Psychology Knowledge Organisers
Psychology Knowledge Organisers
Psychology Knowledge Organisers
Psychology: Knowledge Organiser. Paper 1: Memory • All types of LTM are categorised as either explicit
(declarative) or implicit (non declarative).
The Multi-Store Model of Memory The Working Memory Model • Explicit memories: knowledge for events and facts
(knowing that).
• Atkinson and Shiffrin (1968) • Baddeley and Hitch (1974) • Implicit memories: skilled behaviours (knowing how)
• Memory is made up of 3 components: sensory register, STM & LTM • A model of STM
• Memories are formed sequentially and information passes from one component to the • Multi-component system, which consist of a central executive, phonological loop and visuo- Episodic Semantic Procedural
next. spatial sketchpad. Explicit or Explicit Explicit Implicit
• Each component has a specific type of coding, duration and capacity. • STM is an active system that allows us to work things through: two tasks can be carried out implicit
simultaneously In STM if they are being dealt with by different parts.
Type of Personal Knowledge Performed
Central Phonological Visuo-Spatial memory experience tasks or skills
Executive Loop Sketchpad
Brain Hippocampus Temporal Cerebellum and
Function Control centre Temporary Temporary region lobe motor cortex
(boss) of the storage system storage system
☺ Neuroimaging evidence supports there are different
WMM; supervi- for verbal in- for visual and
types of LTM: Tulving et al.
sory function formation, held spatial infor- ☺ Case study evidence to support different types of
Sensory Register Short-Term Memory Long-Term Memory
and controls the In speech- mation. LTM: HM & PM.
slave systems based form. case study evidence needs to be treated with caution
Capacity Very large Limited Unlimited
Capacity Limited capacity Limited Limited ☺ Real world application: Belleville et al
Jacobs: 7+/-2
capacity capacity
Duration Very limited (250 ms) Limited Lifetime/years
Peterson and Peterson: 20 Bahrick Coding Any sensory Acoustic infor- Visual and spa- Forgetting: Interference
seconds) modality mation tial infor-
• Proactive: Past learning interferes with new learning.
Coding Unprocessed—all 5 sens- Baddeley: Acoustic Baddeley: Semantic Key study: Keppel and Underwood.
es (meaning) ☺ Research evidence on dual task techniques supports the existence of multiple components • Retroactive interference: New learning interferes
within STM and supports the idea of a separate phonological loop and visuo-spatial sketchpad: with past learning. Key study: Baddeley and Hitch.
☺ Brain scanning techniques support the existence of separate STM and LTM stores: Beards- ☺ Supporting evidence for retroactive interference:
Baddeley and Hitch study
☺ The research into KF case study supports the WMM and the idea of two slave systems, the McGeogh et al.
☺ Case study evidence supports the distinction between STM and LTM: Clive Wearing Most of the research examining interference is car-
phonological loop and the visuo‐spatial sketchpad, therefore providing support to the WMM
Evidence contradicts the idea that STM is a unitary store: KF case study. Furthermore, evi- ried out in a laboratory: the findings do not represent
and the idea of a multi‐component STM system.
dence also suggests that there are multiple types of LTM.
Lack of clarity about the central executive: to vague and simplistic: Eslinger et al. everyday examples of interference and are limited in
Alternative model of memory: stronger supporting evidence for WMM. their application to human memory.
EWT: Cognitive Interview Limited real world application.
EWT: Misleading information EWT: Anxiety
Evidence suggests that some people are less affected
• Leading questions: Loftus and Palmer: experiment 1: 45 PPs shown films of car accident • Weapon Focus Effect: witness focus attention • Improving EWT: 4 techniques by proactive interference than others: Kane and Engle.
and asked a specific question—verb manipulated: How fast were the cars going when they on the weapon—causes anxiety - leads to diffi- 1. Report everything: free recall.
X each other?” culties in recalling the other details accurately 2. Context reinstatement: mentally recre-
• Smashed = 40.5mph and contacted = 31.8mph. Shows accuracy of EWT affected by leading • Johnson and Scott: Lab experiment: witnesses ate the situation. Context dependent
Forgetting: Retrieval failure
questions. who saw a man holding a pen: 49% identified forgetting. • Context dependent: Memory recall is better when
• Loftus and Palmer: experiment 2: 150 students “Did you see any broken glass” (there was culprit compared to witnesses who saw man 3. Changed perspective: other witness. the environment is the same as where it was learnt.
none). holding a knife: 33%. Shows anxiety reduces Disrupts schema. Key study: Godden and Baddeley
• 32% questioned with verb smashed said yes compared to 14% of participants questioned accuracy in EWT. 4. Recall in reverse order: different chron- • State dependent: Memory recall is better when your
with the verb hit. Shows questions can distort memories. Further Low ecological validity and ethical is- ological order. Prevents dishonesty and mental state is the same as when you learnt it: Key
Low ecological validity. eyewitnesses to real accidents have a stronger, emotional connec- sues broken reporting schemas. study: Carter and Cassaday
tion—may not be susceptible to leading questions in the same way. ☺ Reduced demand characterises • Key study: Geiselman—pps interviewed ☺ Research support: Godwin (1969) and Darley (1973)
lacks population validity: others may be more accurate in their judgement and less suscepti- Pickel: Weapon focus is caused by surprise ra- using the CI recalled significantly more support emotional physiological state at tine of encod-
ble to misleading questions. ther than anxiety. correct information than those using ing is important at the time of retrieval.
☺Application of their findings to the criminal justice system. • Yuille and Cutshall: Real life shooting; witness- the standard interview. ☺ Real world application: exams—study by Smith and
• Post event discussion: Gabbert et al: 71% of PPs who discussed an event before recall mis- es were very accurate 5 months later. Those ☺ Supporting evidence: Kohnken et al the cognitive interview.
takenly recalled information and 60% said the girl was guilty despite not seeing her. who reported the highest levels of stress were Increases the amount of inaccurate in- Information we learn is related to a lot more than
Low ecological validity: does not reflect everyday examples of crime. the most accurate. Shows real life anxiety = formation (Kohnken). cues e.g. meaningful material.
☺ High population validity: university students and older adults—little difference found positive effect on accuracy. ☺ Real world application Issues determining cause and effect
Further research required: was it post event discussion or conformity that explains findings? Doesn’t account for individual differences Real world application—practical issues.
☺ Real world application: keep eyewitnesses apart. (Bothwell).
Obedience: Situational variables
Psychology: Knowledge Organiser. Paper 1: Social Influence • Proximity: Teacher & learner—same room, obedience from 65% to 40%. Touch —Teacher forced learners hand
on plate 30% obedience. Remote instruction—orders from experimenter over phone, 20.5% obedience . Expla-
nation: less proximity, more psychological distance and more obedience.
Types of conformity Conformity to social roles: Zimbardo • Location: Experiment conducted in run-down building, 47.5% obedience. Explanation: university has authority,
• Internalisation: accepting group norms, results run-down office hasn't so less obedience.
• Procedure: 21 student volunteers: mock prison, randomly allocated to roles.
in a private as well as public change of onions/ • Uniform: Member of public in everyday clothes gave orders, 20% obedience. Explanation: uniform is a strong
Uniforms created social roles. Instructions about behaviour underlined social
behaviour. symbol of authority.
roles e.g. prisoners asking for parole, guards told they had complete power.
• Identification: is wanting to be like the group, ☺ Research support: uniform conveys authority/increases obedience (Bickman).
• Findings and conclusions: Identified with roles—guards became increasingly
public and private change. ☺ Scientific procedures: high levels of control across all variations = high internal validity.
aggressive. Prisoners rebelled but passive after guards responded, SPE ended
• Compliance: is public change only, superficial. Variations lack internal validity: variations = especially contrived, participants knew procedure was fake.
early (after 6 days).
Practical applications = limited, offensive to generalise findings to Nazis and the holocaust victims.
• Most conformed to their social roles, shows the power of social roles.
Explanations for conformity ☺ Real world application: findings can be used to explain torture of prisoners in
Abu Gharib. Obedience: Situational explanations (social-psychological)
WHY people conform
☺ Control: selection of participants increased internal validity. • Agentic state: Become ‘agent’ of authority, losing personal responsibility. Autonomous state: free to act ac-
• Informational social influence (ISI) is about in-
Lack of realism: participants displayed demand characteristics ‘play acting cording to conscience. Switch from autonomous to agentic state is called agentic shift. Binding factors reduce
formation, the desire to be right. Cognitive pro-
stereotypes’. *counterpoint: 90% of prisoner conversations were about prison moral strain and avoid damaging effects of obedience.
life. • Legitimacy of authority: Accept some people’s authority, agreed by society. Hand over control to trusted au-
• Normative social influence (NSI) is about norms,
Findings have not been replicated: Reicher and Haslam. thority, learned to do so in childhood. History shows leaders often use legitimate authority destructively.
desire to be liked by other group members and
to fit in. Emotional process. ☺ Supporting evidence (legitimate authority): Bickman & can explain real life war crimes (My Lai).
☺ Research support NSI: Asch: When no norma- Obedience: Milgram’s research ☺ Research support (agentic state) Milgram’s resistant participants shock when experimenter took responsibility.
tive group pressure (wrote answers), conformity Agentic state does not explain all research findings.
• Baseline study procedure: 40 naïve American male volunteers gave ‘shocks’
down to 12.5%. Research support: ISI: Jenness:
to a ‘learner. An experimenter (white lab coat) ordered participants to con- Obedience: Dispositional explanations
difficult task ‘guess the number of jelly beans’
tinue giving shocks, using standardised prods. Shock machine went to 450 V.
more conformity following group discussions. • Adorno—unquestioning obedience is based on personality. Extreme respect for authority and submissiveness
• Findings and conclusions: all participants gave at least 300 V, 65% gave 450
Do not account for individual differences: Perrin to it, contempt for ‘inferiors’. Originates in childhood through strict parenting. Childs hostility towards parents
V. Qualitative data: participants showed anxiety e.g. sweating. Prior to study
and Spencer only 1 conforming engineer in 400 displaced onto weaker others (scapegoating). Authoritarian personality = Highly obedient to authority.
14 students predicted 3% would give 450 V.
trials. • Adorno et al’s research: procedure: F-scale measured authoritarianism of 2000 Americans. Findings: high F-
• Conclusion: ordinary people are willing to obey a legitimate authority figure,
☺ Real word applications: Schultz et al found scale scorers showed deference to people of higher status, fixed cognitive style and prejudiced attitudes.
to the extent to which they will hurt an innocent person.
guests in an experimental room reduced need for ☺ Research support obedient participants had high F scale scores (Ems and Milgram).
☺ Supporting evidence: French reality TV show—80% went to 460 V
fresh towels by 25% compared to controls. Limited explanation: can’t explain obedience across a whole culture. Alternative explanation: situational factors.
Low internal validity: Participants guessed shocks were fake.
☺ Similar findings when using real shocks on puppy's Sheridan and King: 54% Politically biased: related to right-wing authoritarianism, can’t explain left wing authoritarianism.
Variables affecting conformity: Asch makes and 100% females.
• Procedure: line lengths (standard line and Lacks external validity: high levels of obedience due to artificial environment. Resistance to social influence.
choice of 3 comparison lines), 123 American ☺ Milgram’s findings have been replicated outside the lab: Hofling 21/22 nurs-
• Social support: Conformity reduces if a peer dissents (Asch) because they act as a model—shows majority is not
male student participants, confederates gave es obeyed unjust instructions from a doctor.
unanimous. Obedience reduces if there is one dissenter, undermines legitimacy of authority (Milgram study
wrong answers. 65% down to 10%).
• Findings: naïve participants conformed 36.8% Minority Influence ☺ Research: Albrecht et al: having a buddy helped teens resist smoking pressure.
of time, 74% at least once. ☺ Findings = real world application: disobedient peers applied to German women protest in the Rosenstrasse
• Internalisation: minority influence private as well as public view is changed.
Variables investigated by Asch • Locus of control: Internals place control within themselves, externals place it outside. There is a continuum
• Consistency: minority members share the same belief and retain over time.
• Group size: three confederates 31.8% conform- with high internal LOC at one end and high external LOC at the other end—low internal and low external lying
• Commitment: Gains attention. E.g. through extreme activities
ity, more made little difference. in between. Internals can resist social influence, more confident, less need for approval.
• Unanimity: presence of a dissenter reduced ☺ Supporting evidence: Holland: internals less likely to obey in Milgram-type procedure. Shute: internal LOC con-
• Flexibility: Avoid rigidity, accept reasonable counterarguments, balance with
conformity formed less to expressing pro drug attitudes.
• Task difficulty: conformity increased with hard- Contradictory evidence: people now more independent but also more external (Twenge).
• Explaining the process: minority over time gradually becomes majority
er task, showing informational social influence.
through conversion (snowball effect).
☺ Supporting research: Crutchfield found similar Social Influence and Social Change
• Moscovici et al’s research: The blue-green slides’ study, 8.2% conformed to
levels of conformity to Asch—30%
consistent minority, 1.25% conformed to inconsistent minority. • Lessons from; minority influence: drawing attention, consistency, argumentation principle, snowball effect, so-
☺ Scientific procedure of Asch’s method: control
☺ Research support for consistency: Moscovici—’blue green slides’ & Wood cial cryptomnesia. conformity research: Dissenter breaks power of majority (Asch), campaigns use NSI. Obedi-
group 3 mistakes in 720 trials. Increases validity
‘meta analysis’. ence research: Disobedient model promotes social change (Milgram), gradual commitment (Zimbardo).
Lacks temporal validity: ‘child of its time’ con-
☺ Research evidence support for flexibility: Nemeth ski lift accident simulated Role of minority influence can be questioned: Bashir found some minority groups are associated with stereo-
formity higher during this time. Perrin and Spen-
jury. Implications from this research. types that the majority don’t want to be associated with. How much role do they have—effects are fragile.
cer: engineers.
Methodological issues with the research: unlike real world (e.g. jury deci- ☺ Research support for NSI: reduced peoples energy use (Nolan) Student drinking behaviour didn’t change due
Limited application of findings: doesn’t reflect
sions) so studies lack external validity. to NSI (DeJong)
real life conformity.
Role of deeper processing—majority not minority influence makes people think more deeply (Mackie)
Animal studies of attachment
Psychology: Knowledge Organiser. Paper 1: Attachment • Lorenz’s research: large clutch of goose eggs, half saw mother within hours of hatching half saw Lorenz. Goslings followed
whichever was the first moving object they saw. Conclusion: imprinting occurs only in critical period.
Caregiver-infant interactions Schaffer’s stages of attachment ☺ Research support: Regolin et al observed chicks imprint on shapes. Generalisability to humans: attachment systems in birds
less complex and not two way.
• From a very young age babies have meaningful inter- • Asocial: first few weeks, baby behaves in same way • Harlow’s research: 16 very young rhesus monkeys raised with ‘surrogate mothers’. The young monkeys preferred cloth cov-
actions with caregivers. to humans as inanimate objects. ered mother to plain wire one with milk. Conclusion: contact comfort more important than food in attachment.
• Reciprocity: baby & caregiver take turns, respond to • Indiscriminate: preference for (familiar) people, no ☺ Real-world value: helps professionals (e.g. social workers) to promote bonding & applied to zoos and breeding programmes.
and elicit responses from each other. Like a dance. strangers/separation anxiety. Generalising to humans, monkeys better than birds but human mind and behaviour is still more complex.
Babies have alert phases in which they seek interac- • Specific: at about 7 months with one primary
tions. Babies take an active role. They are not passive attachment figure (65% were to the mother). Ainsworth’s strange situation Bowlby: maternal deprivation
recipients of care. • Multiple attachments: by 12 months most babies
• Interactional synchrony: babies & caregivers mirror form several more attachments. • Ainsworth’s strange situation: controlled observation in lab, assess quality • Continuous maternal care needed for healthy
each others expressions and gestures. The beginnings • Schaffer & Emerson’s research: 60 Glasgow babies of caregiver—infant attachment. Behaviours measured including proximi- development. Deprivation is loss of emotional
of synchrony can be seen in babies as young as two observed at home by mothers, reported on separa- ty seeking, separation anxiety, stranger anxiety and reunion behaviour. care, negative effects if during the first 2.5
weeks (Meltzoff and Moore). Good levels of syn- tion anxiety and stranger anxiety. Findings: babies • Seven episodes (3 min) e.g. stranger enters, caregiver leaves, stranger re- years (critical period).
chrony are associated with good quality attachments. developed attachment through a fixed sequence of turns. • Intellectual development: deprivation reduces
☺ Filmed observations of interactions, analysed later, can stages. • Findings: secure (66% of British babies), secure base and moderate anxie- IQ (Goldfarb, institutionalised children). Emo-
established inter-rater reliability and babies not aware of ☺ Good external validity: mothers did observing so ty, easily calmed by caregiver. Insecure avoidant (22%) no secure base, no tional development: deprivation leads to affec-
being observed. Increases validity. babies not stressed by presence of a researcher. stranger or separation anxiety, avoids reunion. Insecure resistant (12%) tionless psychopathology (no guilt).
Difficultly observing babies: hard to know what their Poor evidence for asocial stage, babies have poor co extreme anxiety, resist comfort on reunion with caregiver. • Bowlby’s research: procedure, interviewed 44
expressions/gestures mean. -ordination, so may just seem asocial. ☺ Good inter-rater reliability: 94% observers agree on attachment type (Bick) young thieves and families. Findings: 14 affec-
Developmental importance: behaviours can be relia- Real-world application: day care ok in asocial and issues with overt observation on the mothers behaviour. tionless psychopaths, 12 of these separated
bly observed but this doesn’t reveal their importance. indiscriminate stages, starting at specific attachment Culture bound test: strange situation behaviours have different meanings from mothers before 2 years of age.
☺ Counterpoint: evidence (e.g. Isabella et al) does sup- stage is undesirable. across different cultures. ☺ Real world application: how children are looked
port the importance of early interaction in attachment. after in hospitals.
Explanations of attachment: learning theory Flawed evidence: Bowlby conducted interviews
Cultural variations in attachment
himself (bias). Privation not deprivation (Rutter),
Explanations of attachment: Bowlby’s theory • Classical conditioning: UCS (food) produces UCR (feeling of pleasure). • Van IJzendoorn & Kroonenberg’s research: meta- some of the 44 thieves may have been ‘prived,
• Attachment is innate and adaptive: evolutionary surviv- Caregiver (NS) associated with food becomes CS, produces pleasure analysis of 32 studies using Strange Situation in 8 deprivation may be less damaging.
al advantage. (CR) and feelings of love for caregiver (an attachment is formed). countries/cultures. Findings: secure attachment most Sensitive not critical period: Czech twins recov-
• Social releasers: innate cute behaviours activate attach- • Operant conditioning: crying reinforced because produces caregiver common (range from 50% China to 75% Britain). Con- ered from severe deprivation (Koluchova).
ment in adults. Critical period: maximally sensitive up response. Negative reinforcement, caregivers response reinforced be- clusion: more insecure-resistant type in collectivist
to 6 months although may extend to up to 2 years. cause crying stops. cultures (e.g. Japan) than individualist (e.g. US). Influence of early attachment on later
Monotropy: attachment to one person, is different and • Drive reduction: attachment is a secondary drive learned by associa- • Cultural similarities: Tronick et al: supports secure
special. Internal working model: first attachment is tion of caregiver with hunger satisfaction. attachment is most common globally. Cultural differ- relationships
template for later relationships. ☺ Some conditioning (association with comfort) could still be involved in ences: Grossman et al: In German culture, child rear- • Internal working model (IWM) first attachment
☺ Research support: Lorenz (critical period) & Hazan & selecting the primary attachment figure. Counterpoint: babies are more ing practises favour independence. is template for future relationships (Bowlby).
Shaver (internal working model). active in attachment than this theory suggests. ☺ Most of the studies were conducted by indigenous • Relationships in later childhood: securely
Validity of monotropy challenged, primary attachment Animal studies show that attachment does not depend on feeding psychologists. Van IJzendoorn’s sample was biased. attached children form better friendships
may not have unique qualities. (Schaffer & Emerson). (Lorenz/Harlow). Confounding variables: studies in different countries (Kerns) and are less likely to become bullies
☺ Counterpoint: research support for social releasers, ba- Human studies: primary attachment figure not always the person who not matched for sample or method. Imposed etic: (Myron-Wilson et al).
bies distressed when ‘cute’ signals ignored (Brazelton). does feeding (Schaffer & Emerson), quality of attachment related to inter- attachment behaviours may have different meanings to • Relationships in adulthood: parenting and ro-
Rutter: ‘Sensitive period’ instead of ‘critical period. actional synchrony not feeding (Isabella et al). different cultures. mantic style based on IWM attachment type
passed on in families (Bailey et al) and related
The role of the father Romanian orphan studies: institutionalisation to romantic relationships (Hazan & Shaver).
• Hazan & Shaver: analysed 620 replies to a ‘love
• Attachment to fathers: father primary attachment object in just 3% of cases (Schaffer & Emerson). • Rutter et al: ERA study, 165 Romanian orphans adopted in UK, 52 British adoptees as
Secondary attachment formed with father within 18 months (75% of cases). controls. Findings: children adopted before the age of 6 months had mean IQ of 102 at quiz’. Findings: securely attached adults = long
• Distinctive role for fathers: attachment between mother & baby more crucial in later teen attach- age 11, adoption after 2 years had mean IQ of 77. Sensitive period: no attachment be- lasting relationships, insecure avoidant types
ments (Grossmann et al). However, quality of fathers’ play with babies linked to later attachments, fore 6 months has long term effects (disinhibited attachment). tended to be jealous and feared intimacy.
different role for fathers. Fathers can be primary attachment figures: adopt behaviours typical of • Zeanah et al: BEI project, assessed group of 95 institutionalised Romanian children using
☺ Strong support linking attachment to later devel-
mothers (Field). Strange Situation. Findings: In institutionalised group only 19% secure attachment, 44% opment (Fearon et al). Longitudinal support
• Key to primary (emotional) attachment is responsiveness of adult (e.g. interactional synchrony) not disinhibited attachment (compared to 74% and 20% retrospectively for controls). (Simpson).
gender. ☺ Real world application: improved caring in institutions (key workers for each child).☺ Association doesn’t mean causality: third factor,
Research confusion, researchers address different issues on fathers role. Confounding variables: fewer in these studies, no early trauma. Counterpoint, poor con- environment.
Conflicting evidence for distinct role: children without fathers do not grow up different. ditions in Romanian orphanages could be a confounding variable. Lack of adult data e.g. Relies on retrospective classification asking
☺ Real world applications: advising parents about the flexibility in the role of the father. late adopted children may ‘catch up’. adults about their early lives.
Cognitive explanations: Depression
Psychology: Knowledge Organiser. Paper 1: Psychopathology
• Depression is caused by faulty thinking
• Beck: Faulty information processing = more prone to depression. Depressed people are
Definitions of abnormality Behavioural explanations: Phobia more likely to focus on the negative (cognitive biases). Negative self-schemas maintain
• Phobias can be learned. Mowrer: two-process model the cognitive triad which is a negative view of three key aspects of a persons life which
• Statistical Infrequency: abnormal behaviour is that which is statistically
• Acquisition of phobia: classical conditioning. Learning to associate some- lead to depression (the self, the world, the future).
rare/uncommon. Abnormality is determined by looking at the distribu-
thing that initially causes no fear (neutral stimulus) with something that • Ellis: Depression arises from irrational thoughts—ABC model. A: activating event. B:
tion of a behaviour in society.
triggers a fear response (unconditioned stimulus). Example: Little Albert. negative irrational beliefs. C: When an activating event trigger irrational beliefs there
☺ Practical application in the diagnosis of intellectual disability disorder.
• Maintenance of phobia: operant conditioning. Avoidance from phobic are emotional and behavioural consequences (depression).
Fits with clinical assessment.
stimulus reduces anxiety and is negatively reinforcing (escape an un- ☺ Supporting evidence: Grazioli et al found that pregnant woman who were assessed as
Unusual characteristics can be desirable: high IQ. Not all unusual char-
pleasant situation). cognitively vulnerable before birth, were more likely to suffer postnatal depression. Clark
acteristics need treatment.
☺ Practical applications—has been used to develop successful behavioural et al: reviewed research and found that cognitions identified by Beck can be seen before
Not everyone benefits from a label (e.g. low IQ but is not distressed and
therapies. The 2 process model explains how phobias can be maintained and depression develops.
working etc) therefore not appropriate for diagnosis of all people.
this is addressed in the treatments where participants avoidance behaviour ☺Practical application in therapy: CBT.
• Deviation from social norms: abnormal behaviour is that which goes
is prevented. Irrational thoughts could be a symptom, not the cause—research is correlational, do
against the unwritten rules and expectations in a given culture/society.
Not everyone who experiences a traumatic event develops a phobia. Di- irrational thoughts cause depression OR does depression lead to negative thinking?
☺ Practical application: could be useful in the clinical diagnosis for some
Nardo: 50% of dog phobic’s had unpleasant encounter but so did 50% of Does not take into account evidence that suggest some forms of depression may have a
mental disorders e.g. anti-social personality disorder.
healthy controls who didn't develop a phobia. An alternative explanation biological cause. E.G SSRIs = effective treatment for depression.
Culturally relative: social norms vary with culture. Consequences could
be people being labelled as abnormal if they have different norms. could explain DiNardo’s findings: diathesis stress model.
Does not offer a complete way of defining abnormality by itself, what conflicting evidence: Bregman failed to condition a fear response in in- Cognitive treatments: Depression
about degree and context? fants. Therefore casting doubt on the claim that we acquire phobias through
conditioning. CBT consists of cognitive and behavioural aspects. Important elements include:
• Failure to function adequately: Abnormal behaviour is that which caus-
• Homework: vital in testing irrational beliefs against reality and putting new rational
es a person distress and an inability to cope with everyday life. Rosen-
beliefs into practise.
han and Seligman’s characteristics: observer discomfort, unpredictabil- Behavioural treatments: Phobia
• Behavioural activation: works to decrease avoidance and isolation and increase en-
ity, irrationality, maladaptiveness, personal suffering and distress.
• Systematic desensitisation: ‘unlearning’ maladaptive behaviours, based on gagement in activities.
☺ Practical application: recognises the patients experience rather than
classical condition. Gradually reduces anxiety through countercondition- • Client as scientist: test the reality of their irrational beliefs.
just making a judgement. FFA = useful model for assessing abnormality.
ing. Phobia is learned so that a phobic stimulus (conditioned stimulus: CS) • Becks CBT: challenge negative thoughts about the self, the world and the future.
Issue with individual differences can result in people with the same dis-
produces fear (conditioned response: CR) unlearn this through: CS paired • Ellis's REBT: extends the ABC model to ABCDE: D = dispute (challenge irrational beliefs)
order being diagnosed differently (some people can still ‘function’).
with relaxation - this becomes the new CR. Reciprocal inhibition. For- and E = effect.
Issues with practical applications as does not apply to all & difficult to
mation of anxiety hierarchy with relaxation practised at each level. ☺ Evidence to support its effectiveness: DeRubis found CBT was as effective as drug ther-
establish which behaviours should be considered as maladaptive.
• Flooding: Immediate exposure to phobic stimulus. Very quick learning apy. Hollon followed up DeRubi’s participants and found only 31% if those who had CBT
• Deviation from ideal mental health: abnormal behaviour is defined by
through extinction—as no option of avoidance. relapsed in comparison to 76% of those with drug therapy! CBT = curative
the absence of ideal characteristics for psychological normality.
☺ Evidence of effectiveness: Gilroy followed up 42 people who had SD for Only appropriate treatment for some—not those who have low motivation
Jahoda’s characteristics: High self esteem, self actualisation, integrity,
spider phobia and found that the SD group were less fearful than a control Appropriate to use in a wide variety of situations and ways—flexibility can be used re-
autonomy, accurate perception of reality and mastery of the environ-
group who were treated with relaxation. motely (implications for the economy).
☺ Is appropriate: quicker than cognitive therapies and more suited to those
Practical applications – can be applied to treatment, providing treat-
with learning disabilities.
ment goals focused on positive behaviours & broad range of criteria.
Only treats the symptoms (palliative) not the cause: symptom substitution. Biological treatments: OCD
Culturally relative, some of the criterial could be considered as western
in origin. E.g. ‘personal growth’ and ‘development'. Fails to provide a uni- • Antidepressant drugs: selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI):
versal definition for abnormality. Biological explanations: OCD prevent the reabsorption and breakdown of serotonin in the brain.
Sets unrealistic criterial, large number of people could be seen as ab- • Genetic explanation: identified candidate genes that are implicated in OCD: SERT gene. OCD is This increases its levels in the synapse—serotonin continues to sim-
normal & would set realistically high standards in treatment. polygenic, Taylor: 230 different genes. OCD is aetiologically heterogeneous. ulate the postsynaptic neuron.
☺ supporting evidence: Nestadt did a review of twin studies and found 68% concordance rate for • Anti-anxiety drugs: Benzodiazepines: BZs slow down activity of the
Characteristics of phobia, depression and OCD MZ twins compared to 31% DZ twins. central nervous system by mimicking the form of GABA—so they
Existence of environmental risk factors: Cromer found over half the OCD patients in their sam- can attach to GABA receptors on receiving neurons, which opens a
ple had a traumatic event in the past. channel that increases the flow of chloride ions into the neuron
To many candidate genes—little predictive value. making it more difficult for other neurotransmitters to stimulate
• Neural explanations: 1. Low levels of serotonin results in normal transmission of mood-relevant the neuron. This reduces brain activity and thus anxiety.
information not taking place. High levels of dopamine associated with compulsive behaviours. ☺ Evidence of effectiveness: Soomro et al reviewed 17 studies on the
2. Brain structure: basal ganglia (involved in formation of habits) - patients who suffer brain use of SSRIS with OCD patients, finding them to be more effective in
injuries in this region often develop OCD. Orbitofrontal cortex (converts sensory information reducing symptoms in the short term.
into thoughts and actions): higher activity. ☺ Appropraite treatment: cost effective and non-disruptive.
☺Supporting evidence: SSRIs that work on serotonin system reduce OCD symptoms. Effectiveness can be reduced by serious side effects.
No brain system has been found that always plays a roll in OCD. Drugs provide a pallative treatment rather than curative
Ignores psychological factors: but psychological treatments are effective for OCD. (implications).
Types of data Aims & Hypotheses
Psychology: Knowledge Organiser. Paper 2: Research Methods • Qualitative data: non-numerical data expressed in words. ☺ • Aim: what researcher intends to investigate.
Richness in detail. Difficult to analyse. • Operationalised: clearly defined and measura-
• Quantitative data: numerical data. ☺ Comparisons possible: ble.
graphs. Expresses less meaning. • Hypothesis: testable statement.
• Experimental: researcher varies independent variable and measures the effect on the dependent variable. • Primary data: Data comes directly from the source purpose of • Null hypothesis: predicts no effect or relation-
Strength Limitation
investigation. ☺ Tailored to the study itself. Requires time & ship.
expense. • Directional hypothesis: based on previous re-
Laboratory experiment: controlled environ- EVs controlled & easily replicated. Low generalisability & low external validity. • Secondary data: Data that does not come directly from source search. States direction.
ment, IV manipulated, effect on DV measured and is not specific to the purpose of the study. ☺ Inexpensive. • Non-directional hypothesis: no theory or past
Field experiment: natural setting, IV manipu- Higher ecological validity (generalisable) EVs are harder to control, and ethical issues Quality may be poor or mismatch aims. research. Does not specify direction.
raised. • Meta-analysis: combines data from large number of studies, cal-
lated, effect on DV measured and reduction in demand characteristics.
culate an effect size. ☺ conclusions have a greater validity. Measures of central tendency
Natural experiment: IV varies anyway i.e. nat- High ecological validity & ethical option difficult to replicate. Publication bias.
ural. Setting/DV may be natural or in a lab • Mean: arithmetic average, add up all scores
Observational Techniques and divide by number of scores. ☺ includes all
Quasi-experiment: IV pre-existing difference, Comparisons between preexisiting types of No random allocation and can share limita-
scores Distorted by extreme values.
DV as for natural experiment. people. tions of lab ex. • All observations: limitation Observer bias. • Median: all scores in ascending order, middle
• Naturalistic: where target behaviour would normally occur. ☺ value. ☺ less affected by extreme scores
Experimental designs Self report techniques High external validity. Low control. extreme values may be important.
• Controlled: some control over variables. ☺ Replication & stand- • Mode: most common value. ☺ relevant to
• Social desirability bias. ardisation. Low external validity. categorical data. overly simple.
Strength Limitation
• Questionnaires: pre-set list of items. ☺ Simplicity & • Covert: unaware being studied. ☺ Fewer demand characteristics.
Independent groups de- Demand Participant variables less influence of interpersonal variables. Social Ethics.
sign: one group condition characteristics less of act as EV/CV & need desirability bias & issues with question wording. • Overt: participants aware being studied. ☺ More ethical. De-
Measures of dispersion
A, another group condition an issue and no order twice as many • Structured interview: predetermined. ☺ Easier to mand characteristics. • Range: difference between highest and lowest
B—random allocation. effects. replicate. Interviewer cannot elaborate. • Participant: researcher part of group. ☺ Greater insight. Loss +1. ☺ Easy to calculate. No account of dis-
• Unstructured interview: no set questions. ☺ Insight of objectivity. tribution.
Repeated measures design: No participant varia- Order effects. De-
& validity More chance of interviewer bias. • Non-participant: separate from group. ☺ More objective. • Standard deviation: dispersion of values
each participant does all bles (same people) mand characteristics.
• Semi-structured: some set question but further Loss of insight. around the mean, larger SD means more
conditions of IV. Counter- therefore controls this Can’t use the same
EV & fewer partici- materials in both con- questions based on previous answers. • Behavioural categories: target behaviour broken up into observ- spread out. ☺ more precise than range.
balancing to control order
pants compared to IG ditions. • Interviews improved by interview schedule able categories (operationalisation). distorted by extreme values.
effects design. (reduces bias), rapport (relaxes interviewees). • Event sampling: target behaviour/event recorded every time it
• Closed questions: limited responses. ☺ Easier to occurs. ☺ Record infrequent behaviour. Complex behaviour Display of quantitative data
Matched pairs design: two Fewer participant Imperfect matching
analyse. Responses are restricted. over simplified.
separate groups but partici- variables—reduced and needs twice as
• Open questions: own words (qualitative) ☺ De- • Time sampling: observations at regular intervals (e.g. every 15 • Tables: raw scores in columns and rows.
pants paired on participant through matching and many participants as tailed, unexpected responses. Difficult to ana- seconds). ☺ Reduces observations. Miss things outside of • Scattergram: continuous data, correlation,
variable/s. no order effects. RM. lyse. time frame. data pairs.
• Bar charts: categories, bar height represents
Sampling Control of variables Ethical Issues Correlations
• Histogram: data is continuous. No space be-
• Population: Target group of interest to researcher. Sample: small- • Random allocation: avoids bias. • Ethical issue: conflict between rights of par- • Shows relationship (strength and tween bars.
er subset of population. Generalisation: applying findings beyond • Standardisation: ensure key as- ticipants and aims of research. So we have direction) between co-variables.
the sample. Bias: Samples under or over represent certain groups. pects of research kept the same. BPS code of ethics. Ethics committee • Scattergram: one co-variable on Distributions
• Random sampling: Everyone in population equal chance. Select • Counterbalancing: ensures each Ethical issues and how to deal with them: each axis.
• Informed consent: Participants make in- • Correlation vs experiment: no IV • Normal distribution: bell shaped, mean, medi-
via lottery method. ☺ Potentially unbiased. Representative- condition in a RMD is tested first
formed decision to take part. Presumptive manipulated, no cause and effect. an, mode all together.
ness not guaranteed. or second in equal amounts.
• Types of correlation: positive, neg- • Negative skew: modal scores higher, tail to left
• Systematic sampling: Create sampling frame (e.g. alphabetical Controls order effects so they consent, retrospective consent.
• Deception: Misleading/withholding infor- ative and zero (e.g. easy test).
order) then select every nth name. ☺ Unbiased, objective. are distributed evenly.
• Correlation coefficient: number • Positive skew: modal scores lower, tail to right
Sample could be unrepresentative. • Demand characteristics: partici- mation. Debrief: told real aims & right to
between –1 and +1. Closer to ‘1’ = (e.g. hard test).
• Stratified sampling: Identify subgroups (strata), select in propor- pants working out what is going withdraw data.
tion to numbers in the population. ☺ Representative & general- on. Control with single blind de- • Protection from harm: No more risk than stronger the correlation.
isable. Imperfect stratification. sign. everyday life. Right to withdraw at any stage ☺ Useful starting point: future exper- Pilot studies
• Opportunity sampling: Select by asking people nearby. ☺ Conven- • Investigator effects: Any effect & debrief. iments & measure things that ethical- • Trial run: small scale test of procedure and
ient. Inevitably biased unlikely to be representative. of the investigators behaviour • Privacy and confidentiality: right to control ly may not be able to in experiments. techniques before doing full scale study. Aims
• Volunteer sampling: Participants select themselves e.g. advert. ☺ on the research outcome. Con- information & confidentiality protected. Per- No cause and effect shown and of piloting: find what does not work e.g. tim-
Minimal input from researcher. Volunteer bias, unlikely to pro- trol with double blind design. sonal details protected. Participants refer- intervening variables missed, wrong ings, stimulus, standardised instructions.
duce a representative sample. eed to as number or initial. conclusions.
Psychology and the economy Analysis of qualitative data
Psychology: Knowledge Organiser. Paper 2: Research Methods • Findings of research benefit financial prosperity. • Content analysis and coding: categorise infor-
• Attachment: promotes role of father, parents then both mation into meaningful units and then count
more able to contribute to economy. number of words or phrases. Qualitative data
Statistical Testing after analysis is converted into quantitative data.
• Treatment of mental disorders: work days lost from de-
• Significance: difference/association due to chance? pression, effective treatments (e.g. drugs, CBT) contribute • Thematic analysis and themes: Familiarisation
• Probability: the likelihood of an event. Accepted level p = 0.05 to accept/reject null hypothesis. to economy. with data, initial coding, searching for themes –
• Calculated value: outcome of test. that are descriptive. Data stays qualitative.
• Critical value: look up in table.
• Statistical tables: used to check significance. Case studies
• Finding critical value: significance level, N of df, one or two tailed test (directional or non-directional hypothesis). • Detailed in-depth study of individual/group/institution/ Features of science
• Use table of critical values and compared calculated and critical value, if calculated value is significant then reject null hypoth- event, longitudinal.
esis. • Unusual cases (e.g. rare disorder), typical cases (e.g. child- • Objectivity: researcher maintains distance, unbi-
• p ≤ 0.05 means there is a 5% chance that the results of a particular sample occurred even if there was no real difference in the hood memories). ased.
population (i.e. the null hypothesis is true). • Qualitative (e.g. interviews) and quantitative data (e.g. • Empirical method: data collected through direct
• The rule of R: statistical tests with the letter ‘R’ on their name are those where the calculated value must be equal to or less psychological tests). experience.
than the critical value. ☺ Can provide new insights & allows study of both unusual • Replicability: findings repeatable across contexts,
• Type I error: null hypothesis rejected when ‘true’ - optimistic. More likely if significant level is too lenient e.g. p = 0.10). and typical behaviour. shows validity.
• Type II error: null hypothesis accepted when ‘false’, pessimistic. More likely if significance level is too stringent (e.g. p = 0.01. Small, unique sample, low generalisability. • Falsifiability: possibility of being proved false,
• Criteria for parametric tests: unrelated and related t-tests, Pearsons r, Interval level data, normal distribution and homogenei- theories must be testable.
ty of variance (standard deviation). • Theory of construction: create general law, de-
Content analysis rive and test hypothesis.
Test of Difference Test of Association or corre-
Unrelated Design Related Design • Indirect study of communications. • Hypothesis testing: theories generate hypotheses
• Form of observation: of spoken interaction and/or written to assess theory's validity.
Nominal Data Chi-Squared Sign test Chi-squared communications, examples from media. • Paradigms/shifts: shared set of assumptions
Ordinal Data Mann-Whitney Wilcoxon Spearman’s rho ☺ High ecological validity & easy to replicate and check relia- (which may change), psychology lacks a para-
Unrelated t-test Related t-test Pearson’s r bility. digm.
Interval Data • Popper & Kuhn.
(parametric) (parametric) (parametric) May lack objectivity and communication studied out of
context—reduces validity.
Levels of measurement Calculating the sign test Peer review
• Quantitative data can be divided into different 1. Sign of difference between condition A and B Reliability • Peer review: assessment of scientific work by
levels of measurement. 2. Calculate total + and - • Reliability: measuring consistency. others who are specialists. Happens before publi-
• Nominal: frequency data in categories 3. Ignore participants with the same score in condition A and B and • Ways of assessing reliability: test-retest (test same people cation—independent scrutiny that considers:
• Ordinal: data in order, intervals subjective (e.g. ensure you take this off N (number of participants). twice), inter-observer (compare observations from differ- validity, significance and originality.
rate on 1 o 10 scale). 4. Total of less frequent sign (S). ent observers) and correlation coefficient (two sets of • Purpose: quality assurance.
• Interval: data measured on units of equal size 5. Calculated S equal to or less than the critical value for calculated scores should correlate at least +.80 for reliability). • Strengths: aims to protect quality of research.
(e.g. metres or minutes). value to be significant. • Improving reliability: questionnaires: rewrite questions. • Limitations: anonymous checkers, so may criti-
Interviews: improve training avoid leading questions. Ob- cise rival research. Publication bias and ground-
Reporting psychological investigations Writing a consent form servations: operationalise behavioural categories, training. breaking research buried.
Experiments: standardise procedures.
• Abstract: short summary, main parts. • Must contain sufficient information for the
• Introduction: review of literature, logical progression to hypothesis. participant to make an informed decision Writing a hypothesis
• Method: design, sample, materials, procedure, ethics, detailed replica- about whether to take part or not. Validity
tion. • A consent form must include both procedural Experimental hypothesis: ‘difference’
• Validity: measure of legitimacy (genuine effect). • Directional: ‘There will be more/less’
• Results: descriptive and inferential statistics (tests), raw data in appendix. issues and ethical issues.
• Internal validity: control within a study e.g. reduce CVs/ • Non-directional: ‘There will be a difference in’.
• Discussion: summary, links to earlier research, limitations, implications. • Format: requires participants agreement: in-
EVs, demand characteristics. • Null hypothesis ‘there will be no difference’
• Referencing: use standard format for books, journals and websites. clude a space to print or sign name.
• External validity: ecological validity, temporal validity. Correlational hypothesis: ‘relationship’.
• Ways of assessing validity: face validity (test looks like it • Directional: ‘There will be a positive/negative
Writing standardised instructions Writing a debrief measures what it should) & concurrent validity (findings correlation’.
• Ensure each participant has exactly the same instructions. • Debriefing: all is explained to the participant who is thanked similar to well established test: correlation coefficient > • Non-directional: ‘There will be a correlation be-
• Must be clear & succinct and written using formal lan- at the end of his/her contribution. Happens at end of study. +.80). tween’.
guage. • Must be written in verbatim format. • Improving validity: experiments: use control group & • Null hypothesis: ‘There will be no correlation’.
• Explain procedures. • Start your debrief with: thank you. Then the aim of the study, standardised procedure, single and double blind design. • Ensure you write a clear and testable hypothesis
• Check understanding of instructions: finish with ‘do you refer to ethical guidelines: right to withdraw data & confi- Questionnaires: make anonymous. Observations: covert, that is operationalised.
have any questions?’. dentiality. Experimental design: if IGD explain other condi- operationalised behavioural categories. Gather qualitative
• No ethics required in this document. tion. Finish with: do you have any questions? data: and use triangulation (different sources).
Cognitive Approach Biological Approach
Psychology: Knowledge Organiser. Paper 2: Approaches • Assumptions: argues that mental processes should • Assumptions: everything psychological is at first biological
be studied scientifically e.g. memory. and the mind and body are the same.
• Inference: mental processes are ‘private’ so are • Genetics: genes determine psychological characteristics
Origins of psychology Wundt and Introspection studied indirectly by making inferences (concordance rates) are used to investigate the genetic basis
(assumptions). of behaviour.
• Wundt established the first psychology laboratory in
1879 Wundt opened first experimental psychology laborato- • Schema: mental framework to interpret incoming • Genotype: a persons genetic make-up. Phenotype: the ex-
ry. Psychology emerged as a discipline & emergence as information, become more complex with experi- pression of the genotype (influenced by environment)
• Introspection: the first systematic experimental
a science as some of the methods used = scientific. ence. • Neurochemistry: thought and behaviour depends on chemi-
attempt to study the mind by breaking up conscious
• Theoretical models: e.g. memory represented as cals (neurotransmitters) in the brain e.g. serotonin in OCD.
1900 Freud established: psychodynamic approach. Highlight- awareness into basic structures of thoughts, images
having input, storage and retrieval stages. • Theory of evolution: genetically determined behaviour that is
ed importance of the unconscious mind on behaviour & and sensations.
• Computer models: programme computers to mod- adaptative & is naturally selected.
• Structuralism: introspection led to identifying the
developed psychoanalysis, which was the first ‘talking el human thinking (artificial intelligence). ☺ Precise and highlight scientific methods: Fmri and EEG.
structure of consciousness by breaking it up into the
therapy’. • Cognitive neuroscience: scientific study of how ☺ Real world application—the use of proactive drugs for mental
basic structures.
brain structures affect mental processes. illness.
1913 Watson and later on Skinner established the behaviour- ☺ Aspects of Wundt’s work are scientific e.g. Use stand-
☺ Scientific, objective approach to studying the mind Provides ‘causal explanations’ but evidence comes from asso-
ist approach. Believed all behaviour is learnt and that ardised procedures:
e.g. lab studies and cognitive neuroscience. ciations only.
psychologists should only study observable behaviours Aspects of Wundt’s research are subjective—
☺ Many real world applications: depression, EWT. Biological determinism.
(scientific). participants were reporting ‘private’ mental processes:
Machine reductionism—oversimplification
don’t meet scientific criteria.
1950s Rogers & Maslow developed humanistic approach. Re- Inference & artificial stimuli: low external validity. Humanistic Approach
jected deterministic views of behaviourism & empha-
sised importance of free will—focus on whole person Learning Approaches: Behaviourist approach Psychodynamic Approach • Assumptions: free will is emphasised & focus is the
(holism) study of subjective experience of unique individuals.
• Assumptions: Focus on observable behaviour only, controlled la- • Assumptions: unconscious mind = important • Maslow’s hierarchy of needs: 5 levels: physiological
1960s Cognitive approach emerged with the introduction of boratory experiments & use of non-human animals. influence on behaviour. deficiency needs, safety, love/belongingness, self-
the computer. Interested in studying mental processes • Classical conditioning: Pavlov learning through association: condi- • Tripartite structure of personality: id, ego & esteem and self actualisation.
and believe we can make inferences about how the tioned dog to salivate (UCR) when bell rings (CR). superego. • Self actualisation: person’s desire to be the best the
mind works based on results from laboratory experi- • Operant conditioning: Skinner learning via consequences— • Defence mechanisms: used by the ego: re- can possibly be.
ments. researched using rats in specially designed cages. Types of rein- pression, denial and displacement. • Congruence: personal growth aims for harmony be-
forcement positive and negative—both have positive conse- • 5 psychosexual stages determine adult per- tween self-concept and ideal self.
1960s Bandura proposed social learning theory. He considered quence. Punishment = unpleasant consequence. sonality: oral, anal, phallic, latency, genital. • Conditions of worth: imposed by parents, may prevent
the role of cognitive factors in learning, drawing togeth- ☺ scientific credibility: well controlled research & use of animals Conflict leads to ‘fixation’. personal growth.
er ideas from traditional behaviourism and the newly ☺ Real world application: therapies and token economy systems. • Oedipus complex occurs at the phallic stage • Counselling psychology (Rogers) genuine, empathetic,
established cognitive approach. Environmentally deterministic in boys, penis envy in girls. unconditional positive regard.
1980s Biological approach—dominant approach in psychology. Difficulties in extrapolation from animal research to human behav- ☺ Influence and real world application: psycho- ☺ Major influence on psychological counselling.
Advances in technology, for example MRI scans, allowed
iours analysis ‘talking therapy’. ☺ Positive approach to psychology.
Untestable concepts—unfalsifiable Culturally bias.
an increased understanding of the brain and biological
Learning Approaches: Social Learning Theory Significant gender bias: alpha biased. Limited real world application when compared to other
2000 Cognitive neuroscience has emerged in the forefront of • Assumptions: learning indirectly, in a social context through obser-
psychology. This brings together the biological and cog- vation & imitation.
• Bandura: we observe others behaviour and note consequences. Comparison of approaches
nitive approaches and investigates how biological struc-
Behaviour that is rewarded = likely to be imitated = vicarious rein-
tures influence mental states.
forcement. Approach Biological Behavioural SLT Cognitive Psychodynamic Humanistic
• Mediational processes: 1. attention 2. retention 3. motor repro-
duction 4. motivation. Free will vs Biological determin- Environmental de- Soft determinism Soft determinism Physic determinism Free will
Emergence of psychology as a science • Identification with role models = important. determinism ism terminism
• Bandura et al 1961: children who watched an adult behaving ag- Nature vs Nature Nurture Nurture Nature & Nurture Mostly nature Mostly nurture
1879 Wundt = first to show empirical methods could be applied gressively towards a bobo doll—were much more aggressive to- Nurture
to mental processes: emergence of psychology as a science. wards the doll. Biological reduction- Environmental re- Reductionist Experimental Reductionism and Holism
• Bandura and Walters (1963) Children who saw aggression reward- ism ductionism reductionism holism
1900s Early behaviourists rejected introspection. vs holism
ed were much more aggressive when given a bobo doll (vicarious
1930s Behaviourist approach dominated; carefully controlled reinforcement). Idiographic vs Nomothetic Nomothetic Nomothetic Nomothetic Nomothetic & idio- Idiographic
laboratory experiments. ☺Emphasises the importance of cognitive factors; overcoming issues nomothetic
with behaviourist approach. Scientific Scientific Scientific Mostly Scientific Mostly Scientific Not scientific Not scientific
1950s Cognitive approach studied mental processes scientifically
☺ Real world applications: media.
1980s Biological approach introduced technological advances. Relies to heavily on evidence from contrived lab studies.
Disregards biological factors and their influence on social learning.
Synaptic transmission Endocrine system Fight or flight response
Psychology: Knowledge Organiser. Paper 2: Biopsychology • Electrical impulses (action poten- • Works alongside the nervous sys- • Example of endocrine system and autonom-
tials) reach the presynaptic ter- tem. Is a network of glands that ic nervous system working together.
The nervous system. Neurons minal. Action potentials trigger secrete hormones. Uses blood • Stressors trigger the sympathetic nervous
release of neurotransmitters. vessels to deliver hormones to system: prepares body for fight or flight.
• The nervous system is a specialised network of cells in • Neurons typically consist of a cell body, dendrites • Neurotransmitters cross the syn- target sites. Signals adrenal medulla to release adrena-
the human body and is our primary internal communica- and an axon. apse from vesicles. Neurotrans- • Adrenal glands: secretes adrena- line into the blood stream. Adrenaline caus-
tion system. It has 2 key functions: collect and respond • Sensory neurons: carry messages from PNS to CNS, mitters combine with receptors line/controls the sympathetic es: heart to beat faster, pushing blood to
to information from the environment and co-ordinate have long dendrites and short axons. Found in re- on the postsynaptic membrane. division in the fight or flight re- muscle and other vital organs. Breathing
the working of different organs and cells in the body. ceptors such as eyes, ears, tongue and skin. • Stimulation of postsynaptic re- sponse. rapid, release of blood glucose. Parasympa-
• Make sure you know the functions of each division. • Relay neurons connect sensory neurons to the mo- ceptors by neurotransmitters • Pineal gland: releases melatonin thetic branch returns the body to its normal
tor or other relay neurons. They have short den- result in either excitation or inhi- which is responsible for im- ‘rest and digest’ state.
drites and short axons. They are found between bition Excitatory: post synaptic portant biological rhythms in- ☺ Valuable knowledge and shows how sys-
sensory input and motor outputs. neuron more likely to fire an im- cluding the sleep-wake cycle. tems work together.
• Motor neurons connect the CNS to effector such as pulse. Inhibitory: post synaptic When released melatonin causes Limits our behaviour to 2 responses: what
muscles and glands. They have short dendrites and neuron less likely to fire an im- drowsiness and lowers body tem- about ‘freeze’?
long axons. Are found in the central nervous sys- pulse. Excitatory and inhibitory perature, helping to induce Beta bias: females have a different stress
tem and control muscle movements. influences are summed. sleep. response to males (Taylor).