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XXIV.—Third contribution
to our knowledge of
reptiles and fishes from
the Upper Yangtsze-
Dr. A. Günther
Zoological Deparmtent , British Museum
Published online: 12 Oct 2009.

To cite this article: Dr. A. Günther (1889) XXIV.—Third contribution to

our knowledge of reptiles and fishes from the Upper Yangtsze-Kiang ,
Annals and Magazine of Natural History: Series 6, 4:21, 218-229, DOI:

To link to this article: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/00222938909460506


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218 Dr. A. Giinther on Reptiles and Flshes
Orn~'t£o.)p.tera ]lavicollls was very common at one place on
the River ~mkyo, where I camped all May 1888. The male
seems to be the wooer, but of this I am not quite certain yet.
This insect has one peculiarity of flight which may be used in
courting and is certainly used on other occasions. As I have
not seen it noticed in books and have had many opportunities
of observing it a description may be useful.
The male in basking along the foliage on sunny river-sides
often flies slowly along, moving only its fore wings, the hind
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wings drooping at an obtuse angle to the line of flight, trailing"

like a rich robe of golden silk. In a freshly caught specimen
this position can easily be induced. A furrow in the inner
margin of the fore wing allows the notch of the hind wing to
be elevated easily without interfering with the partial action
of the fore wing. In such flight the fore wings only move
through a small angle.
On the inner margin of the hind wing there is a strong
fold fringed with hairs, forming a pouch. In normal flight
and when at rest this pouch is closed, but when the hind wing
is drooped the pouch opens. It may therefore be a scent-
pouch and this peculiar flight the normal courting flight.
As a rule it is only where butterflies are plentiful that the
various kinds of flight can be studied, and this seldom happens
in .'North Borneo. When it does it is always in broken
weather, rain and sunshine, and on the open banks of large
streams. Very dry weather produces few insects and many
of them crippled ~ very wet weather prevents any butterflies
from appearing.

XXIV.--TMrd Contribution to our Knowledge of ReTtiles and

Fishesj~om the UTTer Yangtsze-Kiang. By Dr. A. GriN-
THER, Keeper of the Zoological Department, British
~V~useum ~.
)/[IL A. E. PRATT has continued to collect at Ichang. The
last collection sent by him consisted chiefly of Reptiles, some
Batrachians, and a few Fishes. Species not represented in his
previous collection were the following : - -
Eu~eces xanthi~ sT. n. ; JaTalura yunnans{s~ Anderson;
* For the two previous communicationssee this Journal, 1888, vol. i.
pp. 165, 429.
from the UTTer Yangtsze.Kiang. 219
AchaNnus rufescens, Blgr. ; Ablabes chinensls~ sp. n. ; TrojM-
donotus Swinhonls, Gthr. ; Trimeresurus xanthomelas~ sp. n.

Rana Boulenfferi, sp. n.~ Bufo vulgar~s~ ltynobius ohinen-
sis, sp. n.
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Aclpenser dabryanus, D u m . ; ~£astacembelus chbtensls~

Blkr. ; Rhynchocypris varlegata, sp. n. ; Botia var[e:Tata~
sp. n.

Mr. F. W. Styan has sent fi'om Kiu-Kiang. two large con

lections of beautifully preserved specimens~ principally fishes,
and many of large size. Those which are additional to the
species enumerated in my former papers are the following : ~

AINgator cMnensis, Fauvel.

1. ACANTIt0PTERYGII: ~in~perca chuatsij Basil. ; Eleotrls
Totamophila, Gthr.
2. SILURID2E: Pseudobaffrusfulvidraco, Rich.
3. CYPRINID~ : ScIerognathus chlnensis~ sp. n. ; Gypr~nus
carpio~ L. ; Barbus semibarbus, Gthr. ; Barbus labeo~ Pall. ;
1)seudogoblo Styani~ sp. n. ; ~hfnogobfo typus, Blkr. ; Xeno-
eyTris microleTis~Blkr. ; Myloleucus cvthiojos~Basil. ; Hypoph-
thalmichth2/s nobilis~ Rich. ; Rhynchocypris variegata~ sp. n. ;
Scombrocypris Styani~ sp. n. ; Chanoclichthys mongolicus~
Basil. ; ~arapelecus argenteus, sp. n.; Culter hypselonotus,
4. SCOMBRESOCID2E"- ttemlrhamphus~ sp.
5. CLUPEID~-" Coil~'a nasus, Schleg. ; Ch~ea .Reevesii,
6. SALMONID.3i~ : ~a~anx chinensis, Osbeck.
7. MUR~NID~ : Angugla vulgar is, Cur.

I subjo!n some notes on known, and descriptions of the

new~ species " - -

220 Dr. A. Giinthcr on ReTtiles and Fishes

Eumeces xanthi.
This species is of special interest inasmuch as it is most
closely allied to the Californian Eumeces Skiltonlanu% from
which it is barely distinguishable by a somewhat different
coloration and by the postfi'ontals being widely separate from
each other, whilst they are more or less in contact in the
American form.
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Snout of moderate length. Nasal small, followed by a

postnasal, which forms a suture with the first two labials;
anterior loreal forming a suture with the frontonasal; four
supraoculars, the three anterior in contact with the vertical ;
occipitals entirely separated by the central occipital; two
pairs of nuchals ; seventh upper labial largest ; two or three
very obtuse tubercles on the anterior border of the ear, which
is smaller than a dorsal scale; two azygos postmentals.
Twenty-four or twenty-six scales round the body, the dorsal
much broader than the lateral and ventral. Limbs over-
lapping when pressed against the body; the length of the
]lind limb is contained twice and a half to twice and two
thirds in the distance from snout to vent. A median series
of transversely enlarged subcaudals. Dark olive above, with
a black lateral band extending from the loreal region to the
tail ; this band is bordered above and below by a light streak~
which again has a blackish margin. Four series of dorsal
scales separate the two lateral bands. Sometimes a light
longitudinal band edged with black runs along the median
line of the back and of the tail. Belly greenish blue.
~'our specimens were collected by Mr. Pratt at Ichang, of
which the largest is 6{ inches long, the trunk and head
measuring 2~ inches.

Achallnus rufescens, Blgr.
This snake was described from a deteriorated bleached
specimen ; in the fresh state it is of a uniform black.
Several specimens were found by Mr. Pratt at Ichang.
Ablabes ehinensis.
This species belongs to that group of the genus of which
Ablabes melanocephalus is the type; it comes nearest to
A~labes Humberti~ having like that species ten upper labial
shields, the eighth of which is excluded from the labial mar-
from the UpTer Yangtsze-Kiang. 221
gin. But it differs by having a longer tail and by its less
ornamented coloration.
Scales in seventeen rows. One pra~ocular, two postoculars.
The occipital does not touch the lower postocular; temporals
1 + 27 the anterior in contact with both postoculars. Yentrals
182 ; of the tail nearly one half has been lost~ the mutilated
part being protected by fifty-three pairs of subeaudals~ so that
the whole number may be estimated to have been between
eighty and ninety. Upper parts nearly uniform brownish
Downloaded by [University of Glasgow] at 18:17 29 December 2014

grey~ the posterior part of the trank indistinctly showing a

series of whitish spots along each side of the back. No black
dots along the vertebral line. The black cross bands between
the eyes and on the neck are present as in Ablabes Humberti
and Ablabes collarls~ but much less distinct. Abdomen whit%
each ventral shield with a black dot on each side.
One specimen was found by ]~1r. Pratt at Ichang; its
trunk measures 15 inches and its tail was probably 5~ inches
in length.
Trojoidonotus Swinhonis~ Gthr.
A variety of this species occurs at Ichang which differs
from the type in having the scales more obscurely keeled~ in
possessing only the rudiments of a collar on the side of the
neck~ and in having the lower parts uniformly black or largely
marbled with black.

Trimeresurus xanthomelas.
The second upper labial shield forms the front part of the
facial pit; upper part of the snout with three small shields
in front. Supraciliary scute large r not divided. Scales in
twenty-one rows~ keeled. Ventrals 185~ 189; subcaudals
59~ 68; anal and pr~eanal not divided. Black, each scale
with an elongate greenish-yellow spot~ the spot frequently
including small black specks. By the modification of the
extent of the black colour on the scales a chain of subrhombic
spots is formed along tile vertebral line ; the yellow of the
scales within each rhombic spot is of a more reddish shade.
Upper part of the head black~ with a pattern of narrow sym-
metrical lines; a deep black band from the eye to the angle
of the mouth; labial shields yellow~ with a series of black
spots on the sutures. A rather indistinct row of black spots
along the sides of the body. Lower parts yellow~ marbled
with black~ the black colour predominating" in the posterior
half of the length.
Five specimens of this beautiful snake were obtained at
222 Dr. A. Gfinther on ReTtiles and Fishes
Ichang by Mr. Pratt, one of the largest being 31 inches long,
the tail measuring 5 inches.

Rana Boulenger{.
This species belongs to that division of the genus of which
Rana I(uhlii and Rana Liebigi{ are characteristic forms.
Vomerine teeth in two short oblique series, each starting
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t¥om the inner edge of the choana, tIead large, broad, much
depressed; snout very short and rounded; canthus rostralis
short but distinct ; upper eyelid a little broader than the inter-
orbital space; tympanum hidden. First finger longer than
the second; toes with swollen extremity, entirely webbed ;
subarticular tubercles well developed; inner metatarsal
tubercle elongate-, no outer tubercle-. The tibio-tarsal joint.
does not reach the end of the snout when the limb is carried
forward. Skin of the upper parts covered with large elon-
gate warts and small rounded tubercles ; a strong fold of the
skin above the tympanum ; no glandular fold on the side of
the back. Uniform blackish brown above. Male with two
internal vocal sacs.
AS in Dana .Lieb~'ff(~, the breeding male has extremely
thick forearms, but without any special armature. The rudi-
mentary thumb and a large rounded tubercle on the upper
side of the first finger are thickly studded with horny spines,
the second and third fingers havl"ng similar spines, but less
numerous. The whole of the chest is covered with smaller
and larger rounded tubercles, each armed with a black conical
horny spine, and similar but smaller dermal structures are
scattered over the abdomen and also over the throat.
Two specimens of this large species were sent by Mr. Pratt
from Ichang. The length fl.om the snout to the vent is 4

HynoMus cMnensis.
Allied to the Japanese H!lnobius nebulosus, but with the
series of vomerine teeth much shorter, extending backwards
only to the middle of the eyeball. General habit short
and stout; head large, nearly as broad as long, its length
being rather more than one fourth of the length of the trunk.
Tail compressed in its whole length, but without crest; body
with eleven lateral folds. The limbs meet when adpressed;
fifth toe well developed ; no carpal or tarsal tubercles. Skin
fi'om the Upper Yangtsze-I(iang. 223
smooth ; gular fold indistinct. Nearly unitbrm horny black,
the lower parts brownish, finely marbled with darker.
Total leng'th . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
From snout to cloaca . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4G
Length of head . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tl
Width of head . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Fore limb . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Hind limb . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Tail . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
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Two specimens were collected by Mr. Pratt at Ichang.

Sfniperca chuatsi~ Basil
Mr. Styan has sent specimens 2 feet in length.

Ophiocephalus argus, Cant.

The specimens sent hy Mr. Styan are 16-17 inches in
Sc2erognathus c]z{nens{s.
D. 58. A. 16. V. 12. L. lat. 55. L. transv. 12/13.
Mouth small~ transverse, inferior, surrounded by a broad,
continuous, corrugated lip. Body much elevated, the back
being compressed into a sharp edge. The anterior profile
ascends steeply from the occiput to the origin of the dorsal
fin, which is the highest point of the body. The greatest
depth of the body is two fifths of the total length (without
caudal). Head small, broad, one fifth of the total length
(without caudal). Eye of moderate size, situated iu the
middle of the length of the head. Dorsal fin very high, the
fourth simple ray being as high as the body ; also the anal
fin is elevated, the longest rays reaching beyond the root of
the caudal. Caudal fin emarginate, with the lower lobe
pointed and with the upper rounded. Paired fins very large,
the pectorals extending beyond the root of the ventrals, which
reach to or nearly to the vent. There are nine longitudinal
series of scales between the lateral line and the ventral fin.
Body light-coloured, with three very broad, irregula b black
cross bands, the anterior behind the head, the middle corre-
sponding to the ventral fins, and the third nearly entirely
covering the tail. Fins black, with the exception of the
caudal, which is only partially tinged with black.
224 Dr. A. Gtinther or, l~e19tiles and Fishes
Four specimens of this fine and extremely interesting
species were collected by Mr. Styau ; the largest is 8~ inches
Cyprinus carpio~ L.
The carp in its wild state attains a large size ; Mr. Styan
has sent specimens 33 inches long.

Barbus semibarbus) Gthr.

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As I do not acknowledge the generic division t-irerai3arDus.

proposed by Bleeker~ referring these barbels to Barbus,
. . . another specific name for Hemibarbus
am obliged to .propose
maculatus~ to d:stmgmsh it from JBarbus maculatus~ C. V.
Barbus lubeo, Pall.
Barbus dissimills, Blkr, is the same species.
Pseudogobio ( Sarcochilichthys) chinensis, Blkr.
Adult specimens have the lower jaw protected by a sharp
horny sheath.
t)seudogob~o StiyanL
D. 11. A. 8. L. lat. 55. L. transv. 7/10.
Body elongate~ its greatest depth being equal to the length
of the head and one fifth of the total (without caudal). Head
small, broad and depressed~ with the snout elongate and sub-
conical. :Eye of moderate siz% with broad circular eyelid,
one seventh of the length of the head and two fifths of that
of the snout. :Mouth narrow~ transvers% with pendent lateral
lips, the lip of the upper jaw being continuous with that of
the lower; front of tile lower jaw without any labial fold.
Barbel long~ as long as the snout. Origin of the dorsal fin
much nearer to the extremity of the snout than to the root of
the caudal. Caudal fin with broad base, deeply forked. Pec-
toral extending to or nearly to the ventral, which does not
reach the vent. Coloration uniform silvery~ with blackish
tinges on the fins.
Several specimens were collected by Mr. Styan, of which
tile largest exceed 12 inches in length.

Rh(nogob(o eylindr(cus, Gthr.

This name was given to a young specimen which is speci-
fically identical with RMnogobio t~/pus, Blkr. This species
from the Upper Yangtsze-Kiang. 225
attains a length of about 10 inches and is common at Kiu-
Xenocypris argentea~ Gthr.
I am unable to distinguish fl'om it Xenocypris Davidi,
Myloleucus cethiop6 Basil.
This is a large and common species iu the Yangtsze-Kiang
Downloaded by [University of Glasgow] at 18:17 29 December 2014

near Kiu-Kiang. Mr. Styan has sent specimens 40 inches

long. The pharyngeal teeth are five molars in the specimen
tIypoThthalmichthys nobilis, Rich.
This is also a very large Cyprinoid, exceeding a length of
4 feet.
HyTophthalmichthys molitrix~ C. V.
Equals the preceding in size.

RHYNCHOCYPRIS, g. n. (Cyprin.).
.Scales small, lateral line present. Dorsal fin short, without
spree, its origin being immediately behind the root of the
ventrals. Anal fin short. Mouth lateral, but overlapped by
the conically protruding snout. Intermaxillaries slightly
protractile, free from the upper part of the snout in their entire
circumference; the labial fold of the lower jaw is lateral
only and does not extend across the symphysis ; barbel none.
Gill-ral:ers very short and few in number; pseudobranehim
glandular. Pharyngeal teeth uncinat% in two rows, 5.2.
Intestine short, with one convolution. Peritoneum black.
This genus seems to come nearer to some of the small
Iqorth-American members of Cyprinina than to any of the
Old-World forms.

Bh!/nchocypris variegata.
D. 1 0 o r 1 1 . A. 9. L. lat. 100.
Body rather elongate, its height being two ninths of the
total length (without caudal), the length of the head two
sevenths. Head depressed, broad and flat above, snout
wedge-shaped and produced. Eye of moderate size, two
ninths of the length of tile head and two thirds of the lcngtit
of the snout or of the width of tile interorbital space. Origin
226 Dr. A. Gfinther on ReTtiles and Fishes
of the dorsal fin nearer to the root of the caudal than to tile
extremity of the snout; the anal fin commences at a short
distance behind the dorsal and terminates a long way from
the caudal; caudal fin emarginate. All the fins are short-
rayed ; the pectorals are not much longer than half the length
of the head and terminate at a considerable distance from the
ventrals. The root of the ventrals occupies nearly the middle
between the end of the snout and the root of the caudal fin ;
they nearly reach the vent. Lateral line complete, well
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developed, running along the middle of the body. Back

greyish, sides and lower parts silvery; numerous scales on
the sides blackish.
This small species grows to a length of 5 inches. Several
specimens were collected by Mr. Styan in mountain-streams
near Kiu-Kiang and others at Ichang by Mr. Pratt.

Allied to Opsariichthys.
Scales small. Lateral liue running along the lower part of
the tail. Dorsal fin short, with more than nine branched
rays, inserted opposite to the ventrals. Anal fin of moderate
length. Barbels none. Snout prolonged and pointed ; cleft
of tile mouth wide, extending to below the eye. The inter-
maxillaries are much dilated at their anterior end and joined
in the middle of the snout by a long and firm suture I their
lateral edge is sharp, not covered by membrane. Lower jaw
with a pointed hook-like projection in front, fitting into a hollow
of the upper jaw. Suborbitals not dilated. Gill-takers short
and few in number; pseudobranchise. Pharyngeal teeth in
a triple series, uncinate.
The body of this fish is elongate, compressed. I know of
no other Cyprlnoid with equally powerful jaws. The jaws
are very firmly joined and the sharp bony edge of the inter-
maxillary and the terminal hook of the lower jaw supply as
formidable a weapon as if the jaws were actually toothed.
The form of the snout is very similar to that of a mackerel
and has suggested the generic name.

~Seornbrocypris St!/an¢.
D. 13-14. A. 13-14. L. lat. 112. L. transv. 19/10.
The height of the body is nearly one sixth, the length of
the head one fourth, of the total length (without caudal).
Itead flat and rather broad above. The diameter of the eye
is two fifths of the length of the snout, one fourth of the post-
from the Upper Yangtsze-Kiang. 227
orbital portion of the head~ and one half of the width of the
interorbital space. Mouth subhorizontaI, wid% the maxillary
extending to below the middle of the eye. The chain of
infraorbital bones is very narrow. Suboperculum narrow
and long. The anterior dorsal ray is somewhat nearer to the
root of the caudal fin than to the end of the snout and imme-
diately behind the root of the caudal. Origin of the anal fin
at a distance beh~.nd the end of the dorsal. Caudal fin strong,
broad, lonff~ and deeply cleft. The length of the pectoral
Downloaded by [University of Glasgow] at 18:17 29 December 2014

equals that of the postorbital portion of the head. Scales

distinctly radiated; there are six series between the lateral
line and the root of the ventral fin. The lateral line descends
above the pectoral fin gradually to below the median line of
the side, runs along the lower half of the tail, but terminates
in the middle of the root of the caudal. Coloration uniform
Mr. Styan collected specimens in the main stream and one
young one in mountain-streams near Kiu-Kiang. The largest
is 4 feet long.

Chanodfchth~jspek(nensis, Basil.
Mr. Styan has sent a specimen 2 feel; long~ and of the allied
Ch. mongol[cus~ Basil.~ several attaining a length of 18
Culter ilishceformis, Blkr.
A large fish~ exceeding 3 feet in length.

PARAPELECUS, g. n. (Cyprin.).
Body similar to that of a herring, much compressed~ the
entire abdominal edge being trenchant. Scales of moderate
size ; lateral line abruptly bent downwards above tile pectoral
fin. Cleft of the mouth oblique ; barbels none. Dorsal fin
short, without spine, placed opposite to the space between
ventral and anal; anal fin long~ many-rayed; caudal fin
forked ; pectorals rather long ; ventrals well developed. Gill-
covers attached by membrane to the isthmus. Pharyngeal
teeth in a triple series, hooked, 5 . 4 . 2 .

Parapelecus argenteus.
D. 10. A. 25. V. 9. L. lat. 75. L. transv. 10/5.
The height of 'the body is contained four times and one
third in the total length (without caudal)~ the length of the
228 t~eptlles and Fishes ~'om the UTper Yangtsze-Kiang.
head five times and a third. Head very small, strongly com-
pressed, with the cleft of the mouth obliquely ascending
upwards and with the jaws equal in front when the mouth is
shut. The eye is large, placed in the middle of the depth of
the head, one fourth of the length of the head and rather
shorter than the snout. Suborbitals narrow. The maxillary
does not extend to the vertical from the front margin of the
eye. Pectoral fin of moderate length, as long as the head,
terminating at a great distance fl'om the ventral fin. The
root of the ventral is nearly midway between the extremity
Downloaded by [University of Glasgow] at 18:17 29 December 2014

of the snout and the root of the caudal fin. The small dorsal
fin is inserted nearer to the origin of the anal than to the root
of the ventral. The lateral line is abruptly bent downwards
in about the twelfth or thirteenth scale, and rcascends oppo-
site to the end of the anal fin ; the muciferous tubes of each
of the thirteen anterior scales emit a vertical branch at a right
angle. Coloration uniform bright silvery.
Several specimens, 9] inches long, were obtained by ])ir.
Styan at Kiu-Kiang.
Cobitis xant,i3 Gthr.
This species has a suborbital spine and ought to be removed
from the genus Nemachilus, to which I erroneously referred it.
Botia var~egata.
D. 11. A. 8. V. 9.
Barbels six. The height of the body is one fifth of the
total length (without caudal)~ the length of the head two
sevenths ; snout elongate, but the small eye is much nearer
to the end of the snout than to that of the operculum. The
suborbital spine extends to below the hind margin of the
orbit. Interorbital space narrow~ transversely convex, twice
as wide as the orbit. Origin of the dorsal fin midway be-
tween the root of the caudal and the orbit. Caudal fin
deeply forked. Body covered with minute, but regularly
arranged scales. Ground-colour yellowish, the body orna-
mented with five black bands, which are irregular in shape
and may be broken up into large blotches ; all are continuous
across the back and the middle one corresponds in position to
the dorsal fin. All the fins variegated with black, the black
markings of the dorsal and anal fins sometimes confluent into
broad band-like spots.
Two specimens of this fine gigantic species of loach were
sent by Mr. Pratt from ]chang. The larger measures 13
inches in length.
STecies of Phasmideefrom the Louisiade Archipelago. 229
tlemirhamphus, sp.
Several young specimens of a species of Hemirhamphus
cylindrical in shape and only partly covered with small scales
on the hind part of the body~ with a bright~ silvery, well-
defined band~ were collected by Mr. Styan at Kiu-Kiang on
March 27. The determination of these specimens as to
species is uncertain at present.
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Clupea t~eevesii, Rich.

Mr. Styan collected specimens 30 inches long.

Salanx chS~ensis, Osbeck.

This species ascends the river to Kiu-Kiang~ where Hr.
Styan obtained a specimen on March 27.

XXV.--Notes on the 8pecles of Phasmid~e collected by Basil

Thomso,n~ Esq.~ in the Louisiade Archipelaqo. By W. F.
KIRBY, F . E . S , Assistant in Zoological Department~
British Museum (Natural History).
I~r addition to Lepidoptera Mr. Thomson collected a small
number of other insects~ including some extremely interesting
Phasmid~e. Among these were three female specimens which
I cannot distinguish specifically from the wide-ranging and
somewhat variable Eur~cantha horrida, Boisd. The smallest
of these is of a dark reddish-brown and measures 136 milli-
metres (55 inches) in length; it much resembles specimens
which we have previously received from Thursday Island.
The other two are darker and much larger than any specimens
previously in the collection of tim British ~useum; the
largest measures 183 millim. (about 7~ inches) in length and
25 millim. (an inch) across the thorax. The small specimen
is from Goodenough Island and the two large ones from
Rossel Island.
There is also a series of both sexes of a small Promachus
taken on Sudest Island, Oct. 10~ 1888~ and a much larger
femal% taken on Rossel Island on Oct. 18. These have con-
siderable general resemblance, and I might have considered
the small specimens to be only the immature form of the larger
one s but that the proportions of the tarsi are very different.

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