Lec 7
Lec 7
Lec 7
Liuren Wu
Options Markets
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c P& Attribution and Risk Management Options Markets 1 / 20
2 Delta
3 Vega
4 Gamma
5 Static hedging
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P&L attribution
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P&L attribution via the BSM model
The common practice is to analyze and manage the options risk via the
BSM pricing relation, B(t, St , It ).
B denotes the BSM pricing formula (for an option at K , T )).
The option value vary over time due to variations in calendar time (t),
underlying security price (St ), the implied volatility of the option (It ).
How calendar time moves forward is known; but the variation of St and
It in the future is unknown and must be managed.
One can perform a Taylor expansion of the option value change over a short
time interval (say one day):
∆Bt ∂Bt ∂Bt ∂Bt
∆t = ∂t ∆t + ∂St ∆St + ∂It ∆It
2 2
1 ∂2B
+ 21 ∂∂SB2 (∆St )2 + ∂S∂ t ∂I
(∆St )(∆It ) + 2 ∂It2 (∆It )
∂Bt ∂Bt
theta), price movement ( ∂St , delta), volatility movement ( ∂It , vega),
∂2B ∂2B
second-order effects ( ∂∂SB2 , gamma; ∂St ∂It , vanna; ∂It2
, volga)
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The BSM Delta
The BSM delta of European options (Can you derive them?):
∂ct ∂pt
∆c ≡ = e −qτ N(d1 ), ∆p ≡ = −e −qτ N(−d1 )
∂St ∂St
(St = 100, T − t = 1, σ = 20%)
BSM delta Industry delta quotes
1 100
call delta call delta
0.8 put delta 90 put delta
0.6 80
0.4 70
0.2 60
0 50
−0.2 40
−0.4 30
−0.6 20
−0.8 10
−1 0
60 80 100 120 140 160 180 60 80 100 120 140 160 180
Strike Strike
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Delta as a moneyness measure
Different ways of measuring moneyness:
K (relative to S or F ): Raw measure, not comparable across different stocks.
K /F : better scaling than K − F .
ln K /F : more symmetric under BSM.
ln K /F
√ : standardized by volatility and option maturity, comparable across
σ (T −t)
stocks. Need to decide what σ to use (ATMV, IV, 1).
d1 : a standardized variable.
d2 : Under BSM, this variable is the truly standardized normal variable with
φ(0, 1) under the risk-neutral measure.
delta: Used frequently in the industry, quoted in absolute percentages.
Measures moneyness: Approximately the percentage chance the option
will be in the money at expiry.
Reveals your underlying exposure (how many shares needed to achieve
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Delta hedging
Example: A bank has sold for $300,000 a European call option on 100,000
shares of a nondividend paying stock, with the following information:
St = 49, K = 50, r = 5%, σ = 20%, (T − t) = 20weeks, µ = 13%.
What’s the BSM value for the option? → $2.4
What’s the BSM delta for the option? → 0.5216.
Delta hedging: Buy 52,000 share of the underlying stock now. Adjust the
shares over time to maintain a delta-neutral portfolio.
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Delta hedging with futures
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OTC quoting and trading conventions for currency options
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The BSM vega
Vega (ν) is the rate of change of the value of a derivatives portfolio with
respect to volatility — it is a measure of the volatility exposure.
BSM vega: the same for call and put options of the same maturity
∂ct ∂pt √
ν≡ = = St e −q(T −t) T − tn(d1 )
∂σ ∂σ
x 2
n(d1 ) is the standard normal probability density: n(x) = √1 e − 2 .
(St = 100, T − t = 1, σ = 20%) 40
35 35
30 30
25 Vega 25
20 20
15 15
10 10
5 5
0 0
60 80 100 120 140 160 180 −3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3
Strike d2
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Vega hedging
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Example: Delta and vega hedging
Consider an option portfolio that is delta-neutral but with a vega of −8, 000. We
plan to make the portfolio both delta and vega neutral using two instruments:
The underlying stock
A traded option with delta 0.6 and vega 2.0.
How many shares of the underlying stock and the traded option contracts do we
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Another example: Delta and vega hedging
Consider an option portfolio with a delta of 2,000 and vega of 60,000. We plan to
make the portfolio both delta and vega neutral using:
The underlying stock
A traded option with delta 0.5 and vega 10.
How many shares of the underlying stock and the traded option contracts do we
As before, it is easier to take care of the vega first and then worry about the
delta using stocks.
To achieve vega neutral, we need short/write 60000/10 = 6000 contracts of
the traded option.
With the traded option position added to the portfolio, the delta of the
portfolio becomes 2000 − 0.5 × 6000 = −1000.
We hence also need to long 1000 shares of the underlying stock.
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A more formal setup
Let (∆p , ∆1 , ∆2 ) denote the delta of the existing portfolio and the two hedging
instruments. Let(νp , ν1 , ν2 ) denote their vega. Let (n1 , n2 ) denote the shares of
the two instruments needed to achieve the target delta and vega exposure
(∆T , νT ). We have
∆T = ∆p + n1 ∆1 + n2 ∆2
νT = νp + n1 ν1 + n2 ν2
We can solve the two unknowns (n1 , n2 ) from the two equations.
Example 1: The stock has delta of 1 and zero vega.
0 = 0 + n1 0.6 + n2
0 = −8000 + n1 2 + 0
n1 = 4000, n2 = −0.6 × 4000 = −2400.
Example 2: The stock has delta of 1 and zero vega.
0 = 2000 + n1 0.5 + n2
0 = 60000 + n1 10 + 0
n1 = −6000, n2 = 1000.
When do you want to have non-zero target exposures?
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BSM gamma
Gamma (Γ) is the rate of change of delta (∆) with respect to the price of
the underlying asset.
The BSM gamma is the same for calls and puts:
(St = 100, T − t = 1, σ = 20%) 0.02
0.018 0.018
0.016 0.016
0.014 0.014
0.012 0.012
0.01 0.01
0.008 0.008
0.006 0.006
0.004 0.004
0.002 0.002
0 0
60 80 100 120 140 160 180 −3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3
Strike d2
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Gamma hedging
High gamma implies high variation in delta, and hence more frequent
rebalancing to maintain low delta exposure.
Delta hedging is based on small moves during a very short time period.
assuming that the relation between option and the stock is linear
When gamma is high,
The relation is more curved (convex) than linear,
The P&L (hedging error) is more likely to be large in the presence of
large moves.
The gamma of a stock is zero.
We can use traded options to adjust the gamma of a portfolio, similar to
what we have done to vega.
But if we are really concerned about large moves, we may want to try
something else.
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Vanna and volga risk
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Dynamic hedging with greeks
The idea of delta and vega hedging is I call these types of hedging based
based on a locally linear approximation on partial derivatives as dynamic
(partial derivative) of the relation hedging, which often asks for
between the derivative portfolio value frequent rebalancing.
and the underlying stock price and
volatility. Dynamic hedging works well if
The overall relation is close to
70 linear. Hence, the hedging
price, volatility) varies
smoothly and only changes a
60 80 100 120 140 160 180
ST little within a certain time
Since the relation is not linear, the interval.
hedging ratios change as the
environment change.
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Dynamic versus static hedging
Dynamic hedging can generate large hedging errors when the underlying
variable (stock price) can jump randomly.
A large move size per se is not an issue, as long as we know how much
it moves — a binomial tree can be very large moves, but delta hedge
works perfectly.
As long as we know the magnitude, hedging is relatively easy.
The key problem comes from large moves of random size.
An alternative is to devise static hedging strategies: The position of the
hedging instruments does not vary over time.
Conceptually not as easy. Different derivative products ask for different
static strategies.
It involves more option positions. Cost per transaction is high.
Monitoring cost is low. Fewer transactions.
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