1 s2.0 S0266353812002667 Main
1 s2.0 S0266353812002667 Main
1 s2.0 S0266353812002667 Main
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: This paper describes the results of a combined experimental/numerical study to investigate the perfora-
Received 21 March 2012 tion resistance of sandwich structures. The impact response of plain foam samples and their associated
Received in revised form 29 June 2012 sandwich panels was characterised by determining the energy required to perforate the panels. The
Accepted 8 July 2012
dynamic response of the panels was predicted using the finite element analysis package ABAQUS/Explicit.
Available online 16 July 2012
The experimental arrangement, as well as the FE model were also used to investigate, for the first time,
the effect of oblique loading on sandwich structures and also to study the impact response of sandwich
panels on an aqueous support.
A. Glass fibres
PVC foam sandwich
Testing has shown that the perforation resistance of the plain foams and their sandwich panels is
B. Impact behaviour strongly dependent on the properties of the foam core. For example, increasing the density of the cross-
C. Finite element analysis (FEA) linked PVC foams from 60 to 200 kg/m3 yielded an eight fold increase in the perforation resistance of the
sandwich panels. At intermediate and higher densities, the crosslinked PVC foams and their associated
sandwich structures offered a superior perforation resistance to their linear PVC counterparts. The FE
analysis reasonably predicted the impact load–displacement responses and the perforation energies of
both the plain foams and the sandwich panels. Finally, it has been shown that sandwich panels impacted
in an aqueous environment offer a lower perforation resistance than those tested in air.
Ó 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
0266-3538/$ - see front matter Ó 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1782 J. Zhou et al. / Composites Science and Technology 72 (2012) 1781–1790
the impact response of the structure. Palazotto and Gummadi [10] plies of woven E glass fibres in a thermosetting triazine resin (sup-
used a displacement-based, plate bending finite element analysis to plied by Gurit Ltd.). The composite skins were laid up on the foam
model impact damage in sandwich plates based on a Nomex hone- core and placed in a picture-frame mould. It should be noted that
comb core. A comparison with low velocity impact and quasi-static the bonding cross the skin–core interface was assured by the resin
indentation data highlighted the model’s ability to predict impor- from the composite prepreg, i.e. no additional adhesive was used.
tant features of the behaviour of the sandwich panels. Aktay et al. The mould was then placed in Meyer hot press and cured for
[11] used the finite element package PAM-CRASH to predict impact 1 hr at a temperature of 125 °C. During the curing, a pressure of
damage in sandwich panels based on both PEI foam and Nomex 70 kPa was applied. The panels were not post-cured following
honeycomb cores and showed that the model was capable of repro- manufacturing.
ducing the physical behaviour of the two types of structure. In addi- Low velocity impact tests were conducted on both the plain
tion, Arora et al. [14,15] undertook experimental and numerical foams as well as the sandwich structures. Here, the 150 mm square
work on glass-fibre reinforced polymer (GFRP) sandwich panels panels (containing 10 bolt holes along their edges) were placed on
and laminated tubes subjected to blast in air and underwater envi- a 100 mm long steel cylinder fixed to a square steel base and
ronments. The authors highlighted the importance of support and clamped using a steel ring and 10 bolts. Both the cylindrical sup-
boundary conditions with regards to blast-resistant design. port and the clamping ring had an internal diameter of 100 mm.
Few attempts have been made to investigate the perforation The panels were impacted at their centres by a carriage with a
behaviour of sandwich structures subjected to impact loading. 10 mm diameter hemispherical head. The mass of the impactor
Lin and Hoo Fatt [12] developed an analytical model to predict was 5.56 kg and the release height of the impact carriage was var-
the low velocity impact response of glass/epoxy-aluminium hon- ied between 0.2 and 1.4 m. The impact force and displacement of
eycomb panels. A three-stage perforation model was used that the impactor were measured using a piezoelectric load cell and a
considered failure of the top composite skin, the honeycomb core high-speed video camera respectively. Previous unpublished work
and the lowermost composite skin. The perforation model pre- by the authors has shown that the total impulse matches the
dicted the perforation velocity of the panel under low velocity im- change in impact momentum as witnessed by the high speed video
pact conditions. Buitrago et al. [13] used finite element techniques camera. Further details of impact rig, including a photograph, are
to model the process of impact perforation in sandwich panels given in Ref. [16]. Tests were also conducted on sandwich panels
based on carbon fibre/epoxy skins and an aluminium honeycomb placed on a water support. These tests were undertaken to simu-
core. They showed that most of the incident energy of the projec- late the effect on an internal impact on an immersed sandwich
tile was absorbed by the 2 mm thick composite skins, with the core structure, such as a boat hull. Here, the circular ring support was
absorbing between 10% and 20% of the impact energy. filled with water and the panel was clamped as discussed
The aim of this paper is to model the low velocity impact perfo- previously.
ration response of lightweight sandwich structures based on a range After testing, the panels were sectioned through the impacted
of polymeric foams. Here, the finite element analysis package region, ground, polished and photographed in order to elucidate
ABAQUS/Explicit is used to predict the response of the foam core the failure processes associated with the perforation process.
panels and sandwich panels during impact by a steel projectile.
Particular attention is given to establishing the effect of varying the 3. Finite element modelling
properties of the foam core on the perforation resistance of the sand-
wich panels. Once validated, the model is used to predict the effect of Numerical models were developed to simulate the dynamic re-
oblique impact on the perforation resistance of the sandwich panels, sponse of the foam panels and the foam core sandwich panels sub-
a loading condition that is difficult to conduct experimentally. Finally, jected to projectile impact. The following sections outline the
the model is also used to investigate the perforation response of sand- techniques used to model the various constituents of the sandwich
wich panels in an aqueous environment. panels.
Nine different types of polymer foam were investigated in this Each core was modelled as a crushable foam using hardening
study. Five of the foams were based on a crosslinked PVC, two on curves obtained following compression tests on square blocks.
a linear PVC and two on a PET foam. Details of the various foams Deshpande and Fleck [17] proposed a phenomenological yield sur-
are given in Table 1. All of the foam panels had a thickness of face for a closed-cell foam, given by:
20 mm. Sandwich structures based on these nine foams were pre- 1
uh i q2 þ a2 r2m r2y 6 0 ð1Þ
pared by bonding thin composite skins using a two part epoxy
1 þ ða Þ2
adhesive. The 0.25 mm thick composite skins were based on two
Table 1
Mechanical properties of the foams investigated in this study.
where ry is the uniaxial tensile or compressive yield strength of the transverse moduli of elasticity were assumed to be equal since
foam, q is the Von Mises stress, rm is the mean stress. The parame- the GFRP skins were based on a plain weave. The material proper-
ter a defines the shape of the yield surface, which is related to the ties are E1 = E2 = 23 GPa, E3 = 5 GPa, G12 = G13 = G23 = 5 GPa, t12 ¼
ratios of the initial uniaxial yield stress roc and the hydrostatic ten- t13 ¼ t23 ¼ 0:15, as determined both experimentally and analyti-
sile yield stress pt to the hydrostatic compressive yield stress poc , cally in Ref. [19].Damage initiation was modelled using Hashin’s
respectively. The yield stress in hydrostatic compression pc provides failure criteria [20] which assume four damage initiation mecha-
the evolution of the size of the yield surface and can be expressed nisms, namely fibre tension, fibre compression, matrix tension
as: and matrix compression. Using the longitudinal, transverse and
h i shear effective stress tensor components within the plane of the
rc evplol rc ðeplv ol Þða12 þ 19Þ þ p3t GFRP, the damage initiation criteria can be determined [21].
pc ev ol
pl ¼ ð2Þ The following parameters are required in Hashin’s failure criteria,
rc evplol
pt þ the tensile and compressive strengths (XT = 480 MPa and
XC = 432 MPa) in the longitudinal direction, the tensile and
v ol is the plastic volumetric strain for the volumetric harden-
where epl compressive strengths (YT = 480 MPa and YC = 432 MPa) in the
ing model, which is equal to eaxial
pl the uniaxial compressive plastic transverse direction, the longitudinal and transverse shear
strain. Therefore, pc should be determined from a uniaxial compres- strengths (SL = 480 MPa and ST = 480 MPa).
sion test on the foam. The damage elastic matrix, which controls degradation of the
For a rate-dependent material, the response follows the uniaxial material stiffness, can be expressed as:
flow rate definition as: 2 3
ð1 df Þ=E1 ð1 df Þð1 dm Þv 21 =E1 0
e_ pl ¼ hðq; epl ; hÞ ð3Þ 16 ð1 df Þð1 dm Þv 12 =E2 ð1 dm Þ=E2 0 7
CD ¼ 6 7 ð6Þ
D4 0 0 ð1 ds ÞGD
where h is a strain hardening function, epl is the equivalent plastic
strain, and h is the temperature. The rate-dependent hardening
where G is the shear modulus and D is an overall damage variable,
curves can be expressed as:
which can be expressed as:
e epl ; e_ pl ¼ ry ðepl ÞRðe_ pl Þ ð4Þ D ¼ 1 ð1 df Þð1 dm Þv 12 v 21 ð7Þ
e_ pl and R are the equivalent plastic strain-rate and stress ratio Here, df, dm, and ds reflect the current state of fibre, matrix and shear
(= r =ry ) respectively. damage, respectively.Damage evolution is modelled by the negative
Damage initiation in the PVC foam was modelled by applying a slope of the equivalent stress–displacement relation after damage
ductile damage criterion in conjunction with shear damage crite- initiation is achieved. The fracture energies for fibre and matrix ten-
rion [18]. The fracture strains corresponding to the initiation of sion (GFft ¼ GFmt ¼ 110 kJ=m2 ) as well as fibre and matrix compression
ductile damage and shear damage and the related strain-rate need (GFfc ¼ GFmc ¼ 120 kJ=m2 ) failure modes are specified to determine
to be specified. Damage development, associated with ductile and the energy dissipated during damage development.
shear failure is controlled by the fracture energy in terms of the en-
ergy required for failure development. A linear softening law was 3.3. Modelling of the resin layer and other contact conditions
used, specifying a linear relationship between the softening stress
and the displacement after the onset of the damage for elasto-plas- The resin layer between the GFRP skin and the foam core was
tic materials. modelled using cohesive elements (0.25 mm thick) available in
A tensile failure criterion was specified in the lower half of the ABAQUS [22]. The mechanisms of initiation and progression of
central region of the panel to model failure of the foam. The crite- damage were explicitly incorporated in the formulation of the ele-
rion assumes that failure occurs when the pressure stress becomes ment, and were based on the maximum nominal stress and the
more tensile than the specified hydrostatic cut-off stress. In this effective displacement following the linear softening law.
model, the hydrostatic pressure stress was used as a measure of Damage initiation in the cohesive elements was evaluated using
failure to model either dynamic spall or a pressure cut-off. the ratios of the predicted nominal stress components based on the
During impact, it was noted that the PVC foam panels exhibited elastic traction–separation behaviour to the corresponding critical
large recoverable deformations. In order to simulate such deforma- values in tension (debonding) or shear (sliding) at the interface.
tion prior to failure, a hyperelastic model was applied to the exter- A general contact interaction was defined between the GFRP
nal region of the panel, i.e. that which is located outside the central skin and the foam to include the case where the cohesive layer is
40 mm region. In the hyperelastic model, it is necessary to define damaged by projectile. In addition a surface-to-surface contact
the strain energy potential, which describes the strain energy interaction allows for sliding between the projectile surface and
stored in the material per unit of reference volume (i.e. the volume the individual nodes located in the central region of the target.
in the initial configuration) as a function of the strain at a given
point. The Mooney-Rivlin model was selected as a strain energy 3.4. Geometrical model and mesh generation
potential [18], which is:
1 el Here, fully-clamped foam panels and foam core sandwich pan-
U ¼ C 10 ðI1 3Þ þ C 01 ðI2 3Þ þ ðJ 1Þ2 ð5Þ els (100 mm in diameter with skin and core thickness as 0.25 and
20 mm respectively) subjected to low velocity impact loading were
where C10, C01 and D1 are temperature-dependant material param- simulated using ABAQUS/Explicit. Given that the panels were cir-
eters, I1 and I2 are the first and second deviatoric strain invariants cular, only one quarter of the panel was modelled. Fig. 1 shows
and Jel is the elastic volume ratio. the geometric, boundary and loading conditions for the sandwich
panels. Meshing is also shown in the same figure. Modelling of
3.2. Modelling of the GFRP skin the plain foam panel was carried out by removing the skins and
the cohesive layers in the sandwich panel. The cylindrical projec-
Prior to damage initiation, the GFRP skin was modelled as an tile had a mass of 5.56 kg, which is assumed to be rigid relative
orthotropic elastic material. The in-plane longitudinal and to the sandwich panel.
1784 J. Zhou et al. / Composites Science and Technology 72 (2012) 1781–1790
r=5 mm
h=19 mm
20 mm core
R=50 mm
Fig. 1. Geometrical, mesh, boundary and loading conditions of the sandwich model.
Mesh sensitivity effects were studied by varying the mesh den- to over-estimate the initial stiffness of the higher density foams.
sity within the plane and through the thickness of the panel. The In spite of these discrepancies, agreement between the numerical
foam was meshed using eight-node reduced integration elements and experimental data is good. Fig. 2b compares both the experi-
(C3D8R) and the skin using continuum shell elements (SC8R). mental and predicted perforation zones for these three foam pan-
els. The lowest density C80 foam (as well as the C60 and C100
foams) exhibited a cylindrically-shaped shear zone, similar in size
4. Results and discussion to the diameter of the projectile. Perforation in the intermediate
(130 kg/m3) and high (200 kg/m3) density foams resulted in a
4.1. Perforation resistance of the plain foams mixed mode of failure, with a cylindrical shear region in the upper
half of the sample and a frustrum-shaped zone in the lower portion
Fig. 2a shows typical load–displacement traces following im- of the test panel. It has been shown that locally-high tensile stres-
pact tests on three of the crosslinked PVC foams. Included in the ses under the indentor give rise to this low energy mode of fracture
figure are the predictions offered by the finite element analyses. [23]. The cross-sections suggest, therefore, that the 60, 80 and
All three experimental traces display similar trends. The initial por- 100 kg/m3 foams fail in the higher energy shearing mode, whereas
tions of the load–displacement trace exhibit some oscillatory the 120 and 200 kg/m3 fail as a result of a lower energy, mixed ten-
behaviour, due to dynamic effects in the plate and ringing in the sile/shear mechanism. This evidence suggests the perforation resis-
load cell, with its slope reflecting the elastic modulus of the foam. tances of these foams are likely to be determined by the tensile and
With increasing load, a knee is reached, beyond which the slope of shear fracture properties of the foams. The fracture properties of
the traces decreases as the projectile starts to crush the foam and the present range of foams, subjected to these two modes of load-
penetrate the top surface of the panel. Finally, the load drops shar- ing, have been investigated in a previous study [24]. In this earlier
ply as the steel projectile perforates the target. investigation, the work of fracture (Wf) values of these foams in
An examination of Fig. 2a indicates that the FE model captures tension and shear were measured using a recently-developed shear
the fundamental features apparent in the experimental load– rig and the single edge notch bend (SENB) specimen geometry
displacement traces. The models exhibit more pronounced respectively. The resulting values are listed in Table 1 [24]. An
oscillatory effects in the initial response of the plates and tends examination of the data indicates that the shear values of Wf are
C80 Test
C200 C80 FE
Load (N)
1000 C130 FE
C200 Test
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
C200 FE
Displacement (mm)
(a) load-displacement traces (b) cross-sections
Fig. 2. Comparison of load–displacement traces and cross-sections of crossed-linked PVC foams. The solid lines correspond to the experimental data and the dashed lines to
the predictions.
J. Zhou et al. / Composites Science and Technology 72 (2012) 1781–1790 1785
PET105 Test
PET 135
500 PET105 FE
Load (N)
0 5 10 15 20 25
Displacement (mm)
L90 Test
1000 L140
L90 FE
Load (N)
600 L90
0 10 20 30 40 L140 FE
Displacement (mm)
significantly higher than their corresponding tensile values. This PVC foams. Once again, increasing the density of the foam serves to
evidence suggests that those samples exhibiting a cone cracking increase the initial stiffness of the plate, the maximum load and the
mode of failure are not achieving their full potential in terms of maximum measured displacement.
their energy-absorbing capability. Fig. 5 presents a comparison of the predicted (solid lines) and
Fig. 3a shows the load–displacement traces for the two plain measured perforation energies of the plain core materials. The
PET foam materials. In both cases, agreement between the pre- predictions for both the linear PVC and PET foams are extended
dicted and measured response is excellent, with the former to include notional materials with densities of 60 and 200
accurately predicting the initial slope, the maximum load and the kg/m3. The properties of these foams were obtained by extrapo-
maximum displacement. Increasing the density from 100 to lating the data from those foams within the same family (Table 1
130 kg/m3 has a significant influence on the general shape of the indicates that the majority of mechanical properties vary in a
load–displacement trace. Fig. 3b shows the resulting cross-sections linear manner). An examination of the figure shows that the
for this foam, where it is clear that the lowest density system again model predicts the experimental perforation energies with some
exhibits a mixed type of failure with the upper part of the plate success. It is evident that the linear PVC foams offer a superior
failing in the higher energy shear mode and the lower region of perforation resistance to their crosslinked counterparts. Interest-
the target failing in a tensile mode. Failure in the higher density ingly, an examination of the Mode II work of fracture data in
system is less distinct, although there is some evidence of a transi- Table 2 suggests that the higher density crosslinked foams would
tion region at the mid-plane of the sample. Again, agreement be- have out-performed their linear counterparts if failure had
tween the predicted and observed failure modes is good, occurred in a pure shear mode rather than a mixed shear/tensile
indicating that the FE model accurately predicts the perforation mode. Finally, it is evident that the PET foams offer the lowest
process in these panels. Finally, Fig. 4 shows the load–displace- perforation energies, with values approximately one half those
ment traces and cross-sections following impact on the two linear offered by the crosslinked foams.
1786 J. Zhou et al. / Composites Science and Technology 72 (2012) 1781–1790
dily increasing load–displacement curve, in which failure of the
30 composite skins is difficult to discern. A comparison of Figs. 2a
25 and 6a suggests that the core plays an increasingly dominant role
20 as the density of the foam is increased. Indeed, at higher densities,
15 the load–displacement traces closely resemble those of the plan
PET core panels. Interestingly, the failure processes were similar in all
of the sandwich structures, with the projectile shearing a relatively
clean hole through the target, Fig. 5b. Given that there was little
0 evidence of the distinct frustrum-shaped fracture zone observed
0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210
in the higher density plain crosslinked cores, it is evident that
Density (kg/m3)
the core in these sandwich structures is absorbing more energy
Fig. 5. Perforation energy versus density for the linear PVC (circles), crosslinked than their plain foam counterparts.
PVC (triangles) and PET PVC (squares) foam panels. Fig. 7a shows the load–displacement traces for the sandwich
structures based on the 105 kg/m3 PET and the 140 kg/m3 linear
PVC foams. The former exhibits two well-defined peaks, resulting
4.2. Perforation resistance of the sandwich panels from fracture of the two skins as well as a region of constant force
in which the projectile passes though the foam core. In contrast,
Fig. 6 presents typical load–displacement traces following low the response of the higher density linear PVC foam is once again
velocity impact on sandwich structures based on the three crosss- largely dominated by the fracture behaviour of the core material.
linked foams presented in Fig. 2. Once again, agreement between The cross-section of the experimental PET-based system displays
the FE predictions and the experimental data is good, with the a frustrum-shaped fracture zone similar to that observed in the
model capturing most of the features in the experimental data. plain foam, Fig. 7b. The model predicted a smaller conical zone
The lowest density foam exhibits a classic load–displacement trace to that observed experimentally, indicating that it has not fully
[25], with pronounced peaks associated with fracture of the upper predicted the failure process.
and lower skins and a relatively smooth plateau resulting from the The energies required to perforate the sandwich structures are
projectile passing through the foam core. The FE model fails to summarised in Fig. 8. Once again additional structures based on
identify the first peak, although the remainder of the trace is linear PVC and PET foams were modelled by extrapolating the
accurately predicted. The trace for the 130 kg/m3 foam exhibits mechanical properties given in Table 1. Agreement between the
Table 2
Perforation energies of the foams and sandwich structures.
Foam Work of fracture in tension (kJ/ Work of fracture in shear (kJ/ Eperf core Eperf sandwich
m2) m2) experimental experimental
C60 0.26 6.48 3.93 10.69
C80 0.44 12.6 10.16 15.46
C100 0.62 18.4 8.76 18.34
C130 0.76 27.6 17.7 27.06
C200 1.33 44.2 32.92 55.58
PET105 2.3 7.38 5.33 9.12
PET135 2.5 18.2 8.32 19.03
L90 6.06 21.2 9.57 20.07
L140 12.1 27.3 26.1 25.56
C80 Test
3000 C80 FE
Load (N)
C130 Test
1500 C130 FE
500 C200 Test
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
C200 FE
Displacement (mm)
(a) load-displacement traces (b) cross-sections
Fig. 6. Comparison of load–displacement traces and cross-sections of sandwiches made with C70 foam cores. The solid lines correspond to the experimental data and the
dashed lines to the predictions.
J. Zhou et al. / Composites Science and Technology 72 (2012) 1781–1790 1787
1200 PET105FE
Load (N)
0 L140FE
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Displacement (mm)
quently loaded at some oblique angle. Such tests are difficult to
undertake experimentally, given the need to guide the projectile,
L coupled with the presence of a horizontal force component that
30 applies a load to the required guide rails.
In this investigation, the process of oblique impact on three
20 types of sandwich structure was modelled using the procedures
outlined above. Fig. 9 shows the variation of perforation with angle
10 of obliquity for sandwich panels based on two crosslinked PVC
cores and a PET foam. Here, the impact angle refers to the angle be-
0 tween the axis of the projectile and the normal to the panel. From
0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210
Density (kg/m3) the figure, it is evident that the perforation energy increases with
impact angle, for example, passing from approximately 29 J for a
Fig. 8. Perforation energy versus density for the linear PVC (circles), crosslinked normal impact, to over 35 J for 30° loading. All three traces exhibit
PVC (triangles) and PET-based PVC (squares) sandwich structures. The solid or similar trends with the rate of increase in perforation energy
broken lines represent the predictions of the finite element model.
increasing with impact angle. Fig. 10a shows the predicted load–
displacement traces for the C130 and PET105 sandwich panels fol-
lowing oblique impact. With increasing the impact angle, the final
peak force shifts to the right, associated with the increase in perfo-
model (solid lines) and the experimental data is generally good. It
ration energy. Fig. 10b presents the cross-sections resulting from
is interesting to note that in certain cases, the addition of the com-
the FE predictions. The crosslinked foam again exhibits a clear
posite skins has an important effect on the energy-absorbing
capacity of the core. This is most pronounced in the highest density
crosslinked PVC foam which exhibited a significant enhancement
in impact resistance following the addition of skins. Here, a change 40
in failure mode was observed, passing from a mixed tensile–shear
in the plain foam to a pure shear mode in the sandwich. As shown 35 C130
in Table 2, the fracture energy associated with tensile failure is rel-
atively low, and one would therefore expect a significant improve-
Perforation energy (J)
0° C130 T105
2000 10°
Load (N)
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Displacement (mm)
Given that energy is dissipated in shearing both the composite and based on the L140, the PET135 and the C130 foams. Fig. 11 shows
the foam around the perimeter of the projectile, as well as crushing load–displacement traces for the L140 sandwich structure. In-
the foam ahead of the impactor, the change in perforation energy cluded in each figure are the associated FE predictions and the cor-
associated with increasing impact angle will reflect a combination responding experimental trace for the previous impact tests (i.e. in
of both equations. Applying these expressions to a 30° impact sug- the absence of water). An examination of the traces for the linear
gests that the surface area increases by 24.8% and the volume by PVC sandwich structures (L140) in Fig. 10 indicates that the panels
15.5%. Interestingly, the relative increase in the perforation energy supported on the water foundation exhibit reasonably similar
in Fig. 9 increases with foam toughness, with the PET105 system traces up to the point at which the projectile approaches the rear
increasing by approximately 18% and the C130 foam by approxi- surface. Here, the force rises rapidly in the ‘wet’ system before
mately 23%, in passing from normal impact to a 30° impact. This dropping rapidly as the rear surface fractures. It is clear that the
suggests that the C130 system may be absorbing more energy in rear surface peak is much higher in the fully-supported wet panel
(the area-based) shear mechanism, whereas the PET system absorbs than in its dry counterpart. In addition, the wet panel exhibits vir-
a substantial amount of energy in volumetric crushing under the tually no out of plane deflection, in contrast to the relatively flex-
impactor. ible dry panel. The FE model predicts the experimental data with
some success, although the final drop in force is not as abrupt.
4.4. Impact tests on sandwich panels supported on water Here, the water was meshed as a three-dimensional body in the
FE model, with typical properties (shear viscosity, density and
As a result of their superior specific properties and non-mag- wave speed) assigned.
netic characteristics, sandwich structures are finding increasing The predicted and measured perforation energies for the three
use in the design of boats hulls and other primary marine struc- wet sandwich structures are compared with their corresponding
tures. In order to investigate the influence of an aqueous environ- dry samples in Fig. 12. From the figure, it is clear that the model
ment on the dynamic response of a sandwich structure, a series of accurately predicts the perforation thresholds of all of the sand-
low velocity impact tests were undertaken on panels supported on wich panels. In five out of the six cases, the model slightly over-
a combined circular ring/water base. Here, the ring support used estimates the experimental value, although the differences are
for the earlier perforation tests was filled with water and panels not significant. It is interesting to note that the ‘wet’ panels offer
were placed on the water base and clamped using a steel ring, as a lower resistance to perforation than their dry counterparts. This
before. Three types of sandwich structure were tested, these being reduction is largely associated with the inability of the former to
J. Zhou et al. / Composites Science and Technology 72 (2012) 1781–1790 1789
35 the second peak loads are reduced with increasing water depth. For
Experiment example, the first peak load decreases from 650 to 570 N in passing
30 from air to a water depth of 18 m. Similarly, the energy required to
FE model perforate the sandwich structures decreases with increasing depth
25 of immersion, with the perforation energy of the 18 m panel being
approximately 10% below that measured in air.
Energy (J)
15 5. Conclusions
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