Brain Tumor Detection

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Volume 8, Issue 5, May – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

Brain Tumor Detection

Namrata Lokhande1 , Divya Chaudhari2 , Diksha Kalasait3
Vishal Sonavane4 , Bhondave S. D5
Student, ATC, SPPU, PUNE 5Assistant Professor, ATC, SPPU, PUNE,
Maharashtra, INDIA

Abstract:- One of the most important and most difficult III. PROBLEM STATEMENT
tasks in medical imaging is the segmentation of brain
tumors because human classification of books can lead to Automatic brain recognition and classification are the
errors and diagnostic errors. Specifically, this study uses main focus of our research. MRI and CT scans are often used
MRI images to identify brain tumors. A brain biopsy is to study the anatomy of the brain. Brain tumor diagnosis on
not usually done before brain surgery and is used to MR images is the main purpose of this article. The main
isolate brain tumors. Technology and machine learning purpose of the mental health examination is to support the
could help radiologists make tumors without using diagnosis. The aim is to combine various techniques to
invasive procedures. There are two types of brain develop an algorithm that will guarantee the presence of
tumors: benign and malignant. The quality of life and tumors, thereby creating a reliable method of tumor detection
life expectancy of these patients improves with early and in MR images of the nervous system. Techniques used
timely disease detection and treatment planning. include filtering, erosion, dilatation, thresholding, and tumor
Convolutional neural network (CNN) is a machine shaping techniques (eg, edge detection). Images are created
learning technique that is incredibly successful in image during treatment; Manual segmentation of tumors or lesions
segmentation and classification. We describe a new CNN is a complex, time-consuming task. Check for brain tumors
architecture to classify three types of brain diseases. The or tumors.
created network is smaller than the existing pre-trained

Keywords:- Brain tumor, Magnetic resonance imaging, Segmenting a region of interest from an object is one
Adaptive Bilateral Filter, Convolution Neural Network. of the most difficult and time-consuming tasks, and
Introduction. segmenting tumors from MRI brain images is an ambitious
task. Researchers from all over the world are working in this
I. INTRODUCTION field to achieve the ROI of the proposed segmentation and
to simulate many different types of different angles. Neural
This work includes a system that uses a computer- network-based segmentation is now incredibly effective and
based service to detect tumors and a neural network the use of this method is increasing day by day. To complete
algorithm to classify tumors in MRI images of different the calculation, Devkota et al. A segmentation method based
patients. Various types of image processing, such as image on the mathematical morphological and spatial FCM
segmentation, image enhancement and extraction, are used algorithm was developed. However, the solution has not
for brain diagnosis in MRI images of cancer patients. There been evaluated yet, and an accuracy rate of 86.6% has been
are four steps to using image processing techniques to achieved in results such as cancer diagnosis and
identify brain tumors: image preprocessing, image classification. Yan Tao et al. Histogram segmentation
segmentation, feature extraction, and classification. Image method was used. Consider the challenge of brain tumors as
processing and neural network techniques are used to a three-class classification problem using both FLAIR and
improve the detection and classification of brain tumors in T1 patterns, including tumor necrosis and tumor, edema, and
MRI images. tissue normal nose. Abnormal regions were identified using
the FLAIR modality and region-based contour models.
II. MOTIVATION Using the K-means method and the contrast-enhanced T1
modality, the Dice coefficient was 73.6% and 90.3%
The main motivation behind brain tumor research is sensitive, and edema and tumor were distinguished in
not only to detect the tumor, but also to show the tumor. So abnormal areas.
it is important in cases where we need to determine whether
the tumor is good or bad, it sees the tumor from the image V. METHODOLOGY
and returns the result whether the tumor is good or bad. This
work includes a system that uses a computer-based service to Image Archive: There are three types of tumors: menin
detect tumors and a neural network algorithm to classify giomas, gliomas, and pituitary tumors. Some patient images
tumors in MRI images of different patients. are obtained in three different planes: sagittal, axial and coro
nal. Examples of different tumor types and morphological pl
anes. The number of images obtained from each patient vari
es. MR images of Image Preprocessing and Data Augmentat
ion files are in int16 format and are in multiple sizes.

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Volume 8, Issue 5, May – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
These images are normalized to represent the input lay Step 5: Train the CNN model using object extraction.
er of the network and scaled to 256256 pixels. We made two Step 6: Use the validation process on MRI scans to evaluate
adjustments anyway to expand the data. The first change ch the software's accuracy and functionality.
anges the view 90 degrees. Vertical image flip is the second Step 7: Deploying the software for actual use is the seventh
change. This way we add three times to our dataset and mak step.
e several images.


Machine Learning includes Convolutional Neural Ne

tworks, also known as convnets or CNNs. It is a set of vario
us neural network models for different purposes and differen
t data. CNN is a special type of network of deep learning al
gorithms designed for tasks such as image recognition and FIG 1: CONVOLUTIONAL NEURAL NETWORKS FOR BRAIN
pixel data processing. Although there are many types of neu TUMOUR SEGMENTATION
ral networks in deep learning, CNN is the preferred networ
k architecture for recognition and authentication. Therefore
, they are ideal for applications where computer vision (CV)
performance and object recognition are critical, such as hu
man faces and vehicle traffic.

Number of convolutional neural network layers:

1. 2D Convolution
MAX Poolig2D 2. a
3. Reduce
4. Flatten
6. Remove Enhancement and 2D Convolution Features fr
om viewport.

Display results in matrix format.

MAX Poolig2D:
MAX 2D selection, using the largest in the calibration map
Dropout: Dropout is the practice of ignoring selected neuron FIG 2: DATA PREPARATION AND
s during training. PREPROCESSING
Flatten: Feed output to all layers.
There is a list of documents. VII. CONCLUSION
Intensive: An environment where all inputs and outputs The main goal of this research project is to create a
are weighted together. Next is the nonlinear activation func brain part of the brain with high performance, accuracy, and
tion. Open the approximate probability of 0 and 1 using th flexibility. For modern brain tumors, using Fuzzy C-Means
e (FCM) as segmentation, tissue and image extraction, and
SVM and DNN as classification. It's a little difficult.
Sigmoid function. However, the calculations take a long time and are not very
Since there are two groups (0 and ), we use binary cross ent accurate. The proposed method includes a convolutional
ropy in the compilation model. neural network-based classification for improved accuracy
We also use Adam optimizer. and faster computation. Also, results are classified as brain
tumors or normal images. A deep learning method that uses
Estimated time of Adam's conversion. It is used to solve si feed-forward techniques is CNN. Also, Python is used for
mple non-convex optimization problems. implementation. Web image databases are used for
distribution. It belongs to the group of educational models.
The calculation is valid. There Therefore, training is only the best technique. In addition,
quires a small amount of memory to run the depth, width, and height values and raw pixel values were
Design Software The taken from CNN. Use gradient descent. Calculate training
collects MRI data from multiple sources as a first step. accuracy, efficiency, and inefficiency. Correct education is
97.5% Again, accuracy is high and loss of evidence is low.
Step 2: Prepare and clean the MRI data. Tumors can be visualized using CNNs. CNNs are useful for
Step 3: Brain Segmentation using MRI Image Segmentatio automatic feature selection in medical images. Doctors save
n. images stored on the web and then separate test tumors into
Extracting features from the segmented brain tissue is the fo two groups, normal and diseased. A total of 226 images
urth step. were selected as test data and a total of 1666 images were

IJISRT23MAY1960 3103

Volume 8, Issue 5, May – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
selected as training data. There are two sets of images
divided by the ratio of patients to healthy participants.
Images are preprocessed before being fed to CNN. Other
classifiers such as the RBF classifier and decision tree
classification have been used in CNN design to evaluate the
performance of CNNs. CNN accuracy is measured at 98
with SoftMax.67% classification is correct. In addition, the
CNN accuracy of the DT classifier and RBF classifier are
94.24% and 97.34%, respectively. In addition to model
accuracy, we evaluate network performance using standard
metrics for sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy. As a result,
the CNN classifier with the best accuracy is the SoftMax
classifier. Limited to three of 226 images, CNN can identify
98.67% of normal and infected images. Apply the
recommended filtering technique to CNNs. Compared to
traditional CNN, the treatment plan is 99.12% of test data.
The accuracy of the doctor's diagnosis helps identify tumors
and treat patients, ensuring the accuracy of treatment


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