liquid wastes include sewage and discarded industrial and household fluids
• Gaseous wastes include products of combustion or industrial reactions
• Hazardous wastes are flammable, corrosive, explosive, toxic (also called toxic waste), or otherwise dangerous, and
they should either be treated before disposal or discarded into a specially designed, secure landfill to
environmental damage
People have always produced wastes of many kinds. However, the amount and complexity of discarded materials have
increased enormously as a result of industrial and technological development, coupled with the growth of population
and consumerism. Activities in urban areas produce huge amounts of waste. Waste management is the handling of
discarded materials, using various methods:
• Dumping is the long-term disposal of disused material. The disposal of solid wastes by dumping usually occurs into
a sanitary landfill (see below). Liquid wastes are most commonly discarded into a nearby lake or river, with or
without treatment to reduce the amounts of organic matter, toxins such as metals and hydrocarbons, and
pathogens. Gaseous wastes are usually dumped into the atmosphere, although the amounts of damaging gases
(such as SO2) and particulates may be reduced by pollution-control technologies.
• Incineration is the combustion of solid wastes to reduce the amount of organic material. Small-scale incineration
may involve open burning. However, incineration in urban areas and industrial plants is conducted in specially
engineered facilities designed to burn efficiently, while controlling the emissions of pollutants to the atmosphere.
The residual material, consisting of ash, metals, glass, and other non-combustibles, is usually disposed of in a
secure landfill. Overall, incinerators reduce the volume of waste by 70-90%, depending on the initial organic
content. If the heat produced is used to generate electricity or industrial steam, the incinerator is known as a
waste-to-energy facility.
• Recycling involves the processing of discarded materials into useful products. For example, aluminum pop cans
can be collected and re-manufactured into new containers or other products. Recycling is an extremely attractive
waste-management option for three major reasons: (1) it reduces the total amount of waste, (2) it recovers valuable
commodities from discarded materials, and (3) it helps to conserve non-renewable resources (such as metals and
fossil fuels) and some renewable ones (such as trees used to manufacture paper). Easily recyclable materials
include glass, all metals, most plastics, and almost all kinds of paper. In fact, these discarded materials should be
regarded as “resources” rather than “wastes.”
• Composting is a type of recycling in which discarded organic materials are allowed to partially decay under warm,
moist, oxygen-rich conditions. Backyard composting is done in simple bins or piles. To enhance the availability of
The various ways of managing waste materials differ greatly in their environmental impacts. In general, environmental
problems associated with the generation and disposal of wastes are lessened by adopting any of the following “R’s” into
our individual and corporate lifestyles: refuse (waste prevention), reduce, reuse, and recycle.
Image 25.3. Solid-waste management is an important function carried out by municipal governments. This
image shows a pile of discarded material placed at the curbside for collection. Much of this material could have
Municipal solid waste (MSW) is generated by households, businesses, and institutions such as schools and hospitals.
The components of MSW are extremely diverse, but they do not include sewage sludge (discussed in the following
section) or waste generated by heavy industry. Until fairly recently, all MSW was disposed in “open dumps,” a practice
that may still occur in smaller communities in Canada and in poorer parts of the world. Usually, an open dump is
located in a relatively out-of-the-way natural basin, such as a lake, wetland, or other low area, which is gradually in-
filled with waste. Many environmental damages are associated with open dumps, including the pollution of
groundwater and surface water by toxic leachate, foul smells, smoke from open burns used to decrease the volume of
garbage, populations of pest animals, and terrible aesthetics.
In the 1920s, engineers began to design sanitary landfills, where MSW is dumped, compacted by heavy machines (such
as bulldozers), and covered with about 10 cm of clean dirt at the end of each day. This reduces odours and populations
of rodents, gulls, insects, and other pests. Sanitary landfills became common in developed countries during the 1940s,
and advanced variations are now used by Canadian municipalities (although not by all smaller towns and villages).
Modern sanitary landfills include the following elements in their construction:
• one or several impervious linings of clay, plastic, or concrete that prevent the downward leaching of water with
high concentrations of ammonium, metals, and other toxic chemicals
• a cutoff wall of concrete or another impervious material around the edge of the landfill to prevent the sideways
migration of polluted water
• a system of pipes and gravel drains to collect leachate for treatment before the water is released into the
• a system of piping to collect methane, a greenhouse gas produced by anaerobic decomposition of organic matter
Another way of disposing of MSW is to incinerate it. During the nineteenth century, some cities burned much of their
organic garbage using crude facilities known as cremators or cone-shaped teepee-burners. However, these caused
intense local pollution and were replaced by the land-filling of MSW. Beginning in the 1930s, some cities built more-
efficient burning facilities called incinerators, but these were also dirty and most were shut down by the late 1960s.
However, beginning in the 1970s, much cleaner incinerators were built, known as waste-to-energy or resource
recovery facilities. These incinerators burn organic MSW efficiently and have technology installed to reduce the
emissions of particulates and other air pollutants. However, the ash produced is a toxic waste that must be disposed of
in a secure landfill.
All municipalities need facilities for handling their solid wastes. However, public attitudes play a crucial role in any
waste-management decisions. Any new proposal to develop a sanitary landfill, incinerator, recycling plant, or other
MSW-related facility is sure to be opposed by people living near the proposed site. This phenomenon is referred to as
NIMBY, an acronym for not in my backyard. If local opposition becomes highly vocal and widespread, municipal
bureaucrats and politicians often will not approve a proposal, which creates an important problem for those who are
attempting to deal with waste-management issues. It also strongly motivates engineers to design landfills and
incinerators to operate as cleanly as possible, while increasing the pressure for society to act to reduce and recycle
discarded materials more efficiently than in the past.
In 2006, Canadians produced over 35-million tonnes of MSW, or 1.04 t/person, of which 76% was dumped and the
other 24% diverted by recycling and composting (FCM, 2009; Statistics Canada, 2012). Of the total, 22-million tonnes
came from non-residential sources and 13 million tonnes came from residential ones. Supported by provincial
legislation that establishes targets, the highest diversion rates occur in Nova Scotia (41%) and Prince Edward Island
(38%), followed by New Brunswick (36%), British Columbia (32%) and Québec (27%). The lowest diversion rates are in
Newfoundland & Labrador (7 %) and Saskatchewan (11%).
Still, much of the dumped MSW could yet be diverted: 45% of it consists of recyclables (metals, glass, plastics) and 28%
is organic waste. Note, however, that these figures vary widely across Canada, depending on the size and density of the
urban population (diversion programs are more economic in larger centres) and on the priority placed by municipal
and provincial/territorial governments on advanced (but expensive) options for the management of solid wastes.
Increasingly, governments are requiring or encouraging options that decrease the amount of solid waste that must be
handled by land-filling or incineration.
Table 25.1. Municipal Waste Management in Canada. Data are for 2006. Disposed includes land-filled plus
incinerated waste. Diverted includes recycled and reused waste. Source: Data from Statistics Canada (2007).
Most towns and cities are developing systems to divert material away from the waste stream and they are achieving
increasing success in doing that. For example, the following cities have achieved significant diversions of residential
MSW from landfills, mostly by instituting various kinds of recycling programs (FCM, 2009; plus direct reports from
municipal governments):
Toronto diversion rate of 53% factors in by both single-family homes and multi-unit residential buildings (>9 units). In
2013, residents of single-family homes had a diversion rate of 68%, but those in multi-unit buildings only 26%. Clearly,
in this and all cases of MSW diversion in Canada, there is a lot that can yet be accomplished.
Issues associated with municipal wastewater include its amount and composition, ways of treating the material, and
ecological effects of its disposal. First, we should distinguish among major kinds of wastewater.
• Sewage is wastewater that contains the fecal matter of humans and other animals, plus food waste from kitchens
and commercial food processing. In urban areas, sewage is collected using a complex system of underground pipes
called sanitary sewers, and transported to a central place for treatment and/or disposal.
• Industrial wastewater may contain many kinds of liquids, including toxic and hazardous wastes. As was previously
noted, toxic waste is poisonous, while hazardous waste may be explosive, flammable, or dangerous for other
reasons. Many urban areas have separate systems to collect and treat toxic and hazardous industrial wastewater.
• Stormwater is the runoff of rainfall and snowmelt. In municipal areas, it is typically collected using surface drains
that feed into a combined sewage-stormflow system, or using a more advanced drainage system that keeps these
wastewaters separate. Stormwater is not as grossly polluted as sewage or industrial wastewater, but it does
contain significant amounts of fecal material (from pets and wild animals), metals, waste motor oil, road salt, and
other substances.
Sewage Treatment
In most places, the principal objective of sewage treatment is to reduce the amounts of pathogenic microbes and
oxygen-consuming organic matter that are disposed of into receiving waterbodies. In places where surface waters are
vulnerable to eutrophication, sewage may also be treated to reduce the amounts of nutrients, especially phosphorus
and nitrogen (see Chapter 20).
All towns and cities have networks of underground pipes to collect the sewage effluent from homes, businesses,
institutions, and factories. (However, low-density residential areas may have septic systems installed at individual
homes.) Some municipalities have separate collection systems for sewage and stormwater. Eventually, all of the
wastewater is discharged to the environment, usually into a nearby lake, river, or ocean. To avoid environmental
damage, the wastewater should be treated to reduce its pollutant load before it is discharged. However, some towns
and cities still dump raw sewage. Most of these municipalities are located beside an ocean and rely on the local, well-
flushed marine ecosystem to dilute and biodegrade organic pollutants and pathogens in the sewage. Because inland
waters such as lakes and rivers have a much smaller capacity for diluting and biodegrading sewage wastes,
municipalities located beside these waters treat their sewage. (See Chapter 20 for a description of various sewage-
treatment systems.)
About 78% of Canadians were serviced by municipal wastewater treatment systems in 2006 (the rest used septic tanks,
other private systems, or lived in municipalities that dump non-treated sewage; Environment Canada, 2007). Of the
municipal populations, 40% were serviced by tertiary treatment, 38% by secondary, and 19% by primary (these terms
are explained in Chapter 20). The remaining 3% had their sewage dumped untreated into the environment. Relatively
advanced tertiary systems are used mostly in Ontario and the Prairies. This is because these regions discharge their
treated wastewater into rivers and lakes, so a higher level of water treatment is needed to prevent environmental
damage. The lowest standard of wastewater treatment is in parts of Atlantic Canada, Quebec, and British Columbia,
where some cities are still dumping untreated or only partially treated sewage into coastal waters or large rivers.
Because of concerns about environmental quality in local receiving waters, particularly regarding fecal pathogens and
ecological degradation, some cities (such as Calgary, Edmonton, and Toronto) have invested in higher-level systems of
water treatment. As a result, the quality of local waterbodies has greatly improved. In contrast, coastal cities, such as
St. John’s and Victoria, continue to discharge poorly treated sewage into the coastal ocean, relying on “free
• the pollution of receiving waters with human fecal pathogens, such as coliform bacteria and viruses, which renders
the area unfit for swimming and for use as drinking water
• ecological damage caused by the deoxygenation of water and sediment by the decomposition of organic wastes,
resulting in the deaths of many organisms and the development of foul odours
• stimulation of algal blooms through excessive nutrients from sewage effluent
• contamination of the environment with persistent, potentially toxic chemicals, such as metals and organochlorines
• aesthetic damage associated with the presence of sewage waste
These environmental damages, which can be severe, are largely avoided if municipalities invest in facilities to treat
their sewage. Because of this widely recognized fact, all Canadian cities and towns, including coastal ones, will further
upgrade their facilities to treat their wastewater during the next several decades.
Image 25.4. This sewage-treatment complex serves a population of more than 1 million in the city of Calgary.
Because the discharge goes into the Bow River, a relatively small waterbody, the treatment must be of a high
standard to prevent ecological damage. In fact, this is perhaps the most advanced system being used in Canada,
with tertiary treatment, ultraviolet disinfection, and production of composted sewage sludge for use as a soil
conditioner. Source: Courtesy of the City of Calgary/Bonnybrook Wastewater Treatment Plant.
Urban Biodiversity
Urban areas are highly impoverished in terms of the amount and quality of habitat available to support plants, animals,
Still, some urban places are relatively natural in character and are maintained in this condition as parks. Some
prominent examples of “natural-area parks” include Stanley Park in Vancouver; a series of parks along the Bow River in
Calgary and on the North Saskatchewan River in Edmonton; Assiniboine Park in Winnipeg; High Park and Hanlan’s
Point in Toronto; Bois de Liesse in Montreal; Point Pleasant Park in Halifax; and Signal Hill in St. John’s. These
greenspaces are remnants of natural habitat that have survived the urbanization process, and they contain ecological
communities that are mostly dominated by native species.
Image 25.5. Stanley Park in Vancouver is a greenspace with a mixture of natural and cultural values. During the
autumn and winter, geese and other migrating waterfowl use the local ponds and other habitats for feeding and
other purposes. Source: B. Freedman.
More typically, however, urban habitats are dominated by alien species, which were introduced in various ways. Most
non-native plants were introduced in these ways:
• as seeds contained in soil carried by ships as ballast, which was dumped in a port when the cargo was discharged
(this was particularly important before the twentieth century)
• as seeds that contaminated the seedstock of crop plants (this is now less of a problem because weed seeds are
“cleaned” from commercial seedstock)
• or as plants used in agriculture, forestry, or horticulture. Some alien plants have found good habitat in urban areas,
where they thrive and out-compete native species. These invasive aliens are an important ecological problem and
can be regarded as a kind of “biological pollution” (see Chapters 1 and 26).
Many alien species now have wild, self-maintaining populations in urban areas. Examples of these invasive plants and
animals and the ecological problems that are associated with them include the following:
• The dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) is a perennial, herbaceous plant that was originally native to alpine habitat in
Europe, but now occurs in temperate regions throughout the world, probably having been introduced in marine
ballast. The dandelion is considered an important weed of lawns and pastures.
• Japanese knotweed (Polygonum cuspidatum) is a perennial, herbaceous plant that grows up to 2-m tall and is
native to Japan. It has attractive foliage and was widely introduced for horticultural use. It can be invasive in
disturbed areas.
• The sticky touch-me-not (Impatiens glandulifera) is an annual wildflower native to the Himalayas. It was
introduced through horticulture and can be invasive in gardens and wetlands.
• Goutweed (Aegopodium variegatum) is a perennial, herbaceous plant native to Eurasia that was widely introduced
through horticulture and is invasive in gardens and other disturbed habitats.
• Purple loosestrife (Lythrum salicaria) is a perennial, herbaceous plant of Eurasia that was introduced through ships’
ballast and horticulture and is a serious invader of wetlands.
• St. John’s wort (Hypericum perforatum) is a perennial, herbaceous plant of Europe that was introduced probably
through marine ballast and is now a serious weed of pastures that causes a photosensitivity disease in cattle.
• Norway maple (Acer platanoides) is a native tree of Europe that was introduced for horticultural use. It invades
natural hardwood forest.
• The oriental cockroach (Blatta orientalis) is an insect native to eastern Asia. It was probably introduced
accidentally with ship cargo and is a serious pest in homes and other places where food is stored.
• The garden snail (Cepaea hortensis) is a terrestrial mollusk native to Europe. It was probably accidentally
introduced with marine ballast and is a garden pest in some regions.
• The house mouse and Norway rat are rodents native to Eurasia that were accidentally introduced from ships and
are now serious pests in homes and other places where food is stored.
• The starling, rock dove, and house sparrow are songbirds native to Eurasia that were introduced by European
settlers in the Americas who were anxious to have familiar species from their homeland. They displace native birds
from nesting sites and are invasive pests.
These and other free-living, alien species are the most abundant plants and animals in Canadian urban areas. Of
course, the domestic dog (Canis familiaris), domestic cat (Felis catus), and other pets are also common non-natives in
our cities and towns. (Even though Aboriginal peoples have lived in the Americas for at least 12-thousand years, the
human species might also be considered non-indigenous to these continents.)
The characteristics of various urban ecosystems have been studied in Canada. Many urban habitats are highly
disturbed and are managed to keep them in an early stage of succession. Urban lawns, for example, are mown
frequently to prevent their vegetation from developing beyond a stage that is dominated by low-growing, herbaceous
plants. Moreover, because most lawn-growers want a monoculture of only one or two species of grasses, they may
apply herbicide to kill unwanted dicotyledonous plants, such as clovers, dandelion, and other “weeds.”
The most commonly grown grass in lawns in temperate-zone countries is the Kentucky blue grass (Poa pratensis),
which, despite its common name, is actually a Eurasian species. Also cultivated in some regions are ryegrass (Lolium
The urban forest is another prominent habitat in cities and towns, although it does not always support native species.
Neighbourhoods with abundant trees can be studied using the same methods that are used to examine natural forest.
One study looked at the urban forest in residential, institutional, and parkland areas of Halifax (Figure 25.8). Older
residential neighbourhoods had a tree biomass similar to that of natural forest in the region, although the stem density
was considerably less (many trees in the mature urban forest are relatively large). Younger neighbourhoods had a
smaller tree biomass but a higher density, suggesting a pattern of succession in the urban forest. Even an institutional
neighbourhood, consisting mostly of several hospitals and a university, had a substantial population of trees.
Image 25.6. Streets with large numbers of mature trees are relatively pleasant, compared with places in which
the urban forest is sparse or missing. This residential street in Halifax is mostly forested with alien trees, such
as Norway maple (Acer platanoides) and linden (Tilia cordata). Source: B. Freedman.
Figure 25.8. Characteristics of the Urban Forest in Halifax. Tree density and biomass are shown for stands of
urban forest in different kinds of neighbourhoods. The data for natural forest are for rural mature hardwood
stands. Source: Freedman et al. (1996).
The displacement of native plants by alien ones results in important ecological damage, especially if the foreign ones
become invasive. Some ecologists believe that horticulturists should place much greater emphasis on the use of native
plants, rather than risk the serious problems associated with biological “pollution” by aliens.
The urban forest provides many useful ecological services. For example, large amounts of carbon are stored in urban
Another study in Halifax also examined the non-tree vegetation (Turner et al., 2005). In an older residential
neighbourhood, 87% of the low-growing species were aliens as were 84% of the shrubs and trees. Even in a recent
suburban development, which still had remnants of native habitat, 77% of the low vegetation and 69% of the woody
plants were aliens. These observations are not particularly surprising in light of the results of surveys of commercial
horticultural businesses in the study area, which offered few or no native plants for sale.
Image 25.7. Urban biodiversity can be pleasant, but it is often managed in a highly contrived manner and is
dominated by alien plants and animals. Almost none of the species in this cemetery in Toronto are native to
Canada. Source: B. Freedman.
A study of birds in various Toronto neighbourhoods found that even commercial and industrial habitats sustained some
species. However, about 97% of the birds in those habitats were aliens such as rock dove, starling, and house sparrow
(Table 25.3). These introduced species also dominated the bird fauna of residential neighbourhoods, accounting for
64-94% of the birds present. However, the residential areas had a significant amount of habitat with abundant trees,
shrubs, and other plants, which allowed some native birds to live in small numbers, including American robin (Turdus
migratorius), blue jay (Cyanocitta cristata), and cardinal (Cardinalis cardinalis). Of all the habitats surveyed, only a
natural-area park had a relatively low fraction of alien birds (25%). The mostly forested habitat of that park sustained
Table 25.3. Density of Birds in Various Urban Habitats in Toronto. The data are the average numbers of birds
observed per kilometre2 during censuses in May and June. Only the most abundant species are included. An
asterisk (*) indicates a non-native species. Source: Data from Savard (1978).
Waterfowl are also abundant in urban areas with aquatic habitat, such as beside an ocean or near a lake or river. For
example, many cities have wild breeding populations of “giant” Canada goose (Branta canadensis maxima), which are
descended from birds that were released in those places since the 1950s. The geese find that grassy lawns near water
provide suitable feeding habitat, and their population in some cities has increased enormously. However, many of these
geese have lost the habit of migrating, and some people consider their abundance and year-round presence to be a
nuisance. Some cities have attempted to alleviate their “over-population” of geese by capturing animals and shipping
them to willing host cities elsewhere. Some cities are culling the geese by killing part of the population.
During the spring and fall migrations, some cities with aquatic habitat support large numbers of native waterfowl and
other birds. Some waterfowl may remain during the winter if open water is present. Urban birders from Victoria to St.
John’s often spend time viewing the numerous native ducks, geese, swans, gulls, shorebirds, and other migrating and
wintering birds in local aquatic habitats. Each autumn, for example, the Toronto waterfront provides habitat for
thousands of long-tailed ducks (Clangula hyemalis) that are migrating from their arctic breeding grounds. St. John’s is
the only city in the world where ivory gulls (Pagophila eburnea) can be regularly seen.
Some native mammals also occur in urban habitats. Grey (black) squirrels (Sciurus carolinensis) and raccoons (Procyon
lotor) may even inhabit downtown neighbourhoods as long as there is some open forest available. Urban areas with
extensive shrubby and forested habitat may sustain white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus), red fox (Vulpes vulpes),
striped skunk (Mephites mephites), and coyote (Canis latrans). The key to sustaining populations of native animals in
urban areas is to maintain as much relatively natural habitat as possible, dominated by indigenous plants. If this is
done, even inner-city backyards can provide habitat for some native animals. This function is enhanced by the
deliberate naturalization of urban habitats by growing native plants in horticulture (see In Detail 25.2).
In Detail 25.2. Urban Naturalization. Urban naturalization is a “new” horticultural practice that favours the use
of native plants to achieve pleasing aesthetics in gardening. It is a more natural alternative to conventional
horticulture, in which there is a very strong preference for the cultivation of alien plants. Naturalization avoids
But what is meant by terms such as “native” and “natural”? In the sense intended here, and in the context of the
Americas, a native (indigenous) species is one that was present in an ecoregion before about 1500 (that is, in
pre-Columbian times). If a species was introduced afterward, either deliberately or accidentally, and then
developed self-maintaining populations, it would be considered “naturalized” but not indigenous (they may also
be “invasive aliens” if they cause ecological damage). “Natural communities” are considered to be self-
organizing, co-evolved assemblages of native species that occur in habitats that are appropriate for their
Because many native plants are beautiful and can grow well in habitats provided by gardens, they can be easily
used in horticulture. In fact, they may do very well because they are pre-adapted to local climate, soil, and
other aspects of the habitat. They may be grown in contrived but pleasing arrangements of flowering plants,
shrubs, and trees, as is commonly done in horticulture, or they may be managed to create a facsimile of a
natural community.
If naturalization is used to replace conventional horticultural habitats, such as lawns and gardens that are
dominated by alien species, it will result in areas being better suited to support native birds and other animals.
This kind of gardening can create beautiful spaces, but it has a much softer ecological footprint. Although
naturalized gardens are still uncommon, they are attracting increasing attention from people seeking to
express a more natural view of their world.
Urban ecosystems sustain humans, associated non-native organisms, and some native species and remnants of natural
habitats. However, urban ecosystems are ecological “islands” that draw upon the surrounding region to continuously
supply immense quantities of natural resources and to assimilate wastes. A great challenge for urban ecologists is to
develop a better understanding of the structure and function of the urban–industrial techno-ecosystem, including the
exchanges of materials and energy and the factors that affect biodiversity. This knowledge can help to identify
ecologically pathological relationships, which can then be mitigated to reduce the urban–industrial footprint. If this is
done, then modern cities can become more ecologically sustainable than is now the case.
1. What changes were important in the development of urban places during the socio-cultural evolution of our
2. What is an ecological footprint? What are its key components?
3. Characterize the urban ecosystem of your community in terms of its structural (such as species and habitats) and
functional (resource use, waste generation) attributes.
4. What are major differences between urban and rural biodiversity?
1. Make a list of factors that are important in the ecological footprint of your community. How might these be
changed in order to decrease the size of the footprint?
2. Why do so few people use a bicycle as their routine means of transportation, in spite of its mechanical efficiency
and low cost?
3. How does your lifestyle contribute to pollution of your environment?
4. Define the following terms: dumping (disposal), incineration, recycling, composting, reuse, and waste production
and prevention. What role does each of these play in waste management in your community?
5. What are the major practices used to treat urban sewage? Why have some cities chosen to treat their sewage in an
environmentally responsible way, while others have not?
6. Characterize the principal elements of urban biodiversity in your neighbourhood. How could habitats be
naturalized in order to support more indigenous species?
7. Use the footprint calculator provided by the Global Footprint Network (an environmental organization) to calculate
your ecological footprint. (Go to http://www.footprintnetwork.org/en/index.php/GFN/page/
personal_footprint/) Try doing a “virtual experiment” by varying aspects of your lifestyle in the calculator to see
what effect it has on your personal footprint. For example, see what happens if you ride a bike, use public transit,
or fly in an airplane.
Exploring Issues
1. Your municipal government has hired you to provide advice as it seeks ways to make the community function in a
less damaging, more sustainable manner. What studies would you undertake to determine ways by which urban
functions (such as transportation, sewage treatment, and management of solid materials and wastes), land-use
patterns, and biodiversity can be improved to contribute to the goal of sustainability? What do you think your
recommendations would be?
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Fincher, R. and J.M. Jacobs (eds.). 1998. Cities of Difference. Guilford Press, New York, NY.
Freedman, B., S. Love, and B. O’Neil. 1996. Tree species, biomass, and carbon storage in stands of urban forest of
varying character in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. Canadian Field-Naturalist, 110: 675–682.
Gill, D. and P. Bonnett. 1973. Nature in the Urban Landscape: A Study of City Ecosystems. York Press, Baltimore, MD.
Global Footprint Network. 2007. Canadian Living Planet Report. World Wildlife Fund Canada, Toronto, ON, and the
Global Footprint Network, Oakland, CA. https://web.archive.org/web/20180618150932/
Holcomb, M.C. 1987. Transportation Energy Data Book, 9th ed. Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN.
Jacobs, J. 1961. The Death and Life of Great American Cities. Random House, New York, NY.
Jacobs, J. 1969. The Economy of Cities. Random House, New York, NY.
Kreith, F. (ed.). 1994. Handbook of Solid Waste Management. McGraw-Hill, New York, NY.
Kryter, K.D. 1985. The Effects of Noise. 2nd ed. Academic Press, Orlando, FL.
Landsberg, H.E. 1981. The Urban Climate. Academic Press, New York, NY.
Langford, T.E.L. 1990. Ecological Effects of Thermal Discharges. Elsevier Science, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Lowe, M.D. 1989. The Bicycle: Vehicle for a Small Planet. Worldwatch Institute, Washington, DC. Nathanson, J.A. 2002.
Basic Environmental Technology: Water Supply, Waste Management, and Pollution Control. 3rd ed. Prentice Hall,
Upper Saddle River, NJ.
National Round Table on the Environment and the Economy (NRTEE). 1998. Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Urban
Transportation: Backgrounder. NRTEE, Ottawa, ON.
Platt, R.H., R.A. Rowntree, and P.C. Muick. 1994. The Ecological City: Preserving and Restoring Urban Biodiversity.
University of Massachusetts Press Amherst, MA.
Rees, W.E. 1992. Ecological footprints and appropriated carrying capacity: What urban economics leaves out.
Environment and Urbanization, 4: 121–130.
Savard, J.-P. 1978. Birds in Metropolitan Toronto: Distribution, Relationships with Habitat Features, and Nesting Sites.
Unpublished M.Sc. Thesis, University of Toronto.
Statistics Canada. 2006. Human Activity and the Environment. Annual Statistics 2006. www.statcan.ca/english/
Statistics Canada. 2006. Road motor vehicle, trailer and snowmobile registration, annual (registrations). Table
405-0001, Statistics Canada, Ottawa, ON. http://www5.statcan.gc.ca/cansim/
Statistics Canada. 2012. Human Activity and the Environment, Waste Management in Canada. Statistics Canada,
Ottawa, ON. http://www5.statcan.gc.ca/olc-cel/olc.action?ObjId=16-201-X&ObjType=2&lang=en&limit=0
Statistics Canada. 2017. Road motor vehicle registrations, by type of vehicle. Table 23-10-0067-01 (formerly CANSIM
405-0004), Statistics Canada, Ottawa, ON. https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/t1/tbl1/en/tv.action?pid=2310006701
Statistics Canada. 2014b. Leading causes of death, by sex. CANSIM Table 102-0561, Statistics Canada, Ottawa,
ON. http://www.statcan.gc.ca/tables-tableaux/sum-som/l01/cst01/hlth36a-eng.htm Accessed November, 2014.
Timerson, B.J. 1999. A Guide to Noise Control in Minnesota. Minnesota Pollution Control Agency. Minneapolis, MN.
Transport Canada. 2012. Canadian Motor Vehicle Traffic Collision Statistics, 2004. Transport Canada, Ottawa,
ON. http://www.tc.gc.ca/eng/roadsafety/tp-tp3322-2004-menu-691.htm
Transport Canada. 2017. Annual Reports: Transportation in Canada. Transport Canada Ottawa,
ON. https://www.tc.gc.ca/eng/policy/anre-menu.htm
Turner, K., L. Lefler, and B. Freedman. 2004. Plant communities of selected urbanized areas of Halifax, Nova Scotia,
Canada. Landscape and Urban Planning, 71: 191–206.
Wackernagel, M. and W.E. Rees. 1996. Our Ecological Footprint: Reducing Human Impact on the Earth. New Society,
Gabriola Island, BC.
War (or warfare) might be defined as a period of organized deadly conflict between human societies, countries, or
another defined group. War is waged to achieve political objectives, or as stated by the German military theorist, Carl
von Clausewitz (1780-1831) in his famous book On War (1832): “War is the continuation of national policy by other
means.” In modern times, the adversaries in warfare are typically well-armed with lethal weaponry. The results of a
conflict often include the widespread destruction of the infrastructure of the warring parties, much loss of human life,
a great disruption of society, and severe environmental damage. Militarism refers to a belief of people or governments
in the need to maintain a strong military capability to defend or promote national interests. The implementation of
war-oriented policies results in enormous amounts of resources being diverted to building and maintaining a martial
capability in the form of armed forces and their equipment and other infrastructure. The absence of war is referred to
as peace, during which time society typically has a focus on improving socioeconomic and environmental conditions,
rather than on preparing for conflict. In reality, however, the conditions of peace and war may each vary enormously
and even overlap to some degree (Figure 26.1).
Figure 26.1. The spectrum of peace and combat. This conceptual diagram shows the ways that armed forces
might be engaged in operations during both war and peacetime. The intensity of warfare increases to the right
of the diagram, and that of peace to the left. Modified from Johnsen (1998).
The intensity of combat may range from a calamitous exchange of nuclear weapons to local actions that are taken to
control an insurgency. The intensity of peace can vary from utter civil and international tranquility to policing actions
Certainly, war has long been an enterprise of organized groups of people. It is referred to in some of the earliest
records of civilization. One of the earliest historical references is in the second book of the Judeo-Christian Bible: “The
Lord is a warrior,” (Exodus 15, 3-18), a phrase that refers to a belief that God intervened with violent actions against the
army of the Egyptian Pharaoh, who was trying to prevent the Jewish tribes led by Moses from leaving his realm.
Moreover, humans may have a genetically based predisposition to engage in violent behaviour, with sometimes lethal
consequences. This suggests that when stimulated in certain ways by environmental circumstances, humans may be
hard-wired to become viciously aggressive, and such a response may be an integral aspect of our biology.
Interestingly, many other species also appear to be like this, including our closest living relative, the chimpanzee (Pan
troglodytes). Biologists studying the behaviour of these animals in the wild have observed instances of groups of
related male individuals deliberately engaging in violent and sometimes lethal raids against a neighbouring troop,
particularly against other males. This activity could be likened to non-human warfare, albeit at a small scale.
Interestingly, the closely related Bonobo (Pan paniscus) is much less aggressive; rather, this chimp appears to diffuse
societal tension in non-violent ways, including a matriarchal group structure and sexual promiscuity.
Many species of ants are also war-like in their sociology. For example, the Amazon ant (Polyergis) makes raids on
colonies of the wood ant (Formica) in order to capture slaves that are then used to tend their broods of eggs and
pupae, killing any individuals that do not submit to detention. One additional example of lethal aggression between
species might involve a pack of wolves (Canis lupus) attacking coyotes (Canis latrans) that are observed to trespass on
their territory.
However, these are somewhat unusual examples of violence committed by groups of non-human animals. It is much
more common for animals to engage in violent behaviour when in competition for sexual reproduction, as when male
deer of various species, such as elk (Cervus canadensis), aggressively joust with their antlers for access to females in
their herd, or when rams of bighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis) act similarly by whacking their heads together. Animals
may also compete in violent ways to secure access to scarce food or other resources.
However, if these aggressive behaviours are occurring as contests between particular individuals they would not be
considered to represent warfare, a term that should be limited to acts engaged in by organized groups having a
common purpose. Von Clausewitz (1832) defined war in this way: “War is thus an act of force to compel our enemy to
do our will.”
In our own species, it is likely that the earliest pre-historic conflicts were between extended family groups (or clans)
that were engaged in a subsistence economy of hunting and gathering, who may have fought over access to food or
other resources. However, because of low population densities those conflicts may have been rather infrequent.
Interestingly, there is no actual evidence in ancient archaeological records of such aggression occurring amongst
hunting-and-gathering people, such as the in the cave paintings of Lascaux, France and elsewhere, which instead focus
on depictions of animals being hunted as food. Nevertheless, it is hard to imagine that conflicts between neighbouring
bands of people did not sometimes occur.
As human cultural evolution progressed, the clashes between small groups of people would have progressed to bigger
conflicts involving neighbouring communities and cultures. By 10-12-thousand years ago, many archaeological sites
include remains of relatively advanced weapons such as bow and arrow, mace, and sling, all of which could have been
used in human conflicts as well as for hunting.
Today, modern warfare potentially involves a contest with the potential to achieve an equivalent of Armageddon, a
Biblical metaphor for a conflict so destructive that it represents the end of civilization. In the Abrahamic religions,
Armageddon was a place mentioned in Revelation 16:16 where there was an enormous battle that resulted in the end of
the world. Indeed, any enthusiastic use of the arsenals of advanced weaponry of today, and particularly the nuclear
arsenals of several countries, could result in an end-of-times outcome.
Of all the possible damages that humans might cause to their own civilization and to the biosphere, an all-out nuclear
war would certainly result in the worst possible destruction. To paraphrase the poet T.S. Eliot (1888-1965): this is the
way the world could end, not with a whimper but a bang.
Wars occur because one party decides that its goals are best (or only) secured through the use of force rather than
through other means (such as diplomacy), and because the other party is prepared to employ force to resist. Those
goals may involve vital national interests, or they may be inspired by some combination of politics, socioeconomic
circumstances, or beliefs founded in culture or religion. The causes of war are always complex, but they may be
understood by briefly looking at some examples, which are presented below in chronological order.
Disputes between nation-states (countries) or their coalitions have been the most common reason for the
“conventional wars” that are fought by regular armies. These wars are typically fought over national interests, such as
conflicts over territorial boundaries, the imperial ownership of colonies, or rights of access to certain regions for
trading or transportation. The examples below were selected as being relevant to conflicts in which Canada or its
colonial progenitors were engaged.
• The Seven Years’ War was an international conflict that occurred between 1756 and 1763 and involved European
powers organized into coalitions led by Britain-Prussia or France-Spain. The war was mostly about the control of
foreign colonies, but the personal aggrandisement of heads of state was also an important factor. The conflict
occurred in Europe and in various international theatres. In North America it resulted in the British securing
colonial ownership of New France, a region now consisting of the Maritime Provinces and southern Québec, as
well as Spanish Florida and some Caribbean islands.
• The War of 1812, which actually took place during 1812 to 1815, was fought between Britain and its proto-Canadian
colonies and the United States aided by France. It was an offshoot of the Napoleonic Wars of 1796-1815, a series of
conflicts that occurred mostly in Europe and were fought between France and its allies and Britain and its own
confederates. The War of 1812 was declared by the U.S. for a number of political and economic reasons – to lift
trade restrictions imposed by the Royal Navy, to stop the forced impressing of American sailors into British naval
service, to end British support of Amerindian tribes that were resisting American westward expansion, and to
expand its national territory into what is now the southern regions of the Prairie Provinces.
• The First World War (or Great War) of 1914-1918 was a conflict between two large coalitions: the Allies (western
European countries led by France and Britain, plus Canada and other countries of the British Commonwealth,
Russia, and later in the conflict Italy and the United States) and the Central Powers (a German-led group that
included Austria-Hungary and Turkey). This war was triggered by the assassination of the Archduke Franz
Wars between differing cultures are fought because of deep animosities associated with different religions or political
ideologies. These kinds of wars may involve the armies of nation-states or they may occur as rebellions or
insurrections within a country. Examples include the following:
• The American War of Independence (1775-1783), also known as the American Revolution, was fought between the
Imperial forces of Great Britain and an insurgency of many people who were living in what is now the eastern
United States. The main cause of the war was an intense difference in political ideology – many of the colonial
Americans were dissatisfied at being governed and taxed by a foreign parliamentary government without having an
effective representation in that administration. In essence, the revolutionaries were seeking the freedom to govern
themselves, and they fought to win that right, in the process founding the United States of America. However,
many other Americans of the time did not seek liberation from direct rule by Britain, and after the war most of
them left the nascent United States, many of them immigrating as United Empire Loyalists to what is now eastern
These various examples of wars, chosen from a multitude of possible cases, show that a lethal conflict may be caused
by a variety of triggers, some operating over longer periods of time and others on a shorter-term basis. In all cases,
however, the decision to engage in extreme violence against other people and their culture or economy is based on a
logical interpretation of the existing circumstances, as they are understood by one or both of the opposing sides. The
logic itself may seem twisted and irrational to an independent observer, perhaps one who is less sympathetic to
judgements based on racism, xenophobia, and other intolerances. Nevertheless, all acts of extreme violence make a
kind of sense to their perpetrators, and that is the fundamental reason why they are undertaken. As we will learn in the
rest of the chapter, the results of warfare can include mayhem and murder at extraordinary scales, causing misery to
many people and also to the broader environment.
Image 26.1. The World Trade Towers burning on September 11, 2001. The two World Trade Towers were the
tallest buildings in New York and a global symbol of both international commerce and western-influenced
capitalism. They were attacked by hijacked commercial jetliners flown by Al-Qaeda aligned terrorists. The fires
caused by the attacks weakened the buildings enough that they then collapsed. The total mortality associated
with these attacks, another at the Pentagon in Washington on the same day, and a fourth hijacked jetliner that
crashed into a field in Pennsylvania, was 2,996 people, and at least $10 billion in property damage was caused.
Source: Image from U.S. Library of Congress, LCCN2002717279 LC-A05-A11.tif; http://commons.wikimedia.org/
Wars can have enormous and damaging socioeconomic impacts. The most obvious damages are associated with the
killing and injuring of people, sometimes in unfathomable numbers, as well as an awful disruption of the lives of the
survivors. In a more general sense, the economies of nations become transformed by their conversion into a focus on
the production of goods and services that are needed to support a war effort. This is especially the case of the largest
conflicts, for which a “total-war economy” may be deemed necessary to avoid defeat.
The most terrible conflicts in history, in terms of causing mortality, were the two so-called “world wars” of the
twentieth century. The conflicts received those names because the wars occurred on several continents and so many
countries were involved in the fighting.
The First World War (1914-1918) was fought throughout much of Europe. The greatest battlefields were in the lowlands
of Belgium and France where there were relatively static and long-lasting confrontations between enormous armies
that were well dug-in with extensive trenchworks. Additional large conflicts occurred in eastern Europe, the Middle
East, and the North Atlantic Ocean. The total number of military deaths was about 8.5 million (8.5M), of which the
Central Powers lost 5M and the Allies the rest (including 67-thousand (67k) Canadians) (White, 2010). Most of the
deaths occurred during combat, either directly in action or afterward because of grievous or infected wounds, but
many others were a result of epidemic diseases such as cholera that were promoted by poor sanitary conditions.
In addition, there were 7-13M deaths of non-combatants during the First World War. Most of these resulted from
starvation or disease, which were a consequence of severe disruption of the economy and of the functioning and
infrastructure of civilization in affected regions. As in other wars, the estimates of civilian deaths are not based on
direct counts but rather on calculations of so-called “excess mortality”, or differences in the death rate before and
during the war. The worst losses of civilians were in Turkey at about 2.2M, Russia at 1.5M, Italy 1.0M, Austria-Hungary
700k, Germany 692k, France 500k, Serbia 450k, Romania 430k, and Britain 230k. The data for Turkey include the
victims of a genocide directed against Armenians in that country, which itself may have killed 1M people.
Because of the unprecedented mortality, the First World War was labelled as “the War to end all wars”, in the
expectation that people would never again allow such an avoidable catastrophe to take place. To prevent such a re-
occurrence, the leading countries of the world created an international security organization called the League of
Nations whose mission was to maintain world peace, essentially by providing a forum in which countries could work
out their differences. Unfortunately, that body was not successful and only two decades after the end of WWI there
was an even more extensive conflict, with a loss of life more than twice as large.
This was the Second World War (1939-1945), whose two main battle theatres were throughout most of Europe and in
eastern Asia, with additional areas including the western Pacific Ocean, the North Atlantic Ocean, northern Africa, and
the Middle East. The total number of military deaths was about 20 million, of which the Allies lost 13M (10M of whom
were of the Soviet Union) and the rest from the Axis nations (White, 2010; Canada lost 45k). Most of the military deaths
occurred during combat or as a later result of wounds, but especially in the eastern front many soldiers died of cold,
starvation, or epidemic diseases.
The toll of civilian deaths during this extensive conflict was even more extraordinary, totalling about 30-46 million (the
global population in 1945 was about 2.3 billion, so the larger mortality number represents about 2%). Most of the
mortality was caused by starvation and disease, but there were also “death camps” where large numbers of civilians
were exterminated by the Nazis. In addition, both sides directed intensive military actions against cities in an attempt
The worst episodes of civilian mortality caused by direct military actions involved the mass-bombing of cities by the
German, Japanese, and Allied air forces (including that of Canada). In essence, the intended goals of these attacks on
civilian targets were to demoralize the population and wreck the war economy. The most destructive cases included
the bombing of cities in Britain during the so-called “Blitz”, which occurred during a nine-month period beginning in
September, 1940. More than 20k people were killed in London and about 1M buildings were destroyed or damaged
(Wikipedia, 2014a). London was the most heavily targeted city, but others were also hit hard and in total more than 40k
people were killed during this aerial offensive directed mostly at civilian targets.
It is important to recognize, however, that Allied air forces also engaged in mass-bombing of German cities, especially
after they gained command over the airspace of Europe. This involved flights sometimes of more than one-thousand
bomber aircraft dropping huge “blockbuster” explosives of 1.8-5.4 tonnes (these were nominally capable of devastating
an entire city “block”) and incendiary devices to ignite great firestorms. The worst cases of civilian mortality during
those massed Allied operations occurred in Hamburg with about 45k killed, and Dresden with 25-35k deaths
(Wikipedia, 2014b). Berlin, the capital of Nazi Germany, was subjected to at least 363 air raids, which killed more than
20k people, rendered about 1/3 of the buildings unusable, and created about 16 km² of rubble-filled bombed-out zones
(Wikipedia, 2014c).
In the Pacific war, the American bombing of Tokyo in March, 1945, killed about 100k people and injured at least as
many, making it the most destructive event of conventional bombing in history (Wikipedia, 2014d). The U.S. also
dropped atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in August, 1945, to end that war, killing 90-166k and 60-80k people,
respectively (Wikipedia, 2014e).
Moreover, the Nazi government of Germany targeted certain ethnic groups for genocide, and killed at least 5.5 million
Jews in extermination and work camps, and 0.5 million Gypsies (or Roma; proportional to their initial population, this
ethnic group suffered the most grievous loss during the war). The victims of the genocides died from outright murder,
starvation, and disease. Other groups targeted for extermination by the Nazis were homosexuals, people with physical
or mental disabilities, and political dissidents. There were also immense massacres of prisoners of war, including about
3M soldiers captured by the Germans from Soviet armies, and perhaps more than 1M Germans captured by the Soviets.
For context and additional information, here are some estimates of the numbers of fatalities associated with other wars
of the past several centuries, again with an emphasis on those in which Canada has been involved to some degree
(White, 2014):
• Seven Years’ War (1756-1763), during which about 1.3M people died, more than half by non-combat means,
especially from epidemic diseases such as cholera
• American War of Independence (1775-1783), about 37k deaths from combat and 96k from non-combat
• War of 1812 (1812-1815), about 13k military deaths and 15-17k non-combat
• U.S. Civil War (1861-1865), about 600k deaths (1/3 in battle and the rest non-combat)
• World War I (1914-1918), about 8.5M military deaths and 7-13M civilians
• Second World II (1939-1945), about 20M military deaths and 30-46M civilians
• Korean War (1950-1953), 2-3M military deaths and 2-3M civilians
• Second Indochina War of 1960-1975, about 1.3M military deaths and 0.3-1.5M civilians
• Iraq (2003-2014), about 150k deaths, mostly civilians in war-related violence
• Afghanistan (2001-2014), about 50k deaths, mostly civilians in war-related violence
Warfare and other kinds of extreme violence result in enormous social damages to affected populations. Large
numbers of people are killed or injured, afflicted by epidemic diseases, displaced from their homes, or suffer from
immediate and post-traumatic psychological stress.
Huge economic costs are also associated with warfare. They include outlays for the wages of military personnel and
their upkeep, expenditures on hardware and consumables, and the destruction of buildings and other manufactured
capital (including weapons). Moreover, these costs are also relevant to non-war times, because huge expenditures must
be made to support a military capacity that is deemed necessary to provide an appropriate level of defence against
potential aggression.
Of course, these various costs of war and militarism are diverted from other spending options, such as those needed
for health and educational programs. In Canada and all other countries there are political tensions between people
who argue that a high level of military preparedness is needed to provide for national security, and others who believe
that a more socially responsible course is to expend a larger fraction of limited resources on improved health and
educational outcomes in the general population. To a large degree, the extreme positions along this spectrum of
political views are irreconcilable, and the prudent way forward is a pathway somewhere in the middle of the
In any event, in the real world in which we live, immense amounts of social and economic capital are expended to
prepare for military actions, and if necessary to engage in them. Enormous amounts of money are spent to construct a
military infrastructure of buildings and other structures, to manufacture specialized vehicles and weapons, to pay for
military personnel, and to purchase consumables such as munitions, fuel, and food.
Figure 26.2 shows the history of global military spending over the period 1987 to 2013. The peak of expenditures in the
late 1980s reflects the enormous military outlays that were made during the height of the “Cold War,” when U.S.-
aligned liberal democracies and other allies were engaged in a persistent confrontation with communist nations allied
with the USSR and China. The Cold War did not involve significant direct conflicts between the nuclear-armed
protagonist groups, although there were destructive proxy wars that involved some of their allies. The largest and most
devastating of the proxy wars were the Korean War (1950-1953), the Second Indochina War (or Vietnam War;
1960-1975), and the Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan (1979-1989).
The large reduction of military expenditures beginning in 1990-1991 mostly reflects two key changes in the strategic
military milieu:
1. The USSR economy collapsed at that time and that Soviet entity devolved into the Russian Federation, and then
into separate countries such as Russia, Ukraine, and others. Between 1988 and 1990 its annual military spending
averaged $299 billion, but in 1992 that deflated to $62B and then further to $21B in 1998 (all in constant 2011 $US;
SIPRI, 2015). Spending has increased considerably since then, to $85B in 2013.
2. There was greatly reduced military spending by the U.S. and its allies as a “peace dividend” associated with the end
of the Cold War. Between 1988 and 1990 the annual U.S. military spending averaged $546 billion, but this was
reduced to an average of $386B during 1996-2000 (constant 2011 $US). However, since 2001 the U.S. spending has
almost doubled as it ramped up expenditures for its “War on Terror” (to $720B in 2010, although it since decreased
somewhat to $619B in 2013).
Figure 26.2. Global military spending from 1987 through 2011. The data are in units of billions of constant-2011
U.S. dollars, meaning they are corrected for inflation. Source: Data from SIPRI (2015).
Figure 26.3 shows the relative amounts of recent (2013) military spending by various countries. The United States,
which accounts for about 4.6% of the world population, is responsible for about 38% of global military spending. This
far outpaces the second-largest spender, China, which is home for 20% of the people in the world. These data reflect
the fact that, at the present time, the U.S. is the world’s only military “superpower”. However, an enormous national
burden is associated with the fiscal policies that are required to attain and sustain this strategic position. To do this,
the U.S. has accumulated an enormous public debt to finance its military capability. There are important
socioeconomic consequences of diverting such a large fraction of the limited resources of the country to military-
related spending instead of on health, education, and other social priorities.
Figure 26.3. Military spending by various countries in 2013. The data are expressed as a percentage of the total
global spending of US$1,705 billion in year-2013 dollars. Source: Data from SIPRI (2015).
Nevertheless, Canada has been involved in many international conflicts, the biggest of which were previously noted.
Our country’s largest expenditures for military purposes occurred during the First and Second World Wars, when all of
the Dominions of the British Empire were called upon to fight on the Allied aide. During those conflicts the Canadian
armed forces were relatively large and had to be equipped with transportation, weapons and other materiel, and
consumable supplies. To supply those goods and service a large fraction of the nation’s economy was diverted to
military purposes.
Prior to WWI, the armed forces of Canada amounted to just over 3-thousand personnel, but more than 620k military
personnel became engaged in that conflict, suffering casualties of 67k killed and 173k wounded (Wikipedia, 2014f). The
build-up of economic activity to support the war effort is suggested by changes in selected indicators between 1913,
just before the start of the war, and 1918, when spending was at about a peak (Figure 26.4). Compared with 1913, the
value of manufactured goods in 1918 was 101% larger (data are adjusted for inflation; note that a 100% increase is the
same as a doubling), which was due to the manufacturing of machines and other goods needed for the war effort. The
value of all exports from Canada increased by 180%, again reflecting the need to send food, weapons, and other goods
to Europe to support Canadian military personnel as well as the economies of allied countries, particularly Britain.
To pay for the immense wartime expenditures the federal government increased its revenues in various ways. This
included the imposition of what at the time was said to be a “temporary” tax on the income of working Canadians,
although that levy was never repealed (its legacy is our system of personal income tax). However, the increase in
federal revenues was grossly insufficient to pay for the actual expenditures on the war effort, and so the debt of the
Figure 26.4. Changes in selected economic indicators of Canada relevant to expenditures during the First World
War. The data are in millions of year-1918 dollars, and so are adjusted for wartime inflation. Source: Data from
Government of Canada (1917, 1921), corrected for inflation using Bank of Canada (2011).
The economic effects on Canada of WWII were even larger than those of WWI. About 1.1 million people served in the
armed forces of Canada during that war, suffering casualties of 45k killed and 54k wounded. The cost of the war effort
is suggested by changes in selected economic indicators between 1936 before the start of the war, and 1945 when
spending was at about a peak (Figure 26.5). Compared with 1936, the value of manufactured goods in Canada was 120%
larger, mostly because of the need to manufacture weapons, machines and other goods for the war effort. The value of
all exports increased by 175%, again reflecting the need to send food, weapons, and other goods to Europe and Asia to
support Canadian military personnel as well as allied countries, especially Britain. To pay for the wartime expenditures
the federal government increased its revenues by 478%, mostly by raising taxes. Nevertheless, the revenue increase
was insufficient to pay for all expenditures on the war effort, and so the federal debt increased by 195% between 1936
and 1945. The total direct expenditure by the Government of Canada on the war over the years 1940 to 1946, including
the demobilization, was about $18,943 million (year-1945 dollars; Government of Canada, 1947).
Figure 26.5. Changes in selected economic indicators of Canada relevant to expenditures during the Second
World War. The data are in millions of year-1945 dollars. Source: Data from Government of Canada (1947),
The armed forces are also important employers in many countries. Globally, about 92.6 million people have military
employment, including 20.6M in the active armed forces, 42.9M in reserve forces, and 29.1M in paramilitary
organizations (Wikipedia, 2015). The largest forces (active forces + reserves + paramilitary; 2012 data) are held by North
Korea (7.7M), India (4.8M), China (3.9M), South Korea (3.7M), Russia (3.4M), and the United States (2.2M). Canada has
about 65,700 active military personnel and 34,000 reservists.
Even larger numbers of people are employed in civilian industries that service military interests, ranging from the
manufacturing of weapons and vehicles to the provision of food and fuels.
Canadian Focus 15.1. The Armed Forces of Canada Prior to Confederation in 1867, military forces in Canada
consisted of regular troops of Britain that were assigned to the colony (or prior to 1758, those of France),
supported by local militias of armed civilians, and sometimes by allied Aboriginal nations (Granatstein, 2002;
Wikipedia 2015r). Those forces were intended for use in defense against aggression by other European powers,
Aboriginal groups, or American forces (the latter particularly during the American Revolutionary War of 1775 to
1783, the War of 1812 of 1812-1814, and the Fenian Raids of 1866 to 1871). Even for some time after 1867 the
responsibility for military command in Canada was vested in the British Crown and its commander-in-chief for
North America. This was the case until the final removal of British army and navy units from Canada in
1906.That withdrawal led to the formation of the Royal Canadian Navy, Canadian Army, and Royal Canadian Air
Force. However, even today, the nominal head of command is still the reigning monarch of Canada, Queen
Elizabeth II, as represented by the Governor General.
The first overseas deployment of Canadian military forces was to support Britain during the Second Boer War
(1899-1902) in southern Africa. A much larger international commitment occurred in Europe during the First
World War (1914-1918), and then again during the Second World War (1939-1945). There were also significant
participations in the Korean War (1950 to an armistice in 1953) and in Afghanistan (2001-2014). Other foreign
engagements have included the First Gulf War (1991), the Kosovo War (1998-1999), and various UN-sanctioned
peace-keeping missions such as those in Suez (1956-1967) and Cyprus (1954-present). In total, the Canadian
forces have participated in 75 international operations since 1947.
Canadian defence policy is established by elected political leaders of the Government of Canada, led by the
Prime Minister and the Minster of National Defence. Since the end of the Second World War, that policy has
The present defence policy of Canada was established in 2006 by a new Conservative Government. The
Canadian military is now being oriented and equipped to fulfill six core missions:
• to conduct routine national operations, including in the Arctic regions of Canada, as well as continental ones
through the auspices of the North American Aerospace Defence Command (NORAD)
• to respond to a major terrorist attack
• to support civilian authorities during a crisis caused by a natural disaster in Canada
• to conduct a major international operation for an extended period
• to deploy forces for a shorter period in response to military or natural crises elsewhere in the world
• to provide support to major international events in Canada
The Canadian forces are funded at an annual level of about $22.6 billion (in 2013), which ranked 14th in the
world (Wikipedia. 2015r,s). However, in some years the base funding is augmented to support non-baseline
expenses of new missions, such as those recently occurring in Afghanistan and Libya. The number of regular
personnel is about 68-thousand, and there are an additional 51-thousand in reserve forces, with the total
number ranking 74th in the world.
The Government of Canada has embarked on initiatives to build the stocks of military equipment and further to
improve them with advanced technologies. This program included the acquisition of equipment needed for the
mission in Afghanistan, such as battle tanks, armoured personnel carriers, artillery, and unmanned air drones.
There are also initiatives to replace or build the air fleet, including the acquisition of C-130 Hercules and C-17
Globemaster III transport aircraft, CH-47 Chinook heavy-lift helicopters, and F-35 Lightning II Joint Strike
Fighter jets. A process is also being implemented to renew the naval fleet, including the construction of 15 new
warships to replace the existing 15 frigates and destroyers, plus 2-3 new support vessels and 6-8 smaller vessels
to patrol coastal and arctic waters.
Environmental Damage
All wars result in some amount of carnage (deaths) and mayhem (destruction). Of course, this varies tremendously
depending on the scale of the conflict and the ways that the fighting is conducted. Obviously, relatively small clashes
may not cause a lot of environmental damage. At the other end of the spectrum, the largest possible wars, which could
involve the use of existing stockpiles of nuclear weapons, would potentially obliterate the biosphere. This would
happen as a consequence of the immense explosions as well as the resulting catastrophic fires and climatic
consequences of the release of enormous amounts of particulates and gases to the atmosphere.
The environmental effects of warfare can be organized into a number of topic areas, including the following major
In fact, a deliberate strategy of war may be to cause intense environmental damage in order to destroy the economic
capacity of an enemy. This might be referred to as ecocide – an attempt to cause severe environmental destruction as
a tactic of warfare. An early such action was undertaken by Scipio Africanus the Younger (185-129 BCE), a Roman consul
who defeated the Carthaginians in the Third (and final) Punic War of 146 BCE. Having achieved victory, he then ordered
his troops to utterly raze the city of Carthage (in Tunisia) and is also said to have devastated the surrounding
agricultural land by spreading large amounts of salt to poison the soil (Wikipedia, 2015h).
Conventional Munitions
Tremendous amounts of conventional munitions are used in warfare – the explosive potential of this weaponry is
based on very rapid, energy-releasing, chemical reactions. The intent of their use is mostly to blow up buildings,
equipment, and people, but damage is also caused to other components of the environment, such as forests and other
habitats. In this section we examine environmental and other damages caused by the use of conventional munitions. In
a later section we will examine nuclear explosives, whose immense power is based on fission or fusion reactions.
During the Second World War about 21 million tonnes (Mt) of conventional explosives was used, 36% of them by U.S.
forces, 42% by Germans, and the rest by other combatants (Westing, 1985a). During the Korean War, the total use of
munitions was 2.9 Mt, 90% by U.S. and its allied forces. In the Second Indochina War the expenditure was 14.3 Mt, more
than 95% by U.S. and allied forces.
Although subsequent wars have been extremely violent, their total use of explosive munitions has been much smaller
than in the ones just noted. This was because the conflicts were relatively brief and much of the bombing was highly
focussed on well-defined targets. This has been especially the case for the U.S.-led Gulf War of 1990-1991, and then
from 2001 the U.S.-led invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan during the still on-going “War on Terror.” Much of the
bombing during those conflicts involved “smart weapons” that were accurately guided to their targets by lasers
devices, pre-programmed geographic information systems, and/or battlefield technicians remotely monitoring the
pathway of bombs and missiles to their targets on video screens. For instance, in the brief but intense Gulf War to
liberate Kuwait, about 0.12 Mt were exploded, almost all by the U.S.-led coalition forces (Barnaby, 1991).
In the following sections we examine some of the environmental damages associated with the use of explosive
munitions, beginning with the First World War. Although enormous quantities of munitions were exploded during
these conflicts, there have been remarkably few studies of the non-human environmental damages. Rather, the focus
of research has been on the misery caused to people through deaths and injuries, and the destruction of buildings and
other infrastructure. Nevertheless, severe environmental damage was caused in many affected regions, and it is useful
to look at some of the obvious indicators of those effects.
The First and Second World Wars are the most prominent conflicts ever waged, particularly in terms of the loss of
To some degree the ecological effects of these conflicts can be gained from literary images of the time, a number of
which describe the devastation caused to forests and other ecosystems. This is especially true of some of the literature
emerging from the First World War. The Western Front was located in the coastal-plain lowlands of Belgium and
France where for years huge armies fought back-and-forth over terrain webbed with elaborate trenchworks.
Offensives gains were small, hard-won, and required the wastage of many people and copious materiel. The intense
and long lasting confrontations devastated the agricultural terrain and woodlands of the battlefields.
Some of the worst effects occurred in flat and poorly drained lowlands of the Flanders region of Belgium. The city and
vicinity of Ypres were devastated and were described like this: “In this landscape nothing existed but a measureless bog
of military rubble, shattered houses, and tree stumps. It was pitted with shell craters containing fetid water. Overhead
hung low clouds of smoke and fog. The very ground was soured by poison gas.” (Wolff, 1958). The deep clay soil of
Flanders was churned into a sticky, glutinous morass by artillery explosions and the movements of hordes of men and
machinery: “Because of the impervious clay, the rain cannot escape and tends to stagnate over large areas … the low-
lying, clayey soil, torn by shells and sodden with rain, turned to a succession of vast, muddy pools … the ground
remains perpetually saturated … gluey, intolerable mud … liquid mud … molasses-like topsoil.”
The devastation of forests can be appreciated from excerpts from literature of the time based on field observations:
“The scene in No Man’s Land … was indeed a chilling one … Woods were empty fields masked by what seemed to be a
few short poles stuck in the ground. … Gaunt, blackened remnants of trees drip in the one-time forests. … Houthulst
Forest, shelled day and night throughout six hundred acres of broken tree stumps, wreckage, and swamps – the acme
of hideousness, a Calvary of misery.” (Wolff, 1958). Another passage describes how a forest was dismembered by a
bombardment: “When a copse was caught in a fury of shells the trees flew uprooted through the air like a handful of
feathers; in a flash the area became, as in a magicians trick, as barren as the expanse around it.”
Beyond the battle zones forests were being frantically harvested to supply an unconstrained war effort (Freedman,
1995). Belgium lost almost all of its forested area, while France lost about 10%. In Britain the timber harvesting rate was
increased by more than 20-fold and about half of the existing forest was cut during the Great War. The most important
need for timber was for use as shaft props to help prevent cave-ins of underground coal mines, because there was a
tremendous demand for that strategic fuel. Great increases in the rates of forest harvesting also occurred in Europe
during the Second World War.
It must have seemed perverse to many of the observers at the time, but during the growing season some kinds of birds
and wildflowers could be abundant in the seemingly devastated battle zones of the Western Front and elsewhere.
There were observations of birdlife as being “almost normal” within a short distance of front-line trenches (Gladstone,
1919). The house sparrow (Passer domesticus) was described as “plentiful and unconcerned in half felled orchards and
ruined houses.” Many anecdotes described how some birds nested in the midst of apparent devastation, and how they
sang and otherwise went about their lives during bombardments and assaults.
One of the most famous poems to come out of the Great War, written by John McCrae, a Canadian physician and
Lieutenant Colonel, makes note of abundant red-flowered poppies (Papaver rhoeas) and the songs of Skylarks (Alauda
arvensis) in a graveyard in Flanders:
Even today, on Remembrance Day, which occurs in November 11 to commemorate the end of the War, many Canadians
and other people wear an artificial red poppy on their chest as a tribute to the many people of the armed services who
died in that and subsequent wars.
A number of species have been rendered endangered as a consequence of warfare. The last wild Père Doavid’s deer
(Elaphurus diavidianus) were killed by foreign troops during the Chinese Boxer Rebellion of 1898-1900, although the
species survives in captivity (Westing, 1980). The European bison (Bison bonasus) was almost made extinct during the
First World War by hunting to provide food for troops, and was again decimated during the Second World War,
although it was afterward protected and has since recovered somewhat in forested areas of central and eastern
Europe. In Africa, various species of large animals have become increasingly endangered as a consequence of widescale
and lingering wars and insurrections, during which a lax enforcement of hunting laws results in much illegal killing of
wild animals for bushmeat and valuable body parts. The monetary incentives for poaching endangered rhinos
(Ceratotherium simum and Diceros bicornis) are especially great because of the value of their horns, and for African
elephant (Loxodontia africana) because of their ivory tusks.
There have also been instances of certain wild animals increasing in abundance as an indirect consequence of warfare,
usually because of decreased commercial hunting. During the First and Second World Wars, the abundance of
gamebirds such as grouse and pheasants increased markedly in Britain and some other countries because of less
hunting pressure (Gooders, 1983). The populations of some raptorial birds such as falcons and hawks also increased
because most gamekeepers had been recruited into military service and so they were not culling these supposedly
injurious predators of gamebirds. During the Second World War, the stocks of fish increased in the North Atlantic, as
did whales in the Southern Ocean, and fur-bearing mammals in northern and eastern Europe, all because of less
hunting (Clark, 1947; Westing, 1980; Freedman, 1995).
Enormous amounts of munitions were also exploded during the Second Indochina War of 1961-1975. The quantity used
by U.S. forces alone was more than 14.3 Mt, about double that used by the U.S. during World War II (Martin and
Hiebert, 1985; Westing, 1976, 1985a). About half of the explosive tonnage was delivered by aerial bombardment, half by
artillery, and less than 1% from ship-borne artillery. The U.S. forces dropped about 20 million aerial bombs, fired 230M
artillery shells, and used more than 100M grenades and millions of rockets and mortar shells.
This vast outpouring of high explosives caused tremendous damage to the landscape of Indochina (Orians and Pfeiffer,
1970; Westing, 1976, 1982). About 2.5 million craters were formed in 1967 and 1968 alone by the explosion of 225- and
340-kg bombs dropped in saturation patterns from high-flying B-52 bombers, each sortie of which produced a
bombed-out area of about 65 ha. The craters had a typical diameter of about 15 m, depth of 12 m, and usually filled with
water and then provided habitat for mosquitoes and other aquatic biota. In agricultural areas, some of the water-filled
craters were eventually developed for use in aquaculture. In addition, explosions and the use of napalm (incendiary
bombs made of a gelled petroleum) often started forest and grassland fires, which often affected extensive terrain. The
total area affected in these ways was about 8.1 million ha or 11% of the landscape of Indochina, including 26% of South
Vietnam, the main battlefield. One military observer offered the following impression: “The landscape was torn as if by
an angry giant. The bombs uprooted trees and scattered them in crazy angles over the ground. The tangled jungle
undergrowth was swept aside around the bomb craters.” (Westing, 1976).
The first Gulf War was fought by an anti-Iraq coalition led by the United States (Canada participated in the aerial war).
The war began with an extensive 37-day bombardment of Iraqi military and infrastructure targets, followed by a 9-day
ground war. An estimated 120-thousand tonnes of explosives were expended during the conflict, almost all by coalition
forces (Barnaby, 1991). The coalition bombardment was relatively “efficient” in the sense that one tonne of explosive
caused about one enemy-military death, compared with about 2t per death in in the Vietnam War and 4t in Korea. The
higher kill rate by bombardment in the Gulf War was partly due to the frequent use of “smart” weapons that could be
accurately guided to their targets, along with the open exposure of many Iraqi military units in desert terrain.
A second Gulf War occurred in 2003 when a U.S.-led “coalition of the willing” invaded Iraq to depose its government
led by Saddam Hussein (this action was not sanctioned by the U.N. and Canada did not participate). The main reasons
given to justify that war by its main advocates, the United States and Britain, were: (1) the presumption that Iraq had
assisted Islamist terrorists in the airplane-bombing of the World Trade Towers in New York and the Pentagon in
Washington, both on September 11, 2001, and (2) the accusation that Iraq was developing weapons of mass destruction
and so was a grave threat to its neighbouring states. However, the evidence for both of those allegations was weak and
no proof was ever provided for either of them. This war began with a 3-week bombardment of military and
infrastructure targets, mostly with smart weapons, followed by a 3-week ground war that defeated the Iraqi military
forces. A provisional Iraqi government was soon put in place, and later an elected one. Unfortunately, however, Iraq is
still wracked by deadly sectarian violence, mostly between Shia and Sunni branches of Islam, and well as a bloody
insurgency intended to create a fundamentalist Islamic State in the region.
A related war began in Afghanistan two years earlier, in 2001. The goal of that conflict was to replace an Islamist
Taliban regime with a more western-friendly government. This war involved an invasion of Afghanistan by U.S. and U.K.
forces, greatly assisted by an anti-Taliban alliance of northern Afghanis called the United Front (or Northern Alliance).
The initial conflict involved a brief aerial bombardment of Taliban military concentrations followed by a ground war
conducted mainly by the United Front. Once the Taliban were deposed, a coalition of U.N.-sanctioned forces (with
Canadian participation) was deployed to provide military support for a provisional Government of Afghanistan and
later an elected one.
The western coalition has tried to re-build civilian infrastructure of the country, which had been devastated by several
decades of conflict associated with an earlier invasion by Russia to support a then-Communist government, followed
by several rounds of sectarian conflicts and civil war. However, the brief war to depose the Taliban has been followed
by on-going sectarian violence and guerrilla conflict with Taliban forces based out of neighbouring Pakistan.
In both the Afghan War and the Second Gulf War most of the mortality occurred during the insurgency periods rather
than during the “major conflict” to depose the previous government. Although there were brief periods in these wars
during which the coalition forces engaged in intensive bombing, much of that involved “smart weapons” and so the
tonnage of explosives used was considerably smaller than during the First Gulf War, and enormously less than in the
other conflicts examined in this section.
Legacy Munitions
Explosives that remain in place after a conflict has ended are referred to as legacy munitions or unexploded ordinance
(UXOs). There are several kinds: (1) large numbers of unexploded bombs that may yet be deadly if dug up, (2) fields of
land mines, and (3) unused artillery munitions that can be easily made into improvised explosive devices (IEDs) and
planted as mines beside roadways.
Conflicts that involved a great deal of artillery fire and aerial bombing leave abundant remnants of (UXOs) that are
lingering hazards on the landscape (Westing, 1984a, 1985b; Martin, and Hiebert, 1985). In fact, in older UXOs the
The use of explosive mines adds to the lingering hazards, because many of the devices are not recovered after the
hostilities are over. Almost all are weight-triggered land mines that are buried in fields as anti-personnel weapons or in
roads to blow up vehicles, but some are marine mines used to damage military vessels or commercial shipping. Modern
anti-personnel mines can be extremely difficult to find and remove because they are constructed almost entirely of
plastic and so cannot be magnetically detected. Land mines may be laid in enormous numbers – even in the brief First
Gulf War about 6-million were used, and their remnants will pose an explosive hazard for many years (McKinnon and
Vine, 1991).
During a long-running civil war in Cambodia from the 1970s to the early 1990s, land mines killed many civilians and
injured even more – by the end of that conflict about 35-thousand people had undergone leg amputations because of
accidental mine injuries, and even at the end in 1990 the rate was 6-thousand per year (Stover and Charles, 1991). In
2006, 15-20-thousand people, almost all of them civilians, were being killed world-wide by accidental explosions
involving land mines (UN News Center, 1997). This was about half the mortality rate of ten years previously, when a
United Nations treaty prohibiting the manufacturing of the devices went into effect. Afghanistan is another heavily
mined country, with as many as 10 million having been deployed since a series of conflicts began there in 1979 (ICBM,
2011). About 80% of the mines are anti-personnel devices and 20% were targeted against military vehicles.
Chemical Weapons
Weapons that cause deaths or injuries through exposure to toxic chemicals are referred to as chemical weapons.
Large-scale chemical warfare began during World War I, when both sides of that conflict used more than
100-thousand tonnes of lethal anti-personnel agents (Westing, 1977). These were deadly gases and vapours that caused
devastating injuries to the lungs, such as chlorine, chloropicrin, phosgene, and trichloromethyl chloroformate, as well
as the skin-blistering agent called mustard gas. These chemical weapons caused about 1.3-million casualties, including
85-thousand deaths. Chemical-weapon UXOs are still a dangerous legacy of that war in Belgium and France, where
most of the chemical weapons were used.
Gaseous weapons were also used by Iraqi forces against those of Iran during the 1981-1987 war between those
countries. Those weapons killed about 20-thousand Iranian soldiers and injured another 80-thousand, plus many
civilian casualties. The Iraqis also used chemical weapons when fighting an Iranian-supported rebellion in its northern
region of Kurdistan, the best-known case being an aerial attack in 1988 on the town of Halabja, using the nerve gases
sabin and tabun, and killing about 5-thousand and injuring 10-thousand, almost all of whom were civilians (McKinnon
and Vine, 1991; Wikipedia, 2015j). This was the largest attack with chemical weapons ever directed against a civilian
The United States military used a non-lethal “harassing agent” called CS during the Second Indochina War. About
Although not strictly speaking a tactic of warfare, the Nazi government of Germany used toxic gases in their mass-
murder of civilian and military prisoners during the Second World War (Wikipedia, 2015k). The murders mostly
occurred as industrial-scale killings in specially designed extermination camps. However, they were also a routine
practice in many of the more numerous concentration camps where slave-labourers were incarcerated to contribute
to the war effort in manufacturing. A disproportionately large fraction of the deaths was of Jews, who were the target
of a genocide, but large numbers of other ethnic and political groups and prisoners of war were also killed. The total
mortality in the death camps was about 4-million. Much of the killing was done in specially built gas chambers, the
largest of which could be used to murder several thousand people at a time. In the use of the larger chambers, the
victims would be herded inside, ostensibly for a communal shower to cleanse them after an awful trip to the camp by a
cattle train. Instead, they were gassed with a fast-acting nerve poison called zyklon-B, which is a cyanide-based
insecticide. The bodies were mostly burnt in fire pits or in specially constructed crematoria.
Herbicides in Vietnam
An unprecedented tactic used by the U.S. military during the Second Indochina War was to spray herbicide extensively
to deprive their enemy of food production and forest cover (Boffey, 1971; Westing, 1984b; Freedman, 1995). This was a
massive program that resulted in more than 1.4- million ha being sprayed, equivalent to one-seventh the area of South
Vietnam. Most of the spraying involved wild habitats such as tropical forest, but about 14% was directed against
cropland. The herbicide spraying began in 1961, reached a peak in 1967, and was terminated in 1971. The herbicide used
most frequently was a half-and-half mixture of 2,4-D and 2,4,5-T that was known as Agent Orange, with more than
46-million kg being used. Because the intention was to cause severe damage to ecosystems, the spray rates were quite
high – about 25 kg/ha or 10-times that with the same herbicides to promote the growth of conifer trees in forestry by
reducing the abundance of competing vegetation.
The ecological damage caused by the defoliation program was so severe that opponents of the spraying labelled it as
ecocide, which in this case was the intentional use of anti-environmental actions over a large area as a tactical
component of a military strategy (Westing, 1976). Because herbicides are poisonous to plants, extensive tracts of
vegetation were directly poisoned by the sprays. However, animals were indirectly affected by the extensive
destruction of habitats, although that damage was never documented in any detail.
The most intensive ecological damage was caused to coastal mangrove forest, of which 110-thousand ha were sprayed,
or 36% of its area in South Vietnam. Because the dominant tree species of mangrove forest are extremely sensitive to
herbicides, the spraying devastated the ecosystem and created large areas of muddy barrens. By the early to
mid-1980s, the sprayed areas of mangroves had substantially revegetated. However, the habitats were degraded in
species composition, with the more valuable red mangrove (Rhizophora apiculata) being less abundant than originally.
To some degree this problem was alleviated by planting seedlings of red mangrove over extensive areas.
Severe damage was also caused to various kinds of upland tropical forest, which were extensively devastated by the
herbicide spraying. The spraying of croplands caused great damage to food production in areas controlled by enemy
forces, and there were reports of illness or death of domestic livestock.
One of the most controversial aspects of the herbicide spraying was the contamination of the 2,4,5-T by a dioxin
known as TCDD (2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin). (Dioxins are is a range of compounds that are characterized by
the presence of a heterocyclic 6-membered ring, in which two carbon atoms are substituted by oxygen atoms. TCDD is
considered the most toxic compound in the dioxin series. It is most famous as a contaminant in Agent Orange and in
TCDD is known to be extremely toxic to many kinds of animals, and even at small doses it causes birth defects and
miscarriages in laboratory mammals. However, the toxicity of TCDD to people is less well understood. The most
commonly reported symptom of an intense exposure is a skin condition known as chloracne, which appears similar to
severe adolescent acne but is more severe and persistent. Other than chloracne, however, there is ongoing debate
about whether TCDD causes cancer, birth defects, or other severe diseases in people, and even if any human mortality
has been caused by exposures to this chemical.
Nevertheless, because most of the Agent Orange herbicide used in Vietnam was grossly contaminated with TCDD,
there has been much concern and debate over the potential effects on people exposed to these chemicals. Even today
the controversy has not been resolved, although after a complex series of lawsuits and other legal actions, in 1985 the
U.S. government began to compensate military personnel who claimed to have suffered health effects as a result of
work they did in the herbicide spraying in Vietnam. No compensation was ever paid to any other people, including the
many citizens of Vietnam who were exposed to the herbicides and their aftermath conditions.
Image 26.2. Spaying herbicide in Vietnam. The image shows a group of four aircraft spaying a herbicide
formulation (likely Agent Orange, a 50:50 mixture of 2,4-D and 2,4,5-T) over tropical forest in South Vietnam in
the late 1960s. Source: National Museum of the U.S. Air Force, photo
071002-F-1234P-022; http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Agent_Orange#mediaviewer/
The largest-ever marine oil spill was a tactic of “environmental warfare” during the war to liberate Kuwait in 1991. The
spill was deliberate and it occurred when Iraqi forces released about 800-thousand tonnes of petroleum into the
Persian Gulf from several tankers and storage tanks at a coastal ship-loading facility (Holloway and Horgan, 1991). The
apparent military purpose of the deliberate spill was to prevent amphibious landings of Allied forces. Compared with
spills during peacetime, not much effort was expended on recovering the spilled petroleum or treating the ecological
damage, although care was taken to protect the seawater intakes of desalinization plants in Saudi Arabia because they
supply most of the fresh water used in that country and so have great strategic value. Eventually, about 770 km of coast
were polluted by tarry residues of this spill, mostly in Saudi Arabia. This immense spill killed 20-30-thousand seabirds
and perhaps 260-thousand shorebirds (sandpipers and plovers) that forage on beaches. Marine mammals, sea turtles,
and sea snakes were also killed in large numbers.
An even larger petroleum spill occurred on land when 788 Kuwaiti oil-wells were sabotaged and ignited by Iraqi forces,
essentially as an act of economic terrorism (Earle, 1991). At the peak of the spill the emissions of oil were 2-6-million
tonnes per day. As soon as that brief war ended a massive effort was undertaken to cap the blow-outs, and about half
were capped within six months and the last one a year after the spill began. Much of the petroleum and its associated
gases burned in the atmosphere, but huge amounts of oil also accumulated in oil-lakes up to 7 m deep on the land. The
plumes of oily smoke from the burning wells typically rose to 3-5-thousand m in the atmosphere and sometimes could
be detected more than one thousand km away. The smoke and fumes caused intense local pollution, could result in
cool weather by blocking the sun, and blackened rain and snow up to several thousand kilometres away. Near the
burning wells there were appalling scenes of fire, smoke, and surrounding lakes of petroleum. William Reilly, at the
time the Administrator of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, said: “If hell had a national park, it would be those
burning oil fires. … I have never seen any one place before where there was so much compressed environmental
degradation.” (Popkin, 1991). There are still persistent tarry residues in the vicinity of the blowouts.
Image 26.3. Burning wellheads in Kuwait. The image shows a number of petroleum wellheads that were ignited
by Iraqi forces as an act of economic terrorism at the end of the brief way to liberate Kuwait in 1991. Source:
United States Army, Technical Sergeant Perry Heimer; http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/
Nuclear War
Nuclear weapons have an immense destructive capability – it is massively larger than that of conventional munitions.
Although the global inventory of nuclear weapons is considerably smaller today than when the Cold War ended in 1990,
their large-scale use in a war would nevertheless cause almost unfathomable damage. The potential scale of the
destruction was suggested by U.S. President John F. Kennedy (1917-1963) in a speech to the United Nations in 1961:
“Mankind must put an end to war, or war will put an end to mankind.” His speech was given at a time of intense
tensions about communism in Cuba, when the U.S. and Soviet Union did come perilously close to fighting a nuclear
conflict. A nuclear war would also be an immense threat to the natural world, because it would potentially be capable
of destroying ecosystems over much of the planet. The damage would initially be caused by the tremendous blasts and
conflagrations that would be associated with nuclear explosions, followed by poisoning of many of the survivors by
exposure to radioactive fallout and ionizing gamma radiation. These effects would likely be followed by a longer-term
deterioration of climatic conditions as a result of global changes in atmospheric chemistry. The ecologist Arthur
Westing (1987), who has specialized in research on the environmental effects of warfare, described a nuclear war as
having the potential to be “the ultimate insult to nature.”
Nuclear Arsenals
The global nuclear arsenal reached a peak around 1985, when it totalled about 70-thousand warheads with an explosive
yield of 11-20-thousand megatonnes (Mt) of TNT-equivalent (Grover and White, 1985; Westing, 1985; Sivard, 1989). (TNT
is 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene, which is the key ingredient in dynamite, a commonly used explosive. The ginormous explosive
Nuclear weapons can be divided into two categories based on the ways that that they are caused to explode
(Freedman, 1995). So-called atom bombs (or fission bombs) are based on the “splitting” of certain fissile isotopes of
uranium and/or plutonium, two heavy metals. (By definition, all atoms of an element must have the same numbers of
protons in their nucleus, but the number of neutrons may vary and so therefore the atomic weight. In nuclear
chemistry, an isotope is a variant of an element with a particular number of neutrons. For example, uranium may have
from 141 to 146 neutrons present and so there are six isotopes, the most abundant being 235uranium and 238uranium,
of which 235U is the more radioactive and so useful in nuclear power and fission bombs. For plutonium, the isotope
Pt235 is the one used in fission bombs.)
In a fission bomb a chemical explosion forces a mass of enriched U235 or Pt235 to reach a critical density that causes
nuclei to split into smaller units, and in the process release an enormous amount of nuclear energy as a massive
explosion. Fission reactions are also used as an energy source in nuclear-fuelled power plants, but in that application
the reactions are carefully controlled. Fission bombs range from relatively small devices with a yield equivalent to less
than one tonne of TNT to others as large as 0.5 Mt.
The other kind of nuclear weapons are fusion bombs (or hydrogen bombs) that are based on the fusion of nuclei of
deuterium and tritium, two isotopes of hydrogen. Nuclear fusion also fuels the extraordinary energy production in
stars, but no technology exists to control the reaction for commercial energy production. In a hydrogen bomb, a
fission explosion is used to create such enormous heat and density that the conditions are sufficient to cause hydrogen
nuclei to fuse into helium, a slightly heavier element, and in the process release immense energy as a gigantic
explosion. Fusion bombs have an extremely high yield, ranging up to 50 Mt of TNT equivalent.
The largest nuclear bombs are referred to as strategic weapons; they have an explosive yield of 0.60 Mt or more and
are designed to be delivered by a missile or airplane over a distance of thousands of kilometres. So-called tactical
weapons are much smaller and more numerous; they are intended to be used in a local battlefield, have a yield of less
than 0.20 Mt, and are delivered by smaller missiles, artillery, aircraft, or torpedoes. The aggregate nuclear arsenal
peaked in 1985 when there were about 70,000 nuclear weapons, including 4,300 strategic-delivery vehicles (mainly
missiles but also long-range aircraft) with each carrying about six warheads (Wikipedia, 2015l). Almost all of these
weapons were owned by the U.S. and the USSR, with Britain, China, and France having much smaller inventories. At
that peak the global nuclear arsenal had an aggregate yield of more than 11-thousand Mt.
Fortunately, the global inventory of nuclear weapons has been substantially reduced from the mid-1980s peak. This has
occurred partly because of a series of international treaties that were brokered by the United Nations, beginning with
the Limited Test Ban Treaty in 1963, then the Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty in 1968, and the Comprehensive
Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty in 1996 (note, however, that not all countries with nuclear weapons have signed on to,
ratified, or respected these various treaties) (Wikipedia, 2015m). Even more important, however, beginning in 1972 there
have been a series of bilateral nuclear-reduction agreements signed between the U.S. and Russia (representing the
former Soviet Union), most recently the New Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty of 2010, that have resulted in large and
verified reductions in the weapons held in their arsenals. The changes in nuclear arsenals are shown in Figure 26.6.
Between 1985 and 2013 the global nuclear arsenal decreased by about 72%, almost entirely because of large reductions
by the U.S. and Russia.
Figure 26.6. Changes in global nuclear arsenals. Source: Data from Kristensen and Norris (2015).
Figure 26.7. Countries holding nuclear weapons. The data are for warheads that are deployed plus those held in
stockpiled reserves. Source: Data from Kristensen and Norris (2015).
To summarize this section: the world now has many fewer nuclear weapons than several decades ago, but the ones
There has never been a nuclear war, but there are two instances in which nuclear bombs were used in a war. These
fission bombs were used by the U.S. against Japan during the Second World War, and within a few days of their use the
war in the Pacific ended with an unconditional surrender. The bomb dropped on the city of Hiroshima on August 6,
1945, caused an explosion with a yield of about 0.015 Mt of TNT, and that on Nagasaki several days later 0.021 Mt
(Barnaby and Rotblat, 1982; Pittock et al., 1985). Although these nuclear bombs caused immense explosions in
comparison with any made by a conventional device, they were small compared with recent strategic bombs that are
typically about 0.6 Mt but can range up to 50 Mt.
The bombs dropped in Japan were exploded in the atmosphere at a height of about ½ km, in order to further spread
their destructive impact compared with a ground-burst. The Hiroshima bomb killed about 140-thousand people or
40% of that city’s population (estimates of the mortality range from 90k to 166k), while the Nagasaki device killed
74-thousand or 26% of the population (60k-80k). Most of the deaths and destruction were caused by the combined
effects of immense blasts and thermal (heat) energy. About half of the explosive energy induced a blast wave that
travelled at the speed of sound (about 11 km in 30 sec) and caused severe damage to buildings as far as 2-3 km from the
epicentre of the explosions. Thermal energy accounted for another third of the energy and created a fireball that was
intense enough to vaporize people near the epicentre, to ignite wood as far as 2 km away, and to cause skin burns in
people up to 4 km distant. The firestorms resulted in burnt-out areas of 13 km2 at Hiroshima and 7 km2 at Nagasaki. In
total, about 2/3 of the buildings in Hiroshima were destroyed and 1/4 of those in Nagasaki.
About 15% of the explosive energy of those atomic bombs was expressed as ionizing radiation, of which 1/3 was
released within one minute of the explosions and 2/3 more gradually by radioactive decay of fallout material. Ionizing
radiation has am energy content that is high enough to remove an electron from an atom or molecule. This produces
ionized free radicals with unpaired electrons that make atoms or molecules highly chemically reactive. Various kinds of
highly energetic subatomic particles are ionizing, including alpha and beta particles, neutrons, and cosmic rays. The
high-energy photons of short-wavelength portions of the electromagnetic spectrum are also ionizing, especially
ultraviolet, X-rays, and gamma radiation. The free radicals produced by ionizing radiation disrupt biological systems by
damaging DNA and other vital biochemicals, thereby disrupting genetic and physiological systems and potentially
resulting in mutations, diseases including cancer, radiation sickness, and ultimately death. There are natural sources of
ionizing radiation in the environment, such as solar ultraviolet radiation, while anthropogenic sources include
exposure to X-ray or radioactive medical procedures, or to gamma radiation and radioactive fallout from nuclear
The enormous fires caused by the explosions induced upward-flowing convective air-masses that cooled as they rose
high in the atmosphere, condensing their moisture into a “black rain” that was heavily laden with soot and radioactive
particles. Among other effects, the ionizing radiation caused many survivors of the explosions to experience “radiation
sickness” whose symptoms included weakness, nausea, diarrhoea, vomiting, fever, hair loss, blood poisoning, and
bleeding from the bowels, gums, nose, and genitals. Some of the follow-up studies of longer-term survivors of the
explosions have found higher incidences of eye diseases, blood disorders, and certain cancers, but other studies did
not confirm those results.
Image 26.4. Aftermath of the nuclear explosion at Nagasaki in August, 1945. The image shows an extensive area
of devastated urban terrain, including a Buddhist temple in the foreground. Source: Photo by Corporal Lynn P.
Walker, Jr., U.S. Marine Corps, NARA FILE #: 127-N-136176; http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/
The development of nuclear weapons was accompanied by large numbers of test explosions, the first series of which
were above-ground and subsequent ones within the ground. The first test of a nuclear weapon happened in 1945 in
New Mexico and involved a fission device with a yield of 0.02 Mt, while the first hydrogen bomb was exploded in 1952
at Enewetak atoll in the south Pacific, and the largest-ever was a 50 Mt blast at Novaya Zemlya in 1961 in northern
Siberia (Wikipedia, 2015n).
The Limited Test Ban Treaty of 1963 resulted in a ban of signatory nations undertaking any testing of nuclear weapons
in the atmosphere, underwater, or in outer space, although underground test blasts were still allowed. However,
France did not ratify the treaty until 1974 and continued atmospheric testing until then, and China until 1980. The
Soviet Union conducted its last underground test blast in 1990, the U.K. in 1991, the U.S. in 1992, and China and France
in 1996. These countries pledged to not conduct any further nuclear tests when the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty
was enacted in 1996. However, non-signatory India and Pakistan have conducted test-blasts as recently as 1998 and
North Korea in 2009. In total, there have been about 2,083 nuclear test explosions, 42% of them by the U.S., 34% by
Russia, and 10% by France.
A limited amount of information about environmental impacts is available for some of the above-ground test
explosions conducted by the U.S. during the 1950s. Those detonations caused severe damage to surrounding
A few studies were also made of above-ground tests on islands in the South Pacific. One researcher studied plants on
Belle Island, located 4.3 km from a 1952 blast on Elugelab Island (Palumbo, 1962). The island was obliterated by the blast
and transformed into a water-filled crater. Although the vegetation on Belle Island suffered radiation damage after the
detonation, an apparently complete recovery was made within only six months. This observation suggests that at least
some biota that survives a nearby above-ground nuclear explosion may have considerable resilience and an ability to
recuperate from the disturbance.
To some degree the destruction that would be caused by nuclear bombs can be predicted based on observations made
during test explosions of various magnitude, and also on the results of computer-based models of physical processes.
When a nuclear bomb is exploded, about 40-54% of the enormous release of energy typically occurs as a blast wave,
30-50% as thermal radiation, and 5-7% as ionizing radiation (Westing, 1977; Wikipedia, 2015o). To maximize the damage
caused, strategic weapons would likely be exploded in the lower atmosphere, at a height less than 1,000 m, which
results in less of the energy being absorbed by the ground.
In a large-scale exchange of strategic nuclear weapons not all of the arsenal of the warring parties would be
successfully delivered. This is mostly because much of the arsenal would be destroyed by pre-emptive strikes or would
be intercepted in flight. In the mid-1980s, studies were made of a range of damage scenarios caused by the likely scale
of nuclear explosions during a hypothetical conflict. One representative estimate used for the purposes of modelling
was for the detonation of 5 6-thousand megatons of nuclear weapons (Grover and White, 1985; Harwell and Grover,
1985). That study was made during the “Cold War” and almost all of the bombs were presumed to be targeted on the
Northern Hemisphere, especially on the United States and Soviet Union, who were the most dominant potential
adversaries. However, countries allied with either of those countries would also be heavily targeted. This would have
included various “western capitalist” nations such as Canada, France, Germany, Great Britain, and Japan, as well as
those of the “communist bloc” such as China, Czechoslovakia, East Germany, and Poland. It was presumed that military
installations would be the primary targets of the nuclear assaults. However, cities would also be attacked because they
commonly host military infrastructure and in any event are the economic heart of any country.
The scenario of a 5-6-thousand Mt exchange was predicted to cause the deaths of about 20% of the global population,
including 75% of the people living in the United States (the mortality would relatively less in Canada, although some of
our major cities would have been targeted). However, a large fraction of the survivors would have suffered from terrible
injuries or radiation sickness, and with so much of the infrastructure of civilization destroyed they would not have
been able to access much in the way of medical treatment. Most of the deaths and injuries would be caused by thermal
radiation, but blast, fire, ionizing radiation, and falling buildings and other built structures would also be exceedingly
Clearly, the immediate consequences of an all-out nuclear war would be dreadful. It would involve a crushing loss of
human life, physical devastation, and incapacitation of social systems. This terrible misery would essentially destroy
the civilization of the affected countries, and a fast recovery would be impossible. Nevertheless, people would probably
survive in some places remote from the explosions, although they would then have to deal with extremely degraded
environmental conditions in the aftermath of a nuclear war.
Table 26.1. Damage caused by nuclear air-bursts of various sizes in forested terrain. The data are estimates of
the areas that would be affected by various kinds of damage, ranging from trees being blown down to poisoning
by ionizing radiation. Note that these estimates do not include damage that would be caused by the spread of
wildfires ignited by the explosion, the extent of which would largely be determined by weather following the
blast, especially the windspeed and direction. Source: Data from Westing (1977).
Climatic Effects
The immense explosions and fires resulting from a large-scale exchange of nuclear weapons would cause massive
amounts of tiny particulates, soot, and greenhouse gases to be injected high into the atmosphere. These materials
would have a lingering effect on the absorptive and reflective qualities of the atmosphere, which would result in
changes in large-scale climatic regimes. Studies of the potential consequences of a nuclear war for global climate have
been made using computer models of atmospheric properties that were initially developed to do research on global
warming (Chapter 17). Instead of using the models to study the climatic effects of increases of greenhouse gases, they
were modified to examine the likely consequences of the injection of fine inorganic particulates and carbonaceous
smoke into the upper atmosphere (Crutzen and Birks, 1982; NRC, 1985; Pittock et al., 1985; Stephens and Birks, 1985;
Robock et al., 2007; Toon et al., 1990, 2007; 2008).
One mid-1980s scenario examined an exchange of 6.5k Mt of nuclear weapons. It was predicted that the explosions and
fires would result in the injection of 330-825 million tonnes of fine particulates and 180-300 Mt of sooty smoke into
the atmosphere, much of which would enter the stratosphere and so would be extremely persistent ((NRC, 1985;
Stephens and Birks, 1985). These materials would have a substantial cooling effect. The inorganic dust would do this by
increasing the albedo (reflectivity) of the atmosphere, which would decrease the penetration of sunlight to the surface
and result in a cooling of the lower atmosphere. The smoke would absorb sunlight at a high altitude and then re-
radiate much of that energy back to space, while also creating a stable upper layer of warm air that would retard the
processes by which particles are removed from the atmosphere. These various mechanisms could reduce the energy
received at the surface of the planet by more than 90%. If this were to occur, there would be severe consequences for
climate, including persistent cold or even freezing temperatures, a phenomenon that has been labelled as a “nuclear
winter” or if less severe, a “nuclear autumn.”
Another study was done in 2006 with updated computer models of the global climate system (Robock et al, 2007). Two
scenarios were examined for a large-scale war – one involved the use of the entire nuclear arsenal of the time, and the
There would be severe ecological consequences if a nuclear winter were to occur (Grover and Harwell, 1985; Harwell
and Hutchinson, 1985; Grime, 1986; Westing, 1987). Both agricultural and natural vegetation would be injured or killed
by prolonged chilling and freezing, especially if these stressors occurred during the growing season. This would have
devastating effects on agricultural production and on natural ecosystems. The effects of cold temperatures in the
oceans might be less because those massive waterbodies have a great deal of thermal buffering. Of course, regardless
of the cooling, the productivity all ecosystems would be decreased as a result of the persistent blocking of incoming
sunlight, which is needed to drive photosynthesis.
Further injuries to vegetation and animals would be caused by a predicted increase in the penetration of solar
ultraviolet radiation as a result of damage caused to the stratospheric ozone layer, and also by the presence of large
amounts of toxic gases in the lower atmosphere, such as ozone and sulphur dioxide. These lingering effects of the
aftermath conditions of a nuclear conflict would add to the enormous ecological damage that was immediately caused
by the explosions through blast, thermal radiation, ionizing radiation, and wildfires.
Although the environmental consequences of a large-scale nuclear war cannot be predicted with much accuracy, it is
clear that they would be horrific. There would be a bleak post-holocaust future for humans and the biosphere. It is vital
that people have a broad understanding of the terrible consequences of a nuclear war, and of all kinds of warfare, so
that they will support the necessary actions to prevent them from occurring.
In fact, optimism for a world devoid of extreme conflicts is quite widespread in society. Moreover, it is embedded in the
teachings of major religions. This is exemplified by the following quotation from the Old Testament of the Bible (Isaiah
2, 4; New American Standard Bible):
And He will judge between the nations, And will render decisions for many peoples; And they will hammer their
swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks. Nation will not lift up sword against nation, And
never again will they learn war.
This passage suggests that conflicts amongst people can be resolved by fair and impartial judgements, and if this is
done there is no need for weapons or for war. While the quotation suggests that an omnipotent power such as God can
be such an arbiter, in the modern world it is more likely that international organizations will play that role, as we
examine in the following section.
Avoiding War
Probably all wars have begun with the proponents and most of their supporters having optimistic and enthusiastic
beliefs of triumph. Nevertheless, such conflicts result in misery to many of the people who become involved, while also
causing terrible damage to the environment. This has been especially true of wars of the past century, which have been
characterized by increasingly sophisticated and destructive weapons that are commonly directed against civilians in
addition to enemy combatants. Because of an increasingly widespread recognition of the dreadful consequences of
wars, powerful social forces have become engaged in doing what is possible to prevent conflicts from occurring.
In fact, because of wide recognition of the appalling consequences of warfare, governments have worked together to
institute various international mechanisms for resolving conflicts among nations. Some of these are binational or
multinational treaties and other agreements among particular countries, while others are global in scope and have
been implemented under the auspices of the United Nations. Key international agreements relative to the prevention
or mitigated conduct of war include the following (Wikipedia, 2015p): 1919 – Covenant of the League of Nations (this
was the founding of the League of Nations, which in 1945 was replaced by the United Nations) 1929 – Third Geneva
Convention relative to the Treatment of Prisoners of War (updated in 1949) 1945 – Charter of the United Nations (the
founding of the United Nations) 1949 – Fourth Geneva Convention relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time
of War (a UN treaty) 1951 – Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (UN) 1963 –
Limited Test Ban Treaty (UN) 1968 – Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty (UN) 1972 – Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty (UN)
1972 – Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention (UN) 1991 – Treaty on Conventional Armed Forces in Europe (nations
of the North American Treaty Organization and the Warsaw Pact) 1991 – Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (U.S. and
Russia) 1993 – Chemical Weapons Convention (Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons) 1996 –
Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (UN) 1996 – Anti-Personnel Mine Ban Convention (UN) 2002 – Strategic
Offensive Reductions Treaty (U.S. and Russia) 2010 – New Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (U.S. and Russia)
In addition to these sorts of international agreements, the United Nations and other organizations sometimes
undertake actions to prevent or end local or regional conflicts. Within that context, peace-making refers to the
enforced resolution of an active or potential conflict, often by establishing a balanced power relationship among the
parties while also imposing a process to achieve a negotiated settlement. Peace-making may proceed through
negotiations involving the parties in conflict, but if that does not work it may require military action to create a more
symmetrical power structure so that neither side has a strong advantage.
Examples of peace-making actions include several imposed settlements of conflicts that arose after the break-up of
the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia beginning in 1991, which eventually resulted in the formation of a number
of countries: Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia, and Slovenia. The wars of
secession associated with the break-up resulted in several peace-making actions to stop the violence. For example,
when the relatively powerful armed forces and militias of Serbia engaged in war measures to prevent the secession of
the province of Kosovo, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) engaged in a selective bombing campaign that
forced a kind-of peace (Canada was a participant in that mission). Kosovo is now a self-proclaimed republic, although
its governance is controlled by the United Nations and its independence is not recognized by Serbia.
Peace-keeping is an action that occurs after a hot conflict has stopped through a cease-fire agreement, but the
conditions for a lasting peace are not yet in place so various means must be used to keep the antagonists apart. Peace-
keepers may do their work by monitoring the movement and actions of armed forces in post-conflict areas and by
otherwise assisting in the implementation of peace agreements, sometimes by enforcing provisions of a cease-fire. The
UN has a peace-keeping program that has been active in various conflict zones in Africa, eastern Europe, and the
Middle East (Canada participated in several of these missions, which are characterized by personnel wearing helmets
or berets of a light-blue colour). Some peace-keeping actions have been remarkably long-lasting, such as the one that
has been in place in Cyprus since 1964. These various international mechanisms have all been extremely helpful in
preventing wars, or in making them less widespread or destructive.
There are also powerful social movements against war. These involve non-governmental organizations that protest
against militarism or the engagement of their own or other countries in specific conflicts. There are also less-
There are also more broadly based forces for peace, which operate at a grander societal level to make deadly conflicts
less likely:
• Democracy is a political system with numerous faults, but if properly implemented it assures the basic freedoms of
people and so helps to avoid many of the kinds of discrimination that can result in the extreme discontent that
may lead to insurrection or revolution. Democracy also allows for an open discussion about the size, capabilities,
role, and purposes of the military sector of society.
• Equitable opportunities of people living within a society, and also among countries, help to diffuse tensions
associated with gross and unfair inequalities of wealth, lifestyle, and access to health services, education, and
cultural and recreational amenities. All people, including those living in poor countries, have a right to expect a
decent standard of living and quality of life. It is difficult to build a prosperous and peaceful world if there are gross
inequalities among people.
• Open and respectful communications are essential to helping parties understand opposing views and to find ways
of accommodating differences of opinion or aspiration that may exist between nation-states, cultures, and other
groups. Helpful exchanges of information include liaisons among cultural and national groups of people,
politicians, and even the leadership of military forces.
• Reduced militarism is related to modifying the attitude of the political leaders of nations about the degree to which
their society must be prepared for potential conflicts, and the amount of spending that is necessary for such
purposes. If governmental priorities resulted in fewer resources being expended to maintain armed forces,
arsenals, and other military infrastructure, then more would be available to support social programs related to
health, education, culture, and other needs of society. However, such approached must be balanced against the
degree of militarism exhibited by other countries within the community of nations.
• Anti-war cultural attributes also help to foster a widespread antipathy against violent conflicts. This is
accomplished by documentaries, movies, novels, paintings, poems, sculptures, songs, websites, and educational
curricula that take anti-war stances and help people to understand that peace is a desirable alternative to violent
• Empowerment of a comprehensive United Nations potential for peace-making and peace-keeping would mean
that only the most determined antagonists would be able to escalate tensions to outbreaks of war. The UN is
limited to authorizing those functions, which must then be carried out by willing member-nation. However, with
improved funding and a stronger mandate the UN could be empowered to prevent more conflicts than it is now
possible for it to do.
• Cooperative security is an idea that is not yet sufficiently recognized by the nation-states and cultures of the
world, all of whom have a large stake in avoiding warfare and should collaborate more effectively to avoid it.
• Ecological sustainability is another force for peace. If it is attained then economic and environmental difficulties
associated with non-sustainability would place fewer strains on the internal and international relations of
countries, which are often a prelude to conflict. In essence, the global economy must be balanced against the
capability of the world to provide flows of resources, while also maintaining the ability of the biosphere to sustain
other species and natural ecosystems. We usually think of warfare as an activity that only occurs among people,
but in a sense the human economy is presently at war with the biosphere. If that conflict with the natural world
can be resolved, then wars among human cultures and nation-states will be easier to avoid.
Canadian Focus 15.2. Lester Pearson – A Nobel Prize for Peace-keeping Lester B. Pearson (1897-1972) was a
distinguished Canadian who worked as a professor, historian, diplomat, civil servant, and politician, including
serving as the 14th Prime Minister of Canada from 1963 to 1968 (Wikipedia, 2015t). In 1957, he was awarded the
Nobel Peace Prize in recognition of ground-breaking work he did to organize a United Nations Emergency
Force to resolve the Suez Canal Crisis.
That conflict occurred in 1956. It involved a coordinated attack against Egypt by armed forces of Britain,
France, and Israel (Wikipedia, 2015u). The main intent was to seize the Suez Canal, which had been constructed
during 1859-1869 by the French-owned Suez Canal Company, and which provides a vital shipping link between
the Mediterranean Sea and the Indian Ocean. The canal had been nationalized by Egypt several months
previously under the direction of its president, Gamal Nasser. That unilateral act had been undertaken to
In any event, the joint offensive to seize the canal from Egyptian control turned out to be enormously more
controversial than its protagonists had anticipated. The attack was widely condemned by many nations,
including the United States and the Soviet Union, as well as by the United Nations. The conflict was stopped
when the UN General Assembly adopted a U.S.-sponsored resolution that called for an immediate ceasefire, a
withdrawal of forces to behind armistice lines, an arms embargo on the adversaries, and reopening of the Suez
Canal, which had been blocked by scuttled vessels. This was followed by additional UN resolutions, which
established the first United Nations Emergency Force (UNEF), a multi-national military corps that would police
the borderlands of Israel and Egypt in order to prevent hostilities from again breaking out.
The proposal for the cease-fire and the emergency UNEF force was primarily developed through the efforts of
Lester Pearson, then serving as the Secretary of External Affairs of Canada and a front-line player at the UN.
However, behind the scenes Pearson was being urged to lead this initiative by U.S. diplomats, because an
American-led effort through the UN would have been resisted by a large bloc of countries, particularly the
communist states. The proposal from Pearson received immediate support from Dag Hammarskjöld, the
Secretary-General of the UN, and from other key world leaders, and it was quickly implemented.
In 1957, Lester Pearson was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in recognition of his efforts to resolve the Suez
Crisis and for the creation of a mandate for the UN Emergency Force. Pearson is now considered the “father” of
the concept of peace-keeping. The Nobel selection committee proclaimed that Pearson had “saved the world”
through his efforts to quickly end the crisis, which had the potential to spread into a regional and perhaps even
global conflict of the superpowers of the time.
Canadian military personnel have since contributed to a number of UN peace-keeping operations (Wikipedia,
2015v). They served in that inaugural UNEF group from 1956 to 1967, which was placed on Egyptian territory on
the Sinai Peninsula. The mandate of that force was terminated in 1967 by another outbreak of hostilities known
as the Six-Day War, which was fought between Israel and its neighbouring Arab countries. Canada has also
served in 32 additional UN peace-keeping operations (to 2015).
Image 26.6. Lester B. Pearson photographed in 1944. Source: Star Newspaper/The Ottawa Journal/Library and
Archives Canada, e002505448 (Copyright is expired; http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/
1. What are the root causes of violent conflicts? Use that conceptual framework to explain the causes of a particular
2. Write a brief essay on the economic costs of militarism and war.
3. What are the potential consequences of a nuclear war?
4. What is a nuclear winter, and what might cause it to occur?
5. Explain the social forces and international mechanisms that are helping to prevent wars from occurring.
1. In view of the awful damage that is associated with war, why do these conflicts occur? What are the reasons that
differences among people cannot always be settled using non-violent means.
2. During the Second Indochina War (Vietnam War), the U.S. forces dropped enormous quantities of bombs and also
sprayed extensive regions with herbicide. Of these two classes of action, there had been more public controversy
Exploring Issues
1. The Government of Canada has assigned you to a team to which the United Nations has given the responsibility of
ending a conflict in a foreign country. Outline the steps that you would promote for ending the conflict, including
negotiations between the hostile parties, and peace-making and peace-keeping if necessary.
2. An anti-war NGO has hired you to lead a seminar in which options would be discussed for decreasing the level of
military preparedness in Canada, including reasonable ways to lessen the expenditures for that purpose. How
would you organize the seminar in order to encourage the participants to have an open discussion of the need for
a balanced level of military preparedness in the face of competing uses of funding for health care, schools, and
other social programs.
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Sweden. https://www.sipri.org/databases/milex or https://web.archive.org/web/20180619145916/
Stover, E. and D. Charles. 1991. The killing minefields of Cambodia. New Scientist, 1991 (Oct.): 26-30.
Toon, O.B., R.P. Turco, A. Robock, C. Bardeen, L. Oman, and G.L. Stenchikov. 2007. Atmospheric effects and societal
consequences of regional scale nuclear conflicts and acts of individual nuclear terrorism. Atmospheric Chemistry and
Physics, 7: 1973–2002.
Toon, O.B., A. Robock, and R.P. Turco. 2008. Environmental consequences of nuclear war. Physics Today, 2008: 37-42.
Turco, R.P., O.B. Toon, T.P. Ackerman, J.B. Pollack, and C. Sagan. 1990. Climate and smoke: An appraisal of nuclear
winter. Science, 247: 166-176.
UN News Center. 1997. Landmines still kill 20,000 yearly, despite moves toward elimination.http://www.un.org/apps/
Westing, A.H. 1976. Ecological Consequences of the Second Indochina War. Almqvist & Wiksell, Stockholm, Sweden.
Westing, A.H. 1977. Weapons of Mass Destruction and the Environment. Crane & Rusak, New York, NY.
Westing, A.H. 1980. Warfare in a Fragile World. Military Impact on the Human Environment. Taylor & Francis, London,
Westing, A.H. 1982. The environmental aftermath of warfare in Viet Nam. Pp. 363-389 in: SIPRI Yearbook 1982.
Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, Stockholm, Sweden.
Westing, A.H. 1984b. Herbicides in War: The Long-tern Ecological and Human Consequences. Taylor & Francis, London,
Westing, A.H. (ed.) 1985b. Explosive Remnants of War: An Overview. Pp. 1-16 in: Explosive Remnants of War: Mitigating
the Environmental Impacts. Taylor & Francis, Philadelphia, PA.
Westing, A.H. 1987. The Ecological Dimension of Nuclear War. Stockholm International Peace Research Institute,
Stockholm, Sweden.
White, M. 2014. Necrometrics. http://necrometrics.com (Note: This comprehensive review is the key source of data
cited in this section on mortality caused by wars. Note, however, that the data are inexact, in the sense that various
studies of the same wars, and of particular battles and theatres, often provide differing numbers. The data cited here
are favoured by White in his own analysis, which are usually close to the median estimates.)
Wikipedia. 2015u. Suez Crisis. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Suez_Crisis Accessed September, 2011.Wilson, E.O. 1975.
Slavery in ants. Scientific American, 232 (6): 32-36.
Wolff, L. 1958. In Flanders Fields. Viking Press, New York, NY. (Citing excerpts of military dispatches and other literature
of the time.)
World Bank. 2015a. Gross National Income, Atlas Method (Current US$). World Bank, Geneva,
Switzerland. http://data.worldbank.org/indicator/NY.GNP.ATLS.CD
World Bank. 2015b. Data. Indicators. Public spending on education, total (% of GDP) and Public spending on health,
total (% of GDP). http://data.worldbank.org/indicator?display=graph
World Resources Institute (WRI). 1995. World Resources. WRI, Washington, DC.
1. Outline how humans are causing the modern crisis of extinction and endangerment.
2. Give examples of species that have been made extinct through human activities, including cases from Canada.
3. Explain how a system of protected areas is essential to the preservation of biodiversity.
4. Outline the roles of governments, non-governmental organizations, scientists, and citizens in conserving species
and other elements of biodiversity.
Earlier, we defined biodiversity as the total richness of biological variation and examined reasons why it is important
(see Chapter 7). In this chapter, we examine the many threats to biodiversity that are associated with the human
economy. The emphasis is on severe damage that is being caused, especially that associated with losses of species and
of natural ecosystems.
Extinction refers to the loss of a species or another named biological entity (referred to as a taxon) over all of its range
on Earth. Extirpation is a more local disappearance, with the taxon surviving elsewhere. Extinction represents an
irretrievable loss of a unique portion of the biological richness of Earth, whereas it may be possible to re-establish an
extirpated taxon from a surviving population.
Extinctions have always occurred as a result of natural influences. These include random catastrophes as well as the
longer-term effects of environmental change, such as in climate or in biological factors such as disease or predation
(Chapter 7). In modern times, however, and even for the past 10-thousand years or so, almost all extinctions have been
caused by anthropogenic influences, particularly by over-harvesting and the destruction of natural habitats. In fact, an
enormous increase in the rate of extinctions has been one of the most important consequences of humans becoming
the dominant species on Earth. Species are now disappearing so quickly that we refer to the phenomenon as an
extinction crisis (or a biodiversity crisis).
Every species is unique, a fact that gives them great intrinsic value – this is a central tenet of the biocentric world view
(see Chapter 1). Therefore, from an ethical perspective, any irretrievable loss of biodiversity is a shameful consequence
of the ways that people are using their power to exploit other species and ecosystems. This is also a foolish way for
humans to administer their global empowerment, because unique species are disappearing before they have been
investigated for their potential usefulness in medicine or agriculture, and before we understand their importance as
components of ecosystems. Human actions that result in extinctions can only be regarded as ecologically dangerous
In this chapter, we examine the modern biodiversity crisis – the reasons why it is happening, ways of repairing at least
some of the damage already caused, and how to prevent further losses.
Life has existed on Earth for about 3.5 billion years. Almost all of the species that have lived during that period of time
are now extinct, having disappeared “naturally” for some reason or other. (The survivors are referred to as extant, or
still living today.) In many cases, the extinct species could not adapt to changes that occurred in their environment,
such as shifts in climate or increases in disease, predation, or competition with other species. Many species, however,
disappeared during brief episodes of mass extinction, which may have been caused by unpredictable catastrophes,
such as a meteorite hitting Earth.
The geological record clearly shows that many species and groups of organisms (such as genera, families, and phyla)
have appeared and disappeared over time (see Chapter 6). For example, many phyla of invertebrate animals evolved
relatively quickly during an evolutionary proliferation that occurred around the beginning of the Cambrian era, about
570 million years ago. Subsequently, most of those phyla and their many species became extinct. About 20 extinct phyla
from that period were discovered in a renowned fossil deposit known as the Burgess Shale, located in Yoho National
Park in southeastern British Columbia. In an evolutionary sense, each of those extinct phyla represented a novel
“experiment” in the form and function of invertebrate animals. We only know that these ancient creatures existed
because their fragile body structures became fossilized under extraordinary geological circumstances (Gould, 1989).
The fossil record is replete with many other examples of ancient extinctions. However, the rate of extinction, and of
the subsequent evolutionary radiation of new species, has not been uniform over time. The geological record clearly
shows that relatively low and uniform rates of extinction have typically persisted for extremely long periods of time,
but those tranquil eras were punctuated by about nine catastrophic events of mass extinction.
The most intense event occurred at the end of the Permian era, about 245 million years ago. This natural catastrophe
resulted in the loss of about 54% of the existing families of marine animals, including 84% of the genera and 96% of the
species (Erwin, 1990). Another mass extinction occurred at the end of the Cretaceous period, about 65 million years
ago. This famous event involved the last of the dinosaurs and pterosaurs (flying reptiles), along with many other taxa,
totaling perhaps three-quarters of the species living at the time. Many scientists believe that this crisis of
paleobiodiversity was caused by a meteorite hitting the Earth, likely in the vicinity of the Yucatan peninsula of Mexico.
Such a catastrophe would have caused a deadly tsunami, while also ejecting enormous quantities of dust into the
atmosphere, likely resulting in a cooling of the climate that most species were unable to tolerate.
During the past several centuries, Earth’s existing heritage of biodiversity has been buffeted by another mass
extinction. This is an ongoing catastrophe, and it will certainly intensify into the foreseeable future. This ecological
calamity is not a natural phenomenon. Rather, it is being caused by the influences and economic activities of modern
Many kinds of human activities are causing species to become endangered or extinct. (A species is considered
endangered if, because of a small population or loss of habitat, it has a high risk of becoming extirpated or extinct.) The
most important cause is the destruction of natural ecosystems and their conversion into habitats that are unsuitable
for the original species, a problem that is especially acute in tropical countries. Excessive harvesting of some species is
also significant, as is damage caused by introduced predators, diseases, and competitors. Any of these stressors can
cause populations to become increasingly small and fragmented, a circumstance that results in much greater risks of
extirpation or extinction (Figure 27.1).
Because of these anthropogenic influences, the past several centuries have witnessed huge increases in the global rate
of extinction and in the number of species that are threatened with this catastrophe. Not surprisingly, our knowledge
In fact, there have been at least 842 known extinctions, including 746 animals and 96 plants (many of these are distinct
subspecies and varieties; IUCN, 2014). The losses include 71 species of mammals, 135 birds, 22 reptiles, 34 amphibians,
and 80 fishes. All of these extinctions were caused by human influences. Much larger numbers of species are at grave
risk of suffering extinction (1,199 species of mammals are at risk, as are 1,373 birds, 927 reptiles, 1,957 amphibians, and
2,222 fishes).
Unfortunately, we know much less about extinctions among less conspicuous groups of organisms. This is particularly
true of the enormous diversity of relatively small, poorly known species that live in tropical ecosystems, especially in
old-growth rainforest. Undoubtedly, huge numbers of tropical species, particularly plants and invertebrates, have
become extinct during the past several centuries as their natural forest habitat was converted into agricultural and
other land-uses. We can refer to these losses as “hidden extinctions” because so few of the lost species had been
discovered and named by taxonomists. Moreover, these hidden extinctions continue to occur rapidly, in fact at an
accelerating rate, because their poorly explored tropical habitats are being destroyed so quickly.
In the following sections we will examine selected case studies of species that have been rendered extinct by humans
and their activities.
Prehistoric Extinctions
Many species are useful as “resources” that humans can harvest and use as a source of food, medicine, timber, fuel, or
some other purpose. In many cases, the exploitation of these potentially renewable resources has been so insatiable
that their “mining” has culminated in extinction. These once-valuable species now occur nowhere on Earth (Freedman,
We previously examined extinctions that were caused by prehistoric hunters as they over-hunted populations of large,
naive animals in newly discovered lands (see Global Focus 12.2). In North America, it appears that paleohunters
exterminated many species of large mammals soon after people discovered the continent by migrating across a
Beringean land bridge more than 12 millennia ago, at the end of the most recent ice age. Known extinctions occurring
around that time include 77 species of mammals, such as 10 species of horse, a giant ground sloth, four kinds of camels,
two bison, the mastodon, several mammoths, and the sabre-toothed tiger. Other large animals became extinct when
South America was colonized somewhat later.
The colonization of “new” land masses by humans also caused prehistoric mass extinctions in other places. Australia
and New Guinea were discovered about 50-thousand years ago. Soon after, many species of marsupials, large flightless
birds, and tortoises became extinct, likely because of over-hunting.
New Zealand was colonized less than one-thousand years ago. Within two centuries, 30 large birds were extinct,
among them a goose, a swan, and 26 species of large flightless birds known as moas. The extinctions proceeded as an
anthropogenic wave that began in northern North Island, which was the initial point of colonization, to southern South
Island. Many of the moas were herded by the hunters and their dogs to convenient butchering sites, where the great
piles of bones were later used by early European farmers as a source of phosphate fertilizer.
In a similar fashion, the human colonization of Madagascar, about 1,500 years ago, resulted in the extinction of 14
species of lemurs, 6-12 flightless elephant birds, and various other big and edible animals. Other well-known
prehistoric mass extinctions occurred on Hawaii, New Caledonia, Fiji, and the West Indies. In fact, this phenomenon
likely occurred whenever a previously inhabited island was discovered and colonized.
• island species occur in small, isolated populations, which are especially vulnerable to extinction
• many birds of remote islands had not experienced intense predation during their recent history, and as a result
they had evolved to be flightless, relatively large, and unafraid of predators, so they were extremely vulnerable to
hunting by people once their islands were colonized
• most island species did not co-occur with closely competing organisms, so they were easily displaced when more
capable species were introduced
• islands also became ecologically degraded by introduced plants, animals, and diseases
• finally, the human colonization of remote islands, particularly by Europeans, resulted in extensive destruction of
natural habitats as the islands were cleared for agricultural, urban, and tourism developments.
For these reasons, the species of remote islands have suffered particularly high rates of extinction. For example, at one
time, each of the approximately 800 islands of the southern Pacific Ocean may have had several endemic species of
flightless rails (a family of marsh birds known as Rallidae), plus other unique birds and reptiles. As these islands were
discovered and colonized by prehistoric Polynesians, perhaps thousands of these endemic species became extinct
through over-hunting and habitat damage. For instance, a study of bird bones recovered at an archaeological site on
the island of Ua Huka found that 14 of the 16 original birds no longer occur there, including 10 endemic species that had
been rendered extinct. The extinctions worsened when Europeans secondarily colonized these and other oceanic
islands, because of the extensive habitat losses that occurred during “development.” In fact, of the 135 taxa of birds
(including 95 species) around the world that are known to have become extinct since 1600, all but nine lived on islands.
The problem of extinction-prone island biotas can be further illustrated by the case of the Hawaiian Islands, an
ancient, remote archipelago of volcanic outcroppings in the central Pacific Ocean. When these islands were first
discovered by Polynesian seafarers, there were at least 86 species of birds, including 68 that occurred nowhere else. Of
those 68 endemics, 24 are now extinct and 29 are endangered. Similarly, the native flora at the time consisted of as
many as two thousand species of flowering (angiosperm) plants, of which as many as 98% were endemic. During the
past several hundred years, more than 100 of the endemic plants became extinct, and more than 500 are threatened or
endangered. The extinction and endangerment of Hawaiian species has been caused by the widespread conversion of
natural habitats into agricultural and urbanized land-uses, coupled with introductions of alien predators, competitors,
virulent diseases, and destructive herbivores such as goats.
Unsustainable harvesting during historic times has caused some of the most famous cases of extinction and
endangerment, in some instances involving species that were initially extremely abundant. We will illustrate this
phenomenon by referring to the dodo, great auk, passenger pigeon, and other notable cases. These are examples of the
devastating effects that insatiable killing can have on vulnerable populations of wild creatures.
The dodo (Raphus cucullatus) was a turkey-sized, flightless bird that disappeared in 1681, making it the first
documented extinction of the historical era. The loss of this species is immortalized in everyday language by the
phrase “dead as a dodo,” which is used as a metaphor for an irrevocable loss. The word “dodo” is also sometimes used to
indicate an old-fashioned or stupid person. This etymology derives from the dodo’s apparent inability to adapt to
threats posed by the human colonists of Mauritius, the only place where this bird lived. Mauritius is a small island in
the Indian Ocean, discovered by Portuguese sailors in 1507. In 1598 it was colonized by the Dutch, who hunted the dodo
for meat, gathered its eggs, and cleared its habitat for agriculture. They also released cats, pigs, and monkeys that
preyed on dodos and destroyed their ground-level nests. These stressors caused the dodo to decline rapidly and
become extinct.
One of the largest breeding colonies of great auks was on Funk Island off eastern Newfoundland. In 1785, an observer
described the harvest of great auks and other seabirds on Funk Island (Nettleship and Evans, 1985):
“It has been customary of late years, for several crews of men to live all summer on that island, for the sole
purpose of killing birds for the sake of their feathers, the destruction of which they have made is incredible. If a
stop is not soon put to that practice, the whole breed will be diminished to almost nothing, particularly the
The great auk was, in fact, extirpated from Funk Island in the early 1800s. The last two individuals seen alive were killed
in 1844 by several Icelanders who were searching for specimens to sell to a bird “collector” of natural-history
specimens. Because of their extreme rarity at the time, great auks and their eggs were precious to collectors – they
were, unfortunately, too valuable to let live.
The passenger pigeon (Ectopistes migratorius) may have numbered as many as 5-billion individuals three centuries
ago, when it may have been the most populous landbird in the world. It bred in mature forests of oak, beech, hickory,
and chestnut in southeastern Canada and the northeastern United States. These trees produce large seeds known as
“mast,” which were a key food for this bird. In the autumn, passenger pigeons migrated in enormous flocks to the
southeastern United States. Their immense flocks were described as being so dense as to obscure the sun, and taking
hours to pass. The birds roosted communally during winter nights, often in such large numbers that they would kill
trees by an excessive deposition of guano (bird feces), and would break stout limbs under their weight.
The naturalist John Lawson described an impressive passage of these birds in the Carolinas (Feduccia, 1985):
“I saw such prodigious flocks of these pigeons . . . in 1701-2 . . . that they had broke down the limbs of a great
many trees all over these woods, whereupon they chanced to sit and roost . . . These pigeons, about sun-rise . . .
would fly by us in such vast flocks, that they would be near a quarter of an hour, before they were all passed by;
and as soon as that flock was gone, another would come; and so successively one after another, for the rest of
the morning.”
The seemingly unlimited abundance of passenger pigeons, and their habit of migrating and breeding in large and dense
groups, made them an easy target for market hunters who sold their carcasses in cities and towns. During the early
1800s there was a well-organized hunt of passenger pigeons to supply urban markets with cheap meat. During seasons
when the hunt was on, “wagon loads of them . . . poured into the market . . . and pigeons became the order of the day at
dinner, breakfast, and supper, until the very name became sickening” (A. Wilson in 1829; quoted in Feduccia, 1985).
The sizes of the harvests were staggering. For example, about one-billion pigeons were taken in 1869 in breeding
colonies in Michigan alone. The intensity of the commercial hunting far exceeded sustainability, and this, along with
destruction of much of the breeding habitat, caused the passenger pigeon to decline rapidly in abundance. The last
known attempt at nesting was in 1894, and the last known individual died a lonely death in the Cincinnati Zoo in 1914.
The Steller’s sea cow (Hydrodamalis stelleri) was a mammal related to the manatees. It lived in subarctic waters
around the Aleutian Islands in the Bering Sea and was hunted by Aboriginal people of that region. Soon after this shy
and inoffensive species was “discovered” by Russian explorers in 1741, it was hunted as a source of food and hides and
was rendered extinct after only 26 years of exploitation.
The Caribbean monk seal (Monachus tropicalis) lived in the Caribbean Sea and Gulf of Mexico. This species was
encountered, and eaten, on the second voyage of Christopher Columbus to the Americas in 1494. Populations of this
seal were depleted by an eighteenth-century market hunt for its meat and blubber. The last survivors were
exterminated by the subsistence hunting of local fishers.
The Eskimo curlew (Numenius borealis) is a large sandpiper that was still abundant as recently as 150 years ago. It was
exploited by market hunters during its migrations through the prairies and coasts of Canada and the United States, and
also on its wintering grounds on the pampas (grasslands) and coasts of South America. The uncontrolled hunting
caused this bird to become rare by the end of the nineteenth century. The last observed nesting attempt was in 1866,
and the last specimen was “collected” (by shooting) in Labrador in 1922. For some decades the Eskimo curlew was
thought to be extinct, very small numbers of this perilously endangered bird may have recently been seen by expert
The right whale (Balaena glacialis) once ranged over all temperate waters of the Northern Hemisphere. Because if its
rich oil content, habit of swimming at a relaxed speed in coastal waters, and the fact that it floated when dead, early
whalers considered this the “right” whale to hunt. Due to commercial over-hunting of right whales for their blubber,
which was rendered into oil to fuel the lamps of Europe and America, its populations collapsed over its entire range.
This whale has been extirpated from the eastern Atlantic off Europe, and it is critically endangered in the western
Pacific off Korea and Japan. Only about four hundred right whales survive in the northwest Atlantic Ocean. Most of
these animals spend much of the summer and autumn in the mouth of the Bay of Fundy and off southwestern Nova
Scotia. They migrate south to spend the winter along the southeastern United States and eastern Caribbean. Although
not hunted for decades, the population of right whales has been slow to recover, largely because of mortality caused by
collisions with ships and entanglement in fishing gear.
Image 27.1. The Labrador duck (Camptorhynchus labradorium) used to winter on the Atlantic coast of Canada
and the United States and probably nested in Labrador. Because of excessive hunting, it became extinct around
1875. This is a photograph of carved models of a pair of Labrador ducks, replicated from old stuffed specimens
that had been “collected” in Nova Scotia by a nineteenth-century naturalist. Source: B. Freedman.
Many species have been rendered endangered or extinct because their natural habitats were converted to agricultural
or other land-uses or were damaged by invasive alien species. We will first examine several examples of this
phenomenon, and then assess the modern destruction of tropical forest, which is the human activity that is most
important in causing extinctions today.
The American ivory-billed woodpecker (Campephilus principalis principalis) lived in the southeastern United States,
where it bred in extensive tracts of mature, bottomland, hardwood forest and cypress swamp. Most of this habitat was
heavily logged or converted to agriculture by the early 1900s, which drove the population of ivory-billed woodpeckers
into a rapid decline. There had been no sightings of this woodpecker since the early 1960s, but astonishingly, in 2005,
one individual was photographed in a remote forest tract in Arkansas, prompting hope that the species might yet be
recovered. A closely related subspecies, the critically endangered Cuban ivory-billed woodpecker (Campephilus
principalis bairdii), may still occur in tiny numbers in mountain forests in Cuba.
The black-footed ferret (Mustela nigripes) was first “discovered” in the prairies of North America in 1851. Because of
habitat loss, this predator became extirpated in Canada and endangered in the United States. Extensive areas of its
habitat of short-grass and mixed-grass prairie were converted into agricultural use. Also, its principal food, the prairie
dog (Cynomys ludovicianus), has declined in abundance. The prairie dog has been relentlessly poisoned as a perceived
pest of rangeland. With little habitat or food, the black-footed ferret is unable to survive over most of its former range.
Nevertheless, a cooperative recovery program of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the Canadian Wildlife Service
has resulted in the release of captive-bred ferrets into places where suitable habitat still exists, and they appear to be
increasing in abundance in those places. A small population is now present in Grasslands National Park in southern
The Furbish’s lousewort (Pedicularis furbishiae) is an herbaceous plant that grows only along a 230-km stretch of the
Saint John River valley in New Brunswick and Maine. This species had been considered extinct, but in 1976 it was “re-
Canadian Focus 27.1. Alien Invaders During the past five centuries, and at an accelerating pace, Canada has
become host to an enormous number of alien plants, animals, and microorganisms. Many of them were
introduced intentionally, and others accidentally. Some have caused severe damage by invading natural
ecosystems and displacing native species or by becoming serious predators or pathogens of native biota.
Others are causing awful economic damage as pests in agriculture, forestry, horticulture, or in the home.
Canada is not unique in this circumstance – all countries are suffering grave ecological and economic damage
from invasive aliens. In fact, this syndrome is one of the biggest environmental problems facing the planet.
There is a litany of examples of invasive aliens in Canada. The following cause some of the most important
ecological damage: Invaders of Natural Habitats
• Garlic mustard (Alliaria petiolata) is a Eurasian plant that was accidentally introduced to America, possibly
as a contaminant of crop seed or by hitchhiking in soil carried as ballast on sailing ships. This herbaceous
plant invades bottomland forests of southern Ontario and Quebec, where it crowds out native plants, some
of which are rare.
• Gorse (Ulex europaea) is a European shrub that was introduced as a horticultural plant. It is invasive in
coastal British Columbia, where it displaces at-risk plants that live in dry forests of Garry oak (Quercus
garryana) and Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii).
• Purple loosestrife (Lythrum salicaria) is a herbaceous Eurasian plant that was introduced as an ornamental
species or with ship ballast. It can degrade wetland habitat for native plants and animals.
• Leafy spurge (Euphorbia esula) was accidentally introduced as a contaminant of crop seed. It invades prairie
and displaces rare native species.
• The brown spruce longhorn beetle (Tetropium fuscum) is a Eurasian insect that arrived in Halifax in the
1990s, probably carried in wood used to secure ship cargoes. It is attacking and killing native spruce trees,
especially red spruce (Picea rubens), and it may be a threat to the entire boreal forest.
• Chestnut blight (Endothia parasitica) and Dutch elm disease (Ceratocystis ulmi) are Asian fungal pathogens
that were brought to North America with horticultural stock of alien trees. These diseases have wiped out
native chestnut and elms wherever encountered, causing terrible damage to natural forests. A similar recent
case introduced through horticulture is the butternut canker (Sirococcus clavigignenti), which is now killing
butternut trees (Juglans cinerea).
• The common carp (Cyprinus carpio) is a Eurasian fish introduced as a source of food and sport. It damages
shallow-water habitats by uprooting aquatic plants and disturbing sediment while feeding and nesting.
• The zebra mussel (Dreissenia polymorpha) arrived to the Great Lakes in ballast water of ships from Europe.
It causes damage by displacing native mollusks and by fouling water pipes and other structures.
• The green crab (Carcinus maenas) arrived in ballast water in the mid-nineteenth century and is now firmly
established on the East Coast. It feeds broadly and has caused declines of many native invertebrates.
• The green fleece (Codium fragile) is a marine alga from Eurasia that recently (about 1990) established
on the Atlantic and Pacific coasts. It displaces native seaweeds, particularly in the Atlantic. Invaders of
Anthropogenic Ecosystems:
• The starling (Sturnus vulgaris), English sparrow (Passer domesticus), and rock pigeon (Columba livea) are
Eurasian birds that were introduced to America by “homesick” European immigrants. They are now
extremely abundant and displace native birds from breeding sites, compete with them for food, and foul
urban areas with their excrement.
• The common rat (Rattus norvegicus), house mouse (Mus musculus), and cockroach (Blatta orientalis) are
alien animals that are pests in many homes.
Tropical Deforestation
Tropical forest is most biodiverse ecosystem on Earth – its richness of species is unparalleled. Moreover, this poorly
explored biome is thought to contain millions of as-yet-unnamed species, particularly of insects (Chapter 7). Because
so many tropical-forest species have a local distribution, the destruction of this ecosystem causes a disproportionate
number of extinctions (in comparison with those by the clearing of other kinds of natural ecosystems).
It is well known that the rate of deforestation in most tropical countries has increased alarmingly during the past
century, particularly in the past several decades. This is in marked contrast to the situation in most higher-latitude
countries, where forest cover has been relatively stable (see Chapter 14). In North America, for example, there has been
little net change in forest cover in recent years (Table 27.1). In contrast, most countries of Central and South America
had substantial losses of forest cover during that period, as did most tropical countries of Africa and Asia. Overall, the
developing world lost 138 million hectare of forest between 1990 and 2005 (5.8% overall), and most of that was tropical
forest (WRI, 2008). Globally, the rate of clearing of tropical rainforest during the 1980s and 1990s was equivalent to
more than 1% of that biome per year—a rate that, if maintained, would imply a half-life for that biome of less than 70
Most tropical deforestation is caused by the conversion of forest into subsistence agriculture by poor families. This
agricultural conversion is greatly increased whenever access to the forest interior is improved. When roads are
constructed for timber extraction or mineral exploration, deforestation often follows rapidly. The complex social
causes of deforestation include population growth, inequality of land ownership, and the displacement of poor families
by mechanization and the global commercialization of agriculture. Because of these factors, enormous numbers of
poor families are seeking arable land in most of the less-developed countries. These people need land on which they
can grow food for subsistence and for some cash income.
The forest conversion often involves a system of shifting cultivation, in which the trees are felled, the woody debris
burned, and the land used to grow mixed crops for several years. By that time, fertility has declined and weeds have
become abundant. The land is then abandoned for a fallow period of several decades. This allows a secondary forest to
regenerate, while nearby patches of forest are cleared to provide new land for cultivation.
A more intensive system of subsistence agriculture, known as slash-and-burn, results in a permanent conversion of the
land into crop production. Slash-and-burn also involves cutting and burning the forest. After the forest is gone,
however, the land is used continuously, without a fallow period during which a secondary forest may regrow and site
fertility regenerate.
Much tropical forest is also affected by commercial logging, or is being cleared to provide land for industrial
agriculture, such as oil-palm plantations, sugar-cane fields, and cattle pasture. Tropical deforestation is also caused by
flooding during the development of hydroelectric reservoirs, by the cutting of wood to manufacture charcoal, and by
the harvesting of fuelwood, especially near towns and cities. Wood is the predominant cooking fuel in many tropical
countries, especially for poorer, rural families – for most of the world’s people, the energy crisis involves fuelwood,
rather than fossil fuels (see Chapter 14).
Because so many species live in tropical forest, the modern rate of deforestation of this biome is having catastrophic
Table 27.1. Changes in Forest Area in Selected Countries and Regions. Forest area is for 2011 (in 106 km2), and
change in forest cover is presented as percent of the original cover and as the percentage change from 2005 to
2010. Source: Data from WRI (2008) and UNEP (2015).
Image 27.2. The greatest modern threats to biodiversity are associated with deforestation in tropical countries.
This area in West Kalimantan in Indonesian Borneo was, until recently, covered in old-growth tropical
rainforest. The forest was logged to recover its largest trees, which were used to manufacture timber and
plywood for export. A secondary harvest was then made of smaller trees for local use, after which the area was
converted to agricultural land-use through a practice known as slash-and-burn. At the time the photo was
taken, people had just moved into the area and were engaging in subsistence agriculture. Few native species
Fortunately, a widespread awareness and concern has developed about this important ecological problem. This has
stimulated a great deal of research into the conservation and protection of tropical forests, and governments have
started to set aside substantial areas as national parks and other kinds of protected areas. Thousands of sites,
comprising hundreds of millions of hectares, have now received some sort of “protection” in tropical countries.
However, the effectiveness of the protected status varies greatly. It depends on factors that influence governmental
commitments to conserving forest and other natural ecosystems and to protecting biodiversity more generally. Social
stability and related political priorities are important considerations – these are critical to addressing the economic
causes of the destruction of tropical ecosystems. Societal factors include poverty, population growth, inequities in the
distribution of wealth and land, industrial timber harvesting to earn foreign exchange, and corruption. More directly,
political stability and priorities determine whether enough money is available to support a system of protected areas
and to find effective means to control the poaching of animals and timber and to prevent other encroachments.
Poaching (illegal harvesting) of endangered wildlife is a terrible problem for species that have economic value on the
international black market (see Global Focus 27.1). This can be illustrated by the black rhino (Diceros bicornis) and the
elephant (Loxodonta africana) in a game reserve in Zambia, Africa. In the early 1970s, the Luangwa Valley contained
about 100-thousand elephants and as many as 12-thousand black rhinos (Leader-Williams et al., 1990). Unfortunately,
these relatively large populations quickly collapsed because of poaching, which resulted from the extremely high prices
paid for rhino horns and elephant tusks on the black market. Even though Zambian park wardens made courageous
efforts under difficult circumstances, it proved impossible to control the poaching. The astronomical value of horn and
ivory has spawned a well-organized and profitable chain of illegal poaching, smuggling, and sale.
In spite of these sorts of problems, some tropical countries are developing a real commitment to the protection of
their threatened biodiversity. In Central America and the Caribbean, for example, Belize has given protected-area
status to 37% of its landbase, while Costa Rica had allocated 27%, and the Dominican Republic 19% (World Bank, 2015).
In other Latin American countries, conservation efforts have been disrupted by civil war and other political
instabilities, and also by indifferent governmental and social priorities. For example, in 2006, the percentage of the
national territory with status as IUCN I–V protected areas was only 0.1% in Jamaica, 0.2% in El Salvador, 0.3% in Haiti,
0.6% in Mexico, and 5.5% in Trinidad and Tobago (WRI, 2008).
Global Focus 27.1. Categories of Protected Areas The International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN)
and the World Commission on Protected Areas (WCPA) recognize six categories of protected areas. Categories
I, II, and III represent particularly strong commitments to maintaining natural ecosystems within the protected
area, while the other categories allow some degree of resource management or extraction. The following
explains the salient features of the various categories: I. Strict Nature Reserves and Wilderness Areas include
ecological, nature, and wilderness reserves. These are managed to preserve their natural condition, although
use by scientists for research and monitoring may be allowed. II. National Parks and Equivalent Reserves
consist of national, state, and provincial parks, plus areas under Aboriginal or other traditional ownership.
These areas are managed primarily to protect ecosystems, although non-consumptive recreation is usually
permitted. III. Natural Monuments include geological phenomena and archaeological sites and are intended to
protect features of aesthetic or cultural importance. IV. Habitat and Species Management Areas consist of
wetlands and wildlife sanctuaries. These are intended to conserve through the protection and management of
habitats. Hunting and other consumptive uses may be allowed. V. Protected Landscapes and Seascapes include
landscapes, marine areas, scenic rivers, recreational areas, and conservation areas in which the varied
interactions of people and nature have produced areas of distinct character. These areas are managed to
sustain use by both people and wild species and ecosystems. VI. Managed Resource Protected Areas contain
areas of primarily natural ecosystems. These are managed to conserve biodiversity, while also providing
sustainable harvests of renewable resources and ecological services.
The world’s greatest expanses of tropical rainforest occur in equatorial Africa, south and southeastern Asia, Central
America, western South America, and the basin of the Amazon River. The latter region, known as Amazonia, contains
the most extensive rainforest and may support half of the biodiversity of Earth (Mongabay, 2008). This rich tropical
region is still extensively covered by primary old-growth rainforest that has been little affected by modern agriculture,
lumbering, or other influences of industrial society (although all of Amazonia has supported indigenous cultures for
thousands of years).
However, the exploitation and devastation of the Amazonian forest is proceeding rapidly. Great expanses of rainforest
are being converted into industrial-scale cattle ranches and soybean farms. In addition, large areas have been
deforested by poor farmers who have migrated from heavily populated regions of Amazonian countries in search of
“new” agricultural land. Extensive areas of Amazonian forest have also been degraded by hydroelectric developments,
lumbering, mining, and timber harvesting to manufacture charcoal as a fuel for the production of iron.
Most of Amazonia lies in northern Brazil. The population in that region has increased enormously in recent decades to
several million people, mostly through the migration of landless peasants from other parts of Brazil. This, along with
the development of industrial agriculture, has resulted in rapid deforestation in Amazonian Brazil. Between 1970 and
2013, a total of 759-thousand km2 of tropical forest was cleared, equivalent to about 19% of Amazonia in Brazil (Butler,
2015). In total, Brazil has accounted for 80% of the deforestation in Amazonia. The peak of deforestation was in 2004,
when about 28-thousand km2 of primary forest was cleared in Brazil. Fortunately, the rate of deforestation has slowed
since then, to 6-thousand km2 in 2013. Most of the continuing deforestation is done to develop additional acreage for
cattle ranching and soybeans, for which huge export markets have developed in China and Europe.
Global Focus 27.2. Trade in Species-at-Risk Some endangered species are valuable for one reason or another.
They may be sought by private collectors or by zoos or botanical gardens, which may be willing to pay a large
price for a living specimen. Some animal and plant tissues are valuable, which may result in endangered species
being killed for their fur, horn, or ivory, or for their finely grained or colourful wood. For example, rhinoceros
horn is precious is Yemen for crafting dagger handles, while in eastern Asia tiger bones, the rhizome of ginseng,
and bile from the gallbladder of bears are used in traditional medicine. Elephant ivory is valued for carving, and
rare furs of cheetah, jaguar, leopard, and tiger are used in expensive clothing.
A global treaty called the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) obliges signatory
nations to control the trade in threatened species within their national jurisdiction. CITES was established in
1973 under the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). Its key function is to monitor the international
trade in endangered species and to control or prevent it as much as possible. For these purposes, species are
assigned status as being extinct, endangered, vulnerable, or rare by an allied organization called the World
Conservation Union (IUCN). The actual international trade in species is monitored by the “Traffic” network of
the IUCN and the World Wildlife Fund (WWF). The global headquarters of CITES, IUCN, and WWF are all in
International trade in 630 species of animals and 301 plants is prohibited by CITES (these are so-called
Appendix I species; CITES, 2015). In addition, the trade in 4,827 animals and 29,592 plants (Appendix II) requires
a CITES permit and is monitored by the World Conservation Monitoring Centre (WCMC) of Cambridge, UK.
WCMC also publishes a series of “red books” that summarize the status and commerce of about 8,300 plant and
7,200 animal species. Canadian species listed by CITES include 49 species of mammals, 57 birds, 4 reptiles, 9
fish, and 85 plants (the latter are mostly native orchids; Environment Canada, 2015). However, the importing of
a much larger number of non-Canadian species listed by CITES is also monitored and regulated by
Environment Canada.
One of the responsibilities of Canada under the CITES treaty is to report on its international trade in species
that fall under the purview of WCMC. In 2013, for example, the Government of Canada issued 1,097 permits to
export CITES species or their parts (CITES, 2015). Many of the permits are for species that are listed by CITES,
but are not native to Canada but may be bred here, such as parrots, cacti, and orchids. Table 1 shows a selection
of native Canadian species for which CITES export permits were given in 2013.
Table 27.2. Selected species for which CITES trade certificates were given in 2013. Source: Data from CITES
Of course, these data refer only to the legal trade of species listed by CITES. There is also an illegal trade in
Canada, particularly of bear gallbladders, caribou antlers, and certain furs. There is also an illegal trade in some
living animals and plants such as certain orchids, and gyrfalcons and peregrine falcons that are valuable in the
Middle East for the sport of falconry. Most of the illegal trade involves animals and plants that were hunted or
collected by poachers. In addition, there are large illegal imports of banned products into Canada, such as rare
parrots, reptiles, and fish for the pet trade. There is also a burgeoning illicit trade of animal parts used in
traditional medicine, particularly to service a large market in traditional Chinese medicine.
The illegal trade in rare and endangered species is responsible for an enormous international economy of as
much as several billion dollars per year (reputedly second only to the illegal drug trade). This is the reason why
this kind of illegal commerce is flourishing in so many countries, including Canada. To some degree,
governments can deal with the problem by more rigidly enforcing their laws governing the illegal trade and by
imposing severe penalties on convicted offenders. Ultimately, however, the illicit commerce is driven by a
wealthy and enthusiastic marketplace. Obviously, for the sake of the endangered biodiversity, it is crucial that
the demand be curtailed as soon as possible. Ultimately, people’s attitudes must be changed, and severe
penalties must be imposed for the illegal possession of species or body parts banned by CITES.
Species Declines
Numerous species of certain groups of organisms have been suffering intense and widespread declines in their
populations, with many of them becoming endangered and even extinct. These include large carnivores, reptiles,
amphibians, predatory birds, and migratory songbirds. We will examine the problem of species declines using the
example of North American songbirds.
Bachman’s warbler (Vermivora bachmanii) appears to have become extinct because of the loss of its tropical wintering
habitat. This songbird used to breed in mature hardwood forest in the southeastern United States. Although suitable
habitat remains in that region, this warbler has not been seen since the mid-1950s and is undoubtedly extinct. This loss
was probably caused by the clearing of its critical wintering habitat, believed to have been humid tropical forest in
Cuba that was converted into sugar-cane plantations.
Much of the evidence suggesting that populations of many other neotropical migrants are declining is anecdotal –
skilled birders are not seeing as many individuals of many species as they once did, even in places where the local
habitat has not changed much. Unfortunately, only a few studies have closely monitored bird populations for many
years in mature forest habitat. One of the best long-term studies is for a tract of forest in West Virginia, where the
breeding birds, particularly the migrants, declined substantially over a 37-year period. From 1947 to 1953, 25-28 species
bred at that site, of which 14-16 were neotropical migrants. This decreased to only 15 species and 8 migrants breeding
over the period of 1973-1983 (Terborgh, 1989). During that same period, the total abundance of birds decreased by 16%,
and that of neotropical migrants by 37%. In another important census of forest birds, made at Hubbard Brook, New
Hampshire, 70% of the breeding species declined between 1969 and 1984 (Holmes et al., 1986).
An important data set has been compiled by the Canadian Wildlife Service, based on information from a large number
of breeding bird surveys, which are made annually at many locations using a common methodology. Because so many
widely spaced areas contribute to the database, it provides an indication of synoptic trends in the abundance of birds.
The analysis in Figure 27.2 shows that the abundance of neotropical migrants breeding in Canada has declined
markedly, while that of species that spend the winter in North America has not decreased to the same degree.
Figure 27.2. Changes in Abundance of Neotropical Migrants. The index of abundance is based on an annual
analysis of a large number of breeding-bird surveys coordinated by the Canadian Wildlife Service across our
country. The index for neotropical migrants is based on data for 88 species that spend the winter in Central or
South America, while that for short-distance migrants is based on 81 species that winter in North America.
Source: Data from CWS (2015).
Many migratory species have also been affected by nest parasitism by the brown-headed cowbird (Molothrus ater),
which lays its eggs in the nests of other species. The foster parents raise the voracious cowbird chick, while their own
young are neglected and usually die. The cowbird has greatly expanded its range and abundance in North America,
mostly because humans have provided it with suitable habitat by disturbing the formerly extensive forest. Cowbirds
feed in open areas and are particularly efficient at parasitizing nests near forest edges.
Many bird species in the northern and eastern parts of the modern range of the cowbird are extremely vulnerable to
nest parasitism (Freedman, 1995). They have only recently come in contact with this parasite and have not evolved an
effective defense. For example, Kirtland’s warbler (Dendroica kirtlandii), an endangered species, may suffer a
parasitism rate of 70%, and each incidence leads to reproductive failure. A study in Illinois found that two-thirds of 75
nests of various host species were parasitized by cowbirds, including 76% of 49 nests of neotropical migrants. The rate
of nest parasitism of white-crowned sparrows (Zonotrichia leucophrys) in California increased from 5% in 1975 to
40-50% in 1990-1991, much more than the 20% rate that the population could face without declining.
The cowbird problem is a dilemma. This is because the only obvious way to help the threatened birds is to kill large
numbers of cowbirds, itself a native species. Although distasteful, that action is required if people wish to deal with the
severe damage that this parasite is inflicting on other birds, as an indirect consequence of anthropogenic changes to
its habitat.
Fortunately, dismal stories about extinctions and other grievous losses do not make up all the news about biodiversity.
The northern fur seal (Callorhinus ursinus) lives in the northern Pacific Ocean. It was relentlessly exploited for its fur,
and by 1920 had been reduced from a population of several million to only about 130-thousand. Because this fur seal
was believed to be in danger of extinction, an international treaty was signed to strictly regulate its harvest. Its
population responded vigorously to the conservation measures and rebounded to almost 1-million individuals,
abundant enough to again support a commercial hunt for its fur, leather, and oil. However, its numbers have declined
again and now there is only a subsistence hunt, equivalent to about one-thousand animals per year since 2000 (NMFS;
2007). The northern fur seal has been suffering considerable non-hunting mortality from entanglement in fishing gear,
over-fishing of its food, poaching, and oil spills.
Some other seals were also hunted excessively, but then rebounded in abundance after the exploitation was stopped,
or at least sensibly regulated. Two Canadian examples are the harp seal (Phoca groenlandica) of the north Atlantic
Ocean, which now numbers about 7-million animals (Chapter 14), and the grey seal (Halichoerus grypus) of temperate
Atlantic waters. The grey seal numbered only about 5-thousand animals as recently as the mid-1960s and was
considered endangered. Since then, however, this seal has had remarkable population growth and now numbers more
than 0.5-million animals.
Many populations of large whales were severely depleted during several centuries of unregulated hunting (Chapter 14).
Following protection, some populations have substantially recovered. The best example of this is the grey whale
(Eschrichtius robustus) of the Pacific coast of North America, which was protected in the 1930s when its population
numbered as few as one-thousand animals. It now numbers about 19-thousand, roughly comparable to its pre-
exploitation abundance (IWC, 2015). Although the grey whale of the eastern Pacific is no longer endangered, it was
extirpated in the eastern Atlantic several centuries ago, and a tiny stock in the western Pacific is critically endangered.
Other large whales were also heavily depleted by commercial hunting. With few exceptions, they have been protected
from exploitation since an international moratorium on whaling in 1986. Their populations are slowly recovering,
although not yet to the degree achieved by the grey whale. The sperm whale (Physeter catodon), for example, had a
global pre-whaling abundance of about 2-million, but now numbers fewer than 1 million (IWC, 2015). Similarly, the
finback whale (Balaenoptera physalus) initially numbered about 200-thousand, but now numbers 50-thousand. The
blue whale (B. musculus), initially numbering 200-thousand, now numbers only 6.5-thousand. The humpback whale
(Megaptera novaeangliae) was about 120-thousand and is now 89-thousand. These species will continue to recover
their abundances as long as they remain protected from commercial hunting. There is intense pressure, however, for
the moratorium to end for the most abundant species, particularly the minke whale (Balaenoptera acutorostrata),
which numbers about 600-thousand.
Image 27.3. Populations of humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) were heavily exploited worldwide by
commercial whaling. However, this species is now protected and its numbers are increasing. Humpback whales,
such as this animal off Brier Island, Nova Scotia, spend much of the summer feeding on small fish in northern
Several other species of whales remain badly depleted and are recovering extremely slowly. One of these is the
population of right whales (Balaena glacialis) of the western Atlantic, which numbers only about 500 individuals.
Another is the right whale of the eastern Pacific Ocean, with only a hundred or so animals. Yet another is the bowhead
whale (Balaena mysticetus) of the Arctic, with a population of about 14-thousand. Bowhead whales are still subjected to
an Aboriginal hunt in northern coastal Alaska (no more than 67 can be struck per year; several are also taken off Baffin
Island in Canada and Greenland). The most important causes of mortality of Atlantic right whales appear to be
collisions with ships and entanglement in fishing nets.
Before the American bison (or buffalo; Bison bison) was subjected to an intensive commercial hunt, its population was
about 60 million. At that time, bison was the most abundant large wild animal in North America, ranging over most of
the continent.
The eastern subspecies (B. b. pennsylvanicus) was an animal of forests and glades that ranged over much of the eastern
United States. It was hunted to extinction by the mid-1800s. The plains bison (B. b. bison) ranged throughout the
prairies and was by far the most populous subspecies. They migrated in enormous herds – one was described as being
80 km long and 40 km wide, another as 320 km long, and another as moving over a 160 km front! The plains bison were
subjected to an intensive market hunt during the nineteenth century and were nearly exterminated. Apart from the
money that was made by selling meat and hides, the eradication of these bison was encouraged by governments,
The most famous buffalo hunter was William F. Cody, or “Buffalo Bill,” who was contracted in 1869 to provide meat for
workers constructing the Union Pacific Railroad through the U.S. prairie. Cody reportedly killed 250 bison in a single
day and more than four-thousand during an 18-month period. Once the railways were built, tourist excursions were
organized during which a train would stop near a herd of migrating buffalo, which allowed passengers to shoot them in
a leisurely fashion through windows of the coaches. Some of the tongues (a delicacy) would be cut from the dead
animals, and perhaps some hides, but otherwise the carcasses were left to rot. Such actions were a wanton
destruction, but the worst damage was caused by market hunts that were made feasible by the new railroad, because it
allowed the meat to be quickly shipped to urban consumers. Between 1871 and 1875, market hunters killed about 2.5
million bison per year. In addition, the Plains Indians had acquired rifles and horses by this time and were also able to
hunt bison much more effectively than before.
The unregulated hunting of the plains bison was unsustainable, and the species declined precipitously. By 1889 there
were fewer than one-thousand bison left in the United States, and only small herds survived in the Canadian prairies.
Almost too late, a few closely guarded preserves were established, and some wild animals were captured for breeding
programs. These and later actions have allowed the numbers of plains bison to increase to their present abundance of
more than 50-thousand animals. Of course, almost all of their original habitat is gone, having been converted into
agriculture, so this animal will never recover its former abundance. However, the plains bison is no longer endangered.
The wood bison (B. b. athabascae) of the southwestern boreal forest is a third subspecies. When this animal became
endangered by over-hunting, its only remaining wild population was protected in and around Wood Buffalo National
Park in northern Alberta and the adjacent Northwest Territories. Unfortunately, the genetic integrity and health of this
population has been degraded by interbreeding with plains bison, which were introduced to the area by misguided
wildlife managers in the late 1920s. However, a previously unknown population of wood bison was discovered in 1960 in
a remote area of Wood Buffalo National Park, which appears not to have suffered from interbreeding with the plains
subspecies. Some of these “pure” wood bison were used to establish another isolated population, northwest of Great
Slave Lake. Regrettably, many of the wild-ranging wood bison have been exposed to introduced diseases of cattle, most
notably tuberculosis and brucellosis. These, along with predation by people and wolves, have taken their toll, and the
long-term viability of their population is cause for concern.
Remarkably, agricultural interests within the federal government have proposed to exterminate virtually all of the bison
in the vicinity of Wood Buffalo National Park, except for the “pure” wood bison occurring in isolated populations known
to be free of bovine diseases. That slaughter would be intended to prevent the spread of brucellosis and tuberculosis
from bison to cattle herds that are spreading northward in Alberta. A secondary reason for the proposed slaughter is to
protect the genetic integrity of the wood bison subspecies, because hybrid wood/plains animals would be targeted for
extermination. This would leave the more isolated, non-diseased, pure wood bison to repopulate the cleared habitat.
This proposal is highly controversial and, even if permitted, would probably not be successful. An enormous effort
would be required to find each and every hybrid bison in the target area, which is an immense wilderness of boreal
forest and muskeg.
The sea otter (Enhydra lutris) lives on the west coast of North America. This marine mammal was subjected to a
devastating 18th- and 19th-century hunt for its dense and lustrous fur. In fact, it had been thought to be extinct, until
small residual populations were discovered in the 1930s. The sea otter has now recovered its abundance over much of
Image 27.4. The sea otter (Enhydra lutris) was decimated by hunting for its fur. Its populations have since
recovered over much of the range, including parts of western Vancouver Island. Although no longer hunted, sea
otters are still threatened by oil spills, habitat change caused by fishing, and illegal shooting by fishers who
perceive that otters are eating “too many” valuable crustaceans and shellfish. Source: C. Harvey-Clark.
The pronghorn antelope (Antilocapra americana) of the western plains was severely over-hunted during the
nineteenth century, and its population was reduced to about 20-thousand individuals. Fortunately, strong conservation
measures were implemented, and this species now numbers more than 500-thousand, and it again sustains a sport
The trumpeter swan (Cygnus buccinator) used to breed extensively in western North America, but its populations
were devastated by hunting for its meat and skin, with perhaps fewer than 100 surviving. However, this swan is now
protected and has recovered in abundance, now numbering more than 24-thousand individuals.
The wild turkey (Meleagris gallopavo) was widely extirpated from its natural range by hunting and habitat loss (of
course, domestic varieties are abundant in agriculture). Because of conservation measures and re-introductions to
areas from which the species had disappeared, populations of wild turkeys have recovered substantially, for example in
southern Ontario and Quebec. Many stocks of this large gamebird can again sustain a sport hunt.
The wood duck (Aix sponsa) was over-hunted for its beautiful feathers and as food. It also suffered from losses of
habitat due to lumbering and wetland drainage. The recovery of the wood duck has been aided by the widespread
provision of nest boxes in wetlands used by this cavity-nesting species. Nest-box programs also benefit several other
relatively uncommon cavity-nesting ducks, particularly the hooded merganser (Lophodytes cucullatus) and common
The American beaver (Castor canadensis) was one of the most sought-after species in the fur trade, a commercial
activity that stimulated much of the early exploration of Canada and the United States. Beavers were over-harvested
almost everywhere, which caused the species to be extirpated from most of its natural range. However, conservation
measures and decreased demand for its fur have allowed the beaver to recover its populations over most of its range
where the habitat is still suitable. In fact, they are now considered to be a “pest” in some recolonized habitats because
of the flooding they cause.
The whooping crane (Grus americana) is, it is hoped, an incipient success story of conservation. The whooping crane
was never very abundant (likely around 1,500 individuals), even before its populations were devastated by the combined
effects of hunting, loss of its breeding habitat of prairie wetlands to agriculture, deterioration of its wintering habitat
along the Gulf of Mexico, and egg and specimen collecting. These stressors drove the wild population down to a
perilously small level of only 15 individuals (in 1941). Fortunately, since then, the whooping crane has been vigorously
protected from hunting, while its major breeding habitat in Wood Buffalo National Park and its wintering habitat in
coastal Texas have been conserved. These measures, along with a program of captive breeding and release, have
allowed the population of whooping cranes to increase to more than 600 animals (in 2011; almost one-third are in
captivity, 279 in the Wood Buffalo population, and the rest in newly established breeding populations in Wisconsin and
Florida). There is cautious optimism for the survival of this species, although it is still endangered.
The conservation status of species in Canada is assessed by the Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in
Canada (COSEWIC). COSEWIC is a consultative body with expert representatives from governments (federal,
provincial, territorial, and Aboriginal), universities, and non-governmental organizations. It makes recommendations to
the federal, provincial, and territorial governments, whose responsibility it is to actually designate conservation status.
Once a species is listed as endangered or threatened in Canada, a parallel body known as RENEW (REcovery of
Nationally Endangered Wildlife) is mandated to prepare a plan that would ensure the recovery of its population to a
safer level. However, because of a lack of funding, as of 2014 only about 40 recovery plans had been completed,
although many others were in various stages of development.
COSEWIC recognizes five categories of risk, each of which has a specific meaning in terms of imminent threats to the
future survival of species (COSEWIC, 2015).
• Extinct refers to any species of wild life that was formerly indigenous to Canada but no longer exists anywhere in
the world. Canadian examples of extinct species are the great auk (Pinguinus impennis), passenger pigeon
(Ectopistes migratorius), Labrador duck (Camptorhynchus labradorium), sea mink (Mustela macrodon), deepwater
cisco (Coregonus johannae), longjaw cisco (Coregonus alpenae), and eelgrass limpet (Lottia alveus). Extinct
subspecies are the Queen Charlotte caribou (Rangifer tarandus dawsoni), blue pike (Stizostedion vitreum
glaucum), and Banff longnose dace (Rhinichthys cataractae smithi). As of 2014, 15 Canadian taxa (species,
subspecies, or distinct populations were extinct.
• Extirpated refers to any species or subspecies that was formerly indigenous to Canada but now only survives in
the wild or elsewhere, usually in the neighbouring United States. Examples include the black-footed ferret
(Mustela nigripes), Atlantic grey whale (Eschrichtius robustus), Northwest Atlantic walrus (Odobenus rosmarus),
It must be recognized that the designation of species at risk is a continuing and always incomplete process. For
instance, because the conservation status of only a few species of invertebrates has been investigated, endangered
species in this group are enormously under-represented in the COSEWIC list. Unfortunately, more rapid progress is
constrained by a shortage of funding for research and monitoring of endangered species, and by a lack of specialists
with the necessary taxonomic and ecological skills and knowledge.
In addition to the work of COSEWIC, an intergovernmental group of federal, provincial, and territorial scientists is
working to develop periodic science assessments of the status of Canadian biodiversity. Their most recent evaluation
provides an excellent appraisal of the prospects and information needs of a wide swath of Canadian species, and is a
valuable source of information (CESCC, 2014).
Of course, it is not sufficient merely to designate species as being at risk of extirpation or extinction. If their status is
to be improved, the species and their habitats must also be protected. Remarkably, governments in Canada have not
yet enacted effective legislation to protect endangered species and their habitat. However, this situation is starting to
change. In 2002, the Government of Canada passed a Species at Risk Act, which provides some protection for species
occurring on federal lands and otherwise within federal jurisdiction.
However, the federal legislation has little direct influence on the status of the many species-at-risk that are living on
provincial, territorial, Aboriginal, or private land. Most importantly, the Act does not fully address the protection of
habitat of endangered species off federal land. To some degree, this deficiency is covered by legislation that has been
enacted by provinces and territories. However, their legislations are also not very effective, because they too do not
specifically protect the habitat of species at risk, especially on private land. Such a piecemeal approach results in
uneven levels of protection for species-at-risk, which is unacceptable from the conservation viewpoint.
The lack of effective protection of species-at-risk in Canada is raising controversy. Governments feel the need to
demonstrate that they are making rapid progress toward sustainability, an important component of which involves the
protection of native species and their habitats. Unfortunately, the progress to date has been lacking and is not yet
Some of the natural ecosystems of Canada now exist only as small remnants of their former extent. Because of this,
they are as endangered as the species they support. The most endangered of our natural ecosystems are (see also
Chapter 8):
Some of these ecosystems, particularly the tall-grass prairie and Carolinian forest, are also rich in endangered species.
It is imperative that the remaining areas of these endangered ecosystems become preserved in parks and other kinds
of protected areas.
Protected Areas
Protected areas are parks, ecological reserves, and other tracts of land or water that have been set aside from intensive
development to conserve their natural values. The intent is usually to protect representative examples of widespread
communities or ecoscapes, threatened ecosystems, or the habitat of endangered species. However, many protected
areas also support human activities that do not severely threaten the ecological values that are being conserved. Such
activities may include ecotourism, other kinds of non-consumptive outdoor recreation (such as skiing and golf),
spiritual activities, education, scientific research, and sometimes even exploitative activities such as hunting, fishing,
trapping, or timber harvesting (see Environmental Issues 27.1).
It is important to understand that protected areas should not be regarded as the only, or even as the most important
way to conserve endangered species and ecosystems. To the degree possible, native species and other natural values
should be accommodated in all areas that people are using for economic purposes, such as for agriculture, forestry,
fishing, or mining. The role of protected areas is to ensure that species and ecosystems that are at risk in those
“working” areas still have suitable refuges where they can maintain themselves.
Ideally, a national system of protected areas in Canada would involve lands and waters controlled by federal, provincial,
and territorial governments, Aboriginal groups, and private interests. A perfect system would be designed to sustain all
native species and natural ecosystems over the long term, including terrestrial, freshwater, and marine systems. To
ensure that all elements of native biodiversity are adequately represented within a system of protected areas, all
species and ecosystem types in the country or province must be identified, their abundance or extent determined, and
their critical stressors understood. This information would allow all aspects of natural-ecological heritage to be
accommodated within a comprehensive system plan for a network of protected areas.
Of course, these are ideal criteria, and no country has yet designed and implemented a comprehensive network of
protected areas that sustains all native species and natural ecosystems. Moreover, most existing protected areas are
relatively small and are threatened by stressors originating within their boundaries or by degrading influences from
the surrounding area. Because of these and other problems, it is doubtful whether many of the smaller protected areas
will be able to sustain their present ecological values over the longer term. This will be especially true if a major
The International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) recognizes six categories of protected areas (see Global
Focus 27.2). In 2011, there were about 161-thousand terrestrial protected areas in the world, representing as much as
15% of the global land area (Protected Planet, 2015). There are many fewer marine protected areas, about 7-thousand
and covering only 1% of the oceanic surface. Each year, however, additional protected areas are added to the tally,
including in the marine realm, for which such initiatives are recent compared with the terrestrial realm.
National parks, provincial parks, and similar places are the largest and most important protected areas in Canada. A
summary of areas protected in Canada is provided in Figures 27.3 and 27.4. Note that the nationally protected area of
about 10% is smaller than recommended by many conservation scientists, whose estimates range from 15-40% of the
Figure 27.3. Protected Areas in Canada. The data are the cumulative sums over time. The terrestrial protected
areas cover 10.4% of the land area of Canada, and 0.9% of the marine area under our national jurisdiction (in
2013). Source: Data for (a) are from CCEA (2015) and for (b) from Environment Canada (2015b).
Figure 27.4. Protected Areas in the Regions of Canada. Source: Environment Canada (2015b).
The ecological-reserve function of many protected areas is also threatened by land-use and management activities
that are occurring in their surrounding area. Usually, the most important of the “external” stressors are associated with
agriculture, forestry, mining, tourism, or hydroelectric development. In fact, all of the national parks in more southern
regions of Canada are significantly threatened in this way. We can illustrate this problem with several well-known
• Point Pelee National Park is a small, 15.5 km2 park in southwestern Ontario. It contains some of the most important
remnants of natural habitat left in the Carolinian zone (Chapter 8), most of which has been converted into
agriculture or urbanized land-uses. Consequently, Point Pelee supports populations of many endangered species
and ecological communities. However, this small park is used intensively for outdoor recreation, including birding,
boating, hiking, and picnicking on its beaches. To support these culturally and economically important activities,
much of the limited area of the park is maintained as paved roads, pathways, parking lots, campgrounds,
information centres, lawns, and other land-uses that do not enhance the protection of ecological values. Moreover,
the area next to the national park is almost entirely converted into agricultural lands, such as onion fields
established on drained marshes, or into cottage and motel developments that support tourism. These land-uses
have isolated the relatively natural ecosystems of Point Pelee, to the degree that it is an ecological “island” that is
surrounded by incompatible uses of the landscape. For these and other reasons, the park is losing some of the
natural features it is trying to protect. For example, it has lost 10 of its original 21 species of reptiles, and 6 of 11
amphibians. Some of its habitats are being badly degraded by invasions of alien plants (such as garlic mustard,
Alliaria petiolata), which crowd out native species. In fact, 37% of the vascular plants in the park are non-native.
• Fundy National Park in New Brunswick is a similar case, although its ecological values are not as severely
Provincial and territorial governments also have a responsibility to protect natural values within their jurisdiction.
These governments have designated many ecological reserves and wilderness areas, supplemented by natural areas
that are protected in provincial parks and conservation areas, which are also well-used for recreation. Some
municipalities also have natural-area parks that provide habitat for native species. An outstanding example is the city
of Windsor, Ontario, which is protecting important remnants of tall-grass prairie and Carolinian forest, and their many
Some environmental non-governmental organizations (ENGOs) are also active in the protection of natural areas. At the
national level, the Nature Conservancy of Canada is the ENGO that most actively protects land to conserve its
biodiversity, usually by purchasing or accepting donations of private property or land-use rights (see Canadian Focus
27.2). Ducks Unlimited Canada plays a similar role, but with a focus on wetland habitat. At provincial and more local
levels, many private land trusts are also protecting natural areas.
Additional national ENGOs also play important roles in protecting the biodiversity of Canada. Prime examples include
the Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society, the Canadian Wildlife Federation, Nature Canada, the Sierra Club, and the
World Wildlife Fund (Canada). However, these organizations mostly do this work through advocacy – they lobby
governments and the private sector to pursue more effective biodiversity agendas. They also engage in public
campaigns and conduct research toward those ends. WWF-Canada, for example, was the prime mover behind the
Endangered Spaces Campaign, which was effective in convincing governments to preserve representative areas of
natural ecosystems within protected areas. The Canadian Council of Ecological Areas is an association of conservation
experts in government, ENGOs, and universities, who are working toward a strategic plan for a national system of
protected areas.
In spite of the diverse conservation-related activities of governments and private organizations, the existing network
of protected areas is highly incomplete. There are four reasons for making this statement:
1. the full breadth of Canada’s natural heritage is not yet represented in protected areas
2. there are many species at risk in Canada, many of which will have to be protected in ecological reserves that do
not yet exist
3. most of the existing protected areas are too small to protect their ecological values over the long term
4. where species- and communities-at-risk occur in “working” landscapes outside of protected areas, their special
The third is important because small areas cannot usually sustain viable populations of some species of wildlife over
the long term, even if they are protected. Small reserves also cannot sustain the ecological conditions that are required
for certain communities to persist, especially old-growth forest. In such cases, a protected area must be managed
within the context of its surrounding landscape as a single, integrated ecosystem. Management activities in such
greater protected areas should be designed to ensure the long-term viability of populations of species at risk, as well as
natural communities at risk.
Environmental Issues 27.1. Ecological Integrity in the Bow Valley In 1885, Banff was the first national park to be
proclaimed in Canada. Banff is also the most famous of our national parks, because of its spectacular scenery,
easily viewed large animals, and superb infrastructure supporting world-class tourism and outdoor recreation.
These values attract visitors from across Canada and many other countries.
Banff National Park covers a large area (6,640 km2) and thus plays an important role in protecting the natural
ecological values of its region. This is enhanced by the fact that Banff is bordered by several other protected
areas, namely Jasper, Yoho, and Kootenay National Parks and Peter Lougheed Provincial Park, which collectively
comprise an area of 26-thousand km2.
Most of the native species and natural ecosystems of Banff are well protected within its boundaries and in
surrounding lands. Some others, however, are not. These natural values are threatened by a variety of stressors,
some of which exert their influence within the park while others make themselves felt outside its boundaries.
Banff hosts more than 3 million tourists each year, generating more than $6 billion in economic activity. To
service its many visitors, the park contains hotels, lodges, and campgrounds. To provide the tourists with
interesting things to do, and to generate revenue and local employment, the park contains ski hills with
associated lifts and lodges, golf courses, an extensive network of roads and trails, interpretation facilities, and
two full-service settlements with more than 8-thousand residents – the villages of Banff and Lake Louise. In
addition, the Canadian Pacific Railway passes through Banff, as does the Trans-Canada Highway. These various
facilities are developed especially intensely in the so-called Banff-Bow Valley corridor, a region that
encompasses the major transportation routes through the park as well as the main tourist areas.
The tourism- and transportation-related infrastructure in the Banff-Bow Valley corridor provides support for
big-business tourism and the national system of ground transportation. However, these facilities are stressors
to the natural values of the park. In fact, local populations of grizzly bear, timber wolf, and other wide-ranging
species are at risk in the greater Banff region, mostly because they suffer unsustainably high death rates. The
mortality is a result of collisions with vehicles on the highways and railroad, hunting outside of but close to the
park, and the killing of “problem” bears that become habituated to people near campgrounds and frequently
used trails. One study of grizzly bears found that 90% of their deaths in Banff occurred within 0.5 km of human
infrastructure, and only 2 of 73 deaths were due to natural causes. In addition, the wilderness values of
extensive areas have become degraded by visual and noise pollution associated with traffic, highways, railroads,
ski lifts, buildings, and large numbers of people.
The various environmental challenges to the ecological integrity of Banff National Park are an increasingly
serious problem. A Task Force of five independent experts, appointed by Parks Canada, studied these
challenges (Page et al., 1996). The Task Force was given three objectives:
1. to develop a vision for the region that would integrate ecological, social, and economic values
2. to undertake an analysis of existing information, and to provide direction for monitoring programs
3. to recommend changes that would allow the Banff-Bow Valley region to be used for sustainable tourism and
The Task Force reviewed a wealth of existing information, commissioned original research, and engaged in
public consultations. Its final report concluded that intensive economic development in the Banff–Bow Valley
region was quickly approaching an unsustainable level, and this was threatening the ecological integrity of the
national park. The Task Force made numerous recommendations for specific actions and policies that would
help to deal with the intensifying crisis. It strongly advised that the pace and intensity of development be
strictly controlled, and in some cases reversed. In essence, the Task Force reasonably concluded that Banff
National Park can be an effective protected area only if its use by people is kept within sustainable bounds.
The Task Force report was favourably received by the then-minister responsible for Parks Canada, who
declared that all of its major recommendations would be followed. If this was to happen, however, Parks Canada
had to take firm action against powerful economic interests that are determined to increase the amount of
recreation and transportation infrastructure in the Banff-Bow Valley corridor. Since then, however, subsequent
ministers and senior administrators in Parks Canada have not had the fortitude to resist many of the
compelling calls for additional “development”, and so Banff National Park is not yet being managed in ways that
make its ecological integrity the bottom line, rather than additional economic development.
The design of protected areas is an important field of research in conservation biology. The essential questions involve
ways of determining the best size, shape, and positioning of protected areas in order to optimize their ability to protect
biodiversity, while using limited funding as efficiently as possible. The least controversial recommendations of
conservation biologists are that ecological reserves should be as large and as numerous as possible. Other aspects of
the design of protected areas are being actively debated, and the discussion will not be resolved until more research is
undertaken. These aspects of reserve design include the following:
• The choice between size and number of protected areas: Is it preferable to have one large reserve or several
smaller ones with the same total area (Figure 27.5a)? Conservation biologists identify this question with the
acronym SLOSS, for single large or several small. According to ecological theory, a population in a larger reserve is
expected to have a lower risk of local extinction compared with one in a smaller area. However, if separate
populations occur in different reserves (even if they are relatively small), the redundancy might protect against
catastrophic loss of an endangered species in a larger reserve (even if it is relatively large).
• Larger reserves have more interior habitat: So-called “interior” habitat is not influenced by environmental
conditions that occur at an ecotone (or a transition between habitat types, such as a forest edge). Ecotonal habitats
may be penetrated by invasive species, predators, and parasites (such as cowbirds), which can be an important
problem in protected areas. In addition, many species require interior habitat for successful breeding. Larger
reserves have proportionately more interior habitat, a factor that contributes to the conservation of interior
species (Figure 27.5a).
• Reserves should be clumped: Similar reasoning suggests that it is better to aggregate reserves than to arrange
them in a linear fashion. This would reduce the average distance between protected areas, which may enhance
their ecological connections (Figure 27.5d).
• The role of corridors: A system of reserves connected by corridors of suitable habitat may provide better
opportunities for gene flow and re-colonization after extirpation (Figure 27.5e). Admittedly, however, corridors
might also make it easier for diseases and invasive species to spread among reserves.
• Circular reserves are better: A circle has a smaller ratio of edge to area than any other two-dimensional shape. To
avoid extensive edge habitat in the design of a protected area, a roughly circular shape may be preferable (Figure
Figure 27.5. Design of Protected Areas. This figure summarizes basic principles of conservation biology for the
design of protected areas. In each comparison, the design on the left is better than the one on the right (the
total areas are assumed to be the same). See the text for additional explanation. Source: Modified from
Simberloff (1988).
Considered together, these stewardship actions represent an integrated program of monitoring, research, and
management. The application of such a system can be illustrated by the case of the endangered Kirtland’s warbler
(Dendroica kirtlandii). Monitoring has shown that this rare bird has declined in abundance, and its global population is
now only a few hundred breeding pairs. Research has revealed that its only breeding habitat consists of jack pine (Pinus
banksiana) stands of a particular age and structure. Many such stands have now been protected in the breeding range
of the warbler. However, as these stands get older, they are no longer suitable as breeding habitat. Consequently,
management is actively developing appropriate breeding habitat by prescribed burning and the planting of jack pine.
Additional research has shown that the endangered warbler is heavily parasitized by the brown-headed cowbird.
Consequently, cowbird populations are being controlled in the breeding habitat of the warbler. Further research and
monitoring are being directed to the environmental stressors that affect the warbler during its little-known migrations
and on its wintering range. Of course, these integrated activities of monitoring, research, and management must
continue as long as Kirtland’s warbler remains endangered.
Canadian Focus 27.2. The Nature Conservancy of Canada Governments throughout Canada have created many
protected areas, but their actions are almost exclusively on so-called Crown land, which they already own.
However, many of the most important properties of conservation value are privately owned by individuals or
corporations. This is particularly the case of southern regions of Canada, where most species-at-risk and
endangered ecosystems occur. Because of a lack of money and other priorities, governmental agencies are
often reluctant to secure ecologically important habitat on privately owned lands. For this reason, conservation
charities known as land trusts have formed for the purpose of raising funds to acquire private property in order
to establish protected areas.
At the national level, the largest of these organizations is the Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC). The focus
of NCC is on acquiring private property of high conservation value, which it does by purchasing or accepting
donations of real estate, as well as rights of land-use. The latter involves a kind of private property called a
conservation easement (or in Quebec, a servitude). If owned by NCC, a conservation easement can prevent
current and future owners of the real estate from converting its natural habitat into residential lots or
cultivated agriculture, or from engaging in other proscribed activities that might threaten the natural values of
the property. There are many other land trusts that operate at local and provincial scales that also acquire
private conservation lands and easements. However, NCC is the only national organization, and it is by far the
Since its origin in 1962, NCC has contributed to the protection of 1.1-million hectares of natural habitat
throughout Canada (Freedman, 2013; NCC, 2015). In 2013-14, NCC raised (and spent) more than $87 million to
advance its conservation mission. In 2012, it met the goals of its five-year “Force for Nature” fund-raising
campaign, which raised more than $546 million, from the private sector and all levels of government. More than
62-thousand Canadians contribute annually to support the work of NCC.
The conservation actions of NCC are being guided by “ecoregional plans”, also known as “conservation
blueprints”, which help to identify the most important places where private action can make the greatest
difference in protecting native species and natural ecosystems. These plans are developed in close partnership
Successful conservation action requires more than just acquiring properties – each project must also be
properly stewarded to maintain or enhance its natural values. Stewardship actions range from posting signs at
property boundaries, to innovative, science-based management actions that are needed to sustain particular
species or ecological communities.
For example, NCC routinely subjects its tall-grass prairie reserves in southeastern Manitoba to prescribed
burns, which prevents the endangered grassland from being degraded by incursions of shrubs and trees. At
NCC reserves that protect imperiled Garry oak forest on southern Vancouver Island, stewardship volunteers
spend many hours pulling alien weeds that threaten rare plants. One last example involves a protected area of
rare Carolinian forest at Clear Creek in southern Ontario, where NCC is converting adjacent cornfields into
natural forest in order to increase the size and enhance the viability of the conserved ecosystem. These kinds of
stewardship activities must be advised by leading-edge scientific knowledge, which NCC develops by hiring
ecologists and by working in partnership with other organizations.
The Nature Conservancy of Canada is only one example of the many highly motivated and effective non-
governmental conservation organizations in Canada. Their work is crucial to sustaining the biodiversity-at-risk
of our country. Of course, being charities, private organizations like NCC can only spend money that they can
manage to raise, which is a good reason for all sectors of our society to support their important work of
protecting natural habitats.
International Conservation
The conservation of wild species of plants and animals is now regarded by almost all societies as a worthwhile and
important objective. As a result, in most countries, many people are becoming active in support of conservation.
Evidence of these hopeful changes includes the fact that governments are becoming more engaged in the conservation
of indigenous and global biodiversity, while large numbers of non-governmental organizations are becoming active at
local, national, and international levels. In addition, more ecologists and other scientists are conducting biodiversity-
related research and training in universities and other institutions. Most importantly, many citizens are working hard
to conserve biodiversity, either by taking direct action on their own property, or by supporting the worthwhile
initiatives of ENGOs, private companies, and governments.
All of these activities contribute to the greater agenda of biodiversity conservation, particularly by doing the following:
• identifying and protecting the habitats of rare and endangered species and communities, while also conserving
representative areas of natural ecosystems
• working to control the illegal trade in the products of endangered species, such as elephant ivory, rhino horn, bear
gallbladders, tiger bones and hides, and wild ginseng (see Global Focus 27.1)
• increasing the awareness of people about biodiversity issues and the need to conserve all species, ecosystems, and
ecological sevices
• conducting necessary research into the biology and ecology of endangered species and ecosystems
• raising or providing funds for all of the above
Of course, a respect for nature has always been an integral component of major religions that developed in tropical
countries, such as Buddhism, Hinduism, Jainism, and Taoism. Nevertheless, this respect has not necessarily been
translated into a real-world conservation ethic among the peoples of those or any other nations. As a result, wildlife
and natural habitats have suffered badly, mostly as a result of the extensive conversion of natural ecosystems into
agricultural ones, but also from timber harvesting and other ways as well.
It is beyond the scope of this book to describe the many international agencies and organizations that are active in the
protection of global biodiversity. Some of the most important of them are Conservation International, the International
Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN), The Nature Conservancy (U.S.), the United Nations Environment
Programme (UNEP), the World Resources Institute, the World Wildlife Fund, and the Worldwatch Institute. These
organizations are active in conservation advocacy, in protecting species and natural habitat, in education and lobbying,
in research and monitoring, and in raising funds for the protection of biodiversity.
To illustrate the rapid development of international conservation activities, we can examine a program known as the
Global Biodiversity Strategy (Reid et al., 1992). This is a joint program of the International Union for the Conservation of
Nature, the World Resources Institute, and the United Nations Environment Programme. Its broad objectives are to
maintain essential ecological processes and life-support systems on Earth, to preserve biodiversity, and to ensure the
sustainable development of natural resources. Although these are rather general goals, they are important because
they link the conservation of biodiversity with the sustainable development of the human economy. One cannot occur
without the other, a fact that must be acknowledged by any governments or agencies that support the Global
Biodiversity Strategy.
Through this initiative, all nations can initiate meaningful actions to conserve and protect their biodiversity for the
benefit of present and future generations of people, as well as for reasons of intrinsic value. To achieve this end, 85
specific actions are recommended for implementation by nations that have committed to the Strategy. The following
five actions are considered essential:
1. ratification and implementation of the recommendations of the Convention on Biological Diversity, as presented in
1992 by UNEP at the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development, held at Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
(the “Earth Summit”)
2. implementation of the actions detailed in the Global Biodiversity Strategy, with a focus on efforts to conserve and
protect the indigenous biodiversity of signatory nations
3. creation of an international administrative mechanism to ensure broad participation in decisions concerning
global biodiversity, with representation from governments, the scientific community, citizens, industry, the United
Nations, and non-governmental organizations
4. establishment of an international network, linked to the Convention on Biological Diversity, to monitor threats to
biodiversity so that individuals and organizations can be alerted and take appropriate actions
5. integration of biodiversity considerations into planning processes for national development
The Convention on Biological Diversity is now the leading international treaty to advance the conservation of
biodiversity, within the context of a comprehensive agenda for sustainable development (UNEP, 2015). The three key
goals of the Convention are the conservation of biodiversity, the sustainable use of its components, and the equitable
A key action is to periodically undertake science assessments of the status of global biodiversity (SCBD, 2015). Broadly
speaking, the most recent assessment found that the prospects of biodiversity were rapidly worsening in many parts of
the world, although considerable progress was being made in co-operative planning and in the designation of
protected areas and other conservation measures in many countries.
It is too soon to tell whether these international actions will be successful because the programs began only in the late
1970s (as an earlier program called the World Conservation Strategy). However, it is encouraging to know that this sort
of comprehensive international effort exists and that almost all of Earth’s nations are participating, including countries
in all stages of economic development. Of course, it remains to be seen how effective the individual and collective
actions will be. This is substantially because, although environmental and biodiversity issues are extremely important
to sustainability of the human enterprise, their resolution does not yet have much political traction in many countries,
including in Canada
If Earth’s resources are to be used by people on an ecologically sustainable basis, rare and endangered species and
threatened natural ecosystems must be protected. Clearly, an international program like the Global Biodiversity
Strategy is needed to guide the process of sustainable development.
The modern predicament of extinction and endangerment of biodiversity is a critical element of the global
environmental crisis, and its resolution is a key aspect of ecologically sustainable development of the human economy.
Hopefully, the increasing intensity of conservation activities worldwide will be sufficient to turn the tide, so future
generations will regard these ongoing actions as a “success story” of global conservation. Any alternative result would
be catastrophic and tragic.
The one process . . . that will take millions of years to correct is the loss of genetic and species diversity by the
destruction of natural habitats. This is the folly that our descendants are least likely to forgive us. E.O. Wilson
(cited in Reid et al., 1992)
1. How are the products of biodiversity important in your life? Compile a list of ways in which you routinely use
products of biodiversity in your daily routine, such as foods, materials, and medicines. Are there substitutes for
Exploring Issues
1. Your provincial government has committed itself to ensuring that its indigenous biodiversity will be conserved.
Your services have been retained to provide advice on how to accomplish that goal. What would you tell the
government to do in order to identify and conserve its indigenous species and ecosystems?
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Nettleship, D.N. and P.G.H. Evans. 1985. Distribution and status of the Atlantic Alcidae. Pp. 54-154 in: The Atlantic
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1. Outline the process of an environmental impact assessment, and describe several Canadian examples.
2. Discuss how monitoring and research are necessary to understanding the causes and consequences of
environmental damage.
3. Explain how environmental reporting and literacy are crucial to dealing with the environmental crisis.
4. Outline the roles of governments, non-governmental organizations, scientists, and citizens in designing and
implementing an ecologically sustainable economy.
The previous parts of this book allowed us to learn the subject matter of environmental science by examining key ideas
and by analyzing a body of supporting information. In this final chapter, we bring many of these topics together in an
interdisciplinary fashion.
In the first sections of the chapter, we will examine topics related to environmental management and protection at the
broader societal level. These topics include environmental impact assessment, monitoring and research, environmental
literacy, and sustainability. All of these are necessary for maintaining an acceptable level of environmental quality and
healthy ecosystems—two necessary objectives for a truly sustainable socio-economic system. We will also examine a
range of actions that each of us can undertake to help resolve environmental problems.
In the concluding section of this chapter, we will briefly discuss the future prospects for advanced economies, such as
that of Canada, and for spaceship Earth.
An environmental impact assessment (EIA) is a planning process that is used to help prevent environmental problems.
Environmental impact assessments do this by identifying and evaluating the potential consequences that a proposed
development may have for environmental quality. Because it can consider ecological, physical-chemical, and other
environmental effects, as well as socio-economic consequences, an EIA is a highly multidisciplinary and
interdisciplinary activity.
An EIA may be conducted to examine various kinds of activities, or planned developments, that could affect
environmental quality, such as the following:
1. an individual project, such as a proposal to construct an airport, dam, highway, incinerator, mine, or power plant
2. an integrated scheme, such as a proposal to develop an industrial park, a pulp or lumber mill with its attendant
wood-supply and forest-management plans, or other complex developments that involve numerous projects
3. a governmental policy that carries a risk of substantially affecting the environment
In Canada, environmental impact assessments for proposals that involve federal funding or jurisdiction are regulated
under the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act (CEAA), which was enacted in 1992. The Act is a law that requires
federal decision makers, referred to as “responsible authorities,” to consider the predicted environmental effects of a
proposed project before it is allowed to go ahead. If significant adverse effects are predicted, the project is not allowed
to proceed until the damages have been addressed by a change in design or through some other mitigation.
Initially, the CEAA required that EIA studies be done on a wide range of projects involving jurisdiction of the federal
government. However, in 2012 the Act was greatly weakened by requiring that only big projects are considered (CEAA,
2013). Provinces and territories also have legislated requirements for EIA, as do some local levels of government, such
as municipalities and First Nations.
EIA is based on the reasonable premise that all proposed projects, programs, and policies carry risks for human welfare
and for other species and ecosystems. For example, a proposed project may emit toxic chemicals into the environment.
In such a case, it is necessary to determine if the anticipated emissions might exceed the regulated levels. The most
stringent standards and guidelines are related to the maximum exposures that humans can tolerate without suffering
risks to their risks, while criteria to protect other species and ecosystems are less exacting. For example, the guideline
for uranium in drinking water is 0.02 mg/L (Health Canada, 2008), but that for the protection of aquatic life is 40 mg/L
for a short-term exposure (<1-4 days) and 5.5 mg/L for a long-term exposure (CCME, 2009).
In addition, a project might cause disturbances to natural habitats during its construction or operation, which could
result in ecological damage. These effects should be identified and quantified, and the potential environmental
damages evaluated, before permission is granted to start the project.
The process of environmental impact assessment is intended to predict these potential damages and to suggest ways
of avoiding or mitigating them as much as possible. However, this does not necessarily mean that no damage will be
caused by a proposed development. In almost all cases, some damage is inevitable.
Because most developments potentially affect a great variety of species and ecosystems, EIAs are limited to predicting
the effects on only a selection of so-called valued ecosystem components (VECs). These components are valued
because society perceives them to be important for one or more of the following reasons:
1. They are an economically important resource, such as an agricultural crop, a commercial forest, or a stock of fish,
mammals, or birds
2. They are a rare or endangered species or ecological community
3. They are of cultural or aesthetic importance
The initial phase of the process of environmental impact assessment is known as a screening. The screening
determines the level of assessment that a proposed activity will undergo, such as whether a minor review or a full
assessment is appropriate. In fact, the great majority of environmental assessments in Canada are restricted to the
screening level – in general only larger projects require a more extensive, comprehensive assessment. The decision
about whether to proceed to a more comprehensive assessment is made by a responsible authority of the relevant level
of government (such can be federal, provincial, territorial). Usually, the responsible authority is a department or agency
with a mandate or experience that is relevant to the proposed project. The decision is based on the likelihood that the
proposed development will cause significant adverse environmental effects, but expressions of public concern are also
an important consideration.
A full EIA requires the proponent to prepare an environmental assessment report, which is a series of documents that
describe the proposed undertaking, as well as studies of its likely environmental and socio-economic effects. The
Once the level of assessment is decided, a scoping exercise is undertaken. This identifies potentially important
interactions between project-related activities on the one hand and human welfare or VECs on the other. In essence,
the scoping compares the predicted spatial (space) and temporal (time) boundaries of stressors that are associated with
the proposed development with the areas where people and VECs are found. If potential interactions are identified, the
assessors must determine whether significant damage is likely to be caused.
Sometimes an impact assessment is not well funded or it has to be completed relatively quickly. In such cases,
ecologists, sociologists, toxicologists, and other professionals may have to provide expert opinions about the likely
importance of interactions between project-related stressors and human welfare or VECs. These professional opinions
should be based on the best-available scientific information and understanding, while recognizing that such knowledge
is incomplete and differences of opinion may arise among qualified specialists. When sufficient time and funding are
available, it is possible to conduct field, laboratory, and/or computer-based (simulation) research to investigate the
potential interactions identified during the screening process. It must be understood, however, that even well-funded,
properly designed, and well-executed research may yield uncertain results, particularly about damage that might
occur at low intensities of exposure to project-related stressors.
Planning Options
If potentially important risks to human welfare or VECs are identified, a number of planning options must be
considered. There are three broad choices.
• Prevent or Avoid: One option is to avoid the predicted damage by ensuring that there are no significant exposures
of people or VECs to damaging stressors related to the project. This can be done by modifying the characteristics
of the project, or in cases of severe conflicts with human welfare or ecological values, by choosing to cancel it
entirely. Because prevention and avoidance may involve substantial costs, they are sometimes considered to be
less desirable options by the proponents of a development. Politicians and regulators may also dislike this option
since it may involve intense controversy and substantial economic opportunities may be cancelled. Nevertheless,
there is always public and regulatory pressure to take as many precautions as possible before undertaking a
proposed development.
• Mitigation: Another option is the mitigation of any predicted damages, or to repair or offset them as much as
possible. Because any direct damage to people is considered unacceptable (and therefore to be rigorously avoided),
mitigation is mainly relevant to damage inflicted on VECs or to indirect, low-level risks to people. For instance, if
the habitat of a valued species is threatened, it may be possible to move the population at risk to a suitable habitat
elsewhere, or to create or enhance a habitat at another place so that no net damage is caused. For example, a
wetland may be unavoidably destroyed by a proposed development, but the damage may be offset through the
creation of a comparable wetland elsewhere. Mitigations are a common way of dealing with potential conflicts
between project-related stressors and VECs. However, it is important to understand that mitigations are never
Environmental impact assessments generally find that a proposed development carries risks of causing some degree of
environmental damage. Usually, the development is allowed to proceed in some form, with the predicted damage being
avoided or mitigated to the degree that is considered technologically and economically feasible. As noted previously,
however, there are always residual risks that cannot be avoided or mitigated. Any damage that does occur represents
some of the environmental costs of development, which are real even if there is financial compensation or other kinds
of offsets.
Once a project has begun, compliance monitoring is usually necessary to ensure that regulatory criteria for pollution
or health hazards are not being exceeded. It is extremely useful, although not always required, to also monitor the
ecological effects of a project. This tests the predictions of the impact assessment and identifies unanticipated effects
or “surprises.” Ideally, a monitoring program for ecological effects is begun before a project actually starts, in order to
establish the baseline conditions. The monitoring should then continue for some years after the project is completed,
until it is determined that important damage is not being caused. If unanticipated damage is shown by the monitoring,
it may be prevented, avoided by an adaptive change in the project design, mitigated in some way, or accepted as an
ecological “cost” of development.
EIAs have been conducted in all regions of Canada, examining projects that varied widely in both scale and potential
effects. Each of these unique cases is instructive, in the sense of illustrating the environmental implications of
development projects and the role played by impact assessment. In the following sections, we briefly examine selected
elements of some environmental impact assessments in Canada.
This proposal involved the development of mines to extract diamonds from five deposits discovered about 300 km
northeast of Yellowknife. A variety of potential environmental damages were identified with this project. First, some of
the diamond-bearing rock lies beneath lakes that would have to be drained to develop a mine. These aquatic
ecosystems would be destroyed.
In addition, large amounts of gravel are needed to construct roads and other infrastructure. Much of this material
would be obtained from long, sinuous features known as eskers, which provide critical denning habitat for grizzly bear,
wolf, and other high-profile species.
Further, large numbers of caribou traverse the region during their seasonal migrations. These are potentially affected
by the mine and its network of roads. Substantial damage to the caribou would harm the Aboriginal people in the
region, who engage in a subsistence hunt for these animals. Those people might also suffer from interference with
their commercial harvest of fur-bearing mammals.
The diamond-mine proposal passed its environmental impact assessment and was allowed to proceed. It was subject to
stringent requirements, however, such as the implementation of acceptable methods of disposal of mining and milling
wastes and the protection of waterbodies and rivers (other than those that must unavoidably be damaged to develop
the mines and dispose of tailings). A ban was imposed on local hunting by project personnel. As well, a monitoring
program was to be undertaken to ensure that unanticipated damage is not caused to air or water quality or to wildlife.
The mine must also meet socio-economic criteria, including several that deal with employment opportunities and
other ways of engaging local people (including Aboriginals) in the development. As a measure outside the scope of the
formal impact assessment, the government of the Northwest Territories committed to establishing protected areas in
the larger region, although this has not yet been followed through in its entirety.
Destruction of Diseased Bison: Agriculture Canada proposed to slaughter almost all the bison in the southern region
of Wood Buffalo National Park and its vicinity. Some of these animals are infected with bovine tuberculosis and
brucellosis, and there are concerns over the potential spread of these diseases to herds of cattle to the south and west
of the area. The bison targeted for slaughter are hybrids between the indigenous wood bison and plains bison that
were introduced to the region during the late 1920s. The proposal did not include the elimination of small populations
of genetically “pure” wood bison living farther to the north, and in fact, these were predicted to receive a measure of
protection from the potentially harmful effects of interbreeding with hybrid animals.
This proposal was made in support of commercially important livestock interests, but it quickly engendered intense
controversy. It was opposed by virtually all conservationists and by local Aboriginal people. Although this project
successfully passed the impact assessment process, it was later suspended by the federal Minister of the Environment,
largely in recognition of the intense opposition from conservation and First Nation interests.
The Hibernia Offshore Oil Development: Several decades of exploration resulted in the discovery of large reservoirs of
petroleum in undersea geological formations on the Grand Banks, east of Newfoundland. An EIA examined a proposal
from a consortium of companies to develop this valuable resource. A system of underwater wells was proposed that
would feed to a central collecting system on a huge platform located in 80-m deep water. The petroleum would be
delivered periodically to onshore refineries using tanker ships.
The offshore waters of the Hibernia field sometimes experience intense wind, and immense icebergs pass through the
region during most years. Some icebergs are large enough to scour the ocean floor. These natural forces pose risks to
the production and storage facilities. As well, accidents may result from equipment failure or human error. Alone or in
combination, these factors could cause a massive petroleum spill. Such an accident would result in enormous damage
to the fishery, to marine mammals and seabirds, and to other ecological and economic values. The Hibernia
development includes a sophisticated system of weather and iceberg monitoring, coupled with stringent spill-
prevention and control technologies. These measures have been accepted by regulators and politicians as providing an
acceptable degree of environmental safety. Consequently, the Hibernia development passed the impact assessment
process, and it began producing petroleum in 1997.
Grande-Baleine Hydroelectric Complex: Some regions of Canada have an enormous potential for the development of
hydroelectricity. One area in which this renewable source of energy is being vigorously developed is northwestern
Quebec. Several large rivers flowing into James and Hudson Bays have been dammed, allowing the storage of immense
reservoirs of water. Electricity is generated at times when consumer demand is greatest.
The Grande-Baleine Complex was a proposal to add to the hydroelectricity capacity of Quebec by constructing three
This development would have had important environmental impacts. The most critical of these was the ecological
damage associated with the creation of such enormous reservoirs, including the loss of terrestrial and wetland habitat,
changes in flow regimes, damage to the ecology of rivers, and effects on water quality and ecosystems in the affected
riverine estuaries of Hudson Bay. In addition, the local populations and movements of caribou and fur-bearing
mammals would have been affected, with consequences for the livelihood of Aboriginal people living in the region.
These and other potential effects were considered during a detailed environmental impact assessment, and plans were
made to avoid or mitigate the damage to the degree that was possible. Ultimately, however, the proposed development
did not proceed, not so much because of environmental concerns, but as a result of insufficient commitments to
purchase the electricity in the northeastern United States. Without access to that foreign market, the estimated $13
billion cost of the project’s construction was not considered economically feasible. Since then, in 2014, the project is
being re-considered due to improved prospects for selling the electricity in New York State and Ontario.
A Municipal Incinerator: This was a proposal to construct a facility to incinerate large quantities of municipal waste
from metropolitan Halifax, Nova Scotia. Some of the heat produced would have been used to generate about 16 MW of
electricity (this is also known as a waste-to-energy facility). The incinerator would have been fitted with advanced
technologies to control the emissions of potentially toxic chemicals, such as metals, gases, and organic particles and
vapours, the latter including polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, dioxins, and furans. Such emissions can never be
totally eliminated, however, and there is controversy about the risks to human health inherent in even minute
exposures to some chemicals, particularly dioxins and furans. As it turned out, the proposal to build the incinerator
was turned down by the provincial Minister of the Environment, partly because it was considered too costly in
comparison with alternative methods of disposal of municipal waste, but also for environmental reasons.
A Peat Mine: Peat mined from bogs is used as a horticultural material, and it can also be burned as a source of energy.
This proposal would have developed a mine on a bog in Nova Scotia to provide peat as an industrial fuel. The EIA
focused on the fact that the bog in question provides habitat for several rare species, including a carnivorous plant
called the thread-leaved sundew (Drosera filiformis). This species is endangered in Canada and also in much of the rest
of its range in the eastern United States. Because the bog harbours the largest of only four known populations of the
sundew in Canada, the provincial Minister of the Environment did not allow a mine to be developed on that site. This
was a controversial decision because it cancelled a local development initiative in a region in which the economy is
chronically depressed.
Image 28.1. The thread-leaved sundew (Drosera filiformis) and its bog habitat. The largest known population of
this carnivorous plant in Canada occurs on a site in southwestern Nova Scotia that was proposed for a peat
mine. An environmental impact assessment predicted that the mining would obliterate the most important
population of this endangered species, and as a consequence the government of Nova Scotia did not allow the
mine to proceed. Source: Bill Freedman.
Assessment of cumulative impacts requires knowledge of both the likely effects of a proposed development, as
well as those of other anthropogenic activities in a study area, plus additional ones that are likely to occur. If all
of this is known, then the incremental effects of a proposed undertaking can be evaluated for their relative
importance. Cumulative effects can result from multiple pathways, and they may be manifested in physical,
biological, and socioeconomic damages.
There are a number of examples of cumulative environmental effects that are primarily ecological and have
occurred in Canada:
• aggregate damage caused to populations of migratory salmon in the Fraser River watershed in British
Columbia as a result of commercial fishing in the open Pacific or in the river itself, along with sport and
subsistence fishing, plus degradation of freshwater habitat through such influences as the dumping of
sewage, agricultural erosion and pesticides, warmer temperatures and woody debris in streams caused by
forestry operations, risks of sea-louse infection from aquaculture in coastal waters, and warming oceanic
waters caused by climate change
• incremental losses of wetlands in the Prairie provinces caused by various agricultural practices, such as
drainage, excessive fertilization with nutrients, toxicity caused by pesticides, and trampling by cattle, along
with drying caused by periodic droughts whose frequency may become exacerbated by anthropogenic
climate change
• losses of biodiversity throughout Canada, but particularly in southern regions, caused by deforestation
to develop land for urbanized and agricultural uses, fragmentation by roads and transmission corridors,
disturbances by forestry and mining, and various kinds of pollution
• ecological damage in a region of boreal forest in northern Alberta in which there are diverse anthropogenic
stressors associated with timber harvesting, exploration and mining for oil and gas, oil-sand extraction and
processing, and pipelines and roads to service all of those economic activities
• threats to the ecological integrity of national parks that are associated with the internal development
of infrastructure to support tourism, such as campgrounds, interpretation centres, roads and trails, golf
courses, and skiing facilities, along with economic activities in the surrounding area such as forestry
and agriculture, as well as regional influences such as acid rain and climate change. A requirement that
environmental impacts be studied in a cumulative manner acknowledges the complexity of ecosystems and
the fact that all aspects of their structure and function are affected by a diverse array of influences.
Environmental Legislation
Many activities that could potentially degrade environmental quality are regulated by legislation passed by various
levels of government. In addition, Canada has signed a number of international treaties and protocols that deal with
important environmental issues.
Environmental law in Canada is made extremely complex by jurisdictional overlaps and other factors. One problem is
that of harmonization of related pieces of legislation among the provinces/territories and the federal government. In
1998, these governments adopted the Canada-Wide Accord on Environmental Harmonization, which was intended to
achieve progress in this direction. However, that action was resisted by certain interest groups, including the Canadian
Environmental Law Association (CELA). CELA views the accord as a mechanism for devolving federal environmental
roles and responsibilities to the provinces and territories. Nevertheless, the subsequent years has witnessed a
Environmental law in Canada is changing rapidly as new legislation is passed and older laws are modified or more
specifically interpreted by the courts. One important interpretive decision of the Supreme Court of Canada affecting
environmental impact assessments (described in Chapter 20) was the Rafferty decision of 1989, which made it clear
that an EIA was needed for any undertakings involving the federal government.
In addition, in 1999, the Supreme Court’s Marshall decision involved a case in which an Aboriginal person had been
convicted of catching fish out of season, without a licence and for commercial sale. This conviction was overturned on
the basis of treaty rights, negotiated in 1760-1761, that guaranteed Mi’kmac and Maliseet Indians the right to
commercially harvest natural resources at any time of year within an extensive treaty area in the Maritime Provinces.
The Supreme Court interpreted the modern resource-harvesting rights of those Aboriginal nations as being sufficient
for individuals to earn a “moderate living.” The Marshall decision restored to Aboriginal people a legal right to engage in
fish and timber harvests that are not subject to the same seasonal and geographical restrictions as for non-Aboriginals.
The Marshall decision resulted in controversy and conflict with non-Aboriginal fishers and government agencies.
In 2003, the Supreme Court extended aspects of the Aboriginal resource-access rights to Métis in Canada, ruling that
those persons could also freely hunt and fish for subsistence purposes. Some key issues were left unresolved, such as
the definition of a Métis person as well as restrictions that might be imposed for the purposes of safety and resource
conservation. These aspects are being resolved through ongoing negotiations of interest groups with federal,
provincial, and territorial governments. The social and economic repercussions of these decisions by the Supreme
Court of Canada will take years to work out.
Subsequent decisions of the Supreme Court in 2013 and 2014 have clarified Aboriginal rights to land tenure and
resource rights in British Columbia. These cases involved proposals to build mines and oil pipelines in areas where First
Nations has not signed land-claim agreements with the provincial government and as such had never ceded their
rights to property in areas where large industrial developments were being proposed. In essence, the Supreme Court
affirmed those Aboriginal rights. Although the implications of that decision are not yet fully appreciated (it is likely that
additional legal actions will be needed to accomplish this), it appears that substantial negotiations will be needed to
gain Aboriginal approval for industrial projects being proposed within their domain.
The settlement of comprehensive land claims with indigenous nations in Canada (in effect, the modern equivalent of
“treaties”) includes the formulation of suites of environmental laws. For example, such settlements include provisions
that govern many aspects of resource harvesting and management, waste management, and protected areas within the
settlement regions.
An important example of the need for effective legislation concerns the protection of species at risk and their habitat.
That sort of legislation has existed in the United States since 1973 as the Endangered Species Act (ESA) administered by
the Fish and Wildlife Service (2015). As of 2014, 1,330 species of animals and 889 of plants were listed as endangered or
threatened under the ESA (685 of the listed animals occur in the United States and 645 in other countries, while 886 of
the plants grow in the United States and three elsewhere). In addition, approved recovery plans were in place for 479 of
the listed U.S. animals and 676 of the plants.
In Canada, the conservation status of species is designated by a group of experts from government, conservation
organizations, and academia known as COSEWIC (the Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada; see
Chapter 27). As of 2014, COSEWIC had assigned at-risk status to 721 indigenous species and other taxa (such as
subspecies; only native taxa are designated). Moreover, in 2002, a federal Species at Risk Act (SARA) became law. SARA
has toughened the legal provisions in support of the protection of species listed by COSEWIC. Its provisions are
However, the SARA legislation is much weaker with respect to species and critical habitat on lands beyond direct
federal jurisdiction, such as areas owned by provincial, territorial, municipal, Aboriginal, or private interests. Although
there are provisions in SARA for the federal government to intervene in such cases, and to provide compensation to
affected landowners, it is not bound to do so. Many such interventions would inevitably be expensive and
controversial, and so far this mechanism has not been used much to protect at-risk species in Canada. Most of the
provinces and territories have also passed laws related to the protection of species at risk within their own
jurisdictions, or they are preparing such legislation.
Of course, it is not sufficient to simply pass good laws that are intended to regulate actions that might degrade the
quality of the environment – it is also necessary to enforce them. Between 2011 and 2015, there were 95 successful
prosecutions (that is, with a conviction) under the Canadian Environmental Protection Act (CEPA) or the Fisheries Act
(Environment Canada, 2015). There are, however, a much larger number of cases that can be resolved with softer
regulatory actions, such as writing a warning letter to a non-compliant party.
Several non-governmental organizations have taken on the mandate of advocating improvements to environmental law
and policy in Canada, while ensuring that the existing laws are rigorously applied. The most prominent of these are the
Canadian Environmental Law Association and Ecojustice. These organizations lobby politicians and suggest specific
changes to existing or proposed legislation. In some cases they also take government agencies to court in order to
force them to enforce the existing laws or to seek interpretation from a higher court such as the Supreme Court of
There are widespread and well-founded concerns about severe damage being caused to the quality of the
environment. In response, many nations are implementing programs to monitor changes in environmental quality over
time. Most of these programs are intended to document changes that are occurring over large regions or entire
countries and to help predict future variations. These efforts are much larger in scale and scope than programs that
monitor whether a particular industrial facility is complying with regulations and guidelines. Most large-scale
monitoring is conducted by governmental agencies, or in some cases, by non-governmental organizations. The
resulting data and knowledge are used to guide decision making in government, to enhance the work of NGOs, and to
provide material for environmental research and education.
In the sense meant here, environmental monitoring involves repeated measurements of factors that are related to
either the inorganic environment, the structure and functioning of ecosystems, and any intersections with human
welfare. Because not everything can be monitored, successful monitoring programs depend on the careful choice of a
limited number of representative indicators and on the collection of reliable data. If a monitoring program detects
important changes, the possible causes and consequences of those changes are usually researched.
An environmental indicator is a relatively simple measurement that is used to represent a complex aspect of
environmental quality. Indicators are usually sensitive to changes in the intensity of stressors. For example, the level of
chemical residues in species high in the food web is often used as an indicator of contamination of its larger
ecosystem. This is why residues of chlorinated hydrocarbons (such as DDT and PCBs) are routinely monitored in
herring gulls and cormorants on the Great Lakes, and in marine mammals in coastal waters of the Pacific, Atlantic, and
Arctic Oceans (Chapter 22). Similarly, many lichens are known to be sensitive to gaseous pollutants and so are
monitored as indicators of air quality over large regions, including cities.
Sometimes, composite indicators are monitored to track changes in environmental quality. These are environmental
analogues of the composite indexes that are used to monitor complex trends in finance and economics, such as the
Consumer Price Index (CPI) and the Toronto Stock Exchange (TSE) index. Because they allow complex changes to be
presented in a simple manner, composite indictors are especially useful for reporting to the general public.
Composite indicators of air and water quality have been developed using data for various kinds of important pollutants,
such as major gases, vapours, and particulates in the atmosphere. However, composite indicators of environmental
quality (or of ecosystem health or ecological integrity; see In Detail 28.1) are not yet well developed. This is mostly
because scientists have not yet agreed on what the component variables should be.
When a change in indicators is measured in an environmental monitoring program, or when one is predicted, it is
necessary to understand its causes and consequences. This is generally done by using the accumulated knowledge of
effects of environmental stressors on ecosystems, along with research that is designed to address important questions
that are not yet understood. We can examine the linkages between environmental monitoring and research by
considering several examples.
Suppose that environmental monitoring has detected that precipitation has become acidified in some large region
(Chapter 19). The cause(s) of the acidification might be understood by determining the concentrations of chemicals in
the precipitation and by investigating local emissions of gases and particulates to the atmosphere. Researchers must
also understand the consequences of an increased deposition of acidifying substances to freshwater and terrestrial
ecosystems, as well as the implications for buildings and other urban features. At first, the research would examine the
existing knowledge of the causes and ecological effects of acidification in various kinds of habitats. However, that
knowledge is always incomplete and therefore it must be augmented with new research examining risks of
acidification that are not yet understood. The accumulated information helps society to understand whether the
causes of acidification can be controlled, and if so, to assess the potential environmental and economic benefits.
In another example, monitoring might indicate that the ecological character of a region is changing because the
natural forest is being extensively converted into plantations through industrial forestry. The ecological consequences
would initially be interpreted in the light of existing knowledge of the effects of forestry, supplemented by additional
research that investigates poorly understood issues. Specific research questions might address effects of the ecological
conversions on biodiversity, forest productivity, watershed hydrology and chemistry, and global environmental change
through effects on carbon storage (Chapters 17 and 23). This information is needed to help decision makers evaluate
whether they should permit further conversions of natural forest into plantations.
Environmental monitoring and research in Canada are carried out by various agencies. Environment Canada is the
most active agency at the federal level. In addition, the Department of Fisheries and Oceans deals with fisheries and
oceanic environments, Natural Resources Canada provides data about non-renewable and some renewable resources,
the Canadian Forest Service provides information relevant to commercial forests, Parks Canada examines changes in
national parks, and Health and Welfare Canada deals with influences of environmental quality on human health.
Statistics Canada plays a key role in compiling information and making it available to governments, companies, and the
public. All of the provincial and territorial governments of Canada also have comparable agencies that deal with
environmental issues within their jurisdiction.
A few non-governmental organizations also undertake a considerable amount of environmental monitoring and
Environmental monitoring programs provide society with crucial information and knowledge. Both are necessary for
the implementation of effective programs to prevent further degradation of environmental quality and the health of
ecosystems, and to repair existing damage. These actions are necessary if society is to conduct its economy in a truly
sustainable manner.
In Detail 28.1 Notions of Environmental Quality Environmental quality, ecosystem health, and ecological
integrity are important notions that help us understand the importance of changes in environmental
conditions. However, like other notions, these ones cannot be precisely defined, although it is possible to
develop a general understanding of what they mean.
Because they integrate changes in many components of ecosystems and environments, these concepts involve
complex phenomena. Environmental quality, for example, is related to the concentrations of potentially toxic
chemicals and other stressors in the environment, to the frequency and intensity of disturbances, and to the
effects of these on humans, other species, ecosystems, and economies. Of particular concern are stressors
associated with human activities, because these have become so important in the modern world.
Ecosystem health and ecological integrity are similar to each other and, in many respects, to environmental
quality. However, these indicators focus on changes that may be occurring in natural populations and
ecosystems, rather than on effects on people and their economy. All of these notions involve many variables
that are related to stressors and socio-economic or ecological responses. As a result, they are sometimes
measured using composite indicators, which integrate many possible changes that are thought to be important.
Composite indicators are not exact measurements of environmental quality, ecosystem health, or ecological
integrity, but they do allow society to determine whether conditions are getting worse or better.
These ideas can be explained by using ecological integrity as an example. Obviously, most stressors associated
with human activities will enhance some species, ecosystems, and ecological processes, while at the same time
damaging others. However, ecological theory suggests that systems with higher values for any or all of the
following characteristics will have a greater degree of ecological integrity:
• The ecosystem is resilient and resistant (see Chapter 9) to changes in the intensity of environmental
• The system is rich in indigenous biodiversity values
• The ecosystem is complex in its structure and function
• Large species are present
• Top predators are present
• The ecosystem has controlled nutrient cycling, meaning it is not “leaking” its nutrient capital
• The ecosystem has a “natural” character and is self-maintaining, as opposed to being strongly affected by
human influences and management
These sorts of criteria for ecological integrity are off particular relevance to managing protected areas. IF
ecological integrity is being maintained or enhanced, then a protected areas is doing its job of maintaining
biodiversity and ecological functions.
As we noted earlier, programs of monitoring and research should be capable of detecting changes in environmental
quality, while also helping to predict future effects. Well-designed programs should deal with the most important
known stressors or potential threats to the environment. They should measure or predict the effects on people and on
sensitive ecosystems and species, particularly those that are economically or ecologically important.
These are the simple requirements of a sensible program for monitoring and investigating environmental problems.
Unfortunately, these criteria are not well met by many existing programs, and as a result some important
environmental problems are not yet well understood. Consequently, they are not being addressed effectively, and they
could become worse in the future. The following are some examples selected from preceding chapters.
• What constitutes an acceptable exposure of humans to potentially toxic chemicals? Some toxins, such as metals
and many biochemicals, occur naturally. How much can anthropogenic emissions be allowed to increase exposures
beyond the natural background? Is any increase in exposure acceptable for non-natural toxins, such as dioxins,
furans, PCBs, synthetic pesticides, and radionuclides? Or are there acceptable thresholds of exposure to those
• Is a widespread decline of migratory birds occurring? If so, what are the causes, and how can we manage the
responsible stressors to repair the damage and prevent further losses of these native birds?
• Anthropogenic emissions of CFCs (chlorofluorocarbons) may be causing a depletion of stratospheric ozone,
resulting in increased ground-level exposures to ultraviolet radiation. What risks does this change have for human
health and for wild species and ecosystems? How can the damage be prevented and repaired?
• What are the dimensions of the global extinction crisis? How is biodiversity important to the health of the
biosphere and to human welfare? Which Canadian species and ecosystems are most at risk, and why? Should
Canada expend more effort to help conserve tropical biodiversity, or should we focus on problems within our own
boundaries? How are Canadians linked to biodiversity-depleting stressors in tropical countries?
• Extensive declines and diebacks of forests have been reported in various parts of the world, including Canada. Is
that damage being caused by natural environmental changes or by stressors associated with human activities? If
anthropogenic stressors are important, how can they be managed to prevent and repair the forest damage?
• What are the environmental consequences and costs of conventional and nuclear warfare? The effects of war are
devastating to people, their economy, and ecosystems. If these effects were better known, this inherently
destructive behaviour might be avoided.
• Is it possible to valuate the worth of species, communities, and ecological services (that is, to measure their worth
in dollars) so that these can be integrated into economic cost-benefit models?
• How intensively can renewable resources be harvested and managed without causing unacceptable risk to their
long-term sustainability and without inflicting damage to other species and ecosystems?
To deal properly with these and many other important issues, we must improve our understanding through better
monitoring and research. We can illustrate the achievable benefits by examining a few “success stories” in which
monitoring, research, and effective actions helped to resolve important environmental problems.
• Eutrophication of fresh water was identified as an important environmental problem during the 1960s and early
1970s. Research discovered that phosphate was the primary cause and that the damage could largely be avoided by
constructing sewage-treatment facilities and by using low-phosphorus detergent.
• Contamination with persistent chlorinated hydrocarbons, such as DDT, dieldrin, and PCBs, was found to be
widespread in the 1960s and 1970s. Research showed that some species, such as predatory birds, were being
seriously harmed and that there were possible effects on humans. The toxicological evidence convinced decision
makers to ban these chemicals in most countries, to the great benefit of the environment.
Environmental literacy refers to a well-informed understanding of environmental issues, and it is an important societal
goal. Knowledge about the causes and consequences of environmental damage can influence the decisions and choices
made by politicians, regulators, corporations, and individual citizens. If appropriate, those decisions and choices can
influence environmental quality in a positive way (Figure 28.1). People acquire this knowledge in various ways, the most
important of which are environmental reporting and other forms of education.
Figure 28.1. Influences on Environmental Quality. This is a conceptual model of the many influences on
environmental quality, including the roles of monitoring, research, regulation, and literacy. Environmental
monitoring and research provide an understanding of the causes and consequences of changes in conditions.
Ideally, this understanding is based on objective information from monitoring and research programs,
interpreted by environmental scientists and other qualified specialists (although their explanations may be
conditioned by social and cultural influences). This knowledge is communicated to decision makers in
government, who may implement regulations and undertake management activities that affect environmental
Knowledge about environmental and ecological changes is also communicated to the general public, through
state-of-the-environment reporting, the educational system, activities of non-governmental organizations, and
the mass media. Social attitudes regarding the environment are affected by environmental literacy, and they
may result in more appropriate choices of lifestyle and a public influence on the policies and actions of
Environmental literacy has a pervasive influence on the attitudes that people develop. Individuals who are
knowledgeable about environmental issues are more likely to make appropriate lifestyle choices and to influence
decision makers to ensure that sensible policies are implemented. In contrast, poorly informed public opinion
encourages less-appropriate environmental choices, such as rampant consumerism and a wasteful use of natural
resources. Environmental illiteracy also fosters the development of controversial “red herrings”, or illogical beliefs that
mislead or distracts from important issues.
An example of an environmental red herring is the common misunderstanding that many people have of the
differences between contamination and pollution. Related unhelpful syndromes are known as NIMBY (not in my
backyard), LULU (locally unacceptable land use), BANANA (build absolutely nothing anywhere near anybody), and
NIMTO (not in my term of office). NIMBY, LULU, and BANANA are common views that many people have about
proposed developments that may affect their local environment, while NIMTO is a frequent political response. These
attitudes can result, in part, from a lack of credible information about the risks that may be associated with
developments in the neighbourhood. Alternatively, NIMBY, LULU, and BANANA may result when planners and
developers are insensitive to the legitimate concerns of local people.
In addition to affecting the siting of commercial and industrial facilities, NIMBY, LULU, BANANA, and NIMTO cause
Decision makers in government and industry need objective cost-benefit analyses when dealing with environmental
problems. These people have the responsibility of making societal-level choices to avoid, mitigate, or accept
environmental damage. Their choices are often based on their perceptions of the costs associated with environmental
damage, offset by economic benefits promised by the activity that is causing the degradation. Unfortunately, the
perspective of many decision makers is that of conventional, short-term economics rather than ecological economics
(see Chapters 1 and 12). Because many social controversies have resulted from seemingly non-balanced choices, the
role of decision makers is changing in many countries. In addition to, or even instead of, actually making choices, these
people are increasingly being expected to create an appropriate climate for multilateral consultation and consensus-
driven decision making.
Environmental reporting is one process that is used to communicate information about environmental changes to
various interest groups. Such reporting should involve clear and objective presentations of information about changes
in environmental quality, and should also offer unbiased interpretations of the causes and consequences of those
Environmental reporting is delivered to the broader public by various agencies, including government departments,
educational institutions, non-governmental organizations, and the mass media. A governmental instrument that has
been prominent since the mid-1980s is known as state-of-the-environment reporting. For a time, the federal
government released well-regarded, comprehensive reports on the state of the Canadian environment (in 1986, 1991,
and 1997). Most of the provinces have also released periodic state-of-the-environment reports. Unfortunately,
Environment Canada has now largely abandoned this function, and in 1996 it closed down its division responsible for
the preparation of comprehensive state-of-the-environment reports. Nevertheless, various federal agencies continue
to make useful information about the environment available to the public. One excellent example is Statistics Canada,
which makes available a wide range of useful information.
Of course, most people become informed about environmental issues through the mass media, such as the internet,
newspapers, and television. These can be effective means of environmental education, but there are drawbacks. Often,
media presentations of issues are biased, and sometimes they are inaccurate. The focus is often on controversy,
especially when there are unresolved issues that are characterized by scientific uncertainty. This can result in high-
profile disputes dominating the environmental agenda, which can detract from efforts to deal with some other
important problems whose causation and resolution are better known.
To some degree, this approach can be counterbalanced by providing the broader public with more objective
information and by fostering a better understanding of the issues. One means of accomplishing this is to ensure that
environmental issues are dealt with, adequately and objectively, in the education system. Ideally, this exposure would
occur throughout the system – from primary and high schools, through colleges and universities, to continuing
education for the working public.
Within all of these contexts (but particularly in schools, colleges, and universities), there are two broad ways of
delivering environmental education:
1. The first involves discrete, interdisciplinary classes in environmental studies and environmental science. Arguably,
environmental issues are important enough to social literacy to justify their treatment as a primary subject area,
comparable to biology, languages, literature, mathematics, music, physics, and other disciplinary subjects.
2. The second way of delivering environmental education is to integrate appropriate case material across the
Measures to ensure that citizens are environmentally literate are a necessary part of any strategy that is designed to
resolve environmental problems. If people understand these critical issues, they will be more willing to make personal
choices in support of the protection of environmental quality, biodiversity, and natural ecosystems.
We previously defined sustainable development as progress made toward an economic system that is ultimately based
on the wise use of renewable resources (Chapters 1 and 12). Therefore, a sustainable economy would not deplete its
capital of natural resources, and so would not compromise the availability of those necessities for use by future
generations of humans. We also noted that ecologically sustainable development would allow the human enterprise to
continue, but without causing unacceptable damage to other species or natural ecosystems.
By these criteria, the so-called “advanced” economies of modern times (such as that of Canada, the United States,
countries of Western Europe, Japan, and Australia) are clearly non-sustainable. There are two major reasons for this
alarming conclusion:
1. The first is the obsession that politicians, economists, and other managers of national and international economies
have for rapid economic growth, both to keep up with an expanding population and to increase the standard of
2. The second reason involves the likelihood that the present size of advanced economies is already too large to be
sustained for long. The rationale for these two statements is briefly explained in the following paragraphs (and is
further supported by more detailed examination in earlier chapters).
Economic growth is typically achieved by forcing both non-renewable and potentially renewable resources through an
economy, thereby making the economy larger. Since about 1990, nations with advanced economies have been
achieving economic growth rates of about 1-3% per year, which, if maintained, would double the size of their
economies in only 26 to 70 years. Rapidly developing economies, such as those of Brazil, China, Chile, India, Mexico,
and Thailand, have been growing even faster (but from a much smaller per-capita base), at up to 5-10% in some years,
which is sufficient to double their economies in only 7 to 15 years.
As we learned earlier, this sort of rapid economic growth can be achieved only as long as resources continue to be
readily available. In Chapters 13 and 14, we examined many examples of rapidly depleting stocks of both non-renewable
and potentially renewable resources. Such examples suggest that modern economic growth rates cannot be sustained
and, in fact, will reverse themselves when crucial resources become depleted. Moreover, many scientists and
environmentalists believe that the present sizes of advanced economies (such as that of Canada) are already too large
to be sustained. The arguments in support of that assessment are similar to those just noted – the large, “developed”
economies are maintained by the forced throughput of mined resources, the supplies of which are rapidly becoming
It is common today for politicians, corporate spokespeople, and resource managers to assert publicly that they support
efforts to make progress toward sustainable development. However, almost all of these people are confusing genuine
sustainable development, as it was defined at the beginning of this section, with “sustainable economic growth.” In a
resource-constrained world, unlimited economic growth can never be sustained over the long term. This is why
It is important to understand that, although they are pushing society in an ill-advised direction, advocates of economic
growth are not a malevolent force. These people hope that growing economies will allow larger numbers of people to
be productively employed and thereby enjoy the benefits of an advanced, material society. These are highly desirable
However, is it prudent to seek to achieve a gigantic economy that would only temporarily support a large number of
people? Or would it be better to limit the scale of the human enterprise to a level that can be supported by Earth’s
biosphere and resources over the longer term? Fundamental considerations in a sustainable human economy are:
Ultimately, an ecologically sustainable economy is limited by the carrying capacity of planet Earth for our species and
its enterprise. Vital elements of a sustainable economy must include control over:
• the population sizes of people and our mutualistic species (such as cows and other domestic animals)
• and per-capita and total-population resource consumption
In part, the resolution of resource dilemmas will require a more equitable sharing of wealth among people living in
poorer and richer countries. This would moderate the importance of poverty as a key factor in causing environmental
Canadian Focus 28.2. Speaking for the Fishes Many fisheries are collapsing, and the reason is that these
potentially renewable bio-resources have been subjected to irresponsibly high rates of harvesting. People are
deeply concerned about the ruination of vital marine resources, and about the collateral ecological damage
caused by industrial methods of harvesting. The ecological damages include effects on native species, natural
communities, and ecosystem functions such as productivity and clean-environment services. A number of
Canadian ecologists have devoted their careers to documenting the causes and consequences of these
ecological tragedies, and in finding ways to recover the degraded stocks.
These people are environmental heroes because they are champions of both resource sustainability and the
need to maintain healthy ecosystems. These ecologists work in universities, environmental organizations, and
governmental research laboratories and policy divisions. These scientists are many, and only some are profiled
here. All are professors who have devoted their great opportunity of academic freedom to engage in research
to document and understand calamities of aquatic bio-resources. They are also engaged in honest and effective
public advocacy to ensure that society moves toward a more sustainable use of its limited stocks of bio-
resources, and of its natural heritage of indigenous biodiversity.
Ransom Myers was a population ecologist who worked on ocean fisheries, initially as a scientist with the federal
Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) and then as a professor at Dalhousie University. He and his students
undertook highly regarded research that documented collapses of fish stocks, as well as global declines of
other marine bio-resources. A special contribution was to bring these important issues to the attention of
politicians and regulators, as well as to the broader public. Myers was a leader in outreach from the academic
community, and he helped to focus attention on the vital need to conserve both marine bio-resources needed
as food as well as the biodiversity of the oceans. Fortune magazine nominated Myers as one of its “10 people to
Jeff Hutchings, a colleague of Myers and also a professor at Dalhousie, engaged in research that documented
the causes of the collapse of cod stocks in the northwest Atlantic, a bio-resource tragedy that had awful
economic consequences. At the time, Hutchings and Myers were working for DFO, where bureaucratic
interests were profiling the collapse of cod as a somewhat natural phenomenon from which the stocks would
quickly recover. Hutchings and Myers publicly opposed those views, because their interpretation of the
ecological data clearly showed that the damage had been caused by overfishing. They also showed that the
damage had mostly occurred within the context of quotas set by DFO that were too large to be sustainable, and
that were often over-ruled by politicians who used their authority to set permissible catches that were even
larger than what DFO was recommending. Hutchings won a prize as a “whistle blower” for the effectiveness
with which he communicated evidence about the cod calamity to both scientists and the public.
Daniel Pauly is a French-born fishery ecologist at the University of British Columbia. He takes an international
approach to his research, being engaged in projects around the world, all with the common thread of studying
marine bio-resources, documenting threats to their sustainable use, and proposing management and policy
solutions to those problems. Pauly is the leader of a collaborative international venture known as the Sea
Around Us Project, which is using GIS (geographic information systems) to map global fisheries catches to help
document and mitigate the damaging effects of this industrial activity. His work has focused on collapses of
fishery resources, on risks to critical marine habitats (such as reefs, seamounts, and upwellings), and on damage
caused to marine biodiversity. Pauly has won many professional awards, is an advisor to governments, and a
frequent commentator in the media on issues related to the marine realm.
Boris Worm and Heike Lotze are part of a younger cohort of professors whose enterprise is focused on
identifying, and then repairing, damage that the human economy is causing to the marine realm. They work at
Dalhousie University, and both are interested in Canadian and international marine issues, particularly
collapsing stocks of bio-resources and damage caused to biodiversity. Like the others noted above, Lotze and
Worm are engaged with a broad network of collaborators, including scientists in universities and governments
from around the world, as well as many graduate students. Worm and Lotze have similar motivations in their
professional life. They have a love and fascination with science and with the natural world, and a deep concern
about terrible damage that is being caused to vital resources and to biodiversity.
But neither they nor the other ecologists mentioned in this section are just complainers about these important
problems – they are leading the charge to find ways to fix these problems, and are demanding that those fixes
be rapidly implemented.
All levels of society have a responsibility to protect the quality of our common environment. These obligations are a
central aspect of the social contract by which enlightened communities function.
The role of government is an overarching one, because it is empowered to regulate the activities of itself, the private
sector, non-governmental organizations, and individuals. Of course, many activities of government and the private
The role of environmental non-governmental organizations (ENGOs) is to lobby government and industry about issues,
to raise public awareness, and increasingly (because of shortages of governmental capability), to raise funds that can be
used to prevent and repair environmental damage. Finally, all individual citizens have an obligation to live their lives in
an environmentally responsible manner.
In the following sections, we will briefly examine the roles and activities of key environmental organizations.
International Organizations
The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) is the principal international organization that deals with
environmental matters. UNEP is responsible for coordinating global environmental efforts with other agencies of the
United Nations, national governments, and non-governmental organizations. UNEP also coordinates the development
of multinational treaties and other agreements and periodically hosts global conferences on environmental themes.
Other agencies of the United Nations also have mandates that involve environmental issues. These include the Food
and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the
United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), the United Nations Population Fund
(UNPF), the World Health Organization (WHO), and the International Labour Organization (ILO).
A wide range of non-governmental environmental organizations are also active on the international stage:
• ENGOs involved in the international conservation of biodiversity include Conservation International, the Cousteau
Society, the International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources, the Nature Conservancy (U.S.),
the Smithsonian Institution, and the World Wildlife Fund.
• Those dealing with population issues include the Population Institute, the Population Reference Bureau, and Zero
Population Growth.
• Those with general mandates concerning resources and other environmental issues include the Earth Island
Institute, the Environmental Policy Institute, Friends of the Earth, Greenpeace International, Resources for the
Future, the Sierra Club, the World Resources Institute, and the Worldwatch Institute.
Canadian Organizations
At the federal level, Environment Canada plays a central role in preserving and enhancing environmental quality. Its
mandate includes the protection of water, air, and soil quality, renewable resources, and biodiversity. Its institutional
objective is to foster a national capacity for sustainable development, in co-operation with international, provincial,
territorial, municipal, and Aboriginal governments, as well as other departments of the federal government, the private
sector, and non-governmental organizations.
Other agencies of the federal government also have important environmental mandates:
• Natural Resources Canada deals with mineral and forest resources, including aspects of the environmental impacts
of mining, the use of fossil fuels, and forestry
• Health and Welfare Canada deals with environmental issues related to human health and also has primary
All of the provincial and territorial governments have agencies similar to those listed above for dealing with
environmental responsibilities under their jurisdiction.
Canada also has a wealth of non-governmental organizations that deal with environmental issues. National
organizations that focus on the conservation of biodiversity include the Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society, the
Canadian Wildlife Federation, Nature Canada, the Nature Conservancy of Canada, and the World Wildlife Fund of
Canada. Organizations with general mandates concerning resources and other environmental issues include the
Canadian Arctic Resources Committee, Canadian Ecology Advocates, Ducks Unlimited Canada, Energy Probe Research
Foundation, Friends of the Earth, Greenpeace Canada, Pollution Probe, the Royal Society of Canada, the Sierra Club
(Canada), the Tree Canada Foundation, and Wildlife Habitat Canada. In addition, all of the provinces and territories
have non-governmental organizations that deal with environmental issues on a more regional basis.
Image 28.2. The Nature Conservancy of Canada is an ENGO whose activities focus on acquiring land or land-
use rights for the protection of natural values. This project involved the purchase of property on an island in
Nova Scotia that provides habitat for several rare plants, including the best known locale in Canada of the
eastern mountain avens (Geum Peckii). Source: B. Freedman.
Although each of us individually has a relatively small effect on the environment, our collective influence is enormous.
If all Canadians were to pursue a lifestyle that has softer environmental effects, there would be great benefits for all of
us, for future generations, and for other species.
Environmental citizenship involves actions that are taken by people and families to lessen their impact on the
environment. Individual acts of environmentalism involve making lifestyle choices that include having a small family,
using less energy and material resources, and causing fewer damages to the natural world. In addition to the many
“green” actions that people can undertake, they can give moral and financial support to ENGOs that deal with
environmental issues at international, national, and regional levels.
Libraries, bookstores, and web sites stock many so-called “green” handbooks and pamphlets. These list hundreds of
specific actions that people and families can take to lessen their effect on the environment. The diverse possibilities
include shutting off the lights when leaving a room, turning the thermostat down to 15° or less during the winter (while
wearing warm slippers and a sweater!), avoiding wasteful travel habits (such as commuting alone in a car), avoiding the
use of pesticides in lawn and garden care, planting native trees to store carbon on one’s property and to provide
wildlife habitat, becoming a vegetarian, and giving money and volunteer time to environmental charities (see In Detail
Image 28.3. Each of us can choose to adopt a lifestyle that is less intensive in terms of its environmental impact.
Being a “green” person involves many appropriate choices, such as commuting by bicycle instead of by
automobile. Source: B. Freedman.
However, few individual Canadians will make all of the green choices that are possible. To do so would be to voluntarily
adopt an austere lifestyle, and most people are unwilling to choose this. Instead, most will undertake some positive
actions, perhaps including recycling of many household wastes, riding a bicycle to school or work, not worrying about
a weedy lawn, and favouring several environmental organizations. This would be selective environmentalism rather
than a fully green lifestyle. However, if selective environmentalism is substantial enough, and is adopted by many
If the citizens of Canada and other countries do not make these sensible, environmentally astute choices, the results
will eventually be tragic.
In Detail 27.2. Environmental Choices Each of us is confronted by many choices on how to live our lives, and
how to influence our family, friends, and society at large. Many of our choices have significant environmental
consequences, in terms of resource use, pollution, and the conservation of biodiversity. In this box, we examine
a selection of “green” choices that can contribute to making our lifestyles and economy more sustainable by
consuming and wasting less. Consider each of the suggested choices, and think about the environmental
benefits that would result if large numbers of Canadians were to adopt them. Environmental Themes: Reduce:
• Be practical and creative in finding uses for disused goods to avoid discarding them
• Use empty glass and plastic containers to store bulk food and odds and ends
• Reuse shopping bags at the grocery store and for other purposes
• Save cardboard, paper, string, and rubber bands for reuse
• Pass along disused clothing, toys, furniture, books, and magazines to family or friends, donate them to social
service organizations, or sell them
• Discover what materials can be recycled in the area where you live, and then do so as fully as possible
• Purchase products manufactured from recycled materials; this helps to develop a market for the goods
• Do not purchase any goods or services that are produced at an unacceptable cost in terms of the destruction
of natural habitat or excessive pollution or resource consumption
• If you think that a company, government bureaucracy, or politician is not supporting environmentally sound
initiatives or policies, complain regularly by writing letters or e-mail, or in other ways –if you think they are
doing a good job, let them know that also
• Support environmental organizations (ENGOs) with your money and/or time (as a volunteer)
Lifestyle Choices:
• Become a naturalist by learning to identify wild plants and animals and to understand their habitat needs
and ecological relationships
• Become a vegetarian, which allows you to feed lower in the food web and be less involved in the economy of
• Use a flow-reducing attachment on faucets and shower heads to decrease the use of water
• Turn off taps to reduce dripping, and ensure they are in good repair
• Do not run water continuously when hand-washing dishes, brushing your teeth, washing, or shaving
• Only wash full loads in a dishwasher or washing machine, and use the energy-saver or shortest possible
• Keep a container of drinking water in the refrigerator, instead of running the tap until the water gets cold
• Put food scraps into the compost bin or discard them as garbage; using an in-sink disposal unit wastes water
and adds excess organic matter to the sewage system
• Reduce water use by about 20% by placing two 2-litre plastic bottles filled with water into the toilet
reservoir, or install a low-flush toilet
• Insulate your water heater and pipes to obtain hot water more quickly and reduce energy wastage
• Do not flush anything down the toilet that was not previously eaten (plus toilet paper) – cigarette butts,
disposable diapers, dental floss, tampon holders, and condoms create problems at sewage treatment
facilities and litter the environment.
• Use cleaning products that cause little environmental damage and avoid the use of bleach and fabric
• If you are not hooked up to a central sewer system, use a composting toilet, which saves water and results
in much less organic waste
Energy Use:
• Turn off lights, television, stereo, and other appliances when you leave a room
• Use energy-efficient lights; compare these efficiencies for comparable amounts of lighting:
• Where possible, use a pressure cooker or microwave instead of a regular oven; they cook food faster and use
much less energy
• In winter, set your thermostat to the lowest comfortable temperature and wear a sweater
• Also in winter, turn down the heat at night and when you are away during the day
• If you use air conditioning in the summer, set your thermostat to the highest comfortable temperature
• Ensure that storm windows and doors fit their frames snugly, and that any crevices are caulked – these
actions greatly reduce heat loss during winter and prevent cooling loss in summer
• Install solar panels to produce heat and/or electricity for your house or office
• If you are burning wood in a stove or furnace: only use well-seasoned fuel dried for at least six months, use a
high-efficiency burner but do not excessively dampen the combustion because a smoldering burn pollutes
the atmosphere, and do not burn painted wood, plastic, or garbage
In the Garden:
• Water your garden only when necessary, in the coolest part of the day (early morning or late evening), while
avoiding over-watering and watering on windy days (to avoid excessive loss by evaporation)
• Cut the lawn to a height of about 6-7 cm, because taller grass holds water better
• Recycle your lawn clippings by leaving them in place for in situ composting
• Use a push mower, which saves fuel, avoids pollution, and provides exercise
• Use a mulch of tree leaves, grass clippings, or wood chips to reduce water evaporation around garden plants,
shrubs, and trees
• Avoid using synthetic fertilizer and pesticides, instead fertilize using compost and use alternative pest-
control products such as insecticidal soap and manual methods of control (such as digging weeds by hand
and hand-picking pest insects)
• Rotate species of vegetables and flowers in your garden from year to year and between locations, to
discourage soil diseases and pest insects
• Plant basil, chives, chrysanthemums, garlic, horseradish, marigolds, mint, and thyme amongst garden plants,
because their natural odors and root secretions repel many pest insects
• Maintain bird feeders, as birds contribute to natural insect control
• Naturalize your garden by cultivating native plants instead of alien species and let commercial horticultural
businesses know that this is what you want to buy
• Compost as much of your organic discards as possible, which greatly reduces the garbage put out for
collection and provides an excellent organic fertilizer and soil conditioner
• To avoid pollution, use sand instead of salt to deal with ice on your sidewalk or driveway
• Home gardeners can be efficient and productive food producers, and even if you do not have a backyard you
can obtain a plot in your community’s allotment site
• Plant as many trees as possible to offset some of your CO2 emissions
• Plant well-positioned trees to cool your house instead of using air conditioning
• Collect and use rainwater for watering the garden
• Patronize small local businesses and farmers’ markets instead of large chain stores, which helps to avoid
products that have been transported long distances and keeps money in the local economy
• Buy products that are not over-packaged and are in returnable or recyclable containers
• Buy storable products in bulk rather than in over-packaged smaller sizes, and store them in containers that
you have saved
• Avoid fruit or vegetables that are sold in blister or plastic packages
• Use a cloth-diaper cleaning service instead of buying disposable diapers
• Buy products in paper containers instead of plastic or polystyrene ones
• Buy unbleached, non-coloured, recycled paper products
• Use fabric shopping bags that can be re-used, or re-use plastic shopping bags
Getting Around:
In the Office:
• A tablet or laptop computer uses considerably less energy than a desktop computer
• Ink-jet printers use up to 95% less energy than laser printers
• Make two-sided copies when photocopying and printing, and use a machine that has an automatic “stand
by” or “sleep” mode
Image 28.4. Ecotourism is an economically important activity that depends on the local availability of high-
quality natural habitats. This is a view of part of a jungle lodge in southeastern Peru known as Explorer’s Inn. It
is a famous destination for naturalists because of the extraordinary richness of tropical birds and vegetation
that can be seen there. Source: B. Freedman.
It is crucial that people understand how human activities cause damage to our common environment, in both direct
and indirect ways. We must also design ways to prevent or effectively mitigate that damage. Over the long term, our
society can prosper only if it institutes a sensible limitation on its population and ensures that its use of natural
resources is ecologically sustainable.
The coupling of population control with sensible strategies of environmental management will be decisive in attaining
a sustainable prosperity for humans, while accommodating other species and their natural communities on the only
planet in the universe that is known to sustain life and ecosystems.
Try not to see things as they are, but rather as how they should be. (A principle of Buddhist thought)
1. What are the circumstances that would trigger an environmental impact assessment, and how would the VECs
(valued ecosystem components) be chosen for examination?
2. Define the following terms: economic growth, sustainable development, and ecologically sustainable development.
1. There has not yet been a full assessment of the environmental impacts of a broad governmental policy, such as
entering into a free trade agreement with another country. Does this mean that important environmental
considerations are not being adequately considered when Canada’s trade policies are developed?
2. Imagine that a large industrial development (such as a power plant, sewage-treatment plant, incinerator, pulp mill,
or mine) is being proposed for the area where you live. Make a list of the important environmental considerations
that you think should figure in an EIA of the proposed development.
3. Consider a landscape that is being managed for the harvesting of timber for a pulp mill. What economic and
ecological values would have to be accommodated by an ecologically sustainable system of land-use in that wood-
supply area?
4. Considering all you know about environmental science, do you believe that there is a crisis in the region where you
live, or in Canada, or on Earth? If you do believe that there is an environmental crisis, what are the core elements
of a societal strategy that would alleviate the damage?
Exploring Issues
1. Make a list of actions that you and your family could easily take in order to become less damaging in your
environmental impact. For each action, consider the environmental benefits that would result, as well as the
implications for your lifestyle.
2. You have just been elected to the position of “Benevolent Dictator” of Canada. You will have this position of power
until you decide you no longer want it, and you have the responsibility to quickly make the national economy
operate according to the principles of ecological sustainability. What would be the central elements of such an
economy? How would you choose to implement any changes necessary to achieve such a sustainable economy?
Abrams, R.H., W. Goldfarb, R.L. Graham, L. Heinzerling, D.A. Wirth, and Z.J.B. Plater (eds.). 2004. Environmental Law and
Policy. Aspen Publishers, Aspen, CO.
Beanlands, G.E. and P.N. Duinker. 1983. An Ecological Framework for Environmental Impact Assessment in Canada.
Institute for Resource and Environmental Studies, Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS.
Benidickson, J. 2011. Environmental Law in Canada. Kluwer Law International, Toronto, ON.
Berthold-Bond, A. 1997. The Green Kitchen Handbook: Practical Advice, References, and Sources for Transforming the
Center of Your Home into a Healthful, Livable Place. Harper Perennial, New York, NY.
Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency (CEAA). 2011. Canadian Environmental Assessment Act: An Overview.
CEAA, Ottawa, ON. http://webarchive.bac-lac.gc.ca:8080/wayback/20140806005422/http://www.ceaa-acee.gc.ca/
Canter, L.W. 1995. Environmental Impact Assessment. McGraw Hill, Columbus, OH.
Ehrlich, P.R. 1989. Facing the habitat crisis. BioScience, 39: 480-482.
Fosket, J. and L. Mamo. 2009. Living Green: Communities that Sustain. New Society Publishers, Gabriola Island, BC.
Freedman, B. 1995. Environmental Ecology. 2nd ed. Academic Press, San Diego, CA.
Freedman, B., C. Staicer, and N. Shackell. 1993. Recommendations for a National Ecological-Monitoring Program.
Occasional Paper Series No. 2, SOE Reporting Organization, Environment Canada, Ottawa, ON.
Glasson, J., Therivel, R., and A. Chadwick. 2007. Introduction to Environmental Impact Assessment, 3rd ed. Taylor &
Francis, Oxford, UK.
Government of Canada. 1996. The State of Canada’s Environment. State of the Environment Reporting Organization,
Environment Canada, Ottawa, ON.
Hanna, K. 2009. Environmental Impact Assessment: Practice and Participation. 2nd ed. Oxford University Press,
Toronto, ON.
Harris, M. 1991. Ecological Gardening. Your Path to a Healthy Garden. Random House Canada, Toronto, ON.
Health Canada. 2014. Canadian Drinking Water Guidelines. Health Canada, Ottawa, ON. http://webarchive.bac-
Kubasek, N.K. and G.S. Silverman. 2004. Environmental Law. 5th ed. Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ.
Lawrence, D.P. 2003. Environmental Impact Assessment: Practical Problems to Recurrent Problems. Wiley and Sons,
New York, NY.
Marriott, B.B. 1997. Environmental Impact Assessment: A Practical Guide. McGraw-Hill Professional Publishing,
Columbus, OH.
Morris, P. and R. Therivel (eds.). 2001. Methods of Environmental Impact Assessment. Spons Architectural Price Book,
New York, NY.
National Round Table on the Environment and the Economy. 1991. The National Waste Reduction Handbook. National
Round Table on the Environment and the Economy, Ottawa, ON.
National Round Table on the Environment and the Economy. 1992. Green Guide: A User’s Guide to Sustainable
Development for Canadian Colleges. National Round Table on the Environment and the Economy, Ottawa, ON.
Pollution Probe Foundation. 1991. The Canadian Green Consumer Guide. McClelland & Stewart, Toronto, ON.
Trainer, T. 1995. The Conserver Society: Alternatives for Sustainability. Zed Books, London, UK.
Vasil, A.. 2007. Ecoholic: Your Guide to the Most Environmentally Friendly Information, Products and Services in
Canada. Vintage Canada, Toronto, ON.
Yepsen, R. 1997. 1001 Old-Time Garden Tips: Timeless Bits of Wisdom on How to Grow Everything Organically, from the
Good Old Days When Everyone Did. Rodale Press, Emmaus, PA.
Zygmunt, J.B.P., R.H. Abrams, W. Goldfarb, and R. Graham. 1998. Environmental Law and Policy: A Coursebook on
Nature Law and Society. Wadsworth Publishers, Belmont, CA.
acid rain: The wet deposition only of acidifying substances from the atmosphere. See also acidifying deposition.
acid shock: An event of relatively acidic surface water that can occur in the springtime when the snowpack melts
quickly but the ground is still frozen.
acid sulphate soil: Acidic soil conditions caused when certain wetlands are drained and sulphide compounds become
acid-mine drainage: Acidic water and soil conditions that develop when sulphide minerals become exposed to the
atmosphere, allowing them to be oxidized by Thiobacillus bacteria.
acid-neutralizing capacity: The quantitative ability of water to neutralize inputs of acid without becoming acidified.
See also buffering capacity.
acidifying deposition: Both the wet and dry deposition of acidifying substances from the atmosphere.
acute toxicity: Toxicity associated with short-term exposures to chemicals in concentrations high enough to cause
biochemical or anatomical damages, even death. Compare with chronic toxicity.
aerobic: Refers to an environment in which oxygen (O2) is readily available. Compare with anaerobic.
aesthetic pollution: Substantially a matter of cultural values, this commonly involves images that are displeasing to
many (but not necessarily all) people.
afforestation: Establishment of a forest where one did not recently occur, as when trees are planted on agricultural
agroforestry: The cultivation of trees in plantations, typically using relatively intensive management practices.
ammonification: Oxidation of the organically bound nitrogen of dead biomass into ammonium (NH4+).
anaerobic: Refers to an environment in which oxygen (O2) is not readily available. Compare with aerobic.
angiosperm: Flowering plants that have their ovules enclosed within a specialized membrane and their seeds within a
seedcoat. Compare with gymnosperm.
anthropocentric world view: This considers humans as being more worthy than other species and uniquely
disconnected from nature. The importance and worth of everything is considered in terms of the implications for
human welfare. Compare with biocentric world view and ecocentric world view.
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anthropogenic: Occurring as a result of a human influence.
applied ecology: The application of ecological principles to deal with economic and environmental problems.
artificial selection: The deliberate breeding of species to enhance traits that are viewed as desirable by humans.
artificial wetland: An engineered wetland, usually constructed to treat sewage or other organic wastes.
assimilation efficiency: In an animal, the percentage of the energy content of ingested food that is absorbed across the
gut wall. In plants, the percentage of solar visible light that is fixed by photosynthesis. The term may also be used to
refer to the percentage assimilation of ingested inorganic nutrients (such as nitrate or phosphate) by plants or animals,
or of drugs by animals.
atmosphere: The gaseous envelope surrounding the Earth, held in place by gravity.
atmospheric inversion (temperature inversion): A relatively stable atmospheric condition in which cool air is trapped
beneath a layer of warmer air.
atmospheric water: Water occurring in the atmosphere, in vapour, liquid, or solid forms.
atom bomb: An explosive device that is based on the uncontrolled “splitting” of certain fissile isotopes of uranium and/
or plutonium.
autecology: The field within ecology that deals with the study of individuals and species. Compare with synecology.
autotroph: An organism that synthesizes its biochemical constituents using simple inorganic compounds and an
external source of energy to drive the process. See also primary producer, photoautotroph, and chemoautotroph.
available concentration: The concentration of metals in an aqueous extract of soil, sediment, or rocks, simulating the
amount available for organisms to take up from the environment. Compare with total concentration.
baby boom: A period of high fecundity during 1945–1965 that occurred because of social optimism after the Second
World War.
background concentration: A presence or concentration of a substance that is not significantly influenced by either
anthropogenic emissions or unusual natural exposures.
bioaccumulation (bioconcentration): The occurrence of chemicals in much higher concentrations in organisms than in
the ambient environment. Compare with food-web magnification.
biocentric world view: This considers all species (and individuals) as having equal intrinsic value. Humans are not
considered more important or worthy than any other species. Compare with anthropocentric world view and
ecocentric world view.
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biodegradation: The breakdown of organic molecules into simpler compounds through the metabolic actions of
biodiversity: The richness of biological variation, including genetic variability as well as species and community
biodiversity crisis: The present era of high rates of extinction and endangerment of biodiversity.
biogeochemical prospecting: Prospecting for metal ores using observations of high metal concentrations in plants,
soil, or surface rocks.
biological control: Pest-control methods that depend on biological interactions, such as diseases, predators, or
biological oxygen demand (BOD): The capacity of organic matter and other substances in water to consume oxygen
during decomposition.
biomass energy: The chemical potential energy of plant biomass, which can be combusted to provide thermal energy.
biome: A geographically extensive ecosystem, occurring throughout the world wherever environmental conditions are
bog: An infertile, acidic, unproductive wetland that develops in cool but wet climates. Compare with fen.
boreal coniferous forest: A northern forest dominated by coniferous trees, usually species of fir, larch, pine, or spruce.
See also boreal forest.
boreal forest (taiga): An extensive biome occurring in environments with cold winters, short but warm growing
seasons, and moist soils, and usually dominated by coniferous trees.
broad-spectrum pesticide: A pesticide that is toxic to other organisms as well as the pest.
browse: Broad-leaved shrubs that are eaten by herbivores such as hares and deer.
bryophyte: Simple plants that do not have vascular tissues nor a cuticle on their foliage.
buffering capacity: The ability of a solution to resist changes in pH as acid or base is added.
calorie: A standard unit of energy, defined as the amount of energy needed to raise the temperature of one gram of
pure water from 15°C to 16°C. Compare with joule.
Glossary | 797
carbon credits: Actions that help reduce the atmospheric concentration of CO2, such as fossil-fuel conservation and
planting trees.
carnivore (secondary consumer): An animal that hunts and eats other animals.
carrying capacity: The abundance of a species that can be sustained without the habitat becoming degraded.
chaparral: A shrub-dominated ecosystem that occurs in south- temperate environments with winter rains and
summer drought.
chemical weapons: Weapons that cause deaths or injuries through exposure to toxic chemicals.
chemoautotroph: Microorganisms that harness some of the potential energy of certain inorganic chemicals (e.g.,
sulphides) to drive their fixation of energy through chemosynthesis. Compare with photoautotroph.
chemosynthesis: Autotrophic productivity that utilizes energy released during the oxidation of certain inorganic
chemicals (such as sulphides) to drive biosynthesis. Compare with photosynthesis.
chromosome: Subcellular unit composed of DNA and containing the genetic information of eukaryotic organisms.
chronic toxicity: Toxicity associated with exposure to small or moderate concentrations of chemicals, sometimes over
a long period of time. The damages may be biochemical or anatomical, and may include the development of a lethal
disease, such as cancer. Compare with acute toxicity.
clear-cutting: The harvesting of all economically useful trees from an area at the same time.
climate: The prevailing, long-term, meteorological conditions of a place or region, including temperature,
precipitation, wind speed, and other factors. Compare with weather.
climate change: Long-term changes in air, soil, or water temperature; precipitation regimes; wind speed; or other
climate-related factors.
coal: An organic-rich, solid fossil fuel mined from sedimentary geological formations.
coevolution: This occurs when species interact in ways that affect their reciprocal survival, and so are subject to a
regime of natural selection that reinforces their mutual evolutionary change.
collective properties: This term is used in reference to the summation of the parts of a system. See also emergent
commensalism: A symbiosis in which one of the species benefits from the interaction, while the other is not affected in
either a positive or negative way.
commercial energy production: The use of solid, liquid, and gaseous fuels, plus all electricity. Does not include the use
of traditional fuels. See also total energy production and traditional fuels.
commercial extinction: Depletion of a natural resource to below the abundance at which it can be profitably
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common-property resource: A resource shared by all of society, not owned by any particular person or interest.
community: In ecology, this refers to populations of various species that are co-occurring at the same time and place.
compaction: A decrease in the pore space of soil (or increased bulk density) caused by the passage of heavy machinery.
competition: A biological interaction occurring when the demand for an ecological resource exceeds its limited supply,
causing organisms to interfere with each other.
competitor: A species that is dominant in a habitat in which disturbance is rare and environmental stresses are
unimportant, so competition is the major influence on evolution and community organization.
composting: The processing of discarded organic material by encouraging decomposition processes under warm,
moist, oxygen-rich conditions. The product, known as compost, is a useful fertilizer and soil conditioner.
conservation: Wise use of natural resources. Conservation of nonrenewable resources involves recycling and other
means of efficient use. Conservation of renewable resources includes these means, in addition to ensuring that
harvesting does not exceed the rate of regeneration of the stock.
contamination: The presence of potentially damaging chemicals in the environment, but at concentrations less than
those required to cause toxicity or other ecological damages. Compare with pollution.
control (control treatment): An experimental treatment that was not manipulated, and is intended for comparison with
manipulated treatments.
conventional economics: Economics as it is commonly practised, which includes not accounting for costs associated
with ecological damages and resource depletion. Compare with ecological economics.
conventional munitions: Explosive devices that are based on chemical reactions, such as cordite and dynamite.
convergence (evolutionary conversion): This occurs when unrelated species with similar niches and living in
comparable environments are subjected to parallel regimes of natural selection, resulting in their evolution to be
similar in morphology, physiology, and behaviour.
Coriolis effect: An influence of Earth’s west-to-east rotation, which makes winds in the Northern Hemisphere deflect
to the right and those in the Southern Hemisphere to the left.
creationist: A person who rejects the theory of evolution in favour of a literal interpretation of Genesis, the first book
of the Old Testament of the Bible. See also scientific creationist.
critical load: A threshold for pollutant inputs, below which it is thought ecological damages will not be caused.
Glossary | 799
crude oil washing (COW) method: A method of washing a tanker’s oil-storage components with a spray of crude oil
before the next cargo is loaded. This eliminates the use of wash-water and avoids an important cause of marine oil
crust: The outermost layer of Earth’s sphere, overlying the lithosphere and composed mostly of crystalline rocks.
cultural eutrophication: Eutrophication caused by anthropogenic nutrient inputs, usually through sewage dumping or
fertilizer runoff. See also eutrophication.
cultural evolution: Adaptive evolutionary change in human society, characterized by increasing sophistication in the
methods, tools, and social organizations used to exploit the environment and other species. Compare with evolution.
cultural identity: A complex of self-identified characteristics and values that a group of people considers important in
defining their distinct quality.
culture: The shared beliefs, values, and knowledge of a defined group of people.
cumulative environmental impacts: Environmental impacts that result from a proposed undertaking, in addition to
those caused by any past, existing, and imminent developments and activities.
decay: The decomposition or oxidation of dead biomass, mostly through the actions of microorganisms.
deductive logic: Logic in which initial assumptions are made and conclusions are then drawn from those assumptions.
Compare with inductive logic.
deep drainage: Soil water that has drained to below the lower limits of plant roots.
deforestation: A permanent conversion of forest into some other kind of ecosystem, such as agriculture or urbanized
land use.
demographic transition: A change in human population parameters from a condition of high birth and death rates to
one of low birth and death rates.
denitrification: The microbial reduction of nitrate (NO3–) into gaseous N2O or N2.
desert: A temperate or tropical biome characterized by prolonged drought, usually receiving less than 25 cm of
precipitation per year.
desertification: The increasing aridity of drylands; an environmental change that can make agriculture difficult or
developed countries: Countries with a relatively well-organized economic infrastructure and a high average per-capita
income. See also high-income countries and compare with less-developed countries.
development (economic development): An economic term that implies improving efficiency in the use of materials and
energy in an economy, and progress toward a sustainable economic system. Compare with economic growth.
800 | Glossary
DNA: The biochemical deoxyribonucleic acid, the main constituent of the chromosomes of eukaryotic organisms.
domestication: The genetic, anatomic, and physiological modification of crops and other species from their wild,
progenitor species, through the selective breeding of preferred races (or cultivars).
dose-response relationship: The quantitative relationship between different doses of a chemical and a biological or
ecological response.
doubling time: The time it takes for something to increase by a factor of two (as in population growth).
drift: Movement of applied pesticide off the intended site of deposition through atmospheric or aquatic transport.
dry deposition: Atmospheric inputs of chemicals occurring in intervals between rainfall or snowfall. Compare with wet
dumping: The long-term disposal of disused material, for example, by placing solid waste into a sanitary landfill, or by
discarding liquid waste into a waterbody.
earthquake: A trembling or movement of the earth, caused by a sudden release of geological stresses at some place
within the crust.
ecocentric world view: This incorporates the biocentric world view but also stresses the importance of
interdependent ecological functions, such as productivity and nutrient cycling. In addition, the connections among
species within ecosystems are considered to be invaluable. Compare with anthropocentric world view and biocentric
world view.
ecofeminism: A philosophical and political movement that applies feminist ideas to environmental concerns.
ecological conversion: A long-term change in the character of the ecosystem at some place, as when a natural forest is
converted into an agricultural land use.
ecological economics: A type of economics that involves a full accounting of costs associated with ecological damages
and resource depletion. Compare with conventional economics.
ecological footprint: The area of ecoscape (i.e., landscape and seascape) required to supply a human population with
the necessary food, materials, energy, waste disposal, and other crucial goods and services.
ecological integrity (ecosystem health): A notion related to environmental quality, but focusing on changes in natural
populations and ecosystems, rather than effects on humans and their economy. See also environmental quality.
ecological justice: A worldview in which all species (i.e., not just humans) have a right to equitable access to the
necessities of life and happiness. See also social justice.
ecological pyramid: A model of the trophic structure of an ecosystem, organized with plant productivity on the
bottom, that of herbivores above, and carnivores above the herbivores.
ecological service: An ecological function that is useful to humans and to ecosystem stability and integrity, such as
nutrient cycling, productivity, and control of erosion.
Glossary | 801
ecological values: Broader utilitarian values that are based on the needs of humans, but also on those of other species
and natural ecosystems.
ecologically sustainable development: This considers the human need for resources within an ecological context, and
includes the need to sustain all species and all components of Earth’s life-support system. Compare with sustainable
ecologically sustainable economic system: An economic system that operates without a net consumption of natural
resources, and without endangering biodiversity or other ecological values. Ultimately, ecologically sustainable
economic systems are supported by the wise use of renewable resources.
ecologically sustainable economy: An economy in which ecological goods and services are utilized in ways that do not
compromise their future availability and do not endanger the survival of species or natural ecosystems.
ecology: The study of the relationships between organisms and their environment.
economic growth: A term that refers to an economy that is increasing in size over time, usually due to increases in
both population and per capita resource use. Compare with development.
ecosystem: A general term used to describe one or more communities that are interacting with their environment as a
defined unit. Ecosystems range from small units occurring in microhabitats, to larger units such as landscapes and
seascapes, and even the biosphere.
ecosystem approach: A holistic interpretation of the natural world that considers the web-like interconnections
among the many components of ecosystems.
ecotoxicology: Study of the directly poisonous effects of chemicals in ecosystems, plus indirect effects such as changes
in habitat or food abundance caused by toxic exposures. Compare with toxicology and environmental toxicology.
ecotype: A population specifically adapted to coping with locally stressful conditions, such as soil with high metal
ecozone: The largest biophysical zones in the national ecological classification of Canada.
electromagnetic energy: Energy associated with photons, comprising an electromagnetic spectrum divided into
components, including ultraviolet, visible, and infrared.
emergent property: A used in reference to synergetic properties that are greater than the summation of the parts of a
system. See also collective properties.
emissions trading: A system in which a company whose that has not exceeded its cap on emissions of a regulated
substance, such as SO2, can sell its “surplus” to another that is likely to exceed its cap.
802 | Glossary
endangered: In Canada, this specifically refers to indigenous species threatened with imminent extinction or
extirpation over all or a significant portion of their Canadian range.
endemic: An ecological term used to describe species with a local geographic distribution.
energy: The capacity of a body or system to accomplish work, and existing as electromagnetic, kinetic, and potential
energy budget: An analysis of the rates of input and output of energy to a system, plus transformations of energy
among its states, including changes in stored quantities.
entropy: A physical attribute related to the degree of randomness of the distributions of matter and energy.
environment (the): (1) Refers to influences on organisms and ecosystems, including both non-living (abiotic) and
biological factors; (2) An indeterminate word for issues associated with the causes and consequences of environmental
damage, or with the larger environmental crisis.
environmental citizenship: Actions taken by individuals and families to lessen their impacts on the environment.
environmental degradation: Refers to pollution, disturbance, resource depletion, lost biodiversity, and other kinds of
environmental damage; usually refers to damage occurring accidentally or intentionally as a result of human activities
(see also anthropogenic), but can also be caused by natural disasters or stressors.
environmental discrimination (environmental prejudice): Discrimination against any defined group that results in
them suffering a disproportionate amount of degradation or pollution of their living or work environment. See also
environmental racism.
environmental ethics: These deal with the responsibilities of the present human generation to ensure continued
access to adequate resources and livelihoods for future generations of people and other species.
environmental impact assessment (EIA): A process used to identify and evaluate the potential consequences of
proposed actions or policies for environmental quality. See also socioeconomic impact assessment.
environmental indicators: Relatively simple measurements that are sensitive to changes in the intensity of stressors,
and are considered to represent complex aspects of environmental quality.
environmental literacy: Refers to an objective understanding, by individuals and society-at-large, of the causes and
consequences of environmental problems.
environmental mutagen: A mutagenic influence that is encountered in the environment. See also mutagen.
environmental non-governmental organizations (ENGOs): Charities and other not-for-profit organizations that are
working in the environmental field. See also non-governmental organizations.
Glossary | 803
environmental quality: A notion related to the amounts of toxic chemicals and other stressors in the environment, to
the frequency and intensity of disturbances, and to their effects on humans, other species, ecosystems, and
environmental racism: Discrimination against a group of people defined by racial attributes, which results in them
suffering a disproportionate amount of degradation or pollution of their living or work environment. See also
environmental discrimination.
environmental reporting: Communication of information about changes in environmental quality to interest groups
and the general public.
environmental risk: A hazard or probability of suffering damage or misfortune because of exposure to some
environmental circumstance.
environmental risk assessment: A quantitative evaluation of the risks associated with an environmental hazard.
environmental science: An interdisciplinary branch of science that investigates questions related to the human
population, resources, and damages caused by pollution and disturbance.
environmental security: The protection of people and the public interest from environmental risks, particularly those
associated with anthropogenic activities and accidents, but may also include natural dangers.
environmental studies: An extremely interdisciplinary approach that examines the scientific, social, and cultural
aspects of environmental issues.
environmental teratogen: A teratogenic influence that is encountered in the environment. See also teratogen.
environmental toxicology: The study of environmental factors influencing exposures of organisms to potentially toxic
levels of chemicals. Compare with toxicology and ecotoxicology.
environmental values: Perceptions of the worth of environmental components, divided into two broad classes:
utilitarian and intrinsic.
environmentalist: Anyone with a significant involvement with environmental issues, usually in an advocacy sense.
erosion: The physical removal of rocks and soil through the combined actions of flowing water, wind, ice, and gravity.
estuary: A coastal, semi-enclosed ecosystem that is open to the sea and has habitats transitional between marine and
freshwater conditions.
ethics: The perception of right and wrong. The proper behaviour of people toward each other and toward other
species and nature.
eukaryote: Organisms in which the cells have an organized, membrane-bound nucleus containing the genetic material.
Compare with prokaryote.
eutrophic: Pertains to waters that are highly productive because they contain a rich supply of nutrients. Compare with
oligotrophic and mesotrophic.
eutrophication: Increased primary productivity of an aquatic ecosystem, resulting from nutrient inputs.
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evaporation: The change of state of water from a liquid or solid to a gas.
evolution: Genetically based changes in populations of organisms, occurring over successive generations.
evolutionary ecology: The interpretation of ecological knowledge in terms of evolution, natural selection, and related
experiment: A controlled test or investigation designed to provide evidence for, or preferably against, a hypothesis
about the natural or physical world.
exposure: In ecotoxicology, this refers to the interaction of organisms with an environmental stressor at a particular
place and time.
exposure assessment: An investigation of the means by which organisms may encounter a potentially toxic level of a
chemical or other environmental stressor.
externality: A cost or benefit that is received, even though the affected party did not choose to incur it.
extinct (extinction): A condition in which a species or other taxon no longer occurs anywhere on Earth.
extinction vortex: An accelerating spiral of endangerment and extinction caused by worsening environmental
extirpated (extirpation): A condition in which a species or other taxon no longer occurs in some place or region, but
still survives elsewhere.
fact: An event or thing known to have happened, to exist, or to be true. See also hypothesis.
fen: A wetland that develops in cool and wet climates, but is less acidic and more productive than a bog because it has
a better nutrient supply. Compare with bog.
first law of thermodynamics: A physical principle stating that energy can undergo transformations among its various
states, but it is never created or destroyed; thus, the energy content of the universe remains constant. See also second
law of thermodynamics.
First Nations: The Aboriginal people(s) originally living in some place. This term is often used in reference to the
original inhabitants of the Americas, prior to the colonization of those regions by Europeans, and their modern
fission reaction: Nuclear reaction involving the splitting of heavier, radioactive atoms into lighter ones, with the
release of large quantities of energy.
flow-through system: A system with an input and an output of energy or mass, plus temporary storage of any
Glossary | 805
flue-gas desulphurization: A process to remove SO2 from the waste (flue) gases of a power plant or smelter, before
they are discharged into the atmsophere.
food web: A complex model of feeding relationships, describing the connections among all food chains within an
food-web magnification (food-web accumulation, food-web concentration): The tendency for top predators in a food
web to have the highest residues of certain chemicals, especially organochlorines. Compare with bioaccumulation.
forest floor: Litter and other organic debris lying on top of the mineral soil of a forest.
forestry: The harvesting of trees and management of post-harvest succession to foster the regeneration of another
fossil fuel: Organic-rich geological materials, such as coal, petroleum, and natural gas.
frontier world view: This asserts that humans have a right to exploit nature by consuming natural resources in
boundless quantities. See also sustainability world view and spaceship world view.
fuel desulphurization: A process that removes much of the sulphur content of coal before it is used as a fuel in a power
fuel switching: The replacement of a high-sulphur fuel, such as coal, by an energy source that does not emit sulphur
gases, such as hydroelectricity or nuclear power.
full-cost accounting system: An accounting system that considers all costs, including those of environmental damage.
fungicide: A pesticide used to protect crop plants and animals from fungi that cause diseases or other damages.
fusion reaction: Nuclear reaction involving the combining of light nuclei, such as those of hydrogen, to make heavier
ones, with the release of large quantities of energy. Fusion reactions occur under conditions of intense temperature
and pressure, such as within stars and in hydrogen bombs.
Gaia hypothesis: A notion that envisions Earth’s species and ecosystems as a “superorganism” that attempts to
optimize environmental conditions toward enhancing its own health and survival.
gene: A region of a chromosome, containing a length of DNA that behaves as a particulate unit in inheritance and
determines the development of a specific trait.
geography: The study of the features of the surface of the Earth, including topography, landforms, soil, climate, and
vegetation, as well as the intersections of these with the economic interests of humans.
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geothermal energy: Heat in Earth’s crust, which can sometimes be used to provide energy for heating or generation of
glaciation: An extensive environmental change associated with an extended period of global climatic cooling and
characterized by advancing ice sheets.
glacier: A persistent sheet of ice, occurring in the Arctic and Antarctic and at high altitude on mountains.
greater protected area: A protected area plus its immediately surrounding area, co-managed to sustain populations of
indigenous species and natural communities.
green manure: Living plant biomass that is grown and then incorporated into the soil by tillage.
green revolution: Intensive agricultural systems involving the cultivation of improved crop varieties in monoculture,
and increased use of mechanization, fertilizers, and pesticides.
greenhouse effect: The physical process by which infrared-absorbing gases (such as CO2) in Earth’s atmosphere help
to keep the planet warm.
greenhouses gases (GHGs): Atmospheric gases that efficiently absorb infrared radiation and then dissipate some of the
thermal energy gain by re-radiation. Synonym: ** radiatively active gases.
gross domestic product (GDP): The total annual value of all goods and services produced domestically within a
country. GDP is equivalent to gross national product minus net investment income from foreign countries. See also
gross national product (GNP).
gross national product (GNP): The total annual value of all goods and services produced domestically by a country,
including net foreign investment income. See also gross domestic product (GDP).
gross primary production (GPP): The fixation of energy by primary producers within an ecosystem. See also
respiration, net primary production, and autotroph.
groundwater drainage: The drainage of water to storage places in the ground, occurring under the influence of
growth: Refers to an economy or economic sector that is increasing in size over time. Compare with development.
gymnosperm: Vascular plants such as conifers, which have naked ovules not enclosed within a specialized membrane,
and seeds without a seedcoat. Compare with angiosperm.
habitat: The place or “home” where a plant or animal lives, including the specific environmental factors required for its
harvesting effort: The amount of harvesting, which is a function of both the means (such as the kinds of fishing gear)
and the intensity (the number of boats and the amount of time each spends fishing).
harvesting mortality: Anthropogenic mortality, especially that due to the harvesting of a bio-resource. Compare with
natural mortality.
hazardous waste: Wastes that are flammable, explosive, toxic, or otherwise dangerous. See also toxic waste.
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herbivore (or primary consumer): An animal that feeds on plants.
hidden injury: A reduction in plant productivity caused by exposure to pollutants, but not accompanied by symptoms
of acute tissue damages.
high-income countries: Countries with a relatively high average per-capita income. See also developed countries and
compare with low-income countries.
hormone: A biochemical produced in an endocrine gland (and transported by the blood) that functions to regulate a
metabolic process. Some chemicals in food may mimic the function of hormones produced naturally in the body.
hormonally active substance: A hormone or another chemical that has an effect on the regulation of biochemistry. See
also hormone.
humidity: The actual concentration of water in the atmosphere, usually measured in mg/m3. Compare with relative
humus: Amorphous, partially decomposed organic matter. An important and persistent type of soil organic matter, it is
very important in soil tilth and fertility.
hydrogen bomb: A nuclear weapon that is based on the fusion of nuclei of deuterium and tritium, two isotopes of
hydrologic (water) cycle: The movement between, and storage of water in, various compartments of the hydrosphere.
See also hydrosphere.
hydrosphere: The parts of the planet that contain water, including the oceans, atmosphere, on land, in surface
waterbodies, underground, and in organisms.
hyperaccumulator: A species that bioaccumulates metals or other chemicals to extremely high concentrations in their
tissues. See also bioaccumulation.
hypereutrophic: Extremely eutrophic waters; usually considered to be a degraded ecological condition. See also
hypersensitivity: An extreme sensitivity to exposure to some environmental factor, resulting in a biological response
such as asthma, disease, or even death. It may be expressed at the species or individual level, and it involves responses
at relatively low intensities of exposure that the great majority of species or individuals could tolerate.
hypothesis: A proposed explanation for the occurrence or causes of natural phenomena. Scientists formulate
hypotheses as statements, and test them through experiments and other forms of research. See also fact.
igneous rock: Rock such as basalt and granite, formed by cooling of molten magma.
incineration: The combustion of mixed solid wastes to reduce the amount of organic material present.
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indigenous culture: A human culture existing in a place or region prior to its invasion, or other significant influence,
by a foreign culture.
inductive logic: Logic in which conclusions are objectively developed from the accumulating evidence of experience
and the results of experiments. See also deductive logic.
inhumane: Reflecting a lack of pity or compassion; most commonly refers to the cruel treatment by humans of other
insecticide: A pesticide used to kill insects that are considered pests. See also pesticide and pest.
integrated forest management: Forest management plans that accommodate the need to harvest timber from
landscapes, while also sustaining other values, such as hunted wildlife, outdoor recreation, and biodiversity.
integrated pest management (IPM): The use of a variety of complementary tactics toward pest control, with the aim of
having fewer environmental and health risks.
intrinsic population change: Population change due only to the balance of birth and death rates.
intrinsic value: Value that exists regardless of any direct or indirect value in terms of the needs or welfare of humans.
invasive alien: Refers to non-native species that survive in wild habitats and possibly aggressively out-compete native
species or cause other kinds of ecological damage.
invertebrate: Any animal that lacks an internal skeleton, and in particular a backbone.
joule: A standard unit of energy, defined as the energy needed to accelerate 1 kg of mass at 1 m/s2 for a distance of 1
metre. Compare with calorie.
K-selected: Refers to organisms that produce relatively small numbers of large offspring. A great deal of parental
investment is made in each progeny, which helps to ensure their establishment and survival. Compare with r-selected.
keystone species: A dominant species in a community, usually a predator, with an influence on structure and function
that is highly disproportionate to its biomass.
kinetic energy: Energy associated with motion, including mechanical and thermal types.
landscape: The spatial integration of ecological communities over a large terrestrial area.
landscape ecology: Study of the spatial characteristics and temporal dynamics of communities over large areas of land
(landscapes) or water (seascapes).
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laws of thermodynamics: Physical principles that govern all transformations of energy. See also first law of
thermodynamics and second law of thermodynamics.
leaching: The movement of dissolved substances through the soil with percolating rainwater.
lentic ecosystem: A freshwater ecosystem characterized by nonflowing water, such as a pond or lake. Compare with
lotic ecosystem.
less-developed countries: Countries with a relatively well-organized economic infrastructure and a high average per-
capita income. See also high-income countries and compare with developed countries.
life form: A grouping of organisms on the basis of their common morphological and physiological characteristics,
regardless of their evolutionary relatedness.
life index (production life): The known reserves of a resource divided by its current rate of production.
liming: Treatment of a waterbody or soil to reduce acidity, usually by adding calcium carbonate or calcium hydroxide.
limiting factor: An environmental factor that is the primary restriction on the productivity of autotrophs in an
ecosystem. See also Principle of Limiting Factors.
liquid waste: Variable urban wastes that include sewage and discarded industrial and household fluids.
lithification: A geological process in which materials are aggregated, densified, and cemented into new sedimentary
lithosphere: An approximately 80-km thick region of rigid, relatively light rocks that surround Earth’s plastic mantle.
load-on-top (LOT) method: A process used in ocean-going petroleum tankers to separate and contain most oily
residues before ballast waters are discharged to the marine environment.
lotic ecosystem: A freshwater ecosystem characterized by flowing water, such as a stream or river. Compare with
lentic ecosystem.
low-income counties: Countries with a relatively small average per-capita income. See also less-developed countries
and compare with high-income countries.
macroevolution: The evolution of species or higher taxonomic groups, such as genera, families, or classes. Compare
with microevolution.
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mantle: A less-dense region that encloses Earth’s core, and composed of minerals in a hot, plastic state known as
marsh: A productive wetland, typically dominated by species of monocotyledonous angiosperm plants that grow as tall
as several metres above the water surface.
mass extinction: An event of synchronous extinction of many species, occurring over a relatively short period of time.
May be caused by natural or anthropogenic forces.
maximum sustainable yield (MSY): The largest amount of harvesting that can occur without degrading the
productivity of the stock.
mechanization: The use of specialized machinery to perform work, instead of the labour of people or animals.
megacity: A large city, sometimes defined as having a population greater than 8 million people.
mesosphere: The layer of the atmosphere extending beyond the stratosphere to about 75 km above the surface of the
Earth. See also stratosphere.
mesotrophic: Pertains to aquatic ecosystems of moderate productivity, intermediate to eutrophic and oligotrophic
waters. Compare with eutrophic and oligotrophic.
metal: Any relatively heavy element that in its pure state shares electrons among atoms, and has useful properties such
as malleability, high conductivity of electricity and heat, and tensile strength.
metamorphic rock: Rock formed from igneous or sedimentary rocks that have changed in structure under the
influences of geological heat and pressure.
meteorite: An extraterrestrial rock-like object; very rarely, one may intersect with Earth’s orbit and impact the planet.
microdisturbance: Local disruptions that affect small areas within an otherwise intact community. Compare with
community-replacing disturbance.
microevolution: Relatively subtle evolutionary changes occurring within a population or species, sometimes within
only a few generations, and at most leading to the evolution of races, varieties, or subspecies. Compare with
middle-income countries: Countries with a rapidly increasing average per-capita income. See also high-income and
low-income countries and compare with developed countries and less-developed countries.
militarism: A belief of people or governments in the need to maintain a strong military capability to defend or promote
national interests.
monoculture: The cultivation of only one species while attempting to exclude others from the agroecosystem.
montane forest: A conifer-dominated forest occurring below the alpine zone on mountains.
mutagen: A chemical or physical agent (e.g., ultraviolet radiation) that is capable of inducing genetic mutations.
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mutualism (mutualistic symbiosis): A symbiosis in which both partners benefit.
natural: Refers to a non-anthropogenic context, i.e., one that is not influenced by humans and is self-organizing and
dominated by native species; see also nature.
natural experiment: An experiment conducted by observing variations of phenomena in nature, and then developing
explanations for these through analysis of potential causal mechanisms. See also experiment and manipulative
natural gas: A gaseous, hydrocarbon-rich mixture mined from certain geological formations.
natural mortality: Mortality due to natural causes. Compare with harvesting mortality.
natural population change: A change in population that is due only to the difference in birth and death rates, and not
to immigration or emigration.
natural resource: A source of material or energy that is extracted (harvested) from the environment.
natural selection: A mechanism of evolution, favouring individuals that, for genetically based reasons, are better
adapted to coping with environmental opportunities and constraints. These more fit individuals have an improved
probability of leaving descendants, ultimately leading to genetically based changes in populations, or evolution.
nature: Refers to the entire system of physical and biological existence and organization, uninfluenced by humans; see
also natural.
net ecosystem productivity: The amount of ecosystem-level productivity that remains after respiration is subtracted
from gross productivity.
net primary production (NPP): Primary production that remains as biomass after primary producers have accounted
for their respiratory needs. See also respiration and gross primary production.
nitrogen fixation: The oxidation of nitrogen gas (N2) to ammonia (NH3) or nitric oxide (NO).
noise pollution: When the level of ambient sound becomes distracting to the normal activities of people. At a higher
intensity it can cause hearing impairment.
non-governmental organizations (NGOs): Charities and other not- for-profit organizations. See also environmental
non-governmental organizations.
non-renewable resource (non-renewable natural resource): A resource present on Earth in finite quantities, so as it is
used, its future stocks are diminished. Examples are metals and fossil fuels. Compare with renewable resources.
non-target damage: Damage caused by a pesticide to non-target organisms. See also broad-spectrum pesticide and
non-target organism.
non-target organism: Organisms that are not pests, but which may be affected by a pesticide treatment. See also
broad-spectrum pesticide and non-target damage.
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not in my backyard: See NIMBY.
nuclear fuel: Unstable isotopes of uranium (235U) and plutonium (239Pu) that decay through fission, releasing large
amounts of energy that can be used to generate electricity.
nuclear winter: A period of prolonged climate cooling that might be caused by a nuclear war.
nutrient budget: A quantitative estimate of the rates of nutrient input and output for an ecosystem, as well as the
quantities present and transferred within the system.
nutrient capital: The amount of nutrients present in a site in soil, living vegetation, and dead organic matter.
nutrient cycling: Transfers and chemical transformations of nutrients in ecosystems, including recycling through
ocean: The largest hydrological compartment, accounting for about 97% of all water on Earth.
old-growth forest: A late-successional forest characterized by the presence of old trees, an uneven-aged population
structure, and a complex physical structure.
oligotrophic: Pertains to aquatic ecosystems that are highly unproductive because of a sparse supply of nutrients.
Compare with eutrophic and mesotrophic.
organic agriculture: Systems by which crops are grown using natural methods of maintaining soil fertility, and pest-
control methods that do not involve synthetic pesticides.
orographic precipitation: Precipitation associated with hilly or mountainous terrain that forces moisture-laden air to
rise in altitude and become cooler, causing water vapour to condense into droplets that precipitate as rain or snow.
oxidizing smog: An event of air pollution rich in ozone, peroxy acetyl nitrate, and other oxidant gases.
paradigm: A pattern or model; a collection of assumptions, concepts, practices, and values that constitutes a way of
viewing reality, especially for an intellectual community that shares them.
parameter: One or more constants that determine the form of a mathematical equation. In the linear
equation Y = aX + b, a and b are parameters, and Y and X are variables. See also variable.
parasitism: A biological relationship involving one species obtaining nourishment from a host, usually without causing
its death.
peace-keeping: An action that occurs after a hot conflict has stopped through a cease-fire agreement, but the
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conditions for a lasting peace are not yet in place so various means must be used to keep the antagonists apart.
Compare with peace-making.
peace-making: The enforced resolution of an active or potential conflict, often by establishing a balanced power
relationship among the parties while also imposing a process to achieve a negotiated settlement. Compare with peace-
persistence: The nature of chemicals, especially pesticides, to remain in the environment before eventually being
degraded by microorganisms or physical agents such as sunlight and heat.
pest: Any organism judged to be significantly interfering with some human purpose.
pesticide: A substance used to poison pests. See also pest, fungicide, herbicide, and insecticide.
pesticide treadmill: The inherent reliance of modern agriculture and public-health programs on pesticides, often in
increasing quantities, to deal with pest problems.
petroleum (crude oil): A fluid, hydrocarbon-rich mixture mined from certain geological formations.
phenotype: The expressed characteristics of an individual organism, due to genetic and environmental influences on
the expression of its specific genetic information. See also genotype.
phenotypic plasticity: The variable expression of genetic information of an individual, depending on environmental
influences during development.
photoautotroph: Plants and algae that use sunlight to drive their fixation of energy through photosynthesis. See also
chemoautotroph and photosynthesis.
photochemical air pollutants: Ozone, peroxy acetyl nitrate, and other strongly oxidizing gases that form in the
atmosphere through complex reactions involving sunlight, hydrocarbons, oxides of nitrogen, and other chemicals.
photosynthesis: Autotrophic productivity that utilizes visible electromagnetic energy (such as sunlight) to drive
phytoplankton: Microscopic, photosynthetic bacteria and algae that live suspended in the water of lakes and oceans.
plantation: In forestry, these are tree-farms managed for high productivity of wood fibre.
point source: A location where large quantities of pollutants are emitted into the environment, such as a smokestack or
sewer outfall.
political ecology: This integrates the concerns of ecology and political economy to consider the dynamic tensions
between natural and anthropogenic change, and also the consideration of damage from both natural and
anthropogenic perspectives; the latter includes the broad range of concerns from individual people to all of society.
pollution: The exposure of organisms to chemicals or energy in quantities that exceed their tolerance, causing toxicity
or other ecological damages. Compare with contamination.
population: In ecology, this refers to individuals of the same species that occur together in time and space.
potential energy: The stored ability to perform work, capable of being transformed into electromagnetic or kinetic
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energies. Potential energy is associated with gravity, chemicals, compressed gases, electrical potential, magnetism, and
the nuclear structure of matter.
potentially renewable natural resource: An alternate phrase for renewable natural resource, highlighting the fact that
these can be overexploited, and thereby treated as if they were nonrenewable resources. See also renewable resource.
ppb (part per billion): A unit of concentration, equivalent to 1 microgram per kilogram (µg/kg), or in aqueous solution, 1
µg per litre (µg/L).
ppm (part per million): A unit of concentration, equivalent to 1 milligram per kilogram (mg/kg), or in aqueous solution,
1 mg per litre (mg/L).
precautionary principle: An approach to environmental management, adopted by many countries at the 1992 Earth
Summit, which essentially states that scientific uncertainty is not a sufficient reason to postpone control measures
when there is a threat of harm to human health or the environment.
precipitation: Deposition of water from the atmosphere as liquid rain, or as solid snow or hail.
primary pollutants: Chemicals that are emitted into the environment. Compare with secondary pollutants.
primary producer: An autotrophic organism. Autotrophs are the biological foundation of ecological productivity. See
also primary production.
primary production: Productivity by autotrophic organisms, such as plants or algae. Often measured as biomass
accumulated over a unit of time, or sometimes by the amount of carbon fixed.
primary sewage treatment: The initial stage of sewage treatment, usually involving the filtering of larger particles from
the sewage wastes, settling of suspended solids, and sometimes chlorination to kill pathogens.
Principle of Limiting Factors: A theory stating that ecological productivity (and some other functions) is controlled by
whichever environmental factor is present in least supply relative to the demand.
production: An ecological term related to the total yield of biomass from some area or volume of habitat.
productivity: An ecological term for production standardized per unit area and time.
prokaryote: Microorganisms without an organized nucleus containing their genetic material. Compare with eukaryote.
protected area (reserve): Parks, ecological reserves, and other tracts set aside from intense development to conserve
their natural ecological values. See also greater protected area.
r-selected: Refers to organisms that produce relatively large numbers of small offspring. Little parental investment is
made in each offspring, but having large numbers of progeny helps ensure that some will establish and survive.
Compare with K-selected.
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radiatively active gases (RAGs): Atmospheric gases that efficiently absorb infrared radiation and then dissipate some of
the thermal energy gain by reradiation.
rapidly developing countries: Countries with a quickly growing economic infrastructure and a rapidly increasing
average per-capita income. See also high-income and low-income countries and compare with developed countries
and less-developed countries.
reclamation: Actions undertaken to establish a self-maintaining ecosystem on degraded land, as when a disused
industrial site is converted into a permanent cover of vegetation, such as a pasture. Compare with restoration and
relative humidity: The atmospheric concentration of water, expressed as a percentage of the saturation value for that
remediation: Specific actions undertaken to deal with particular problems of environmental quality, such as the liming
of acidic lakes and rivers to decrease their ecological damage. Compare with restoration and reclamation.
renewable resource (renewable natural resource): These can regenerate after harvesting, and potentially can be
exploited forever. Examples are fresh water, trees, agricultural plants and livestock, and hunted animals. Compare with
nonrenewable resources.
replacement fertility rate: The fertility rate that results in the numbers of progeny replacing their parents, with no
change in size of the equilibrium population.
replication: The biochemical process occurring prior to cellular division, by which information encoded in DNA is
copied to produce additional DNA with the same information.
reserve: (1) Known quantities of resources that can be economically recovered from the environment. (2) An alternative
word for a protected area. See protected area.
residence time: (1) The time required for the disappearance of an initial amount; (2) The length of time that a stressor
or other environmental influence remains active.
residue: Lingering concentrations of pesticides and certain other chemicals in organisms and the environment.
resistance: The ability of a population or community to avoid displacement from some stage of ecological development
as a result of disturbance or an intensification of environmental stress. Changes occur after thresholds of resistance to
environmental stressors are exceeded.
response: In ecotoxicology, this refers to biological or ecological changes caused by exposure to an environmental
restoration ecology: Activities undertaken by ecologists to repair ecological damage, such as establishing vegetation
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on degraded habitat, increasing the populations of endangered species, and decreasing the area of threatened
reuse: Finding another use for discarded materials, usually with relatively little modification.
RNA: The biochemical ribonucleic acid, which is important in translation of the genetic information of DNA into the
synthesis of proteins. RNA also stores the genetic information of some viruses.
ruderal: Short-lived but highly fecund plants characteristic of frequently disturbed environments with abundant
run-of-the-river: A hydroelectric development that directly harnesses the flow of a river to drive turbines, without
creating a substantial impoundment for water storage.
salinization: The buildup of soluble salts in the soil surface, an important agricultural problem in drier regions.
sanitary landfill: A facility where municipal solid waste is dumped, compacted by heavy machines, and covered with a
layer of clean dirt at the end of the day. Some have systems to contain and collect liquid effluent, known as leachate.
science: The systematic and quantitative study of the character and behaviour of the physical and biological world.
scientific creationist: A creationist who attempts to explain some of the discrepancies between his or her beliefs
(which are based on a literal interpretation of Genesis) and scientific understanding of the origin and evolution of life.
See also creationist.
scientific method: This begins with the identification of a question involving the structure or function of the natural
world, usually using inductive logic. The question is interpreted in terms of a theory, and hypotheses are formulated
and tested by experiments and observations of nature.
second law of thermodynamics: A physical principle stating that transformations of energy can occur spontaneously
only under conditions in which there is an increase in the entropy (or randomness) of the universe. See also first law of
thermodynamics and entropy.
secondary pollutants: Pollutants that are not emitted, but form in the environment by chemical reactions involving
emitted chemicals. Compare with primary pollutants.
secondary sewage treatment: Treatment applied to the effluent of primary sewage treatment, usually involving the use
of a biological technology to aerobically decompose organic wastes in an engineered environment. The resulting
sludge can be used as a soil conditioner, incinerated, or dumped into a landfill. See also primary sewage treatment.
sedimentary rock: Rock formed from precipitated minerals such as calcite, or from lithified particles eroded from
other rocks such as sandstone, shale, and conglomerates.
sedimentation: A process by which mass eroded from elsewhere settles to the bottom of rivers, lakes, or an ocean.
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seismic sea wave: See tsunami.
selection harvesting: Harvesting of only some trees from a stand, leaving others behind and the forest substantially
sewage treatment: The use of physical filters, chemical treatment, and/or biological treatment to reduce pathogens,
organic matter, and nutrients in waste waters containing sewage.
shifting cultivation: An agricultural system in which trees are felled, the woody debris burned, and the land used to
grow mixed crops for several years.
significant figures: The number of digits used when reporting data from analyses or calculations.
silvicultural management: The application of practices that increase tree productivity in a managed forest, such as
planting seedlings, thinning trees, or applying herbicides to reduce the abundance of weeds.
silviculture: The branch of forestry concerned with the care and tending of trees.
site capability (site quality): The potential of land to sustain the productivity of agricultural crops.
slash-and-burn: An agricultural system that results in a permanent conversion of a forest into crop production,
involving cutting and burning the forest followed by continuous use of the land for crops.
slope: The angle of inclination of land, measured in degrees (0° implies a horizontal surface, while 90° is vertical).
SLOSS: An acronym, for single large or several small, in reference to choices in the design of protected areas.
sludge: A solid or semi-solid precipitate that settles from polluted water during treatment; sludge is produced during
the treatment of sewage and also in pulp mills and some other industrial facilities. It may be disposed of in a landfill,
but if organic, can be used as a beneficial soil amendment.
social justice: A worldview that calls for equality of consideration for all members of a society, regardless of colour,
race, socio-economic class, gender, age, or sexual preference. See also ecological justice.
socio-economic impact assessment: A process used to identify and evaluate the potential consequences of proposed
actions or policies for sociological, economic, and related values. See also environmental impact assessment.
soil: A complex mixture of fragmented rock, organic matter, moisture, gases, and living organisms that covers almost
all of Earth’s terrestrial landscapes.
soil profile: The vertical stratification of soil on the basis of colour, texture, and chemical qualities.
solar system: The sun, its nine orbiting planets, miscellaneous comets, meteors, and other local materials.
solid wastes: Extremely variable municipal wastes that include discarded food, garden discards, newspapers, bottles,
cans, construction debris, old cars, and disused furniture.
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spaceship Earth: An image of Earth as viewed from space, which illustrates the fact that, except for sunlight, resources
needed by humans are present only on that planet.
spaceship world view: This focuses on sustaining only those resources needed by humans and their economy, and it
assumes that humans can exert a great degree of control over natural processes and can pilot “spaceship Earth.” See
also frontier world view and sustainability world view.
special concern: Refers to a species that is not currently threatened but is at risk of becoming so for various reasons.
species: An aggregation of individuals and populations that can potentially interbreed and produce fertile offspring,
and is reproductively isolated from other such groups.
speciesism: Discrimination (by humans) against other species purely on the basis that they are not human, especially
as manifested by cruelty to or exploitation of animals, or merely by a lack of consideration of their interests.
state-of-the-environment reporting: A governmental, corporate, or NGO function that involves public reporting on
environmental conditions.
strategic weapon: Large explosive-yield weapons that are designed to be delivered by a missile or airplane over a
distance of thousands of kilometres. Compare with tactical weapon.
stratosphere: The upper atmosphere, extending above the. from 8-17 km to as high as about 50 km. See also
stress-tolerator: Long-lived plants adapted to habitats that are marginal in terms of climate, moisture, or nutrient
supply, but are infrequently disturbed and therefore stable, such as tundra and desert.
stressor: An environmental factor that constrains the development and productivity of organisms or ecosystems.
surface flow: Water that moves over the surface of the ground.
surface water: Water that occurs in glaciers, lakes, ponds, rivers, streams, and other surface bodies of water.
sustainability world view: This acknowledges that humans must have access to vital resources, but it asserts that the
exploitation of resources should be governed by appropriate ecological, aesthetic, and moral values, and should not
deplete the necessary resources. See also frontier world view and spaceship world view.
sustainable development: Refers to progress toward an economic system that uses natural resources in ways that do
not deplete their stocks or compromise their availability to future generations.
sustainable economic system (sustainable economy): An economic system that can be maintained over time without
any net consumption of natural resources.
synecology: The study of relationships among species within communities. Compare with autecology.
system: A group or combination of regularly interacting and interdependent elements, which form a collective entity,
but one that is more than the sum of its constituents. See also ecosystem.
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tactical weapon: Smaller, numerous weapons that are intended for use in a local battlefield, and are delivered by
smaller missiles, artillery, aircraft, or torpedoes. Compare with strategic weapon.
tectonic force: Force associated with crustal movements and related geological processes that cause structural
deformations of rocks and minerals.
temperate deciduous forest: A forest occurring in relatively moist, temperate climates with short and moderately cold
winters and warm summers, and usually composed of a mixture of angiosperm tree species.
temperate grassland: Grass-dominated ecosystems occurring in temperate regions with an annual precipitation of
25–60 cm per year; sufficient to prevent desert from developing but insufficient to support forest.
temperate rainforest: A forest developing in a temperate climate in which winters are mild and precipitation is
abundant year-round. Because wildfire is rare, old-growth forests may be common.
teratogen: A chemical or physical agent that induces a developmental abnormality (i.e., a birth defect) in an embryo or
tertiary sewage treatment: Treatment applied to the effluent of secondary sewage treatment, usually involving a
system to remove phosphorus and/or nitrogen from waste waters. See also primary sewage treatment and secondary
sewage treatment.
theory: A general term that refers to a set of scientific laws, rules, and explanations supported by a large body of
experimental and observational evidence, all leading to robust, internally consistent conclusions.
thermosphere: The layer of the atmosphere extending beyond the mesosphere to 450 km or more above the surface of
the Earth. See also mesosphere.
threatened: In Canada, this refers to any indigenous taxa likely to become endangered (in Canada) if factors affecting
their vulnerability are not reversed.
tidal energy: Energy that develops in oceanic surface waters because of the gravitational attraction between Earth and
the Moon, and can potentially be used to generate electricity.
tilth: The physical structure of soil, closely associated with the concentration of humified organic matter. Tilth is
important in water- and nutrient-holding capacity of soil, and is generally beneficial to plant growth.
tolerance: In ecotoxicology, this refers to a genetically based ability of organisms or species to not suffer toxicity when
exposed to chemicals or other stressors.
total concentration: The concentrations of metals in soil, sediment, rocks, or water, as determined after dissolving
samples in a strongly acidic solution. Compare with available concentration.
total energy production: The use of commercial energy plus traditional fuels in an economy. See also traditional fuels.
toxic waste: Waste that is poisonous to humans, animals, or plants. See also hazardous waste.
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toxicology: The science of the study of poisons, including their chemical nature and their effects on the physiology of
organisms. Compare with environmental toxicology and ecotoxicology.
traditional fuels: The non-commercial use of wood, charcoal, animal dung, and other biomass fuels for subsistence
purposes, primarily for cooking food and heating homes. See also total energy production and commercial energy
transcription: A biochemical process by which the information of double-stranded DNA is encoded on complementary
single strands of RNA, which are used to synthesize specific proteins.
translation: A biochemical process occurring on organelles known as ribosomes, in which information encoded in
messenger RNA is used to synthesize particular proteins.
trophic structure: The organization of productivity in an ecosystem, including the roles of autotrophs, herbivores,
carnivores, and detritivores.
tsunami: A fast-moving, sea-wave caused by an undersea earthquakes, which if large can cause enormous destruction
of low-lying coastal places.
tundra: A treeless biome occurring in environments with long, cold winters and short, cool growing seasons.
unexploded ordinance (UXOs): Explosives that remain in place after a conflict has ended.
urban forest: Urban areas having a substantial density and biomass of trees, although often most are non-native
urban planning: An active process of designing better ways of organizing the structure and function of cities, including
an orderly siting of land uses and activities.
urbanization: The development of cities and towns on formerly agricultural or natural lands.
value added: The increased value of something as a result of manufacturing or some other improvement.
valued ecosystem components (VECs): In environmental impact assessment, these are components of ecosystems
perceived to be important to society as economically important resources, as rare or endangered species or
communities, or for their cultural or aesthetic significance.
variable: A changeable factor believed to influence a natural phenomenon of interest or that can be manipulated
during an experiment.
vascular plant: Relatively complex plants with specialized, tube-like vascular tissues in their stems for conducting
water and nutrients.
vector: Species of insects and ticks that transmit pathogens from alternate hosts to people or animals.
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vertebrate: Animals with an internal skeleton, and in particular a backbone.
virgin field: In epidemiology, this is a population that is hypersensitive to one or more infectious diseases to which it
has not been previously exposed.
volatile organic compounds: Organic compounds that evaporate to the atmosphere at typical environmental
temperatures, so they are present in gaseous or vapour forms.
volcano: An opening in Earth’s crust from which magmic materials, such as lava, rock fragments, and gases, are ejected
into the atmosphere or oceanic waters.
war: A period of organized deadly conflict between human societies, countries, or another defined group.
waste: Any discarded materials. See also hazardous waste and toxic waste.
waste management: The handling of discarded materials using various methods. See also dumping, incineration,
recycling, composting, reuse, and waste reduction.
waste reduction: Practices intended to reduce the amount of waste that must be disposed of. Also known as waste
waste-to-energy facility: An incinerator that burns organic waste and uses the heat generated to produce commercial
watershed: An area of land from which surface water and groundwater flow into a stream, river, or lake.
wave energy: The kinetic energy of oceanic waves, which can be harnessed using specially designed buoys to generate
weather: The short-term, day-to-day or instantaneous meteorological conditions at a place or region. Compare with
weathering: Physical and chemical processes by which rocks and minerals are broken down by such environmental
agents as rain, wind, temperature changes, and biological influences.
wet deposition: Atmospheric inputs of chemicals with rain and snow. Compare with dry deposition.
wetland: An ecosystem that develops in wet places and is intermediate between aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems.
See also bog, fen, marsh, and swamp.
whole-lake experiment: The experimental manipulation of one or more environmental factors in an entire lake.
wind energy: The kinetic energy of moving air masses, which can be tapped and utilized in various ways, including the
generation of electricity.
work: In physics, work is defined as the result of a force being applied over a distance.
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working hypothesis: A hypothesis being tested in a scientific experiment or another kind of research. See also
hypothesis and null hypothesis.
zero population growth (ZPG): When the birth rate plus immigration equal the death rate plus emigration.
zooplankton: Tiny animals that occur in the water column of lakes and oceans
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