Lupus in Women - Informative Speech
Lupus in Women - Informative Speech
Lupus in Women - Informative Speech
By: Kayla Lee
What is SLE?
“Systemic Lupus erythematosus (SEL) is an
autoimmune disease characterized by joint
pain, oral ulcers, skin rash, anemia, chronic SLE,
fatigue, kidney problems and central nervous a dis also know
wom se that p n as Lupu
en sp rima s, is
involvement” (Pooley). work e ri
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Simple “ Symptoms of Lupus are vague, ambitious,
and intermittent; treatments for Lupus
involved long-term compliance to a variety of
medical regimens requiring complex lifestyle
changes; and patient compliance is a major
factor in controlling this significant health
problem (J.A.Baker).
(Mendelson) en
wom revalent
to me compare
n (J.A
. Bak
Lupus in Working Women
40% 27% 46% 47%
“Of people Of people “have taken “Of people with Of women “worked at
diagnosed with sick-leave, and needed Lupus worked jobs that required both
Lupus had quit job full time”(Poole) physical and mental
their job”(Poole) modifications”(Poole) abilities”(Pooley)
Primary Prevention Methods
Rest Treatment and Medications
Common Symptoms:
“Fatigue, lassitude, fever, weight loss, skin rash, hair loss, and arthritis” (Da Dacosta).
Picture was found on:
What does Lupus Look like
Person A Person B
● I suffer from a chronic form of Lupus.
● I suffer from a mild form of
I am constantly going to the doctor
Lupus, If I never mentioned
and am always trying new methods to
it, you would never know it is
manage my Lupus. I have had organ
there. I am often tired, have
transplants, suffer from rashes on my
mild rashes, and have to take
face and back as well as take many
medication to manage my
medications in order to manage the
daily affects of my Lupus
Biopsychosocial in Patients
● “Study found that 94% of SLE patients believed stress played a role in
the onset of their disease”(Da Dacosta).
● “Minor stress played a greater role in explaining SLE symptoms”(Da
● “Women who reported more negative life stress may be using less
adaptive coping strategies” (Da Dacosta).
Support Group
“Most discussions of Living with symptoms
focused on the day-to-day challenges of dealing
with pain, fatigue, body image changes such as
rashes, and hair loss, managing medication side
Mobile web
“60 million Americans have sought
health-related information on the
internet and 4 million Americans have
indicated that the internet helped them
cope with their own struggle with a major
illness in the past two years”(Mendelson)
Works Cited/Resources
- Mendelson, C. (2003). Gentle hugs: Internet listservs as sources of support for women
with lupus. Advances in Nursing Science, 26(4), 299-306.
- : Baker, J. A., & Wiginton, K. (1997). Perceptions and coping among women living withlupus. American Journal of Health Behavior,
21(2), 129-136. Retrieved
- Da Costa, D., Dobkin, P. L., Pinard, L., Fortin, P. R., Danoff, D. S., Esdaile, J. M., & Clarke, A. E. (1999). The role of stress in
functional disability among women with systemic lupuserythematosus: A prospective study. Arthritis Care & Research, 12(2),
- Poole, J. L., Atanasoff, G., Pelsor, J. C., Sibbitt, W. L., Jr., & Brooks, W. M. (2007). Relationships between person and health
factors and job characteristics in women with systemic lupus erythematosus. Work: Journal of Prevention, Assessment &
Rehabilitation, 28(1), 95-100. Retrieved from
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