BR J Haematol - 2008 - Chee - Guidelines On The Assessment of Bleeding Risk Prior To Surgery or Invasive Procedures
BR J Haematol - 2008 - Chee - Guidelines On The Assessment of Bleeding Risk Prior To Surgery or Invasive Procedures
BR J Haematol - 2008 - Chee - Guidelines On The Assessment of Bleeding Risk Prior To Surgery or Invasive Procedures
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Y. L. Chee, J. C. Crawford, H. G. Watson1 and M. Greaves3
Department of Haematology, Aberdeen Royal Infirmary, Aberdeen, 2Department of Anaesthetics, Southern General Hospital, Glasgow,
and 3Department of Medicine and Therapeutics, School of Medicine, University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen, UK
Table II. Studies of patients with abnormal PT undergoing preinvasive procedures extracted from Segal and Dzik (2005) (see original paper for
deficiencies of factors VIII, IX, and XI and inhibitors of the (PFA-100), the thrombelastogram and measures of endogenous
intrinsic and common pathway factors (including lupus thrombin potential. Presently, these methods are not used
anticoagulant and therapeutic anticoagulants). Inevitably, it routinely and have not been validated for use in a preoperative
also detects deficiency of factor XII. setting. For these reasons, they are not reviewed further here.
time. In the absence of relevant clinical information, Detection of disorders that are not associated with a bleeding
unnecessary further investigations may be prompted, tendency: Two common causes of prolonged APTT in the
generating delay, anxiety, cost and potential harm. general population are factor XII deficiency and the lupus
The PT and APTT tests were designed as diagnostic tests to anticoagulant inhibitor. Neither is associated with bleeding.
confirm the clinical suspicion of a bleeding disorder. This is Test sensitivity to lupus anticoagulant and factor XII deficiency
different from their use as screening tests in healthy populations varies depending on choice of reagents.
where the prevalence of unsuspected bleeding disorders is low.
Insensitivity to some clinically important bleeding disorders: For
reasons explained below, mild, but clinically significant Technical variability: Differences in the composition of the PT
haemophilia A or VWD may be missed, resulting in false reagent can result in variable sensitivity. The same constraints
reassurance. Although of much lower prevalence, factor XIII relating to the ability to detect factor deficiencies apply as in
deficiency and alpha2-antiplasmin deficiency may cause life- the APTT. Similarly, some reagent/instrument combinations
threatening surgical bleeding with normal APTT, PT and skin result in prolongation of the coagulation time only when a
bleeding time. However, most patients will have a positive relevant factor level drops to less than 30 iu/dl.
bleeding history.
Detection of disorders that are not associated with a bleeding
Artefact due to sample collection or pathological tendency: Prolongation of PT is an occasional manifestation of
conditions: Erroneous coagulation results can be caused by lupus anticoagulant.
prolonged tourniquet placement, difficult or traumatic
phlebotomy, inadequate sample volumes, heparin
Skin bleeding time
contamination, prolonged storage, sampling from a line and
failure to adjust the amount of citrate anticoagulant when the Technical variability: Despite attempts at standardization, the
haematocrit is significantly raised. Repeat testing with attention test remains poorly reproducible and subject to a large number
to technique, and ideally by direct venepuncture should exclude of variables. Technique-related factors include location and
most of these artefacts. Burk et al (1992) found 35 abnormal direction of the incision.
test results (either PT, APTT, BT or a combination) in 1603
prospectively screened preoperative patients. Only 15 (43%) of Poor sensitivity and specificity: The skin bleeding time does not
these abnormal results persisted on retesting 7–10 d later. necessarily reflect bleeding from any other site. A range of
commonly encountered patient-related factors can prolong
Specific limitations. APTT skin bleeding time without any clear relationship to bleeding
risk. These include medications (aspirin and other non-
Technical variability: The two main factors are the use of steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs), severe renal failure,
different APTT reagents and different end-point detection thrombocytopenia, paraproteinaemia and severe anaemia.
methods. APTT reagents vary enormously in their Similarly, the bleeding time may be within the normal range
phospholipid content and activator, resulting in significant in VWD, platelet storage pool disorder and in aspirin users, but
differences in the sensitivity of reagents to coagulation factor increased perioperative bleeding may still occur (Lind, 1991).
deficiencies and inhibitors, especially lupus anticoagulants, but
also heparin. Ideally, for screening purposes, the assay should From the above, it is clear that coagulation tests have
be set up to detect any clinically significant deficiency of factor considerable limitations due to technical factors, insensitivity
VIII (i.e. the lower limit of the normal range for the local to some significant bleeding disorders and sensitivity to some
population, usually around 45–50 iu/dl). However, some common abnormalities that carry no bleeding risk.
reagent/instrument combinations result in prolongation of
the APTT only when the factor VIII concentration is less than
Predictive value of coagulation screening tests
30 iu/dl. Mild, but clinically significant haemophilia A or
VWD may be missed, resulting in false reassurance. Further,
Predictive value of coagulation tests for postoperative
sensitivity of the APTT to common pathway factor
deficiencies, especially fibrinogen and prothrombin, is low.
We calculated the positive predictive value (PPV) and negative
Disease and/or physiological variability: Clinically important predictive value (NPV) of a prolonged clotting time for
diseases may be modified or masked by physiological response. postoperative bleeding and the postoperative bleeding rates of
For example, factor VIII rises markedly in pregnancy and in patients with and without a prolonged clotting time (nine
response to physical stress and trauma. This results in a studies, Tables I and III) (Suchman & Mushlin, 1986; Manning
shortening of the APTT, which may mask the detection of mild et al,1987; Burk et al, 1992; Kang et al, 1994; Houry et al,
haemophilia A and VWD. 1995; Myssiorek & Alvi, 1996; Howells et al, 1997; Gabriel
Table III. Predictive value and likelihood ratios for the value of clotting tests or bleeding history in predicting postoperative bleeding and bleeding rate for patients with abnormal and normal coagulation
PPV and LR+ of coagulation test for PPV and LR+ of bleeding history
postoperative bleeding (95% CI) for postoperative bleeding (95% CI) Absolute risk
difference for
bleeding rate
Bleeding rate Bleeding rate between patients
for patients for patients with and without 95% CI of absolute risk
with abnormal with normal abnormal difference for bleeding rate*
Reference PPV LR+ PPV LR+ coagulation test coagulation test coagulation test (upper limit, lower limit)
Gabriel et al (2000) 0Æ16 (0Æ08–0Æ28) 1Æ65 (0Æ82–3Æ30) 0Æ23 (0Æ06–0Æ54) 2Æ64 (0Æ73–9Æ48) 0Æ174 0Æ100 0Æ074 )0Æ014, 0Æ210
Houry et al (1995) 0Æ04 (0Æ03–0Æ07) 1Æ33 (0Æ91–1Æ93) 0Æ04 (0Æ03–0Æ06) 1Æ27 (0Æ99–1Æ64) 0Æ045 0Æ032 0Æ013 )0Æ005, 0Æ036
Burk et al (1992) 0Æ06 (0Æ01–0Æ23) 2Æ84 (0Æ70–11Æ47) n/a n/a 0Æ065 0Æ023 0Æ042 )0Æ012, 0Æ206
Asaf et al (2001)
PT 0Æ09 (0Æ05–0Æ16) 0Æ94 (0Æ56–1Æ57) n/a n/a 0Æ091 0Æ099 )0Æ008 )0Æ070, 0Æ069
APTT 0Æ11 (0Æ05–0Æ23) 1Æ18 (0Æ59–2Æ40) n/a n/a 0Æ115 0Æ095 0Æ020 )0Æ056, 0Æ138
Howells et al (1997) 0Æ03 (0Æ00–0Æ15) 0Æ95 (0Æ15–6Æ00) 0Æ13 (0Æ01–0Æ53) 4Æ7 (0Æ64–34Æ68) 0Æ026 0Æ027 )0Æ001 )0Æ043, 0Æ125
Myssiorek and Alvi (1996) 0Æ14 (0Æ03–0Æ44) 5Æ10 (1Æ18–21Æ96) n/a n/a 0Æ143 0Æ030 0Æ113 )0Æ006, 0Æ408
Kang et al (1994) 0Æ22 (0Æ09–0Æ43) 4Æ45 (1Æ86–10Æ63) n/a n/a 0Æ222 0Æ056 0Æ166 0Æ037, 0Æ372
Manning et al (1987) 0Æ03 (0Æ01–0Æ13) 0Æ95 (0Æ24–3Æ74) n/a n/a 0Æ035 0Æ036 )0Æ001 )0Æ034, 0Æ094
Suchman and Mushlin (1986) 0Æ03 (0Æ01–0Æ05) 2Æ08 (1Æ21–3Æ57) 0Æ02 (0Æ01–0Æ03) 5Æ04 (3Æ48–7Æ31) 0Æ026 0Æ010 0Æ016 0Æ001, 0Æ041
PPV, positive predictive value; LR+, likelihood ratio for a positive test; n/a, not available; CI, confidence interval.
*Newcombe (1998) after EB Wilson, 1927 (with continuity correction).
Significant difference at alpha £0Æ05
et al, 2000; Asaf et al, 2001). In these studies, coagulation post hoc power calculation. Finally, publication bias is not
testing was performed routinely in all patients. Two studies excluded by the review methodology employed, although
excluded patients on antithrombotics (Houry et al, 1995; this is unlikely to have been a significant factor as all
Howells et al, 1997) and three studies excluded patients with the published studies are negative from the point of view of
a known history of coagulopathy (Suchman & Mushlin, 1986; the clinical utility of coagulation tests. In addition, the
Manning et al,1987; Asaf et al, 2001) The PPV of a prolonged patients included are probably representative of the general
clotting time for postoperative bleeding ranged from 0Æ03 to population and overall conclusions are in keeping with our
0Æ22. The likelihood ratio for a positive test (LR+) ranged from current understanding of the limitations of coagulation
0Æ94 to 5Æ10 and when limited to the three prospective studies, testing.
the LR+ was low (range 1Æ33–2Æ84) with 95% confidence Based on the evidence, the practice of indiscriminate
intervals crossing 1Æ0 in all three studies. Moreover, the coagulation testing is not justifiable, at least for the popula-
postoperative bleeding rates in patients with and without tion of preoperative patients included in this systematic
a prolonged clotting time were inconsistent but similar review. Although some defend it as a means of avoiding
(Table III). litigation, it has been demonstrated that 30–95% of unex-
pected laboratory results from screening tests are either not
Paediatric tonsillectomy. Coagulation testing has been documented or not pursued further (Muskett & McGreevy,
considered especially important in paediatric surgical practice 1986; Johnson & Mortimer, 2002). Therefore, random
where patients may not have been exposed to any prior screening could potentially increase rather than reduce the
haemostatic challenge. Six of nine studies identified consisted risk of litigation. There is also a perception that coagulation
only of paediatric tonsillectomy patients and, in all six, tests are inexpensive. While this may be true for individual
coagulation tests were performed routinely in all patients tests, the cumulative cost is considerable, especially when the
independent of bleeding history (Manning et al,1987; Burk financial cost of consequential additional unnecessary tests
et al,1992; Kang et al, 1994; Howells et al, 1997; Gabriel et al, and delays to treatment are considered. We did not include
2000; Asaf et al, 2001).The PPV of a prolonged clotting time patients undergoing surgery conventionally associated with a
for postoperative bleeding ranged from 0Æ03 to 0Æ22 (Table III). higher risk of morbidity or mortality from bleeding compli-
The LR+ ranged from 0Æ94 to 4Æ45 and when limited to the two cations e.g. intracranial, neurosurgical or ophthamological
prospective studies, the LR+ was low (1Æ65 and 2Æ8) with surgery, as the few studies that have been published did not
confidence intervals that crossed 1Æ0 in both studies. In fulfil the inclusion criteria. Although some will argue that
addition, the postoperative bleeding rates in paediatric patients these patients justify screening regardless of their clinical
with and without a prolonged clotting time were similar history, the same disadvantage of routine screening will apply
(Table III). i.e. poor sensitivity and specificity. In the absence of good
quality evidence to guide practice, the authors propose that if
Testing before invasive procedures. Recently Segal and Dzik routine screening is practiced, robust mechanisms to follow-
(2005) performed an evidence-based review of the ability of up on the results of the tests with appropriate management
a prolonged PT/raised International Normalized Ratio (INR) intervention should be in place.
to predict excessive bleeding resulting from an invasive
procedure. They identified 25 studies (one clinical trial and
24 observational studies) in a variety of settings (Table II). The
results show that the bleeding rates for patients with and Routine coagulation testing to predict postoperative
without abnormal coagulation test results were similar in bleeding risk in unselected patients prior to surgery or
groups of patients undergoing bronchoscopy, central vein other invasive procedures is not recommended (Grade B,
cannulation, angiography, liver and kidney biopsy and Level III).
paracentesis. Risk difference was calculated for 14 studies
and showed little absolute difference (although the confidence
Predictive value of the bleeding history for postoperative
intervals were wide).
We calculated the value of a positive bleeding history for the
prediction of bleeding (four studies, Table III) (Suchman &
All the studies included are case-series; most were retro- Mushlin, 1986; Houry et al, 1995; Howells et al, 1997; Gabriel
spective and may suffer from selection bias, imperfect recall et al, 2000). The PPV of the bleeding history for postoperative
and incomplete case record documentation. The studies are bleeding ranged from 0Æ02 to 0Æ23. The LR+ ranged from 1Æ27
also heterogeneous in terms of inclusion criteria, confound- to 5Æ04 and, when limited to the two prospective studies
ing factors, definition of abnormal clotting test, methods (Houry et al,1995; Gabriel et al, 2000), the LR+ was low (1Æ27
used to extract the bleeding history and definition of and 2Æ64) with 95% confidence intervals that crossed one in
postoperative bleeding. Also, no study has sample size or both studies.
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Appendix 1 Appendix 2
Rationale and methods for calculation of the predictive Classification of evidence levels
value, likelihood ratio and absolute risk difference Ia
Evidence obtained from meta-analysis of randomized
Predictive value. When a test is used for screening, it is not controlled trials.
known who has and who does not have disease. It is therefore Ib Evidence obtained from at least one randomized
necessary to consider the probability of the presence or absence controlled trial.
of disease given a positive or negative test result. To do this, IIa Evidence obtained from at least one well-designed
the positive predictive value (PPV) and the negative predictive controlled study without randomization.
value (NPV) of the test are calculated (see figure below). The IIb Evidence obtained from at least one other type of
PPV and NPV are dependent on disease prevalence. When well-designed quasi-experimental study*.
III Evidence obtained from well-designed non-experimental
a disease has low prevalence, PPV will be low. In other words,
descriptive studies, such as comparative studies,
if the population is at low risk of having the disease, a positive
correlation studies and case studies.
result is likely to be a false positive, even when the specificity
IV Evidence obtained from expert committee reports or
and sensitivity of the test is close to 100%. opinions and/or clinical experiences of respected authorities.