Business Statistics II
Business Statistics II
Business Statistics II
Box 342-01000
Email: [email protected]
PRE –REQUISITE: - BBM 112, BBM 212 and BBM 223.
PURPOSE: - To equip students with data collections skills, correlations, analysis hypothesis
formulation and testing methods
OBJECTIVES: - By the end of this module, the learner should be able to: -
(a) Compute the correlation coefficient, equation of the regression line and the coefficient of
(e) Test the difference between sample means, and between two proportions using the z –
(h) Test means when is known using the z- test and chi-square.
(i) Test hypothesis, using the sign test, wilcoxon rank sum test and the Kruskal – Wallis test.
7 Test of proportions. Test the difference between sample means using z-test; test the
difference between two means for independent samples, using the t-test.
8 Testing hypothesis about proportion hypothesis testing of the difference between
proportions. Testing the hypothesis for equity of two variances.
Course evaluation:
Cat 1 seat in 1 hour examination from week one to six taking 15% of overall marks.
Final examination at the end of the semester 70% overall examination, any one of the
examinations not done will incomplete results
COURSE OUTLINE………………………………………………………………………………2
TABLE OF CONTENTS............................................................................................................... 4
CHAPTER 1: CORRELATION AND REGRESSION ........................................................... 6
1.1 WHAT IS CORRELATION? ............................................................................................... 6
3.6 ACCEPTANCE AND REJECTION REGIONS ................................................................ 28
Purpose:- to equip the learner with methods of correlation and regression used to
determine the relationship between two or more numerical or quantitative variables.
Objectives: After completing this chapter you should be able to compute the following
A Statistician collects information for variables, which describe the situation. A variable is a
characteristics or attribute that can assume different values. That is Data are values,
measurements or observations that the variables can assume. Variables whose values are
determined by chance are called random variable.
A collection of data values forms a data set. Each value in the data set is called a data value or a
This provides a measure of the strength of association between two variables; one the dependent
variable, the other the independent variable, r, can range from +1 i.e. perfect positive correlation
where the variables change value in the same direction as each other, to -1 i.e. perfect negative
correlation where y decreases linearly as x increases.
There are several possible formulae but practical ones are: -
x x y y
x x y y
2 2
x 2
= ∑ (x x) ² = x i
2 ( )
Syy = ∑ ( y y) 2
= y
( yi )
x y n
x y
Sxy = ∑ ( x x) ( y y) = i i
The correlation coefficient computed from the sample data measures the strength and direction
of a linear relationship between two variables. The symbol for the sample correlation coefficient
is r; the symbol for population correlation coefficient is ρ. The correlation coefficient explained
is called Pearson product moment correlation coefficient (PPMCC), Named after Statistician
Karl Pearson, pioneered the research in this area.
s xy
Gives r=
s xx s yy
Example 1.1: A football team has kept records of hours per month spent training and the goals
scored per month and wish to know if there is any correlation between training hours and goals
Sum up the values and calculate the mean as column 1 and 2 table 2
160 96
x 20 y 12
8 8
Subtract the respective means from the independent and dependent variable to form column three
and four.
x y ( x x) ( y y) ( x x)( y y) ( x x) 2 ( y y) 2
12 8 -8 -4 32 64 16
21 11 1 -1 -1 1 1
27 13 7 2 14 49 4
16 11 -4 -2 8 16 4
19 9 -1 -3 3 1 9
22 15 2 3 6 4 9
33 17 13 5 65 169 25
10 12 -10 0 0 100 0
Column five is the product three and four, while column six and seven are squares of the column
three and four respectively.
127 127
r= 0 77
404 68 165 75
The correlation coefficient is +0.77 which indicates a reasonably strong positive linear
association between training hours and goals scored.
Instead of finding the mean first you find the product of both independent and dependent
variable, square the variables respectively as table 3
x y xy x2 y2
12 8 96 144 64
21 11 231 441 121
27 13 351 729 169
16 11 176 256 121
19 9 171 361 81
22 15 330 484 225
33 17 561 1089 289
10 12 120 100 144
160 96 2036 3604 1214
Table1. 3
160 160
Sxx = 3604 404
96 96
Syy = 1214 62
160 96
Sxy = 2036 116
r= 0 7329
404 62
Example1.2: The following marks have been obtained by a class of students in statistics (out of
100), table 4
x statistics I 45 55 56 58 60 65 68 70 75 80 85
y statistics II 56 50 48 60 62 64 65 70 74 82 90
Find the mean of both dependent and independent variable. Then subtract each variable
717 2 6
x 65.18 65 y 65.5 4 65
11 11 11
Table 1.5, Shows the working of the following working in respective columns
( x x)( y y) 1401.89 , x x y y
2 2
1413.63 and 1646.47
r= 0 91889 0 92
1413.64 1646.47
x y ( x x) ( y y) ( x x)( y y) ( x x) 2 ( y y) 2
45 56 -20 -9 192.64 407.31 91.12
55 50 -10 -15 158.28 103.67 241.86
56 48 -9 -17 161.10 84.31 307.84
58 60 -7 -5 39.83 51.58 30.75
60 62 -5 -3 18.37 26.85 12.57
65 64 - -1 0.28 0.03 2.39
68 65 2 - -1.54 7.94 0.05
70 70 4 4 21.46 23021 19.84
75 74 9 8 83.01 96.40 71.48
80 82 14 16 243.82 219.58 270.75
85 90 19 24 484.64 392.76 598.02
717 721 1401.89 1413.64 1646.47
Table 1.5
Or “alternative “
Instead of finding the mean first you find the product of both independent and dependent
variable, square the variables respectively as table 6
x y xy x2 y2
45 56 2520 2025 3136
55 50 2750 3025 2500
56 48 2688 3136 2304
58 60 3480 3364 3600
60 62 3720 3600 3844
65 64 4160 4225 4096
68 65 4420 4624 4225
70 70 4900 4900 4900
75 74 5550 5625 5476
80 82 6560 6400 6724
85 90 7650 7225 8100
717 721 48398 48149 48905
Table 1.6
717 2
s xx 48149 1413 6 3
s yy 48905 1646 7 2
717 721
s xy
48398 1401 9 0 9
0 91889 0 92
r= 1413.64 1646.47
The performance of both statistics papers has a strong positive linear relationship which means
the papers are related.
As stated before the range of the correlation is between -1 and +1. When the value of r is near +1
or -1, there is a strong linear relationship. When the value is near zero, the linear relationship is
weak and nonexistent. Since r is computed from the samples, there are two possibilities when r is
not: either the value of is high enough to conclude that there is a significant linear relationship
between the variables, or the value of r is due to chance.
To make this decision, you use hypothesis testing procedure. The traditional method is:-
Year 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Sales of wedges in 14 17 15 23 18 22 27
As there seven years of readings in table 7, the data are set out as follows
Year Sales of xy x2 y2
x wedges
1 14 14 1 196
2 17 34 4 289
3 15 45 9 225
4 23 92 16 529
5 18 90 25 324
6 22 132 36 484
7 27 189 49 729
28 136 596 140 2776
Table 1.8
The general form the equation of any straight line on a graph is y = α + βx, where α and β are
constant and where α represents the fixed element and β represents the slope of the line.
To find the values of α and β, it is necessary to solve two simultaneous equations known as the
normal equations which are
xy x x 2
28 52 1 86
136 28 1.86
To use this expression for forecasting, we merely need to insert the number of the year required.
For example 8th year sales = 12 + 1.86(8) = 26.88
y 12 6 1 86 x
There are several methods for finding the equation of the regression line. Two formulae are
given here. These formulae use the same values that are used in computing the value of the
correlation coefficient. The development of these formulae is beyond the scope of this module.
α= ( n( x ) ( x)
2 2
n( xy) ( x y)
β = n( x 2 ) ( x) 2
Where α is the y intercept and β is the slope of the line.
Example 1.4: The values of the regression line for the data are given by
(6)(682.77 (153.8)(18.7)
β = (6)(5859.26) (153.8) 2 = 0.106
(Y Y )
exp lained var iation
2 E
r is the ratio =
total var iation ( y y)
Y 19.43
Year Sales of Y Y Y (Y Y ) 2 Y Y 2
x wedges y
1 14 13.86 -5.57 31.02 -5.43 29.48
2 17 15.72 -3.71 13.76 -2.43 5.90
3 15 17.58 -1.85 3.42 -4.43 19.62
4 23 19.44 0.01 0 3.57 12.74
5 18 21.30 1.87 3.49 -1.43 2.04
6 22 23.16 3.73 13.91 2.57 6.60
7 27 25.00 5.59 31.24 7.57 57.30
136 96.84 133.68
Table 1.9
96 84
r2 = 0 7244 72%
133 68
(nxY x Y )
r =
(n x 2 ( x) 2 )(n y 2 ( y) 2 )
= 0.8498
Example 1.5
x 0 1 2 3 4
y 1 1.8 3.3 4.5 6.3
Table1. 10
x 0 1 2 3 4 10
y 1 1.8 3.3 4.5 6.3 16.9
xy 0 1.8 6.6 13.5 25.2 47.1
x2 0 1 4 9 16 30
y2 1 3.24 10.89 20.25 39.69
Table 1.11
5 47.1 10 16.9 66.5
5 30 (10) 2 50
The y –intercept (fixed value) is
30 1.33 10
5 5
y 3 34 1 33x
R = 1
6 d 2
n(n 2 1)
Example1. 6: A group of 8 mathematics students are tested in statistics and calculus. Their
rankings in the tests were: -
Student A B C D E F G H
Statistics 2 7 6 1 4 3 5 8
Calculus 3 6 4 2 5 1 8 7
Table 1.12
The table 13 shows the solution of the above problem by finding the difference and squares in
column four and five respectively
6 22
R = 1 0 738
8(64 1)
As the rank correlation coefficient is +0.74, we are able to say that there is a reasonable
agreement between the student‟s performances in the two types of tests.
3 4 1
The table above has the students when the student E and F tied same 3rd position so 3
2 2
Example1.7: A group of 8 mathematics students are tested in statistics and calculus. Their
rankings in the tests were: -
A slight adjustment to the formula is necessary if some students obtain the same ranking.
t3 t
The adjustment is , where t is number of tied rankings.
For example assume that students E and F achieved equal marks in statistics and were given joint
third place.
1 2 3 2
1 6(25 )
R= 2 12 0 69
8(64 1)
As will be seen, the R-value has moved also from +0.74 to 0.69
(a) Are the past data representative, for example, do they contain the results of a
recession/boom, a major shift of taste etc.
(b) Time series methods are more appropriate where short term forecasts are required. Over
the longer period external pressures, internal policy changes make historical data less
(c) Time series methods are best suited to relatively stable situations. Where substantial
fluctuations are common and or conditions are expected to change, then the time series
methods may give relatively poor results.
If the forecast for the next month‟s sales say December was actual sales for November, then the
forecasts obtained would fluctuate up and down with every random fluctuation. If he forecast for
next month‟s sales was the average of sales for several preceding months then, hopefully, the
random fluctuations would cancel each other out, i.e. would be smoothed away.
Example1. 8
Any month‟s forecast is the average of the preceding, n, month‟s actual sales:
450 440 460
= 450
A moving average can be used as a forecast as shown above but when graphing moving averages
it is important to realize that being averages , they must be plotted at the midpoint of the period
to which they relate.
(a) Equal weighing is given to each of the values used in the moving average calculations,
whereas it is reasonable to suppose that the most recent data is more relevant to current
(b) A n period moving average requires the storage n 1 values to which is added the latest
(c) The moving average calculation takes no account of data outside the period of the
average, so full use is not made of all the data available.
(d) The use of the unadjusted moving average as a forecast can cause misleading results
when there is an underlying seasonal variation.
Exercise 1
i. In a competition to win a new car, entrants were asked to rank 8 features of the car in
order of importance. The features were labeled A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H. The entries
for a randomly selected insurance salesman and a randomly selected mother with
young children are given below.
Rank 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Insurance A E B H D G F C
Mother D H A B E F G C
Table 1.15
(b) Stating your hypothesis clearly tests, at the 5 % level of significance, whether or not
there is evidence of a correlation.
(c) Explain what could be said about the criteria these two entrants used when making
their choices.
The values of spearman’s rank correlation coefficient between judges’ orders were
0.6190 and 0.8571 respectively.
(d) State, giving a reason, which of these two types of persons you believe the competition
was aimed at.
x 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
y 9 8 10 12 11 13 14 16 15
Table 1.16
iii. Calculate the coefficient of correlation between the values of x and y and obtain the
lines of regression for the following data.
x 78 89 97 69 59 79 61 61
Table 1.17
iv. Two judges in a beauty contest rank the ten competitors in the following order.
X 6 4 3 1 2 7 9 8 10 5
Y 4 1 6 7 5 8 10 9 3 2
Table 1.18
Suggested References
ii. Ajit C. Tamhane and Dorothy D. Dunlop (2000) Statistics and Data Analysis (from
Elementary to Intermediate) PRENTICE HALL, Upper Saddle River , p347 - 384
iii. Allan G. Bluman, (2009), Elementary Statistics A Step by Step Approach, (seventh
iv. Murray R. Spiegel and Larry J. Stephens (2009) Statistics (fourth Edition) SCHAUM‟S
SERIES P316 -352,
Purpose: to equip the learner with sampling techniques and identifying the confidence
interval for the mean, proportion and standard deviation.
Objective: By the end of his chapter, the learner should be able to:-
b) Determine the maximum sample size for finding a confidence interval for the mean.
e) Determine the minimum sample size for finding a confidence interval for a proportion.
Population or universe or census in statistics I used to refer to any collection of individuals or
their attributes or of results of operations which can be numerically specified. A population
containing a finite number of individuals or members is called a finite population. A population
with infinite number of members is known as infinite population.
A part or small section selected from the population is called a sample and the process of such
selection is called sampling. The aim of the theory of sampling is to get as much information as
possible, ideally the whole of the information about the population from which the sample has
been drawn. Given the form of the parent population we would like to estimate the parameters of
the population or specify the limits within which the population parameters are expected to lie
with a specified degree of confidence.
The fundamental assumption underlying most of the theory of sampling is random sampling
which consists in selecting the individuals from the population in such a way that each individual
of the population has the same chance of being selected.
(i) Purposive sampling in which sampling attributes may be regarded as the drawing of
samples from a population whose members possess the attribute A or not –A. for
example in sampling from a population of men, persons who are smokers and non-
smokers. The choosing or drawing of an individual in sampling may be called an
„event‟ or „trial‟ and the possession of the specified attribute A by the individual
selected a “success”.
(ii) Random sampling -
(iii)Simple sampling we mean random sampling in which each event has the same
probability ρ of success and the probability of an event is independent of the success
or failure of events in the preceding trials. For example counting the number of
success in the throwing of a dice or tossing of a coin is a case of simple sampling.
(iv)Stratified sampling.
This is clearly identical with that a series of, n, independent trials and with constant probability ρ
of success. The probabilities of 0, 1, 2, ------ n success are the terms in the binomial expansion of
(q p) n where (q 1 p)
The distribution so obtained is called sampling distribution of the number of successes in the
sample. The expected value or the mean value, of the number of successes is therefore np and
the standard deviation (also called the standard error) of the number of successes is
By the proportion of successes in a sample, we mean the number of successes divided by the
number of members in the sample. The mean and the standard error of the proportion of
successes can be obtained by dividing the corresponding results for the number of success by n .
Standard error of the proportion of success =
2.4 Large samples: Testing the significance for a single proportion
Suppose large number n of independent x trials. The probability of success in each success in
each trial is p
X ~ B(n, p)
Assuming the hypothesis to be correct
x np
Z is distributed as a standard normal variation.
Example 2.1: In a locality of 18000 families a sample of 840 families was selected, of these 840
families, 206 families were found to have a monthly income of Ksh7000 or less. It is desired to
estimate how many out of the 18000 families have a monthly income of Ksh3000 or less. Within
what limits would you place your estimate.
p = proportion of families having monthly income of Ksh3000
206 103
p 0 245 q 0 755
840 420
Assume that the condition of this problem will give a simple sample.
Mean = np = 18000 420 4414.29
Standard Error (S.E) of the proportion of families having monthly income of Ksh3000
0.245 0755
0.015 1.5%
Hence taking 0.245 to be the estimate of the families having a monthly income of Ksh3000 or
less the limits are 24.5% (3 1.5)% = 20% and 29% between 3600 and 5220 families.
Exercise 2
1. A sample of 10 measurements of the diameter of a sphere gave a mean x 438
centimeters (cm) and a standard deviation S = 0.06 cm. find the (a) 95% and (b) 99%
confidence limits for the actual diameter.
2. The intelligence quotients (IQs) of 16 students from one area of a city showed a mean
of 107 and a standard deviation of 10, while IQ of 14 students from another area of the
city showed a mean of 112 and a standard deviation of 8. Is there a significant
difference between IQs of the two groups at significance level of (a) 0.01 and (b) 0.05?
3. The standard deviation of the life times of a sample of 200electric light bulbs in 100
hours. Find the (a) 95% and (b) 99% confidence limits for the standard deviation of all
such electric light bulbs.
4. A survey of 1721 people found that 15.9% of individuals purchase religious book at a
Christian bookstore. Find the 95% confidence of the true proportion of people who
purchase their religious books at a Christian book store.
Suggested References
2. Ajit C. Tamhane and Dorothy D. Dunlop (2000) Statistics and Data Analysis (from
Elementary to Intermediate) PRENTICE HALL, Upper Saddle River , p197 -208
4. Murray R. Spiegel and Larry J. Stephens (2009) Statistics (fourth Edition) SCHAUM‟S
SERIES P203 -207,
Purpose: - The learner should be able to state and test hypothesis to make decision
based on the sample data.
Objective:- After completing this chapter, the learner should be able to:-
i) Explain the relationship between type I and type II errors and the powers of a test.
3.1 Introduction:-
In hypotheses testing, the researcher must define the population under study, state the particular
hypotheses that will be investigated, give the significance level, select a sample from the
population, collect the data, perform the calculations required for the statistical test, and reach a
Hypotheses concerning parameter such as means and proportions can be investigated. The three
methods used to test hypotheses are:-
Traditional method
A hypothesis is an assumption, belief, or opinion which may or may not be true. E.g. it may be
believed that a given drug cures 90% of the patients taking it or the average height of soldiers in
the army is 168cms. The testing of a statistical hypothesis is the process by which this belief or
opinion is tested by statistical means. We accept the hypothesis as being true, when it is
supported by the sample data. We reject the hypothesis when the sample data fail to support it.
An alternative hypothesis is any other hypothesis which we are willing to accept when the null
hypothesis Ho is rejected, denoted by H1 or HA
H o : 150cms , then H 1 : 150cms or H 1 : > 150cms or H 1 : < 150cms
region. The value(s) that separates the critical region from the acceptance region is called the
critical value(s).
A legal analogy
In court trial, the supposition of law is that the accused (the defendant) is innocent. (Ho).
After having heard the evidence presented during the trial, the judge arrives at a decision.
Suppose that the accused is, in fact, innocent (Ho is true but the finding of the judge is guilty. The
judge has rejected a true null hypothesis and in so doing has made a type I error. If, on the hand,
the accused is, in fact, guilty (i.e. Ho is false) and finding of the judge is innocent, the judge has
accepted a false null hypothesis and by accepting a false hypothesis, he has committed a type II
The probability of making a type I error is conventionally denoted by α and that of committing α
type II error is indicated by β.
Figure 3.1
The probabilities of α and β are the shaded and dotted areas respectively of the distributions
under the null hypothesis and under the alternative hypothesis.
The significance level of a test is the probability used as a standard for rejecting a null hypothesis
Ho is assumed to be true. The value α is known as the size of the critical region, which is most
The following table gives critical values of z for both one- tailed and two- tailed tests at various
levels of significance
Level of 0.10 0.05 0.01 0.005 0.0002
Critical value of -1.28 - -2.33 -2.58 -2.88
z for one tailed 1.650
tests 1.28 2.33 2.58 2.88
Critical value of -1.645 -1.96 -2.58 2.81 -3.08
z for two tailed And And And And And
tests 1.645 1.96 2.58 2.81 3.08
Table 3.2
3.10 Tests of hypothesis involving large samples are based on the following assumptions.
(i) The sampling distribution of statistic is approximately normal
(ii) Values given by the samples are sufficiently close to the population value and can be
used in its place for the standard error of the estimate.
Example 3.1: The mean lifetime of a sample of 100 light tubes produced by a company is found
to be 1570 hours with standard deviation of 80 hours. Test the hypothesis that the mean lifetime
of the tubes produced by the company is 1600 hrs.
At 95% level of confidence
1554.3 to 1585.7
As the population mean 1600 lies outside these limits so the null hypothesis is rejected.
Alterative method
The null hypothesis is that there is no
difference between the sample mean and
hypothetical population mean
Figure 3.3
x s
z , where x [since is unknown for large sample]
x n
1570 1600
z 3.75
The critical value z 1.96 for a two tailed test at 5% level of significance
Since the computed value of z 3.75 falls in the rejection region
Example 3.2: A child welfare officer asserts that the mean sleep of young babies is 14 hours a
day. A random sample of 64 babies shows that the mean sleep was only 13 hours 30 minutes
with standard deviation of 3 hours. At 5% level of significance, test the assertion that mean sleep
of babies is less than 14 hours a day.
H0:μ=14 hours
H0:μ< 14 hours
This is one tailed test as we are interested in the left hand tail of the distribution.
13 3 14 3
1 2
x 2 8 16
z =
x 3 3 3 3 9
64 8
z Should be within 1.645 at 5% level of significance H1 is accepted
Figure 3.4
Exercise 3
1. (a) Write short notes on the following: -
(i) Null and alternative hypothesis
(ii) One tailed and two tailed tests
(iii) Type I and type II errors
Suggested References
2. Ajit C. Tamhane and Dorothy D. Dunlop (2000) Statistics and Data Analysis (from
Elementary to Intermediate) PRENTICE HALL, Upper Saddle River , p237 – 256
4. Murray R. Spiegel and Larry J. Stephens (2009) Statistics (fourth Edition) SCHAUM‟S
SERIES P245- 277,
1. A group of 25 students took examinations in both pure mathematics and statistics. Their
marks out of 150 in mathematics, x, and in statistics, y, were recorded and are
summarised below.
∑ x = 1978, ∑ x2 = 175840 ∑ y = 2123 ∑ y2 = 202257 ∑ xy = 181572
3. The breaking strengths of cables produced by manufacturer have a mean of 1800 Kg and
a standard deviation of 100 Kg. by a new technique in the manufacturing process, it is
claimed that breaking strength can be increased. To test this claim, a sample of 50 cables
is tested and it is found that the mean breaking strength is 1850Kg. can we support the
claim at the 0.01 significance level?
[6 marks]
4. Given that H0: ≤ 15
H1: > 15
i. At 0.02 , what is the critical value for z and what is the rejection rule?
ii. Compute the value of the test statistics z
Purpose: - The learner should be able to test differences between two means,
proportions and variances using z-Test
After the end of this chapter, you should be able to:-
Test the difference between two means for independent samples, using the t –test
H0: Po=0.5
H0:Po≠ 0.5
Po is the population proportion.
Figure 4.1
pq (0.50)(0.49)
p 0.025
n 400
Or 0.451 to 0.0549
A sample proportion lies between these limits, the null hypothesis is accepted.
Example 4.2 A sales clerk in a departmental store claims that 60% of the shoppers entering the
store leave without make a purchase. A random sample of 50 shoppers showed that 35 of them
left without buying anything. Are the sample results consistent with the claim of the sales clerk?
Use a level of significance of 0.05
H0: Po=0.6
H0:Po≠ 0.6
p 0.7
p p o 0.7 0.60
z 1.44
po qo (0.6)(0.4)
n 50
This is one tailed test so the critical value of z is 1.645 at 5% level of confidence. Since the
computed value of z =1.44 which is less than the critical value of z = 1.645, therefore the null
hypothesis cannot be rejected. Hence based on this sample data, we cannot reject the claim of the
sales clerk.
Example 4.3: A firm purchases a very large quantity of metal off cuts and wishes to know the
average weight an off cut. A random sample of 625 off cuts is weighed and it is found that the
mean sample weight is 150 grams with a sample standard deviation of 30 grams. What is the
estimate of the population mean and what is the standard error of the mean. What would be the
standard error if the sample size was 1225?
The sample mean is 150g so that the estimate of the population mean is 150g
x 150 ̂ 150 g Since n >30
s 30
Standard error of the mean = 1.2 gms
n 625
When n 1225
sx 0.857 gms.
It will be seen that increasing the sample size reduces the standard error. This accord with
common sense, we would expect a larger sample to be better than a smaller one.
x 150 g And s x 1.2 g
x 1.96s x
150 1.96(1.2)
150 2.35
This means that we are 95% confident that the populations mean lies within the confidence zone;
somewhere between 147.65gm and 152.35g
At 99% confidence level the limits are 150 2.58(1.2 gms )
Range from 146.9 to 153.1gms.
Example 4.4 A random sample of 400 rail passengers is taken and 55% are in favour of proposed
new timetables. With 95% confidence what proportion of all rail passengers are In favour of the
n 400 p 0.55 q 1 0.55 0.45
0.55 1.96(0.025)
0.55 0.049
= 0.501 to 0.599
Example 4.5 It is required to test hypothesis that 50% of households have freezers. A random
sample of 400 households found that 54% of the sample had freezers. The significance level is
H0: ∏=50% of all house holds.
H0: ∏≠ 50% of all house holds.
pq 0.5 0.5
s ps 0.025
n 400
0.54 0.50
z 1.6
At the 5% level of significance for a two- tailed the appropriate value 1.96
As the calculated z score is 1.6 we can say that difference is not significant and that Ho should
not be rejected.
4.2 Hypothesis Testing of the Difference between Two Means
Where two random samples are taken, frequently it is required to know if there is a significant
difference between the two means. This hypothesis test follows the general pattern except that,
the standard error calculations differs.
The distribution of sample mean differences is normally distributed and remains normally
distributed whatever the distribution of the populations from which the samples are drawn.
Where n >30 i.e. large samples, the normal area tables are used, when n < 30, the t distribution
s A 2 sB 2
Standard error of the difference of means = s X A X B
nA nB
S( X A XB )
Example 4.6 Machine A and machine B produce identical components and it is required to test if
the mean diameter of the components is the same. A random sample of 144 from machine A had
a mean of 36.40mm and a standard deviation of 3.6mm, whilst a random sample of 225 from
machine B had a mean of 36.90mm and a standard deviation of 2.9mm. Are the means
significantly different at the 5% level?
I.e. as we are not concerned with the direction of the variation this is a two tail test.
3.6 2 2.9 2
s X A XB 0.357
144 225
36.40 36.90
z 1.401 (Ho would be accepted)
The score for a two failed test at 5% level is 1.96 as the calculated z score of 1.4 is within
this value there is nothing to suggest that there is any difference between.
Sample 1 Sample
Sample size n1 n2
Sample proportion of p1 p2
Population proportion 1 2
of success
Table 4.1
The null hypothesis will be ∏1 =∏2 i.e. that the two samples are from the same population. This
being so the best estimate of the standard error of the difference of p1 and p2 is given by polling
the samples and finding the pooled sample proportion thus.
p1 n1 p 2 n 2
n1 n 2
And the Standard error is
pq pq
s P! P2
n1 n2
But where the null hypothesis is ∏1 =∏2 the second part of he numerator disappears.
Example 4.7 A market research agency take a sample of 1000 people and finds that 200 know of
brand X after an advertising campaign a further sample of 1091 people is taken and it is found
that 240 know of brand X.
It is required to know if there has been an increase in the number of people having an awareness
of brand X at the 5% level.
Ho : 2 1
H1 : 2 1 (One tail test)
200 240
P1 0.2 P2 0.22
1000 1091
200 240
P 0.21 q 1 p 1 0.21 0.79
Pooled sample proportion 1000 1091 and
0.20 0.22
z 1.12
The critical value for a one-tailed test at the 5% level is -11.64 so that as the calculated value is
within this value we conclude there is insufficient evidence to reject the null hypothesis.
Example 4.8 in random sample of 100 persons taken from village A, 60 are found to be
consuming tea. In another sample of 200 persons taken from village B, 100 persons are found to
be consuming tea. Do the data reveal significant difference between the two villages so far as
habit of taking tea is concerned?
Let us take the hypothesis that there is no significant difference between the two as far as the
habit of taking tea is concerned i.e. ∏1 =∏2
We are given
x1 60
P1 0.6, n1 100
n1 100
x 100
P1 2 0.5, n2 200
n 2 200
q 1 0.53 0.47
pq pq (0.53)(0.47) (0.53)(0.47)
P! P2 0.0608
n1 n2 100 200
Example 4.9 Suppose that you are as a purchase manager for a company. The following
information has been supplied to you by two manufactures of electric bulbs: -
Company A Company
Mean life (in hours) 1300 1248
Standard deviation 82 93
(in hours)
Sample size 100 100
Table 4.3
Which brand of bulbs are you going to purchase if you desire to take a risk of 5%?
Solution: let us take the hypothesis that there is no significant difference in the quality of the
brands of bulbs.
H o : 1 2
. H 1 : 1 2
Since our computed value z = 4.19 is greater than critical value of z= 1.96
(5% level) we reject the null hypothesis, hence the quality of two brands of bulbs differ
Example 4.10: A sample of 100 motor car tyres has a mean of 20,000 miles and a standard
deviation of 800 miles. A second sample of 150 miles has a mean life of 22,000 miles and
standard deviation of 900 miles.
Is it true to say that the two samples were drawn from the same population?
Sample A Sample B
x 20,000 22,000
S2 8002 9002
n 100 150
Table 4.4
The samples were drawn from the same sample
H o : 1 2 0
H 1 : 1 2 0 Samples are not drawn from the sample population.
= 108.6
z values 1.96
Under Ho, and at 0.05 level of significance with a two-tailed test, critical
Same population, since the calculated
z value falls in the rejection region
Figure 4.2
(1) For every increase in the number of degrees of freedom, there is a new χ2 – distribution.
(2) This possesses additive property so that when χ2 and χ22 are independent and have a chi-
square distribution with n1 and n2 degree of freedom, χ21+ χ22 will also be distributed as a chi-
square distribution n1+n2 degrees of freedom.
(3) Where the d.f is 30 and less, the distribution of χ2 is skewed. But, for degrees of freedom
greater than 30 in a distribution, the values of χ2 are normally distributed.
(4) The χ2 function has only one parameter, the number of degrees of freedom. The χ2
distribution is positively skewed on the right, especially when the number of degrees of
freedom is small.
(5) χ2 distribution is a continuous probability distribution which has the value zero at its lower
limit and extends to infinity in the positive direction. Negative value of χ2 is not possible
because the differences between the observed and expected frequencies are always squared.
4.4 Chi-square test
The χ2 test is one of the simplest and most widely used non-parametric tests in statistical
work. It makes no assumptions about the population being sampled. The quantity χ2
describes the magnitude of discrepancy between theory and observation, i.e. with the help of
χ2 test we can know whether a given discrepancy between theory and observation can be
attributed to chance or whether it results from the inadequacy of the theory to fit the observed
facts. If χ2 is zero, it means that the observed and expected frequencies completely coincide.
The greater the value of χ2 the greater would be the discrepancy between observed and
expected frequencies.
(O E ) 2
The calculated value of χ2 is compared with the table value of χ2 for given degrees of
freedom at specified level of significance. If the calculated value of χ2 is greater than the
table value, the difference between theory and observation is considered to be significant.
On the other hand, if the calculated value of χ2 is less than the table value, the difference
between theory and observation is not considered significant, i.e. it could have arisen due to
fluctuations of sampling.
(1) The experimental data (sample observation) must be independent of each other.
(2) The sample data must be drawn at random from the target population
(3) The data should be expressed in original units for convenience of comparison, and not in
percentage or ratio form.
(5) There should not be less than five observations in any one cell.
Example 4.12: A random sample of 400 householders is classified by two characteristics:
whether they own a colour television and by what type of householder (i.e. owner –occupier,
private tenant, council tenant). The results of this investigation are given below:
Ho: The two classifications are independent. (I.e. no relation between classes of householder and
TV ownership)
The expected frequency in each cell in the table is found by apportioning the total of the type of
house holder in the ratio of colour TV: no occurs TV
To find the appropriate χ2 value from tables, this is done by establishing ѵ, the degree of
Ѵ = (rows-1) (columns-1)
The value of the cut-off point of χ2 for 2 degrees of freedom is 5.999. As calculated value 67.11
is greater than the table value we reject the null hypothesis and accept there is a connection
between the type of house holder and colour TV ownership.
Example 4.13
The last three classes should be combined together after grouping the position would be as
Ѵ = (2-1) (6-2) = 4
Example 23: Test the hypothesis that the number of parts demanded does not depend on the day
of t he week. In a sample study the following information was obtained:
Test the hypothesis that the number of parts demanded does not depend on the day of the week.
(The table value of χ2 for S d.f at 5% level of significance is 11.071
Ho: The number of parts demanded does not depend on the day of the week
The numbers of spare parts demanded in a week are 6720 and if all days are same we should
expect 6 i.e. 1120 spare parts on each day of the week.
The table value of χ2 for 5 d.f at 5% level of significance is 11.07. The computed value of χ2 is
much less than the table value. The hypothesis is accepted and we conclude that the demand for
spare parts is independent of the day of the week.
Example4.14: A survey of 320 families with S children each revealed the following distribution.
No of boys 5 4 3 2 1 0
No of girls 0 1 2 3 4 5
No of families 14 56 110 88 40 12
Table 4.14
Is this result consistent with the hypothesis that make and female births are equally probable?
On the assumption that male and female births are equally probable, the probability of a male is
The expected number of families can be calculated by the use of binomial distribution.
2 ~ B(5, 1 2 )
f ( x) 5 C x p x q 5 x x 0,1,2,3,4,5
1 , for [ p q 1 ]
5 Cx ( ) 5 2
To get the expected frequencies, multiply f(x) by the total number N=320
1 5 C1 ( 1 2) 5 5 32 50 56 36 0.72
4 5C 4 ( 1 2) 5 5 32 50 40 100 2.0
Table 4.15
(O E)
The table value of χ2 for ѵ = 6-1 = 5 at 5% level of significance is 11.07. The computed value of
χ2=7.16 is less than the table value. Therefore, the hypothesis is accepted. Thus, it can be
conclude that male and female births are equally probable.
4.5 Testing The Hypothesis For Equality Of Two Variances
The test for equality of two population variances is based on the variances in two independent by
selected random samples drawn from two normal populations.
Which follows F-distribution with ѵ1 and ѵ2 degrees of freedom, It is convenient to place larger
If the computed value of F exceeds the table value of F, we reject the null hypothesis. I.e. The
alternate hypothesis is accepted.
Example 4.15: Two sources of raw materials are under consideration by a company. Both
sources seem to have similar characteristics, but the company is not sure about their respective
uniformity. A sample of 10 lots from source A yields a variance of 225 and a sample of 11 lots
from sources B yields a variance of 200. Is it likely that the variance of source A is significantly
greater than the variance of sources B at α = 0.01?
H0 : 1 22
Null hypothesis the variance of source A and that of source B are same
H1 : 1 2
2 2
S 12
F 2 , where is S 1 225
, S 2 200
F 1.125
The table value of F for ѵ1=9 and ѵ2=10 at 1% level of significance is 4.94. Since the computed
value of F is smaller than the table value of F. the null hypothesis is accepted. Hence the
population variances of the two populations are the same.
Is the new process more consistent than the old at the 5% level?
n1 10 n2 12
Table 4.16
Alternative hypothesis H 1 : 2 1 , that the new process is more consistent than the old.
2 2
S 25
Fscore 1 2 1.42
S2 17.64
Therefore, the null hypothesis cannot be rejected. Based on the sample results there is no
significant difference between the two processes.
Exercise 4
1. (a) A survey found that the average hotel room rate in Mombasa is KSh7, 500 and the
average room rate in Nakuru is KSh6850. Assume that the data were obtained from
two samples of 50 hotels each and that the standard deviations of the populations are
KSh475 and KSh410 respectively. At α = 0.05, can it be concluded that there is a
significant difference in the rates?
(b) Find the 95% confidence interval for the difference between the means for the data
in example above.
2. Explain the difference between testing a single mean and testing the difference
between two means.
A random sample of size 36 was taken from a population distributed N (μ, 3.92). The value of
Sample mean x was 15.6
(a) Find a 90% confidence interval for μ. it is believed that the value of μ is 17.0
Left Right
handed handed
Age ≤ 40 17 93
Age > 40 5 85
Table 4.17
Stating your hypothesis clearly test the social historian’s belief. Use a 5% level of
Suggested References
2. Ajit C. Tamhane and Dorothy D. Dunlop (2000) Statistics and Data Analysis (from
Elementary to Intermediate) PRENTICE HALL, Upper Saddle River , p 591 – 593
4. Murray R. Spiegel and Larry J. Stephens (2009) Statistics (fourth Edition) SCHAUM‟S
Purpose: - to Equip the student with information how to use nonparametric tests
Statistical tests such as z, t and F tests are called parametric tests. Parametric tests are statistical
tests for population parameters such as means, variances and proportions that involve
assumptions about populations from which the sample were selected. However, Statisticians
have developed a branch of statistics known as nonparametric statistics or distribution statistics
free to use when the population from which the samples are drawn is not normally distributed.
Nonparametric statics can also be used to test hypothesis that do not involve specific population
parameters, such as
1. They can be used to test population parameters when the variable is not normally
3. They can be used to test hypotheses that do not involve population parameters.
4. In some cases, the computations are easier than those for the parametric counterparts.
1. They are less sensitive than their parametric counterparts when the assumptions of the
parametric methods met. Therefore, larger differences are needed before the null
hypotheses can be rejected.
3. They are less efficient than their parametric counterparts when the assumptions of the
parametric methods are met.
Example5.1. A convenience store owner hypothesis that the median number of scones she sells
per day is 40. A random sample of 20days yields the following data for the number of scones
sold each day.
18 43 40 16 22
30 29 32 37 36
39 34 39 45 28
36 40 34 39 52
At α =0.05, test the owner‟s hypothesis.
Step 2: Find the critical value. Compare each value of the data with the median. If the value is
greater than the median, replace the value with a plus sign and vice versa. The completed table
- + 0 - -
- - - - -
- - - + -
- 0 - - +
Table 5.2
Using n =18 (omit the zeros) and α =0.05 for two -tailed test, the critical value is 4.
Step 3: Compute the test value. Count the number of plus and minus signs obtained in step, and
uses the smaller value as he test value. Since there are 3 plus signs and 15 minus signs, 3 is the
test value.
Step 4: Make the decision. Compare the test value 3 with critical value 4. The null hypotheses is
rejected since 3 < 4
Step 5: Summarize the results. There is enough evidence to reject the claim that the median
number of scones sold per day is 40
Wilcoxon signed Rank test the population of differences assumed to have a symmetric
distribution. In the wilcoxon tests, the values of the data for both samples are combined
and then ranked. If the null hypothesis is true – meaning that there is no difference in the
population distributions – then the values in each sample should be ranked approximately
the same. Therefore, when the ranks are summed for each sample, the sums should be
approximately equal, and the null hypothesis will not be rejected. If there is a large
difference in the sums of the ranks, then the distributions are not identical and the null
hypothesis will be rejected.
The first test to be considered is the wilcoxon rank sum tests for independent samples.
For this test, both sample sizes must be greater than or equal to 10. The formulas needed
for the test are given next.
Formula for the Wilcoxon Rank Sum Test when samples are independent.
n1 (n1 n 2 1)
n1 ≥ 10 and n2 ≥ 10
Note that if both samples are the same size, either size can be used as n1
Example 5.2: Two independent samples of army and navy recruits are selected and the time in
minutes it takes each recruit to complete an obstacle course is recorded as shown in the
table. At α = 0.05, is there any difference in the times it takes the recruits to complete the
Army 15 18 16 17 13 22 24 17 19 21 26 28
Navy 14 9 16 19 10 12 11 8 15 18 15
Table 5.3
Ho: there is no difference in the times it takes the recruits to complete the obstacle course.
H1: there is a difference in the times it takes the recruits to complete the obstacle course.
Step 2: Find the critical value. Since α = 0.05
And this test is a two-tailed test; use the z-values of +1.96 and -1.96 from normal tables.
(a) Combine the data from the two samples, arrange the combined data in order and rank
each value. Be sure to indicate the group.
Time 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 15 16 16 17
Group N N N N N A N A N A N A
Time 17 18 18 19 19 21 22 24 25 26 28
Group A N A A N A A A N A A
Table 5.4
(b) Sum the ranks of the group with the smaller sample size. The sample size for navy is
R = 1+2+3+4+5+7+8.5+10.5+14.5+16.5+21=93
R R 93 132
R 16.2
Step 4: Make the decision. The decision is to reject the null hypothesis, since -2.41 < -1.96
Step 5: Summarize the results. There is enough evidence to support the claim that there is a
difference in times it takes the recruits to complete the course.
Example 29: in a large supermarket, the owner wishes to see whether the number of shop lifting
incidents per day will change if the number of uniformed security officers is doubled. A sample
of 7 days before security is increased and 7 days after the increase shows the number of
shoplifting incidents.
Number of shoplifting
Monday 7 5
Tuesday 2 3
Wednesday 3 4
Thursday 6 3
Friday 5 1
Saturday 8 6
Sunday 12 4
Table 5.5
Is there enough evidence to support the claim, at α = 0.05 that there is a difference in the number
of shoplifting incidents before and after the increase in security?
ranked and that the sums of the ranks for the samples are R1, R2… Rk respectively. If we define
H 3( N 1)
N ( N 1) j 1 N j
2 2 2
12 R R R
( 1 2 ................ k ) 3( N 1)
N ( N 1) n1 n2 nk
Then it can be shown that the sampling distribution of H is very nearly a chi-square distribution
with k-1 degrees of freedom, provided N1, N2, ….Nk are all at least 5.
The H test provides a non parametric method in the analysis of variance for one-way
classification, or one- factor experiments, and generalizations can be made.
A 68 72 77 42 53
B 72 53 63 53 48
C 60 82 64 75 72
D 48 61 57 64 50
E 64 65 70 68 53
Table 5.6
And since each sample consists of five values, we have N1 =N2 =N3 = N4 = N5 and N = 5 x 5 =
By arranging all the values in increasing order of magnitude and assigning appropriate ranks to
the ties, we replace above table with the table below.
Sum of ranks
A 17.5 21 24 1 6.5 70
C 10 25 14 23 21 93
D 2.5 11 9 14 4 40.5
E 14 16 19 17.5 6.5 73
Table 5.7
12 70 2 48.5 2 93 2 40.5 2 73 2
H [ ] 3(25 1)
25(25 1) 5 5 5 5 5
We cannot reject the hypothesis of no difference between machines at the 0.05 level and
certainly cannot reject it at the 0.01 level. Therefore, we can either accept the null hypothesis or
reserve the judgment, that there is no difference between the machines at both levels.
Exercise 5
1. Referring to the table below, test the hypothesis Ho that there is no difference between
machines I and II against the alternative hypothesis H1 that there is a difference at the
0.05 significance level.
Day 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Machine I 47 56 54 49 36 48 51 38 61 49 56 52
Machine 71 63 45 64 50 55 42 46 53 57 75 60
Table 5.8
3. A sample of 40 grades from a statewide examination is shown in table below. Test the
hypothesis at the 0.05 significance level that the median grade for all participants is (a)
66 and (b) 75. Work the problem first by hand, supplying all the details for the sign
test. Follow this with the MINITAB solution to the problem.
71 67 55 64 82 66 74 58 79 61
78 46 84 93 72 54 78 86 48 52
67 95 70 43 70 73 57 64 60 83
73 40 78 70 64 86 76 62 95 66
Table 5.9
4. Referring to the table below, determine whether there is a difference the 0.05
significance level between cables made of alloy I and alloy II. Work the problem first
by hand, supplying all the details for the Mann-Witney U test. Follow this with the
MINITAB solution to the problem.
Alloy I Alloy II
A 68 72 77 42 53
B 72 53 63 53 48
C 60 82 64 75 72
D 48 61 57 64 50
E 64 65 70 68 53
Table 5.11
Suggested References
1. A random sample X1, X2,… X10 is taken from a normal population with mean 100 and
standard deviation 14.
a) Write down the distribution of X , the mean of this sample. (2marks)
b) Find P(| X -100|) > 5 (3marks)
Technical ability 8.5 8.6 9.5 7.5 6.8 9.1 9.4 9.2
The value of the product moment correlation coefficient for these data is 0.774.
a) Stating your hypothesis clearly and using a 1% level of significance, interpret
this value.
b) Calculate the value of the rank correlation coefficient for these data
c) Stating your hypotheses clearly and using a 1% level of significance, interpret
this coefficient. (3marks)
d) Explain why the rank correlation coefficient might be better one to use with
these data.
4. The results of an experiment to investigate the amount of chemical compound, y
grams, that dissolved in 100grams of water as x0C are recorded below
x 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60
y 9 11 13 17 21 24 27 29 31 35 38 42
5. Past records from a large supermarket show that 20% of people who buy chocolate
bars buy the family size bars. On one particular day a random sample of 30 people was
taken from those that had bought chocolate bars and 2 of them were found to have
bought a family size bar.
a) Test at the 5% significance level, whether or not the proportion p, of people who
bought a family size bar of chocolate that day had decreased. State your
hypotheses clearly.
(6 marks)
The manager of the supermarket thinks that the probability of a person buying a
gigantic chocolate bar is only 0.02. To test whether this hypothesis is true the manager
decides to take a random sample of 200 people who bought bars.
b) Find the critical region that would enable the manager to test whether or not
there is evidence that the probability is different from 0.02. The probability of
each tail should be as close to 2.5% as possible. (6 marks)
a) Define a statistic
(2 marks)
A random sample x1, x2 …... xn is taken from a population with unknown mean μ
b) For each of the following state with reason whether or not it is a statistic
x1 x 4
i. (2 marks)
2 (2marks)
c) Two judges in a beauty contest rank the ten competitors in the following order.
x 6 4 3 9 2 7 1 5 10 8
y 4 1 6 7 5 8 2 3 9 10
d) A random sample of size 36 was taken from a population distributed N (μ, 3.92). The
value of the sample x¯ was 15.6.
i. Find a 90% confidence interval for μ (5 marks)
It is believed that value of μ is 17.0
ii. Use your confidence interval to comment on this belief. (2marks)
e) A random sample x1, x2… x10 is taken from a normal population with 100 and standard
deviation 14.
f) A tennis coach believes that taller players are generally capable of hitting faster serves.
To investigate this hypothesis he collects data on the 20 adult male players he coaches.
The height, h, in metres and the speed of each player‟s fastest serve, v, in Km per hour
were recorded and summarized as follows:-
∑h = 36.22, ∑v = 2275, ∑h2 = 65.7396, ∑v2 = 259853 and ∑hv = 4128.03
i. Calculate the Pearson Moment Correlation Coefficient for these data. (4marks)
i. Represent these data on a scatter diagram with T on the vertical axis (4 marks)
ii. Which town‟s shop might appear to be under achieving given the populations of
the towns?
iii. Suggest two other factors that might affect each shop‟s turnover. (2 marks)
2 2
You may assume that ∑P = 264.69, ∑T = 1286 and ∑PT = 574.25.
b) Find the equation of the regression line of T on P
c) Estimate the monthly turnover that might be expected if a shop were opened in Gratton, a
town with a population of 68000 (2marks)
d) Why might the management of Penshop be reluctant to use the regression line to estimate
the monthly turnover they could expect if a shop were opened in Haggin, a town with a
population of 172,000?
Question 3 (20marks)
a) Write shot notes on the following :-
i. Null and alternative hypothesis (2marks)
ii. One tailed and two tailed tests (2marks)
iii. Type I and Type II errors (2marks)
iv. Acceptance and rejection regions (2marks)
b) A sample of 100 motorcar Tyres has a mean of 20000Km and a standard deviation of
800Km. a second sample of 150 Tyres, has a mean life of 22000Km and a standard
deviation of 900 Km.
i. Is it true to say that the two samples were drawn from the same population?
ii. Which is your rejection or acceptance as you conclude about the two populations
Question 4 (20 marks)
a) Explain briefly what you understand by the terms
i. Population
ii. Statistics (2marks)
b) A rugby player scores an average of 0.4 tries per march in which he plays
i. Find the probability that he scores 2 or more tries in a march (5marks)
The team‟s coach moves the player to a different position in the team believing he will then
score more frequently. In the next five marches he scores 6 tries.
ii. Stating your hypothesis clearly, test at the 5% level of significance whether or not
there is evidence of an increase in the number of tries the player scores per match
as a result of playing in a different position (5marks)
c) A child welfare officer asserts that the mean sleep of young babies is 14 hours a day. A
random sample of 64 babies shows that their mean sleep was only 13hours 30 minutes,
with a standard deviation of 3 hours. At 5% level of significance, test the assertion that
mean sleep of babies is less than 14 hours a day. (8marks)
Calculate thee weeks moving averages and six weeks moving averages (5marks)
d) A new diet program claims that participants wi8ll lose on average at least eight pounds
during the week of the program. A random sample of 40 people participating in the
program showed a sample mean weight loss of seven pounds. The sample standard
deviation was 3.2 pounds.
i. What is the rejection rule with 0.05 [3]
ii. What is your conclusion about the claim made by the diet program? [4]
iii. What is the p-value? [3]